O(N log N) Time Complexity with sort function.
sort the vector using stl sort()
O(N)+O(N) Time using counting sort.
count number of 0's, 1's, and 2's and push them in increasing order according to their frequency.
O(N) Time, 3 Pointers, dutch national flag algorithm.
We take 3 pointers low, mid and high.
low and mid points to 0 while high points to the last element.
we assume following conditions.
Towards the left of low everything is 0.
Towards the right of high everything is 2.
In between low and high, everything is 1.
while(mid<=high) we do following.
When we encounter 0.
we swap low and mid.
we increment low and mid.
When we encounter 1.
When we encounter 2.
we swap mid and high.
we decrement high.
#include < bits/stdc++.h>
void sort012 (int *arr, int n)
int low = 0 , mid = 0 , high = n-1 ;
while (mid<=high){
switch (arr[mid])
case 0 :
swap (arr[low++],arr[mid++]);
break ;
case 1 :
break ;
case 2 :
swap (arr[mid],arr[high--]);
break ;