SqueezePlay software for OpenFrame devices.
This project contains submodules from other Git repositories, so you need to initialise and update those after cloning this.
git clone https://github.com/birdslikewires/squeezeplay
git -C squeezeplay submodule update --init
This checks out the versions last verified to work with this build. To update to whatever the very latest commit happens to be for those submodules, either cd
into the submodule and:
git checkout master
git pull
Or to just bltz everything with the latest code:
git -C squeezeplay submodule foreach git pull origin master
Current submodules are:
These are links to the original projects, which are mirrored here for my own peace of mind. This is done by cloning the original repo, creating an empty one of matching name here on GitHub, using:
git remote set-url origin https://github.com/your/repository
Then pushing the repo.
Take a look in src
and you should find a README which relates to the OpenFrame makefile with dependencies. I'm following this pattern for now in case anybody else wants to clone this repo for other platforms.
With a following wind and a lucky charm you should be able to compile it with this:
cd squeezeplay/src
make -f Makefile.openframe
Good luck.
I'm not maintaining this repo with an eye on other platforms.
It is very likely that I'll break things that are unrelated to OpenFrame devices, which are utilising the 'desktop' version of SqueezePlay. If I do manage to something useful feel free to pull it into a repo of your own!