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1172 lines (885 loc) · 52.5 KB

File metadata and controls

1172 lines (885 loc) · 52.5 KB


Bug Fixes

  • Fix #444 The "x^2" key in the virtual keyboard did not work as expected.


  • Updated the build system to automatically add the lastest entry from the CHANGELOG to the GitHub release note.

0.50.3 (2020-05-08)

New Features

  • Added a MathLive.version string

0.50.2 (2020-05-07)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with rendering of MathML


  • Added additional contextual information to the parser error message. Detect more errors.

Breaking Change

  • Renamed config.error to config.onError for consistency with the other listeners.

New Feature

0.50.1 (2020-05-06)

New Feature

  • A new option, config.error can be used to catch errors while parsing Latex.

    This is invoked both for the initial content of the mathfield, when the content of the mathfield is changed programmatically, and when the user pastes latex content in the field.

    An error code will indicate the problem encountered, but the parsing will attempt to recover, in keeping with the previous behavior.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the alphabetic 'sans' keys on the virtual keyboard output blackboard.
  • Fixed an issue where the \mleft. and \mright. commands would not be rendered correctly (or propertly converted to MathASCII). (benetech/MathShare#1182)

0.50 (May 4, 2020)


  • Maintenance: Migration to TypeScript
  • Maintenance: New math variant (bold, italic, etc...) subsytem matches LaTeX more closely
  • Maintenance: Reduced code size
  • New feature: Verbatim Latex
  • New feature: Mathfield.getConfig()

New Features

  • "Verbatim Latex": the Latex provided as input (for example with insert()) is preserved as long as it's not edited. Previously, the Latex would be normalized on input, and the output would not match character for character, even though it produced equivalent Latex code. For example, extra spaces could be inserted, and the order of subscript and superscript was not preserved.

    Now, the input Latex is preserved until editing operations cause it to be modified. This also means that the arguments of macros are never modified (since the macros are not editable) and will be returned exactly as input (they were normalized before).

  • New letterShapeStyle configuration setting to control which letters are automatically italicized, according to four popular styles:

    letterShapeStyle xyz ABC αβɣ ΓΔΘ
    iso it it it it
    tex it it it up
    french it up up up
    upright up up up up

    (it) = italic
    (up) = upright

    The default letter shape style is auto: if the system locale is "french", the french style will be used, tex otherwise. The previous behavior was to always use tex style lettershape.

  • New Mathfield.getConfig() method which gives access to the current configuration settings.

    It can be invoked in three different ways:

    • mf.getConfig(): return a MathfieldConfig object will the values for all the configuration options filled-in.
    • mf.getConfig('letterShapeStyle'): return the current value of the letterShapeStyle option
    • mf.getConfig(['smartMode', 'smartFence']): return an object with the values of the smartMode and smartFence filled in.

    Note that getConfig() may return a different value immediately after setConfig() was invoked: getConfig() returns a "resolved" value, so for example:

    mf.setConfig({ letterShapeStyle: 'auto' });
    console.log(mf.getConfig('letterShapeStyle')); // prints 'tex'
  • An example (examples/test-cases) with some test cases was added, including LaTeX output screenshots for comparison.

  • Re-done the font selection sub-system. Internally, it's now cleaner and easier to follow, and also closer to the LaTeX implementation. In particular, in math mode, the styling directives are exclusive, except for \mathsymbol, which matches the TeX behavior.

  • When a character variant (for example using \mathbb) is not available in the font repertoire, convert to Unicode and fallback to the system font. This allows \mathbb{1} to correctly output 𝟙.

  • Added support for \ensuremath command

  • Added the \imageof ⊷ and \originalof ⊸ symbols

Code Maintenance

Codebase Migrated to Typescript

This does not impact the bundled library, which is still transpiled JavaScript from the TypeScript sources and which can be used either with a JavaScript or TypeScript based project.

The migration did not result in changes to the public API which remains backward compatible with previous versions. However, new declaration files (*.d.ts) for TypeScript are available. They are more detailed (and accurate) than the previous ones which were generated from JSDoc comments.

The migration was done by hand for the entire code base (35 kloc). Type information was provided for all the data structures and function signatures.

While this does not affect the external users of MathLive (the API and functionality remains the same), this has resulted in several bugs being found by the compiler through static analysis. For example, the onUndoStateWillChange() handler was never invoked because of this statement:

if (options && options.onUndoStateWillChange === 'function') {

instead of:

if (options && typeof options.onUndoStateWillChange === 'function') {

The TypeScript compiler correctly flagged this error.

This migration will make the ongoing maintenance and development of the codebase much easier.

Codebase Refactoring

Concurrently to the migration to TypeScript, and thanks to the increased clarity and confidence brought in with static typing and code analysis tools, the code has been modularized and reorganized as follow. The codebase previously consisted of several large monolithic source files, some of which were in excess of 4,500 loc.

