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executable file
214 lines (173 loc) · 6.17 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
214 lines (173 loc) · 6.17 KB

Build Status Coverage Status Reviewed by Hound

Barefoot Nomad - Making company travel and accomodation easy and convinient.


Make company global travel and accommodation easy and convenient for the strong workforce of savvy members of staff, by leveraging the modern web.

This is the swagger API documentation link

Heroku backend endpoint

This the heroku staging Api

This the production Api

Setup Dotenv

  • Create .env file in project root directory
  • Copy keys in .env-example file, which is in the project root directory and assign values to those keys.
  • You can add more environmenta variables to the .env file
  • To use declared variables, require dotenv at the top of your file import dotenv from 'dotenv' and call its method config dotenv.config()
  • Access environment variable value by using process.env.KEY_NAME where KEY_NAME is the variable name.

Note: If you make changes that uses environmental variables make sure to add those variables with example values in the .env.example file.

Sequelize and Sequelize-cli

1 Installing cli

npm install

2 Running Migrations

sequelize db:migrate

3 Running Seeds

sequelize db:seed:all

Signup Endpoint

User Registration Model

  "firstName": "name",
  "lastName": "lastName",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "phoneNumber": "12345678",
  "password": "mypassword"

Forgot password

  "email": "[email protected]"

Reset password

  "password": "newPassword",
  "confirmPassword": "newPassword"

Profile Page Settings Endpoints

Complete Profile Model

gender: DataTypes.STRING,
birthdate: DataTypes.DATE,
language: DataTypes.STRING,
currency: DataTypes.STRING,
country: DataTypes.STRING,
department: DataTypes.STRING,
linemanager: DataTypes.INTEGER

Update Profile Model

firstName: DataTypes.STRING,
lastName: DataTypes.STRING,
phoneNumber: DataTypes.STRING,
gender: DataTypes.STRING,
birthdate: DataTypes.DATE,
language: DataTypes.STRING,
currency: DataTypes.STRING,
country: DataTypes.STRING,
department: DataTypes.STRING,
linemanager: DataTypes.INTEGER

Profile Schema

  "firstName": "name",
  "lastName": "lastName",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "phoneNumber": "12345678",
  "gender": "Male",
  "birthdate": "1978-05-04T00:00:00.000Z",
  "language": "Kinyarwanda",
  "currency": "US$",
  "country": "Rwanda",
  "department": "IT",
  "linemanager": "JOHN Doe"

Accommodation model

  "facilityName": "facility Name",
  "locationId": 1,
  "description": "Full description of the facility",
  "roomType": "room type",
  "photoUrl": "Url for image"

Return & Oneway Trip model

  "origin": 1,
  "destination": 3,
  "from": "2020-10-10",
  "till": "2020-10-15",
  "travelReasons": "vacation",
  "accomodationId": 1

Host/Supplier Add Accomodation model

  "facilityName": "Serena Hotel",
  "description": "nice hotel",
  "locationId": 1,
  "photoUrl": "",
  "roomNumbers": 5,
  "price": 100,
  "services": "restaurent and bar",
  "amenities": "pool game"


  • Hosted url:
  • Signup: /api/auth/signup
  • Login: /api/auth/login
  • Complete Profile: /api/profile/complete
  • Display Profile: /api/profile
  • Update Profile: /api/profile/update
  • Display Managers: /api/profile/managers
  • Accomodations: /api/accomodations
  • Forgot Password: /api/forgotPassword
  • Trip With Return Date: /api/trip/return-trip
  • Oneway Trip Request: /api/trips/oneway
  • Multi city Request: /api/trips/multi-city
  • POST oneway Trip: /api/trips/oneway
  • GET ONE oneway Trip: /api/trips/oneway/:tripId
  • GET ALL oneway Trip: /api/trips/oneway
  • UPDATE oneway Trip: /api/trips/oneway/:tripId
  • DELETE oneway Trip: /api/trips/oneway/:tripId
  • Host Accommodations: /api/host/accomodations
  • Accomodation like Reaction: /api/accomodations/like
  • Accomodation unlike Reaction: /api/accomodations/unlike
  • Get All requests as a manager: /api/request/manager
  • Make a decision on a request as a manager: /api/request/manager/:id/:decision
  • Search for Requests by status: /api/allRequestsByStatus/search?status=status
  • Search for Requests by ID: /api/getRequestById/search?id=requestId
  • Search for Requests by user ID: /api/getRequestByUser/search?id=userId
  • Search for Trips by Start date: /api/allTripsByStartDate/search?startDate=date
  • Search for Trips by End date: /api/allTripsByEndDate/search?endDate=date
  • Search for Trips by Origin: /api/allTripsByOrigin/search?origin=country
  • Search for Trips by Destination: /api/allTripsByDest/search?destination=country
  • Search for Trips by Origin & Dest: /api/allTripsByOriginDest/search?origin=country&destination=country
  • Most Traveled Destination: /api/most-traveled/destinations
  • Getting notifications: /api/api/notifications
  • Counting unseen notification: /api/api/notifications/count
  • Login With Google: /users/auth/google
  • Login with Facebook: /users/auth/google
  • GET all bookings: /api/accomodations/book
  • POST a booking: /api/accomodations/book
  • DELETE all bookings: /api/accomodations/book
  • GET a single booking: /api/accomodations/book/id
  • DELETE a booking: /api/accomodations/book/id
  • UPDATE a booking: /api/accomodations/book/id
  • GET all ratings: /api/ratings
  • POST a rating: /api/ratings
  • GET ratings of an accommodation: /api/ratings/accommodation/accommodationId
  • GET a single rating: /api/ratings/id
  • DELETE a rating: /api/ratings/id
  • UPDATE a rating: /api/ratings/id
  • Barefoot chat: /api/chat