4.40.1 (2022-03-14)
4.40.0 (2021-07-13)
- getDevicePixelRatio will return 0 on Linux resulting in no minimap (#799 and #795)
- Require Electron 6 - Drop support for Atom versions older than 1.52. (#798)
- remove the deprecated LegacyAdapter (#798)
- use StyleReader from atom-ide-base (#798)
- improve debounce function (#798)
- update dependencies
4.39.14 (2021-05-10)
- don't destory the dummty decoration (fd61554)
- don't emit if the decoration is already destroyed (30ad2d6)
- make the old decorations API type-safe (a94020a)
- remove excess return null (930ba15)
- return a real destroyed decoration (473d82c)
- return destoryed decoration and disposable on fallback (bd4eb25)
4.39.13 (2021-04-14)
- rotateHue accepts negative hue values in DOMStylesReader (2e6f047)
4.39.12 (2021-04-02)
- remove preventDefault from onMouseWheel for independent scroll (02527ff)
4.39.11 (2021-04-01)
- update dependencies (5b7c457)
4.39.10 (2021-03-12)
- disable desynchronized canvas (8059189)
4.39.9 (2021-02-19)
- invalidate styles cache on styles update (12b1b07)
4.39.8 (2021-02-09)
- fix minimap on left calculate width (4133274)
4.39.7 (2021-02-02)
4.39.6 (2021-01-30)
- fix: do not null set the values in destroy (#779): solves some of the null bugs.
4.39.5 (2021-01-18)
- fix strange null-bugs (#771)
- fix
should return an array
4.39.4 (2021-01-18)
- revert "fix: skip rendering empty token text" (86767a0)
4.39.3 (2021-01-18)
- skip rendering empty token text (6bd1921)
4.39.2 (2021-01-18)
- add minimap.destroy to minimapForEditor just in case (40a4676)
- dispose the editorSubscription if minimap is deactivated before destroying the editor (7b359b3)
4.39.1 (2021-01-17)
- add DecorationManagement.destroy (09e64b9)
- attach to text editor explicitly (f2c36b7)
- clear editorsMinimaps in one take (aa48eba)
- compare minimap with undefined (ad83bf6)
- create a new Minimap if it is destroyed (503c482)
- delete the editor from editorsMinimaps if destroyed (defc58c)
- destroy quickSettingsElement (0eace20)
- do not define additional subs variable (2b665ec)
- hack for forcing scroller movement (a5ac5ec)
- merge subs.add in Minimap (5a9ff08)
- merge subs.add in quick settings (4e81b4c)
- only delete if editorsMinimaps is not null (464a8cf)
- remove excess copy (4fca672)
- removeChild before appending (1d07ed1)
- reuse minimapElement if already exists (1043a29)
- set minimap to null if it is truthy (3f683d9)
- use minimapViewProvider instead of atom.views (6fb75af)
4.39.0 (2021-01-16)
- add destroyed prop to DecorationManagement (784732d)
- call initializeDecorations inside setModel (006300c)
- destructure data in drawGutterDecoration (c055f0e)
- destructure data in drawLineDecoration (7579528)
- destructure renderData in drawHighlightDecoration (8033509)
- destructure renderData in drawHighlightOutlineDecoration (be58182)
- duplicate functions for backward compatibility (67d9d58)
- empty minimapElement once minimapElement is destroyed (c5ac30c)
- fix onDidChangeDecorationRange (b331f08)
- make DecorationManagement a normal class (a303916)
- memoize this.DecorationManagement (5d4c1dc)
- memoize this.emitter (6235c2e)
- set this.DecorationManagement to undefined (b9e351c)
- use this.minimap.destroyed (38a0e3f)
- use this.minimap.editorDestroyed (9385892)
- use this.minimap.emitter (f34cd85)
- use this.minimap.get visibleRow (ea3fc7b)
- add getDecorationManagement as the recommended way of using decoration API (46080b3)
- set minimapElement property for Minimap (03726ed)
4.38.3 (2021-01-12)
- make underscore-plus a devDep (07512f3)
- no need escape / (2687541)
- replace underscore-plus by custom implementation (2ee74b9)
- store the regexp in a const (2a64ecb)
- turn-off toplevel optimizations (0099863)
- use string inerpolation (92be9d8)
4.38.2 (2021-01-12)
- make drawBackDecorationsForLines a free function (b2e238a)
- make drawDecorations a free function (94f2a1e)