They have been broken up as follow:

  • core/atom.js
    • atom-array.ts
    • atom-accent.ts
    • atom-box.ts
    • atom-enclose.ts
    • atom-genfrac.ts
    • atom-leftright.ts
    • atom-line.ts
    • atom-op.ts
    • atom-overunder.ts
    • atom-surd.ts
    • atom-to-latex.ts
    • atom-utils.ts
    • atom.ts
  • core/definitions.js
    • definitions-accents.ts
    • definitions-enclose.ts
    • definitions-environments.ts
    • definitions-extensible-symbols.ts
    • definitions-functions.ts
    • definitinos-styling.ts
    • definitions-symbols.ts
    • definitions-utils.ts
    • definitions.ts
  • core/parser.js
    • parser.ts
    • modes.ts
    • modes-utils.ts
    • modes-math.ts
    • modes-text.ts
    • modes-command.ts
  • editor-mathlist.js
    • model.ts
    • model-utils.ts
    • model-styling.ts
    • model-smartfence.ts
    • model-selection.ts
    • model-listeners.ts
    • model-insert.ts
    • model-delete.ts
    • model-commands.ts
    • model-command-mode.ts
    • model-array.ts
    • model-array-utils.ts
  • editor-mathfield.js
    • a11y.ts
    • autocomplete.ts
    • commands.ts
    • config.ts
    • speech.ts
    • speech-read-aloud.ts
    • undo.ts
    • mathfield.ts
    • mathfield-virtual-keyboards.ts
    • mathfield-utils.ts
    • mathfield-styling.ts
    • mathfield-smartmode.ts
    • mathfield-render.ts
    • mathfield-pointer-input.ts
    • mathfield-keyboard-input.ts
    • mathfield-commands.ts
    • mathfield-clipboard.ts
    • mathfield-buttons.ts

Again, this is an internal change that will have no impact for external users of the MathLive library, but it will be contribute to improving the maintainability and velocity of the project.

Other Code Maintenance

  • Updated font binaries
  • Rewrote grapheme splitter in TypeScript. As a result, code size reduced by 113Kb (!).
  • Switched to jest as a test runner.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix #285: The initial content of the mathfield was considered part of the undo stack, that is, typing command+Z before making any editing operations would make the initial content disappear.

  • Fix #236: An initially empty field had no visible caret until it had focused, then blurred, then focused again.

  • Fix #438: MathLive did not behave correctly when inside a shadow DOM

  • Fix #436: When smartFence was on, applying an inline shortcut before the closing parent of a paren group that had been inserted as a pure fence (not a \left\right group) the parens would get (incorrectly) promoted to a \left\right group, and the shortcut would be inserted outside of the paren.

  • Fix #435: Virtual keyboard after a JSON-based virtual keyboard would not display correctly.

  • Fix #417: The "International Backslash" (labeled >< on a german keyboard) would incorrectly trigger the command mode.

  • Fix #416: With smartFence on, braces around a fraction would disappear, e.g. typing "(1/2" would result in "1/2"

  • Fix #415: toASCIIMath() would fail when the mathfield was empty

  • Fix #393: some characters in a \operatorname command, including - and *, were not displayed correctly (they should display as if in text mode, not in math mode, and the correct glyphs are different between the two modes)

  • Fix #395: re-implemented how macros handle their arguments. They would previously parse their argument using the current parseMode. This is incorrect. The parseMode cannot be determined until the macro has been expanded and the arguments substituted. The parsing of the macros arguments is now deferred until after the macro has been expanded. Additionally, it wasn't previously possible for arguments to macros to contain other arguments. This is now allowed.

  • Fix #395 (bis): Properly output Latex for macros when using 'latex' and 'latex-expanded' formats.

  • Fixed numerous issues with LaTeX round-tripping. For example, \mathfrak{C}, \boldsymbol{\sin\theta},

  • If the \text command included a &, the content following the & would be ignored.

  • The align* environment was not handled correctly and displayed an extra gap between columns.

  • The math styling commands did not behave properly. For example:

    \mathbf{\sin \alpha} + \mathit{\cos \beta} + \mathbf{\tan x} + \boldsymbol{\sin \gamma}

before after
alpha bold upright italic
cos italic upright
tan bold roman
gamma bold upright bold italic
  • Related to the above, but worth noting separately, \mathbf{\alpha} should render as normal italic: the \mathbf command does not apply to lowercase greek letters. The command does apply to uppercase greek letters. This is an artifact of the TeX font encoding, but the behavior is preserved for compatibility with TeX.

  • The \textcolor command did not apply to large symbols, such as \sum

  • Correctly output LaTeX for infix operators such as \atopwithdelims

  • Correctly output unicode characters in the astral plane, e.g. \unicode{"1F468}

  • Fixed an issue were consecutive calls to set the content of the mathfield could result in some spurious characters inserted at the beginning of the field.

Breaking Change

  • The signature of the latexToMarkup() function has changed.
    Instead of a style and format, the second argument is an option object. The style can be specified with a mathstyle property, the format with a format property. A new letterShapeStyle property can also be specified.

    • Before: MathLive.latexToMarkup(formula, 'displaystyle')
    • After: MathLive.latexToMarkup(formula, { mathstyle: 'displaystyle' });
  • The 'command' virtual keyboard is no longer displayed by default. The layout for this virtual keyboard has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. This is a partial fullfilment of #270.

  • The config.handleSpeak and config.handleReadAloud hooks have been renamed config.speakHook and config.readAloudHook respectively


  • The overrideDefaultInlineShortcuts is deprecated (still supported in this version, but will be removed in an upcoming one). Instead, to add to the default shortcuts, use:
    inlineShortcuts: {'inlineShortcuts').inlineShortcuts,

0.35.0 (2020-03-24)

New Features

  • Extensible (stretchy) symbols:

    #126 (\overgroup, \overrightarrow, \overleftrightarrow), #180 (\xrightarrow, \xrightleftharpoons), #292 (\widehat, \overbrace, \underbrace), #338 (\vec, \bar).

    This work has been made possible thanks to the financial support of a generous sponsor.

    It is now possible for a symbol with operands above or below, or for a decoration above or below an expression, to stretch (extend) so that its width will match the width of the operands or expression.

    These extensible symbols and decorations are important for some domains such as geometry and chemistry.

