diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 097d4fb..1ea4baf 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,55 +1,3 @@
-# Follow these steps to make a Pull Request
-1. Login to your GitHub Account by heading over to github.com
- - Open the current repo in a new tab.
- - Perform all operations in the newly opened tab, and follow the current tab for instructions.
-2. Fork the Repository
- - In the newly opened tab, on the top-right corner, click on Fork
- - Enter the Repository Name as Mazerift.
- - Then click Create Fork leaving all other fields to their default value.
- - After a few moments, you can view the repo.
-3. Add and Commit your Checkpoint Answers
- - Click on Add File and from the dropdown menu choose Create New File
- - You will now be redirected to a text editor.
- - Enter the file name as your Team Name and paste the checkpoint answers in the space provided.
- - Finally commit your changes, leaving all fields as default.
-4. Create a Pull Request
- - Finally, click on the Contribute button and choose Open Pull Request.
- - Leaving all fields to their default values, click on Create Pull Request.
- - Wait for a few moments, then you are all done
-Thanks for participating!