make/unmake window sticky
maximize current window
switch splitted windows
delete window
kill buffer
open scratch buffer for the current buffer mode
automaticly complete code snippet
doxygen comments to function
doxygen comments to file
comment/uncomment region
comment box
aligns text in aligned columns
adjust the indent offset and tab/space configuration to much the current buffer
switch on/off kernel coding style for linux kernel programming (makes tab indentations and 8 chars tab width)
launch zeal the offline api finder
start syntax checking of file
highlight lines with more than 80 characters
highlights current line
spotlight on current line
create html rpresentation of the buffer
highlight regexp
highlight line
highlight symbol at point
clear all highlighted symbols
highlight colors
window up/down
rotate windows
switch c/c++ header/source files
search all open buffers with files association
switch to buffer
switch to file
switch to symbol
browse c++ classes
omit files
hides selected files
jump to dired mode and put cursor on the current file
run less on file in terminal window (usefull to view large files)
change the name of buffer
change the name of frame
Allows switching between screens (desktops) use <meta>+z ? to view screen comands use <meta>+]/[ to navigate
navigate files
hide/show code block
hide/show all code block
hide/show all/single #ifdef statement in c
find file at point
Edit remote file at point (inside comint-mode buffer)
open app at point
find symbol from TAGS file
pop back after symbol find using meta + .
find file in project use:
- e for elisp files
- p for python files
- c for c/c++ file
select region by expanding it more and more with each key press
backward kill word
Text rectangles editing
Search kill ring
show kill ring
shows all occurs of the word in the current windows
search backward/forward
select drawing mode and settings using ido complete
edit/merge 2 columns
interactive replacement
aligns lines to the same column structure
insert date
swap line up or down
to save dir specific configuration
enable shift of words/lines/regions using meta+up/down/right/left
Expand region increases the selected region by semantic units
join lines (append current line to the line before it)
multiple cursor like in sublime
open line before/after
build debugging environment windows
edebug instrument function control+alt+x - clean instrumented function
you should use http://www.randyrants.com/sharpkeys utility to map caps lock to <ctrl> key on windows
zoom in/out
text increase/decrease
like meta+x but with ido completion
apply last keyboard macro to region
evaluate mathematical expression in selected region
prints the number of lines and characters in the region
change task state
deft mode for editing notes
add your public key to authorized_keys on the logged in machine should be run in shell buffer
run ssh and connect to host. Switch to ibuffer select several ssh’s then press <ctrl>+= to control them in clustered way
Upgrade some of the modules with the latest source version
start magit to view git repository
start git-mode to view git repository
add extra files suffixes to the cscope-indexer which is used by cscope
build ctags for current directory
creates .dir-locals.el and sets configuration recursively to all files and subdirectories
Write different config files through shell mode
C-x r t string-rectangle
C-s … then C-x
meta+x esup