- make drawFrontDecorationsForLines a free function (6b97b7a)
- make getDecorationColor free function (e704de9)
- make updateBackDecorationsLayer a free function (8ae5fa4)
- make updateFrontDecorationsLayer a free function (a614182)
4.38.1 (2021-01-12)
- import domStylesReader (10730c9)
4.38.0 (2021-01-11)
- check if dummyNode is on the targetNode (3071ef3)
- do not store empty cachedData (e181e07)
- do not use cache if no scopes are added yet (86ae2c4)
- remove non-existing token.scopeDescriptor (70219c6), closes /github.com/atom/atom/blob/976cb9ef3a611163052f9d31c6c3685dc1e6c5b4/src/text-editor.js#L1432
4.37.1 (2021-01-07)
- drawToken: use simple comparison instead of regex (fe56545)
4.37.0 (2021-01-07)
4.36.13 (2021-01-03)
- inline eachTokenForScreenRows + get scopes in getTokenColor (8ce807d)
- make updateTokensLayer a free function (02e3bf8)
- refactor whiteSpaceRegexp out of loop (6d2ed20)
4.36.12 (2021-01-03)
- append the dummyNode only once (8823c8f)
- combine cacheData checks + use undefined for comparison of value (8f4a87d)
- faster transparentize by using string index instead of replace (1801ec8)
- inline textOpacity (2689a9a)
- remove excess null check (89a7756)
- require cache param (69c7354)
4.36.11 (2021-01-03)
- factor dotRegexp out of the loop (fdd23fa)
- factor editorScreenLineCount and invisibleRegExp out of the loop (9359279)
- factor emptyLineRegexp and whiteSpaceRegexp out of the loop (8e704b0)
- factor hueRegexp out of the loop (703c75c)
- factor rgbExtractRegexp out of the loop (4585437)
4.36.10 (2021-01-02)
- factor out dispatchers and lambda (aca84c0)
- factor out getTokenColor lambda (09771b6)
- make drawLines a free function (bf9f598)
4.36.9 (2021-01-02)
- comment out unused functions (1396a49)
- factor out renderData from updateBackDecorationsLayer (3b3dec1)
- factor out renderData from updateFrontDecorationsLayer (5e94c91)
- inline redrawRangesOnLayer in updateTokensLayer (5059ea3)
- inline updateBackDecorationsLayer (a05bca0)
- inline updateFrontDecorationsLayer (dacf546)
- inline variables used once in updateCanvas (173454b)
- move the consts out of updateTokensLayer (bffd277)
- refactor the parameters of drawLines out of loop (436f4b7)
- take the const decorations out of loop (c3c1e5e)
4.36.8 (2021-01-02)
- cache the decoration drawer dispatchers (8835572)
- calculate decorationColor outside the decoration drawers (90f0e65)
- calculate editorElement only once outside of the drawDecorations (2c768cb)
- call getTextEditorElement only once (ad4fa0e)
- call getTextEditorElement only once in drawDecorations (94a3064)
- call getTextEditorElement() outside of getDecorationColor (739a561)
- make drawCustomDecoration a free function (4848aef)
- make drawGutterDecoration a free function (30e9017)
- make drawHighlightDecoration a free function (404393d)
- make drawHighlightOutlineDecoration a free function (cd4af73)
- make drawLineDecoration a free function (d2b3782)
4.36.7 (2021-01-02)
- make drawToken a free function (ec363ea)
- make eachTokenForScreenRows a free function (a296f48)
- make getInvisibleRegExp a free function (5e23805)
- move DOMStylesReader to CanvasDrawer (6999bc5)
- move getTextEditorElement to Minimap class (5c72224)
- this.minimap.getTextEditor only once in eachTokenForScreenRows (d3d5d6e)
4.36.6 (2021-01-01)
- add domStylesCache to DOMStylesReader's constructor (e4e9b1f)
- add hasTokenizedOnce to DOMStylesReader's constructor (2641ae6)
- add targetElement to retrieveStyleFromDom API (81f47ed)
- comment unused invalidateIfFirstTokenization (346a9a3)
- only index cachedData once (4e753ad)
- use a Map as the domStylesCache (108918a)
- use DOMStylesReader as a class in CanvasDrawer (a598938)
- use DOMStylesReader as a class in MinimapElement (a1c99e5)
4.36.5 (2021-01-01)
- make computeIntactRanges a free function (22f541f)
- make computeRangesDiffs a free function (115ae4f)
- make getOriginatorPackageName a free function (3d67d03)
