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The HI64 System Benchmark

The HI64 System Benchmark (Hierarchical Integration 64-Bit) is a benchmarking tool derived from HINT, originally developed at the Ames Laboratory at the U.S. Department of Energy. It has been modified to take full advantage of modern 64-bit computer systems. This benchmark is designed as a holistic assessment of system performance, including the CPU, caches, main memory, and storage.

How it works

HI64, like its predecessor, assesses system performance by computing the upper and lower bounds of the function (1-x)/(1+x) within the interval [0, 1] by dividing the region into many subintervals, using only the fact that the function is always decreasing. The program stores the data for each subinterval in an array called rect. The error of this computation is determined by summing for each interval the difference between the upper and lower bounds multiplied by the width of the interval. The reciprocal of the error represents the accuracy of the computation, referred to as quality.

The benchmark consists of a series of trials, each involving a number of runs of the above computation (called laps) using a certain number of subintervals. Each subsequent trial uses more subintervals, increasing the precision of the result along with the amount of CPU time and memory required. For each trial, the program keeps track of the amount of time and memory required to complete the computation, as well as the quality of the result and other information. Based on this information, a value called quality improvements per second (QUIPS) is computed, representing the computer's performance for that trial. Data collected on the QUIPS attained by a computer over time as the benchmark progresses can be used for in-depth analysis of the performance characteristics of the system (see Interpreting output below).

The benchmark runs continuously until a substantial drop in performance occurs. This typically occurs when the computer runs out of main memory and resorts to disk paging to complete the computation, resulting in a dramatic slowdown and an attendant drop in QUIPS. Specifically, the benchmark stops when the QUIPS for the previous trial drops belows a predefined ratio of the peak QUIPS attained during the benchmark or when the shortest lap in a trial takes longer than a predefined amount of time. Alternatively, the maximum amount of memory to use can be set and the benchmark will stop when this limit is reached. (More details on how to set these limits follow.)

Building and configuration

HI64 can be built with most C compilers as long as 64-bit integers are supported. Optimization levels higher than -O1 have been found (at least on GCC) to generate non-working code, so they should not be used. In this document, we will assume a recent version of GCC.

Settings for HI64 are defined at build time, through a combination of compiler options and macros defined in hint.h. The following macros specify data types to be used internally and are set through the compiler command line. Primitive data types, as well as types provided by the C header file <stdint.h> (such as uint32_t and int64_t), can be used. These macros include:

  • DSIZE: The data type to use for the underlying computations. Both floating-point and integral types may be used, as long as they are signed (e.g long is a valid data type for DSIZE, while unsigned long is not). Larger types such as double and int64_t permit higher-quality results allowing for longer computation but may lower maximum QUIPS. Smaller data types such as float and int32_t tend to be faster but their lower precision limits the maximum quality of the result, resulting in a sharp drop in QUIPS as the precision of the variables is exhausted. (Due to a limitation in the timing code, 32-bit and smaller data types may not work.)
  • ISIZE: The data type to use for the index of the rect array. An integral data type is required. On most systems, ISIZE may be signed or unsigned; an unsigned type is preferred where possible as array indexes are always positive. At least one half the bits of effective precision of DSIZE is needed to attain the full precision available from DSIZE. For example, a DSIZE of double has 53 bits of effective precision (the length of the mantissa), so an ISIZE of uint32_t is sufficiently long to utilize this precision.

An example build command would look like this:

gcc -O1 -funroll-loops -DDSIZE=double -DISIZE=int32_t -o hi64-double hi64.c hkernel.c

A Makefile is included to simplify compilation of the benchmark. Running make or mingw32-make will generate binaries which use DSIZE of 16-, 32-, and 64-bit integers as well as single-, double-, and extended-precision floating-point numbers. The Makefile currently assumes GCC; modify it as needed if you are using a different compiler.

