From 286df72c40b306670c2050abb7b648971a58d32f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ben Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2021 16:38:03 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] rel: v1.0.5 Add 268 new icons add in tabler-icons v1.39.0 --- | 4 + | 270 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- package-lock.json | 8 +- package.json | 4 +- 4 files changed, 279 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 5f29f8a8..164972f5 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ # tabler-icons-svelte changelog +### 1.5.0 + +- Add 268 new icons added in [tabler-icons][tabler-icons] [v1.39.0]( + ### 1.4.0 - Change defualt color to `currentColor`. ([#5]( diff --git a/ b/ index 2da4e71e..0c5b225f 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ | AdjustmentsAlt | adjustments-alt | | AdjustmentsHorizontal | adjustments-horizontal | | Adjustments | adjustments | +| AerialLift | aerial-lift | +| Affiliate | affiliate | | Alarm | alarm | | AlertCircle | alert-circle | | AlertOctagon | alert-octagon | @@ -101,16 +103,20 @@ | ArrowsHorizontal | arrows-horizontal | | ArrowsJoin2 | arrows-join-2 | | ArrowsJoin | arrows-join | +| ArrowsLeftDown | arrows-left-down | | ArrowsLeftRight | arrows-left-right | | ArrowsLeft | arrows-left | | ArrowsMaximize | arrows-maximize | | ArrowsMinimize | arrows-minimize | +| ArrowsRightDown | arrows-right-down | | ArrowsRightLeft | arrows-right-left | | ArrowsRight | arrows-right | | ArrowsSort | arrows-sort | | ArrowsSplit2 | arrows-split-2 | | ArrowsSplit | arrows-split | | ArrowsUpDown | arrows-up-down | +| ArrowsUpLeft | arrows-up-left | +| ArrowsUpRight | arrows-up-right | | ArrowsUp | arrows-up | | ArrowsVertical | arrows-vertical | | Artboard | artboard | @@ -121,8 +127,11 @@ | Award | award | | Backhoe | backhoe | | Backspace | backspace | +| BallAmericanFootball | ball-american-football | | BallBasketball | ball-basketball | | BallBowling | ball-bowling | +| BallFootballOff | ball-football-off | +| BallFootball | ball-football | | BallTennis | ball-tennis | | BallVolleyball | ball-volleyball | | Ban | ban | @@ -133,6 +142,7 @@ | Battery2 | battery-2 | | Battery3 | battery-3 | | Battery4 | battery-4 | +| BatteryAutomotive | battery-automotive | | BatteryCharging | battery-charging | | BatteryOff | battery-off | | Battery | battery | @@ -145,7 +155,9 @@ | BellX | bell-x | | Bell | bell | | Bike | bike | +| Binary | binary | | Biohazard | biohazard | +| Blockquote | blockquote | | BluetoothConnected | bluetooth-connected | | BluetoothOff | bluetooth-off | | Bluetooth | bluetooth | @@ -166,8 +178,23 @@ | BorderOuter | border-outer | | BorderRadius | border-radius | | BorderRight | border-right | +| BorderStyle | border-style | | BorderTop | border-top | | BorderVertical | border-vertical | +| BoxMargin | box-margin | +| BoxModel | box-model | +| BoxMultiple0 | box-multiple-0 | +| BoxMultiple1 | box-multiple-1 | +| BoxMultiple2 | box-multiple-2 | +| BoxMultiple3 | box-multiple-3 | +| BoxMultiple4 | box-multiple-4 | +| BoxMultiple5 | box-multiple-5 | +| BoxMultiple6 | box-multiple-6 | +| BoxMultiple7 | box-multiple-7 | +| BoxMultiple8 | box-multiple-8 | +| BoxMultiple9 | box-multiple-9 | +| BoxMultiple | box-multiple | +| BoxPadding | box-padding | | Box | box | | Braces | braces | | Brackets | brackets | @@ -253,7 +280,9 @@ | BrandYcombinator | brand-ycombinator | | BrandYoutube | brand-youtube | | Briefcase | briefcase | +| Brightness2 | brightness-2 | | BrightnessDown | brightness-down | +| BrightnessHalf | brightness-half | | BrightnessUp | brightness-up | | Brightness | brightness | | Browser | browser | @@ -268,6 +297,8 @@ | BuildingCastle | building-castle | | BuildingChurch | building-church | | BuildingCommunity | building-community | +| BuildingCottage | building-cottage | +| BuildingFactory | building-factory | | BuildingFortress | building-fortress | | BuildingHospital | building-hospital | | BuildingLighthouse | building-lighthouse | @@ -279,16 +310,22 @@ | Building | building | | BulbOff | bulb-off | | Bulb | bulb | -| Buldozer | buldozer | +| Bulldozer | bulldozer | | Bus | bus | +| Businessplan | businessplan | | Calculator | calculator | | CalendarEvent | calendar-event | | CalendarMinus | calendar-minus | +| CalendarOff | calendar-off | | CalendarPlus | calendar-plus | +| CalendarStats | calendar-stats | +| CalendarTime | calendar-time | | Calendar | calendar | | CameraMinus | camera-minus | | CameraOff | camera-off | | CameraPlus | camera-plus | +| CameraRotate | camera-rotate | +| CameraSelfie | camera-selfie | | Camera | camera | | Capture | capture | | Car | car | @@ -298,17 +335,33 @@ | CaretLeft | caret-left | | CaretRight | caret-right | | CaretUp | caret-up | +| CashBanknoteOff | cash-banknote-off | +| CashBanknote | cash-banknote | | Cash | cash | | Cast | cast | | Ce | ce | | Certificate | certificate | +| ChargingPile | charging-pile | +| ChartArcs3 | chart-arcs-3 | +| ChartArcs | chart-arcs | | ChartAreaLine | chart-area-line | | ChartArea | chart-area | +| ChartArrowsVertical | chart-arrows-vertical | +| ChartArrows | chart-arrows | | ChartBar | chart-bar | | ChartBubble | chart-bubble | | ChartCandle | chart-candle | +| ChartCircles | chart-circles | +| ChartDonut2 | chart-donut-2 | +| ChartDonut3 | chart-donut-3 | +| ChartDonut4 | chart-donut-4 | | ChartDonut | chart-donut | +| ChartDots | chart-dots | +| ChartInfographic | chart-infographic | | ChartLine | chart-line | +| ChartPie2 | chart-pie-2 | +| ChartPie3 | chart-pie-3 | +| ChartPie4 | chart-pie-4 | | ChartPie | chart-pie | | ChartRadar | chart-radar | | Check | check | @@ -331,15 +384,29 @@ | ChevronsUpRight | chevrons-up-right | | ChevronsUp | chevrons-up | | ChristmasTree | christmas-tree | +| Circle0 | circle-0 | +| Circle1 | circle-1 | +| Circle2 | circle-2 | +| Circle3 | circle-3 | +| Circle4 | circle-4 | +| Circle5 | circle-5 | +| Circle6 | circle-6 | +| Circle7 | circle-7 | +| Circle8 | circle-8 | +| Circle9 | circle-9 | | CircleCheck | circle-check | | CircleDashed | circle-dashed | | CircleDotted | circle-dotted | +| CircleHalfVertical | circle-half-vertical | +| CircleHalf | circle-half | | CircleMinus | circle-minus | +| CircleOff | circle-off | | CirclePlus | circle-plus | | CircleSquare | circle-square | | CircleX | circle-x | | Circle | circle | | Circles | circles | +| ClearAll | clear-all | | ClearFormatting | clear-formatting | | Click | click | | ClipboardCheck | clipboard-check | @@ -355,46 +422,102 @@ | CloudStorm | cloud-storm | | CloudUpload | cloud-upload | | Cloud | cloud | +| CodeMinus | code-minus | +| CodePlus | code-plus | | Code | code | | Coin | coin | | ColorPicker | color-picker | | ColorSwatch | color-swatch | +| ColumnInsertLeft | column-insert-left | +| ColumnInsertRight | column-insert-right | | Columns | columns | | Comet | comet | | Command | command | | Compass | compass | +| Confetti | confetti | +| Container | container | | Contrast | contrast | | Copy | copy | | Copyleft | copyleft | | Copyright | copyright | +| CornerDownLeftDouble | corner-down-left-double | | CornerDownLeft | corner-down-left | +| CornerDownRightDouble | corner-down-right-double | | CornerDownRight | corner-down-right | +| CornerLeftDownDouble | corner-left-down-double | | CornerLeftDown | corner-left-down | +| CornerLeftUpDouble | corner-left-up-double | | CornerLeftUp | corner-left-up | +| CornerRightDownDouble | corner-right-down-double | | CornerRightDown | corner-right-down | +| CornerRightUpDouble | corner-right-up-double | | CornerRightUp | corner-right-up | +| CornerUpLeftDouble | corner-up-left-double | | CornerUpLeft | corner-up-left | +| CornerUpRightDouble | corner-up-right-double | | CornerUpRight | corner-up-right | | CreditCardOff | credit-card-off | | CreditCard | credit-card | | Crop | crop | | Crosshair | crosshair | +| CrownOff | crown-off | | Crown | crown | | CurlyLoop | curly-loop | +| CurrencyBahraini | currency-bahraini | +| CurrencyBath | currency-bath | | CurrencyBitcoin | currency-bitcoin | +| CurrencyCent | currency-cent | +| CurrencyDinar | currency-dinar | +| CurrencyDirham | currency-dirham | +| CurrencyDollarAustralian | currency-dollar-australian | +| CurrencyDollarCanadian | currency-dollar-canadian | +| CurrencyDollarSingapore | currency-dollar-singapore | | CurrencyDollar | currency-dollar | +| CurrencyEthereum | currency-ethereum | | CurrencyEuro | currency-euro | +| CurrencyForint | currency-forint | +| CurrencyFrank | currency-frank | +| CurrencyKroneCzech | currency-krone-czech | +| CurrencyKroneDanish | currency-krone-danish | +| CurrencyKroneSwedish | currency-krone-swedish | +| CurrencyLeu | currency-leu | +| CurrencyLira | currency-lira | +| CurrencyLitecoin | currency-litecoin | +| CurrencyNaira | currency-naira | | CurrencyPound | currency-pound | +| CurrencyReal | currency-real | +| CurrencyRenminbi | currency-renminbi | +| CurrencyRipple | currency-ripple | +| CurrencyRiyal | currency-riyal | +| CurrencyRubel | currency-rubel | | CurrencyRupee | currency-rupee | +| CurrencyShekel | currency-shekel | +| CurrencyTaka | currency-taka | +| CurrencyTugrik | currency-tugrik | +| CurrencyWon | currency-won | | CurrencyYen | currency-yen | +| CurrencyZloty | currency-zloty | | CurrentLocation | current-location | +| CursorText | cursor-text | | Cut | cut | | Dashboard | dashboard | +| DatabaseExport | database-export | +| DatabaseImport | database-import | +| DatabaseOff | database-off | | Database | database | +| Details | details | +| DeviceAnalytics | device-analytics | +| DeviceAudioTape | device-audio-tape | +| DeviceCctv | device-cctv | +| DeviceComputerCameraOff | device-computer-camera-off | +| DeviceComputerCamera | device-computer-camera | +| DeviceDesktopAnalytics | device-desktop-analytics | +| DeviceDesktopOff | device-desktop-off | | DeviceDesktop | device-desktop | | DeviceFloppy | device-floppy | | DeviceGamepad | device-gamepad | | DeviceLaptop | device-laptop | +| DeviceMobileMessage | device-mobile-message | | DeviceMobileRotated | device-mobile-rotated | | DeviceMobileVibration | device-mobile-vibration | | DeviceMobile | device-mobile | @@ -403,17 +526,21 @@ | DeviceTv | device-tv | | DeviceWatch | device-watch | | Devices2 | devices-2 | +| DevicesPc | devices-pc | | Devices | devices | | Diamond | diamond | | Dice | dice | +| Dimensions | dimensions | | DirectionHorizontal | direction-horizontal | | Direction | direction | | Directions | directions | | Disabled2 | disabled-2 | | Disabled | disabled | | Disc | disc | +| Discount2 | discount-2 | | Discount | discount | | Divide | divide | +| Dna | dna | | DotsCircleHorizontal | dots-circle-horizontal | | DotsDiagonal2 | dots-diagonal-2 | | DotsDiagonal | dots-diagonal | @@ -422,20 +549,34 @@ | Download | download | | DragDrop2 | drag-drop-2 | | DragDrop | drag-drop | +| DroneOff | drone-off | | Drone | drone | +| DropletFilled2 | droplet-filled-2 | +| DropletFilled | droplet-filled | +| DropletHalf2 | droplet-half-2 | +| DropletHalf | droplet-half | +| DropletOff | droplet-off | | Droplet | droplet | +| EarOff | ear-off | | Ear | ear | +| EditCircle | edit-circle | | Edit | edit | | Egg | egg | | Emphasis | emphasis | +| EqualNot | equal-not | +| Equal | equal | | Eraser | eraser | | Exchange | exchange | | Exposure | exposure | | ExternalLink | external-link | +| EyeCheck | eye-check | | EyeOff | eye-off | | Eye | eye | +| Eyeglass2 | eyeglass-2 | +| Eyeglass | eyeglass | | FaceId | face-id | | Fall | fall | +| Feather | feather | | FileAlert | file-alert | | FileAnalytics | file-analytics | | FileCertificate | file-certificate | @@ -471,8 +612,11 @@ | Filter | filter | | Fingerprint | fingerprint | | Firetruck | firetruck | +| Flag2 | flag-2 | +| Flag3 | flag-3 | | Flag | flag | | Flame | flame | +| Flare | flare | | Flask | flask | | FlipHorizontal | flip-horizontal | | FlipVertical | flip-vertical | @@ -494,10 +638,12 @@ | Forbid2 | forbid-2 | | Forbid | forbid | | Forklift | forklift | +| Forms | forms | | Frame | frame | | Friends | friends | | GasStation | gas-station | | Gauge | gauge | +| Geometry | geometry | | Ghost | ghost | | Gift | gift | | GitBranch | git-branch | @@ -507,23 +653,34 @@ | GitMerge | git-merge | | GitPullRequest | git-pull-request | | GlassFull | glass-full | +| GlassOff | glass-off | | Glass | glass | | Globe | globe | | Golf | golf | | Gps | gps | +| Grain | grain | | GridDots | grid-dots | | GripHorizontal | grip-horizontal | | GripVertical | grip-vertical | +| Growth | growth | | H1 | h-1 | | H2 | h-2 | | H3 | h-3 | | H4 | h-4 | | H5 | h-5 | | H6 | h-6 | +| HandFinger | hand-finger | +| HandLittleFinger | hand-little-finger | | HandMiddleFinger | hand-middle-finger | | HandOff | hand-off | +| HandRingFinger | hand-ring-finger | +| HandRock | hand-rock | | HandStop | hand-stop | +| HandThreeFingers | hand-three-fingers | +| HandTwoFingers | hand-two-fingers | +| Hanger | hanger | | Hash | hash | +| Heading | heading | | HeadphonesOff | headphones-off | | Headphones | headphones | | Headset | headset | @@ -532,10 +689,14 @@ | HelicopterLanding | helicopter-landing | | Helicopter | helicopter | | Help | help | +| HexagonOff | hexagon-off | | Hexagon | hexagon | +| Hierarchy2 | hierarchy-2 | +| Hierarchy | hierarchy | | History | history | | Home2 | home-2 | | Home | home | +| IceCream2 | ice-cream-2 | | IceCream | ice-cream | | Id | id | | Inbox | inbox | @@ -549,11 +710,13 @@ | Karate | karate | | Key | key | | KeyboardHide | keyboard-hide | +| KeyboardOff | keyboard-off | | KeyboardShow | keyboard-show | | Keyboard | keyboard | | Language | language | | LayersDifference | layers-difference | | LayersIntersect | layers-intersect | +| LayersLinked | layers-linked | | LayersSubtract | layers-subtract | | LayersUnion | layers-union | | Layout2 | layout-2 | @@ -582,6 +745,10 @@ | LetterA | letter-a | | LetterB | letter-b | | LetterC | letter-c | +| LetterCaseLower | letter-case-lower | +| LetterCaseToggle | letter-case-toggle | +| LetterCaseUpper | letter-case-upper | +| LetterCase | letter-case | | LetterD | letter-d | | LetterE | letter-e | | LetterF | letter-f | @@ -598,6 +765,7 @@ | LetterQ | letter-q | | LetterR | letter-r | | LetterS | letter-s | +| LetterSpacing | letter-spacing | | LetterT | letter-t | | LetterU | letter-u | | LetterV | letter-v | @@ -608,24 +776,31 @@ | LettersCase | letters-case | | License | license | | Lifebuoy | lifebuoy | +| LineDashed | line-dashed | +| LineDotted | line-dotted | | LineHeight | line-height | | Line | line | | Link | link | | ListCheck | list-check | +| ListSearch | list-search | | List | list | | LivePhoto | live-photo | | LiveView | live-view | | LoaderQuarter | loader-quarter | | Loader | loader | | Location | location | +| LockAccess | lock-access | | LockOff | lock-off | | LockOpen | lock-open | | Lock | lock | | Login | login | | Logout | logout | +| Macro | macro | | Magnet | magnet | +| MailForward | mail-forward | | MailOpened | mail-opened | | Mail | mail | +| Mailbox | mailbox | | Man | man | | ManualGearbox | manual-gearbox | | Map2 | map-2 | @@ -634,8 +809,14 @@ | MapPins | map-pins | | Map | map | | Markdown | markdown | +| Marquee2 | marquee-2 | | Marquee | marquee | | Mars | mars | +| MaskOff | mask-off | +| Mask | mask | +| Massage | massage | +| MathFunction | math-function | +| MathSymbols | math-symbols | | Math | math | | Maximize | maximize | | Medal | medal | @@ -656,12 +837,14 @@ | MicrophoneOff | microphone-off | | Microphone | microphone | | Minimize | minimize | +| MinusVertical | minus-vertical | | Minus | minus | | Mist | mist | | MoodBoy | mood-boy | | MoodConfuzed | mood-confuzed | | MoodCrazyHappy | mood-crazy-happy | | MoodCry | mood-cry | +| MoodEmpty | mood-empty | | MoodHappy | mood-happy | | MoodKid | mood-kid | | MoodNeutral | mood-neutral | @@ -673,12 +856,14 @@ | MoonStars | moon-stars | | Moon | moon | | Moped | moped | +| Motorbike | motorbike | | Mouse | mouse | | Movie | movie | | Mug | mug | | Music | music | | NewSection | new-section | | News | news | +| Nfc | nfc | | Note | note | | Notebook | notebook | | Notes | notes | @@ -693,10 +878,15 @@ | Number7 | number-7 | | Number8 | number-8 | | Number9 | number-9 | +| OctagonOff | octagon-off | | Octagon | octagon | +| Old | old | +| Olympics | olympics | | Omega | omega | | Outlet | outlet | +| Overline | overline | | Package | package | +| Pacman | pacman | | PageBreak | page-break | | Paint | paint | | Palette | palette | @@ -710,6 +900,7 @@ | Pencil | pencil | | Pennant | pennant | | Percentage | percentage | +| Perspective | perspective | | PhoneCall | phone-call | | PhoneCalling | phone-calling | | PhoneCheck | phone-check | @@ -722,6 +913,7 @@ | Phone | phone | | PhotoOff | photo-off | | Photo | photo | +| Physotherapist | physotherapist | | PictureInPictureOff | picture-in-picture-off | | PictureInPictureOn | picture-in-picture-on | | PictureInPicture | picture-in-picture | @@ -736,6 +928,7 @@ | Planet | planet | | Plant2 | plant-2 | | Plant | plant | +| PlayCard | play-card | | PlayerPause | player-pause | | PlayerPlay | player-play | | PlayerRecord | player-record | @@ -744,25 +937,36 @@ | PlayerStop | player-stop | | PlayerTrackNext | player-track-next | | PlayerTrackPrev | player-track-prev | +| Playlist | playlist | | Plug | plug | | Plus | plus | | Point | point | +| Pokeball | pokeball | +| Polaroid | polaroid | | Pool | pool | | Power | power | | Pray | pray | +| PresentationAnalytics | presentation-analytics | | Presentation | presentation | | Printer | printer | | Prompt | prompt | +| Propeller | propeller | | Puzzle | puzzle | +| Pyramid | pyramid | | Qrcode | qrcode | | QuestionMark | question-mark | | Radioactive | radioactive | +| RadiusBottomLeft | radius-bottom-left | +| RadiusBottomRight | radius-bottom-right | +| RadiusTopLeft | radius-top-left | +| RadiusTopRight | radius-top-right | | Rainbow | rainbow | | Receipt2 | receipt-2 | | ReceiptOff | receipt-off | | ReceiptRefund | receipt-refund | | ReceiptTax | receipt-tax | | Receipt | receipt | +| Recharging | recharging | | RecordMail | record-mail | | RectangleVertical | rectangle-vertical | | Rectangle | rectangle | @@ -776,6 +980,11 @@ | RepeatOnce | repeat-once | | Repeat | repeat | | Replace | replace | +| ReportAnalytics | report-analytics | +| ReportMedical | report-medical | +| ReportMoney | report-money | +| Report | report | +| Resize | resize | | Ripple | ripple | | RoadSign | road-sign | | Rocket | rocket | @@ -786,10 +995,14 @@ | Rotate | rotate | | Route | route | | Router | router | +| RowInsertBottom | row-insert-bottom | +| RowInsertTop | row-insert-top | | Rss | rss | +| Ruler2 | ruler-2 | | Ruler | ruler | | Run | run | | Sailboat | sailboat | +| Satellite | satellite | | Scale | scale | | Scan | scan | | School | school | @@ -798,7 +1011,9 @@ | Scooter | scooter | | ScreenShareOff | screen-share-off | | ScreenShare | screen-share | +| ScubaMask | scuba-mask | | Search | search | +| Section | section | | Seeding | seeding | | Select | select | | Selector | selector | @@ -808,7 +1023,12 @@ | Separator | separator | | Server | server | | Servicemark | servicemark | +| SettingsAutomation | settings-automation | | Settings | settings | +| ShadowOff | shadow-off | +| Shadow | shadow | +| Shape2 | shape-2 | +| Shape3 | shape-3 | | Shape | shape | | Share | share | | ShieldCheck | shield-check | @@ -818,7 +1038,13 @@ | Shield | shield | | Ship | ship | | Shirt | shirt | +| ShoppingCartDiscount | shopping-cart-discount | +| ShoppingCartOff | shopping-cart-off | +| ShoppingCartPlus | shopping-cart-plus | +| ShoppingCartX | shopping-cart-x | | ShoppingCart | shopping-cart | +| Shredder | shredder | +| Signature | signature | | Sitemap | sitemap | | Skateboard | skateboard | | Slice | slice | @@ -829,20 +1055,43 @@ | Snowflake | snowflake | | SoccerField | soccer-field | | Social | social | +| Sock | sock | +| SortAscending2 | sort-ascending-2 | | SortAscending | sort-ascending | +| SortDescending2 | sort-descending-2 | | SortDescending | sort-descending | | Space | space | | Speakerphone | speakerphone | | Speedboat | speedboat | +| SportBillard | sport-billard | +| Square0 | square-0 | +| Square1 | square-1 | +| Square2 | square-2 | +| Square3 | square-3 | +| Square4 | square-4 | +| Square5 | square-5 | +| Square6 | square-6 | +| Square7 | square-7 | +| Square8 | square-8 | +| Square9 | square-9 | | SquareCheck | square-check | | SquareDot | square-dot | | SquareForbid2 | square-forbid-2 | | SquareForbid | square-forbid | | SquareMinus | square-minus | +| SquareOff | square-off | | SquarePlus | square-plus | +| SquareRoot2 | square-root-2 | +| SquareRoot | square-root | +| SquareRotatedOff | square-rotated-off | | SquareRotated | square-rotated | +| SquareToggleHorizontal | square-toggle-horizontal | +| SquareToggle | square-toggle | | SquareX | square-x | | Square | square | +| SquaresDiagonal | squares-diagonal | +| SquaresFilled | squares-filled | +| Stack2 | stack-2 | | Stack | stack | | StairsDown | stairs-down | | StairsUp | stairs-up | @@ -872,6 +1121,9 @@ | SwitchHorizontal | switch-horizontal | | SwitchVertical | switch-vertical | | Switch | switch | +| TableExport | table-export | +| TableImport | table-import | +| TableOff | table-off | | Table | table | | Tag | tag | | Tallymark1 | tallymark-1 | @@ -887,22 +1139,28 @@ | TemperaturePlus | temperature-plus | | Temperature | temperature | | Template | template | +| Tent | tent | | Terminal2 | terminal-2 | | Terminal | terminal | | TestPipe | test-pipe | +| TextDirectionLtr | text-direction-ltr | +| TextDirectionRtl | text-direction-rtl | | TextWrapDisabled | text-wrap-disabled | | TextWrap | text-wrap | | ThumbDown | thumb-down | | ThumbUp | thumb-up | | Ticket | ticket | +| TiltShift | tilt-shift | | Tir | tir | | ToggleLeft | toggle-left | | ToggleRight | toggle-right | | Tool | tool | +| ToolsKitchen2 | tools-kitchen-2 | | ToolsKitchen | tools-kitchen | | Tools | tools | | Tornado | tornado | | Tournament | tournament | +| Track | track | | Tractor | tractor | | Trademark | trademark | | TrafficCone | traffic-cone | @@ -910,6 +1168,7 @@ | Train | train | | TrashOff | trash-off | | Trash | trash | +| Tree | tree | | Trees | trees | | TrendingDown2 | trending-down-2 | | TrendingDown3 | trending-down-3 | @@ -917,11 +1176,13 @@ | TrendingUp2 | trending-up-2 | | TrendingUp3 | trending-up-3 | | TrendingUp | trending-up | +| TriangleOff | triangle-off | | TriangleSquareCircle | triangle-square-circle | | Triangle | triangle | | Trident | trident | | Trophy | trophy | | TruckDelivery | truck-delivery | +| TruckOff | truck-off | | TruckReturn | truck-return | | Truck | truck | | Typography | typography | @@ -938,6 +1199,8 @@ | UserX | user-x | | User | user | | Users | users | +| Vaccine | vaccine | +| Variable | variable | | VectorBeizer2 | vector-beizer-2 | | VectorBeizer | vector-beizer | | VectorTriangle | vector-triangle | @@ -971,6 +1234,7 @@ | Wifi | wifi | | Wind | wind | | Windmill | windmill | +| Window | window | | WiperWash | wiper-wash | | Wiper | wiper | | Woman | woman | @@ -978,6 +1242,8 @@ | WorldLongitude | world-longitude | | World | world | | WreckingBall | wrecking-ball | +| WritingSign | writing-sign | +| Writing | writing | | X | x | | YinYang | yin-yang | | ZodiacAquarius | zodiac-aquarius | @@ -993,6 +1259,8 @@ | ZodiacTaurus | zodiac-taurus | | ZodiacVirgo | zodiac-virgo | | ZoomCancel | zoom-cancel | +| ZoomCheck | zoom-check | | ZoomIn | zoom-in | +| ZoomMoney | zoom-money | | ZoomOut | zoom-out | | ZoomQuestion | zoom-question | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index 2fbf8782..cd6ab4f8 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "name": "tabler-icons-svelte", - "version": "1.3.0", + "version": "1.5.0", "lockfileVersion": 1, "requires": true, "dependencies": { "@tabler/icons": { - "version": "1.38.0", - "resolved": "", - "integrity": "sha512-ash094c+hX0FfSE18gxlnU2FQotg9wHOMQXuVhpHlGBl640uzV/RkXeoii0jyEIzFMf1SUGVc/3pATbAjLTxxw==", + "version": "1.39.1", + "resolved": "", + "integrity": "sha512-zYP8aijzKNfwxSWyr9/d2S6qdNA7MtHOwHg2EwqyZk7FjhD2IGIhNaFh9h8TMkVtGSUnBcnfKyJ56Eum6gTJ7A==", "dev": true } } diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index b270eec1..d8e6987a 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "tabler-icons-svelte", - "version": "1.4.0", + "version": "1.5.0", "description": "Tabler Icons as svelte components.", "license": "MIT", "author": "Ben Lapp ", @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "build": "node ./scripts/generate.js" }, "devDependencies": { - "@tabler/icons": "^1.38.0" + "@tabler/icons": "^1.39.1" }, "files": [ "dist",