- Bug fixes, docs updates, etc.: affect patch number
- New features: affect minor number
- API endpoint changes or (major) dependency version updates: affect major number
- Fixes #3541 - Adds detection for firefox iOS mobile reporter Pull #3548
- NPM update - Upgrade husky from 4.3.8 to 5.1.2. Pull #3543
- NPM update - Upgrade svgo from 1.3.2 to 2.1.0. Pull #3542
- Fixes #3528 - Fix CSS for description textarea Pull #3535
- Fixes #3528 - Fix CSS for description textarea Pull #3534
- Fixes #3532 - Move to python 3.9.1 Pull #3533
- Fixes #3529 - Fixes broken badges in README Pull #3530
- Fixes #3526 - Make get_description regex less greedy Pull #3527
- Fixes #3528 - Fix CSS for description textarea Pull #3535
- Fixes #3532 - Move to python 3.9.1 Pull #3533
- Fixes #3526 - Make get_description regex less greedy Pull #3527
- Fixes #3522 - Fix outreach comment for auth reports Pull #3525
- Fixes #3520 - Bring back min characters rule for description field Pull #3521
- Fixes #3207 - Adds Terms of Service message to user upload Pull #3519
- Fixes #3447 - Replaces custom link parsing with requests one Pull #3517
- Fixes #3456 - Add aria-labelled-by attributes to wizard step icons Pull #3516
- Fixes #3161 - Adds action keyword for labels regex Pull #3515
- NPM update - Upgrade eslint-config-prettier from 6.15.0 to 7.1.0. Pull #3513
- NPM update - Upgrade prettier from 2.1.2 to 2.2.1. Pull #3511
- Fixes #3506 - Removes useless print statement Pull #3507
- Fixes #3494 - Update Mike with generic email Pull #3504
- Fixes #3502 - Adds .flaskenv to deploy.ignore Pull #3503
- NPM update - Upgrade css-loader from 4.3.0 to 5.0.1. Pull #3501
- Fixes #3374 - Adds a link to the github issue that will point to the outreach generator Pull #3500
- NPM update - Upgrade css-loader from 4.3.0 to 5.0.0. Pull #3499
- NPM update - Upgrade postcss-url from 8.0.0 to 9.0.0. Pull #3498
- NPM update - Upgrade webpack-cli from 3.3.12 to 4.1.0. Pull #3497
- NPM update - Upgrade mini-css-extract-plugin from 0.11.3 to 1.2.1. Pull #3496
- Fixes #2859 - Remove addon link for mobile Firefox users Pull #3495
- Fixes #3491 - Remove unused yargs dependency Pull #3492
- NPM update - Upgrade yargs from 15.4.1 to 16.0.3. Pull #3488
- NPM update - Upgrade prettier from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2. Pull #3489
- Fixes #3483 - Update some references to Mike Taylor Pull #3486
- Fixes #3430 - Improve sliding animations on slow mobile phones Pull #3484
- NPM update - Upgrade terser-webpack-plugin from 3.1.0 to 4.1.0. Pull #3473
- Fixes #3326 - Adds a static issue generator Pull #3406
- NPM update - Upgrade prettier from 2.0.5 to 2.1.1. Pull #3475
- NPM update - Upgrade mini-css-extract-plugin from 0.9.0 to 0.11.0. Pull #3474
- Fixes #3467 - Comment the reason why an issue was accepted but closed Pull #3472
- Fixes #3419 - Make image upload keyboard navigable Pull #3470
- Fixes #3456 - Add empty alt='' to form icons Pull #3469
- Fixes #3454 - Improve contrast for --link-color Pull #3468
- Fixes #3396 - Add ability to navigate and select categories via keyboard Pull #3462
- Fixes #3429 - Skip step 1 if a report is made through "Report site issue". Pull #3466
- Fixes #3464 - Only reject an issue for action==closed Pull #3465
- Fixes #3458 - remove optional GitHub username field Pull #3461
- Fixes #2964 - Add focus for url and "Briefly describe the issue" fields Pull #3459
- Fixes #3417 - Add ability to navigate modal via left & right keys Pull #3453
- Fixes #3445 - Add 2 more moderation milestones Pull #3452
- Fixes #3450 - Remove is--visible class check, instead block on element being visible Pull #3451
- Fixes #3448 - removes
git add
in lint-staged Pull #3449 - Fixes #3391 - Add ability to close modals with Esc key Pull #3446
- Fixes #3422 - Improve color contrast for disabled buttons Pull #3444
- Fixes #3421 - Use a non-hidden for the url input Pull #3443
- Fixes #3440 - Actually add browser-android-components to EXTRA_LABELS Pull #3442
- Fixes #3440 - Add browser-android-components to EXTRA_LABELS Pull #3441
- Fixes #3437 - updates CircleCI to python 3.8.5 Pull #3438
- NPM update - Upgrade css-loader from 3.6.0 to 4.2.0. Pull #3434
- NPM update - Upgrade yargs from 15.3.1 to 15.4.1. Pull #3433
- Fixes #3291 - Make issue moderation slightly more efficient #3379 Pull #3415
- Fixes #3427 - Remove min char requirement from description field Pull #3428
- Fixes #3425 - Adds a pytest.ini Pull #3426
- Fixes #3395 - Change copy after filing an issue with "Report site issue" reporter Pull #3424
- Fixes #3392 - Refactor css after original form removal Pull #3416
- Fixes #3318 - Remove AB testing initialization Pull #3414
- Fixes #3412 - Udate python dependencies Pull #3413
- Fixes #3401 - Don't modify the file_path inside bust_cache Pull #3407
- Fixes #3401 - Unbreak bust_cache Pull #3402
- Fixes #3386 - Separate input validation animation from other checkmarks Pull #3400
- Fixes #3398 - Add analytics event and vurtual page view tracking Pull #3399
- Fixes #3391 - Remove js files for the old form and adjust eslint config Pull #3394
- Fixes #3378 - IE 11 fixes Pull #3390
- Fixes #3388 - message requesting multiple browser selection Pull #3389
- Fixes #3380 - Makes Wizard Form the default (python) Pull #3384
- Fixes #3382 - fixes the failing route. Pull #3383
- Fixes #3350 - fixed overflow modal Pull #3377
- Fixes #3360 - creates controled values list for reported_with Pull #3371
- NPM update - Upgrade ejs-loader from 0.3.7 to 0.5.0. Pull #3370
- Fixes #3368 - adds .coverage to .gitignore Pull #3369
- Fixes #3362 - Remove grunt tasks and clean up package.json Pull #3367
- Fixes #3364 - Updated README.md Pull #3365
- Fixes #3316 - fixed misaligned check-marks Pull #3363
- Fixes #3349 - Updates documentation for webpack and JS unit tests Pull #3358
- Fixes #3351 - Moves the analytics comment Pull #3357
- Fixes #3354 - Handles FileNotFoundError for assets Pull #3355
- Fixes #3352 - correct script location for es5 version of flashed-messages.js Pull #3353
- Fixes #3229 - Form v2 refactor and webpack bundling Pull #3346
- Fixes #3336 - Replace is with == for checking string value Pull #3343
- NPM update - Upgrade eslint from 6.8.0 to 7.1.0. Pull #3327
- Fixes #3319 - Removes the form building from home-page Pull #3325
- Fixes #3315 - Removes type-hunt-from-home from EXTRA_LABELS Pull #3324
- Fixes #3321 - Converts to pytest and improves coverage Pull #3322
- Fixes #2086 - Creates an alumni contributor list Pull #2853
- Fixes #3310 - improves tests documentation Pull #3312
- Fixes #3295 - Fetch and render existing issue comments as HTML Pull #3308
- Fixes #2980 - Adding correct border for Invalid form Pull #3306
- Fixes #3297 - Adjust changelog for dependabot Pull #3301
- NPM update - Bump grunt from 1.0.4 to 1.1.0 Pull #3296
- Fixes #3281 - Convert issue page to be server rendered (part 1) Pull #3294
- NPM update - Update intern to the latest version. Pull #3293
- NPM update - Update prettier to the latest version. Pull #3292
- Fixes #3289 - Add support for nested ul in browser details Pull #3290
- NPM update - Update intern to the latest version. Pull #3288
- Fixes #3282 - Update Privacy policy to mention GPU data collection Pull #3286
- Fixes #2198 - Pass in targetOrigin from intern config for tests Pull #3280