    This release introduces th following new commands:

    • \overrightarrow{base}
    • \overleftarrow{base}
    • \Overrightarrow{base}
    • \overleftharpoon{base}
    • \overrightharpoon{base}
    • \overleftrightarrow{base}
    • \overbrace{base}
    • \overlinesegment{base}
    • \overgroup{base}
    • \underrightarrow{base}
    • \underleftarrow{base}
    • \underleftrightarrow{base}
    • \underbrace{base}
    • \underlinesegment{base}
    • \undergroup{base}
    • \xrightarrow[below]{above}
    • \xleftarrow[below]{above}
    • \xRightarrow[below]{above}
    • \xLeftarrow[below]{above}
    • \xleftharpoonup[below]{above}
    • \xleftharpoondown[below]{above}
    • \xrightharpoonup[below]{above}
    • \xrightharpoondown[below]{above}
    • \xlongequal[below]{above}
    • \xtwoheadleftarrow[below]{above}
    • \xtwoheadrightarrow[below]{above}
    • \xleftrightarrow[below]{above}
    • \xLeftrightarrow[below]{above}
    • \xrightleftharpoons[below]{above}
    • \xleftrightharpoons[below]{above}
    • \xhookleftarrow[below]{above}
    • \xhookrightarrow[below]{above}
    • \xmapsto[below]{above}
    • \xtofrom[below]{above}
    • \xrightleftarrows[below]{above}
    • \xrightequilibrium[below]{above}
    • \xleftequilibrium[below]{above}

    In addition, the following commands can now be used to represent stretchy accents:

    • \widehat{base}
    • \widecheck{base}
    • \widetilde{base}
    • \utilde{base}
  • Improved rendering and layout of \enclose

  • Improved layout of overunder atoms

  • Improved layout of accent atoms

  • Improved fidelity of styling commands (\textup, \fontseries, etc...). They are now closer to what LaTeX does, in all its wonderful weirdness (see Added \selectfont command.

Bug Fixes

  • #371: When clicking after the last element in the mathfield, always set the anchor to be the last element in the root, i.e. as if moveToMathFieldEnd had been performed. For example, if the content is "x^2", clicking after the end of the field will put the caret after the last element (not after the "2" in the superscript)

  • #372: Using an argument in a macro will result in the argument to be substituted without a group being inserted. Previously, #1 with ax as a value for the first argument would have resulted in {ax}. This was noticeable when using the x^2 key in the virtual keyboard: if the equation was ab, pressing that key resulted in {ab}^2. It now results in ab^2

  • Fixed an issue rendering some commands such as \boxed and others when in static mode. An over-agressive optimization would coalesce spans with no content, even though they may include important styling info.

  • Fixed the rendering of infix commands with arguments, e.g. \atopwithdelims and overwithdelims. The arguments of infix commands were incorrectly merged with the suffix.

  • Fixed inter-atom spacing of overunder atoms (they should space as mord)

Code Maintenance

  • Re-factored the definitions of functions, symbols and environments which are now split in multiple files instead of being all contained in core/definitions.js

  • Re-factored and isolated the metadata about LaTex commands (frequency and category). This should reduce the amount of data carried by the core package. All the metadata is now in definitions-metadata.js. As a side effect, the examples displayed in the popover window might be less complete, but the removal of popover is on the roadmap.

  • Removal of default export for some modules. Need to complete it for all the remaining modules.

0.34.0 (2020-02-05)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix #364: Some expressions containing placeholders, when inserted, would not have the placeholder selected. For example, when using the "differentialD" key in the virtual keyboard.
  • Fix #349:
    • 'latex-expanded' format no longer returns \mleft and \mright. This format is intended for inter-exchange with other TeX-compatible renderers and the \mleft and \mright commands are not widely deployed.
    • The content exported to the clipboard is now surrounded by $$ to more clearly indicate that the content is using TeX format.
    • When pasting content that begins/ends with $ or $$, assume LaTeX format
  • Fix keyboard shortcuts, e.g. "alt+(" or "alt+v"
  • Fix #354: The argument of \operatorname is of type 'math', not 'text'. This means that using the '\text' command inside the argument is valid and that spaces should be ignored by default (but the ~ character can be used to insert a space in that context).
  • Fix #282: Some keys from the virtual keyboards ('e', 'i') produce an incorrect input.
  • Fix #227: An operator (\sin) following some text is incorrectly considered to be part of the text.

Features / Improvements

  • Documented suppressChangeNotifications options for $insert()
  • Document config.smartMode (#312)
  • The 'surd' (root) and 'leftright' (fences) elements now change color when the caret is inside their body. This helps distinguish the case where the caret position may be ambiguous, for example when it is either after the last element of the body of a 'surd' or the first element after the 'surd'.
  • #339: Read-only mode. Set the mode to read-only with mf.$setConfig({readOnly: true}). When this mode is activated, the formula can be selected (so it can be copied), but it cannot be modified by the user. Progammatic modification is still possible.

0.33 (2019-12-19)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix #313. Text mode content is not output in MathML, speech and MathJSON (contribution by @NSoiffer)
  • Fix #275: Selection improvements (use centerpoint to calculate nearest atom) and make delimiters selection eligible.

0.32.3 (2019-10-29)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix #286 \mathbb{}s are missing in the Latex output

0.32.2 (2019-09-24)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where some keys in the virtual keyboard would be unresponsive

0.30.1 (2019-07-30)

Features / Improvements

  • Added Typescript type definition

0.30 (2019-07-18)

Non-backward compatible changes

  • #157: Public APIs that don't start with $ have been removed. If your code used any of these APIs, add a $ in front of their name. See #157 for the complete list.

