Use Terraform to deploy a basic infrastructure on AWS to host a simple web application.
AWS Resources to Create:
- VPC with two subnets (one public, one private).
- An EC2 instance (Ubuntu) in the public subnet to serve as a web server.
- A security group to allow HTTP (port 80) and SSH (port 22) access to the EC2 instance.
- A public-facing Elastic IP attached to the EC2 instance.
- A simple HTML file served using the web server on the EC2 instance (e.g., using Nginx or Apache).
Terraform Configuration:
- Write Terraform code to define the infrastructure.
- Use terraform variables to make the configuration flexible (e.g., instance type, key name, region).
- Use the formatter and validate to ensure proper formatting and validation.
- Provide clear instructions on how to initialize and apply the Terraform configuration.
- Document any AWS IAM roles or permissions needed to apply the infrastructure.
- Terraform code (,, and files).
- A README file with steps to run the Terraform code.
- A brief description of the solution.