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Django Data Importer is a tool which allow you to transform easily a CSV, XML, XLS and XLSX
file into a python object or a django model instance. It is based on the django-style declarative model.
- Support to Django Customer User
- (beta) QuerysetToWorkbook
- Ignore empty line
- Accept custom clean_fields
- Accept post_clean
- Accept post_save
- Accept post_save_all_lines
- Accept pre_clean
- Accept pre_commit
- Accept save with transaction
- Auto generate async importers
- Auto Importer CSV
- Auto Importer XLS
- Auto Importer XLSX
- Auto Importer XML
- Check import status on Django Admin
- Convert text values by default as unicode
- Default FormView
- Django Admin integration to download files in File History
- Easy interface to create Importers
- Easy interface to create Readers
- File History integrated with FormView
- GenericImporter to import files (CSV, XLS, XLSX, XML)
- Get fields from Django Models
- Ignore First Row
- Integrated with Celery
- Integrated with Django Models
- Integrated with Django Models Validators
- Open file to read
- Read source as File, cStringIO, Text, FileField
- Set starting_row
- Set XLS/XLSX importer by sheet_index
- Set XLS/XLSX importer by sheet_name
- Support to user a JSON descriptor with Fields
Use either easy_install
easy_install data-importer
or pip
pip install data-importer
Customize data_importer decoders
Default value is cp1252
Default value is UTF-8
Consider the following:
>>> from data_importer.importers import CSVImporter
>>> class MyCSVImporterModel(CSVImporter):
... fields = ['name', 'age', 'length']
... class Meta:
... delimiter = ";"
You declare a MyCSVImporterModel
which will match to a CSV file like this:
To import the file or any iterable object, just do:
>>> my_csv_list = MyCSVImporterModel(source="my_csv_file_name.csv")
>>> row, first_line = my_csv_list.cleaned_data[0]
>>> first_line['age']
Without an explicit declaration, data and columns are matched in the same order:
Anthony --> Column 0 --> Field 0 --> name
27 --> Column 1 --> Field 1 --> age
1.75 --> Column 2 --> Field 2 --> length
If you now want to interact with a django model, you just have to add a Meta.model option to the class meta.
>>> from django.db import models
>>> class MyModel(models.Model):
... name = models.CharField(max_length=150)
... age = models.CharField(max_length=150)
... length = models.CharField(max_length=150)
>>> from data_importer.importers import CSVImporter
>>> from data_importer.model import MyModel
>>> class MyCSVImporterModel(CSVImporter):
... class Meta:
... delimiter = ";"
... model = MyModel
That will automatically match to the following django model.
The django model should be imported in the model
define the delimiter of the csv file.
If you do not set one, the sniffer will try yo find one itself.
Skip the first line if True.
If defined, the importer will create an instance of this model.
If set to True, an error in a imported line will stop the loading.
Exclude fields from list fields to import
Use transaction to save objects
If you now want to interact with a django model, you just have to add a Meta.model option to the class meta.
XML file example:
<Name>Rocky Balboa</Name>
<Name>Chuck Norris</Name>
>>> from django.db import models
>>> class MyModel(models.Model):
... name = models.CharField(max_length=150)
... age = models.CharField(max_length=150)
... height = models.CharField(max_length=150)
>>> from data_importer.importers import XMLImporter
>>> from data_importer.model import MyModel
>>> class MyCSVImporterModel(XMLImporter):
... root = 'file'
... class Meta:
... model = MyModel
That will automatically match to the following django model.
The django model should be imported in the model
If defined, the importer will create an instance of this model.
If set to True, an error in a imported line will stop the loading.
Exclude fields from list fields to import
Use transaction to save objects
My XLS/XLSX file can be imported too
Header1 | Header2 | Header3 | Header4 |
Teste 1 | Teste 2 | Teste 3 | Teste 4 |
Teste 1 | Teste 2 | Teste 3 | Teste 4 |
This is my model
>>> from django.db import models
>>> class MyModel(models.Model):
... header1 = models.CharField(max_length=150)
... header2 = models.CharField(max_length=150)
... header3 = models.CharField(max_length=150)
... header4 = models.CharField(max_length=150)
This is my class
>>> from data_importer import XLSImporter
>>> from data_importer.model import MyModel
>>> class MyXLSImporterModel(XLSImporter):
... class Meta:
... model = MyModel
If you are using XLSX you will need use XLSXImporter
to made same importer
>>> from data_importer import XLSXImporter
>>> from data_importer.model import MyModel
>>> class MyXLSXImporterModel(XLSXImporter):
... class Meta:
... model = MyModel
Skip the first line if True.
If defined, the importer will create an instance of this model.
If set to True, an error in a imported line will stop the loading.
Exclude fields from list fields to import
Use transaction to save objects
Using file descriptor to define fields for large models.
'app_name': 'mytest.Contact',
// field name / name on import file or key index
'name': 'My Name',
'year': 'My Year',
'last': 3
class Contact(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
year = models.CharField(max_length=10)
laster = models.CharField(max_length=5)
phone = models.CharField(max_length=5)
address = models.CharField(max_length=5)
state = models.CharField(max_length=5)
class MyImpoter(BaseImpoter):
class Meta:
config_file = 'import_test.json'
model = Contact
delimiter = ','
ignore_first_line = True
is one django.views.generic.edit.FormView
to save file in FileUpload
and parse content on success.
class DataImporterCreateView(DataImporterForm):
extra_context = {'title': 'Create Form Data Importer',
'template_file': 'myfile.csv'
importer = MyCSVImporterModel
Acentuation with XLS | Excel MAC 2011 | OK |
Acentuation with XLS | Excel WIN 2010 | OK |
Acentuation with XLSX | Excel MAC 2011 | OK |
Acentuation with XLSX | Excel WIN 2010 | OK |
Acentuation with CSV | Excel Win 2010 | OK |
Python | 2.7+ |
Django | 1.6+ |