Features / Improvements

  • #231: smartMode now supports Greek (the language). Also, Greek localization.
  • Don't display i-beam cursor over non-interactive content
  • Use CSS class .ML__smart-fence__close to style closing smart fence
  • Added speech support for text mode and units (contributed by @NSoiffer)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where clicking past the end of the equation would select the numerator or denominator if the last element was a fraction, instead of place the cursor after the fraction (regression)
  • Removed dependency on open-cli
  • #220 Fixed an issue where tabbing out of a mathfield would break command mode and some functions
  • #209, #214, #211 et. al. Improvements to SSML support and karaoke mode contributed by @NSoiffer
  • #217 Fixed an issue with parentheses in numerator of fractions
  • #212: Fix round-tripping of \mathbb
  • #194: When using the virtual keyboard, interpolate #@
  • Fixed an issue where "(" was incorrectly gobbled as argument to a fraction
  • Fixed an issue where smartFence off was ignored
  • #202: use numeric character references instead of named entities in MathML output

0.29.1 (2019-05-19)

Bug fixes

  • #201: the popover button was not responsive
  • #195: (partial fix) improve support for Edge (still requires Babelization)
  • Fixed an issue while dragging to select across elements of different depths
  • Fixed issue with smartMode for expressions including "x^2", "xyz" and "\pi"
  • Fixed an issue with styling, where the Latex output could sometimes include the non-existent \mathup command. The correct command is \upshape
  • Fixed issues with enclose layout
  • Avoid triggering spurious notifications while inserting an inline shortcut

0.29 (2019-05-09)

Major New Features

  • Scrollable mathfield. The mathfield now behaves like a text area: the content that does not fit withing the bounds of the mathfield will not overflow but will be scrollable. The scrolling can be done using the mouse wheel or trackpad gestures, or by dragging while selecting. The AP


  • When smartFence is on, and a new smart fence is inserted (by typing ( for example), the closing 'phantom' fence would be displayed immediately after the opening fence. The closing fence will now be inserted after the end of the expression.
  • The heuristics for determining implicit arguments, for example the implicit numerator when typing / have been improved. For example, typing / after 3 + 2sin x will result in 3 + (2sin x)/(...) instead of 3 + sin (x)/(...).
  • When config.removeExtraneousParentheses is true (default), if a frac is inserted inside parentheses, the parens will be removed. So, if a / is typed after 1 in (1) it will become 1/(...).
  • When smartMode is on, textual operators are eligible for conversion to text. Previously, if an inline shortcuts for rad was defined to \operatorname{rad} and 'radius' was typed, only ius would be turned to text.
  • Smartmode is now applied when there is a selection. That is, if some text is selected and the / is pressed the selection will become the numerator. Previously the selection was deleted and replaced with an empty fraction
  • Improved layout of surds, particularly when the surd is empty
  • Made \mathbb{} et al. apply to the argument only, and not affect the style of following characters. Previously, if a \mathbb{R} was inserted, the following typed character would also be in Blackboard style.
  • Improved build system on Windows. That is, it now works.
  • Merge speak and readAloud APIs into one (contribution from Neil. Thanks Neil!)
  • Switched to using npm ci for CI builds. Even for local builds, it is recommended to use npm ci to ensure the correct version of the dependencies are installed.
  • In smartMode, the currency symbols are handled better. "One apple is $3.14" will result in the "$" being in math mode.
  • Switching to/from command mode will not suppress smart mode.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a crash when using smartFence with sin(x^2/
  • Fixed alt+= keyboard shortcut on Windows.
  • Fixed some layout issues with box and enclose
  • Smart Fences will now work when invoked from the virtual keyboard.
  • Fixed #177: custom localization strings are now handled correctly.
  • Fixed some issues toggling style when selection is empty.

0.28 (2019-04-22)

This release contains some small bug fixes and improvements.

  • Reduced Node version required (for dev builds) to Node LTS
  • Fixed some issues with focus state of mathfields, particularly with multiple mathfields on a page
  • Fixed an issue with some keys (such as /) on international keyboards (such as QWERTZ)
  • Made moveToOpposite correctly select the opposite superscript/subscript
  • Use the correct font for \operatorname, even for single character operators
  • Send content change notifications when array cells are created
  • Fixed a layout issue with upsized (\huge) content in fractions
  • More accurate layout for box atoms (with \bbox, \colorbox, \boxed and \fcolorbox)
  • Fixed an issue where units after an exponent were not recognized
  • Fixed an issue displaying virtual keyboard on narrow Android phones

New Features

  • Added support for applying size to the selection with applyStyle({size:'size9'}) (default size is size5, smallest is size1, largest is size10).
  • Added support for npm run start which will start a local web server for ease of debugging (some features, such as using JavaScript native modules, require a local server)

0.27 (2019-04-08)

Breaking Changes

  • The syntax that MathJSON/MASTON can recognized has been significantly expanded. It also has been made more consistent, and in some cases it may be different than what was previously returned.
  • Future breaking change: the selector enterCommandMode will be deprecated and replaced by the more general switchMode('command'). The selector switchMode('command') is available in this release, and enterCommandMode is supported as well but it will be removed in a future release and you should migrate to switchMode() as soon as possible.

Major New Features

Text Mode (#153)

It was previously possible to enter text in an equation using the \text{} command and its family using the command mode. However, this feature was only suitable for advanced users, and had many limitations (text could not include spaces, for example).

MathLive now fully support a dedicated text mode.

To switch between math and text mode, use the alt/option+= keyboard shortcut, or programmatically using mf.$perform(['apply-style', {mode: 'math'}]). If there is a selection it will be converted to the specified mode (math is converted to ASCII Math). If there's no selection, the next user input will be considered to be in the specified mode.

