provides information on how a melange package can be updated either manually or using automation for example as the Wolfi project does.
IMPORTANT: Adding update configuration does not mean melange package will be kept up to date, it is a way to describe "how" it can be updated.
There are currently two ways to describe where to search for latest versions of a package.
to query https://release-monitoring.org/github:
to query https://github.com via it's graphql APIgit:
to query local git checkout
This is a service that matched a package with an identifier. The melange config should describe the Identifier in https://release-monitoring.org/
name: alsa-lib
version: 1.2.8
enabled: true # provide a flag to easily prevent a package from receiving auto update PRs
manual: true # indicates that this package should be manually updated, usually taking care over special version numbers which can be hard to automate
shared: false # indicate that an update to this package requires an epoch bump of downstream dependencies, e.g. golang, java
require-sequential: true # Default: false - indicates that automated pull requests should be merged in order rather than superseding and closing previous unmerged PRs
identifier: 38 # Mandatory, ID number for release monitor
strip-prefix: v # Optional, if the version obtained from the update service contains a prefix which should be ignored
strip-suffix: ignore_me # Optional, if the version obtained from the update service contains a suffix which should be ignored
version-filter-prefix: v17.2 # Optional, filter to apply when searching versions with a prefix
version-filter-contains: foo # Optional, filter to apply when searching versions with any match
This assumes you are using the graphql API and the Identifier matches the organisation/repositoryname. The default behaviour is to use the GitHub Releases API as this returns a richer set of data. This can be changed below with use-tag: true
name: cosign
version: 2.0.0
epoch: 0
enabled: true # provide a flag to easily toggle a package from receiving auto update PRs
manual: true # indicates that this package should be manually updated, usually taking care over special version numbers which can be hard to automate
shared: false # indicate that an update to this package requires an epoch bump of downstream dependencies, e.g. golang, java
require-sequential: true # Default: false - indicates that automated pull requests should be merged in order rather than superseding and closing previous unmerged PRs
github: # alternative today is `release_monitor:`
identifier: sigstore/cosign # Mandatory, org/repo for github
strip-prefix: v # Optional, if the version obtained from the update service contains a prefix which should be ignored
strip-suffix: ignore_me # Optional, if the version obtained from the update service contains a suffix which should be ignored
use-tag: true # Optional, override the default of using a GitHub release to identify related tag to fetch. Not all projects use GitHub releases but just use tags
tag-filter: foo # Deprecated: Use tag-filter-prefix instead
tag-filter-prefix: v17.2 # Optional, filter to apply when searching tags with a prefix on a GitHub repository, some repos maintain a mixture of tags for different major versions for example
tag-filter-contains: foo # Optional, filter to apply when searching tags with any match on a GitHub repository, some repos maintain a mixture of tags for different major versions for example
Git uses vanilla git to check for updates. This is useful for projects that use unsupported Git Provider APIs.
The git repository queried is the first repository specified in the pipeline: / uses: git-checkout
section of the melange config.
It is recommended to use a schedule
as described below when using Git as this is a less performant approach to using APIs such as GitHub and Release Monitoring.
enabled: true
git: {} # no specialized version handling required
period: daily # options are daily|weekly|monthly
reason: upstream project does not support tags or releases
enabled: true
tag-filter-prefix: v17.2
strip-prefix: v
strip-suffix: ignore_me
tag-filter-contains: foo
period: daily
reason: upstream project does not support tags or releases
Some upstream projects create tags that can interfere with version comparisons, you may find the need to ignore these.
To achieve this you can specify a list of regex patterns to identify versions that you want to ignore:
enabled: true
- "ignore_me*"
- "*ignore_me"
Some projects create tags than are not compliance with apk format. You can manipulate this with regex on version-transform
name: owfs
- version: 3.2.3
+ version: 3.2p4
epoch: 0
With this version
enabled: true
- match: p(\d+)$
replace: .${1}
the next update pr will be like:
name: owfs
- version: 3.2.3
+ version: 3.2.4
epoch: 0
Schedule describes how often tooling should check for an update, this overrides any default behaviour provided by an update service.
enabled: true
identifier: sigstore/cosign
period: daily # options are daily|weekly|monthly