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MinIO Admin Complete Guide Slack

MinIO Client (mc) provides admin sub-command to perform administrative tasks on your MinIO deployments.

service              restart and stop all MinIO servers
update               update all MinIO servers
info                 display MinIO server information
user                 manage users
group                manage groups
policy               manage policies defined in the MinIO server
replicate            manage MinIO site replication
config               manage MinIO server configuration
decommission, decom  manage MinIO server pool decommissioning
heal                 heal disks, buckets and objects on MinIO server
prometheus           manages prometheus config
kms                  perform KMS management operations
bucket               manage buckets defined in the MinIO server
tier                 manage remote tier targets for ILM transition
trace                show http trace for MinIO server
console              show console logs for MinIO server

1. Download MinIO Client

Docker Stable

docker pull minio/mc
docker run minio/mc admin info play

Docker Edge

docker pull minio/mc:edge
docker run minio/mc:edge admin info server play

Homebrew (macOS)

Install mc packages using Homebrew

brew install minio/stable/mc
mc --help

Binary Download (GNU/Linux)

Platform Architecture URL
GNU/Linux 64-bit Intel
64-bit PPC
chmod +x mc
./mc --help

Binary Download (Microsoft Windows)

Platform Architecture URL
Microsoft Windows 64-bit Intel
mc.exe --help

Install from Source

Source installation is intended only for developers and advanced users. mc update command does not support update notifications for source based installations. Please download official releases from

If you do not have a working Golang environment, please follow How to install Golang.

go get -d
cd ${GOPATH}/src/

2. Run MinIO Client


chmod +x mc
./mc --help


chmod 755 mc
./mc --help

Microsoft Windows

mc.exe --help

3. Add a MinIO Storage Service

MinIO server displays URL, access and secret keys.



Keys must be supplied by argument or standard input.

is simply a short name to your MinIO service. MinIO end-point, access and secret keys are supplied by your MinIO service. Admin API uses "S3v4" signature and cannot be changed.


  1. Keys by argument

    mc alias set minio BKIKJAA5BMMU2RHO6IBB V7f1CwQqAcwo80UEIJEjc5gVQUSSx5ohQ9GSrr12
  2. Keys by prompt

    mc alias set minio
    Enter Access Key: BKIKJAA5BMMU2RHO6IBB
    Enter Secret Key: V7f1CwQqAcwo80UEIJEjc5gVQUSSx5ohQ9GSrr12
  3. Keys by pipe

    echo -e "BKIKJAA5BMMU2RHO6IBB\nV7f1CwQqAcwo80UEIJEjc5gVQUSSx5ohQ9GSrr12" | \
        mc alias set minio

4. Test Your Setup


Get MinIO server information for the configured alias minio

mc admin info minio
   Uptime: 11 hours
   Version: 2020-01-17T22:08:02Z
   Network: 1/1 OK
   Drives: 4/4 OK

2.1 GiB Used, 158 Buckets, 12,092 Objects
4 drives online, 0 drives offline

5. Everyday Use

You may add shell aliases for info, healing.

alias minfo='mc admin info'

6. Global Options

Option [--debug]

Debug option enables debug output to console.

Example: Display verbose debug output for info command.

mc: <DEBUG> GET /minio/admin/v2/info HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: MinIO (linux; amd64) madmin-go/0.0.1 mc/DEVELOPMENT.GOGET
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=**REDACTED**/20200120//s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=**REDACTED**
X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
X-Amz-Date: 20200120T185844Z
Accept-Encoding: gzip

mc: <DEBUG> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 1105
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Security-Policy: block-all-mixed-content
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2020 18:58:44 GMT
Server: nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu)
Vary: Origin
X-Amz-Bucket-Region: us-east-1
X-Amz-Request-Id: 15EBAD6087210B2A
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block

mc: <DEBUG> Response Time:  381.860854ms

   Uptime: 11 hours
   Version: 2020-01-17T22:08:02Z
   Network: 1/1 OK
   Drives: 4/4 OK

2.1 GiB Used, 158 Buckets, 12,092 Objects
4 drives online, 0 drives offline

Option [--json]

JSON option enables parseable output in JSON lines format.