- make getPackagesDirectory a free function (b592149)
- make isStoredInDotAtom a free function (d1061a2)
- make linkPackage and installPackage free functions (32987c7)
- make rotateHue a free function (1261495)
- make runCommand a free function (6ab825c)
- make transparentize a free function (9eb52f1)
- make truncateIntactRanges a free function (058c2d1)
4.36.4 (2020-12-31)
- mediaQuery deprecations (3b6a0e7)
4.36.3 (2020-12-31)
4.36.2 (2020-12-30)
- map existence check: use undefined compare (ec8480a)
- use Map for decorationDestroyedSubscriptions (661d190)
- use Map for decorationMarkerChangedSubscriptionsValues (6a0d612)
- use Map for decorationMarkerDestroyedSubscriptions (f2e6515)
- use Map for decorationsById (1fc7bc8)
- use Map for decorationsByMarkerId (d0a2cbe)
- use Map for decorationUpdatedSubscriptions (9879ab5)
4.36.1 (2020-12-29)
- remove spec specific code in production build (15c15c5)
4.36.0 (2020-12-29)
- add higher optimizations to Terser (b3d00af)
- don't use anonymous function when it is named (2f9392a)
- inline dragOffset and offsetTop in initial (d44dd77)
- make animate a free function (cfb681b)
- make applyStyles a free function (7c5ab25)
- make extractMouseEventData a free function (31ca2e4)
- make extractTouchEventData a free function (5ae0dcc)
- make getTime a free function (ebf816a)
- make makeScale a free function (1d3ce49)
- make makeTranslate a free function (9c5dbaf)
- make swing a free function (4005109)
- merge adding config observers (b500d4f)
- merge adding subs in attachedCallback (474b4c1)
- merge adding subs in initializeContent (d869d39)
- merge adding subs in setModel (1b1f9af)
- mouseEvent.which deprecation (de81494)
- remove duplicate drag handlers (73d9ec4)
- set hoits_vars to false (4722d21)
4.35.8 (2020-12-29)
- add deprecation warning for LegacyAdapter (cea6197)
- add Parcel to build and optimize Minimap (f0b001b)
- config not being defined (12a3050)
- do not export the private values and functions (067a6d6)
- export directly from Main to remove race conditions (e354143)
- export directly from PluginManagement to remove race conditions (4d9e234)
- export plugins (used in quick-settings) (f276547)
- import missing deactivateAllPlugins (a8c9b91)
- lazy load Main because of race conditions (948f642)
- lazy load MinimapPluginGeneratorElement (392f6d9)
- make config a json file (e14d180)
- MinimapServiceV1 (1a4f3fa), closes /github.com/parcel-bundler/parcel/issues/5531#issuecomment-751897276
- move plugin-management file as it is not a mixin anymore (dac13bd)
- move provideMinimapServiceV1 to the main file (126c62a)
- only imoprt the needed functions from fs-plus (60bd9a8)
- only import dasherize from underscore-plus (f98f211)
- remove initializePlugins (af85b54)
- remove lazy loading of Main (6ad19cc)
- remove require cache removal hack (018ae7a)
- remove synchronous lazy loading (927cc1e)
- use export default instead of module.exports= (c1ab6a9)
- use imports + use Array.isArray (a262bfb)
4.35.7 (2020-12-09)
- add more css containment (to all selectors) (d73aaee)
4.35.6 (2020-12-01)
- remove lowLatency (4b05971)
4.35.5 (2020-12-01)
- disable desynchronized canvas on Linux (7b3e51e)
4.35.4 (2020-11-27)
4.35.3 (2020-11-26)
4.35.2 (2020-11-22)
- add more passive:true to event listeners (7df85b3)
- Mark atom-utils event listeners as passive (9850bec)
4.35.1 (2020-11-22)
- bump atom-utils-plus (a954c3f)
4.35.0 (2020-11-21)
- requests flush changes if not already requested (79d6e41)
- use requestAnimationFrame for scheduleChanges (2ca5006)
4.34.0 (2020-11-21)
- less containment for minimap-quick-settings (2747b7f)
- add css containment to minimap elements (f2be7d9)
4.33.0 (2020-11-21)
- use desynchronized canvas (d9c79ba)
4.32.0 (2020-11-21)
- limit the number of tokens that are rendered for one line This will prevent the very long lines to break minimap when softwrap is not enabled. (85a56e3)
4.31.1 (2020-11-21)