The current mode can also be changed using mf.$perform(['switch-mode', {mode: 'math'}]) without affecting the selection.

To indicate the current mode, a (slightly) different cursor is used (it's thinner in text mode). The text zones are also displayed on a light gray background when the field is focused.

A notification is invoked when the mode changes: config.onModeChange(mf, mode) with mode either "text", "math" or "command".

Smart Mode

If config.smartMode = true, during text input the field will switch automatically between 'math' and 'text' mode depending on what is typed and the context of the formula. If necessary, what was previously typed will be 'fixed' to account for the new info.

For example, when typing "if x >0":

  • "i" -> math mode, imaginary unit
  • "if" -> text mode, english word "if"
  • "if x" -> all in text mode, maybe the next word is xylophone?
  • "if x >" -> "if" stays in text mode, but now "x >" is in math mode
  • "if x > 0" -> "if" in text mode, "x > 0" in math mode

Smart Mode is off by default.

Manually switching mode (by typing alt/option+=) will temporarily turn off smart mode.


  • slope = rise/run
  • If x > 0, then f(x) = sin(x)
  • x^2 + sin (x) when x > 0
  • When x<0, x^{2n+1}<0
  • Graph x^2 -x+3 =0 for 0<=x<=5
  • Divide by x-3 and then add x^2-1 to both sides
  • Given g(x) = 4x – 3, when does g(x)=0?
  • Let D be the set {(x,y)|0<=x<=1 and 0<=y<=x}
  • \int_{the unit square} f(x,y) dx dy
  • For all n in NN


It is now possible to apply styling: font family, bold, italic, color and background color. This information is rendered correctly across math and text mode, and preserved in the LaTeX output.

The key to control styling is the $applyStyle(style) method:

If there is a selection, the style is applied to the selection.

If the selection already has this style, it will be removed from it. If the selection has the style partially applied, i.e. only on some portions of the selection), it is removed from those sections, and applied to the entire selection.

If there is no selection, the style will apply to the next character typed.

  • style an object with the following properties. All the properties are optional, but they can be combined.
  • style.mode - Either 'math', 'text' or 'command'
  • style.color - The text/fill color, as a CSS RGB value or a string for some 'well-known' colors, e.g. 'red', '#f00', etc...
  • style.backgroundColor - The background color.
  • style.fontFamily - The font family used to render text. This value can the name of a locally available font, or a CSS font stack, e.g. "Avenir", "Georgia, Times, serif", etc... This can also be one of the following TeX-specific values: - 'cmr': Computer Modern Roman, serif - 'cmss': Computer Modern Sans-serif, latin characters only - 'cmtt': Typewriter, slab, latin characters only - 'cal': Calligraphic style, uppercase latin letters and digits only - 'frak': Fraktur, gothic, uppercase, lowercase and digits - 'bb': Blackboard bold, uppercase only - 'scr': Script style, uppercase only
  • style.fontSeries - The font 'series', i.e. weight and stretch ("series" is TeX terminology). The following values can be combined, for example: "ebc": extra-bold, condensed. These attributes may not have visible effect if the font family does not support this style: - 'ul' ultra-light weight - 'el': extra-light - 'l': light - 'sl': semi-light - 'm': medium (default) - 'sb': semi-bold - 'b': bold - 'eb': extra-bold - 'ub': ultra-bold - 'uc': ultra-condensed - 'ec': extra-condensed - 'c': condensed - 'sc': semi-condensed - 'n': normal (default) - 'sx': semi-expanded - 'x': expanded - 'ex': extra-expanded - 'ux': ultra-expanded
  • style.fontShape - The font 'shape' (again, TeX terminology), i.e. italic or condensed.
    • 'it': italic
    • 'sl': slanted or oblique (often the same as italic)
    • 'sc': small caps
    • 'ol': outline

Contextual Inline Shortcuts

Previously, some shortcuts would get triggered too frequently, for example when typing "find", the "\in" shortcut would get triggered.

Now, a shortcut can be defined with some pre-conditions. It is still possible to define a shortcut unconditionally, and thus if you are using custom inline shortcuts, they do not need to be updated:

config.inlineShortcuts = {
    in: '\\in',

However, a shortcut can now be specified with an object:

config.inlineShortcuts = {
    in: {
        mode: 'math',
        after: 'space+letter+digit+symbol+fence',
        value: '\\in',

The value key is required an indicate the shortcut substitution.

The mode key, if present, indicate in which mode this shortcut should apply, either 'math' or 'text'. If the key is not present the shortcut apply in both modes.

The 'after' key, if present, indicate in what context the shortcut should apply. One or more values can be specified, separated by a '+' sign. If any of the values match, the shortcut will be applicable. Possible values are:

  • 'space' A spacing command, such as \quad
  • 'nothing' The begining of a group
  • 'surd' A square root or n-th root
  • 'frac' A fraction
  • 'function' A function such as \sin or f
  • 'letter' A letter, such as x or n
  • 'digit' 0 through 9
  • 'binop' A binary operator, such as +
  • 'relop' A relational operator, such as =
  • 'punct' A punctuation mark, such as ,
  • 'array' An array, such as a matrix or cases statement
  • 'openfence' An opening fence, such as (
  • 'closefence' A closing fence such as }
  • 'text' Some plain text