Example: MinIO server information.

mc admin --json info play
    "status": "success",
    "info": {
        "mode": "online",
        "region": "us-east-1",
        "deploymentID": "728e91fd-ed0c-4500-b13d-d143561518bf",
        "buckets": {
            "count": 158
        "objects": {
            "count": 12092
        "usage": {
            "size": 2249526349
        "services": {
            "vault": {
                "status": "KMS configured using master key"
            "ldap": {}
        "backend": {
            "backendType": "Erasure",
            "onlineDisks": 4,
            "rrSCParity": 2,
            "standardSCParity": 2
        "servers": [
                "state": "ok",
                "endpoint": "",
                "uptime": 41216,
                "version": "2020-01-17T22:08:02Z",
                "commitID": "b0b25d558e25608e3a604888a0a43e58e8301dfb",
                "network": {
                    "": "online"
                "disks": [
                        "path": "/home/play/data1",
                        "state": "ok",
                        "uuid": "c1f8dbf8-39c8-46cd-bab6-2c87d18db06a",
                        "totalspace": 8378122240,
                        "usedspace": 1410588672
                        "path": "/home/play/data2",
                        "state": "ok",
                        "uuid": "9616d28f-5f4d-47f4-9c6d-4deb0da07cad",
                        "totalspace": 8378122240,
                        "usedspace": 1410588672
                        "path": "/home/play/data3",
                        "state": "ok",
                        "uuid": "4c822d68-4d9a-4fa3-aabb-5bf5a58e5848",
                        "totalspace": 8378122240,
                        "usedspace": 1410588672
                        "path": "/home/play/data4",
                        "state": "ok",
                        "uuid": "95b5a33c-193b-4a11-b13a-a99bc1483182",
                        "totalspace": 8378122240,
                        "usedspace": 1410588672

Option [--no-color]

This option disables the color theme. It is useful for dumb terminals.

Option [--quiet]

Quiet option suppress chatty console output.

Option [--config-dir]

Use this option to set a custom config path.

Option [ --insecure]

Skip SSL certificate verification.

7. Commands

service - restart and stop all MinIO servers
update - updates all MinIO servers
info - display MinIO server information
user - manage users
group - manage groups
policy - manage canned policies
config - manage server configuration file
heal - heal disks, buckets and objects on MinIO server
top - provide top like statistics for MinIO
trace - show http trace for MinIO server
console - show console logs for MinIO server
prometheus - manages prometheus config settings
bucket - manages buckets defined in the MinIO server

Command update - updates all MinIO servers

update command provides a way to update all MinIO servers in a cluster. You can also use a private mirror server with update command to update your MinIO cluster. This is useful in cases where MinIO is running in an environment that doesn't have Internet access.

Example: Update all MinIO servers.

mc admin update play
Server `play` updated successfully from RELEASE.2019-08-14T20-49-49Z to RELEASE.2019-08-21T19-59-10Z

Steps to update MinIO using a private mirror

For using update command with private mirror server, you need to mirror the directory structure on on your private mirror server and then provide:

mc admin update myminio
Server `myminio` updated successfully from RELEASE.2019-08-14T20-49-49Z to RELEASE.2019-08-21T19-59-10Z


  • An alias pointing to a distributed setup this command will automatically update all MinIO servers in the cluster.
  • update is a disruptive operation for your MinIO service, any on-going API operations will be forcibly canceled. So, it should be used only when you are planning MinIO upgrades for your deployment.
  • It is recommended to perform a restart after update successfully completes.

Command service - restart and stop all MinIO servers

service command provides a way to restart and stop all MinIO servers.


