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I can't even fine tune anything anymore. I have no stats on size or %. So I'm flying blind since 0.14 release. Bounding box is also gone. New UI is nice as it becomes more usable but I have no information to work with. I didn't think it was that hard to have some stats written some where. How far is 0.15????? I keep getting birds trigger it. |
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His points of criticism on the UI seem not that bad and quite fixable to me and are very specific to his exapmle use case "someone got murdered a while ago, and I don't remeber which day of the week it happened". I agree though, that some of the Buttons and Symbols are not very intuitive (at least in the review area especially on the mobile ui). But you learn where to click after a while. He also criticitzes the missing scores on events, but those where only showing the score of the events screen shot, not the whole event itselt, or am I wrong? So nothing to base your config fine tuning on(?). Also, I cannot reproduce the long loading times he experiences. The UI feels very responsive to me. |
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I could have made a similar video with all the complaints for 0.13.2 too. Massive empty portion of the screen and tiny thumbnails in the events list on desktop. You cant "find" much there without clicking to expand each event, and many of them overlap with some lasting for hours and hours. No ability scan through time periods and look for missed objects. Watching a nights worth of footage at 8x speed was painful. It seems to me like most of the complaints are feature gaps that we knew were being created in the first version of the new UI. These weren't arbitrary changes dreamed up by a UX designer. We and many others used the dev builds daily for months for the specific use cases we intended to address first. We didn't get it all right. It will continue to improve. It is helpful to hear from users what they do and don't like about the new UI. |
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At the end of the day, change affects all of us. I’ll admit, I wasn’t a fan of the new UI at first either. But once I took the time to understand its functionality and potential, I’ve grown to really appreciate it. The work Blake, Nick, Josh, and the rest of the contributors have put in is truly impressive. From personal experience, I can say that many of the features I missed from the old UI are being integrated into the new version. We just need to be patient. |
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The new UI is what finally allowed us to drop Blue Iris entirely and move to Frigate. It saves a lot of time and is easier to use. We are looking forward to see what is coming in the next version. |
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I prefer the new layout. I didn't at first but I cant even remember how the old layout works anymore. I like being able to review events for the day and export what is important. Mobile use is better as well. Definitely some things that could be improved but overall it serves its purpose and works well. |
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I c/wouldn't go back. Some things I hope/am sure will improve with the new UI but it is so much better for daily use. Draggable timeline is a huge win for me and so much faster scanning a days events than before. |
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Eh, mixed feelings. I mainly use mobile, and the timeline view is more or less useless, just a squiggly line, looks like a random histogram. And the layout on mobile is busted, e.g. timeline covers video, you zoom in and then have to find just the right area to zoom back out. Stuff like that. But I'd say those are implementation details easily fixed, overall I like the approach |
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I certainly see some major feature gaps with the new UI, but that was absolutely to be expected with a full re-write. Unlike so many UI updates (cough Microsoft cough) that change things just for the sake of change, I see this change as a step in the absolutely correct direction. It is without a doubt an improvement, and I only see it improving more as the feature gaps are filled in. The fact that I can now give my Wife access to this interface and actually expect her to be able to find useful information is a VAST improvement over the previous interface, which I was afraid to show to anyone who wasn't technically inclined. Keep up the good work guys, I very much appreciate it all. |
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The new UI is a complete messed up. It reminds me about windows vista, when Microsoft was claiming how good vista was. |
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There are things I like about the redesign - creating/modify masks is 1000% easier/quicker than with 13.2 However, other routine tasks such as reviewing events takes much longer to complete. I prefer the old event viewer as it is quicker to get the information I needed so I could move on to another task. Just open the page on my phone, scroll, I could even get everything done using only my thumb. It was quick. I find reviewing items in the redesign to be tedious. Even with version 15 beta, you are list items horizontally, so you then have to select an item to get more information (if it is shown), then reach over and hit back to return to previous page. It's tedious and slow. If the item isn't shown then you are selecting options from drop downs etc - it just takes way too long. I also prefer the smaller thumbnails vs the large snapshots as the large snapshots are pixelated and don't show well on my phone. I also find that a screen full of large snapshots is too bright at night on the phone. I'd be happy if you just copied the event page from 13.2 to 15. It gave all the information quickly that a power user would need. I don't think the functionality of that page needed to be improved. |
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I think the 0.14 UI is a vast improvement over 0.13. I will admit though that when I first saw it I wasn't sure. One point - I am still discovering features of the new UI. Just now I found out I could edit the camera group layout grid, because I was re-reading the 0.14 FAQ looking for something else. The one bit of feedback I'd therefore give is that 0.14 has included a load of new functionality, but it's not always obvious to even daily users. I know the obvious answer here is "read the manual/FAQ", but the reality is that I (like many people) tend to read user guides as a last resort - you just assume you can click around and discover things. In the example of camera group layout editing, I had never even noticed the three icons in the bottom right of the screen, (despite having viewed it hundreds of times) probably because it's quite an unusual place to put UI controls. Dark mode doesn't help here either. I might suggest moving those controls up to the top bar (which is where most other pages in the UI have them anyway). |
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Having read through a lot of comments and talked to a few people who use this system. I think I might have an idea what the two different, competing, workflows might be. It seems like Workflow #1, is the type of person who has set up Alerts, integrated them with Home Assistant or some other type of notification system, and respond to and review detection events within the hour of their occurrence. This seems to be the workflow that the current UI layout is most designed to support. And for anyone who uses that kind of workflow, the new UI seems to be working out mostly well (aside from the lack of detailed information for the "How the Clock Works" crowd.) The other workflow, we'll call Workflow #2, seems to revolve around weekend warrior types. These are the people who don't have any type of immediate notification system setup, or don't have the ability or desire to review said notifications, until the weekend (or some much later date). These types of people generally just want to see what's been going on over the last week (or however long it's been since they last reviewed the logs), and the system as it currently stands does make it somewhat difficult to support this type of workflow. I think it would be possible to better support this type of workflow with some minor changes. Perhaps some better options to get quick and easy insight into the last X number of days detection and possibly motion events for a given camera or group of cameras. Anyway, thats my 1.99 (and 9/10ths of a cent) worth. |
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(I'm a fan of this project in general and appreciate everyone's work) I generally share Louis's point of view with regard to the Frigate 0.14.x major version UI changes. I can also appreciate why a large number of people feel 0.14.x is a huge UI improvement over prior Frigate versions.
I have more than one instance of Frigate for different locations, with both 0.13.x and 0.14.x in some cases. I use these instances in parallel with NVRs and the camera areas covered usually have regular person/vehicle/animal activity. The NVRs are intended to be backup recording sources in case detections were missed or recordings truncated by the Frigate instance.
As others point out, the 0.14.x user interface changes appear to have been designed with very different workflows in mind and seems to prioritize users looking for a consumer-style application, prioritizing interaction through a phone/mobile device.
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The new explore layout setting (unfiltered grid) on edaccd8 looks great on the phone & the snapshot quality seems to have improved. I prefer this to the 13.2 event viewer. As always, impressive work! |
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Louis Rossmann recently made a video about how he prefers the old UI before 0.14.0 because of how practical it was and how it showed more information. He will stick with the 0.13.2 version and won't "upgrade". What are your thoughts about the new UI?
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