- Open this folder in VSCode.
- Reopen the folder in the Dev Container.
- Press the hotkey combination,
). - Select Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container from the command palette drop-down menu.
- Press the hotkey combination,
- Build the binary using one of the following options:
- Press the hotkey combination,
). - Use the menu system:
- Select Terminal > Run Task... from the application menu.
- Select Zephyr: Build Application from the drop-down menu.
- Press the hotkey combination,
NOTE: If you see the following message, then you have failed to update the product UID in the sources, and the Notecard will not be linked with your Notehub project.
/workspaces/note-zephyr/src/main.c:26:9: note: '#pragma message: PRODUCT_UID is not defined in this example. Please ensure your Notecard has a product identifier set before running this example or define it in code here. More details at https://bit.ly/product-uid' 26 | #pragma message "PRODUCT_UID is not defined in this example. Please ensure your Notecard has a product identifier set before running this example or define it in code here. More details at https://bit.ly/product-uid" | ^~~~~~~
From the Dev Container, use the menu system:
- Select Terminal > Run Task... from the application menu.
- Select Zephyr: Flash Application (Container) from the drop-down menu.
Launch Debug Server (OpenOCD)
A debugging server opens a port to receive both debug and program instructions. Then, it forwards those instructions to the target device via a in-circuit debugger and programmer, such as the STLINK-V3MINI.
Execute the following command on your host machine, OUTSIDE the container:
openocd --search /usr/share/openocd/scripts --file interface/stlink.cfg --command "transport select hla_swd" --file target/stm32l4x.cfg
From the Dev Container, use the menu system:
- Select Terminal > Run Task... from the application menu.
- Select Zephyr: Flash Application (External) from the drop-down menu.
NOTE: You must flash your device using the STLINK-V3MINI; DFU is not supported.
LPUART has been assigned as the default console output of the Swan. Furthermore,
the LPUART of the Swan is exposed via the JTAG connector. This means that all
strings provided to printk()
will surface through the serial port assigned to
the STLINK-V3MINI. As long as the Swan has power (e.g. battery, VIN
, etc.),
then there is no need for an additional USB cable.
The serial port is configured at 115200 baud, 8-bits, no parity bit, and one (1) stop bit (i.e. 8-N-1).
Using Linux as an example, and assuming the STLINK is the only USB peripheral
plugged into your machine. Then you can expect to find the serial port listed
as /dev/ttyACM0
- Select the appropriate debug configuation.
- From the Run and Debug panel.
- Open the activity bar using one of the following options:
- Press the hotkey combination,
). - Select the bug and triangle icon.
- Press the hotkey combination,
- Expand the drop-down with the green triangle at the top of the
Run and Debug panel.
- Use the drop-down to confirm Swan Debug (Container) is selected.
- Open the activity bar using one of the following options:
- From the Run and Debug panel.
- Launch the debugger using one of the following options:
- Press green triangle at the top of the Run and Debug panel.
- Select Run > Start Debugging from the application menu.
- Press the function key,
Launch Debug Server (OpenOCD)
A debugging server opens a port to receive both debug and program instructions. Then, it forwards those instructions to the target device via a in-circuit debugger and programmer, such as the STLINK-V3MINI.
Execute the following command on your host machine, OUTSIDE the container:
openocd --search /usr/share/openocd/scripts --file interface/stlink.cfg --command "transport select hla_swd" --file target/stm32l4x.cfg
Launch Debugger (GDB)
A debugger is a piece of software that allows you to step through a binary on a line-by-line basis. When debugging an embedded device, the binary does not reside on the same machine as the debugger, so we need a server (e.g. OpenOCD) to relay the instructions to the remote binary.
- Select the appropriate debug configuation.
- From the Run and Debug panel.
- Open the activity bar using one of the following options:
- Press the hotkey combination,
). - Select the bug and triangle icon.
- Press the hotkey combination,
- Expand the drop-down with the green triangle at the top of the
Run and Debug panel.
- Use the drop-down to confirm Swan Debug (External) is selected.
- Open the activity bar using one of the following options:
- From the Run and Debug panel.
- Launch the debugger using one of the following options:
- Press green triangle at the top of the Run and Debug panel.
- Select Run > Start Debugging from the application menu.
- Press the function key,
- Select the appropriate debug configuation.