  • An alias pointing to a distributed setup this command will automatically execute the same actions across all servers.
  • restart and stop sub-commands are disruptive operations for your MinIO service, any on-going API operations will be forcibly canceled. So, it should be used only under administrative circumstances. Please use it with caution.
  mc admin service - restart and stop all MinIO servers

  --help, -h                       show help

  restart  restart all MinIO servers
  stop     stop all MinIO servers

Example: Restart all MinIO servers.

mc admin service restart play
Restarted `play` successfully.

Command info - Display MinIO server information

info command displays server information of one or many MinIO servers (under distributed cluster)

  mc admin info - get MinIO server information

  --help, -h                       show help

Example: Display MinIO server information.

mc admin info play
   Uptime: 11 hours
   Version: 2020-01-17T22:08:02Z
   Network: 1/1 OK
   Drives: 4/4 OK

2.1 GiB Used, 158 Buckets, 12,092 Objects
4 drives online, 0 drives offline

Command policy - Manage canned policies

policy command to add, remove, list policies, get info on a policy and to set a policy for a user on MinIO server.

  mc admin policy - manage policies

  --help, -h                       show help

  add      add new policy
  remove   remove policy
  list     list all policies
  info     show info on a policy
  set      set IAM policy on a user or group

Example: List all canned policies on MinIO.

mc admin policy list myminio/

Example: Add a new policy 'listbucketsonly' on MinIO, with policy from /tmp/listbucketsonly.json. When this policy is applied on a user, that user can only list the top layer buckets, but nothing else, no prefixes, no objects.

First create the json file, /tmp/listbucketsonly.json, with the following information.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [

Add the policy as 'listbucketsonly' to the policy database

mc admin policy add myminio/ listbucketsonly /tmp/listbucketsonly.json
Added policy `listbucketsonly` successfully.

Example: Remove policy 'listbucketsonly' on MinIO.

mc admin policy remove myminio/ listbucketsonly
Removed policy `listbucketsonly` successfully.

Example: Show info on a canned policy, 'writeonly'

mc admin policy info myminio/ writeonly

Example: Set the canned policy.'writeonly' on a user or group

mc admin policy set myminio/ writeonly user=someuser
Policy writeonly is set on user `someuser`

mc admin policy set myminio/ writeonly group=somegroup
Policy writeonly is set on group `somegroup`

Command user - Manage users

user command to add, remove, enable, disable, list users on MinIO server.

  mc admin user - manage users

  --help, -h                       show help

  add      add new user
  disable  disable user
  enable   enable user
  remove   remove user
  list     list all users
  info     display info of a user

Example: Add a new user 'newuser' on MinIO.

mc admin user add myminio/ newuser newuser123

Example: Add a new user 'newuser' on MinIO, using standard input.

mc admin user add myminio/
Enter Access Key: newuser
Enter Secret Key: newuser123

Example: Disable a user 'newuser' on MinIO.

mc admin user disable myminio/ newuser

Example: Enable a user 'newuser' on MinIO.

mc admin user enable myminio/ newuser

Example: Remove user 'newuser' on MinIO.

mc admin user remove myminio/ newuser

Example: List all users on MinIO.

mc admin user list --json myminio/

Example: Display info of a user

mc admin user info myminio someuser

Command group - Manage groups

group command to add, remove, info, list, enable, disable groups on MinIO server.

  mc admin group - manage groups

  mc admin group COMMAND [COMMAND FLAGS | -h] [ARGUMENTS...]

  add      add users to a new or existing group
  remove   remove group or members from a group
  info     display group info
  list     display list of groups
  enable   Enable a group
  disable  Disable a group

Example: Add a pair of users to a group 'somegroup' on MinIO.

Group is created if it does not exist.

mc admin group add myminio somegroup someuser1 someuser2

Example: Remove a pair of users from a group 'somegroup' on MinIO.

mc admin group remove myminio somegroup someuser1 someuser2

Example: Remove a group 'somegroup' on MinIO.

