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Deploying KAS Fleet Manager to OpenShift

The minimum OpenShift version supported is OpenShift 4.11.

Create a Namespace

Create a namespace where KAS Fleet Manager will be deployed to

make deploy/project <OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS>

Optional parameters:

  • NAMESPACE: The namespace where the image will be pushed to. Defaults to 'kas-fleet-manager-$USER.'

Build and Push the KAS Fleet Manager Image to a Registry

Build and Push to the OpenShift Internal Registry

Login to the OpenShift cluster

NOTE: Ensure that the user used has the correct permissions to push to the OpenShift image registry. For more information, see the accessing the registry guide.

oc login <api-url> -u <username> -p <password>

Build and push the image to the logged in OpenShift cluster's image registry

# Build and push the image to the OpenShift image registry.
GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=linux CGO_ENABLED=0 make image/build/push/internal <OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS>

Optional parameters:

  • NAMESPACE: The namespace where the image will be pushed to. Defaults to 'kas-fleet-manager-$USER.'
  • IMAGE_TAG: Tag for the image. Defaults to a timestamp captured when the command is run (i.e. 1603447837).

Build and Push to your own Repository

Login to Docker or Quay

  • A make target is available for logging into

    make docker/login QUAY_USER="<username>" QUAY_TOKEN="<password>" <OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS>

    Optional parameters:

    • DOCKER_CONFIG: The path to your docker config. Defaults to {current_directory}/.docker

Build and push the KAS Fleet Manager image to your own repository

make image/push external_image_registry="<your-image-registry>" image_repository="<your-image-repository>" <OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS>

Optional parameters:

  • image_tag: Tag for the image. Defaults to a timestamp captured when the command is run (i.e. 1603447837).

Deploy the Database

make deploy/db <OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS>

Optional parameters:

  • NAMESPACE: The namespace to be created. Defaults to 'kas-fleet-manager-$USER.'

Create the secrets

This will create the following secrets in the given namespace:

  • kas-fleet-manager
  • kas-fleet-manager-dataplane-certificate
  • kas-fleet-manager-observatorium-configuration-red-hat-sso
  • kas-fleet-manager-rds
  • kas-fleet-manager-aws-secret-manager
make deploy/secrets <OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS>

Optional parameters:

