This is a step-by-step guide how to run the example:
The example is implemented in Java. See . The examples need to be compiled so you need to install a JDK (Java Development Kit). A JRE (Java Runtime Environment) is not sufficient. After the installation you should be able to execute
on the command line. -
The example run in Docker Containers. You need to install Docker Community Edition, see . You should be able to run
after the installation. -
The example need a lot of RAM. You should configure Docker to use 4 GB of RAM. Otherwise Docker containers might be killed due to lack of RAM. On Windows and macOS you can find the RAM setting in the Docker application under Preferences/ Advanced.
After installing Docker you should also be able to run
. If this is not possible, you might need to install it separately. See .
Change to the directory microservice-kafka
and run ./mvnw clean package
or mvnw.cmd clean package
(Windows). This will take a while:
[~/microservice-kafka/microservice-kafka]./mvnw clean package
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ microservice-kafka-invoicing ---
[INFO] Building jar: /Users/wolff/microservice-kafka/microservice-kafka/microservice-kafka-invoicing/target/microservice-kafka-invoicing-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] --- spring-boot-maven-plugin:1.5.4.RELEASE:repackage (default) @ microservice-kafka-invoicing ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] microservice-kafka ................................. SUCCESS [ 1.191 s]
[INFO] microservice-kafka-order ........................... SUCCESS [ 37.543 s]
[INFO] microservice-kafka-shipping ........................ SUCCESS [ 49.739 s]
[INFO] microservice-kafka-invoicing ....................... SUCCESS [ 48.479 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 02:17 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-09-08T13:43:15+02:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 48M/427M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
If this does not work:
Ensure that
in the directory.m2
in your home directory contains no configuration for a specific Maven repo. If in doubt: delete the file. -
The tests use some ports on the local machine. Make sure that no server runs in the background. In particular make sure the Kafka port 9092 and the HTTP port 8080 are available. There might be other ports that are needed, too.
Skip the tests:
./mvnw clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
ormvnw.cmd clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
(Windows). -
In rare cases dependencies might not be downloaded correctly. In that case: Remove the directory
in the directory.m2
in your home directory. Note that this means all dependencies will be downloaded again.
First you need to build the Docker images. Change to the directory
and run docker-compose build
. This will download some base
images, install software into Docker images and will therefore take
its time:
[~/microservice-kafka/docker]docker-compose build
Step 7/7 : CMD apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND
---> Using cache
---> af6e0b1495b4
Successfully built af6e0b1495b4
Successfully tagged mskafka_apache:latest
Removing intermediate container 1d59f8227b12
Afterwards the Docker images should have been created. They have the prefix
[~/microservice-kafka/docker]docker images
mskafka_invoicing latest 1fddb3132141 43 seconds ago 214MB
mskafka_shipping latest 7340d766ea6f 46 seconds ago 214MB
mskafka_order latest 0f9848e55054 49 seconds ago 215MB
mskafka_kafkacat latest 461e8b02bb99 12 days ago 113MB
mskafka_postgres latest 2b2f4f035d6d 12 days ago 269MB
Now you can start the containers using docker-compose up -d
. The
option means that the containers will be started in the
background and won't output their stdout to the command line:
[~/microservice-kafka/docker]docker-compose up -d
Starting mskafka_zookeeper_1 ...
Starting mskafka_postgres_1 ...
Starting mskafka_zookeeper_1
Starting mskafka_zookeeper_1 ... done
Starting mskafka_kafka_1 ...
Starting mskafka_kafka_1 ... done
Recreating mskafka_order_1 ...
Recreating mskafka_invoicing_1 ...
Recreating mskafka_invoicing_1
Recreating mskafka_shipping_1 ...
Recreating mskafka_order_1
Recreating mskafka_invoicing_1 ... done
Recreating mskafka_apache_1 ...
Recreating mskafka_apache_1 ... done
During the first start the Docker images for Zookeeper and Kafka will be downloaded during this step.
Check wether all containers are running:
[~/microservice-kafka/docker]docker ps
a87d3671d7f0 mskafka_apache "/bin/sh -c 'apach..." 6 minutes ago Up 6 minutes>80/tcp mskafka_apache_1
3efa376d06a2 mskafka_invoicing "/bin/sh -c '/usr/..." 6 minutes ago Up 6 minutes 8080/tcp mskafka_invoicing_1
3dfe4b38d9d9 mskafka_order "/bin/sh -c '/usr/..." 6 minutes ago Up 6 minutes 8080/tcp mskafka_order_1
554109ba07a3 mskafka_shipping "/bin/sh -c '/usr/..." 6 minutes ago Up 6 minutes 8080/tcp mskafka_shipping_1
b1ea3311f031 wurstmeister/kafka: "" 12 days ago Up 6 minutes mskafka_kafka_1
c83247820e4d mskafka_postgres "docker-entrypoint..." 12 days ago Up 6 minutes 5432/tcp mskafka_postgres_1
a397c26c1947 wurstmeister/zookeeper:3.4.6 "/bin/sh -c '/usr/..." 12 days ago Up 6 minutes 22/tcp, 2888/tcp, 3888/tcp,>2181/tcp mskafka_zookeeper_1
docker ps -a
also shows the terminated Docker containers. That is
useful to see Docker containers that crashed right after they started.
If one of the containers is not running, you can look at its logs using
e.g. docker logs mskafka_order_1
. The name of the container is
given in the last column of the output of docker ps
. Looking at the
logs even works after the container has been
terminated. If the log says that the container has been killed
, you
need to increase the RAM assigned to Docker to e.g. 4GB. On Windows
and macOS you can find the RAM setting in the Docker application under
Preferences/ Advanced.
If you need to do more trouble shooting open a shell in the container
using e.g. docker exec -it mskafka_catalog_1 /bin/sh
or execute
command using docker exec mskafka_catalog_1 /bin/ls
You can now go to http://localhost:8080/ and enter an order. That will create a shipping and an invoice in the other two microservices.
You can terminate all containers using docker-compose down
You can remove the stopped containers using docker-compose rm
So these two command give you a clean new start of the system.