Only works if the given group is empty.

mc admin group remove myminio somegroup

Example: Get info on a group 'somegroup' on MinIO.

mc admin group info myminio somegroup

Example: List all groups on MinIO.

mc admin group list myminio

Example: Enable a group 'somegroup' on MinIO.

mc admin group enable myminio somegroup

Example: Disable a group 'somegroup' on MinIO.

mc admin group disable myminio somegroup

Command config - Manage server configuration

config command to manage MinIO server configuration.

  mc admin config - manage configuration file

  mc admin config COMMAND [COMMAND FLAGS | -h] [ARGUMENTS...]

  get      interactively retrieve a config key parameters
  set      interactively set a config key parameters
  reset    interactively reset a config key parameters
  history  show all historic configuration changes
  restore  rollback back changes to a specific config history
  export   export all config keys to STDOUT
  import   import multiple config keys from STDIN

  --help, -h                       Show help.

Example: Get 'etcd' sub-system configuration.

mc admin config get myminio etcd
etcd endpoints= path_prefix= coredns_path=/skydns client_cert= client_cert_key=

Example: Set specific settings on 'etcd' sub-system.

mc admin config set myminio etcd endpoints=http://etcd.svc.cluster.local:2379

Example: Get entire server configuration of a MinIO server/cluster.

mc admin config export myminio > /tmp/my-serverconfig

Example: Set entire server configuration of a MinIO server/cluster.

mc admin config import myminio < /tmp/my-serverconfig

Command heal - Heal disks, buckets and objects on MinIO server

Healing is automatic on server side which runs on a continuous basis on a low priority thread, mc admin heal is deprecated and will be removed in future.

Command trace - Show http trace for MinIO server

trace command displays server http trace of one or all MinIO servers (under distributed cluster)

  mc admin trace - show http trace for MinIO server

  --verbose, -v                 print verbose trace
  --all, -a                     trace all traffic (including internode traffic between MinIO servers)
  --errors, -e                  trace failed requests only
  --help, -h                    show help

Example: Display MinIO server http trace.

mc admin trace myminio [REQUEST (objectAPIHandlers).ListBucketsHandler-fm] [154828542.525557] [2019-01-23 23:17:05 +0000] GET / Host: X-Amz-Date: 20190123T231705Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=minio/20190123/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=8385097f264efaf1b71a9b56514b8166bb0a03af8552f83e2658f877776c46b3 User-Agent: MinIO (linux; amd64) minio-go/v7.0.8 mc/2019-01-23T23:15:38Z X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 <BODY> [RESPONSE] [154828542.525557] [2019-01-23 23:17:05 +0000] 200 OK X-Amz-Request-Id: 157C9D641F42E547 X-Minio-Deployment-Id: 5f20fd91-6880-455f-a26d-07804b6821ca X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Security-Policy: block-all-mixed-content Content-Type: application/xml Server: MinIO/RELEASE.2019-09-05T23-24-38Z Vary: Origin

Command console - show console logs for MinIO server

This command is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use 'mc support logs show' instead.

Command prometheus - Manages prometheus config settings

generate command generates the prometheus config (To be pasted in prometheus.yml)

  mc admin prometheus - manages prometheus config

  mc admin prometheus COMMAND [COMMAND FLAGS | -h] [ARGUMENTS...]

  generate  generates prometheus config

Example: Generates prometheus config for an .

mc admin prometheus generate <alias>
- job_name: minio-job
  bearer_token: <token>
  metrics_path: /minio/v2/metrics/cluster
  scheme: http
  - targets: ['localhost:9000']

Command kms - perform KMS management operations

The kms command can be used to perform KMS management operations.

  mc admin kms - perform KMS management operations

  mc admin kms COMMAND [COMMAND FLAGS | -h] [ARGUMENTS...]

The key sub-command can be used to perform master key management operations.

  mc admin kms key - manage KMS keys

  mc admin kms key COMMAND [COMMAND FLAGS | -h] [ARGUMENTS...]

