Here, we look at how to use a Storage Connector after it has been created. Storage Connectors provide an important first step for integrating with external data sources. The 3 fundamental functionalities where storage connectors are used are:
- Reading data into Spark Dataframes
- Creating external feature groups
- Writing training data
We will walk through each functionality in the sections below.
We retrieve a storage connector simply by its unique name.
=== "PySpark"
python import hsfs # Connect to the Hopsworks feature store hsfs_connection = hsfs.connection() # Retrieve the metadata handle feature_store = hsfs_connection.get_feature_store() # Retrieve storage connector connector = feature_store.get_storage_connector('connector_name')
=== "Scala"
scala import com.logicalclocks.hsfs._ val connection = HopsworksConnection.builder().build(); val featureStore = connection.getFeatureStore(); // get directly via connector sub-type class e.g. for GCS type val connector = featureStore.getGcsConnector("connector_name")
One of the most common usages of a Storage Connector is to read data directly into a Spark Dataframe.
It's achieved via the read
API of the connector object, which hides all the complexity of authentication and integration
with a data storage source.
The read
API primarily has two parameters for specifying the data source, path
and query
, depending on the storage connector type.
The exact behaviour could change depending on the storage connector type, but broadly they could be classified as below
For data sources based on object/file storage such as AWS S3, ADLS, GCS, we set the full object path in the path
and users should pass a Spark data format (parquet, csv, orc, hudi, delta) to the data_format
=== "PySpark"
python # read data into dataframe using path df ='data_format', path='fileScheme://bucket/path/')
=== "Scala"
scala // read data into dataframe using path val df ="", "data_format", new HashMap(), "fileScheme://bucket/path/")
Additionally, for reading file based data sources, another way to read the data is using the prepare_spark
method. This method
can be used if you are reading the data directly through Spark.
Firstly, it handles the setup of all Spark configurations or properties necessary for a particular type of connector and
prepares the absolute path to read from, along with bucket name and the appropriate file scheme of the data source. A Spark session can handle only one configuration setup at a time, so HSFS cannot set the Spark configurations when retrieving the connector since it would lead to only always initialising the last connector being retrieved.
Instead, user can do this setup explicitly with the prepare_spark
method and therefore potentially
use multiple connectors in one Spark session. prepare_spark
handles only one bucket associated with that particular connector, however, it is possible to set up multiple connectors with different types as long as their Spark properties do not interfere with each other.
So, for example a S3 connector and a Snowflake connector can be used in the same session, without calling prepare_spark
multiple times, as the properties don’t interfere with each other.
If the storage connector is used in another API call, prepare_spark
gets implicitly invoked, for example,
when a user materialises a training dataset using a storage connector or uses the storage connector to set up an External Feature Group.
So users do not need to call prepare_spark
every time they do an operation with a connector, it is only necessary when reading directly using Spark . Using prepare_spark
is also
not necessary when using the read
For example, to read directly from a S3 connector, we use the prepare_spark
as follows
=== "PySpark"
python connector.prepare_spark()"json").load("s3a://[bucket]/path") # or"json").load(connector.prepare_spark("s3a://[bucket]/path"))
For data sources accessed via SQL such as data warehouses and JDBC compliant databases, e.g. Redshift, Snowflake, BigQuery, JDBC, users pass the SQL query to read the data to the query
argument. In most cases, this will be some form of a SELECT
query. Depending on the connector type, users can also just set the table path and read the whole table without explicitly
passing any SQL query to the query
argument. This is mostly relevant for Google BigQuery.
=== "PySpark"
python # read results from a SQL df ="SELECT * FROM TABLE") # or directly read a table if set on connector df =
=== "Scala"
scala // read results from a SQL val df ="SELECT * FROM TABLE", "" , new HashMap(),"")
For reading data streams, the Kafka Storage Connector supports reading a Kafka topic into Spark Structured Streaming Dataframes instead of a static Dataframe as in other connector types.
=== "PySpark"
df = connector.read_stream(topic='kafka_topic_name')
Another important aspect of a storage connector is its ability to facilitate creation of external feature groups with
the Connector API. External feature groups are basically offline feature groups
and essentially stored as tables on external data sources.
The Connector API
relies on storage connectors behind the scenes to integrate with external datasource.
This enables seamless integration with any data source as long as there is a storage connector defined.
To create an external feature group, we use the create_external_feature_group
API, also known as Connector API
and simply pass the storage connector created before to the storage_connector
Depending on the external data source, we should set either the query
argument for data warehouse based data sources, or
the path
and data_format
arguments for data lake based sources, similar to reading into dataframes as explained in above section.
Example for any data warehouse/SQL based external sources, we set the desired SQL to query
argument, and set the storage_connector
argument to the storage connector object of desired data source.
=== "PySpark"
python fg = feature_store.create_external_feature_group(name="sales", version=1 description="Physical shop sales features", query="SELECT * FROM TABLE", storage_connector=connector, primary_key=['ss_store_sk'], event_time='sale_date' )
Connector API
(external feature groups) only stores the metadata about the features within Hopsworks,
while the actual data is still stored externally. This enables users to create feature groups within Hopsworks without the hassle of data migration.
For more information on Connector API
, read detailed guide about external feature groups.
Storage connectors are also used while writing training data to external sources. While calling the
Feature View API create_training_data
, we can pass the storage_connector
argument which is necessary to materialise
the data to external sources, as shown below.
=== "PySpark"
python # materialise a training dataset version, job = feature_view.create_training_data( description = 'describe training data', data_format = 'spark_data_format', # e.g. data_format = "parquet" or data_format = "csv" write_options = {"wait_for_job": False}, storage_connector = connector )
Read more about training data creation here.
We have gone through the basic use cases of a storage connector. For more details about the API functionality for any specific connector type, checkout the API section.