Other Features

  • Arrays, matrices and cases can now be edited. To create a a matrix, after a ( or a [, type some content then [RETURN]: a second row will be added to the matrix. Similarly, typing [RETURN] after a { will create a cases statements.
    • To insert a new row, type [RETURN]
    • To insert a new column, type alt/option+, (comma), the Excel shortcut for this operation.
  • Support for \emph (emphasis) command, which can be used to (semantically) highlight an element. This command works both in text and math mode (it only works in text mode in TeX). For example:
\text{In the formula}\emph{x}+1=0\text{x is the \emph{unknown}}
  • Support for \cssId and \class commands. These are non-standard TeX commands which are supported by MathJax.
    • \cssId{id}{content} Attaches an id attribute with value id to the output associated with content when it is included in the HTML page. This allows your CSS to style the element, or your javascript to locate it on the page.
    • \class{name}{content} Attaches the CSS class name to the output associated with content when it is included in the HTML page. This allows your CSS to style the element.
  • config.removeExtraneousParentheses (true by default) extra parentheses, for example around a numerator or denominator are removed automatically. Particularly useful when pasting content.
  • Improvements to clipboard handling, pasting and copying. Now supports pasting of ASCIIMath and UnicodeMath (from MS Word) and LaTeX.
  • Support for output of ASCIIMath using mf.$text('ASCIIMath') and mf.$selectedText('ASCIIMath')
  • config.smartSuperscript If true (default), when a digit is entered in an empty superscript, the cursor leaps automatically out of the superscript. This makes entry of common polynomials easier and faster.
  • config.scriptDepth Controls how many levels of subscript/superscript can be entered. By restricting, this can help avoid unwanted entry of superscript and subscript. By default, there are no restrictions.
  • #156: localization support, including French, Italian, Spanish, Polish and Russian.
  • New visual appearance for selected elements.

Other Improvements

  • When in command mode (after pressing the '' or 'ESC' key), pressing these keys will have the indicated effect:
    • [ESC]: discards entry and return to math mode
    • [TAB]: accept suggestion and enter it
    • [RETURN]: enter characters typed so far, ignoring any suggestion.
  • #132: Support for smart fence with {}, and \langle.
  • Pressing the spacebar next to a closing smartFence will close it. Useful for semi-open fences.
  • Improved rendering performance by 8%
  • Updated SRE support
  • Improvements to undo/redo support. Fix #137, #139 and #140.
  • Significant improvements to the Abstract Syntax Tree generation (MASTON/MathJSON), including #147
  • Keyboard shortcuts that override inline shortcuts and Smart Fence: option/alt+|, option/alt+\. Also available are option/alt+( and option/alt+)

Bug Fixes

  • #155: A cases statement (or a matrix) can now be deleted. The rows and columns inside a cases statement (or a matrix) can also be deleted.
  • #133: Clicking on a placeholder selects it.
  • Fixed issue with positioning of Popover panel.
  • Correctly render \ulcorner, \urcorner, \llcorner and \rrcorner
  • #141: Improved interaction of placeholders and smart fences
  • #136: Close open smart fence with moveAfterParent only when at the closing of a smart fence
  • #142: MathML output: supports sup/sub applied to a function
  • Improved handling of shortcuts.
  • #149: Fix handling of \prime and \doubleprime
  • #111: Fix issue where a subscript followed a superscript and were not properly combined.
  • #118. Improved navigating out of inferior limits
  • Improve visual blinking when selecting with the mouse to the left

0.26 (2019-02-04)

Breaking Changes

  • Public method now start with $. This convention is also used, for example, by the Vue.js project. For now, aliases exist that begin with '_' (the previous convention), however you are encourage to migrate as soon as possible. The function that are affected are: _el(), _insert(), _keystroke(), _latex(), _perform(), _revertToOriginalContent(), _selectedText(), _selectionAtEnd(), _selectionAtStart(), _selectionDepth(), _selectionIsCollapsed(), _setConfig(), _text(), _typedText() (this was initially implemented in 0.25)

Major New Features

  • Support for dark mode. Triggered automatically by the browser or by setting theme="dark" on the <body> tag.
  • New implementation for inline shortcuts. Now support complex inline shortcuts including _, ( and other keys.
  • Virtual Keyboards can now be described using a JSON data structure. Contribution from @rpdiss. Thanks!
  • New MathLive.toSpeakableText() function
  • New config.onAnnounce handler

Other Improvements

  • The $perform() function now accepts selector both in camelCase or kebab-case.
  • Improved display of some keys in the keyboard caption panel
  • New logo!
  • Improved documentation, including adding pages for keyboard shortcuts, examples, macros, selectors and config options.
  • Better support for IE11 via transpiling (thanks @synergycodes!)

Bug fixes

  • #103 - Fixed issues where the math path could become invalid. Also made the code more resilient to invalid paths.
  • #128 - Properly cleanup event handlers on destruction

Codebase Health and Performance

  • Some minor optimizations and performance improvements, including lazy loading of sounds and some other resources.
  • Moved some modules to classes.

0.25 (2018-12-29)

Major New Features

  • A Vue.js wrapper and example is available in examples/vue

Bug fixes

  • #104 - Numeric keypard "/" was ignored.
  • #91 - Handling of '~' as an operator and a shortcut.

0.24 (2018-12-16)

Breaking Changes

  • Several handlers had some inconsistent signatures, or in some cases passed invalid values as their arguments. This has been fixed, but it required changing the signature of some handlers. For consistency, the first argument of the handlers now refers to the mathfield to which it applies.
MathLive.makeMathField('input', {
    onContentDidChange: (mf) => {
        document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = mf.latex();

Keep in mind that arrow functions lexically bind their context, so this actually refers to the originating context (not to the mathfield).

