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onihusube edited this page Sep 13, 2023 · 60 revisions



Editor's Report


paper タイトル 対応状況(空 or 完了 or 対応しない or 担当名)
P2238R0 Core Language Working Group "tentatively ready" Issues for the November, 2020 virtual meeting
P0330R8 Literal Suffix for (signed) size_t. 完了
P2096R2 Generalized wording for partial specializations.
P2029R4 Numeric and universal character escapes in character and string literals.
P1787R6 Declarations and where to find them.
P1102R2 Down with ()!
P1938R3 if consteval
P1401R5 Narrowing contextual conversions to bool
P2223R2 Trimming whitespaces before line splicing
P1847R4 Make declaration order layout mandated
P2201R1 Mixed string literal concatenation
P2242R3 Non-literal variables (and labels and gotos) in constexpr functions)
P0847R7 Deducing this
P2316R2 Consistent character literal encoding
P2334R1 Add support for preprocessing directives elifdef and elifndef
P2246R1 Character encoding of diagnostic text
P2360R0 Extend init-statement to allow alias-declaration
P2128R6 Multidimensional subscript operator)
P2314R4 Character sets and encodings
P0849R8 auto(x): decay-copy in the language


paper タイトル 対応状況(空 or 完了 or 対応しない or 担当名)
P2173R1 Attributes on Lambda-Expressions
P2493R0 Missing feature test macros for C++20 core papers


paper タイトル 対応状況(空 or 完了 or 対応しない or 担当名)
P2622R0 Core Language Working Group "ready" Issues for the July, 2022 meeting
P2437R1 Support for #warning
P2362R3 Remove non-encodable wide character literals and multicharacter wide character literals
P2324R2 Labels at the end of compound statements (C compatibility)
P2290R3 Delimited escape sequences
P2448R2 Relaxing some constexpr restrictions
P2266R3 Simpler implicit move
P2071R2 Named universal character escapes
P1169R4 static operator()
P1467R9 Extended floating-point types and standard names
P2582R1 Wording for class template argument deduction from inherited constructors
P1774R8 Portable assumptions 完了
P2295R6 Support for UTF-8 as a portable source file encoding


paper タイトル 対応状況(空 or 完了 or 対応しない or 担当名)
P2709R0 Core Language Working Group "ready" Issues for the November, 2022 meeting
P2710R0 Core Language Working Group NB comment resolutions for the November, 2022 meeting
P2589R1 static operator[]
P2647R1 Permitting static constexpr variables in constexpr functions
P2564R3 consteval needs to propagate up
P2706R0 US 26-061: Redundant specification for defaulted functions
P2615R1 Meaningful exports
P2718R0 Wording for P2644R1 Fix for Range-based for Loop


paper タイトル 対応状況(空 or 完了 or 対応しない or 担当名)
P2796R0 Core Language Working Group "ready" Issues for the February, 2023 meeting
P2647R1 Permitting static constexpr variables in constexpr functions
P2736R2 Referencing The Unicode Standard
P2788R0 Linkage for modular constants
P2797R0 Proposed resolution for CWG2692 Static and explicit object member functions with the same parameter-type-lists


paper タイトル 対応状況(空 or 完了 or 対応しない or 担当名)
P1679R3 string contains function. 完了
P0881R7 A proposal to add stacktrace library. faithandbrave
P2227R0 Update normative reference to POSIX. 完了
P1048R1 A proposal for a type trait to detect scoped enumerations. 完了
P0943R6 Support C atomics in C++ 完了
P2259R1 Repairing input range adaptors and counted_iterator
P2212R2 Relax Requirements for time_point::clock
P2162R2 Inheriting from std::variant
P2160R1 Locks lock lockables
P2017R1 Conditionally borrowed ranges
P1682R2 std::to_underlying for enumerations 完了
P2186R2 Removing Garbage Collection Support 完了
P2385R0 C++ Standard Library Issues to be moved in Virtual Plenary, June 2021
P1132R8 out_ptr - a scalable output pointer abstraction 完了
P1328R1 Making std::type_info::operator== constexpr 完了
P0448R4 A strstream replacement using span as buffer
P1425R4 Iterators pair constructors for stack and queue 完了
P1518R2 Stop overconstraining allocators in container deduction guides
P0401R6 Providing size feedback in the Allocator interface
P1659R3 starts_with and ends_with
P1951R1 Default Arguments for pair's Forwarding Constructor 完了
P1989R2 Range constructor for std::string_view 2: Constrain Harder 完了
P2136R3 invoke_r 完了
P2166R1 A Proposal to Prohibit std::basic_string and std::basic_string_view construction from nullptr 完了
P0288R9 move_only_function 完了
P0798R8 Monadic operations for std::optional 完了
P1072R10 basic_string::resize_and_overwrite
P1147R1 Printing volatile Pointers
P1272R4 Byteswapping for fun&&nuf 完了
P1675R2 rethrow_exception must be allowed to copy 完了
P2077R3 Heterogeneous erasure overloads for associative containers 完了
P2251R1 Require span & basic_string_view to be Trivially Copyable 完了
P2301R1 Add a pmr alias for std::stacktrace
P2321R2 zip
P2340R1 Clarifying the status of the "C headers"
P2393R1 Cleaning up integer-class types
P2401R0 Add a conditional noexcept specification to std::exchange 完了


paper タイトル 対応状況(空 or 完了 or 対応しない or 担当名)
P2531R0 C++ Standard Library Issues to be moved in Virtual Plenary, Feb. 2022
P0323R12 std::expected 完了
P0533R9 constexpr for <cmath> and <cstdlib>
P0627R6 Function to mark unreachable code 完了
P1206R7 ranges::to: A function to convert any range to a container
P1413R3 Deprecate std::aligned_storage and std::aligned_union 完了
P2255R2 A type trait to detect reference binding to temporary
P2273R3 Making std::unique_ptr constexpr 完了
P2387R3 Pipe support for user-defined range adaptors
P2440R1 ranges::iota, ranges::shift_left and ranges::shift_right
P2441R2 views::join_with
P2442R1 Windowing range adaptors: views::chunk and views::slide
P2443R1 views::chunk_by


