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Releases: aws/graph-notebook

Release 3.7.0

07 Dec 19:30
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  • Added Neo4J section to %%graph_notebook_config (Link to PR)
  • Added custom Gremlin authentication and serializer support (Link to PR)
  • Added %statistics magic for Neptune DFE engine (Link to PR)
  • Added option to disable TLS certificate verification in %%graph_notebook_config (Link to PR)
  • Improved %load status output, fixed region option (Link to PR)
  • Updated 01-About-the-Neptune-Notebook for openCypher (Link to PR)
  • Fixed results not being displayed for SPARQL ASK queries (Link to PR)
  • Fixed %seed failing to load SPARQL EPL dataset (Link to PR)
  • Fixed %db_reset status output not displaying in JupyterLab (Link to PR)
  • Fixed %%gremlin throwing error for result sets with multiple datatypes Link to PR)
  • Fixed edge label creation in 02-Using-Gremlin-to-Access-the-Graph (Link to PR)
  • Fixed igraph command error in 02-Logistics-Analysis-using-a-Transportation-Network (Link to PR)
  • Bumped typescript to 4.1.x in graph_notebook_widgets (Link to PR)
  • Pinned ipywidgets==7.7.2 and jupyterlab_widgets<3 (Link to PR)
  • Pinned nbclient<=0.7.0 (Link to PR)

Release 3.6.2

18 Oct 16:19
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  • New Sample Applications - Security Graphs notebooks (Link to PR)
    • Path: 03-Sample-Applications > 04-Security-Graphs
  • Update sample notebooks with parallel, same-direction edges example (Link to PR)
  • Fixed a Gremlin widgets error caused by empty individual results (Link to PR)
  • Fixed %db_reset timeout handling, made timeout limit configurable (Link to PR)
  • Fixed Sparql visualizations occasionally failing with VisJS group assignment error (Link to PR)
  • Fixed start jupyterlab command in README (Link to PR)
  • Fixed interface rendering issue in classic notebooks (Link to PR)
  • Added --hide-index option for query results (Link to PR)
  • Added result media type selection for SPARQL queries (Link to PR)

Release 3.6.0

15 Sep 19:24
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  • New Language Tutorials - SPARQL Basics notebook (Link to PR)
    • Path: 06-Language-Tutorials > 01-SPARQL > 01-SPARQL-Basics
  • New Neptune ML - Text Encoding Tutorial notebook (Link to PR)
    • Path: 04-Machine-Learning > Sample-Applications > 02-Job-Recommendation-Text-Encoding.ipynb
  • Added --store-to option to %%graph_notebook_config (Link to PR)
  • Added loader status details options to %load_ids (Link to PR)
  • Added --all-in-queue option to %cancel_load (Link to PR)
  • Deprecated Python 3.6 support (Link to PR)
  • Added support for literal property values in Sparql visualization options (Link to PR)
  • Various results table improvements (Link to PR)
  • Disabled automatic collapsing of large explain results (Link to PR)
  • Fixed version-specific steps in SageMaker installation script (Link to PR)
  • Added new SageMaker installation script for China regions (Link to PR)

Release 3.5.3

26 Jul 01:41
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  • Docker support. Docker image can be built using the command docker build . and through Docker's buildx, this can support non-x86 CPU Architectures like ARM. (Link to PR)
    • Fix conditional checks, SSL parameter can now be changed. Fix permissions error on experienced by some users. (Link to PR)
  • Added %%neptune_config_allowlist magic (Link to PR)
  • Added check to remove whitespace in %graph_notebook_config host fields (Link to PR)
  • Added silent output option to additional magics (Link to PR)
  • Fixed %sparql_status magic to return query status without query ID (Link to PR)
  • Fixed incorrect Gremlin query --store-to output (Link to PR)
  • Fixed certain characters not displaying correctly in results table (Link to PR)
  • Fixed extra index column displaying in Gremlin results table on older Pandas versions (Link to PR)
  • Reverted Gremlin console tab to single results column (Link to PR)
  • Bumped jquery-ui from 1.13.1 to 1.13.2 ((Link to PR)

Release 3.5.1

13 Jul 00:32
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  • Improved the %stream_viewer magic to show the commit timestamp and isLastOp information,
    if available. Also added additional hover (help) text to the stream viewer. (Link to PR)
  • Added --max-content-length option to %%gremlin (Link to PR)
  • Added proxy_host and proxy_port options to the %%graph_notebook_config options. (Link to PR)
    • This allows for proxied connections to your Neptune instance from outside your VPC. Supporting the patterns seen here.
  • Fixed results table formatting in JupyterLab (Link to PR)
  • Fixed several typos in the Neptune ML 00 notebook (Link to PR)
  • Renamed the Knowledge Graph application notebooks for clarity (Link to PR)