- Fixes #3277 - Add a type-hunt-from-home label to EXTRA_LABELS Pull #3278
- NPM update - Update intern to the latest version. Pull #3276
- NPM update - Update prettier to the latest version. Pull #3274
- NPM update - Update intern to the latest version. Pull #3271
- NPM update - Update grunt-contrib-imagemin to the latest version. Pull #3270
- Fixes #3250 - Makes form wizard the default Pull #3252
- Fixes #3248 - pin grunt to 1.0.4 Pull #3248
- NPM update - Update yargs to the latest version. Pull #3242
- Fixes #3239 - Remove IRC info, replace it with Matrix info Pull #3240
- Fixes #3235 - pin yargs to 15.2.0 Pull #3237
- Fixes #3199 - Changed blacklisted by blocked Pull #3228
- NPM update - Update lint-staged to the latest version. Pull #3227
- Fixes #3226 - Update Code of Conduct contact points. Pull #3225
- Fixes #3196 - Add functional tests for the new form UI Pull #3221
- Fixes #2807 - Upgrade lodash to 4.17.5 Pull #3220
- Fixes #3211 - Use _bp naming convention consistently Pull #3219
- Fixes #3208 - Use more Pythonic get default value Pull #3218
- Fixes #3208 - Moves to boolean flag for anonymous reporting Pull #3217
- Fixes #3201 - adds public uri to the private issue Pull #3215
- Fixes #3210 - Add missing space Pull #3213
- Fixes #3206 - Switch from Nosetests to pytest Pull #3209
- Fixes #2981 - Fixes "Learn more about web compatibility" and "Learn more" popups Pull #3198
- Fixes #3174 - Adds link to matrix Pull #3194
- Fixes #3187 - Update Python dependencies Pull #3191
- NPM update - Update stylelint-config-standard to the latest version. Pull #3193
- NPM update - Update stylelint to the latest version. Pull #3192
- Fixes #3183 - Fixes the anonymous reporting through env Pull #3185
- Fixes #3178 - Adds public_url for action: closed Pull #3182
- Fixes #2830 - Create local list of labels with a cron script Pull #3171
- Fixes #3165 - Create Terms of Service page Pull #3168
- Fixes #3140 - Publish private issue in public after moderation Pull #3167
- Fixes #3163 - Scopes the URL of the repo before making actions on opened issues. Pull #3164
- Fixes #3145 - Adds an action-needsmoderation label to anonymous issue Pull #3159
- Fixes #3150 - Send the "moderation in process" message to the public issue Pull #3156
- Fixes #3136 - Adds inline images but inside details/summary markup Pull #3154
- Fixes #3146 - Assigns unmoderated milestone to private repo issues Pull #3153
- Fixes #3139 - Implement first stages of private reporting flow Pull #3147
- NPM update - Update husky to the latest version. Pull #3135
- Fixes #3132 - Control anonymous reporting via config option Pull #3133
- Fixes #3122 - Removes code related to images thumbnail Pull #3131
- Fixes #3123 - Prevent .onion URLs from being reported Pull #3128
- Fixes #3121 - Remove inline screenshot images Pull #3127
- Fixes #3121 - Disable anonymous reporting Pull #3126
- Fixes #3118 - Display maintenance page for /issues/new route" Pull #3125
- NPM update - Update stylelint-order to the latest version. Pull #3116
- Fixes #3118 - Display maintenance page for /issues/new route Pull #3119
- Fixes #3110 - Change step10 button text depending on state Pull #3111
- Fixes #2659 - Make console logs in browser configuration details easier to read Pull #3103
- Fixes #3004 - Description step has no intro copy Pull #3108
- Fixes #3096 - Wrong button label for screenshot step Pull #3107
- Fixes #2945 - Update Intern to 4.7.0 Pull #3105
- Fixes #2952 - Fixes husky pre-commit deprecation Pull #3102
- Fixes #3100 - Send GA events for issue-wizard clicks/input changes Pull #3101
- Fixes #3098 - Built with Grunt SVG badge (URL) is broken Pull #3099
- Fixes #3092 - Add bugform-prefill.js to grunt-tasks concat Pull #3093
- NPM update - Update yargs to the latest version. Pull #3091
- Fixes #3025 - expose tested browsers in issue body Pull #3089
- NPM update - Update stylelint to the latest version. Pull #3088
- Fixes #3070 - Add additional logging of experiment branch and IP Pull #3086
- NPM update - Update prettier to the latest version. Pull #3083
- Fixes #3052 - Adjust positioning and padding related to validation badges Pull #3080
- Fixes #2985 - Add postMessage support for report site issue data Pull #3012
- Fixes #3041 - Use Operating System instead of Device Pull #3081
- Fixes #3070 - Rewrite is_valid_issue_form Pull #3079
- Fixes #3076 - Remove maxlength for textarea Pull #3078
- Fixes #3071 - Change page title based on form Pull #3074
- Fixes #3049 - Clear the image preview when hitting an error Pull #3067
- Fixes #3050 - Disable submits on form submit Pull #3065
- Fixes #3063 - Move search bar handling into shared navbar.js Pull #3064
- Fixes #3061 - Moves the template at the right place Pull #3062
- Fixes #3034 - Make Report Bug on homepage a hyperlink Pull #3059
- Fixes #3033 - Include bugform regardless of env (oops) Pull #3036
- Fixes #3033 - Include bugform.js on homepage for form-v2 experiment Pull #3035
- Fixes #3031 - Update privacy policy around experiments Pull #3032
- Fixes #3024 - Move dropdownHandler into shared navbar.js Pull #3027
- Fixes #3022 - Define variation defaults if env vars are missing Pull #3023
- Fixes #3005 - Don't disable button when deleting a screenshots Pull #3019
- Fixes #3005 - Screenshot submit button shouldn't be disabled by default Pull #3017
This updates contains updates for an A/B experiment which is not yet activated. It should continue to work as-is.
- Bump pillow from 6.1.0 to 6.2.0 in /config Pull #3013
- Fixes #2983 - Upload a different image keeps the original image unless a new one is chosen Pull #3011
- Fixes #2974 - Browser selection to say Yes/No as on current bug form Pull #3010
- Fixes #2976 - Prevent user from leaving blank Browser and Device fields Pull #2993
- Fixes #2975 - Briefly describe the issue" fix & validation Pull #2991
- Fixes #2989 - Create static bundle for form-v2 experiment. Pull #2990
- Fixes #2741 - Changes text "Reproduce a Bug" to text "Triage a Bug" Pull #2987
- Fixes #2938 - Implement mobile redesign on bug form Pull #2984
- Fixes #2955 - Move the no-top-padding class to the codebase of the ex… Pull #2960
- Fixes #2958 - Fix
to populate cookies on first request Pull #2959 - Fixes #2940 - Add a label to v2 form issues Pull #2957
- Fixes #2944 - 2947 - Read experiment variation values from envvars Pull #2951
- Fixes #2912 - Implement login functionality Pull #2942
- Fixes #2934 - Fix stylelint-order version Pull #2936
- Fixes #2904 - chore(package): update husky to version 3.0.5 Pull #2935
- NPM update - Update stylelint-config-standard to the latest version. Pull #2930
- NPM update - Update stylelint to the latest version. Pull #2929
- Fixes #2927 - Adds context and refines documentation for the new webcompat Pull #2928
- Fixes #2922 - 2921 - Initial redesigned bug form integration Pull #2923
This is a major upgrade of our server. We are now running the project under Python 3 (Python 3.7.3). We are definitely saying goodbye to python 2.7. For coding and/or using the project you will need to set your environment with Python 3. We recommend you to start fresh by erasing your previous directory and cloning again the project. If you have ongoing work, make a patch before deleting, so you can reimport it later or you may push the branch to your own fork.