  • NAMESPACE: The namespace where the secrets will be created in. Defaults to 'kas-fleet-manager-$USER.'
  • OCM_SERVICE_CLIENT_ID: The client id for an OCM service account. Defaults to value read from ./secrets/ocm-service.clientId
  • OCM_SERVICE_CLIENT_SECRET: The client secret for an OCM service account. Defaults to value read from ./secrets/ocm-service.clientSecret
  • OCM_SERVICE_TOKEN: An offline token for an OCM service account. Defaults to value read from ./secrets/ocm-service.token
  • SENTRY_KEY: Token used to authenticate with Sentry. Defaults to value read from ./secrets/sentry.key
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY: The access key of an AWS account used to provision OpenShift clusters. Defaults to value read from ./secrets/aws.accesskey
  • AWS_ACCOUNT_ID: The account id of an AWS account used to provision OpenShift clusters. Defaults to value read from ./secrets/aws.accountid
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The secret access key of an AWS account used to provision OpenShift clusters. Defaults to value read from ./secrets/aws.secretaccesskey
  • ROUTE53_ACCESS_KEY: The access key of an AWS account that has Route53 permissions. Defaults to value read from ./secrets/aws.route53accesskey
  • ROUTE53_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The secret access key of an AWS account that has Route53 permissions. Defaults to value read from ./secrets/aws.route53secretaccesskey
  • MAS_SSO_CLIENT_ID: The client id for a MAS SSO service account. Defaults to value read from ./secrets/keycloak-service.clientId
  • MAS_SSO_CLIENT_SECRET: The client secret for a MAS SSO service account. Defaults to value read from ./secrets/keycloak-service.clientSecret
  • MAS_SSO_CRT: The TLS certificate of the MAS SSO instance. Defaults to value read from ./secrets/keycloak-service.crt
  • MAS_SSO_INSECURE: Skip TLS insecure verification for the connection to a MAS SSO instance. Defaults to value false.
  • OSD_IDP_MAS_SSO_CLIENT_ID: The client id for a MAS SSO service account used to configure OpenShift identity provider. Defaults to value read from ./secrets/osd-idp-keycloak-service.clientId
  • REDHAT_SSO_CLIENT_ID: The client id for a REDHAT SSO service account. Defaults to value read from ./secrets/redhatsso-service.clientId
  • REDHAT_SSO_CLIENT_SECRET: The client secret for a REDHAT SSO service account. Defaults to value read from ./secrets/redhatsso-service.clientSecret
  • OSD_IDP_MAS_SSO_CLIENT_SECRET: The client secret for a MAS SSO service account used to configure OpenShift identity provider. Defaults to value read from ./secrets/osd-idp-keycloak-service.clientSecret
  • IMAGE_PULL_DOCKER_CONFIG: Base64 encoded Docker config content for pulling private images. Defaults to value read from ./secrets/image-pull.dockerconfigjson
  • KUBE_CONFIG: Base64 encoded Kubeconfig content for standalone dataplane clusters communication. Defaults to ''
  • OBSERVABILITY_RHSSO_LOGS_CLIENT_ID: The client id for a RHSSO service account that has read logs permission. Defaults to vaue read from ./secrets/rhsso-logs.clientId
  • OBSERVABILITY_RHSSO_LOGS_SECRET: The client secret for a RHSSO service account that has read logs permission. Defaults to vaue read from ./secrets/rhsso-logs.clientSecret
  • OBSERVABILITY_RHSSO_METRICS_CLIENT_ID: The client id for a RHSSO service account that has remote-write metrics permission. Defaults to vaue read from ./secrets/rhsso-metrics.clientId
  • OBSERVABILITY_RHSSO_METRICS_SECRET: The client secret for a RHSSO service account that has remote-write metrics permission. Defaults to vaue read from ./secrets/rhsso-metrics.clientSecret
  • OBSERVABILITY_RHSSO_METRICS_CLIENT_ID: The client id for a RHSSO service account that has read metrics permission. Defaults to ''
  • OBSERVABILITY_RHSSO_METRICS_SECRET: The client secret for a RHSSO service account that has read metrics permission. Defaults to ''
  • JWKS_VERIFY_INSECURE: Skip TLS insecure verification for the connection for fetching jwks certificate. Defaults to value false.
  • ACME_ISSUER_ACCOUNT_KEY: The ACME Issuer account key used for the automatic management of certificate. This is required when certificate management mode is automatic. Defaults to ''
  • AWS_SECRET_MANAGER_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: AWS secret manager secret access key: Defaults to ''. This is required when certificate management mode is automatic.
  • AWS_SECRET_MANAGER_ACCESS_KEY: AWS secret manager access key: Defaults to ''. This is required when certificate management mode is automatic.

(Optional) Deploy the Observatorium Token Refresher

NOTE: This is only needed if your Observatorium instance is using RHSSO as authentication.

make deploy/token-refresher <OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS>

Optional parameters

  • OBSERVATORIUM_URL: URL of the Observatorium instance to connect to. Defaults to
  • ISSUER_URL: The issuer URL of your authentication service. Defaults to
  • OBSERVATORIUM_TOKEN_REFRESHER_IMAGE: The image repository used for the Observatorium token refresher deployment. Defaults to
  • OBSERVATORIUM_TOKEN_REFRESHER_IMAGE_TAG: The image tag used for the Observatorium token refresher deployment. Defaults to latest
  • OBSERVATORIUM_TOKEN_REFRESHER_REPLICAS: The number of replicas of the Observatorium token refresher deployment. Defaults to 1.

Deploy KAS Fleet Manager

make deploy/service IMAGE_TAG=<your-image-tag-here> <OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS>

Required parameters:

  • IMAGE_TAG: KAS Fleet Manager image tag.

