Efficiently Trainable Text-to-Speech System Based on Deep Convolutional Networks with Guided Attention
A sentence which is defined as SENTENCE
in pytorch-dc-tts.py
The Voice file is output as .wav which path is defined as SAVE_WAV_PATH
in pytorch-dc-tts.py
Automatically downloads the onnx and prototxt files on the first run. It is necessary to be connected to the Internet while downloading.
is defined in the pytorch-dc-tts.py
ex. SENTENCE = 'The boy was there when the sun rose.'
For the sample sentence,
python3 pytorch-dc-tts.py
If you want to specify the input sentence, put the wav path after the --input option. You can use --savepath option to change the name of the output file to save.
python3 pytorch-dc-tts.py --input SENTENCE --savepath SAVE_WAV_PATH
ONNX opset = 10