diff --git a/lib/code_corps_web/controllers/conversation_controller.ex b/lib/code_corps_web/controllers/conversation_controller.ex
index 5d3b23686..0d2594aa2 100644
--- a/lib/code_corps_web/controllers/conversation_controller.ex
+++ b/lib/code_corps_web/controllers/conversation_controller.ex
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ defmodule CodeCorpsWeb.ConversationController do
   @spec show(Conn.t, map) :: Conn.t
   def show(%Conn{} = conn, %{"id" => id}) do
     with %User{} = current_user <- conn |> CodeCorps.Guardian.Plug.current_resource,
-      %Conversation{} = conversation <- Messages.get_conversation(id) |> preload(),
+      %Conversation{} = conversation <- Messages.get_conversation(id) |> preload_show(),
       {:ok, :authorized} <- current_user |> Policy.authorize(:show, conversation, %{}) do
-      conn |> render("show.json-api", data: conversation)
+      conn |> render("show.json-api", data: conversation, opts: [include: "conversation_parts"])
@@ -41,9 +41,14 @@ defmodule CodeCorpsWeb.ConversationController do
-  @preloads [:conversation_parts, :message, :user]
+  @preloads [:message, :user]
+  @preloads_show [:message, :user, conversation_parts: [:author]]
   def preload(data) do
     Repo.preload(data, @preloads)
+  def preload_show(data) do
+    Repo.preload(data, @preloads_show)
+  end
diff --git a/lib/code_corps_web/views/conversation_part_view.ex b/lib/code_corps_web/views/conversation_part_view.ex
index ed0d50054..a0f5ec60f 100644
--- a/lib/code_corps_web/views/conversation_part_view.ex
+++ b/lib/code_corps_web/views/conversation_part_view.ex
@@ -6,5 +6,4 @@ defmodule CodeCorpsWeb.ConversationPartView do
   attributes [:body, :inserted_at, :read_at, :updated_at]
   has_one :author, type: "user", field: :author_id
-  has_one :conversation, type: "conversation", field: :conversation_id
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/code_corps_web/views/conversation_view.ex b/lib/code_corps_web/views/conversation_view.ex
index 90fb80fbc..8ca78fa68 100644
--- a/lib/code_corps_web/views/conversation_view.ex
+++ b/lib/code_corps_web/views/conversation_view.ex
@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ defmodule CodeCorpsWeb.ConversationView do
   has_one :user, type: "user", field: :user_id
   has_one :message, type: "message", field: :message_id
-  has_many :conversation_parts, serializer: CodeCorpsWeb.ConversationPartView, identifiers: :always
+  has_many :conversation_parts, serializer: CodeCorpsWeb.ConversationPartView, include: false, identifiers: :when_included
diff --git a/test/lib/code_corps_web/views/conversation_part_view_test.exs b/test/lib/code_corps_web/views/conversation_part_view_test.exs
index c953e4076..37308e107 100644
--- a/test/lib/code_corps_web/views/conversation_part_view_test.exs
+++ b/test/lib/code_corps_web/views/conversation_part_view_test.exs
@@ -23,12 +23,6 @@ defmodule CodeCorpsWeb.ConversationPartViewTest do
               "id" => conversation_part.author_id |> Integer.to_string,
               "type" => "user"
-          },
-          "conversation" => %{
-            "data" => %{
-              "id" => conversation_part.conversation_id |> Integer.to_string,
-              "type" => "conversation"
-            }
diff --git a/test/lib/code_corps_web/views/conversation_view_test.exs b/test/lib/code_corps_web/views/conversation_view_test.exs
index 44d593bab..700b9824e 100644
--- a/test/lib/code_corps_web/views/conversation_view_test.exs
+++ b/test/lib/code_corps_web/views/conversation_view_test.exs
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@ defmodule CodeCorpsWeb.ConversationViewTest do
   alias CodeCorps.Repo
-  test "renders all attributes and relationships properly" do
+  test "renders index attributes and relationships properly" do
     conversation = insert(:conversation)
-    conversation_part = insert(:conversation_part, conversation: conversation)
     rendered_json =
@@ -19,9 +18,55 @@ defmodule CodeCorpsWeb.ConversationViewTest do
         "id" => conversation.id |> Integer.to_string,
         "type" => "conversation",
         "attributes" => %{
+          "inserted-at" => conversation.inserted_at,
           "read-at" => conversation.read_at,
           "status" => conversation.status,
+          "updated-at" => conversation.updated_at
+        },
+        "relationships" => %{
+          "conversation-parts" => %{},
+          "message" => %{
+            "data" => %{
+              "id" => conversation.message_id |> Integer.to_string,
+              "type" => "message"
+            }
+          },
+          "user" => %{
+            "data" => %{
+              "id" => conversation.user_id |> Integer.to_string,
+              "type" => "user"
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      "jsonapi" => %{
+        "version" => "1.0"
+      }
+    }
+    assert rendered_json == expected_json
+  end
+  test "renders show attributes and relationships properly" do
+    conversation = insert(:conversation)
+    conversation_part = insert(:conversation_part, conversation: conversation)
+    rendered_json =
+      CodeCorpsWeb.ConversationView
+      |> render(
+        "show.json-api",
+        data: conversation |> Repo.preload(:conversation_parts),
+        opts: [include: "conversation_parts"]
+      )
+    expected_json = %{
+      "data" => %{
+        "id" => conversation.id |> Integer.to_string,
+        "type" => "conversation",
+        "attributes" => %{
           "inserted-at" => conversation.inserted_at,
+          "read-at" => conversation.read_at,
+          "status" => conversation.status,
           "updated-at" => conversation.updated_at
         "relationships" => %{
@@ -49,7 +94,27 @@ defmodule CodeCorpsWeb.ConversationViewTest do
       "jsonapi" => %{
         "version" => "1.0"
-      }
+      },
+      "included" => [
+        %{
+          "attributes" => %{
+            "body" => conversation_part.body, 
+            "inserted-at" => conversation_part.inserted_at, 
+            "read-at" => conversation_part.read_at, 
+            "updated-at" => conversation_part.updated_at
+          },
+          "relationships" => %{
+            "author" => %{
+              "data" => %{
+                "id" => conversation_part.author.id |> Integer.to_string,
+                "type" => "user"
+              }
+            }
+          },
+          "id" => conversation_part.id |> Integer.to_string, 
+          "type" => "conversation-part"
+        }
+      ]
     assert rendered_json == expected_json