4.31.0 (2020-11-21)
- move less intensive conditions forward (6540c39)
- use optimal settings as the default (68a7883)
4.30.2 (2020-11-21)
- Add --fix to lint (edbfd1e)
- bump dependencies (2372942)
- bump dependencies (2b887ef)
- npm run lint (4345ccf)
- run lint using standard 16 (34e4d49)
- use atom-utils-plus (ffe2717)
- use const instead of var (6faa975)
- use if/else instead of complex ternary (706a2d7)
4.30.1 (2020-11-21)
- Startup time improvement: add activation hook (ee3e5d7)
- ✨ Performance improvement: Make event listeners passive
- 🐛 Bug fix: Fixed issue with this.minimap.onMouseWheel() is not a function
- Update CI and tests
- Use default cursor on minimap (#650)
- Fix crash when used alongside tree-sitter grammars (#662)
- Fix CI (#673)
- Guard against there being no visible screen row when the minimap is constructed (b2012d034a, #626)
- Adjust outline decoration rendering so that it doesn't leak over next lines (8d0b51cc)
- Fix issue where decorations were not properly removed from canvas (6c856b9b)
- Properly fix the issue with deprecated scroll method (0552856a)
- Fix error when redispatching scroll event (b269eb87, #614)
- Fix independent minimap no longer working on latest atom version (29bd6b35)
Remove Kite promotion.
- Kite promotion (16c11d82)
- Fix flickers on retina screen with absolute mode adjustable height (a81abbea)
- Enable pointer events for visible area in adjusted absolute mode (8210e1e9, #564)
- Implement configurable minimap redraw delay (c1ec247d)
- Epic performance boost for large files (07e65ed8)
- Add link to the quick-highlight integration (7d417572)
- No longer use getScreenRange to retrieve a marker's range when destroyed
- Fix issue on master with destroyed decorations (5791fb28)
- Fix reading tokens of lines after the last one (1a018112)
- Speed up token rendering a bit (216f6a88)
- Fix invalid overlay offset when minimap is not adjusted (73b9917c)
- Guard against destroyed editor in adapters and decorations manager (252d4572, #489)
This version will only supports Atom >= 1.13.0
and drops support of shadow DOM.
- Fix quick settings button always visible when hovering the workspace (ca1a3d80)
- Bump atom engine version (573f7f76)
- Fix invalid overlay offset when minimap is not adjusted (73b9917c)
- Guard against destroyed editor in adapters and decorations manager (252d4572, #489)
- Fix size change handler making scrolling in the minimap impossible (f98b54df)
- Fix overlay margin applied even when minimap is on the right (240e2b0b)
- Fix invalid css value (3eb581d0)
- Fix overlay offsets when minimap is on the left (a0a38169)
- Add option to move the cursor when clicking to scroll in the minimap (73f84fc0, #515)
- Add tern-project settings (dec0e7bd)
- Lazily load remaining dependencies (b5419c36)
- Bump engine version (b4e70206)
- Fix minimal width badly measured after a split pane (1f97824e, #497)
- Add guard against duplicated minimap (d782ed65, #504)
- Set the with-minimap attribute in attached callback (478e5ef7, #487)
- Add another guard when accessing tokenLinesForScreenRows (80fd6533)
- Fix disappearing minimap on master (9b7425f8)
- Add a new adjustMinimapWidthOnlyIfSmaller setting to disable CSS limitation (cc7161e5, #452)
- Add a with-minimal attribute on text editors (d76d4109)
Gives a way to hide the scrollbar only when a minimap is present, as requested in #479
- Fix error in minimal plugin generation dialog (e72e2dd3, #476)
- Fix error raised when emitting changes and text editor is no longer referenced (abc29f46, #482)
- Add guard when calling tokenLinesForScreenRows (fc2622f5)
- Fix linter issue (f7d1878c)
- Fix missing canvas scaling without smooth scrolling (bff59ea5, #480)
- Fix regression when reading tokens from line in old API (a10def7c)
- Fix invisible characters improperly matched (fee318ad)
Little refactor to support upcoming Atom text editor feature.
Fix linter issues.
