Translating the documentation Web site is contributing to Code For IBMI , so please read CONTRIBUTING before.
A magical documentation site generator.
Code for IBMi uses Docsify to publish the Web site code-for-ibmi Documentation.
To sum it up , this tools transforms the markdown files stored in the docs folder to a web site using github pages.
This site is in English by default but it's possible to add a new language to improve the learning curve of the none english's adopters.
Please read above How to initiate or How to help in a new translating.
Add a new language is to add a new folder under docs folder with all docs's markdown files translated. To be meaningful we call this folder with the ISO Language Code table
So for french we used fr-FR.
then the user switches between all the languages using the translations navbar in the right corner.
We choose to use french translation as an example to explain the process.
- You fork and clone
- Create an new branch
👁️🗨️ To make me easier the translating,I'm using this useful extension Vscode Google Translate- Add the new language in the navbar using the ISO Language Code table.
- Copy the docs folder as the /docs/fr-FR folder.
- Remove the under the /docs/fr-FR folder.
- Start translating the side bar
You have to change all the path to yours pages by adding the directory (/fr-FR/) in this case ..
- [Code for IBM i](/) - [Login](/pages/ ...
- [Code for IBM i](/fr-FR/) - [Connexion](/fr-FR/pages/ ...
- Then you can translate the readme.
- Then you can test your job.
- And/or translate all the markdown files under your folder.
Testing locally
- Open a terminal in VSC
- Type
docsify serve docs
- Open your navigator on the url proposed
Testing Remotely
- Commit and push changes to your fork
- Deploy /docs of your fork to github pages
✔️ Make a pull request (PR)