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+# ProcessesManager
+A class for listening running processes and windows attached to them.
+## Methods
+### *List of ProcessInfo* GetProcesses(out *List of Exception* exceptions):
+Returns a list of running processes, and as parameter, list of thrown exceptions when process could not be read.
+- out *List of Exception* **exceptions** - List of thrown exceptions when process could not be read.
+### *bool* IsProcessAlive(*ProcessInfo* processInfo, out *Process?* process)
+Returns information about whether the process is alive, and as a parameter, the underlying Process object.
+- *ProcessInfo* **processInfo** - Process information container (available in *SystemController.Processes.Data.ProcessInfo*).
+- out *Process?* **process** - Underlying Process object.
+### *ProcessActionResult* KillProcess(*ProcessInfo* processInfo, *bool* force = false)
+Method for kill process.
+- *ProcessInfo* **processInfo** - Process information container (available in *SystemController.Processes.Data.ProcessInfo*).
+- *bool* **force** - True: Kill the process, False: invoke classic shutdown.
+### *List of WindowInfo* GetWindows(*ProcessInfo* processInfo)
+Returns a list of windows, attached to process.
+- *ProcessInfo* **processInfo** - Process information container (available in *SystemController.Processes.Data.ProcessInfo*).
+### *bool* IsWindowAlive(*WindowInfo* windowInfo, out *IntPtr* windowHandle, out *Process?* process)
+Returns information about whether the window exists, and as a parameter, the underlying Process object and Window handle.
+- *WindowInfo* **windowInfo** - Window information container (available in *SystemController.Processes.Data.WindowInfo*).
+- out *IntPtr* **windowHandle** - Window handle (memory address).
+- out *Process?* **process** - Underlying Process object.
+### *WindowActionResult* CloseWindow(*WindowInfo* windowInfo)
+Close window.
+- *WindowInfo* **windowInfo** - Window information container (available in *SystemController.Processes.Data.WindowInfo*).
+### *WindowActionResult* FocusWindow(*WindowInfo* windowInfo)
+Bring window to front.
+- *WindowInfo* **windowInfo** - Window information container (available in *SystemController.Processes.Data.WindowInfo*).
+### *WindowActionResult* MaximizeWindow(*WindowInfo* windowInfo)
+Maximize window.
+- *WindowInfo* **windowInfo** - Window information container (available in *SystemController.Processes.Data.WindowInfo*).
+### *WindowActionResult* MinimizeWindow(*WindowInfo* windowInfo)
+Minimize window.
+- *WindowInfo* **windowInfo** - Window information container (available in *SystemController.Processes.Data.WindowInfo*).
+### *WindowActionResult* RestoreWindow(*WindowInfo* windowInfo)
+Restore minimized window.
+- *WindowInfo* **windowInfo** - Window information container (available in *SystemController.Processes.Data.WindowInfo*).
+### *WindowActionResult* ResizeWindow(*WindowInfo* windowInfo, *SIZE* newSize)
+Resize window.
+- *WindowInfo* **windowInfo** - Window information container (available in *SystemController.Processes.Data.WindowInfo*).
+- *SIZE* **newSize** - New window size.
+### *WindowActionResult* MoveWindow(*WindowInfo* windowInfo, *POINT* newPosition)
+Move window.
+- *WindowInfo* **windowInfo** - Window information container (available in *SystemController.Processes.Data.WindowInfo*).
+- *POINT* **newPosition** - New window position.
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+# ScreenManager
+A class for getting list of screens attached to computer.
+## Methods
+### *Array of ScreenInfo* GetAllScreens()
+Get array of screen information objects.
+### *ScreenInfo* GetMainScreen()
+Get main screen information object.
+### *int* GetScreenCount()
+Get number of screens attached to computer.
+### *Dictionary if ScreenInfo, Rectangle* GetSelectedRegions(*Rectangle* selection)
+Get dictionary of ScreenInfo and Rectangle, corresponding to the selection of an area in specific screens.
+- *Rectangle* **selection** - Selected area as Rectangle (X, Y, Width, Height).
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+# ScreenManager
+A class for making screen shots.
+## Methods
+### *Bitmap* CaptureAllScreens()
+Make screenshot from all screens attached to computer.
+### *BitmapImage* CaptureAllScreensAsBitmapImage()
+Make screenshot from all screens attached to computer as WPF BitmapImage.
+### *void* CaptureAllScreensToClipboard()
+Make screenshot from all screens attached to computer and copy to clipboard.
+### *void* CaptureAllScreensToFile(*string* filePath, *ImageFormat?* imageFormat = null)
+Make screenshot from all screens attached to computer and save to file.
+- *string* **filePath** - Path to file, where screenshot will be saved.
+- *ImageFormat?* **imageFormat** - Image format (default Png).
+### *Bitmap* CaptureArea(*Rectangle* selectedArea)
+Make screenshot from specified area.
+- *Rectangle* **selectedArea** - Selected area as Rectangle (X, Y, Width, Height).
