BumbleDocGen / Technical description of the project / Class map / OnGetTemplatePathByRelativeDocPath
namespace BumbleDocGen\Core\Plugin\Event\Renderer;
final class OnGetTemplatePathByRelativeDocPath extends \Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event
The event occurs when the path to the template file is obtained relative to the path to the document
- getCustomTemplateFilePath
- getTemplateName
- isPropagationStopped - Is propagation stopped?
- setCustomTemplateFilePath
- stopPropagation - Stops the propagation of the event to further event listeners.
- # __construct | source code
public function __construct(string $templateName);
Name | Type | Description |
$templateName | string | - |
- # getCustomTemplateFilePath | source code
public function getCustomTemplateFilePath(): string|null;
Parameters: not specified
- # getTemplateName | source code
public function getTemplateName(): string;
Parameters: not specified
Return value: string
- # isPropagationStopped | source code
// Implemented in Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event
public function isPropagationStopped(): bool;
Is propagation stopped?
Parameters: not specified
Return value: bool
- # setCustomTemplateFilePath | source code
public function setCustomTemplateFilePath(string|null $customTemplateFilePath): void;
Name | Type | Description |
$customTemplateFilePath | string | null | - |
Return value: void
- # stopPropagation | source code
// Implemented in Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event
public function stopPropagation(): void;
Stops the propagation of the event to further event listeners.
Parameters: not specified
Return value: void