This section contains video recordings of OpenDEX community calls, explainers, guides & more!
- Jitsi link to join the call:
- Time and day of the call: 18:00 UTC, every Wednesday
- Discussions are recorded and uploaded to this repository
In our first community call we covered the Why?, How?, What? along with some live mainnet trading and a Q&A session. Video & slides
In our second community call we saw a demo of the first iteration of XUD Explorer, a Desktop App UI for OpenDEX and discussion of various topics, such as hot wallets - the risk exposure one faces when using payment channel networks like the Lightning Network. Video
In this community call we discussed using multiple channels to settle one trade (will be demoed next week) and and saw an alpha demo of the upcoming 1.1.0 release of XUD Explorer featuring full setup on Windows. This version takes Windows users from 0 to "deposit funds" in a couple of Minutes, seamlessly installing docker as part of the installation flow 🔥 Video
The first public announcement of OpenDEX at #hcpp19 in Prague. Video & slides