paper タイトル 対応状況(空 or 完了 or 対応しない or 担当名)
P2618R0 C++ Standard Library Issues to be moved in Virtual Plenary, Jul. 2022
P2599R2 index_type & size_type in mdspan
P2604R0 mdspan: rename pointer and contiguous
P2613R1 Add the missing empty to mdspan
P0429R9 A Standard flat_map
P1222R4 A Standard flat_set
P1223R5 find_last
P1642R11 Freestanding Library: Easy [utilities], [ranges], and [iterators]
P1899R3 stride_view
P2093R14 Formatted output
P2165R4 Compatibility between tuple, pair and tuple-like objects
P2278R4 cbegin should always return a constant iterator 完了
P2286R8 Formatting Ranges
P2291R3 Add Constexpr Modifiers to Functions to_chars and from_chars for Integral Types in <charconv> Header 完了
P2302R4 std::ranges::contains
P2322R6 ranges::fold
P2374R4 views::cartesian_product
P2540R1 Empty Product for certain Views
P2404R3 Move-only types for equality_comparable_with, totally_ordered_with, and three_way_comparable_with
P2408R5 Ranges iterators as inputs to non-Ranges algorithms
P2417R2 A more constexpr bitset 完了
P2419R2 Clarify handling of encodings in localized formatting of chrono types
P2438R2 std::string::substr() && 完了
P2446R2 views::as_rvalue
P2465R3 Standard Library Modules std and std.compat
P2445R1 std::forward_like 完了
P2467R1 Support exclusive mode for fstreams
P2474R2 views::repeat
P2494R2 Relaxing range adaptors to allow for move only types
P2499R0 string_view range constructor should be explicit
P2502R2 std::generator: Synchronous Coroutine Generator for Ranges 完了
P2508R1 Exposing std::basic-format-string<charT, Args...>
P2517R1 Add a conditional noexcept specification to std::apply 完了
P2520R0 move_iterator<T*> should be a random access iterator
P2549R1 std::unexpected<E> should have error() as member accessor 完了
P2585R1 Improving default container formatting
P2590R2 Explicit lifetime management


paper タイトル 対応状況(空 or 完了 or 対応しない or 担当名)
P2703R0 C++ Standard Library Issues to be moved in Kona, Nov. 2022
P2704R0 C++ Standard Library Immediate Issues to be moved in Kona, Nov. 2022
P2602R2 Poison Pills are Too Toxic
P2167R3 Improved Proposed Wording for LWG 2114 (contextually convertible to bool)
P2539R4 Should the output of std::print to a terminal be synchronized with the underlying stream?
P1264R2 Revising the wording of stream input operations
P2505R5 Monadic Functions for std::expected 完了
P2696R0 Introduce Cpp17Swappable as additional convenience requirements


paper タイトル 対応状況(空 or 完了 or 対応しない or 担当名)
P2789R0 C++ Standard Library Issues to be moved in Issaquah, Feb. 2023
P2790R0 C++ Standard Library Immediate Issues to be moved in Issaquah, Feb. 2023
P2770R0 Stashing stashing iterators for proper flattening
P2164R9 views::enumerate
P2711R1 Making multi-param constructors of views explicit
P2609R3 Relaxing Ranges Just A Smidge
P2713R1 Escaping improvements in std::format
P2675R1 format's width estimation is too approximate and not forward compatible
P2572R1 std::format fill character allowances
P2693R1 Formatting thread::id and stacktrace
P2679R2 Fixing std::start_lifetime_as for arrays
P2674R1 A trait for implicit lifetime types
P2655R3 common_reference_t of reference_wrapper Should Be a Reference Type
P2652R2 Disallow User Specialization of allocator_traits
P2787R1 pmr::generator - Promise Types are not Values 完了
P2614R2 Deprecate numeric_limits::has_denorm 完了
P2588R3 barrier's phase completion guarantees 完了
P2763R1 layout_stride static extents default constructor fix

Core Issueへの対応

issue タイトル 対応状況(空 or 完了 or 対応しない or 担当名)
P2386R0 Core Language Working Group "ready" Issues for the June, 2021 meeting
P1949R7 C++ Identifier Syntax using Unicode Standard Annex 31
P2156R1 Allow Duplicate Attributes
P2462R0 Core Language Working Group "ready" Issues for the October, 2021 meeting
P2036R3 Change scope of lambda trailing-return-type
P2533R0 Core Language Working Group "ready" Issues for the February, 2022 meeting
P2622R0 Core Language Working Group "ready" Issues for the July, 2022 meeting
P2468R2 The Equality Operator You Are Looking For
P2327R1 De-deprecating volatile compound operations
P2280R4 Using unknown pointers and references in constant expressions
P2493R0 Missing feature test macros for C++20 core papers
P2513R3 char8_t Compatibility and Portability Fix
P2460R2 Relax requirements on wchar_t to match existing practices
P2579R0 Mitigation strategies for P2036 "Changing scope for lambda trailing-return-type"

Library Issueへの対応

issue タイトル 対応状況(空 or 完了 or 対応しない or 担当名)
P2450R0 C++ Standard Library Issues to be moved in Virtual Plenary, Oct. 2021
P2372R3 Fixing locale handling in chrono formatters
P2415R2 What is a view? 完了
P2418R2 Add support for std::generator-like types to std::format
P2432R1 fix istream_view
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