from 0 to 1 to learning front-end skills as a beginner
- What is Front-end?
- Roadmap
- HTML5 / CSS / JavaScript
- Node.js / React.js / Next.js
- Visual studio Code installion
- Git / Github
- Figma
- About Browsers
- About Operation System (windows, Mac, Linux)
homework: setup your workstation
- HTML introduction
- To build a webpage
- Head & parameter
- metadata: title, viewport, description, og:data
- Image setup
- File path
- List: ul, ol
- Table: thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, td, colspan
homework: To build a menu page by HTML
- Form
- method, button, inputs
- checkbox, value
- email and file
- select, option
- datalist and textarea
- comment
- block and inline elements
- div, br, hr
homework: To build a reservation page for restaurant by HTML
- CSS 基本語法認識與程式碼放置位置
- Selector: element, ID, classs, attribute
- 顏色儲存方式:RGB, RGBA, HEX, HSL
- CSS Comment 註解
- CSS specificity
- anchor tag styling
- Pseudo classes, elements
- font-size, px, em, rem
homework: Base on 2-1 homework, to use CSS style your page
- text-align, letter spacing, line height
- font-family, font-weight, text-indent
- background image and color
- Box Model introduction
- border
- Padding, Margin
- Unit: Absolute, Relative
- display
- grid
homework: To build a calendar page with HTML & CSS
- position: static, relative, absolute, fixed, sticky
- flex layout
- cursor pointer
- transition
- 2D transform and translate: rotate, scale
- animation
- 作業:製作簡易 animation 動畫 & header
homework: To create a simple animation and header in pages
- opacity and display:none, visibility:hidden
- float, clear
- overflow
- object-fit, object-position
- work-break, word,spacing, word-wrap
- outline
- box-shadow
- filter: blur, brightness, grayscale
homework: To build a porfolio page with header in pages
- viewport
- chrome device toolbar
- media query
- container
- homework
homework: To build RWD site for a shop page
- Introduction
- Installation
- setup ssh key
- basic: clone, pull, add, status, commit, push
- Github introduction
- gitignore
homework: upload first project on Github
- Branch
- Stash
- Merge
- reset
homework: create a new branch for feature
- Introduction
- Syntax
- Variables: var, let const
- Operators
- Arithmetic
- Assignment
- Functions
homework: To create 4 buttons and function to implement +, -, *, /
- console.log
- Data Types
- alert & console.log
- Booleans
- Pop & test
- Objects
- Typeof
- If Else
- Functions with Variables
homework: To create a function to change car info by object type.
- Numbers & Number Methods
- Strings & String methods
- Date: format, get
- Math: abs, ceil, floor, random, round
- Switch
homework: to use switch to make star sign or alcohol menu
- Events
- Comparisons
- Array & Array Methods
- Loop
homework: Ninety-nine multiplication table
- Introduction
- (JS) Arrow function
- Route
- SCSS / module
- Components
- props
homework: 3 components, 4 pages, and one page inlude news components
- What is a hook
- useState
- useEffect
- (JS) template literals
homework: Todo list
- useRef
- (JS) Spread Operator & rest Operator
- (JS) querySelector
- (JS) map(), forEach()
homework: Todo list
- (JS) Regular expressions
- (JS) RegExp.test()
- (JS) event.preventDefault()
- placeholder
- homework demo & implement
homework: register page
- Regex
- useContext
- homework demo & implement
homework: dark mode
- React Libraries
- Material UI
- React-chart-js-2
- homework demo & implement
homework: Implement 4 charts by import package
- What is API
- XMLHttpRequest
- Ajax
- Axios
- Fetch
homework: To use Fetch method to display Pokemon list
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- Async / await
- JSON parse & stringify
homework: To use next.js & typescript build employee list API
- next/link
- next/head
- next/image
- Dynamic Route
homework_01: Employee detail page, home page, article list page, article detail page
homework_02: To plan your personal website (Google Doc)
- Information architecture
- Cast study
- Technical solution
- Plan your resume
homework: To create plan document
- Plan your website structure
- Build your portfolio
- Apply your own domain
homework: To create personal website
- Setup domain name (godaddy)
- Vercel deploy tool
- deploy your website with github
homework: deploy your website
- build a react calculator for task
- UI
- code
homework: Submit Solution in your account
homework: Submit Solution in your account
- Add Two Numbers (Medium)
- Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (Medium)
- Longest Palindromic Substring (Medium)
homework: Submit Solution in your account
homework: Submit Solution in your account
- Get started
- Core concept
- Customization
- Layout
- Flexbox & Grid
- Spacing
- Size
- Typography
- Backgrounds
- Border