The macros in the "Adjustable Defines" section of hi64.h determine the behavior of the benchmark, such as when to stop the benchmark and how many laps to run per trial. Notable options include:

  • ADVANCE: The amount by which to multiply the number of subintervals for successive trial. This value must be greater than 1. Smaller values increase performance data sampling precision (see Interpreting output below) and may increase net QUIPS, but can make the benchmark take a very long time to complete. The default is 1.2589.
  • NCHUNK: This value appears to be used in a machine-specific parallel version of the original code which is untested. This value may be ignored as it does not appear to be used in the serial version. The default is 4.
  • NSAMP: The maximum number of performance data samples which may be stored. HI64 stores performance data for each trial in a fixed-size array, and lower values of ADVANCE result in more samples taken. Because memory is generally not an issue on modern systems, this value has been significantly increased from the value set in the original code. A value that is too low, such as 50, could cause HI64 to crash due to a buffer overflow as there may not be enough space to store all performance data. The default is 5000.
  • NTRIAL: The minimum number of laps per trial. Higher numbers reduce QUIPS variability in systems with frequent interrupts but increase the amount time needed to complete the benchmark. High interrupt rates are common in interactive systems, including most consumer computers, but specialized systems which receive little user input and have few background tasks are less subject to frequent interrupts. The default is 5.
  • PATIENCE: The number of times to rerun a particular trial if that trial took longer than the next trial. At the end of the main benchmark, HI64 checks the performance data and reruns any trials where the following trial took less time to complete, starting from the last trial and working backwards. If, after PATIENCE runs of a particular trial, it still takes longer than the following trial, it is treated as having taken as long as the following trial. Increasing the PATIENCE value may increase net QUIPS especially on systems with frequent interrupts but may also cause the benchmark to take longer to finish. The default is 10.
  • RUNTM: The minimum time to run each trial, in seconds. HI64 will use this value to determine how many laps to run in earlier trials so that there are enough laps to fill RUNTM seconds, but in any case no less than NTRIAL laps. Values that are too low may reduce the accuracy of the data collected during the early stages of the benchmark. The default is 0.5.
  • STOPRT: The ratio of current QUIPS to the peak QUIPS below which the benchmark will be stopped. Lowering this value will cause the benchmark to take much longer to complete as it will be less likely to detect that the system has run out of memory. The default is 0.15, or 15% of the maximum QUIPS attained during the benchmark.
  • STOPTM: The maximum permitted time, in seconds, for a trial. The benchmark is stopped when a trial exceeds this time. This value should be set high enough to provide for the increasing amount of time needed to complete each trial as main memory fills up, but not so high that it exceeds the amount of time spent per lap when paging to disk. The default is 60.

The remaining options may be ignored. The non-adjustable defines should not be changed as doing so may break the benchmark.

These options may be set at the compiler command line by adding a parameter such as -DNTRIAL=3, or as parameters to make, as in NTRIAL=3. Parameters which may be set this way include ADVANCE, NCHUNK, NTRIAL, PATIENCE, RUNTM, STOPRT, and STOPTM.


The first parameter is used to set a memory limit in megabytes. The benchmark will end when this memory limit is reached. If this value is zero, then no limit is set. If no parameters are given, or if this parameter is invalid, no limit will be set either.

The second parameter determines the name of the output directory, prefixed by data. For example, if the parameter is foo, it will attempt to write output to the directory called datafoo. The name of the output file used is the same as the name by which the executable was invoked. If there are fewer than two parameters, it will attempt to write to the directory named data. If the directory does not exist, the benchmark will not run. (This unusual output behavior was inherited from the original HINT code and will be changed in a future release to make the program easier to use.)

The program runs until the STOPRT or STOPTM thresholds are reached, or until the specified memory limit is reached. If no memory limit is specified, this generally means that the system will run out of memory and start swapping to disk heavily before the benchmark is finished.

Interpreting output

HI64 writes performance data collected during the benchmark to file at the end of the benchmark (see Usage above). Each row of the output file represents one trial, with the data sorted in descending order of time. Six columns of output are generated, as follows:

  1. The time for the fastest lap in the trial.
  2. The QUIPS for that trial.
  3. The quality of the result obtained for that trial.
  4. The number of subintervals used.
  5. The amount of memory used.
  6. The measured memory bandwidth, in MB/s.

These data may be used with applications such as Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice/LibreOffice Calc, or gnuplot to generate graphs which provide a visualization of the performance characteristics of a computer. Information about a computer's caches and memory size can be obtained through interpretation of these graphs. In addition, comparing output for runs involving different data types, such as double and int64_t, can provide insight about the system's integer and floating-point compute performance. For more information about how to read these graphs, see the article "Understanding HINT Graphs" at the HINT website. (HI64 is based on HINT and produces functionally equivalent output.)

HI64 also generates a value called net QUIPS, a representation of the overall performance of the system. This value is calculated based on the total times for the shortest lap in each trials and the total QUIPS and is printed to standard output at the end of the benchmark.

More information

More information about the benchmark can be obtained in the README file located in the "old-files" directory. This file was supplied with the original HINT distribution, so some parts may be out of date, but it still contains useful information.