- Fixes #2348 - Converts the source code to python 3 Pull #2825
- Fixes #2905 - Adjust documentation and command for python 3.7 Pull #2908
- Fixes #2899 - update eslint to version 6.1.0 Pull #2907
- Fixes #2903 - update lint-staged to version 9.2.1 Pull #2906
- NPM update - Update eslint-config-prettier to the latest version. Pull #2901
- NPM update - Update yargs to the latest version. Pull #2909
- Fixes #2268 - moved navbar handler Pull #2896
- NPM update - Update eslint-config-prettier to the latest version. Pull #2894
- NPM update - Update prettier to the latest version. Pull #2891
- NPM update - Update intern to the latest version. Pull #2890
- Fixes #2725 - Bugform validation improvements Pull #2886
- Fixes #2509 - Fixed race condition when image didn't get transferred from report site issue extension Pull #2885
- Fixes #2844 - Adds type-marfeel to EXTRA_LABELS Pull #2884
- Fixes #2881 - Removes the needstriage dashboard code Pull #2883
- NPM update - Update load-grunt-tasks to the latest version. Pull #2882
- Fixes #2871 - removed release population "thanks" workaround Pull #2876
- Fixes #2866 - added CORS header for localhost Pull #2875
- Fixes #2845 - Adds type-mobify to EXTRA_LABELS Pull #2870
- NPM update - Update prettier to the latest version. Pull #2868
- Fixes #2846 - Adds friendlier title for the homepage Pull #2864
- Fixes #2817 - Adds Ciprian to the contributors list Pull #2863
- Fixes #2854 - Drops the github contact name after auth Pull #2862
- Fixes #2754 - updates postcss to version 7.0.13 Pull #2860
- Fixes #2856 - Add 'engine-gecko' label for Mozilla browsers Pull #2858
- NPM update - Update husky to the latest version. Pull #2852
- NPM update - Update stylelint-order to the latest version. Pull #2847
- NPM update - Update stylelint to the latest version. Pull #2842
- Fixes #2754 - updates postcss to version 7.0.13 Pull #2860
- Fixes #2856 - Add 'engine-gecko' label for Mozilla browsers Pull #2858
- NPM update - Update husky to the latest version. Pull #2852
- NPM update - Update stylelint-order to the latest version. Pull #2847
- NPM update - Update stylelint to the latest version. Pull #2842
- Fixes #2728 - Ignores browser label when extra labels already provides it Pull #2850
- Fixes #2839 - Changes checksum algorithm for fixtures. Updates fixtures. Pull #2843
- NPM update - Update prettier to the latest version. Pull #2841
- Fixes #2837 - Lowercase the format before checking if it's valid Pull #2838
- Fixes #2762 - Removes the autolinking on adding contact Pull #2833
- Fixes #2080 - Aligns navigation menu in issues list Pull #2835
- Fixes #1838 - Separates the python dependencies into prod and dev Pull #2834
- Fixes #2828 - Changes from pep8 to pycodestyle Pull #2829
- NPM update - Update postcss-browser-reporter to the latest version. Pull #2832
- Fixes #2759 - Adds more files to ignore on deploy Pull #2827
- Fixes #1968 - Updates python modules Pull #2826
- Fixes #2823 - Adds type-fastclick to the list of valid extra labels Pull #2824
- Fixes #2750 - Improves text rendering Pull #2821
- NPM update - Update eslint-config-prettier to the latest version. Pull #2814
- NPM update - Update yargs to the latest version. Pull #2798
- Fixes #2819 - Add browser-fenix to EXTRA_LABELS Pull #2820
- Fixes #2811 - Fixes mime type for some endpoints Pull #2812
- Fixes #2746 - Renders title with HTML code correctly Pull #2805
- Fixes #2771 - Removes unnecessary favicons Pull #2804
- Fixes #2793 - Comments are sent as markdown to Github Pull #2800
- Fixes #2802 - Requests for a body instead of a body_html Pull #2803
- Fixes #2767 - Cut description at 75th char Pull #2801
- Fixes #2690 - Adds block about privacy implications of reporting issues Pull #2795
- Fixes #2724 - display error messages on a line Pull #2794
- Fixes #2778 - Implements HTTP/2 Push through Flask Pull #2792
- Fixes #2778 - Adds doc for push_preload to staging Pull #2790
- Fixes #2788 - Make GitHub username regex case-insensitive Pull #2789
- Fixes #2782 - Edit dev-env-setup.md around GH client ID/secret + typos Pull #2786
- Fixes #2747 - Updates Staging to use http2 Pull #2779
- Fixes #2751 - Add gzip settings to Staging Pull #2777
- Fixes #2768 - Renames highlight class so it doesn't interact with the Github class Pull #2775
- Fixes #2774 - Fixes code blocks with language identifiers Pull #2776
- Fixes #2764 - Updates intern dep. to a version that's not broken Pull #2773
- Fixes #2764 - Prints firefox version used by CircleCI Pull #2766
- Fixes #2753 - only show GitHub username field if not logged in Pull #2765
- Fixes #2757 - Adds missing lib to issues on concat.js Pull #2760
- Fixes #2757 - Add markdown-it to issues on production Pull #2758
- Fixes #2748 - Pull GA params from POST data and send them inline Pull #2749
- Fixes #2727 - Removes unecessary use of markdown-it Pull #2731
- Fixes #2729 - Remove labels request when they're unnused Pull #2745
- Fixes #1822 - Adds GitHub contact form for anonymous reporting Pull #2744
- Fixes #2732 - Makes the right number of needstriage requests on webcompat webpage Pull #2737
- Fixes #2733 - Redirect Release Report Site Issue users to a landing page Pull #2734
- NPM update - Update prettier to the latest version. Pull #2720
- Fixes #2681 - Fixes lists and nested lists display in webcompat.com Pull #2715
- NPM update - Update stylelint-order to the latest version. Pull #2714
- NPM update - Update prettier to the latest version. Pull #2711
- Fixes #1856 - Better error messaging for unset milestones Pull #2702
- Fixes #2704 - pin prettier to 1.14.3 Pull #2705
- Fixes #2662 - URL with a space in the domain name should not be accepted Pull #2701
- Fixes #2698 - Upgrade lint-staged to v8 Pull #2700
- NPM update - Revert "Update lint-staged to the latest version ". Pull #2697
- Fixes #2688 - Only anonymous users should go through the blacklist domain check Pull #2696
- Fixes #2693 - 2694 - Add lock and no-response github apps Pull #2695
- Fixes #2689 - Update minimum node version to 10.13.0 Pull #2691
- Fixes #2686 - Upgrade requests Pull #2687
- NPM update - Update lint-staged to the latest version. Pull #2685
- Fixes #2682 - Removes unused markdown-it in issue-list.js Pull #2683
- Fixes #2571 - Adds a dashboard route with the list of current dashboards Pull #2675
- Fixes #2650 - Modified domain received by
Pull #2667
- Fixes #2686 - Upgrade requests Pull #2687
- Fixes #2682 - Removes unused markdown-it in issue-list.js Pull #2683
- Fixes #2571 - Adds a dashboard route with the list of current dashboards Pull #2675
- Fixes #2650 - Modified domain received by
Pull #2667
- Quick test fix - Added Greenkeeper and it failed Pull #2677
- Fixes #2670 - Makes sure we are passing a JSON object for processing details. Fixes also v14.3.0 release which was breaking because of #2653. Pull #2674
- Fixes #2668 - Add a flag to specify address to listen on Pull #2669
- Fixes #2663 - Reduce number of untriaged bugs on homepage Pull #2664
- Fixes #2416 - Added contributors Abdul and Reinhart Pull #2661
- Fixes #2653 - Encode details as JSON before filling input Pull #2658
- Fixes #2592 - Fetches a new milestone.json if needed Pull #2657
- Fixes #2651 - Update docs around secrets and environment Pull #2652
- Fixes #2612 - Moved text messages for certain routes to config Pull #2649
- Fixes #2320 - Adds wc-Comment-content-nsfw to new CSS Pull #2648
- Fixes #2576 - fix margin top on small screen Pull #2643
- Fixes #2630 - Tweak description and textarea labels Pull #2642
- Fixes #2639 - Use env vars for prod and staging configuration Pull #2640
- Fixes #2639 - Use env vars for prod and staging configuration Pull #2640
- Fixes #2443 - improved readability on field elements Pull #2625
- Fixes #2622 - break word to avoid overflow with long string Pull #2623
- Fixes #2331 - Remove PurifyCSS. Pull #2621
- Fixes #2078 - increase the general width Pull #2617
- Fixes #2100 - removing button is now a cross on top right Pull #2616
- Fixes #2597 - improve label editor position Pull #2615
