The bakery demo sample application offers a multi module Maven project with each module being deployed in a separate Docker container. The modules are:
- web
- worker
- report
Each of these modules provides Citrus test cases in src/test Maven test folder. The integration module contains Citrus test cases for a complete end-to-end testing of all modules combined.
The bakery sample application uses several services that are exchanging data over various transports. Incoming order requests are routed content based to one of the worker instances. After the worker has processed the order it will add an entry to the central reporting server. The reporting collects all events and gives a total order processing overview to clients.
The sample provides an embedded Jetty option for those of you that are not having Docker installed on the localhost. You can activate the embedded Jetty infrastructure by calling:
mvn clean verify -Dsystem.under.test.mode=embedded
This will automatically start embedded Jetty web containers in preparation of the Maven integration-test phase. The sample application is automatically deployed before the Citrus tests start to perform its actions.
You can also start the embedded infrastructure manually. Execute these commands in separate command line terminals:
mvn -pl integration activemq:run -Dsystem.under.test.mode=embedded
mvn -pl integration jetty:run -Dsystem.under.test.mode=embedded
Now the bakery sample application is started and you can execute the Citrus tests manually.
Once the sample application is deployed and running you can execute the Citrus test cases in the module folders. Open a separate command line terminal and navigate to the test folder.
Execute all Citrus tests by calling
mvn verify
You can also pick a single test by calling
mvn verify -Dit.test=<testname>
You should see Citrus performing several tests with lots of debugging output in both terminals (sample application server and Citrus test client). And of course green tests at the very end of the build.
Of course you can also execute the tests from your favorite IDE as Java unit tests with TestNG.
For more information on Citrus see, including a complete reference manual.