diff --git a/text/000-metadata.md b/text/000-metadata.md
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index 00000000..78c8e8ea
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+++ b/text/000-metadata.md
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+- Title: Adding MetaData to Coq
+- Drivers: @CohenCyril @palmskog @gares @TDiazT @pi8027 @ejgallego @SkySkimmer
+# Summary
+The purpose is to add several kind of metadata, attached to constants,
+modules, files, etc.
+# Motivation
+This metadata should be usable and used to enhance search,
+documentation generation, and build database for Coq libraries.
+# Detailed design
+## For search
+- adding docstrings (that search can grep inside)
+  ```coq
+  #[docstring="foo is a dummy lemma"]
+  Lemma foo : True. by []. Qed.
+  ```
+- aliasing of statements so that search can find a statement which is
+  convertible but not syntactically equal.
+  ```coq
+  #[alias="forall x y, x * y = y * x"]
+  Lemma mulrC : commutative mul. ...
+  Search (_ * _ = _ * _). (* mulrC appears *)
+  ```
+  or
+  ```coq
+  #[alias(unfold="commutative")]
+  Lemma mulrC : commutative mul. ...
+  ```
+  and we could have several aliases (`#[alias=..., alias=..., ...]`).
+- Give a name from the litterature (searchable again)
+  ```coq
+  #[name="Abel-Ruffini Theorem", name="Abel's Theorem"]
+  Lemma unsolvable_quintic : ...
+  ```
+- Have a way to refer to a bibliography from a definition or its proof
+  E.g via a `#[ref="name"]` attribute with a bibtex (for example),
+  shared accross one or several projects.
+# Drawbacks
+# Alternatives
+# Unresolved questions
+Where to store this?