A positive balance on mobile often solves more than we imagine. This is Reality to be understood.
"Damn birds should be gone." How Elon Musk took over Twitter: an excerpt from the new biography of the billionaire: https://thebellmirror.com/chertovy-ptitsy-dolzhny-ischeznut-kak-ilon-mask-zakhvatyval-twitter-otryvok-iz-novoy-biografii-milliardera
Clown attack. Who is really behind the “Russian cyber army” Killnet
: https://theins.ru/obshestvo/264744
Deep Geo-Analysis through Images
: OSINT CHALLENGE #3: https://osintteam.blog/deep-geo-analysis-through-images-osint-challenge-3-2b733a9fd22a
Geolocating Social Links
Co-Founder via OSINT techniques: https://medium.com/@ronkaminskyy/geolocating-social-links-co-founder-via-osint-techniques-5172b9400cb
: How to hide data in images and extract them: https://www.blackhatethicalhacking.com/articles/steganography-how-to-hide-data-in-images-and-extract-them/
If you need to make an investigation through faces, You can use PimEyes to find out where images are published: https://pimeyes.com
Need insight into the open source software world? OSS Insight
provides comprehensive information about the repositories and developers by analyzing over 5 billion lines of GitHub event data: https://ossinsight.io/
- Mining URLs from dark corners of Web Archives for bug hunting/fuzzing/further probing: https://github.com/devanshbatham/ParamSpider
is a steganography program that is able to hide data in various kinds
of image- and audio-files. The color- respectivly sample-frequencies are not
changed thus making the embedding resistant against first-order statistical
tests: https://github.com/StefanoDeVuono/steghide
- Powershell Script to aid Incidence Response and Live Forensics | Bash Script for MacOS Live Forensics and Incidence Response: https://github.com/Johnng007/Live-Forensicator
- A fuzzer for detecting open redirect vulnerabilities: https://github.com/devanshbatham/OpenRedireX
The Official Wayback Machine Extension
- by the Internet Archive - an Official Internet Archive Wayback Machine Browser Extension. Go back in time to see how a website has changed through the history of the Web. Save websites, view missing 404 Not Found pages, or read archived books & papers.
- Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wayback-machine/fpnmgdkabkmnadcjpehmlllkndpkmiak
- Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/wayback-machine_new/
- Safari: https://safari-extensions.apple.com/details/?id=archive.org.waybackmachine-ZSFX78H3ZT
- Like Prometheus, but for logs: https://github.com/grafana/loki
is a web crawler optimize for search and analyze directories. This tool can find interesting things if the server has the "index of" mode enabled. Dirhunt is also useful if the directory listing is not enabled. It detects directories with false 404 errors, directories where an empty index file has been created to hide things and much more: https://github.com/Nekmo/dirhunt
GitHub: https://github.com/bormaxi8080/osint-timeline
LinkedIn: bormaxi8080 OSINT Featured Timeline
You can see Systematized list of my GitHub Starred OSINT Repositories
and contact me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/OSINTech_
If you like the projects that I do, I will be grateful for donations in private dialogue.
WARNING! All tools, programs and techniques published in this repository are used for informational, educational purposes or for information security purposes. The authors are not responsible for the activities that users of these tools and techniques may carry out, and urge them not to use them to carry out harmful or destructive activities directed against other users or groups on the Internet.