- Add a quick setting control to switch the adjust absolute mode height setting (94d3be1a)
- Add a news setting to adjust the height of canvases in absolute mode (17e02f42, #344)
- Add support for incoming display layer feature in Atom (ae7b9bc8, #474)
- Fix requesting a repaint when the minimap is not attached yet (07dbde8c)
- Fix minimap size in absolute mode with adjustMinimapToSoftWrap enabled (c7fb8acc)
- Implement asynchronous animated scrolling (7477ed0b)
When bothscrollAnimation
settings are enabled, the animation of the minimap no longer follow the animation of the editor, preventing the minimap from jumping to the starting editor scroll before moving towards the end scrolling position. - Add new custom decorations type. See the decoration types documentation for details.
- Add independent scrolling setting when mouse wheeling over the minimap (376b0b72, #414)
This allow to browse a file quickly and pinpoint a location to jump to from the minimap. - Implement media query listener for device pixel ratio changes (54780a4f)
It should help in #450 case. - Implement sorted decorations rendering (8ad6a66f, #453)
- Add a decoration order setting for each registered plugin (b912132a)
- Add support for scoped settings for both editor and minimap settings (92a3c663, #456)
- Fix incorrect value for display style (b58d35ae)
- Add a smoothScrolling setting to enable/disable canvas offset (18f57c80)
- Clear require cache on main module loading (1b698abf)
- Fix folding/unfolding rows giving invalid redraw range (8d0f061c, #429)
- Use dedicated pending changes array for back and front decorations (aef0c49a)
- Add a CanvasLayer class to handle onscreen/offscreen canvases (b339e73e)
Render is now separate into three layers to reduce accesses to line tokens.
- Fix over-blurring of the Minimap for device with a float for pixel raio (77f3b38f9)
- Bump atom-utils version (d42fe50d)
✨ Starting with this version, the Minimap is now totally written in ES6 with Babel ✨
We're also using the decorator feature from ES7 for mixin inclusion and custom elements registration.
- Add a element decorator to handle creating custom elements (f1823116)
- Add a helper function to generate decorators for mixin inclusion (d2ed7591)
- Add new dependency to support ES7 features linter and docs (dc758103)
- Add esdoc to generate documentation for es6 version (68142570)
- Add standard linter for es6 conversion (f0bb6561)
- Use new Babel-friendly space-pen DSL (e4be4483)
- Avoid reading directly from the line's token property (e8235235)
- Bump atom-utils version (b15fce7a)
- Prevent stand alone minimap to have width, height and flex properties (fd7a9dd0)
- Prevent generation of a returned array in drawLineDecorations method (04fdd35c)
- Store minimap locally in update to prevent racing conditions (8a7179f3)
- Implement a basic cache of editor dimension during update (5aeb5ce3)
- Implement new custom elements registration to allow updates (f5ab5e36)
- Implement removing unused elements in stand-alone minimap (72e7a90e)
- Add custom render settings on a per-minimal basis (4eed31af)
- Bump atom-utils version (b4fc2d94)
- Fix minimap broken with changes in flex box behaviour (0c9389d8)
- Fix deprecations in tests (3bb81d39)
- Implement a new adapter layer to handle differences between stable and beta (0d93666e)
- Fix all remaining depracations in specs and element (a0e418d9)
- Fix access to private API removed in latest master (cf37f604, #387)
- Bump minimum engine version (a705ac6c)
- Use provided text editor (e2883013)
- Add a
method on minimaps and dispatch a dedicated event on change (1e3e5f7b) - Implement independent scroll top for stand-alone minimap (6afdac4c)
- Add
method in API (8970216c) - Add stand-alone mode in minimap (5560408e)
In stand-alone mode the minimap can operate using a fixed width and height. - Add a flag in minimap element to know whether it has been attached to a text editor or not (5f37e22c)
- Speed up scrolling with lots of decorations (7b495e9f)
- Fix visibility changes not properly watched when a tab become active (806dd4bd)
- Fix leak minimap (7b3c65ba)
- Add plugins templates for vanilla javascript and babel (3511ef2b)
- Fix invalid intact ranges computed when added a decoration (178dca41)
- Speed up updates due to decoration's marker changes (42307e7d)
- Bump minimum Atom version (efd6dc5f)
- Add control over absolute mode in the quick settings popup (1ae73d91)
- Add an absolute mode setting allowing the text editor content to flow below the minimap (2fa132f8, #337)
- Fix typo in method name (da9dec45)
- Add context menu to toggle the minimap (edcb74bc, #326)
- Add minimap-autohide to the list of plugins (e17588ac)
- Implemented middle click click-and-drag behavior. Resolves #290 (86c155b7)
- Implemented middle click to jump-to-location (175d058e)
- Fix typo (daeb0834)
- Fix misplacement of the quick settings view in one-dark-ui (40e6f05a)
- Fix visible area spreading outside minimap in one-dark-ui (12aadd2c)
- Fix DOM polling requesting an update on every call (075d1a60)
- Register to styles changes only after being attached (f466703c)
- Remove line causing method deoptimization (2f945585)
- Add a setting for scroll animation duration (32663de0)
Useful in test so that we can override it. Also if people want to tweak it, it’s now possible.
