Releases: colinaut/alpinejs-plugin-simple-validate
Releases · colinaut/alpinejs-plugin-simple-validate
Release 1.7.20
- feat: added observer for required and disabled attributes (c0638fe)
This allows use of AlpineJS :required and :disabled on both fields and fieldsets. This plugin will spot changes and update it's validation data. Disabled fields will be assumed to be valid.
Release 1.7.19
- fix: checks for disabled on field or fieldset before running validation. (70c7d3a)
Release 1.7.18
- feat: add opt out for novalidation (11cdd42)
Release 1.7.17
- fix: issue with multiple forms using the same input name (8c5ae0a)
Release 1.7.16
- fix: make work with pattern (2a58a4d)