title | slug | page-type | tags | browser-compat | |||||||
FileSystemDirectoryHandle |
Web/API/FileSystemDirectoryHandle |
web-api-interface |
api.FileSystemDirectoryHandle |
{{securecontext_header}}{{APIRef("File System Access API")}}
The FileSystemDirectoryHandle
interface of the {{domxref('File System Access API')}} provides a handle to a file system directory.
The interface can be accessed via the {{domxref('window.showDirectoryPicker()')}} and {{domxref('StorageManager.getDirectory()')}} methods.
Inherits properties from its parent, {{DOMxRef("FileSystemHandle")}}.
Inherits methods from its parent, {{DOMxRef("FileSystemHandle")}}.
- {{domxref('FileSystemDirectoryHandle.entries()')}}
- : Returns a new async iterator of a given object's own enumerable property
[key, value]
- : Returns a new async iterator of a given object's own enumerable property
- {{domxref('FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getFileHandle()')}}
- : Returns a {{jsxref('Promise')}} fulfilled with a {{domxref('FileSystemFileHandle')}} for a file with the specified name, within the directory the method is called.
- {{domxref('FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getDirectoryHandle()')}}
- : Returns a {{jsxref('Promise')}} fulfilled with a {{domxref('FileSystemDirectoryHandle')}} for a subdirectory with the specified name within the directory handle on which the method is called.
- {{domxref('FileSystemDirectoryHandle.keys()')}}
- : Returns a new async iterator containing the keys for each item in
- : Returns a new async iterator containing the keys for each item in
- {{domxref('FileSystemDirectoryHandle.removeEntry()')}}
- : Attempts to asynchronously remove an entry if the directory handle contains a file or directory called the name specified.
- {{domxref('FileSystemDirectoryHandle.resolve()')}}
- : Returns a {{jsxref('Promise')}} fulfilled with an {{jsxref('Array')}} of directory names from the parent handle to the specified child entry, with the name of the child entry as the last array item.
- {{domxref('FileSystemDirectoryHandle.values()')}}
- : Returns a new async iterator containing the values for each index in the
- : Returns a new async iterator containing the values for each index in the
- : Returns the
function by default.
- : Returns the
The following example returns a directory handle with the specified name, if the directory does not exist it is created.
const dirName = 'directoryToGetName';
// assuming we have a directory handle: 'currentDirHandle'
const subDir = currentDirHandle.getDirectoryHandle(dirName, {create: true});
The following asynchronous function uses resolve()
to find the path to a chosen file, relative to a specified directory handle.
async function returnPathDirectories(directoryHandle) {
// Get a file handle by showing a file picker:
const handle = await self.showOpenFilePicker();
if (!handle) {
// User cancelled, or otherwise failed to open a file.
// Check if handle exists inside directory our directory handle
const relativePaths = await directoryHandle.resolve(handle);
if (relativePath === null) {
// Not inside directory handle
} else {
// relativePath is an array of names, giving the relative path
for (const name of relativePaths) {
// log each entry
The following example scans recursively through a directory to return {{domxref('FileSystemFileHandle')}} objects for each file in that directory:
async function* getFilesRecursively (entry) {
if (entry.kind === 'file') {
const file = await entry.getFile();
if (file !== null) {
file.relativePath = getRelativePath(entry);
yield file;
} else if (entry.kind === 'directory') {
for await (const handle of entry.values()) {
yield* getFilesRecursively(handle);
for await (const fileHandle of getFilesRecursively(directoryHandle)) {