- Fix missing forced update when minimap become visible again (8ed9aae0)
- Add a highlight-outline decoration mode (45bf0f44)
It works like a highlight but only render the outline
- Fix plugin generation view (30bea55c)
- Plugins can now use the
service provider to access the minimap package.
- Speed up decorations retrieval when rendering lines (ad4b33b6)
- Update engine version (53457ffb)
- 🌠 Transfer to Atom-Minimap
- plugins list screen cap (5595ab36)
- Fix size settings not allowing float numbers [9a9df90e](https://github.com/atom-minimap/minimap/commit/9a9df90e1c2dca1232e62c6ea720407823d857e6, #271)
- Add keyboard controls for minimap position (a741d926)
- Add controls to toggle the position of the minimap (6434c34b)
- Fix open-minimap-quick-settings and minimap-scroll-indicator's position on HiDPI displays (7909b5c7)
- Fix code highlight not toggled with keyboard in quick settings (f0fbe442)
- Fix quick settings position with soft wrap and on left settings (61495669)
- Fix position of the quick settings view when minimap is on left (0d454456)
- update semver (4e30323b)
- Add softWrapAtPreferredLineLength test case (9ca75aca)
- Fix getTextEditorScrollRatio() return NaN, #260 (2d656596)
- Fix travis build-package script (00cf91de)
- Fix minimap width when enable soft wrap and at preferred line length(>=16384). (#256)
- minimap should be not toggle when minimap was disabled
- Add scroll animation. (986c725e)
- Fix minimap instanciated before having required Minimap (ca01a307, #212)
- Fix deprecation in plugin generator command (cbe85b8c)
- Fix error raised when retrieving active minimap without active editor (549830d8)
- Fix right click starting a drag gesture (c17a5dc9)
- Fix controls and scroll indicator position (2ffa507c)
- Fix minimap size when splitting a pane (bbe60ddb)
- Fix missing minimap when a plugin get an instance before the observer (98729736)
- Fix removed commands in activate (412b083f)
- Fix plugin template for v4 (ce09615f)
- Fix styles directory deprecation (ff047197)
- Fix deprecation on theme observer (d1d183a5)
- Fix deprecations in stylesheet (393ef8c0)
- Prevent text selection of the minimap (#219).
- Fix error raised when clicking on minimap (a77a94a9, #198)
- Add guard when screenDelta is NaN (4f1f204c)
- Fix screen delta not set in decoration changes (3aa521bd)
- Fix minimap position not updated if setting change before attachment (4b9b6242)
- Prevent NaN screenDelta in changes (4f00149e)
- Stop drag gesture when mouse leaves the window (8d026d14, #193)
- Fix minimap canvas scaling when device pixel ratio > 1 (8c066eee, #192)
- Fix duplicated minimap when dragging tab (83830ca4)
The main change in v3.5.0 is the addition of the V4 Preview
setting that enable the new custom element based minimap. A Restart is needed to activate the preview. Plugins may be disabled if they doesn't have been updated to suport the new API.
The following changes mostly concerns the implementation of the new minimap.
