Clone this repo and place it adjacent to your adams installation directory(s). For example:
| 📂acar
| 📂adamssdk
| ...
| 📂win64
└──📂aview_mods_gen <--- **Place repo here**
| 📜aviewBS.cmd
| ...
| 📜menu.mnu
Replace the aview.pth file in your aview ($top_dir/aview/) directory with aview.pth from this repo.
Delete the aviewAS.cmd file in your aview ($top_dir/aview/) directory.
Create custom elements (macros, dialog boxes, menus, etc.) and add to your local aview_mods_gen directory.
Update the aviewBS.cmd script to load your customizations. This aviewBS.cmd script will run Before Startup (BS) of every Adams View session.
Note: Other aviewBS.cmd scripts which may normally run during startup (e.g. $HOME/aviewBS.cmd) will not run unless you explicitly run them from this new aviewBS.cmd script.
Set a ADAMS_LAUNCH_COMMAND environment variable equal to the path to your mdi.bat script (e.g. C:\Program Files\Adams\2021_1_801488\common\mdi.bat).
Run add_windows_context_menus.bat as an administrator.
Note: This will modify the windows registry. You may want to backup your current registry values.