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End-to-end DNS encryption with DNS-based ad-blocking. Combines wireguard (DNS VPN), pihole (adblock), and cloudflared (DNS over HTTPS). Built in GCP with a low-cost instance using Terraform, Ansible, and Docker.



  • A Google cloud account
  • Follow Step-by-Step (compatible with Windows and Ubuntu)


Mac Users install (home)brew, then terraform, git, cloud cli.

## Mac ##
# Important - Apple's Private Relay can prevent access to your cloudblock server/VPN.

# Launch terminal

# Install brew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# Ensure brew up-to-date
brew update

# Install terraform git
brew install terraform git

# Download gcp cli for intel or m1 - see latest versions and alternative architectures @
# intel macs
wget -O gcloud.tar.gz
# or m1 macs
wget -O gcloud.tar.gz

# Extract
tar -xvf gcloud.tar.gz

# Install

# Add cli alias
echo "alias gcloud ~/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud" >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile

# Verify the three are installed
which terraform git gcloud

# Skip down to 'git clone' below

Windows Users install WSL (Windows Subsystem Linux)

## Windows Subsystem Linux ##
# Launch an ELEVATED Powershell prompt (right click -> Run as Administrator)

# Enable Windows Subsystem Linux
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart

# Reboot your Windows PC
shutdown /r /t 5

# After reboot, launch a REGULAR Powershell prompt (left click).
# Do NOT proceed with an ELEVATED Powershell prompt.

# Download the Ubuntu 2204 package from Microsoft
curl.exe -L -o ubuntu-2204.AppxBundle
# Rename the package, unzip it, and cd (change directory)
Rename-Item ubuntu-2204.AppxBundle
Expand-Archive ubuntu-2204
cd ubuntu-2204

# Repeat the above three steps for the x64 file, update 0.10.0 if needed
Expand-Archive ubuntu-2204_x64
cd ubuntu-2204_x64
# Execute the ubuntu installer
# Create a username and password when prompted

Install Terraform, Git, and create an SSH key pair

##  Terraform + Git + SSH  ##
# Add terraform's apt key (enter previously created password at prompt)
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
# Add terraform's apt repository
sudo apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) main"
# Install terraform and git
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install terraform git
# Clone the cloudblock project
git clone

# Create SSH key pair (RETURN for defaults)

Install the GCP CLI and authenticate. A GCP account is required to continue.

##           GCP           ##
# Open powershell and start WSL

# Change to home directory
cd ~

# Add the google cloud sdk repository
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] cloud-sdk main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list

# Install prerequisite packages
sudo apt-get -y install apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupg

# Add the google cloud package key
curl | sudo apt-key --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/ add -

# Install the google cloud sdk package
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install google-cloud-sdk

# Authenticate - copy link to browser, auth, and paste response. If prompted for a project - use an existing (if any exists) or create a new with some random name.
gcloud init --console-only

# Enable application-default login
gcloud auth application-default login --no-launch-browser

# Note the billing ID for the vars file
gcloud beta billing accounts list | grep True

# Note the gcp user (account) for the vars file
gcloud auth list

# Two notes for July 2021
# A max of three billing-linked projects are available while under the free tier.
# Google has replaced f1-micro with e2-micro as the always-free VM. This has more CPU and RAM.

Customize the deployment - See variables section below

# Change to the project's aws directory in powershell
cd ~/cloudblock/gcp/

# Open File Explorer in a separate window
# Navigate to gcp project directory - change \chad\ to your WSL username

# Edit the gcp.tfvars file using notepad and save


# In powershell's WSL window, change to the project's gcp directory
cd ~/cloudblock/gcp/

# Initialize terraform and apply the terraform state
terraform init
terraform apply -var-file="gcp.tfvars"

# If permissions errors appear, fix with the below command and re-run the terraform apply.
sudo chown $USER gcp.tfvars && chmod 600 gcp.tfvars

# Note the outputs from terraform after the apply completes

# Wait for the virtual machine to become ready (Ansible will setup the services for us)

Want to watch Ansible setup the virtual machine? SSH to the cloud instance - see the terraform output.

# Connect to the virtual machine via ssh
ssh ubuntu@<some ip address terraform told us about>

# Tail the cloudblock log file
tail -F /var/log/cloudblock.log


Edit the vars file (gcp.tfvars) to customize the deployment, especially:

# ph_password
# password to access the pihole webui

# ssh_key
# a public SSH key for SSH access to the instance via user `ubuntu`.
# cat ~/.ssh/

# mgmt_cidr
# an IP range granted webUI and SSH access (without VPN). Also permitted PiHole DNS if dns_novpn = 1. 
# deploying from home? This should be your public IP address with a /32 suffix. 

# gcp_billing_account
# The billing ID for the google cloud account

# gcp_user
# The GCP user


  • See terraform output for VPN Client configuration files link and the Pihole WebUI address.


  • See the notes from terraform output for gcp-specific update instructions.
  • Important note, if you are familiar with a traditional pihole deployment keep in mind cloudblock uses the docker container which does not follow the same update path. Cloudblock follows the official pihole (and wireguard) container update instructions:


  • Want to reach the PiHole webUI while away?

  • Using an ISP with a dynamic IP (DHCP) and the IP address changed? Pihole webUI and SSH access will be blocked until the mgmt_cidr is updated.

    • Follow the steps below to quickly update the cloud firewall using terraform.
# Open Powershell and start WSL

# Change to the project directory
cd ~/cloudblock/gcp/

# Update the mgmt_cidr variable - be sure to replace change_me with your public IP address
sed -i -e "s#^mgmt_cidr = .*#mgmt_cidr = \"change_me/32\"#" gcp.tfvars

# Rerun terraform apply, terraform will update the cloud firewall rules
terraform apply -var-file="gcp.tfvars"