- Fixes #2610 - Focus search input when clickon on button. Pull #2614
- Fixes #1297 - Upgrade Markdown-it Emoji to v1.4.0 Pull #2613
- Fixes #2381 - Adds security.txt to /.well-known/ Pull #2611
- Fixes #2576 - fixed white gap visible in homepage Pull #2609
- Fixes #2604 - Fixed the broken link in
Pull #2605 - Fixes #2602 - Adds a list of milestones Pull #2603
- Fixes #2595 - Clarifies commit message format Pull #2600
- Fixes #2563 - Fixes status change instructions Pull #2598
- Fixes #2585 - Adds tmp/ to deploy.ignore Pull #2594
- Fixes #2587 - Adds subpath parameter to the wellknown function Pull #2593
- Fixes #2590 - Fixes the link in docs/tests.md Pull #2591
- Fixes #2468 - Removes backticks from from PR template Pull #2589
- Fixes #2380 - Removes waffle.io from README.md Pull #2588
- Fixes #2559 - Adds Kate to contributors Pull #2583
- Fixes #2024 - Adds the ability to receive POST data with a JSON Payload Pull #2582
- Fixes #2580 - Adds the missing webhooks route to the app Pull #2581
- Fixes #1835 - Handles unused well-known routes with a 404 Pull #2578
- Fixes #1955 - Adds missing tests to webhooks Pull #2577
- Fixes #2051 - Remove type-stylo from EXTRA_LABELS allow-list Pull #2573
- Fixes #2547 - Fix typo in addons link of template for opera Pull #2570
- Fixes #2341 - Improves the layout for list and cards Pull #2569
- Fixes #2567 - Starts the server for functional tests after nosetests. Pull #2568
- Fixes #1942 - Modifies the Image saving parameters for better quality Pull #2566
- Fixes #1336 - Add target=_blank to reported URL (only) Pull #2548
- Fixes #2507 - Display needsinfo requests in user activity page Pull #2544
- Fixes #2564 - Change to lax value for samesite cookies. Issue #2564
- Fixes #2567 - Starts the server for functional tests after nosetests. Pull #2568
- Fixes #1942 - Modifies the Image saving parameters for better quality Pull #2566
- Fixes #2560 - Add browser-firefox-reality to EXTRA_LABELS Pull #2562
- Fixes #2550 - Adds samesite attribute to session cookie Pull #2551
- Issue #2557 - Remove form-action until we better understand issue #2557. Pull #2558
- Fixes #2555 - Add type-google to the EXTRA_LABELS list Pull #2556
- Fixes #2552 - Adds additional csp directives Pull #2553
- Fixes #2537 - Add browser-focus-geckoview to EXTRA_LABELS Pull #2542
- Fixes #2538 - Apply HTML change to milestones Pull #2539
- Fixes #2535 - Use latest Firefox on Travis Pull #2536
- Fixes #2511 - Triage dashboard 'needsinfo' label category doesn't include 'needsinfo-xxx' labels Pull #2533
- Fixes #2479 - Refactors the form to be more testable Pull #2528
- Fixes #2505 - Custom checkbox & flexbox order to move checked labels up Pull #2521
- Fixes #2519 - Changes the logic for initializing milestones Pull #2530
- Fixes #2497 - Normalizes path for windows developers. Pull #2529
- Fixes #2526 - fixed filteringSort function Pull #2527
- Fixes #2517 - Fixes typo in SVG markup Pull #2523
- Fixes #2515 - Make tmp path if it doesn't already exist. Pull #2516
- Fixes #2506 - Extract autogrow feature from bugform and apply to comment Pull #2513
- Fixes #2375 - Wait a little longer before doing some things on Travis. Pull #2504
- Fixes #2267 - Document how to get the server working on Windows 10 Pull #2503
- Fixes #2501 - Make temporary logfile location platform independent. Pull #2502
- Fixes #2498 - Updated documentation for Windows users Pull #2500
- Fixes #2498 - Edited "Installing Project source code" for Windows Pull #2499
- Fixes #2453 - Changes regex to fix progressive label filtering Pull #2496
- Fixes #2493 - Update some npm deps. Pull #2495
- Fixes #2375 - Investigate intermittent Travis failures. Pull #2492
- Fixes #2490 - inversed name of buttons Pull #2491
- Fixes #2487 - webcompat site: tweak/remove aria-label in footer links, make search form in top nav only focusable when visible Pull #2489
- Fixes #2484 - Fix typo in footer SVG markup Pull #2486
- Fixes #2465 - Upgrades Flask to 1.0.2 Pull #2485
- Fixes #2483 - Markup fixes (SVG alternatives, invalid code, unnecessary
, account dropdown trigger) Pull #2484 - Fixes #2474 - Properly send along the submit_type to the server. Pull #2477
- Fixes #2409 - Don't pre-fill forms for "self reports" (webcompat.com) Pull #2439
- No issue. Add env/ to files to be ignored during deploy.
- Fixes #2475 - Fixes the lack of python 2.7 dependency in npm run setup Pull #2476
- Fixes #2464 - Allow notification-bar to expand in height, if necessary Pull #2469
- Fixes #2466 - Fix broken links to contribution guidelines Pull #2467
- Fixes #2445 - Re-enables logging capabilities and initialization message Pull #2462
- Fixes #2460 - Add pull request template Pull #2461
- Fixes #2459 - Add .prettierrc Pull #2458
- Fixes #2441 - max-width of images in issue comments to 100% Pull #2448
- Fixes #2437 - Upgrades python ua-parser version to 0.8 Pull #2444
- Fixes #2422 - Add autogrow to bugform steps to reproduce field Pull #2442
- Fixes #2421 - Consolidate usage of js-loader Pull #2438
- Fixes #2434 - Add
to EXTRA_LABELS Pull #2436 - Fixes #2431 - Adds changelog title normalization. Pull #2433
- Fixes #2430 - Make {LINE,LOG}_TEMPLATE unicode literals. Pull #2432
- Fixes #2288 - Refactor how we do form submission Pull #2419
- Fixes #2420 - Adds tolerance on milestones initialization Pull #2426
- Fixes #2424 - Forbids unauthorized and unauthenticated access on /file Pull #2425
- Fixes #2346 - Update eslint and prettier packages. Format JS files Pull #2423
- Fixes #2390. Update privacy policy to include GA data retention settings. Pull #2418
- Fixes #2404. Cleanup bind usage in bugform.js Pull #2415
- Fixes #2411 - Adds Failsafe check for differences in between config and milestones Pull #2412
- Fixes #2408 - Allow additional safe HTML tags in sanitized markdown Pull #2410
- Fixes #2406. Fix KeyError when building details template. Pull #2407
- Fixes #2404 - Prevent upscaling of images in issue comments Pull #2405
- Fixes #2298 - Remove code dealing with non existant element wc-Form-helpInline Pull #2403
- Fixes #2307 - Specific line-height for text-field Pull #2402
- Issue #2399 - Add focus styles to upload area Pull #2400
- Fixes #1794 - Prevent submit by enter in bugform Pull #2398
- Fixes #2396 - Move ga.js to dist folder Pull #2397
- Fixes #2042: Send details params content via a hidden input. Pull #2395
- Fixes #1834 - Move all generated JS files to js/dist Pull #2394
- Fixes #2388 - Simplify border definition on active sub nav item Pull #2392
- Fixes #2342 - Consolidate submit event handler for issue list search form Pull #2389
- Fixes #2337: Refactor contributor routes for simpler nav/sub-nav templates. Pull #2387
- Fixes #2375. Add some diagnostic logging for checkServer Pull #2385
- Fixes #2352. Add TravisBuddy integration Pull #2386
- Fixes #2383. Use a staging-specific log file. Pull #2384
- Fixes #2378 - add regaddi to contributors Pull #2379
- Issue #2376 - add Swarnava Pull #2377
- Fixes #2367 - Removed explicit hero button width Pull #2373
- Fixes #2368 - Add defined color to pagination buttons Pull #2371
- Fixes #2369 - Fixes the Issue URL in changelog tool Pull #2370
- Fixes #2360 - Add blockquote styles Pull #2366
- Fixes #2225 - Add stylelint-order. Fix ordering in CSS src files Pull #2365
- Issue #2303. Add some styling to login + keyboard hints. Pull #2363
- Issue #2271. Use a regular expression to get image upload data URI. Pull #2362
- Fixes #2358 - Inline code multiline wrap on issue template Pull #2361
- fixes #2356 - fixed result when older < needsinfo Pull #2357
- Fixes #2300. Try to respect DNT preference before talking to GA. Pull #2353
- Issue #2347 - Break anchor links in issue description and comments Pull #2349
- Issue #2344. Switch to @mozilla account GA tracking ID. Pull #2345
- Fixes #2339 - Changes the wrong needinfo to needsinfo for Triage dashboard Pull #2343
- No issue - clean up design + markup, add new content Comparison
