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re-actor - Actor Framework with Project Reactor

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The re-actor is an Actor Model Library, a robust solution designed to simplify the development of highly concurrent, and resilient applications.

The actor model is a programming paradigm that uses actors as the basic building blocks of concurrent computation. In the actor model, actors are independent entities that communicate asynchronously by sending messages to each other. This library uses Project Reactor under the hood.

These are the interfaces involved for using it:


Abstract class to be implemented in order to implement actor lifecycle methods like Init, postStop, createReceive, preRestart, postRestart etc.


This is the main class that provides the actor system. We can pass Scheduler that will be used to schedule tasks from all actors in the system.


This is the reference to the actor. It is used to communicate with the actor. ActorRef provides tell API to asynchronously publish messages and ask API to synchronously publish messages & expect a response with timeout.

Supervisor Strategies

  • When there is some Exception while processing the message, Supervisor strategy kicks in.
  • Parent actor’s Supervisor Strategy is used to decide SupervisorStrategyDirective for the exception

There are 4 SupervisorStrategies can be applied -


  • Skip the message which caused the exception & continue processing the next message


  • Don’t process any further message.
  • Terminate self & all the children.


  • Skip the current message which caused the exception.
  • Pause the current actor & all children
  • Restart the current actor & then all its children.
  • Continue processing from next message.


  • If the SupervisorStrategyDirective of the parent supervisor is set to ESCALATE, then apply the same supervisor strategy to its own parent.
  • Continue this process until you encounter a directive of either RESUME, STOP, or RESTART.
  • Alternatively, if you have reached the root (ActorSystem) which has no parent, then by default the directive of STOP will be applied.
  • This directive will be applied to all actors below in the hierarchy of actor whose parent returned this directive.

How to use

1. Define AbstractActor implementation

public class DemoReactor extends AbstractActor {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DemoReactor.class);

    public void preStart() {"initialised ");

    public Receive createReceive() {
        return ReceiveBuilder.create()
                .match(Integer.class, (m) ->"This is Int in createReceive {}", m))
                .match(String.class, (m) ->"This is String in createReceive {}", m))
                .matchAny((m) ->"This is else in createReceive {}", m))

    public void postStop() {"Inside postStop");

    public SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy() {
        return new OneForOneSupervisorStrategy(ex -> {
            if (ex instanceof Exception1)
                return SupervisorStrategyDirective.RESUME;
            return SupervisorStrategyDirective.STOP;

    public static class Exception1 extends Exception {

2. Create ActorSystem

  • Create ActorSystem using ActorSystem.create method.
  • Supply a name & Scheduler to create the system.
  • Register a callback to be called when the system is terminated.
public class DemoReactorTest {

    public void run() {
        ActorSystem actorSystem = ActorSystem.create("DemoActorSystem", new ReactorSystemConfig(Schedulers.boundedElastic()));
        actorSystem.registerOnTermination(() ->"actorSystem " + actorSystem.getName() + " is TERMINATED"));

3. Create ActorRef

  • Create ActorRef using ActorSystem with actorOf method.
ActorRef actor = actorSystem.actorOf(
        () -> new DemoReactor(),
        new ReactorConfig("MainReactor", Collections.emptyList()));

4. Use ActorRef to communicate with the actor


tell("Hello message");



tell(1000,Duration.ofSeconds(1)); // publish message with some delay


tell(PoisonPill.getInstance()); // Terminate the actor


sleep(5000); // wait

More Details

  • We first need to create an ActorSystem which can be used to create an Actor(ActorRef). We have to pass a Scheduler to the ActorSystem which will be used to schedule tasks from all actors in the system.

  • Actor can create child actors using actorOf API.

  • Actor provides tell API to asynchronously publish messages with thread-safety.

  • Actor maintains an internal queue & process the messages on same thread & in same order in which they are published.

  • On start of the Actor, preStart method is called.

  • Actor can be asynchronously terminated using PoisonPill message. Actor will process all the messages published before PoisonPill before terminating itself.

  • You can also schedule any message to be processed async after some delay.

  • If ActorSystem or Actor is terminated all its children should also be terminated asynchronously. And postStop method is called on Actor.

  • Actor can be watched by other actors using watch API. When an Actor terminates its parent & all watchers would be notified.

  • In case of any exception while processing the message, Supervisor strategy of parent kicks in.

  • Following Supervisor Strategies are supported -

    1. STOP - Stops the actor & all its children
    2. RESUME - Skips the message which caused the exception & continue processing the next message.
    3. RESTART[maxRetries(default = 3)] [default]
      • Skips the current message which caused the exception.
      • Pause all children & current actor.
      • Restart the current actor & then all its children.
      • If all retries are exhausted, then stop the actor & all its children.
      • While restarting actor, preRestart & postRestart methods is called.
      • If the SupervisorStrategyDirective of the parent supervisor is set to ESCALATE, then apply the same supervisor strategy to its own parent.
      • Continue this process until you encounter a directive of either RESUME, STOP, or RESTART.
      • Alternatively, if you have reached the root (ActorSystem) which has no parent, then by default the directive of STOP will be applied.
      • This directive will be applied to all actors below in the hierarchy of actor whose parent returned this directive.
  • ActorSystem & Actor emits following type of metrics -

    1. Scheduler metrics
    2. Reactor metrics


./gradlew clean build


./gradlew test


Contributions to re-actor are welcome! Please see for details.


Copyright (c) [2024] Atlassian US., Inc. Apache 2.0 licensed, see LICENSE file.

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