Optional parameters:

  • NAMESPACE: The namespace where the service will be deployed to. Defaults to managed-services-$USER.
  • FLEET_MANAGER_ENV: Environment used for the KAS Fleet Manager deployment. Options: development, integration, testing, stage and production, Default: development.
  • IMAGE_REGISTRY: Registry used by the image. Defaults to the OpenShift internal registry.
  • IMAGE_REPOSITORY: Image repository. Defaults to '<namespace>/kas-fleet-manager'.
  • REPLICAS: Number of replicas of the KAS Fleet Manager deployment. Defaults to 1.
  • ENABLE_KAFKA_EXTERNAL_CERTIFICATE: Enable Kafka TLS Certificate. Defaults to false.
  • ENABLE_KAFKA_CNAME_REGISTRATION: Enable Kafka DNS CNAME Registration. Defaults to false.
  • ENABLE_OCM_MOCK: Enables use of a mocked ocm client. Defaults to false.
  • OCM_MOCK_MODE: The type of mock to use when ocm mock is enabled.Options: emulate-server and stub-server. Defaults to emulate-server.
  • OCM_URL: OCM API base URL. Defaults to
  • AMS_URL: AMS API base URL. Defaults to
  • JWKS_URL: JWK Token Certificate URL. Defaults to ''.
  • MAS_SSO_ENABLE_AUTH: Enables MAS SSO authentication for the Data Plane. Defaults to true.
  • MAS_SSO_BASE_URL: MAS SSO base url. Defaults to
  • MAS_SSO_REALM: MAS SSO realm url. Defaults to rhoas.
  • SSO_SPECIAL_MANAGEMENT_ORG_ID: Special Management Organization ID used for creating internal Service accounts. Defaults to 13640203 which is the special management organisation id organisation id for Stage environment.
  • MAX_ALLOWED_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS: The default value of maximum number of service accounts that can be created by users. Defaults to 2.
  • SERVICE_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_CHECK_SKIP_ORG_ID_LIST: A list of Org Ids for which service account limit checks dont apply. Defaults to empty list.
  • MAX_LIMIT_FOR_SSO_GET_CLIENTS: The default value of maximum number of clients fetch from mas-sso. Defaults to 100.
  • OSD_IDP_MAS_SSO_REALM: MAS SSO realm for configuring OpenShift Cluster Identity Provider Clients. Defaults to rhoas-kafka-sre.
  • TOKEN_ISSUER_URL: A token issuer url used to validate if JWT token used are coming from the given issuer. Defaults to
  • ENABLE_DENY_LIST: Enable the deny list access control feature. Defaults to false.
  • ENABLE_ACCESS_LIST: Enable the Access list access control feature. Defaults to false.
  • DENIED_USERS: A list of denied users that are not allowed to access the service. A user is identified by its username. Defaults to [].
  • ACCEPTED_ORGANISATIONS: A list of accepted organisations that are allowed to access the service. An organisation is identified by its orgId. Defaults to [].
  • OBSERVATORIUM_RHSSO_TENANT: Tenant of an Observatorium using RHSSO as authentication. Defaults to ''.
  • OBSERVABILITY_CONFIG_REPO: URL of the configuration repository used by the Observability stack. Defaults to
  • DATAPLANE_OBSERVABILITY_CONFIG_ENABLE: Enable sending metrics to the remote write receiver which is configured in the file referenced from --dataplane-observability-config-file-path.
  • ENABLE_TERMS_ACCEPTANCE: Enables terms acceptance through AMS. Defaults to false.
  • ALLOW_DEVELOPER_INSTANCE: Enables creation of developer Kafka instances. Defaults to true.
  • QUOTA_TYPE: Quota management service to be used. Options: quota-management-list and ams, Default: quota-management-list.
  • KAS_FLEETSHARD_OLM_INDEX_IMAGE: KAS Fleetshard operator OLM index image. Defaults to
  • STRIMZI_OLM_INDEX_IMAGE: Strimzi operator OLM index image. Defaults to
  • OBSERVABILITY_OPERATOR_INDEX_IMAGE: Observability Operator index image. Defaults to
  • DATAPLANE_CLUSTER_SCALING_TYPE: Dataplane cluster scaling type. Options: manual, auto and none, Defaults: manual.
  • CLUSTER_LOGGING_OPERATOR_ADDON_ID: The id of the cluster logging operator addon. Defaults to ''.
  • STRIMZI_OPERATOR_ADDON_ID: The id of the Strimzi operator addon. Defaults to managed-kafka-qe.
