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Releases: centreon/centreon-archived

Centreon 2.7.7

14 Sep 08:15
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The 2.7.7 release for Centreon Web is now available for download. The full release notes for 2.7.7 follow.


If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.7.0, make sure to go through all the release notes available here.


Features and Bug Fixes

Fix: Non intialised value in Centreon ACL page
Fix : Security issue with autologin when user has no password
Enh: [Centreon Clapi] Add export filters

Centreon 2.7.6

14 Sep 08:17
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The 2.7.6 release for Centreon Web is now available for download. The full release notes for 2.7.6 follow.


If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.7.0, make sure to go through all the release notes available here.


Features and Bug Fixes

Fix: Hard PATHs in some folders
Fix: Correction of some typos
Fix: contact_location default value incorrent
Fix: Security fix linked to the configuration export
Fix: Problem with custom view style when user was not able to edit the view then old style was used
Fix: Centreontrapd issue if number of downtimes is greater than 1
Fix: Service comments wrong request
Enh: SQL Optimisation in handling service templates

Centreon 2.7.5

14 Sep 08:20
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The 2.7.5 release for Centreon Web is now available for download. The full release notes for 2.7.5 follow.


If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.7.0, make sure to go through all the release notes available here.


Features and Bug Fixes

Fix: Flapping configuration was not exported to Centreon Engine configuration files
Fix: Option “test the plugin” didn’t working with special characters
Fix: It was possible to select Meta Service or BA in performance page filters
Fix: With non admin users, it was impossible to select services in Performances page
Fix: Non admin users could not seen services in Reporting page
Fix: Number of hosts in Hostgroups was not good for non admin users
Fix: Max and Min was not correct for inverted curves
Fix: It was impossible to create Virtual metrics with web UI in french language
Fix: Exclude Desactivate poller in configuration generation page filter
Enh: Add an error message when no pollers are selected in configuration genration page

Centreon 2.7.4

14 Sep 08:19
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The 2.7.4 release for Centreon Web is now available for download. The full release notes for 2.7.4 follow.


If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.7.0, make sure to go through all the release notes available here.

Fix of an encoding problem :

Following a change of encoding tables in centreon database which occurred in the 2.7.0 version, bad encoded characters appear in the Centreon web interface. Indeed, the change charset “latin1” to “utf8” was not followed by an update of the content of tables in the database.

To restore a valid encoding of special and accented characters, it is necessary to manually run the script provided by Centreon.

Warning :

This script should be run once and only once.

If an operator has modified/corrected special characters or accented since the 2.7.0 update, processing performed by the script will truncate the string to turn on the first special or accented character. It will then be necessary to change the impacted objects to manually update them. (The script can unfortunately provide the list of impacted objects.

All contents of table type “varchar”, “char” or “text” will be updated

Prerequisites :

Don’t forget to backup your database before doing any operations.

Installation :

Download and install the script in “/usr/share/centreon/bin/” with the command:

wget -O /usr/share/centreon/bin/migrate_utf8.php

Execution :

From a shell terminal, perform the script:

php /usr/share/centreon/bin/migrate_utf8.php

Validation :

Connect to your web interface and check that there are no more bad encoded characters on it.


Features and Bug Fixes

Fix: Contacts in contactgroups were exported with a wrong ID
Fix: Error when saving “Administration > Parameters > Monitoring” page
Fix: Zoom in Performance graph
Fix: Select contactgroups / contacts in services & hosts configuration was not working
Fix: Display only catagories and not severities on form
Fix: Scroll bar in “Configuration - Hosts - Host Groups”
Fix: Category Relation on host and host template form
Fix: Order in More Actions Menu
Fix: generateSqlLite not install with source
Fix: SSO connection with LDAP user
Enh: Add possibility to set local to “browser” when adding a contact by CLAPI

Centreon 2.7.3

15 Mar 16:04
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The 2.7.3 release for Centreon Web is now available for download. The full release notes for 2.7.3 follow.

Notice :

If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.7.0, make sure to go through all the release notes available here.


Features and Bug Fixes :

Fix Recurent downtimes starting at 00:00
Fix search in Poller configuration page
Fix problems when sharing custom views
Fix description problem with custom macros containing dash
Fix time Interval change isn’t being reflected in the polling Engine config
Fix Missing GMT and UTC timezone
Fix No performance graph for host group service
Fix ACL were showing too much objects
Fix Impossibility to delete custom macros on service
Fix Split on multi graph
Fix Design on Monitoring Performances page
Fix CLAPI handled all broker parameters
Fix Custom macros can contain dash
Fix Time Interval change isn’t being reflected in the polling Engine config
Fix UI doesn’t display the good limit of pagination
Fix Some French translations were missing
Enh Improve listing possibilities in Widget configuration (Pollers and categories)
Enh Usuability of select2
Enh Possibility to reload several pollers in one time
Enh Add an API to send External Commands

Centreon Web 2.7.2

25 Feb 09:13
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Released February 24, 2016

The 2.7.2 release for Centreon Web is now available for download. The full release notes for 2.7.2 follow:

Notice :

If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.7.0, make sure to go through all the release notes available here.


Features and Bug Fixes :

Fix eventlogs pages for performances and right for non admin users
Fix Recurent Downtimes behaviour with timezones
Fix some broken relations in web interface
Fix Reporting pages for non admin users
Fix some elements with the generation of the configuration
Fix encoding problems
Fix filters in configuration pages
Fix Poller duplication
Fix various ACL problems
Fix some SQL queries
Fix export of Meta Services
Improve ACL on Custom Views

Known Bugs :

Recurrent downtimes during for more than a day are not working
It’s impossible to remove relations between usergroup and custom views
With the update some widgets have to be deleted and recreated

Centreon Web 2.7.1

12 Jan 13:32
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The 2.7.1 release for Centreon Web is now available for download. The full release notes for 2.7.1 follow:

Notice :

If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.7.0, make sure to go through all the release notes available here.

