diff --git a/Users/Moban.rst b/Users/Moban.rst
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+What is Moban?
+Moban is an open source general purpose static text generator , which can use
+other python template engine: mako, handlebars, velocity, haml, slim and
+tornado, can read other data format: json and yaml, and can access both template
+file and configuration file in any location: zip, git, pypi package, s3, etc.
+It is used in coala project to keep documentation consistent across the
+documentations of individual libraries in the same organisation. You can find
+more detailed documentation on `Moban Documentation `_.
+Install ``moban``:
+ $ pip install moban
+CLI arguments:
+ [-d DEFINE [DEFINE ...]] [-e EXTENSION [EXTENSION ...]] [-f][--exit-code]
+ [-V] [-v][template]
+Sample usage:
+ mohan -c [input file(JSON, YAML)] -t [template file] -o [outputfile]
+Moban statically generates text based on an input file and an given template, which
+can be used to modify all configuration files of an entire repository.
+Moban Structure
+- Moban reads a yaml file (data.yml), this is then rendered into a jinja template
+file (jinja files are found within the moban template folder). A “moban.output”
+file is then created.
+- The template inherits the .jj2 file, which is located in moban.td.
+- To use a user defined template, it can be entered within moban.yml.
+Moban > moban.cd > moban.yml > template file = base.jj2 (in moban > templates)
+Moban Key Features
+The layout of Moban’s test environment closely matches the layout of the actual
+repository structure. This consistency helps to ensure that each file in the
+source code has a corresponding test file. Additionally, if any test cases need
+to be modified for any reason, they will be easy to locate due to the similar
+file structure.
+File structure of the tests directory:
+ tests
+ |_____core
+ |_____data_loaders
+ |_____deprecated
+ |_____fixtures
+ |_____integration_tests
+ |_____jinja2
+ |_____mobanfile
+ |_____regression_tests
+The core folder includes tests related to context.py, engine, and moban_factory.py.
+These tests ensure that the environment variables in context are initialized
+correctly, that the jinja2 engine object that Moban creates functions properly,
+and that all of the moban_factory functions correctly find the files that are
+needed, whether it be templates or actual yml files.
+The data_loaders folder checks that the json_loader, the dictionary merge
+function, and the yaml_loader all successfully perform their tasks, while
+test_overrides ensures that all overridden functions also work.
+The fixtures folder contains testing files that are only created on initial run
+of the test cases such that the test files are not stored in the production build
+of moban.
+Why Moban, and How?
+Moban is used as a dependency within Coala. The main purpose and functionality of Moban within Coala is the modification of configuration files within the repository. Specifically, it works within the configuration file in which text is statically generated based on a template and converted into another file type to be used for further configuration and integration. In the case of Coala, Moban is ran on the travis.yml file. The text is statically generated and rendered into a jinja template. This template is stored within the template directory of Moban. A new file "Moban.out" is created and sent to a new .jj2 file and then stored within the the Moban.dt directory. It appears that the functions within travis.yml are created into separate .jj2 files and passed into the new configuration file. From this directory, the created files are then called by the moban.yml file in order to act as another level of configuration and integration for the tool. This integration can run varying checks compared to the Travis CI build allowing for a more robust integration sequence. Taking this into account, there are no impacts or changes made to the run process of Coala including; input, output, and user interaction. The tool has the ability to run without usage of Moban. Knowing this it may be wondered as to why it is being used. From the outside it appears confusing and irrelevant, but taking what is known and understanding the connections between the tools is helpful. The Moban tool is simply being utilized to provide another layer of configuration and integration to Coala. The final reasoning on why it is used this way is left to the developers and contributors to explain.
diff --git a/index.rst b/index.rst
index 96d1ebba..89af23b6 100644
--- a/index.rst
+++ b/index.rst
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Welcome to the coala documentation!
Adding coala as a Git Hook
Shell Autocompletion
coala as a Docker Image
+ What is Moban?
MAC Hints
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