  • KAS_FLEETSHARD_ADDON_ID: The id of the kas-fleetshard operator addon. Defaults to kas-fleetshard-operator-qe.
  • CLUSTER_LIST: The list of data plane cluster configuration to be used. This is to be used when scaling type is manual. Defaults to empty list.
  • SUPPORTED_CLOUD_PROVIDERS: A list of supported cloud providers in a yaml format. Defaults to [{name: aws, default: true, regions: [{name: us-east-1, default: true, supported_instance_type: {standard: {}, developer: {}}}]}].
  • STRIMZI_OLM_PACKAGE_NAME: Strimzi operator OLM package name. This is optional and to be defined when interacting with standalone data plane clusters. Defaults to managed-kafka.
  • KAS_FLEETSHARD_OLM_PACKAGE_NAME: kas-fleetshard operator OLM package name. This is optional and to be defined when interacting with standalone data plane clusters. Defaults to kas-fleetshard-operator.
  • STRIMZI_OPERATOR_STARTING_CSV: Strimzi operator starting csv. This is only applied for standalone clusters. Defaults to empty string
  • KAS_FLEETSHARD_OPERATOR_STARTING_CSV: Kas-fleetshard operator starting csv. This is only applied for standalone clusters. Defaults to empty string
  • OBSERVABILITY_OPERATOR_STARTING_CSV: Observability Operator starting CSV. Defaults to observability-operator.v4.2.1.
  • KAS_FLEETSHARD_OPERATOR_SUBSCRIPTION_CONFIG: Kas-fleetshard operator subscription config. This is applied for standalone clusters only. The configuration must be of type SubscriptionConfig. Defaults to an empty object i.e {}. See the config/kas-fleetshard-operator-subscription-spec-config.yaml file for example values.
  • STRIMZI_OPERATOR_SUBSCRIPTION_CONFIG: Strimzi operator subscription config. This is applied for standalone clusters only. The configuration must be of type SubscriptionConfig. Defaults to an empty object i.e {}. See the config/strimzi-operator-subscription-spec-config.yaml file for example values.
  • SSO_PROVIDER_TYPE: Option to choose between sso providers i.e, mas_sso or redhat_sso, mas_sso by default.
  • REGISTERED_USERS_PER_ORGANISATION: The list of allowed organisations that are able to create STANDARD kafka instances. This will only be applicable if QUOTA_TYPE is set to quota-management-list. Defaults to "[{id: 13640203, any_user: true, max_allowed_instances: 5, registered_users: [], granted_quota: [{instance_type_id: standard, kafka_billing_models: [{id: standard, max_allowed_instances: 5}, {id: marketplace, max_allowed_instances: 5}, {id: enterprise, max_allowed_instances: 5}]}]}, {id: 12147054, any_user: true, max_allowed_instances: 1, registered_users: [], granted_quota: [{instance_type_id: standard, kafka_billing_models: [{id: standard, max_allowed_instances: 1}, {id: enterprise, max_allowed_instances: 1}]}]}, {id: 13639843, any_user: true, max_allowed_instances: 1, registered_users: [], granted_quota: [{instance_type_id: standard, kafka_billing_models: [{id: standard, max_allowed_instances: 1}, {id: enterprise, max_allowed_instances: 1}]}]}, {id: 13785172, any_user: true, max_allowed_instances: 1, registered_users: [], granted_quota: [{instance_type_id: standard, kafka_billing_models: [{id: standard, max_allowed_instances: 1}, {id: enterprise, max_allowed_instances: 1}]}]}, {id: 13645369, any_user: true, max_allowed_instances: 3, registered_users: [], granted_quota: [{instance_type_id: standard, kafka_billing_models: [{id: standard, max_allowed_instances: 3}, {id: enterprise, max_allowed_instances: 3}]}]}] "