The affected handlers are:

  • onFocus
  • onBlur
  • onKeystroke
  • onMoveOutOf
  • onTabOutOf
  • onContentWillChange
  • onContentDidChange
  • onSelectionWillChange
  • onSelectionDidChange
  • onUndoStateWillChange
  • onUndoStateDidChange
  • onVirtualKeyboardToggle
  • onReadAloudStatus

It is recommended that you check if you use any of those handlers and validate their signatures.

Major New Features

The previous method, using a <script> tag, is still supported:

<script src="../../dist/mathlive.js"></script>

but it is recommended to use native JavaScript modules:

<script type="module">
    import MathLive from '../../dist/mathlive.mjs';

(note the .mjs extension indicating this is a JavaScript module).

A few caveats about using modules:

  • JavaScript modules are automatically in strict mode
  • To use JavaScript modules you need to be in your own module. With a <script> tag, this is indicated by adding the type='module' attribute. The code inside a module is not leaked to the global scope, the module has its own scope. As a result, functions defined inside the module (inside your <script> tag) will not be visible outside the module. You will need to either attach them to a global object (such as window) or in the case of even handlers, attach them to the relevant element, using addEventListener.

See examples/basic/index.esm.html for a complete example.

If you were previously loading the non-minified version, that is the raw sources, which can be useful to debug issues, you need to use modules to load them, while you may have used requirejs previously. The sources are now included in the distribution for this purpose.

Instead of:

    define(['mathlive/src/mathlive'], function(MathLive) {


import MathLive from '../../dist/src/mathlive.js';
  • Support for SRE (Speech Rule Engine) from Volker Sorge. Optional, and needs to be installed separately.
  • Improved text to speech support, including karaoke mode (read aloud with synchronized highlighting)
  • New configuration setting to control the spacing between elements, horizontalSpacingScale. Supplying a value > 1.0 can improve readability for some users.
  • Added notifications when undo state change, onUndoStateWillChange and onUndoStateDidChange
  • Added support for correctly inserting rows and columns in arrays.

Other Improvements

  • Fixes in MASTON
  • Improved cross-browser accessibility support
  • Fix MathML output for superscripts
  • Fix issue #75 (autoconvert would fail in some cases)
  • Fix issue #114. Incorrect selection when shift-select at the end.
  • Fix issue #78. Cross-out positioning issue

0.22 (2018-04-11)

Major New Features

  • Support for styling in the virtual keyboard UI: the text and highlight color can be adjusted to emphasize a portion of a formula
  • Smart Fences. When a fence ("(", "{", etc...) is inserted, a matching closing fence is automatically inserted, displayed as a greyed out placeholder.
    The Latex code inserted will vary depending on the context where the insertion is made, either standalone characters (() or \left...\right. This feature is on by default and can be turned off with config.smartFence.
    Option-9 and Option-0, as well as \( and \) will override the setting and insert a plain old parenthesis.
  • \mleft...\mright. Similar to \left...\right (i.e. grow in height depending on its content) but with vertical spacing before and after similar to \mathopen and \mathclose. Used automatically by smart fences after a function such as \sin or f.
  • Haptic and audio feedback for the virtual keyboard.
    Haptic feedback is available on Android only.
    Two new config options to control it. config.keypressVibration, which is on by default, control the haptic feedback. config.keypressSound control the audio feedback (off by default). Specify the URL to a sound file to be played when a key on the virtual keyboard is pressed, or an object with a delete, return, spacebar and default (required) keys to specify different sounds for those keys.

Other New Features

  • When a fraction is inserted, for example by pressing '/', the items before the insertion point are considered as potential numerator. This now include parenthesized expressions and roots. In the case of parenthesized expressions, the parentheses are removed before being adoped for the numerator.
  • MASTON: Use Unicode to represent math-variant letters (e.g. ℂ)
  • Convert math-variant letters encoded in Unicode to Latex when pasting (e.g. ℂ becomes \C, 𝕰 becomes \mathord{\mathbf{\mathfrak{E}}}
  • MASTON: Commutativity support. a + b + c -> add(a, b, c)
  • MASTON: Right and left-associativity support ('=' and '=>' are right associative)
  • Improvements to the delete behavior: when to the right of a \left...\right deletes remove the closing fence, not the whole expression. Same for root, fractions, and other groups. When at the beginning of a denominator, pressing delete will remove the fraction, but keep numerator and denominator, etc...
  • When using the command virtual keyboard, switch to command mode as necessary.
  • Added MathAtom.skipBoundary. When true, navigating into/out of the atom the last/first element will be skipped. For example, with \textcolor{} this implements a behavior similar to word processors.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed #63: improved displayed of \enclose over stacked atoms such as fractions and \overset
  • Fixed issue with selecting sparse arrays
  • Make \bigl et al. properly selectable

Code Maintenance and Performance

  • Moved operator precedence and canonical names from Definitions to MASTON.
  • Improved rendering performance by eliminating hotspots through profiling.

0.21 (2018-03-30)

Major New Features

  • Basic support for Latex macros. Macros can be defined with MathField.$setConfig({macros:'...')
  • Display alternate keys when a key on the virtual keyboard is held down.
  • Support for AZERTY, QWERTZ, Dvorak and Colemak virtual keyboards. Can be setup with MathField.$setConfig({virtualKeyboardLayout:'...'). Also, shift clicking on the keyboard icon toggles between layouts.

