- Pandas dependencies have been updated #282
- Numpy and scikit-bio dependencies have been updated #278
- Enabling direct download of fdr corrected pvalues
- Adding in sparse version of the ilr transform utilizing COO-formated sparse matrices #250
- Adding in sparse utilities for matching biom tables #253
- Added
to plot the mean proportions within a single balance #234
- Added colorbar for heatmap
- Decoupled qiime2 from gneiss. All qiime2 commands have now been ported to q2-gneiss
- Accelerated the ordinary least squares regression
- Improved summary statistics and cross validation in ordinary least squares regression
- Improved summary visualizations for OLS and MixedLM
- Added
to make interpretation balance partitions easier. - Added
to summarize a given balance using the q2 cli. - Added
command to allow for ids to be added manually.
- Added q2 support for linear regression and linear mixed effects models #98
- Added q2 support hierarchical clustering #116
- Added interactive heatmaps with highlights with matplotlib #114
- Added tree visualizations for unrooted trees with bokeh #112
- Added support of cross validation for ordinary least squares #101
- Added heatmap dendrogram plotting functionality #87
- Added principal balance analysis heuristic using proportionality and wards clustering algorithm #83
- Added filehandle support for write and read io in RegressionResults object #77
- Added write and read io for RegressionResults object #72
- Added
- Added statsmodels inference #22
- Added support for ordinary least squares regression #33
- Added support for linear mixed effects models #38
- Added RegressionResults object to summarize statistics from statistical analyses
- Adding in a niche sorting algorithm
that can generate a band table given a gradient #16 - Adding in utility functions for handing feature tables, metadata, and trees. #12
- Adding GPL license.