Release 3.4.1

07 Jun 21:56
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  • Identity Graph - ETL notebook (Link to PR)
    • Path: 03-Identity-Graphs>03-Jumpstart-Identity-Graphs-Using-Canonical-Model-and-ETL
    • Files: scripts/, and 3-Identity-Graphs>03-Jumpstart-Identity-Graphs-Using-Canonical-Model-and-ETL notebook
  • Support variable injection in %%graph_notebook_config magic (Link to PR)
  • Added three notebooks to show data science workflows with Amazon Neptune (Link to PR)
  • Added JupyterLab startup script to auto-load magics extensions (Link to PR)
  • Added includeWaiting option to %oc_status, fix same for %gremlin_status (Link to PR)
  • Added --store-to option to %status (Link to PR)
  • Fixed handling of empty nodes returned from openCypher DELETE queries (Link to PR)
  • Fixed rendering of openCypher widgets for empty result sets (Link to PR)
  • Fixed graph search overriding physics setting (Link to PR)
  • Fixed browser-specific bug in results pagination options menu (Link to PR)
  • Fixed invalid queries in Gremlin sample notebooks (Link to PR)
  • Removed requests-aws4auth requirement (Link to PR)

Release 3.3.0

29 Mar 04:42
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  • Support rendering of widgets in JupyterLab (Link to PR)
  • Fixed ASCII encoding error in Profile/Explain generation (Link to PR)
  • Fixed inaccessible data URL in NeptuneML utils (Link to PR)
  • Fixed integration tests to address updated air routes data and other changes (Link to PR)
  • Bumped jinja2 from 2.10.1 to 3.0.3 (Link to PR)
  • Added documentation for JupyterLab installation (Link to PR)

Release 3.2.0

26 Feb 01:32
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  • Added new notebooks: guides for using SPARQL and RDF with Neptune ML (Link to PR)
  • Added the ability to run explain plans to openCypher queries via %%oc explain. (Link to PR)
  • Added the ability to download the explain/profile plans for openCypher/Gremlin/SPARQL. (Link to PR)
  • Changed the %stream_viewer magic to use PropertyGraph and RDF as the stream types. This better aligns with Gremlin and openCypher sharing the PropertyGraph stream. (Link to PR)
  • Updated the airports property graph seed files to the latest level and suffixed all doubles with 'd'. (Link to PR)
  • Added grouping by depth for Gremlin and openCypher queries (PR #1)(PR #2)
  • Added grouping by raw node results (Link to PR)
  • Added --no-scroll option for disabling truncation of query result pages (Link to PR)
  • Added --results-per-page option (Link to PR)
  • Added relaxed seed command error handling (Link to PR)
  • Renamed Gremlin profile query options for clarity (Link to PR)
  • Suppressed default root logger error output (Link to PR)
  • Fixed Gremlin visualizer bug with handling non-string node IDs (Link to PR)
  • Fixed error in openCypher Bolt query metadata output (Link to PR)
  • Fixed handling of Decimal type properties when rendering Gremlin query results (Link to PR)

Release 3.1.1

22 Dec 04:16
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  • Added new dataset for DiningByFriends, and associated notebook (Link to PR)
  • Added new Neptune ML Sample Application for People Analytics (Link to PR)
  • Added graph customization support for SPARQL queries (Link to PR)
  • Added graph reset and search refinement buttons to the graph output tab (Link to PR)
  • Added support for setting custom edge and node tooltips (Link to PR)
  • Added edge tooltips, and options for specifying edge label length (Link to PR)
  • Updated NeptuneML pre-trained model resources for CN regions (Link to PR)
  • Fixed inaccurate help message being displayed for certain GremlinServerErrors (Link to PR)
  • Fixed error causing query autocompletion to fail (Link to PR)
  • Fixed Jupyter start script for cases where the nbconfig directory is missing (Link to PR)

Release 3.0.8

04 Nov 00:34
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  • Added support for specifying the Gremlin traversal source (Link to PR)
  • Added edge tooltips, and options for specifying edge label length (Link to PR)
  • Fixed configuration options missing when using a CN region Neptune host (Link to PR)
  • Correct naming of ID parameter for NeptuneML Endpoint command (Link to PR)