Features and Bug Fixes :

Improved ergonomics of the select2 component
Improved performances of monitoring pages
Improved performances of the event logs page
Improved performances of downtimes configuration on host page
Improved documentation
Fixed problem when sharing views in Custom views page
Fixed a right problem in CLAPI generation of the configuration
Fixed problem in services per hostgroups pages
Fixed problems in configuration generation when mysql is not using 3306 port


17 Dec 09:41
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The 2.7.0 release for Centreon Web is now available for download. The full release notes for 2.7.0 follow:

Features and Bug Fixes :

Changing the graphic charter to be consistent with the new logo Centreon
Flat design (CSS and icons)
Custom view improvement
Adding an editing or visualization mode
Graphic widgets relief to be able to put more on a page
Adding a fullscreen mode
Menu Review for improved navigation and simplified user actions
Review og pages dedicated hosts and services pages in monitoring to include to include more informations.
Redesign of the reporting page
Recasting bar searches and filters in each page of Centreon
Redesign Event Logs page (removing treeview + Added search system + Improved performances)
Redesign view page (removing treeview + Added search system + Improved performances)
Merging downtimes pages for hosts and services
Merging comments pages for hosts and services
Integration of a graphics module to replace a non-performing component QuickForm (Improved forms on multi element selection)
Simplifying the configuration of Centreon Broker (Temporary and Failover are automatically configured + enhanced best practices)
Ergonomic improvement of the congigurations objects:
Improved hosts form
Improved services form
Improved management macros: dynamic form system that provides the necessary inherited macros templates for proper operation of the configuration
Added ability to set a description of each macro used in commands
Review of the pathway for the generation of the configuration
Automatic creation of a configuration file for the poller when it is created
Deleting configuration options in the Administration section, now automatically configured. This simplifies the handling of Centreon
Improved ACL system (Improved performances)
Native integration of Centreon CLAPI
Improved documentation
Redesign Configuration part
Redesign Exploitation part
Integration of the API part

Changes :

Important web design changes can make interface not compatible with older modules. A refactoring work will be needed to ensure optimal operation.
Changing the timezone system : DST management (may need to check the timezones of each host and contact after the update)
Changing databases schemes for hostgroups and servicegroups in the real state database (centreon_storage) : added id and deletion of alias, url, url note, icon.
Changing the path for generating the configuration of Centreon Engine instances : no more specific page to generate the configuration. The action is now available from the pollers list.
Switching to InnoDB all Centreon tables (except logs and data_bin too big for an automatic update).
PHP 5.1 no longer supported
Browser compatibility : IE 11, FF 5 et Chrome 39 at least
Shared views in custom views are not atomaticaly loaded in views of others users. Now views are able to be public and user can load them during the creation step.
Secutiry fixes
Removing PHP session ID in the URL of the Ajax flow of certain pages.
Integration of a CSRF token in all forms to prevent “Man in the middle” effect.
Removed Features
Nagios and NDOutils are no longer compatible with Centreon web. Only Centreon Engine and Centreon Broker are compatible from version 2.7.0
Removing centstorage and logAnalyser executables.
Removing the Nagios configurations load module.
Removing the ability to configure the colors of graphics templates
Removing color choices for menus
Removing choosing colors for monitoring status
Removing the ability to configure Nagios CGI
Transformation of the tactical overview in widget
Transformation of the Monitoring Engine statistics Page in widget
Deleting the Server Status page (phpsysinfo) become incompatible with the PHP version recommended for Centreon
Remove timeperiod exclusions in the UI. This function don’t work very fine whether with Centreon Engine 1.x or Nagios. We prefer removing the function in order to avoid problems.

Known Bugs :

ACL of pages is not fully updated during the upgrade process. So please check all your ACL pages after the migration. You may have problems with the followings pages:
Monitoring > Hosts
Monitoring > Services
Monitoring > Performances (new page)
Monitoring > Downtimes
Monitoring > Comments
Monitoring > Eventlogs > System logs

How to Install ?

Now that you are aware about all specifiities of this version, you can install it. If you install from zero your system, please follow the installation guide. Else you can refer to the upgrade guide. Take care about prerequisits and all upgrade steps in order to avoid data loss.

Centreon 2.6.6

30 Oct 13:49
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Released October 29, 2015

Notice :

If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.6.0, make sure to go through all the release notes available here.


Bug fixes :

#3812: [2.6.3] Strange display of service group details page
#3824: PHP Warning: array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array
#3840: [2.6.4] Wrong reporting graph data with default user language fr_FR.UTF-8
#3846: [2.6.5] CRSF Token critical: Impossible to upgrade a plugin
#3847: [2.6.5] split component switch
#3852: [2.6.5] CSRF error appears in user massive change form
#3854: Cannot add new macro after deleting all macros already created
#3855: Cannot add new host template to host after deleting all templates
#3861: Comments shows only “A”
#3864: [2.6.5] CSRF when trying to upload a SNMP MiB

Centreon 2.6.5

22 Oct 14:12
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If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.6.0, make sure to go through all the release notes available here.


Security fixes :

#3831: XSS injection in object lists (ZSL-2015-5266)
#3835: CRSF Issues on Centreon (ZSL-2015-5263)

Bug fixes :

#3821: Upgrade from 2.6.1 to 2.6.3 kill Centreon Frontend
#3826: Split Component and zoom doesn’t work
#3827: Service Group Details page isn’t displayed for non admin in Centreon 2.6.3
#3837: Relation of passive service with SNMP traps problem with multihost link
#3842: Full logs display on event logs page for a non admin user