All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- fix a number of python3 encoding issues
- fix bug with ConfigParser
- Vanguard and Citibank bug fixes
- Update quicken client version to 2500
- CLI option to set OFX version
- CLI option to support changing how far back to download
- Python 3 bug fixes
- Fix Discover card header requirements
- Fix TD Bank header requirements
- Bug: fix get password on windows
- Bug: ignore unexpected chars when decoding
- Dockerfile
- Lock versions of dependencies in requirements.txt
- Force parsing backend to 'lxml' HTML
- Use unicode instead of byte string wherever possible
- Dropping Python 2.5 support
- Adding Python 3 support
- Merging multiple OFX documents into one now closes tag properly.
- LICENSE file included in dist
- More runtime testing of keychain configuration
- Allow this to work on non-unix or Google App Engine