- Implement minimap creation observer method for v4 (e583763a)
- Implement basic minimap scroll through dragging (769fb815)
- Implement scroll on mouse pressed over canvas (eb927855)
- Implement sublime-like minimap scroll with scroll past end (5d5185b7)
It prevents the minimap from going past the end while the editor is. - Implement code highlight toggle from quick settings in element (c779f6fd)
- Implement proper quick settings view life cycle (9af0bd12)
- Add quick settings button in minimap element (a2184d14)
- Implement minimap element destruction (60081818)
- Implement minimap model destruction (b65698bb)
- Add support for adjustMinimapWidthToSoftWrap config (b66bbbb1)
- Implement a basic switch in main to enable v4 preview (2d072921)
- Implement config observers to update minimap elements (5bea5458)
- Implement minimap scroll indicator (1128bb45)
- Implement partial redraw on editor changes (0c50eb55)
- Implement minimap on left config support in minimap element (15a586a0)
- Implement resize detection with DOM polling (a5b888ce)
- Implement canvas offset to allow smooth scroll (57accd3c)
- Add support for visible area scroll in minimap element update (f3b68565)
- Add support for editor left scroll in the minimap model (d2f59e38)
- Add basic view update routine (312b6080)
- Add basic content in minimap element (8a8869d0)
- Add view provider registration method on minimap element (d1e95aa8)
- Add stub for minimap element (19f1aeaa)
- Implement decoration management in minimap model (f6181c9d)
The biggest change so far is that changes are not stacked in the model but emitted as events. - Add model method to compute the visible rows range (5a38ef5c)
- Add more minimap scroll related method (990f29a1)
- Add more scroll related methods (2e517425)
- Add first methods in the new Minimap model (93651f2a)
- Fix missing getTextEditor method on minimap view (569ee952)
- Fix position of right positioned controls without using offset (4f32ca74)
- Change minimap width adjustments to avoid update on every DOM poll (cca596c7)
- Prevent canvas resize when minimap become invisible (43ebe7b9)
- Fix minimap model not relying on screen lines (3ea02bf5)
- Fix minimap redraw when scrolling down (d3edad15)
- Bad value returned in getCharHeight (6f804830)
- Fix missing method for decoration management in minimap (b1911a9f)
- Fix dom reader failing to append the node outside render view (17ba1732)
- Replace sequencial styles affectation with cssText (f12ae20f)
- Use translate and translate3d for offsets (98083d88)
- Prevent drawing tokens past the canvas width (c7ab242f)
- 💂♂️ Try to use the already retrieve pane when possible (33dd8cf6)
- Fix editor styles with minimap in zen mode (6496aa92)
- Fix broken minimap when shadowRoot isn't enabled (f5f6e779)
- Fix broken actions and navigation in quick settings (b2114b34)
- Should fix non-activation in post update hook (659ffc63)
- Fix atom-space-pen-views version in package.son (90aa4588)
- Add an observeMinimaps method replacing eachMinimapView (98c81307)
- Add more defensive code if a marker can't be retrieved (600e5bb1)
- Add defensive code on decorations methods (6104fe17)
- Prevent removal of inexistant decorations (a8e21c27)
- Fix broken quick settings button in minimap (da1986a9)
- Fix missing decorations caused by shadow root (f8b4ae03)
- Fix bugs with minimap scrolling and height (6327de96)
- Fix retrieval of the dom colors (b8c11bb3)
- Fix last remaining deprecations (0a6ea03e)
- Speed up rendering by sharing cache between instances (6fd00fa6)
- fix code-highlights status in quick-settings menu
- fix error raised when trying to remove a decoration for a destroyed buffer
- fix minimap disappearing on tabs drag and drop
- fix minimap styles persisting after minimap deactivation
- remove key bindings for toggling command
- remove forgotten logging
- fix access to minimap view in quick settings
- fix minimap removed when the active item of a previous owner changed
- fix pane and editor styles when shadow dom is enabled
- exclude handling of text editor views that doesn't belong to a pane view
- fix links to documentation in Readme
- fix using
in tokens scopes breaks layout
- fix relying on overlayer to compute scroll offset
- fix access to deprecated scopes property of tokens
- fix invalid engine version since config changes
- fix minimap height not filling the whole editor height at startup
- fix duplication of minimap when dragging tabs between panes
- add option to set a max width to minimap when soft wrap is enabled
- fix invalid decoration change range registered when head and tail of a marker are inversed
- use new config schema
- fix bug with line decoration and retina display
- fix broken update on editor settings changes
- fix broken access to editor in getLinesCount when changing an editor setting
- fix render on retina display
- add config observers for editor settings that affect the minimap display
- fix various leak with config observers
- fix missing render view event dispatch on settings change
- add command to generate a plugin package
- fix remaining deprecated calls
- update documentation with old wiki pages
- set autoToggle true by default
- replace lineHeight by interline in settings
- fix issue with renamed event in Atom nightly
- fix the case where the minimap is positioned incorrectly when a user style alters the tab bar height
- fix bug with text drawing when charWidth != 1
- 🐎 improved performances by switching to a canvas-based rendering
- ✨ add decoration API using the same interface than the Atom one
- implements a new event model based on the Atom one. Previous events re now deprecated.
