Docker is an easy way to get started with Lifelike.
In order to build and bring up all required containers, run the following command after cloning this repository:
Once it's running, you can access the Lifelike UI at http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
Default username / password is: [email protected]
/ password
make up
Building and running containers...
This may take a while if running for the first time.
[+] Running 13/13
⠿ Network lifelike Created
⠿ Volume "lifelike_postgres" Created
⠿ Volume "lifelike_elasticsearch" Created
⠿ Volume "lifelike_neo4j" Created
⠿ Container lifelike-neo4j-1 Started
⠿ Container lifelike-postgres-1 Started
⠿ Container lifelike-pdfparser-1 Started
⠿ Container lifelike-elasticsearch-1 Started
⠿ Container lifelike-redis-1 Started
⠿ Container lifelike-statistical-enrichment-1 Started
⠿ Container lifelike-cache-invalidator-1 Started
⠿ Container lifelike-appserver-1 Started
⠿ Container lifelike-frontend-1 Started
To access Lifelike, point your browser at: http://localhost:8080
The stack definition is divided into three Docker Compose files:
├── docker-compose.yml --> Base core services
├── --> Overrides base core services for local development and debugging.
└── --> Adds third party services (PostgreSQL, ArangoDB, Elasticsearch, Redis)
You may combine them as you need and/or add your own docker-compose.override.yml
to override any configuration. (this file will be ignored by Git)
You can run make help
to see other available common operation:
usage: make [target]
up Run all container(s). [c=<names>]
up-dev Build and run all container(s) for development. [c=<names>]
images Build container(s) for distribution.
status Show container(s) status. [c=<names>]
logs Show container(s) logs. [c=<names>]
restart Restart container(s). [c=<names>]
stop Stop containers(s). [c=<names>]
exec Execute a command inside a container. [c=<name>, cmd=<command>]
test Execute test suite
down Destroy all containers and volumes
diagram Generate an architecture diagram from the Docker Compose files