Example: Display status information for the default master key

mc admin kms key status play
Key: my-minio-key
 	 • Encryption ✔
 	 • Decryption ✔

Example: Create a new master key at the KMS

mc admin kms key create play my-key

Created master key `my-key` successfully

Example: Display status information for one particular master key

mc admin kms key status play my-key
Key: my-key
 	 • Encryption ✔
 	 • Decryption ✔

Command quota - Set/Get bucket quota

quota command to set or get bucket quota on MinIO server.

  mc admin bucket quota - manage bucket quota

  mc admin bucket quota TARGET [--hard QUOTA | --clear]

  quota accepts human-readable case-insensitive number
  suffixes such as "k", "m", "g" and "t" referring to the metric units KB,
  MB, GB and TB respectively. Adding an "i" to these prefixes, uses the IEC
  units, so that "gi" refers to "gibibyte" or "GiB". A "b" at the end is
  also accepted. Without suffixes the unit is bytes.

Example: List bucket quota on bucket 'mybucket' on MinIO.

mc admin bucket quota myminio/mybucket

Example: Set a hard bucket quota of 64Mb for bucket 'mybucket' on MinIO.

mc admin bucket quota myminio/mybucket --hard 64MB

Example: Reset bucket quota configured for bucket 'mybucket' on MinIO.

mc admin bucket quota myminio/mybucket --clear

Command remote - configure remote target buckets

remote command manages remote bucket targets on MinIO server.

  mc admin bucket remote - configure remote bucket targets

  mc admin bucket remote COMMAND [COMMAND FLAGS | -h] [ARGUMENTS...]

  add  add a new remote target
  ls   list remote target ARN(s)
  rm   remove configured remote target

Example: Add a new replication target targetbucket in region us-west-1 on https://minio2:9000 for bucket srcbucket on MinIO server. foobar and foo12345 are credentials to target endpoint.

mc admin bucket remote add myminio/srcbucket https://foobar:foobar12345@minio2:9000/targetbucket --service "replication" --region "us-west-1"
ARN = `arn:minio:replication:us-west-1:1f8712ba-e38f-4429-bcb1-a7bb5aa97447:targetbucket`

Example: Add a new replication target targetbucket in region us-west-1 on https://minio2:9000 for bucket srcbucket on MinIO server. foobar and foo12345 are credentials to target endpoint. The max bandwidth is metric 2G (210^9). Enable synchronous replication to this target, set healthcheck duration for checking target availability to 100 seconds*

mc admin bucket remote add myminio/srcbucket https://foobar:foobar12345@minio2:9000/targetbucket --service "replication" --region "us-west-1" --bandwidth "2G" --sync --healthcheck-seconds 100
ARN = `arn:minio:replication:us-west-1:1f8712ba-e38f-4429-bcb1-a7bb5aa97447:targetbucket`

Example: Add a new replication target targetbucket in region us-west-1 on https://minio2:9000 for bucket srcbucket on MinIO server. foobar and foo12345 are credentials to target endpoint. The max bandwidth is IEC 2Gi (22^30)*

mc admin bucket remote add myminio/srcbucket https://foobar:foobar12345@minio2:9000/targetbucket --service "replication" --region "us-west-1" --bandwidth "2Gi"

Example: Get remote target for replication on bucket 'srcbucket' in MinIO.

mc admin bucket remote ls myminio/srcbucket --service "replication"

Example: List remote target(s) on bucket 'srcbucket' in MinIO.

mc admin bucket remote ls myminio/srcbucket

Example: List remote target(s) on MinIO.

mc admin bucket remote ls myminio

Example: Remove bucket target configured for bucket 'srcbucket' on MinIO with arn arn:minio:replication:us-west-1:1f8712ba-e38f-4429-bcb1-a7bb5aa97447:targetbucket.

mc admin bucket remote rm myminio/srcbucket --arn "arn:minio:replication:us-west-1:1f8712ba-e38f-4429-bcb1-a7bb5aa97447:targetbucket"