- add new API documentation availaible at http://fangduncai.com/atom-minimap/
- handle properly the changes in the atom editors classes
- re-enable the minimap to work with legacy EditorView class
- fix a bug with removeAtKeyPath method in tests
- add a setting to completely turn off the plugin controls from the minimap settings.
- add a new entry in the quick settings dropdown to toggle the minimap highlights on a per-editor basis.
- fix a whitespace issue with Redacted font
- fix error raised when tokenized line doesn't have an
- add option to toggle code highlights in the minimap
- fix minimap editor background hiding the underlayer
- add a quick access dropdown to toggle activation of minimap plugins
- remove the use of css scaling to render the minimap
- add new API allowing to replace an
with aMinimapView
for screen position computation in plugins that need to display markers over the minimap - add click-then-drag support on the minimap track
- fix broken minimap in atom v0.123.0
- fix broken tests
- add a
Use Hardware Acceleration
option that allow to choose betweentranslate
for the minimap scroll offset - fix a weird rendering issue where many update of the minimap were done with various offset
- fix an unexpected offset on the right side of the editor contents
- fix with-minimap decoration removed on tab change when react editor is enabled
- fix pane styles with minimap and react editor enabled
- fix minimap line-height with react editor enabled
- fix error raised when closing the last tab in a pane
- add support for react editor mode
- fix error on line classlist access
- fix broken minimap when
is enabled - 🐎 remove forced hardware acceleration on minimap
- add a
Display Minimap On Left
setting allowing for the minimap to be placed on the left of the editor view - add a line on the right edge of the minimap indicating how much of the buffer is displayed by the minimap. This line is only displayed if the minimap can scroll.
- add a
setting that allow to change the number of additional lines to render in the minimap. Bigger values will increase render time but will reduce the number of redraws during scrolling.
- removes obsolete minimap contextual menu
- fix inconsistent arguments passed to
callbacks for already existing minimaps
- fix with-minimap class removed from pane on tab close
- minimap views are now created for each editor and not for each pane
- add a
subscription method inMinimap
class - add a view aware minimap rendering, it speeds up rendering and updates for large files
- add delegation of
methods inMinimapView
, allowing to manipulate most of its API directory from a minimap view - add a lines API on
allowing to decorates lines with classes even when they are not rendered yet
- add Minimap.versionMatch method allowing plugins to test against minimap version
- add Customizing Style to Readme
- better rendering for ASCII characters, fix #69
- fix error on closing an image view pane
- add Travis CI
- add reference to the new highlight-selected plugin
- fix item move to other pane, both panes's minimap updates #65
- Properly stick to the editor line height
- fix minimap doesn't update on active view changes when auto-toggle is true, #59
- add minimap indicator
- split updateScrollX and updateScrollY
- minimap api
- minimap plugin manager
- use
mixin for debug - add plugins list
now available!
- fix broken minimap activation on non editor view, #46
- move resizeend to main file
- drag-to-scroll
- using
ctrl-k ctrl-m
toggle the minimap without the logs - using
ctrl-k ctrl-d
toggle the minimap with the logs
- update redacted font, fixed instead of regular
- expose an instance of a Minimap class
- refactor view to have the same structure ad editor view
- move resizeend.js to vendor dir
- store pane id as a local variable to minimize bloats
- fix scrolling when on Vim mode or in Find pane
- disalbed syncing scroll when
of editor
- add
container, wrappedminimap-editor
- add
css class to pane, #16 - responsive support for minimap and tweaks css styles
displayed by default, #25- add test cases, #28
- refactor minimap views, #32
- feature minimap partial update, performance improvement #35
- subscribe
of editor and syncing
- fix
doesn't reset to 0 after switch with files
- supports window resize
- improve style
- supports to multi
, by @abe33 - add simple
, no animation - use css3 transform instead of left/top
- fix minimap obscured when tree view to toggled to right side of window, #9, by @Orangetronic
- fix not display empty line
- add Redacted font, improves styles, by @abe33
- refactors updateMinimapView
- add a config.js, defualts config
- add scrollLeft and scrollTop on minimap, sync to editor
- fix #10, js erors when opening image files
- add gray overlayer, toggle display over/leave
- support mousewheel, sync editor and minimap scrollTop
- fix #2, minimap is appearing on the right when opening settings tab
- fix #3, opening settings tab breaks when minimap is use
- add minimap-editor-view
- add monitor tab-bar and file-tree