brew install {package_name}
brew rm {package_name}
brew update
brew outdated
brew upgrade {package_name}
brew cleanup
brew list --versions
composer global require {package_name}
composer global remove {package_name}
apm install {package_name}
node --version
rvm list
rvm use system
rvm use {version}
# Example version: 2.0.0which ruby
ruby --version
rvm install {version}
# Example version: 2.0.0which gem
gem update --system
gem install {gemname}
gem install {gemname} --no-document
# Faster than regular installgem list
gem outdated
gem update {gemname}
gem cleanup
# Brings up spellcheck
# Exit vim
# Check the load on the servergrep processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l
# List the number of processorstop
# Displays real time information regarding server usagevmstat
# Shows swap usage in KB