- Fixes #2215 - Tweaks needinfo filtering and design Pull #2290
- Fixes issue #2203 UnboundLocalError on milestones_content Pull #2221
- Refactor isReportableURL function Pull #2220
- Fixes #2193: Add support for --grep when running intern tests. Pull #2194
- Fixes #740 - Adds tool to create changelog. Pull #2105
- Fix #2032 - Adds icons for filtering on issue age and needinfo Pull #2190
- Fixes #2188. Handle legacy details param data. Pull #2189
- Fixed #2097 - twitter icon url modified Pull #2185
- Fixes #1585. Add a method to define img-src CSP policy directive. Pull #2046
- Fixes #2033 - Added mode view Pull #2045
- Handle incoming details as JSON object Pull #2040
- Handle a single details param as JSON encoded data Pull #2041
- Upgrade to Intern 4 Pull #1987
- Change style if untriaged issues > 50 Pull #2016
- Update topsites.py for IAM user credential Pull #2021
*Revert #2003 Pull #2022
- Append extra labels in correct format Pull #2020
- Prevent form submission when pressing enter Pull #2003
- Make tweaks to get tests passing on master Pull 2014
- Add support for multiple label and details params Pull #2007
- Updates to build docs Pull #2005
- Updates to contribute docs Pull #2002
- Handle double schemes in URL Pull #2001
- Add proper unicode handling for form data Pull #1998
- Add templates watching Grunt task Pull #1994
- Add normalization of metadata values Pull #1974
- Remove dead code from rate_limit Pull #1970
- Add type-webrender-enabled to EXTRA_LABELS list Pull #1962
- Fix browser filtering for triage dashboard Pull #1961
- Remove redundant test for details param Pull #1956
- Fix a major webhook issue Pull #1953
- Add a NeedsTriage Issues Dashboard Pull #1947
- Add "extra labels" in new issue webhook Pull #1944
- Handle when data/milestones.json doesn't exist Pull #1878
- Update dev-env-setup docs Pull #1874
- Remove css-fixme Pull #1869
- Add styles for milestone on issue list Pull #1855
- Add milestone for new issues via our new issue webhook Pull #1854
- Render an issue even if milestone failed to get set. Pull #1853
- Use Milestones for issue status Pull #1841
- Clarify textarea in bugform with a placeholder and a new label Pull #1843
- If no existing topsites.db, no archive Pull #1815
- Change application
to force-evict sessions. Pull #1818 - Fixes bogus test for webhook Pull #1814
- Fixes the issue with unicode translate Pull #1812
- Fix pep8 whitespace errors. No issue.
- Warns user and aborts tests if server isn't right or if it's not in test mode Pull #1743
- Remove all Browserstack related content from website and repo Pull #1741
- Remove templates.js Pull #1739
- Un-skip Reporting (non-auth) tests Pull #1728
- Removes the GitHub link from issues list Pull #1735
- Adds test for activity page Pull #1727
- Adds a data/ path logic to the code Pull #1725
- Removes npm i -g grunt-cli from travis.yml Pull #1724
- Removes references to autoExpand in issues.js and bugform.js Pull #1723
- change urlparse to urlsplit Pull #1722
- Removes unused issues.db from the code Pull #1720
- Ensure change event fires when same image is selected Pull #1718
- Give Report Anonymously button a gray border Pull #1713
- Alexa webhook for priority label Pull #1615
- Remove form textarea boilerplate text. Pull #1712
- Get tests to work from forks Pull #1710
- Change default-src policy to self and set object-src to none Pull #1703
- Unbreak Save & close label editor button. Pull #1698
- Get all unittests to be network independent. Pull #1697
- Fix Save and Close label editor regression Pull #1698
- Add npm script for firing up test server Pull #1692
- Check if response is defined Pull #1691
- Handle non-keyboard event invocations of closeEditor Pull #1689
- Upgrade npm dependencies Pull #1687
- Link to Code of Conduct Pull #1684
- Remove unsafe-eval directive from our CSP policy Pull #1682
- Improves the webhook code flexibility Pull #1681
- Update EXTRA_LABELS whitelist w/ type-stylo Pull #1676
- Gets tests to with Chrome as well as Firefox. Travis and Local Pull #1671
- Disallow inline scripts via CSP Pull #1667
- Add a Code of Conduct Pull #1660
- handle multiple image drops Pull #1634
- Add keyboard navigation to label editor Pull #1541
- Fix wrong years in CHANGELOG Pull #1663
- Add
npm test
to package.jsonPull #1657 - Add newline to STR in reported formPull #1653
- Change order of metadata in reported form Pull #1652
- Don't upload image until form submission Pull #1645
- Description placeholder update Pull #1639
- Add tests for form.py Pull #1644
- Update description placeholder Pull #1639
- Update regex and target field for text url removal Pull #1632
- Add coco.fr to abuse list >:| Pull #1628
- Change to validation logic for form description Pull #1633
- Fix "going back in history" test Pull #1626
- Get functional tests to work offline Pull #1625
- Staging docs update Pull #1624
- Add priority labels for ranking Pull #1612
- Add script to populate a database with Alexa top info Pull #1591
- Add pagination below issue list Pull #1589
- New form redesign Pull #1578
- Check form validation in image upload success handler Pull #1614
- Fix padding issue in MarkdownPull #1606
- Updates CONTRIBUTING.md tests section for mock login Pull #1604
- Ensure label editor button can receive click events Pull #1602
(Not deployed, caused a regression. v5.2.1 is the good release)
- Add CSS linter Pull #1509
- Add pre-commit linter Pull #1538
- Fix broke code layout in issue page Pull #1583
- Get mock GitHub login working Pull #1588
- Remove test_login unit test (obsolete now) Pull #1598
- Remove unused query-params.js file Pull #1599
- Prevent overflow in code elements in issue description Pull #1568
- Improves webhooks to send labels at once Pull #1566
- Enable CSP header Pull #1563
- Adds thumbnails to image upload and link them Pull #1557
- Fixes length and quote style issues Pull #1500
- Fix regression that prevents closing or re-opening an issue. Pull #1561
- Restrict comments and constrain the closing of issue (updates to issues and edit API endpoints)Pull #1559
- Handles crash scenario (500) and validation of the form Pull #1556
- Removes dead code and method Pull #1555
- Fixes length and quote style issues Pull #1500
- Add GitHub API to CSP connect-src Pull #1550
- Fix UTF-8 decoding error Pull #1545
- Split up CONTRIBUTING.md into multiple files Pull #1532
- Remove main dropdown from issues page Pull #1531
- Fix SVG overflow for small viewports Pull #1511
- Fix a disappearing label gear Pull #1525
- Adds a list of files to ignore for deploy Pull #1524
- Fixed encoding param bugs Pull #1518
- Unified code for UA string version parsing Pull #1504
- Fix double "thanks" flash message Pull #1514
- Update Grunt-related deps Pull #1513
- Upgrade Prettier to 1.0 Pull #1507
- Remove Safari Addon link Pull #1503
- Docs update Pull #1484
- Provide a param to assign a label to a new issue Pull #1453
- Fix template typo Pull #1498
- replaced 'or' with 'and' in MQ for Aside position Pull #1495
- removed missing backend-install script call Pull #1494
- removed side effect when button is active Pull #1492
- Handle x-www-form-urlencoded spaces in details param Pull #1486
- Add functional tests for when typing 'g' or 'l' in an issue or issue comment Pull #1481
- Rename labelWarp method Pull #1487
- Update CSP policy (round 3) Pull #1479
- Add auto-expanding feature for textarea Pull #1476
- Add grunt lint task for travis Pull #1472
- Add prettier Pull #1468
- Change GA to alternative tracking snippet Pull #1467
- Add grunt build to npm prestart Pull #1461
- Move label editor to right column on issues page Pull #1389
- Prevent shortcuts firing in textarea Pull #1464
- makes /rate_limit route send 410 Gone Pull #1463
- added grunt build as prestart script Pull #1461
- Make form.get_metadata string concatenation more idiomatic Pull #1460
- Prevent shortcut to open when typing comment Pull #1459
- Fixed broken contribute link on all issues page Pull #1458
- Fix contribute button link. No issue.