+### *Bitmap* CaptureArea(*int* x, *int* y, *int* width, *int* height)
+Make screenshot from specified area.
+- *int* **x** - Area start position X.
+- *int* **y** - Area start position Y.
+- *int* **width** - Area width.
+- *int* **height** - Area height.
+### *BitmapImage* CaptureAreaAsBitmapImage(*Rectangle* selectedArea)
+Make screenshot from specified area as WPF BitmapImage.
+- *Rectangle* **selectedArea** - Selected area as Rectangle (X, Y, Width, Height).
+### *BitmapImage* CaptureAreaAsBitmapImage(*int* x, *int* y, *int* width, *int* height)
+Make screenshot from specified area as WPF BitmapImage.
+- *int* **x** - Area start position X.
+- *int* **y** - Area start position Y.
+- *int* **width** - Area width.
+- *int* **height** - Area height.
+### *void* CaptureAreaToClipboard(*Rectangle* selectedArea)
+Make screenshot from specified area and copy to clipboard.
+- *Rectangle* **selectedArea** - Selected area as Rectangle (X, Y, Width, Height).
+### *void* CaptureAreaToClipboard(*int* x, *int* y, *int* width, *int* height)
+Make screenshot from specified area and copy to clipboard.
+- *int* **x** - Area start position X.
+- *int* **y** - Area start position Y.
+- *int* **width** - Area width.
+- *int* **height** - Area height.
+### *void* CaptureAreaToFile(*Rectangle* selectedArea, *string* filePath, *ImageFormat?* imageFormat = null)
+Make screenshot from specified area and save to file.
+- *Rectangle* **selectedArea** - Selected area as Rectangle (X, Y, Width, Height).
+- *string* **filePath** - Path to file, where screenshot will be saved.
+- *ImageFormat?* **imageFormat** - Image format (default Png).
+### *void* CaptureAreaToFile(*int* x, *int* y, *int* width, *int* height, *string* filePath, *ImageFormat?* imageFormat = null)
+Make screenshot from specified area and save to file.
+- *int* **x** - Area start position X.
+- *int* **y** - Area start position Y.
+- *int* **width** - Area width.
+- *int* **height** - Area height.
+- *string* **filePath** - Path to file, where screenshot will be saved.
+- *ImageFormat?* **imageFormat** - Image format (default Png).
+### *Bitmap* CaptureMainScreen()
+Make screenshot from main screen attached to computer.
+### *BitmapImage* CaptureMainScreenAsBitmapImage()
+Make screenshot from main screen attached to computer as WPF BitmapImage.
+### *void* CaptureMainScreenToClipboard()
+Make screenshot from main screen attached to computer and save to clipboard.
+### *void* CaptureMainScreenToFile(string filePath, ImageFormat? imageFormat = null)
+Make screenshot from main screen attached to computer and save to file.
+- *string* **filePath** - Path to file, where screenshot will be saved.
+- *ImageFormat?* **imageFormat** - Image format (default Png).
+### *Bitmap* CaptureScreen(*ScreenInfo* screenInfo)
+Make screenshot from selected screen attached to computer.
+- *ScreenInfo* **screenInfo** - Selected screen info object (available in *SystemController.Screens.Data.ScreenInfo*).
+### *BitmapImage* CaptureScreenAsBitmapImage(*ScreenInfo* screenInfo)
+Make screenshot from selected screen attached to computer as WPF BitmapImage.
+- *ScreenInfo* **screenInfo** - Selected screen info object (available in *SystemController.Screens.Data.ScreenInfo*).
+### *void* CaptureScreenToClipboard(*ScreenInfo* screenInfo)
+Make screenshot from selected screen attached to computer and save to clipboard.
+- *ScreenInfo* **screenInfo** - Selected screen info object (available in *SystemController.Screens.Data.ScreenInfo*).
+### *void* CaptureScreenToFile(*ScreenInfo* screenInfo, *string* filePath, *ImageFormat?* imageFormat = null)
+Make screenshot from selected screen attached to computer and save to file.
+- *ScreenInfo* **screenInfo** - Selected screen info object (available in *SystemController.Screens.Data.ScreenInfo*).
+- *string* **filePath** - Path to file, where screenshot will be saved.
+- *ImageFormat?* **imageFormat** - Image format (default Png).
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@@ -8,8 +8,30 @@ Library for interaction with Windows Core.
- [KeyboardReader](Docs/KeyboardReader.md)
- [MouseKeyboardController](Docs/MouseKeyboardController.md)
- [MouseReader](Docs/MouseReader.md)
+- **Processes**
+ - [ProcessManager](Docs/ProcessManager.md)
+- **Screens**
+ - [ScreenManager](Docs/ScreenManager.md)
+ - [ScreenshotManager](Docs/ScreenshotManager.md)
## SystemManager
+Macros View

+Processes View
+Windows View
+Screens View
+Screenshots View
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