Other New Features

  • Toggle the virtual keyboard layer when the shift key is pressed
  • New onVirtualKeyboardToogle handler will get called when the visibility of the virtual keyboard changes. Useful to scroll into view important content that might be obscured by the keyboard.
  • Some common functions added as inline shortcuts: limsup, liminf, argmin, argmax, bessel, mean, median, fft.
  • Added \rd command (synonym with \differentialD and used by Proof Wiki)
  • Added a format option (latex-expanded) to MathField.text() and MathField.selectedText() to return Latex with macros expanded.
  • Removed restrictions on charset in text
  • Support shift + arrows to extend the selection with the virtual keyboard

Bug Fixes

  • More accurate operator precedence. Follow the MathML recommendation, except for arrows that are given a way too high priority in MathML.
  • Correctly output to Latex the \unicode command
  • When undoing, correctly restore the selection
  • Improved behavior when inserting superscript and subscript on a selected item
  • Fixed handling of unbalanced \left...\right sequences
  • Correctly output the minus sign to Latex (as U+002D not as U+2212)
  • Fixed some cases where the layout would shift by a couple of pixels as you navigated into the expression

Code Maintenance and Performance

  • Use .test() instead of .match() whenever possible
  • Eliminated .value and .children in Math Atoms. It's only .body now.
  • Avoid unnecessary rendering while tracking the pointer
  • Refactored the Popover code into Popover.js
  • Moved some content from Definitions.js and into Popover.js

0.20 (2018-03-24)

Major New Features

  • Virtual keyboards with multi-touch support
  • BREAKING CHANGE: the command bar is no longer supported. Use virtual keyboards instead.

Other New Features

  • Added support for wide layouts to virtual keyboard. If space is available, up to four more columns of keys can be displayed.
  • Added Copy button to virtual keyboard
  • Allow 'space' in command mode
  • MASTON: improved parsing of numbers
  • Handle Unicode pseudo-superscript characters as exponents

0.19 (2018-03-19)

Major New Features

  • MASTON: first implementation
  • Support selecting cells in arrays

Other New Features

  • MASTON: handle complex numbers and modulo
  • Added option for styling of keyboard glyph
  • Improved output to Latex for arrays
  • Additional trig and long functions (\lb, \arsinh, \arcosh, \artanh, \arcsech, \arccsh, \arcsec, \arccsc)
  • MathML: more robust handling of complex <mo>
  • MathML: improved handling of fences
  • Improved Latex output

Bug Fixes

  • Correctly handle latex output for the \char command
  • Correctly handle invalid Unicode code points in the \char command
  • Correctly output MathML for extended Unicode characters and \char command
  • Correctly handle selection in sparse arrays
  • Correct spacing issue of selected items
  • Fixed #17: correctly extend the selection when the anchor is at the end of the selection
  • The caret would not blink in empty supsub
  • The last character of the selection would not be copied on the clipboard
  • MathML: don't insert &invisibleTimes; for factorial, but do insert it before a fence.
  • Going up from a numerator longer than the denominator could hang.
  • MathML and Latex output: better handling of \Big (etc...) delimiters
  • MathML: do not render \text as <mi>
  • Latex output: handle the \math... (\mathop, \mathbin...) family of functions
  • Properly parse custom operators
  • Commands with multiple keyboard shortcuts would not display correctly in the Popover panel

Code Maintenance and Performance

  • Reduce the amount of markup generated, avoid generating markup for empty spans.
  • Updated fonts from KaTeX

0.18 (2018-03-04)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where \underset annotation was not selectable

Code Maintenance and Performance

  • Reverted back to WebPack 3
  • Simplified CSS and streamlined markup for vlist spans.

0.0.17 (2018-02-27)

New Features

  • Improved accessibility support (major contribution from Neil Soiffer)
  • Support for MathML output and Latex to MathML conversion.

Bug Fixes

  • #26 Fixed issue with Chrome 62 where fraction lines and other thin lines would intermittently not render.
  • #20, #51. Ensure that a placeholder is always present for numerator, denominator.
  • #21. Do not allow sub-elements of an enclose element to be selected.
  • Font-size will now respect font-size specified by the parent element. As a result of this non-backward compatible change, the size of the equation may now be different than it was. To ensure that the size remains the same as before, specify a font-size property on the parent element with a value of 16px.
  • #29. Correctly handle $ and @ as inlineShortcuts
  • Improved handling of undo.
  • New implementation of \enclose notations.

0.0.16 (2017-09-13)

Deprecated Features

  • MathField.write() has been deprecated. Use MathField.insert() instead.

New Features

  • Added MathField.selectedText() which returns the textual content of the selection.

Bug Fixes

  • Perform a snapshot with the undo manager when invoking MathField.insert().
  • Documentation improvements.

0.0.15 (2017-07-01)

New Features

  • Properly exported public API, including renderMathInDocument() and renderMathInElement()
  • Added \enclose command, implementing the MathML equivalent.
  • Added \cancel, \bcancel and \xcancel commands
  • Added preserveOriginalContent option to MathLive.renderMathIn...()
  • Made \backslash work in text mode, for example when an argument of \rlap{}
  • Added MathField.revertToOriginalContent() when a math field is no longer needed for an element
  • Added customization of the command bar. See MathField.$setConfig() and config.commands
  • Added MathLive.revertToOriginalContent() and MathLive.getOriginalContent()
  • Added optional namespacing of data- attributes
  • Added onContentWillChange and onContentDidChange handlers in the math field config object.
  • Added tutorials and improved documentation

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed #5: AZERTY keyboard input was misbehaving, particularly for the ^ key
  • Dead keys (´, ^, ¨, ˜ and others on some keyboards) were not properly handled
  • Complex emojis (emojis made of multiple codepoints, such as emojis with skin tone modifiers, or emojis with a ZERO WIDTH JOINER, such as the David Bowie emoji) would be incorrectly recognized as multiple symbols
  • Fixed the \color command
  • Properly roundtrip to LaTeX \rlap, \color and many other commands. Now, copying content using these commands in a math field will result in the correct LaTeX code to be generated.