- New title + link text Pull #1447
- bugform.js cleanup Pull #1435
- Add support for ctrl+enter for adding comments Pull #1431
- Adjust CONTRIBUTING.md markdown format Pull #1429
- Update join the team section Pull #1426
- Update usage of Flask-Limiter Pull #1424
- Add title to (many!) pages Pull #1419
- Implement a caching policy for HTML resources Pull #1415
- Add functional tests for file upload screenshots Pull #1411
- Add docstrings to upload tests Pull #1392
- Tweak CSP Policy Pull #1410
- Clarify steps to reach Github issues Pull #1407
- Add missing description to package.json Pull #1400
- Change Twitter link to include replies Pull #1399
- Add docstrings to some form tests Pull #1397
- Add alternative shell command to activate virtualenv Pull #1395
- Add docstrings to some upload tests Pull #1392
- Revert "Issue #609 - Implement Cache-Policy decorator" (it regressed logins) Pull #1387
- Only print expected fixture file path when we can't find it Pull #1382
- Add a details param to put info in description textarea Pull #1329
- CONTRIBUTING Guidelines cleanup Pull #1351
- Add missing semicolon to Strict-Transport-Security header. No issue.
- Implment better HTTP caching for HTML routes Pull #1335
- Add support for a problem_type param to preselect type in form Pull #1362
- Tweaks to linting JS paths Pull #1365
- Add an npm lint & fix command Pull #1366
- Add CSP-Report-Only endpoint, and move security headers into app Pull #1367
- Change Twitter link in footer Pull #1371
Note: from now on, versioning will work in the following way:
- Bug fixes, docs updates, etc.: affect patch number
- New features: affect minor number
- API endpoint changes or dependency version updates: affect major number
- Switch to double quotes for JS Pull #1361
- Change login message alignment Pull #1355
- Add some badges to README Pull #1354
- Remove cursor: pointer from form. Pull #1350
- Bump NPM deps Pull #1349
- Docs update around Java versions Pull #1348
- Make dark Report Bug button Pull #1341
- Add site:domain.com search Pull #1340
- Remove support for X-Reported-With header Pull #1334 Issue #1254
- Update privacy policy around report logging and deletion Pull #1333 Issue #705
- Add padding to wc-Link class Pull #1331 Issue #1155
- Add more padding around form, for certain viewport widths Pull #1330
- Change report bug link to new issues endpoint Pull #1323 Issue #1290
- Rename
command tosetup
; make sure virtualenv is activated before installing pip packages, Pull #1322 Issue #1317
- handful of typo fixes (docs, copy, templates) Pull #1326 Pull #1326 Pull #1315 Pull #1321 Pull #1302
- Add secure flag to session cookie Pull #1313 Issue #1312
- Upgrade Python modules Pull #1307 Issue #1304
- Correctly handle missing BACKUP_DEFAULT_DEST Issue #1294 Issue #1291
- Print message if there's nothing to back up Pull #1291 Issue #1161
- Update Intern to v3.4 (and fix tests accordingly) Pull #1277 Issue #982
- Fix long URL overflow on issues page Pull #1275
- Improvements to comment form and image uploads Pull #1265 Issue #1261
- Redirect to issue page after bug creation. Pull #1273 Issue #1262
- Wrap really long URL links. Pull #1275 Issue #1264
- support a src param to track "reported-with" avenues Issue #1249
- Handle blobs in addition to data URIs in bugform.js Pull #1253 Issue #1248
- Kill thanks page Pull #1247 Issue #646
- Add header closed class for issues page Pull #1246 Issue #1245
- Remove QR code related code Pull #1242
- Restrict textarea resize to vertical Pull #1241
- Add cityweb.de to spamlist Pull #1238 Issue #1237
- Test failure fixes Issue #1236 (no PR)
- Minor layout tweaks Issue #1235 (no PR)
- Display absolute date for dates more than 1 week old Pull #1224 Issue #1154
- Improve issues page design Pull #1104 Issue #545
- Un-break copyURL, oops! Pull #1227 Issue #1226
- Update humans.txt Pull #1220 Issue #1218
- Use dot instead of paren in STR Pull #1213 Issue #1206
- Don't allow non webby URLs to pass form validation Pull #1208 Issue #1054
- Rename NewCollection to NeedsTriageCollectionPull #1202 Issue #1197
- Create an /issues/new view for reporting issues Pull #1198 Issue #1193
- Add checkmark validation for os and browser names Pull #1186 Issue #1167
- Update Markdown-it Pull #1184 Issue #1183 Issue #1148
- Add hidden metadata to determine how people are reporting issues Issue #255 (no PR, because @miketaylr pushed straight to master... oops)
- Update (failing) webhook test. Oops. (no issue)
- Use secure webhooks (no issue)
- Link to invalid issues wiki from CONTRIBUTING Pull #1180 Issue #1175
- Fix truncated text on contributors page Pull #1173 Issue #1004
- Add class to hide add-on download link (for add-on users)Pull #1170 Issue #1169
- (re-land) Display all comments for an issue Pull #1147 Issue #1058
- Adds block for qiangpiaoruanjian Pull #1142 Issue #1141
- Render all comments (not just 30) Pull #1119 Issue #1058
- Add missing fixture files Pull #1129 Issue #1123
- Add 301 redirect for /new endpoint Pull #1130 Issue #1120
- Add IP logging for bug reports (to be able to investigate abuse) Pull #1125 * Issue #719
- Fix CSS variable name Pull #1122 Issue #1121
- Handle Link headers from Comments endpoints Pull #1117 Issue #1100
- Replace "new" with "needs triage" Pull #1114 Issue #975
- Document strict review comment policy Pull #1112 Issue #1110
- Pointer-events tweak on icon images for Chrome Pull #1107 Issue #1088
- Hide NSFW images if they have a nsfw label Pull #1087 Issue #1001
- Improve label contrast Pull #1094 Issue #482
- Improve comment header layout Pull #1095 Issue #972
- Improve submit comment design Pull #1096 (No issue)
- Fix path for requirements.txt in CONTRIBUTING Pull #1099 Issue #1098
- Pass params with comments endpoint Pull #1103 Issue #1101
- Fix different favicon bug Pull #1105 Issue #1046
- Remove nested labels from markup Pull #1092 Issue #1072
- Improved search bar design Pull #1091 Issue #1089
- Syntax and import clean ups Pull #1085 Issue #1084
- Functional tests around label URL updates Pull #1080 Issue #1079
- Add clear filter event to labelSearch Pull #1078 Issue #1074
