- doesn't really exist, something we have to invent
- we learn a lot about data from their context
- what is the cause of the mean difference between the Be Scientist group and the Do Science group?
- both the experimental manipulation and randomness
- based on size of PRE and F, there is an effect
- also, if we had taken a different sample, there would have been a different result
- sampling variation is always an issue
- Rhodes 2019 Shuffled
ScienceData$Condition.shuffle <- shuffle(ScienceData$Condition)
gf_histogram(~Games, data=ScienceData, fill="darkorange", color "brown4", binwidth=1) %>%
gf_facet_grid(Condition.shuffle~.) %>%
gf_vline(xintercept = ~mean, data=favstats(Games~Condition.shuffle, data=ScienceData), color="black")
- which of the following DGPs might account for the difference in means across the shuffled conditions?
- randomness
- we were the DGP
- 4 shuffles: why does Be Science do better in the upper left?
- randomness
- what statistic could we use to summarize each shuffle?
- statistic = something we calculate based on a sample
- b1
- a sampling distribution is a distribution of sample statistics, or estimates
- any sample statistic can have a sampling distribution
- in a sampling distributions, all samples have to be samples of the same size
- sampling distribution = imaginary distribution made up of all samples of size n and all the Y-bars of those samples
- not a particular number of samples; an infinitely large number of samples
- what kind of questions require model of DGP vs. sampling distribution?
- don't assume any of these have the same shape
- mean of sample is not necessarily the same as mean of population
- sampling variation
- but can be used as a parameter estimate
- gives a since of how off it can be
- sample distribution provides context for interpreting single score
- sample distribution provides context for interpreting sample statistic (parameter estimate)
- although we collected a distribution of scores, we only have one mean
- we need to know what distribution that mean comes from
- sampling distribution is a model of the distribution of estimates
- any parameter estimate can be thought of as coming from a sampling distribution of all possible samples of the same size that could have been drawn from the same DGP
- could there be a sampling distribution of b1?
- yes, it's statistic/estimate
- we want to know about that sampling distribution for context
- with R
- simulation (
) - randomization (
) - bootstrapping (
- simulation (
- mathematical models
- what does this code do?
outcome <- rnorm(n=10, mean=100, sd=15)
group <- rep(letters[1:2], each = 5)
study <- data.frame(group,outcome)
: mathematically construct a normal distribution with a mean of 100 and sd of 15 and randomly take 10 numbers from that distributionrep
: way to make a categorical variable (for simulations), makes 5 of A's and B's each- random sampling of numbers and random pairing of numbers with a grouping variable
- simulating a distribution
- asking 'if'
gf_histogram(~outcome, data=study, color="darkgreen") %>%
gf_facet_grid(group~.) %>%
gf_refine(scale_x_continuous(limits=c(50,150))) %>%
gf_vline(xintercept = ~mean, data=favstats(outcome~group, data=study), color="blue")
lm(outcome~group, data=study)
supernova(lm(outcome~group, data=study))
trying to simulate b1
- simulate a sample of data
- simulate it into two groups
- fit the model
- calculate the mean of each group
- difference between those group means is b1
what happens if I run this code again?
- different random numbers every time will result in different distributions
- blue vertical line (mean of distribution) is at a different value each time
- different b1 each time
why does Group A do better in 3 of the 4 simulations
- randomness
add a line of code to get b1
outcome <- rnorm(n=10, mean=100, sd=15)
group <- rep(letters[1:2], each = 5)
study <- data.frame(group,outcome)
b1(outcome~group, data=study)
- gives the value of b1
- every time you run it, you will get a different b1