Releases: atteneder/glTFast
glTFast 2.0.0
This release is a major refactor that makes glTFast future proof by building upon Unity's new Mesh API.
Some glTF files see major performance improvements with this update while I haven't noticed any considerable regression.
Thanks to Embibe for sponsoring the development of skin support! ❤️
- Support for skins
- Instantiation can now be customized via injection
- Complete refactor to allow more optimization by using Unity's new Mesh API (introduced in 2019.1)
- Required Unity version was raised to 2019.1 or newer
glTFast 1.2.0
glTFast 1.1.1
- Unlit shader now works with vertex colors
Release 1.1.0
state property indicates if loading routine has finishedGltfAssetBase
, a minimum asset component for manual loading via scriptGetMaterial
interface, to retrieved imported materials by index.
- Added loading state sanity checks to instantiation
- Loading glTFs with materials only (no scene/geometry)
- Normal texture scale is applied correctly now
Release 1.0.1
[1.0.1] - 2020-04-29
- Abstract interface
let's users implement custom download behavior (useful for authentification or caching) - Added
, a reference implementation that downloads glTF's files with custom HTTP headers
- Removed support for obsolete draft extensions
- Correct (brighter) colors due to color-space conversion (conversion from linear to gamma before applying to material)
- Correct shading in linear color space projects due to correct (linear) sampling of normal, occlusion and metallic-roughness maps
- Memory leak: free up volatile array
Release 1.0.0
Version 1.0.0 Release
Happy to announce the 1.0 release!
This will be the last feature release supporting the Unity 2018.x series. Future releases (starting with 1.1.0) will require Unity 2019.3 or newer.
Read details about it in this post.
- Support for Draco mesh compression is now optional (install DracoUnity package to enable it)
- Support for KTX2/Basis Universal textures is now optional (install KtxUnity package to enable it)
Release 0.11.0
- Support for texture samplers' wrapping mode
- Support for texture samplers' filter modes (partial; see issue)
- Increased performance due to more balanced threading by making all C# Jobs parallel
- Refactored loading behavior
- Main loading class does not interfere with it's IDeferAgent anymore. It just follows its order.
now has aloadOnStartup
flat to disable automatic loadingGltfAsset.onLoadComplete
now also returns itsGltfAsset
instance for convenience
- Redundant Load calls when using
Release 0.10.2
Major speed improvement for large meshes that don't use normal maps or use unlit material ( read the article about the details )
- Normals and tangents (if not present) are only calculated if the assigned material actually requires them.
Release 0.10.1
- Experimental KTX / Basis Universal support was merged (off by default)
- Proper error handling invalid URL/path
- Improved glTF-binary URL extension detection
- Correct index order for line strip primitives (#59)
Release 0.10.0
This release's biggest change is performance improvements for scenes that re-use vertex attributes across primitives ( read about details in this blog post)
- Support for Universal Windows Platform (not verified/tested myself)
- Refactored GltFast class to control loading coroutine in an effort to make usage and future port to async easier.
- Optimization: Data loading is now based on accessors (rather than primitives). This reduces redundant loading jobs wherever accessors are used across primitives.
- Optimization: Primitives of a mesh, that share vertex attributes now become sub-meshes of one Unity Mesh. This reduces memory usage and creates less Renderers/GameObjects.
- glTF type (JSON or binary) is now auto-detected based on file name extension. Removed obsolete
. This was done soGltfAsset
can be derived off more flexible.