- Fix label href URL Pull #1077 Issue #1075
- Update docs around ISSUES_REPO_URI Pull #1076 Issue #1069
- Ensure label list UI is updated when labels are set Pull #1073 Issue #1045
- Make search bar distinct from background Pull #1065 Issue #1064
- Fix image uploads for issues Pull #1067 Issue #1063
- Scope labelSearch to actual anchor elm (not its wrapper) Pull #1068 Issue #1066
- Bandaid fix to allow for up to 100 comments per issue Pull #1057 Issue #1044
- Convert PNG to JPEG on the server Pull #1052 Issue #1051
- Upload images before submission Pull #1053 Issue #1049
- Include bmp and gif in the "remove image upload" regex Pull #1056 Issue #1055
- Clear out screenshotData in showRemoveUpload Pull #1040 Issue #1039
- Downscale large images that come from the add-on Pull #1041 Issue #1012
- Fix button style on contributor page Pull #1021 Issue #1005
- Remove crappy search tests that always fail Pull #1029 Issue #890
- More robust UA parsing Pull #1032 Issue #1030
- Add MPL 2.0 license to package.json Pull #1038 Issue #977
- Add speculative exception logging to figure out #1009. Pull #1028 Issue #1027
- Change font-family in comment textareas Pull #1022 (No Issue)
- Fix blank button (due to focus issues) Pull #1020 Issue #1006
- Improve error styles for image upload errors Pull #1018 Issue #995
- Better handling of 413 errors on the client side Pull #1016 Issue #994
- Bump z-index of loader image Pull #1014 Issue #1011
- Flash messages should use fixedpos Pull #1013 Issue #1010
- Pull #958 Issue #929
- Rearrange admin scripts in repo Pull #971
- Fix label webhook bug Pull #984 Issue #983
- Optimize images as we save them to disk Pull #990 Issue #710
- Add webcompat.com origin comment (for GitHub users) Pull #991 Issue #741
- Fix bug preventing new issues from getting labels Pull #984 Issue #983
- Fix reference to form element Pull #987 Issue #986
- Update .travis.yml to not use manual pip cache Pull #970 Issue #950
- Update style of image uploader for issues Pull #964 Issue #906
- Swap out grunt-cssnext for postcss-cssnext Pull #960
- Make better use of screen realestate for comments in small viewports Pull #959 Issue #940
- Display proper URL hostname when scheme is missing slashes Pull #951 Issue #767
- Split up Intern tests so some of them can run from forks Pull #944 Issue #942
- Remove "New" label from worksforme and fixed issues Pull #943 Issue #832
- Add '(Tablet)' to browser name for tablets Pull #941 Issue #821
- Add simple Regex validation for URL field Pull #939 Issue #854
- Prevent default search action for 'g' key Pull #938 Issue #857
- Add Cloud9 setup instructions to CONTRIBUTING.md Pull #937 Issue #934
- Fix QR code style regressions Pull #936 Issue #930
- Add a Markdown CSS compoenent for styling issue comments Pull #933
- Give unique names to error handler methods. Pull #935 Issue #932
- Padding tweak for comments Pull #931 Issue #921
- Allow visiting /activity/username route directly Pull #928 Issue #880
- Tweak highlight color for cssfixme Pull #927 Issue #926
- Update Python module deps Pull #920 Issue #902
- Fix pixelated images issue Pull #916 Issue #914
- Fix
overflow Pull #917 Issue #913 - Fix issue with issue comment upload form Pull #918 Issue #915
- Remove GitHub spam measuresPull #919 Issue #912
- Massive refactor of HTML + CSS Pull #901
- Add :focus styles Pull #910 Issue #907
- React to add-ons sending screenshots in bug report Pull #895 Issue #879
- Add nicer UI for adding screenshots in bug report Pull #893 Issue #867
- Ensure backend supports combining labels and search terms Pull #858 Issue #795
- Layout bugfix on contributors page Pull #888 Issue #855
- Various improvments around cssfixme tool layout and style Pull #891 Pull #887 Issue #848
- Make imagemin a non-default task Pull #869 Issue #868
- Add a new QueryParams model Pull #859 Issue #795
- Fix cssfixme scripts in wrong location Pull #876 Issue #875
- Fix broken rate_limit route Pull #874 Issue #856
- Clean up some dead code Pull #873 Issue #872
- Properly handle 304s from GitHub Pull #872 Issue #870
- Lint pep8 and eslint at Travis level Pull #861 Issue #860
- Add JS to make cssfix me work Pull #853 Issue #850
- Handle ?url query string for cssfixme Pull #852 Issue #847
- Add route and minimal style for cssfixme Pull #849 Issue #12
- Print a more helpful error if there is no config.py file Pull #841 Issue #841
- Update imagemin version Pull #836Issue #833
- Add missing import for endpoints.py Pull #837
- Update Markdown sanitizer lib Pull #830 Issue #764
- Fix UI if gravatar images are blocked Pull #820 Issue #822
- Refactor GitHub API communication Pull #828 Issue #827
- Fix title overflow for small devices Pull #823 Related to Issue #818
- Pull #780 Issue #788
- Add a "My Activity" page and refactor a ton of things in the process Pull #801 Issue #749
- Replace JSHint with ESLint (and add some style linting rules) Pull #817 Issue #813
- Update ua-parser to 0.5.0 Pull #820 Issue #819
- Fix bug in validation code that would close the form Pull #816 Issue #815
- Create a local database of issues (on creation) Pull #780 Issue #165
- Make labels on frontpage clickable Pull #809 Issue #787
- Bug status should be mutually exclusive Pull #808 Issue #448
- Update isse state when changing bug status Pull #807 Issue #806
- Do case-insensitive file extension checking Pull #804 Issue #802
- Re-write label handling model and UI code Pull #796 Issue #783 Issue #784 Issue #797 Issue #799
- Mock some of the GitHub interactions for functional tests Pull #774 Issue #712
- Add
route for issue creation. Pull #770 Issue #317 - Remove caching for labels (and Flask-Cache) Pull #782 Issue #773
- Perform form validation on page load Pull #779 Issue #769
- Escape label names Pull #790 Issue #789
- Don't depend on POSIX
to check dependencies. Pull #759 Issue #758 - Move db connection to dedicated module Pull #757
- Change
Pull #756 Issue #754 - Import issue labeler into webcompat app Pull #752 Issue #751
- Write helper methods for logging in and out for func tests Pull #735 Issue #718
- Block fb.com as a spam domain. No issue.
