This method takes a list of promises and returns a promise that resolves when all promises in the input list have resolved. See m.deferred
for more information on promises.
var greetAsync = function(delay) {
var deferred = m.deferred();
setTimeout(function() {
}, delay);
return deferred.promise;
]).then(function(args) {
console.log(args); // ["hello", "hello"]
Promise sync(Array<Promise> promises)
Promise :: GetterSetter { Promise then(any successCallback(any value), any errorCallback(any value)) }
GetterSetter :: any getterSetter([any value])
Array promises
A list of promises to synchronize
return Promise promise
The promise of the deferred object that is resolved when all input promises have been resolved
The callbacks for this promise receive as a parameter an Array containing the values of all the input promises