  • DYNAMIC_SCALING_CONFIG: The configuration file that contains information about each Kafka instance types, dynamic scaling configuration. Defaults to "{new_data_plane_openshift_version: '', enable_dynamic_data_plane_scale_up: false, enable_dynamic_data_plane_scale_down: false, compute_machine_per_cloud_provider: {aws: {cluster_wide_workload: {compute_machine_type: m5.2xlarge, compute_node_autoscaling: {min_compute_nodes: 3, max_compute_nodes: 18}}, kafka_workload_per_instance_type: {standard: {compute_machine_type: r5.xlarge, compute_node_autoscaling: {min_compute_nodes: 3, max_compute_nodes: 18}}, developer: {compute_machine_type: m5.2xlarge, compute_node_autoscaling: {min_compute_nodes: 1, max_compute_nodes: 3}}}}, gcp: {cluster_wide_workload: {compute_machine_type: custom-8-32768, compute_node_autoscaling: {min_compute_nodes: 3, max_compute_nodes: 18}}, kafka_workload_per_instance_type: {standard: {compute_machine_type: custom-8-32768, compute_node_autoscaling: {min_compute_nodes: 3, max_compute_nodes: 18}}, developer: {compute_machine_type: custom-8-32768, compute_node_autoscaling: {min_compute_nodes: 1, max_compute_nodes: 3}}}}}}"
  • NODE_PREWARMING_CONFIG: The configuration file that contains information about each Kafka instance types, node prewarming configuration. Defaults to "{}"
  • ADMIN_AUTHZ_CONFIG: Configuration file containing endpoints and roles mappings used to grant access to admin API endpoints, Defaults to"[{method: GET, roles: [kas-fleet-manager-admin-full, kas-fleet-manager-admin-read, kas-fleet-manager-admin-write]}, {method: PATCH, roles: [kas-fleet-manager-admin-full, kas-fleet-manager-admin-write]}, {method: DELETE, roles: [kas-fleet-manager-admin-full]}] "
  • ADMIN_API_SSO_BASE_URL: Base URL of admin API endpints SSO. Defaults to ""
  • ADMIN_API_SSO_ENDPOINT_URI: admin API SSO endpoint URI. defaults to "/auth/realms/EmployeeIDP"
  • ADMIN_API_SSO_REALM: admin API SSO realm. Defaults to "EmployeeIDP"
  • KAFKA_TLS_CERTIFICATE_MANAGEMENT_MUST_STAPLE: The tls certificate management must staple. Adds the must staple TLS extension to the certificate signing request. The default value is false
  • KAFKA_TLS_CERTIFICATE_MANAGEMENT_STRATEGY: The tls certificate management strategy. Possible options are manual and automatic. The default value is manual. In the manual mode, the user is expected to manually manage a wildcard certificate that will be applied to all the Kafkas. In automatic mode, kas-fleet-manager automatically handles the management of Kafka tls certificate.
  • KAFKA_TLS_CERTIFICATE_MANAGEMENT_STORAGE_TYPE: The tls certificate management storage type. Available options are in-memory, file and vault. The default value is vault.
  • KAFKA_TLS_CERTIFICATE_MANAGEMENT_EMAIL: The tls certificate management email. This is required when strategy is automatic
  • KAFKA_TLS_CERTIFICATE_MANAGEMENT_RENEWAL_WINDOW_RATIO: The tls certificate management renewal window ratio i.e how much of a certificate's lifetime becomes the renewal window. The default value is 0.3333333333 - renew certificates a month before their expiry.
  • KAFKA_TLS_CERTIFICATE_MANAGEMENT_SECURE_STORAGE_CACHE_TTL - the duration of the certificate in the in the secure storage cache. Past this duration, the certificate will be fetched from the remote secure storage. The dafault value is 10m

Using an Image from a Private External Registry

If you are using a private external registry, a docker pull secret must be created in the namespace where KAS Fleet Manager is deployed and linked to the service account that KAS Fleet Manager uses.

Create a docker pull secret with credentials that has access to pull the KAS Fleet Manager image from the private external registry.

oc create secret generic kas-fleet-manager-pull-secret \
  --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path-to-docker-config-json> \

Link the pull secret to the KAS Fleet Manager service account

oc secrets link kas-fleet-manager kas-fleet-manager-pull-secret --for=pull

Delete the KAS Fleet Manager pod(s) to restart the deployment

oc get pods -n <namespace>
oc delete pod <kas-fleet-manager-pod>

Access the service

The service can be accessed by via the host of the route created by the service deployment.

oc get route kas-fleet-manager

Removing KAS Fleet Manager from OpenShift

# Removes all resources created on service deployment
make undeploy

Optional parameters:

  • NAMESPACE: The namespace where the KAS Fleet Manager resources will be removed from. Defaults to managed-services-$USER.