- Fix code comment overflow Pull #748
- Fix autofocus issue in homepage search on iOS Pull #744 Issue #743
- Add dropdown to user avatar for navbar Pull #738
- Make some helper login/logout methods for functional testing Pull #735 Issue #718
- Improve the QR code layout Pull #691
- Reorg tests and add setup and tearDown methods for logging in and out Pull #714 Issue #711
- Linkify GitHub usernames and issues Pull #721
- Add search bar to homepage Pull #725
- Make search visible and usable by all users Pull #726 Issue #563
- Focus search input when opened Pull #732 Issue #730
- Fancy bug tracker markdown links Pull #733
- Set IssueView._urlParams each time we call loadIssues Pull #734 Issue #728
- Fix height of search bar Pull 737
- Non-logged in searches from home page should have all params in URL bar Pull #739 Issue #729
- Fix some inconsistent quoting Pull #709
- Add simple logging ability to the Flask app Pull #704 Issue #245
- Add ability to upload images for an issue (in a comment) Pull #703 Issue #687
- Fix bug when clicking a label to perform a search Pull #700 Issue #693
- Add more breathing room for comments Pull #699
- Change how we compute
in Session.db Pull #696
- Homepage now shows 10 of the latest bugs, rather than all categories. Pull #692 Issue #571
- Expose NeedsContact UI on all issues page. Pull #685 Issue #434
- Temporarily disable all reporting for Facebook.com issues No issue
- Update Prism.js version Issue #614
- Temporarily disable anonymous reporting for Facebook.com issues (lolwat) Pull #689 Issue #688
- More useful alt text for image uploads Pull #684 Issue #682
- Fix bug where we sent 404 when receiving cached responses from GitHub Pull #686 Issue #683
- Add ability to upload and embed images in a new bug report Pull #679 Issue #24
- Fix centering of home arrow icon Pull #677
- Improvements to API error handling Pull #678 Issue #667
- Handle unknown category keywords at API level Pull #676 Issue #669
- Add tests for labels Pull #675 Issue #272
- Add status- prefix to new query params Pull #674 Issue #668
- Move all label namespacing operations to happen at the model level. Pull #661 Issue #660
Fix a regression related to namespaced labels. Pull #659 Issue #658
- Allow non-logged in users to load search results from URL params Pull #650 Issue #639
- Fix a few bugs related to moving to
labels. Pull #653 Issue #652
Add namespaces for statuses and browsers to labels. Pull #640 Issue #436
- Add QR code modal thingy to the issues page. Pull #643 Issue #636
- Layout and visual design improvements to issue page Pull #630
- Load search result from URL param for logged in users Pull #638 Issue #634
- Fix issues search (which apparently was broken oops) Pull #618 Issue #612
- Add a Comment CSS component Pull #625
- Add some
CSS namespaceing Pull #626 - Optimize SVG (and fix filename extension) Issue #627
- Add webapp manifest Pull #628 Issue #624
- Add line break to bug form to increase readabilityPull #610
- Fix conditional requests (i.e., smarter HTTP caching) for non-authed users Pull #608 Issue #590
- Nicer images on /contributors Pull #607 Issue #428
- Go back to using the Issues API for label filters Pull #606 Issue #592
- Get rid of marked.js and switch to markdown-it.js for clientside Markdown rendering (for now @name linking won't work, to be fixed in a later update!). Pull #605 Issue #604
- Fix bug that broke back button navigation on /issues page Pull #603 Issue #564
- Fix "wyciwcg://" bug (uh, actually fix it this time) Pull #601 Issue #600
- Add logged in username to "Report" button, for logged-in users Issue #589
- CSS refactor around forms Pull #585
- md5 checksum-based cache busting for static assets Pull #594 Issue #368
- Better dependency checking for PIP Pull #597 Issue #583
- Add a grunt task to check NPM dependencies Pull #593 Issue #587
- Update list style Pull #598 Issue #588
- Typo fix (lol) Issue #591
- Fix bug with Issue back arrow & history Pull #570 Issue #569
- Add link to "G takes you to GitHub" note for mobile users Pull #573 Issue #572
- Link to HTTPS Pull #574
- Add anchors to headings on contributors page Pull #578 Issue #577
- Remove text-overflow on titles Pull #580
- Provide "Greatest hits" for compat issues in bug form Pull #579 Issue #432
- Update some css-related modules (
) Pull #581 - Update contribution links on homepage Pull #584 Issue #576
- Refactor CSS related to new form changes Pull #585
- Add a "Report an Issue" link to the global nav Pull #568 Issue #565
- Make "My Issues" a link to filtered Issues page (from the homepage) Pull #561 Issue #560
- Change pagination buttons to links with meaninful hrefs Pull #553 Issue #511
- Fix mis-quoted class attribute PUll #559
- Refactor back end Link header parsing Pull #550 Issue #451
- Refactor back end code handling categories Pull #534 Issue #533
- Don't warp to GitHub if you're just searching for a word with the letter g in it (oops) Pull #552 Issue #549 Issue #555
- Use history traversal when using the back arrow button from issue -> all isues Pull #547 Issue #546
- Keep track of /issues state via the URL bar Issue #399 Issue #516 Pull #542
- Update docs and
script to recommend using localhost:5000 rather than Issue #537 Pull #539 - Introduce concept of "needscontact" label (no UI yet) Issue #531 Pull #534
- Rename "Untriaged" to "New" Pull #531 Issue #286
- Fix bug where WebKit/Blink users couldn't open dropdown by clicking arrow Pull #530 Issue #529
- New color palette Pull #521
- Refactoring around "new" filter (and adds notion of "needscontact" label) Pull #534 Issue #533
- Update Intern to 2.2.0 and enable pretty reporter Pull #528 Issue #527
- Link remote debugging resources from contributors page Issue #406
- Change label borders to gray on /issues page Pull #525
- Bugfix: clicking on filter dropdown causes HTTP request Pull #520 Issue #507
- Bugfix: logging in from /issues page returned the user to the homepage Pull #523 Issue #512
- Display avatar for logged in users with small viewports Pull #517 Issue #514
- Fix broken DOM 💣 Pull #508
- Fix missing arrow from dropdown component Pull #506
- Unit tests for
Pull #502 - Add links to resources for remote debugging (no pull, cherry picked) Issue #406
- Add icons to page navigation Pull #499 Issue #450
- a11y: Add heading to /issues page Pull #481 Issue #481
- a11y: Use empty
for decorative avatars Pull #494 Issue #483 - Add tests for comments Pull #498 Issue #270
- Make filter and sort interaction possible for /issues Pull #490 Issue #479
- Bug fix: only serialize params once (oops). Pull #489 Issue #485
- Update Makefile and docs Pull #488 Issue #359
- Enable "filter" dropdown for /issues page, (which includes a refactor of maintaining model state) Pull #471 Issue #373
- A11y fixes Round 2 Pull #468 Issue #464
- Fix misaligned report buttons for small viewports Pull #472 Issue #459
- Tests for 'g' key warping to GitHub Pull #463
- Make links underlined by default Pull #438 Issue #421
- Enable issues page "sort" dropdown Pull #466 Issue #371
- Better docs around running tests Pull #461
- Pressing 'g' from /issues page will navigate to corresponding GitHub issues page (functional bits, UI to come) Pull #460 Issue #449
- ARIA + markup a11y fixes Pull #363 Issue #390
- Tweaks to search input + filter button UX Pull #440 Issue #416
- Follow Link header URIs for pagination Pull #446 Issue #420
- Regression fix: search results should be scoped to web-bugs repo Issue #444
- Update to privacy policy (re: Issue #419)
- Add full user agent header to report metadata (hidden by default) Issue #419 Pull #441
- Update cssnext dependency to v0.3.0 Pull #427
- Align pagination controls with dropdowns Pull #426 Issue #424
- Use flash:error events in issue model Pull #423 Issue #343
- Enable issue list pagination dropdown Pull #418 Issue #372
- Fix "close" class on Browse Issues key item Pull #417
- Start linting our functional tests Issue #414 Pull #415
- Fix "My Issues" functional tests Issue #412 Pull #413
- Upgrade to Intern 2.1.1 Issue #277 Pull #410
- Add border for labels on issues page (+labels component) Issue #402 Pull #403 Pull #409
- Hide pagination from issues page when they don't make sense Issue #405 Pull #408
- Work around Gecko bug, (trim wysiwyg:// from URL field if it's there)Issue #391 Pull #392
- Fix SOP bug preventing us from persisting logins during tests 💀 Issue #277 Pull #411
- Improved No Results for search or filters (with clickable suggested labels) Issue #382
- New dark lightbulb and arrow on homepage header Issue #350
- Set up Travis CI to run functional and unit tests Issue #338
- Update CSS org prefix Pull #379
- Create
component Issue #374 - Create
component Issue #380 - Basic styling for
element in IE Pull #376
- Tell the user no results were found... if no results were found. Issue #357
- Support deep linking to pre-selected filter on issues page, e.g.,
Issue #340
- Various improvements on how we handle Link headers Issue #375
- Deploy minified assets to staging server Issue #344
- 💣 @miketaylr broke the site in 1.0.2 and immediately reverted back to 1.0.1. 💣
- Update docs with new review process - Issue #360
- Add experimental Share on Facebook link - Issue #352
- Bug fix: clicking on label when not logged in shouldn't throw Issue #345
First release version for an app that's been released for quite a while. There's lot of stuff in it. ^_^