From 0c159e932d3a2190f3476f7a8673ff99a0077ccd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alexander Malokhovetskiy Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 21:19:54 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] update aspose-pdf-for-cpp-24-9-release-notes --- english/cpp/ | 6 - english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/ | 14 +- .../actioncollection/add/ | 16 +- .../actioncollection/clear/ | 4 +- .../actioncollection/contains/ | 18 +- .../actioncollection/copyto/ | 24 +- .../actioncollection/delete/ | 38 +- .../actioncollection/get_count/ | 4 +- .../actioncollection/get_isreadonly/ | 4 +- .../get_issynchronized/ | 4 +- .../actioncollection/get_syncroot/ | 4 +- .../actioncollection/getenumerator/ | 4 +- .../actioncollection/idx_get/ | 18 +- .../actioncollection/remove/ | 18 +- .../annotation/accept/ | 17 +- .../annotation/changeafterresize/ | 17 +- .../annotation/flatten/ | 4 +- .../annotation/get_actions/ | 4 +- .../annotation/get_activestate/ | 4 +- .../annotation/get_alignment/ | 13 +- .../annotation/get_annotationtype/ | 4 +- 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.../get_issynchronized/ | 4 +- .../ximagecollection/get_names/ | 4 +- .../ximagecollection/get_syncroot/ | 4 +- .../ximagecollection/getenumerator/ | 4 +- .../ximagecollection/getimagename/ | 17 +- .../ximagecollection/idx_get/ | 36 +- .../ximagecollection/remove/ | 22 +- .../ximagecollection/replace/ | 108 +- .../xmlloadoptions/get_xslstream/ | 4 +- .../xmlloadoptions/xmlloadoptions/ | 44 +- .../xmlloadoptions/~xmlloadoptions/ | 4 +- .../xmlsaveoptions/xmlsaveoptions/ | 2 +- .../cpp/aspose.pdf/xmpfield/equals/ | 18 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpfield/get_empty/ | 2 +- .../xmpfield/get_fieldtype/ | 4 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpfield/get_isempty/ | 4 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpfield/get_lang/ | 2 +- .../xmpfield/get_localname/ | 4 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpfield/get_name/ | 4 +- .../xmpfield/get_namespaceuri/ | 4 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpfield/get_prefix/ | 4 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpfield/get_value/ | 2 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpfield/gethashcode/ | 4 +- .../xmpfield/set_localname/ | 4 +- .../xmpfield/set_namespaceuri/ | 4 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpfield/set_prefix/ | 4 +- .../cpp/aspose.pdf/xmpfield/toarray/ | 4 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpfield/tostructure/ | 4 +- english/cpp/aspose.pdf/xmpfieldtype/ | 2 +- .../xmppdfaextensionfield/get_name/ | 4 +- .../get_valuetype/ | 4 +- .../xmppdfaextensionfield/getxml/ | 16 +- .../xmppdfaextensionfield/ | 40 +- .../get_description/ | 2 +- .../get_value/ | 2 +- .../xmppdfaextensionobject/getxml/ | 18 +- .../set_value/ | 4 +- .../get_category/ | 4 +- .../xmppdfaextensionproperty/getxml/ | 16 +- .../xmppdfaextensionproperty/ | 48 +- .../xmppdfaextensionschema/add/ | 16 +- .../xmppdfaextensionschema/contains/ | 18 +- .../defaultextensionnamespaceprefix/ | 2 +- .../defaultextensionnamespaceuri/ | 2 +- .../defaultfieldnamespaceprefix/ | 4 +- .../defaultfieldnamespaceuri/ | 4 +- .../defaultpropertynamespaceprefix/ | 2 +- .../defaultpropertynamespaceuri/ | 2 +- .../defaultschemanamespaceprefix/ | 4 +- .../defaultschemanamespaceuri/ | 4 +- .../defaultvaluenamespaceuri/ | 4 +- .../defaultvaluetypenamespaceprefix/ | 4 +- .../get_description/ | 4 +- .../get_objects/ | 4 +- .../getproperty/ | 18 +- .../getschemaxml/ | 16 +- .../getvaluesxml/ | 22 +- .../rdfnamespaceuri/ | 4 +- .../rdfprefix/ | 4 +- .../xmppdfaextensionschema/remove/ | 16 +- .../xmppdfaextensionschema/ | 16 +- .../get_description/ | 4 +- .../get_namespaceuri/ | 4 +- .../get_prefix/ | 4 +- .../getxml/ | 16 +- .../ | 32 +- .../xmppdfaextensionvaluetype/add/ | 16 +- .../addrange/ | 16 +- .../xmppdfaextensionvaluetype/clear/ | 4 +- .../get_fields/ | 4 +- .../get_namespaceuri/ | 4 +- .../get_prefix/ | 4 +- .../get_type/ | 4 +- .../getxml/ | 18 +- .../remove/ | 16 +- .../xmppdfaextensionvaluetype/ | 40 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/get_isarray/ | 4 +- .../xmpvalue/get_isdatetime/ | 4 +- .../xmpvalue/get_isdouble/ | 4 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/get_isfield/ | 2 +- .../xmpvalue/get_isinteger/ | 4 +- .../xmpvalue/get_isnamedvalue/ | 4 +- .../xmpvalue/get_isnamedvalues/ | 2 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/get_israw/ | 4 +- .../xmpvalue/get_isstring/ | 4 +- .../xmpvalue/get_isstructure/ | 4 +- .../xmpvalue/to_keyvaluepair/ | 4 +- .../xmpvalue/to_keyvaluepairarray/ | 4 +- .../xmpvalue/to_objectarray/ | 2 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/to_string/ | 2 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/to_xmpvalue/ | 18 +- .../xmpvalue/to_xmpvaluearray/ | 4 +- .../cpp/aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/toarray/ | 4 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/todatetime/ | 4 +- .../xmpvalue/todictionary/ | 4 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/todouble/ | 4 +- .../cpp/aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/tofield/ | 4 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/tointeger/ | 4 +- .../xmpvalue/tonamedvalue/ | 4 +- .../xmpvalue/tonamedvalues/ | 4 +- .../cpp/aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/toraw/ | 4 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/tostring/ | 38 +- .../xmpvalue/tostringvalue/ | 4 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/tostructure/ | 4 +- .../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/xmpvalue/ | 104 +- .../xpsloadoptions/get_batchsize/ | 4 +- .../xpsloadoptions/set_batchsize/ | 4 +- .../xpsloadoptions/xpsloadoptions/ | 4 +- .../xpssaveoptions/get_batchsize/ | 4 +- .../get_savetransparenttexts/ | 4 +- .../get_usenewimagingengine/ | 13 +- .../xpssaveoptions/set_batchsize/ | 4 +- .../set_savetransparenttexts/ | 4 +- .../set_usenewimagingengine/ | 13 +- .../xpssaveoptions/xpssaveoptions/ | 4 +- .../xslfoloadoptions/get_basepath/ | 4 +- .../get_xsltargumentlist/ | 2 +- .../xslfoloadoptions/set_basepath/ | 4 +- .../set_xsltargumentlist/ | 4 +- .../xslfoloadoptions/ | 44 +- 5882 files changed, 18318 insertions(+), 63280 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/getallbytes/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/getsize/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/haspartialmatch/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/isinrange/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.fonts.utilities/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.fonts.utilities/fontsremover/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata/idocumentsecondarystrategies/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata/idocumentsecondarystrategies/get_simplefontencodingrule/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertype/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertypeconverter/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertypeconverter/toenum/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertypeconverter/tostring/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ delete mode 100644 english/cpp/ diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ index b2bcbc4092..709d4d7701 100644 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ b/english/cpp/ @@ -24,12 +24,6 @@ is_root: true | [Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison](./aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/) | | | [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](./aspose.pdf.devices/) | | | [Aspose::Pdf::Drawing](./aspose.pdf.drawing/) | | -| [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData](./aspose.pdf.engine.commondata/) | | -| [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps](./aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/) | | -| [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::Fonts::Utilities](./aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.fonts.utilities/) | | -| [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Data](./ | | -| [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters](./aspose.pdf.engine.filters/) | | -| [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](./ | | | [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](./aspose.pdf.facades/) | | | [Aspose::Pdf::Forms](./aspose.pdf.forms/) | | | [Aspose::Pdf::GroupProcessor](./aspose.pdf.groupprocessor/) | | diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/ index 70bac60254..95916ed088 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/ @@ -148,17 +148,22 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/ | [CaptionPosition](./captionposition/) | Enumeration of the annotation's caption positioning. | | [CaretSymbol](./caretsymbol/) | A symbol to be associated with the caret. | | [ColorsOfCMYK](./colorsofcmyk/) | Colors included in the CMYK color model. | +| [ExplicitDestinationType](./explicitdestinationtype/) | Enumerates the types of explicit destinations. | | [FileIcon](./fileicon/) | An icon to be used in displaying the annotation. | | [FreeTextIntent](./freetextintent/) | Enumerates the intents of the free text annotation. | +| [HighlightingMode](./highlightingmode/) | Enumerates the annotation's highlighting mode, the visual effect to be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area. | +| [Justification](./justification/) | Enumerates the forms of quadding (justification) to be used in displaying the annotation's text. | +| [LaunchActionOperation](./launchactionoperation/) | Enumerates the operations to perform with document during launch action executing. | +| [LightingSchemeType](./lightingschemetype/) | Enum LightingSchemeType: set of lighting scheme types. | | [LineEnding](./lineending/) | Enumerates the line ending styles to be used in drawing the line. | | [LineIntent](./lineintent/) | Enumerates the intents of the line annotation. | | [PDF3DActivation](./pdf3dactivation/) | Enum PDF3DActivation: set of 3D annotation activation mode. | -| [LightingSchemeType](./lightingschemetype/) | Enum LightingSchemeType: set of lighting scheme types. | -| [RenderModeType](./rendermodetype/) | Enum RenderModeType: set of render mode types. | | [PolyIntent](./polyintent/) | Enumerates the intents of the polygon or polyline annotation. | +| [PredefinedAction](./predefinedaction/) | Defines different actions which can be triggered from a PDF file. | | [PrinterMarkCornerPosition](./printermarkcornerposition/) | Represents a position of a mark in a corner of a page. | | [PrinterMarkSidePosition](./printermarksideposition/) | Represents a position of a registration mark on a page. | | [PrinterMarksKind](./printermarkskind/) | Specifies the types of printer's marks to be added to a document. | +| [RenderModeType](./rendermodetype/) | Enum RenderModeType: set of render mode types. | | [RenditionOperation](./renditionoperation/) | The operation to perform when the action is triggered. | | [RenditionType](./renditiontype/) | Enumeration describes possible types of [Rendition](./rendition/). | | [ReplyType](./replytype/) | Enumerates the kinds of the relationships (the "reply type") between the annotation and one specified by InReplyTo. | @@ -168,8 +173,3 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/ | [StampIcon](./stampicon/) | Enumerates the icons to be used in displaying the annotation. | | [TextAlignment](./textalignment/) | Alignment of text in annotation. | | [TextIcon](./texticon/) | Enumerates the icons to be used in displaying the annotation. | -| [ExplicitDestinationType](./explicitdestinationtype/) | Enumerates the types of explicit destinations. | -| [HighlightingMode](./highlightingmode/) | Enumerates the annotation's highlighting mode, the visual effect to be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area. | -| [Justification](./justification/) | Enumerates the forms of quadding (justification) to be used in displaying the annotation's text. | -| [LaunchActionOperation](./launchactionoperation/) | Enumerates the operations to perform with document during launch action executing. | -| [PredefinedAction](./predefinedaction/) | Defines different actions which can be triggered from a PDF file. | diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/add/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/add/ index 5f30cb726a..a94d185c5b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/add/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/add/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Add second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Add method. Adds new action into colleciton in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/add/ --- ## ActionCollection::Add method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/add/ Adds new action into colleciton. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Add(const System::SharedPtr &action) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Add(const System::SharedPtr &action) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | action | const System::SharedPtr\\& | Action which should be added. | -## Remarks - - - - - action - - - Action which should be added. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfAction](../../pdfaction/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/clear/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/clear/ index 63df311a30..22af4da5b2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/clear/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/clear/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Clear second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Clear method. Clear collection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/clear/ --- ## ActionCollection::Clear method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/clear/ Clear collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Clear() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Clear() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/contains/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/contains/ index fca93e5e25..3e8e427c3c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/contains/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/contains/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Contains second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Contains method. Returns true if give item presents in the collection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/contains/ --- ## ActionCollection::Contains method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/contains/ Returns true if give item presents in the collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Contains(const System::SharedPtr &item) const override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Contains(const System::SharedPtr &item) const override ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Contains( ### ReturnValue Not implemented. -## Remarks - - - - - - item - - - Item to find. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfAction](../../pdfaction/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/copyto/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/copyto/ index 9950b22a03..10aba2a1cc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/copyto/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/copyto/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CopyTo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::CopyTo method. Copies actions array into collection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/copyto/ --- ## ActionCollection::CopyTo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/copyto/ Copies actions array into collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr> array, int32_t index) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr> array, int32_t index) override ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::CopyTo(Sy | --- | --- | --- | | array | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of actions which must be copied into collection. | | index | int32_t | Index starting from which array will be copied. | -## Remarks - - - - - array - - - Array of actions which must be copied into collection. - - - - - index - - - Index starting from which array will be copied. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfAction](../../pdfaction/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/delete/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/delete/ index 3086eb8dad..1da5588a4a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/delete/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/delete/ @@ -2,51 +2,39 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Delete method linktitle: Delete second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Delete method. Removes action from collection by index in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Delete method. Delete all actions in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/delete/ --- -## ActionCollection::Delete(int32_t) method +## ActionCollection::Delete() method -Removes action from collection by index. +Delete all actions. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Delete(int32_t index) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Delete() ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| index | int32_t | Index of action to remove. | -## Remarks - - - - - - index - - - Index of action to remove. - - - ## See Also * Class [ActionCollection](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## ActionCollection::Delete() method +## ActionCollection::Delete(int32_t) method -Delete all actions. +Removes action from collection by index. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Delete() +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Delete(int32_t index) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| index | int32_t | Index of action to remove. | + ## See Also * Class [ActionCollection](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_count/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_count/ index 024b507cd0..8e16a06a1d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_count/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_count/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Count second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::get_Count method. Count of actions on the collection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_count/ --- ## ActionCollection::get_Count method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_count/ Count of actions on the collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::get_Count() const override +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::get_Count() const override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_isreadonly/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_isreadonly/ index c05ea137c7..503a3360d0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_isreadonly/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_isreadonly/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsReadOnly second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::get_IsReadOnly method. Returns true if collection is readonly in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_isreadonly/ --- ## ActionCollection::get_IsReadOnly method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_isreadonly/ Returns true if collection is readonly. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::get_IsReadOnly() const override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::get_IsReadOnly() const override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_issynchronized/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_issynchronized/ index 2344389af3..5c8f217324 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_issynchronized/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_issynchronized/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsSynchronized second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::get_IsSynchronized method. Returns true if object is synchronized in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_issynchronized/ --- ## ActionCollection::get_IsSynchronized method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_issynchronized/ Returns true if object is synchronized. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::get_IsSynchronized() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::get_IsSynchronized() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_syncroot/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_syncroot/ index db76f83d9c..68f372413e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_syncroot/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_syncroot/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SyncRoot second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::get_SyncRoot method. Gets synchronization object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_syncroot/ --- ## ActionCollection::get_SyncRoot method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/get_syncroot/ Gets synchronization object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::get_SyncRoot() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::get_SyncRoot() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/getenumerator/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/getenumerator/ index 39b4c176a5..ebf59759ba 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/getenumerator/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/getenumerator/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetEnumerator second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::GetEnumerator method. Returns enumerator for collection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/getenumerator/ --- ## ActionCollection::GetEnumerator method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/getenumerator/ Returns enumerator for collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::GetEnumerator() override +System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::GetEnumerator() override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/idx_get/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/idx_get/ index 7506938eef..d396974704 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/idx_get/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/idx_get/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: idx_get second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::idx_get method. Gets action by its index in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/idx_get/ --- ## ActionCollection::idx_get method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/idx_get/ Gets action by its index. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::idx_get(int32_t index) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::idx_get(int32_t index) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Act ### ReturnValue Retreived action. -## Remarks - - - - - - index - - - Index of action. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfAction](../../pdfaction/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/remove/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/remove/ index 97beb8c1fc..240d64e25d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/remove/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/remove/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Remove second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Remove method. Removes item from collection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/remove/ --- ## ActionCollection::Remove method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/actioncollection/remove/ Removes item from collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Remove(const System::SharedPtr &item) override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Remove(const System::SharedPtr &item) override ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ActionCollection::Remove(co ### ReturnValue Not implemented. -## Remarks - - - - - - item - - - Item to delete. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfAction](../../pdfaction/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/accept/ index 38f1143f95..54d1e24b41 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor for annotation processing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3900 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/accept/ --- ## Annotation::Accept method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/accept/ Accepts visitor for annotation processing. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - - AnnotationSelector object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/changeafterresize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/changeafterresize/ index bc5940a616..03b871d762 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/changeafterresize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/changeafterresize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ChangeAfterResize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::ChangeAfterResize method. Update parameters and appearance, according to the matrix transform in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4100 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/changeafterresize/ --- ## Annotation::ChangeAfterResize method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/changeafterresize/ Update parameters and appearance, according to the matrix transform. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::ChangeAfterResize(System::SharedPtr transform) +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::ChangeAfterResize(System::SharedPtr transform) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | transform | System::SharedPtr\ | [Matrix](../../../aspose.pdf/matrix/) that use for transformation (resize). | -## Remarks - - - - - transform - - - - Matrix that use for transformation (resize). - - - ## See Also * Class [Matrix](../../../aspose.pdf/matrix/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/flatten/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/flatten/ index b7256b18a9..ae7d99d4db 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/flatten/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/flatten/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Flatten second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::Flatten method. Places annotation contents directly on the page, annotation object will be removed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4000 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/flatten/ --- ## Annotation::Flatten method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/flatten/ Places annotation contents directly on the page, annotation object will be removed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::Flatten() +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::Flatten() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_actions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_actions/ index 8d7aef9ddf..80a23a0e73 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_actions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_actions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Actions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Actions method. Gets list of annotatation actions in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_actions/ --- ## Annotation::get_Actions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_actions/ Gets list of annotatation actions. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Actions() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Actions() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_activestate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_activestate/ index 6403b98c36..0970c86d2b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_activestate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_activestate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ActiveState second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_ActiveState method. Gets current annotation appearance state in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_activestate/ --- ## Annotation::get_ActiveState method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_activestate/ Gets current annotation appearance state. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_ActiveState() +virtual System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_ActiveState() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_alignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_alignment/ index c5112d3fc1..b4277ec5f5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_alignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_alignment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Alignment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Alignment method. Annotation alignment. This property is obsolete. Use HorizontalAligment instead in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2900 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_alignment/ --- ## Annotation::get_Alignment method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_alignment/ [Annotation](../) alignment. This property is obsolete. Use HorizontalAligment instead. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API TextAlignment Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Alignment() +TextAlignment Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Alignment() ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use TextHorizontalAlignment property - - Deprecated - - Use TextHorizontalAlignment property - - ## See Also * Enum [TextAlignment](../../textalignment/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_annotationtype/ index d05bede3ef..043418343c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## Annotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_AnnotationType()=0 +virtual Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_AnnotationType()=0 ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_appearance/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_appearance/ index 2db6328815..efdfb7c576 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_appearance/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_appearance/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Appearance second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Appearance method. Gets appearance dictionary of the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3600 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_appearance/ --- ## Annotation::get_Appearance method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_appearance/ Gets appearance dictionary of the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Appearance() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Appearance() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_border/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_border/ index fab750e4e5..4b72374216 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_border/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_border/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Border second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Border method. Gets annotation border characteristics. Border in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_border/ --- ## Annotation::get_Border method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_border/ Gets annotation border characteristics. [Border](../../border/) ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Border() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Border() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_characteristics/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_characteristics/ index 80dbf3efdf..77d516d084 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_characteristics/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_characteristics/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Characteristics second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Characteristics method. Gets annotation characteristics in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_characteristics/ --- ## Annotation::get_Characteristics method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_characteristics/ Gets annotation characteristics. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Characteristics() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Characteristics() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_color/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_color/ index 00e9264044..ba9e6c7678 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_color/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_color/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Color second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Color method. Gets annotation color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_color/ --- ## Annotation::get_Color method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_color/ Gets annotation color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Color() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Color() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_contents/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_contents/ index bbe38aa199..d2beb843e4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_contents/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_contents/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Contents second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Contents method. Gets annotation text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_contents/ --- ## Annotation::get_Contents method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_contents/ Gets annotation text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Contents() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Contents() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_flags/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_flags/ index 7e89e18068..3ce52a3d53 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_flags/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_flags/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Flags second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Flags method. Flags of the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_flags/ --- ## Annotation::get_Flags method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_flags/ Flags of the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API AnnotationFlags Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Flags() +AnnotationFlags Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Flags() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_fullname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_fullname/ index 41960dc6ec..e2e05ea412 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_fullname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_fullname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_FullName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_FullName method. Gets full qualified name of the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3500 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_fullname/ --- ## Annotation::get_FullName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_fullname/ Gets full qualified name of the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_FullName() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_FullName() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_height/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_height/ index c3710e167b..e7fbc38015 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_height/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_height/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Height second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Height method. Gets height of the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_height/ --- ## Annotation::get_Height method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_height/ Gets height of the annotation. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Height() +virtual double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Height() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_horizontalalignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_horizontalalignment/ index aaf24b6e37..000d70d8ab 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_horizontalalignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_horizontalalignment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_HorizontalAlignment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_HorizontalAlignment method. Gets text alignment for annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3100 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_horizontalalignment/ --- ## Annotation::get_HorizontalAlignment method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_horizontalalignment/ Gets text alignment for annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_HorizontalAlignment() override +Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_HorizontalAlignment() override ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use TextHorizontalAlignment property - - Deprecated - - Use TextHorizontalAlignment property - - ## See Also * Enum [HorizontalAlignment](../../../aspose.pdf/horizontalalignment/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_modified/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_modified/ index 5bfb57595a..fb4a7eb082 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_modified/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_modified/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Modified second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Modified method. Gets date and time when annotation was recently modified in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_modified/ --- ## Annotation::get_Modified method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_modified/ Gets date and time when annotation was recently modified. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::DateTime Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Modified() +System::DateTime Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Modified() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_name/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_name/ index 46abf7645f..3720890dc4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_name/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_name/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Name second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Name method. Gets annotation name on the page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_name/ --- ## Annotation::get_Name method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_name/ Gets annotation name on the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Name() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Name() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_pageindex/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_pageindex/ index b85a048222..9b955cef59 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_pageindex/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_pageindex/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PageIndex second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_PageIndex method. Gets index of page which contains annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3700 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_pageindex/ --- ## Annotation::get_PageIndex method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_pageindex/ Gets index of page which contains annotation. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_PageIndex() +virtual int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_PageIndex() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_rect/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_rect/ index ecf3ef1606..30a2454f46 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_rect/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_rect/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Rect second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Rect method. Gets annotation rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_rect/ --- ## Annotation::get_Rect method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_rect/ Gets annotation rectangle. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Rect() +virtual System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Rect() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_states/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_states/ index d6bfec006d..77ad8be3e7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_states/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_states/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_States second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_States method. Gets appearance dictionary of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_states/ --- ## Annotation::get_States method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_states/ Gets appearance dictionary of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_States() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_States() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_texthorizontalalignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_texthorizontalalignment/ index e06a32235f..70662e4d25 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_texthorizontalalignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_texthorizontalalignment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TextHorizontalAlignment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_TextHorizontalAlignment method. Gets text alignment for annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3300 +weight: 2600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_texthorizontalalignment/ --- ## Annotation::get_TextHorizontalAlignment method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_texthorizontalalignment/ Gets text alignment for annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_TextHorizontalAlignment() +Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_TextHorizontalAlignment() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_updateappearanceonconvert/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_updateappearanceonconvert/ index c47d5827e7..214b88a0b0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_updateappearanceonconvert/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_updateappearanceonconvert/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_updateappearanceonconvert/ If true, annotation appearance will be updated before converting PF document into image. This allows convert fields correctly but probably demand more time. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_UpdateAppearanceOnConvert() +static bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_UpdateAppearanceOnConvert() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_usefontsubset/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_usefontsubset/ index e9dd055e9e..5f88261c2d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_usefontsubset/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_usefontsubset/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_UseFontSubset second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_UseFontSubset method. If this property set to true, fonts will be added to document as subsets. Default value is true in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_usefontsubset/ --- ## Annotation::get_UseFontSubset method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_usefontsubset/ If this property set to true, fonts will be added to document as subsets. Default value is true. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_UseFontSubset() +static bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_UseFontSubset() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_width/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_width/ index 5722b10df5..24d8ee83a0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_width/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_width/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Width second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Width method. Gets width of the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_width/ --- ## Annotation::get_Width method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/get_width/ Gets width of the annotation. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Width() +virtual double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::get_Width() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/getrectangle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/getrectangle/ index dfc3a73027..06fe03d92c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/getrectangle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/getrectangle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetRectangle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::GetRectangle method. Returns rectangle of annotation taking into consideration page rotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3800 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/getrectangle/ --- ## Annotation::GetRectangle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/getrectangle/ Returns rectangle of annotation taking into consideration page rotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::GetRectangle(bool considerRotation) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::GetRectangle(bool considerRotation) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Ann ### ReturnValue True - if rectangle found; otherwise, false. -## Remarks - - - - - - considerRotation - - - If true, page rotation is takein into consideration. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_activestate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_activestate/ index 00cd4ddb8a..69430a062b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_activestate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_activestate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ActiveState second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_ActiveState method. Sets current annotation appearance state in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2600 +weight: 2900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_activestate/ --- ## Annotation::set_ActiveState method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_activestate/ Sets current annotation appearance state. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_ActiveState(System::String value) +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_ActiveState(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_alignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_alignment/ index a0e9800f5d..c92e05567a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_alignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_alignment/ @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_alignment/ [Annotation](../) alignment. This property is obsolete. Use HorizontalAligment instead. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Alignment(TextAlignment value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Alignment(TextAlignment value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use TextHorizontalAlignment property - - Deprecated - - Use TextHorizontalAlignment property - - ## See Also * Enum [TextAlignment](../../textalignment/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_border/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_border/ index 02f71bc637..1aa9edce9f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_border/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_border/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Border second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Border method. Sets annotation border characteristics. Border in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 3100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_border/ --- ## Annotation::set_Border method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_border/ Sets annotation border characteristics. [Border](../../border/) ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Border(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Border(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_color/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_color/ index e4600a3f9f..0a107b4cb1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_color/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_color/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Color second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Color method. Sets annotation color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 3200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_color/ --- ## Annotation::set_Color method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_color/ Sets annotation color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Color(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Color(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_contents/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_contents/ index 3cc4328163..6b7ec291ba 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_contents/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_contents/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Contents second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Contents method. Sets annotation text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 3300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_contents/ --- ## Annotation::set_Contents method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_contents/ Sets annotation text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Contents(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Contents(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_flags/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_flags/ index b81404b0ff..9ce98d684d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_flags/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_flags/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Flags second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Flags method. Flags of the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 3400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_flags/ --- ## Annotation::set_Flags method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_flags/ Flags of the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Flags(AnnotationFlags value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Flags(AnnotationFlags value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_height/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_height/ index 5e5b6e0dc7..9c8b2f772f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_height/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_height/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Height second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Height method. Sets height of the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 3500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_height/ --- ## Annotation::set_Height method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_height/ Sets height of the annotation. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Height(double value) +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Height(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_horizontalalignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_horizontalalignment/ index 77d18b8755..c2a0c9f496 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_horizontalalignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_horizontalalignment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_HorizontalAlignment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_HorizontalAlignment method. Sets text alignment for annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3200 +weight: 3600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_horizontalalignment/ --- ## Annotation::set_HorizontalAlignment method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_horizontalalignment/ Sets text alignment for annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_HorizontalAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment value) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_HorizontalAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment value) override ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use TextHorizontalAlignment property - - Deprecated - - Use TextHorizontalAlignment property - - ## See Also * Enum [HorizontalAlignment](../../../aspose.pdf/horizontalalignment/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_modified/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_modified/ index 7ff2e9af8c..8b07fe7b46 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_modified/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_modified/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Modified second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Modified method. Sets date and time when annotation was recently modified in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 3700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_modified/ --- ## Annotation::set_Modified method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_modified/ Sets date and time when annotation was recently modified. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Modified(System::DateTime value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Modified(System::DateTime value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_name/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_name/ index 28ffe0971c..12d83f0ae8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_name/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_name/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Name second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Name method. Sets annotation name on the page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 3800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_name/ --- ## Annotation::set_Name method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_name/ Sets annotation name on the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Name(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Name(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_rect/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_rect/ index b29932d9d0..330d827233 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_rect/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_rect/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Rect second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Rect method. Sets annotation rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 3900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_rect/ --- ## Annotation::set_Rect method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_rect/ Sets annotation rectangle. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Rect(System::SharedPtr value) +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Rect(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_texthorizontalalignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_texthorizontalalignment/ index 798cb0aa42..ee9c332efa 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_texthorizontalalignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_texthorizontalalignment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TextHorizontalAlignment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_TextHorizontalAlignment method. Sets text alignment for annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3400 +weight: 4000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_texthorizontalalignment/ --- ## Annotation::set_TextHorizontalAlignment method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_texthorizontalalignment/ Sets text alignment for annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_TextHorizontalAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_TextHorizontalAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_updateappearanceonconvert/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_updateappearanceonconvert/ index 64756d5d5f..9808374ac9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_updateappearanceonconvert/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_updateappearanceonconvert/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_UpdateAppearanceOnConvert second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_UpdateAppearanceOnConvert method. If true, annotation appearance will be updated before converting PF document into image. This allows convert fields correctly but probably demand more time in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_updateappearanceonconvert/ --- ## Annotation::set_UpdateAppearanceOnConvert method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_updateappearanceonconvert/ If true, annotation appearance will be updated before converting PF document into image. This allows convert fields correctly but probably demand more time. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_UpdateAppearanceOnConvert(bool value) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_UpdateAppearanceOnConvert(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_usefontsubset/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_usefontsubset/ index b6cac81731..a0f99c5f11 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_usefontsubset/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_usefontsubset/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_usefontsubset/ If this property set to true, fonts will be added to document as subsets. Default value is true. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_UseFontSubset(bool value) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_UseFontSubset(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_width/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_width/ index 22fa3eec5b..6368b71282 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_width/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_width/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Width second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Width method. Sets width of the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 4100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_width/ --- ## Annotation::set_Width method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/set_width/ Sets width of the annotation. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Width(double value) +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Annotation::set_Width(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_oncalculate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_oncalculate/ index 63bec0868a..958a2f119c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_oncalculate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_oncalculate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OnCalculate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnCalculate method. Gets an action to calculate field value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_oncalculate/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnCalculate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_oncalculate/ Gets an action to calculate field value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnCalculate() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnCalculate() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onclosepage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onclosepage/ index 20194e8305..a49a14b4ea 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onclosepage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onclosepage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OnClosePage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnClosePage method. Gets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is closed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onclosepage/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnClosePage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onclosepage/ Gets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is closed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnClosePage() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnClosePage() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onenter/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onenter/ index 43130afaf6..aec106244e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onenter/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onenter/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OnEnter second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnEnter method. Gets an action to be performed when the cursor enters the annotation''s active area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onenter/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnEnter method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onenter/ Gets an action to be performed when the cursor enters the annotation's active area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnEnter() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnEnter() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onexit/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onexit/ index e81aa82f9c..5666bfa93c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onexit/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onexit/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OnExit second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnExit method. Gets an action to be performed when the cursor exits the annotation''s active area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onexit/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnExit method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onexit/ Gets an action to be performed when the cursor exits the annotation's active area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnExit() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnExit() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onformat/ index 6f60b8aeac..3dfb18c1b6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OnFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnFormat method. Gets an action to be performed to format field value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onformat/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnFormat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onformat/ Gets an action to be performed to format field value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnFormat() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnFormat() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onhidepage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onhidepage/ index d51ae9adf7..cca0e36902 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onhidepage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onhidepage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OnHidePage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnHidePage method. Gets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is no longer visible in the viewer application''s user interface in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onhidepage/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnHidePage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onhidepage/ Gets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is no longer visible in the viewer application's user interface. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnHidePage() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnHidePage() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onlostfocus/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onlostfocus/ index 7052d7efcc..12952aa89c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onlostfocus/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onlostfocus/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OnLostFocus second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnLostFocus method. Gets an action to be performed when the annotation loses the input focus in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onlostfocus/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnLostFocus method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onlostfocus/ Gets an action to be performed when the annotation loses the input focus. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnLostFocus() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnLostFocus() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onmodifycharacter/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onmodifycharacter/ index 57a5bcdd3d..a2a35cc1a3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onmodifycharacter/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onmodifycharacter/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OnModifyCharacter second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnModifyCharacter method. Gets an action to be performed when user modifies character of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onmodifycharacter/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnModifyCharacter method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onmodifycharacte Gets an action to be performed when user modifies character of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnModifyCharacter() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnModifyCharacter() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onopenpage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onopenpage/ index 97fcb5846b..f552988d65 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onopenpage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onopenpage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OnOpenPage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnOpenPage method. Gets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is opened in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onopenpage/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnOpenPage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onopenpage/ Gets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is opened. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnOpenPage() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnOpenPage() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onpressmousebtn/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onpressmousebtn/ index 6e895b5671..502cecc480 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onpressmousebtn/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onpressmousebtn/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OnPressMouseBtn second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnPressMouseBtn method. Gets an action to be performed when the mouse button is pressed inside the annotation''s active area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onpressmousebtn/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnPressMouseBtn method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onpressmousebtn/ Gets an action to be performed when the mouse button is pressed inside the annotation's active area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnPressMouseBtn() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnPressMouseBtn() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onreceivefocus/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onreceivefocus/ index 449acef787..84d9204d75 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onreceivefocus/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onreceivefocus/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OnReceiveFocus second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnReceiveFocus method. Gets an action to be performed when the annotation receives the input focus in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onreceivefocus/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnReceiveFocus method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onreceivefocus/ Gets an action to be performed when the annotation receives the input focus. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnReceiveFocus() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnReceiveFocus() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onreleasemousebtn/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onreleasemousebtn/ index 534605c712..3fba230fce 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onreleasemousebtn/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onreleasemousebtn/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OnReleaseMouseBtn second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnReleaseMouseBtn method. Gets an action to be performed when the mouse button is released inside the annotation''s active area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onreleasemousebtn/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnReleaseMouseBtn method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onreleasemousebt Gets an action to be performed when the mouse button is released inside the annotation's active area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnReleaseMouseBtn() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnReleaseMouseBtn() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onshowpage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onshowpage/ index 767b4f755c..ad09033596 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onshowpage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onshowpage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OnShowPage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnShowPage method. Gets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation becomes visible in the viewer application''s user interface in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onshowpage/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnShowPage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onshowpage/ Gets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation becomes visible in the viewer application's user interface. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnShowPage() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnShowPage() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onvalidate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onvalidate/ index 235e85db83..8a5842887b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onvalidate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onvalidate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OnValidate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnValidate method. Gets an action to be performed when user changes contents of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onvalidate/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnValidate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/get_onvalidate/ Gets an action to be performed when user changes contents of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnValidate() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::get_OnValidate() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_oncalculate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_oncalculate/ index 7477634727..49fb607420 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_oncalculate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_oncalculate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OnCalculate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnCalculate method. Sets an action to calculate field value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_oncalculate/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnCalculate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_oncalculate/ Sets an action to calculate field value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnCalculate(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnCalculate(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onclosepage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onclosepage/ index 264559bf5e..8e363770dd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onclosepage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onclosepage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OnClosePage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnClosePage method. Sets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is closed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onclosepage/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnClosePage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onclosepage/ Sets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is closed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnClosePage(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnClosePage(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onenter/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onenter/ index 76dcdd5e83..285b206f35 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onenter/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onenter/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OnEnter second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnEnter method. Sets an action to be performed when the cursor enters the annotation''s active area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onenter/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnEnter method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onenter/ Sets an action to be performed when the cursor enters the annotation's active area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnEnter(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnEnter(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onexit/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onexit/ index 26c740f838..469285e5c3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onexit/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onexit/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OnExit second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnExit method. Sets an action to be performed when the cursor exits the annotation''s active area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onexit/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnExit method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onexit/ Sets an action to be performed when the cursor exits the annotation's active area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnExit(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnExit(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onformat/ index b4b749c7cc..ef2529c57e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OnFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnFormat method. Sets an action to be performed to format field value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2600 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onformat/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnFormat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onformat/ Sets an action to be performed to format field value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnFormat(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnFormat(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onhidepage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onhidepage/ index 23a26f33a2..025eb9837d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onhidepage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onhidepage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OnHidePage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnHidePage method. Sets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is no longer visible in the viewer application''s user interface in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onhidepage/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnHidePage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onhidepage/ Sets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is no longer visible in the viewer application's user interface. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnHidePage(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnHidePage(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onlostfocus/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onlostfocus/ index 2b819d44d8..788a370e46 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onlostfocus/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onlostfocus/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OnLostFocus second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnLostFocus method. Sets an action to be performed when the annotation loses the input focus in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onlostfocus/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnLostFocus method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onlostfocus/ Sets an action to be performed when the annotation loses the input focus. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnLostFocus(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnLostFocus(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onmodifycharacter/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onmodifycharacter/ index 31116dbc86..6855f21cc2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onmodifycharacter/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onmodifycharacter/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onmodifycharacte Sets an action to be performed when user modifies character of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnModifyCharacter(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnModifyCharacter(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onopenpage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onopenpage/ index 6b5d5c1964..2f785cef14 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onopenpage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onopenpage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OnOpenPage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnOpenPage method. Sets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is opened in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onopenpage/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnOpenPage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onopenpage/ Sets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation is opened. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnOpenPage(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnOpenPage(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onpressmousebtn/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onpressmousebtn/ index 104ddab5de..ad7fb491ac 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onpressmousebtn/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onpressmousebtn/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OnPressMouseBtn second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnPressMouseBtn method. Sets an action to be performed when the mouse button is pressed inside the annotation''s active area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onpressmousebtn/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnPressMouseBtn method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onpressmousebtn/ Sets an action to be performed when the mouse button is pressed inside the annotation's active area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnPressMouseBtn(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnPressMouseBtn(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onreceivefocus/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onreceivefocus/ index 0948905263..7cb15aaf5b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onreceivefocus/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onreceivefocus/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OnReceiveFocus second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnReceiveFocus method. Sets an action to be performed when the annotation receives the input focus in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onreceivefocus/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnReceiveFocus method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onreceivefocus/ Sets an action to be performed when the annotation receives the input focus. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnReceiveFocus(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnReceiveFocus(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onreleasemousebtn/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onreleasemousebtn/ index 28599d16d4..5971e3fa72 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onreleasemousebtn/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onreleasemousebtn/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OnReleaseMouseBtn second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnReleaseMouseBtn method. Sets an action to be performed when the mouse button is released inside the annotation''s active area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 2600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onreleasemousebtn/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnReleaseMouseBtn method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onreleasemousebt Sets an action to be performed when the mouse button is released inside the annotation's active area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnReleaseMouseBtn(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnReleaseMouseBtn(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onshowpage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onshowpage/ index 3ccdefab41..b6670b592e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onshowpage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onshowpage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OnShowPage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnShowPage method. Sets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation becomes visible in the viewer application''s user interface in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onshowpage/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnShowPage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onshowpage/ Sets an action to be performed when the page containing the annotation becomes visible in the viewer application's user interface. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnShowPage(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnShowPage(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onvalidate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onvalidate/ index ba5caaae3d..9642e0714d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onvalidate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onvalidate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OnValidate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnValidate method. Sets an action to be performed when user changes contents of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onvalidate/ --- ## AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnValidate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationactioncollection/set_onvalidate/ Sets an action to be performed when user changes contents of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnValidate(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationActionCollection::set_OnValidate(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/accept/ index 32dcf87ef9..952939abbf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Accept method. Accepts visitor to process annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/accept/ --- ## AnnotationCollection::Accept method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/accept/ Accepts visitor to process annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | [Annotation](../../annotation/) selector object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - - Annotation selector object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/add/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/add/ index de5f8de84f..773c90e40f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/add/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/add/ @@ -2,80 +2,46 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Add method linktitle: Add second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Add method. Adds annotation to the collection. If page is rotated then annotation rectangle will be recalculated accordingly in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Add method. Adds annotation to the collection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/add/ --- -## AnnotationCollection::Add(System::SharedPtr\, bool) method +## AnnotationCollection::Add(const System::SharedPtr\\&) method -Adds annotation to the collection. If page is rotated then annotation rectangle will be recalculated accordingly. +Adds annotation to the collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Add(System::SharedPtr annotation, bool considerRotation) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Add(const System::SharedPtr &annotation) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| annotation | System::SharedPtr\ | [Annotation](../../annotation/) which shall be added. | -| considerRotation | bool | If true and if page is rotated then annotation position will be recaculated accroding to page rotation. | -## Remarks - +| annotation | const System::SharedPtr\\& | [Annotation](../../annotation/) which shall be added. | - - - - annotation - - - - Annotation which shall be added. - - - - - considerRotation - - - If true and if page is rotated then annotation position will be recaculated accroding to page rotation. - - - ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../annotation/) * Class [AnnotationCollection](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationCollection::Add(const System::SharedPtr\\&) method +## AnnotationCollection::Add(System::SharedPtr\, bool) method -Adds annotation to the collection. +Adds annotation to the collection. If page is rotated then annotation rectangle will be recalculated accordingly. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Add(const System::SharedPtr &annotation) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Add(System::SharedPtr annotation, bool considerRotation) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| annotation | const System::SharedPtr\\& | [Annotation](../../annotation/) which shall be added. | -## Remarks - +| annotation | System::SharedPtr\ | [Annotation](../../annotation/) which shall be added. | +| considerRotation | bool | If true and if page is rotated then annotation position will be recaculated accroding to page rotation. | - - - - annotation - - - - Annotation which shall be added. - - - ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../annotation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/clear/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/clear/ index 0abe71ccc9..b1c2b9e7ae 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/clear/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/clear/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Clear second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Clear method. Deletes all annotations from the collection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/clear/ --- ## AnnotationCollection::Clear method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/clear/ Deletes all annotations from the collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Clear() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Clear() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/contains/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/contains/ index 5782fe5adc..bf4dd50f4a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/contains/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/contains/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Contains second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Contains method. Checks if specified annotation belong to collection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/contains/ --- ## AnnotationCollection::Contains method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/contains/ Checks if specified annotation belong to collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Contains(const System::SharedPtr &annotation) const override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Contains(const System::SharedPtr &annotation) const override ``` @@ -24,20 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Conta ### ReturnValue True - if annotation found; otherwise, false. -## Remarks - - - - - - annotation - - - - Annotation to be searched. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../annotation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/copyto/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/copyto/ index 85ff976c2d..a8f8b1ec96 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/copyto/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/copyto/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CopyTo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::CopyTo method. Copies array of annotations into collection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/copyto/ --- ## AnnotationCollection::CopyTo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/copyto/ Copies array of annotations into collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr> array, int32_t index) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr> array, int32_t index) override ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::CopyT | --- | --- | --- | | array | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array to copy into collection. | | index | int32_t | Starting index where colleciton wil lbe copied. | -## Remarks - - - - - array - - - Array to copy into collection. - - - - - index - - - Starting index where colleciton wil lbe copied. - - - ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../annotation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/delete/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/delete/ index 75491080b6..9e0de3625e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/delete/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/delete/ @@ -2,51 +2,39 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Delete method linktitle: Delete second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Delete method. Deletes annotation from the collection by index in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Delete method. Deletes all annotations from the collection in C++.' type: docs weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/delete/ --- -## AnnotationCollection::Delete(int32_t) method +## AnnotationCollection::Delete() method -Deletes annotation from the collection by index. +Deletes all annotations from the collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Delete(int32_t index) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Delete() ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| index | int32_t | Index of annotation which shall be deleted. | -## Remarks - - - - - - index - - - Index of annotation which shall be deleted. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationCollection](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationCollection::Delete() method +## AnnotationCollection::Delete(int32_t) method -Deletes all annotations from the collection. +Deletes annotation from the collection by index. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Delete() +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Delete(int32_t index) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| index | int32_t | Index of annotation which shall be deleted. | + ## See Also * Class [AnnotationCollection](../) @@ -58,27 +46,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Delet Deletes specified annotation from the collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Delete(System::SharedPtr annotation) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Delete(System::SharedPtr annotation) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | annotation | System::SharedPtr\ | [Annotation](../../annotation/) which shall be deleted. | -## Remarks - - - - - - annotation - - - - Annotation which shall be deleted. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../annotation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/findbyname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/findbyname/ index f026410a85..6ae85e9561 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/findbyname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/findbyname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: FindByName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::FindByName method. Returns annotation by its name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/findbyname/ --- ## AnnotationCollection::FindByName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/findbyname/ Returns annotation by its name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::FindByName(System::String name) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::FindByName(System::String name) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::An ### ReturnValue [Annotation](../../annotation/) object if found; otherwise, null. -## Remarks - - - - - - name - - - Name of the annotation - - - + ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../annotation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_count/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_count/ index 4e8b9fe9b8..bae64dea90 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_count/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_count/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Count second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::get_Count method. Gets count of annotations in collection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_count/ --- ## AnnotationCollection::get_Count method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_count/ Gets count of annotations in collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::get_Count() const override +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::get_Count() const override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_isreadonly/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_isreadonly/ index da4ab27c20..55b0b26645 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_isreadonly/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_isreadonly/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsReadOnly second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::get_IsReadOnly method. Gets a value indicating if collection is readonly in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_isreadonly/ --- ## AnnotationCollection::get_IsReadOnly method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_isreadonly/ Gets a value indicating if collection is readonly. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::get_IsReadOnly() const override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::get_IsReadOnly() const override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_issynchronized/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_issynchronized/ index b7dcc8b117..a95ae05d56 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_issynchronized/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_issynchronized/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsSynchronized second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::get_IsSynchronized method. Gets a value indicating whether access to the Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.AnnotationCollection is synchronized (thread safe) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_issynchronized/ --- ## AnnotationCollection::get_IsSynchronized method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_issynchronized/ Gets a value indicating whether access to the [Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.AnnotationCollection](../) is synchronized (thread safe). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::get_IsSynchronized() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::get_IsSynchronized() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_syncroot/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_syncroot/ index 4b537dbdb1..40e0011e04 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_syncroot/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_syncroot/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SyncRoot second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::get_SyncRoot method. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.AnnotationCollection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_syncroot/ --- ## AnnotationCollection::get_SyncRoot method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/get_syncroot/ Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to [Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.AnnotationCollection](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::get_SyncRoot() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::get_SyncRoot() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/getenumerator/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/getenumerator/ index fd33683cc9..240bb8b9b8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/getenumerator/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/getenumerator/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetEnumerator second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::GetEnumerator method. Returns collection enumerator in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/getenumerator/ --- ## AnnotationCollection::GetEnumerator method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/getenumerator/ Returns collection enumerator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::GetEnumerator() override +System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::GetEnumerator() override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/idx_get/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/idx_get/ index 903f63767c..8d226abbe5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/idx_get/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/idx_get/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/idx_get/ The index of the element to get. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::idx_get(int32_t index) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::idx_get(int32_t index) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::An ### ReturnValue [Annotation](../../annotation/) object -## Remarks - - - - - - index - - - The index value started from one. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../annotation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/remove/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/remove/ index 35469400a8..75378a8843 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/remove/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/remove/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Remove second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Remove method. Deletes specified annotation from the collection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/remove/ --- ## AnnotationCollection::Remove method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationcollection/remove/ Deletes specified annotation from the collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Remove(const System::SharedPtr &annotation) override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Remove(const System::SharedPtr &annotation) override ``` @@ -24,20 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationCollection::Remov ### ReturnValue True - if annotation removed; otherwise, false. -## Remarks - - - - - - annotation - - - - Annotation which shall be deleted. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../annotation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationflagsconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationflagsconverter/toenum/ index fedb37cd80..613eeaced4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationflagsconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationflagsconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationFlagsConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationflagsconverter/toenum/ --- ## AnnotationFlagsConverter::ToEnum method diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationflagsconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationflagsconverter/tostring/ index 312634d342..68912ff75e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationflagsconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationflagsconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationFlagsConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationflagsconverter/tostring/ --- ## AnnotationFlagsConverter::ToString method diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationflagsconverter/toxfdfstring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationflagsconverter/toxfdfstring/ index 250c78826a..25cb95a7bb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationflagsconverter/toxfdfstring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationflagsconverter/toxfdfstring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToXfdfString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToXfdfString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationFlagsConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationflagsconverter/toxfdfstring/ --- ## AnnotationFlagsConverter::ToXfdfString method diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector/annotationselector/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector/annotationselector/ index 6164fe88ab..53f6f91959 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector/annotationselector/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector/annotationselector/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AnnotationSelector second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::AnnotationSelector constructor. Initializes new instance of the AnnotationSelector class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector/annotationselector/ --- ## AnnotationSelector::AnnotationSelector() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector/annotationselector/ Initializes new instance of the [AnnotationSelector](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::AnnotationSelector() +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::AnnotationSelector() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,27 +27,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::AnnotationSe Initializes new [AnnotationSelector](../) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::AnnotationSelector(System::SharedPtr annotation) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::AnnotationSelector(System::SharedPtr annotation) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | annotation | System::SharedPtr\ | [Annotation](../../annotation/) to be selected. This object only describes some characteristics we want found annotations to have, e.g. the type of annotation. | -## Remarks - - - - - - annotation - - - - Annotation to be selected. This object only describes some characteristics we want found annotations to have, e.g. the type of annotation. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../annotation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector/get_selected/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector/get_selected/ index 5353ce7aba..ea56913d00 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector/get_selected/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector/get_selected/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Selected second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::get_Selected method. The list of selected objects in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector/get_selected/ --- ## AnnotationSelector::get_Selected method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector/get_selected/ The list of selected objects. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::get_Selected() const +System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::get_Selected() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector/visit/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector/visit/ index ed3dc90b21..a5ac26212b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector/visit/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector/visit/ @@ -2,469 +2,288 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit method linktitle: Visit second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit method. Select link annotation if AnnotationSelector was initialized with LinkAnnotation object in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit method. Selects the bleedMark if the AnnotationSelector was initialized with a BleedMarkAnnotation object in C++.' type: docs weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector/visit/ --- -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select link annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [LinkAnnotation](../../linkannotation/) object. +Selects the *bleedMark* if the [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with a [BleedMarkAnnotation](../../bleedmarkannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr link) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr bleedMark) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| link | System::SharedPtr\ | [LinkAnnotation](../../linkannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - link - - - - LinkAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| bleedMark | System::SharedPtr\ | The [BleedMarkAnnotation](../../bleedmarkannotation/) object for selection. | + ## See Also -* Class [LinkAnnotation](../../linkannotation/) +* Class [BleedMarkAnnotation](../../bleedmarkannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select attachment annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [FileAttachmentAnnotation](../../fileattachmentannotation/) object. +Select caret annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [CaretAnnotation](../../caretannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr attachment) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr caret) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| attachment | System::SharedPtr\ | [FileAttachmentAnnotation](../../fileattachmentannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - attachment - - - - FileAttachmentAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| caret | System::SharedPtr\ | [CaretAnnotation](../../caretannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [FileAttachmentAnnotation](../../fileattachmentannotation/) +* Class [CaretAnnotation](../../caretannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select text annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [TextAnnotation](../../textannotation/) object. +Select circle annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [CircleAnnotation](../../circleannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr text) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr circle) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| text | System::SharedPtr\ | [TextAnnotation](../../textannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - text - - - - TextAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| circle | System::SharedPtr\ | [CircleAnnotation](../../circleannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [TextAnnotation](../../textannotation/) +* Class [CircleAnnotation](../../circleannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select redact annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with RedactAnnotation object. +Select ColorBar annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with ColorBar object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr redact) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr colorBar) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| redact | System::SharedPtr\ | RedactAnnotation object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - redact - - - RedactAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| colorBar | System::SharedPtr\ | [PDF3DAnnotation](../../pdf3dannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [RedactionAnnotation](../../redactionannotation/) +* Class [ColorBarAnnotation](../../colorbarannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select freetext annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [FreeTextAnnotation](../../freetextannotation/) object. +Select attachment annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [FileAttachmentAnnotation](../../fileattachmentannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr freetext) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr attachment) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| freetext | System::SharedPtr\ | [FreeTextAnnotation](../../freetextannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - freetext - - - - FreeTextAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| attachment | System::SharedPtr\ | [FileAttachmentAnnotation](../../fileattachmentannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [FreeTextAnnotation](../../freetextannotation/) +* Class [FileAttachmentAnnotation](../../fileattachmentannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select attachment annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [FreeTextAnnotation](../../freetextannotation/) object. +Select freetext annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [FreeTextAnnotation](../../freetextannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr highlight) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr freetext) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| highlight | System::SharedPtr\ | [HighlightAnnotation](../../highlightannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - highlight - - - - HighlightAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| freetext | System::SharedPtr\ | [FreeTextAnnotation](../../freetextannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [HighlightAnnotation](../../highlightannotation/) +* Class [FreeTextAnnotation](../../freetextannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select underline annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [UnderlineAnnotation](../../underlineannotation/) object. +Select attachment annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [FreeTextAnnotation](../../freetextannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr underline) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr highlight) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| underline | System::SharedPtr\ | [UnderlineAnnotation](../../underlineannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - underline - - - - UnderlineAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| highlight | System::SharedPtr\ | [HighlightAnnotation](../../highlightannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [UnderlineAnnotation](../../underlineannotation/) +* Class [HighlightAnnotation](../../highlightannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select strikeOut annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [StrikeOutAnnotation](../../strikeoutannotation/) object. +Select ink annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [InkAnnotation](../../inkannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr strikeOut) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr ink) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| strikeOut | System::SharedPtr\ | [StrikeOutAnnotation](../../strikeoutannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - strikeOut - - - - StrikeOutAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| ink | System::SharedPtr\ | [InkAnnotation](../../inkannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [StrikeOutAnnotation](../../strikeoutannotation/) +* Class [InkAnnotation](../../inkannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select squiggly annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [SquigglyAnnotation](../../squigglyannotation/) object. +Select line annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [LineAnnotation](../../lineannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr squiggly) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr line) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| squiggly | System::SharedPtr\ | [SquigglyAnnotation](../../squigglyannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - squiggly - - - - SquigglyAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| line | System::SharedPtr\ | [LineAnnotation](../../lineannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [SquigglyAnnotation](../../squigglyannotation/) +* Class [LineAnnotation](../../lineannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select popup annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [PopupAnnotation](../../popupannotation/) object. +Select link annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [LinkAnnotation](../../linkannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr popup) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr link) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| popup | System::SharedPtr\ | [PopupAnnotation](../../popupannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - popup - - - - PopupAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| link | System::SharedPtr\ | [LinkAnnotation](../../linkannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [PopupAnnotation](../../popupannotation/) +* Class [LinkAnnotation](../../linkannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select line annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [LineAnnotation](../../lineannotation/) object. +Select movie annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [MovieAnnotation](../../movieannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr line) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr movie) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| line | System::SharedPtr\ | [LineAnnotation](../../lineannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - line - - - - LineAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| movie | System::SharedPtr\ | [MovieAnnotation](../../movieannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [LineAnnotation](../../lineannotation/) +* Class [MovieAnnotation](../../movieannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select circle annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [CircleAnnotation](../../circleannotation/) object. +Selects the *pageInformation* if the [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with a [PageInformationAnnotation](../../pageinformationannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr circle) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr pageInformation) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| circle | System::SharedPtr\ | [CircleAnnotation](../../circleannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - circle - - - - CircleAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| pageInformation | System::SharedPtr\ | The [PageInformationAnnotation](../../pageinformationannotation/) object for selection. | + ## See Also -* Class [CircleAnnotation](../../circleannotation/) +* Class [PageInformationAnnotation](../../pageinformationannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select square annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [SquareAnnotation](../../squareannotation/) object. +Select PDF3D annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [PDF3DAnnotation](../../pdf3dannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr square) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr pdf3D) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| square | System::SharedPtr\ | [SquareAnnotation](../../squareannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - square - - - - SquareAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| pdf3D | System::SharedPtr\ | [PDF3DAnnotation](../../pdf3dannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [SquareAnnotation](../../squareannotation/) +* Class [PDF3DAnnotation](../../pdf3dannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select ink annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [InkAnnotation](../../inkannotation/) object. +Select polygon annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [PolygonAnnotation](../../polygonannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr ink) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr polygon) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| ink | System::SharedPtr\ | [InkAnnotation](../../inkannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - ink - - - - InkAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| polygon | System::SharedPtr\ | [PolygonAnnotation](../../polygonannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [InkAnnotation](../../inkannotation/) +* Class [PolygonAnnotation](../../polygonannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -474,359 +293,217 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(S Select polyline annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [PolylineAnnotation](../../polylineannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr polyline) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr polyline) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | polyline | System::SharedPtr\ | [PolylineAnnotation](../../polylineannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - polyline - - - - PolylineAnnotation object for selecting. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PolylineAnnotation](../../polylineannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select polygon annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [PolygonAnnotation](../../polygonannotation/) object. +Select popup annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [PopupAnnotation](../../popupannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr polygon) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr popup) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| polygon | System::SharedPtr\ | [PolygonAnnotation](../../polygonannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - polygon - - - - PolygonAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| popup | System::SharedPtr\ | [PopupAnnotation](../../popupannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [PolygonAnnotation](../../polygonannotation/) +* Class [PopupAnnotation](../../popupannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select caret annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [CaretAnnotation](../../caretannotation/) object. +Select redact annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with RedactAnnotation object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr caret) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr redact) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| caret | System::SharedPtr\ | [CaretAnnotation](../../caretannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - caret - - - - CaretAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| redact | System::SharedPtr\ | RedactAnnotation object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [CaretAnnotation](../../caretannotation/) +* Class [RedactionAnnotation](../../redactionannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select stamp annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [StampAnnotation](../../stampannotation/) object. +Selects the *registrationMark* if the [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with a [RegistrationMarkAnnotation](../../registrationmarkannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr stamp) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr registrationMark) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| stamp | System::SharedPtr\ | [StampAnnotation](../../stampannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - stamp - - - - StampAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| registrationMark | System::SharedPtr\ | The [RegistrationMarkAnnotation](../../registrationmarkannotation/) object for selection. | + ## See Also -* Class [StampAnnotation](../../stampannotation/) +* Class [RegistrationMarkAnnotation](../../registrationmarkannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select widget annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [WidgetAnnotation](../../widgetannotation/) object. +Select movie annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with RichMedia annotation object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr widget) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr richMedia) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| widget | System::SharedPtr\ | [WidgetAnnotation](../../widgetannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - widget - - - - WidgetAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| richMedia | System::SharedPtr\ | RichMedia annotation. | + ## See Also -* Class [WidgetAnnotation](../../widgetannotation/) +* Class [RichMediaAnnotation](../../richmediaannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select watermark annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [WatermarkAnnotation](../../watermarkannotation/) object. +Select screen annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [ScreenAnnotation](../../screenannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr watermark) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr screen) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| watermark | System::SharedPtr\ | [WatermarkAnnotation](../../watermarkannotation/) for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - watermark - - - - WatermarkAnnotation for selecting. - - - +| screen | System::SharedPtr\ | [ScreenAnnotation](../../screenannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [WatermarkAnnotation](../../watermarkannotation/) +* Class [ScreenAnnotation](../../screenannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select movie annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [MovieAnnotation](../../movieannotation/) object. +Select square annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [SquareAnnotation](../../squareannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr movie) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr square) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| movie | System::SharedPtr\ | [MovieAnnotation](../../movieannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - movie - - - - MovieAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| square | System::SharedPtr\ | [SquareAnnotation](../../squareannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [MovieAnnotation](../../movieannotation/) +* Class [SquareAnnotation](../../squareannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select movie annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with RichMedia annotation object. +Select squiggly annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [SquigglyAnnotation](../../squigglyannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr richMedia) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr squiggly) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| richMedia | System::SharedPtr\ | RichMedia annotation. | -## Remarks - - - - - - richMedia - - - RichMedia annotation. - - - +| squiggly | System::SharedPtr\ | [SquigglyAnnotation](../../squigglyannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [RichMediaAnnotation](../../richmediaannotation/) +* Class [SquigglyAnnotation](../../squigglyannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select screen annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [ScreenAnnotation](../../screenannotation/) object. +Select stamp annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [StampAnnotation](../../stampannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr screen) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr stamp) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| screen | System::SharedPtr\ | [ScreenAnnotation](../../screenannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - screen - - - - ScreenAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| stamp | System::SharedPtr\ | [StampAnnotation](../../stampannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [ScreenAnnotation](../../screenannotation/) +* Class [StampAnnotation](../../stampannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select PDF3D annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [PDF3DAnnotation](../../pdf3dannotation/) object. +Select strikeOut annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [StrikeOutAnnotation](../../strikeoutannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr pdf3D) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr strikeOut) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| pdf3D | System::SharedPtr\ | [PDF3DAnnotation](../../pdf3dannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pdf3D - - - - PDF3DAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| strikeOut | System::SharedPtr\ | [StrikeOutAnnotation](../../strikeoutannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [PDF3DAnnotation](../../pdf3dannotation/) +* Class [StrikeOutAnnotation](../../strikeoutannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Select ColorBar annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with ColorBar object. +Select text annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [TextAnnotation](../../textannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr colorBar) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr text) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| colorBar | System::SharedPtr\ | [PDF3DAnnotation](../../pdf3dannotation/) object for selecting. | -## Remarks - - - - - - colorBar - - - - PDF3DAnnotation object for selecting. - - - +| text | System::SharedPtr\ | [TextAnnotation](../../textannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [ColorBarAnnotation](../../colorbarannotation/) +* Class [TextAnnotation](../../textannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -836,125 +513,77 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(S Selects the *trimMark* if the [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with a [TrimMarkAnnotation](../../trimmarkannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr trimMark) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr trimMark) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | trimMark | System::SharedPtr\ | The [TrimMarkAnnotation](../../trimmarkannotation/) object for selection. | -## Remarks - - - - - - trimMark - - - The TrimMarkAnnotation object for selection. - - - + ## See Also * Class [TrimMarkAnnotation](../../trimmarkannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Selects the *bleedMark* if the [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with a [BleedMarkAnnotation](../../bleedmarkannotation/) object. +Select underline annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [UnderlineAnnotation](../../underlineannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr bleedMark) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr underline) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| bleedMark | System::SharedPtr\ | The [BleedMarkAnnotation](../../bleedmarkannotation/) object for selection. | -## Remarks - - - - - - bleedMark - - - The BleedMarkAnnotation object for selection. - - - +| underline | System::SharedPtr\ | [UnderlineAnnotation](../../underlineannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [BleedMarkAnnotation](../../bleedmarkannotation/) +* Class [UnderlineAnnotation](../../underlineannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Selects the *registrationMark* if the [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with a [RegistrationMarkAnnotation](../../registrationmarkannotation/) object. +Select watermark annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [WatermarkAnnotation](../../watermarkannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr registrationMark) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr watermark) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| registrationMark | System::SharedPtr\ | The [RegistrationMarkAnnotation](../../registrationmarkannotation/) object for selection. | -## Remarks - - - - - - registrationMark - - - The RegistrationMarkAnnotation object for selection. - - - +| watermark | System::SharedPtr\ | [WatermarkAnnotation](../../watermarkannotation/) for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [RegistrationMarkAnnotation](../../registrationmarkannotation/) +* Class [WatermarkAnnotation](../../watermarkannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Selects the *pageInformation* if the [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with a [PageInformationAnnotation](../../pageinformationannotation/) object. +Select widget annotation if [AnnotationSelector](../) was initialized with [WidgetAnnotation](../../widgetannotation/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr pageInformation) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector::Visit(System::SharedPtr widget) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| pageInformation | System::SharedPtr\ | The [PageInformationAnnotation](../../pageinformationannotation/) object for selection. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageInformation - - - The PageInformationAnnotation object for selection. - - - +| widget | System::SharedPtr\ | [WidgetAnnotation](../../widgetannotation/) object for selecting. | + ## See Also -* Class [PageInformationAnnotation](../../pageinformationannotation/) +* Class [WidgetAnnotation](../../widgetannotation/) * Class [AnnotationSelector](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstateconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstateconverter/toenum/ index c2e22a4afa..71e74b7187 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstateconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstateconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationStateConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstateconverter/toenum/ --- ## AnnotationStateConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstateconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API AnnotationState Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationStateConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static AnnotationState Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationStateConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstateconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstateconverter/tostring/ index 3b0895e49d..61d601d1b3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstateconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstateconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationStateConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstateconverter/tostring/ --- ## AnnotationStateConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstateconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationStateConverter::ToString(AnnotationState value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationStateConverter::ToString(AnnotationState value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstatemodelconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstatemodelconverter/toenum/ index 45ff48c0f5..34ba0cf675 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstatemodelconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstatemodelconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationStateModelConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstatemodelconverter/toenum/ --- ## AnnotationStateModelConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstatemodelconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API AnnotationStateModel Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationStateModelConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static AnnotationStateModel Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationStateModelConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstatemodelconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstatemodelconverter/tostring/ index e77bbdcc78..444cd6dc5a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstatemodelconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstatemodelconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationStateModelConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstatemodelconverter/tostring/ --- ## AnnotationStateModelConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationstatemodelconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationStateModelConverter::ToString(AnnotationStateModel value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationStateModelConverter::ToString(AnnotationStateModel value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/add/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/add/ index 45315edf65..ed9f2894f5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/add/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/add/ @@ -2,79 +2,46 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Add method linktitle: Add second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Add method. Add X form for specifed key in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Add method. Adds pair with key and value into the dictionary in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/add/ --- -## AppearanceDictionary::Add(const System::String\&, const System::SharedPtr\\&) method +## AppearanceDictionary::Add(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\&) method -Add X form for specifed key. +Adds pair with key and value into the dictionary. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Add(const System::String &key, const System::SharedPtr &value) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Add(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair> &item) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| key | const System::String\& | Element key. | -| value | const System::SharedPtr\\& | [XForm](../../../aspose.pdf/xform/) object value. | -## Remarks - +| item | const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\& | Item to be added. | - - - - key - - - Element key. - - - - - value - - - - XForm object value. - - - ## See Also * Class [XForm](../../../aspose.pdf/xform/) * Class [AppearanceDictionary](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AppearanceDictionary::Add(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\&) method +## AppearanceDictionary::Add(const System::String\&, const System::SharedPtr\\&) method -Adds pair with key and value into the dictionary. +Add X form for specifed key. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Add(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair> &item) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Add(const System::String &key, const System::SharedPtr &value) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| item | const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\& | Item to be added. | -## Remarks - +| key | const System::String\& | Element key. | +| value | const System::SharedPtr\\& | [XForm](../../../aspose.pdf/xform/) object value. | - - - - item - - - Item to be added. - - - ## See Also * Class [XForm](../../../aspose.pdf/xform/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/clear/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/clear/ index e5b783f67f..9fdef02804 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/clear/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/clear/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Clear second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Clear method. Removes all elements from the dictionary in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/clear/ --- ## AppearanceDictionary::Clear method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/clear/ Removes all elements from the dictionary. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Clear() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Clear() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/contains/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/contains/ index 048058424b..85d1fcfa09 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/contains/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/contains/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Contains second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Contains method. Checks does specified key-value pair is contained in the dictionary in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/contains/ --- ## AppearanceDictionary::Contains method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/contains/ Checks does specified key-value pair is contained in the dictionary. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Contains(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair> &item) const override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Contains(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair> &item) const override ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Conta ### ReturnValue true if this pauir was found. -## Remarks - - - - - - item - - - Key-value pair. - - - + ## See Also * Class [XForm](../../../aspose.pdf/xform/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/containskey/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/containskey/ index dab5e581b1..ac2ba31b77 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/containskey/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/containskey/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ContainsKey second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::ContainsKey method. Determines does this dictionary contasins specified key in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/containskey/ --- ## AppearanceDictionary::ContainsKey method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/containskey/ Determines does this dictionary contasins specified key. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::ContainsKey(const System::String &key) const override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::ContainsKey(const System::String &key) const override ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Conta ### ReturnValue true if key is found. -## Remarks - - - - - - key - - - Key to search in the dictionary. - - - + ## See Also * Class [AppearanceDictionary](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/copyto/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/copyto/ index e943db277d..bfd79d143e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/copyto/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/copyto/ @@ -2,87 +2,47 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::CopyTo method linktitle: CopyTo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::CopyTo method. Copies the elements of the dictionary to an Array, starting at a particular Array index in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::CopyTo method. Copies the elements of the ICollection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/copyto/ --- -## AppearanceDictionary::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr\\>, int32_t) method +## AppearanceDictionary::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr\\>\>, int32_t) method -Copies the elements of the dictionary to an Array, starting at a particular Array index. +Copies the elements of the ICollection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr> array, int32_t index) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr>> array, int32_t arrayIndex) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| array | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array where items must be copied. | -| index | int32_t | Index where items must be copied. | -## Remarks - +| array | System::ArrayPtr\\>\> | The one-dimensional Array that is the destination of the elements copied from ICollection. The Array must have zero-based indexing. | +| arrayIndex | int32_t | The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. | - - - - array - - - Array where items must be copied. - - - - - index - - - Index where items must be copied. - - - ## See Also * Class [XForm](../../../aspose.pdf/xform/) * Class [AppearanceDictionary](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AppearanceDictionary::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr\\>\>, int32_t) method +## AppearanceDictionary::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr\\>, int32_t) method -Copies the elements of the ICollection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index. +Copies the elements of the dictionary to an Array, starting at a particular Array index. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr>> array, int32_t arrayIndex) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr> array, int32_t index) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| array | System::ArrayPtr\\>\> | The one-dimensional Array that is the destination of the elements copied from ICollection. The Array must have zero-based indexing. | -| arrayIndex | int32_t | The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. | -## Remarks - +| array | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array where items must be copied. | +| index | int32_t | Index where items must be copied. | - - - - array - - - The one-dimensional Array that is the destination of the elements copied from ICollection. The Array must have zero-based indexing. - - - - - arrayIndex - - - The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. - - - ## See Also * Class [XForm](../../../aspose.pdf/xform/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_count/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_count/ index b33166941c..ec0fcc8a85 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_count/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_count/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Count second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_Count method. Gets the number of elements contained in the dictionary in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_count/ --- ## AppearanceDictionary::get_Count method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_count/ Gets the number of elements contained in the dictionary. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_Count() const override +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_Count() const override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_isfixedsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_isfixedsize/ index b53fbcdb0a..3908863262 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_isfixedsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_isfixedsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsFixedSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_IsFixedSize method. Gets a value indicating whether dictionary has a fixed size in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_isfixedsize/ --- ## AppearanceDictionary::get_IsFixedSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_isfixedsize/ Gets a value indicating whether dictionary has a fixed size. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_IsFixedSize() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_IsFixedSize() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_isreadonly/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_isreadonly/ index b4632dc8dd..194e5be295 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_isreadonly/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_isreadonly/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsReadOnly second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_IsReadOnly method. Gets a value indicating whether dictionary is read-only in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_isreadonly/ --- ## AppearanceDictionary::get_IsReadOnly method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_isreadonly/ Gets a value indicating whether dictionary is read-only. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_IsReadOnly() const override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_IsReadOnly() const override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_issynchronized/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_issynchronized/ index 39e989ad30..3911f378e0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_issynchronized/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_issynchronized/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsSynchronized second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_IsSynchronized method. Gets a value indicating whether access to the dictionary is synchronized (thread safe) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_issynchronized/ --- ## AppearanceDictionary::get_IsSynchronized method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_issynchronized/ Gets a value indicating whether access to the dictionary is synchronized (thread safe). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_IsSynchronized() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_IsSynchronized() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_keys/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_keys/ index 7943764686..6326478ec2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_keys/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_keys/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Keys second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_Keys method. Gets keys of the dictionary. If appearance dictionary has subditionaries, then Keys contains (N|R|D).state values, where N - normal appearance, R - rollover appearance, D - down appearance and state - the name of the state (e.g. On, Off for checkboxes) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_keys/ --- ## AppearanceDictionary::get_Keys method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_keys/ Gets keys of the dictionary. If appearance dictionary has subditionaries, then [Keys](../) contains (N|R|D).state values, where N - normal appearance, R - rollover appearance, D - down appearance and state - the name of the state (e.g. On, Off for checkboxes). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_Keys() const override +System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_Keys() const override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_syncroot/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_syncroot/ index a6ec05ae67..e5b25dd44f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_syncroot/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_syncroot/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SyncRoot second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_SyncRoot method. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the dictionary in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_syncroot/ --- ## AppearanceDictionary::get_SyncRoot method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_syncroot/ Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the dictionary. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_SyncRoot() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_SyncRoot() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_values/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_values/ index 8f8f230a55..1ced579da9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_values/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_values/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Values second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_Values method. Gets the list of the dictionary values. Result collection contains the list of XForm objects in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_values/ --- ## AppearanceDictionary::get_Values method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/get_values/ Gets the list of the dictionary values. Result collection contains the list of [XForm](../../../aspose.pdf/xform/) objects. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_Values() const override +System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::get_Values() const override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/getenumerator/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/getenumerator/ index 4d73f7f260..83610905c3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/getenumerator/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/getenumerator/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetEnumerator second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::GetEnumerator method. Returns an IDictionaryEnumerator object for the dictionary in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/getenumerator/ --- ## AppearanceDictionary::GetEnumerator method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/getenumerator/ Returns an IDictionaryEnumerator object for the dictionary. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>>> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::GetEnumerator() override +System::SharedPtr>>> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::GetEnumerator() override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/idx_get/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/idx_get/ index 72fb93f905..9c4e10a38b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/idx_get/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/idx_get/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: idx_get second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::idx_get method. Represents convenient form for getting appearance streams in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/idx_get/ --- ## AppearanceDictionary::idx_get method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/idx_get/ Represents convenient form for getting appearance streams. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::idx_get(const System::String &key) const override +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::idx_get(const System::String &key) const override ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Appeara ### ReturnValue [XForm](../../../aspose.pdf/xform/) object (appearance stream) which corresponds to the given key. -## Remarks - - - - - - key - - - Represents path to appearance stream. If appearance dictionary has subdictionaries, then path must contain 2 parts (Keys), else path has only one part. - - - + ## See Also * Class [XForm](../../../aspose.pdf/xform/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/idx_set/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/idx_set/ index feb12a9884..c85df5450c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/idx_set/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/idx_set/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: idx_set second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::idx_set method. Represents convenient form for getting appearance streams in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/idx_set/ --- ## AppearanceDictionary::idx_set method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/idx_set/ Represents convenient form for getting appearance streams. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::idx_set(const System::String &key, System::SharedPtr value) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::idx_set(const System::String &key, System::SharedPtr value) override ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::idx_s ### ReturnValue [XForm](../../../aspose.pdf/xform/) object (appearance stream) which corresponds to the given key. -## Remarks - - - - - - key - - - Represents path to appearance stream. If appearance dictionary has subdictionaries, then path must contain 2 parts (Keys), else path has only one part. - - - + ## See Also * Class [XForm](../../../aspose.pdf/xform/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/remove/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/remove/ index 3fb52d8624..a317d384d3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/remove/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/remove/ @@ -2,79 +2,55 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Remove method linktitle: Remove second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Remove method. Removes key from the dictionary in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Remove method. Removes key/value pair from the collection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/remove/ --- -## AppearanceDictionary::Remove(const System::String\&) method +## AppearanceDictionary::Remove(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\&) method -Removes key from the dictionary. +Removes key/value pair from the collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Remove(const System::String &key) override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Remove(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair> &item) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| key | const System::String\& | Key to be removed from the dictionary. | +| item | const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\& | Key/value pair to be removed. | ### ReturnValue -true if key was successfully removed. -## Remarks - - - - - - key - - - Key to be removed from the dictionary. - - - +true if pair was found and removed. + ## See Also +* Class [XForm](../../../aspose.pdf/xform/) * Class [AppearanceDictionary](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AppearanceDictionary::Remove(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\&) method +## AppearanceDictionary::Remove(const System::String\&) method -Removes key/value pair from the collection. +Removes key from the dictionary. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Remove(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair> &item) override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::Remove(const System::String &key) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| item | const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\& | Key/value pair to be removed. | +| key | const System::String\& | Key to be removed from the dictionary. | ### ReturnValue -true if pair was found and removed. -## Remarks - - - - - - item - - - Key/value pair to be removed. - - - +true if key was successfully removed. + ## See Also -* Class [XForm](../../../aspose.pdf/xform/) * Class [AppearanceDictionary](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/trygetvalue/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/trygetvalue/ index 684874a1e1..aceed560d3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/trygetvalue/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/trygetvalue/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TryGetValue second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::TryGetValue method. Tries to find key in the dictionary and retreives value if found in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/trygetvalue/ --- ## AppearanceDictionary::TryGetValue method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/appearancedictionary/trygetvalue/ Tries to find key in the dictionary and retreives value if found. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::TryGetValue(const System::String &key, System::SharedPtr &value) const override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::TryGetValue(const System::String &key, System::SharedPtr &value) const override ``` @@ -25,27 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AppearanceDictionary::TryGe ### ReturnValue true if key was found. -## Remarks - - - - - - key - - - Key to search in the dictionary. - - - - - value - - - Retreived value. - - - + ## See Also * Class [XForm](../../../aspose.pdf/xform/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/accept/ index f66fb9f129..ff85d901b2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BleedMarkAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor for annotation processing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/accept/ --- ## BleedMarkAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor for annotation processing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BleedMarkAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BleedMarkAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - - AnnotationSelector object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/bleedmarkannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/bleedmarkannotation/ index ab6e8bc9d6..d43ee58a67 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/bleedmarkannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/bleedmarkannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BleedMarkAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BleedMarkAnnotation::BleedMarkAnnotation constructor. Initializes a new instance of the BleedMarkAnnotation class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/bleedmarkannotation/ --- ## BleedMarkAnnotation::BleedMarkAnnotation constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/bleedmarkannotation/ Initializes a new instance of the [BleedMarkAnnotation](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BleedMarkAnnotation::BleedMarkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, PrinterMarkCornerPosition position) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BleedMarkAnnotation::BleedMarkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, PrinterMarkCornerPosition position) ``` @@ -24,24 +24,6 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BleedMarkAnnotation::BleedMarkAn ## Remarks - - - - page - - - The page where the annotation will be added. - - - - - position - - - The position of the bleed mark on the page. - - - This constructor creates a [BleedMarkAnnotation](../) and adds it to the specified page at the specified position. ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ index cbffeab5e4..de071773ef 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BleedMarkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## BleedMarkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bleedmarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BleedMarkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BleedMarkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/border/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/border/ index e55ea81484..f3a402164e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/border/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/border/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Border second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::Border constructor. Constructor for border object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/border/ --- ## Border::Border constructor @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/border/ Constructor for border object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::Border(System::SharedPtr parent) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::Border(System::SharedPtr parent) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | parent | System::SharedPtr\ | Parent annotation. | -## Remarks - - - - - parent - - - Parent annotation. - - - ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../annotation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_dash/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_dash/ index 6163d08202..cb38ced8be 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_dash/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_dash/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Dash second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_Dash method. Gets dash pattern in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_dash/ --- ## Border::get_Dash method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_dash/ Gets dash pattern. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_Dash() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_Dash() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_effect/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_effect/ index 91b24aa066..2ab60e904e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_effect/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_effect/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Effect second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_Effect method. Gets border effect in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_effect/ --- ## Border::get_Effect method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_effect/ Gets border effect. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API BorderEffect Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_Effect() const +BorderEffect Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_Effect() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_effectintensity/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_effectintensity/ index 050cf5ad52..b4a67bec4e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_effectintensity/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_effectintensity/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_EffectIntensity second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_EffectIntensity method. Gets effect intencity. Valid range of value is [0..2] in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_effectintensity/ --- ## Border::get_EffectIntensity method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_effectintensity/ Gets effect intencity. Valid range of value is [0..2]. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_EffectIntensity() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_EffectIntensity() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_hcornerradius/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_hcornerradius/ index 48b4f5fe72..2ea6bd36eb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_hcornerradius/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_hcornerradius/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_HCornerRadius second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_HCornerRadius method. Gets horizontal corner radius in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_hcornerradius/ --- ## Border::get_HCornerRadius method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_hcornerradius/ Gets horizontal corner radius. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_HCornerRadius() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_HCornerRadius() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_style/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_style/ index 90e9bacc56..c016f72d64 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_style/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_style/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Style second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_Style method. Gets border style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_style/ --- ## Border::get_Style method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_style/ Gets border style. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API BorderStyle Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_Style() +BorderStyle Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_Style() ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_vcornerradius/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_vcornerradius/ index 4db08b2b8a..6a8f350c19 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_vcornerradius/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_vcornerradius/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_VCornerRadius second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_VCornerRadius method. Gets vertical corner radius in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_vcornerradius/ --- ## Border::get_VCornerRadius method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_vcornerradius/ Gets vertical corner radius. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_VCornerRadius() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_VCornerRadius() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_width/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_width/ index 3d9838a962..a550a10407 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_width/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_width/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Width second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_Width method. Gets border width in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_width/ --- ## Border::get_Width method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/get_width/ Gets border width. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_Width() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::get_Width() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_dash/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_dash/ index 8089a0039e..9ae0fc1844 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_dash/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_dash/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Dash second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_Dash method. Sets dash pattern in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_dash/ --- ## Border::set_Dash method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_dash/ Sets dash pattern. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_Dash(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_Dash(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_effect/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_effect/ index bca62c6cae..794a37a8a6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_effect/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_effect/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Effect second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_Effect method. Sets border effect in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_effect/ --- ## Border::set_Effect method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_effect/ Sets border effect. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_Effect(BorderEffect value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_Effect(BorderEffect value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_effectintensity/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_effectintensity/ index 15e0e438ac..edcff4404c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_effectintensity/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_effectintensity/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_EffectIntensity second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_EffectIntensity method. Sets effect intencity. Valid range of value is [0..2] in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_effectintensity/ --- ## Border::set_EffectIntensity method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_effectintensity/ Sets effect intencity. Valid range of value is [0..2]. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_EffectIntensity(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_EffectIntensity(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_hcornerradius/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_hcornerradius/ index 5c3bf6320d..3be9f21e5e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_hcornerradius/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_hcornerradius/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_HCornerRadius second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_HCornerRadius method. Sets horizontal corner radius in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_hcornerradius/ --- ## Border::set_HCornerRadius method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_hcornerradius/ Sets horizontal corner radius. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_HCornerRadius(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_HCornerRadius(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_style/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_style/ index 9a3dd1925b..dc9b37b478 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_style/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_style/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Style second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_Style method. Sets border style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_style/ --- ## Border::set_Style method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_style/ Sets border style. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_Style(BorderStyle value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_Style(BorderStyle value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_vcornerradius/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_vcornerradius/ index 5678cc6e20..fe28226ef3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_vcornerradius/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_vcornerradius/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_VCornerRadius second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_VCornerRadius method. Sets vertical corner radius in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_vcornerradius/ --- ## Border::set_VCornerRadius method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_vcornerradius/ Sets vertical corner radius. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_VCornerRadius(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_VCornerRadius(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_width/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_width/ index 0b80dff49b..6e61337e55 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_width/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_width/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Width second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_Width method. Sets border width in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_width/ --- ## Border::set_Width method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/border/set_width/ Sets border width. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_Width(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Border::set_Width(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/toenum/ index 9648ed0c74..5cdb44bd03 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderEffectConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/toenum/ --- ## BorderEffectConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API BorderEffect Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderEffectConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static BorderEffect Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderEffectConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/tostring/ index a866720de0..52976efea5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderEffectConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/tostring/ --- ## BorderEffectConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderEffectConverter::ToString(BorderEffect value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderEffectConverter::ToString(BorderEffect value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/toxfdfstring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/toxfdfstring/ index e5e23f5492..c7b7ca34f8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/toxfdfstring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/toxfdfstring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToXfdfString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToXfdfString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderEffectConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/toxfdfstring/ --- ## BorderEffectConverter::ToXfdfString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/bordereffectconverter/toxfdfstring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderEffectConverter::ToXfdfString(BorderEffect value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderEffectConverter::ToXfdfString(BorderEffect value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/toenum/ index 9ff9d83d31..4b28ca6de1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderStyleConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/toenum/ --- ## BorderStyleConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API BorderStyle Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderStyleConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static BorderStyle Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderStyleConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/tostring/ index a2da5b1b2b..20289e51cd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderStyleConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/tostring/ --- ## BorderStyleConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderStyleConverter::ToString(BorderStyle value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderStyleConverter::ToString(BorderStyle value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/toxfdfstring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/toxfdfstring/ index 07ba1043aa..00d5e91079 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/toxfdfstring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/toxfdfstring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToXfdfString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToXfdfString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderStyleConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/toxfdfstring/ --- ## BorderStyleConverter::ToXfdfString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/borderstyleconverter/toxfdfstring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderStyleConverter::ToXfdfString(BorderStyle value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::BorderStyleConverter::ToXfdfString(BorderStyle value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/captionpositionconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/captionpositionconverter/toenum/ index 5ad445e17d..37084ef78c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/captionpositionconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/captionpositionconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaptionPositionConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/captionpositionconverter/toenum/ --- ## CaptionPositionConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/captionpositionconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API CaptionPosition Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaptionPositionConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static CaptionPosition Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaptionPositionConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/captionpositionconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/captionpositionconverter/tostring/ index 2a7f923cc2..daf2e686b5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/captionpositionconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/captionpositionconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaptionPositionConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/captionpositionconverter/tostring/ --- ## CaptionPositionConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/captionpositionconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaptionPositionConverter::ToString(CaptionPosition value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaptionPositionConverter::ToString(CaptionPosition value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/accept/ index 196e9f8688..3bce92a67f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/accept/ --- ## CaretAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/caretannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/caretannotation/ index 37cf1f7f03..2616c49982 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/caretannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/caretannotation/ @@ -2,84 +2,50 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::CaretAnnotation constructor linktitle: CaretAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::CaretAnnotation constructor. Constructor for usign in Generator in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::CaretAnnotation constructor. Creates new Caret annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/caretannotation/ --- -## CaretAnnotation::CaretAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## CaretAnnotation::CaretAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor for usign in Generator. +Creates new Caret annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::CaretAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::CaretAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where annotation will be created. | -## Remarks - +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/)'s page where annotation should be created. | +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | Required rectangle that sets annotation's border. | - - - - document - - - - Document where annotation will be created. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [CaretAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## CaretAnnotation::CaretAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## CaretAnnotation::CaretAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Creates new Caret annotation on the specified page. +Constructor for usign in Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::CaretAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::CaretAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/)'s page where annotation should be created. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | Required rectangle that sets annotation's border. | -## Remarks - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where annotation will be created. | - - - - page - - - - Document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - Required rectangle that sets annotation's border. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) -* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [CaretAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_annotationtype/ index 8a6e97f6a4..6bc375b5ff 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## CaretAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_frame/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_frame/ index 4668bceb32..92c8f22a18 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_frame/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_frame/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Frame second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::get_Frame method. Gets caret rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_frame/ --- ## CaretAnnotation::get_Frame method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_frame/ Gets caret rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::get_Frame() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::get_Frame() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_symbol/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_symbol/ index 4bbb90797e..3621318a1f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_symbol/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_symbol/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Symbol second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::get_Symbol method. Gets symbol associated with caret in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_symbol/ --- ## CaretAnnotation::get_Symbol method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/get_symbol/ Gets symbol associated with caret. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API CaretSymbol Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::get_Symbol() +CaretSymbol Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::get_Symbol() ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/set_frame/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/set_frame/ index 650517bd05..f68271b9a4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/set_frame/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/set_frame/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Frame second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::set_Frame method. Sets caret rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/set_frame/ --- ## CaretAnnotation::set_Frame method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/set_frame/ Sets caret rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::set_Frame(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::set_Frame(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/set_symbol/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/set_symbol/ index fbe01463c1..e2323d0835 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/set_symbol/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/set_symbol/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Symbol second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::set_Symbol method. Sets symbol associated with caret in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/set_symbol/ --- ## CaretAnnotation::set_Symbol method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretannotation/set_symbol/ Sets symbol associated with caret. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::set_Symbol(CaretSymbol value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretAnnotation::set_Symbol(CaretSymbol value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/toenum/ index 64b52ea017..352643a10b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretSymbolConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/toenum/ --- ## CaretSymbolConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API CaretSymbol Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretSymbolConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static CaretSymbol Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretSymbolConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/tostring/ index 4ebc236dc9..ae2224984c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretSymbolConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/tostring/ --- ## CaretSymbolConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretSymbolConverter::ToString(CaretSymbol value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretSymbolConverter::ToString(CaretSymbol value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/toxfdfstring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/toxfdfstring/ index 00144c7b99..53fb67509a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/toxfdfstring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/toxfdfstring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToXfdfString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToXfdfString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretSymbolConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/toxfdfstring/ --- ## CaretSymbolConverter::ToXfdfString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/caretsymbolconverter/toxfdfstring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretSymbolConverter::ToXfdfString(CaretSymbol value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaretSymbolConverter::ToXfdfString(CaretSymbol value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/get_background/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/get_background/ index 654ca5bd21..9bc6464003 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/get_background/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/get_background/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/get_background/ Gets color of the background. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Characteristics::get_Background() +System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Characteristics::get_Background() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/get_border/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/get_border/ index 31763e843f..6d94c70ac3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/get_border/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/get_border/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Border second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Characteristics::get_Border method. Gets color of the border in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/get_border/ --- ## Characteristics::get_Border method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/get_border/ Gets color of the border. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Characteristics::get_Border() +System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Characteristics::get_Border() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/get_rotate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/get_rotate/ index 5357df1392..35bd4cfd6b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/get_rotate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/get_rotate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Rotate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Characteristics::get_Rotate method. Gets rotation of the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/get_rotate/ --- ## Characteristics::get_Rotate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/get_rotate/ Gets rotation of the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Rotation Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Characteristics::get_Rotate() +Rotation Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Characteristics::get_Rotate() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/set_background/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/set_background/ index 8a69eeab8b..a26665abd7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/set_background/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/set_background/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Background second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Characteristics::set_Background method. Sets color of the background in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/set_background/ --- ## Characteristics::set_Background method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/set_background/ Sets color of the background. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Characteristics::set_Background(System::Drawing::Color value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Characteristics::set_Background(System::Drawing::Color value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/set_border/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/set_border/ index c16d53d212..0719b6ff75 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/set_border/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/set_border/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Border second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Characteristics::set_Border method. Sets color of the border in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/set_border/ --- ## Characteristics::set_Border method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/set_border/ Sets color of the border. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Characteristics::set_Border(System::Drawing::Color value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Characteristics::set_Border(System::Drawing::Color value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/set_rotate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/set_rotate/ index 3688f7a2a2..e958631b85 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/set_rotate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/set_rotate/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/characteristics/set_rotate/ Sets rotation of the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Characteristics::set_Rotate(Rotation value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Characteristics::set_Rotate(Rotation value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/circleannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/circleannotation/accept/ index 42a301b76d..d69a16e9d7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/circleannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/circleannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CircleAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/circleannotation/accept/ --- ## CircleAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/circleannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CircleAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CircleAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/circleannotation/circleannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/circleannotation/circleannotation/ index 8fdce81afc..d51e8ca142 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/circleannotation/circleannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/circleannotation/circleannotation/ @@ -2,84 +2,50 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CircleAnnotation::CircleAnnotation constructor linktitle: CircleAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CircleAnnotation::CircleAnnotation constructor. Constructor for Circle annotation in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CircleAnnotation::CircleAnnotation constructor. Creates new Circle annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/circleannotation/circleannotation/ --- -## CircleAnnotation::CircleAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## CircleAnnotation::CircleAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor for Circle annotation. +Creates new Circle annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CircleAnnotation::CircleAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CircleAnnotation::CircleAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where annotation will be created. | -## Remarks - +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/)'s page where annotation should be created. | +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | Required rectangle that sets annotation's border. | - - - - document - - - - Document where annotation will be created. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [CircleAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## CircleAnnotation::CircleAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## CircleAnnotation::CircleAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Creates new Circle annotation on the specified page. +Constructor for Circle annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CircleAnnotation::CircleAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CircleAnnotation::CircleAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/)'s page where annotation should be created. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | Required rectangle that sets annotation's border. | -## Remarks - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where annotation will be created. | - - - - page - - - - Document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - Required rectangle that sets annotation's border. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) -* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [CircleAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/circleannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/circleannotation/get_annotationtype/ index f5d7d7f5c0..c94f93ffc1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/circleannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/circleannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CircleAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/circleannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## CircleAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/circleannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CircleAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CircleAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/accept/ index 0eaeec188c..a46d8d5878 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/accept/ --- ## ColorBarAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/changeafterresize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/changeafterresize/ index 1b555ded36..f0dc8c7b83 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/changeafterresize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/changeafterresize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ChangeAfterResize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize method. Update parameters and appearance, according to the matrix transform and moving outside of TrimBox if nesseary in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/changeafterresize/ --- ## ColorBarAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/changeafterresize/ Update parameters and appearance, according to the matrix transform and moving outside of TrimBox if nesseary. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize(System::SharedPtr transform) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize(System::SharedPtr transform) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | transform | System::SharedPtr\ | [Matrix](../../../aspose.pdf/matrix/) specifying the transformation. | -## Remarks - - - - - transform - - - - Matrix specifying the transformation. - - - ## See Also * Class [Matrix](../../../aspose.pdf/matrix/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/colorbarannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/colorbarannotation/ index bc07e7ef5c..374143ac28 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/colorbarannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/colorbarannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ColorBarAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::ColorBarAnnotation constructor. Creates new ColorBar annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/colorbarannotation/ --- ## ColorBarAnnotation::ColorBarAnnotation constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/colorbarannotation/ Creates new ColorBar annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::ColorBarAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, ColorsOfCMYK colorOfCMYK=Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorsOfCMYK::Black) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::ColorBarAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, ColorsOfCMYK colorOfCMYK=Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorsOfCMYK::Black) ``` @@ -22,37 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::ColorBarAnno | page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/)'s page where annotation should be created. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | Required rectangle that sets annotation's drawing area. | | colorOfCMYK | ColorsOfCMYK | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) for which annotation drawing. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - - Document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - Required rectangle that sets annotation's drawing area. - - - - - colorOfCMYK - - - - Color for which annotation drawing. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/get_annotationtype/ index bcfd677c98..a72bc78885 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## ColorBarAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/get_colorofcmyk/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/get_colorofcmyk/ index 66f36bfb56..386de7cf57 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/get_colorofcmyk/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/get_colorofcmyk/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ColorOfCMYK second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::get_ColorOfCMYK method. Gets color (one of cyan, magenta, yellow, black) for which the annotation is drawing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/get_colorofcmyk/ --- ## ColorBarAnnotation::get_ColorOfCMYK method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/get_colorofcmyk/ Gets color (one of cyan, magenta, yellow, black) for which the annotation is drawing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API ColorsOfCMYK Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::get_ColorOfCMYK() const +ColorsOfCMYK Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::get_ColorOfCMYK() const ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/set_colorofcmyk/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/set_colorofcmyk/ index 57a9571903..8deb7067b5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/set_colorofcmyk/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/set_colorofcmyk/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ColorOfCMYK second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::set_ColorOfCMYK method. Sets color (one of cyan, magenta, yellow, black) for which the annotation is drawing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/set_colorofcmyk/ --- ## ColorBarAnnotation::set_ColorOfCMYK method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorbarannotation/set_colorofcmyk/ Sets color (one of cyan, magenta, yellow, black) for which the annotation is drawing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::set_ColorOfCMYK(ColorsOfCMYK value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorBarAnnotation::set_ColorOfCMYK(ColorsOfCMYK value) ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorsofcmykconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorsofcmykconverter/toenum/ index 5afa9af91a..7bf4b47aac 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorsofcmykconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorsofcmykconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorsOfCMYKConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorsofcmykconverter/toenum/ --- ## ColorsOfCMYKConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorsofcmykconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API ColorsOfCMYK Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorsOfCMYKConverter::ToEnum(System::String color) +static ColorsOfCMYK Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorsOfCMYKConverter::ToEnum(System::String color) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorsofcmykconverter/toxfdfstring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorsofcmykconverter/toxfdfstring/ index 2d6a5c4ce0..e96857fe55 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorsofcmykconverter/toxfdfstring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorsofcmykconverter/toxfdfstring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToXfdfString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToXfdfString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorsOfCMYKConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorsofcmykconverter/toxfdfstring/ --- ## ColorsOfCMYKConverter::ToXfdfString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/colorsofcmykconverter/toxfdfstring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorsOfCMYKConverter::ToXfdfString(ColorsOfCMYK color) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ColorsOfCMYKConverter::ToXfdfString(ColorsOfCMYK color) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/commonfigureannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/commonfigureannotation/ index 2a47d14d09..3fc12d539f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/commonfigureannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/commonfigureannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CommonFigureAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CommonFigureAnnotation::CommonFigureAnnotation constructor. Constructor for using in Generator in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/commonfigureannotation/ --- ## CommonFigureAnnotation::CommonFigureAnnotation constructor @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/commonfigureannotation/ Constructor for using in Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CommonFigureAnnotation::CommonFigureAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CommonFigureAnnotation::CommonFigureAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where annotation will be placed. | -## Remarks - - - - - document - - - - Document where annotation will be placed. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/get_frame/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/get_frame/ index dd13fab89a..68e75c8fdc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/get_frame/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/get_frame/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Frame second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CommonFigureAnnotation::get_Frame method. The rectangle describing the numerical differences between two rectangles: the Rect entry of the annotation and the actual boundaries of the underlying square or circle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/get_frame/ --- ## CommonFigureAnnotation::get_Frame method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/get_frame/ The rectangle describing the numerical differences between two rectangles: the Rect entry of the annotation and the actual boundaries of the underlying square or circle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CommonFigureAnnotation::get_Frame() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CommonFigureAnnotation::get_Frame() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/get_interiorcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/get_interiorcolor/ index 474587858a..a5a1cf49b0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/get_interiorcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/get_interiorcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_InteriorColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CommonFigureAnnotation::get_InteriorColor method. Interior color with which to fill the annotation''s rectangle or ellipse in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/get_interiorcolor/ --- ## CommonFigureAnnotation::get_InteriorColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/get_interiorcolor/ Interior color with which to fill the annotation's rectangle or ellipse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CommonFigureAnnotation::get_InteriorColor() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CommonFigureAnnotation::get_InteriorColor() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/set_frame/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/set_frame/ index b418371877..174c2c7b89 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/set_frame/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/set_frame/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/set_frame/ The rectangle describing the numerical differences between two rectangles: the Rect entry of the annotation and the actual boundaries of the underlying square or circle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CommonFigureAnnotation::set_Frame(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CommonFigureAnnotation::set_Frame(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/set_interiorcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/set_interiorcolor/ index abc1f23d7e..1bef4a2093 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/set_interiorcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/set_interiorcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_InteriorColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CommonFigureAnnotation::set_InteriorColor method. Interior color with which to fill the annotation''s rectangle or ellipse in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/set_interiorcolor/ --- ## CommonFigureAnnotation::set_InteriorColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/commonfigureannotation/set_interiorcolor/ Interior color with which to fill the annotation's rectangle or ellipse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CommonFigureAnnotation::set_InteriorColor(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CommonFigureAnnotation::set_InteriorColor(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/cornerprintermarkannotation/get_position/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/cornerprintermarkannotation/get_position/ index 8f35ac0167..602ace355b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/cornerprintermarkannotation/get_position/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/cornerprintermarkannotation/get_position/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/cornerprintermarkannotation/get_position/ Get or sets the position of the mark on the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API PrinterMarkCornerPosition Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CornerPrinterMarkAnnotation::get_Position() const +PrinterMarkCornerPosition Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CornerPrinterMarkAnnotation::get_Position() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/cornerprintermarkannotation/set_position/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/cornerprintermarkannotation/set_position/ index 156eadfbc7..9f75021c1d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/cornerprintermarkannotation/set_position/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/cornerprintermarkannotation/set_position/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/cornerprintermarkannotation/set_position/ Get or sets the position of the mark on the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CornerPrinterMarkAnnotation::set_Position(PrinterMarkCornerPosition value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CornerPrinterMarkAnnotation::set_Position(PrinterMarkCornerPosition value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/customexplicitdestination/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/customexplicitdestination/tostring/ index a626f10cca..3c202e493a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/customexplicitdestination/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/customexplicitdestination/tostring/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/customexplicitdestination/tostring/ Converts to page number. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CustomExplicitDestination::ToString() const override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CustomExplicitDestination::ToString() const override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/dash/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/dash/ index d2b17fa2df..c3f1c0eef2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/dash/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/dash/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Dash second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::Dash constructor. Constructor for Dash. Defines dashed border with specified dash and gap, which are unchanged for the entire dashed border in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/dash/ --- ## Dash::Dash(int32_t, int32_t) constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/dash/ Constructor for [Dash](../). Defines dashed border with specified dash and gap, which are unchanged for the entire dashed border. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::Dash(int32_t on, int32_t off) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::Dash(int32_t on, int32_t off) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::Dash(int32_t on, int32_t o | --- | --- | --- | | on | int32_t | Length of the dash. | | off | int32_t | Length of the gap. | -## Remarks - - - - - on - - - Length of the dash. - - - - - off - - - Length of the gap. - - - ## See Also * Class [Dash](../) @@ -53,26 +33,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::Dash(int32_t on, int32_t o Constructor for [Dash](../). Defines a pattern of dashes and gaps that shall be used in drawing a dashed border. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::Dash(System::ArrayPtr pattern) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::Dash(System::ArrayPtr pattern) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | pattern | System::ArrayPtr\ | A dash array (of two values minimum) defining a pattern of dashes and gaps that shall be used in drawing a dashed border. | -## Remarks - - - - - pattern - - - A dash array (of two values minimum) defining a pattern of dashes and gaps that shall be used in drawing a dashed border. - - - ## See Also * Class [Dash](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_off/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_off/ index b64e51d9e3..b22a7cffad 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_off/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_off/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Off second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::get_Off method. Gets length of first gap between dashes in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_off/ --- ## Dash::get_Off method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_off/ Gets length of first gap between dashes. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::get_Off() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::get_Off() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_on/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_on/ index 8e4372a31a..0bda7a719b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_on/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_on/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_On second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::get_On method. Gets length of first dash in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_on/ --- ## Dash::get_On method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_on/ Gets length of first dash. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::get_On() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::get_On() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_pattern/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_pattern/ index 06de1759a2..17eb45666f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_pattern/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_pattern/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Pattern second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::get_Pattern method. Gets dash array defining a pattern of dashes and gaps that shall be used in drawing a dashed border in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_pattern/ --- ## Dash::get_Pattern method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/get_pattern/ Gets dash array defining a pattern of dashes and gaps that shall be used in drawing a dashed border. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::get_Pattern() const +System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::get_Pattern() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/set_off/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/set_off/ index 3663eed658..74dcf00d88 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/set_off/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/set_off/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Off second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::set_Off method. Sets length of first gap between dashes in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/set_off/ --- ## Dash::set_Off method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/set_off/ Sets length of first gap between dashes. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::set_Off(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::set_Off(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/set_on/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/set_on/ index d63c24e5c5..4a17acdabf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/set_on/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/set_on/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_On second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::set_On method. Sets length of first dash in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/set_on/ --- ## Dash::set_On method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/dash/set_on/ Sets length of first dash. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::set_On(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Dash::set_On(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/defaultappearance/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/defaultappearance/ index 5485712723..f89fe851f8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/defaultappearance/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/defaultappearance/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DefaultAppearance second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::DefaultAppearance constructor. Constructor of DefaultAppearance in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/defaultappearance/ --- ## DefaultAppearance::DefaultAppearance() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/defaultappearance/ Constructor of [DefaultAppearance](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::DefaultAppearance() +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::DefaultAppearance() ``` ## See Also @@ -21,104 +21,46 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::DefaultAppear * Class [DefaultAppearance](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## DefaultAppearance::DefaultAppearance(System::String, double, System::Drawing::Color) constructor +## DefaultAppearance::DefaultAppearance(System::SharedPtr\, double, System::Drawing::Color) constructor -Constructor of [DefaultAppearance](../). +Constructor of Default Appearance. Previously created font may be specified as default font. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::DefaultAppearance(System::String fontName, double fontSize, System::Drawing::Color textColor) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::DefaultAppearance(System::SharedPtr font, double fontSize, System::Drawing::Color textColor) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| fontName | System::String | Font name. | +| font | System::SharedPtr\ | Font which will be used as default. | | fontSize | double | Font size. | | textColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of text. | -## Remarks - - - - - - fontName - - - Font name. - - - - - fontSize - - - Font size. - - - - - textColor - - - - Color of text. - - - + ## See Also +* Class [Font](../../../aspose.pdf.text/font/) * Class [DefaultAppearance](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## DefaultAppearance::DefaultAppearance(System::SharedPtr\, double, System::Drawing::Color) constructor +## DefaultAppearance::DefaultAppearance(System::String, double, System::Drawing::Color) constructor -Constructor of Default Appearance. Previously created font may be specified as default font. +Constructor of [DefaultAppearance](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::DefaultAppearance(System::SharedPtr font, double fontSize, System::Drawing::Color textColor) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::DefaultAppearance(System::String fontName, double fontSize, System::Drawing::Color textColor) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| font | System::SharedPtr\ | Font which will be used as default. | +| fontName | System::String | Font name. | | fontSize | double | Font size. | | textColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of text. | -## Remarks - - - - - - font - - - Font which will be used as default. - - - - - fontSize - - - Font size. - - - - - textColor - - - - Color of text. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [Font](../../../aspose.pdf.text/font/) * Class [DefaultAppearance](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_font/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_font/ index 75ce9de17a..3c688b62f3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_font/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_font/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Font second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_Font method. Gets font specified as default for text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_font/ --- ## DefaultAppearance::get_Font method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_font/ Gets font specified as default for text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_Font() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_Font() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontname/ index adb7aef7ff..b6279de74d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_FontName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_FontName method. Gets font name in the default appearance in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontname/ --- ## DefaultAppearance::get_FontName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontname/ Gets font name in the default appearance. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_FontName() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_FontName() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontresourcename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontresourcename/ index 3911ac73e6..0cfefafe12 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontresourcename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontresourcename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_FontResourceName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_FontResourceName method. Gets font name in the default appearance in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontresourcename/ --- ## DefaultAppearance::get_FontResourceName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontresourcename/ Gets font name in the default appearance. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_FontResourceName() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_FontResourceName() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontsize/ index 02d7d5fa09..aa8965a487 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_FontSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_FontSize method. Gets font size in default apperance in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontsize/ --- ## DefaultAppearance::get_FontSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_fontsize/ Gets font size in default apperance. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_FontSize() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_FontSize() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_text/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_text/ index fc0d2a87ce..83e4f3bcca 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_text/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_text/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Text second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_Text method. Gets the list of pdf operators which represent appearence in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_text/ --- ## DefaultAppearance::get_Text method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_text/ Gets the list of pdf operators which represent appearence. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_Text() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_Text() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_textcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_textcolor/ index 4ad4b5ba3d..9c79538201 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_textcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_textcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TextColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_TextColor method. Gets the color of text in the default appearance in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_textcolor/ --- ## DefaultAppearance::get_TextColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/get_textcolor/ Gets the color of text in the default appearance. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_TextColor() const +System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::get_TextColor() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontname/ index d1cd173f65..2ed4aeec03 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_FontName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::set_FontName method. Gets font name in the default appearance in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontname/ --- ## DefaultAppearance::set_FontName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontname/ Gets font name in the default appearance. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::set_FontName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::set_FontName(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontresourcename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontresourcename/ index f2d5c44584..03e7b2dadc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontresourcename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontresourcename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_FontResourceName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::set_FontResourceName method. Gets font name in the default appearance in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontresourcename/ --- ## DefaultAppearance::set_FontResourceName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontresourcename/ Gets font name in the default appearance. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::set_FontResourceName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::set_FontResourceName(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontsize/ index a7ee8aa9cc..dc88d0c693 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_FontSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::set_FontSize method. Gets font size in default apperance in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontsize/ --- ## DefaultAppearance::set_FontSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_fontsize/ Gets font size in default apperance. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::set_FontSize(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::set_FontSize(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_textcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_textcolor/ index f4dc0e33b8..64bfef6d67 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_textcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_textcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TextColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::set_TextColor method. Sets the color of text in the default appearance in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_textcolor/ --- ## DefaultAppearance::set_TextColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/defaultappearance/set_textcolor/ Sets the color of text in the default appearance. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::set_TextColor(System::Drawing::Color value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DefaultAppearance::set_TextColor(System::Drawing::Color value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/documentactioncollection/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/documentactioncollection/ index 7d199f7485..5955433052 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/documentactioncollection/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/documentactioncollection/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DocumentActionCollection second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::DocumentActionCollection constructor. Constructor for DocumentActionCollection. Constructs DocumentActionCollection objects from Pdf.Kit.Engine Document object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/documentactioncollection/ --- ## DocumentActionCollection::DocumentActionCollection constructor @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/documentactioncollecti Constructor for [DocumentActionCollection](../). Constructs [DocumentActionCollection](../) objects from Pdf.Kit.Engine [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::DocumentActionCollection(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::DocumentActionCollection(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) for which action colleciton is created. | -## Remarks - - - - - document - - - - Document for which action colleciton is created. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_afterprinting/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_afterprinting/ index 3bde4aee66..6a6a151161 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_afterprinting/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_afterprinting/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AfterPrinting second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::get_AfterPrinting method. Action that will be performed after document printing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_afterprinting/ --- ## DocumentActionCollection::get_AfterPrinting method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_afterprinting/ Action that will be performed after document printing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::get_AfterPrinting() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::get_AfterPrinting() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_aftersaving/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_aftersaving/ index 01dcd05f38..770b52b6a5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_aftersaving/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_aftersaving/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AfterSaving second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::get_AfterSaving method. Gets action that will be performed after document saving in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_aftersaving/ --- ## DocumentActionCollection::get_AfterSaving method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_aftersaving/ Gets action that will be performed after document saving. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::get_AfterSaving() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::get_AfterSaving() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforeclosing/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforeclosing/ index 0623dd9a38..91aac26e56 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforeclosing/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforeclosing/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_BeforeClosing second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::get_BeforeClosing method. Gets action that will be performed before documetn closing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforeclosing/ --- ## DocumentActionCollection::get_BeforeClosing method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforeclosing/ Gets action that will be performed before documetn closing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::get_BeforeClosing() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::get_BeforeClosing() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforeprinting/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforeprinting/ index c66c785b76..345d6c5800 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforeprinting/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforeprinting/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_BeforePrinting second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::get_BeforePrinting method. Action that will be performed before document printing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforeprinting/ --- ## DocumentActionCollection::get_BeforePrinting method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforeprinting/ Action that will be performed before document printing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::get_BeforePrinting() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::get_BeforePrinting() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforesaving/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforesaving/ index dc3f78efd0..fd29a773c4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforesaving/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforesaving/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_BeforeSaving second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::get_BeforeSaving method. Gets action performed before document saving in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforesaving/ --- ## DocumentActionCollection::get_BeforeSaving method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/get_beforesaving/ Gets action performed before document saving. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::get_BeforeSaving() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::get_BeforeSaving() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_afterprinting/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_afterprinting/ index ffb76f1b84..18db5dede7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_afterprinting/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_afterprinting/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AfterPrinting second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::set_AfterPrinting method. Action that will be performed after document printing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_afterprinting/ --- ## DocumentActionCollection::set_AfterPrinting method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_afterprinting/ Action that will be performed after document printing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::set_AfterPrinting(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::set_AfterPrinting(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_aftersaving/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_aftersaving/ index 510995112d..466ca83428 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_aftersaving/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_aftersaving/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AfterSaving second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::set_AfterSaving method. Sets action that will be performed after document saving in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_aftersaving/ --- ## DocumentActionCollection::set_AfterSaving method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_aftersaving/ Sets action that will be performed after document saving. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::set_AfterSaving(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::set_AfterSaving(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforeclosing/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforeclosing/ index 7453bf6955..a189960c40 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforeclosing/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforeclosing/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_BeforeClosing second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::set_BeforeClosing method. Sets action that will be performed before documetn closing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforeclosing/ --- ## DocumentActionCollection::set_BeforeClosing method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforeclosing/ Sets action that will be performed before documetn closing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::set_BeforeClosing(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::set_BeforeClosing(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforeprinting/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforeprinting/ index ced8fd0b63..ceec4d34ca 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforeprinting/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforeprinting/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_BeforePrinting second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::set_BeforePrinting method. Action that will be performed before document printing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforeprinting/ --- ## DocumentActionCollection::set_BeforePrinting method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforeprinting/ Action that will be performed before document printing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::set_BeforePrinting(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::set_BeforePrinting(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforesaving/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforesaving/ index 8e7c5aa3e4..c58f286414 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforesaving/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforesaving/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_BeforeSaving second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::set_BeforeSaving method. Sets action performed before document saving in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforesaving/ --- ## DocumentActionCollection::set_BeforeSaving method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/documentactioncollection/set_beforesaving/ Sets action performed before document saving. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::set_BeforeSaving(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::DocumentActionCollection::set_BeforeSaving(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/createdestination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/createdestination/ index 98c02b25b0..3b6212c270 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/createdestination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/createdestination/ @@ -7,184 +7,89 @@ type: docs weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/createdestination/ --- -## ExplicitDestination::CreateDestination(System::SharedPtr\, ExplicitDestinationType, const System::ArrayPtr\\&) method +## ExplicitDestination::CreateDestination(int32_t, ExplicitDestinationType, const System::ArrayPtr\\&) method Creates instances of [ExplicitDestination](../) descendant classes. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestination::CreateDestination(System::SharedPtr page, ExplicitDestinationType type, const System::ArrayPtr &values) +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestination::CreateDestination(int32_t pageNumber, ExplicitDestinationType type, const System::ArrayPtr &values) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The object of destination page. | +| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number. | | type | ExplicitDestinationType | The type of explicit destination. | | values | const System::ArrayPtr\\& | Array of double values. | ### ReturnValue The explicit destination object. -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - The object of destination page. - - - - - type - - - The type of explicit destination. - - - - - values - - - Array of double values. - - - + ## See Also * Class [ExplicitDestination](../) -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Enum [ExplicitDestinationType](../../explicitdestinationtype/) * Class [ExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## ExplicitDestination::CreateDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, ExplicitDestinationType, const System::ArrayPtr\\&) method +## ExplicitDestination::CreateDestination(System::SharedPtr\, ExplicitDestinationType, const System::ArrayPtr\\&) method Creates instances of [ExplicitDestination](../) descendant classes. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestination::CreateDestination(System::SharedPtr doc, int32_t pageNumber, ExplicitDestinationType type, const System::ArrayPtr &values) +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestination::CreateDestination(System::SharedPtr page, ExplicitDestinationType type, const System::ArrayPtr &values) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where destination will be created. | -| pageNumber | int32_t | Number of the page. | -| type | ExplicitDestinationType | Destionatyion type. | -| values | const System::ArrayPtr\\& | Array of destination specific values. | +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The object of destination page. | +| type | ExplicitDestinationType | The type of explicit destination. | +| values | const System::ArrayPtr\\& | Array of double values. | ### ReturnValue The explicit destination object. -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use the method without Document argument. - - - - - doc - - - - Document where destination will be created. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Number of the page. - - - - - type - - - Destionatyion type. - - - - - values - - - Array of destination specific values. - - - + ## See Also * Class [ExplicitDestination](../) -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Enum [ExplicitDestinationType](../../explicitdestinationtype/) * Class [ExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## ExplicitDestination::CreateDestination(int32_t, ExplicitDestinationType, const System::ArrayPtr\\&) method +## ExplicitDestination::CreateDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, ExplicitDestinationType, const System::ArrayPtr\\&) method Creates instances of [ExplicitDestination](../) descendant classes. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestination::CreateDestination(int32_t pageNumber, ExplicitDestinationType type, const System::ArrayPtr &values) +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestination::CreateDestination(System::SharedPtr doc, int32_t pageNumber, ExplicitDestinationType type, const System::ArrayPtr &values) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number. | -| type | ExplicitDestinationType | The type of explicit destination. | -| values | const System::ArrayPtr\\& | Array of double values. | +| doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where destination will be created. | +| pageNumber | int32_t | Number of the page. | +| type | ExplicitDestinationType | Destionatyion type. | +| values | const System::ArrayPtr\\& | Array of destination specific values. | ### ReturnValue The explicit destination object. -## Remarks - - - - - - pageNumber - - - The destination page number. - - - - - type - - - The type of explicit destination. - - - - - values - - - Array of double values. - - - + +## Deprecated +Use the method without Document argument. + ## See Also * Class [ExplicitDestination](../) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Enum [ExplicitDestinationType](../../explicitdestinationtype/) * Class [ExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/get_page/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/get_page/ index 78fef33c4c..ce412a748c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/get_page/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/get_page/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/get_page/ Gets the destination page object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestination::get_Page() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestination::get_Page() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/get_pagenumber/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/get_pagenumber/ index 485114f8fb..4b0e5d30ff 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/get_pagenumber/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/get_pagenumber/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/get_pagenumber/ Gets the destination page number. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestination::get_PageNumber() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestination::get_PageNumber() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/tostring/ index 154cb87d0c..d07a523252 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/tostring/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestination/tostring/ Returns string representation of [ExplicitDestination](../) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestination::ToString() const override=0 +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestination::ToString() const override=0 ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestinationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestinationtype/ index 48ea5bbc6c..1da1fe6dd5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestinationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestinationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExplicitDestinationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestinationType enum. Enumerates the types of explicit destinations in C++.' type: docs -weight: 15100 +weight: 13100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestinationtype/ --- ## ExplicitDestinationType enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestinationtypeconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestinationtypeconverter/toenum/ index 10ced4cd25..41913d29a5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestinationtypeconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestinationtypeconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestinationTypeConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestinationtypeconverter/toenum/ --- ## ExplicitDestinationTypeConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestinationtypeconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API ExplicitDestinationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestinationTypeConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static ExplicitDestinationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestinationTypeConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestinationtypeconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestinationtypeconverter/tostring/ index 39c74ae0ac..2a034afe5a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestinationtypeconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestinationtypeconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestinationTypeConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestinationtypeconverter/tostring/ --- ## ExplicitDestinationTypeConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/explicitdestinationtypeconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestinationTypeConverter::ToString(ExplicitDestinationType value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ExplicitDestinationTypeConverter::ToString(ExplicitDestinationType value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fdfreader/readannotations/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fdfreader/readannotations/ index d3d37b958d..518ea0c150 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fdfreader/readannotations/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fdfreader/readannotations/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fdfreader/readannotations/ Import annotations from FDF file and put them into document. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FdfReader::ReadAnnotations(System::SharedPtr stream, System::SharedPtr document) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FdfReader::ReadAnnotations(System::SharedPtr stream, System::SharedPtr document) ``` @@ -21,28 +21,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FdfReader::ReadAnnot | --- | --- | --- | | stream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source stream containing FDF file. | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where annotations will be added. | -## Remarks - - - - - stream - - - Source stream containing FDF file. - - - - - document - - - - Document where annotations will be added. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/accept/ index ec3545bdb7..8bfb2024ea 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor object to process annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/accept/ --- ## FileAttachmentAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/fileattachmentannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/fileattachmentannotation/ index 24d95f65b6..5587a29d3f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/fileattachmentannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/fileattachmentannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: FileAttachmentAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::FileAttachmentAnnotation constructor. Creates new FileAttachment annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/fileattachmentannotation/ --- ## FileAttachmentAnnotation::FileAttachmentAnnotation constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/fileattachmentannotati Creates new FileAttachment annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::FileAttachmentAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::SharedPtr fileSpec) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::FileAttachmentAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::SharedPtr fileSpec) ``` @@ -22,36 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::FileAt | page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/)'s page where annotation should be created. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | Required rectangle that sets annotation's border. | | fileSpec | System::SharedPtr\ | Describes the file that shoud be bound with the annotation. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - - Document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - Required rectangle that sets annotation's border. - - - - - fileSpec - - - Describes the file that shoud be bound with the annotation. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_annotationtype/ index 7e2245f3c0..28f2ee3b25 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## FileAttachmentAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_file/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_file/ index f1e7b7e50b..b7f64663f7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_file/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_file/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_File second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::get_File method. The specification of the file associated with this annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_file/ --- ## FileAttachmentAnnotation::get_File method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_file/ The specification of the file associated with this annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::get_File() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::get_File() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_icon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_icon/ index c1a7d9716c..f66178dce6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_icon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_icon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Icon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::get_Icon method. Gets icon that shall be used in displaying annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_icon/ --- ## FileAttachmentAnnotation::get_Icon method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_icon/ Gets icon that shall be used in displaying annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API FileIcon Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::get_Icon() +FileIcon Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::get_Icon() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_opacity/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_opacity/ index fc5c89abab..e95cbf1a61 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_opacity/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_opacity/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/get_opacity/ Gets icon's opacity from 0 to 1: 0 - completely transparant, 1 - completely opaque. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::get_Opacity() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::get_Opacity() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_file/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_file/ index c57bc5d571..a203fe597a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_file/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_file/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_File second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::set_File method. The specification of the file associated with this annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_file/ --- ## FileAttachmentAnnotation::set_File method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_file/ The specification of the file associated with this annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::set_File(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::set_File(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_icon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_icon/ index 88f3a98ca8..56ed4c08c4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_icon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_icon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Icon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::set_Icon method. Sets icon that shall be used in displaying annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_icon/ --- ## FileAttachmentAnnotation::set_Icon method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_icon/ Sets icon that shall be used in displaying annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::set_Icon(FileIcon value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::set_Icon(FileIcon value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_opacity/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_opacity/ index 2912193b98..3ae834eec3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_opacity/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_opacity/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Opacity second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::set_Opacity method. Sets icon''s opacity from 0 to 1: 0 - completely transparant, 1 - completely opaque in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_opacity/ --- ## FileAttachmentAnnotation::set_Opacity method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileattachmentannotation/set_opacity/ Sets icon's opacity from 0 to 1: 0 - completely transparant, 1 - completely opaque. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::set_Opacity(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileAttachmentAnnotation::set_Opacity(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileicon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileicon/ index 06fbc221c8..262c3afbf7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileicon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileicon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: FileIcon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileIcon enum. An icon to be used in displaying the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 13100 +weight: 13200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileicon/ --- ## FileIcon enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileiconconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileiconconverter/toenum/ index 347c230103..9a70cd98b4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileiconconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileiconconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileIconConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileiconconverter/toenum/ --- ## FileIconConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileiconconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API FileIcon Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileIconConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static FileIcon Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileIconConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileiconconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileiconconverter/tostring/ index b529a67d57..1104d213c4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileiconconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileiconconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileIconConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileiconconverter/tostring/ --- ## FileIconConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fileiconconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileIconConverter::ToString(FileIcon value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FileIconConverter::ToString(FileIcon value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbexplicitdestination/fitbexplicitdestination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbexplicitdestination/fitbexplicitdestination/ index 50d3efde00..2d519e2cbc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbexplicitdestination/fitbexplicitdestination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbexplicitdestination/fitbexplicitdestination/ @@ -2,117 +2,71 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBExplicitDestination::FitBExplicitDestination constructor linktitle: FitBExplicitDestination second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBExplicitDestination::FitBExplicitDestination constructor. Creates local explicit destination in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBExplicitDestination::FitBExplicitDestination constructor. Creates remote explicit destination in C++.' type: docs weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbexplicitdestination/fitbexplicitdestination/ --- -## FitBExplicitDestination::FitBExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## FitBExplicitDestination::FitBExplicitDestination(int32_t) constructor -Creates local explicit destination. +Creates remote explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBExplicitDestination::FitBExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr page) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBExplicitDestination::FitBExplicitDestination(int32_t pageNumber) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination page object. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - The destination page object. - - - +| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | + ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [FitBExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FitBExplicitDestination::FitBExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) constructor +## FitBExplicitDestination::FitBExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Creates remote explicit destination. +Creates local explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBExplicitDestination::FitBExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t pageNumber) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBExplicitDestination::FitBExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr page) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The parent document that contains this object. | -| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without Document argument. - - - - - document - - - The parent document that contains this object. - - - - - pageNumber - - - The destination page number of remote document. - - - +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination page object. | + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [FitBExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FitBExplicitDestination::FitBExplicitDestination(int32_t) constructor +## FitBExplicitDestination::FitBExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) constructor Creates remote explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBExplicitDestination::FitBExplicitDestination(int32_t pageNumber) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBExplicitDestination::FitBExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t pageNumber) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The parent document that contains this object. | | pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageNumber - - - The destination page number of remote document. - - - + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without Document argument. + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [FitBExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbexplicitdestination/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbexplicitdestination/tostring/ index 8adaceeb1d..d8a0996b4c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbexplicitdestination/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbexplicitdestination/tostring/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbexplicitdestination/tostring/ Converts the object state into string value. Example: "1 FitB". ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBExplicitDestination::ToString() const override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBExplicitDestination::ToString() const override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbhexplicitdestination/fitbhexplicitdestination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbhexplicitdestination/fitbhexplicitdestination/ index 6c6154a6db..f38da09616 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbhexplicitdestination/fitbhexplicitdestination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbhexplicitdestination/fitbhexplicitdestination/ @@ -2,144 +2,74 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBHExplicitDestination::FitBHExplicitDestination constructor linktitle: FitBHExplicitDestination second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBHExplicitDestination::FitBHExplicitDestination constructor. Creates local explicit destination in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBHExplicitDestination::FitBHExplicitDestination constructor. Creates remote explicit destination in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbhexplicitdestination/fitbhexplicitdestination/ --- -## FitBHExplicitDestination::FitBHExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, double) constructor +## FitBHExplicitDestination::FitBHExplicitDestination(int32_t, double) constructor -Creates local explicit destination. +Creates remote explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBHExplicitDestination::FitBHExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr page, double top) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBHExplicitDestination::FitBHExplicitDestination(int32_t pageNumber, double top) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination page object. | +| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | | top | double | The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - The destination page object. - - - - - top - - - The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [FitBHExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FitBHExplicitDestination::FitBHExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, double) constructor +## FitBHExplicitDestination::FitBHExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, double) constructor -Creates remote explicit destination. +Creates local explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBHExplicitDestination::FitBHExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t pageNumber, double top) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBHExplicitDestination::FitBHExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr page, double top) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The parent document that contains this object. | -| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination page object. | | top | double | The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without Document argument. - - - - - document - - - The parent document that contains this object. - - - - - pageNumber - - - The destination page number of remote document. - - - - - top - - - The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [FitBHExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FitBHExplicitDestination::FitBHExplicitDestination(int32_t, double) constructor +## FitBHExplicitDestination::FitBHExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, double) constructor Creates remote explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBHExplicitDestination::FitBHExplicitDestination(int32_t pageNumber, double top) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBHExplicitDestination::FitBHExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t pageNumber, double top) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The parent document that contains this object. | | pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | | top | double | The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageNumber - - - The destination page number of remote document. - - - - - top - - - The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. - - - + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without Document argument. + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [FitBHExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbhexplicitdestination/get_top/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbhexplicitdestination/get_top/ index dd69fea307..fc6fa18034 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbhexplicitdestination/get_top/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbhexplicitdestination/get_top/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Top second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBHExplicitDestination::get_Top method. Gets the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbhexplicitdestination/get_top/ --- ## FitBHExplicitDestination::get_Top method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbhexplicitdestination/get_top/ Gets the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBHExplicitDestination::get_Top() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBHExplicitDestination::get_Top() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbhexplicitdestination/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbhexplicitdestination/tostring/ index 1d3ba9a377..25f991cf84 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbhexplicitdestination/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbhexplicitdestination/tostring/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbhexplicitdestination/tostring/ Converts the object state into string value. Example: "1 FitBH 100". ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBHExplicitDestination::ToString() const override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBHExplicitDestination::ToString() const override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbvexplicitdestination/fitbvexplicitdestination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbvexplicitdestination/fitbvexplicitdestination/ index 68501354bd..3c32a036ef 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbvexplicitdestination/fitbvexplicitdestination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbvexplicitdestination/fitbvexplicitdestination/ @@ -2,144 +2,74 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBVExplicitDestination::FitBVExplicitDestination constructor linktitle: FitBVExplicitDestination second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBVExplicitDestination::FitBVExplicitDestination constructor. Creates local explicit destination in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBVExplicitDestination::FitBVExplicitDestination constructor. Creates remote explicit destination in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbvexplicitdestination/fitbvexplicitdestination/ --- -## FitBVExplicitDestination::FitBVExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, double) constructor +## FitBVExplicitDestination::FitBVExplicitDestination(int32_t, double) constructor -Creates local explicit destination. +Creates remote explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBVExplicitDestination::FitBVExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr page, double left) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBVExplicitDestination::FitBVExplicitDestination(int32_t pageNumber, double left) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination page object. | +| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | | left | double | The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - The destination page object. - - - - - left - - - The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [FitBVExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FitBVExplicitDestination::FitBVExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, double) constructor +## FitBVExplicitDestination::FitBVExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, double) constructor -Creates remote explicit destination. +Creates local explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBVExplicitDestination::FitBVExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t pageNumber, double left) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBVExplicitDestination::FitBVExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr page, double left) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The parent document that contains this object. | -| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination page object. | | left | double | The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without Document argument. - - - - - document - - - The parent document that contains this object. - - - - - pageNumber - - - The destination page number of remote document. - - - - - left - - - The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [FitBVExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FitBVExplicitDestination::FitBVExplicitDestination(int32_t, double) constructor +## FitBVExplicitDestination::FitBVExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, double) constructor Creates remote explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBVExplicitDestination::FitBVExplicitDestination(int32_t pageNumber, double left) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBVExplicitDestination::FitBVExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t pageNumber, double left) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The parent document that contains this object. | | pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | | left | double | The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageNumber - - - The destination page number of remote document. - - - - - left - - - The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. - - - + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without Document argument. + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [FitBVExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbvexplicitdestination/get_left/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbvexplicitdestination/get_left/ index 6413d4e4af..9036e7a694 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbvexplicitdestination/get_left/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbvexplicitdestination/get_left/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Left second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBVExplicitDestination::get_Left method. Gets the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbvexplicitdestination/get_left/ --- ## FitBVExplicitDestination::get_Left method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbvexplicitdestination/get_left/ Gets the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBVExplicitDestination::get_Left() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBVExplicitDestination::get_Left() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbvexplicitdestination/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbvexplicitdestination/tostring/ index b14ba6306b..7cde7668f0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbvexplicitdestination/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbvexplicitdestination/tostring/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitbvexplicitdestination/tostring/ Converts the object state into string value. Example: "1 FitBV 100". ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBVExplicitDestination::ToString() const override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitBVExplicitDestination::ToString() const override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitexplicitdestination/fitexplicitdestination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitexplicitdestination/fitexplicitdestination/ index 81de7d5102..c4e40ebe65 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitexplicitdestination/fitexplicitdestination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitexplicitdestination/fitexplicitdestination/ @@ -2,117 +2,71 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitExplicitDestination::FitExplicitDestination constructor linktitle: FitExplicitDestination second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitExplicitDestination::FitExplicitDestination constructor. Creates local explicit destination in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitExplicitDestination::FitExplicitDestination constructor. Creates remote explicit destination in C++.' type: docs weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitexplicitdestination/fitexplicitdestination/ --- -## FitExplicitDestination::FitExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## FitExplicitDestination::FitExplicitDestination(int32_t) constructor -Creates local explicit destination. +Creates remote explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitExplicitDestination::FitExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr page) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitExplicitDestination::FitExplicitDestination(int32_t pageNumber) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination page object. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - The destination page object. - - - +| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | + ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [FitExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FitExplicitDestination::FitExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) constructor +## FitExplicitDestination::FitExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Creates remote explicit destination. +Creates local explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitExplicitDestination::FitExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t pageNumber) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitExplicitDestination::FitExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr page) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The [Aspose.Pdf.Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) object. | -| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without Document argument. - - - - - document - - - The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. - - - - - pageNumber - - - The destination page number. - - - +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination page object. | + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [FitExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FitExplicitDestination::FitExplicitDestination(int32_t) constructor +## FitExplicitDestination::FitExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) constructor Creates remote explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitExplicitDestination::FitExplicitDestination(int32_t pageNumber) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitExplicitDestination::FitExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t pageNumber) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageNumber - - - The destination page number of remote document. - - - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The [Aspose.Pdf.Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) object. | +| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without Document argument. + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [FitExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitexplicitdestination/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitexplicitdestination/tostring/ index e1d127f9c2..1d6d7ed62c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitexplicitdestination/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitexplicitdestination/tostring/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitexplicitdestination/tostring/ Converts the object state into string value. Example: "1 Fit". ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitExplicitDestination::ToString() const override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitExplicitDestination::ToString() const override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fithexplicitdestination/fithexplicitdestination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fithexplicitdestination/fithexplicitdestination/ index 408ce5bb15..cf6e5c6772 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fithexplicitdestination/fithexplicitdestination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fithexplicitdestination/fithexplicitdestination/ @@ -2,144 +2,74 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitHExplicitDestination::FitHExplicitDestination constructor linktitle: FitHExplicitDestination second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitHExplicitDestination::FitHExplicitDestination constructor. Creates local explicit destination in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitHExplicitDestination::FitHExplicitDestination constructor. Creates remote explicit destination in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fithexplicitdestination/fithexplicitdestination/ --- -## FitHExplicitDestination::FitHExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, double) constructor +## FitHExplicitDestination::FitHExplicitDestination(int32_t, double) constructor -Creates local explicit destination. +Creates remote explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitHExplicitDestination::FitHExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr page, double top) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitHExplicitDestination::FitHExplicitDestination(int32_t pageNumber, double top) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination page object. | +| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | | top | double | The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - The destination page object. - - - - - top - - - The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [FitHExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FitHExplicitDestination::FitHExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, double) constructor +## FitHExplicitDestination::FitHExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, double) constructor -Creates remote explicit destination. +Creates local explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitHExplicitDestination::FitHExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t pageNumber, double top) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitHExplicitDestination::FitHExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr page, double top) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The parent document that contains this object. | -| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination page object. | | top | double | The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without Document argument. - - - - - document - - - The parent document that contains this object. - - - - - pageNumber - - - The destination page number of remote document. - - - - - top - - - The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [FitHExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FitHExplicitDestination::FitHExplicitDestination(int32_t, double) constructor +## FitHExplicitDestination::FitHExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, double) constructor Creates remote explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitHExplicitDestination::FitHExplicitDestination(int32_t pageNumber, double top) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitHExplicitDestination::FitHExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t pageNumber, double top) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The parent document that contains this object. | | pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | | top | double | The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageNumber - - - The destination page number of remote document. - - - - - top - - - The vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. - - - + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without Document argument. + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [FitHExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fithexplicitdestination/get_top/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fithexplicitdestination/get_top/ index 93bd8080cb..7d3af7c5ca 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fithexplicitdestination/get_top/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fithexplicitdestination/get_top/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Top second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitHExplicitDestination::get_Top method. Gets the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fithexplicitdestination/get_top/ --- ## FitHExplicitDestination::get_Top method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fithexplicitdestination/get_top/ Gets the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitHExplicitDestination::get_Top() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitHExplicitDestination::get_Top() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fithexplicitdestination/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fithexplicitdestination/tostring/ index 902c9ec6ad..27a3bea962 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fithexplicitdestination/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fithexplicitdestination/tostring/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fithexplicitdestination/tostring/ Converts the object state into string value. Example: "1 FitH 100". ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitHExplicitDestination::ToString() const override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitHExplicitDestination::ToString() const override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/fitrexplicitdestination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/fitrexplicitdestination/ index 73a632b52d..83828b8059 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/fitrexplicitdestination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/fitrexplicitdestination/ @@ -2,225 +2,83 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::FitRExplicitDestination constructor linktitle: FitRExplicitDestination second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::FitRExplicitDestination constructor. Creates local explicit destination in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::FitRExplicitDestination constructor. Creates remote explicit destination in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/fitrexplicitdestination/ --- -## FitRExplicitDestination::FitRExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, double, double, double, double) constructor +## FitRExplicitDestination::FitRExplicitDestination(int32_t, double, double, double, double) constructor -Creates local explicit destination. +Creates remote explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::FitRExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr page, double left, double bottom, double right, double top) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::FitRExplicitDestination(int32_t pageNumber, double left, double bottom, double right, double top) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination page object. | +| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | | left | double | Left horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. | | bottom | double | Bottom vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. | | right | double | Right horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. | | top | double | Top vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - The destination page object. - - - - - left - - - Left horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. - - - - - bottom - - - Bottom vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. - - - - - right - - - Right horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. - - - - - top - - - Top vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [FitRExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FitRExplicitDestination::FitRExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, double, double, double, double) constructor +## FitRExplicitDestination::FitRExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, double, double, double, double) constructor -Creates remote explicit destination. +Creates local explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::FitRExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t pageNumber, double left, double bottom, double right, double top) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::FitRExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr page, double left, double bottom, double right, double top) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The parent document that contains this object. | -| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination page object. | | left | double | Left horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. | | bottom | double | Bottom vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. | | right | double | Right horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. | | top | double | Top vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without Document argument. - - - - - document - - - The parent document that contains this object. - - - - - pageNumber - - - The destination page number of remote document. - - - - - left - - - Left horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. - - - - - bottom - - - Bottom vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. - - - - - right - - - Right horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. - - - - - top - - - Top vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [FitRExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FitRExplicitDestination::FitRExplicitDestination(int32_t, double, double, double, double) constructor +## FitRExplicitDestination::FitRExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, double, double, double, double) constructor Creates remote explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::FitRExplicitDestination(int32_t pageNumber, double left, double bottom, double right, double top) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::FitRExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t pageNumber, double left, double bottom, double right, double top) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The parent document that contains this object. | | pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | | left | double | Left horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. | | bottom | double | Bottom vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. | | right | double | Right horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. | | top | double | Top vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageNumber - - - The destination page number of remote document. - - - - - left - - - Left horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. - - - - - bottom - - - Bottom vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. - - - - - right - - - Right horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. - - - - - top - - - Top vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. - - - + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without Document argument. + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [FitRExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_bottom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_bottom/ index ecdbb78e1d..803903f10b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_bottom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_bottom/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_bottom/ Gets bottom vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::get_Bottom() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::get_Bottom() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_left/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_left/ index 9067263ede..396ed9ac0e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_left/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_left/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Left second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::get_Left method. Gets left horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_left/ --- ## FitRExplicitDestination::get_Left method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_left/ Gets left horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::get_Left() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::get_Left() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_right/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_right/ index 2b2810b9e5..6498486ea5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_right/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_right/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Right second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::get_Right method. Gets right horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_right/ --- ## FitRExplicitDestination::get_Right method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_right/ Gets right horizontal coordinate of visible rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::get_Right() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::get_Right() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_top/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_top/ index ce47ed7a67..12985c61f3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_top/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_top/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Top second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::get_Top method. Gets top vertical coordinate of visible rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_top/ --- ## FitRExplicitDestination::get_Top method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/get_top/ Gets top vertical coordinate of visible rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::get_Top() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::get_Top() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/tostring/ index ff5302e4cc..6c48b8b2eb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/tostring/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitrexplicitdestination/tostring/ Converts the object state into string value. Example: "1 FitR 100 200 300 400". ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::ToString() const override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitRExplicitDestination::ToString() const override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitvexplicitdestination/fitvexplicitdestination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitvexplicitdestination/fitvexplicitdestination/ index 36ec32eaea..2f13330fc4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitvexplicitdestination/fitvexplicitdestination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitvexplicitdestination/fitvexplicitdestination/ @@ -2,144 +2,74 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitVExplicitDestination::FitVExplicitDestination constructor linktitle: FitVExplicitDestination second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitVExplicitDestination::FitVExplicitDestination constructor. Creates local explicit destination in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitVExplicitDestination::FitVExplicitDestination constructor. Creates remote explicit destination in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitvexplicitdestination/fitvexplicitdestination/ --- -## FitVExplicitDestination::FitVExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, double) constructor +## FitVExplicitDestination::FitVExplicitDestination(int32_t, double) constructor -Creates local explicit destination. +Creates remote explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitVExplicitDestination::FitVExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr page, double left) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitVExplicitDestination::FitVExplicitDestination(int32_t pageNumber, double left) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination page object. | +| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | | left | double | The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - The destination page object. - - - - - left - - - The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [FitVExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FitVExplicitDestination::FitVExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, double) constructor +## FitVExplicitDestination::FitVExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, double) constructor -Creates remote explicit destination. +Creates local explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitVExplicitDestination::FitVExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t pageNumber, double left) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitVExplicitDestination::FitVExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr page, double left) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The parent document that contains this object. | -| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination page object. | | left | double | The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without Document argument. - - - - - document - - - The parent document that contains this object. - - - - - pageNumber - - - The destination page number of remote document. - - - - - left - - - The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [FitVExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FitVExplicitDestination::FitVExplicitDestination(int32_t, double) constructor +## FitVExplicitDestination::FitVExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, double) constructor Creates remote explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitVExplicitDestination::FitVExplicitDestination(int32_t pageNumber, double left) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitVExplicitDestination::FitVExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t pageNumber, double left) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The parent document that contains this object. | | pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | | left | double | The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageNumber - - - The destination page number of remote document. - - - - - left - - - The horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. - - - + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without Document argument. + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [FitVExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitvexplicitdestination/get_left/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitvexplicitdestination/get_left/ index 3e16773c54..66735d5c1b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitvexplicitdestination/get_left/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitvexplicitdestination/get_left/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Left second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitVExplicitDestination::get_Left method. Gets the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitvexplicitdestination/get_left/ --- ## FitVExplicitDestination::get_Left method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitvexplicitdestination/get_left/ Gets the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitVExplicitDestination::get_Left() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitVExplicitDestination::get_Left() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitvexplicitdestination/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitvexplicitdestination/tostring/ index f95703f85e..67ef297b0a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitvexplicitdestination/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitvexplicitdestination/tostring/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fitvexplicitdestination/tostring/ Converts the object state into string value. Example: "1 FitV 100". ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitVExplicitDestination::ToString() const override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FitVExplicitDestination::ToString() const override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_horizontaltranslation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_horizontaltranslation/ index fa0fa03ed9..043428cdd5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_horizontaltranslation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_horizontaltranslation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_HorizontalTranslation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FixedPrint::get_HorizontalTranslation method. Gets horizontal translation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_horizontaltranslation/ --- ## FixedPrint::get_HorizontalTranslation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_horizontaltranslation/ Gets horizontal translation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FixedPrint::get_HorizontalTranslation() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FixedPrint::get_HorizontalTranslation() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_matrix/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_matrix/ index 0ed5d69168..67b1cc7e29 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_matrix/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_matrix/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Matrix second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FixedPrint::get_Matrix method. Gets matrix value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_matrix/ --- ## FixedPrint::get_Matrix method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_matrix/ Gets matrix value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FixedPrint::get_Matrix() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FixedPrint::get_Matrix() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_verticaltranslation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_verticaltranslation/ index 2ae538d852..a58493f95b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_verticaltranslation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_verticaltranslation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_VerticalTranslation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FixedPrint::get_VerticalTranslation method. Gets vertical translation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_verticaltranslation/ --- ## FixedPrint::get_VerticalTranslation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/get_verticaltranslation/ Gets vertical translation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FixedPrint::get_VerticalTranslation() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FixedPrint::get_VerticalTranslation() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/set_horizontaltranslation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/set_horizontaltranslation/ index dec2420963..be85c40630 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/set_horizontaltranslation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/set_horizontaltranslation/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/set_horizontaltranslation/ Sets horizontal translation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FixedPrint::set_HorizontalTranslation(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FixedPrint::set_HorizontalTranslation(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/set_matrix/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/set_matrix/ index 6816fd5428..ddd3bff55b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/set_matrix/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/set_matrix/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Matrix second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FixedPrint::set_Matrix method. Sets matrix value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/set_matrix/ --- ## FixedPrint::set_Matrix method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/set_matrix/ Sets matrix value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FixedPrint::set_Matrix(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FixedPrint::set_Matrix(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/set_verticaltranslation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/set_verticaltranslation/ index 0229ddede8..d13ae7fb2a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/set_verticaltranslation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/set_verticaltranslation/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/fixedprint/set_verticaltranslation/ Sets vertical translation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FixedPrint::set_VerticalTranslation(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FixedPrint::set_VerticalTranslation(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/accept/ index 92165c6192..743211e450 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/accept/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/freetextannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/freetextannotation/ index deb17272c5..31ba32fefd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/freetextannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/freetextannotation/ @@ -2,102 +2,53 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::FreeTextAnnotation constructor linktitle: FreeTextAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::FreeTextAnnotation constructor. Constructor to use with Generator in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::FreeTextAnnotation constructor. Creates new FreeText annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/freetextannotation/ --- -## FreeTextAnnotation::FreeTextAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## FreeTextAnnotation::FreeTextAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor to use with Generator. +Creates new FreeText annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::FreeTextAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr appearance) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::FreeTextAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::SharedPtr appearance) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where annotation will be created. | -| appearance | System::SharedPtr\ | Default Appearance | -## Remarks - +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | +| appearance | System::SharedPtr\ | The default appearance to be used in formatting the text. | - - - - document - - - - Document where annotation will be created. - - - - - appearance - - - Default Appearance - - - ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [DefaultAppearance](../../defaultappearance/) * Class [FreeTextAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FreeTextAnnotation::FreeTextAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## FreeTextAnnotation::FreeTextAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Creates new FreeText annotation on the specified page. +Constructor to use with Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::FreeTextAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::SharedPtr appearance) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::FreeTextAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr appearance) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | -| appearance | System::SharedPtr\ | The default appearance to be used in formatting the text. | -## Remarks - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where annotation will be created. | +| appearance | System::SharedPtr\ | Default Appearance | - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - appearance - - - The default appearance to be used in formatting the text. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) -* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [DefaultAppearance](../../defaultappearance/) * Class [FreeTextAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_annotationtype/ index d023a03399..6483122bd0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_callout/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_callout/ index 974eb1e662..2e7b20d330 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_callout/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_callout/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Callout second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_Callout method. Array of point specifying callout line in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_callout/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::get_Callout method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_callout/ Array of point specifying callout line. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_Callout() +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_Callout() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultappearance/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultappearance/ index b6aa0a11f6..9f8b04826a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultappearance/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultappearance/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DefaultAppearance second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_DefaultAppearance method. Gets the default appearance string to be used in formatting the text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultappearance/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::get_DefaultAppearance method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultappearance/ Gets the default appearance string to be used in formatting the text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_DefaultAppearance() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_DefaultAppearance() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultappearanceobject/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultappearanceobject/ index bfd83e4f6b..72f323e3cc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultappearanceobject/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultappearanceobject/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DefaultAppearanceObject second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_DefaultAppearanceObject method. Object which represents default appearance of FreeText annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultappearanceobject/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::get_DefaultAppearanceObject method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultappearanceobject/ Object which represents default appearance of FreeText annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_DefaultAppearanceObject() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_DefaultAppearanceObject() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultstyle/ index 9621dd314a..3a70d90167 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DefaultStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_DefaultStyle method. Gets a default style string in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultstyle/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::get_DefaultStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_defaultstyle/ Gets a default style string. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_DefaultStyle() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_DefaultStyle() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_endingstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_endingstyle/ index 73173157ed..439fb1bb34 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_endingstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_endingstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_EndingStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_EndingStyle method. Gets line ending style for line ending point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_endingstyle/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::get_EndingStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_endingstyle/ Gets line ending style for line ending point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API LineEnding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_EndingStyle() +LineEnding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_EndingStyle() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_intent/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_intent/ index 98f07ddddb..003bdfd5ca 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_intent/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_intent/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Intent second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_Intent method. Gets the intent of the free text annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_intent/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::get_Intent method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_intent/ Gets the intent of the free text annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API FreeTextIntent Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_Intent() +FreeTextIntent Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_Intent() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_justification/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_justification/ index c54db9bfd2..27c74349d2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_justification/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_justification/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Justification second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_Justification method. Gets or set a code specifying the form of quadding (justification) to be used in displaying the annotation''s text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_justification/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::get_Justification method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_justification/ Gets or set a code specifying the form of quadding (justification) to be used in displaying the annotation's text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Justification Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_Justification() +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Justification Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_Justification() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_rotate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_rotate/ index 1f9fbf99a1..a8b8a0121b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_rotate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_rotate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Rotate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_Rotate method. Angle of annotation rotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_rotate/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::get_Rotate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_rotate/ Angle of annotation rotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Rotation Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_Rotate() +Rotation Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_Rotate() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_startingstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_startingstyle/ index 7685004503..d0caee3b9a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_startingstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_startingstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_StartingStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_StartingStyle method. Gets line ending style for line ending point. OThis property is obsolete, please use EndingStyle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_startingstyle/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::get_StartingStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_startingstyle/ Gets line ending style for line ending point. OThis property is obsolete, please use EndingStyle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API LineEnding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_StartingStyle() +LineEnding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_StartingStyle() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_textrectangle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_textrectangle/ index 73e7da59a6..a965425ded 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_textrectangle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_textrectangle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TextRectangle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_TextRectangle method. Rectangle describing the numerical differences between two rectangles: the Rect entry of the annotation and a rectangle contained within that rectangle. The inner rectangle is where the annotation''s text should be displayed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_textrectangle/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::get_TextRectangle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_textrectangle/ [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) describing the numerical differences between two rectangles: the Rect entry of the annotation and a rectangle contained within that rectangle. The inner rectangle is where the annotation's text should be displayed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_TextRectangle() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_TextRectangle() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_textstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_textstyle/ index f791992d0d..1039cd9bfc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_textstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_textstyle/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/get_textstyle/ Gets style of the text in appearance. when text style is changed, text appearance is updated. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_TextStyle() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::get_TextStyle() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_callout/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_callout/ index 248f51dbd8..df677aaaed 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_callout/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_callout/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Callout second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_Callout method. Array of point specifying callout line in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_callout/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::set_Callout method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_callout/ Array of point specifying callout line. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_Callout(System::ArrayPtr> value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_Callout(System::ArrayPtr> value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_defaultappearance/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_defaultappearance/ index cf696212fa..c92f5bbdbe 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_defaultappearance/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_defaultappearance/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_DefaultAppearance second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_DefaultAppearance method. Sets the default appearance string to be used in formatting the text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_defaultappearance/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::set_DefaultAppearance method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_defaultappearance/ Sets the default appearance string to be used in formatting the text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_DefaultAppearance(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_DefaultAppearance(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_defaultstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_defaultstyle/ index 506b2a7b57..5373b2761d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_defaultstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_defaultstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_DefaultStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_DefaultStyle method. Sets a default style string in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_defaultstyle/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::set_DefaultStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_defaultstyle/ Sets a default style string. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_DefaultStyle(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_DefaultStyle(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_endingstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_endingstyle/ index 70e236cbc4..7c924fb98b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_endingstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_endingstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_EndingStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_EndingStyle method. Sets line ending style for line ending point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_endingstyle/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::set_EndingStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_endingstyle/ Sets line ending style for line ending point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_EndingStyle(LineEnding value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_EndingStyle(LineEnding value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_intent/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_intent/ index 8b25cac80f..b01d3af733 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_intent/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_intent/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Intent second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_Intent method. Sets the intent of the free text annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_intent/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::set_Intent method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_intent/ Sets the intent of the free text annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_Intent(FreeTextIntent value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_Intent(FreeTextIntent value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_justification/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_justification/ index 234357848b..6799f08bc3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_justification/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_justification/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Justification second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_Justification method. Gets or set a code specifying the form of quadding (justification) to be used in displaying the annotation''s text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_justification/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::set_Justification method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_justification/ Gets or set a code specifying the form of quadding (justification) to be used in displaying the annotation's text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_Justification(Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Justification value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_Justification(Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Justification value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_rotate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_rotate/ index af80c9ee59..50c1de43d0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_rotate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_rotate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Rotate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_Rotate method. Angle of annotation rotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_rotate/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::set_Rotate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_rotate/ Angle of annotation rotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_Rotate(Rotation value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_Rotate(Rotation value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_startingstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_startingstyle/ index 3127f128a8..dc0616ced4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_startingstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_startingstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_StartingStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_StartingStyle method. Sets line ending style for line ending point. OThis property is obsolete, please use EndingStyle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_startingstyle/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::set_StartingStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_startingstyle/ Sets line ending style for line ending point. OThis property is obsolete, please use EndingStyle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_StartingStyle(LineEnding value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_StartingStyle(LineEnding value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_textrectangle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_textrectangle/ index f0aebbced1..afca993d9f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_textrectangle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_textrectangle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TextRectangle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_TextRectangle method. Rectangle describing the numerical differences between two rectangles: the Rect entry of the annotation and a rectangle contained within that rectangle. The inner rectangle is where the annotation''s text should be displayed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_textrectangle/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::set_TextRectangle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_textrectangle/ [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) describing the numerical differences between two rectangles: the Rect entry of the annotation and a rectangle contained within that rectangle. The inner rectangle is where the annotation's text should be displayed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_TextRectangle(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_TextRectangle(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_textstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_textstyle/ index f1d927815b..2a36921ff5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_textstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_textstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TextStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_TextStyle method. Sets style of the text in appearance. when text style is changed, text appearance is updated in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_textstyle/ --- ## FreeTextAnnotation::set_TextStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextannotation/set_textstyle/ Sets style of the text in appearance. when text style is changed, text appearance is updated. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_TextStyle(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextAnnotation::set_TextStyle(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintent/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintent/ index 3ecbbb0493..caf89b8b30 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintent/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintent/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: FreeTextIntent second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextIntent enum. Enumerates the intents of the free text annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 13200 +weight: 13300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintent/ --- ## FreeTextIntent enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/toenum/ index eabc39a390..d59fdc2a51 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextIntentConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/toenum/ --- ## FreeTextIntentConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API FreeTextIntent Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextIntentConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static FreeTextIntent Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextIntentConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/tostring/ index dc0ea2de02..51f275beeb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextIntentConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/tostring/ --- ## FreeTextIntentConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextIntentConverter::ToString(FreeTextIntent value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextIntentConverter::ToString(FreeTextIntent value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ index 36f41c5c3d..95f258eb28 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToXfdfString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToXfdfString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextIntentConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ --- ## FreeTextIntentConverter::ToXfdfString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/freetextintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextIntentConverter::ToXfdfString(FreeTextIntent value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::FreeTextIntentConverter::ToXfdfString(FreeTextIntent value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/genericannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/genericannotation/accept/ index 0d10e4eb46..d1d5a83d25 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/genericannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/genericannotation/accept/ @@ -20,20 +20,7 @@ void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GenericAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr | [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - - AnnotationSelector object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/genericannotation/genericannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/genericannotation/genericannotation/ index f62be915b8..4ce2016715 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/genericannotation/genericannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/genericannotation/genericannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GenericAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use GenericAnnotation constructor of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GenericAnnotation class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/genericannotation/genericannotation/ --- ## GenericAnnotation::GenericAnnotation constructor diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/genericannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/genericannotation/get_annotationtype/ index 5e3e2c2b80..def86479dc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/genericannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/genericannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GenericAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/genericannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## GenericAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoaction/get_destination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoaction/get_destination/ index 017cf714a3..4f6c0e0cb0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoaction/get_destination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoaction/get_destination/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Destination second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::get_Destination method. Gets the destination to jump to in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoaction/get_destination/ --- ## GoToAction::get_Destination method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoaction/get_destination/ Gets the destination to jump to. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::get_Destination() +virtual System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::get_Destination() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoaction/gotoaction/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoaction/gotoaction/ index 0fa3905865..39c48affac 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoaction/gotoaction/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoaction/gotoaction/ @@ -2,128 +2,69 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::GoToAction constructor linktitle: GoToAction second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::GoToAction constructor. Constructor for GoToAction class in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::GoToAction constructor. Constructor in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoaction/gotoaction/ --- -## GoToAction::GoToAction(int32_t) constructor +## GoToAction::GoToAction() constructor -Constructor for [GoToAction](../) class. +Constructor. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::GoToAction(int32_t page) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::GoToAction() ``` -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| page | int32_t | The destination page number to jump to. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor with Aspose.Pdf.Page parameter instead of this one. Reason: if to use this constructor there is the problem with the document when to resave it in Adobe Acrobat. - - - - - page - - - The destination page number to jump to. - - - +## Deprecated +Use constructors with parameters. + ## See Also * Class [GoToAction](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## GoToAction::GoToAction(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## GoToAction::GoToAction(int32_t) constructor Constructor for [GoToAction](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::GoToAction(System::SharedPtr page) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::GoToAction(int32_t page) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Aspose.Pdf.Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) destination object to jump to. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - - Aspose.Pdf.Page destination object to jump to. - - - +| page | int32_t | The destination page number to jump to. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor with Aspose.Pdf.Page parameter instead of this one. Reason: if to use this constructor there is the problem with the document when to resave it in Adobe Acrobat. + ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [GoToAction](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## GoToAction::GoToAction(System::SharedPtr\, ExplicitDestinationType, const System::ArrayPtr\\&) constructor +## GoToAction::GoToAction(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor -Constructor for [GoToAction](../) class. +Action which linked with Named Destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::GoToAction(System::SharedPtr page, ExplicitDestinationType type, const System::ArrayPtr &values) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::GoToAction(System::SharedPtr doc, System::String name) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination page. | -| type | ExplicitDestinationType | Destination type. | -| values | const System::ArrayPtr\\& | Action parameters. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - Destination page. - - - - - type - - - Destination type. - - - - - values - - - Action parameters. - - - +| doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where action will be created. | +| name | System::String | Name of the destination. | + ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) -* Enum [ExplicitDestinationType](../../explicitdestinationtype/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [GoToAction](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -133,94 +74,60 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::GoToAction(System::S Constructor. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::GoToAction(System::SharedPtr destination) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::GoToAction(System::SharedPtr destination) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | destination | System::SharedPtr\ | Explicit destination. | -## Remarks - - - - - - destination - - - Explicit destination. - - - + ## See Also * Class [ExplicitDestination](../../explicitdestination/) * Class [GoToAction](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## GoToAction::GoToAction() constructor +## GoToAction::GoToAction(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor. +Constructor for [GoToAction](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::GoToAction() +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::GoToAction(System::SharedPtr page) ``` -## Remarks +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Aspose.Pdf.Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) destination object to jump to. | - - Deprecated - - Use constructors with parameters. - - ## See Also +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [GoToAction](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## GoToAction::GoToAction(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor +## GoToAction::GoToAction(System::SharedPtr\, ExplicitDestinationType, const System::ArrayPtr\\&) constructor -Action which linked with Named Destination. +Constructor for [GoToAction](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::GoToAction(System::SharedPtr doc, System::String name) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::GoToAction(System::SharedPtr page, ExplicitDestinationType type, const System::ArrayPtr &values) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where action will be created. | -| name | System::String | Name of the destination. | -## Remarks - - - - - - doc - - - - Document where action will be created. - - - - - name - - - Name of the destination. - - - +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination page. | +| type | ExplicitDestinationType | Destination type. | +| values | const System::ArrayPtr\\& | Action parameters. | + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Enum [ExplicitDestinationType](../../explicitdestinationtype/) * Class [GoToAction](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoaction/set_destination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoaction/set_destination/ index 038ab12257..30d94bc12f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoaction/set_destination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoaction/set_destination/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Destination second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::set_Destination method. Sets the destination to jump to in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoaction/set_destination/ --- ## GoToAction::set_Destination method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoaction/set_destination/ Sets the destination to jump to. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::set_Destination(System::SharedPtr value) +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToAction::set_Destination(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_destination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_destination/ index 8cbb01d05f..cb3297c16e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_destination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_destination/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Destination second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::get_Destination method. Gets the destination to jump to in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_destination/ --- ## GoToRemoteAction::get_Destination method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_destination/ Gets the destination to jump to. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::get_Destination() override +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::get_Destination() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_file/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_file/ index 6593252085..fb7b349d86 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_file/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_file/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_File second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::get_File method. Gets the specification of the file in which the destination is located in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_file/ --- ## GoToRemoteAction::get_File method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_file/ Gets the specification of the file in which the destination is located. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::get_File() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::get_File() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_newwindow/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_newwindow/ index d7a5593786..fd268366a3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_newwindow/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_newwindow/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_NewWindow second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::get_NewWindow method. Gets a flag specifying whether to open the destination document in a new window in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_newwindow/ --- ## GoToRemoteAction::get_NewWindow method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/get_newwindow/ Gets a flag specifying whether to open the destination document in a new window. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API ExtendedBoolean Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::get_NewWindow() +ExtendedBoolean Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::get_NewWindow() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/gotoremoteaction/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/gotoremoteaction/ index 0370646249..74068f2841 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/gotoremoteaction/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/gotoremoteaction/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GoToRemoteAction second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::GoToRemoteAction constructor. Initializes GoToRemoteAction object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/gotoremoteaction/ --- ## GoToRemoteAction::GoToRemoteAction(System::String, int32_t) constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/gotoremoteaction/ Initializes [GoToRemoteAction](../) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::GoToRemoteAction(System::String remotePdf, int32_t remotePageNumber) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::GoToRemoteAction(System::String remotePdf, int32_t remotePageNumber) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::GoToRemoteActi | --- | --- | --- | | remotePdf | System::String | Destination PDF document. | | remotePageNumber | int32_t | Destination page number. | -## Remarks - - - - - remotePdf - - - Destination PDF document. - - - - - remotePageNumber - - - Destination page number. - - - ## See Also * Class [GoToRemoteAction](../) @@ -53,7 +33,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::GoToRemoteActi Initializes [GoToRemoteAction](../) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::GoToRemoteAction(System::String remotePdf, System::SharedPtr destination) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::GoToRemoteAction(System::String remotePdf, System::SharedPtr destination) ``` @@ -61,27 +41,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::GoToRemoteActi | --- | --- | --- | | remotePdf | System::String | Destination PDF document. | | destination | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination in the PDF document. | -## Remarks - - - - - remotePdf - - - Destination PDF document. - - - - - destination - - - Destination in the PDF document. - - - ## See Also * Class [ExplicitDestination](../../explicitdestination/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_destination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_destination/ index d0c42d06f0..acba71b0c6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_destination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_destination/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Destination second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::set_Destination method. Sets the destination to jump to in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_destination/ --- ## GoToRemoteAction::set_Destination method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_destination/ Sets the destination to jump to. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::set_Destination(System::SharedPtr value) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::set_Destination(System::SharedPtr value) override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_file/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_file/ index 2d02b92e0c..2b8cccea45 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_file/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_file/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_File second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::set_File method. Sets the specification of the file in which the destination is located in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_file/ --- ## GoToRemoteAction::set_File method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_file/ Sets the specification of the file in which the destination is located. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::set_File(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::set_File(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_newwindow/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_newwindow/ index f4d69d3578..673d67a0a4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_newwindow/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_newwindow/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_NewWindow second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::set_NewWindow method. Sets a flag specifying whether to open the destination document in a new window in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_newwindow/ --- ## GoToRemoteAction::set_NewWindow method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotoremoteaction/set_newwindow/ Sets a flag specifying whether to open the destination document in a new window. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::set_NewWindow(ExtendedBoolean value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToRemoteAction::set_NewWindow(ExtendedBoolean value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/get_uri/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/get_uri/ index 0aef2bffb6..88b56661b0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/get_uri/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/get_uri/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_URI second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToURIAction::get_URI method. Gets the uniform resource identifier to resolve in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/get_uri/ --- ## GoToURIAction::get_URI method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/get_uri/ Gets the uniform resource identifier to resolve. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToURIAction::get_URI() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToURIAction::get_URI() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/gotouriaction/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/gotouriaction/ index 8ee0364128..579901bec3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/gotouriaction/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/gotouriaction/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GoToURIAction second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToURIAction::GoToURIAction constructor. Constructor in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/gotouriaction/ --- ## GoToURIAction::GoToURIAction constructor @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/gotouriaction/ Constructor. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToURIAction::GoToURIAction(System::String uri) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToURIAction::GoToURIAction(System::String uri) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | uri | System::String | The uniform resource identifier to resolve. | -## Remarks - - - - - uri - - - The uniform resource identifier to resolve. - - - ## See Also * Class [GoToURIAction](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/set_uri/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/set_uri/ index 92a37df645..a4e34fb6cf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/set_uri/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/set_uri/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_URI second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToURIAction::set_URI method. Sets the uniform resource identifier to resolve in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/set_uri/ --- ## GoToURIAction::set_URI method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/gotouriaction/set_uri/ Sets the uniform resource identifier to resolve. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToURIAction::set_URI(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::GoToURIAction::set_URI(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/hideaction/get_ishidden/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/hideaction/get_ishidden/ index 108073f329..13c04dc50e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/hideaction/get_ishidden/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/hideaction/get_ishidden/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsHidden second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::get_IsHidden method. Gets status of the annotation(s) to hide/display in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/hideaction/get_ishidden/ --- ## HideAction::get_IsHidden method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/hideaction/get_ishidden/ Gets status of the annotation(s) to hide/display. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::get_IsHidden() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::get_IsHidden() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/hideaction/hideaction/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/hideaction/hideaction/ index 76e9e60094..5ac8e68785 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/hideaction/hideaction/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/hideaction/hideaction/ @@ -2,294 +2,166 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction constructor linktitle: HideAction second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction constructor. Initializes a new instance of the HideAction class for the specified annotation in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction constructor. Initializes a new instance of the HideAction class for the specified annotations in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/hideaction/hideaction/ --- -## HideAction::HideAction(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## HideAction::HideAction(System::ArrayPtr\\>) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [HideAction](../) class for the specified annotation. +Initializes a new instance of the [HideAction](../) class for the specified annotations. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction(System::SharedPtr annotation) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction(System::ArrayPtr> annotations) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| annotation | System::SharedPtr\ | An annotation to be hidden. | -## Remarks - - - - - - annotation - - - An annotation to be hidden. - - - +| annotations | System::ArrayPtr\\> | An array of annotations to be hidden. | + ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../annotation/) * Class [HideAction](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## HideAction::HideAction(System::SharedPtr\, bool) constructor +## HideAction::HideAction(System::ArrayPtr\\>, bool) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [HideAction](../) class for the specified annotation and invisibility flag. +Initializes a new instance of the [HideAction](../) class for the specified annotations and for invisibility flag. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction(System::SharedPtr annotation, bool isHidden) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction(System::ArrayPtr> annotations, bool isHidden) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| annotation | System::SharedPtr\ | An annotation to be hidden or shown. | -| isHidden | bool | A flag indicating whether to hide the annotation (true) or show it (false). | -## Remarks - - - - - - annotation - - - An annotation to be hidden or shown. - - - - - isHidden - - - A flag indicating whether to hide the annotation (true) or show it (false). - - - +| annotations | System::ArrayPtr\\> | An array of annotations to be hidden or shown. | +| isHidden | bool | A flag indicating whether to hide the annotations (true) or show it (false). | + ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../annotation/) * Class [HideAction](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## HideAction::HideAction(System::String) constructor +## HideAction::HideAction(System::ArrayPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [HideAction](../) class for the specified field name. +Initializes a new instance of the [HideAction](../) class for the specified field names. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction(System::String fieldName) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction(System::ArrayPtr names) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| fieldName | System::String | A text string giving the fully qualified field name of an interactive form field. | -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - A text string giving the fully qualified field name of an interactive form field. - - - +| names | System::ArrayPtr\ | An array of strings giving the fully qualified field names of an interactive form fields. | + ## See Also * Class [HideAction](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## HideAction::HideAction(System::String, bool) constructor +## HideAction::HideAction(System::ArrayPtr\, bool) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [HideAction](../) class for the specified field name and invisibility flag. +Initializes a new instance of the [HideAction](../) class for the specified field names and for invisibility flag. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction(System::String fieldName, bool isHidden) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction(System::ArrayPtr names, bool isHidden) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| fieldName | System::String | A text string giving the fully qualified field name of an interactive form field. | -| isHidden | bool | A flag indicating whether to hide the field (true) or show it (false). | -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - A text string giving the fully qualified field name of an interactive form field. - - - - - isHidden - - - A flag indicating whether to hide the field (true) or show it (false). - - - +| names | System::ArrayPtr\ | An array of strings giving the fully qualified field names of an interactive form fields. | +| isHidden | bool | A flag indicating whether to hide the fields (true) or show it (false). | + ## See Also * Class [HideAction](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## HideAction::HideAction(System::ArrayPtr\\>) constructor +## HideAction::HideAction(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [HideAction](../) class for the specified annotations. +Initializes a new instance of the [HideAction](../) class for the specified annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction(System::ArrayPtr> annotations) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction(System::SharedPtr annotation) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| annotations | System::ArrayPtr\\> | An array of annotations to be hidden. | -## Remarks - - - - - - annotations - - - An array of annotations to be hidden. - - - +| annotation | System::SharedPtr\ | An annotation to be hidden. | + ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../annotation/) * Class [HideAction](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## HideAction::HideAction(System::ArrayPtr\\>, bool) constructor +## HideAction::HideAction(System::SharedPtr\, bool) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [HideAction](../) class for the specified annotations and for invisibility flag. +Initializes a new instance of the [HideAction](../) class for the specified annotation and invisibility flag. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction(System::ArrayPtr> annotations, bool isHidden) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction(System::SharedPtr annotation, bool isHidden) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| annotations | System::ArrayPtr\\> | An array of annotations to be hidden or shown. | -| isHidden | bool | A flag indicating whether to hide the annotations (true) or show it (false). | -## Remarks - - - - - - annotations - - - An array of annotations to be hidden or shown. - - - - - isHidden - - - A flag indicating whether to hide the annotations (true) or show it (false). - - - +| annotation | System::SharedPtr\ | An annotation to be hidden or shown. | +| isHidden | bool | A flag indicating whether to hide the annotation (true) or show it (false). | + ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../annotation/) * Class [HideAction](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## HideAction::HideAction(System::ArrayPtr\) constructor +## HideAction::HideAction(System::String) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [HideAction](../) class for the specified field names. +Initializes a new instance of the [HideAction](../) class for the specified field name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction(System::ArrayPtr names) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction(System::String fieldName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| names | System::ArrayPtr\ | An array of strings giving the fully qualified field names of an interactive form fields. | -## Remarks - - - - - - names - - - An array of strings giving the fully qualified field names of an interactive form fields. - - - +| fieldName | System::String | A text string giving the fully qualified field name of an interactive form field. | + ## See Also * Class [HideAction](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## HideAction::HideAction(System::ArrayPtr\, bool) constructor +## HideAction::HideAction(System::String, bool) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [HideAction](../) class for the specified field names and for invisibility flag. +Initializes a new instance of the [HideAction](../) class for the specified field name and invisibility flag. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction(System::ArrayPtr names, bool isHidden) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::HideAction(System::String fieldName, bool isHidden) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| names | System::ArrayPtr\ | An array of strings giving the fully qualified field names of an interactive form fields. | -| isHidden | bool | A flag indicating whether to hide the fields (true) or show it (false). | -## Remarks - - - - - - names - - - An array of strings giving the fully qualified field names of an interactive form fields. - - - - - isHidden - - - A flag indicating whether to hide the fields (true) or show it (false). - - - +| fieldName | System::String | A text string giving the fully qualified field name of an interactive form field. | +| isHidden | bool | A flag indicating whether to hide the field (true) or show it (false). | + ## See Also * Class [HideAction](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/hideaction/set_ishidden/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/hideaction/set_ishidden/ index cf13c2072b..9b305d6dca 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/hideaction/set_ishidden/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/hideaction/set_ishidden/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_IsHidden second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::set_IsHidden method. Sets status of the annotation(s) to hide/display in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/hideaction/set_ishidden/ --- ## HideAction::set_IsHidden method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/hideaction/set_ishidden/ Sets status of the annotation(s) to hide/display. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::set_IsHidden(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HideAction::set_IsHidden(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightannotation/accept/ index 583875dfd0..b37aa5486e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightannotation/accept/ @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HighlightAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HighlightAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightannotation/get_annotationtype/ index 4f34e6ff33..9b98828ab5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HighlightAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## HighlightAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HighlightAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HighlightAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightannotation/highlightannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightannotation/highlightannotation/ index d08ab39a3d..6077f61f66 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightannotation/highlightannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightannotation/highlightannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: HighlightAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HighlightAnnotation::HighlightAnnotation constructor. Creates new Highlight annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightannotation/highlightannotation/ --- ## HighlightAnnotation::HighlightAnnotation constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightannotation/highlightannotation/ Creates new Highlight annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HighlightAnnotation::HighlightAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HighlightAnnotation::HighlightAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HighlightAnnotation::HighlightAn | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightingmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightingmode/ index 6757ee7502..4ca1ee2fcf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightingmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightingmode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: HighlightingMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HighlightingMode enum. Enumerates the annotation''s highlighting mode, the visual effect to be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 15200 +weight: 13400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightingmode/ --- ## HighlightingMode enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightingmodeconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightingmodeconverter/toenum/ index f957534b12..2271629300 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightingmodeconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightingmodeconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HighlightingModeConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightingmodeconverter/toenum/ --- ## HighlightingModeConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightingmodeconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API HighlightingMode Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HighlightingModeConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static HighlightingMode Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HighlightingModeConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightingmodeconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightingmodeconverter/tostring/ index fc0125a8fe..98904250ca 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightingmodeconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightingmodeconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HighlightingModeConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightingmodeconverter/tostring/ --- ## HighlightingModeConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/highlightingmodeconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HighlightingModeConverter::ToString(HighlightingMode value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::HighlightingModeConverter::ToString(HighlightingMode value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/iannotationvisitor/visit/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/iannotationvisitor/visit/ index 1499615f7d..4ae1b3f768 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/iannotationvisitor/visit/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/iannotationvisitor/visit/ @@ -2,107 +2,88 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit method linktitle: Visit second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit method. Visit/select link annotation in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit method. Visit/select a bleed mark annotation in C++.' type: docs weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/iannotationvisitor/visit/ --- -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select link annotation. +Visit/select a bleed mark annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr link)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr bleedMark)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| link | System::SharedPtr\ | [LinkAnnotation](../../linkannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - link - - - - LinkAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| bleedMark | System::SharedPtr\ | The [BleedMarkAnnotation](../../bleedmarkannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [LinkAnnotation](../../linkannotation/) +* Class [BleedMarkAnnotation](../../bleedmarkannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select attachment annotation. +Visit/select caret annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr attachment)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr caret)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| attachment | System::SharedPtr\ | [FileAttachmentAnnotation](../../fileattachmentannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - attachment - - - - FileAttachmentAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| caret | System::SharedPtr\ | [CaretAnnotation](../../caretannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [FileAttachmentAnnotation](../../fileattachmentannotation/) +* Class [CaretAnnotation](../../caretannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select text annotation. +Visit/select circle annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr text)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr circle)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| text | System::SharedPtr\ | [TextAnnotation](../../textannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - text - - - - TextAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| circle | System::SharedPtr\ | [CircleAnnotation](../../circleannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [TextAnnotation](../../textannotation/) +* Class [CircleAnnotation](../../circleannotation/) +* Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) +* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) +* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method + + +Visit/select attachment annotation. + +```cpp +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr attachment)=0 +``` + + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| attachment | System::SharedPtr\ | [FileAttachmentAnnotation](../../fileattachmentannotation/) object example/template. | + +## See Also + +* Class [FileAttachmentAnnotation](../../fileattachmentannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -119,20 +100,7 @@ virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedP | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | freetext | System::SharedPtr\ | [FreeTextAnnotation](../../freetextannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - freetext - - - - FreeTextAnnotation object example/template. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FreeTextAnnotation](../../freetextannotation/) @@ -152,518 +120,310 @@ virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedP | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | highlight | System::SharedPtr\ | [HighlightAnnotation](../../highlightannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - highlight - - - - HighlightAnnotation object example/template. - - - + ## See Also * Class [HighlightAnnotation](../../highlightannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select underline annotation. +Visit/select ink annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr underline)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr ink)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| underline | System::SharedPtr\ | [UnderlineAnnotation](../../underlineannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - underline - - - - UnderlineAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| ink | System::SharedPtr\ | [InkAnnotation](../../inkannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [UnderlineAnnotation](../../underlineannotation/) +* Class [InkAnnotation](../../inkannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select strikeOut annotation. +Visit/select line annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr strikeOut)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr line)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| strikeOut | System::SharedPtr\ | [StrikeOutAnnotation](../../strikeoutannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - strikeOut - - - - StrikeOutAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| line | System::SharedPtr\ | [LineAnnotation](../../lineannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [StrikeOutAnnotation](../../strikeoutannotation/) +* Class [LineAnnotation](../../lineannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select squiggly annotation. +Visit/select link annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr squiggly)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr link)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| squiggly | System::SharedPtr\ | [SquigglyAnnotation](../../squigglyannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - squiggly - - - - SquigglyAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| link | System::SharedPtr\ | [LinkAnnotation](../../linkannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [SquigglyAnnotation](../../squigglyannotation/) +* Class [LinkAnnotation](../../linkannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select popup annotation. +Visit/select movie annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr popup)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr movie)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| popup | System::SharedPtr\ | [PopupAnnotation](../../popupannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - popup - - - - PopupAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| movie | System::SharedPtr\ | [MovieAnnotation](../../movieannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [PopupAnnotation](../../popupannotation/) +* Class [MovieAnnotation](../../movieannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select line annotation. +Visit/select a page information annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr line)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr pageInformation)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| line | System::SharedPtr\ | [LineAnnotation](../../lineannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - line - - - - LineAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| pageInformation | System::SharedPtr\ | The [PageInformationAnnotation](../../pageinformationannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [LineAnnotation](../../lineannotation/) +* Class [PageInformationAnnotation](../../pageinformationannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select circle annotation. +Visit/select polygon annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr circle)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr polygon)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| circle | System::SharedPtr\ | [CircleAnnotation](../../circleannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - circle - - - - CircleAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| polygon | System::SharedPtr\ | [PolygonAnnotation](../../polygonannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [CircleAnnotation](../../circleannotation/) +* Class [PolygonAnnotation](../../polygonannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select square annotation. +Visit/select polyline annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr square)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr polyline)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| square | System::SharedPtr\ | [SquareAnnotation](../../squareannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - square - - - - SquareAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| polyline | System::SharedPtr\ | [PolylineAnnotation](../../polylineannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [SquareAnnotation](../../squareannotation/) +* Class [PolylineAnnotation](../../polylineannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select ink annotation. +Visit/select popup annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr ink)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr popup)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| ink | System::SharedPtr\ | [InkAnnotation](../../inkannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - ink - - - - InkAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| popup | System::SharedPtr\ | [PopupAnnotation](../../popupannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [InkAnnotation](../../inkannotation/) +* Class [PopupAnnotation](../../popupannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select polyline annotation. +Visit/select a registration mark annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr polyline)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr registrationMark)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| polyline | System::SharedPtr\ | [PolylineAnnotation](../../polylineannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - polyline - - - - PolylineAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| registrationMark | System::SharedPtr\ | The [RegistrationMarkAnnotation](../../registrationmarkannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [PolylineAnnotation](../../polylineannotation/) +* Class [RegistrationMarkAnnotation](../../registrationmarkannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select polygon annotation. +Visit/select screen annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr polygon)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr screen)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| polygon | System::SharedPtr\ | [PolygonAnnotation](../../polygonannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - polygon - - - - PolygonAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| screen | System::SharedPtr\ | [ScreenAnnotation](../../screenannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [PolygonAnnotation](../../polygonannotation/) +* Class [ScreenAnnotation](../../screenannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select caret annotation. +Visit/select square annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr caret)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr square)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| caret | System::SharedPtr\ | [CaretAnnotation](../../caretannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - caret - - - - CaretAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| square | System::SharedPtr\ | [SquareAnnotation](../../squareannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [CaretAnnotation](../../caretannotation/) +* Class [SquareAnnotation](../../squareannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select stamp annotation. +Visit/select squiggly annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr stamp)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr squiggly)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| stamp | System::SharedPtr\ | [StampAnnotation](../../stampannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - stamp - - - - StampAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| squiggly | System::SharedPtr\ | [SquigglyAnnotation](../../squigglyannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [StampAnnotation](../../stampannotation/) +* Class [SquigglyAnnotation](../../squigglyannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select widget annotation. +Visit/select stamp annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr widget)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr stamp)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| widget | System::SharedPtr\ | [WidgetAnnotation](../../widgetannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - widget - - - - WidgetAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| stamp | System::SharedPtr\ | [StampAnnotation](../../stampannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [WidgetAnnotation](../../widgetannotation/) +* Class [StampAnnotation](../../stampannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select movie annotation. +Visit/select strikeOut annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr movie)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr strikeOut)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| movie | System::SharedPtr\ | [MovieAnnotation](../../movieannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - movie - - - - MovieAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| strikeOut | System::SharedPtr\ | [StrikeOutAnnotation](../../strikeoutannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [MovieAnnotation](../../movieannotation/) +* Class [StrikeOutAnnotation](../../strikeoutannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select screen annotation. +Visit/select text annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr screen)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr text)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| screen | System::SharedPtr\ | [ScreenAnnotation](../../screenannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - screen - - - - ScreenAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| text | System::SharedPtr\ | [TextAnnotation](../../textannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [ScreenAnnotation](../../screenannotation/) +* Class [TextAnnotation](../../textannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -680,118 +440,50 @@ virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedP | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | trimMark | System::SharedPtr\ | The [TrimMarkAnnotation](../../trimmarkannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - trimMark - - - The TrimMarkAnnotation object example/template. - - - + ## See Also * Class [TrimMarkAnnotation](../../trimmarkannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select a bleed mark annotation. +Visit/select underline annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr bleedMark)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr underline)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| bleedMark | System::SharedPtr\ | The [BleedMarkAnnotation](../../bleedmarkannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - bleedMark - - - The BleedMarkAnnotation object example/template. - - - -## See Also - -* Class [BleedMarkAnnotation](../../bleedmarkannotation/) -* Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method - - -Visit/select a registration mark annotation. - -```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr registrationMark)=0 -``` - +| underline | System::SharedPtr\ | [UnderlineAnnotation](../../underlineannotation/) object example/template. | -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| registrationMark | System::SharedPtr\ | The [RegistrationMarkAnnotation](../../registrationmarkannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - registrationMark - - - The RegistrationMarkAnnotation object example/template. - - - ## See Also -* Class [RegistrationMarkAnnotation](../../registrationmarkannotation/) +* Class [UnderlineAnnotation](../../underlineannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr\) method -Visit/select a page information annotation. +Visit/select widget annotation. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr pageInformation)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::IAnnotationVisitor::Visit(System::SharedPtr widget)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| pageInformation | System::SharedPtr\ | The [PageInformationAnnotation](../../pageinformationannotation/) object example/template. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageInformation - - - The PageInformationAnnotation object example/template. - - - +| widget | System::SharedPtr\ | [WidgetAnnotation](../../widgetannotation/) object example/template. | + ## See Also -* Class [PageInformationAnnotation](../../pageinformationannotation/) +* Class [WidgetAnnotation](../../widgetannotation/) * Class [IAnnotationVisitor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/importdataaction/get_data/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/importdataaction/get_data/ index 0b4826c258..f50623da4e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/importdataaction/get_data/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/importdataaction/get_data/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/importdataaction/get_data/ The FDF file from which to import the data. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ImportDataAction::get_Data() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ImportDataAction::get_Data() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/importdataaction/set_data/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/importdataaction/set_data/ index ac0558c176..459725cdca 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/importdataaction/set_data/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/importdataaction/set_data/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/importdataaction/set_data/ The FDF file from which to import the data. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ImportDataAction::set_Data(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ImportDataAction::set_Data(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/accept/ index a07a220f15..53b2104459 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/accept/ --- ## InkAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/changeafterresize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/changeafterresize/ index 18a9431342..23acf1bb98 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/changeafterresize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/changeafterresize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ChangeAfterResize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize method. Updates the points in InkList, according to the matrix transform in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/changeafterresize/ --- ## InkAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/changeafterresize/ Updates the points in InkList, according to the matrix transform. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize(System::SharedPtr transform) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize(System::SharedPtr transform) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | transform | System::SharedPtr\ | [Matrix](../../../aspose.pdf/matrix/) specifying the transformation. | -## Remarks - - - - - transform - - - - Matrix specifying the transformation. - - - ## See Also * Class [Matrix](../../../aspose.pdf/matrix/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_annotationtype/ index 2232b43aae..990ccfbe82 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## InkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_capstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_capstyle/ index b7e08606e3..9df5280b06 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_capstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_capstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CapStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::get_CapStyle method. Style of ink annotation line endings in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_capstyle/ --- ## InkAnnotation::get_CapStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_capstyle/ Style of ink annotation line endings. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CapStyle Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::get_CapStyle() +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CapStyle Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::get_CapStyle() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_inklist/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_inklist/ index b87f84f448..f892d8fd82 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_inklist/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_inklist/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_InkList second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::get_InkList method. Gets list of gestures that are independent lines which are represented by Point[] arrays in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_inklist/ --- ## InkAnnotation::get_InkList method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/get_inklist/ Gets list of gestures that are independent lines which are represented by [Point](../../../aspose.pdf/point/)[] arrays. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>>> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::get_InkList() +System::SharedPtr>>> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::get_InkList() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/inkannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/inkannotation/ index 0a5ec414ea..1c40639c36 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/inkannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/inkannotation/ @@ -2,102 +2,53 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::InkAnnotation constructor linktitle: InkAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::InkAnnotation constructor. Constructor for Ink annotation for Generator in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::InkAnnotation constructor. Creates new Ink annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/inkannotation/ --- -## InkAnnotation::InkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\\>\>\>) constructor +## InkAnnotation::InkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\\>\>\>) constructor -Constructor for Ink annotation for Generator. +Creates new Ink annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::InkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr>>> inkList) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::InkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::SharedPtr>>> inkList) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where ink annotation will be created. | +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | | inkList | System::SharedPtr\\>\>\> | An array of [Point](../../../aspose.pdf/point/)[] arrays, each representing a stroked path. | -## Remarks - - - - - document - - - - Document where ink annotation will be created. - - - - - inkList - - - An array of Point[] arrays, each representing a stroked path. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [Point](../../../aspose.pdf/point/) * Class [InkAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## InkAnnotation::InkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\\>\>\>) constructor +## InkAnnotation::InkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\\>\>\>) constructor -Creates new Ink annotation on the specified page. +Constructor for Ink annotation for Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::InkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::SharedPtr>>> inkList) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::InkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr>>> inkList) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where ink annotation will be created. | | inkList | System::SharedPtr\\>\>\> | An array of [Point](../../../aspose.pdf/point/)[] arrays, each representing a stroked path. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - inkList - - - An array of Point[] arrays, each representing a stroked path. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) -* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [Point](../../../aspose.pdf/point/) * Class [InkAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/set_capstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/set_capstyle/ index d44836548d..f2a5f99723 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/set_capstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/set_capstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CapStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::set_CapStyle method. Style of ink annotation line endings in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/set_capstyle/ --- ## InkAnnotation::set_CapStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/set_capstyle/ Style of ink annotation line endings. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::set_CapStyle(Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CapStyle value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::set_CapStyle(Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CapStyle value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/set_inklist/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/set_inklist/ index 76cf03f154..73d01dde61 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/set_inklist/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/set_inklist/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_InkList second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::set_InkList method. Sets list of gestures that are independent lines which are represented by Point[] arrays in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/set_inklist/ --- ## InkAnnotation::set_InkList method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/inkannotation/set_inklist/ Sets list of gestures that are independent lines which are represented by [Point](../../../aspose.pdf/point/)[] arrays. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::set_InkList(System::SharedPtr>>> value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::InkAnnotation::set_InkList(System::SharedPtr>>> value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/get_script/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/get_script/ index a7fec3f91b..ca67d7fd91 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/get_script/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/get_script/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Script second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::JavascriptAction::get_Script method. Gets javascript code in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/get_script/ --- ## JavascriptAction::get_Script method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/get_script/ Gets javascript code. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::JavascriptAction::get_Script() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::JavascriptAction::get_Script() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/javascriptaction/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/javascriptaction/ index 289741d093..0b661d4ab7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/javascriptaction/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/javascriptaction/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: JavascriptAction second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::JavascriptAction::JavascriptAction constructor. Constructor in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/javascriptaction/ --- ## JavascriptAction::JavascriptAction constructor @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/javascriptaction/ Constructor. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::JavascriptAction::JavascriptAction(System::String javaScript) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::JavascriptAction::JavascriptAction(System::String javaScript) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | javaScript | System::String | JavaScript code. | -## Remarks - - - - - javaScript - - - JavaScript code. - - - ## See Also * Class [JavascriptAction](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/set_script/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/set_script/ index 19ca8f89ef..54e9e32c62 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/set_script/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/set_script/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Script second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::JavascriptAction::set_Script method. Sets javascript code in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/set_script/ --- ## JavascriptAction::set_Script method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/set_script/ Sets javascript code. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::JavascriptAction::set_Script(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::JavascriptAction::set_Script(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/justification/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/justification/ index 1316943b10..fcce3631e3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/justification/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/justification/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Justification second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Justification enum. Enumerates the forms of quadding (justification) to be used in displaying the annotation''s text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 15300 +weight: 13500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/justification/ --- ## Justification enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/justificationconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/justificationconverter/toenum/ index 8228fdc3a0..5d5e299bda 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/justificationconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/justificationconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::JustificationConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/justificationconverter/toenum/ --- ## JustificationConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/justificationconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Justification Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::JustificationConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static Justification Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::JustificationConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/justificationconverter/toxfdfstring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/justificationconverter/toxfdfstring/ index 5781615acb..8f08c89f22 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/justificationconverter/toxfdfstring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/justificationconverter/toxfdfstring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToXfdfString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToXfdfString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::JustificationConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/justificationconverter/toxfdfstring/ --- ## JustificationConverter::ToXfdfString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/justificationconverter/toxfdfstring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::JustificationConverter::ToXfdfString(Justification value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::JustificationConverter::ToXfdfString(Justification value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/get_file/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/get_file/ index 6a48c93b10..e25023e030 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/get_file/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/get_file/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_File second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchAction::get_File method. Gets the application to be launched or the document to be opened or printed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/get_file/ --- ## LaunchAction::get_File method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/get_file/ Gets the application to be launched or the document to be opened or printed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchAction::get_File() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchAction::get_File() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/get_newwindow/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/get_newwindow/ index 053b38ee92..fda109801a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/get_newwindow/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/get_newwindow/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/get_newwindow/ Gets a flag specifying whether to open the destination document in a new window (affect PDF documents only). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API ExtendedBoolean Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchAction::get_NewWindow() +ExtendedBoolean Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchAction::get_NewWindow() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/launchaction/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/launchaction/ index cdc5db5271..b5489efc12 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/launchaction/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/launchaction/ @@ -4,79 +4,46 @@ linktitle: LaunchAction second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchAction::LaunchAction constructor. Creates a launch action in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/launchaction/ --- -## LaunchAction::LaunchAction(System::String) constructor +## LaunchAction::LaunchAction(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor Creates a launch action. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchAction::LaunchAction(System::String file) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchAction::LaunchAction(System::SharedPtr document, System::String file) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where action will be created. | | file | System::String | The file to be launched. | -## Remarks - - - - - file - - - The file to be launched. - - - ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [LaunchAction](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## LaunchAction::LaunchAction(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor +## LaunchAction::LaunchAction(System::String) constructor Creates a launch action. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchAction::LaunchAction(System::SharedPtr document, System::String file) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchAction::LaunchAction(System::String file) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where action will be created. | | file | System::String | The file to be launched. | -## Remarks - - - - - document - - - - Document where action will be created. - - - - - file - - - The file to be launched. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [LaunchAction](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/set_file/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/set_file/ index 88d007fba1..6e580c4c48 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/set_file/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/set_file/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_File second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchAction::set_File method. Sets the application to be launched or the document to be opened or printed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/set_file/ --- ## LaunchAction::set_File method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/set_file/ Sets the application to be launched or the document to be opened or printed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchAction::set_File(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchAction::set_File(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/set_newwindow/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/set_newwindow/ index 2caaf07754..7ebed9e6d0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/set_newwindow/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/set_newwindow/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_NewWindow second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchAction::set_NewWindow method. Sets a flag specifying whether to open the destination document in a new window (affect PDF documents only) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/set_newwindow/ --- ## LaunchAction::set_NewWindow method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchaction/set_newwindow/ Sets a flag specifying whether to open the destination document in a new window (affect PDF documents only). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchAction::set_NewWindow(ExtendedBoolean value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchAction::set_NewWindow(ExtendedBoolean value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchactionoperation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchactionoperation/ index 89f530cf90..2f207e7f1d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchactionoperation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchactionoperation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: LaunchActionOperation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchActionOperation enum. Enumerates the operations to perform with document during launch action executing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 15400 +weight: 13600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchactionoperation/ --- ## LaunchActionOperation enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchactionoperationconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchactionoperationconverter/toenum/ index b640c6333d..766756196d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchactionoperationconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchactionoperationconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchActionOperationConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchactionoperationconverter/toenum/ --- ## LaunchActionOperationConverter::ToEnum method diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchactionoperationconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchactionoperationconverter/tostring/ index 50576af1ae..0e3ace38b7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchactionoperationconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchactionoperationconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LaunchActionOperationConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/launchactionoperationconverter/tostring/ --- ## LaunchActionOperationConverter::ToString method diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lightingschemetype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lightingschemetype/ index b2269a003e..e97ba6db8f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lightingschemetype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lightingschemetype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: LightingSchemeType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LightingSchemeType enum. Enum LightingSchemeType: set of lighting scheme types in C++.' type: docs -weight: 13600 +weight: 13700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lightingschemetype/ --- ## LightingSchemeType enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/accept/ index 97770bf19d..cb7fdcd2ab 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor to annotation processing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/accept/ --- ## LineAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor to annotation processing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/changeafterresize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/changeafterresize/ index 1e5154cfe8..34aa60b8db 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/changeafterresize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/changeafterresize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ChangeAfterResize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize method. Updates the Starting and Ending points, according to the matrix transform in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3000 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/changeafterresize/ --- ## LineAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/changeafterresize/ Updates the Starting and Ending points, according to the matrix transform. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize(System::SharedPtr transform) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize(System::SharedPtr transform) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | transform | System::SharedPtr\ | [Matrix](../../../aspose.pdf/matrix/) specifying the transformation. | -## Remarks - - - - - transform - - - - Matrix specifying the transformation. - - - ## See Also * Class [Matrix](../../../aspose.pdf/matrix/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_annotationtype/ index 2ea44d55ea..3a33302977 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## LineAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_captionoffset/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_captionoffset/ index b5e6395738..f629c17609 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_captionoffset/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_captionoffset/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CaptionOffset second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_CaptionOffset method. Gets caption text offset from its normal position in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_captionoffset/ --- ## LineAnnotation::get_CaptionOffset method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_captionoffset/ Gets caption text offset from its normal position. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_CaptionOffset() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_CaptionOffset() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_captionposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_captionposition/ index 76de41ff5d..9e074996cd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_captionposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_captionposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CaptionPosition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_CaptionPosition method. Gets annotation caption position in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_captionposition/ --- ## LineAnnotation::get_CaptionPosition method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_captionposition/ Gets annotation caption position. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaptionPosition Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_CaptionPosition() +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaptionPosition Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_CaptionPosition() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_ending/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_ending/ index 0716e8a00e..76cff9d20f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_ending/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_ending/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Ending second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_Ending method. Gets line ending point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_ending/ --- ## LineAnnotation::get_Ending method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_ending/ Gets line ending point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_Ending() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_Ending() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_endingstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_endingstyle/ index c386cae50b..e2ec9b36dd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_endingstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_endingstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_EndingStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_EndingStyle method. Gets ending style for end point of line in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_endingstyle/ --- ## LineAnnotation::get_EndingStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_endingstyle/ Gets ending style for end point of line. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API LineEnding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_EndingStyle() +LineEnding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_EndingStyle() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_intent/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_intent/ index 951b93326d..28db3307a1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_intent/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_intent/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Intent second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_Intent method. Gets the intent of the line annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_intent/ --- ## LineAnnotation::get_Intent method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_intent/ Gets the intent of the line annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API LineIntent Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_Intent() +LineIntent Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_Intent() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_interiorcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_interiorcolor/ index 6014de19f6..9ecf556bc6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_interiorcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_interiorcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_InteriorColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_InteriorColor method. Gets interior color of the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_interiorcolor/ --- ## LineAnnotation::get_InteriorColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_interiorcolor/ Gets interior color of the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_InteriorColor() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_InteriorColor() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_leaderline/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_leaderline/ index a99e7ba61c..4963963818 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_leaderline/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_leaderline/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_leaderline/ Gets leader line length. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_LeaderLine() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_LeaderLine() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_leaderlineextension/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_leaderlineextension/ index fce858c7ef..3f27fafab8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_leaderlineextension/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_leaderlineextension/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_LeaderLineExtension second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_LeaderLineExtension method. Gets length of leader line extension in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_leaderlineextension/ --- ## LineAnnotation::get_LeaderLineExtension method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_leaderlineextension/ Gets length of leader line extension. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_LeaderLineExtension() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_LeaderLineExtension() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_leaderlineoffset/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_leaderlineoffset/ index c2a0811bdf..388e3fb8db 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_leaderlineoffset/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_leaderlineoffset/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_LeaderLineOffset second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_LeaderLineOffset method. Gets leader line offset in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_leaderlineoffset/ --- ## LineAnnotation::get_LeaderLineOffset method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_leaderlineoffset/ Gets leader line offset. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_LeaderLineOffset() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_LeaderLineOffset() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_measure/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_measure/ index 0c218c78a0..9f98e39e3e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_measure/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_measure/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Measure second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_Measure method. Measure units specifed for this annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_measure/ --- ## LineAnnotation::get_Measure method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_measure/ [Measure](../../measure/) units specifed for this annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_Measure() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_Measure() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_showcaption/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_showcaption/ index 93f69e0801..7bcd87e1f1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_showcaption/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_showcaption/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_showcaption/ Gets boolean flag which determinies is contents must be shown as caption. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_ShowCaption() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_ShowCaption() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_starting/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_starting/ index ff86c092cc..60ee013cee 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_starting/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_starting/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Starting second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_Starting method. Gets starting point of line in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_starting/ --- ## LineAnnotation::get_Starting method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_starting/ Gets starting point of line. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_Starting() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_Starting() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_startingstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_startingstyle/ index 1f651ca642..2e431dca22 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_startingstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_startingstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_StartingStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_StartingStyle method. Gets line ending style for line starting point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_startingstyle/ --- ## LineAnnotation::get_StartingStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/get_startingstyle/ Gets line ending style for line starting point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API LineEnding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_StartingStyle() +LineEnding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::get_StartingStyle() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/lineannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/lineannotation/ index 6a46dff050..c9f0dea532 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/lineannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/lineannotation/ @@ -2,120 +2,55 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::LineAnnotation constructor linktitle: LineAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::LineAnnotation constructor. Constructor for using with Generator in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::LineAnnotation constructor. Creates new Line annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2900 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/lineannotation/ --- -## LineAnnotation::LineAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## LineAnnotation::LineAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor for using with Generator. +Creates new Line annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::LineAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr start, System::SharedPtr end) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::LineAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::SharedPtr start, System::SharedPtr end) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where annotation will be created. | -| start | System::SharedPtr\ | Starting point. | -| end | System::SharedPtr\ | Ending point. | -## Remarks - +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | +| start | System::SharedPtr\ | A point, specifying the starting coordinate of the line. | +| end | System::SharedPtr\ | A point, specifying the ending coordinate of the line. | - - - - document - - - - Document where annotation will be created. - - - - - start - - - Starting point. - - - - - end - - - Ending point. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [Point](../../../aspose.pdf/point/) * Class [LineAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## LineAnnotation::LineAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## LineAnnotation::LineAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Creates new Line annotation on the specified page. +Constructor for using with Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::LineAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::SharedPtr start, System::SharedPtr end) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::LineAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr start, System::SharedPtr end) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | -| start | System::SharedPtr\ | A point, specifying the starting coordinate of the line. | -| end | System::SharedPtr\ | A point, specifying the ending coordinate of the line. | -## Remarks - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where annotation will be created. | +| start | System::SharedPtr\ | Starting point. | +| end | System::SharedPtr\ | Ending point. | - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - start - - - A point, specifying the starting coordinate of the line. - - - - - end - - - A point, specifying the ending coordinate of the line. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) -* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [Point](../../../aspose.pdf/point/) * Class [LineAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_captionoffset/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_captionoffset/ index 88828e88a5..e0e88259fb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_captionoffset/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_captionoffset/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CaptionOffset second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_CaptionOffset method. Sets caption text offset from its normal position in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_captionoffset/ --- ## LineAnnotation::set_CaptionOffset method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_captionoffset/ Sets caption text offset from its normal position. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_CaptionOffset(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_CaptionOffset(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_captionposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_captionposition/ index 37b1f2db2f..a97e7b81dd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_captionposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_captionposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CaptionPosition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_CaptionPosition method. Sets annotation caption position in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_captionposition/ --- ## LineAnnotation::set_CaptionPosition method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_captionposition/ Sets annotation caption position. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_CaptionPosition(Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaptionPosition value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_CaptionPosition(Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::CaptionPosition value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_ending/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_ending/ index 6ef26a4cef..1e89ab837f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_ending/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_ending/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Ending second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_Ending method. Sets line ending point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_ending/ --- ## LineAnnotation::set_Ending method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_ending/ Sets line ending point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_Ending(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_Ending(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_endingstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_endingstyle/ index 4e7e1d7a68..040538ea0c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_endingstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_endingstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_EndingStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_EndingStyle method. Sets ending style for end point of line in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_endingstyle/ --- ## LineAnnotation::set_EndingStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_endingstyle/ Sets ending style for end point of line. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_EndingStyle(LineEnding value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_EndingStyle(LineEnding value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_intent/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_intent/ index ff4a5a717e..956131243c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_intent/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_intent/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Intent second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_Intent method. Sets the intent of the line annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2600 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_intent/ --- ## LineAnnotation::set_Intent method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_intent/ Sets the intent of the line annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_Intent(LineIntent value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_Intent(LineIntent value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_interiorcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_interiorcolor/ index 8f4f2e3bce..8ae01278fb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_interiorcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_interiorcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_InteriorColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_InteriorColor method. Sets interior color of the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_interiorcolor/ --- ## LineAnnotation::set_InteriorColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_interiorcolor/ Sets interior color of the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_InteriorColor(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_InteriorColor(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderline/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderline/ index 90ecd2d4ae..240f6d42f4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderline/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderline/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_LeaderLine second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_LeaderLine method. Sets leader line length in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderline/ --- ## LineAnnotation::set_LeaderLine method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderline/ Sets leader line length. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_LeaderLine(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_LeaderLine(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderlineextension/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderlineextension/ index c85c5a4a4c..81c33c7d65 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderlineextension/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderlineextension/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_LeaderLineExtension second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_LeaderLineExtension method. Sets length of leader line extension in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderlineextension/ --- ## LineAnnotation::set_LeaderLineExtension method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderlineextension/ Sets length of leader line extension. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_LeaderLineExtension(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_LeaderLineExtension(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderlineoffset/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderlineoffset/ index fed7384e89..13e096ebaf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderlineoffset/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderlineoffset/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_LeaderLineOffset second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_LeaderLineOffset method. Sets leader line offset in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 2600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderlineoffset/ --- ## LineAnnotation::set_LeaderLineOffset method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_leaderlineoffset/ Sets leader line offset. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_LeaderLineOffset(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_LeaderLineOffset(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_measure/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_measure/ index f26bcb9f19..9bb1f5d4e8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_measure/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_measure/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Measure second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_Measure method. Measure units specifed for this annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_measure/ --- ## LineAnnotation::set_Measure method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_measure/ [Measure](../../measure/) units specifed for this annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_Measure(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_Measure(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_showcaption/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_showcaption/ index 4568a854d7..f614f81589 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_showcaption/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_showcaption/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ShowCaption second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_ShowCaption method. Sets boolean flag which determinies is contents must be shown as caption in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_showcaption/ --- ## LineAnnotation::set_ShowCaption method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_showcaption/ Sets boolean flag which determinies is contents must be shown as caption. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_ShowCaption(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_ShowCaption(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_starting/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_starting/ index cf94ec8450..705d799719 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_starting/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_starting/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Starting second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_Starting method. Sets starting point of line in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 2900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_starting/ --- ## LineAnnotation::set_Starting method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_starting/ Sets starting point of line. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_Starting(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_Starting(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_startingstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_startingstyle/ index b21e9a24d9..6c76ed5159 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_startingstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_startingstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_StartingStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_StartingStyle method. Sets line ending style for line starting point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 3000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_startingstyle/ --- ## LineAnnotation::set_StartingStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineannotation/set_startingstyle/ Sets line ending style for line starting point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_StartingStyle(LineEnding value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation::set_StartingStyle(LineEnding value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineending/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineending/ index c0bf83a9e1..078b77b29f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineending/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineending/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: LineEnding second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineEnding enum. Enumerates the line ending styles to be used in drawing the line in C++.' type: docs -weight: 13300 +weight: 13800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineending/ --- ## LineEnding enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineendingconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineendingconverter/toenum/ index 85b13aced9..9dc27e2493 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineendingconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineendingconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineEndingConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineendingconverter/toenum/ --- ## LineEndingConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineendingconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API LineEnding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineEndingConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static LineEnding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineEndingConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineendingconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineendingconverter/tostring/ index c79387016b..2b34c05691 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineendingconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineendingconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineEndingConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineendingconverter/tostring/ --- ## LineEndingConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineendingconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineEndingConverter::ToString(LineEnding value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineEndingConverter::ToString(LineEnding value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintent/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintent/ index 41dd6c3014..1a6efe3907 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintent/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintent/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: LineIntent second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineIntent enum. Enumerates the intents of the line annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 13400 +weight: 13900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintent/ --- ## LineIntent enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/toenum/ index 4ae5df1539..acac955270 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineIntentConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/toenum/ --- ## LineIntentConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API LineIntent Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineIntentConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static LineIntent Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineIntentConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/tostring/ index 42295781e4..e8864df063 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineIntentConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/tostring/ --- ## LineIntentConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineIntentConverter::ToString(LineIntent value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineIntentConverter::ToString(LineIntent value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ index 316e604ffb..4d6820aecd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToXfdfString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToXfdfString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineIntentConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ --- ## LineIntentConverter::ToXfdfString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/lineintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineIntentConverter::ToXfdfString(LineIntent value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineIntentConverter::ToXfdfString(LineIntent value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/accept/ index b800bbbad7..d89b971d54 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/accept/ --- ## LinkAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_action/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_action/ index 3b21fcffdc..bccb0db54b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_action/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_action/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Action second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::get_Action method. An action to be performed when the link annotation is activated in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_action/ --- ## LinkAnnotation::get_Action method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_action/ An action to be performed when the link annotation is activated. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::get_Action() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::get_Action() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_annotationtype/ index 36ff244ca2..1e07366ae8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## LinkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_destination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_destination/ index fb1ab2166e..34c6b979e1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_destination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_destination/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Destination second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::get_Destination method. A destination to be displayed when the annotation is activated in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_destination/ --- ## LinkAnnotation::get_Destination method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_destination/ A destination to be displayed when the annotation is activated. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::get_Destination() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::get_Destination() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_highlighting/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_highlighting/ index f7ad39e484..90f05b6571 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_highlighting/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_highlighting/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Highlighting second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::get_Highlighting method. The visual effect to be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_highlighting/ --- ## LinkAnnotation::get_Highlighting method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/get_highlighting/ The visual effect to be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API HighlightingMode Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::get_Highlighting() +HighlightingMode Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::get_Highlighting() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/linkannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/linkannotation/ index da4498deac..14d022cd06 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/linkannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/linkannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: LinkAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::LinkAnnotation constructor. Creates new Link annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/linkannotation/ --- ## LinkAnnotation::LinkAnnotation constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/linkannotation/ Creates new Link annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::LinkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::LinkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::LinkAnnotation(S | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_action/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_action/ index 658be5148e..24022ca179 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_action/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_action/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Action second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::set_Action method. An action to be performed when the link annotation is activated in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_action/ --- ## LinkAnnotation::set_Action method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_action/ An action to be performed when the link annotation is activated. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::set_Action(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::set_Action(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_destination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_destination/ index 3b5d359245..39eb6bc608 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_destination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_destination/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Destination second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::set_Destination method. A destination to be displayed when the annotation is activated in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_destination/ --- ## LinkAnnotation::set_Destination method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_destination/ A destination to be displayed when the annotation is activated. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::set_Destination(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::set_Destination(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_highlighting/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_highlighting/ index 8ff48df616..f6e090cfde 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_highlighting/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_highlighting/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Highlighting second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::set_Highlighting method. The visual effect to be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_highlighting/ --- ## LinkAnnotation::set_Highlighting method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/linkannotation/set_highlighting/ The visual effect to be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::set_Highlighting(HighlightingMode value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LinkAnnotation::set_Highlighting(HighlightingMode value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/clearstate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/clearstate/ index 2eae8b3aa7..d3c4787abb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/clearstate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/clearstate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ClearState second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::ClearState method. Clears state and state model for the annotation. For example, clears the review status for an annotation. Note, the state stored in other text annotation which has state and statemodel keys in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/clearstate/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::ClearState method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/clearstate/ Clears state and state model for the annotation. For example, clears the review status for an annotation. [Note](../../../aspose.pdf/note/), the state stored in other text annotation which has state and statemodel keys. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::ClearState() +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::ClearState() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_creationdate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_creationdate/ index f30e10b8a6..307ee76d08 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_creationdate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_creationdate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CreationDate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_CreationDate method. Gets date and time when annotation was created in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_creationdate/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::get_CreationDate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_creationdate/ Gets date and time when annotation was created. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::DateTime Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_CreationDate() +System::DateTime Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_CreationDate() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_inreplyto/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_inreplyto/ index 152bb33bed..0b7eb0acc0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_inreplyto/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_inreplyto/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_InReplyTo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_InReplyTo method. A reference to the annotation that this annotation is "in reply to". Both annotations must be on the same page of the document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_inreplyto/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::get_InReplyTo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_inreplyto/ A reference to the annotation that this annotation is "in reply to". Both annotations must be on the same page of the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_InReplyTo() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_InReplyTo() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_opacity/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_opacity/ index 010d08b4d3..6456432af5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_opacity/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_opacity/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Opacity second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_Opacity method. Gets the constant opacity value to be used in painting the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_opacity/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::get_Opacity method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_opacity/ Gets the constant opacity value to be used in painting the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_Opacity() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_Opacity() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_popup/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_popup/ index f1050cdbd9..ee985d3584 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_popup/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_popup/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Popup second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_Popup method. Pop-up annotation for entering or editing the text associated with this annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_popup/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::get_Popup method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_popup/ Pop-up annotation for entering or editing the text associated with this annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_Popup() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_Popup() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_replytype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_replytype/ index 23da2e6b0a..a5f447662a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_replytype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_replytype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ReplyType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_ReplyType method. A string specifying the relationship (the "reply type") between this annotation and one specified by InReplyTo in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_replytype/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::get_ReplyType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_replytype/ A string specifying the relationship (the "reply type") between this annotation and one specified by InReplyTo. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ReplyType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_ReplyType() +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ReplyType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_ReplyType() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_richtext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_richtext/ index c62c380b15..d01af61457 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_richtext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_richtext/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_RichText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_RichText method. Gets a rich text string to be displayed in the pop-up window when the annotation is opened in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_richtext/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::get_RichText method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_richtext/ Gets a rich text string to be displayed in the pop-up window when the annotation is opened. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_RichText() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_RichText() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_subject/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_subject/ index 2d32b17d88..86a8c14abf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_subject/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_subject/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Subject second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_Subject method. Gets text representing desciption of the object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_subject/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::get_Subject method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_subject/ Gets text representing desciption of the object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_Subject() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_Subject() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_title/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_title/ index 2ed7891010..6debe12f38 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_title/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_title/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Title second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_Title method. Gets a text that shall be displayed in title bar of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_title/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::get_Title method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/get_title/ Gets a text that shall be displayed in title bar of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_Title() override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::get_Title() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/getstate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/getstate/ index 4615277377..d59152af30 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/getstate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/getstate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetState second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::GetState method. Gets the state of the annotation. Note, the state stored in other text annotation which has state and statemodel keys in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/getstate/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::GetState method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/getstate/ Gets the state of the annotation. [Note](../../../aspose.pdf/note/), the state stored in other text annotation which has state and statemodel keys. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API AnnotationState Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::GetState() +AnnotationState Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::GetState() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/getstatemodel/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/getstatemodel/ index 92fd53edc3..9fd8433bbc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/getstatemodel/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/getstatemodel/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetStateModel second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::GetStateModel method. Gets the state model of the annotation. Note, the state stored in other text annotation which has state and statemodel keys in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/getstatemodel/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::GetStateModel method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/getstatemodel/ Gets the state model of the annotation. [Note](../../../aspose.pdf/note/), the state stored in other text annotation which has state and statemodel keys. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API AnnotationStateModel Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::GetStateModel() +AnnotationStateModel Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::GetStateModel() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/markupannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/markupannotation/ index 5505a6bd36..0f58b7ffa8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/markupannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/markupannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: MarkupAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::MarkupAnnotation constructor. Constructor for markup annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/markupannotation/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::MarkupAnnotation constructor @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/markupannotation/ Constructor for markup annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::MarkupAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::MarkupAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where annotation will be created. | -## Remarks - - - - - document - - - - Document where annotation will be created. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_inreplyto/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_inreplyto/ index e6a24ab7b5..10d9208f3a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_inreplyto/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_inreplyto/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_inreplyto/ A reference to the annotation that this annotation is "in reply to". Both annotations must be on the same page of the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_InReplyTo(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_InReplyTo(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_opacity/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_opacity/ index e4a6c98661..3a2fcdd5d8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_opacity/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_opacity/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Opacity second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_Opacity method. Sets the constant opacity value to be used in painting the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_opacity/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::set_Opacity method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_opacity/ Sets the constant opacity value to be used in painting the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_Opacity(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_Opacity(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_popup/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_popup/ index dae1e66df7..b98b3ecd6c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_popup/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_popup/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Popup second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_Popup method. Pop-up annotation for entering or editing the text associated with this annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_popup/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::set_Popup method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_popup/ Pop-up annotation for entering or editing the text associated with this annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_Popup(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_Popup(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_replytype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_replytype/ index aba2b7dd88..01ca359252 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_replytype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_replytype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ReplyType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_ReplyType method. A string specifying the relationship (the "reply type") between this annotation and one specified by InReplyTo in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_replytype/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::set_ReplyType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_replytype/ A string specifying the relationship (the "reply type") between this annotation and one specified by InReplyTo. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_ReplyType(Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ReplyType value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_ReplyType(Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ReplyType value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_richtext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_richtext/ index e612f0437c..96365a604f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_richtext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_richtext/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_RichText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_RichText method. Sets a rich text string to be displayed in the pop-up window when the annotation is opened in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_richtext/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::set_RichText method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_richtext/ Sets a rich text string to be displayed in the pop-up window when the annotation is opened. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_RichText(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_RichText(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_subject/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_subject/ index 60946865fd..1dbf10252b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_subject/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_subject/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Subject second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_Subject method. Gets text representing desciption of the object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_subject/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::set_Subject method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_subject/ Gets text representing desciption of the object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_Subject(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_Subject(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_title/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_title/ index 075f7e9832..110393f5ac 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_title/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_title/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Title second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_Title method. Sets a text that shall be displayed in title bar of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_title/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::set_Title method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/set_title/ Sets a text that shall be displayed in title bar of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_Title(System::String value) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::set_Title(System::String value) override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/setmarkedstate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/setmarkedstate/ index a87f192313..25bb2f6148 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/setmarkedstate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/setmarkedstate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetMarkedState second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::SetMarkedState method. Sets Marked and Unmarked state for the annotation. Note, the state stored in other text annotation which has state and statemodel keys in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/setmarkedstate/ --- ## MarkupAnnotation::SetMarkedState method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/setmarkedstate/ Sets Marked and Unmarked state for the annotation. [Note](../../../aspose.pdf/note/), the state stored in other text annotation which has state and statemodel keys. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::SetMarkedState(bool marked) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::SetMarkedState(bool marked) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | marked | bool | True if sets Marked state, and false if sets Unmarked state. | -## Remarks - - - - - marked - - - True if sets Marked state, and false if sets Unmarked state. - - - ## See Also * Class [MarkupAnnotation](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/setreviewstate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/setreviewstate/ index 0a25d4597a..d16b563000 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/setreviewstate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/setreviewstate/ @@ -2,78 +2,46 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::SetReviewState method linktitle: SetReviewState second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::SetReviewState method. Sets the review state for an annotation. Marked and Unmarked states are ignored as they do not belong to the Review StateModel. Note, the state stored in other text annotation which has state and statemodel keys in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::SetReviewState method. Sets the review state for an annotation. Marked and Unmarked states are ignored as they do not belong to the Review StateModel. The state is set by the user who created the target annotation. The value is taken from the Title property of the target annotation. Note, the state stored in other text annotation which has state and statemodel keys in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/markupannotation/setreviewstate/ --- -## MarkupAnnotation::SetReviewState(AnnotationState, System::String) method +## MarkupAnnotation::SetReviewState(AnnotationState) method -Sets the review state for an annotation. Marked and Unmarked states are ignored as they do not belong to the Review StateModel. [Note](../../../aspose.pdf/note/), the state stored in other text annotation which has state and statemodel keys. +Sets the review state for an annotation. Marked and Unmarked states are ignored as they do not belong to the Review StateModel. The state is set by the user who created the target annotation. The value is taken from the Title property of the target annotation. [Note](../../../aspose.pdf/note/), the state stored in other text annotation which has state and statemodel keys. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::SetReviewState(AnnotationState state, System::String userName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::SetReviewState(AnnotationState state) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | state | AnnotationState | Status for assignment. | -| userName | System::String | The username that appears in the comments header. The name can be the same as the name in the Title of the target annotation or different if the status is set by another user. | -## Remarks - - - - - state - - - Status for assignment. - - - - - userName - - - The username that appears in the comments header. The name can be the same as the name in the Title of the target annotation or different if the status is set by another user. - - - ## See Also * Enum [AnnotationState](../../annotationstate/) * Class [MarkupAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## MarkupAnnotation::SetReviewState(AnnotationState) method +## MarkupAnnotation::SetReviewState(AnnotationState, System::String) method -Sets the review state for an annotation. Marked and Unmarked states are ignored as they do not belong to the Review StateModel. The state is set by the user who created the target annotation. The value is taken from the Title property of the target annotation. [Note](../../../aspose.pdf/note/), the state stored in other text annotation which has state and statemodel keys. +Sets the review state for an annotation. Marked and Unmarked states are ignored as they do not belong to the Review StateModel. [Note](../../../aspose.pdf/note/), the state stored in other text annotation which has state and statemodel keys. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::SetReviewState(AnnotationState state) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::SetReviewState(AnnotationState state, System::String userName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | state | AnnotationState | Status for assignment. | -## Remarks - +| userName | System::String | The username that appears in the comments header. The name can be the same as the name in the Title of the target annotation or different if the status is set by another user. | - - - - state - - - Status for assignment. - - - ## See Also * Enum [AnnotationState](../../annotationstate/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_angleformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_angleformat/ index c2e6b32e8d..bda24dbbd5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_angleformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_angleformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AngleFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_AngleFormat method. A number format array for measurement of angles in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_angleformat/ --- ## Measure::get_AngleFormat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_angleformat/ A number format array for measurement of angles. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_AngleFormat() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_AngleFormat() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_areaformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_areaformat/ index 2d60efec3c..ede314e8e3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_areaformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_areaformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AreaFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_AreaFormat method. A number format array for measurement of area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_areaformat/ --- ## Measure::get_AreaFormat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_areaformat/ A number format array for measurement of area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_AreaFormat() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_AreaFormat() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_distanceformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_distanceformat/ index 8e74cf2479..f02303a23c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_distanceformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_distanceformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DistanceFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_DistanceFormat method. A number format array for measurement of distance in any direction in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_distanceformat/ --- ## Measure::get_DistanceFormat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_distanceformat/ A number format array for measurement of distance in any direction. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_DistanceFormat() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_DistanceFormat() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_origin/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_origin/ index 6309959643..5ff85e1305 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_origin/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_origin/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Origin second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_Origin method. Point that shall specify the origin of the measurement coordinate system in default user space coordinates in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_origin/ --- ## Measure::get_Origin method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_origin/ [Point](../../../aspose.pdf/point/) that shall specify the origin of the measurement coordinate system in default user space coordinates. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_Origin() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_Origin() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_scaleratio/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_scaleratio/ index b71d55a11a..7df270989e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_scaleratio/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_scaleratio/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ScaleRatio second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_ScaleRatio method. A text string expressing the scale ratio of the drawing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_scaleratio/ --- ## Measure::get_ScaleRatio method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_scaleratio/ A text string expressing the scale ratio of the drawing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_ScaleRatio() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_ScaleRatio() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_slopeformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_slopeformat/ index 0d16285f70..8a9e0c1d1a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_slopeformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_slopeformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SlopeFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_SlopeFormat method. A number format array for measurement of the slope of a line in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_slopeformat/ --- ## Measure::get_SlopeFormat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_slopeformat/ A number format array for measurement of the slope of a line. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_SlopeFormat() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_SlopeFormat() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_xformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_xformat/ index 6edba12417..631b1dba14 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_xformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_xformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_XFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_XFormat method. A number format array for measurement of change along the xaxis and, if Y is not present, along the y axis as well in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_xformat/ --- ## Measure::get_XFormat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_xformat/ A number format array for measurement of change along the xaxis and, if Y is not present, along the y axis as well. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_XFormat() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_XFormat() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_xyfactor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_xyfactor/ index b83e83eb4d..a56d3e8d26 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_xyfactor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_xyfactor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_XYFactor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_XYFactor method. A factor that shall be used to convert the largest units along the y axis to the largest units along the x axis in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_xyfactor/ --- ## Measure::get_XYFactor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_xyfactor/ A factor that shall be used to convert the largest units along the y axis to the largest units along the x axis. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_XYFactor() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_XYFactor() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_yformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_yformat/ index af8f6508f7..98efaf49e5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_yformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_yformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_YFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_YFormat method. A number format array for measurement of change along the y axis in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_yformat/ --- ## Measure::get_YFormat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/get_yformat/ A number format array for measurement of change along the y axis. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_YFormat() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::get_YFormat() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/measure/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/measure/ index 98d62d8b29..6feaec26f8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/measure/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/measure/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Measure second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::Measure constructor. Creates Measure object for measure annotations in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/measure/ --- ## Measure::Measure constructor @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/measure/ Creates [Measure](../) object for measure annotations. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::Measure(System::SharedPtr annotation) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::Measure(System::SharedPtr annotation) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | annotation | System::SharedPtr\ | [Annotation](../../annotation/) for which measure will be bound. | -## Remarks - - - - - annotation - - - - Annotation for which measure will be bound. - - - ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../annotation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_angleformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_angleformat/ index d1de829c6d..daf829bae2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_angleformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_angleformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AngleFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_AngleFormat method. A number format array for measurement of angles in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_angleformat/ --- ## Measure::set_AngleFormat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_angleformat/ A number format array for measurement of angles. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_AngleFormat(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_AngleFormat(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_areaformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_areaformat/ index 6c3b8d0b64..0b2c87b0c4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_areaformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_areaformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AreaFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_AreaFormat method. A number format array for measurement of area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_areaformat/ --- ## Measure::set_AreaFormat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_areaformat/ A number format array for measurement of area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_AreaFormat(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_AreaFormat(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_distanceformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_distanceformat/ index 71dcbfb3d3..c878abbe02 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_distanceformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_distanceformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_DistanceFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_DistanceFormat method. A number format array for measurement of distance in any direction in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_distanceformat/ --- ## Measure::set_DistanceFormat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_distanceformat/ A number format array for measurement of distance in any direction. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_DistanceFormat(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_DistanceFormat(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_origin/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_origin/ index faa073c8f3..823c7e5a44 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_origin/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_origin/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Origin second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_Origin method. Point that shall specify the origin of the measurement coordinate system in default user space coordinates in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_origin/ --- ## Measure::set_Origin method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_origin/ [Point](../../../aspose.pdf/point/) that shall specify the origin of the measurement coordinate system in default user space coordinates. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_Origin(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_Origin(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_scaleratio/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_scaleratio/ index 8559d03668..1a8cf2c741 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_scaleratio/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_scaleratio/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ScaleRatio second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_ScaleRatio method. A text string expressing the scale ratio of the drawing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_scaleratio/ --- ## Measure::set_ScaleRatio method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_scaleratio/ A text string expressing the scale ratio of the drawing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_ScaleRatio(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_ScaleRatio(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_slopeformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_slopeformat/ index 35d87ca711..523ef65706 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_slopeformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_slopeformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SlopeFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_SlopeFormat method. A number format array for measurement of the slope of a line in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_slopeformat/ --- ## Measure::set_SlopeFormat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_slopeformat/ A number format array for measurement of the slope of a line. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_SlopeFormat(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_SlopeFormat(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_xformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_xformat/ index bf11f24938..b3f5b7d728 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_xformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_xformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_XFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_XFormat method. A number format array for measurement of change along the xaxis and, if Y is not present, along the y axis as well in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_xformat/ --- ## Measure::set_XFormat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_xformat/ A number format array for measurement of change along the xaxis and, if Y is not present, along the y axis as well. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_XFormat(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_XFormat(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_xyfactor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_xyfactor/ index 3784bffd25..4494fcf269 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_xyfactor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_xyfactor/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_xyfactor/ A factor that shall be used to convert the largest units along the y axis to the largest units along the x axis. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_XYFactor(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_XYFactor(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_yformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_yformat/ index 12c44fbb50..50bbbd2378 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_yformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_yformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_YFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_YFormat method. A number format array for measurement of change along the y axis in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_yformat/ --- ## Measure::set_YFormat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/measure/set_yformat/ A number format array for measurement of change along the y axis. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_YFormat(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Measure::set_YFormat(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/mediaclipdata/get_data/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/mediaclipdata/get_data/ index da802dc11f..eb72580d03 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/mediaclipdata/get_data/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/mediaclipdata/get_data/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/mediaclipdata/get_data/ Return file specification which contains actual media data . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MediaClipData::get_Data() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MediaClipData::get_Data() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/mediarendition/get_mediaclip/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/mediarendition/get_mediaclip/ index 2b8992b892..5caac59a73 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/mediarendition/get_mediaclip/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/mediarendition/get_mediaclip/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/mediarendition/get_mediaclip/ Gets media clip obkects associated with rendition. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MediaRendition::get_MediaClip() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MediaRendition::get_MediaClip() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/accept/ index feedcdc472..a9d10c8ea9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/accept/ --- ## MovieAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_annotationtype/ index 171ecedfc4..7b67883477 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## MovieAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_aspect/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_aspect/ index cfc82588cd..45b4dac81c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_aspect/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_aspect/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Aspect second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_Aspect method. Gets the width and height of the movie''s bounding box, in pixels in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_aspect/ --- ## MovieAnnotation::get_Aspect method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_aspect/ Gets the width and height of the movie's bounding box, in pixels. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_Aspect() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_Aspect() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_file/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_file/ index 07adf638ba..96bb3e1fd5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_file/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_file/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_File second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_File method. Gets a file specification identifying a self-describing movie file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_file/ --- ## MovieAnnotation::get_File method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_file/ Gets a file specification identifying a self-describing movie file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_File() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_File() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_poster/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_poster/ index 20d0d9b925..9786cc6709 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_poster/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_poster/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Poster second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_Poster method. Gets a flag or stream specifying whether and how a poster image representing the movie shall be displayed. If true, the poster image shall be retrieved from the movie file; if it is false, no poster shall be displayed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_poster/ --- ## MovieAnnotation::get_Poster method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_poster/ Gets a flag or stream specifying whether and how a poster image representing the movie shall be displayed. If true, the poster image shall be retrieved from the movie file; if it is false, no poster shall be displayed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_Poster() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_Poster() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_rotate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_rotate/ index b2173b3ca3..0eeeb1385c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_rotate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_rotate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Rotate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_Rotate method. Gets the number of degrees by which the movie shall be rotated clockwise relative to the page. The value shall be a multiple of 90 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_rotate/ --- ## MovieAnnotation::get_Rotate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_rotate/ Gets the number of degrees by which the movie shall be rotated clockwise relative to the page. The value shall be a multiple of 90. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_Rotate() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_Rotate() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_title/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_title/ index 378b54b391..a37bd6c792 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_title/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_title/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Title second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_Title method. Gets the title of the movie annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_title/ --- ## MovieAnnotation::get_Title method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/get_title/ Gets the title of the movie annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_Title() override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::get_Title() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/movieannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/movieannotation/ index 5a08e83044..81dd626e12 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/movieannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/movieannotation/ @@ -2,101 +2,52 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::MovieAnnotation constructor linktitle: MovieAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::MovieAnnotation constructor. Constructor for using with Generator in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::MovieAnnotation constructor. Creates new Sound annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/movieannotation/ --- -## MovieAnnotation::MovieAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor +## MovieAnnotation::MovieAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor -Constructor for using with Generator. +Creates new Sound annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::MovieAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document, System::String movieFile) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::MovieAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::String movieFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where movie annotation will be created. | -| movieFile | System::String | Name of movie file. | -## Remarks - +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | +| movieFile | System::String | A movie file to be played when the annotation is activated. | - - - - document - - - - Document where movie annotation will be created. - - - - - movieFile - - - Name of movie file. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [MovieAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## MovieAnnotation::MovieAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor +## MovieAnnotation::MovieAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor -Creates new Sound annotation on the specified page. +Constructor for using with Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::MovieAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::String movieFile) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::MovieAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document, System::String movieFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | -| movieFile | System::String | A movie file to be played when the annotation is activated. | -## Remarks - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where movie annotation will be created. | +| movieFile | System::String | Name of movie file. | - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - movieFile - - - A movie file to be played when the annotation is activated. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) -* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [MovieAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_aspect/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_aspect/ index 3c41af7fb8..802e80b827 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_aspect/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_aspect/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Aspect second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::set_Aspect method. Sets the width and height of the movie''s bounding box, in pixels in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_aspect/ --- ## MovieAnnotation::set_Aspect method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_aspect/ Sets the width and height of the movie's bounding box, in pixels. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::set_Aspect(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::set_Aspect(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_file/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_file/ index 8f5e966857..02763f22b5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_file/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_file/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_File second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::set_File method. Sets a file specification identifying a self-describing movie file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_file/ --- ## MovieAnnotation::set_File method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_file/ Sets a file specification identifying a self-describing movie file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::set_File(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::set_File(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_poster/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_poster/ index da7a43f29f..bc3186304f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_poster/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_poster/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Poster second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::set_Poster method. Sets a flag or stream specifying whether and how a poster image representing the movie shall be displayed. If true, the poster image shall be retrieved from the movie file; if it is false, no poster shall be displayed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_poster/ --- ## MovieAnnotation::set_Poster method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_poster/ Sets a flag or stream specifying whether and how a poster image representing the movie shall be displayed. If true, the poster image shall be retrieved from the movie file; if it is false, no poster shall be displayed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::set_Poster(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::set_Poster(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_rotate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_rotate/ index df34e42851..683b4ce9f2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_rotate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_rotate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Rotate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::set_Rotate method. Sets the number of degrees by which the movie shall be rotated clockwise relative to the page. The value shall be a multiple of 90 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_rotate/ --- ## MovieAnnotation::set_Rotate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_rotate/ Sets the number of degrees by which the movie shall be rotated clockwise relative to the page. The value shall be a multiple of 90. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::set_Rotate(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::set_Rotate(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_title/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_title/ index afa768e769..ba00377671 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_title/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_title/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Title second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::set_Title method. Sets the title of the movie annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_title/ --- ## MovieAnnotation::set_Title method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/movieannotation/set_title/ Sets the title of the movie annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::set_Title(System::String value) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::MovieAnnotation::set_Title(System::String value) override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/get_name/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/get_name/ index 3dc07ebab9..5a5f758366 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/get_name/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/get_name/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Name second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedAction::get_Name method. Gets the action to be performed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/get_name/ --- ## NamedAction::get_Name method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/get_name/ Gets the action to be performed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedAction::get_Name() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedAction::get_Name() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/namedaction/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/namedaction/ index 8532657a82..43ea95a71b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/namedaction/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/namedaction/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: NamedAction second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedAction::NamedAction constructor. Constructor for Named Action class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/namedaction/ --- ## NamedAction::NamedAction constructor @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/namedaction/ Constructor for Named Action class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedAction::NamedAction(PredefinedAction action) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedAction::NamedAction(PredefinedAction action) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | action | PredefinedAction | Action for which this object is created. | -## Remarks - - - - - action - - - Action for which this object is created. - - - ## See Also * Enum [PredefinedAction](../../predefinedaction/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/set_name/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/set_name/ index 15956f0fe8..256c2df89e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/set_name/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/set_name/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Name second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedAction::set_Name method. Sets the action to be performed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/set_name/ --- ## NamedAction::set_Name method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/namedaction/set_name/ Sets the action to be performed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedAction::set_Name(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedAction::set_Name(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/nameddestination/get_name/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/nameddestination/get_name/ index 5a549911b8..d1c0aa8c9f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/nameddestination/get_name/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/nameddestination/get_name/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Name second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedDestination::get_Name method. Gets the name of named destination in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/nameddestination/get_name/ --- ## NamedDestination::get_Name method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/nameddestination/get_name/ Gets the name of named destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedDestination::get_Name() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedDestination::get_Name() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/nameddestination/nameddestination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/nameddestination/nameddestination/ index e11cca65e0..7b62b1f668 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/nameddestination/nameddestination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/nameddestination/nameddestination/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: NamedDestination second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedDestination::NamedDestination constructor. Create named destination in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/nameddestination/nameddestination/ --- ## NamedDestination::NamedDestination constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/nameddestination/nameddestination/ Create named destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedDestination::NamedDestination(System::SharedPtr doc, System::String name) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedDestination::NamedDestination(System::SharedPtr doc, System::String name) ``` @@ -21,28 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedDestination::NamedDestinati | --- | --- | --- | | doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where named destination should be created. | | name | System::String | Name to which destination refers. | -## Remarks - - - - - doc - - - - Document where named destination should be created. - - - - - name - - - Name to which destination refers. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/nameddestination/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/nameddestination/tostring/ index ca748f7083..cd0b9556cc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/nameddestination/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/nameddestination/tostring/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/nameddestination/tostring/ Converts destination to string value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedDestination::ToString() const override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::NamedDestination::ToString() const override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/accept/ index ac57875277..bb7256f0b0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PageInformationAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor for annotation processing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/accept/ --- ## PageInformationAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor for annotation processing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PageInformationAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PageInformationAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - - AnnotationSelector object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/get_annotationtype/ index 9fabcde97d..6c56f56e42 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PageInformationAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## PageInformationAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PageInformationAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PageInformationAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/pageinformationannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/pageinformationannotation/ index c85f027857..612ab9fe91 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/pageinformationannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/pageinformationannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PageInformationAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PageInformationAnnotation::PageInformationAnnotation constructor. Initializes a new instance of the PageInformationAnnotation class on the given page in the given location in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/pageinformationannotation/ --- ## PageInformationAnnotation::PageInformationAnnotation constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pageinformationannotation/pageinformationannota Initializes a new instance of the [PageInformationAnnotation](../) class on the given page in the given location. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PageInformationAnnotation::PageInformationAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PageInformationAnnotation::PageInformationAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PageInformationAnnotation::PageI | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page with which the annotation will be associated. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page with which the annotation will be associated. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dactivation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dactivation/ index 19cef717b3..bfd96f4d87 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dactivation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dactivation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PDF3DActivation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DActivation enum. Enum PDF3DActivation: set of 3D annotation activation mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 13500 +weight: 14000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dactivation/ --- ## PDF3DActivation enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/accept/ index cbcac919ae..ea2a77ee1d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor for annotation processing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/accept/ --- ## PDF3DAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor for annotation processing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - - AnnotationSelector object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/clearimagepreview/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/clearimagepreview/ index 1163e53f7d..8f27b2968c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/clearimagepreview/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/clearimagepreview/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ClearImagePreview second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::ClearImagePreview method. Clears the image preview in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/clearimagepreview/ --- ## PDF3DAnnotation::ClearImagePreview method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/clearimagepreview/ Clears the image preview. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::ClearImagePreview() +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::ClearImagePreview() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_annotationtype/ index c64a3cf754..62f8407247 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## PDF3DAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_content/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_content/ index ed3f7768a1..e2ddb7fadc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_content/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_content/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Content second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_Content method. Gets the content in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_content/ --- ## PDF3DAnnotation::get_Content method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_content/ Gets the content. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_Content() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_Content() ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_lightingscheme/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_lightingscheme/ index 13dd25fa85..bab463c43c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_lightingscheme/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_lightingscheme/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_LightingScheme second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_LightingScheme method. Gets the lighting scheme in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_lightingscheme/ --- ## PDF3DAnnotation::get_LightingScheme method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_lightingscheme/ Gets the lighting scheme. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_LightingScheme() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_LightingScheme() ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_pdf3dartwork/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_pdf3dartwork/ index 4029484581..4a8e56342b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_pdf3dartwork/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_pdf3dartwork/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Pdf3DArtwork second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_Pdf3DArtwork method. Gets the 3D Artwork in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_pdf3dartwork/ --- ## PDF3DAnnotation::get_Pdf3DArtwork method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_pdf3dartwork/ Gets the 3D Artwork. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_Pdf3DArtwork() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_Pdf3DArtwork() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_rendermode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_rendermode/ index c1a4e36925..9473d1b71a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_rendermode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_rendermode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_RenderMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_RenderMode method. Gets the render mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_rendermode/ --- ## PDF3DAnnotation::get_RenderMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_rendermode/ Gets the render mode. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_RenderMode() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_RenderMode() ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_viewarray/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_viewarray/ index 952fc13b58..a78ea1aded 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_viewarray/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_viewarray/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ViewArray second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_ViewArray method. Gets the view array in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_viewarray/ --- ## PDF3DAnnotation::get_ViewArray method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/get_viewarray/ Gets the view array. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_ViewArray() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::get_ViewArray() ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/getimagepreview/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/getimagepreview/ index 08f35a59af..eadd4386ec 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/getimagepreview/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/getimagepreview/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetImagePreview second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::GetImagePreview method. Gets the image preview in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/getimagepreview/ --- ## PDF3DAnnotation::GetImagePreview method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/getimagepreview/ Gets the image preview. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::GetImagePreview() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::GetImagePreview() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/pdf3dannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/pdf3dannotation/ index b771667fb9..44f1c961a8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/pdf3dannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/pdf3dannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PDF3DAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::PDF3DAnnotation constructor. Initializes a new instance of the PDF3DAnnotation class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/pdf3dannotation/ --- ## PDF3DAnnotation::PDF3DAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/pdf3dannotation/ Initializes a new instance of the [PDF3DAnnotation](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::PDF3DAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::SharedPtr pdf3DArtwork) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::PDF3DAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::SharedPtr pdf3DArtwork) ``` @@ -22,35 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::PDF3DAnnotation | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The rectangle. | | pdf3DArtwork | System::SharedPtr\ | The 3D Artwork. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page. - - - - - rect - - - The rectangle. - - - - - pdf3DArtwork - - - The 3D Artwork. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) @@ -65,7 +37,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::PDF3DAnnotation Initializes a new instance of the [PDF3DAnnotation](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::PDF3DAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::SharedPtr pdf3DArtwork, PDF3DActivation activation) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::PDF3DAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::SharedPtr pdf3DArtwork, PDF3DActivation activation) ``` @@ -75,52 +47,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::PDF3DAnnotation | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The rectangle. | | pdf3DArtwork | System::SharedPtr\ | The 3D Artwork. | | activation | PDF3DActivation | The activation mode. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page. - - - - - rect - - - The rectangle. - - - - - pdf3DArtwork - - - The 3D Artwork. - - - - - activation - - - The activation mode. - - - - - - Exception - - - 3D Stream is already added to current 3D Artwork - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/set_content/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/set_content/ index 0863c58439..6a055404cb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/set_content/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/set_content/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Content second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::set_Content method. Sets the content in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/set_content/ --- ## PDF3DAnnotation::set_Content method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/set_content/ Sets the content. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::set_Content(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::set_Content(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/setdefaultviewindex/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/setdefaultviewindex/ index 866c6ac5c6..75cb25b128 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/setdefaultviewindex/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/setdefaultviewindex/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetDefaultViewIndex second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::SetDefaultViewIndex method. Sets the index of the default view in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/setdefaultviewindex/ --- ## PDF3DAnnotation::SetDefaultViewIndex method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/setdefaultviewindex/ Sets the index of the default view. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::SetDefaultViewIndex(int32_t index) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::SetDefaultViewIndex(int32_t index) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | index | int32_t | The default view index. | -## Remarks - - - - - index - - - The default view index. - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DAnnotation](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/setimagepreview/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/setimagepreview/ index e6adabd6de..9ed507e966 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/setimagepreview/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/setimagepreview/ @@ -4,66 +4,42 @@ linktitle: SetImagePreview second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::SetImagePreview method. Sets the image preview in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dannotation/setimagepreview/ --- -## PDF3DAnnotation::SetImagePreview(System::String) method +## PDF3DAnnotation::SetImagePreview(System::SharedPtr\) method Sets the image preview. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::SetImagePreview(System::String filename) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::SetImagePreview(System::SharedPtr image) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| filename | System::String | The image preview filename. | -## Remarks - +| image | System::SharedPtr\ | The image stream. | - - - - filename - - - The image preview filename. - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PDF3DAnnotation::SetImagePreview(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PDF3DAnnotation::SetImagePreview(System::String) method Sets the image preview. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::SetImagePreview(System::SharedPtr image) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DAnnotation::SetImagePreview(System::String filename) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| image | System::SharedPtr\ | The image stream. | -## Remarks - +| filename | System::String | The image preview filename. | - - - - image - - - The image stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DAnnotation](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/get_lightingscheme/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/get_lightingscheme/ index 1cf34abe9e..53ed0cb290 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/get_lightingscheme/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/get_lightingscheme/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_LightingScheme second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::get_LightingScheme method. Gets the lighting scheme in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/get_lightingscheme/ --- ## PDF3DArtwork::get_LightingScheme method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/get_lightingscheme/ Gets the lighting scheme. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::get_LightingScheme() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::get_LightingScheme() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/get_rendermode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/get_rendermode/ index eee868417a..84a032e4ff 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/get_rendermode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/get_rendermode/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/get_rendermode/ Gets the render mode. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::get_RenderMode() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::get_RenderMode() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/get_viewarray/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/get_viewarray/ index 8fb027f331..d28096b426 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/get_viewarray/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/get_viewarray/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ViewArray second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::get_ViewArray method. Gets the view array in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/get_viewarray/ --- ## PDF3DArtwork::get_ViewArray method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/get_viewarray/ Gets the view array. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::get_ViewArray() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::get_ViewArray() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/getviewsarray/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/getviewsarray/ index 22dab1bf11..22286b3174 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/getviewsarray/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/getviewsarray/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetViewsArray second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::GetViewsArray method. Gets the views array in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/getviewsarray/ --- ## PDF3DArtwork::GetViewsArray method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/getviewsarray/ Gets the views array. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::GetViewsArray() +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::GetViewsArray() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/getviewslist/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/getviewslist/ index 0889c3cf82..4167ac24be 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/getviewslist/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/getviewslist/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetViewsList second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::GetViewsList method. Get the views as list in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/getviewslist/ --- ## PDF3DArtwork::GetViewsList method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/getviewslist/ Get the views as list. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::GetViewsList() +System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::GetViewsList() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/pdf3dartwork/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/pdf3dartwork/ index 15fe34821f..eb5640da5a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/pdf3dartwork/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/pdf3dartwork/ @@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ linktitle: PDF3DArtwork second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::PDF3DArtwork constructor. Initializes a new instance of the PDF3DArtwork class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/pdf3dartwork/ --- -## PDF3DArtwork::PDF3DArtwork(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PDF3DArtwork::PDF3DArtwork(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [PDF3DArtwork](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::PDF3DArtwork(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr content, System::SharedPtr lightingScheme, System::SharedPtr renderMode) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::PDF3DArtwork(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr content) ``` @@ -21,61 +21,21 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::PDF3DArtwork(Syste | --- | --- | --- | | doc | System::SharedPtr\ | The document. | | content | System::SharedPtr\ | The content. | -| lightingScheme | System::SharedPtr\ | The lighting scheme. | -| renderMode | System::SharedPtr\ | The render mode. | -## Remarks - - - - - doc - - - The document. - - - - - content - - - The content. - - - - - lightingScheme - - - The lighting scheme. - - - - - renderMode - - - The render mode. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PDF3DContent](../../pdf3dcontent/) -* Class [PDF3DLightingScheme](../../pdf3dlightingscheme/) -* Class [PDF3DRenderMode](../../pdf3drendermode/) * Class [PDF3DArtwork](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PDF3DArtwork::PDF3DArtwork(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PDF3DArtwork::PDF3DArtwork(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [PDF3DArtwork](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::PDF3DArtwork(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr content) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::PDF3DArtwork(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr content, System::SharedPtr lightingScheme, System::SharedPtr renderMode) ``` @@ -83,31 +43,15 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::PDF3DArtwork(Syste | --- | --- | --- | | doc | System::SharedPtr\ | The document. | | content | System::SharedPtr\ | The content. | -## Remarks - +| lightingScheme | System::SharedPtr\ | The lighting scheme. | +| renderMode | System::SharedPtr\ | The render mode. | - - - - doc - - - The document. - - - - - content - - - The content. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PDF3DContent](../../pdf3dcontent/) +* Class [PDF3DLightingScheme](../../pdf3dlightingscheme/) +* Class [PDF3DRenderMode](../../pdf3drendermode/) * Class [PDF3DArtwork](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/set_lightingscheme/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/set_lightingscheme/ index c5fe989ae7..cfe539be92 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/set_lightingscheme/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/set_lightingscheme/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_LightingScheme second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::set_LightingScheme method. Sets the lighting scheme in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/set_lightingscheme/ --- ## PDF3DArtwork::set_LightingScheme method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/set_lightingscheme/ Sets the lighting scheme. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::set_LightingScheme(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::set_LightingScheme(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/set_rendermode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/set_rendermode/ index d640e0b8d4..892900e17c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/set_rendermode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/set_rendermode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_RenderMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::set_RenderMode method. Sets the render mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/set_rendermode/ --- ## PDF3DArtwork::set_RenderMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dartwork/set_rendermode/ Sets the render mode. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::set_RenderMode(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DArtwork::set_RenderMode(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/get_extension/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/get_extension/ index 6c473fea2c..6c6dbc89cd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/get_extension/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/get_extension/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Extension second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::get_Extension method. Gets the extension in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/get_extension/ --- ## PDF3DContent::get_Extension method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/get_extension/ Gets the extension . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::get_Extension() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::get_Extension() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/getasbytearray/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/getasbytearray/ index 820d50f8d0..8be7b9f668 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/getasbytearray/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/getasbytearray/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetAsByteArray second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::GetAsByteArray method. Gets 3D content as byte array in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/getasbytearray/ --- ## PDF3DContent::GetAsByteArray method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/getasbytearray/ Gets 3D content as byte array. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::GetAsByteArray() +System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::GetAsByteArray() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/getasstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/getasstream/ index cafa940667..5117da2fbd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/getasstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/getasstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetAsStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::GetAsStream method. Gets 3D content as stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/getasstream/ --- ## PDF3DContent::GetAsStream method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/getasstream/ Gets 3D content as stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::GetAsStream() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::GetAsStream() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/load/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/load/ index 1ed4d3d73b..1d058157a0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/load/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/load/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Load second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::Load method. Loads 3D content with the specified filename in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/load/ --- ## PDF3DContent::Load method @@ -13,35 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/load/ Loads 3D content with the specified filename. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::Load(System::String filename) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::Load(System::String filename) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | filename | System::String | The filename. | -## Remarks - - - - - filename - - - The filename. - - - - - - ArgumentException - - - Unknown 3D content type - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DContent](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/loadasprc/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/loadasprc/ index ec55be4b54..92057ee90f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/loadasprc/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/loadasprc/ @@ -2,37 +2,25 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsPRC method linktitle: LoadAsPRC second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsPRC method. Loads 3D content with the specified filename as PRC format in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsPRC method. Loads 3D content from byte array as PRC format in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/loadasprc/ --- -## PDF3DContent::LoadAsPRC(System::String) method +## PDF3DContent::LoadAsPRC(System::ArrayPtr\) method -Loads 3D content with the specified filename as PRC format. +Loads 3D content from byte array as PRC format. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsPRC(System::String filename) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsPRC(System::ArrayPtr stream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| filename | System::String | The filename. | -## Remarks - - - - - - filename - - - The filename. - - - +| stream | System::ArrayPtr\ | The stream. | + ## See Also * Class [PDF3DContent](../) @@ -44,57 +32,33 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsPRC(Sys Loads 3D content from stream as PRC format. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsPRC(System::SharedPtr stream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsPRC(System::SharedPtr stream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | stream | System::SharedPtr\ | The 3D content stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - - stream - - - The 3D content stream. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PDF3DContent](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PDF3DContent::LoadAsPRC(System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PDF3DContent::LoadAsPRC(System::String) method -Loads 3D content from byte array as PRC format. +Loads 3D content with the specified filename as PRC format. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsPRC(System::ArrayPtr stream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsPRC(System::String filename) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| stream | System::ArrayPtr\ | The stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - - stream - - - The stream. - - - +| filename | System::String | The filename. | + ## See Also * Class [PDF3DContent](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/loadasu3d/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/loadasu3d/ index bbf938e9c3..7427e282bc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/loadasu3d/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/loadasu3d/ @@ -2,37 +2,25 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsU3D method linktitle: LoadAsU3D second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsU3D method. Loads 3D content with the specified filename as U3D format in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsU3D method. Loads 3D content from byte array as U3D format in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/loadasu3d/ --- -## PDF3DContent::LoadAsU3D(System::String) method +## PDF3DContent::LoadAsU3D(System::ArrayPtr\) method -Loads 3D content with the specified filename as U3D format. +Loads 3D content from byte array as U3D format. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsU3D(System::String filename) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsU3D(System::ArrayPtr stream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| filename | System::String | The filename. | -## Remarks - - - - - - filename - - - The filename. - - - +| stream | System::ArrayPtr\ | The stream. | + ## See Also * Class [PDF3DContent](../) @@ -44,57 +32,33 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsU3D(Sys Loads 3D content from stream as U3D format. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsU3D(System::SharedPtr stream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsU3D(System::SharedPtr stream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | stream | System::SharedPtr\ | The 3D content stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - - stream - - - The 3D content stream. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PDF3DContent](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PDF3DContent::LoadAsU3D(System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PDF3DContent::LoadAsU3D(System::String) method -Loads 3D content from byte array as U3D format. +Loads 3D content with the specified filename as U3D format. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsU3D(System::ArrayPtr stream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::LoadAsU3D(System::String filename) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| stream | System::ArrayPtr\ | The stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - - stream - - - The stream. - - - +| filename | System::String | The filename. | + ## See Also * Class [PDF3DContent](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/pdf3dcontent/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/pdf3dcontent/ index 5db776767e..0e3199de83 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/pdf3dcontent/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/pdf3dcontent/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PDF3DContent second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::PDF3DContent constructor. Initializes a new instance of the PDF3DContent class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/pdf3dcontent/ --- ## PDF3DContent::PDF3DContent() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/pdf3dcontent/ Initializes a new instance of the [PDF3DContent](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::PDF3DContent() +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::PDF3DContent() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,35 +27,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::PDF3DContent() Initializes a new instance of the [PDF3DContent](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::PDF3DContent(System::String filename) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::PDF3DContent(System::String filename) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | filename | System::String | The filename. | -## Remarks - - - - - - filename - - - The filename. - - - - - - ArgumentException - - - Unknown 3D Artwork type - - - + ## See Also * Class [PDF3DContent](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/savetofile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/savetofile/ index 3ead564d75..e20423a8d4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/savetofile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/savetofile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SaveToFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::SaveToFile method. Saves 3D content to file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/savetofile/ --- ## PDF3DContent::SaveToFile method @@ -13,35 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcontent/savetofile/ Saves 3D content to file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::SaveToFile(System::String filename) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DContent::SaveToFile(System::String filename) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | filename | System::String | The file name. | -## Remarks - - - - - filename - - - The file name. - - - - - - ArgumentException - - - 3DArtwork content format is PRC or U3D. - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DContent](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_center/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_center/ index 2a31cee971..cf49c11b43 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_center/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_center/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Center second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_Center method. Gets the cross section rotation center in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_center/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSection::get_Center method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_center/ Gets the cross section rotation center. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_Center() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_Center() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplanecolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplanecolor/ index bf68a5ccdb..98adb989df 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplanecolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplanecolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CuttingPlaneColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_CuttingPlaneColor method. Gets the color of the cutting plane in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplanecolor/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSection::get_CuttingPlaneColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplanecolor/ Gets the color of the cutting plane. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_CuttingPlaneColor() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_CuttingPlaneColor() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplaneopacity/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplaneopacity/ index 19631f0c30..21326c57df 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplaneopacity/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplaneopacity/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CuttingPlaneOpacity second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_CuttingPlaneOpacity method. Gets the cutting plane opacity in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplaneopacity/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSection::get_CuttingPlaneOpacity method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplaneopacity/ Gets the cutting plane opacity. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_CuttingPlaneOpacity() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_CuttingPlaneOpacity() const ``` ## Remarks @@ -21,16 +21,6 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_Cu The cutting plane opacity. - - - - Exception - - - The number must be in the range [0 , 1] - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DCrossSection](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplaneorientation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplaneorientation/ index 02bfbaf5e6..a2c4436590 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplaneorientation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplaneorientation/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplaneorientation/ Gets the cutting plane orientation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_CuttingPlaneOrientation() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_CuttingPlaneOrientation() const ``` ## Remarks @@ -21,16 +21,6 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pd The cutting plane orientation. - - - - Exception - - - Only one of the values shall be Null - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation](../../pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplanesintersectioncolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplanesintersectioncolor/ index 12b6d9340e..710b278a39 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplanesintersectioncolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplanesintersectioncolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CuttingPlanesIntersectionColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_CuttingPlanesIntersectionColor method. Gets the color of the cutting planes intersection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplanesintersectioncolor/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSection::get_CuttingPlanesIntersectionColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_cuttingplanesintersection Gets the color of the cutting planes intersection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_CuttingPlanesIntersectionColor() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_CuttingPlanesIntersectionColor() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_visibility/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_visibility/ index 5ed6d55c51..f5a818916c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_visibility/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_visibility/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Visibility second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_Visibility method. Gets a value indicating visibility of the cutting planes intersection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_visibility/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSection::get_Visibility method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/get_visibility/ Gets a value indicating visibility of the cutting planes intersection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_Visibility() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::get_Visibility() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/pdf3dcrosssection/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/pdf3dcrosssection/ index 1131f16552..bf58e2fae6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/pdf3dcrosssection/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/pdf3dcrosssection/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PDF3DCrossSection second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::PDF3DCrossSection constructor. Initializes a new instance of the PDF3DCrossSection class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/pdf3dcrosssection/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSection::PDF3DCrossSection constructor @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/pdf3dcrosssection/ Initializes a new instance of the [PDF3DCrossSection](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::PDF3DCrossSection(System::SharedPtr doc) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::PDF3DCrossSection(System::SharedPtr doc) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | doc | System::SharedPtr\ | The document. | -## Remarks - - - - - doc - - - The document. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_center/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_center/ index b13e7fa53d..19c50ac217 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_center/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_center/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Center second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_Center method. Sets the cross section rotation center in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_center/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSection::set_Center method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_center/ Sets the cross section rotation center. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_Center(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_Center(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplanecolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplanecolor/ index 6d520b4fac..b0c2706a42 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplanecolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplanecolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CuttingPlaneColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_CuttingPlaneColor method. Sets the color of the cutting plane in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplanecolor/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSection::set_CuttingPlaneColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplanecolor/ Sets the color of the cutting plane. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_CuttingPlaneColor(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_CuttingPlaneColor(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplaneopacity/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplaneopacity/ index 0cc6b9dabc..89432ccc2f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplaneopacity/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplaneopacity/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CuttingPlaneOpacity second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_CuttingPlaneOpacity method. Sets the cutting plane opacity in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplaneopacity/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSection::set_CuttingPlaneOpacity method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplaneopacity/ Sets the cutting plane opacity. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_CuttingPlaneOpacity(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_CuttingPlaneOpacity(double value) ``` ## Remarks @@ -21,16 +21,6 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_Cutt The cutting plane opacity. - - - - Exception - - - The number must be in the range [0 , 1] - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DCrossSection](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplaneorientation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplaneorientation/ index 9879aa8d71..f40cd22f8f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplaneorientation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplaneorientation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CuttingPlaneOrientation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_CuttingPlaneOrientation method. Sets the cutting plane orientation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplaneorientation/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSection::set_CuttingPlaneOrientation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplaneorientation/ Sets the cutting plane orientation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_CuttingPlaneOrientation(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_CuttingPlaneOrientation(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## Remarks @@ -21,16 +21,6 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_Cutt The cutting plane orientation. - - - - Exception - - - Only one of the values shall be Null - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation](../../pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplanesintersectioncolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplanesintersectioncolor/ index 9dddd3972c..98d2be9dee 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplanesintersectioncolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplanesintersectioncolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CuttingPlanesIntersectionColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_CuttingPlanesIntersectionColor method. Sets the color of the cutting planes intersection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplanesintersectioncolor/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSection::set_CuttingPlanesIntersectionColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_cuttingplanesintersection Sets the color of the cutting planes intersection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_CuttingPlanesIntersectionColor(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_CuttingPlanesIntersectionColor(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_visibility/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_visibility/ index c3dbfec319..68ce5b0640 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_visibility/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_visibility/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Visibility second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_Visibility method. Sets a value indicating visibility of the cutting planes intersection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_visibility/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSection::set_Visibility method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssection/set_visibility/ Sets a value indicating visibility of the cutting planes intersection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_Visibility(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSection::set_Visibility(bool value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/add/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/add/ index bc743b810d..76ab6aef3f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/add/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/add/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Add second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::Add method. Adds the specified cross section to views array in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/add/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSectionArray::Add method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/add/ Adds the specified cross section to views array . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::Add(System::SharedPtr crossSection) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::Add(System::SharedPtr crossSection) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | crossSection | System::SharedPtr\ | The cross section. | -## Remarks - - - - - crossSection - - - The cross section. - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DCrossSection](../../pdf3dcrosssection/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/get_count/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/get_count/ index ce66b98465..1081fa3169 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/get_count/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/get_count/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Count second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::get_Count method. Gets the cross section count in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/get_count/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSectionArray::get_Count method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/get_count/ Gets the cross section count. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::get_Count() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::get_Count() ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/idx_get/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/idx_get/ index 5cb237d47c..ef81dcfc4d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/idx_get/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/idx_get/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: idx_get second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::idx_get method. Gets the PDF3DCrossSection at the specified index in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/idx_get/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSectionArray::idx_get method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/idx_get/ Gets the [PDF3DCrossSection](../../pdf3dcrosssection/) at the specified index. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::idx_get(int32_t index) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::idx_get(int32_t index) ``` @@ -24,28 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotati ### ReturnValue Cross section. -## Remarks - - - - - - index - - - The index. - - - - - - IndexOutOfRangeException - - - Invalid index: index should be in the range [1..n] where n equals to the cross sections count. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PDF3DCrossSection](../../pdf3dcrosssection/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/idx_set/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/idx_set/ index 95227d352b..0e681dc258 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/idx_set/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/idx_set/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: idx_set second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::idx_set method. Sets the PDF3DCrossSection at the specified index in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/idx_set/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSectionArray::idx_set method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/idx_set/ Sets the [PDF3DCrossSection](../../pdf3dcrosssection/) at the specified index. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::idx_set(int32_t index, System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::idx_set(int32_t index, System::SharedPtr value) ``` @@ -21,36 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::idx | --- | --- | --- | | index | int32_t | The index. | | value | System::SharedPtr\ | Cross section. | -## Remarks - - - - - index - - - The index. - - - - - value - - - Cross section. - - - - - - IndexOutOfRangeException - - - Invalid index: index should be in the range [1..n] where n equals to the cross sections count. - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DCrossSection](../../pdf3dcrosssection/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/ index c4401c9517..eb7f8ee723 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PDF3DCrossSectionArray second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::PDF3DCrossSectionArray constructor. Initializes a new instance of the PDF3DCrossSectionArray class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSectionArray::PDF3DCrossSectionArray constructor @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/ Initializes a new instance of the [PDF3DCrossSectionArray](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::PDF3DCrossSectionArray(System::SharedPtr doc) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::PDF3DCrossSectionArray(System::SharedPtr doc) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | doc | System::SharedPtr\ | The document. | -## Remarks - - - - - doc - - - The document. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/removeall/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/removeall/ index 8bc9635880..3f9615c263 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/removeall/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/removeall/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RemoveAll second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::RemoveAll method. Removes all cross section from array in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/removeall/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSectionArray::RemoveAll method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/removeall/ Removes all cross section from array. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::RemoveAll() +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::RemoveAll() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/removeat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/removeat/ index 177fe22ae6..00582279cd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/removeat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/removeat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RemoveAt second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::RemoveAt method. Removes cross section from array at specified index in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/removeat/ --- ## PDF3DCrossSectionArray::RemoveAt method @@ -13,35 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcrosssectionarray/removeat/ Removes cross section from array at specified index. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::RemoveAt(int32_t index) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCrossSectionArray::RemoveAt(int32_t index) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | index | int32_t | The index of removed cross section in array. | -## Remarks - - - - - index - - - The index of removed cross section in array. - - - - - - IndexOutOfRangeException - - - Invalid index: index should be in the range [1..n] where n equals to the cross sections count. - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DCrossSectionArray](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/get_anglex/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/get_anglex/ index 192308ddfc..8c9dcd32e7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/get_anglex/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/get_anglex/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AngleX second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::get_AngleX method. Gets the angle to X axis in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/get_anglex/ --- ## PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::get_AngleX method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/get_anglex/ Gets the angle to X axis. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Nullable Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::get_AngleX() const +System::Nullable Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::get_AngleX() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/get_angley/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/get_angley/ index 186cfbee49..d9a90e2d08 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/get_angley/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/get_angley/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/get_angley/ Gets the angle to Y axis. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Nullable Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::get_AngleY() const +System::Nullable Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::get_AngleY() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/get_anglez/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/get_anglez/ index 9194aebfd9..cb444a6a13 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/get_anglez/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/get_anglez/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AngleZ second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::get_AngleZ method. Gets the angle to Z axis in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/get_anglez/ --- ## PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::get_AngleZ method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/get_anglez/ Gets the angle to Z axis. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Nullable Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::get_AngleZ() const +System::Nullable Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::get_AngleZ() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/ index 90f9e88926..364952974d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation constructor. Initializes a new instance of the PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/ --- ## PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/pdf3dcuttingplaneo Initializes a new instance of the [PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation() +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::PD Initializes a new instance of the [PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation(System::Nullable angleX, System::Nullable angleY, System::Nullable angleZ) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation(System::Nullable angleX, System::Nullable angleY, System::Nullable angleZ) ``` @@ -36,35 +36,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::PD | angleX | System::Nullable\ | The angle x. | | angleY | System::Nullable\ | The angle y. | | angleZ | System::Nullable\ | The angle z. | -## Remarks - - - - - angleX - - - The angle x. - - - - - angleY - - - The angle y. - - - - - angleZ - - - The angle z. - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_anglex/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_anglex/ index e9b19f521f..1ef143dc18 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_anglex/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_anglex/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AngleX second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::set_AngleX method. Sets the angle to X axis in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_anglex/ --- ## PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::set_AngleX method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_anglex/ Sets the angle to X axis. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::set_AngleX(System::Nullable value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::set_AngleX(System::Nullable value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_angley/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_angley/ index c756dc6f8b..739107d788 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_angley/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_angley/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AngleY second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::set_AngleY method. Sets the angle to Y axis in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_angley/ --- ## PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::set_AngleY method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_angley/ Sets the angle to Y axis. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::set_AngleY(System::Nullable value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::set_AngleY(System::Nullable value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_anglez/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_anglez/ index f16ae0b07d..96c5fa0d45 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_anglez/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_anglez/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AngleZ second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::set_AngleZ method. Sets the angle to Z axis in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_anglez/ --- ## PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::set_AngleZ method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/set_anglez/ Sets the angle to Z axis. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::set_AngleZ(System::Nullable value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::set_AngleZ(System::Nullable value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/tostring/ index df4002fafc..1ae3d5ebcc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/tostring/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dcuttingplaneorientation/tostring/ Returns a **System::String** that represents this instance. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::ToString() const override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DCuttingPlaneOrientation::ToString() const override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/artwork/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/artwork/ index cac09c735e..37d6603ecb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/artwork/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/artwork/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/artwork/ The "Artwork" lighting scheme. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Artwork +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Artwork ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/blue/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/blue/ index da635ffe20..4797f03d1b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/blue/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/blue/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Blue second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Blue field. The "Blue" lighting scheme in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/blue/ --- ## Blue field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/blue/ The "Blue" lighting scheme. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Blue +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Blue ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/cad/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/cad/ index 327a52129e..e6e075a1a5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/cad/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/cad/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CAD second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::CAD field. The "Cad" lighting scheme in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/cad/ --- ## CAD field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/cad/ The "Cad" lighting scheme. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::CAD +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::CAD ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/cube/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/cube/ index 8d1593b156..3a2ae47b76 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/cube/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/cube/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Cube second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Cube field. The "Cube" lighting scheme in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/cube/ --- ## Cube field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/cube/ The "Cube" lighting scheme. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Cube +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Cube ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/day/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/day/ index b9048df888..bae93bd0ff 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/day/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/day/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Day second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Day field. The "Day" lighting scheme in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/day/ --- ## Day field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/day/ The "Day" lighting scheme. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Day +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Day ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/get_type/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/get_type/ index 912310be83..4b12e183df 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/get_type/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/get_type/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Type second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::get_Type method. Gets the lighting scheme type in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/get_type/ --- ## PDF3DLightingScheme::get_Type method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/get_type/ Gets the lighting scheme type. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API LightingSchemeType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::get_Type() const +LightingSchemeType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::get_Type() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/hard/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/hard/ index 1a0d74ce92..d80013e644 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/hard/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/hard/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/hard/ The "Hard" lighting scheme. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Hard +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Hard ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/headlamp/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/headlamp/ index ff39302d0b..a586c20dcf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/headlamp/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/headlamp/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Headlamp second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Headlamp field. The "Headlamp" lighting scheme in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/headlamp/ --- ## Headlamp field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/headlamp/ The "Headlamp" lighting scheme. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Headlamp +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Headlamp ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/night/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/night/ index 7c4d3e80d1..8fc7c5ed21 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/night/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/night/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Night second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Night field. The "Night" lighting scheme in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/night/ --- ## Night field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/night/ The "Night" lighting scheme. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Night +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Night ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/none/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/none/ index a0d9d2e36c..c915b3ab7f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/none/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/none/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: None second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::None field. The "None" lighting scheme in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/none/ --- ## None field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/none/ The "None" lighting scheme. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::None +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::None ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/pdf3dlightingscheme/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/pdf3dlightingscheme/ index 4dfbe047b3..35655d6e67 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/pdf3dlightingscheme/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/pdf3dlightingscheme/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PDF3DLightingScheme second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::PDF3DLightingScheme constructor. Initializes a new instance of the PDF3DLightingScheme class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/pdf3dlightingscheme/ --- ## PDF3DLightingScheme::PDF3DLightingScheme(LightingSchemeType) constructor @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/pdf3dlightingscheme/ Initializes a new instance of the [PDF3DLightingScheme](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::PDF3DLightingScheme(LightingSchemeType type) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::PDF3DLightingScheme(LightingSchemeType type) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | type | LightingSchemeType | The lighting scheme type. | -## Remarks - - - - - type - - - The lighting scheme type. - - - ## See Also * Enum [LightingSchemeType](../../lightingschemetype/) @@ -45,35 +33,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::PDF3DLighti Initializes a new instance of the [PDF3DLightingScheme](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::PDF3DLightingScheme(System::String typeName) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::PDF3DLightingScheme(System::String typeName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | typeName | System::String | Name of the lighting scheme type. | -## Remarks - - - - - typeName - - - Name of the lighting scheme type. - - - - - - ArgumentException - - - Unknown lighting scheme type argument - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DLightingScheme](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/primary/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/primary/ index 877b52d21b..090fb51bba 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/primary/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/primary/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Primary second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Primary field. The "Primary" lighting scheme in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/primary/ --- ## Primary field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/primary/ The "Primary" lighting scheme. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Primary +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Primary ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/red/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/red/ index ad84107f95..7194521194 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/red/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/red/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Red second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Red field. The "Red" lighting scheme in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/red/ --- ## Red field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/red/ The "Red" lighting scheme. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Red +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::Red ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/white/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/white/ index d127968fc5..d7553abe2e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/white/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/white/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: White second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::White field. The "White" lighting scheme in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/white/ --- ## White field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dlightingscheme/white/ The "White" lighting scheme. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::White +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DLightingScheme::White ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/boundingbox/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/boundingbox/ index 2cacbc9006..71ef6f751a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/boundingbox/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/boundingbox/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BoundingBox second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::BoundingBox field. The "BoundingBox" render mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/boundingbox/ --- ## BoundingBox field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/boundingbox/ The "BoundingBox" render mode. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::BoundingBox +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::BoundingBox ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/get_type/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/get_type/ index 1920f7c619..792cf7936c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/get_type/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/get_type/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Type second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::get_Type method. Gets the type in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/get_type/ --- ## PDF3DRenderMode::get_Type method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/get_type/ Gets the type. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API RenderModeType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::get_Type() const +RenderModeType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::get_Type() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getauxiliarycolour/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getauxiliarycolour/ index 84bcb5e480..71342b8397 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getauxiliarycolour/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getauxiliarycolour/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getauxiliarycolour/ Gets the auxiliary colour. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::GetAuxiliaryColour() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::GetAuxiliaryColour() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getcreasevalue/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getcreasevalue/ index 156f9564e8..9f752616f6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getcreasevalue/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getcreasevalue/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetCreaseValue second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::GetCreaseValue method. Gets the crease value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getcreasevalue/ --- ## PDF3DRenderMode::GetCreaseValue method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getcreasevalue/ Gets the crease value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::GetCreaseValue() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::GetCreaseValue() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getfacecolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getfacecolor/ index 155d99d7b7..07ae840859 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getfacecolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getfacecolor/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getfacecolor/ Gets the color of the face. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::GetFaceColor() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::GetFaceColor() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getopacity/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getopacity/ index 76a128c628..2ed4a3ec1b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getopacity/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getopacity/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetOpacity second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::GetOpacity method. Gets the opacity in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getopacity/ --- ## PDF3DRenderMode::GetOpacity method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/getopacity/ Gets the opacity. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::GetOpacity() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::GetOpacity() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/illustration/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/illustration/ index 60b1a1244e..c3f74e63cb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/illustration/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/illustration/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Illustration second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::Illustration field. The "Illustration" render mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/illustration/ --- ## Illustration field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/illustration/ The "Illustration" render mode. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::Illustration +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::Illustration ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/pdf3drendermode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/pdf3drendermode/ index f32deffc89..dec84f6382 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/pdf3drendermode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/pdf3drendermode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PDF3DRenderMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::PDF3DRenderMode constructor. Initializes a new instance of the PDF3DRenderMode class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/pdf3drendermode/ --- ## PDF3DRenderMode::PDF3DRenderMode(RenderModeType) constructor @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/pdf3drendermode/ Initializes a new instance of the [PDF3DRenderMode](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::PDF3DRenderMode(RenderModeType subtype) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::PDF3DRenderMode(RenderModeType subtype) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | subtype | RenderModeType | The render mode type. | -## Remarks - - - - - subtype - - - The render mode type. - - - ## See Also * Enum [RenderModeType](../../rendermodetype/) @@ -45,35 +33,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::PDF3DRenderMode Initializes a new instance of the [PDF3DRenderMode](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::PDF3DRenderMode(System::String typeName) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::PDF3DRenderMode(System::String typeName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | typeName | System::String | Name of the type. | -## Remarks - - - - - typeName - - - Name of the type. - - - - - - ArgumentException - - - Unknown a render mode type argument - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DRenderMode](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setauxiliarycolour/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setauxiliarycolour/ index 5212e6cb41..ee0908bc6e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setauxiliarycolour/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setauxiliarycolour/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetAuxiliaryColour second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SetAuxiliaryColour method. Sets the auxiliary colour in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setauxiliarycolour/ --- ## PDF3DRenderMode::SetAuxiliaryColour method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setauxiliarycolour/ Sets the auxiliary colour. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SetAuxiliaryColour(System::SharedPtr color) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SetAuxiliaryColour(System::SharedPtr color) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotation ### ReturnValue [PDF3DRenderMode](../). -## Remarks - - - - - - color - - - The color. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PDF3DRenderMode](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setcreasevalue/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setcreasevalue/ index 8adb80edd5..6b072a2f29 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setcreasevalue/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setcreasevalue/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetCreaseValue second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SetCreaseValue method. Sets the crease value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setcreasevalue/ --- ## PDF3DRenderMode::SetCreaseValue method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setcreasevalue/ Sets the crease value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SetCreaseValue(double creaseValue) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SetCreaseValue(double creaseValue) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotation ### ReturnValue [PDF3DRenderMode](../). -## Remarks - - - - - - creaseValue - - - The crease value. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PDF3DRenderMode](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setfacecolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setfacecolor/ index 805f649fcf..214403fb96 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setfacecolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setfacecolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetFaceColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SetFaceColor method. Sets the color of the face in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setfacecolor/ --- ## PDF3DRenderMode::SetFaceColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setfacecolor/ Sets the color of the face. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SetFaceColor(System::SharedPtr color) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SetFaceColor(System::SharedPtr color) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotation ### ReturnValue [PDF3DRenderMode](../). -## Remarks - - - - - - color - - - The color. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PDF3DRenderMode](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setopacity/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setopacity/ index 307f01110d..d3c6643acd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setopacity/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setopacity/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetOpacity second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SetOpacity method. Sets the opacity in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setopacity/ --- ## PDF3DRenderMode::SetOpacity method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/setopacity/ Sets the opacity. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SetOpacity(double opacity) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SetOpacity(double opacity) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotation ### ReturnValue [PDF3DRenderMode](../). -## Remarks - - - - - - opacity - - - The opacity. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PDF3DRenderMode](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedillustration/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedillustration/ index 6a4747ec52..608d58b8a1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedillustration/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedillustration/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ShadedIllustration second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::ShadedIllustration field. The "ShadedIllustration" render mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedillustration/ --- ## ShadedIllustration field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedillustration/ The "ShadedIllustration" render mode. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::ShadedIllustration +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::ShadedIllustration ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedvertices/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedvertices/ index 4dcf701d52..53026917d3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedvertices/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedvertices/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ShadedVertices second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::ShadedVertices field. The "ShadedVertices" render mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedvertices/ --- ## ShadedVertices field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedvertices/ The "ShadedVertices" render mode. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::ShadedVertices +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::ShadedVertices ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedwireframe/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedwireframe/ index a68b0d355b..ea1b880c8d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedwireframe/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedwireframe/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ShadedWireframe second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::ShadedWireframe field. The "ShadedWireFrame" render mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedwireframe/ --- ## ShadedWireframe field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/shadedwireframe/ The "ShadedWireFrame" render mode. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::ShadedWireframe +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::ShadedWireframe ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solid/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solid/ index 72f52b3bf6..7720c959f7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solid/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solid/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Solid second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::Solid field. The "Solid" render mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solid/ --- ## Solid field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solid/ The "Solid" render mode. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::Solid +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::Solid ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solidoutline/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solidoutline/ index cbf87b80c4..6d4cf82688 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solidoutline/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solidoutline/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SolidOutline second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SolidOutline field. The "SolidOutline" render mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solidoutline/ --- ## SolidOutline field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solidoutline/ The "SolidOutline" render mode. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SolidOutline +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SolidOutline ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solidwireframe/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solidwireframe/ index 12ac1551b3..1be0b19b17 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solidwireframe/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solidwireframe/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SolidWireframe second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SolidWireframe field. The "SolidWireFrame" render mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solidwireframe/ --- ## SolidWireframe field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/solidwireframe/ The "SolidWireFrame" render mode. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SolidWireframe +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::SolidWireframe ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparent/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparent/ index bd013a1974..391620ccf6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparent/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparent/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Transparent second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::Transparent field. The "Transparent" render mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparent/ --- ## Transparent field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparent/ The "Transparent" render mode. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::Transparent +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::Transparent ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentboundingbox/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentboundingbox/ index 495ea507d3..b1ce287b6d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentboundingbox/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentboundingbox/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TransparentBoundingBox second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::TransparentBoundingBox field. The "TransparentBoundingBox" render mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentboundingbox/ --- ## TransparentBoundingBox field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentboundingbox/ The "TransparentBoundingBox" render mode. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::TransparentBoundingBox +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::TransparentBoundingBox ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentboundingboxoutline/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentboundingboxoutline/ index 848d2b273d..7c8db09efe 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentboundingboxoutline/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentboundingboxoutline/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TransparentBoundingBoxOutline second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::TransparentBoundingBoxOutline field. The "TransparentBoundingBoxOutline" render mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentboundingboxoutline/ --- ## TransparentBoundingBoxOutline field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentboundingboxoutline/ The "TransparentBoundingBoxOutline" render mode. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::TransparentBoundingBoxOutline +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::TransparentBoundingBoxOutline ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentwareframe/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentwareframe/ index 5fcfef071a..58ab072864 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentwareframe/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentwareframe/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TransparentWareFrame second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::TransparentWareFrame field. The "TransparentWareFrame" render mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentwareframe/ --- ## TransparentWareFrame field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/transparentwareframe/ The "TransparentWareFrame" render mode. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::TransparentWareFrame +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::TransparentWareFrame ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/vertices/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/vertices/ index 67356e6ac2..951702dbfb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/vertices/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/vertices/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Vertices second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::Vertices field. The "Vertices" render mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/vertices/ --- ## Vertices field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/vertices/ The "Vertices" render mode. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::Vertices +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::Vertices ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/wireframe/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/wireframe/ index 7dac13a10b..87d7917c40 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/wireframe/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/wireframe/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Wireframe second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::Wireframe field. The "WireFrame" render mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/wireframe/ --- ## Wireframe field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3drendermode/wireframe/ The "WireFrame" render mode. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::Wireframe +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DRenderMode::Wireframe ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/get_content/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/get_content/ index 2d7052828a..576f997867 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/get_content/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/get_content/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Content second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DStream::get_Content method. Gets the content in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/get_content/ --- ## PDF3DStream::get_Content method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/get_content/ Gets the content. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DStream::get_Content() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DStream::get_Content() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/pdf3dstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/pdf3dstream/ index 9da917a5f8..4951c2ee2c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/pdf3dstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/pdf3dstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PDF3DStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DStream::PDF3DStream constructor. Initializes a new instance of the PDF3DStream class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/pdf3dstream/ --- ## PDF3DStream::PDF3DStream constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/pdf3dstream/ Initializes a new instance of the [PDF3DStream](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DStream::PDF3DStream(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr pdf3DArtwork) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DStream::PDF3DStream(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr pdf3DArtwork) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DStream::PDF3DStream(System: | --- | --- | --- | | doc | System::SharedPtr\ | The document. | | pdf3DArtwork | System::SharedPtr\ | The 3D Artwork. | -## Remarks - - - - - doc - - - The document. - - - - - pdf3DArtwork - - - The 3D Artwork. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/set_content/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/set_content/ index 2225ad9f2b..7b2e66450d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/set_content/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/set_content/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Content second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DStream::set_Content method. Sets the content in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/set_content/ --- ## PDF3DStream::set_Content method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dstream/set_content/ Sets the content. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DStream::set_Content(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DStream::set_Content(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_backgroundcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_backgroundcolor/ index bb4f3036b7..7020ea5df1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_backgroundcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_backgroundcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_BackGroundColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_BackGroundColor method. Gets the color of the back ground of view in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_backgroundcolor/ --- ## PDF3DView::get_BackGroundColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_backgroundcolor/ Gets the color of the back ground of view. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_BackGroundColor() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_BackGroundColor() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_cameraorbit/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_cameraorbit/ index dcc65472e5..303b9ee15e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_cameraorbit/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_cameraorbit/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CameraOrbit second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_CameraOrbit method. Gets the camera orbit of view in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_cameraorbit/ --- ## PDF3DView::get_CameraOrbit method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_cameraorbit/ Gets the camera orbit of view. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_CameraOrbit() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_CameraOrbit() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_cameraposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_cameraposition/ index e0cf2e0b07..cb0b003d41 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_cameraposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_cameraposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CameraPosition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_CameraPosition method. Gets the camera position of view in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_cameraposition/ --- ## PDF3DView::get_CameraPosition method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_cameraposition/ Gets the camera position of view. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_CameraPosition() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_CameraPosition() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_crosssectionsarray/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_crosssectionsarray/ index 920bedaa23..5f5b30e7e1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_crosssectionsarray/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_crosssectionsarray/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_crosssectionsarray/ Gets the cross sections array of view. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_CrossSectionsArray() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_CrossSectionsArray() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_lightingscheme/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_lightingscheme/ index f36ea22ddb..37883d5cce 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_lightingscheme/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_lightingscheme/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_LightingScheme second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_LightingScheme method. Gets the lighting scheme of view in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_lightingscheme/ --- ## PDF3DView::get_LightingScheme method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_lightingscheme/ Gets the lighting scheme of view. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_LightingScheme() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_LightingScheme() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_rendermode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_rendermode/ index 1da32b8f69..42d0684502 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_rendermode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_rendermode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_RenderMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_RenderMode method. Gets the render mode of view in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_rendermode/ --- ## PDF3DView::get_RenderMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_rendermode/ Gets the render mode of view. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_RenderMode() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_RenderMode() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_viewname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_viewname/ index d38efe7798..8b2017a9cd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_viewname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_viewname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ViewName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_ViewName method. Gets the name of the view in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_viewname/ --- ## PDF3DView::get_ViewName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/get_viewname/ Gets the name of the view. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_ViewName() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::get_ViewName() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/pdf3dview/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/pdf3dview/ index 476ecde8fe..a2e9d6c25c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/pdf3dview/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/pdf3dview/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PDF3DView second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::PDF3DView constructor. Initializes a new instance of the PDF3DView class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/pdf3dview/ --- ## PDF3DView::PDF3DView(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, double, System::String) constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/pdf3dview/ Initializes a new instance of the [PDF3DView](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::PDF3DView(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr cameraPosition, double cameraOrbit, System::String viewName) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::PDF3DView(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr cameraPosition, double cameraOrbit, System::String viewName) ``` @@ -23,43 +23,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::PDF3DView(System::Sha | cameraPosition | System::SharedPtr\ | The camera position. | | cameraOrbit | double | The camera orbit. | | viewName | System::String | Name of the view. | -## Remarks - - - - - doc - - - The document. - - - - - cameraPosition - - - The camera position. - - - - - cameraOrbit - - - The camera orbit. - - - - - viewName - - - Name of the view. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) @@ -73,7 +37,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::PDF3DView(System::Sha Initializes a new instance of the [PDF3DView](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::PDF3DView(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr view, System::String viewName) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::PDF3DView(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr view, System::String viewName) ``` @@ -82,35 +46,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::PDF3DView(System::Sha | doc | System::SharedPtr\ | The document. | | view | System::SharedPtr\ | The view. | | viewName | System::String | Name of the view. | -## Remarks - - - - - doc - - - The document. - - - - - view - - - The view. - - - - - viewName - - - Name of the view. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_backgroundcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_backgroundcolor/ index 560ee46317..8749fbe7af 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_backgroundcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_backgroundcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_BackGroundColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_BackGroundColor method. Sets the color of the back ground of view in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_backgroundcolor/ --- ## PDF3DView::set_BackGroundColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_backgroundcolor/ Sets the color of the back ground of view. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_BackGroundColor(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_BackGroundColor(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_cameraorbit/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_cameraorbit/ index 860275de7b..cde66e6915 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_cameraorbit/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_cameraorbit/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CameraOrbit second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_CameraOrbit method. Sets the camera orbit of view in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_cameraorbit/ --- ## PDF3DView::set_CameraOrbit method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_cameraorbit/ Sets the camera orbit of view. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_CameraOrbit(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_CameraOrbit(double value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_cameraposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_cameraposition/ index 86da60bf25..17d2041ec8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_cameraposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_cameraposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CameraPosition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_CameraPosition method. Sets the camera position of view in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_cameraposition/ --- ## PDF3DView::set_CameraPosition method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_cameraposition/ Sets the camera position of view. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_CameraPosition(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_CameraPosition(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_lightingscheme/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_lightingscheme/ index f56d2ef193..205f194150 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_lightingscheme/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_lightingscheme/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_LightingScheme second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_LightingScheme method. Sets the lighting scheme of view in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_lightingscheme/ --- ## PDF3DView::set_LightingScheme method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_lightingscheme/ Sets the lighting scheme of view. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_LightingScheme(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_LightingScheme(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_rendermode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_rendermode/ index 1ec2a24d9c..7395dc1d97 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_rendermode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_rendermode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_RenderMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_RenderMode method. Sets the render mode of view in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_rendermode/ --- ## PDF3DView::set_RenderMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_rendermode/ Sets the render mode of view. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_RenderMode(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_RenderMode(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_viewname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_viewname/ index d9da15fec0..9574eb5bec 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_viewname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_viewname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ViewName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_ViewName method. Sets the name of the view in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_viewname/ --- ## PDF3DView::set_ViewName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dview/set_viewname/ Sets the name of the view. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_ViewName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DView::set_ViewName(System::String value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/add/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/add/ index f6b766f565..5b9259e15e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/add/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/add/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Add second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::Add method. Adds the specified view in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/add/ --- ## PDF3DViewArray::Add method @@ -13,35 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/add/ Adds the specified view. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::Add(System::SharedPtr view) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::Add(System::SharedPtr view) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | view | System::SharedPtr\ | The view. | -## Remarks - - - - - view - - - The view. - - - - - - ArgumentException - - - Only one entry of 3D view is allowed - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DView](../../pdf3dview/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/get_count/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/get_count/ index 4fe8eac20d..bd648b9bdc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/get_count/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/get_count/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Count second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::get_Count method. Gets the views count in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/get_count/ --- ## PDF3DViewArray::get_Count method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/get_count/ Gets the views count. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::get_Count() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::get_Count() ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/idx_get/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/idx_get/ index ab7355e40b..8ca4ef08b2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/idx_get/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/idx_get/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: idx_get second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::idx_get method. Gets the PDF3DView to view array at the specified index in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/idx_get/ --- ## PDF3DViewArray::idx_get method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/idx_get/ Gets the [PDF3DView](../../pdf3dview/) to view array at the specified index. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::idx_get(int32_t index) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::idx_get(int32_t index) ``` @@ -24,28 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF ### ReturnValue [PDF3DView](../../pdf3dview/). -## Remarks - - - - - - index - - - The index. - - - - - - IndexOutOfRangeException - - - Invalid index: index should be in the range [1..n] where n equals to the views count. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PDF3DView](../../pdf3dview/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/idx_set/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/idx_set/ index 052104c3b1..4f7259f4d2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/idx_set/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/idx_set/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: idx_set second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::idx_set method. Sets the PDF3DView to view array at the specified index in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/idx_set/ --- ## PDF3DViewArray::idx_set method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/idx_set/ Sets the [PDF3DView](../../pdf3dview/) to view array at the specified index. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::idx_set(int32_t index, System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::idx_set(int32_t index, System::SharedPtr value) ``` @@ -21,37 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::idx_set(int | --- | --- | --- | | index | int32_t | The index. | | value | System::SharedPtr\ | [PDF3DView](../../pdf3dview/). | -## Remarks - - - - - index - - - The index. - - - - - value - - - - PDF3DView. - - - - - - IndexOutOfRangeException - - - Invalid index: index should be in the range [1..n] where n equals to the views count. - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DView](../../pdf3dview/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/removeall/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/removeall/ index a539b752b3..b2bf120095 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/removeall/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/removeall/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RemoveAll second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::RemoveAll method. Removes all views in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/removeall/ --- ## PDF3DViewArray::RemoveAll method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/removeall/ Removes all views. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::RemoveAll() +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::RemoveAll() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/removeat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/removeat/ index de256c95db..2fd3c84ee0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/removeat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/removeat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RemoveAt second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::RemoveAt method. Removes view from views array at specified index in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/removeat/ --- ## PDF3DViewArray::RemoveAt method @@ -13,35 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdf3dviewarray/removeat/ Removes view from views array at specified index. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::RemoveAt(int32_t index) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PDF3DViewArray::RemoveAt(int32_t index) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | index | int32_t | The view index. | -## Remarks - - - - - index - - - The view index. - - - - - - IndexOutOfRangeException - - - Invalid index: index should be in the range [1..n] where n equals to the views count. - - - ## See Also * Class [PDF3DViewArray](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfaction/get_next/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfaction/get_next/ index 988ca98153..5d1ae8be5b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfaction/get_next/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfaction/get_next/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfaction/get_next/ Next actions in sequence. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfAction::get_Next() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfAction::get_Next() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfaction/getecmascriptstring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfaction/getecmascriptstring/ index 441a7bf58e..f5039ea461 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfaction/getecmascriptstring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfaction/getecmascriptstring/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfaction/getecmascriptstring/ Gets string for ECMAScript Action. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfAction::GetECMAScriptString() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfAction::GetECMAScriptString() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfaction/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfaction/tostring/ index 4d9d9e8c01..cd1ff24eee 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfaction/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfaction/tostring/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfaction/tostring/ Returns string representation of [ExplicitDestination](../../explicitdestination/) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfAction::ToString() const override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfAction::ToString() const override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/add/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/add/ index e8c437b3b9..7d05130086 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/add/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/add/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Add second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfActionCollection::Add method. Add action to action list in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/add/ --- ## PdfActionCollection::Add method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/add/ Add action to action list. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfActionCollection::Add(System::SharedPtr action) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfActionCollection::Add(System::SharedPtr action) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | action | System::SharedPtr\ | Action to be added. | -## Remarks - - - - - action - - - Action to be added. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfAction](../../pdfaction/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/delete/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/delete/ index c58481e615..9bb5e46fe6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/delete/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/delete/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Delete second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfActionCollection::Delete method. Remove action by index in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/delete/ --- ## PdfActionCollection::Delete method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/delete/ Remove action by index. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfActionCollection::Delete(int32_t index) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfActionCollection::Delete(int32_t index) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | index | int32_t | Index of action to remove. | -## Remarks - - - - - index - - - Index of action to remove. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfActionCollection](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/get_count/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/get_count/ index 0c39045aa8..3b3efac9ff 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/get_count/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/get_count/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Count second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfActionCollection::get_Count method. Gets count of actions in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/get_count/ --- ## PdfActionCollection::get_Count method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/get_count/ Gets count of actions. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfActionCollection::get_Count() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfActionCollection::get_Count() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/getenumerator/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/getenumerator/ index 3e244dd21d..27cf1830a8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/getenumerator/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/getenumerator/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetEnumerator second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfActionCollection::GetEnumerator method. Gets enumerator in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/getenumerator/ --- ## PdfActionCollection::GetEnumerator method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/getenumerator/ Gets enumerator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfActionCollection::GetEnumerator() override +System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfActionCollection::GetEnumerator() override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/idx_get/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/idx_get/ index 0ad17f5f81..ddcdc575e6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/idx_get/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/idx_get/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: idx_get second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfActionCollection::idx_get method. Gets action by its index in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/idx_get/ --- ## PdfActionCollection::idx_get method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/pdfactioncollection/idx_get/ Gets action by its index. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfActionCollection::idx_get(int32_t index) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PdfActionCollection::idx_get(int32_t index) ``` @@ -23,20 +23,8 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Pdf ### ReturnValue -Action index if found; otherwise, throws -## Remarks +Action index if found; otherwise, throws IndexOutOfRangeException - - - - - index - - - Action index value. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfAction](../../pdfaction/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/changeafterresize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/changeafterresize/ index 2e17ebcef5..87e7bbc175 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/changeafterresize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/changeafterresize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ChangeAfterResize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize method. Updates the points in Vertices, according to the matrix transform in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/changeafterresize/ --- ## PolyAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/changeafterresize/ Updates the points in Vertices, according to the matrix transform. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize(System::SharedPtr transform) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize(System::SharedPtr transform) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | transform | System::SharedPtr\ | [Matrix](../../../aspose.pdf/matrix/) specifying the transformation. | -## Remarks - - - - - transform - - - - Matrix specifying the transformation. - - - ## See Also * Class [Matrix](../../../aspose.pdf/matrix/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_endingstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_endingstyle/ index 78194987f4..01b541233c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_endingstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_endingstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_EndingStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_EndingStyle method. Gets the style of second line ending in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_endingstyle/ --- ## PolyAnnotation::get_EndingStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_endingstyle/ Gets the style of second line ending. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API LineEnding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_EndingStyle() +LineEnding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_EndingStyle() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_intent/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_intent/ index 5ba232d931..48900d1aac 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_intent/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_intent/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Intent second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_Intent method. Gets the intent of the polygon or polyline annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_intent/ --- ## PolyAnnotation::get_Intent method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_intent/ Gets the intent of the polygon or polyline annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API PolyIntent Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_Intent() +PolyIntent Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_Intent() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_interiorcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_interiorcolor/ index 799794328a..6ce1819943 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_interiorcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_interiorcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_InteriorColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_InteriorColor method. Gets the interior color with which to fill the annotation''s line endings in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_interiorcolor/ --- ## PolyAnnotation::get_InteriorColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_interiorcolor/ Gets the interior color with which to fill the annotation's line endings. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_InteriorColor() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_InteriorColor() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_measure/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_measure/ index 3bd3afdbfb..4afc35d0b2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_measure/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_measure/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Measure second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_Measure method. Measure units specifed for this annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_measure/ --- ## PolyAnnotation::get_Measure method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_measure/ [Measure](../../measure/) units specifed for this annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_Measure() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_Measure() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_startingstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_startingstyle/ index fe6e28cc8a..cd3c215ffa 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_startingstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_startingstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_StartingStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_StartingStyle method. Gets the style of first line ending in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_startingstyle/ --- ## PolyAnnotation::get_StartingStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_startingstyle/ Gets the style of first line ending. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API LineEnding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_StartingStyle() +LineEnding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_StartingStyle() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_vertices/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_vertices/ index 6247d91db0..f4c5a3d472 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_vertices/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_vertices/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Vertices second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_Vertices method. Gets an array of points representing the horizontal and vertical coordinates of each vertex in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_vertices/ --- ## PolyAnnotation::get_Vertices method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/get_vertices/ Gets an array of points representing the horizontal and vertical coordinates of each vertex. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_Vertices() +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::get_Vertices() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_endingstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_endingstyle/ index 5babf50973..abc65a7c06 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_endingstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_endingstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_EndingStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_EndingStyle method. Sets the style of second line ending in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_endingstyle/ --- ## PolyAnnotation::set_EndingStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_endingstyle/ Sets the style of second line ending. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_EndingStyle(LineEnding value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_EndingStyle(LineEnding value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_intent/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_intent/ index b0b0b90f8b..07e43b4ed2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_intent/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_intent/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Intent second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_Intent method. Sets the intent of the polygon or polyline annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_intent/ --- ## PolyAnnotation::set_Intent method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_intent/ Sets the intent of the polygon or polyline annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_Intent(PolyIntent value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_Intent(PolyIntent value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_interiorcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_interiorcolor/ index b1253272c4..c93f43ddce 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_interiorcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_interiorcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_InteriorColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_InteriorColor method. Sets the interior color with which to fill the annotation''s line endings in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_interiorcolor/ --- ## PolyAnnotation::set_InteriorColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_interiorcolor/ Sets the interior color with which to fill the annotation's line endings. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_InteriorColor(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_InteriorColor(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_measure/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_measure/ index 57886c6333..03f64ebd5a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_measure/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_measure/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Measure second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_Measure method. Measure units specifed for this annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_measure/ --- ## PolyAnnotation::set_Measure method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_measure/ [Measure](../../measure/) units specifed for this annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_Measure(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_Measure(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_startingstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_startingstyle/ index 274b2731cf..fa81eea46a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_startingstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_startingstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_StartingStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_StartingStyle method. Sets the style of first line ending in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_startingstyle/ --- ## PolyAnnotation::set_StartingStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_startingstyle/ Sets the style of first line ending. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_StartingStyle(LineEnding value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_StartingStyle(LineEnding value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_vertices/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_vertices/ index 0953cae60a..6bb98dc945 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_vertices/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_vertices/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Vertices second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_Vertices method. Sets an array of points representing the horizontal and vertical coordinates of each vertex in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_vertices/ --- ## PolyAnnotation::set_Vertices method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyannotation/set_vertices/ Sets an array of points representing the horizontal and vertical coordinates of each vertex. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_Vertices(System::ArrayPtr> value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyAnnotation::set_Vertices(System::ArrayPtr> value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polygonannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polygonannotation/accept/ index b7f12a0d46..3f64d1f933 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polygonannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polygonannotation/accept/ @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polygonannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object for annotation processing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolygonAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolygonAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polygonannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polygonannotation/get_annotationtype/ index 358b240139..902e2ab98f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polygonannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polygonannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolygonAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polygonannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## PolygonAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polygonannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolygonAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolygonAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polygonannotation/polygonannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polygonannotation/polygonannotation/ index 5a0ec8d8c1..041fb1eab8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polygonannotation/polygonannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polygonannotation/polygonannotation/ @@ -2,102 +2,53 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolygonAnnotation::PolygonAnnotation constructor linktitle: PolygonAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolygonAnnotation::PolygonAnnotation constructor. Constructor for using with Generator in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolygonAnnotation::PolygonAnnotation constructor. Creates new Polygon annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polygonannotation/polygonannotation/ --- -## PolygonAnnotation::PolygonAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\\>) constructor +## PolygonAnnotation::PolygonAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\\>) constructor -Constructor for using with Generator. +Creates new Polygon annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolygonAnnotation::PolygonAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document, System::ArrayPtr> vertices) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolygonAnnotation::PolygonAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::ArrayPtr> vertices) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where annotation will be added. | -| vertices | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of points. | -## Remarks - +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | +| vertices | System::ArrayPtr\\> | An array of polygon vertices points. | - - - - document - - - - Document where annotation will be added. - - - - - vertices - - - Array of points. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [Point](../../../aspose.pdf/point/) * Class [PolygonAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PolygonAnnotation::PolygonAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\\>) constructor +## PolygonAnnotation::PolygonAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\\>) constructor -Creates new Polygon annotation on the specified page. +Constructor for using with Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolygonAnnotation::PolygonAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::ArrayPtr> vertices) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolygonAnnotation::PolygonAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document, System::ArrayPtr> vertices) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | -| vertices | System::ArrayPtr\\> | An array of polygon vertices points. | -## Remarks - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where annotation will be added. | +| vertices | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of points. | - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - vertices - - - An array of polygon vertices points. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) -* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [Point](../../../aspose.pdf/point/) * Class [PolygonAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintent/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintent/ index 9448d8e28d..d922c006aa 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintent/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintent/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PolyIntent second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyIntent enum. Enumerates the intents of the polygon or polyline annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 13800 +weight: 14100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintent/ --- ## PolyIntent enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/toenum/ index 1a1e30da87..f854cbf7ac 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyIntentConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/toenum/ --- ## PolyIntentConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API PolyIntent Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyIntentConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static PolyIntent Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyIntentConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/tostring/ index 8543b6a77b..7a63bdcca2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyIntentConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/tostring/ --- ## PolyIntentConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyIntentConverter::ToString(PolyIntent value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyIntentConverter::ToString(PolyIntent value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ index 25cfe16983..f1defb4926 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToXfdfString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToXfdfString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyIntentConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ --- ## PolyIntentConverter::ToXfdfString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polyintentconverter/toxfdfstring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyIntentConverter::ToXfdfString(PolyIntent value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolyIntentConverter::ToXfdfString(PolyIntent value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polylineannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polylineannotation/accept/ index 5596295df1..e7db617a53 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polylineannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polylineannotation/accept/ @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polylineannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolylineAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolylineAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polylineannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polylineannotation/get_annotationtype/ index 35115e5bcf..56dc6f1c18 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polylineannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polylineannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolylineAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polylineannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## PolylineAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polylineannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolylineAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolylineAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polylineannotation/polylineannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polylineannotation/polylineannotation/ index e766685e5f..74c475b644 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polylineannotation/polylineannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polylineannotation/polylineannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PolylineAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolylineAnnotation::PolylineAnnotation constructor. Creates new Polyline annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polylineannotation/polylineannotation/ --- ## PolylineAnnotation::PolylineAnnotation constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/polylineannotation/polylineannotation/ Creates new Polyline annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolylineAnnotation::PolylineAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::ArrayPtr> vertices) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolylineAnnotation::PolylineAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::ArrayPtr> vertices) ``` @@ -22,35 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PolylineAnnotation::PolylineAnno | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | | vertices | System::ArrayPtr\\> | An array of polygon vertices points. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - vertices - - - An array of polygon vertices points. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/accept/ index 599be78d5e..1b187d4440 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/accept/ --- ## PopupAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_annotationtype/ index c451310d2d..e3afe5d87c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## PopupAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_open/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_open/ index 9675c8934e..79a1532dd2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_open/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_open/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Open second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::get_Open method. Gets a flag specifying whether the pop-up annotation should initially be displayed open in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_open/ --- ## PopupAnnotation::get_Open method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_open/ Gets a flag specifying whether the pop-up annotation should initially be displayed open. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::get_Open() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::get_Open() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_parent/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_parent/ index 3e8bd5a4b8..f111848692 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_parent/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_parent/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Parent second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::get_Parent method. Gets the parent annotation with which this pop-up annotation shall be associated. If this entry is present, the parent annotation''s Contents, M, C, and T entries shall override those of the pop-up annotation itself in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_parent/ --- ## PopupAnnotation::get_Parent method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/get_parent/ Gets the parent annotation with which this pop-up annotation shall be associated. If this entry is present, the parent annotation's Contents, M, C, and T entries shall override those of the pop-up annotation itself. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::get_Parent() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::get_Parent() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/popupannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/popupannotation/ index 843b726809..ac902384eb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/popupannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/popupannotation/ @@ -2,83 +2,50 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::PopupAnnotation constructor linktitle: PopupAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::PopupAnnotation constructor. Constructor. for using in Generator in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::PopupAnnotation constructor. Creates new Popup annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/popupannotation/ --- -## PopupAnnotation::PopupAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PopupAnnotation::PopupAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor. for using in Generator. +Creates new Popup annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::PopupAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::PopupAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where new popup annotation will be created. | -## Remarks - +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | - - - - document - - - - Document where new popup annotation will be created. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [PopupAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PopupAnnotation::PopupAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PopupAnnotation::PopupAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Creates new Popup annotation on the specified page. +Constructor. for using in Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::PopupAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::PopupAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | -## Remarks - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where new popup annotation will be created. | - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) -* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PopupAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/set_open/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/set_open/ index 13ca159a7e..898fcd36ac 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/set_open/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/set_open/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Open second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::set_Open method. Sets a flag specifying whether the pop-up annotation should initially be displayed open in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/set_open/ --- ## PopupAnnotation::set_Open method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/set_open/ Sets a flag specifying whether the pop-up annotation should initially be displayed open. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::set_Open(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::set_Open(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/set_parent/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/set_parent/ index 6fead07468..be2556ed35 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/set_parent/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/set_parent/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Parent second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::set_Parent method. Sets the parent annotation with which this pop-up annotation shall be associated. If this entry is present, the parent annotation''s Contents, M, C, and T entries shall override those of the pop-up annotation itself in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/set_parent/ --- ## PopupAnnotation::set_Parent method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/popupannotation/set_parent/ Sets the parent annotation with which this pop-up annotation shall be associated. If this entry is present, the parent annotation's Contents, M, C, and T entries shall override those of the pop-up annotation itself. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::set_Parent(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation::set_Parent(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/predefinedaction/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/predefinedaction/ index ac6d73b80c..cca3aed379 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/predefinedaction/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/predefinedaction/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PredefinedAction second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PredefinedAction enum. Defines different actions which can be triggered from a PDF file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 15500 +weight: 14200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/predefinedaction/ --- ## PredefinedAction enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/predefinedactionconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/predefinedactionconverter/tostring/ index e1d950bbca..3f3eab955a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/predefinedactionconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/predefinedactionconverter/tostring/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/predefinedactionconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PredefinedActionConverter::ToString(PredefinedAction value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PredefinedActionConverter::ToString(PredefinedAction value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkannotation/addprintermarks/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkannotation/addprintermarks/ index 6306d11e51..4a25978e87 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkannotation/addprintermarks/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkannotation/addprintermarks/ @@ -2,113 +2,59 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PrinterMarkAnnotation::AddPrinterMarks method linktitle: AddPrinterMarks second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PrinterMarkAnnotation::AddPrinterMarks method. Adds printer''s marks to all pages in the specified document in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PrinterMarkAnnotation::AddPrinterMarks method. Adds printer''s marks to the specified page in C++.' type: docs weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkannotation/addprintermarks/ --- -## PrinterMarkAnnotation::AddPrinterMarks(System::SharedPtr\, PrinterMarksKind) method +## PrinterMarkAnnotation::AddPrinterMarks(System::SharedPtr\, PrinterMarksKind) method -Adds printer's marks to all pages in the specified document. +Adds printer's marks to the specified page. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PrinterMarkAnnotation::AddPrinterMarks(System::SharedPtr document, PrinterMarksKind marksKind) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PrinterMarkAnnotation::AddPrinterMarks(System::SharedPtr page, PrinterMarksKind marksKind) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The document to which the printer's marks will be added. | +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page to which the printer's marks will be added. | | marksKind | PrinterMarksKind | The kind of printer's marks to add. | ## Remarks - - - - document - - - The document to which the printer's marks will be added. - - - - - marksKind - - - The kind of printer's marks to add. - - - - - - ArgumentNullException - - - Thrown when the document is null. - - - This method adds various types of printer's marks based on the provided [PrinterMarksKind](../../printermarkskind/) flags. If [PrinterMarksKind::None](../../printermarkskind/) is provided, no marks are added. ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Enum [PrinterMarksKind](../../printermarkskind/) * Class [PrinterMarkAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PrinterMarkAnnotation::AddPrinterMarks(System::SharedPtr\, PrinterMarksKind) method +## PrinterMarkAnnotation::AddPrinterMarks(System::SharedPtr\, PrinterMarksKind) method -Adds printer's marks to the specified page. +Adds printer's marks to all pages in the specified document. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PrinterMarkAnnotation::AddPrinterMarks(System::SharedPtr page, PrinterMarksKind marksKind) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PrinterMarkAnnotation::AddPrinterMarks(System::SharedPtr document, PrinterMarksKind marksKind) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page to which the printer's marks will be added. | +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The document to which the printer's marks will be added. | | marksKind | PrinterMarksKind | The kind of printer's marks to add. | ## Remarks - - - - page - - - The page to which the printer's marks will be added. - - - - - marksKind - - - The kind of printer's marks to add. - - - - - - ArgumentNullException - - - Thrown when the page is null. - - - This method adds various types of printer's marks based on the provided [PrinterMarksKind](../../printermarkskind/) flags. If [PrinterMarksKind::None](../../printermarkskind/) is provided, no marks are added. ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Enum [PrinterMarksKind](../../printermarkskind/) * Class [PrinterMarkAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkcornerposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkcornerposition/ index efc254b068..180a81b52c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkcornerposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkcornerposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PrinterMarkCornerPosition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PrinterMarkCornerPosition enum. Represents a position of a mark in a corner of a page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 13900 +weight: 14300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkcornerposition/ --- ## PrinterMarkCornerPosition enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarksideposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarksideposition/ index 5cfeb497dd..85adbba7f0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarksideposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarksideposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PrinterMarkSidePosition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PrinterMarkSidePosition enum. Represents a position of a registration mark on a page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 14000 +weight: 14400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarksideposition/ --- ## PrinterMarkSidePosition enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkskind/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkskind/ index 443f294630..ef625764ef 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkskind/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkskind/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PrinterMarksKind second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PrinterMarksKind enum. Specifies the types of printer''s marks to be added to a document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 14100 +weight: 14500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkskind/ --- ## PrinterMarksKind enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkskindextensions/hasflagfast/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkskindextensions/hasflagfast/ index 195df32f35..008a296cff 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkskindextensions/hasflagfast/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkskindextensions/hasflagfast/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/printermarkskindextensions/hasflagfast/ Determines whether the current value includes a specified flag. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PrinterMarksKindExtensions::HasFlagFast(PrinterMarksKind value, PrinterMarksKind flag) +static bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PrinterMarksKindExtensions::HasFlagFast(PrinterMarksKind value, PrinterMarksKind flag) ``` @@ -28,24 +28,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PrinterMarksKindExte ## Remarks - - - - value - - - The current value of the PrinterMarksKind enumeration. - - - - - flag - - - The flag to check. - - - + if the flag is included in the current value; otherwise, **false** . diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/accept/ index 17aa724d5e..0cb354d5a6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/accept/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_annotationtype/ index 076a506854..fff58d1d98 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_bordercolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_bordercolor/ index c269d84657..03c9822e87 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_bordercolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_bordercolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_BorderColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_BorderColor method. Gets color of border which is drawn when redaction is not active in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_bordercolor/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::get_BorderColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_bordercolor/ Gets color of border which is drawn when redaction is not active. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_BorderColor() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_BorderColor() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_defaultappearance/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_defaultappearance/ index 752c58c58e..b3930b425d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_defaultappearance/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_defaultappearance/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DefaultAppearance second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_DefaultAppearance method. Gets the default appearance string to be used in formatting the text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_defaultappearance/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::get_DefaultAppearance method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_defaultappearance/ Gets the default appearance string to be used in formatting the text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_DefaultAppearance() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_DefaultAppearance() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_fillcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_fillcolor/ index ac2a72b67d..9163d817fa 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_fillcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_fillcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_FillColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_FillColor method. Gets color to fill annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_fillcolor/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::get_FillColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_fillcolor/ Gets color to fill annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_FillColor() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_FillColor() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_fontsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_fontsize/ index 85db018a3d..2afddcb200 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_fontsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_fontsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_FontSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_FontSize method. Gets font size for OverlayText in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_fontsize/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::get_FontSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_fontsize/ Gets font size for OverlayText. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_FontSize() const +float Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_FontSize() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_overlaytext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_overlaytext/ index 03b74240f9..d082eeccd4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_overlaytext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_overlaytext/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OverlayText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_OverlayText method. Gets text to print on redact annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_overlaytext/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::get_OverlayText method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_overlaytext/ Gets text to print on redact annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_OverlayText() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_OverlayText() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_quadpoint/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_quadpoint/ index 0284bc0b1b..29a4d49147 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_quadpoint/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_quadpoint/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_QuadPoint second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_QuadPoint method. An array of 8xN numbers specifying the coordinates of content region that is intended to be removed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_quadpoint/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::get_QuadPoint method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_quadpoint/ An array of 8xN numbers specifying the coordinates of content region that is intended to be removed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_QuadPoint() +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_QuadPoint() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_repeat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_repeat/ index bc71319961..b8c03b303c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_repeat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_repeat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Repeat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_Repeat method. If true overlay text will be repated on the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_repeat/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::get_Repeat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_repeat/ If true overlay text will be repated on the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_Repeat() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_Repeat() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_textalignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_textalignment/ index 2364e85a8f..0ea3c93259 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_textalignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_textalignment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TextAlignment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_TextAlignment method. Gets. Alignment of Overlay Text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_textalignment/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::get_TextAlignment method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/get_textalignment/ Gets. Alignment of Overlay [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_TextAlignment() +Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::get_TextAlignment() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/redact/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/redact/ index da5cb9819c..8679ba22cb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/redact/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/redact/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Redact second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::Redact method. Flattens annotation and redacts page contents (i.e. removes text and image under redacted annotation) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/redact/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::Redact method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/redact/ Flattens annotation and redacts page contents (i.e. removes text and image under redacted annotation) ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::Redact() +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::Redact() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/redactionannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/redactionannotation/ index f1d8e79671..28ab020857 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/redactionannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/redactionannotation/ @@ -2,85 +2,50 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::RedactionAnnotation constructor linktitle: RedactionAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::RedactionAnnotation constructor. Constructor for RedactionAnnotation. For using in Generator in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::RedactionAnnotation constructor. Constructor for RedactAnnotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/redactionannotation/ --- -## RedactionAnnotation::RedactionAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## RedactionAnnotation::RedactionAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor for [RedactionAnnotation](../). For using in Generator. +Constructor for RedactAnnotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::RedactionAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::RedactionAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where new annotation will be created. | -## Remarks - +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) where annotation will be placed. | +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Annotation](../../annotation/) position on the page. | - - - - document - - - - Document where new annotation will be created. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [RedactionAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## RedactionAnnotation::RedactionAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## RedactionAnnotation::RedactionAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor for RedactAnnotation. +Constructor for [RedactionAnnotation](../). For using in Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::RedactionAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::RedactionAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) where annotation will be placed. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Annotation](../../annotation/) position on the page. | -## Remarks - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where new annotation will be created. | - - - - page - - - - Page where annotation will be placed. - - - - - rect - - - - Annotation position on the page. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) -* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [RedactionAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_bordercolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_bordercolor/ index af27e6b6cd..5bb943e901 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_bordercolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_bordercolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_BorderColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_BorderColor method. Sets color of border which is drawn when redaction is not active in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_bordercolor/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::set_BorderColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_bordercolor/ Sets color of border which is drawn when redaction is not active. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_BorderColor(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_BorderColor(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_defaultappearance/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_defaultappearance/ index b92999508a..8e28c97d94 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_defaultappearance/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_defaultappearance/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_DefaultAppearance second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_DefaultAppearance method. Sets the default appearance string to be used in formatting the text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_defaultappearance/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::set_DefaultAppearance method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_defaultappearance/ Sets the default appearance string to be used in formatting the text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_DefaultAppearance(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_DefaultAppearance(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_fillcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_fillcolor/ index 26dae230ad..9caa0229e8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_fillcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_fillcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_FillColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_FillColor method. Sets color to fill annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_fillcolor/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::set_FillColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_fillcolor/ Sets color to fill annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_FillColor(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_FillColor(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_fontsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_fontsize/ index 0eacce7f3b..84acd688f1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_fontsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_fontsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_FontSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_FontSize method. Sets font size for OverlayText in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_fontsize/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::set_FontSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_fontsize/ Sets font size for OverlayText. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_FontSize(float value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_FontSize(float value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_overlaytext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_overlaytext/ index 516db05949..7cfe858dbf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_overlaytext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_overlaytext/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OverlayText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_OverlayText method. Sets text to print on redact annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_overlaytext/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::set_OverlayText method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_overlaytext/ Sets text to print on redact annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_OverlayText(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_OverlayText(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_quadpoint/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_quadpoint/ index d6a439ffa1..b8f9c828bc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_quadpoint/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_quadpoint/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_QuadPoint second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_QuadPoint method. An array of 8xN numbers specifying the coordinates of content region that is intended to be removed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_quadpoint/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::set_QuadPoint method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_quadpoint/ An array of 8xN numbers specifying the coordinates of content region that is intended to be removed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_QuadPoint(System::ArrayPtr> value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_QuadPoint(System::ArrayPtr> value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_repeat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_repeat/ index 7051520d2e..a8c0ef42e4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_repeat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_repeat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Repeat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_Repeat method. If true overlay text will be repated on the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_repeat/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::set_Repeat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_repeat/ If true overlay text will be repated on the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_Repeat(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_Repeat(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_textalignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_textalignment/ index b6569c6182..cd0587ba05 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_textalignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_textalignment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TextAlignment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_TextAlignment method. Sets. Alignment of Overlay Text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_textalignment/ --- ## RedactionAnnotation::set_TextAlignment method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/redactionannotation/set_textalignment/ Sets. Alignment of Overlay [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_TextAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RedactionAnnotation::set_TextAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/accept/ index 8bacf6712f..088411fabf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor for annotation processing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/accept/ --- ## RegistrationMarkAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor for annotation processing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - - AnnotationSelector object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ index fa415b57e5..a859d6d6df 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/get_position/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/get_position/ index 9940810688..459d350d06 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/get_position/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/get_position/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Position second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation::get_Position method. Gets the position of the registration mark on a page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/get_position/ --- ## RegistrationMarkAnnotation::get_Position method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/get_position/ Gets the position of the registration mark on a page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API PrinterMarkSidePosition Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation::get_Position() const +PrinterMarkSidePosition Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation::get_Position() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/registrationmarkannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/registrationmarkannotation/ index 15185e507b..295b1594db 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/registrationmarkannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/registrationmarkannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RegistrationMarkAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation::RegistrationMarkAnnotation constructor. Initializes a new instance of the RegistrationMarkAnnotation class on the given page in the given location in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/registrationmarkannotation/ --- ## RegistrationMarkAnnotation::RegistrationMarkAnnotation constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/registrationmarkanno Initializes a new instance of the [RegistrationMarkAnnotation](../) class on the given page in the given location. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation::RegistrationMarkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, PrinterMarkSidePosition position) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation::RegistrationMarkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, PrinterMarkSidePosition position) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation::Regi | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page with which the annotation will be associated. | | position | PrinterMarkSidePosition | Position of the annotation on the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page with which the annotation will be associated. - - - - - position - - - Position of the annotation on the page. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/set_position/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/set_position/ index ae89519fb6..1b9d0665aa 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/set_position/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/set_position/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Position second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation::set_Position method. Sets the position of the registration mark on a page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/set_position/ --- ## RegistrationMarkAnnotation::set_Position method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/registrationmarkannotation/set_position/ Sets the position of the registration mark on a page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation::set_Position(PrinterMarkSidePosition value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RegistrationMarkAnnotation::set_Position(PrinterMarkSidePosition value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendermodetype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendermodetype/ index a900385533..5a54f45b39 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendermodetype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendermodetype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RenderModeType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenderModeType enum. Enum RenderModeType: set of render mode types in C++.' type: docs -weight: 13700 +weight: 14600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendermodetype/ --- ## RenderModeType enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendition/get_name/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendition/get_name/ index f68f19bd03..c822f30f86 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendition/get_name/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendition/get_name/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendition/get_name/ [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) string specifying the name of the rendition for use in a user interface and for name tree lookup by JavaScript actions. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Rendition::get_Name() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Rendition::get_Name() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendition/get_renditiontype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendition/get_renditiontype/ index 375e6eebb4..5006766858 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendition/get_renditiontype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendition/get_renditiontype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_RenditionType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Rendition::get_RenditionType method. Gets rendition type in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendition/get_renditiontype/ --- ## Rendition::get_RenditionType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendition/get_renditiontype/ Gets rendition type. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Rendition::get_RenditionType() +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Rendition::get_RenditionType() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendition/set_name/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendition/set_name/ index c2f4e1e2fb..c89a31a083 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendition/set_name/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendition/set_name/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Name second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Rendition::set_Name method. Text string specifying the name of the rendition for use in a user interface and for name tree lookup by JavaScript actions in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendition/set_name/ --- ## Rendition::set_Name method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/rendition/set_name/ [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) string specifying the name of the rendition for use in a user interface and for name tree lookup by JavaScript actions. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Rendition::set_Name(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::Rendition::set_Name(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_javascript/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_javascript/ index fbc1ae7146..3cd58a9a25 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_javascript/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_javascript/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_JavaScript second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionAction::get_JavaScript method. Gets JavaScript code associated with the action in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_javascript/ --- ## RenditionAction::get_JavaScript method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_javascript/ Gets JavaScript code associated with the action. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionAction::get_JavaScript() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionAction::get_JavaScript() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_rendition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_rendition/ index 96ac0cd2f8..d554919a89 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_rendition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_rendition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Rendition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionAction::get_Rendition method. Gets rendition associated with the action in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_rendition/ --- ## RenditionAction::get_Rendition method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_rendition/ Gets rendition associated with the action. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionAction::get_Rendition() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionAction::get_Rendition() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_renditionoperation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_renditionoperation/ index ecda50970a..a67c9f9e9a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_renditionoperation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_renditionoperation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_RenditionOperation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionAction::get_RenditionOperation method. The operation to perform when the action is triggered in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_renditionoperation/ --- ## RenditionAction::get_RenditionOperation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/get_renditionoperation/ The operation to perform when the action is triggered. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionOperation Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionAction::get_RenditionOperation() +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionOperation Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionAction::get_RenditionOperation() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/set_javascript/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/set_javascript/ index d65acb6a0b..b71202f4d3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/set_javascript/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/set_javascript/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_JavaScript second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionAction::set_JavaScript method. Sets JavaScript code associated with the action in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/set_javascript/ --- ## RenditionAction::set_JavaScript method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/set_javascript/ Sets JavaScript code associated with the action. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionAction::set_JavaScript(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionAction::set_JavaScript(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/set_renditionoperation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/set_renditionoperation/ index a9143a4145..ead31a130d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/set_renditionoperation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/set_renditionoperation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_RenditionOperation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionAction::set_RenditionOperation method. The operation to perform when the action is triggered in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/set_renditionoperation/ --- ## RenditionAction::set_RenditionOperation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionaction/set_renditionoperation/ The operation to perform when the action is triggered. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionAction::set_RenditionOperation(Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionOperation value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionAction::set_RenditionOperation(Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionOperation value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionoperation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionoperation/ index f3beadb175..b20387ba37 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionoperation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionoperation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RenditionOperation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionOperation enum. The operation to perform when the action is triggered in C++.' type: docs -weight: 14200 +weight: 14700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditionoperation/ --- ## RenditionOperation enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditiontype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditiontype/ index 6aec8a55fd..b4af6d453a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditiontype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditiontype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RenditionType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RenditionType enum. Enumeration describes possible types of Rendition in C++.' type: docs -weight: 14300 +weight: 14800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/renditiontype/ --- ## RenditionType enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytype/ index b581f124a8..7ef9085b8c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ReplyType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ReplyType enum. Enumerates the kinds of the relationships (the "reply type") between the annotation and one specified by InReplyTo in C++.' type: docs -weight: 14400 +weight: 14900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytype/ --- ## ReplyType enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/toenum/ index 19d7ea0a30..2c41dec9c8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ReplyTypeConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/toenum/ --- ## ReplyTypeConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API ReplyType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ReplyTypeConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static ReplyType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ReplyTypeConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/tostring/ index e4c83a8b17..aa9262bf6d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ReplyTypeConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/tostring/ --- ## ReplyTypeConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ReplyTypeConverter::ToString(ReplyType value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ReplyTypeConverter::ToString(ReplyType value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/toxfdfstring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/toxfdfstring/ index b4d4e903ef..86c6ab6ded 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/toxfdfstring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/toxfdfstring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToXfdfString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToXfdfString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ReplyTypeConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/toxfdfstring/ --- ## ReplyTypeConverter::ToXfdfString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/replytypeconverter/toxfdfstring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ReplyTypeConverter::ToXfdfString(ReplyType value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ReplyTypeConverter::ToXfdfString(ReplyType value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/accept/ index 1ee439a1a9..c72ba93ddb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor for this annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/accept/ --- ## RichMediaAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor for this annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor instance. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor instance. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/addcustomdata/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/addcustomdata/ index b1816cbeb8..c4bde785e3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/addcustomdata/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/addcustomdata/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddCustomData second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::AddCustomData method. Add custom named data (for example required for flash script) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/addcustomdata/ --- ## RichMediaAnnotation::AddCustomData method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/addcustomdata/ Add custom named data (for example required for flash script). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::AddCustomData(System::String name, System::SharedPtr data) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::AddCustomData(System::String name, System::SharedPtr data) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::AddCus | --- | --- | --- | | name | System::String | Name of the data. | | data | System::SharedPtr\ | Data. | -## Remarks - - - - - name - - - Name of the data. - - - - - data - - - Data. - - - ## See Also * Class [RichMediaAnnotation](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_activateon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_activateon/ index 7679a885af..eaa269340c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_activateon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_activateon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ActivateOn second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::get_ActivateOn method. Event which activates application in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_activateon/ --- ## RichMediaAnnotation::get_ActivateOn method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_activateon/ Event which activates application. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API RichMediaAnnotation::ActivationEvent Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::get_ActivateOn() +RichMediaAnnotation::ActivationEvent Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::get_ActivateOn() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_annotationtype/ index eb1e20ad6a..9884add045 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## RichMediaAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_content/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_content/ index 0dad4356f9..e5317ab5e1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_content/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_content/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_content/ Data of the Rich Media content. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::get_Content() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::get_Content() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_customflashvariables/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_customflashvariables/ index 1d511a6497..6841645ab3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_customflashvariables/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_customflashvariables/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CustomFlashVariables second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::get_CustomFlashVariables method. Sets or gets flash variables which passed to player in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_customflashvariables/ --- ## RichMediaAnnotation::get_CustomFlashVariables method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_customflashvariables/ Sets or gets flash variables which passed to player. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::get_CustomFlashVariables() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::get_CustomFlashVariables() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_customplayer/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_customplayer/ index 709a357548..17e9d74587 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_customplayer/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_customplayer/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CustomPlayer second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::get_CustomPlayer method. Sets or gets custom flash player to play video/audio data in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_customplayer/ --- ## RichMediaAnnotation::get_CustomPlayer method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_customplayer/ Sets or gets custom flash player to play video/audio data. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::get_CustomPlayer() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::get_CustomPlayer() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_type/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_type/ index 3d2732b866..c9c525c929 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_type/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_type/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Type second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::get_Type method. Gets type of content. Possible values: Audio, Video in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_type/ --- ## RichMediaAnnotation::get_Type method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/get_type/ Gets type of content. Possible values: Audio, Video. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API RichMediaAnnotation::ContentType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::get_Type() +RichMediaAnnotation::ContentType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::get_Type() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/richmediaannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/richmediaannotation/ index e6646113fd..5e146d0863 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/richmediaannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/richmediaannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RichMediaAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::RichMediaAnnotation constructor. Initializes RichMediaAnnotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/richmediaannotation/ --- ## RichMediaAnnotation::RichMediaAnnotation constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/richmediaannotation/ Initializes [RichMediaAnnotation](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::RichMediaAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::RichMediaAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -21,29 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::RichMediaAn | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) where object being created. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) coordinates. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - - Page where object being created. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle coordinates. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_activateon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_activateon/ index 3ce159a6b0..aee945f0ad 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_activateon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_activateon/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_activateon/ Event which activates application. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::set_ActivateOn(RichMediaAnnotation::ActivationEvent value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::set_ActivateOn(RichMediaAnnotation::ActivationEvent value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_customflashvariables/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_customflashvariables/ index d01993a781..3de5fdd9d3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_customflashvariables/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_customflashvariables/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CustomFlashVariables second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::set_CustomFlashVariables method. Sets or gets flash variables which passed to player in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_customflashvariables/ --- ## RichMediaAnnotation::set_CustomFlashVariables method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_customflashvariables/ Sets or gets flash variables which passed to player. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::set_CustomFlashVariables(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::set_CustomFlashVariables(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_customplayer/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_customplayer/ index cadb548567..437cbdb111 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_customplayer/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_customplayer/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CustomPlayer second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::set_CustomPlayer method. Sets or gets custom flash player to play video/audio data in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_customplayer/ --- ## RichMediaAnnotation::set_CustomPlayer method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_customplayer/ Sets or gets custom flash player to play video/audio data. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::set_CustomPlayer(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::set_CustomPlayer(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_type/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_type/ index 646199fc47..a8628c27ac 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_type/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_type/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Type second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::set_Type method. Sets type of content. Possible values: Audio, Video in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_type/ --- ## RichMediaAnnotation::set_Type method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/set_type/ Sets type of content. Possible values: Audio, Video. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::set_Type(RichMediaAnnotation::ContentType value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::set_Type(RichMediaAnnotation::ContentType value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/setcontent/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/setcontent/ index 8cee5808a4..79592b2c72 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/setcontent/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/setcontent/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/setcontent/ Set content stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::SetContent(System::String fileName, System::SharedPtr audio) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::SetContent(System::String fileName, System::SharedPtr audio) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::SetCon | --- | --- | --- | | fileName | System::String | Name of the stream. | | audio | System::SharedPtr\ | Data stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - fileName - - - Name of the stream. - - - - - audio - - - Data stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [RichMediaAnnotation](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/setposter/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/setposter/ index 5555e676e3..c6b012b64c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/setposter/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/setposter/ @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/setposter/ Set poster of the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::SetPoster(System::SharedPtr imageStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::SetPoster(System::SharedPtr imageStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | imageStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream containing poster image. | -## Remarks - - - - - imageStream - - - Stream containing poster image. - - - ## See Also * Class [RichMediaAnnotation](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/update/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/update/ index f106c2eb3c..5b38226313 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/update/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/update/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/richmediaannotation/update/ Updates data with specified parameters. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::Update() +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::RichMediaAnnotation::Update() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/accept/ index d2112ab7f4..421f88b381 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ScreenAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/accept/ --- ## ScreenAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ScreenAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ScreenAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/get_action/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/get_action/ index 77b7625df2..7fdac8be73 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/get_action/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/get_action/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/get_action/ Gets an action to be performed when the annotation is activated. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ScreenAnnotation::get_Action() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ScreenAnnotation::get_Action() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/get_annotationtype/ index b52bbf07b5..6734be12e1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ScreenAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ScreenAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/get_title/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/get_title/ index e17ec22d9d..2c8819edf8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/get_title/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/get_title/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Title second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ScreenAnnotation::get_Title method. Gets the title of the screen annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/get_title/ --- ## ScreenAnnotation::get_Title method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/get_title/ Gets the title of the screen annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ScreenAnnotation::get_Title() override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ScreenAnnotation::get_Title() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/screenannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/screenannotation/ index fd458ca801..7afc1ac42b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/screenannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/screenannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ScreenAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ScreenAnnotation::ScreenAnnotation constructor. Creates new Screen annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/screenannotation/ --- ## ScreenAnnotation::ScreenAnnotation constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/screenannotation/ Creates new Screen annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ScreenAnnotation::ScreenAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::String mediaFile) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ScreenAnnotation::ScreenAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::String mediaFile) ``` @@ -22,35 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ScreenAnnotation::ScreenAnnotati | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | | mediaFile | System::String | The path to multimedia file. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - mediaFile - - - The path to multimedia file. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/set_title/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/set_title/ index aabcf66839..5d5607aa43 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/set_title/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/set_title/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Title second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ScreenAnnotation::set_Title method. Sets the title of the screen annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/set_title/ --- ## ScreenAnnotation::set_Title method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/screenannotation/set_title/ Sets the title of the screen annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ScreenAnnotation::set_Title(System::String value) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::ScreenAnnotation::set_Title(System::String value) override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/selectorrendition/get_renditions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/selectorrendition/get_renditions/ index e36a543c60..d30ec64437 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/selectorrendition/get_renditions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/selectorrendition/get_renditions/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/selectorrendition/get_renditions/ Gets array of renditions. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SelectorRendition::get_Renditions() +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SelectorRendition::get_Renditions() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/accept/ index 6abcb53c3e..0f84353c40 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/accept/ --- ## SoundAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_annotationtype/ index d15b0e8675..4389a8b478 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## SoundAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_icon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_icon/ index 4cbd3b2051..3a23cf40d2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_icon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_icon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Icon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::get_Icon method. Gets an icon to be used in displaying the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_icon/ --- ## SoundAnnotation::get_Icon method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_icon/ Gets an icon to be used in displaying the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API SoundIcon Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::get_Icon() +SoundIcon Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::get_Icon() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_sounddata/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_sounddata/ index 381ac7da38..79a08e875b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_sounddata/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_sounddata/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SoundData second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::get_SoundData method. Gets a sound object defining the sound to be played when the annotation is activated in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_sounddata/ --- ## SoundAnnotation::get_SoundData method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/get_sounddata/ Gets a sound object defining the sound to be played when the annotation is activated. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::get_SoundData() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::get_SoundData() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/set_icon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/set_icon/ index 2f292bb9b4..30abe6db90 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/set_icon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/set_icon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Icon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::set_Icon method. Sets an icon to be used in displaying the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/set_icon/ --- ## SoundAnnotation::set_Icon method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/set_icon/ Sets an icon to be used in displaying the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::set_Icon(SoundIcon value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::set_Icon(SoundIcon value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/soundannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/soundannotation/ index a338cf3dbd..8adff56d7d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/soundannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/soundannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SoundAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::SoundAnnotation constructor. Creates new Sound annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/soundannotation/ --- ## SoundAnnotation::SoundAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundannotation/soundannotation/ Creates new Sound annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::SoundAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::String soundFile) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::SoundAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::String soundFile) ``` @@ -22,35 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::SoundAnnotation | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | | soundFile | System::String | A sound file defining the sound to be played when the annotation is activated. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - soundFile - - - A sound file defining the sound to be played when the annotation is activated. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) @@ -64,7 +36,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::SoundAnnotation Creates new Sound annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::SoundAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::String soundFile, System::SharedPtr soundSampleData) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::SoundAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect, System::String soundFile, System::SharedPtr soundSampleData) ``` @@ -74,43 +46,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundAnnotation::SoundAnnotation | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | | soundFile | System::String | A sound file defining the sound to be played when the annotation is activated. | | soundSampleData | System::SharedPtr\ | A sound sample data contains extra of sound parameters such as sampling rate, bits per sample and so on. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - soundFile - - - A sound file defining the sound to be played when the annotation is activated. - - - - - soundSampleData - - - A sound sample data contains extra of sound parameters such as sampling rate, bits per sample and so on. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_bits/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_bits/ index 45c45950e8..85e83b1750 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_bits/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_bits/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Bits second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::get_Bits method. Gets the number of bits per sample value per channel in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_bits/ --- ## SoundData::get_Bits method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_bits/ Gets the number of bits per sample value per channel. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::get_Bits() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::get_Bits() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_channels/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_channels/ index a63344412a..d3e389a421 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_channels/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_channels/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Channels second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::get_Channels method. Gets the number of sound channels in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_channels/ --- ## SoundData::get_Channels method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_channels/ Gets the number of sound channels. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::get_Channels() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::get_Channels() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_contents/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_contents/ index 1a502fb07e..1723021a1d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_contents/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_contents/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Contents second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::get_Contents method. Gets stream of the sound to be played when the annotation is activated in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_contents/ --- ## SoundData::get_Contents method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_contents/ Gets stream of the sound to be played when the annotation is activated. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::get_Contents() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::get_Contents() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_encoding/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_encoding/ index ef9db356a6..375b2b115c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_encoding/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_encoding/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Encoding second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::get_Encoding method. Gets the encoding format for the sample data in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_encoding/ --- ## SoundData::get_Encoding method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_encoding/ Gets the encoding format for the sample data. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API SoundEncoding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::get_Encoding() +SoundEncoding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::get_Encoding() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_rate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_rate/ index 1f93bbfcc1..c281325757 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_rate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_rate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Rate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::get_Rate method. Gets the sampling rate, in samples per second in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_rate/ --- ## SoundData::get_Rate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/get_rate/ Gets the sampling rate, in samples per second. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::get_Rate() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::get_Rate() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_bits/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_bits/ index 0d531a9583..45c961b3e1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_bits/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_bits/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_bits/ Sets the number of bits per sample value per channel. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::set_Bits(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::set_Bits(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_channels/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_channels/ index 0aeafc023e..b0bb3131a7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_channels/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_channels/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Channels second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::set_Channels method. Sets the number of sound channels in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_channels/ --- ## SoundData::set_Channels method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_channels/ Sets the number of sound channels. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::set_Channels(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::set_Channels(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_encoding/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_encoding/ index 9b6635fd63..ae271aaaaf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_encoding/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_encoding/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Encoding second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::set_Encoding method. Sets the encoding format for the sample data in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_encoding/ --- ## SoundData::set_Encoding method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_encoding/ Sets the encoding format for the sample data. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::set_Encoding(SoundEncoding value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::set_Encoding(SoundEncoding value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_rate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_rate/ index a8de4bd9ed..78da3c80d7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_rate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_rate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Rate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::set_Rate method. Sets the sampling rate, in samples per second in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_rate/ --- ## SoundData::set_Rate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/sounddata/set_rate/ Sets the sampling rate, in samples per second. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::set_Rate(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundData::set_Rate(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencoding/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencoding/ index c7756a271e..4b6ab488d9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencoding/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencoding/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SoundEncoding second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundEncoding enum. The encoding format for the sample data in C++.' type: docs -weight: 14500 +weight: 15000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencoding/ --- ## SoundEncoding enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/toenum/ index a1c0858074..439fc658f7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundEncodingConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/toenum/ --- ## SoundEncodingConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API SoundEncoding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundEncodingConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static SoundEncoding Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundEncodingConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/tostring/ index 04b0a2ec7d..719cd72c45 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundEncodingConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/tostring/ --- ## SoundEncodingConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundEncodingConverter::ToString(SoundEncoding value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundEncodingConverter::ToString(SoundEncoding value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/toxfdfstring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/toxfdfstring/ index 8c799743d8..357bc3af01 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/toxfdfstring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/toxfdfstring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToXfdfString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToXfdfString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundEncodingConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/toxfdfstring/ --- ## SoundEncodingConverter::ToXfdfString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundencodingconverter/toxfdfstring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundEncodingConverter::ToXfdfString(SoundEncoding value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundEncodingConverter::ToXfdfString(SoundEncoding value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundicon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundicon/ index 345c596229..6cb22047b8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundicon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundicon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SoundIcon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundIcon enum. Enumerates the icons to be used in displaying the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 14600 +weight: 15100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundicon/ --- ## SoundIcon enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundiconconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundiconconverter/toenum/ index 1f9fc53b53..af1eab9ecc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundiconconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundiconconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundIconConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundiconconverter/toenum/ --- ## SoundIconConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundiconconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API SoundIcon Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundIconConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static SoundIcon Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundIconConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundiconconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundiconconverter/tostring/ index 17b6740fa3..4fa789c921 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundiconconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundiconconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundIconConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundiconconverter/tostring/ --- ## SoundIconConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundiconconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundIconConverter::ToString(SoundIcon value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundIconConverter::ToString(SoundIcon value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultencodingformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultencodingformat/ index 7f44032d21..28ab76af1e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultencodingformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultencodingformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DefaultEncodingFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::DefaultEncodingFormat field. Default value for encoding format in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultencodingformat/ --- ## DefaultEncodingFormat field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultencodingformat/ Default value for encoding format. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API SoundSampleDataEncodingFormat Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::DefaultEncodingFormat +static const SoundSampleDataEncodingFormat Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::DefaultEncodingFormat ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultofbitsperchannel/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultofbitsperchannel/ index f91acbd059..ab08908cb3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultofbitsperchannel/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultofbitsperchannel/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DefaultOfBitsPerChannel second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::DefaultOfBitsPerChannel field. Default value for BitsPerchannel parameter in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultofbitsperchannel/ --- ## DefaultOfBitsPerChannel field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultofbitsperchannel/ Default value for BitsPerchannel parameter. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::DefaultOfBitsPerChannel +static const int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::DefaultOfBitsPerChannel ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultofsoundchannels/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultofsoundchannels/ index 4a2a366b8d..77771d408d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultofsoundchannels/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultofsoundchannels/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DefaultOfSoundChannels second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::DefaultOfSoundChannels field. Default value for Channels parameter in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultofsoundchannels/ --- ## DefaultOfSoundChannels field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultofsoundchannels/ Default value for Channels parameter. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::DefaultOfSoundChannels +static const int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::DefaultOfSoundChannels ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultsamplingrate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultsamplingrate/ index 8d734b9d60..0bd578a4b3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultsamplingrate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultsamplingrate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DefaultSamplingRate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::DefaultSamplingRate field. Default value for SamplingRate in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultsamplingrate/ --- ## DefaultSamplingRate field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/defaultsamplingrate/ Default value for SamplingRate. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int64_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::DefaultSamplingRate +static const int64_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::DefaultSamplingRate ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_bitsperchannel/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_bitsperchannel/ index 24d715af28..60463f375b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_bitsperchannel/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_bitsperchannel/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_BitsPerChannel second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::get_BitsPerChannel method. Gets the number of bits per sample value per channel in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_bitsperchannel/ --- ## SoundSampleData::get_BitsPerChannel method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_bitsperchannel/ Gets the number of bits per sample value per channel. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::get_BitsPerChannel() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::get_BitsPerChannel() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_encodingformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_encodingformat/ index 88c2d52d02..0975562a9d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_encodingformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_encodingformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_EncodingFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::get_EncodingFormat method. Gets the encoding format in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_encodingformat/ --- ## SoundSampleData::get_EncodingFormat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_encodingformat/ Gets the encoding format. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API SoundSampleDataEncodingFormat Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::get_EncodingFormat() const +SoundSampleDataEncodingFormat Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::get_EncodingFormat() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_numberofsoundchannels/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_numberofsoundchannels/ index f036ac92a7..7e6f73e324 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_numberofsoundchannels/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_numberofsoundchannels/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_NumberOfSoundChannels second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::get_NumberOfSoundChannels method. Gets the number of sound channels in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_numberofsoundchannels/ --- ## SoundSampleData::get_NumberOfSoundChannels method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_numberofsoundchannels/ Gets the number of sound channels. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::get_NumberOfSoundChannels() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::get_NumberOfSoundChannels() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_samplingrate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_samplingrate/ index aeec99dadd..f606e5b8df 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_samplingrate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_samplingrate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SamplingRate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::get_SamplingRate method. Gets the sampling rate in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_samplingrate/ --- ## SoundSampleData::get_SamplingRate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/get_samplingrate/ Gets the sampling rate. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int64_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::get_SamplingRate() const +int64_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::get_SamplingRate() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_bitsperchannel/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_bitsperchannel/ index a12b5d4946..1884f79783 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_bitsperchannel/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_bitsperchannel/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_bitsperchannel/ Sets the number of bits per sample value per channel. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::set_BitsPerChannel(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::set_BitsPerChannel(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_encodingformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_encodingformat/ index 45b5af6cd0..2c4a662b03 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_encodingformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_encodingformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_EncodingFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::set_EncodingFormat method. Sets the encoding format in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_encodingformat/ --- ## SoundSampleData::set_EncodingFormat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_encodingformat/ Sets the encoding format. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::set_EncodingFormat(SoundSampleDataEncodingFormat value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::set_EncodingFormat(SoundSampleDataEncodingFormat value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_numberofsoundchannels/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_numberofsoundchannels/ index 2668d2edd6..e36f139a37 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_numberofsoundchannels/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_numberofsoundchannels/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_NumberOfSoundChannels second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::set_NumberOfSoundChannels method. Sets the number of sound channels in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_numberofsoundchannels/ --- ## SoundSampleData::set_NumberOfSoundChannels method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_numberofsoundchannels/ Sets the number of sound channels. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::set_NumberOfSoundChannels(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::set_NumberOfSoundChannels(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_samplingrate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_samplingrate/ index d42d95bc7d..037bbda9cb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_samplingrate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_samplingrate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SamplingRate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::set_SamplingRate method. Sets the sampling rate in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_samplingrate/ --- ## SoundSampleData::set_SamplingRate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/set_samplingrate/ Sets the sampling rate. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::set_SamplingRate(int64_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::set_SamplingRate(int64_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/soundsampledata/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/soundsampledata/ index b49e210bc3..a51670519b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/soundsampledata/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/soundsampledata/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SoundSampleData second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::SoundSampleData constructor. Initializes new sound sample data in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/soundsampledata/ --- ## SoundSampleData::SoundSampleData(int64_t) constructor @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledata/soundsampledata/ Initializes new sound sample data. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::SoundSampleData(int64_t samplingRate) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::SoundSampleData(int64_t samplingRate) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | samplingRate | int64_t | The sampling rate. | -## Remarks - - - - - - samplingRate - - - The sampling rate. - - - + ## See Also * Class [SoundSampleData](../) @@ -44,7 +32,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::SoundSampleData Initializes new sound sample data. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::SoundSampleData(int64_t samplingRate, int32_t numberOfSoundChannels) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::SoundSampleData(int64_t samplingRate, int32_t numberOfSoundChannels) ``` @@ -52,27 +40,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::SoundSampleData | --- | --- | --- | | samplingRate | int64_t | The sampling rate. | | numberOfSoundChannels | int32_t | The number of sound channels. | -## Remarks - - - - - - samplingRate - - - The sampling rate. - - - - - numberOfSoundChannels - - - The number of sound channels. - - - + ## See Also * Class [SoundSampleData](../) @@ -84,7 +52,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::SoundSampleData Initializes new sound sample data. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::SoundSampleData(int64_t samplingRate, int32_t numberOfSoundChannels, int32_t bitsPerChannel) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::SoundSampleData(int64_t samplingRate, int32_t numberOfSoundChannels, int32_t bitsPerChannel) ``` @@ -93,35 +61,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::SoundSampleData | samplingRate | int64_t | The sampling rate. | | numberOfSoundChannels | int32_t | The number of sound channels. | | bitsPerChannel | int32_t | The number of bits per sample value per channel. | -## Remarks - - - - - - samplingRate - - - The sampling rate. - - - - - numberOfSoundChannels - - - The number of sound channels. - - - - - bitsPerChannel - - - The number of bits per sample value per channel. - - - + ## See Also * Class [SoundSampleData](../) @@ -133,7 +73,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::SoundSampleData Initializes new sound sample data. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::SoundSampleData(int64_t samplingRate, int32_t numberOfSoundChannels, int32_t bitsPerChannel, SoundSampleDataEncodingFormat soundSampleDataEncodingFormat) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::SoundSampleData(int64_t samplingRate, int32_t numberOfSoundChannels, int32_t bitsPerChannel, SoundSampleDataEncodingFormat soundSampleDataEncodingFormat) ``` @@ -143,43 +83,8 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleData::SoundSampleData | numberOfSoundChannels | int32_t | The number of sound channels. | | bitsPerChannel | int32_t | The number of bits per sample value per channel. | | soundSampleDataEncodingFormat | SoundSampleDataEncodingFormat | The encoding format for the sample data. | -## Remarks - - - - - - samplingRate - - - The sampling rate. - - - - - numberOfSoundChannels - - - The number of sound channels. - - - - - bitsPerChannel - - - The number of bits per sample value per channel. - - - - - soundSampleDataEncodingFormat - - - The encoding format for the sample data. - - - + + ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledataencodingformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledataencodingformat/ index 80d7a213b4..579e17bd68 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledataencodingformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledataencodingformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SoundSampleDataEncodingFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SoundSampleDataEncodingFormat enum. The encoding format for the sound sample data in C++.' type: docs -weight: 14700 +weight: 15200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/soundsampledataencodingformat/ --- ## SoundSampleDataEncodingFormat enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squareannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squareannotation/accept/ index 647f421fd7..a40da7f11b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squareannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squareannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquareAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor to process annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squareannotation/accept/ --- ## SquareAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squareannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor to process annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquareAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquareAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squareannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squareannotation/get_annotationtype/ index ad301defbe..f1a3bbdede 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squareannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squareannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquareAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squareannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## SquareAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squareannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquareAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquareAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squareannotation/squareannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squareannotation/squareannotation/ index 0c501502c0..7bb8550768 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squareannotation/squareannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squareannotation/squareannotation/ @@ -2,82 +2,50 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquareAnnotation::SquareAnnotation constructor linktitle: SquareAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquareAnnotation::SquareAnnotation constructor. Constructor for using with Generator in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquareAnnotation::SquareAnnotation constructor. Creates new Square annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squareannotation/squareannotation/ --- -## SquareAnnotation::SquareAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## SquareAnnotation::SquareAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor for using with Generator. +Creates new Square annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquareAnnotation::SquareAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquareAnnotation::SquareAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | Documennt where annotation will be created. | -## Remarks - +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | - - - - document - - - Documennt where annotation will be created. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [SquareAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## SquareAnnotation::SquareAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## SquareAnnotation::SquareAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Creates new Square annotation on the specified page. +Constructor for using with Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquareAnnotation::SquareAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquareAnnotation::SquareAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | -## Remarks - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | Documennt where annotation will be created. | - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) -* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [SquareAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squigglyannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squigglyannotation/accept/ index 5968c0b416..0ac508b194 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squigglyannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squigglyannotation/accept/ @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squigglyannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquigglyAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquigglyAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squigglyannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squigglyannotation/get_annotationtype/ index 7b95cd916c..f3e2545d17 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squigglyannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squigglyannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquigglyAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squigglyannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## SquigglyAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squigglyannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquigglyAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquigglyAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squigglyannotation/squigglyannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squigglyannotation/squigglyannotation/ index aa44d2b598..5ddb58597b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squigglyannotation/squigglyannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squigglyannotation/squigglyannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SquigglyAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquigglyAnnotation::SquigglyAnnotation constructor. Creates new Squiggly annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squigglyannotation/squigglyannotation/ --- ## SquigglyAnnotation::SquigglyAnnotation constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/squigglyannotation/squigglyannotation/ Creates new Squiggly annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquigglyAnnotation::SquigglyAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquigglyAnnotation::SquigglyAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SquigglyAnnotation::SquigglyAnno | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/accept/ index b87a771ba2..b0d187389f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::Accept method. Acepts AnnotationSelector visitor when browsing annotation collection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/accept/ --- ## StampAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/accept/ Acepts [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) visitor when browsing annotation collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/get_annotationtype/ index dd2d6fd8bb..bb8671f1bd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/get_icon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/get_icon/ index 68dc760044..54842d624d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/get_icon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/get_icon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Icon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::get_Icon method. Gets icon for rubber stamp in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/get_icon/ --- ## StampAnnotation::get_Icon method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/get_icon/ Gets icon for rubber stamp. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API StampIcon Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::get_Icon() +StampIcon Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::get_Icon() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/get_image/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/get_image/ index 9050471437..b917c59316 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/get_image/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/get_image/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Image second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::get_Image method. Gets image of the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/get_image/ --- ## StampAnnotation::get_Image method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/get_image/ Gets image of the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::get_Image() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::get_Image() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/set_icon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/set_icon/ index cab66aca95..e19b732a83 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/set_icon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/set_icon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Icon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::set_Icon method. Sets icon for rubber stamp in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/set_icon/ --- ## StampAnnotation::set_Icon method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/set_icon/ Sets icon for rubber stamp. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::set_Icon(StampIcon value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::set_Icon(StampIcon value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/set_image/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/set_image/ index 52b67d0637..aca38caca1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/set_image/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/set_image/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Image second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::set_Image method. Sets image of the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/set_image/ --- ## StampAnnotation::set_Image method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/set_image/ Sets image of the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::set_Image(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::set_Image(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/stampannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/stampannotation/ index bde106b945..aabadfa0d0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/stampannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/stampannotation/ @@ -2,83 +2,50 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::StampAnnotation constructor linktitle: StampAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::StampAnnotation constructor. Constructor in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::StampAnnotation constructor. Creates new Stamp annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampannotation/stampannotation/ --- -## StampAnnotation::StampAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## StampAnnotation::StampAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor. +Creates new [Stamp](../../../aspose.pdf/stamp/) annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::StampAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::StampAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where annotation will be created. | -## Remarks - +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | - - - - document - - - - Document where annotation will be created. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [StampAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## StampAnnotation::StampAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## StampAnnotation::StampAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Creates new [Stamp](../../../aspose.pdf/stamp/) annotation on the specified page. +Constructor. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::StampAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampAnnotation::StampAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | -## Remarks - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where annotation will be created. | - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) -* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [StampAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampicon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampicon/ index e7c83bfc6c..a2cb7987d7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampicon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampicon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: StampIcon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampIcon enum. Enumerates the icons to be used in displaying the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 14800 +weight: 15300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampicon/ --- ## StampIcon enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampiconconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampiconconverter/toenum/ index f431ed37e4..208087e1a5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampiconconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampiconconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampIconConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampiconconverter/toenum/ --- ## StampIconConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampiconconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API StampIcon Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampIconConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static StampIcon Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampIconConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampiconconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampiconconverter/tostring/ index 9402bc7c7b..d220d79b82 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampiconconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampiconconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampIconConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampiconconverter/tostring/ --- ## StampIconConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/stampiconconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampIconConverter::ToString(StampIcon value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StampIconConverter::ToString(StampIcon value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/strikeoutannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/strikeoutannotation/accept/ index feeaabe2a3..836b194cf6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/strikeoutannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/strikeoutannotation/accept/ @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/strikeoutannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StrikeOutAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StrikeOutAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/strikeoutannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/strikeoutannotation/get_annotationtype/ index 2c9ea85df6..cd8b2f88a8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/strikeoutannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/strikeoutannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StrikeOutAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/strikeoutannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## StrikeOutAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/strikeoutannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StrikeOutAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StrikeOutAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/strikeoutannotation/strikeoutannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/strikeoutannotation/strikeoutannotation/ index 2e33f76cfc..9a84f59a8b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/strikeoutannotation/strikeoutannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/strikeoutannotation/strikeoutannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: StrikeOutAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StrikeOutAnnotation::StrikeOutAnnotation constructor. Creates new StrikeOut annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/strikeoutannotation/strikeoutannotation/ --- ## StrikeOutAnnotation::StrikeOutAnnotation constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/strikeoutannotation/strikeoutannotation/ Creates new StrikeOut annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StrikeOutAnnotation::StrikeOutAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StrikeOutAnnotation::StrikeOutAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::StrikeOutAnnotation::StrikeOutAn | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/canonicalformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/canonicalformat/ index 5222d7d283..8e3ab38ef7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/canonicalformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/canonicalformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CanonicalFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::CanonicalFormat field. If set, any submitted field values representing dates shall be converted to the standard format in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/canonicalformat/ --- ## CanonicalFormat field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/canonicalformat/ If set, any submitted field values representing dates shall be converted to the standard format. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::CanonicalFormat +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::CanonicalFormat ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/embedform/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/embedform/ index 48adf90392..fa4f794b02 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/embedform/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/embedform/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: EmbedForm second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::EmbedForm field. If set, the F entry of the submitted FDF shall be a file specification containing an embedded file stream representing the PDF file from which the FDF is being submitted in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/embedform/ --- ## EmbedForm field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/embedform/ If set, the F entry of the submitted FDF shall be a file specification containing an embedded file stream representing the PDF file from which the FDF is being submitted. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::EmbedForm +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::EmbedForm ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclfkey/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclfkey/ index 0d07a8cb63..11e7f47bad 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclfkey/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclfkey/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExclFKey second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::ExclFKey field. If set, the submitted FDF shall exclude the F entry in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclfkey/ --- ## ExclFKey field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclfkey/ If set, the submitted FDF shall exclude the F entry. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::ExclFKey +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::ExclFKey ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclnonuserannots/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclnonuserannots/ index d70337a8cb..78324d514d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclnonuserannots/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclnonuserannots/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExclNonUserAnnots second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::ExclNonUserAnnots field. If set, it shall include only those markup annotations whose T entry matches the name of the current user in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclnonuserannots/ --- ## ExclNonUserAnnots field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclnonuserannots/ If set, it shall include only those markup annotations whose T entry matches the name of the current user. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::ExclNonUserAnnots +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::ExclNonUserAnnots ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclude/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclude/ index 297cfbb53b..267b57678e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclude/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclude/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Exclude second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::Exclude field. If clear, the Fields array specifies which fields to include in the submission in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclude/ --- ## Exclude field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exclude/ If clear, the Fields array specifies which fields to include in the submission. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::Exclude +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::Exclude ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exportformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exportformat/ index c5bd224e95..45782389a0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exportformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exportformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExportFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::ExportFormat field. If set, field names and values shall be submitted in HTML Form format in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exportformat/ --- ## ExportFormat field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/exportformat/ If set, field names and values shall be submitted in HTML Form format. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::ExportFormat +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::ExportFormat ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/get_flags/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/get_flags/ index de0fde0343..6af4535bb0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/get_flags/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/get_flags/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Flags second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::get_Flags method. Gets flagas of submit action in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/get_flags/ --- ## SubmitFormAction::get_Flags method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/get_flags/ Gets flagas of submit action. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::get_Flags() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::get_Flags() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/get_url/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/get_url/ index db26175eb5..7dd140cfe5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/get_url/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/get_url/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/get_url/ Destination URL. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::get_Url() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::get_Url() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/getmethod/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/getmethod/ index 025470a2bc..726a290ea1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/getmethod/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/getmethod/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetMethod second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::GetMethod field. If set, field names and values shall be submitted using an HTTP GET request in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/getmethod/ --- ## GetMethod field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/getmethod/ If set, field names and values shall be submitted using an HTTP GET request. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::GetMethod +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::GetMethod ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/includeannotations/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/includeannotations/ index 424ef454aa..8be0db1088 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/includeannotations/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/includeannotations/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/includeannotations/ If set, the submitted FDF file shall include includes all markup annotations in the underlying PDF document. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::IncludeAnnotations +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::IncludeAnnotations ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/includeappendsaves/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/includeappendsaves/ index 73034c2b2e..8b8f851204 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/includeappendsaves/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/includeappendsaves/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: IncludeAppendSaves second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::IncludeAppendSaves field. If set, the submitted FDF file shall include the contents of all incremental updates in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/includeappendsaves/ --- ## IncludeAppendSaves field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/includeappendsaves/ If set, the submitted FDF file shall include the contents of all incremental updates. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::IncludeAppendSaves +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::IncludeAppendSaves ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/includenovaluefields/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/includenovaluefields/ index 06e44e2d5d..aeed8ff23f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/includenovaluefields/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/includenovaluefields/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: IncludeNoValueFields second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::IncludeNoValueFields field. If set, all fields designated by the Fields array and the Include/Exclude flag shall be submitted in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/includenovaluefields/ --- ## IncludeNoValueFields field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/includenovaluefields/ If set, all fields designated by the Fields array and the Include/Exclude flag shall be submitted. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::IncludeNoValueFields +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::IncludeNoValueFields ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/set_flags/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/set_flags/ index e6c52bb17c..56a534d057 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/set_flags/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/set_flags/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Flags second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::set_Flags method. Sets flagas of submit action in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/set_flags/ --- ## SubmitFormAction::set_Flags method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/set_flags/ Sets flagas of submit action. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::set_Flags(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::set_Flags(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/set_url/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/set_url/ index 5335083569..64c777e3ff 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/set_url/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/set_url/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Url second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::set_Url method. Destination URL in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/set_url/ --- ## SubmitFormAction::set_Url method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/set_url/ Destination URL. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::set_Url(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::set_Url(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitcoordinates/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitcoordinates/ index 615bb92512..c6cf6d12f1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitcoordinates/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitcoordinates/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SubmitCoordinates second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::SubmitCoordinates field. If set, the coordinates of the mouse click that caused the submit-form action shall be transmitted as part of the form data in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitcoordinates/ --- ## SubmitCoordinates field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitcoordinates/ If set, the coordinates of the mouse click that caused the submit-form action shall be transmitted as part of the form data. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::SubmitCoordinates +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::SubmitCoordinates ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitformaction/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitformaction/ index d2280b1af4..ca5f01b12f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitformaction/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitformaction/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SubmitFormAction second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::SubmitFormAction constructor. Initializes SubmitFormAction object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitformaction/ --- ## SubmitFormAction::SubmitFormAction constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitformaction/ Initializes [SubmitFormAction](../) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::SubmitFormAction() +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::SubmitFormAction() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitpdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitpdf/ index cf5b7bdd10..2b8ab190dc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitpdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitpdf/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SubmitPdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::SubmitPdf field. If set, the document shall be submitted as PDF, using the MIME content type application/pdf in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitpdf/ --- ## SubmitPdf field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/submitpdf/ If set, the document shall be submitted as PDF, using the MIME content type application/pdf. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::SubmitPdf +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::SubmitPdf ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/xfdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/xfdf/ index 0aae70839b..93cadd03be 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/xfdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/xfdf/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Xfdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::Xfdf field. If set, field names and values shall be submitted as XFDF in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/xfdf/ --- ## Xfdf field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/submitformaction/xfdf/ If set, field names and values shall be submitted as XFDF. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::Xfdf +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::SubmitFormAction::Xfdf ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textalignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textalignment/ index 47a441a5fe..df3ef177f9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textalignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textalignment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TextAlignment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAlignment enum. Alignment of text in annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 14900 +weight: 15400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textalignment/ --- ## TextAlignment enum @@ -24,15 +24,10 @@ enum class TextAlignment | Center | 1 | [Text](../../aspose.pdf.text/) is centered. | | Right | 2 | [Text](../../aspose.pdf.text/) is aligned to right. | -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Aspose.Pdf.HorizontalAlignment type - - Deprecated - - Use Aspose.Pdf.HorizontalAlignment type - - ## See Also * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/accept/ index 8fa6544353..dc42dc2274 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor object to process the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/accept/ --- ## TextAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/changeafterresize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/changeafterresize/ index 97733c448e..24d44f4c16 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/changeafterresize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/changeafterresize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ChangeAfterResize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize method. Overrides the definition in the base class with an empty body in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/changeafterresize/ --- ## TextAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/changeafterresize/ Overrides the definition in the base class with an empty body. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize(System::SharedPtr transform) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize(System::SharedPtr transform) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | transform | System::SharedPtr\ | [Matrix](../../../aspose.pdf/matrix/) specifying the transformation. | -## Remarks - - - - - transform - - - - Matrix specifying the transformation. - - - ## See Also * Class [Matrix](../../../aspose.pdf/matrix/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_annotationtype/ index f50cbc2660..ff19bd227e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## TextAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_icon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_icon/ index 90d6cf0543..abb08c37a1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_icon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_icon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Icon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::get_Icon method. Gets an icon to be used in displaying the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_icon/ --- ## TextAnnotation::get_Icon method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_icon/ Gets an icon to be used in displaying the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API TextIcon Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::get_Icon() +TextIcon Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::get_Icon() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_open/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_open/ index cda0debf92..696fddca34 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_open/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_open/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Open second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::get_Open method. Gets a flag specifying whether the annotation should initially be displayed open in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_open/ --- ## TextAnnotation::get_Open method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/get_open/ Gets a flag specifying whether the annotation should initially be displayed open. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::get_Open() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::get_Open() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/set_icon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/set_icon/ index a939968e70..190d2b3fd8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/set_icon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/set_icon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Icon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::set_Icon method. Sets an icon to be used in displaying the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/set_icon/ --- ## TextAnnotation::set_Icon method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/set_icon/ Sets an icon to be used in displaying the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::set_Icon(TextIcon value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::set_Icon(TextIcon value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/set_open/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/set_open/ index 5da734abfb..8466f51ca5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/set_open/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/set_open/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Open second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::set_Open method. Sets a flag specifying whether the annotation should initially be displayed open in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/set_open/ --- ## TextAnnotation::set_Open method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/set_open/ Sets a flag specifying whether the annotation should initially be displayed open. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::set_Open(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::set_Open(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/textannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/textannotation/ index 6f99d744a7..2dd5ab2d55 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/textannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/textannotation/ @@ -2,83 +2,50 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::TextAnnotation constructor linktitle: TextAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::TextAnnotation constructor. Constructor for annotation when used in Generator in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::TextAnnotation constructor. Creates new Text annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textannotation/textannotation/ --- -## TextAnnotation::TextAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TextAnnotation::TextAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor for annotation when used in Generator. +Creates new [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::TextAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::TextAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where text annotation will be created. | -## Remarks - +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | - - - - document - - - - Document where text annotation will be created. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [TextAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TextAnnotation::TextAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TextAnnotation::TextAnnotation(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Creates new [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) annotation on the specified page. +Constructor for annotation when used in Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::TextAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextAnnotation::TextAnnotation(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | -## Remarks - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where text annotation will be created. | - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) -* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [TextAnnotation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/texticon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/texticon/ index 39fb4b3423..49f7674934 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/texticon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/texticon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TextIcon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextIcon enum. Enumerates the icons to be used in displaying the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 15000 +weight: 15500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/texticon/ --- ## TextIcon enum diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/texticonconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/texticonconverter/toenum/ index dc200ce144..50ca10ede1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/texticonconverter/toenum/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/texticonconverter/toenum/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToEnum second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextIconConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/texticonconverter/toenum/ --- ## TextIconConverter::ToEnum method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/texticonconverter/toenum/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API TextIcon Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextIconConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) +static TextIcon Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextIconConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/texticonconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/texticonconverter/tostring/ index ddff14c419..d7e804fbc0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/texticonconverter/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/texticonconverter/tostring/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ToString second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextIconConverter class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/texticonconverter/tostring/ --- ## TextIconConverter::ToString method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/texticonconverter/tostring/ ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextIconConverter::ToString(TextIcon value) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextIconConverter::ToString(TextIcon value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/changeafterresize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/changeafterresize/ index ce2cc12a53..a89bfce571 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/changeafterresize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/changeafterresize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ChangeAfterResize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextMarkupAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize method. Updates the QuadPoints, according to the matrix transform in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/changeafterresize/ --- ## TextMarkupAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/changeafterresize/ Updates the QuadPoints, according to the matrix transform. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextMarkupAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize(System::SharedPtr transform) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextMarkupAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize(System::SharedPtr transform) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | transform | System::SharedPtr\ | [Matrix](../../../aspose.pdf/matrix/) that use for transformation (resize). | -## Remarks - - - - - transform - - - - Matrix that use for transformation (resize). - - - ## See Also * Class [Matrix](../../../aspose.pdf/matrix/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/get_quadpoints/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/get_quadpoints/ index c01e855fe9..843d686748 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/get_quadpoints/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/get_quadpoints/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_QuadPoints second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextMarkupAnnotation::get_QuadPoints method. Gets an array of points specifying the coordinates of n quadrilaterals. Each quadrilateral encompasses a word or group of contiguous words in the text underlying the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/get_quadpoints/ --- ## TextMarkupAnnotation::get_QuadPoints method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/get_quadpoints/ Gets an array of points specifying the coordinates of n quadrilaterals. Each quadrilateral encompasses a word or group of contiguous words in the text underlying the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextMarkupAnnotation::get_QuadPoints() +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextMarkupAnnotation::get_QuadPoints() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/getmarkedtext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/getmarkedtext/ index 9824c08097..90e0e7580b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/getmarkedtext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/getmarkedtext/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetMarkedText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextMarkupAnnotation::GetMarkedText method. Gets text under markup annotation as string in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/getmarkedtext/ --- ## TextMarkupAnnotation::GetMarkedText method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/getmarkedtext/ Gets text under markup annotation as string. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextMarkupAnnotation::GetMarkedText() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextMarkupAnnotation::GetMarkedText() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/getmarkedtextfragments/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/getmarkedtextfragments/ index a045f71d38..8d72ab8237 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/getmarkedtextfragments/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/getmarkedtextfragments/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetMarkedTextFragments second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextMarkupAnnotation::GetMarkedTextFragments method. Gets text under markup annotation as TextFragmentCollection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/getmarkedtextfragments/ --- ## TextMarkupAnnotation::GetMarkedTextFragments method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/getmarkedtextfragments/ Gets text under markup annotation as [TextFragmentCollection](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextMarkupAnnotation::GetMarkedTextFragments() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextMarkupAnnotation::GetMarkedTextFragments() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/set_quadpoints/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/set_quadpoints/ index 1dfb46d8b4..0524f9ceca 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/set_quadpoints/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/set_quadpoints/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_QuadPoints second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextMarkupAnnotation::set_QuadPoints method. Sets an array of points specifying the coordinates of n quadrilaterals. Each quadrilateral encompasses a word or group of contiguous words in the text underlying the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/set_quadpoints/ --- ## TextMarkupAnnotation::set_QuadPoints method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textmarkupannotation/set_quadpoints/ Sets an array of points specifying the coordinates of n quadrilaterals. Each quadrilateral encompasses a word or group of contiguous words in the text underlying the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextMarkupAnnotation::set_QuadPoints(System::ArrayPtr> value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextMarkupAnnotation::set_QuadPoints(System::ArrayPtr> value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_alignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_alignment/ index c6b458ec91..d1499c3567 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_alignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_alignment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Alignment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::get_Alignment method. Gets horizontal alignment of the text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_alignment/ --- ## TextStyle::get_Alignment method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_alignment/ Gets horizontal alignment of the text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API TextAlignment Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::get_Alignment() +TextAlignment Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::get_Alignment() ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use HorizontalAlignment property - - Deprecated - - Use HorizontalAlignment property - - ## See Also * Enum [TextAlignment](../../textalignment/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_color/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_color/ index a0a8c0491c..eae0a24260 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_color/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_color/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Color second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::get_Color method. Color of the text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_color/ --- ## TextStyle::get_Color method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_color/ [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::get_Color() +System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::get_Color() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_fontname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_fontname/ index 05f4e473f3..2d54273469 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_fontname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_fontname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_FontName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::get_FontName method. Name of the font in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_fontname/ --- ## TextStyle::get_FontName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_fontname/ Name of the font. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::get_FontName() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::get_FontName() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_fontsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_fontsize/ index 31e899f1aa..6a2276b0c7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_fontsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_fontsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_FontSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::get_FontSize method. Fonst size in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_fontsize/ --- ## TextStyle::get_FontSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_fontsize/ Fonst size. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::get_FontSize() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::get_FontSize() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_horizontalalignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_horizontalalignment/ index 7056b1fd05..0b9d5da8ea 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_horizontalalignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_horizontalalignment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_HorizontalAlignment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::get_HorizontalAlignment method. Text alignment. Valid values are: Left, Center, Rigth in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_horizontalalignment/ --- ## TextStyle::get_HorizontalAlignment method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/get_horizontalalignment/ [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) alignment. Valid values are: Left, Center, Rigth. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::get_HorizontalAlignment() +Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::get_HorizontalAlignment() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_alignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_alignment/ index b57408399d..e65ac35178 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_alignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_alignment/ @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_alignment/ Sets horizontal alignment of the text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::set_Alignment(TextAlignment value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::set_Alignment(TextAlignment value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use HorizontalAlignment property - - Deprecated - - Use HorizontalAlignment property - - ## See Also * Enum [TextAlignment](../../textalignment/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_color/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_color/ index 4ea7295f53..5fc3fb7349 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_color/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_color/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Color second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::set_Color method. Color of the text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_color/ --- ## TextStyle::set_Color method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_color/ [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::set_Color(System::Drawing::Color value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::set_Color(System::Drawing::Color value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_fontname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_fontname/ index 8b642f80a7..babc8fb5a9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_fontname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_fontname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_FontName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::set_FontName method. Name of the font in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_fontname/ --- ## TextStyle::set_FontName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_fontname/ Name of the font. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::set_FontName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::set_FontName(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_fontsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_fontsize/ index 37f7534d33..f90237f173 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_fontsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_fontsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_FontSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::set_FontSize method. Fonst size in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_fontsize/ --- ## TextStyle::set_FontSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_fontsize/ Fonst size. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::set_FontSize(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::set_FontSize(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_horizontalalignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_horizontalalignment/ index fbadd0944a..a2a6368c81 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_horizontalalignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_horizontalalignment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_HorizontalAlignment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::set_HorizontalAlignment method. Text alignment. Valid values are: Left, Center, Rigth in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_horizontalalignment/ --- ## TextStyle::set_HorizontalAlignment method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/set_horizontalalignment/ [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) alignment. Valid values are: Left, Center, Rigth. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::set_HorizontalAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::set_HorizontalAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/tostring/ index be18913458..628a86530a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/tostring/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/textstyle/tostring/ String representation of [TextStyle](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::ToString() const override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TextStyle::ToString() const override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/accept/ index 46d7c372c0..a556cfe139 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TrimMarkAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor for annotation processing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/accept/ --- ## TrimMarkAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor for annotation processing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TrimMarkAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TrimMarkAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - - AnnotationSelector object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ index eab122f117..3131bae299 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TrimMarkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## TrimMarkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TrimMarkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TrimMarkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/trimmarkannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/trimmarkannotation/ index 42c16a3c71..9ba28ca6ec 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/trimmarkannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/trimmarkannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TrimMarkAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TrimMarkAnnotation::TrimMarkAnnotation constructor. Initializes a new instance of the TrimMarkAnnotation class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/trimmarkannotation/ --- ## TrimMarkAnnotation::TrimMarkAnnotation constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/trimmarkannotation/trimmarkannotation/ Initializes a new instance of the [TrimMarkAnnotation](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TrimMarkAnnotation::TrimMarkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, PrinterMarkCornerPosition position) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TrimMarkAnnotation::TrimMarkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, PrinterMarkCornerPosition position) ``` @@ -24,24 +24,6 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::TrimMarkAnnotation::TrimMarkAnno ## Remarks - - - - page - - - The page where the annotation will be added. - - - - - position - - - The position of the trim mark on the page. - - - This constructor creates a [TrimMarkAnnotation](../) and adds it to the specified page at the specified position. ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/underlineannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/underlineannotation/accept/ index 556fe91ebe..dacf20d830 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/underlineannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/underlineannotation/accept/ @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/underlineannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor object to process the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::UnderlineAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::UnderlineAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/underlineannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/underlineannotation/get_annotationtype/ index 552caf3c40..c733330722 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/underlineannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/underlineannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::UnderlineAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/underlineannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## UnderlineAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/underlineannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::UnderlineAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::UnderlineAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/underlineannotation/underlineannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/underlineannotation/underlineannotation/ index fdcdadc1bf..e949fb9c66 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/underlineannotation/underlineannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/underlineannotation/underlineannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: UnderlineAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::UnderlineAnnotation::UnderlineAnnotation constructor. Creates new Underline annotation on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/underlineannotation/underlineannotation/ --- ## UnderlineAnnotation::UnderlineAnnotation constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/underlineannotation/underlineannotation/ Creates new Underline annotation on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::UnderlineAnnotation::UnderlineAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::UnderlineAnnotation::UnderlineAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::UnderlineAnnotation::UnderlineAn | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The document's page where annotation should be created. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The document's page where annotation should be created. - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/accept/ index 79f786efa0..2fc43b2ab4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::Accept method. Apply visitor for annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/accept/ --- ## WatermarkAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/accept/ Apply visitor for annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor object. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor object. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/changeafterresize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/changeafterresize/ index 464999da46..c9ca16773f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/changeafterresize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/changeafterresize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ChangeAfterResize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize method. Overrides the definition in the base class with an empty body in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/changeafterresize/ --- ## WatermarkAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/changeafterresize/ Overrides the definition in the base class with an empty body. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize(System::SharedPtr transform) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::ChangeAfterResize(System::SharedPtr transform) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | transform | System::SharedPtr\ | [Matrix](../../../aspose.pdf/matrix/) specifying the transformation. | -## Remarks - - - - - transform - - - - Matrix specifying the transformation. - - - ## See Also * Class [Matrix](../../../aspose.pdf/matrix/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ index 593cd30f17..502dc9d61e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets annotation type in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## WatermarkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets annotation type. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_fixedprint/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_fixedprint/ index ca1d14e5a8..a7975ab7c5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_fixedprint/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_fixedprint/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_FixedPrint second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::get_FixedPrint method. Fuxed print object of Watermark annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_fixedprint/ --- ## WatermarkAnnotation::get_FixedPrint method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_fixedprint/ Fuxed print object of [Watermark](../../../aspose.pdf/watermark/) annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::get_FixedPrint() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::get_FixedPrint() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_opacity/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_opacity/ index f99c2d3c5e..524e4e42ef 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_opacity/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_opacity/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Opacity second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::get_Opacity method. Gets opacity of the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_opacity/ --- ## WatermarkAnnotation::get_Opacity method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/get_opacity/ Gets opacity of the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::get_Opacity() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::get_Opacity() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/set_opacity/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/set_opacity/ index 3a7d59bbe6..144fc3ad17 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/set_opacity/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/set_opacity/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Opacity second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::set_Opacity method. Sets opacity of the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/set_opacity/ --- ## WatermarkAnnotation::set_Opacity method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/set_opacity/ Sets opacity of the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::set_Opacity(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::set_Opacity(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/settext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/settext/ index b9afdda7cd..1c9951985b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/settext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/settext/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::SetText method. Set text of the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/settext/ --- ## WatermarkAnnotation::SetText method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/settext/ Set text of the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::SetText(System::SharedPtr text) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::SetText(System::SharedPtr text) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | text | System::SharedPtr\ | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) value. | -## Remarks - - - - - text - - - - Text value. - - - ## See Also * Class [FormattedText](../../../aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/settextandstate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/settextandstate/ index 3eea89eac6..994abf7e44 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/settextandstate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/settextandstate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetTextAndState second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::SetTextAndState method. Set text of the annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/settextandstate/ --- ## WatermarkAnnotation::SetTextAndState method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/settextandstate/ Set text of the annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::SetTextAndState(System::ArrayPtr text, System::SharedPtr textState) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::SetTextAndState(System::ArrayPtr text, System::SharedPtr textState) ``` @@ -21,29 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::SetTex | --- | --- | --- | | text | System::ArrayPtr\ | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) value. | | textState | System::SharedPtr\ | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) state. | -## Remarks - - - - - text - - - - Text value. - - - - - textState - - - - Text state. - - - ## See Also * Class [TextState](../../../aspose.pdf.text/textstate/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/watermarkannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/watermarkannotation/ index 50b76cfe3c..47bbab8978 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/watermarkannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/watermarkannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: WatermarkAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::WatermarkAnnotation constructor. Constructor for Watermark annotation class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/watermarkannotation/ --- ## WatermarkAnnotation::WatermarkAnnotation constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/watermarkannotation/watermarkannotation/ Constructor for [Watermark](../../../aspose.pdf/watermark/) annotation class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::WatermarkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::WatermarkAnnotation(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -21,28 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WatermarkAnnotation::WatermarkAn | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) where annotation should be placed. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | Position of the annotation. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - - Page where annotation should be placed. - - - - - rect - - - Position of the annotation. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/accept/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/accept/ index 88944e0311..0883f9ab26 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/accept/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/accept/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Accept second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::Accept method. Accepts visitor in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/accept/ --- ## WidgetAnnotation::Accept method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/accept/ Accepts visitor. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::Accept(System::SharedPtr visitor) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | visitor | System::SharedPtr\ | Visitor to be accepted. | -## Remarks - - - - - visitor - - - Visitor to be accepted. - - - ## See Also * Class [AnnotationSelector](../../annotationselector/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_actions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_actions/ index 3db1f45636..c1826ce455 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_actions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_actions/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_actions/ Gets the annotation actions. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_Actions() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_Actions() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_annotationtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_annotationtype/ index fe99550726..fcade6b9de 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_annotationtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_annotationtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method. Gets type of annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_annotationtype/ --- ## WidgetAnnotation::get_AnnotationType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_annotationtype/ Gets type of annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationType Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_AnnotationType() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_defaultappearance/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_defaultappearance/ index aa2c8fc5de..ea78e2c589 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_defaultappearance/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_defaultappearance/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DefaultAppearance second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_DefaultAppearance method. Gets default appearance of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_defaultappearance/ --- ## WidgetAnnotation::get_DefaultAppearance method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_defaultappearance/ Gets default appearance of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_DefaultAppearance() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_DefaultAppearance() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_exportable/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_exportable/ index 91658718cd..9b1d42ae81 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_exportable/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_exportable/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Exportable second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_Exportable method. Gets exportable flag of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_exportable/ --- ## WidgetAnnotation::get_Exportable method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_exportable/ Gets exportable flag of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_Exportable() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_Exportable() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_highlighting/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_highlighting/ index f4582d5252..fee48ceb93 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_highlighting/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_highlighting/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Highlighting second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_Highlighting method. Annotation highlighting mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_highlighting/ --- ## WidgetAnnotation::get_Highlighting method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_highlighting/ [Annotation](../../annotation/) highlighting mode. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API HighlightingMode Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_Highlighting() +HighlightingMode Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_Highlighting() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_onactivated/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_onactivated/ index 40e375f507..a777566851 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_onactivated/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_onactivated/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OnActivated second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_OnActivated method. An action which shall be performed when the annotation is activated in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_onactivated/ --- ## WidgetAnnotation::get_OnActivated method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_onactivated/ An action which shall be performed when the annotation is activated. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_OnActivated() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_OnActivated() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_parent/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_parent/ index cf2d23f7b4..a394343665 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_parent/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_parent/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Parent second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_Parent method. Gets annotation parent in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_parent/ --- ## WidgetAnnotation::get_Parent method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_parent/ Gets annotation parent. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_Parent() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_Parent() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_readonly/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_readonly/ index ece9bb1197..9fb8c9bb97 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_readonly/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_readonly/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ReadOnly second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_ReadOnly method. Gets read only status of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_readonly/ --- ## WidgetAnnotation::get_ReadOnly method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_readonly/ Gets read only status of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_ReadOnly() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_ReadOnly() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_required/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_required/ index 2527933d58..e2cf293c06 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_required/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_required/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/get_required/ Gets required status of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_Required() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::get_Required() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/getcheckedstatename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/getcheckedstatename/ index ad27f3f712..6da52fea00 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/getcheckedstatename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/getcheckedstatename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetCheckedStateName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::GetCheckedStateName method. Returns name of "checked" state according to existing state names in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/getcheckedstatename/ --- ## WidgetAnnotation::GetCheckedStateName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/getcheckedstatename/ Returns name of "checked" state according to existing state names. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::GetCheckedStateName() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::GetCheckedStateName() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_defaultappearance/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_defaultappearance/ index 8988d0b438..a7c3d590d3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_defaultappearance/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_defaultappearance/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_DefaultAppearance second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::set_DefaultAppearance method. Sets default appearance of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_defaultappearance/ --- ## WidgetAnnotation::set_DefaultAppearance method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_defaultappearance/ Sets default appearance of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::set_DefaultAppearance(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::set_DefaultAppearance(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_exportable/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_exportable/ index b50c1bcba2..161775a3d9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_exportable/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_exportable/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_exportable/ Sets exportable flag of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::set_Exportable(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::set_Exportable(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_highlighting/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_highlighting/ index 4a28bcfdc1..bcefb0cbba 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_highlighting/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_highlighting/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Highlighting second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::set_Highlighting method. Annotation highlighting mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_highlighting/ --- ## WidgetAnnotation::set_Highlighting method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_highlighting/ [Annotation](../../annotation/) highlighting mode. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::set_Highlighting(HighlightingMode value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::set_Highlighting(HighlightingMode value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_onactivated/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_onactivated/ index 2c28a297c3..3054dff213 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_onactivated/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_onactivated/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OnActivated second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::set_OnActivated method. An action which shall be performed when the annotation is activated in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_onactivated/ --- ## WidgetAnnotation::set_OnActivated method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_onactivated/ An action which shall be performed when the annotation is activated. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::set_OnActivated(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::set_OnActivated(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_readonly/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_readonly/ index 94634042aa..e730dfa6ed 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_readonly/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_readonly/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ReadOnly second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::set_ReadOnly method. Sets read only status of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_readonly/ --- ## WidgetAnnotation::set_ReadOnly method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_readonly/ Sets read only status of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::set_ReadOnly(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::set_ReadOnly(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_required/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_required/ index 97e937b206..bc98836090 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_required/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_required/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Required second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::set_Required method. Sets required status of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_required/ --- ## WidgetAnnotation::set_Required method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/set_required/ Sets required status of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::set_Required(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::set_Required(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/widgetannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/widgetannotation/ index f174676e2e..30ab697e1b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/widgetannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/widgetannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: WidgetAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::WidgetAnnotation constructor. Create annotation (used for Generator) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/widgetannotation/ --- ## WidgetAnnotation::WidgetAnnotation constructor @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/widgetannotation/ Create annotation (used for Generator) ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::WidgetAnnotation(System::SharedPtr doc) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::WidgetAnnotation::WidgetAnnotation(System::SharedPtr doc) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where annotation will be created. | -## Remarks - - - - - doc - - - - Document where annotation will be created. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/getelements/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/getelements/ index 25e889636d..8f3dc43606 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/getelements/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/getelements/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetElements second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XfdfReader::GetElements method. Parses XFDF file and returns information as hashtable in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/getelements/ --- ## XfdfReader::GetElements method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/getelements/ Parses XFDF file and returns information as hashtable. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XfdfReader::GetElements(System::SharedPtr reader) +static System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XfdfReader::GetElements(System::SharedPtr reader) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr - - - reader - - - XmlReader for the source file. - - - + ## See Also * Class [XfdfReader](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/readannotations/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/readannotations/ index 57deedada8..e57288f372 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/readannotations/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/readannotations/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ReadAnnotations second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XfdfReader::ReadAnnotations method. Import annotations from XFDF file and put them into document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/readannotations/ --- ## XfdfReader::ReadAnnotations method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/readannotations/ Import annotations from XFDF file and put them into document. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XfdfReader::ReadAnnotations(System::SharedPtr stream, System::SharedPtr document) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XfdfReader::ReadAnnotations(System::SharedPtr stream, System::SharedPtr document) ``` @@ -21,28 +21,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XfdfReader::ReadAnno | --- | --- | --- | | stream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source stream containing XFDF file. | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where annotations will be added. | -## Remarks - - - - - stream - - - Source stream containing XFDF file. - - - - - document - - - - Document where annotations will be added. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/readfields/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/readfields/ index a6657fb406..a0bfec8ee5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/readfields/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/readfields/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ReadFields second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XfdfReader::ReadFields method. Import field values from XFDF file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/readfields/ --- ## XfdfReader::ReadFields method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xfdfreader/readfields/ Import field values from XFDF file. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XfdfReader::ReadFields(System::SharedPtr stream, System::SharedPtr document) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XfdfReader::ReadFields(System::SharedPtr stream, System::SharedPtr document) ``` @@ -21,28 +21,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XfdfReader::ReadFiel | --- | --- | --- | | stream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream containing XFDF data. | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where fields data will be imported. | -## Remarks - - - - - stream - - - Stream containing XFDF data. - - - - - document - - - - Document where fields data will be imported. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/createdestination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/createdestination/ index 9358f69d3b..b32fbbd49d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/createdestination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/createdestination/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/createdestination/ Create destintion to specified location of the page considering page rotation if required. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::CreateDestination(System::SharedPtr page, double left, double top, double zoom, bool considerRotation) +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::CreateDestination(System::SharedPtr page, double left, double top, double zoom, bool considerRotation) ``` @@ -28,51 +28,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::P ### ReturnValue Destination object. -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - Destination page. - - - - - left - - - Left position on the page. - - - - - top - - - Top position on the page. - - - - - zoom - - - Zoom factor (0 for default). - - - - - considerRotation - - - If true position will be recalculated according to page rotation. - - - ## See Also * Class [XYZExplicitDestination](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/createdestinationtoupperleftcorner/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/createdestinationtoupperleftcorner/ index fb12af8048..9d2bffb039 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/createdestinationtoupperleftcorner/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/createdestinationtoupperleftcorner/ @@ -2,50 +2,29 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::CreateDestinationToUpperLeftCorner method linktitle: CreateDestinationToUpperLeftCorner second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::CreateDestinationToUpperLeftCorner method. Create destionation to upper left corner of the specifed page in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::CreateDestinationToUpperLeftCorner method. Create destination to specified page in C++.' type: docs weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/createdestinationtoupperleftcorner/ --- -## XYZExplicitDestination::CreateDestinationToUpperLeftCorner(System::SharedPtr\, double) method +## XYZExplicitDestination::CreateDestinationToUpperLeftCorner(System::SharedPtr\) method -Create destionation to upper left corner of the specifed page. +Create destination to specified page. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::CreateDestinationToUpperLeftCorner(System::SharedPtr page, double zoom) +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::CreateDestinationToUpperLeftCorner(System::SharedPtr page) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination page. | -| zoom | double | Zoom factor. | ### ReturnValue Destination object. -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - Destination page. - - - - - zoom - - - Zoom factor. - - - + ## See Also * Class [XYZExplicitDestination](../) @@ -53,36 +32,25 @@ Destination object. * Class [XYZExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## XYZExplicitDestination::CreateDestinationToUpperLeftCorner(System::SharedPtr\) method +## XYZExplicitDestination::CreateDestinationToUpperLeftCorner(System::SharedPtr\, double) method -Create destination to specified page. +Create destionation to upper left corner of the specifed page. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::CreateDestinationToUpperLeftCorner(System::SharedPtr page) +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::CreateDestinationToUpperLeftCorner(System::SharedPtr page, double zoom) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination page. | +| zoom | double | Zoom factor. | ### ReturnValue Destination object. -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - Destination page. - - - + ## See Also * Class [XYZExplicitDestination](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_left/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_left/ index 16975b58b3..433d5885cf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_left/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_left/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Left second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::get_Left method. Gets left horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_left/ --- ## XYZExplicitDestination::get_Left method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_left/ Gets left horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::get_Left() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::get_Left() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_top/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_top/ index 5b29f8b06c..815f8fc862 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_top/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_top/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Top second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::get_Top method. Gets top vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_top/ --- ## XYZExplicitDestination::get_Top method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_top/ Gets top vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::get_Top() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::get_Top() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_zoom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_zoom/ index a47d14b952..0bddd8f1a5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_zoom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_zoom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Zoom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::get_Zoom method. Gets zoom factor in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_zoom/ --- ## XYZExplicitDestination::get_Zoom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/get_zoom/ Gets zoom factor. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::get_Zoom() +double Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::get_Zoom() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/tostring/ index c170ec09d9..d67936a151 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/tostring/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/tostring/ Converts the object state into string value. Example: "1 XYZ 100 200 3". ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::ToString() const override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::ToString() const override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/xyzexplicitdestination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/xyzexplicitdestination/ index ed73c60c72..575463a3b7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/xyzexplicitdestination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/xyzexplicitdestination/ @@ -2,198 +2,80 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::XYZExplicitDestination constructor linktitle: XYZExplicitDestination second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::XYZExplicitDestination constructor. Creates local explicit destination in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::XYZExplicitDestination constructor. Creates remote explicit destination in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.annotations/xyzexplicitdestination/xyzexplicitdestination/ --- -## XYZExplicitDestination::XYZExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, double, double, double) constructor +## XYZExplicitDestination::XYZExplicitDestination(int32_t, double, double, double) constructor -Creates local explicit destination. +Creates remote explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::XYZExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr page, double left, double top, double zoom) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::XYZExplicitDestination(int32_t pageNumber, double left, double top, double zoom) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination page object. | +| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | | left | double | Left horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. | | top | double | Top vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. | | zoom | double | Zoom factor. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - The destination page object. - - - - - left - - - Left horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. - - - - - top - - - Top vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. - - - - - zoom - - - Zoom factor. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [XYZExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## XYZExplicitDestination::XYZExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, double, double, double) constructor +## XYZExplicitDestination::XYZExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, double, double, double) constructor -Creates remote explicit destination. +Creates local explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::XYZExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t pageNumber, double left, double top, double zoom) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::XYZExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr page, double left, double top, double zoom) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The parent document that contains this object. | -| pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination page object. | | left | double | Left horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. | | top | double | Top vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. | | zoom | double | Zoom factor. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without Document argument. - - - - - document - - - The parent document that contains this object. - - - - - pageNumber - - - The destination page number of remote document. - - - - - left - - - Left horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. - - - - - top - - - Top vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. - - - - - zoom - - - Zoom factor. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [XYZExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## XYZExplicitDestination::XYZExplicitDestination(int32_t, double, double, double) constructor +## XYZExplicitDestination::XYZExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, double, double, double) constructor Creates remote explicit destination. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::XYZExplicitDestination(int32_t pageNumber, double left, double top, double zoom) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::XYZExplicitDestination::XYZExplicitDestination(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t pageNumber, double left, double top, double zoom) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | The parent document that contains this object. | | pageNumber | int32_t | The destination page number of remote document. | | left | double | Left horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. | | top | double | Top vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. | | zoom | double | Zoom factor. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageNumber - - - The destination page number of remote document. - - - - - left - - - Left horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. - - - - - top - - - Top vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window. - - - - - zoom - - - Zoom factor. - - - + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without Document argument. + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [XYZExplicitDestination](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Annotations](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/equals/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/equals/ index c517939b72..62f67f1332 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/equals/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/equals/ @@ -4,35 +4,35 @@ linktitle: Equals second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use Equals method of Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/equals/ --- -## DiffOperation::Equals(System::SharedPtr\) method +## DiffOperation::Equals(System::SharedPtr\) method ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation::Equals(System::SharedPtr other) override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation::Equals(System::SharedPtr op) override ``` ## See Also +* Class [DiffOperation](../) * Class [DiffOperation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## DiffOperation::Equals(System::SharedPtr\) method +## DiffOperation::Equals(System::SharedPtr\) method ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation::Equals(System::SharedPtr op) override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation::Equals(System::SharedPtr other) override ``` ## See Also -* Class [DiffOperation](../) * Class [DiffOperation](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/get_operation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/get_operation/ index b8bebf718b..40ee897a35 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/get_operation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/get_operation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Operation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation::get_Operation method. Gets and sets operation type in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/get_operation/ --- ## DiffOperation::get_Operation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/get_operation/ Gets and sets operation type. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::Operation Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation::get_Operation() const +Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::Operation Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation::get_Operation() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/get_text/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/get_text/ index 6a37593b54..d8bb1fbcfd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/get_text/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/get_text/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Text second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation::get_Text method. Get and set operation text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/get_text/ --- ## DiffOperation::get_Text method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/get_text/ Get and set operation text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation::get_Text() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation::get_Text() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/gethashcode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/gethashcode/ index 5f97a93bb4..44b3093461 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/gethashcode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/gethashcode/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/gethashcode/ Analog of C# Object.GetHashCode() method. Enables hashing of custom objects. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation::GetHashCode() const override +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation::GetHashCode() const override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/tostring/ index 7f232112dc..db8d6399b3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/tostring/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/tostring/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/tostring/ Analog of C# Object.ToString() method. Enables converting custom objects to string. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation::ToString() const override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation::ToString() const override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparedocumentstoimages/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparedocumentstoimages/ index c10c195a16..a434c507c6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparedocumentstoimages/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparedocumentstoimages/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CompareDocumentsToImages second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::CompareDocumentsToImages method. Compares documents graphically. The comparison result is placed in images in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparedocumentstoimages/ --- ## GraphicalPdfComparer::CompareDocumentsToImages method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/compare Compares documents graphically. The comparison result is placed in images. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::CompareDocumentsToImages(System::SharedPtr document1, System::SharedPtr document2, System::String targetDirectory, System::String fileNamePrefix, System::SharedPtr imageFormat) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::CompareDocumentsToImages(System::SharedPtr document1, System::SharedPtr document2, System::String targetDirectory, System::String fileNamePrefix, System::SharedPtr imageFormat) ``` @@ -24,60 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::Graphic | targetDirectory | System::String | The directory to save a comparison results. | | fileNamePrefix | System::String | The images name prefix. | | imageFormat | System::SharedPtr\ | The image format to save. | -## Remarks - - - - - document1 - - - The first document to compare. - - - - - document2 - - - The second document to compare. - - - - - targetDirectory - - - The directory to save a comparison results. - - - - - fileNamePrefix - - - The images name prefix. - - - - - imageFormat - - - The image format to save. - - - - - - ArgumentException - - - If the pages being compared are of different sizes. If targetDirectory is null or empty string. If fileNamePrefix is null or empty string. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparedocumentstopdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparedocumentstopdf/ index 75ba343d1e..2dece93487 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparedocumentstopdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparedocumentstopdf/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CompareDocumentsToPdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::CompareDocumentsToPdf method. Compares documents graphically. The comparison result is placed in a PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparedocumentstopdf/ --- ## GraphicalPdfComparer::CompareDocumentsToPdf method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/compare Compares documents graphically. The comparison result is placed in a PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::CompareDocumentsToPdf(System::SharedPtr document1, System::SharedPtr document2, System::String resultPdfPath) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::CompareDocumentsToPdf(System::SharedPtr document1, System::SharedPtr document2, System::String resultPdfPath) ``` @@ -22,44 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::Graphic | document1 | System::SharedPtr\ | The first document to compare. | | document2 | System::SharedPtr\ | The second document to compare. | | resultPdfPath | System::String | The target pdf file path. | -## Remarks - - - - - document1 - - - The first document to compare. - - - - - document2 - - - The second document to compare. - - - - - resultPdfPath - - - The target pdf file path. - - - - - - ArgumentException - - - If the pages being compared are of different sizes. If resultPdfPath is null or empty string. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparepagestoimage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparepagestoimage/ index 12aefb6c2f..e54cf744a1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparepagestoimage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparepagestoimage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ComparePagesToImage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::ComparePagesToImage method. Compares pages graphically. The comparison result is placed in a image in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparepagestoimage/ --- ## GraphicalPdfComparer::ComparePagesToImage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/compare Compares pages graphically. The comparison result is placed in a image. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::ComparePagesToImage(System::SharedPtr page1, System::SharedPtr page2, System::String resultImagePath) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::ComparePagesToImage(System::SharedPtr page1, System::SharedPtr page2, System::String resultImagePath) ``` @@ -22,44 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::Graphic | page1 | System::SharedPtr\ | The first page to compare. | | page2 | System::SharedPtr\ | The second page to compare. | | resultImagePath | System::String | The path to target image file. | -## Remarks - - - - - page1 - - - The first page to compare. - - - - - page2 - - - The second page to compare. - - - - - resultImagePath - - - The path to target image file. - - - - - - ArgumentException - - - If the pages being compared are of different sizes. If resultImagePath is null or empty string. There is unknown saving image format. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparepagestopdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparepagestopdf/ index c1eb1fc31e..7ef2f05d56 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparepagestopdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparepagestopdf/ @@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ linktitle: ComparePagesToPdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::ComparePagesToPdf method. Compares pages graphically. The comparison result is placed in a PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/comparepagestopdf/ --- -## GraphicalPdfComparer::ComparePagesToPdf(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::String) method +## GraphicalPdfComparer::ComparePagesToPdf(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method Compares pages graphically. The comparison result is placed in a PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::ComparePagesToPdf(System::SharedPtr page1, System::SharedPtr page2, System::String resultPdfPath) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::ComparePagesToPdf(System::SharedPtr page1, System::SharedPtr page2, System::SharedPtr pdfDocument) ``` @@ -21,58 +21,22 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::Graphic | --- | --- | --- | | page1 | System::SharedPtr\ | The first page. | | page2 | System::SharedPtr\ | The second page. | -| resultPdfPath | System::String | The path to target pdf file. | -## Remarks - +| pdfDocument | System::SharedPtr\ | The pdf document instance. | - - - - page1 - - - The first page. - - - - - page2 - - - The second page. - - - - - resultPdfPath - - - The path to target pdf file. - - - - - - ArgumentException - - - If the pages being compared are of different sizes. If resultPdfPath is null or empty string. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [GraphicalPdfComparer](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## GraphicalPdfComparer::ComparePagesToPdf(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## GraphicalPdfComparer::ComparePagesToPdf(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::String) method Compares pages graphically. The comparison result is placed in a PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::ComparePagesToPdf(System::SharedPtr page1, System::SharedPtr page2, System::SharedPtr pdfDocument) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::ComparePagesToPdf(System::SharedPtr page1, System::SharedPtr page2, System::String resultPdfPath) ``` @@ -80,49 +44,11 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::Graphic | --- | --- | --- | | page1 | System::SharedPtr\ | The first page. | | page2 | System::SharedPtr\ | The second page. | -| pdfDocument | System::SharedPtr\ | The pdf document instance. | -## Remarks - +| resultPdfPath | System::String | The path to target pdf file. | - - - - page1 - - - The first page. - - - - - page2 - - - The second page. - - - - - pdfDocument - - - The pdf document instance. - - - - - - ArgumentException - - - If the pages being compared are of different sizes. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [GraphicalPdfComparer](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_color/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_color/ index b2dff8a1e9..290e47a781 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_color/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_color/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Color second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::get_Color method. Gets and sets the change flag color. The default color is red in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_color/ --- ## GraphicalPdfComparer::get_Color method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_col Gets and sets the change flag color. The default color is red. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::get_Color() const +const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::get_Color() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_resolution/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_resolution/ index a4234f1ed5..98210d0af2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_resolution/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_resolution/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Resolution second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::get_Resolution method. Gets and sets the resolution of the resulting images. The default value is 150dpi in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_resolution/ --- ## GraphicalPdfComparer::get_Resolution method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_res Gets and sets the resolution of the resulting images. The default value is 150dpi. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::get_Resolution() const +const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::get_Resolution() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_threshold/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_threshold/ index e0e8e3227b..d49d178b7f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_threshold/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_threshold/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Threshold second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::get_Threshold method. Gets and sets the threshold value in percentage. This value allows you to ignore small changes if they are not significant to you. The default value is 0% in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_threshold/ --- ## GraphicalPdfComparer::get_Threshold method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/get_thr Gets and sets the threshold value in percentage. This value allows you to ignore small changes if they are not significant to you. The default value is 0%. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::get_Threshold() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::get_Threshold() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/getdifference/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/getdifference/ index bd1c9a49cc..1974ede5c0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/getdifference/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/getdifference/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetDifference second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::GetDifference method. Gets differences between pages images. The result contains an image of the first page compared and an array of differences in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/getdifference/ --- ## GraphicalPdfComparer::GetDifference method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/getdiff Gets differences between pages images. The result contains an image of the first page compared and an array of differences. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::GetDifference(System::SharedPtr page1, System::SharedPtr page2) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::GetDifference(System::SharedPtr page1, System::SharedPtr page2) ``` @@ -25,36 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Compariso ### ReturnValue The [ImagesDifference](../../imagesdifference/) instance. -## Remarks - - - - - page1 - - - The first page. - - - - - page2 - - - The second page. - - - - - - ArgumentException - - - If the pages being compared are of different sizes. - - - ## See Also * Class [ImagesDifference](../../imagesdifference/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/graphicalpdfcomparer/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/graphicalpdfcomparer/ index bf06205d37..9b4b288c12 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/graphicalpdfcomparer/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/graphicalpdfcomparer/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GraphicalPdfComparer second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::GraphicalPdfComparer constructor. Creates an instance of GraphicalPdfComparer class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/graphicalpdfcomparer/ --- ## GraphicalPdfComparer::GraphicalPdfComparer constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/graphic Creates an instance of [GraphicalPdfComparer](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::GraphicalPdfComparer() +Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::GraphicalPdfComparer() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_color/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_color/ index e03c9cb5a5..04fb129bda 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_color/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_color/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Color second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::set_Color method. Gets and sets the change flag color. The default color is red in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_color/ --- ## GraphicalPdfComparer::set_Color method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_col Gets and sets the change flag color. The default color is red. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::set_Color(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::set_Color(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_resolution/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_resolution/ index 52b3695d60..79361c0b77 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_resolution/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_resolution/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Resolution second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::set_Resolution method. Gets and sets the resolution of the resulting images. The default value is 150dpi in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_resolution/ --- ## GraphicalPdfComparer::set_Resolution method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_res Gets and sets the resolution of the resulting images. The default value is 150dpi. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::set_Resolution(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::set_Resolution(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_threshold/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_threshold/ index d2f134dc67..b080eb7d5e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_threshold/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_threshold/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Threshold second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::set_Threshold method. Gets and sets the threshold value in percentage. This value allows you to ignore small changes if they are not significant to you. The default value is 0% in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_threshold/ --- ## GraphicalPdfComparer::set_Threshold method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/graphicalpdfcomparer/set_thr Gets and sets the threshold value in percentage. This value allows you to ignore small changes if they are not significant to you. The default value is 0%. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::set_Threshold(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::GraphicalPdfComparer::set_Threshold(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/differencetoimage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/differencetoimage/ index 1539b78dc4..106c38d707 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/differencetoimage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/differencetoimage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DifferenceToImage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::DifferenceToImage method. Converts the difference array to a bitmap image using the specified colors in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/differencetoimage/ --- ## ImagesDifference::DifferenceToImage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/differencet Converts the difference array to a bitmap image using the specified colors. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::DifferenceToImage(System::SharedPtr color, System::SharedPtr backgroundColor) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::DifferenceToImage(System::SharedPtr color, System::SharedPtr backgroundColor) ``` @@ -25,27 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Co ### ReturnValue A bitmap image representing the difference array. -## Remarks - - - - - - color - - - The color for non-zero differences. - - - - - backgroundColor - - - The background color for zero differences. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/dispose/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/dispose/ index 2ad1cbb0a8..1f6617d2d5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/dispose/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/dispose/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Dispose second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::Dispose method. Performs any necessary clean up operations before the object is destroyed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/dispose/ --- ## ImagesDifference::Dispose method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/dispose/ Performs any necessary clean up operations before the object is destroyed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::Dispose() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::Dispose() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_difference/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_difference/ index 46b2494e52..6d779f8f90 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_difference/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_difference/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Difference second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::get_Difference method. Gets the difference array. This array is similar to the original image data array obtained as a result of the LockBits method in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_difference/ --- ## ImagesDifference::get_Difference method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_differe Gets the difference array. This array is similar to the original image data array obtained as a result of the LockBits method. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::ArrayPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::get_Difference() const +const System::ArrayPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::get_Difference() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_height/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_height/ index c5f2e702a4..e4b1d131cb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_height/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_height/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_height/ The height of difference. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::get_Height() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::get_Height() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_sourceimage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_sourceimage/ index 10b1983445..13732698c5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_sourceimage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_sourceimage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SourceImage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::get_SourceImage method. Gets the image of first compared page. The image has a pixel format is 24bpp in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_sourceimage/ --- ## ImagesDifference::get_SourceImage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_sourcei Gets the image of first compared page. The image has a pixel format is 24bpp. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::get_SourceImage() const +const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::get_SourceImage() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_stride/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_stride/ index d1e1a77d45..68a847632f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_stride/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_stride/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Stride second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::get_Stride method. The stride of difference image data in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_stride/ --- ## ImagesDifference::get_Stride method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/get_stride/ The stride of difference image data. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::get_Stride() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::get_Stride() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/getdestinationimage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/getdestinationimage/ index 1e70a44e27..baee30199b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/getdestinationimage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/getdestinationimage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetDestinationImage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::GetDestinationImage method. Returns a new bitmap representing the destination image by applying the difference array to the source image in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/getdestinationimage/ --- ## ImagesDifference::GetDestinationImage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.graphicalcomparison/imagesdifference/getdestinat Returns a new bitmap representing the destination image by applying the difference array to the source image. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::GetDestinationImage() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::GraphicalComparison::ImagesDifference::GetDestinationImage() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ index 78635c8cf6..233d1603e2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GenerateOutput second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput method. Generates the output based on the differences between texts and saves it to a file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ --- ## HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr\\>\>) method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/generate Generates the output based on the differences between texts and saves it to a file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>> diffrences) override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>> diffrences) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | diffrences | System::SharedPtr\\>\> | The list of differences between texts. | -## Remarks - - - - - - diffrences - - - The list of differences between texts. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) @@ -45,7 +33,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::H Generates the output based on the differences between texts and saves it to a file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>> diffrences, System::String targetFilePath) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>> diffrences, System::String targetFilePath) override ``` @@ -53,27 +41,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOut | --- | --- | --- | | diffrences | System::SharedPtr\\>\> | The list of differences between texts. | | targetFilePath | System::String | The path of the target file to save the output. | -## Remarks - - - - - - diffrences - - - The list of differences between texts. - - - - - targetFilePath - - - The path of the target file to save the output. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) @@ -86,26 +54,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOut Generates the output based on the differences between texts and saves it to a file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>>>> diffrences) override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>>>> diffrences) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | diffrences | System::SharedPtr\\>\>\>\> | The list of differences between texts. | -## Remarks - - - - - - diffrences - - - The list of differences between texts. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) @@ -118,7 +74,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::H Generates the output based on the differences between texts and saves it to a file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>>>> diffrences, System::String targetFilePath) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>>>> diffrences, System::String targetFilePath) override ``` @@ -126,27 +82,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOut | --- | --- | --- | | diffrences | System::SharedPtr\\>\>\>\> | The list of differences between texts. | | targetFilePath | System::String | The path of the target file to save the output. | -## Remarks - - - - - - diffrences - - - The list of differences between texts. - - - - - targetFilePath - - - The path of the target file to save the output. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_deletestyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_deletestyle/ index 86b2ae7e43..5609c5c6ab 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_deletestyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_deletestyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DeleteStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::get_DeleteStyle method. Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Delete operation. Example: color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66; in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_deletestyle/ --- ## HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::get_DeleteStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_dele Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Delete operation. Example: **color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66;** ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::get_DeleteStyle() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::get_DeleteStyle() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_equalstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_equalstyle/ index ac4cba8d63..e177cf3f7e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_equalstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_equalstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_EqualStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::get_EqualStyle method. Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Equal operation. Example: color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66; in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_equalstyle/ --- ## HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::get_EqualStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_equa Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Equal operation. Example: **color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66;** ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::get_EqualStyle() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::get_EqualStyle() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_insertstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_insertstyle/ index c1d76f47c1..4082c71e26 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_insertstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_insertstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_InsertStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::get_InsertStyle method. Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Insert operation. Example: color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66; in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_insertstyle/ --- ## HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::get_InsertStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_inse Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Insert operation. Example: **color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66;** ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::get_InsertStyle() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::get_InsertStyle() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_strikethroughdeleted/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_strikethroughdeleted/ index a92aadb6c3..35bb295c73 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_strikethroughdeleted/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_strikethroughdeleted/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_StrikethroughDeleted second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::get_StrikethroughDeleted method. Get or set text-decoration: line-through style for the delete operation. Default value is False in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_strikethroughdeleted/ --- ## HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::get_StrikethroughDeleted method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/get_stri Get or set text-decoration: line-through style for the delete operation. Default value is **False**. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::get_StrikethroughDeleted() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::get_StrikethroughDeleted() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/ index b9633a6e76..519c521a35 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: HtmlDiffOutputGenerator second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator constructor. Creates an instance of HtmlDiffOutputGenerator class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/ --- ## HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/htmldiff Creates an instance of [HtmlDiffOutputGenerator](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator() +Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,26 +27,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGe Creates an instance of [HtmlDiffOutputGenerator](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator(System::SharedPtr textStyle) +Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator(System::SharedPtr textStyle) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | textStyle | System::SharedPtr\ | The styles for the changed text. | -## Remarks - - - - - - textStyle - - - The styles for the changed text. - - - + ## See Also * Class [OutputTextStyle](../../outputtextstyle/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_deletestyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_deletestyle/ index 2a58878d73..0703fa35aa 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_deletestyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_deletestyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_DeleteStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::set_DeleteStyle method. Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Delete operation. Example: color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66; in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_deletestyle/ --- ## HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::set_DeleteStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_dele Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Delete operation. Example: **color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66;** ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::set_DeleteStyle(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::set_DeleteStyle(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_equalstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_equalstyle/ index ea6112dd69..36a59871f0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_equalstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_equalstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_EqualStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::set_EqualStyle method. Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Equal operation. Example: color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66; in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_equalstyle/ --- ## HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::set_EqualStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_equa Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Equal operation. Example: **color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66;** ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::set_EqualStyle(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::set_EqualStyle(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_insertstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_insertstyle/ index 4b547be1df..e69593c486 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_insertstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_insertstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_InsertStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::set_InsertStyle method. Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Insert operation. Example: color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66; in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_insertstyle/ --- ## HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::set_InsertStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_inse Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Insert operation. Example: **color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66;** ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::set_InsertStyle(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::set_InsertStyle(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_strikethroughdeleted/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_strikethroughdeleted/ index ad5ecbc5bb..3abb95dcd0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_strikethroughdeleted/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_strikethroughdeleted/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_StrikethroughDeleted second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::set_StrikethroughDeleted method. Get or set text-decoration: line-through style for the delete operation. Default value is False in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_strikethroughdeleted/ --- ## HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::set_StrikethroughDeleted method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/htmldiffoutputgenerator/set_stri Get or set text-decoration: line-through style for the delete operation. Default value is **False**. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::set_StrikethroughDeleted(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator::set_StrikethroughDeleted(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/ifileoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/ifileoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ index 59a10cf415..56a33239ad 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/ifileoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/ifileoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::IFileOutputGenerator::Gen | --- | --- | --- | | diffrences | System::SharedPtr\\>\> | The list of differences between texts. | | targetFilePath | System::String | The path of the target file to save the output. | -## Remarks - - - - - diffrences - - - The list of differences between texts. - - - - - targetFilePath - - - The path of the target file to save the output. - - - ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) @@ -62,27 +42,7 @@ virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::IFileOutputGenerator::Gen | --- | --- | --- | | diffrences | System::SharedPtr\\>\>\>\> | The list of differences between texts. | | targetFilePath | System::String | The path of the target file to save the output. | -## Remarks - - - - - diffrences - - - The list of differences between texts. - - - - - targetFilePath - - - The path of the target file to save the output. - - - ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/istringoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/istringoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ index 8dffdff906..b66cfef740 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/istringoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/istringoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ virtual System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::IStringOutputGe ### ReturnValue [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) representation of output. -## Remarks - - - - - - diffrences - - - The list of differences between texts. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) @@ -60,19 +48,7 @@ virtual System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::IStringOutputGe ### ReturnValue [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) representation of output. -## Remarks - - - - - - diffrences - - - The list of differences between texts. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/markdowndiffoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/markdowndiffoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ index ab48f88d19..75b67a6c9d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/markdowndiffoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/markdowndiffoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/markdowndiffoutputgenerator/gene Generates the output based on the differences between texts and saves it to a file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::MarkdownDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>> diffrences) override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::MarkdownDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>> diffrences) override ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::M ### ReturnValue Markown text. -## Remarks - - - - - - diffrences - - - The list of differences between texts. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) @@ -49,7 +37,7 @@ Markown text. Generates the output based on the differences between texts and saves it to a file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::MarkdownDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>> diffrences, System::String targetFilePath) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::MarkdownDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>> diffrences, System::String targetFilePath) override ``` @@ -57,27 +45,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::MarkdownDif | --- | --- | --- | | diffrences | System::SharedPtr\\>\> | The list of differences between texts. | | targetFilePath | System::String | The path of the target file to save the output. | -## Remarks - - - - - - diffrences - - - The list of differences between texts. - - - - - targetFilePath - - - The path of the target file to save the output. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) @@ -90,7 +58,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::MarkdownDif Generates the output based on the differences between texts and saves it to a file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::MarkdownDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>>>> diffrences) override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::MarkdownDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>>>> diffrences) override ``` @@ -101,19 +69,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::M ### ReturnValue Markown text. -## Remarks - - - - - - diffrences - - - The list of differences between texts. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) @@ -126,7 +82,7 @@ Markown text. Generates the output based on the differences between texts and saves it to a file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::MarkdownDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>>>> diffrences, System::String targetFilePath) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::MarkdownDiffOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>>>> diffrences, System::String targetFilePath) override ``` @@ -134,27 +90,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::MarkdownDif | --- | --- | --- | | diffrences | System::SharedPtr\\>\>\>\> | The list of differences between texts. | | targetFilePath | System::String | The path of the target file to save the output. | -## Remarks - - - - - - diffrences - - - The list of differences between texts. - - - - - targetFilePath - - - The path of the target file to save the output. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/markdowndiffoutputgenerator/markdowndiffoutputgenerator/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/markdowndiffoutputgenerator/markdowndiffoutputgenerator/ index 3f649c2c9a..e173b4071d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/markdowndiffoutputgenerator/markdowndiffoutputgenerator/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/markdowndiffoutputgenerator/markdowndiffoutputgenerator/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/markdowndiffoutputgenerator/mark Creates an instance of [MarkdownDiffOutputGenerator](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::MarkdownDiffOutputGenerator::MarkdownDiffOutputGenerator() +Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::MarkdownDiffOutputGenerator::MarkdownDiffOutputGenerator() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_deletedstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_deletedstyle/ index 43e256192f..dbf9ac0e86 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_deletedstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_deletedstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DeletedStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::get_DeletedStyle method. Get and set a text style for deleted text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_deletedstyle/ --- ## OutputTextStyle::get_DeletedStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_deletedstyle Get and set a text style for deleted text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::get_DeletedStyle() const +const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::get_DeletedStyle() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_equalstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_equalstyle/ index fc0cf84688..ac0913d811 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_equalstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_equalstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_EqualStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::get_EqualStyle method. Get and set a text style for non changed text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_equalstyle/ --- ## OutputTextStyle::get_EqualStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_equalstyle/ Get and set a text style for non changed text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::get_EqualStyle() const +const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::get_EqualStyle() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_insertedstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_insertedstyle/ index 54cdc36724..b5c24532f8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_insertedstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_insertedstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_InsertedStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::get_InsertedStyle method. Get and set a text style for inserted text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_insertedstyle/ --- ## OutputTextStyle::get_InsertedStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_insertedstyl Get and set a text style for inserted text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::get_InsertedStyle() const +const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::get_InsertedStyle() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_strikethroughdeleted/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_strikethroughdeleted/ index 11f31f8065..ae4a31b7de 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_strikethroughdeleted/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_strikethroughdeleted/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_StrikethroughDeleted second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::get_StrikethroughDeleted method. Get or set text-decoration: line-through style for the delete operation. Default value is False in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_strikethroughdeleted/ --- ## OutputTextStyle::get_StrikethroughDeleted method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/get_strikethroug Get or set text-decoration: line-through style for the delete operation. Default value is **False**. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::get_StrikethroughDeleted() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::get_StrikethroughDeleted() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/outputtextstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/outputtextstyle/ index a8f8467d0c..655ab9c757 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/outputtextstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/outputtextstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: OutputTextStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use OutputTextStyle constructor of Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/outputtextstyle/ --- ## OutputTextStyle::OutputTextStyle constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/outputtextstyle/ ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::OutputTextStyle() +Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::OutputTextStyle() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_deletedstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_deletedstyle/ index c8f16c0411..880d678f87 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_deletedstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_deletedstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_DeletedStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::set_DeletedStyle method. Get and set a text style for deleted text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_deletedstyle/ --- ## OutputTextStyle::set_DeletedStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_deletedstyle Get and set a text style for deleted text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::set_DeletedStyle(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::set_DeletedStyle(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_equalstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_equalstyle/ index 191faadc50..c710dc58f0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_equalstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_equalstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_EqualStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::set_EqualStyle method. Get and set a text style for non changed text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_equalstyle/ --- ## OutputTextStyle::set_EqualStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_equalstyle/ Get and set a text style for non changed text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::set_EqualStyle(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::set_EqualStyle(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_insertedstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_insertedstyle/ index b947ea4657..8075bdb7cc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_insertedstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_insertedstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_InsertedStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::set_InsertedStyle method. Get and set a text style for inserted text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_insertedstyle/ --- ## OutputTextStyle::set_InsertedStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_insertedstyl Get and set a text style for inserted text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::set_InsertedStyle(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::set_InsertedStyle(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_strikethroughdeleted/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_strikethroughdeleted/ index 64785425d9..8d0771d387 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_strikethroughdeleted/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_strikethroughdeleted/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_StrikethroughDeleted second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::set_StrikethroughDeleted method. Get or set text-decoration: line-through style for the delete operation. Default value is False in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_strikethroughdeleted/ --- ## OutputTextStyle::set_StrikethroughDeleted method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/outputtextstyle/set_strikethroug Get or set text-decoration: line-through style for the delete operation. Default value is **False**. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::set_StrikethroughDeleted(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::OutputTextStyle::set_StrikethroughDeleted(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/pdfoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/pdfoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ index 1efbf9198d..0959193189 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/pdfoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/pdfoutputgenerator/generateoutput/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/pdfoutputgenerator/generateoutpu Generates the output based on the differences between texts and saves it to a file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>> diffrences, System::String targetFilePath) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>> diffrences, System::String targetFilePath) override ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::PdfOutputGe | --- | --- | --- | | diffrences | System::SharedPtr\\>\> | The list of differences between texts. | | targetFilePath | System::String | The path of the target file to save the output. | -## Remarks - - - - - diffrences - - - The list of differences between texts. - - - - - targetFilePath - - - The path of the target file to save the output. - - - ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) @@ -54,7 +34,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::PdfOutputGe Generates the output based on the differences between texts and saves it to a file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>>>> diffrences, System::String targetFilePath) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator::GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr>>>> diffrences, System::String targetFilePath) override ``` @@ -62,27 +42,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::PdfOutputGe | --- | --- | --- | | diffrences | System::SharedPtr\\>\>\>\> | The list of differences between texts. | | targetFilePath | System::String | The path of the target file to save the output. | -## Remarks - - - - - diffrences - - - The list of differences between texts. - - - - - targetFilePath - - - The path of the target file to save the output. - - - ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/pdfoutputgenerator/pdfoutputgenerator/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/pdfoutputgenerator/pdfoutputgenerator/ index 8a200c0119..3c2f246103 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/pdfoutputgenerator/pdfoutputgenerator/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/pdfoutputgenerator/pdfoutputgenerator/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/pdfoutputgenerator/pdfoutputgene Cteates an instance of [PdfOutputGenerator](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator() +Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator() ``` ## See Also @@ -21,108 +21,64 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerat * Class [PdfOutputGenerator](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfOutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PdfOutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator(System::SharedPtr\) constructor Cteates an instance of [PdfOutputGenerator](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator(System::SharedPtr pageInfo) +Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator(System::SharedPtr textStyle) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| pageInfo | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size and margins settings. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageInfo - - - The page size and margins settings. - - - +| textStyle | System::SharedPtr\ | The styles for the changed text. | + ## See Also -* Class [PageInfo](../../../aspose.pdf/pageinfo/) +* Class [OutputTextStyle](../../outputtextstyle/) * Class [PdfOutputGenerator](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfOutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PdfOutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor Cteates an instance of [PdfOutputGenerator](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator(System::SharedPtr textStyle) +Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator(System::SharedPtr textStyle, System::SharedPtr pageInfo) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | textStyle | System::SharedPtr\ | The styles for the changed text. | -## Remarks - - - - - - textStyle - - - The styles for the changed text. - - - +| pageInfo | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size and margins settings. | + ## See Also * Class [OutputTextStyle](../../outputtextstyle/) +* Class [PageInfo](../../../aspose.pdf/pageinfo/) * Class [PdfOutputGenerator](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfOutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PdfOutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator(System::SharedPtr\) constructor Cteates an instance of [PdfOutputGenerator](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator(System::SharedPtr textStyle, System::SharedPtr pageInfo) +Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator::PdfOutputGenerator(System::SharedPtr pageInfo) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| textStyle | System::SharedPtr\ | The styles for the changed text. | | pageInfo | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size and margins settings. | -## Remarks - - - - - - textStyle - - - The styles for the changed text. - - - - - pageInfo - - - The page size and margins settings. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [OutputTextStyle](../../outputtextstyle/) * Class [PageInfo](../../../aspose.pdf/pageinfo/) * Class [PdfOutputGenerator](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/get_backgroundcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/get_backgroundcolor/ index b6342dac80..5db121e008 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/get_backgroundcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/get_backgroundcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_BackgroundColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::TextStyle::get_BackgroundColor method. Gets and sets the background color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/get_backgroundcolor/ --- ## TextStyle::get_BackgroundColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/get_backgroundcolor/ Gets and sets the background color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::TextStyle::get_BackgroundColor() const +const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::TextStyle::get_BackgroundColor() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/get_color/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/get_color/ index 521e682077..55902a664e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/get_color/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/get_color/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Color second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::TextStyle::get_Color method. Gets and sets the text color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/get_color/ --- ## TextStyle::get_Color method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/get_color/ Gets and sets the text color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::TextStyle::get_Color() const +const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::TextStyle::get_Color() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/set_backgroundcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/set_backgroundcolor/ index 1a0d622735..89d6bbbd37 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/set_backgroundcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/set_backgroundcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_BackgroundColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::TextStyle::set_BackgroundColor method. Gets and sets the background color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/set_backgroundcolor/ --- ## TextStyle::set_BackgroundColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/set_backgroundcolor/ Gets and sets the background color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::TextStyle::set_BackgroundColor(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::TextStyle::set_BackgroundColor(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/set_color/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/set_color/ index 197d9524fe..5c341e7f98 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/set_color/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/set_color/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Color second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::TextStyle::set_Color method. Gets and sets the text color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/set_color/ --- ## TextStyle::set_Color method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.outputgenerator/textstyle/set_color/ Gets and sets the text color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::TextStyle::set_Color(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::TextStyle::set_Color(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_additionalchangemarks/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_additionalchangemarks/ index c4f72d026f..c72cda8fd5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_additionalchangemarks/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_additionalchangemarks/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AdditionalChangeMarks second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_AdditionalChangeMarks method. Get and set the property that determines whether additional change markers are displayed. If set, displays change marks that are not on the current page but are present on another page. If the change lacates between words, the mark may not be positioned exactly relative to the whitespace character. The default value is false in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_additionalchangemarks/ --- ## SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_AdditionalChangeMarks method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions Get and set the property that determines whether additional change markers are displayed. If set, displays change marks that are not on the current page but are present on another page. If the change lacates between words, the mark may not be positioned exactly relative to the whitespace character. The default value is **false**. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_AdditionalChangeMarks() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_AdditionalChangeMarks() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_comparisonarea1/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_comparisonarea1/ index 1dc225a7ab..8c539a46cd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_comparisonarea1/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_comparisonarea1/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ComparisonArea1 second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ComparisonArea1 method. Get and set the comparison area. Used for the first page or document in the comparison method. This option can''t be setted along with ExcludeTables, ExcludeAreas1 and ExcludeAreas2 options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_comparisonarea1/ --- ## SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ComparisonArea1 method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions Get and set the comparison area. Used for the first page or document in the comparison method. This option can't be setted along with [ExcludeTables](../), [ExcludeAreas1](../) and [ExcludeAreas2](../) options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ComparisonArea1() const +const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ComparisonArea1() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_comparisonarea2/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_comparisonarea2/ index 5224662954..9554beff61 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_comparisonarea2/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_comparisonarea2/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ComparisonArea2 second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ComparisonArea2 method. Get and set the comparison area. Used for the second page or document in the comparison method. This option can''t be setted along with ExcludeTables, ExcludeAreas1 and ExcludeAreas2 options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_comparisonarea2/ --- ## SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ComparisonArea2 method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions Get and set the comparison area. Used for the second page or document in the comparison method. This option can't be setted along with [ExcludeTables](../), [ExcludeAreas1](../) and [ExcludeAreas2](../) options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ComparisonArea2() const +const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ComparisonArea2() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_comparisonmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_comparisonmode/ index c07538e771..473fbaf65b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_comparisonmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_comparisonmode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ComparisonMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ComparisonMode method. Gets and sets a comparison mode. The default value is SideBySideComparison::ComparisonMode::IgnoreSpaces in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_comparisonmode/ --- ## SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ComparisonMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions Gets and sets a comparison mode. The default value is [SideBySideComparison::ComparisonMode::IgnoreSpaces](../../comparisonmode/). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::ComparisonMode Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ComparisonMode() const +Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::ComparisonMode Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ComparisonMode() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_excludeareas1/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_excludeareas1/ index 6e14b27669..90e7a602ae 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_excludeareas1/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_excludeareas1/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ExcludeAreas1 second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeAreas1 method. Get and set the exclude areas. Used for the first page or document in the comparison method. This option can be setted along with ExcludeTables. This option can''t be setted along with ComparisonArea1 option in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_excludeareas1/ --- ## SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeAreas1 method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions Get and set the exclude areas. Used for the first page or document in the comparison method. This option can be setted along with [ExcludeTables](../). This option can't be setted along with [ComparisonArea1](../) option. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::ArrayPtr> & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeAreas1() const +const System::ArrayPtr> & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeAreas1() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_excludeareas2/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_excludeareas2/ index d8e7452c4f..b33d872a37 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_excludeareas2/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_excludeareas2/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ExcludeAreas2 second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeAreas2 method. Get and set the exclude areas. Used for the second page or document in the comparison method. This option can be setted along with ExcludeTables. This option can''t be setted along with ComparisonArea2 option in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_excludeareas2/ --- ## SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeAreas2 method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions Get and set the exclude areas. Used for the second page or document in the comparison method. This option can be setted along with [ExcludeTables](../). This option can't be setted along with [ComparisonArea2](../) option. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::ArrayPtr> & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeAreas2() const +const System::ArrayPtr> & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeAreas2() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_excludetables/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_excludetables/ index 4d8ce3ad3c..7d12e15177 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_excludetables/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_excludetables/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ExcludeTables second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeTables method. Get and set the option that determines whether tables are excluded from comparison. This option cannot be set together with ComparisonArea1 and ComparisonArea2. The default value is false in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/get_excludetables/ --- ## SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeTables method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions Get and set the option that determines whether tables are excluded from comparison. This option cannot be set together with [ComparisonArea1](../) and [ComparisonArea2](../). The default value is **false**. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeTables() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeTables() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_additionalchangemarks/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_additionalchangemarks/ index 6fa32e1b12..74c4b329aa 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_additionalchangemarks/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_additionalchangemarks/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AdditionalChangeMarks second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_AdditionalChangeMarks method. Get and set the property that determines whether additional change markers are displayed. If set, displays change marks that are not on the current page but are present on another page. If the change lacates between words, the mark may not be positioned exactly relative to the whitespace character. The default value is false in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_additionalchangemarks/ --- ## SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_AdditionalChangeMarks method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions Get and set the property that determines whether additional change markers are displayed. If set, displays change marks that are not on the current page but are present on another page. If the change lacates between words, the mark may not be positioned exactly relative to the whitespace character. The default value is **false**. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_AdditionalChangeMarks(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_AdditionalChangeMarks(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_comparisonarea1/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_comparisonarea1/ index cc8799d6a9..f2e9ecae54 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_comparisonarea1/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_comparisonarea1/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ComparisonArea1 second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ComparisonArea1 method. Get and set the comparison area. Used for the first page or document in the comparison method. This option can''t be setted along with ExcludeTables, ExcludeAreas1 and ExcludeAreas2 options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_comparisonarea1/ --- ## SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ComparisonArea1 method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions Get and set the comparison area. Used for the first page or document in the comparison method. This option can't be setted along with [ExcludeTables](../), [ExcludeAreas1](../) and [ExcludeAreas2](../) options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ComparisonArea1(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ComparisonArea1(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_comparisonarea2/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_comparisonarea2/ index 48edc875ed..3b7a9e3920 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_comparisonarea2/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_comparisonarea2/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ComparisonArea2 second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ComparisonArea2 method. Get and set the comparison area. Used for the second page or document in the comparison method. This option can''t be setted along with ExcludeTables, ExcludeAreas1 and ExcludeAreas2 options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_comparisonarea2/ --- ## SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ComparisonArea2 method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions Get and set the comparison area. Used for the second page or document in the comparison method. This option can't be setted along with [ExcludeTables](../), [ExcludeAreas1](../) and [ExcludeAreas2](../) options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ComparisonArea2(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ComparisonArea2(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_comparisonmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_comparisonmode/ index 78df27a5e8..5ba66a8efa 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_comparisonmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_comparisonmode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ComparisonMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ComparisonMode method. Gets and sets a comparison mode. The default value is SideBySideComparison::ComparisonMode::IgnoreSpaces in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_comparisonmode/ --- ## SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ComparisonMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions Gets and sets a comparison mode. The default value is [SideBySideComparison::ComparisonMode::IgnoreSpaces](../../comparisonmode/). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ComparisonMode(Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::ComparisonMode value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ComparisonMode(Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::ComparisonMode value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_excludeareas1/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_excludeareas1/ index 4aced085ad..9bedf801fa 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_excludeareas1/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_excludeareas1/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ExcludeAreas1 second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeAreas1 method. Get and set the exclude areas. Used for the first page or document in the comparison method. This option can be setted along with ExcludeTables. This option can''t be setted along with ComparisonArea1 option in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_excludeareas1/ --- ## SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeAreas1 method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions Get and set the exclude areas. Used for the first page or document in the comparison method. This option can be setted along with [ExcludeTables](../). This option can't be setted along with [ComparisonArea1](../) option. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeAreas1(System::ArrayPtr> value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeAreas1(System::ArrayPtr> value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_excludeareas2/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_excludeareas2/ index 514515ecb6..995989d50b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_excludeareas2/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_excludeareas2/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions Get and set the exclude areas. Used for the second page or document in the comparison method. This option can be setted along with [ExcludeTables](../). This option can't be setted along with [ComparisonArea2](../) option. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeAreas2(System::ArrayPtr> value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeAreas2(System::ArrayPtr> value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_excludetables/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_excludetables/ index cfb1157749..0a7b003e95 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_excludetables/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_excludetables/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ExcludeTables second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeTables method. Get and set the option that determines whether tables are excluded from comparison. This option cannot be set together with ComparisonArea1 and ComparisonArea2. The default value is false in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/set_excludetables/ --- ## SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeTables method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions Get and set the option that determines whether tables are excluded from comparison. This option cannot be set together with [ComparisonArea1](../) and [ComparisonArea2](../). The default value is **false**. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeTables(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeTables(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/ index fde02fccba..7686abbe48 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SideBySideComparisonOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::SideBySideComparisonOptions constructor. Creates an instance of SideBySideComparisonOptions class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/sidebysidecomparisonoptions/ --- ## SideBySideComparisonOptions::SideBySideComparisonOptions constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidecomparisonoptions Creates an instance of [SideBySideComparisonOptions](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::SideBySideComparisonOptions() +Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySideComparisonOptions::SideBySideComparisonOptions() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidepdfcomparer/compare/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidepdfcomparer/compare/ index d2f9c4bc53..c9c2118215 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidepdfcomparer/compare/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidepdfcomparer/compare/ @@ -2,127 +2,55 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySidePdfComparer::Compare method linktitle: Compare second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySidePdfComparer::Compare method. Compares two pages. The result is saved in a PDF document in which the first page is written first, and then the second. You can open it in Adobe Acrobat in Two-page view to see the changes side by side. Deletions are noted on the page on the left, and insertions are noted on the page on the right in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySidePdfComparer::Compare method. Compares two documents. The pages are compared one by one. The pages of the compared documents are copied one after another into the resulting document. First the first page from the first document, then the first page from the second document. Next is the second one from the first document and then the second one from the second document, etc. You can open it in Adobe Acrobat in Two-page view to see the changes side by side. Deletions are noted on the page on the left, and insertions are noted on the page on the right in C++.' type: docs weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison.sidebysidecomparison/sidebysidepdfcomparer/compare/ --- -## SideBySidePdfComparer::Compare(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method +## SideBySidePdfComparer::Compare(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method -Compares two pages. The result is saved in a PDF document in which the first page is written first, and then the second. You can open it in Adobe Acrobat in Two-page view to see the changes side by side. Deletions are noted on the page on the left, and insertions are noted on the page on the right. +Compares two documents. The pages are compared one by one. The pages of the compared documents are copied one after another into the resulting document. First the first page from the first document, then the first page from the second document. Next is the second one from the first document and then the second one from the second document, etc. You can open it in Adobe Acrobat in Two-page view to see the changes side by side. Deletions are noted on the page on the left, and insertions are noted on the page on the right. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySidePdfComparer::Compare(System::SharedPtr page1, System::SharedPtr page2, System::String targetPdfPath, System::SharedPtr options) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySidePdfComparer::Compare(System::SharedPtr document1, System::SharedPtr document2, System::String targetPdfPath, System::SharedPtr options) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page1 | System::SharedPtr\ | The first page to compare. | -| page2 | System::SharedPtr\ | The first page to compare. | +| document1 | System::SharedPtr\ | The first document to compare. | +| document2 | System::SharedPtr\ | The second document to compare. | | targetPdfPath | System::String | The path to PDF-file to save a comparison result. | | options | System::SharedPtr\ | The comparison options. | -## Remarks - - - - - page1 - - - The first page to compare. - - - - - page2 - - - The first page to compare. - - - - - targetPdfPath - - - The path to PDF-file to save a comparison result. - - - - - options - - - The comparison options. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [SideBySideComparisonOptions](../../sidebysidecomparisonoptions/) * Class [SideBySidePdfComparer](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## SideBySidePdfComparer::Compare(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method +## SideBySidePdfComparer::Compare(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method -Compares two documents. The pages are compared one by one. The pages of the compared documents are copied one after another into the resulting document. First the first page from the first document, then the first page from the second document. Next is the second one from the first document and then the second one from the second document, etc. You can open it in Adobe Acrobat in Two-page view to see the changes side by side. Deletions are noted on the page on the left, and insertions are noted on the page on the right. +Compares two pages. The result is saved in a PDF document in which the first page is written first, and then the second. You can open it in Adobe Acrobat in Two-page view to see the changes side by side. Deletions are noted on the page on the left, and insertions are noted on the page on the right. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySidePdfComparer::Compare(System::SharedPtr document1, System::SharedPtr document2, System::String targetPdfPath, System::SharedPtr options) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison::SideBySidePdfComparer::Compare(System::SharedPtr page1, System::SharedPtr page2, System::String targetPdfPath, System::SharedPtr options) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document1 | System::SharedPtr\ | The first document to compare. | -| document2 | System::SharedPtr\ | The second document to compare. | +| page1 | System::SharedPtr\ | The first page to compare. | +| page2 | System::SharedPtr\ | The first page to compare. | | targetPdfPath | System::String | The path to PDF-file to save a comparison result. | | options | System::SharedPtr\ | The comparison options. | -## Remarks - - - - - document1 - - - The first document to compare. - - - - - document2 - - - The second document to compare. - - - - - targetPdfPath - - - The path to PDF-file to save a comparison result. - - - - - options - - - The comparison options. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [SideBySideComparisonOptions](../../sidebysidecomparisonoptions/) * Class [SideBySidePdfComparer](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::SideBySideComparison](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/comparisonoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/comparisonoptions/ index 16e923f917..380fb1a79f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/comparisonoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/comparisonoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ComparisonOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::ComparisonOptions constructor. Creates a ComparisonOptions class instance in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/comparisonoptions/ --- ## ComparisonOptions::ComparisonOptions constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/comparisonoptions/ Creates a [ComparisonOptions](../) class instance. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::ComparisonOptions() +Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::ComparisonOptions() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_editoperationsorder/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_editoperationsorder/ index bed9c09a69..d6debe297d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_editoperationsorder/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_editoperationsorder/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_EditOperationsOrder second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::get_EditOperationsOrder method. Gets and sets the edit operations order in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_editoperationsorder/ --- ## ComparisonOptions::get_EditOperationsOrder method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_editoperationsorder/ Gets and sets the edit operations order. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::EditOperationsOrder Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::get_EditOperationsOrder() const +Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::EditOperationsOrder Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::get_EditOperationsOrder() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludeareas1/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludeareas1/ index 971d0628b5..a03740a961 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludeareas1/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludeareas1/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ExcludeAreas1 second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeAreas1 method. Get and set the exclude areas. Used for the first page or document in the comparison method. This option can be setted along with ExcludeTables. This option can''t be setted along with ExtractionArea option in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludeareas1/ --- ## ComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeAreas1 method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludeareas1/ Get and set the exclude areas. Used for the first page or document in the comparison method. This option can be setted along with [ExcludeTables](../). This option can't be setted along with [ExtractionArea](../) option. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::ArrayPtr> & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeAreas1() const +const System::ArrayPtr> & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeAreas1() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludeareas2/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludeareas2/ index 916b1bbdd3..5c08d9ec31 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludeareas2/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludeareas2/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ExcludeAreas2 second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeAreas2 method. Get and set the exclude areas. Used for the second page or document in the comparison method. This option can be setted along with ExcludeTables. This option can''t be setted along with ExtractionArea option in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludeareas2/ --- ## ComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeAreas2 method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludeareas2/ Get and set the exclude areas. Used for the second page or document in the comparison method. This option can be setted along with [ExcludeTables](../). This option can't be setted along with [ExtractionArea](../) option. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::ArrayPtr> & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeAreas2() const +const System::ArrayPtr> & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeAreas2() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludetables/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludetables/ index f2a65ce9c9..15c39b7bb6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludetables/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludetables/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ExcludeTables second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeTables method. Get and set the option that determines whether tables are excluded from comparison. This option cannot be set together with ExtractionArea option. The default value is false in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludetables/ --- ## ComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeTables method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_excludetables/ Get and set the option that determines whether tables are excluded from comparison. This option cannot be set together with [ExtractionArea](../) option. The default value is **false**. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeTables() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::get_ExcludeTables() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_extractionarea/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_extractionarea/ index 7919c9de35..f3e3d4d546 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_extractionarea/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_extractionarea/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ExtractionArea second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::get_ExtractionArea method. Get and set the rectangular area in which the text of pages will be compared. This option can''t be setted along with ExcludeTables, ExcludeAreas1 and ExcludeAreas2 options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_extractionarea/ --- ## ComparisonOptions::get_ExtractionArea method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/get_extractionarea/ Get and set the rectangular area in which the text of pages will be compared. This option can't be setted along with [ExcludeTables](../), [ExcludeAreas1](../) and [ExcludeAreas2](../) options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::get_ExtractionArea() const +const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::get_ExtractionArea() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_editoperationsorder/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_editoperationsorder/ index e2e01f0b8e..d1cd5cca95 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_editoperationsorder/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_editoperationsorder/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_EditOperationsOrder second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::set_EditOperationsOrder method. Gets and sets the edit operations order in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_editoperationsorder/ --- ## ComparisonOptions::set_EditOperationsOrder method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_editoperationsorder/ Gets and sets the edit operations order. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::set_EditOperationsOrder(Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::EditOperationsOrder value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::set_EditOperationsOrder(Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::EditOperationsOrder value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludeareas1/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludeareas1/ index 4b27f93ad7..d1ae3b8832 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludeareas1/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludeareas1/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ExcludeAreas1 second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeAreas1 method. Get and set the exclude areas. Used for the first page or document in the comparison method. This option can be setted along with ExcludeTables. This option can''t be setted along with ExtractionArea option in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludeareas1/ --- ## ComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeAreas1 method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludeareas1/ Get and set the exclude areas. Used for the first page or document in the comparison method. This option can be setted along with [ExcludeTables](../). This option can't be setted along with [ExtractionArea](../) option. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeAreas1(System::ArrayPtr> value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeAreas1(System::ArrayPtr> value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludeareas2/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludeareas2/ index e2197d616f..f6d1c92063 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludeareas2/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludeareas2/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ExcludeAreas2 second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeAreas2 method. Get and set the exclude areas. Used for the second page or document in the comparison method. This option can be setted along with ExcludeTables. This option can''t be setted along with ExtractionArea option in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludeareas2/ --- ## ComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeAreas2 method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludeareas2/ Get and set the exclude areas. Used for the second page or document in the comparison method. This option can be setted along with [ExcludeTables](../). This option can't be setted along with [ExtractionArea](../) option. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeAreas2(System::ArrayPtr> value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeAreas2(System::ArrayPtr> value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludetables/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludetables/ index 8aae8eebf8..c8fac13451 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludetables/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludetables/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ExcludeTables second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeTables method. Get and set the option that determines whether tables are excluded from comparison. This option cannot be set together with ExtractionArea option. The default value is false in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludetables/ --- ## ComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeTables method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_excludetables/ Get and set the option that determines whether tables are excluded from comparison. This option cannot be set together with [ExtractionArea](../) option. The default value is **false**. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeTables(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::set_ExcludeTables(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_extractionarea/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_extractionarea/ index 6c67c3ce1d..4f4580155c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_extractionarea/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_extractionarea/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ExtractionArea second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::set_ExtractionArea method. Get and set the rectangular area in which the text of pages will be compared. This option can''t be setted along with ExcludeTables, ExcludeAreas1 and ExcludeAreas2 options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_extractionarea/ --- ## ComparisonOptions::set_ExtractionArea method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonoptions/set_extractionarea/ Get and set the rectangular area in which the text of pages will be compared. This option can't be setted along with [ExcludeTables](../), [ExcludeAreas1](../) and [ExcludeAreas2](../) options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::set_ExtractionArea(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::ComparisonOptions::set_ExtractionArea(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonstatisticsbuilder/buildstatistics/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonstatisticsbuilder/buildstatistics/ index e3e58a5b7f..b5cbc52c70 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonstatisticsbuilder/buildstatistics/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/comparisonstatisticsbuilder/buildstatistics/ @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Comparison:: ### ReturnValue A statistics instance. -## Remarks - - - - - - diffs - - - The list of differences. - - - + ## See Also * Class [TextItemComparisonStatistics](../../textitemcomparisonstatistics/) @@ -61,19 +49,7 @@ static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Comparison:: ### ReturnValue A statistics instance. -## Remarks - - - - - - diffs - - - The list of differences. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DocumentComparisonStatistics](../../documentcomparisonstatistics/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/documentcomparisonstatistics/get_pagesstatistics/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/documentcomparisonstatistics/get_pagesstatistics/ index a956c5523c..f8cc97b2bc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/documentcomparisonstatistics/get_pagesstatistics/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/documentcomparisonstatistics/get_pagesstatistics/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/documentcomparisonstatistics/get_pagesstatistics Gets and sets the list of pages statistics. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr>> & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::DocumentComparisonStatistics::get_PagesStatistics() const +const System::SharedPtr>> & Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::DocumentComparisonStatistics::get_PagesStatistics() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_deletedcharacterscount/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_deletedcharacterscount/ index 32bd9b6cdf..7f60a49ab5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_deletedcharacterscount/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_deletedcharacterscount/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_deletedcharacte Gets and sets the number of deleted characters. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextItemComparisonStatistics::get_DeletedCharactersCount() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextItemComparisonStatistics::get_DeletedCharactersCount() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_deleteoperationscount/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_deleteoperationscount/ index d8404269ea..6c74ba72be 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_deleteoperationscount/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_deleteoperationscount/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DeleteOperationsCount second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextItemComparisonStatistics::get_DeleteOperationsCount method. Gets and sets the number of delete operations in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_deleteoperationscount/ --- ## TextItemComparisonStatistics::get_DeleteOperationsCount method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_deleteoperation Gets and sets the number of delete operations. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextItemComparisonStatistics::get_DeleteOperationsCount() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextItemComparisonStatistics::get_DeleteOperationsCount() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_insertedcharacterscount/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_insertedcharacterscount/ index f66dfb6075..48ceaf626e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_insertedcharacterscount/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_insertedcharacterscount/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_InsertedCharactersCount second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextItemComparisonStatistics::get_InsertedCharactersCount method. Gets and sets the number of inseted characters in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_insertedcharacterscount/ --- ## TextItemComparisonStatistics::get_InsertedCharactersCount method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_insertedcharact Gets and sets the number of inseted characters. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextItemComparisonStatistics::get_InsertedCharactersCount() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextItemComparisonStatistics::get_InsertedCharactersCount() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_insertoperationscount/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_insertoperationscount/ index 0339d8ef1a..465bd4b17d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_insertoperationscount/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_insertoperationscount/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_insertoperation Gets and sets the number of insert operations. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextItemComparisonStatistics::get_InsertOperationsCount() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextItemComparisonStatistics::get_InsertOperationsCount() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_totalcharacters/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_totalcharacters/ index b5e7335c56..b64eb5cf65 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_totalcharacters/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_totalcharacters/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TotalCharacters second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextItemComparisonStatistics::get_TotalCharacters method. Gets and sets the total number of characters in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_totalcharacters/ --- ## TextItemComparisonStatistics::get_TotalCharacters method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/get_totalcharacters Gets and sets the total number of characters. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextItemComparisonStatistics::get_TotalCharacters() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextItemComparisonStatistics::get_TotalCharacters() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/textitemcomparisonstatistics/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/textitemcomparisonstatistics/ index cadf366b3d..0e99ecc394 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/textitemcomparisonstatistics/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/textitemcomparisonstatistics/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TextItemComparisonStatistics second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use TextItemComparisonStatistics constructor of Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextItemComparisonStatistics class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/textitemcomparisonstatistics/ --- ## TextItemComparisonStatistics::TextItemComparisonStatistics constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textitemcomparisonstatistics/textitemcomparisons ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextItemComparisonStatistics::TextItemComparisonStatistics() +Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextItemComparisonStatistics::TextItemComparisonStatistics() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/assemblydestinationpagetext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/assemblydestinationpagetext/ index b191c96fdf..4e08db8a01 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/assemblydestinationpagetext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/assemblydestinationpagetext/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AssemblyDestinationPageText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::AssemblyDestinationPageText method. Restores changed text from the list of changes in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/assemblydestinationpagetext/ --- ## TextPdfComparer::AssemblyDestinationPageText method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/assemblydestinationpagetext/ Restores changed text from the list of changes. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::AssemblyDestinationPageText(System::SharedPtr>> diffs) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::AssemblyDestinationPageText(System::SharedPtr>> diffs) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComp ### ReturnValue Original text. -## Remarks - - - - - - diffs - - - The list of changes. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/assemblysourcepagetext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/assemblysourcepagetext/ index c828783fcd..defb8bf954 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/assemblysourcepagetext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/assemblysourcepagetext/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AssemblySourcePageText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::AssemblySourcePageText method. Restores the original text from the list of changes in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/assemblysourcepagetext/ --- ## TextPdfComparer::AssemblySourcePageText method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/assemblysourcepagetext/ Restores the original text from the list of changes. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::AssemblySourcePageText(System::SharedPtr>> diffs) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::AssemblySourcePageText(System::SharedPtr>> diffs) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComp ### ReturnValue Original text. -## Remarks - - - - - - diffs - - - The list of changes. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/comparedocumentspagebypage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/comparedocumentspagebypage/ index 2ab1786318..846884bbcc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/comparedocumentspagebypage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/comparedocumentspagebypage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CompareDocumentsPageByPage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::CompareDocumentsPageByPage method. Compares two documents page by page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/comparedocumentspagebypage/ --- ## TextPdfComparer::CompareDocumentsPageByPage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/comparedocumentspagebypage/ Compares two documents page by page. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>>>> Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::CompareDocumentsPageByPage(System::SharedPtr document1, System::SharedPtr document2, System::SharedPtr options) +static System::SharedPtr>>>> Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::CompareDocumentsPageByPage(System::SharedPtr document1, System::SharedPtr document2, System::SharedPtr options) ``` @@ -26,36 +26,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr - - - document1 - - - First document.. - - - - - document2 - - - Second document. - - - - - options - - - - Comparison options. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) @@ -70,7 +41,7 @@ List of changes by page. Compares two documents page by page. The result is saved in a PDF file. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>>>> Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::CompareDocumentsPageByPage(System::SharedPtr document1, System::SharedPtr document2, System::SharedPtr options, System::String resultPdfDocumentPath) +static System::SharedPtr>>>> Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::CompareDocumentsPageByPage(System::SharedPtr document1, System::SharedPtr document2, System::SharedPtr options, System::String resultPdfDocumentPath) ``` @@ -84,44 +55,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr - - - document1 - - - First document.. - - - - - document2 - - - Second document. - - - - - options - - - - Comparison options. - - - - - resultPdfDocumentPath - - - Path to the pdf file to save the comparison results. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/compareflatdocuments/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/compareflatdocuments/ index ae801d883c..3a9dba005a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/compareflatdocuments/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/compareflatdocuments/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CompareFlatDocuments second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::CompareFlatDocuments method. Compares two documents page by page. The documents are compared as a whole. Before comparing text, the texts of document pages are combined into one text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/compareflatdocuments/ --- ## TextPdfComparer::CompareFlatDocuments(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/compareflatdocuments/ Compares two documents page by page. The documents are compared as a whole. Before comparing text, the texts of document pages are combined into one text. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::CompareFlatDocuments(System::SharedPtr document1, System::SharedPtr document2, System::SharedPtr options) +static System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::CompareFlatDocuments(System::SharedPtr document1, System::SharedPtr document2, System::SharedPtr options) ``` @@ -26,36 +26,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr - - - document1 - - - First document. - - - - - document2 - - - Second document. - - - - - options - - - - Comparison options. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) @@ -70,7 +41,7 @@ List of changes. Compares two documents page by page. The result is saved in a PDF file. The documents are compared as a whole. Before comparing text, the texts of document pages are combined into one text. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::CompareFlatDocuments(System::SharedPtr document1, System::SharedPtr document2, System::SharedPtr options, System::String resultPdfDocumentPath) +static System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::CompareFlatDocuments(System::SharedPtr document1, System::SharedPtr document2, System::SharedPtr options, System::String resultPdfDocumentPath) ``` @@ -84,44 +55,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr - - - document1 - - - First document. - - - - - document2 - - - Second document. - - - - - options - - - - Comparison options. - - - - - resultPdfDocumentPath - - - Path to the pdf file to save the comparison results. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/comparepages/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/comparepages/ index b75bca247d..2cdf3d8513 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/comparepages/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/comparepages/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ComparePages second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::ComparePages method. Compares document pages in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/comparepages/ --- ## TextPdfComparer::ComparePages method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/comparepages/ Compares document pages. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::ComparePages(System::SharedPtr page1, System::SharedPtr page2, System::SharedPtr options) +static System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::ComparePages(System::SharedPtr page1, System::SharedPtr page2, System::SharedPtr options) ``` @@ -26,36 +26,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr - - - page1 - - - First page. - - - - - page2 - - - Second page. - - - - - options - - - - Comparison options. - - - ## See Also * Class [DiffOperation](../../../aspose.pdf.comparison.diff/diffoperation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/createcomparisonstatistics/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/createcomparisonstatistics/ index be0f31d5ba..fc2353789d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/createcomparisonstatistics/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/createcomparisonstatistics/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CreateComparisonStatistics second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::CreateComparisonStatistics method. Gets comparison statistics in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/createcomparisonstatistics/ --- ## TextPdfComparer::CreateComparisonStatistics(System::SharedPtr\\>\>) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.comparison/textpdfcomparer/createcomparisonstatistics/ Gets comparison statistics. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::CreateComparisonStatistics(System::SharedPtr>> diffs) +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::CreateComparisonStatistics(System::SharedPtr>> diffs) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Asp ### ReturnValue The statistics. -## Remarks - - - - - - diffs - - - The list of changes. - - - + ## See Also * Class [TextItemComparisonStatistics](../../textitemcomparisonstatistics/) @@ -50,7 +38,7 @@ The statistics. Gets documents comparison statistics. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::CreateComparisonStatistics(System::SharedPtr>>>> diffs) +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::TextPdfComparer::CreateComparisonStatistics(System::SharedPtr>>>> diffs) ``` @@ -61,19 +49,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Asp ### ReturnValue The statistics. -## Remarks - - - - - - diffs - - - The list of changes. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DocumentComparisonStatistics](../../documentcomparisonstatistics/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/bmpdevice/bmpdevice/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/bmpdevice/bmpdevice/ index f69c6c08cb..cdf8b90475 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/bmpdevice/bmpdevice/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/bmpdevice/bmpdevice/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/bmpdevice/bmpdevice/ Initializes a new instance of the [BmpDevice](../) class with default resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::BmpDevice() +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::BmpDevice() ``` ## See Also @@ -21,18 +21,23 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::BmpDevice() * Class [BmpDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## BmpDevice::BmpDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## BmpDevice::BmpDevice(int32_t, int32_t) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [BmpDevice](../) class. +Initializes a new instance of the [BmpDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions, default resolution (=150). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::BmpDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::BmpDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | +| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | + ## See Also -* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [BmpDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -42,7 +47,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::BmpDevice(System::SharedP Initializes a new instance of the [BmpDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions and resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::BmpDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::BmpDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` @@ -51,160 +56,67 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::BmpDevice(int32_t width, | width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | | height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | | resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the result image file, see Resolution class. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [BmpDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## BmpDevice::BmpDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## BmpDevice::BmpDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [BmpDevice](../) class with provided page size and resolution. +Initializes a new instance of the [BmpDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::BmpDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::BmpDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | -| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the result image file, see Resolution class. - - - ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [BmpDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## BmpDevice::BmpDevice(int32_t, int32_t) constructor +## BmpDevice::BmpDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [BmpDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions, default resolution (=150). +Initializes a new instance of the [BmpDevice](../) class with provided page size, default resolution (=150). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::BmpDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::BmpDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | -| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [BmpDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## BmpDevice::BmpDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## BmpDevice::BmpDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [BmpDevice](../) class with provided page size, default resolution (=150). +Initializes a new instance of the [BmpDevice](../) class with provided page size and resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::BmpDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::BmpDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - +| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) +* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [BmpDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/bmpdevice/process/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/bmpdevice/process/ index b34d3e9649..6a83cc1250 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/bmpdevice/process/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/bmpdevice/process/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/bmpdevice/process/ Converts the page into bmp and saves it in the output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::BmpDevice::Process(System::Shar | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page to convert. | | output | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream with bmp image. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page to convert. - - - - - output - - - Output stream with bmp image. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/dicomdevice/dicomdevice/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/dicomdevice/dicomdevice/ index 4a838d40ff..34787b6804 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/dicomdevice/dicomdevice/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/dicomdevice/dicomdevice/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/dicomdevice/dicomdevice/ Initializes a new instance of the [DicomDevice](../) class with default resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DicomDevice::DicomDevice() +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DicomDevice::DicomDevice() ``` ## See Also @@ -21,189 +21,101 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DicomDevice::DicomDevice() * Class [DicomDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## DicomDevice::DicomDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## DicomDevice::DicomDevice(int32_t, int32_t) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [DicomDevice](../) class. +Initializes a new instance of the [DicomDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions, with default resolution (=150). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DicomDevice::DicomDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DicomDevice::DicomDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | +| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | + ## See Also -* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [DicomDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## DicomDevice::DicomDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## DicomDevice::DicomDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [DicomDevice](../) class with provided page size, with default resolution (=150). +Initializes a new instance of the [DicomDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions and resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DicomDevice::DicomDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DicomDevice::DicomDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - +| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | +| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | +| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) +* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [DicomDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## DicomDevice::DicomDevice(int32_t, int32_t) constructor +## DicomDevice::DicomDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [DicomDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions, with default resolution (=150). +Initializes a new instance of the [DicomDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DicomDevice::DicomDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DicomDevice::DicomDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | -| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - ## See Also +* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [DicomDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## DicomDevice::DicomDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## DicomDevice::DicomDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [DicomDevice](../) class with provided page size and resolution. +Initializes a new instance of the [DicomDevice](../) class with provided page size, with default resolution (=150). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DicomDevice::DicomDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DicomDevice::DicomDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | -| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the result image file, see Resolution class. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) -* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [DicomDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## DicomDevice::DicomDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## DicomDevice::DicomDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [DicomDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions and resolution. +Initializes a new instance of the [DicomDevice](../) class with provided page size and resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DicomDevice::DicomDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DicomDevice::DicomDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | -| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | | resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the result image file, see Resolution class. - - - + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [DicomDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/dicomdevice/process/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/dicomdevice/process/ index aa84a3c06b..2beb21bcc5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/dicomdevice/process/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/dicomdevice/process/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/dicomdevice/process/ Converts the page into Dicom and saves it in the output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DicomDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DicomDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DicomDevice::Process(System::Sh | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page to convert. | | output | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream with image. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page to convert. - - - - - output - - - Output stream with image. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/documentdevice/documentdevice/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/documentdevice/documentdevice/ index ec72083a9e..15c9e775a0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/documentdevice/documentdevice/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/documentdevice/documentdevice/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DocumentDevice second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use DocumentDevice constructor of Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DocumentDevice class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/documentdevice/documentdevice/ --- ## DocumentDevice::DocumentDevice constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/documentdevice/documentdevice/ ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DocumentDevice::DocumentDevice() +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DocumentDevice::DocumentDevice() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/documentdevice/process/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/documentdevice/process/ index a5b1369fa5..6882209431 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/documentdevice/process/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/documentdevice/process/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Process second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DocumentDevice::Process method. Each device represents some operation on the document, e.g. we can convert pdf document into another format in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/documentdevice/process/ --- ## DocumentDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/documentdevice/process/ Each device represents some operation on the document, e.g. we can convert pdf document into another format. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DocumentDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t fromPage, int32_t toPage, System::SharedPtr output)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DocumentDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t fromPage, int32_t toPage, System::SharedPtr output)=0 ``` @@ -23,184 +23,72 @@ virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DocumentDevice::Process | fromPage | int32_t | Defines the page from which to start processing. | | toPage | int32_t | Defines the last page to process. | | output | System::SharedPtr\ | Defines stream where the results of processing are stored. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - The document to process. - - - - - fromPage - - - Defines the page from which to start processing. - - - - - toPage - - - Defines the last page to process. - - - - - output - - - Defines stream where the results of processing are stored. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [DocumentDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## DocumentDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## DocumentDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::String) method -Processes the whole document and saves results into stream. +Processes certain pages of the document and saves results into file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DocumentDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr output) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DocumentDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t fromPage, int32_t toPage, System::String outputFileName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | The document to process. | -| output | System::SharedPtr\ | Defines stream where the results of processing are stored. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - The document to process. - - - - - output - - - Defines stream where the results of processing are stored. - - - +| fromPage | int32_t | The first page to start processing. | +| toPage | int32_t | The last page of processing. | +| outputFileName | System::String | Defines file where the results of processing are stored. | + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [DocumentDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## DocumentDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) method +## DocumentDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Processes the whole document and saves results into file. +Processes the whole document and saves results into stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DocumentDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr document, System::String outputFileName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DocumentDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr output) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | The document to process. | -| outputFileName | System::String | Defines file where the results of processing are stored. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - The document to process. - - - - - outputFileName - - - Defines file where the results of processing are stored. - - - +| output | System::SharedPtr\ | Defines stream where the results of processing are stored. | + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [DocumentDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## DocumentDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::String) method +## DocumentDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) method -Processes certain pages of the document and saves results into file. +Processes the whole document and saves results into file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DocumentDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t fromPage, int32_t toPage, System::String outputFileName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::DocumentDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr document, System::String outputFileName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | The document to process. | -| fromPage | int32_t | The first page to start processing. | -| toPage | int32_t | The last page of processing. | | outputFileName | System::String | Defines file where the results of processing are stored. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - The document to process. - - - - - fromPage - - - The first page to start processing. - - - - - toPage - - - The last page of processing. - - - - - outputFileName - - - Defines file where the results of processing are stored. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/emfdevice/emfdevice/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/emfdevice/emfdevice/ index a958dd3ee8..ab5d516456 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/emfdevice/emfdevice/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/emfdevice/emfdevice/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/emfdevice/emfdevice/ Initializes a new instance of the [EmfDevice](../) class with default resolution of raster image written to emf. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::EmfDevice() +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::EmfDevice() ``` ## See Also @@ -21,28 +21,33 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::EmfDevice() * Class [EmfDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## EmfDevice::EmfDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## EmfDevice::EmfDevice(int32_t, int32_t) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [EmfDevice](../) class. +Initializes a new instance of the [EmfDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions, and default resolution for the raster image written to emf (=150) ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::EmfDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::EmfDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | +| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | + ## See Also -* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [EmfDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## EmfDevice::EmfDevice(int32_t, int32_t) constructor +## EmfDevice::EmfDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [EmfDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions, and default resolution for the raster image written to emf (=150) +Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../../jpegdevice/) class with provided image dimensions, and resolution for the raster image written to emf. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::EmfDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::EmfDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` @@ -50,117 +55,46 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::EmfDevice(int32_t width, | --- | --- | --- | | width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | | height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - +| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the for the raster image written to emf, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | + ## See Also +* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [EmfDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## EmfDevice::EmfDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## EmfDevice::EmfDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [EmfDevice](../) class with provided page size, and default resolution for the raster image written to emf (=150) +Initializes a new instance of the [EmfDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::EmfDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::EmfDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) +* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [EmfDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## EmfDevice::EmfDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## EmfDevice::EmfDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../../jpegdevice/) class with provided image dimensions, and resolution for the raster image written to emf. +Initializes a new instance of the [EmfDevice](../) class with provided page size, and default resolution for the raster image written to emf (=150) ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::EmfDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::EmfDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | -| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | -| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the for the raster image written to emf, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the for the raster image written to emf, see Resolution class. - - - +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | + ## See Also -* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [EmfDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -170,7 +104,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::EmfDevice(int32_t width, Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../../jpegdevice/) class with provided page size, and resolution for the raster image written to emf. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::EmfDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::EmfDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` @@ -178,29 +112,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::EmfDevice(System::SharedP | --- | --- | --- | | pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | | resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the for the raster image written to emf, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the for the raster image written to emf, see Resolution class. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/emfdevice/process/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/emfdevice/process/ index 61d788c738..7fd343f132 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/emfdevice/process/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/emfdevice/process/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/emfdevice/process/ Converts the page into emf and saves it in the output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::EmfDevice::Process(System::Shar | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page to convert. | | output | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream with emf image. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page to convert. - - - - - output - - - Output stream with emf image. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/gifdevice/gifdevice/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/gifdevice/gifdevice/ index 1cea36e78a..fc323432bf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/gifdevice/gifdevice/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/gifdevice/gifdevice/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/gifdevice/gifdevice/ Initializes a new instance of the [GifDevice](../) class with default resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::GifDevice() +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::GifDevice() ``` ## See Also @@ -21,18 +21,23 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::GifDevice() * Class [GifDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## GifDevice::GifDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## GifDevice::GifDevice(int32_t, int32_t) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [GifDevice](../) class. +Initializes a new instance of the [GifDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions, default resolution (=150). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::GifDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::GifDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | +| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | + ## See Also -* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [GifDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -42,7 +47,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::GifDevice(System::SharedP Initializes a new instance of the [GifDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions and resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::GifDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::GifDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` @@ -51,160 +56,67 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::GifDevice(int32_t width, | width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | | height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | | resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the result image file, see Resolution class. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [GifDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## GifDevice::GifDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## GifDevice::GifDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [GifDevice](../) class with provided page size and resolution. +Initializes a new instance of the [GifDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::GifDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::GifDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | -| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the result image file, see Resolution class. - - - ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [GifDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## GifDevice::GifDevice(int32_t, int32_t) constructor +## GifDevice::GifDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [GifDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions, default resolution (=150). +Initializes a new instance of the [GifDevice](../) class with provided page size, default resolution (=150). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::GifDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::GifDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | -| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [GifDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## GifDevice::GifDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## GifDevice::GifDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [GifDevice](../) class with provided page size, default resolution (=150). +Initializes a new instance of the [GifDevice](../) class with provided page size and resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::GifDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::GifDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - +| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) +* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [GifDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/gifdevice/process/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/gifdevice/process/ index fc3cdf27e7..2594c35219 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/gifdevice/process/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/gifdevice/process/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/gifdevice/process/ Converts the page into gif and saves it in the output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::GifDevice::Process(System::Shar | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page to convert. | | output | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream with gif image. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page to convert. - - - - - output - - - Output stream with gif image. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_coordinatetype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_coordinatetype/ index 0c3c120e73..5ecb558b3d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_coordinatetype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_coordinatetype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CoordinateType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_CoordinateType method. Gets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_coordinatetype/ --- ## ImageDevice::get_CoordinateType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_coordinatetype/ Gets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API PageCoordinateType Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_CoordinateType() const +PageCoordinateType Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_CoordinateType() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_formpresentationmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_formpresentationmode/ index 411d985302..105314a73f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_formpresentationmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_formpresentationmode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_FormPresentationMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_FormPresentationMode method. Gets form presentation mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_formpresentationmode/ --- ## ImageDevice::get_FormPresentationMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_formpresentationmode/ Gets form presentation mode. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::FormPresentationMode Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_FormPresentationMode() const +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::FormPresentationMode Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_FormPresentationMode() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_height/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_height/ index 8a4e30944e..e637ee09f5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_height/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_height/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Height second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_Height method. Gets image output height in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_height/ --- ## ImageDevice::get_Height method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_height/ Gets image output height. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_Height() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_Height() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_renderingoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_renderingoptions/ index b973458a82..c1a2b253ec 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_renderingoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_renderingoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_RenderingOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_RenderingOptions method. Gets rendering options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_renderingoptions/ --- ## ImageDevice::get_RenderingOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_renderingoptions/ Gets rendering options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_RenderingOptions() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_RenderingOptions() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_resolution/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_resolution/ index 0e31f00600..0ab1f44d29 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_resolution/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_resolution/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Resolution second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_Resolution method. Gets image resolution in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_resolution/ --- ## ImageDevice::get_Resolution method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_resolution/ Gets image resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_Resolution() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_Resolution() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_width/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_width/ index 9855829b9a..aa261a5d79 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_width/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_width/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Width second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_Width method. Gets image output width in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_width/ --- ## ImageDevice::get_Width method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/get_width/ Gets image output width. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_Width() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::get_Width() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/imagedevice/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/imagedevice/ index 19437aa809..2845f1851b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/imagedevice/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/imagedevice/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ImageDevice second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::ImageDevice constructor. Abstract initializer for ImageDevice descendants, set resolution to 150x150 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/imagedevice/ --- ## ImageDevice::ImageDevice() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/imagedevice/ Abstract initializer for [ImageDevice](../) descendants, set resolution to 150x150. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::ImageDevice() +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::ImageDevice() ``` ## See Also @@ -21,28 +21,33 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::ImageDevice() * Class [ImageDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## ImageDevice::ImageDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## ImageDevice::ImageDevice(int32_t, int32_t) constructor -Abstract initializer for [ImageDevice](../) descendants. +Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../../jpegdevice/) class with provided image dimensions and default resolution (=150). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::ImageDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::ImageDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | +| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | + ## See Also -* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [ImageDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## ImageDevice::ImageDevice(int32_t, int32_t) constructor +## ImageDevice::ImageDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../../jpegdevice/) class with provided image dimensions and default resolution (=150). +Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../../jpegdevice/) class with provided image dimensions and resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::ImageDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::ImageDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` @@ -50,117 +55,46 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::ImageDevice(int32_t wid | --- | --- | --- | | width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | | height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - +| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | + ## See Also +* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [ImageDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## ImageDevice::ImageDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## ImageDevice::ImageDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../../jpegdevice/) class with provided image dimensions and default resolution (=150). +Abstract initializer for [ImageDevice](../) descendants. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::ImageDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::ImageDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) +* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [ImageDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## ImageDevice::ImageDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## ImageDevice::ImageDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../../jpegdevice/) class with provided image dimensions and resolution. +Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../../jpegdevice/) class with provided image dimensions and default resolution (=150). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::ImageDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::ImageDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | -| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | -| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the result image file, see Resolution class. - - - +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | + ## See Also -* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [ImageDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -170,7 +104,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::ImageDevice(int32_t wid Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../../jpegdevice/) class with provided image dimensions and resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::ImageDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::ImageDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` @@ -178,29 +112,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::ImageDevice(System::Sha | --- | --- | --- | | pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | | resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the result image file, see Resolution class. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_coordinatetype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_coordinatetype/ index 54dfa85464..caf14be143 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_coordinatetype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_coordinatetype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CoordinateType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::set_CoordinateType method. Sets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_coordinatetype/ --- ## ImageDevice::set_CoordinateType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_coordinatetype/ Sets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::set_CoordinateType(PageCoordinateType value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::set_CoordinateType(PageCoordinateType value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_formpresentationmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_formpresentationmode/ index 5da9e51966..5466cfd771 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_formpresentationmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_formpresentationmode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_FormPresentationMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::set_FormPresentationMode method. Sets form presentation mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_formpresentationmode/ --- ## ImageDevice::set_FormPresentationMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_formpresentationmode/ Sets form presentation mode. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::set_FormPresentationMode(Aspose::Pdf::Devices::FormPresentationMode value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::set_FormPresentationMode(Aspose::Pdf::Devices::FormPresentationMode value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_renderingoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_renderingoptions/ index 5bd5bc7172..3459fa0585 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_renderingoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_renderingoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_RenderingOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::set_RenderingOptions method. Sets rendering options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_renderingoptions/ --- ## ImageDevice::set_RenderingOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/imagedevice/set_renderingoptions/ Sets rendering options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::set_RenderingOptions(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ImageDevice::set_RenderingOptions(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/jpegdevice/jpegdevice/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/jpegdevice/jpegdevice/ index 631b9c3923..85676de433 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/jpegdevice/jpegdevice/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/jpegdevice/jpegdevice/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/jpegdevice/jpegdevice/ Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../) class with default resolution and maximum quality. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice() +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice() ``` ## See Also @@ -21,101 +21,74 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice() * Class [JpegDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t quality) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| quality | int32_t | Specifies the level of compression for an image. The range of useful values for the quality is from 0 to 100. The lower the number specified, the higher the compression and therefore the lower the quality of the image. Zero would give you the lowest quality image and 100 the highest. | + ## See Also -* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [JpegDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t) constructor +## JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t, int32_t) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../) class. +Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions, default resolution (=150) and maximum quality. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t quality) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| quality | int32_t | Specifies the level of compression for an image. The range of useful values for the quality is from 0 to 100. The lower the number specified, the higher the compression and therefore the lower the quality of the image. Zero would give you the lowest quality image and 100 the highest. | -## Remarks - - - - - - quality - - - Specifies the level of compression for an image. The range of useful values for the quality is from 0 to 100. The lower the number specified, the higher the compression and therefore the lower the quality of the image. Zero would give you the lowest quality image and 100 the highest. - - - +| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | +| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | + ## See Also * Class [JpegDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) constructor +## JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../) class. +Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions, resolution and maximum quality. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution, int32_t quality) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | +| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | +| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | | resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | -| quality | int32_t | Specifies the level of compression for an image. The range of useful values for the quality is from 0 to 100. The lower the number specified, the higher the compression and therefore the lower the quality of the image. Zero would give you the lowest quality image and 100 the highest. | -## Remarks - - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the result image file, see Resolution class. - - - - - quality - - - Specifies the level of compression for an image. The range of useful values for the quality is from 0 to 100. The lower the number specified, the higher the compression and therefore the lower the quality of the image. Zero would give you the lowest quality image and 100 the highest. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [JpegDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t, int32_t) constructor +## JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions, default resolution (=150) and maximum quality. +Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions, resolution and quality. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution, int32_t quality) ``` @@ -123,222 +96,89 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t width | --- | --- | --- | | width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | | height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - +| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | +| quality | int32_t | Specifies the level of compression for an image. The range of useful values for the quality is from 0 to 100. The lower the number specified, the higher the compression and therefore the lower the quality of the image. Zero would give you the lowest quality image and 100 the highest. | + ## See Also +* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [JpegDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../) class with provided page size, default resolution (=150) and maximum quality. +Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) +* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [JpegDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions, resolution and maximum quality. +Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution, int32_t quality) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | -| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | | resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the result image file, see Resolution class. - - - +| quality | int32_t | Specifies the level of compression for an image. The range of useful values for the quality is from 0 to 100. The lower the number specified, the higher the compression and therefore the lower the quality of the image. Zero would give you the lowest quality image and 100 the highest. | + ## See Also * Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [JpegDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../) class with provided page size, resolution and maximum quality. +Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../) class with provided page size, default resolution (=150) and maximum quality. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | -| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the result image file, see Resolution class. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) -* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [JpegDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) constructor +## JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions, resolution and quality. +Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../) class with provided page size, resolution and maximum quality. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution, int32_t quality) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | -| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | | resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | -| quality | int32_t | Specifies the level of compression for an image. The range of useful values for the quality is from 0 to 100. The lower the number specified, the higher the compression and therefore the lower the quality of the image. Zero would give you the lowest quality image and 100 the highest. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the result image file, see Resolution class. - - - - - quality - - - Specifies the level of compression for an image. The range of useful values for the quality is from 0 to 100. The lower the number specified, the higher the compression and therefore the lower the quality of the image. Zero would give you the lowest quality image and 100 the highest. - - - + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [JpegDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) @@ -349,7 +189,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(int32_t width Initializes a new instance of the [JpegDevice](../) class with provided page size, resolution and quality. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution, int32_t quality) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution, int32_t quality) ``` @@ -358,37 +198,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::JpegDevice(System::Share | pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | | resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | | quality | int32_t | Specifies the level of compression for an image. The range of useful values for the quality is from 0 to 100. The lower the number specified, the higher the compression and therefore the lower the quality of the image. Zero would give you the lowest quality image and 100 the highest. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the result image file, see Resolution class. - - - - - quality - - - Specifies the level of compression for an image. The range of useful values for the quality is from 0 to 100. The lower the number specified, the higher the compression and therefore the lower the quality of the image. Zero would give you the lowest quality image and 100 the highest. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/jpegdevice/process/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/jpegdevice/process/ index 5f42cb920f..613f36878c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/jpegdevice/process/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/jpegdevice/process/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/jpegdevice/process/ Converts the page into jpeg and saves it in the output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::JpegDevice::Process(System::Sha | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page to convert. | | output | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream with jpeg image. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page to convert. - - - - - output - - - Output stream with jpeg image. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_bottom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_bottom/ index 3930b631fe..44ff903972 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_bottom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_bottom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Bottom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::get_Bottom method. Gets the bottom in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_bottom/ --- ## Margins::get_Bottom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_bottom/ Gets the bottom. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::get_Bottom() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::get_Bottom() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_left/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_left/ index f79034569b..d2ddb223ed 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_left/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_left/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Left second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::get_Left method. Gets the left in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_left/ --- ## Margins::get_Left method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_left/ Gets the left. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::get_Left() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::get_Left() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_right/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_right/ index 08d65cdf6f..e58a57d430 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_right/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_right/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Right second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::get_Right method. Gets the right in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_right/ --- ## Margins::get_Right method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_right/ Gets the right. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::get_Right() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::get_Right() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_top/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_top/ index 06efbfc2df..08caabe9ce 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_top/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_top/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/get_top/ Gets the top. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::get_Top() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::get_Top() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/margins/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/margins/ index 0cb429d643..6cf0f6c62c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/margins/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/margins/ @@ -4,76 +4,40 @@ linktitle: Margins second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::Margins constructor. Initializes a new instance of the Margins class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/margins/ --- -## Margins::Margins(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) constructor +## Margins::Margins() constructor Initializes a new instance of the [Margins](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::Margins(int32_t left, int32_t right, int32_t top, int32_t bottom) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::Margins() ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| left | int32_t | The left coordinate. | -| right | int32_t | The right coordinate. | -| top | int32_t | The top coordinate. | -| bottom | int32_t | The bottom coordinate. | -## Remarks - - - - - - left - - - The left coordinate. - - - - - right - - - The right coordinate. - - - - - top - - - The top coordinate. - - - - - bottom - - - The bottom coordinate. - - - ## See Also * Class [Margins](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Margins::Margins() constructor +## Margins::Margins(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [Margins](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::Margins() +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::Margins(int32_t left, int32_t right, int32_t top, int32_t bottom) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| left | int32_t | The left coordinate. | +| right | int32_t | The right coordinate. | +| top | int32_t | The top coordinate. | +| bottom | int32_t | The bottom coordinate. | + ## See Also * Class [Margins](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_bottom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_bottom/ index 57ed6952a8..30efc724b4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_bottom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_bottom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Bottom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::set_Bottom method. Sets the bottom in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_bottom/ --- ## Margins::set_Bottom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_bottom/ Sets the bottom. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::set_Bottom(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::set_Bottom(int32_t value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_left/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_left/ index 00fd90f8f1..7311498cc7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_left/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_left/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Left second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::set_Left method. Sets the left in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_left/ --- ## Margins::set_Left method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_left/ Sets the left. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::set_Left(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::set_Left(int32_t value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_right/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_right/ index 5205049e19..f35e391b21 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_right/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_right/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Right second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::set_Right method. Sets the right in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_right/ --- ## Margins::set_Right method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_right/ Sets the right. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::set_Right(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::set_Right(int32_t value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_top/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_top/ index 1dafc5e2d2..509534dded 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_top/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_top/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Top second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::set_Top method. Sets the top in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_top/ --- ## Margins::set_Top method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/margins/set_top/ Sets the top. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::set_Top(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Margins::set_Top(int32_t value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pagedevice/process/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pagedevice/process/ index d456f658e2..00aa81fa0e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pagedevice/process/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pagedevice/process/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pagedevice/process/ Perfoms some operation on the given page, e.g. converts page into graphic image. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PageDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PageDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output)=0 ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PageDevice::Process(Sys | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page to process. | | output | System::SharedPtr\ | This stream contains the results of processing. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page to process. - - - - - output - - - This stream contains the results of processing. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) @@ -54,7 +34,7 @@ virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PageDevice::Process(Sys Perfoms some operation on the given page and saves results into the file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PageDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::String outputFileName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PageDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::String outputFileName) ``` @@ -62,27 +42,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PageDevice::Process(System::Sha | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page to process. | | outputFileName | System::String | This file contains the results of processing. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page to process. - - - - - outputFileName - - - This file contains the results of processing. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/get_transparentbackground/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/get_transparentbackground/ index 22f1df367c..9e8c0bdb01 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/get_transparentbackground/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/get_transparentbackground/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TransparentBackground second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::get_TransparentBackground method. Gets if image has transparent background in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/get_transparentbackground/ --- ## PngDevice::get_TransparentBackground method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/get_transparentbackground/ Gets if image has transparent background. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::get_TransparentBackground() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::get_TransparentBackground() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/pngdevice/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/pngdevice/ index 08e79fc7c2..035626be78 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/pngdevice/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/pngdevice/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PngDevice second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::PngDevice constructor. Initializes a new instance of the PngDevice class with default resolution in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/pngdevice/ --- ## PngDevice::PngDevice() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/pngdevice/ Initializes a new instance of the [PngDevice](../) class with default resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::PngDevice() +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::PngDevice() ``` ## See Also @@ -21,18 +21,23 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::PngDevice() * Class [PngDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PngDevice::PngDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PngDevice::PngDevice(int32_t, int32_t) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [PngDevice](../) class. +Initializes a new instance of the [PngDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions, default resolution (=150). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::PngDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::PngDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | +| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | + ## See Also -* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [PngDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -42,7 +47,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::PngDevice(System::SharedP Initializes a new instance of the [PngDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions and resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::PngDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::PngDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` @@ -51,160 +56,67 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::PngDevice(int32_t width, | width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | | height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | | resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the result image file, see Resolution class. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [PngDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PngDevice::PngDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PngDevice::PngDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [PngDevice](../) class with provided page size and resolution. +Initializes a new instance of the [PngDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::PngDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::PngDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | -| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the result image file, see Resolution class. - - - ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [PngDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PngDevice::PngDevice(int32_t, int32_t) constructor +## PngDevice::PngDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [PngDevice](../) class with provided image dimensions, default resolution (=150). +Initializes a new instance of the [PngDevice](../) class with provided page size, default resolution (=150). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::PngDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::PngDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | -| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PngDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PngDevice::PngDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PngDevice::PngDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [PngDevice](../) class with provided page size, default resolution (=150). +Initializes a new instance of the [PngDevice](../) class with provided page size and resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::PngDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::PngDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - +| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file, see [Resolution](../../resolution/) class. | + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) +* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [PngDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/process/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/process/ index 49b0c55762..e104ee0ce5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/process/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/process/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Process second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::Process method. Converts the page into png and saves it in the output stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/process/ --- ## PngDevice::Process method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/process/ Converts the page into png and saves it in the output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::Process(System::Shar | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page to convert. | | output | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream with png image. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page to convert. - - - - - output - - - Output stream with png image. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/set_transparentbackground/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/set_transparentbackground/ index a749694831..54eecba4a8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/set_transparentbackground/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/set_transparentbackground/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TransparentBackground second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::set_TransparentBackground method. Sets if image has transparent background in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/set_transparentbackground/ --- ## PngDevice::set_TransparentBackground method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/pngdevice/set_transparentbackground/ Sets if image has transparent background. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::set_TransparentBackground(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::PngDevice::set_TransparentBackground(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/get_x/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/get_x/ index 84732f145a..34e9500d36 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/get_x/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/get_x/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_X second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::get_X method. Gets horizontal image resolution in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/get_x/ --- ## Resolution::get_X method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/get_x/ Gets horizontal image resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::get_X() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::get_X() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/get_y/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/get_y/ index 135fc2e6ef..8d3810dc57 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/get_y/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/get_y/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/get_y/ Gets vertical image resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::get_Y() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::get_Y() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/resolution/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/resolution/ index 44b6987d30..1d5be1b21a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/resolution/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/resolution/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Resolution second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::Resolution constructor. Initializes a new instance of the Resolution class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/resolution/ --- ## Resolution::Resolution(int32_t) constructor @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/resolution/ Initializes a new instance of the [Resolution](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::Resolution(int32_t value) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::Resolution(int32_t value) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | value | int32_t | Value which represents the horizontal and vertical resolution. | -## Remarks - - - - - value - - - Value which represents the horizontal and vertical resolution. - - - ## See Also * Class [Resolution](../) @@ -44,7 +32,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::Resolution(int32_t value Initializes a new instance of the [Resolution](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::Resolution(int32_t valueX, int32_t valueY) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::Resolution(int32_t valueX, int32_t valueY) ``` @@ -52,27 +40,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::Resolution(int32_t value | --- | --- | --- | | valueX | int32_t | Horizontal resolution. | | valueY | int32_t | Vertical resolution. | -## Remarks - - - - - valueX - - - Horizontal resolution. - - - - - valueY - - - Vertical resolution. - - - ## See Also * Class [Resolution](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/set_x/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/set_x/ index ba7c471702..b657b48015 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/set_x/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/set_x/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_X second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::set_X method. Sets horizontal image resolution in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/set_x/ --- ## Resolution::set_X method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/set_x/ Sets horizontal image resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::set_X(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::set_X(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/set_y/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/set_y/ index 6d8c68cc2d..6893b9d010 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/set_y/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/set_y/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Y second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::set_Y method. Sets vertical image resolution in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/set_y/ --- ## Resolution::set_Y method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/resolution/set_y/ Sets vertical image resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::set_Y(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::Resolution::set_Y(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/get_encoding/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/get_encoding/ index cf17b1fc55..d1a821c182 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/get_encoding/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/get_encoding/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Encoding second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::get_Encoding method. Gets encoding of extracted text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/get_encoding/ --- ## TextDevice::get_Encoding method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/get_encoding/ Gets encoding of extracted text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::get_Encoding() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::get_Encoding() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/get_extractionoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/get_extractionoptions/ index 2c0261445c..6609191a3f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/get_extractionoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/get_extractionoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ExtractionOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::get_ExtractionOptions method. Gets text extraction options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/get_extractionoptions/ --- ## TextDevice::get_ExtractionOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/get_extractionoptions/ Gets text extraction options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::get_ExtractionOptions() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::get_ExtractionOptions() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/process/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/process/ index 75a8729db0..33a1f22cb9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/process/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/process/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Process second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::Process method. Convert page and save it as text stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/process/ --- ## TextDevice::Process method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/process/ Convert page and save it as text stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::Process(System::Sha | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page to convert. | | output | System::SharedPtr\ | Result stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page to convert. - - - - - output - - - Result stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/set_encoding/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/set_encoding/ index 4b93c2a681..a15f8991aa 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/set_encoding/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/set_encoding/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Encoding second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::set_Encoding method. Sets encoding of extracted text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/set_encoding/ --- ## TextDevice::set_Encoding method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/set_encoding/ Sets encoding of extracted text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::set_Encoding(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::set_Encoding(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/set_extractionoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/set_extractionoptions/ index 8a00faf004..b0ac46110d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/set_extractionoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/set_extractionoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ExtractionOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::set_ExtractionOptions method. Sets text extraction options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/set_extractionoptions/ --- ## TextDevice::set_ExtractionOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/set_extractionoptions/ Sets text extraction options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::set_ExtractionOptions(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::set_ExtractionOptions(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/textdevice/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/textdevice/ index 6672001251..5a1c2c3dc6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/textdevice/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/textdevice/ @@ -2,128 +2,82 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::TextDevice constructor linktitle: TextDevice second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::TextDevice constructor. Initializes a new instance of the TextDevice with text extraction options in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::TextDevice constructor. Initializes a new instance of the TextDevice with the Raw text formatting mode and Unicode text encoding in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/textdevice/textdevice/ --- -## TextDevice::TextDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TextDevice::TextDevice() constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [TextDevice](../) with text extraction options. +Initializes a new instance of the [TextDevice](../) with the Raw text formatting mode and Unicode text encoding. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::TextDevice(System::SharedPtr extractionOptions) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::TextDevice() ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| extractionOptions | System::SharedPtr\ | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) extraction options. | -## Remarks - - - - - - extractionOptions - - - - Text extraction options. - - - ## See Also -* Class [TextExtractionOptions](../../../aspose.pdf.text/textextractionoptions/) * Class [TextDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TextDevice::TextDevice() constructor +## TextDevice::TextDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [TextDevice](../) with the Raw text formatting mode and Unicode text encoding. +Initializes a new instance of the [TextDevice](../) with text extraction options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::TextDevice() +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::TextDevice(System::SharedPtr extractionOptions) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| extractionOptions | System::SharedPtr\ | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) extraction options. | + ## See Also +* Class [TextExtractionOptions](../../../aspose.pdf.text/textextractionoptions/) * Class [TextDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TextDevice::TextDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TextDevice::TextDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [TextDevice](../) for the specified encoding. +Initializes a new instance of the [TextDevice](../) for the specified encoding with text extraction options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::TextDevice(System::SharedPtr encoding) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::TextDevice(System::SharedPtr extractionOptions, System::SharedPtr encoding) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| encoding | System::SharedPtr\ | Encoding of extracted text | -## Remarks - - - - - - encoding - - - Encoding of extracted text - - - +| extractionOptions | System::SharedPtr\ | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) extraction options. | +| encoding | System::SharedPtr\ | Encoding of extracted text. | + ## See Also +* Class [TextExtractionOptions](../../../aspose.pdf.text/textextractionoptions/) * Class [TextDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TextDevice::TextDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TextDevice::TextDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [TextDevice](../) for the specified encoding with text extraction options. +Initializes a new instance of the [TextDevice](../) for the specified encoding. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::TextDevice(System::SharedPtr extractionOptions, System::SharedPtr encoding) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TextDevice::TextDevice(System::SharedPtr encoding) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| extractionOptions | System::SharedPtr\ | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) extraction options. | -| encoding | System::SharedPtr\ | Encoding of extracted text. | -## Remarks - - - - - - extractionOptions - - - - Text extraction options. - - - - - encoding - - - Encoding of extracted text. - - - +| encoding | System::SharedPtr\ | Encoding of extracted text | + ## See Also -* Class [TextExtractionOptions](../../../aspose.pdf.text/textextractionoptions/) * Class [TextDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/thumbnaildevice/process/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/thumbnaildevice/process/ index 1409870adf..7d6be2be39 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/thumbnaildevice/process/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/thumbnaildevice/process/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/thumbnaildevice/process/ Converts the page into thumbnail image png and saves it in the output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ThumbnailDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ThumbnailDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ThumbnailDevice::Process(System | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page to convert. | | output | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream with png image. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page to convert. - - - - - output - - - Output stream with png image. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/thumbnaildevice/thumbnaildevice/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/thumbnaildevice/thumbnaildevice/ index ae0ce96c6a..c99a264f37 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/thumbnaildevice/thumbnaildevice/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/thumbnaildevice/thumbnaildevice/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/thumbnaildevice/thumbnaildevice/ Initializes a new instance of the [ThumbnailDevice](../) class with default size of thumbnail image (200x200 pixels). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ThumbnailDevice::ThumbnailDevice() +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ThumbnailDevice::ThumbnailDevice() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ThumbnailDevice::ThumbnailDevice() Initializes a new instance of the [ThumbnailDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ThumbnailDevice::ThumbnailDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ThumbnailDevice::ThumbnailDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) ``` @@ -35,27 +35,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::ThumbnailDevice::ThumbnailDevice(int | --- | --- | --- | | width | int32_t | Thumbnail image output width. | | height | int32_t | Thumbnail image output height. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - Thumbnail image output width. - - - - - height - - - Thumbnail image output height. - - - + ## See Also * Class [ThumbnailDevice](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/binarizebradley/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/binarizebradley/ index c2b442489e..1f01973870 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/binarizebradley/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/binarizebradley/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BinarizeBradley second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::BinarizeBradley method. Do Bradley binarization for input stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/binarizebradley/ --- ## TiffDevice::BinarizeBradley method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/binarizebradley/ Do Bradley binarization for input stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::BinarizeBradley(System::SharedPtr inputImageStream, System::SharedPtr outputImageStream, double threshold) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::BinarizeBradley(System::SharedPtr inputImageStream, System::SharedPtr outputImageStream, double threshold) ``` @@ -22,35 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::BinarizeBradley(Sys | inputImageStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The input image stream. | | outputImageStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The output image stream. | | threshold | double | The threshold value between 0.0 and 1.0. | -## Remarks - - - - - inputImageStream - - - The input image stream. - - - - - outputImageStream - - - The output image stream. - - - - - threshold - - - The threshold value between 0.0 and 1.0. - - - ## See Also * Class [TiffDevice](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_formpresentationmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_formpresentationmode/ index 07f50ea94e..ea6fa83014 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_formpresentationmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_formpresentationmode/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_formpresentationmode/ Gets form presentation mode. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::FormPresentationMode Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::get_FormPresentationMode() const +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::FormPresentationMode Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::get_FormPresentationMode() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_height/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_height/ index 0c3b6fcf8b..d12b4d6bd4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_height/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_height/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Height second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::get_Height method. Gets image output height in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_height/ --- ## TiffDevice::get_Height method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_height/ Gets image output height. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::get_Height() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::get_Height() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_renderingoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_renderingoptions/ index dac7aeaf7e..271acf17ed 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_renderingoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_renderingoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_RenderingOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::get_RenderingOptions method. Gets rendering options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_renderingoptions/ --- ## TiffDevice::get_RenderingOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_renderingoptions/ Gets rendering options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::get_RenderingOptions() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::get_RenderingOptions() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_resolution/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_resolution/ index 787c6d72e8..f1eff9c8dc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_resolution/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_resolution/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_resolution/ Gets image resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::get_Resolution() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::get_Resolution() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_settings/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_settings/ index 537cf4e167..9eb45eb021 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_settings/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_settings/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Settings second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::get_Settings method. Gets settings for mapping pdf into tiff image in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_settings/ --- ## TiffDevice::get_Settings method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_settings/ Gets settings for mapping pdf into tiff image. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::get_Settings() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::get_Settings() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_width/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_width/ index 7f50a269e4..e191089156 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_width/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_width/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Width second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::get_Width method. Gets image output width in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_width/ --- ## TiffDevice::get_Width method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/get_width/ Gets image output width. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::get_Width() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::get_Width() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/process/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/process/ index 1a72b642f3..bcd86a67e9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/process/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/process/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Process second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::Process method. Converts certain document pages into tiff and save it in the output stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/process/ --- ## TiffDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/process/ Converts certain document pages into tiff and save it in the output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t fromPage, int32_t toPage, System::SharedPtr output) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr document, int32_t fromPage, int32_t toPage, System::SharedPtr output) override ``` @@ -23,43 +23,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::Process(System::Sha | fromPage | int32_t | Defines page number from which converting will start. | | toPage | int32_t | Defines page number which will end the converting. | | output | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream with tiff image. | -## Remarks - - - - - document - - - The document to convert. - - - - - fromPage - - - Defines page number from which converting will start. - - - - - toPage - - - Defines page number which will end the converting. - - - - - output - - - Output stream with tiff image. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) @@ -72,7 +36,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::Process(System::Sha Perfoms some operation on the given page, e.g. converts page into graphic image. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::Process(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr output) override ``` @@ -80,27 +44,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::Process(System::Sha | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page to process. | | output | System::SharedPtr\ | This stream contains the results of processing. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page to process. - - - - - output - - - This stream contains the results of processing. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/set_formpresentationmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/set_formpresentationmode/ index 128bfb479f..2c7e0ca6bf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/set_formpresentationmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/set_formpresentationmode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_FormPresentationMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::set_FormPresentationMode method. Sets form presentation mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/set_formpresentationmode/ --- ## TiffDevice::set_FormPresentationMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/set_formpresentationmode/ Sets form presentation mode. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::set_FormPresentationMode(Aspose::Pdf::Devices::FormPresentationMode value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::set_FormPresentationMode(Aspose::Pdf::Devices::FormPresentationMode value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/set_renderingoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/set_renderingoptions/ index e8f72b50f0..51098f9f8a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/set_renderingoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/set_renderingoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_RenderingOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::set_RenderingOptions method. Sets rendering options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/set_renderingoptions/ --- ## TiffDevice::set_RenderingOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/set_renderingoptions/ Sets rendering options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::set_RenderingOptions(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::set_RenderingOptions(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/tiffdevice/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/tiffdevice/ index b7203d1d67..6440ff9551 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/tiffdevice/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/tiffdevice/ @@ -2,236 +2,146 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice constructor linktitle: TiffDevice second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice constructor. Initializes a new instance of the TiffDevice class in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice constructor. Initializes a new instance of the TiffDevice class with default settings in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffdevice/tiffdevice/ --- -## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TiffDevice::TiffDevice() constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. +Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class with default settings. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice() ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file. | -## Remarks - - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the result image file. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t, int32_t) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution, System::SharedPtr settings) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the output image. | -| settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Tiff settings, see [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the output image. - - - - - settings - - - Tiff settings, see TiffSettings class. - - - +| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | +| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | + ## See Also -* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) -* Class [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | +| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | +| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | | resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the output image. | -| settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Tiff settings, see [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) class. | -| converter | System::SharedPtr\ | External converter | -## Remarks - - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the output image. - - - - - settings - - - Tiff settings, see TiffSettings class. - - - - - converter - - - External converter - - - ## See Also * Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) -* Class [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) -* Class [IIndexBitmapConverter](../../../aspose.pdf/iindexbitmapconverter/) * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr settings) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution, System::SharedPtr settings) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | +| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | +| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | +| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the output image. | | settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Tiff settings, see [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - settings - - - Tiff settings, see TiffSettings class. - - - + ## See Also +* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | +| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | +| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | +| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the output image. | | settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Tiff settings, see [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) class. | | converter | System::SharedPtr\ | External converter | -## Remarks - - - - - - settings - - - Tiff settings, see TiffSettings class. - - - - - converter - - - External converter - - - + ## See Also +* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) * Class [IIndexBitmapConverter](../../../aspose.pdf/iindexbitmapconverter/) * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffDevice::TiffDevice() constructor +## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class with default settings. +Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice() +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr settings) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | +| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | +| settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Tiff settings, see [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) class. | + ## See Also +* Class [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution, System::SharedPtr settings) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) ``` @@ -239,296 +149,101 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t width | --- | --- | --- | | width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | | height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | -| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the output image. | | settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Tiff settings, see [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the output image. - - - - - settings - - - Tiff settings, see TiffSettings class. - - - +| converter | System::SharedPtr\ | External converter | + ## See Also -* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) +* Class [IIndexBitmapConverter](../../../aspose.pdf/iindexbitmapconverter/) * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | -| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | -| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the output image. | -| settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Tiff settings, see [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) class. | -| converter | System::SharedPtr\ | External converter | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the output image. - - - - - settings - - - Tiff settings, see TiffSettings class. - - - - - converter - - - External converter - - - +| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the result image file. | + ## See Also * Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) -* Class [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) -* Class [IIndexBitmapConverter](../../../aspose.pdf/iindexbitmapconverter/) * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution, System::SharedPtr settings) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution, System::SharedPtr settings) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | | resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the output image. | | settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Tiff settings, see [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the output image. - - - - - settings - - - Tiff settings, see TiffSettings class. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr resolution, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | | resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the output image. | | settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Tiff settings, see [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) class. | | converter | System::SharedPtr\ | External converter | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the output image. - - - - - settings - - - Tiff settings, see TiffSettings class. - - - - - converter - - - External converter - - - + + + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) * Class [IIndexBitmapConverter](../../../aspose.pdf/iindexbitmapconverter/) * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | -| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | -| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the output image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the output image. - - - +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | + ## See Also -* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -538,7 +253,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t width Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution) ``` @@ -546,29 +261,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::Share | --- | --- | --- | | pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | | resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the output image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - - - resolution - - - - Resolution for the output image. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) @@ -576,127 +269,63 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::Share * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr settings) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution, System::SharedPtr settings) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | -| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | +| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the output image. | | settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Tiff settings, see [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - - - settings - - - Tiff settings, see TiffSettings class. - - - + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) +* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr resolution, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | -| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | +| resolution | System::SharedPtr\ | [Resolution](../../resolution/) for the output image. | | settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Tiff settings, see [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) class. | | converter | System::SharedPtr\ | External converter | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - - - settings - - - Tiff settings, see TiffSettings class. - - - - - converter - - - External converter - - - + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) +* Class [Resolution](../../resolution/) * Class [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) * Class [IIndexBitmapConverter](../../../aspose.pdf/iindexbitmapconverter/) * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr settings) ``` @@ -704,52 +333,21 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::Share | --- | --- | --- | | pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | | settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Tiff settings, see [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) class. | -| converter | System::SharedPtr\ | External converter | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - - - settings - - - Tiff settings, see TiffSettings class. - - - - - converter - - - External converter - - - + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) -* Class [IIndexBitmapConverter](../../../aspose.pdf/iindexbitmapconverter/) * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr settings) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) ``` @@ -757,107 +355,55 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::Share | --- | --- | --- | | pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | | settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Tiff settings, see [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - - - settings - - - Tiff settings, see TiffSettings class. - - - +| converter | System::SharedPtr\ | External converter | + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) +* Class [IIndexBitmapConverter](../../../aspose.pdf/iindexbitmapconverter/) * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t, int32_t) constructor +## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(int32_t width, int32_t height) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr settings) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| width | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output width. | -| height | int32_t | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) output height. | -## Remarks - - - - - - width - - - - Image output width. - - - - - height - - - - Image output height. - - - +| settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Tiff settings, see [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) class. | + ## See Also +* Class [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffDevice](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr pageSize) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffDevice::TiffDevice(System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size of the output image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size of the output image. - - - +| settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Tiff settings, see [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) class. | +| converter | System::SharedPtr\ | External converter | + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) +* Class [TiffSettings](../../tiffsettings/) +* Class [IIndexBitmapConverter](../../../aspose.pdf/iindexbitmapconverter/) * Class [TiffDevice](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_brightness/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_brightness/ index 0ff4636a64..8ca4bf2fb6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_brightness/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_brightness/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Brightness second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_Brightness method. Get or sets a value boundary of the transformation of colors in white and black. This parameter can be applied with EncoderValue.CompressionCCITT4, EncoderValue.CompressionCCITT3, EncoderValue.CompressionRle or ColorDepth.Format1bpp == 1 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_brightness/ --- ## TiffSettings::get_Brightness method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_brightness/ Get or sets a value boundary of the transformation of colors in white and black. This parameter can be applied with EncoderValue.CompressionCCITT4, EncoderValue.CompressionCCITT3, EncoderValue.CompressionRle or [ColorDepth.Format1bpp](../../colordepth/) == 1. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_Brightness() const +float Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_Brightness() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_compression/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_compression/ index 5a7cd3a5ca..6d0ad3bf1b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_compression/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_compression/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Compression second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_Compression method. Gets the type of the compression in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_compression/ --- ## TiffSettings::get_Compression method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_compression/ Gets the type of the compression. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API CompressionType Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_Compression() const +CompressionType Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_Compression() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_coordinatetype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_coordinatetype/ index 788480d714..4b2ab38646 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_coordinatetype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_coordinatetype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CoordinateType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_CoordinateType method. Get or sets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_coordinatetype/ --- ## TiffSettings::get_CoordinateType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_coordinatetype/ Get or sets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API PageCoordinateType Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_CoordinateType() const +PageCoordinateType Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_CoordinateType() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_depth/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_depth/ index 4e8b417c5c..93f69a1c86 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_depth/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_depth/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Depth second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_Depth method. Gets the color depth in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_depth/ --- ## TiffSettings::get_Depth method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_depth/ Gets the color depth. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API ColorDepth Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_Depth() const +ColorDepth Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_Depth() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_margins/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_margins/ index a115aff027..bf78095a70 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_margins/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_margins/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Margins second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_Margins method. Gets the margins in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_margins/ --- ## TiffSettings::get_Margins method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_margins/ Gets the margins. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_Margins() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_Margins() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_shape/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_shape/ index 7f6078ab21..44991bb4bb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_shape/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_shape/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Shape second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_Shape method. Gets the type of the shape in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_shape/ --- ## TiffSettings::get_Shape method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_shape/ Gets the type of the shape. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API ShapeType Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_Shape() const +ShapeType Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_Shape() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_skipblankpages/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_skipblankpages/ index 3bfb884b34..f22a071176 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_skipblankpages/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_skipblankpages/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SkipBlankPages second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_SkipBlankPages method. Gets a value indicating whether to skip blank pages in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_skipblankpages/ --- ## TiffSettings::get_SkipBlankPages method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/get_skipblankpages/ Gets a value indicating whether to skip blank pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_SkipBlankPages() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::get_SkipBlankPages() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_brightness/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_brightness/ index 20c1801e98..ac7ce37ba9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_brightness/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_brightness/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Brightness second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_Brightness method. Get or sets a value boundary of the transformation of colors in white and black. This parameter can be applied with EncoderValue.CompressionCCITT4, EncoderValue.CompressionCCITT3, EncoderValue.CompressionRle or ColorDepth.Format1bpp == 1 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_brightness/ --- ## TiffSettings::set_Brightness method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_brightness/ Get or sets a value boundary of the transformation of colors in white and black. This parameter can be applied with EncoderValue.CompressionCCITT4, EncoderValue.CompressionCCITT3, EncoderValue.CompressionRle or [ColorDepth.Format1bpp](../../colordepth/) == 1. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_Brightness(float value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_Brightness(float value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_compression/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_compression/ index 01bdae33d8..44a45384a3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_compression/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_compression/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Compression second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_Compression method. Sets the type of the compression in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_compression/ --- ## TiffSettings::set_Compression method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_compression/ Sets the type of the compression. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_Compression(CompressionType value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_Compression(CompressionType value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_coordinatetype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_coordinatetype/ index b6ec7c8efc..9381e38fb5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_coordinatetype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_coordinatetype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CoordinateType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_CoordinateType method. Get or sets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_coordinatetype/ --- ## TiffSettings::set_CoordinateType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_coordinatetype/ Get or sets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_CoordinateType(PageCoordinateType value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_CoordinateType(PageCoordinateType value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_depth/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_depth/ index 758eef17db..a4800e2cb2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_depth/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_depth/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Depth second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_Depth method. Sets the color depth in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_depth/ --- ## TiffSettings::set_Depth method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_depth/ Sets the color depth. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_Depth(ColorDepth value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_Depth(ColorDepth value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_shape/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_shape/ index 8e3ab556d9..27533fefdd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_shape/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_shape/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Shape second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_Shape method. Sets the type of the shape in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_shape/ --- ## TiffSettings::set_Shape method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_shape/ Sets the type of the shape. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_Shape(ShapeType value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_Shape(ShapeType value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_skipblankpages/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_skipblankpages/ index ae1944a2c7..a52a30adca 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_skipblankpages/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_skipblankpages/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SkipBlankPages second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_SkipBlankPages method. Sets a value indicating whether to skip blank pages in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_skipblankpages/ --- ## TiffSettings::set_SkipBlankPages method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/set_skipblankpages/ Sets a value indicating whether to skip blank pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_SkipBlankPages(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::set_SkipBlankPages(bool value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/tiffsettings/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/tiffsettings/ index d6028a4b08..d3d9fd5c4f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/tiffsettings/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/tiffsettings/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TiffSettings second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings constructor. Initializes a new instance of the TiffSettings class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/tiffsettings/ --- ## TiffSettings::TiffSettings() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/tiffsettings/ Initializes a new instance of the [TiffSettings](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings() +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings() ``` ## See Also @@ -21,141 +21,96 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings() * Class [TiffSettings](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffSettings::TiffSettings(ShapeType) constructor +## TiffSettings::TiffSettings(bool) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffSettings](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(ShapeType shapeType) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(bool skipBlankPages) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| shapeType | ShapeType | Type of the shape. | -## Remarks - - - - - - shapeType - - - Type of the shape. - - - +| skipBlankPages | bool | if set to **true** [skip blank pages]. | + ## See Also -* Enum [ShapeType](../../shapetype/) * Class [TiffSettings](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffSettings::TiffSettings(CompressionType) constructor +## TiffSettings::TiffSettings(ColorDepth) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffSettings](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(CompressionType compressionType) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(ColorDepth colorDepth) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| compressionType | CompressionType | Type of the compression. | -## Remarks - - - - - - compressionType - - - Type of the compression. - - - +| colorDepth | ColorDepth | The color depth. | + ## See Also -* Enum [CompressionType](../../compressiontype/) +* Enum [ColorDepth](../../colordepth/) * Class [TiffSettings](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffSettings::TiffSettings(ColorDepth) constructor +## TiffSettings::TiffSettings(CompressionType) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffSettings](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(ColorDepth colorDepth) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(CompressionType compressionType) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| colorDepth | ColorDepth | The color depth. | -## Remarks - - - - - - colorDepth - - - The color depth. - - - +| compressionType | CompressionType | Type of the compression. | + ## See Also -* Enum [ColorDepth](../../colordepth/) +* Enum [CompressionType](../../compressiontype/) * Class [TiffSettings](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffSettings::TiffSettings(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TiffSettings::TiffSettings(CompressionType, ColorDepth, System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffSettings](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(System::SharedPtr margins) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(CompressionType compressionType, ColorDepth colorDepth, System::SharedPtr margins) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | +| compressionType | CompressionType | Type of the compression. | +| colorDepth | ColorDepth | The color depth. | | margins | System::SharedPtr\ | The margins. | -## Remarks - - - - - - margins - - - The margins. - - - + ## See Also +* Enum [CompressionType](../../compressiontype/) +* Enum [ColorDepth](../../colordepth/) * Class [Margins](../../margins/) * Class [TiffSettings](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffSettings::TiffSettings(CompressionType, ColorDepth, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## TiffSettings::TiffSettings(CompressionType, ColorDepth, System::SharedPtr\, bool) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffSettings](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(CompressionType compressionType, ColorDepth colorDepth, System::SharedPtr margins) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(CompressionType compressionType, ColorDepth colorDepth, System::SharedPtr margins, bool skipBlankPages) ``` @@ -164,35 +119,8 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(Compressi | compressionType | CompressionType | Type of the compression. | | colorDepth | ColorDepth | The color depth. | | margins | System::SharedPtr\ | The margins. | -## Remarks - - - - - - compressionType - - - Type of the compression. - - - - - colorDepth - - - The color depth. - - - - - margins - - - The margins. - - - +| skipBlankPages | bool | if set to **true** need to skip blank pages. | + ## See Also * Enum [CompressionType](../../compressiontype/) @@ -201,13 +129,13 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(Compressi * Class [TiffSettings](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffSettings::TiffSettings(CompressionType, ColorDepth, System::SharedPtr\, bool) constructor +## TiffSettings::TiffSettings(CompressionType, ColorDepth, System::SharedPtr\, bool, ShapeType) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffSettings](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(CompressionType compressionType, ColorDepth colorDepth, System::SharedPtr margins, bool skipBlankPages) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(CompressionType compressionType, ColorDepth colorDepth, System::SharedPtr margins, bool skipBlankPages, ShapeType shapeType) ``` @@ -217,150 +145,54 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(Compressi | colorDepth | ColorDepth | The color depth. | | margins | System::SharedPtr\ | The margins. | | skipBlankPages | bool | if set to **true** need to skip blank pages. | -## Remarks - - - - - - compressionType - - - Type of the compression. - - - - - colorDepth - - - The color depth. - - - - - margins - - - The margins. - - - - - skipBlankPages - - - if set to true need to skip blank pages. - - - +| shapeType | ShapeType | Type of the shape. | + ## See Also * Enum [CompressionType](../../compressiontype/) * Enum [ColorDepth](../../colordepth/) * Class [Margins](../../margins/) +* Enum [ShapeType](../../shapetype/) * Class [TiffSettings](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffSettings::TiffSettings(CompressionType, ColorDepth, System::SharedPtr\, bool, ShapeType) constructor +## TiffSettings::TiffSettings(ShapeType) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffSettings](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(CompressionType compressionType, ColorDepth colorDepth, System::SharedPtr margins, bool skipBlankPages, ShapeType shapeType) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(ShapeType shapeType) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| compressionType | CompressionType | Type of the compression. | -| colorDepth | ColorDepth | The color depth. | -| margins | System::SharedPtr\ | The margins. | -| skipBlankPages | bool | if set to **true** need to skip blank pages. | | shapeType | ShapeType | Type of the shape. | -## Remarks - - - - - - compressionType - - - Type of the compression. - - - - - colorDepth - - - The color depth. - - - - - margins - - - The margins. - - - - - skipBlankPages - - - if set to true need to skip blank pages. - - - - - shapeType - - - Type of the shape. - - - + ## See Also -* Enum [CompressionType](../../compressiontype/) -* Enum [ColorDepth](../../colordepth/) -* Class [Margins](../../margins/) * Enum [ShapeType](../../shapetype/) * Class [TiffSettings](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## TiffSettings::TiffSettings(bool) constructor +## TiffSettings::TiffSettings(System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [TiffSettings](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(bool skipBlankPages) +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::TiffSettings::TiffSettings(System::SharedPtr margins) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| skipBlankPages | bool | if set to **true** [skip blank pages]. | -## Remarks - - - - - - skipBlankPages - - - if set to true [skip blank pages]. - - - +| margins | System::SharedPtr\ | The margins. | + ## See Also +* Class [Margins](../../margins/) * Class [TiffSettings](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Devices](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/arc/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/arc/ index 8e0e4a3d34..48d4193a1f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/arc/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/arc/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Arc second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::Arc constructor. Initializes a new instance of the Arc class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/arc/ --- ## Arc::Arc constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/arc/ Initializes a new instance of the [Arc](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::Arc(float posX, float posY, float radius, float alpha, float beta) +Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::Arc(float posX, float posY, float radius, float alpha, float beta) ``` @@ -24,51 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::Arc(float posX, float posY, flo | radius | float | The radius value of the arc. | | alpha | float | The beginning angle value of the arc. | | beta | float | The end angle value of the arc. | -## Remarks - - - - - posX - - - The x-coordinate of the center point of the arc. - - - - - posY - - - The y-coordinate of the center point of the arc. - - - - - radius - - - The radius value of the arc. - - - - - alpha - - - The beginning angle value of the arc. - - - - - beta - - - The end angle value of the arc. - - - ## See Also * Class [Arc](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_alpha/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_alpha/ index 90290f7c7c..72a4984abf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_alpha/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_alpha/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Alpha second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::get_Alpha method. Gets a float value that indicates the beginning angle degree of the arc in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_alpha/ --- ## Arc::get_Alpha method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_alpha/ Gets a float value that indicates the beginning angle degree of the arc. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::get_Alpha() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::get_Alpha() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_beta/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_beta/ index deb2fff8c0..3ddfec8602 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_beta/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_beta/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Beta second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::get_Beta method. Gets a float value that indicates the ending angle degree of the arc in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_beta/ --- ## Arc::get_Beta method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_beta/ Gets a float value that indicates the ending angle degree of the arc. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::get_Beta() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::get_Beta() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_posx/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_posx/ index 4f5c6cc117..0da0bd267c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_posx/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_posx/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PosX second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::get_PosX method. Gets a float value that indicates the x-coordinate of the center of the arc in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_posx/ --- ## Arc::get_PosX method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_posx/ Gets a float value that indicates the x-coordinate of the center of the arc. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::get_PosX() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::get_PosX() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_posy/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_posy/ index 8ab495043c..aabfd92c67 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_posy/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_posy/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PosY second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::get_PosY method. Gets a float value that indicates the y-coordinate of the center of the arc in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_posy/ --- ## Arc::get_PosY method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_posy/ Gets a float value that indicates the y-coordinate of the center of the arc. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::get_PosY() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::get_PosY() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_radius/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_radius/ index 8fceead43b..1451294615 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_radius/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_radius/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Radius second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::get_Radius method. Gets a float value that indicates the radius of the arc in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_radius/ --- ## Arc::get_Radius method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/get_radius/ Gets a float value that indicates the radius of the arc. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::get_Radius() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::get_Radius() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_alpha/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_alpha/ index e212e8f31e..b96fb9772c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_alpha/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_alpha/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Alpha second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::set_Alpha method. Sets a float value that indicates the beginning angle degree of the arc in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_alpha/ --- ## Arc::set_Alpha method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_alpha/ Sets a float value that indicates the beginning angle degree of the arc. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::set_Alpha(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::set_Alpha(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_beta/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_beta/ index 30b7b02976..87bff30562 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_beta/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_beta/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Beta second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::set_Beta method. Sets a float value that indicates the ending angle degree of the arc in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_beta/ --- ## Arc::set_Beta method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_beta/ Sets a float value that indicates the ending angle degree of the arc. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::set_Beta(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::set_Beta(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_posx/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_posx/ index a212fd595c..bb0d34a8b4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_posx/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_posx/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PosX second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::set_PosX method. Sets a float value that indicates the x-coordinate of the center of the arc in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_posx/ --- ## Arc::set_PosX method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_posx/ Sets a float value that indicates the x-coordinate of the center of the arc. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::set_PosX(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::set_PosX(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_posy/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_posy/ index 4eaa60f2d3..f70d0158dd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_posy/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_posy/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PosY second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::set_PosY method. Sets a float value that indicates the y-coordinate of the center of the arc in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_posy/ --- ## Arc::set_PosY method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_posy/ Sets a float value that indicates the y-coordinate of the center of the arc. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::set_PosY(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::set_PosY(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_radius/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_radius/ index a28dd00b25..8ced7f0a52 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_radius/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_radius/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Radius second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::set_Radius method. Sets a float value that indicates the radius of the arc in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_radius/ --- ## Arc::set_Radius method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/arc/set_radius/ Sets a float value that indicates the radius of the arc. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::set_Radius(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Arc::set_Radius(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/circle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/circle/ index 529f411048..d8b53d024c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/circle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/circle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Circle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::Circle constructor. Initializes a new instance of the Circle class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/circle/ --- ## Circle::Circle constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/circle/ Initializes a new instance of the [Circle](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::Circle(float posX, float posY, float radius) +Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::Circle(float posX, float posY, float radius) ``` @@ -22,35 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::Circle(float posX, float pos | posX | float | The x-coordinate of the center of the circle. | | posY | float | The y-coordinate of the center of the circle. | | radius | float | The radius of the circle. | -## Remarks - - - - - posX - - - The x-coordinate of the center of the circle. - - - - - posY - - - The y-coordinate of the center of the circle. - - - - - radius - - - The radius of the circle. - - - ## See Also * Class [Circle](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/get_posx/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/get_posx/ index 46f02a34fa..cbc3ab8de1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/get_posx/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/get_posx/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PosX second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::get_PosX method. Gets a float value that indicates the x-coordinate of the center of the circle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/get_posx/ --- ## Circle::get_PosX method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/get_posx/ Gets a float value that indicates the x-coordinate of the center of the circle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::get_PosX() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::get_PosX() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/get_posy/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/get_posy/ index d642622479..058c9fb952 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/get_posy/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/get_posy/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/get_posy/ Gets a float value that indicates the y-coordinate of the center of the circle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::get_PosY() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::get_PosY() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/get_radius/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/get_radius/ index c5e1bc7eed..5b985585e3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/get_radius/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/get_radius/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Radius second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::get_Radius method. Gets a float value that indicates the radius of the circle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/get_radius/ --- ## Circle::get_Radius method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/get_radius/ Gets a float value that indicates the radius of the circle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::get_Radius() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::get_Radius() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_posx/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_posx/ index 6571a4bd71..71a16efbd0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_posx/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_posx/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PosX second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::set_PosX method. Sets a float value that indicates the x-coordinate of the center of the circle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_posx/ --- ## Circle::set_PosX method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_posx/ Sets a float value that indicates the x-coordinate of the center of the circle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::set_PosX(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::set_PosX(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_posy/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_posy/ index 65147c88f2..9399f9f1db 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_posy/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_posy/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PosY second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::set_PosY method. Sets a float value that indicates the y-coordinate of the center of the circle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_posy/ --- ## Circle::set_PosY method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_posy/ Sets a float value that indicates the y-coordinate of the center of the circle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::set_PosY(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::set_PosY(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_radius/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_radius/ index 0a06360853..d4d9eb42c9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_radius/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_radius/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Radius second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::set_Radius method. Sets a float value that indicates the radius of the circle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_radius/ --- ## Circle::set_Radius method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/circle/set_radius/ Sets a float value that indicates the radius of the circle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::set_Radius(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Circle::set_Radius(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/curve/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/curve/ index 075a9ec572..7b190ea3fb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/curve/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/curve/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Curve second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Curve::Curve constructor. Initializes a new instance of the Curve class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/curve/ --- ## Curve::Curve constructor @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/curve/ Initializes a new instance of the [Curve](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Curve::Curve(System::ArrayPtr positionArray) +Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Curve::Curve(System::ArrayPtr positionArray) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | positionArray | System::ArrayPtr\ | The position array of the control points of the curve.There should be four control points,so the length of the array should be eight. | -## Remarks - - - - - positionArray - - - The position array of the control points of the curve.There should be four control points,so the length of the array should be eight. - - - ## See Also * Class [Curve](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/get_positionarray/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/get_positionarray/ index fb11699802..b0cae7e369 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/get_positionarray/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/get_positionarray/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PositionArray second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Curve::get_PositionArray method. Gets a float position array in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/get_positionarray/ --- ## Curve::get_PositionArray method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/get_positionarray/ Gets a float position array. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Curve::get_PositionArray() const +System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Curve::get_PositionArray() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/set_positionarray/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/set_positionarray/ index 860bb69b2f..0e450c6368 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/set_positionarray/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/set_positionarray/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PositionArray second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Curve::set_PositionArray method. Sets a float position array in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/set_positionarray/ --- ## Curve::set_PositionArray method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/curve/set_positionarray/ Sets a float position array. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Curve::set_PositionArray(System::ArrayPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Curve::set_PositionArray(System::ArrayPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/ellipse/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/ellipse/ index a23a4322de..1b6a2d58de 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/ellipse/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/ellipse/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Ellipse second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::Ellipse constructor. Initializes a new instance of the Ellipse class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/ellipse/ --- ## Ellipse::Ellipse constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/ellipse/ Initializes a new instance of the [Ellipse](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::Ellipse(double left, double bottom, double width, double height) +Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::Ellipse(double left, double bottom, double width, double height) ``` @@ -23,43 +23,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::Ellipse(double left, double | bottom | double | The bottom position of the ellipse. | | width | double | The width of the ellipse. | | height | double | The height of the ellipse. | -## Remarks - - - - - left - - - The left position of the ellipse. - - - - - bottom - - - The bottom position of the ellipse. - - - - - width - - - The width of the ellipse. - - - - - height - - - The height of the ellipse. - - - ## See Also * Class [Ellipse](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_bottom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_bottom/ index 7258a36b3b..737871a58c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_bottom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_bottom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Bottom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::get_Bottom method. Gets a float value that indicates the bottom position of the ellipse in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_bottom/ --- ## Ellipse::get_Bottom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_bottom/ Gets a float value that indicates the bottom position of the ellipse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::get_Bottom() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::get_Bottom() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_height/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_height/ index c94a29a5b7..644c41da9d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_height/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_height/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Height second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::get_Height method. Gets a float value that indicates the height of the ellipse in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_height/ --- ## Ellipse::get_Height method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_height/ Gets a float value that indicates the height of the ellipse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::get_Height() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::get_Height() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_left/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_left/ index 3854cbaf48..038b136147 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_left/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_left/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Left second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::get_Left method. Gets a float value that indicates the left position of the ellipse in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_left/ --- ## Ellipse::get_Left method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_left/ Gets a float value that indicates the left position of the ellipse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::get_Left() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::get_Left() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_width/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_width/ index 6b0c007d23..631cdcda84 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_width/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_width/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/get_width/ Gets a float value that indicates the width of the ellipse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::get_Width() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::get_Width() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_bottom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_bottom/ index 1b4e7df389..f6898304b3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_bottom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_bottom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Bottom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::set_Bottom method. Sets a float value that indicates the bottom position of the ellipse in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_bottom/ --- ## Ellipse::set_Bottom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_bottom/ Sets a float value that indicates the bottom position of the ellipse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::set_Bottom(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::set_Bottom(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_height/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_height/ index c21c88ccae..2d683ebcf0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_height/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_height/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Height second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::set_Height method. Sets a float value that indicates the height of the ellipse in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_height/ --- ## Ellipse::set_Height method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_height/ Sets a float value that indicates the height of the ellipse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::set_Height(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::set_Height(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_left/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_left/ index abc5cdb470..f74d916bc8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_left/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_left/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Left second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::set_Left method. Sets a float value that indicates the left position of the ellipse in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_left/ --- ## Ellipse::set_Left method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_left/ Sets a float value that indicates the left position of the ellipse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::set_Left(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::set_Left(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_width/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_width/ index c88be6cd35..17e6b21f2d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_width/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_width/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Width second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::set_Width method. Sets a float value that indicates the width of the ellipse in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_width/ --- ## Ellipse::set_Width method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/ellipse/set_width/ Sets a float value that indicates the width of the ellipse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::set_Width(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Ellipse::set_Width(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_end/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_end/ index 606f8aa5df..072f7dd359 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_end/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_end/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_End second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::get_End method. Gets end point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_end/ --- ## GradientAxialShading::get_End method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_end/ Gets end point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::get_End() const +const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::get_End() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_endcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_endcolor/ index 8e4e8aaef5..0c1a1c8da9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_endcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_endcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_EndColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::get_EndColor method. Gets end color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_endcolor/ --- ## GradientAxialShading::get_EndColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_endcolor/ Gets end color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::get_EndColor() const +const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::get_EndColor() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_start/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_start/ index 42c5d14ca5..ae31b7049f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_start/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_start/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Start second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::get_Start method. Gets start point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_start/ --- ## GradientAxialShading::get_Start method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_start/ Gets start point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::get_Start() const +const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::get_Start() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_startcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_startcolor/ index 2a00a28b80..472266b00e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_startcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_startcolor/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/get_startcolor/ Gets start color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::get_StartColor() const +const System::SharedPtr & Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::get_StartColor() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/gradientaxialshading/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/gradientaxialshading/ index a500ba285c..6db73c064d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/gradientaxialshading/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/gradientaxialshading/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GradientAxialShading second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::GradientAxialShading constructor. Initializes a new instance of the GradientAxialShading class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/gradientaxialshading/ --- ## GradientAxialShading::GradientAxialShading() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/gradientaxialshading/ Initializes a new instance of the [GradientAxialShading](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::GradientAxialShading() +Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::GradientAxialShading() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::GradientAxialS Initializes a new instance of the [GradientAxialShading](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::GradientAxialShading(System::SharedPtr startColor, System::SharedPtr endColor) +Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::GradientAxialShading(System::SharedPtr startColor, System::SharedPtr endColor) ``` @@ -35,27 +35,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::GradientAxialS | --- | --- | --- | | startColor | System::SharedPtr\ | The start point. | | endColor | System::SharedPtr\ | The end point. | -## Remarks - - - - - startColor - - - The start point. - - - - - endColor - - - The end point. - - - ## See Also * Class [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_end/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_end/ index 701dae05db..bc3d235722 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_end/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_end/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_End second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::set_End method. Sets end point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_end/ --- ## GradientAxialShading::set_End method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_end/ Sets end point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::set_End(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::set_End(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_endcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_endcolor/ index 271fd6b029..d9c86a270c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_endcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_endcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_EndColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::set_EndColor method. Sets end color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_endcolor/ --- ## GradientAxialShading::set_EndColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_endcolor/ Sets end color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::set_EndColor(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::set_EndColor(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_start/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_start/ index 014a691dc3..974199d5f9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_start/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_start/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Start second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::set_Start method. Sets start point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_start/ --- ## GradientAxialShading::set_Start method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_start/ Sets start point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::set_Start(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::set_Start(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_startcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_startcolor/ index 88f6a006ef..50e4006efd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_startcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_startcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_StartColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::set_StartColor method. Sets start color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_startcolor/ --- ## GradientAxialShading::set_StartColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientaxialshading/set_startcolor/ Sets start color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::set_StartColor(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientAxialShading::set_StartColor(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_end/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_end/ index 49ff611b4d..338f8bbb7d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_end/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_end/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_End second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_End method. Gets ending circle center point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_end/ --- ## GradientRadialShading::get_End method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_end/ Gets ending circle center point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_End() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_End() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_endcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_endcolor/ index 66e6d84110..dc1de1bd47 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_endcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_endcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_EndColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_EndColor method. Gets end color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_endcolor/ --- ## GradientRadialShading::get_EndColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_endcolor/ Gets end color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_EndColor() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_EndColor() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_endingradius/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_endingradius/ index facab98ca7..553bbf62f6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_endingradius/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_endingradius/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_EndingRadius second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_EndingRadius method. Gets ending circle radius in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_endingradius/ --- ## GradientRadialShading::get_EndingRadius method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_endingradius/ Gets ending circle radius. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_EndingRadius() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_EndingRadius() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_start/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_start/ index 77f390021e..51fdabfcc8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_start/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_start/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Start second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_Start method. Gets starting circle center point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_start/ --- ## GradientRadialShading::get_Start method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_start/ Gets starting circle center point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_Start() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_Start() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_startcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_startcolor/ index 112760b7c5..831b220b83 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_startcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_startcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_StartColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_StartColor method. Gets start color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_startcolor/ --- ## GradientRadialShading::get_StartColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_startcolor/ Gets start color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_StartColor() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_StartColor() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_startingradius/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_startingradius/ index 75dcc6dc84..19aaaac8c8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_startingradius/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_startingradius/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_StartingRadius second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_StartingRadius method. Gets starting circle radius in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_startingradius/ --- ## GradientRadialShading::get_StartingRadius method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/get_startingradius/ Gets starting circle radius. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_StartingRadius() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::get_StartingRadius() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/gradientradialshading/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/gradientradialshading/ index 1c5dad4d2d..e77e78fc7e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/gradientradialshading/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/gradientradialshading/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GradientRadialShading second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::GradientRadialShading constructor. Initializes a new instance of the GradientRadialShading class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/gradientradialshading/ --- ## GradientRadialShading::GradientRadialShading() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/gradientradialshading/ Initializes a new instance of the [GradientRadialShading](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::GradientRadialShading() +Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::GradientRadialShading() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::GradientRadia Initializes a new instance of the [GradientRadialShading](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::GradientRadialShading(System::SharedPtr startColor, System::SharedPtr endColor) +Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::GradientRadialShading(System::SharedPtr startColor, System::SharedPtr endColor) ``` @@ -35,27 +35,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::GradientRadia | --- | --- | --- | | startColor | System::SharedPtr\ | The starting circle color. | | endColor | System::SharedPtr\ | The ending circle color. | -## Remarks - - - - - startColor - - - The starting circle color. - - - - - endColor - - - The ending circle color. - - - ## See Also * Class [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_end/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_end/ index 8645872e98..f9106d793b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_end/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_end/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_End second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_End method. Sets ending circle center point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_end/ --- ## GradientRadialShading::set_End method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_end/ Sets ending circle center point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_End(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_End(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_endcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_endcolor/ index c4ca52603e..7d968d1981 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_endcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_endcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_EndColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_EndColor method. Sets end color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_endcolor/ --- ## GradientRadialShading::set_EndColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_endcolor/ Sets end color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_EndColor(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_EndColor(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_endingradius/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_endingradius/ index 70a2890ae7..ce58b02e04 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_endingradius/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_endingradius/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_EndingRadius second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_EndingRadius method. Sets ending circle radius in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_endingradius/ --- ## GradientRadialShading::set_EndingRadius method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_endingradius/ Sets ending circle radius. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_EndingRadius(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_EndingRadius(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_start/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_start/ index 25b41b3eb3..35bf68b58a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_start/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_start/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Start second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_Start method. Sets starting circle center point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_start/ --- ## GradientRadialShading::set_Start method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_start/ Sets starting circle center point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_Start(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_Start(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_startcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_startcolor/ index 57e6309596..81c09cdee6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_startcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_startcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_StartColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_StartColor method. Sets start color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_startcolor/ --- ## GradientRadialShading::set_StartColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_startcolor/ Sets start color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_StartColor(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_StartColor(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_startingradius/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_startingradius/ index 40a7a24a54..9c4f91360d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_startingradius/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_startingradius/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_StartingRadius second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_StartingRadius method. Sets starting circle radius in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_startingradius/ --- ## GradientRadialShading::set_StartingRadius method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/gradientradialshading/set_startingradius/ Sets starting circle radius. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_StartingRadius(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::GradientRadialShading::set_StartingRadius(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/clone/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/clone/ index 94c2df231b..74349c925e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/clone/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/clone/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Clone second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::Clone method. Clone the graph in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/clone/ --- ## Graph::Clone method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/clone/ Clone the graph. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::Clone() override +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::Clone() override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_border/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_border/ index c1c774532f..3b117d1954 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_border/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_border/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_border/ Gets the border. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Border() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Border() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_graphinfo/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_graphinfo/ index 25f7a6a84b..f560c7ca87 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_graphinfo/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_graphinfo/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_GraphInfo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_GraphInfo method. Gets a GraphInfo object that indicates the graph info,such as color, line width,etc in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_graphinfo/ --- ## Graph::get_GraphInfo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_graphinfo/ Gets a [GraphInfo](../../../aspose.pdf/graphinfo/) object that indicates the graph info,such as color, line width,etc. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_GraphInfo() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_GraphInfo() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_height/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_height/ index b98d557fe0..e258baf82f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_height/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_height/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Height second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Height method. Gets a float value that indicates the graph height. The unit is point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_height/ --- ## Graph::get_Height method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_height/ Gets a float value that indicates the graph height. The unit is point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Height() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Height() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_ischangeposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_ischangeposition/ index f5bcd0d9db..ece69ceb31 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_ischangeposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_ischangeposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsChangePosition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_IsChangePosition method. Gets change curret position after process paragraph.(default true) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_ischangeposition/ --- ## Graph::get_IsChangePosition method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_ischangeposition/ Gets change curret position after process paragraph.(default true) ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_IsChangePosition() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_IsChangePosition() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_left/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_left/ index 73cdf8bd02..0dd5d722de 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_left/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_left/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_left/ Gets the table left coordinate. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Left() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Left() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_shapes/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_shapes/ index 7c673dcecb..60195ae569 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_shapes/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_shapes/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Shapes second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Shapes method. Gets a Shapes collection that indicates all shapes in the graph in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_shapes/ --- ## Graph::get_Shapes method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_shapes/ Gets a [Shapes](../) collection that indicates all shapes in the graph. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Shapes() const +System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Shapes() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_title/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_title/ index ae801349fc..6680d462aa 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_title/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_title/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Title second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Title method. Gets a string value that indicates the title of the graph in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_title/ --- ## Graph::get_Title method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_title/ Gets a string value that indicates the title of the graph. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Title() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Title() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_top/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_top/ index d88f91a451..9fc720908e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_top/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_top/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Top second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Top method. Gets the table top coordinate in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_top/ --- ## Graph::get_Top method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_top/ Gets the table top coordinate. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Top() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Top() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_width/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_width/ index 578cffd96d..0d9a4d9a19 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_width/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_width/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Width second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Width method. Gets a float value that indicates the graph width. The unit is point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_width/ --- ## Graph::get_Width method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/get_width/ Gets a float value that indicates the graph width. The unit is point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Width() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::get_Width() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/graph/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/graph/ index e33ae3cab6..02816242b0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/graph/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/graph/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Graph second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::Graph constructor. Initializes a new instance of the Graph class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/graph/ --- ## Graph::Graph(double, double) constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/graph/ Initializes a new instance of the [Graph](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::Graph(double width, double height) +Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::Graph(double width, double height) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::Graph(double width, double he | --- | --- | --- | | width | double | The width of the graph. | | height | double | The height of the graph. | -## Remarks - - - - - width - - - The width of the graph. - - - - - height - - - The height of the graph. - - - ## See Also * Class [Graph](../) @@ -53,7 +33,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::Graph(double width, double he Initializes a new instance of the [Graph](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::Graph(float width, float height) +Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::Graph(float width, float height) ``` @@ -61,32 +41,10 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::Graph(float width, float heig | --- | --- | --- | | width | float | The width of the graph. | | height | float | The height of the graph. | -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Constructor is deprecated. Please use constructor with double instead - - Deprecated - - Constructor is deprecated. Please use constructor with double instead - - - - - width - - - The width of the graph. - - - - - height - - - The height of the graph. - - - ## See Also * Class [Graph](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_border/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_border/ index 08f6ee9bbe..b83e818d3d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_border/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_border/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Border second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Border method. Sets the border in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_border/ --- ## Graph::set_Border method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_border/ Sets the border. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Border(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Border(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_graphinfo/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_graphinfo/ index 023b10fbe6..937a5d6d95 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_graphinfo/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_graphinfo/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_GraphInfo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_GraphInfo method. Sets a GraphInfo object that indicates the graph info,such as color, line width,etc in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_graphinfo/ --- ## Graph::set_GraphInfo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_graphinfo/ Sets a [GraphInfo](../../../aspose.pdf/graphinfo/) object that indicates the graph info,such as color, line width,etc. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_GraphInfo(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_GraphInfo(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_height/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_height/ index 65e8e1e476..008c11a53a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_height/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_height/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Height second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Height method. Sets a float value that indicates the graph height. The unit is point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_height/ --- ## Graph::set_Height method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_height/ Sets a float value that indicates the graph height. The unit is point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Height(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Height(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_ischangeposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_ischangeposition/ index be23c87387..02dbc3eab4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_ischangeposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_ischangeposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_IsChangePosition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_IsChangePosition method. Sets change curret position after process paragraph.(default true) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_ischangeposition/ --- ## Graph::set_IsChangePosition method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_ischangeposition/ Sets change curret position after process paragraph.(default true) ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_IsChangePosition(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_IsChangePosition(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_left/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_left/ index 51e6bf6c21..80e9862f6a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_left/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_left/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Left second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Left method. Sets the table left coordinate in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_left/ --- ## Graph::set_Left method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_left/ Sets the table left coordinate. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Left(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Left(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_shapes/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_shapes/ index 2955c24205..0a2be65645 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_shapes/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_shapes/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Shapes second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Shapes method. Sets a Shapes collection that indicates all shapes in the graph in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_shapes/ --- ## Graph::set_Shapes method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_shapes/ Sets a [Shapes](../) collection that indicates all shapes in the graph. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Shapes(System::SharedPtr>> value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Shapes(System::SharedPtr>> value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_title/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_title/ index 9c9c405709..9666097071 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_title/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_title/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Title second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Title method. Sets a string value that indicates the title of the graph in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_title/ --- ## Graph::set_Title method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_title/ Sets a string value that indicates the title of the graph. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Title(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Title(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_top/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_top/ index 5131f6de5c..bacb337453 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_top/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_top/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Top second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Top method. Sets the table top coordinate in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_top/ --- ## Graph::set_Top method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_top/ Sets the table top coordinate. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Top(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Top(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_width/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_width/ index b85ae2000d..a91457d796 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_width/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_width/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Width second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Width method. Sets a float value that indicates the graph width. The unit is point in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_width/ --- ## Graph::set_Width method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/graph/set_width/ Sets a float value that indicates the graph width. The unit is point. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Width(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Graph::set_Width(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/get_positionarray/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/get_positionarray/ index 649acf7afa..320c89ec87 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/get_positionarray/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/get_positionarray/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PositionArray second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Line::get_PositionArray method. Gets a PositionArray object that indicates the position array.The array is composed by coordinates of each control point of the line. directly in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/get_positionarray/ --- ## Line::get_PositionArray method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/get_positionarray/ Gets a [PositionArray](../) object that indicates the position array.The array is composed by coordinates of each control point of the line. directly. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Line::get_PositionArray() const +System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Line::get_PositionArray() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/line/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/line/ index fc216e83ba..7e2d1d068a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/line/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/line/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Line second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Line::Line constructor. Initializes a new instance of the Line class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/line/ --- ## Line::Line constructor @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/line/ Initializes a new instance of the [Line](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Line::Line(System::ArrayPtr positionArray) +Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Line::Line(System::ArrayPtr positionArray) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | positionArray | System::ArrayPtr\ | The line position array. | -## Remarks - - - - - positionArray - - - The line position array. - - - ## See Also * Class [Line](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/set_positionarray/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/set_positionarray/ index b5c115b391..e19e657485 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/set_positionarray/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/set_positionarray/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PositionArray second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Line::set_PositionArray method. Sets a PositionArray object that indicates the position array.The array is composed by coordinates of each control point of the line. directly in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/set_positionarray/ --- ## Line::set_PositionArray method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/line/set_positionarray/ Sets a [PositionArray](../) object that indicates the position array.The array is composed by coordinates of each control point of the line. directly. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Line::set_PositionArray(System::ArrayPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Line::set_PositionArray(System::ArrayPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/path/get_shapes/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/path/get_shapes/ index d07fe7f42b..6f36e2a372 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/path/get_shapes/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/path/get_shapes/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Shapes second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Path::get_Shapes method. Gets shapes collection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/path/get_shapes/ --- ## Path::get_Shapes method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/path/get_shapes/ Gets shapes collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Path::get_Shapes() const +System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Path::get_Shapes() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/path/path/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/path/path/ index ac151fe318..a8a69f6a8d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/path/path/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/path/path/ @@ -4,52 +4,40 @@ linktitle: Path second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Path::Path constructor. Initializes a new instance of the Path class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/path/path/ --- -## Path::Path(System::ArrayPtr\\>) constructor +## Path::Path() constructor Initializes a new instance of the [Path](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Path::Path(System::ArrayPtr> shapes) +Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Path::Path() ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| shapes | System::ArrayPtr\\> | The shape array contains path segments set. | -## Remarks - - - - - - shapes - - - The shape array contains path segments set. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Shape](../../shape/) * Class [Path](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Drawing](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Path::Path() constructor +## Path::Path(System::ArrayPtr\\>) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [Path](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Path::Path() +Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Path::Path(System::ArrayPtr> shapes) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| shapes | System::ArrayPtr\\> | The shape array contains path segments set. | + ## See Also +* Class [Shape](../../shape/) * Class [Path](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Drawing](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/patterncolorspace/patterncolorspace/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/patterncolorspace/patterncolorspace/ index 963967592d..3a6761e7ff 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/patterncolorspace/patterncolorspace/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/patterncolorspace/patterncolorspace/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/patterncolorspace/patterncolorspace/ ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::PatternColorSpace::PatternColorSpace() +Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::PatternColorSpace::PatternColorSpace() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_bottom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_bottom/ index 841bf1990e..65bb108146 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_bottom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_bottom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Bottom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::get_Bottom method. Gets a float value that indicates the bottom position of the rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_bottom/ --- ## Rectangle::get_Bottom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_bottom/ Gets a float value that indicates the bottom position of the rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::get_Bottom() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::get_Bottom() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_height/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_height/ index 2a1cb6b51d..42ac961e6d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_height/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_height/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Height second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::get_Height method. Gets a float value that indicates the height of the rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_height/ --- ## Rectangle::get_Height method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_height/ Gets a float value that indicates the height of the rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::get_Height() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::get_Height() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_left/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_left/ index 4889fbbf06..715ef8a6cb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_left/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_left/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Left second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::get_Left method. Gets a float value that indicates the left position of the rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_left/ --- ## Rectangle::get_Left method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_left/ Gets a float value that indicates the left position of the rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::get_Left() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::get_Left() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_roundedcornerradius/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_roundedcornerradius/ index 08513c74d4..d294980c7b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_roundedcornerradius/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_roundedcornerradius/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_RoundedCornerRadius second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::get_RoundedCornerRadius method. Gets a float value that indicates the radius of rectangle corners in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_roundedcornerradius/ --- ## Rectangle::get_RoundedCornerRadius method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_roundedcornerradius/ Gets a float value that indicates the radius of rectangle corners. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::get_RoundedCornerRadius() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::get_RoundedCornerRadius() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_width/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_width/ index 5b67ee9b42..7606eeecf5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_width/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_width/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Width second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::get_Width method. Gets a float value that indicates the width of the rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_width/ --- ## Rectangle::get_Width method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/get_width/ Gets a float value that indicates the width of the rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::get_Width() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::get_Width() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/rectangle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/rectangle/ index 0de457c065..ea20d0c220 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/rectangle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/rectangle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Rectangle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::Rectangle constructor. Initializes a new instance of the Rectangle class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/rectangle/ --- ## Rectangle::Rectangle constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/rectangle/ Initializes a new instance of the [Rectangle](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::Rectangle(float left, float bottom, float width, float height) +Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::Rectangle(float left, float bottom, float width, float height) ``` @@ -23,43 +23,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::Rectangle(float left, flo | bottom | float | The bottom position of the rectangle. | | width | float | The width of the rectangle. | | height | float | The height of the rectangle. | -## Remarks - - - - - left - - - The left position of the rectangle. - - - - - bottom - - - The bottom position of the rectangle. - - - - - width - - - The width of the rectangle. - - - - - height - - - The height of the rectangle. - - - ## See Also * Class [Rectangle](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_bottom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_bottom/ index dc05ea34b4..d12064090f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_bottom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_bottom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Bottom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::set_Bottom method. Sets a float value that indicates the bottom position of the rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_bottom/ --- ## Rectangle::set_Bottom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_bottom/ Sets a float value that indicates the bottom position of the rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::set_Bottom(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::set_Bottom(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_height/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_height/ index 15dcd9529f..c6cd4f925f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_height/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_height/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Height second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::set_Height method. Sets a float value that indicates the height of the rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_height/ --- ## Rectangle::set_Height method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_height/ Sets a float value that indicates the height of the rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::set_Height(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::set_Height(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_left/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_left/ index 6dc383ae83..92b62372ba 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_left/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_left/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Left second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::set_Left method. Sets a float value that indicates the left position of the rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_left/ --- ## Rectangle::set_Left method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_left/ Sets a float value that indicates the left position of the rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::set_Left(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::set_Left(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_roundedcornerradius/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_roundedcornerradius/ index 1f7fbee8f3..c4f28ee830 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_roundedcornerradius/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_roundedcornerradius/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_RoundedCornerRadius second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::set_RoundedCornerRadius method. Sets a float value that indicates the radius of rectangle corners in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_roundedcornerradius/ --- ## Rectangle::set_RoundedCornerRadius method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_roundedcornerradius/ Sets a float value that indicates the radius of rectangle corners. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::set_RoundedCornerRadius(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::set_RoundedCornerRadius(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_width/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_width/ index cb08f9ad8d..28693c4b55 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_width/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_width/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Width second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::set_Width method. Sets a float value that indicates the width of the rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_width/ --- ## Rectangle::set_Width method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/rectangle/set_width/ Sets a float value that indicates the width of the rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::set_Width(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Rectangle::set_Width(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/get_graphinfo/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/get_graphinfo/ index b474973629..a28a6d00a4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/get_graphinfo/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/get_graphinfo/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_GraphInfo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Shape::get_GraphInfo method. Gets a GraphInfo object that indicates the graph info,such as color, line width,etc in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/get_graphinfo/ --- ## Shape::get_GraphInfo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/get_graphinfo/ Gets a [GraphInfo](../../../aspose.pdf/graphinfo/) object that indicates the graph info,such as color, line width,etc. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Shape::get_GraphInfo() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Shape::get_GraphInfo() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/get_text/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/get_text/ index 1aa04c7180..053edfdf87 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/get_text/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/get_text/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/get_text/ Gets a text for shape. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Shape::get_Text() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Shape::get_Text() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/set_graphinfo/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/set_graphinfo/ index f14c17a542..9f5039e874 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/set_graphinfo/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/set_graphinfo/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_GraphInfo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Shape::set_GraphInfo method. Sets a GraphInfo object that indicates the graph info,such as color, line width,etc in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/set_graphinfo/ --- ## Shape::set_GraphInfo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/set_graphinfo/ Sets a [GraphInfo](../../../aspose.pdf/graphinfo/) object that indicates the graph info,such as color, line width,etc. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Shape::set_GraphInfo(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Shape::set_GraphInfo(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/set_text/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/set_text/ index 4e553201fa..4edd779aae 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/set_text/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/set_text/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Text second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Shape::set_Text method. Sets a text for shape in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/set_text/ --- ## Shape::set_Text method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/set_text/ Sets a text for shape. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Shape::set_Text(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Shape::set_Text(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/shape/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/shape/ index 7a07a119e6..42c168c797 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/shape/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/shape/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Shape second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use Shape constructor of Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Shape class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/shape/ --- ## Shape::Shape constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.drawing/shape/shape/ ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Shape::Shape() +Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::Shape::Shape() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/ deleted file mode 100644 index d3c4e9ef81..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps namespace -linktitle: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps namespace in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 1200 -url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/ ---- - - - -## Classes - -| Class | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [ICMapCodeSpaceRange](./icmapcodespacerange/) | Declares a functionality for codespace ranges used by all [CMaps](./). | diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/ deleted file mode 100644 index 07aa650b84..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange class -linktitle: ICMapCodeSpaceRange -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange class. Declares a functionality for codespace ranges used by all CMaps in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 100 -url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/ ---- -## ICMapCodeSpaceRange class - - -Declares a functionality for codespace ranges used by all [CMaps](../). - -```cpp -class ICMapCodeSpaceRange : public System::Object -``` - -## Methods - -| Method | Description | -| --- | --- | -| virtual [GetAllBytes](./getallbytes/)(System::Details::ArrayView\, System::Details::ArrayView\) | Gets codespace range data - all start and end bytes. | -| virtual [GetSize](./getsize/)() | Returns size for codespace range. | -| virtual [HasPartialMatch](./haspartialmatch/)(System::ArrayPtr\, int32_t) | Detects is the passed raw code represented in byte array form has a partial match with CMap's codespace ranges - partial match means that first element(s) in array is in range(s) but all the raw code bytes are not fully in any range. | -| virtual [IsInRange](./isinrange/)(uint8_t) | Detects is passed code belongs to codespace range. | -| virtual [IsInRange](./isinrange/)(System::ArrayPtr\, int32_t) | Detects is passed code, represented as array of bytes belongs to codespace range. | -| virtual [IsInRange](./isinrange/)(char16_t) | Detects is passed code belongs to codespace range. | -| virtual [IsInRange](./isinrange/)(System::ArrayPtr\, int32_t) | Detects is passed code, represented as array of chars belongs to codespace range. | -## See Also - -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps](../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/getallbytes/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/getallbytes/ deleted file mode 100644 index 14a12a01a5..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/getallbytes/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange::GetAllBytes method -linktitle: GetAllBytes -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange::GetAllBytes method. Gets codespace range data - all start and end bytes in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 400 -url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/getallbytes/ ---- -## ICMapCodeSpaceRange::GetAllBytes method - - -Gets codespace range data - all start and end bytes. - -```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange::GetAllBytes(System::Details::ArrayView start, System::Details::ArrayView end)=0 -``` - - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| start | System::Details::ArrayView\ | | -| end | System::Details::ArrayView\ | | -## Remarks - - - - - - start - - - - - - end - - - - -## See Also - -* Class [ICMapCodeSpaceRange](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/getsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/getsize/ deleted file mode 100644 index b0a11c2eb1..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/getsize/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange::GetSize method -linktitle: GetSize -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange::GetSize method. Returns size for codespace range in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 300 -url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/getsize/ ---- -## ICMapCodeSpaceRange::GetSize method - - -Returns size for codespace range. - -```cpp -virtual int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange::GetSize()=0 -``` - - -### ReturnValue - - - -## See Also - -* Class [ICMapCodeSpaceRange](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/haspartialmatch/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/haspartialmatch/ deleted file mode 100644 index b7f7821ed9..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/haspartialmatch/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange::HasPartialMatch method -linktitle: HasPartialMatch -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange::HasPartialMatch method. Detects is the passed raw code represented in byte array form has a partial match with CMap''s codespace ranges - partial match means that first element(s) in array is in range(s) but all the raw code bytes are not fully in any range in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 200 -url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/haspartialmatch/ ---- -## ICMapCodeSpaceRange::HasPartialMatch method - - -Detects is the passed raw code represented in byte array form has a partial match with CMap's codespace ranges - partial match means that first element(s) in array is in range(s) but all the raw code bytes are not fully in any range. - -```cpp -virtual bool Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange::HasPartialMatch(System::ArrayPtr values, int32_t size)=0 -``` - - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| values | System::ArrayPtr\ | raw code in a byte array form | -| size | int32_t | count of bytes in byte array | - -### ReturnValue - -true/false -## Remarks - - - - - - values - - - raw code in a byte array form - - - - - size - - - count of bytes in byte array - - - -## See Also - -* Class [ICMapCodeSpaceRange](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/isinrange/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/isinrange/ deleted file mode 100644 index b8025987fb..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/isinrange/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,167 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange::IsInRange method -linktitle: IsInRange -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange::IsInRange method. Detects is passed code belongs to codespace range in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 100 -url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.cmaps/icmapcodespacerange/isinrange/ ---- -## ICMapCodeSpaceRange::IsInRange(uint8_t) method - - -Detects is passed code belongs to codespace range. - -```cpp -virtual bool Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange::IsInRange(uint8_t value)=0 -``` - - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| value | uint8_t | byte to check | - -### ReturnValue - -true/false -## Remarks - - - - - - value - - - byte to check - - - -## See Also - -* Class [ICMapCodeSpaceRange](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## ICMapCodeSpaceRange::IsInRange(System::ArrayPtr\, int32_t) method - - -Detects is passed code, represented as array of bytes belongs to codespace range. - -```cpp -virtual bool Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange::IsInRange(System::ArrayPtr values, int32_t length)=0 -``` - - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| values | System::ArrayPtr\ | bytes to check | -| length | int32_t | count of bytes in a checked byte array | - -### ReturnValue - -true/false -## Remarks - - - - - - values - - - bytes to check - - - - - length - - - count of bytes in a checked byte array - - - -## See Also - -* Class [ICMapCodeSpaceRange](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## ICMapCodeSpaceRange::IsInRange(char16_t) method - - -Detects is passed code belongs to codespace range. - -```cpp -virtual bool Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange::IsInRange(char16_t value)=0 -``` - - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| value | char16_t | byte to check | - -### ReturnValue - -true/false -## Remarks - - - - - - value - - - byte to check - - - -## See Also - -* Class [ICMapCodeSpaceRange](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## ICMapCodeSpaceRange::IsInRange(System::ArrayPtr\, int32_t) method - - -Detects is passed code, represented as array of chars belongs to codespace range. - -```cpp -virtual bool Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps::ICMapCodeSpaceRange::IsInRange(System::ArrayPtr values, int32_t length)=0 -``` - - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| values | System::ArrayPtr\ | chars to check | -| length | int32_t | count of bytes in a checked char array | - -### ReturnValue - -true/false -## Remarks - - - - - - values - - - chars to check - - - - - length - - - count of bytes in a checked char array - - - -## See Also - -* Class [ICMapCodeSpaceRange](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::CMaps](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.fonts.utilities/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.fonts.utilities/ deleted file mode 100644 index e712339307..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.fonts.utilities/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::Fonts::Utilities namespace -linktitle: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::Fonts::Utilities -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::Fonts::Utilities namespace in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 1300 -url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.fonts.utilities/ ---- - - - -## Classes - -| Class | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [FontsRemover](./fontsremover/) | | diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.fonts.utilities/fontsremover/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.fonts.utilities/fontsremover/ deleted file mode 100644 index 76eb72299d..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.fonts.utilities/fontsremover/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::Fonts::Utilities::FontsRemover class -linktitle: FontsRemover -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::Fonts::Utilities::FontsRemover class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 100 -url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata.text.fonts.utilities/fontsremover/ ---- -## FontsRemover class - - - - -```cpp -templateclass FontsRemover -``` - -## See Also - -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::Text::Fonts::Utilities](../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata/ deleted file mode 100644 index 99cc8d29cb..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData namespace -linktitle: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData namespace in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 1100 -url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata/ ---- - - - -## Classes - -| Class | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [IDocumentSecondaryStrategies](./idocumentsecondarystrategies/) | Purpose of this interface - to return different strategies which could be used if user sets special flag which affects usual logic. | diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata/idocumentsecondarystrategies/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata/idocumentsecondarystrategies/ deleted file mode 100644 index cb0f292fa4..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata/idocumentsecondarystrategies/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::IDocumentSecondaryStrategies class -linktitle: IDocumentSecondaryStrategies -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::IDocumentSecondaryStrategies class. Purpose of this interface - to return different strategies which could be used if user sets special flag which affects usual logic in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 100 -url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata/idocumentsecondarystrategies/ ---- -## IDocumentSecondaryStrategies class - - -Purpose of this interface - to return different strategies which could be used if user sets special flag which affects usual logic. - -```cpp -class IDocumentSecondaryStrategies : public System::Object -``` - -## Methods - -| Method | Description | -| --- | --- | -| virtual [get_SimpleFontEncodingRule](./get_simplefontencodingrule/)() | | -## See Also - -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData](../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata/idocumentsecondarystrategies/get_simplefontencodingrule/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata/idocumentsecondarystrategies/get_simplefontencodingrule/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7929f060e6..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata/idocumentsecondarystrategies/get_simplefontencodingrule/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::IDocumentSecondaryStrategies::get_SimpleFontEncodingRule method -linktitle: get_SimpleFontEncodingRule -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use get_SimpleFontEncodingRule method of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::IDocumentSecondaryStrategies class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 100 -url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.commondata/idocumentsecondarystrategies/get_simplefontencodingrule/ ---- -## IDocumentSecondaryStrategies::get_SimpleFontEncodingRule method - - - - -```cpp -virtual Text::Encoding::PdfFontEncoding::SimpleFontEncodingRules Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData::IDocumentSecondaryStrategies::get_SimpleFontEncodingRule()=0 -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [IDocumentSecondaryStrategies](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::CommonData](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index cb11f2899a..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Data namespace -linktitle: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Data -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Data namespace in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 1400 -url: /cpp/ ---- - - - -## Classes - -| Class | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [IPdfStringExtractionInfo](./ipdfstringextractioninfo/) | This interface represents additional info about decoded string. | diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 3707ce7c37..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Data::IPdfStringExtractionInfo class -linktitle: IPdfStringExtractionInfo -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Data::IPdfStringExtractionInfo class. This interface represents additional info about decoded string in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 100 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## IPdfStringExtractionInfo class - - -This interface represents additional info about decoded string. - -```cpp -class IPdfStringExtractionInfo : public System::Object -``` - -## Methods - -| Method | Description | -| --- | --- | -| virtual [get_RawCodes](./get_rawcodes/)() | | -## See Also - -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Data](../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 51e295fc8b..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Data::IPdfStringExtractionInfo::get_RawCodes method -linktitle: get_RawCodes -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use get_RawCodes method of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Data::IPdfStringExtractionInfo class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 100 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## IPdfStringExtractionInfo::get_RawCodes method - - - - -```cpp -virtual System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Data::IPdfStringExtractionInfo::get_RawCodes()=0 -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [IPdfStringExtractionInfo](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Data](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0e9fee172e..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters namespace -linktitle: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters namespace in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 1500 -url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/ ---- - - - -## Classes - -| Class | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [FilterTypeConverter](./filtertypeconverter/) | | -## Enums - -| Enum | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [FilterType](./filtertype/) | | diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertype/ deleted file mode 100644 index 93cf8f9ecf..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertype/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters::FilterType enum -linktitle: FilterType -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters::FilterType enum in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 200 -url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertype/ ---- -## FilterType enum - - - - -```cpp -enum class FilterType -``` - -### Values - -| Name | Value | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| None | 0 | | -| LZWDecode | 1 | | -| FlateDecode | 2 | | -| ASCIIHexDecode | 3 | | -| ASCII85Decode | 4 | | -| CCITTFaxDecode | 5 | | -| RunLengthDecode | 6 | | -| JBIG2Decode | 7 | | -| DCTDecode | 8 | | -| JPXDecode | 9 | | -| Crypt | 10 | | -| Composite | 11 | | - -## See Also - -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters](../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertypeconverter/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertypeconverter/ deleted file mode 100644 index 210c787c02..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertypeconverter/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters::FilterTypeConverter class -linktitle: FilterTypeConverter -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters::FilterTypeConverter class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 100 -url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertypeconverter/ ---- -## FilterTypeConverter class - - - - -```cpp -class FilterTypeConverter : public System::Object -``` - -## Methods - -| Method | Description | -| --- | --- | -| static [ToEnum](./toenum/)(System::String) | | -| static [ToString](./tostring/)(FilterType) | | -## See Also - -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters](../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertypeconverter/toenum/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertypeconverter/toenum/ deleted file mode 100644 index 2d5524cc64..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertypeconverter/toenum/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters::FilterTypeConverter::ToEnum method -linktitle: ToEnum -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use ToEnum method of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters::FilterTypeConverter class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 200 -url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertypeconverter/toenum/ ---- -## FilterTypeConverter::ToEnum method - - - - -```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API FilterType Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters::FilterTypeConverter::ToEnum(System::String value) -``` - -## See Also - -* Enum [FilterType](../../filtertype/) -* Class [FilterTypeConverter](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertypeconverter/tostring/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertypeconverter/tostring/ deleted file mode 100644 index 55be1e0eec..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertypeconverter/tostring/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters::FilterTypeConverter::ToString method -linktitle: ToString -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use ToString method of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters::FilterTypeConverter class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 100 -url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.engine.filters/filtertypeconverter/tostring/ ---- -## FilterTypeConverter::ToString method - - - - -```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters::FilterTypeConverter::ToString(FilterType value) -``` - -## See Also - -* Enum [FilterType](../../filtertype/) -* Class [FilterTypeConverter](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::Filters](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6370f5dcf3..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers namespace -linktitle: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers namespace in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 1600 -url: /cpp/ ---- - - - -## Classes - -| Class | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [ExportFieldsOptions](./exportfieldsoptions/) | Represents base class of options for exporting form fields. | -| [ExportFieldsToJsonOptions](./exportfieldstojsonoptions/) | Represents options for exporting form fields to Json format. | -| [ExportImportMessages](./exportimportmessages/) | Contains various error messages for export and import operations of form fields. | -| [FieldSerializationResult](./fieldserializationresult/) | Represents the result of a form field serialization process. | -| [ImportFieldsOptions](./importfieldsoptions/) | Represents base class of options for importing form fields. | -| [ImportFieldsToJsonOptions](./importfieldstojsonoptions/) | Represents options for importing form fields to Json format. | -## Enums - -| Enum | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [FieldSerializationStatus](./fieldserializationstatus/) | Represents the status of the form field serialization. | diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 74497a7f96..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsOptions class -linktitle: ExportFieldsOptions -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsOptions class. Represents base class of options for exporting form fields in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 100 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## ExportFieldsOptions class - - -Represents base class of options for exporting form fields. - -```cpp -class ExportFieldsOptions : public System::Object -``` - -## Methods - -| Method | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [ExportFieldsOptions](./exportfieldsoptions/)() | | -| [get_ExportPasswordValue](./get_exportpasswordvalue/)() const | Gets a value indicating whether the password value should be exported. | -| [set_ExportPasswordValue](./set_exportpasswordvalue/)(bool) | Sets a value indicating whether the password value should be exported. | -## See Also - -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index cf90a37de7..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsOptions::ExportFieldsOptions constructor -linktitle: ExportFieldsOptions -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use ExportFieldsOptions constructor of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsOptions class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 300 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## ExportFieldsOptions::ExportFieldsOptions constructor - - - - -```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsOptions::ExportFieldsOptions() -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportFieldsOptions](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6c02614e46..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsOptions::get_ExportPasswordValue method -linktitle: get_ExportPasswordValue -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsOptions::get_ExportPasswordValue method. Gets a value indicating whether the password value should be exported in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 100 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## ExportFieldsOptions::get_ExportPasswordValue method - - -Gets a value indicating whether the password value should be exported. - -```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsOptions::get_ExportPasswordValue() const -``` - -## Remarks - - -**true** if the password value should be exported; otherwise, **false**. -## See Also - -* Class [ExportFieldsOptions](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index f3016945cc..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsOptions::set_ExportPasswordValue method -linktitle: set_ExportPasswordValue -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsOptions::set_ExportPasswordValue method. Sets a value indicating whether the password value should be exported in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 200 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## ExportFieldsOptions::set_ExportPasswordValue method - - -Sets a value indicating whether the password value should be exported. - -```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsOptions::set_ExportPasswordValue(bool value) -``` - -## Remarks - - -**true** if the password value should be exported; otherwise, **false**. -## See Also - -* Class [ExportFieldsOptions](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 9690813942..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsToJsonOptions class -linktitle: ExportFieldsToJsonOptions -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsToJsonOptions class. Represents options for exporting form fields to Json format in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 200 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## ExportFieldsToJsonOptions class - - -Represents options for exporting form fields to Json format. - -```cpp -class ExportFieldsToJsonOptions : public Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsOptions -``` - -## Methods - -| Method | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [ExportFieldsOptions](../exportfieldsoptions/exportfieldsoptions/)() | | -| [ExportFieldsToJsonOptions](./exportfieldstojsonoptions/)() | Initializes a new instance of the [ExportFieldsToJsonOptions](./) class. | -| [get_ExportPasswordValue](../exportfieldsoptions/get_exportpasswordvalue/)() const | Gets a value indicating whether the password value should be exported. | -| [get_WriteIndented](./get_writeindented/)() const | Gets a value indicating whether the Json output should be indented. | -| [set_ExportPasswordValue](../exportfieldsoptions/set_exportpasswordvalue/)(bool) | Sets a value indicating whether the password value should be exported. | -| [set_WriteIndented](./set_writeindented/)(bool) | Sets a value indicating whether the Json output should be indented. | -## Remarks - - -Inherits from [ExportFieldsOptions](../exportfieldsoptions/) and adds specific options for Json export. -## See Also - -* Class [ExportFieldsOptions](../exportfieldsoptions/) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1ddd72d6d3..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsToJsonOptions::ExportFieldsToJsonOptions constructor -linktitle: ExportFieldsToJsonOptions -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsToJsonOptions::ExportFieldsToJsonOptions constructor. Initializes a new instance of the ExportFieldsToJsonOptions class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 300 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## ExportFieldsToJsonOptions::ExportFieldsToJsonOptions constructor - - -Initializes a new instance of the [ExportFieldsToJsonOptions](../) class. - -```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsToJsonOptions::ExportFieldsToJsonOptions() -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportFieldsToJsonOptions](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8fef59228a..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsToJsonOptions::get_WriteIndented method -linktitle: get_WriteIndented -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsToJsonOptions::get_WriteIndented method. Gets a value indicating whether the Json output should be indented in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 100 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## ExportFieldsToJsonOptions::get_WriteIndented method - - -Gets a value indicating whether the Json output should be indented. - -```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsToJsonOptions::get_WriteIndented() const -``` - -## Remarks - - -**true** if the Json output should be indented; otherwise, **false**. -## See Also - -* Class [ExportFieldsToJsonOptions](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index b263fbee01..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsToJsonOptions::set_WriteIndented method -linktitle: set_WriteIndented -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsToJsonOptions::set_WriteIndented method. Sets a value indicating whether the Json output should be indented in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 200 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## ExportFieldsToJsonOptions::set_WriteIndented method - - -Sets a value indicating whether the Json output should be indented. - -```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportFieldsToJsonOptions::set_WriteIndented(bool value) -``` - -## Remarks - - -**true** if the Json output should be indented; otherwise, **false**. -## See Also - -* Class [ExportFieldsToJsonOptions](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index b11d941ed9..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class -linktitle: ExportImportMessages -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class. Contains various error messages for export and import operations of form fields in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 300 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## ExportImportMessages class - - -Contains various error messages for export and import operations of form fields. - -```cpp -class ExportImportMessages -``` - -## Methods - -| Method | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [ExportImportMessages](./exportimportmessages/)() | | -## Fields - -| Field | Description | -| --- | --- | -| static [AppearanceDObjectNotImporting](./appearancedobjectnotimporting/) | | -| static [AppearanceNNotPresented](./appearancennotpresented/) | | -| static [AppearanceRObjectNotImporting](./appearancerobjectnotimporting/) | | -| static [BarcodeSymbologyValueNotValid](./barcodesymbologyvaluenotvalid/) | | -| static [NotImplemented](./notimplemented/) | | -| static [PageIndexIsNotSet](./pageindexisnotset/) | | -| static [PageIsNull](./pageisnull/) | | -| static [PageNotFoundInDocument](./pagenotfoundindocument/) | | -| static [PartialNameIsNotSet](./partialnameisnotset/) | | -| static [RectangleImportError](./rectangleimporterror/) | | -| static [RectangleIsNotSet](./rectangleisnotset/) | | -| static [RectNotPresented](./rectnotpresented/) | | -| static [SupportExportOnly14StandardFonts](./supportexportonly14standardfonts/) | | -| static [UnknownExportError](./unknownexporterror/) | | -| static [UnknownFieldType](./unknownfieldtype/) | | -| static [UnknownImportError](./unknownimporterror/) | | -## See Also - -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index a8b366680f..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::AppearanceDObjectNotImporting field -linktitle: AppearanceDObjectNotImporting -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use AppearanceDObjectNotImporting field of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 1100 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## AppearanceDObjectNotImporting field - - - - -```cpp -static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::AppearanceDObjectNotImporting -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportImportMessages](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index ce32b9bf03..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::AppearanceNNotPresented field -linktitle: AppearanceNNotPresented -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use AppearanceNNotPresented field of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 1300 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## AppearanceNNotPresented field - - - - -```cpp -static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::AppearanceNNotPresented -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportImportMessages](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 52677c8783..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::AppearanceRObjectNotImporting field -linktitle: AppearanceRObjectNotImporting -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use AppearanceRObjectNotImporting field of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 1200 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## AppearanceRObjectNotImporting field - - - - -```cpp -static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::AppearanceRObjectNotImporting -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportImportMessages](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 459a220815..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::BarcodeSymbologyValueNotValid field -linktitle: BarcodeSymbologyValueNotValid -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use BarcodeSymbologyValueNotValid field of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 1500 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## BarcodeSymbologyValueNotValid field - - - - -```cpp -static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::BarcodeSymbologyValueNotValid -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportImportMessages](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index e30854dbae..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::ExportImportMessages constructor -linktitle: ExportImportMessages -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use ExportImportMessages constructor of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 100 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## ExportImportMessages::ExportImportMessages constructor - - - - -```cpp -Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::ExportImportMessages()=delete -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportImportMessages](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index b22b9471c1..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::NotImplemented field -linktitle: NotImplemented -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use NotImplemented field of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 1700 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## NotImplemented field - - - - -```cpp -static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::NotImplemented -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportImportMessages](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1125d2c451..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::PageIndexIsNotSet field -linktitle: PageIndexIsNotSet -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use PageIndexIsNotSet field of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 400 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## PageIndexIsNotSet field - - - - -```cpp -static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::PageIndexIsNotSet -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportImportMessages](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7d85b04e56..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::PageIsNull field -linktitle: PageIsNull -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use PageIsNull field of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 200 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## PageIsNull field - - - - -```cpp -static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::PageIsNull -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportImportMessages](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 34d2ff1b12..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::PageNotFoundInDocument field -linktitle: PageNotFoundInDocument -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use PageNotFoundInDocument field of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 500 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## PageNotFoundInDocument field - - - - -```cpp -static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::PageNotFoundInDocument -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportImportMessages](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index f05eb11e55..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::PartialNameIsNotSet field -linktitle: PartialNameIsNotSet -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use PartialNameIsNotSet field of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 1000 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## PartialNameIsNotSet field - - - - -```cpp -static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::PartialNameIsNotSet -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportImportMessages](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index b468e335b7..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::RectangleImportError field -linktitle: RectangleImportError -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use RectangleImportError field of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 1400 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## RectangleImportError field - - - - -```cpp -static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::RectangleImportError -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportImportMessages](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index e96f281b54..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::RectangleIsNotSet field -linktitle: RectangleIsNotSet -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use RectangleIsNotSet field of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 600 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## RectangleIsNotSet field - - - - -```cpp -static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::RectangleIsNotSet -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportImportMessages](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1ceab0a784..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::RectNotPresented field -linktitle: RectNotPresented -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use RectNotPresented field of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 300 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## RectNotPresented field - - - - -```cpp -static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::RectNotPresented -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportImportMessages](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8a39385583..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::SupportExportOnly14StandardFonts field -linktitle: SupportExportOnly14StandardFonts -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use SupportExportOnly14StandardFonts field of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 1600 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## SupportExportOnly14StandardFonts field - - - - -```cpp -static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::SupportExportOnly14StandardFonts -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportImportMessages](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 9d532df7b1..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::UnknownExportError field -linktitle: UnknownExportError -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use UnknownExportError field of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 900 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## UnknownExportError field - - - - -```cpp -static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::UnknownExportError -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportImportMessages](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1a96deef43..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::UnknownFieldType field -linktitle: UnknownFieldType -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use UnknownFieldType field of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 700 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## UnknownFieldType field - - - - -```cpp -static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::UnknownFieldType -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportImportMessages](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 91dae9a893..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::UnknownImportError field -linktitle: UnknownImportError -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'How to use UnknownImportError field of Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages class in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 800 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## UnknownImportError field - - - - -```cpp -static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ExportImportMessages::UnknownImportError -``` - -## See Also - -* Class [ExportImportMessages](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index fe60b22c85..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::FieldSerializationResult class -linktitle: FieldSerializationResult -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::FieldSerializationResult class. Represents the result of a form field serialization process in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 400 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## FieldSerializationResult class - - -Represents the result of a form field serialization process. - -```cpp -class FieldSerializationResult : public System::Object -``` - -## Methods - -| Method | Description | -| --- | --- | -| [get_ErrorMessages](./get_errormessages/)() const | Gets the error messages associated with the serialization process. | -| [get_FieldFullName](./get_fieldfullname/)() const | Gets the full name of the field. | -| [get_FieldSerializationStatus](./get_fieldserializationstatus/)() const | Gets the status of the form field serialization. | -| [get_WarningMessages](./get_warningmessages/)() const | Gets the warning messages associated with the serialization process. | -## See Also - -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index a0460372ef..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::FieldSerializationResult::get_ErrorMessages method -linktitle: get_ErrorMessages -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::FieldSerializationResult::get_ErrorMessages method. Gets the error messages associated with the serialization process in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 400 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## FieldSerializationResult::get_ErrorMessages method - - -Gets the error messages associated with the serialization process. - -```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr> & Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::FieldSerializationResult::get_ErrorMessages() const -``` - -## Remarks - - -A set of error messages. -## See Also - -* Class [FieldSerializationResult](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5604205658..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::FieldSerializationResult::get_FieldFullName method -linktitle: get_FieldFullName -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::FieldSerializationResult::get_FieldFullName method. Gets the full name of the field in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 200 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## FieldSerializationResult::get_FieldFullName method - - -Gets the full name of the field. - -```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::FieldSerializationResult::get_FieldFullName() const -``` - -## Remarks - - -The full name of the field. -## See Also - -* Class [FieldSerializationResult](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 86815d7976..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::FieldSerializationResult::get_FieldSerializationStatus method -linktitle: get_FieldSerializationStatus -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::FieldSerializationResult::get_FieldSerializationStatus method. Gets the status of the form field serialization in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 100 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## FieldSerializationResult::get_FieldSerializationStatus method - - -Gets the status of the form field serialization. - -```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::FieldSerializationStatus Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::FieldSerializationResult::get_FieldSerializationStatus() const -``` - -## Remarks - - -The serialization status of the form field. -## See Also - -* Enum [FieldSerializationStatus](../../fieldserializationstatus/) -* Class [FieldSerializationResult](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8490eb1a05..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::FieldSerializationResult::get_WarningMessages method -linktitle: get_WarningMessages -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::FieldSerializationResult::get_WarningMessages method. Gets the warning messages associated with the serialization process in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 300 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## FieldSerializationResult::get_WarningMessages method - - -Gets the warning messages associated with the serialization process. - -```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API const System::SharedPtr> & Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::FieldSerializationResult::get_WarningMessages() const -``` - -## Remarks - - -A set of warning messages. -## See Also - -* Class [FieldSerializationResult](../) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index c044b9c699..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::FieldSerializationStatus enum -linktitle: FieldSerializationStatus -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::FieldSerializationStatus enum. Represents the status of the form field serialization in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 700 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## FieldSerializationStatus enum - - -Represents the status of the form field serialization. - -```cpp -enum class FieldSerializationStatus -``` - -### Values - -| Name | Value | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| Success | 0 | Indicates that the serialization was successful. | -| Warning | 1 | Indicates that the serialization completed with warnings. | -| Error | 2 | Indicates that the serialization encountered errors. | - -## See Also - -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index 84dd780587..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ImportFieldsOptions class -linktitle: ImportFieldsOptions -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ImportFieldsOptions class. Represents base class of options for importing form fields in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 500 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## ImportFieldsOptions class - - -Represents base class of options for importing form fields. - -```cpp -class ImportFieldsOptions : public System::Object -``` - -## See Also - -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/ b/english/cpp/ deleted file mode 100644 index fba5c8aeb4..0000000000 --- a/english/cpp/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ImportFieldsToJsonOptions class -linktitle: ImportFieldsToJsonOptions -second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ImportFieldsToJsonOptions class. Represents options for importing form fields to Json format in C++.' -type: docs -weight: 600 -url: /cpp/ ---- -## ImportFieldsToJsonOptions class - - -Represents options for importing form fields to Json format. - -```cpp -class ImportFieldsToJsonOptions : public Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers::ImportFieldsOptions -``` - -## Remarks - - -Inherits from [ImportFieldsOptions](../importfieldsoptions/) and adds specific options for Json import. -## See Also - -* Class [ImportFieldsOptions](../importfieldsoptions/) -* Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Engine::IO::ConvertStrategies::ConvertHelpers](../) -* Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/ index eb6818b444..76c159cce0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Aspose::Pdf::Facades second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use Aspose::Pdf::Facades namespace in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/ --- diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/autofiller/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/autofiller/ index 2611f40384..713cde339c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/autofiller/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/autofiller/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AutoFiller second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use AutoFiller constructor of Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/autofiller/ --- ## AutoFiller::AutoFiller constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/autofiller/ ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::AutoFiller() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::AutoFiller() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/bindpdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/bindpdf/ index d339a4c1cb..c1d07664a0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/bindpdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/bindpdf/ @@ -2,40 +2,28 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::BindPdf method linktitle: BindPdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::BindPdf method. Binds a Pdf file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::BindPdf method. Binds a Pdf document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/bindpdf/ --- -## AutoFiller::BindPdf(System::String) method +## AutoFiller::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method -Binds a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. +Binds a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::BindPdf(System::String srcFile) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr srcDoc) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcFile | System::String | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file name. | -## Remarks - - - - - - srcFile - - - - Pdf file name. - - - +| srcDoc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [AutoFiller](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -45,62 +33,35 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::BindPdf(System::Str Binds a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr srcStream) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr srcStream) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | srcStream | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - - srcStream - - - - Pdf file stream. - - - + ## See Also * Class [AutoFiller](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AutoFiller::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AutoFiller::BindPdf(System::String) method -Binds a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. +Binds a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr srcDoc) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::BindPdf(System::String srcFile) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcDoc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - srcDoc - - - - Pdf document. - - - +| srcFile | System::String | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file name. | + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [AutoFiller](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/close/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/close/ index ba43fa051b..9eb4f509e5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/close/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/close/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Close second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::Close method. Closes the object and output streams in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/close/ --- ## AutoFiller::Close method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/close/ Closes the object and output streams. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::Close() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::Close() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/dispose/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/dispose/ index a226356609..bb4228bb7f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/dispose/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/dispose/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Dispose second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::Dispose method. Closes the object and output streams in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/dispose/ --- ## AutoFiller::Dispose method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/dispose/ Closes the object and output streams. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::Dispose() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::Dispose() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_basicfilename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_basicfilename/ index ddbe5bce25..275faaed2e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_basicfilename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_basicfilename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_BasicFileName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_BasicFileName method. Gets the basic file name if many small files will be generated. The generated file will be like "BasicFileName0","BasicFileName1",... It works with another property GeneratingPathGeneratingPath in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_basicfilename/ --- ## AutoFiller::get_BasicFileName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_basicfilename/ Gets the basic file name if many small files will be generated. The generated file will be like "BasicFileName0","BasicFileName1",... It works with another property [GeneratingPath](../)GeneratingPath. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_BasicFileName() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_BasicFileName() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_generatingpath/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_generatingpath/ index 2e0bf5bc24..fe9644d69e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_generatingpath/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_generatingpath/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_GeneratingPath second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_GeneratingPath method. Gets the Generating Path of the small pdf files if many small pdf files to be generated. It works with another property BasicFileNameBasicFileName. One of the four output modes in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_generatingpath/ --- ## AutoFiller::get_GeneratingPath method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_generatingpath/ Gets the Generating Path of the small pdf files if many small pdf files to be generated. It works with another property [BasicFileName](../)BasicFileName. One of the four output modes. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_GeneratingPath() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_GeneratingPath() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_inputfilename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_inputfilename/ index cca9a9d782..40f0022a59 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_inputfilename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_inputfilename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_InputFileName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_InputFileName method. Gets the input template file. One of two input modes in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_inputfilename/ --- ## AutoFiller::get_InputFileName method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_inputfilename/ Gets the input template file. One of two input modes. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_InputFileName() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_InputFileName() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [AutoFiller](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_inputstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_inputstream/ index 8076d54c87..368b5b3d4d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_inputstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_inputstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_InputStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_InputStream method. Gets the input template stream. One of two input modes in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_inputstream/ --- ## AutoFiller::get_InputStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_inputstream/ Gets the input template stream. One of two input modes. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_InputStream() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_InputStream() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [AutoFiller](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputfilename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputfilename/ index e54b885739..2946830b2c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputfilename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputfilename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OutputFileName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_OutputFileName method. Gets the one big merged output file. One of the four output modes in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputfilename/ --- ## AutoFiller::get_OutputFileName method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputfilename/ Gets the one big merged output file. One of the four output modes. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_OutputFileName() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_OutputFileName() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [AutoFiller](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputstream/ index d95bcecd6e..eddcbcb267 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OutputStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_OutputStream method. Gets the OutputStream. One of four output modes. Its classical use case is Response.OutputStream. Please refer to the online demo in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputstream/ --- ## AutoFiller::get_OutputStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputstream/ Gets the OutputStream. One of four output modes. Its classical use case is Response.OutputStream. Please refer to the online demo. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_OutputStream() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_OutputStream() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [AutoFiller](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputstreams/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputstreams/ index 27d7be093e..19972ea2fa 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputstreams/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputstreams/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OutputStreams second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_OutputStreams method. Gets the many Output Streams. One of four output modes in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputstreams/ --- ## AutoFiller::get_OutputStreams method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/get_outputstreams/ Gets the many Output Streams. One of four output modes. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_OutputStreams() const +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::get_OutputStreams() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/save/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/save/ index d0d9887dcf..6d2e48b28a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/save/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/save/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Save second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::Save method. Saves all the pdfs in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/save/ --- ## AutoFiller::Save() method @@ -13,80 +13,51 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/save/ Saves all the pdfs. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::Save() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::Save() ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(destination) method for saving facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(destination) method for saving facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [AutoFiller](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AutoFiller::Save(System::String) method +## AutoFiller::Save(System::SharedPtr\) method Saves all the pdfs. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::Save(System::String destFile) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::Save(System::SharedPtr destStream) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| destFile | System::String | Output file name. | -## Remarks - - - - - - destFile - - - Output file name. - - - +| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream. | + ## See Also * Class [AutoFiller](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## AutoFiller::Save(System::SharedPtr\) method +## AutoFiller::Save(System::String) method Saves all the pdfs. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::Save(System::SharedPtr destStream) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::Save(System::String destFile) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - - destStream - - - Output stream. - - - +| destFile | System::String | Output file name. | + ## See Also * Class [AutoFiller](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_basicfilename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_basicfilename/ index 6489684eea..da2c78c366 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_basicfilename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_basicfilename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_BasicFileName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_BasicFileName method. Sets the basic file name if many small files will be generated. The generated file will be like "BasicFileName0","BasicFileName1",... It works with another property GeneratingPathGeneratingPath in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_basicfilename/ --- ## AutoFiller::set_BasicFileName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_basicfilename/ Sets the basic file name if many small files will be generated. The generated file will be like "BasicFileName0","BasicFileName1",... It works with another property [GeneratingPath](../)GeneratingPath. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_BasicFileName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_BasicFileName(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_generatingpath/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_generatingpath/ index 08ea2ef15f..891ca1ffc8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_generatingpath/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_generatingpath/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_GeneratingPath second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_GeneratingPath method. Sets the Generating Path of the small pdf files if many small pdf files to be generated. It works with another property BasicFileNameBasicFileName. One of the four output modes in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_generatingpath/ --- ## AutoFiller::set_GeneratingPath method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_generatingpath/ Sets the Generating Path of the small pdf files if many small pdf files to be generated. It works with another property [BasicFileName](../)BasicFileName. One of the four output modes. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_GeneratingPath(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_GeneratingPath(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_inputfilename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_inputfilename/ index a1baf351a5..845445122f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_inputfilename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_inputfilename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_InputFileName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_InputFileName method. Sets the input template file. One of two input modes in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_inputfilename/ --- ## AutoFiller::set_InputFileName method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_inputfilename/ Sets the input template file. One of two input modes. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_InputFileName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_InputFileName(System::String value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [AutoFiller](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_inputstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_inputstream/ index 7c0b657976..38dda2415a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_inputstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_inputstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_InputStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_InputStream method. Sets the input template stream. One of two input modes in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_inputstream/ --- ## AutoFiller::set_InputStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_inputstream/ Sets the input template stream. One of two input modes. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_InputStream(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_InputStream(System::SharedPtr value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [AutoFiller](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputfilename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputfilename/ index 02c22b619f..322b289438 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputfilename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputfilename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OutputFileName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_OutputFileName method. Sets the one big merged output file. One of the four output modes in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputfilename/ --- ## AutoFiller::set_OutputFileName method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputfilename/ Sets the one big merged output file. One of the four output modes. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_OutputFileName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_OutputFileName(System::String value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [AutoFiller](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputstream/ index 742a2f1f11..dcf6bbfdc4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OutputStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_OutputStream method. Sets the OutputStream. One of four output modes. Its classical use case is Response.OutputStream. Please refer to the online demo in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputstream/ --- ## AutoFiller::set_OutputStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputstream/ Sets the OutputStream. One of four output modes. Its classical use case is Response.OutputStream. Please refer to the online demo. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_OutputStream(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_OutputStream(System::SharedPtr value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [AutoFiller](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputstreams/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputstreams/ index 4af265b12c..cd4f7a9ead 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputstreams/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputstreams/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OutputStreams second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_OutputStreams method. Sets the many Output Streams. One of four output modes in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputstreams/ --- ## AutoFiller::set_OutputStreams method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_outputstreams/ Sets the many Output Streams. One of four output modes. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_OutputStreams(System::ArrayPtr> value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_OutputStreams(System::ArrayPtr> value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_unflattenfields/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_unflattenfields/ index 43bb556d27..c7d03035d1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_unflattenfields/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_unflattenfields/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_UnFlattenFields second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_UnFlattenFields method. Sets the fields which will not be flattened. If this property is not set, all the fields will be flattened in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_unflattenfields/ --- ## AutoFiller::set_UnFlattenFields method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/autofiller/set_unflattenfields/ Sets the fields which will not be flattened. If this property is not set, all the fields will be flattened. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_UnFlattenFields(System::ArrayPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::AutoFiller::set_UnFlattenFields(System::ArrayPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/bdcproperties/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/bdcproperties/ index 22918447d6..3db055a0e4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/bdcproperties/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/bdcproperties/ @@ -4,93 +4,45 @@ linktitle: BDCProperties second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::BDCProperties constructor. Constructor for properties of BDC operator in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/bdcproperties/ --- -## BDCProperties::BDCProperties(System::String, System::String) constructor +## BDCProperties::BDCProperties(System::Nullable\, System::String, System::String) constructor Constructor for properties of BDC operator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::BDCProperties(System::String lang=nullptr, System::String expansionText=nullptr) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::BDCProperties(System::Nullable mcid, System::String lang=nullptr, System::String expansionText=nullptr) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | +| mcid | System::Nullable\ | MCID. | | lang | System::String | Lang tag. | | expansionText | System::String | Expansion text. | -## Remarks - - - - - lang - - - Lang tag. - - - - - expansionText - - - Expansion text. - - - ## See Also * Class [BDCProperties](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## BDCProperties::BDCProperties(System::Nullable\, System::String, System::String) constructor +## BDCProperties::BDCProperties(System::String, System::String) constructor Constructor for properties of BDC operator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::BDCProperties(System::Nullable mcid, System::String lang=nullptr, System::String expansionText=nullptr) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::BDCProperties(System::String lang=nullptr, System::String expansionText=nullptr) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| mcid | System::Nullable\ | MCID. | | lang | System::String | Lang tag. | | expansionText | System::String | Expansion text. | -## Remarks - - - - - mcid - - - MCID. - - - - - lang - - - Lang tag. - - - - - expansionText - - - Expansion text. - - - ## See Also * Class [BDCProperties](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_e/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_e/ index fc86b93765..2207724a09 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_e/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_e/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_E second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::get_E method. Gets/sets Expansion text value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_e/ --- ## BDCProperties::get_E method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_e/ Gets/sets Expansion text value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::get_E() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::get_E() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_lang/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_lang/ index 12bb809660..eb735df869 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_lang/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_lang/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Lang second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::get_Lang method. Gets/sets Language value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_lang/ --- ## BDCProperties::get_Lang method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_lang/ Gets/sets Language value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::get_Lang() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::get_Lang() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_mcid/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_mcid/ index 74cfc4f28d..d545828996 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_mcid/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_mcid/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_MCID second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::get_MCID method. Gets/sets MCID value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_mcid/ --- ## BDCProperties::get_MCID method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/get_mcid/ Gets/sets MCID value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Nullable Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::get_MCID() +System::Nullable Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::get_MCID() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/set_e/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/set_e/ index 5ca7473d6b..0b003e56e0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/set_e/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/set_e/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/set_e/ Gets/sets Expansion text value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::set_E(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::set_E(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/set_lang/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/set_lang/ index 2f02ce4da6..4e6ab90bf1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/set_lang/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/set_lang/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Lang second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::set_Lang method. Gets/sets Language value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/set_lang/ --- ## BDCProperties::set_Lang method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bdcproperties/set_lang/ Gets/sets Language value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::set_Lang(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::BDCProperties::set_Lang(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/bookmark/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/bookmark/ index 842e928fd9..89a0af4a5a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/bookmark/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/bookmark/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Bookmark second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::Bookmark constructor. Initializes a new instance of the Bookmark class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/bookmark/ --- ## Bookmark::Bookmark constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/bookmark/ Initializes a new instance of the [Bookmark](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::Bookmark() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::Bookmark() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/compareto/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/compareto/ index fcc8901856..5133bba5dd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/compareto/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/compareto/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CompareTo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use CompareTo method of Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3800 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/compareto/ --- ## Bookmark::CompareTo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/compareto/ ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::CompareTo(const System::SharedPtr &value) +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::CompareTo(const System::SharedPtr &value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_action/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_action/ index 6a06b7459a..17a551391d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_action/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_action/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Action second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_Action method. Gets the action bound with the bookmark. If PageNumber is presented the action can not be specified. The action type includes: "GoTo", "GoToR", "Launch", "Named" in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_action/ --- ## Bookmark::get_Action method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_action/ Gets the action bound with the bookmark. If PageNumber is presented the action can not be specified. The action type includes: "GoTo", "GoToR", "Launch", "Named". ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_Action() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_Action() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_boldflag/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_boldflag/ index 659924e11c..a7fbe89c34 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_boldflag/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_boldflag/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_BoldFlag second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_BoldFlag method. Gets the bold flag of bookmark''s title in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_boldflag/ --- ## Bookmark::get_BoldFlag method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_boldflag/ Gets the bold flag of bookmark's title. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_BoldFlag() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_BoldFlag() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_childitem/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_childitem/ index 2dd2136caa..b1751d9ce1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_childitem/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_childitem/ @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_childitem/ Gets bookmark's children. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_ChildItem() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_ChildItem() ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use ChildItems property instead of this one. - - Deprecated - - Use ChildItems property instead of this one. - - ## See Also * Class [Bookmarks](../../bookmarks/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_childitems/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_childitems/ index 4a53f68099..8270d8532b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_childitems/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_childitems/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ChildItems second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_ChildItems method. Gets bookmark''s children in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_childitems/ --- ## Bookmark::get_ChildItems method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_childitems/ Gets bookmark's children. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_ChildItems() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_ChildItems() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_destination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_destination/ index de3f674f01..a594989239 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_destination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_destination/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Destination second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_Destination method. Gets bookmark''s destination page. Required if action is set as string.Empty in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_destination/ --- ## Bookmark::get_Destination method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_destination/ Gets bookmark's destination page. Required if action is set as string.Empty. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_Destination() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_Destination() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_italicflag/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_italicflag/ index bac326b421..dba4ca6383 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_italicflag/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_italicflag/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ItalicFlag second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_ItalicFlag method. Gets the italic flag of bookmark''s title in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_italicflag/ --- ## Bookmark::get_ItalicFlag method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_italicflag/ Gets the italic flag of bookmark's title. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_ItalicFlag() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_ItalicFlag() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_level/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_level/ index 87b76c85d5..3f8cfc9d78 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_level/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_level/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Level second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_Level method. Gets bookmark''s hierarchy level in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_level/ --- ## Bookmark::get_Level method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_level/ Gets bookmark's hierarchy level. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_Level() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_Level() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_open/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_open/ index 3077b033e8..1fc80de504 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_open/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_open/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Open second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_Open method. Gets bookmark state (open, close) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3500 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_open/ --- ## Bookmark::get_Open method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_open/ Gets bookmark state (open, close). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_Open() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_Open() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay/ index e0c5534a93..194b35db45 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PageDisplay second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay method. Gets the type of display bookmark''s destination page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay/ --- ## Bookmark::get_PageDisplay method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay/ Gets the type of display bookmark's destination page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_bottom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_bottom/ index 113a01883b..0e84cd0408 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_bottom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_bottom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PageDisplay_Bottom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Bottom method. Gets the bottom coordinate of page display in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_bottom/ --- ## Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Bottom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_bottom/ Gets the bottom coordinate of page display. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Bottom() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Bottom() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_left/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_left/ index 43e6a2445b..d8d7539db9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_left/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_left/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PageDisplay_Left second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Left method. Gets the left coordinate of page display in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_left/ --- ## Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Left method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_left/ Gets the left coordinate of page display. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Left() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Left() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_right/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_right/ index 689fab19f6..7d64b8a416 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_right/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_right/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PageDisplay_Right second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Right method. Gets the right coordinate of page display in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_right/ --- ## Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Right method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_right/ Gets the right coordinate of page display. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Right() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Right() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_top/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_top/ index e233567977..12e363c55c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_top/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_top/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PageDisplay_Top second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Top method. Gets the top coordinate of page display in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_top/ --- ## Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Top method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_top/ Gets the top coordinate of page display. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Top() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Top() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_zoom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_zoom/ index 18bbc8b6ad..ae8926bfc9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_zoom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_zoom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PageDisplay_Zoom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Zoom method. Gets the zoom factor of page display in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_zoom/ --- ## Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Zoom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagedisplay_zoom/ Gets the zoom factor of page display. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Zoom() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageDisplay_Zoom() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagenumber/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagenumber/ index 528b4f608c..4bff590947 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagenumber/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagenumber/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PageNumber second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageNumber method. Gets the number of bookmark''s destination page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagenumber/ --- ## Bookmark::get_PageNumber method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_pagenumber/ Gets the number of bookmark's destination page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageNumber() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_PageNumber() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_remotefile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_remotefile/ index 3c34e59749..7af3a72e82 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_remotefile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_remotefile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_RemoteFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_RemoteFile method. Gets the file (path) which is required for "GoToR" action of bookmark in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2900 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_remotefile/ --- ## Bookmark::get_RemoteFile method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_remotefile/ Gets the file (path) which is required for "GoToR" action of bookmark. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_RemoteFile() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_RemoteFile() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_title/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_title/ index c861150c6a..d1f99765ea 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_title/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_title/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Title second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_Title method. Gets bookmark''s title in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3100 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_title/ --- ## Bookmark::get_Title method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_title/ Gets bookmark's title. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_Title() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_Title() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_titlecolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_titlecolor/ index 4cc2a3688e..1ed83ef949 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_titlecolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_titlecolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TitleColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_TitleColor method. Gets the color of bookmark''s title in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3300 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_titlecolor/ --- ## Bookmark::get_TitleColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/get_titlecolor/ Gets the color of bookmark's title. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_TitleColor() const +System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::get_TitleColor() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_action/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_action/ index 1cf7d28552..b548510829 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_action/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_action/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Action second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_Action method. Sets the action bound with the bookmark. If PageNumber is presented the action can not be specified. The action type includes: "GoTo", "GoToR", "Launch", "Named" in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_action/ --- ## Bookmark::set_Action method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_action/ Sets the action bound with the bookmark. If PageNumber is presented the action can not be specified. The action type includes: "GoTo", "GoToR", "Launch", "Named". ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_Action(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_Action(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_boldflag/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_boldflag/ index cb424ebf8f..9a822fe97c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_boldflag/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_boldflag/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_BoldFlag second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_BoldFlag method. Sets the bold flag of bookmark''s title in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_boldflag/ --- ## Bookmark::set_BoldFlag method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_boldflag/ Sets the bold flag of bookmark's title. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_BoldFlag(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_BoldFlag(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_childitem/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_childitem/ index 90b3ecd921..8d88121dcc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_childitem/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_childitem/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ChildItem second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_ChildItem method. Sets bookmark''s children in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_childitem/ --- ## Bookmark::set_ChildItem method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_childitem/ Sets bookmark's children. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_ChildItem(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_ChildItem(System::SharedPtr value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use ChildItems property instead of this one. - - Deprecated - - Use ChildItems property instead of this one. - - ## See Also * Class [Bookmarks](../../bookmarks/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_childitems/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_childitems/ index e3c4a4fc65..d781e90c1d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_childitems/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_childitems/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ChildItems second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_ChildItems method. Sets bookmark''s children in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_childitems/ --- ## Bookmark::set_ChildItems method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_childitems/ Sets bookmark's children. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_ChildItems(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_ChildItems(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_destination/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_destination/ index 1740059341..dd5fdbe8f2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_destination/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_destination/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Destination second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_Destination method. Sets bookmark''s destination page. Required if action is set as string.Empty in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_destination/ --- ## Bookmark::set_Destination method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_destination/ Sets bookmark's destination page. Required if action is set as string.Empty. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_Destination(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_Destination(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_italicflag/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_italicflag/ index 9e5bea0f4e..a9a717bbed 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_italicflag/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_italicflag/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ItalicFlag second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_ItalicFlag method. Sets the italic flag of bookmark''s title in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 2600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_italicflag/ --- ## Bookmark::set_ItalicFlag method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_italicflag/ Sets the italic flag of bookmark's title. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_ItalicFlag(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_ItalicFlag(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_level/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_level/ index d58fefbdb1..7e90ab1ecc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_level/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_level/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Level second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_Level method. Sets bookmark''s hierarchy level in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_level/ --- ## Bookmark::set_Level method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_level/ Sets bookmark's hierarchy level. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_Level(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_Level(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_open/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_open/ index 936383f737..fbca6fabd3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_open/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_open/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Open second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_Open method. Sets bookmark state (open, close) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3600 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_open/ --- ## Bookmark::set_Open method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_open/ Sets bookmark state (open, close). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_Open(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_Open(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay/ index 8e359579ba..3d8b87cf92 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PageDisplay second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay method. Sets the type of display bookmark''s destination page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 2900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay/ --- ## Bookmark::set_PageDisplay method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay/ Sets the type of display bookmark's destination page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_bottom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_bottom/ index baae421224..8f8d7b3730 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_bottom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_bottom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PageDisplay_Bottom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Bottom method. Sets the bottom coordinate of page display in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 3000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_bottom/ --- ## Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Bottom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_bottom/ Sets the bottom coordinate of page display. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Bottom(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Bottom(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_left/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_left/ index 596f8be703..7021675c24 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_left/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_left/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PageDisplay_Left second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Left method. Sets the left coordinate of page display in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 3100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_left/ --- ## Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Left method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_left/ Sets the left coordinate of page display. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Left(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Left(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_right/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_right/ index 89299b8d37..7acb0609a2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_right/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_right/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PageDisplay_Right second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Right method. Sets the right coordinate of page display in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 3200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_right/ --- ## Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Right method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_right/ Sets the right coordinate of page display. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Right(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Right(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_top/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_top/ index e16356f7d5..0ea7c88ce8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_top/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_top/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PageDisplay_Top second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Top method. Sets the top coordinate of page display in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 3300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_top/ --- ## Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Top method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_top/ Sets the top coordinate of page display. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Top(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Top(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_zoom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_zoom/ index d2c818c14d..3d89d7ca3b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_zoom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_zoom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PageDisplay_Zoom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Zoom method. Sets the zoom factor of page display in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2600 +weight: 3400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_zoom/ --- ## Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Zoom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagedisplay_zoom/ Sets the zoom factor of page display. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Zoom(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageDisplay_Zoom(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagenumber/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagenumber/ index 5aba4f6732..0465265a9e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagenumber/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagenumber/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PageNumber second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageNumber method. Sets the number of bookmark''s destination page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 3500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagenumber/ --- ## Bookmark::set_PageNumber method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_pagenumber/ Sets the number of bookmark's destination page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageNumber(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_PageNumber(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_remotefile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_remotefile/ index cf126611f6..c7c8732fc7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_remotefile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_remotefile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_RemoteFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_RemoteFile method. Sets the file (path) which is required for "GoToR" action of bookmark in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3000 +weight: 3600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_remotefile/ --- ## Bookmark::set_RemoteFile method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_remotefile/ Sets the file (path) which is required for "GoToR" action of bookmark. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_RemoteFile(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_RemoteFile(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_title/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_title/ index da46d73bdb..c3cc5c3471 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_title/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_title/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Title second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_Title method. Sets bookmark''s title in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3200 +weight: 3700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_title/ --- ## Bookmark::set_Title method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_title/ Sets bookmark's title. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_Title(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_Title(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_titlecolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_titlecolor/ index 3c5186d9f7..227f3dd1f0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_titlecolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_titlecolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TitleColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_TitleColor method. Sets the color of bookmark''s title in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3400 +weight: 3800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_titlecolor/ --- ## Bookmark::set_TitleColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmark/set_titlecolor/ Sets the color of bookmark's title. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_TitleColor(System::Drawing::Color value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmark::set_TitleColor(System::Drawing::Color value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmarks/settemplateweakptr/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmarks/settemplateweakptr/ index e43a53abfe..90610ce3c8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmarks/settemplateweakptr/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmarks/settemplateweakptr/ @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/bookmarks/settemplateweakptr/ Set n'th template argument a weak pointer (rather than shared). Allows switching pointers in containers to weak mode. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmarks::SetTemplateWeakPtr(uint32_t argument) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Bookmarks::SetTemplateWeakPtr(uint32_t argument) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | argument | uint32_t | Index of template argument to treat as weak poiner. | -## Remarks - - - - - argument - - - Index of template argument to treat as weak poiner. - - - ## See Also * Class [Bookmarks](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/ index b88d827d2e..e45432a778 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/ @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class DocumentPrivilege : public System::IComparable obj) override +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::CompareTo(System::SharedPtr obj) override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowall/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowall/ index b88569028b..cbfe0ad845 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowall/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowall/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AllowAll second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowAll method. All allowed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2900 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowall/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowAll method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowall/ All allowed. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowAll() +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowAll() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowassembly/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowassembly/ index 6a010f307a..af27822eba 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowassembly/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowassembly/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AllowAssembly second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowAssembly method. Sets the permission which allow assembly or not. true is allow and false is forbidden in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowassembly/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowAssembly method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowassembly/ Sets the permission which allow assembly or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowAssembly() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowAssembly() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowcopy/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowcopy/ index 764e1392cf..4f34f59cca 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowcopy/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowcopy/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AllowCopy second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowCopy method. Sets the permission which allow copy or not. true is allow and false is forbidden in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowcopy/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowCopy method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowcopy/ Sets the permission which allow copy or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowCopy() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowCopy() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowdegradedprinting/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowdegradedprinting/ index f2f84dece1..2c0de6e012 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowdegradedprinting/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowdegradedprinting/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AllowDegradedPrinting second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowDegradedPrinting method. Sets the permission which allow degraded printing or not. true is allow and false is forbidden in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowdegradedprinting/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowDegradedPrinting method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowdegradedprinting/ Sets the permission which allow degraded printing or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowDegradedPrinting() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowDegradedPrinting() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowfillin/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowfillin/ index b881128608..77f8574a8f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowfillin/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowfillin/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AllowFillIn second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowFillIn method. Sets the permission which allow fill in forms or not. true is allow and false is forbidden in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowfillin/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowFillIn method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowfillin/ Sets the permission which allow fill in forms or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowFillIn() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowFillIn() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowmodifyannotations/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowmodifyannotations/ index 2c408371d2..31258fdca1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowmodifyannotations/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowmodifyannotations/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AllowModifyAnnotations second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowModifyAnnotations method. Sets the permission which allow modify annotations or not. true is allow and false is forbidden in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowmodifyannotations/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowModifyAnnotations method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowmodifyannotations/ Sets the permission which allow modify annotations or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowModifyAnnotations() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowModifyAnnotations() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowmodifycontents/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowmodifycontents/ index ad81cde88e..f643c7d302 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowmodifycontents/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowmodifycontents/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AllowModifyContents second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowModifyContents method. Sets the permission which allow modify contents or not. true is allow and false is forbidden in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowmodifycontents/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowModifyContents method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowmodifycontents/ Sets the permission which allow modify contents or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowModifyContents() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowModifyContents() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowprint/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowprint/ index db40b5ee29..15fffe1184 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowprint/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowprint/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AllowPrint second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowPrint method. Sets the permission which allow print or not. true is allow and false is forbidden in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowprint/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowPrint method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowprint/ Sets the permission which allow print or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowPrint() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowPrint() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowscreenreaders/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowscreenreaders/ index 09b2d73df9..7273edb222 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowscreenreaders/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowscreenreaders/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AllowScreenReaders second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowScreenReaders method. Sets the permission which allow screen readers or not. true is allow and false is forbidden in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowscreenreaders/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowScreenReaders method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_allowscreenreaders/ Sets the permission which allow screen readers or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowScreenReaders() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_AllowScreenReaders() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_assembly/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_assembly/ index 6242777e80..f9bbc4ef07 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_assembly/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_assembly/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Assembly second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_Assembly method. Allows assemblying file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_assembly/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_Assembly method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_assembly/ Allows assemblying file. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_Assembly() +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_Assembly() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_copy/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_copy/ index 001fbac918..4792a8228e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_copy/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_copy/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Copy second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_Copy method. Allows copying file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_copy/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_Copy method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_copy/ Allows copying file. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_Copy() +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_Copy() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_degradedprinting/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_degradedprinting/ index 1d6136da8b..886595ca28 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_degradedprinting/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_degradedprinting/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DegradedPrinting second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_DegradedPrinting method. Allows degraded printing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_degradedprinting/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_DegradedPrinting method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_degradedprinting/ Allows degraded printing. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_DegradedPrinting() +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_DegradedPrinting() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_fillin/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_fillin/ index d99183deb9..ae44ff1b37 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_fillin/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_fillin/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_FillIn second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_FillIn method. Allows filling forms in file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2600 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_fillin/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_FillIn method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_fillin/ Allows filling forms in file. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_FillIn() +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_FillIn() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_forbidall/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_forbidall/ index bd06bf57a1..067e3bd1da 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_forbidall/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_forbidall/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ForbidAll second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_ForbidAll method. All Forbidded in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3000 +weight: 2600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_forbidall/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_ForbidAll method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_forbidall/ All Forbidded. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_ForbidAll() +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_ForbidAll() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_modifyannotations/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_modifyannotations/ index bfc6e3f27f..a560c36cea 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_modifyannotations/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_modifyannotations/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ModifyAnnotations second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_ModifyAnnotations method. Allows modifying annotations of file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_modifyannotations/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_ModifyAnnotations method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_modifyannotations/ Allows modifying annotations of file. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_ModifyAnnotations() +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_ModifyAnnotations() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_modifycontents/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_modifycontents/ index b63738f42c..7348e8f552 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_modifycontents/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_modifycontents/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ModifyContents second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_ModifyContents method. Allows modifying file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_modifycontents/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_ModifyContents method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_modifycontents/ Allows modifying file. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_ModifyContents() +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_ModifyContents() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_print/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_print/ index 6ced6046b6..1effa7861b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_print/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_print/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Print second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_Print method. Allows printing file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 2900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_print/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_Print method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_print/ Allows printing file. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_Print() +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_Print() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_screenreaders/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_screenreaders/ index 36e501e5dc..cf904934ce 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_screenreaders/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_screenreaders/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ScreenReaders second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_ScreenReaders method. Allows to reader on screen only in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 3000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_screenreaders/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::get_ScreenReaders method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/get_screenreaders/ Allows to reader on screen only. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_ScreenReaders() +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::get_ScreenReaders() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowassembly/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowassembly/ index 12d70ee89f..9376516b98 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowassembly/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowassembly/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AllowAssembly second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowAssembly method. Sets the permission which allow assembly or not. true is allow and false is forbidden in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowassembly/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowAssembly method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowassembly/ Sets the permission which allow assembly or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowAssembly(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowAssembly(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowcopy/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowcopy/ index 2bed23b85e..c3e5479b85 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowcopy/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowcopy/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AllowCopy second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowCopy method. Sets the permission which allow copy or not. true is allow and false is forbidden in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowcopy/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowCopy method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowcopy/ Sets the permission which allow copy or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowCopy(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowCopy(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowdegradedprinting/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowdegradedprinting/ index b2d2461a8c..09aad20be3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowdegradedprinting/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowdegradedprinting/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AllowDegradedPrinting second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowDegradedPrinting method. Sets the permission which allow degraded printing or not. true is allow and false is forbidden in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowdegradedprinting/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowDegradedPrinting method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowdegradedprinting/ Sets the permission which allow degraded printing or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowDegradedPrinting(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowDegradedPrinting(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowfillin/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowfillin/ index 5836cfa49d..49d7cb53c8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowfillin/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowfillin/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AllowFillIn second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowFillIn method. Sets the permission which allow fill in forms or not. true is allow and false is forbidden in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowfillin/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowFillIn method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowfillin/ Sets the permission which allow fill in forms or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowFillIn(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowFillIn(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowmodifyannotations/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowmodifyannotations/ index a951f90a4b..65a5867e83 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowmodifyannotations/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowmodifyannotations/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AllowModifyAnnotations second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowModifyAnnotations method. Sets the permission which allow modify annotations or not. true is allow and false is forbidden in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowmodifyannotations/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowModifyAnnotations method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowmodifyannotations/ Sets the permission which allow modify annotations or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowModifyAnnotations(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowModifyAnnotations(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowmodifycontents/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowmodifycontents/ index cc788c08b7..b463709769 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowmodifycontents/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowmodifycontents/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AllowModifyContents second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowModifyContents method. Sets the permission which allow modify contents or not. true is allow and false is forbidden in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowmodifycontents/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowModifyContents method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowmodifycontents/ Sets the permission which allow modify contents or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowModifyContents(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowModifyContents(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowprint/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowprint/ index 5c46b3bc01..7e17b1d0c3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowprint/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowprint/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AllowPrint second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowPrint method. Sets the permission which allow print or not. true is allow and false is forbidden in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowprint/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowPrint method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowprint/ Sets the permission which allow print or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowPrint(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowPrint(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowscreenreaders/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowscreenreaders/ index 4dd652bcc3..b863fb3a86 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowscreenreaders/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowscreenreaders/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AllowScreenReaders second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowScreenReaders method. Sets the permission which allow screen readers or not. true is allow and false is forbidden in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowscreenreaders/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowScreenReaders method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_allowscreenreaders/ Sets the permission which allow screen readers or not. true is allow and false is forbidden. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowScreenReaders(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_AllowScreenReaders(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_changeallowlevel/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_changeallowlevel/ index d5eb7186a6..6e658aa9c2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_changeallowlevel/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_changeallowlevel/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_changeallowlevel/ Sets the change level of document's privilege. Just as the Adobe Professional's Changes Allowed settings. 0: None. 1: Inserting, Deleting and Rotating pages. 2: Filling in form fields and signing existing signature fields. 3: Commenting, filling in form fields, and signing existing signature fields. 4: Any except extracting pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_ChangeAllowLevel(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_ChangeAllowLevel(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_copyallowlevel/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_copyallowlevel/ index e84626c7a4..46e341907b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_copyallowlevel/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_copyallowlevel/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_copyallowlevel/ Sets the copy level of document's privilege. Just as the Adobe Professional's permission settings. 0: None. 1: Enable text access for screen reader devices for the visually impaired. 2: Enable copying of text, images and other content. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_CopyAllowLevel(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_CopyAllowLevel(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_printallowlevel/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_printallowlevel/ index e6e3dbea62..2e28f1876f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_printallowlevel/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_printallowlevel/ @@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ linktitle: set_PrintAllowLevel second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_PrintAllowLevel method. Sets the print level of document''s privilege. Just as the Adobe Professional''s Printing Allowed settings. 0: None. 1: Low Resolution (150 dpi). 2: High Resolution in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/documentprivilege/set_printallowlevel/ --- ## DocumentPrivilege::set_PrintAllowLevel method -Sets the print level of document's privilege. Just as the Adobe Professional's [Printing](../../../aspose.pdf.printing/) Allowed settings. 0: None. 1: Low Resolution (150 dpi). 2: High Resolution. +Sets the print level of document's privilege. Just as the Adobe Professional's Printing Allowed settings. 0: None. 1: Low Resolution (150 dpi). 2: High Resolution. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_PrintAllowLevel(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::DocumentPrivilege::set_PrintAllowLevel(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/bindpdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/bindpdf/ index c8e7d3128b..a0d9c42507 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/bindpdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/bindpdf/ @@ -4,37 +4,26 @@ linktitle: BindPdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Facade::BindPdf method. Initializes the facade in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/bindpdf/ --- -## Facade::BindPdf(System::String) method +## Facade::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method Initializes the facade. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Facade::BindPdf(System::String srcFile) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Facade::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr srcDoc) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcFile | System::String | The PDF file. | -## Remarks - - - - - - srcFile - - - The PDF file. - - - +| srcDoc | System::SharedPtr\ | The [Aspose.Pdf.Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) object. | + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [Facade](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -44,60 +33,35 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Facade::BindPdf(System::String Initializes the facade. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Facade::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr srcStream) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Facade::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr srcStream) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | srcStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream of PDF file. | -## Remarks - - - - - - srcStream - - - The stream of PDF file. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Facade](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Facade::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method +## Facade::BindPdf(System::String) method Initializes the facade. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Facade::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr srcDoc) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Facade::BindPdf(System::String srcFile) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcDoc | System::SharedPtr\ | The [Aspose.Pdf.Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) object. | -## Remarks - - - - - - srcDoc - - - The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. - - - +| srcFile | System::String | The PDF file. | + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [Facade](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/close/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/close/ index 04413957e5..e86de382db 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/close/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/close/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Close second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Facade::Close method. Disposes Aspose.Pdf.Document bound with a facade in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/close/ --- ## Facade::Close method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/close/ Disposes [Aspose.Pdf.Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) bound with a facade. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Facade::Close() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Facade::Close() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/dispose/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/dispose/ index e15788ce9a..7cf1256550 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/dispose/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/dispose/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Dispose second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Facade::Dispose method. Disposes the facade in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/dispose/ --- ## Facade::Dispose method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/dispose/ Disposes the facade. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Facade::Dispose() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Facade::Dispose() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/get_document/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/get_document/ index e57fc30e8e..c42ca183d9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/get_document/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/get_document/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Document second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Facade::get_Document method. Gets the document facade is working on in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/get_document/ --- ## Facade::get_Document method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/facade/get_document/ Gets the document facade is working on. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Facade::get_Document() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Facade::get_Document() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/fontcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/fontcolor/ index d313e70824..10146534c1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/fontcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/fontcolor/ @@ -2,69 +2,41 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::FontColor constructor linktitle: FontColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::FontColor constructor. Initializes color with specified color components in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::FontColor constructor. Initializes color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/fontcolor/ --- -## FontColor::FontColor(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) constructor +## FontColor::FontColor() constructor -Initializes color with specified color components. +Initializes color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::FontColor(int32_t r, int32_t g, int32_t b) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::FontColor() ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| r | int32_t | Red component. | -| g | int32_t | Green component. | -| b | int32_t | Blue component. | -## Remarks - - - - - - r - - - Red component. - - - - - g - - - Green component. - - - - - b - - - Blue component. - - - ## See Also * Class [FontColor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FontColor::FontColor() constructor +## FontColor::FontColor(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) constructor -Initializes color. +Initializes color with specified color components. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::FontColor() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::FontColor(int32_t r, int32_t g, int32_t b) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| r | int32_t | Red component. | +| g | int32_t | Green component. | +| b | int32_t | Blue component. | + ## See Also * Class [FontColor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_blue/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_blue/ index 7d3ee74f74..e9884af568 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_blue/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_blue/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Blue second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::get_Blue method. Blue component of color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_blue/ --- ## FontColor::get_Blue method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_blue/ Blue component of color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::get_Blue() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::get_Blue() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_green/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_green/ index eead734818..05b381c0e5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_green/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_green/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Green second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::get_Green method. Green component of color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_green/ --- ## FontColor::get_Green method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_green/ Green component of color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::get_Green() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::get_Green() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_red/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_red/ index 6e67ecd3c7..4d2e767fca 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_red/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_red/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Red second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::get_Red method. Red component of color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_red/ --- ## FontColor::get_Red method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/get_red/ Red component of color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::get_Red() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::get_Red() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_blue/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_blue/ index be31c4a28a..b7843a1958 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_blue/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_blue/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Blue second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::set_Blue method. Blue component of color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_blue/ --- ## FontColor::set_Blue method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_blue/ Blue component of color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::set_Blue(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::set_Blue(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_green/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_green/ index 4f58bae333..e568c68e75 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_green/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_green/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Green second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::set_Green method. Green component of color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_green/ --- ## FontColor::set_Green method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_green/ Green component of color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::set_Green(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::set_Green(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_red/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_red/ index 2a54d155e7..1342da8266 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_red/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_red/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Red second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::set_Red method. Red component of color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_red/ --- ## FontColor::set_Red method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/fontcolor/set_red/ Red component of color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::set_Red(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FontColor::set_Red(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/close/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/close/ index 78debbf6ed..ea31d2e79a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/close/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/close/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Close second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Close method. Closes opened files without any changes in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/close/ --- ## Form::Close method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/close/ Closes opened files without any changes. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Close() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Close() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportfdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportfdf/ index dfc70ef9b3..6b39e19eed 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportfdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportfdf/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExportFdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ExportFdf method. Exports the content of the fields of the pdf into the fdf stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3600 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportfdf/ --- ## Form::ExportFdf method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportfdf/ Exports the content of the fields of the pdf into the fdf stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ExportFdf(System::SharedPtr outputFdfStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ExportFdf(System::SharedPtr outputFdfStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | outputFdfStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The output fdf stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - outputFdfStream - - - The output fdf stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportxfdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportxfdf/ index 673199aaeb..cdc0242b22 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportxfdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportxfdf/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExportXfdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ExportXfdf method. Exports the content of the fields of the pdf into the xml stream. The button field''s value will not be exported in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportxfdf/ --- ## Form::ExportXfdf method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportxfdf/ Exports the content of the fields of the pdf into the xml stream. The button field's value will not be exported. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ExportXfdf(System::SharedPtr outputXfdfStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ExportXfdf(System::SharedPtr outputXfdfStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | outputXfdfStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The output xml stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - outputXfdfStream - - - The output xml stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportxml/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportxml/ index 24bc03643f..3fb3a9f264 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportxml/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportxml/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExportXml second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ExportXml method. Exports the content of the fields of the pdf into the xml stream. The button field''s value will not be exported in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3800 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportxml/ --- ## Form::ExportXml method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/exportxml/ Exports the content of the fields of the pdf into the xml stream. The button field's value will not be exported. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ExportXml(System::SharedPtr outputXmlStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ExportXml(System::SharedPtr outputXmlStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | outputXmlStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output Xml stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - outputXmlStream - - - Output Xml stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/extractxfadata/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/extractxfadata/ index 3f07ab2100..1b9bf5b007 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/extractxfadata/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/extractxfadata/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExtractXfaData second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ExtractXfaData method. Extracts XFA data packet in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3900 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/extractxfadata/ --- ## Form::ExtractXfaData method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/extractxfadata/ Extracts XFA data packet. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ExtractXfaData(System::SharedPtr outputXmlStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ExtractXfaData(System::SharedPtr outputXmlStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | outputXmlStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where XML data will be stored. | -## Remarks - - - - - outputXmlStream - - - Stream where XML data will be stored. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillbarcodefield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillbarcodefield/ index b25b23b3db..ad5c915da4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillbarcodefield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillbarcodefield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: FillBarcodeField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillBarcodeField method. Fill a barcode field according to its fully qualified field name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3400 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillbarcodefield/ --- ## Form::FillBarcodeField method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillbarcodefield/ Fill a barcode field according to its fully qualified field name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillBarcodeField(System::String fieldName, System::String data) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillBarcodeField(System::String fieldName, System::String data) ``` @@ -25,27 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillBarcodeField(System:: ### ReturnValue If filling succeed, return true; otherwise, false. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - The fully qualified field name. - - - - - data - - - The new barcode value. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillfield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillfield/ index 25b21322ae..a1237fe704 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillfield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillfield/ @@ -2,50 +2,30 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillField method linktitle: FillField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillField method. Fills the field with a valid value according to a fully qualified field name. Before filling the fields, every field''s names and its corresponding valid values must be known. Both the fields'' name and values are case sensitive. Please note that Aspose.Pdf.Facades supports only full field names and does not work with partial field names in contrast with Aspose.Pdf.Kit; For example if field has full name "Form.Subform.TextField" you should specify full name and not "TextField". You can use FieldNames property to explore existing field names and search required field by its partial name in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillField method. Fills the check box field with a boolean value. Notice: Only be applied to Check Box. Please note that Aspose.Pdf.Facades supports only full field names and does not work with partial field names in contrast with Aspose.Pdf.Kit; For example if field has full name "Form.Subform.CheckBoxField" you should specify full name and not "CheckBoxField". You can use FieldNames property to explore existing field names and search required field by its partial name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillfield/ --- -## Form::FillField(System::String, System::String) method +## Form::FillField(System::String, bool) method -Fills the field with a valid value according to a fully qualified field name. Before filling the fields, every field's names and its corresponding valid values must be known. Both the fields' name and values are case sensitive. Please note that [Aspose.Pdf.Facades](../../) supports only full field names and does not work with partial field names in contrast with Aspose.Pdf.Kit; For example if field has full name "Form.Subform.TextField" you should specify full name and not "TextField". You can use FieldNames property to explore existing field names and search required field by its partial name. +Fills the check box field with a boolean value. Notice: Only be applied to Check Box. Please note that [Aspose.Pdf.Facades](../../) supports only full field names and does not work with partial field names in contrast with Aspose.Pdf.Kit; For example if field has full name "Form.Subform.CheckBoxField" you should specify full name and not "CheckBoxField". You can use FieldNames property to explore existing field names and search required field by its partial name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillField(System::String fieldName, System::String fieldValue) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillField(System::String fieldName, bool beChecked) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | fieldName | System::String | The field's name to be filled. | -| fieldValue | System::String | The field's value which must be a valid value for some fields. | +| beChecked | bool | A boolean flag: true means to check the box, while false to uncheck it. | ### ReturnValue -true if field is found and filled successfully. -## Remarks - +true if field was found and successfully filled. - - - - fieldName - - - The field's name to be filled. - - - - - fieldValue - - - The field's value which must be a valid value for some fields. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) @@ -57,7 +37,7 @@ true if field is found and filled successfully. Fills the radio box field with a valid index value according to a fully qualified field name. Before filling the fields, only field's name must be known. While the value can be specified by its index. Notice: Only be applied to Radio Box, Combo Box and List Box fields. Please note that [Aspose.Pdf.Facades](../../) supports only full field names and does not work with partial field names in contrast with Aspose.Pdf.Kit; For example if field has full name "Form.Subform.ListBoxField" you should specify full name and not "ListBoxField". You can use FieldNames property to explore existing field names and search required field by its partial name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillField(System::String fieldName, int32_t index) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillField(System::String fieldName, int32_t index) ``` @@ -72,24 +52,6 @@ true if field was found and successfully filled. ## Remarks - - - - fieldName - - - Name of field to be filled. - - - - - index - - - Index of chosen item. - - - ```cpp @@ -116,85 +78,45 @@ foreach(string fieldName in form.FieldNames) * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::FillField(System::String, bool) method +## Form::FillField(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Fills the check box field with a boolean value. Notice: Only be applied to Check Box. Please note that [Aspose.Pdf.Facades](../../) supports only full field names and does not work with partial field names in contrast with Aspose.Pdf.Kit; For example if field has full name "Form.Subform.CheckBoxField" you should specify full name and not "CheckBoxField". You can use FieldNames property to explore existing field names and search required field by its partial name. +Fill a field with multiple selections.Note: only for AcroForm List Box Field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillField(System::String fieldName, bool beChecked) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillField(System::String fieldName, System::ArrayPtr fieldValues) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| fieldName | System::String | The field's name to be filled. | -| beChecked | bool | A boolean flag: true means to check the box, while false to uncheck it. | - -### ReturnValue - -true if field was found and successfully filled. -## Remarks - +| fieldName | System::String | The fully qualified field name. | +| fieldValues | System::ArrayPtr\ | A string array which contains several items to be selected. | - - - - fieldName - - - The field's name to be filled. - - - - - beChecked - - - A boolean flag: true means to check the box, while false to uncheck it. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::FillField(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## Form::FillField(System::String, System::String) method -Fill a field with multiple selections.Note: only for AcroForm List Box Field. +Fills the field with a valid value according to a fully qualified field name. Before filling the fields, every field's names and its corresponding valid values must be known. Both the fields' name and values are case sensitive. Please note that [Aspose.Pdf.Facades](../../) supports only full field names and does not work with partial field names in contrast with Aspose.Pdf.Kit; For example if field has full name "Form.Subform.TextField" you should specify full name and not "TextField". You can use FieldNames property to explore existing field names and search required field by its partial name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillField(System::String fieldName, System::ArrayPtr fieldValues) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillField(System::String fieldName, System::String fieldValue) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| fieldName | System::String | The fully qualified field name. | -| fieldValues | System::ArrayPtr\ | A string array which contains several items to be selected. | -## Remarks +| fieldName | System::String | The field's name to be filled. | +| fieldValue | System::String | The field's value which must be a valid value for some fields. | +### ReturnValue + +true if field is found and filled successfully. - - - - fieldName - - - The fully qualified field name. - - - - - fieldValues - - - A string array which contains several items to be selected. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) @@ -206,7 +128,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillField(System::String Fills field with specified value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillField(System::String fieldName, System::String value, bool fitFontSize) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillField(System::String fieldName, System::String value, bool fitFontSize) ``` @@ -219,35 +141,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillField(System::String ### ReturnValue true if field was found and successfully filled. -## Remarks - - - - - fieldName - - - Name of field - - - - - value - - - New value of the field - - - - - fitFontSize - - - If true, the font size in the edit boxes will be fitted. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillfields/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillfields/ index e407cd4a92..bc0b091b2e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillfields/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillfields/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: FillFields second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillFields method. Fills the text box fields with a text values and save the document. Relevant for signed documents. Notice: Only be applied to Text Box. Both the fields'' name and values are case sensitive in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillfields/ --- ## Form::FillFields method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillfields/ Fills the text box fields with a text values and save the document. Relevant for signed documents. Notice: Only be applied to [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) Box. Both the fields' name and values are case sensitive. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillFields(System::ArrayPtr fieldNames, System::ArrayPtr fieldValues, System::SharedPtr &output) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillFields(System::ArrayPtr fieldNames, System::ArrayPtr fieldValues, System::SharedPtr &output) ``` @@ -26,35 +26,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillFields(System::ArrayP ### ReturnValue true if fields was found and successfully filled. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldNames - - - Names of fields. - - - - - fieldValues - - - New values of the fields. - - - - - output - - - Stream where document will be saved. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillimagefield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillimagefield/ index c124e63042..b75c0d2af5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillimagefield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillimagefield/ @@ -2,86 +2,46 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillImageField method linktitle: FillImageField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillImageField method. Pastes an image onto the existing button field as its appearance according to its fully qualified field name in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillImageField method. Overloads function of FillImageField. The input is a image stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4900 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/fillimagefield/ --- -## Form::FillImageField(System::String, System::String) method +## Form::FillImageField(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method -Pastes an image onto the existing button field as its appearance according to its fully qualified field name. +Overloads function of FillImageField. The input is a image stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillImageField(System::String fieldName, System::String imageFileName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillImageField(System::String fieldName, System::SharedPtr imageStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| fieldName | System::String | The fully qualified field name of the image button field. | -| imageFileName | System::String | The path of the image file, relative and absolute are both ok. | -## Remarks - +| fieldName | System::String | The fully qualified field name. | +| imageStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The image's stream. | - - - - fieldName - - - The fully qualified field name of the image button field. - - - - - imageFileName - - - The path of the image file, relative and absolute are both ok. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::FillImageField(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method +## Form::FillImageField(System::String, System::String) method -Overloads function of FillImageField. The input is a image stream. +Pastes an image onto the existing button field as its appearance according to its fully qualified field name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillImageField(System::String fieldName, System::SharedPtr imageStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FillImageField(System::String fieldName, System::String imageFileName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| fieldName | System::String | The fully qualified field name. | -| imageStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The image's stream. | -## Remarks - +| fieldName | System::String | The fully qualified field name of the image button field. | +| imageFileName | System::String | The path of the image file, relative and absolute are both ok. | - - - - fieldName - - - The fully qualified field name. - - - - - imageStream - - - The image's stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/flattenallfields/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/flattenallfields/ index e4be9c6a6a..8a5ebc581f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/flattenallfields/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/flattenallfields/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: FlattenAllFields second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FlattenAllFields method. Flattens all the fields in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3200 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/flattenallfields/ --- ## Form::FlattenAllFields method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/flattenallfields/ Flattens all the fields. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FlattenAllFields() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FlattenAllFields() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/flattenfield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/flattenfield/ index d27cf40b21..1f158738ad 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/flattenfield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/flattenfield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: FlattenField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FlattenField method. Flattens a specified field with the fully qualified field name. Any other field will remain unchangable. If the fieldName is invalid, all the fields will remain unchangable in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3300 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/flattenfield/ --- ## Form::FlattenField method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/flattenfield/ Flattens a specified field with the fully qualified field name. Any other field will remain unchangable. If the fieldName is invalid, all the fields will remain unchangable. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FlattenField(System::String fieldName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::FlattenField(System::String fieldName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | fieldName | System::String | The name of the field to be flattened. | -## Remarks - - - - - fieldName - - - The name of the field to be flattened. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/form/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/form/ index 9149832fdd..5264ca3e1d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/form/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/form/ @@ -2,479 +2,264 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form constructor linktitle: Form second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form constructor. Constructor of Form with two stream parameters. Specify same source and destination stream for incremental update in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form constructor. Construtcor of Form without parameters in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/form/ --- -## Form::Form(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## Form::Form() constructor -Constructor of [Form](../) with two stream parameters. Specify same source and destination stream for incremental update. +Construtcor of [Form](../) without parameters. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::SharedPtr srcStream, System::SharedPtr destStream) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form() ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| srcStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source stream. | -| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination stream. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - srcStream - - - Source stream. - - - - - destStream - - - Destination stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::Form() constructor +## Form::Form(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Construtcor of [Form](../) without parameters. +Initializes new [Form](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::SharedPtr document) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::Form(System::String) constructor +## Form::Form(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor of [Form](../). +Initializes new [Form](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::String srcFileName) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr destStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcFileName | System::String | Source file path. | -## Remarks - - - - - - srcFileName - - - Source file path. - - - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | +| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination stream. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::Form(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## Form::Form(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor -Constructor for form. +Initializes new [Form](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::SharedPtr srcStream) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::SharedPtr document, System::String destFileName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcStream | System::SharedPtr\ | source stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - - srcStream - - - source stream. - - - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | +| destFileName | System::String | Path of the destination file. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::Form(System::String, System::String) constructor +## Form::Form(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor of [Form](../) class. Specify same source file name and destination file name to perform incremental update. +Creates form which will save result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::String srcFileName, System::String destFileName) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcFileName | System::String | Path of the source file. | -| destFileName | System::String | Path of the destination file. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - srcFileName - - - Path of the source file. - - - - - destFileName - - - Path of the destination file. - - - +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream containing source document. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be saved. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::Form(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## Form::Form(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor of [Form](../). +Constructor for form. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::String srcFileName, System::SharedPtr destStream) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::SharedPtr srcStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcFileName | System::String | Source file path. | -| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination file path. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - srcFileName - - - Source file path. - - - - - destStream - - - Destination file path. - - - +| srcStream | System::SharedPtr\ | source stream. | + ## See Also * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::Form(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor +## Form::Form(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor of [Form](../). +Constructor of [Form](../) with two stream parameters. Specify same source and destination stream for incremental update. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::SharedPtr srcStream, System::String destFileName) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::SharedPtr srcStream, System::SharedPtr destStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | srcStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source stream. | -| destFileName | System::String | Destination file path. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - srcStream - - - Source stream. - - - - - destFileName - - - Destination file path. - - - +| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination stream. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::Form(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## Form::Form(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor -Initializes new [Form](../) object on base of the *document* . +Constructor of [Form](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::SharedPtr srcStream, System::String destFileName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - +| srcStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source stream. | +| destFileName | System::String | Destination file path. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::Form(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor +## Form::Form(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes new [Form](../) object on base of the *document* . +Creates form which will save result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::SharedPtr document, System::String destFileName) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::String inputFile, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -| destFileName | System::String | Path of the destination file. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - - - destFileName - - - Path of the destination file. - - - +| inputFile | System::String | Name of input file. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::Form(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## Form::Form(System::String) constructor -Initializes new [Form](../) object on base of the *document* . +Constructor of [Form](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr destStream) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::String srcFileName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination stream. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - - - destStream - - - Destination stream. - - - +| srcFileName | System::String | Source file path. | + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::Form(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## Form::Form(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Creates form which will save result into HttpResponse object. +Constructor of [Form](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr response) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::String srcFileName, System::SharedPtr destStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream containing source document. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be saved. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - inputStream - - - Stream containing source document. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be saved. - - - +| srcFileName | System::String | Source file path. | +| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination file path. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::Form(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## Form::Form(System::String, System::String) constructor -Creates form which will save result into HttpResponse object. +Constructor of [Form](../) class. Specify same source file name and destination file name to perform incremental update. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::String inputFile, System::SharedPtr response) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Form(System::String srcFileName, System::String destFileName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Name of input file. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - inputFile - - - Name of input file. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be stored. - - - +| srcFileName | System::String | Path of the source file. | +| destFileName | System::String | Path of the destination file. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_attachmentname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_attachmentname/ index 089acbbf56..9ee83550ad 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_attachmentname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_attachmentname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AttachmentName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_AttachmentName method. Gets name of attachment when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse objects as attachment in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_attachmentname/ --- ## Form::get_AttachmentName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_attachmentname/ Gets name of attachment when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse objects as attachment. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_AttachmentName() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_AttachmentName() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_contentdisposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_contentdisposition/ index 999911a08f..32448dfef7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_contentdisposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_contentdisposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ContentDisposition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_ContentDisposition method. Gets how content will be stored when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse object. Possible value: inline / attachment. Default: inline in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_contentdisposition/ --- ## Form::get_ContentDisposition method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_contentdisposition/ Gets how content will be stored when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse object. Possible value: inline / attachment. Default: inline. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::ContentDisposition Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_ContentDisposition() const +Aspose::Pdf::ContentDisposition Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_ContentDisposition() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_destfilename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_destfilename/ index 90f4d8ddbe..a2c6211639 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_destfilename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_destfilename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DestFileName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_DestFileName method. Gets destiination file name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_destfilename/ --- ## Form::get_DestFileName method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_destfilename/ Gets destiination file name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_DestFileName() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_DestFileName() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_deststream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_deststream/ index d39c5bfa82..013397529c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_deststream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_deststream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DestStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_DestStream method. Gets destination stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_deststream/ --- ## Form::get_DestStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_deststream/ Gets destination stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_DestStream() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_DestStream() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_fieldnames/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_fieldnames/ index e294503a86..15e4f4dd3c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_fieldnames/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_fieldnames/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_FieldNames second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_FieldNames method. Gets list of field names on the form in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_fieldnames/ --- ## Form::get_FieldNames method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_fieldnames/ Gets list of field names on the form. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_FieldNames() +System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_FieldNames() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_formsubmitbuttonnames/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_formsubmitbuttonnames/ index ba3374ea14..c759e2f29e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_formsubmitbuttonnames/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_formsubmitbuttonnames/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_FormSubmitButtonNames second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_FormSubmitButtonNames method. Gets all form submit button names in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_formsubmitbuttonnames/ --- ## Form::get_FormSubmitButtonNames method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_formsubmitbuttonnames/ Gets all form submit button names. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_FormSubmitButtonNames() +System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_FormSubmitButtonNames() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_importresult/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_importresult/ index e09396883d..e2bc22b1b4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_importresult/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_importresult/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ImportResult second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_ImportResult method. Result of last import operation. Array of objects which descibre result of import for each field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_importresult/ --- ## Form::get_ImportResult method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_importresult/ Result of last import operation. Array of objects which descibre result of import for each field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_ImportResult() +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_ImportResult() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_response/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_response/ index 98fbafbb29..c459310d7c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_response/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_response/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Response second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_Response method. Gets Response object where result of operation will be stored in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_response/ --- ## Form::get_Response method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_response/ Gets Response object where result of operation will be stored. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_Response() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_Response() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_saveoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_saveoptions/ index 8bd325e958..513cb3a1c3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_saveoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_saveoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SaveOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_SaveOptions method. Gets save options when result is stored as HttpResponse. Default value: PdfSaveOptions in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_saveoptions/ --- ## Form::get_SaveOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_saveoptions/ Gets save options when result is stored as HttpResponse. Default value: [PdfSaveOptions](../../../aspose.pdf/pdfsaveoptions/). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_SaveOptions() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_SaveOptions() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_srcfilename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_srcfilename/ index f580c10d8c..12251a72a4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_srcfilename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_srcfilename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SrcFileName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_SrcFileName method. Gets source file name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_srcfilename/ --- ## Form::get_SrcFileName method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_srcfilename/ Gets source file name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_SrcFileName() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_SrcFileName() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_srcstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_srcstream/ index 8e22f27394..8a6a897dc1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_srcstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_srcstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SrcStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_SrcStream method. Gets source stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_srcstream/ --- ## Form::get_SrcStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/get_srcstream/ Gets source stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_SrcStream() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::get_SrcStream() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getbuttonoptioncurrentvalue/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getbuttonoptioncurrentvalue/ index 7b59cb6915..00f2a3da94 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getbuttonoptioncurrentvalue/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getbuttonoptioncurrentvalue/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetButtonOptionCurrentValue second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetButtonOptionCurrentValue method. Returns the current value for radio button option fields in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getbuttonoptioncurrentvalue/ --- ## Form::GetButtonOptionCurrentValue method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getbuttonoptioncurrentvalue/ Returns the current value for radio button option fields. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetButtonOptionCurrentValue(System::String fieldName) +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetButtonOptionCurrentValue(System::String fieldName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetButtonOption ### ReturnValue String value for the current radio group optino. See also [GetButtonOptionValues](../getbuttonoptionvalues/) -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - Field Name - - - + ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getbuttonoptionvalues/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getbuttonoptionvalues/ index 40177bb8b6..47aa9b606f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getbuttonoptionvalues/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getbuttonoptionvalues/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetButtonOptionValues second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetButtonOptionValues method. Gets the radio button option fields and related values based on the field name. This method has meaning for radio button groups in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2600 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getbuttonoptionvalues/ --- ## Form::GetButtonOptionValues method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getbuttonoptionvalues/ Gets the radio button option fields and related values based on the field name. This method has meaning for radio button groups. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetButtonOptionValues(System::String fieldName) +System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetButtonOptionValues(System::String fieldName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr - - - fieldName - - - Field Name - - - + ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfield/ index e29676291f..b92dafdeab 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetField method. Gets the field''s value according to its field name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 2600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfield/ --- ## Form::GetField method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfield/ Gets the field's value according to its field name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetField(System::String fieldName) +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetField(System::String fieldName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetField(System ### ReturnValue The field's value. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - The fully qualified field name. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldfacade/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldfacade/ index 89777ccd3d..5af1b711bd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldfacade/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldfacade/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetFieldFacade second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFieldFacade method. Returns FrofmFieldFacade object containing all appearance attributes in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldfacade/ --- ## Form::GetFieldFacade method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldfacade/ Returns FrofmFieldFacade object containing all appearance attributes. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFieldFacade(System::String fieldName) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFieldFacade(System::String fieldName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::F ### ReturnValue [FormFieldFacade](../../formfieldfacade/) object -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - Name of field to read. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormFieldFacade](../../formfieldfacade/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldflag/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldflag/ index e51b983e9f..8ec4d969f3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldflag/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldflag/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetFieldFlag second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFieldFlag method. Returns flags of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4800 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldflag/ --- ## Form::GetFieldFlag method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldflag/ Returns flags of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API PropertyFlag Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFieldFlag(System::String fieldName) +PropertyFlag Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFieldFlag(System::String fieldName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API PropertyFlag Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFieldFlag(Syst ### ReturnValue Property flag (ReadOnly/ Required/NoExport -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - Field name - - - + ## See Also * Enum [PropertyFlag](../../propertyflag/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldlimit/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldlimit/ index 99f2f3b0d2..65c67aaac3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldlimit/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldlimit/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldlimit/ Get the limitation of text field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFieldLimit(System::String fieldName) +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFieldLimit(System::String fieldName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFieldLimit(System:: ### ReturnValue Return the limitation number of characters a text field can be filled. It not set, return 0. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - The qualified field name. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldtype/ index 2161877915..f6954d0d25 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetFieldType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFieldType method. Returns type of field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4600 +weight: 3000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldtype/ --- ## Form::GetFieldType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfieldtype/ Returns type of field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API FieldType Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFieldType(System::String fieldName) +FieldType Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFieldType(System::String fieldName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API FieldType Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFieldType(System: ### ReturnValue Element of FileType enumeration corresponding to field type. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - Field name. - - - + ## See Also * Enum [FieldType](../../fieldtype/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfullfieldname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfullfieldname/ index a2cfce33f9..6f55d26cc4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfullfieldname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfullfieldname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetFullFieldName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFullFieldName method. Gets the full field name according to its short field name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 3100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfullfieldname/ --- ## Form::GetFullFieldName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getfullfieldname/ Gets the full field name according to its short field name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFullFieldName(System::String fieldName) +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFullFieldName(System::String fieldName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetFullFieldNam ### ReturnValue The full field name. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - The fully qualified field name. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getrichtext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getrichtext/ index 27c893da8c..1ab54fc1ac 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getrichtext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getrichtext/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetRichText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetRichText method. Get a Rich Text field''s value, including the formattinf information of every character in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4400 +weight: 3200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getrichtext/ --- ## Form::GetRichText method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getrichtext/ Get a Rich [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) field's value, including the formattinf information of every character. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetRichText(System::String fieldName) +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetRichText(System::String fieldName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetRichText(Sys ### ReturnValue Return a string containing formatting information of the Rich [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) field. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - The fully qualified field name of the Rich Text field. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getsubmitflags/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getsubmitflags/ index 0f9f830234..02c0b5938b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getsubmitflags/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getsubmitflags/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetSubmitFlags second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetSubmitFlags method. Returns the submit button''s submission flags in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4500 +weight: 3300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getsubmitflags/ --- ## Form::GetSubmitFlags method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/getsubmitflags/ Returns the submit button's submission flags. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API SubmitFormFlag Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetSubmitFlags(System::String fieldName) +SubmitFormFlag Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetSubmitFlags(System::String fieldName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API SubmitFormFlag Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::GetSubmitFlags( ### ReturnValue Submission flags of the button. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - The qualified field name. - - - + ## See Also * Enum [SubmitFormFlag](../../submitformflag/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importfdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importfdf/ index 653eb5b8fc..12eb9530a5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importfdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importfdf/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ImportFdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ImportFdf method. Imports the content of the fields from the fdf file and put them into the new pdf in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3500 +weight: 3400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importfdf/ --- ## Form::ImportFdf method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importfdf/ Imports the content of the fields from the fdf file and put them into the new pdf. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ImportFdf(System::SharedPtr inputFdfStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ImportFdf(System::SharedPtr inputFdfStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | inputFdfStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The input fdf stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - inputFdfStream - - - The input fdf stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importxfdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importxfdf/ index f61fba8bfb..23be99694c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importxfdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importxfdf/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ImportXfdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ImportXfdf method. Imports the content of the fields from the xfdf(xml) file and put them into the new pdf in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4100 +weight: 3500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importxfdf/ --- ## Form::ImportXfdf method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importxfdf/ Imports the content of the fields from the xfdf(xml) file and put them into the new pdf. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ImportXfdf(System::SharedPtr inputXfdfStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ImportXfdf(System::SharedPtr inputXfdfStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | inputXfdfStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The input xfdf(xml) stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - inputXfdfStream - - - The input xfdf(xml) stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importxml/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importxml/ index 97ea3a1d81..de4e0a72b1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importxml/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importxml/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ImportXml second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ImportXml method. Imports the content of the fields from the xml file and put them into the new pdf in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3700 +weight: 3600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importxml/ --- ## Form::ImportXml(System::SharedPtr\) method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/importxml/ Imports the content of the fields from the xml file and put them into the new pdf. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ImportXml(System::SharedPtr inputXmlStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ImportXml(System::SharedPtr inputXmlStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | inputXmlStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream from which XML for import is read. | -## Remarks - - - - - inputXmlStream - - - Stream from which XML for import is read. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) @@ -44,7 +32,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ImportXml(System::SharedP Imports the content of the fields from the xml file and put them into the new pdf. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ImportXml(System::SharedPtr inputXmlStream, bool IgnoreFormTemplateChanges) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ImportXml(System::SharedPtr inputXmlStream, bool IgnoreFormTemplateChanges) ``` @@ -52,27 +40,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::ImportXml(System::SharedP | --- | --- | --- | | inputXmlStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The input xml stream. | | IgnoreFormTemplateChanges | bool | If this parameter is true then all changes of the XFA form template will not be saved | -## Remarks - - - - - inputXmlStream - - - The input xml stream. - - - - - IgnoreFormTemplateChanges - - - If this parameter is true then all changes of the XFA form template will not be saved - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/isrequiredfield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/isrequiredfield/ index cf5cea77ae..3d04daa358 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/isrequiredfield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/isrequiredfield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: IsRequiredField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::IsRequiredField method. Determines whether field is required or not in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4700 +weight: 3700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/isrequiredfield/ --- ## Form::IsRequiredField method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/isrequiredfield/ Determines whether field is required or not. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::IsRequiredField(System::String fieldName) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::IsRequiredField(System::String fieldName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::IsRequiredField(System::S ### ReturnValue True - the field is required; otherwise, false. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - The name of field. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/renamefield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/renamefield/ index f814a5479f..518cc8c4dc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/renamefield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/renamefield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RenameField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::RenameField method. Renames a field. Either AcroForm field or XFA field is OK in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4300 +weight: 3800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/renamefield/ --- ## Form::RenameField method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/renamefield/ Renames a field. Either AcroForm field or XFA field is OK. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::RenameField(System::String fieldName, System::String newFieldName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::RenameField(System::String fieldName, System::String newFieldName) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::RenameField(System::Strin | --- | --- | --- | | fieldName | System::String | the old field name | | newFieldName | System::String | the new field name | -## Remarks - - - - - fieldName - - - the old field name - - - - - newFieldName - - - the new field name - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/save/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/save/ index 0d0d3845c3..294c30c8c6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/save/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/save/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Save second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Save method. Saves the value of the filled fields and close the opened Pdf document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3000 +weight: 3900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/save/ --- ## Form::Save() method @@ -13,80 +13,51 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/save/ Saves the value of the filled fields and close the opened [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Save() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Save() ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(destination) method for saving facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(destination) method for saving facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::Save(System::String) method +## Form::Save(System::SharedPtr\) method -Saves document into specified file. +Saves document into specified stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Save(System::String destFile) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Save(System::SharedPtr destStream) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| destFile | System::String | File where document will be saved. | -## Remarks - - - - - - destFile - - - File where document will be saved. - - - +| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where document will be saved. | + ## See Also * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::Save(System::SharedPtr\) method +## Form::Save(System::String) method -Saves document into specified stream. +Saves document into specified file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Save(System::SharedPtr destStream) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::Save(System::String destFile) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where document will be saved. | -## Remarks - - - - - - destStream - - - Stream where document will be saved. - - - +| destFile | System::String | File where document will be saved. | + ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_attachmentname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_attachmentname/ index 85f2fa3957..f3692c5cb8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_attachmentname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_attachmentname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AttachmentName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_AttachmentName method. Sets name of attachment when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse objects as attachment in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 4000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_attachmentname/ --- ## Form::set_AttachmentName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_attachmentname/ Sets name of attachment when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse objects as attachment. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_AttachmentName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_AttachmentName(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_contentdisposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_contentdisposition/ index 8f30384678..8635a20129 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_contentdisposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_contentdisposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ContentDisposition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_ContentDisposition method. Sets how content will be stored when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse object. Possible value: inline / attachment. Default: inline in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 4100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_contentdisposition/ --- ## Form::set_ContentDisposition method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_contentdisposition/ Sets how content will be stored when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse object. Possible value: inline / attachment. Default: inline. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_ContentDisposition(Aspose::Pdf::ContentDisposition value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_ContentDisposition(Aspose::Pdf::ContentDisposition value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_convertto/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_convertto/ index ff5d1e3123..eea2ae93ed 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_convertto/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_convertto/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ConvertTo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_ConvertTo method. Sets PDF file format. Result file will be saved in specified file format. If this property is not specified then file will be save in default PDF format without conversion in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 4200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_convertto/ --- ## Form::set_ConvertTo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_convertto/ Sets PDF file format. Result file will be saved in specified file format. If this property is not specified then file will be save in default PDF format without conversion. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_ConvertTo(PdfFormat value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_ConvertTo(PdfFormat value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_destfilename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_destfilename/ index 705982de6c..de13e76f11 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_destfilename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_destfilename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_DestFileName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_DestFileName method. Sets destiination file name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 4300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_destfilename/ --- ## Form::set_DestFileName method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_destfilename/ Sets destiination file name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_DestFileName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_DestFileName(System::String value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_deststream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_deststream/ index daa423b83e..b61871339f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_deststream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_deststream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_DestStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_DestStream method. Sets destination stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 4400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_deststream/ --- ## Form::set_DestStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_deststream/ Sets destination stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_DestStream(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_DestStream(System::SharedPtr value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_response/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_response/ index 37df76f95d..8b70782064 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_response/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_response/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Response second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_Response method. Sets Response object where result of operation will be stored in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 4500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_response/ --- ## Form::set_Response method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_response/ Sets Response object where result of operation will be stored. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_Response(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_Response(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_saveoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_saveoptions/ index 8fd7f9883d..9e40ec5c89 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_saveoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_saveoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SaveOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_SaveOptions method. Sets save options when result is stored as HttpResponse. Default value: PdfSaveOptions in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 4600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_saveoptions/ --- ## Form::set_SaveOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_saveoptions/ Sets save options when result is stored as HttpResponse. Default value: [PdfSaveOptions](../../../aspose.pdf/pdfsaveoptions/). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_SaveOptions(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_SaveOptions(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_srcfilename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_srcfilename/ index 560273e06a..f66468d687 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_srcfilename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_srcfilename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SrcFileName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_SrcFileName method. Sets source file name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 4700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_srcfilename/ --- ## Form::set_SrcFileName method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_srcfilename/ Sets source file name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_SrcFileName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_SrcFileName(System::String value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_srcstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_srcstream/ index a9a7dd74e8..a595f16e32 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_srcstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_srcstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SrcStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_SrcStream method. Sets source stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 4800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_srcstream/ --- ## Form::set_SrcStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/set_srcstream/ Sets source stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_SrcStream(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::set_SrcStream(System::SharedPtr value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/setxfadata/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/setxfadata/ index e31ee6778d..8a5fcfd562 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/setxfadata/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/setxfadata/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetXfaData second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::SetXfaData method. Replaces XFA data with specified data packet. Data packet may be extracted using ExtractXfaData in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4000 +weight: 4900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/setxfadata/ --- ## Form::SetXfaData method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/form/setxfadata/ Replaces XFA data with specified data packet. Data packet may be extracted using ExtractXfaData. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::SetXfaData(System::SharedPtr inputXmlStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Form::SetXfaData(System::SharedPtr inputXmlStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | inputXmlStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where XML is stored. | -## Remarks - - - - - inputXmlStream - - - Stream where XML is stored. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/addnewlinetext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/addnewlinetext/ index 9b4b6fa17e..aed2e8a76e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/addnewlinetext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/addnewlinetext/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddNewLineText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::AddNewLineText method. Adds a new line to the FormattedText object and sets the newLineText to the next line''s text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/addnewlinetext/ --- ## FormattedText::AddNewLineText(System::String) method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/addnewlinetext/ Adds a new line to the [FormattedText](../) object and sets the newLineText to the next line's text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::AddNewLineText(System::String newLineText) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::AddNewLineText(System::String newLineText) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | newLineText | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) of new added line. | -## Remarks - - - - - newLineText - - - - Text of new added line. - - - ## See Also * Class [FormattedText](../) @@ -45,7 +32,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::AddNewLineText(S Adds a new line to the [FormattedText](../) object and sets the newLineText to the next line's text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::AddNewLineText(System::String newLineText, float lineSpacing) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::AddNewLineText(System::String newLineText, float lineSpacing) ``` @@ -53,28 +40,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::AddNewLineText(S | --- | --- | --- | | newLineText | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) of new added line. | | lineSpacing | float | Spacing of the line. | -## Remarks - - - - - newLineText - - - - Text of new added line. - - - - - lineSpacing - - - Spacing of the line. - - - ## See Also * Class [FormattedText](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/formattedtext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/formattedtext/ index 7cb6addd5f..22e0e204b6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/formattedtext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/formattedtext/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: FormattedText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText constructor. Initializes FormattedText in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/formattedtext/ --- ## FormattedText::FormattedText() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/formattedtext/ Initializes [FormattedText](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,365 +27,113 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText() Initializes [FormattedText](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) which contained in [FormattedText](../). | -## Remarks - - - - - - text - - - - Text which contained in FormattedText. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormattedText](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, FontStyle, EncodingType, bool, float) constructor +## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::Drawing::Color, FontStyle, EncodingType, bool, float) constructor Initializes [FormattedText](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::SharedPtr fontColor, FontStyle fontStyle, EncodingType encodingType, bool embedded, float textSize) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::Drawing::Color color, FontStyle textFont, EncodingType textEncoding, bool embedded, float textSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) content of the string. | -| fontColor | System::SharedPtr\ | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | -| fontStyle | FontStyle | Style of the text. | -| encodingType | EncodingType | Encoding type (value of EncodingType enumeration). | -| embedded | bool | True if the font will be embedded. | +| color | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | +| textFont | FontStyle | Font of the text. | +| textEncoding | EncodingType | Encoding of the text. | +| embedded | bool | True if text will be embedded. | | textSize | float | Size of the text. | -## Remarks - - - - - - text - - - - Text content of the string. - - - - - fontColor - - - - Color of the text. - - - - - fontStyle - - - Style of the text. - - - - - encodingType - - - Encoding type (value of EncodingType enumeration). - - - - - embedded - - - True if the font will be embedded. - - - - - textSize - - - Size of the text. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [FontColor](../../fontcolor/) * Enum [FontStyle](../../fontstyle/) * Enum [EncodingType](../../encodingtype/) * Class [FormattedText](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, FontStyle, EncodingType, bool, float, float) constructor +## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::Drawing::Color, FontStyle, EncodingType, bool, float, float) constructor -Initialize [FormattedText](../). +Initializes [FormattedText](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::SharedPtr fontColor, FontStyle textFont, EncodingType textEncoding, bool embedded, float textSize, float lineSpacing) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::Drawing::Color textColor, FontStyle textFont, EncodingType textEncoding, bool embedded, float textSize, float lineSpacing) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) content of the string. | -| fontColor | System::SharedPtr\ | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | +| text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) contents of the string. | +| textColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | | textFont | FontStyle | Font of the text. | | textEncoding | EncodingType | Encoding of the text. | -| embedded | bool | True if text will be embedded. | +| embedded | bool | If true font will be embedded. | | textSize | float | Size of the text. | | lineSpacing | float | Additional spacing. | -## Remarks - - - - - - text - - - - Text content of the string. - - - - - fontColor - - - - Color of the text. - - - - - textFont - - - Font of the text. - - - - - textEncoding - - - Encoding of the text. - - - - - embedded - - - True if text will be embedded. - - - - - textSize - - - Size of the text. - - - - - lineSpacing - - - Additional spacing. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [FontColor](../../fontcolor/) * Enum [FontStyle](../../fontstyle/) * Enum [EncodingType](../../encodingtype/) * Class [FormattedText](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::Drawing::Color, FontStyle, EncodingType, bool, float) constructor +## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::Drawing::Color, System::Drawing::Color) constructor Initializes [FormattedText](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::Drawing::Color color, FontStyle textFont, EncodingType textEncoding, bool embedded, float textSize) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::Drawing::Color textColor, System::Drawing::Color backColor) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) content of the string. | -| color | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | -| textFont | FontStyle | Font of the text. | -| textEncoding | EncodingType | Encoding of the text. | -| embedded | bool | True if text will be embedded. | -| textSize | float | Size of the text. | -## Remarks - - - - - - text - - - - Text content of the string. - - - - - color - - - - Color of the text. - - - - - textFont - - - Font of the text. - - - - - textEncoding - - - Encoding of the text. - - - - - embedded - - - True if text will be embedded. - - - - - textSize - - - Size of the text. - - - +| text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) content. | +| textColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | +| backColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of background. | + ## See Also -* Enum [FontStyle](../../fontstyle/) -* Enum [EncodingType](../../encodingtype/) * Class [FormattedText](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::Drawing::Color, FontStyle, EncodingType, bool, float, float) constructor +## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::Drawing::Color, System::Drawing::Color, FontStyle, EncodingType, bool, float) constructor Initializes [FormattedText](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::Drawing::Color textColor, FontStyle textFont, EncodingType textEncoding, bool embedded, float textSize, float lineSpacing) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::Drawing::Color textColor, System::Drawing::Color backColor, FontStyle textFont, EncodingType encoding, bool embedded, float textSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) contents of the string. | +| text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) content of the string. | | textColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | +| backColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of background. | | textFont | FontStyle | Font of the text. | -| textEncoding | EncodingType | Encoding of the text. | -| embedded | bool | If true font will be embedded. | +| encoding | EncodingType | Encoding of the text. | +| embedded | bool | True if font will be embedded. | | textSize | float | Size of the text. | -| lineSpacing | float | Additional spacing. | -## Remarks - - - - - - text - - - - Text contents of the string. - - - - - textColor - - - - Color of the text. - - - - - textFont - - - Font of the text. - - - - - textEncoding - - - Encoding of the text. - - - - - embedded - - - If true font will be embedded. - - - - - textSize - - - Size of the text. - - - - - lineSpacing - - - Additional spacing. - - - + ## See Also * Enum [FontStyle](../../fontstyle/) @@ -393,602 +141,193 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System: * Class [FormattedText](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, FontStyle, EncodingType, bool, float) constructor +## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::Drawing::Color, System::Drawing::Color, FontStyle, EncodingType, bool, float, float) constructor Initializes [FormattedText](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::SharedPtr textColor, System::SharedPtr backColor, FontStyle textFont, EncodingType textEncoding, bool embedded, float textSize) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::Drawing::Color textColor, System::Drawing::Color backColor, FontStyle textFont, EncodingType textEncoding, bool embedded, float textSize, float lineSpacing) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) content of the string. | -| textColor | System::SharedPtr\ | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | -| backColor | System::SharedPtr\ | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of background. | +| text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) contents of the string. | +| textColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | +| backColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the background. | | textFont | FontStyle | Font of the text. | | textEncoding | EncodingType | Encoding of the text. | -| embedded | bool | If true font will be embedded. | +| embedded | bool | If true font is embedded. | | textSize | float | Size of the text. | -## Remarks - - - - - - text - - - - Text content of the string. - - - - - textColor - - - - Color of the text. - - - - - backColor - - - - Color of background. - - - - - textFont - - - Font of the text. - - - - - textEncoding - - - Encoding of the text. - - - - - embedded - - - If true font will be embedded. - - - - - textSize - - - Size of the text. - - - +| lineSpacing | float | Additional spacing. | + ## See Also -* Class [FontColor](../../fontcolor/) * Enum [FontStyle](../../fontstyle/) * Enum [EncodingType](../../encodingtype/) * Class [FormattedText](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, FontStyle, EncodingType, bool, float, float) constructor +## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::Drawing::Color, System::Drawing::Color, System::String, EncodingType, bool, float) constructor Initializes [FormattedText](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::SharedPtr textColor, System::SharedPtr backColor, FontStyle textFont, EncodingType textEncoding, bool embedded, float textSize, float lineSpacing) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::Drawing::Color textColor, System::Drawing::Color backColor, System::String fontName, EncodingType textEncoding, bool embedded, float fontSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) content. | -| textColor | System::SharedPtr\ | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | -| backColor | System::SharedPtr\ | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of background. | -| textFont | FontStyle | Font of the text. | +| textColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | +| backColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of background. | +| fontName | System::String | Font of the text. | | textEncoding | EncodingType | Encoding of the text. | | embedded | bool | If true font will be embedded. | -| textSize | float | Size of the text. | -| lineSpacing | float | Additional spacing. | -## Remarks - - - - - - text - - - - Text content. - - - - - textColor - - - - Color of the text. - - - - - backColor - - - - Color of background. - - - - - textFont - - - Font of the text. - - - - - textEncoding - - - Encoding of the text. - - - - - embedded - - - If true font will be embedded. - - - - - textSize - - - Size of the text. - - - - - lineSpacing - - - Additional spacing. - - - +| fontSize | float | Size of the text. | + ## See Also -* Class [FontColor](../../fontcolor/) -* Enum [FontStyle](../../fontstyle/) * Enum [EncodingType](../../encodingtype/) * Class [FormattedText](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::Drawing::Color, System::Drawing::Color, FontStyle, EncodingType, bool, float) constructor +## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::Drawing::Color, System::String, EncodingType, bool, float) constructor Initializes [FormattedText](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::Drawing::Color textColor, System::Drawing::Color backColor, FontStyle textFont, EncodingType encoding, bool embedded, float textSize) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::Drawing::Color textColor, System::String fontName, EncodingType textEncoding, bool embedded, float fontSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) content of the string. | +| text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) content. | | textColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | -| backColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of background. | -| textFont | FontStyle | Font of the text. | -| encoding | EncodingType | Encoding of the text. | -| embedded | bool | True if font will be embedded. | -| textSize | float | Size of the text. | -## Remarks - - - - - - text - - - - Text content of the string. - - - - - textColor - - - - Color of the text. - - - - - backColor - - - - Color of background. - - - - - textFont - - - Font of the text. - - - - - encoding - - - Encoding of the text. - - - - - embedded - - - True if font will be embedded. - - - - - textSize - - - Size of the text. - - - +| fontName | System::String | Font of the text. | +| textEncoding | EncodingType | Encoding of the text. | +| embedded | bool | If true font will be embedded. | +| fontSize | float | Size of the text. | + ## See Also -* Enum [FontStyle](../../fontstyle/) * Enum [EncodingType](../../encodingtype/) * Class [FormattedText](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::Drawing::Color, System::Drawing::Color, FontStyle, EncodingType, bool, float, float) constructor +## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, FontStyle, EncodingType, bool, float) constructor Initializes [FormattedText](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::Drawing::Color textColor, System::Drawing::Color backColor, FontStyle textFont, EncodingType textEncoding, bool embedded, float textSize, float lineSpacing) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::SharedPtr fontColor, FontStyle fontStyle, EncodingType encodingType, bool embedded, float textSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) contents of the string. | -| textColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | -| backColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the background. | -| textFont | FontStyle | Font of the text. | -| textEncoding | EncodingType | Encoding of the text. | -| embedded | bool | If true font is embedded. | +| text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) content of the string. | +| fontColor | System::SharedPtr\ | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | +| fontStyle | FontStyle | Style of the text. | +| encodingType | EncodingType | Encoding type (value of EncodingType enumeration). | +| embedded | bool | True if the font will be embedded. | | textSize | float | Size of the text. | -| lineSpacing | float | Additional spacing. | -## Remarks - - - - - - text - - - - Text contents of the string. - - - - - textColor - - - - Color of the text. - - - - - backColor - - - - Color of the background. - - - - - textFont - - - Font of the text. - - - - - textEncoding - - - Encoding of the text. - - - - - embedded - - - If true font is embedded. - - - - - textSize - - - Size of the text. - - - - - lineSpacing - - - Additional spacing. - - - + ## See Also +* Class [FontColor](../../fontcolor/) * Enum [FontStyle](../../fontstyle/) * Enum [EncodingType](../../encodingtype/) * Class [FormattedText](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::Drawing::Color, System::Drawing::Color, System::String, EncodingType, bool, float) constructor +## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, FontStyle, EncodingType, bool, float, float) constructor -Initializes [FormattedText](../). +Initialize [FormattedText](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::Drawing::Color textColor, System::Drawing::Color backColor, System::String fontName, EncodingType textEncoding, bool embedded, float fontSize) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::SharedPtr fontColor, FontStyle textFont, EncodingType textEncoding, bool embedded, float textSize, float lineSpacing) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) content. | -| textColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | -| backColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of background. | -| fontName | System::String | Font of the text. | +| text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) content of the string. | +| fontColor | System::SharedPtr\ | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | +| textFont | FontStyle | Font of the text. | | textEncoding | EncodingType | Encoding of the text. | -| embedded | bool | If true font will be embedded. | -| fontSize | float | Size of the text. | -## Remarks - - - - - - text - - - - Text content. - - - - - textColor - - - - Color of the text. - - - - - backColor - - - - Color of background. - - - - - fontName - - - Font of the text. - - - - - textEncoding - - - Encoding of the text. - - - - - embedded - - - If true font will be embedded. - - - - - fontSize - - - Size of the text. - - - +| embedded | bool | True if text will be embedded. | +| textSize | float | Size of the text. | +| lineSpacing | float | Additional spacing. | + ## See Also +* Class [FontColor](../../fontcolor/) +* Enum [FontStyle](../../fontstyle/) * Enum [EncodingType](../../encodingtype/) * Class [FormattedText](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::Drawing::Color, System::Drawing::Color) constructor +## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, FontStyle, EncodingType, bool, float) constructor Initializes [FormattedText](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::Drawing::Color textColor, System::Drawing::Color backColor) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::SharedPtr textColor, System::SharedPtr backColor, FontStyle textFont, EncodingType textEncoding, bool embedded, float textSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) content. | -| textColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | -| backColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of background. | -## Remarks - - - - - - text - - - - Text content. - - - - - textColor - - - - Color of the text. - - - - - backColor - - - - Color of background. - - - +| text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) content of the string. | +| textColor | System::SharedPtr\ | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | +| backColor | System::SharedPtr\ | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of background. | +| textFont | FontStyle | Font of the text. | +| textEncoding | EncodingType | Encoding of the text. | +| embedded | bool | If true font will be embedded. | +| textSize | float | Size of the text. | + ## See Also +* Class [FontColor](../../fontcolor/) +* Enum [FontStyle](../../fontstyle/) +* Enum [EncodingType](../../encodingtype/) * Class [FormattedText](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::Drawing::Color, System::String, EncodingType, bool, float) constructor +## FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, FontStyle, EncodingType, bool, float, float) constructor Initializes [FormattedText](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::Drawing::Color textColor, System::String fontName, EncodingType textEncoding, bool embedded, float fontSize) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::FormattedText(System::String text, System::SharedPtr textColor, System::SharedPtr backColor, FontStyle textFont, EncodingType textEncoding, bool embedded, float textSize, float lineSpacing) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | text | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) content. | -| textColor | System::Drawing::Color | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | -| fontName | System::String | Font of the text. | +| textColor | System::SharedPtr\ | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of the text. | +| backColor | System::SharedPtr\ | [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) of background. | +| textFont | FontStyle | Font of the text. | | textEncoding | EncodingType | Encoding of the text. | | embedded | bool | If true font will be embedded. | -| fontSize | float | Size of the text. | -## Remarks - - - - - - text - - - - Text content. - - - - - textColor - - - - Color of the text. - - - - - fontName - - - Font of the text. - - - - - textEncoding - - - Encoding of the text. - - - - - embedded - - - If true font will be embedded. - - - - - fontSize - - - Size of the text. - - - +| textSize | float | Size of the text. | +| lineSpacing | float | Additional spacing. | + ## See Also +* Class [FontColor](../../fontcolor/) +* Enum [FontStyle](../../fontstyle/) * Enum [EncodingType](../../encodingtype/) * Class [FormattedText](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/get_textheight/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/get_textheight/ index ec8d5e2caf..2e1faff4fc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/get_textheight/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/get_textheight/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TextHeight second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::get_TextHeight method. Gets height of text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/get_textheight/ --- ## FormattedText::get_TextHeight method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/get_textheight/ Gets height of text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::get_TextHeight() const +float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::get_TextHeight() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/get_textwidth/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/get_textwidth/ index e4c06ad55a..31fe6c7175 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/get_textwidth/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/get_textwidth/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TextWidth second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::get_TextWidth method. Gets width of text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/get_textwidth/ --- ## FormattedText::get_TextWidth method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/get_textwidth/ Gets width of text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::get_TextWidth() +float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::get_TextWidth() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/iscjk/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/iscjk/ index 84b4eace33..2edd9e1295 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/iscjk/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/iscjk/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/iscjk/ Checks if text is CJK (Chinese, Japanese, or Korean). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::IsCjk() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::IsCjk() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/setcjkfontstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/setcjkfontstyle/ index 8ee530b7cf..eb7f924a8f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/setcjkfontstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/setcjkfontstyle/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formattedtext/setcjkfontstyle/ Changes [FormattedText](../) font style for CJK (Chinese, Japanese, or Korean) font. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::SetCjkFontStyle() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormattedText::SetCjkFontStyle() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addfield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addfield/ index e5ed9b3336..1b2ba0fd68 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addfield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addfield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddField method. Add field of specified type to the form in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4200 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addfield/ --- ## FormEditor::AddField(FieldType, System::String, int32_t, float, float, float, float) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addfield/ Add field of specified type to the form. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddField(FieldType fieldType, System::String fieldName, int32_t pageNum, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddField(FieldType fieldType, System::String fieldName, int32_t pageNum, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury) ``` @@ -30,68 +30,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddField(FieldType ### ReturnValue true if field was successfully added. -## Remarks - - - - - fieldType - - - Type of the field which must be added. - - - - - fieldName - - - Name of the field whic must be added. - - - - - pageNum - - - - Page number where new field must be placed. - - - - - llx - - - Abscissa of the lower-left corner of the field. - - - - - lly - - - Ordinate of the lower-left corner of the field. - - - - - urx - - - Abscissa of the upper-right corner of the field. - - - - - ury - - - Ordinate of the upper-right corner of the field. - - - ## See Also * Enum [FieldType](../../fieldtype/) @@ -104,7 +43,7 @@ true if field was successfully added. Add field of specified type to the form. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddField(FieldType fieldType, System::String fieldName, System::String initValue, int32_t pageNum, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddField(FieldType fieldType, System::String fieldName, System::String initValue, int32_t pageNum, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury) ``` @@ -125,73 +64,7 @@ true if field was successfully added. ## Remarks - - - - fieldType - - - Type of the field which must be added. - - - - - fieldName - - - Name of the field whic must be added. - - - - - initValue - - - Initial value of the field. - - - - - pageNum - - - - Page number where new field must be placed. - - - - - llx - - - Abscissa of the lower-left corner of the field. - - - - - lly - - - Ordinate of the lower-left corner of the field. - - - - - urx - - - Abscissa of the upper-right corner of the field. - - - - - ury - - - Ordinate of the upper-right corner of the field. - - - + /// ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addfieldscript/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addfieldscript/ index 52a38f503d..d5113e52a7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addfieldscript/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addfieldscript/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddFieldScript second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddFieldScript method. Add JavaScript for a PushButton field. If old event exists, new event is added after it in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addfieldscript/ --- ## FormEditor::AddFieldScript method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addfieldscript/ Add JavaScript for a PushButton field. If old event exists, new event is added after it. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddFieldScript(System::String fieldName, System::String script) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddFieldScript(System::String fieldName, System::String script) ``` @@ -25,27 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddFieldScript(Syst ### ReturnValue True in case script was added successfully. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - The fully qualified field name. - - - - - script - - - The Java script to be added/placed into a push button field. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addlistitem/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addlistitem/ index 26ac3f8068..38d45fa38a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addlistitem/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addlistitem/ @@ -2,86 +2,46 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddListItem method linktitle: AddListItem second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddListItem method. Adds new item to the list box in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddListItem method. Add a new item with Export value to the existing list box field, only for AcroForm combo box field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addlistitem/ --- -## FormEditor::AddListItem(System::String, System::String) method +## FormEditor::AddListItem(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Adds new item to the list box. +Add a new item with Export value to the existing list box field, only for AcroForm combo box field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddListItem(System::String fieldName, System::String itemName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddListItem(System::String fieldName, System::ArrayPtr exportName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| fieldName | System::String | Name of the field ot which new item will be added. | -| itemName | System::String | Name if new item. | -## Remarks - +| fieldName | System::String | Name of field to which items will be added. | +| exportName | System::ArrayPtr\ | A string array denoting a new list item with Export Value, i.e. (Item Label, Export Value). | - - - - fieldName - - - Name of the field ot which new item will be added. - - - - - itemName - - - Name if new item. - - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormEditor::AddListItem(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## FormEditor::AddListItem(System::String, System::String) method -Add a new item with Export value to the existing list box field, only for AcroForm combo box field. +Adds new item to the list box. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddListItem(System::String fieldName, System::ArrayPtr exportName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddListItem(System::String fieldName, System::String itemName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| fieldName | System::String | Name of field to which items will be added. | -| exportName | System::ArrayPtr\ | A string array denoting a new list item with Export Value, i.e. (Item Label, Export Value). | -## Remarks - +| fieldName | System::String | Name of the field ot which new item will be added. | +| itemName | System::String | Name if new item. | - - - - fieldName - - - Name of field to which items will be added. - - - - - exportName - - - A string array denoting a new list item with Export Value, i.e. (Item Label, Export Value). - - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addsubmitbtn/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addsubmitbtn/ index 6b9a4e6d0e..373bfba6ae 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addsubmitbtn/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addsubmitbtn/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddSubmitBtn second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddSubmitBtn method. Add submit button on the form in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addsubmitbtn/ --- ## FormEditor::AddSubmitBtn method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/addsubmitbtn/ Add submit button on the form. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddSubmitBtn(System::String fieldName, int32_t page, System::String label, System::String url, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddSubmitBtn(System::String fieldName, int32_t page, System::String label, System::String url, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury) ``` @@ -27,76 +27,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::AddSubmitBtn(System | lly | float | Ordinate of the lower-left corner. | | urx | float | Abscissa of the upper-right corner. | | ury | float | Ordinate of the upper-right corner. | -## Remarks - - - - - fieldName - - - Name of new button. - - - - - page - - - - Page where button will be placed. - - - - - label - - - Button caption. - - - - - url - - - URL of the submit button. - - - - - llx - - - Abscissa of the lower-left corner. - - - - - lly - - - Ordinate of the lower-left corner. - - - - - urx - - - Abscissa of the upper-right corner. - - - - - ury - - - Ordinate of the upper-right corner. - - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/close/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/close/ index 03c148bf13..d113648a90 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/close/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/close/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Close second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::Close method. Closes the facade in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5900 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/close/ --- ## FormEditor::Close method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/close/ Closes the facade. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::Close() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::Close() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/copyinnerfield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/copyinnerfield/ index 1f0a8d4cf1..c49ed5eee7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/copyinnerfield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/copyinnerfield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CopyInnerField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyInnerField method. Copies an existing field to the same position in specified page number. A new document will be produced, which contains everything the source document has except for the newly copied field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4600 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/copyinnerfield/ --- ## FormEditor::CopyInnerField(System::String, System::String, int32_t) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/copyinnerfield/ Copies an existing field to the same position in specified page number. A new document will be produced, which contains everything the source document has except for the newly copied field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyInnerField(System::String fieldName, System::String newFieldName, int32_t pageNum) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyInnerField(System::String fieldName, System::String newFieldName, int32_t pageNum) ``` @@ -22,35 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyInnerField(Syst | fieldName | System::String | The old fully qualified field name. | | newFieldName | System::String | The new fully qualified field name. If null, it will be set as fieldName + "~". | | pageNum | int32_t | The number of page to hold the new field. If -1, new field will be copid to the same page as old one hosted. | -## Remarks - - - - - fieldName - - - The old fully qualified field name. - - - - - newFieldName - - - The new fully qualified field name. If null, it will be set as fieldName + "~". - - - - - pageNum - - - The number of page to hold the new field. If -1, new field will be copid to the same page as old one hosted. - - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) @@ -62,7 +34,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyInnerField(Syst Copies an existing field to a new position specified by both page number and ordinates. A new document will be produced, which contains everything the source document has except for the newly copied field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyInnerField(System::String fieldName, System::String newFieldName, int32_t pageNum, float abscissa, float ordinate) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyInnerField(System::String fieldName, System::String newFieldName, int32_t pageNum, float abscissa, float ordinate) ``` @@ -73,51 +45,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyInnerField(Syst | pageNum | int32_t | The number of page to hold the new field. If -1, new field will be copid to the same page as old one hosted. | | abscissa | float | The abscissa of the new field. If -1, the abscissa will be equaled to the original one. | | ordinate | float | The ordinate of the new field. If -1, the ordinate will be equaled to the original one. | -## Remarks - - - - - fieldName - - - The old fully qualified field name. - - - - - newFieldName - - - The new fully qualified field name. If null, it will be set as fieldName + "~". - - - - - pageNum - - - The number of page to hold the new field. If -1, new field will be copid to the same page as old one hosted. - - - - - abscissa - - - The abscissa of the new field. If -1, the abscissa will be equaled to the original one. - - - - - ordinate - - - The ordinate of the new field. If -1, the ordinate will be equaled to the original one. - - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/copyouterfield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/copyouterfield/ index 4e9a14d6bc..06e9c6eda9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/copyouterfield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/copyouterfield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CopyOuterField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyOuterField method. Copies an existing field from one PDF document to another document with original page number and ordinates. Notice: Only for AcroForm fields (excluding radio box) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4700 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/copyouterfield/ --- ## FormEditor::CopyOuterField(System::String, System::String) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/copyouterfield/ Copies an existing field from one PDF document to another document with original page number and ordinates. Notice: Only for AcroForm fields (excluding radio box). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyOuterField(System::String srcFileName, System::String fieldName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyOuterField(System::String srcFileName, System::String fieldName) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyOuterField(Syst | --- | --- | --- | | srcFileName | System::String | The name of PDF document which containes the field to be copied. | | fieldName | System::String | The original fully qualified field name. | -## Remarks - - - - - - srcFileName - - - The name of PDF document which containes the field to be copied. - - - - - fieldName - - - The original fully qualified field name. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) @@ -53,7 +33,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyOuterField(Syst Copies an existing field from one PDF document to another document with specified page number and original ordinates. Notice: Only for AcroForm fields (excluding radio box). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyOuterField(System::String srcFileName, System::String fieldName, int32_t pageNum) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyOuterField(System::String srcFileName, System::String fieldName, int32_t pageNum) ``` @@ -62,35 +42,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyOuterField(Syst | srcFileName | System::String | The name of PDF document which containes the field to be copied. | | fieldName | System::String | The original fully qualified field name. | | pageNum | int32_t | The number of page to hold the new field. If -1, new field will be copid to the same page as old one hosted. | -## Remarks - - - - - - srcFileName - - - The name of PDF document which containes the field to be copied. - - - - - fieldName - - - The original fully qualified field name. - - - - - pageNum - - - The number of page to hold the new field. If -1, new field will be copid to the same page as old one hosted. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) @@ -102,7 +54,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyOuterField(Syst Copies an existing field from one PDF document to another document with specified page number and ordinates. Notice: Only for AcroForm fields (excluding radio box). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyOuterField(System::String srcFileName, System::String fieldName, int32_t pageNum, float abscissa, float ordinate) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyOuterField(System::String srcFileName, System::String fieldName, int32_t pageNum, float abscissa, float ordinate) ``` @@ -113,51 +65,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::CopyOuterField(Syst | pageNum | int32_t | The number of page to hold the new field. If -1, new field will be copid to the same page as old one hosted. | | abscissa | float | The abscissa of the new field. If -1, the abscissa will be equaled to the original one. | | ordinate | float | The ordinate of the new field. If -1, the ordinate will be equaled to the original one. | -## Remarks - - - - - - srcFileName - - - The name of PDF document which containes the field to be copied. - - - - - fieldName - - - The original fully qualified field name. - - - - - pageNum - - - The number of page to hold the new field. If -1, new field will be copid to the same page as old one hosted. - - - - - abscissa - - - The abscissa of the new field. If -1, the abscissa will be equaled to the original one. - - - - - ordinate - - - The ordinate of the new field. If -1, the ordinate will be equaled to the original one. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/decoratefield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/decoratefield/ index 6363979094..54dc697704 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/decoratefield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/decoratefield/ @@ -2,37 +2,20 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::DecorateField method linktitle: DecorateField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::DecorateField method. Changes visual attributes of the specified field in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::DecorateField method. Changes visual attributes of all fields in the PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4800 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/decoratefield/ --- -## FormEditor::DecorateField(System::String) method +## FormEditor::DecorateField() method -Changes visual attributes of the specified field. +Changes visual attributes of all fields in the PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::DecorateField(System::String fieldName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::DecorateField() ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| fieldName | System::String | The fully qualified field name. | -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - The fully qualified field name. - - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) @@ -44,41 +27,34 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::DecorateField(Syste Changes visual attributes of all fields with the specified field type. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::DecorateField(FieldType fieldType) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::DecorateField(FieldType fieldType) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | fieldType | FieldType | Type of fields which will be decorated. | -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldType - - - Type of fields which will be decorated. - - - + ## See Also * Enum [FieldType](../../fieldtype/) * Class [FormEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormEditor::DecorateField() method +## FormEditor::DecorateField(System::String) method -Changes visual attributes of all fields in the PDF document. +Changes visual attributes of the specified field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::DecorateField() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::DecorateField(System::String fieldName) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| fieldName | System::String | The fully qualified field name. | + ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/dellistitem/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/dellistitem/ index 238ae95d90..567e09a466 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/dellistitem/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/dellistitem/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DelListItem second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::DelListItem method. Delete item from the list field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5300 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/dellistitem/ --- ## FormEditor::DelListItem method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/dellistitem/ Delete item from the list field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::DelListItem(System::String fieldName, System::String itemName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::DelListItem(System::String fieldName, System::String itemName) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::DelListItem(System: | --- | --- | --- | | fieldName | System::String | Name of the field. | | itemName | System::String | Name of the item which must be deleted. | -## Remarks - - - - - fieldName - - - Name of the field. - - - - - itemName - - - Name of the item which must be deleted. - - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/formeditor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/formeditor/ index ab7929f2ed..90c35ca476 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/formeditor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/formeditor/ @@ -4,325 +4,178 @@ linktitle: FormEditor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::FormEditor constructor. Constructor for FormEditor in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/formeditor/ --- -## FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## FormEditor::FormEditor() constructor Constructor for [FormEditor](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr srcStream, System::SharedPtr destStream) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::FormEditor() ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| srcStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source stream. | -| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination stream. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - srcStream - - - Source stream. - - - - - destStream - - - Destination stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormEditor::FormEditor(System::String, System::String) constructor +## FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor for [FormEditor](../). +Initializes new [FormEditor](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::FormEditor(System::String srcFileName, System::String destFileName) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcFileName | System::String | Name of source file. | -| destFileName | System::String | Name of destination file. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - srcFileName - - - Name of source file. - - - - - destFileName - - - Name of destination file. - - - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [FormEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormEditor::FormEditor() constructor +## FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor for [FormEditor](../). +Initializes new [FormEditor](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::FormEditor() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr destStream) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | +| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination stream. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [FormEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor Initializes new [FormEditor](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr document, System::String destFileName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - +| destFileName | System::String | Path of the destination file. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [FormEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor +## FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes new [FormEditor](../) object on base of the *document* . +Creates [FormEditor](../) which will save result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr document, System::String destFileName) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -| destFileName | System::String | Path of the destination file. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - - - destFileName - - - Path of the destination file. - - - +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source stream. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be saved. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [FormEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes new [FormEditor](../) object on base of the *document* . +Constructor for [FormEditor](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr destStream) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr srcStream, System::SharedPtr destStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | +| srcStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source stream. | | destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination stream. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - - - destStream - - - Destination stream. - - - + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [FormEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## FormEditor::FormEditor(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) constructor Creates [FormEditor](../) which will save result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::FormEditor(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr response) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::FormEditor(System::String inputFile, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source stream. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be saved. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - inputStream - - - Source stream. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be saved. - - - +| inputFile | System::String | Source file name. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse objects where result be saved. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## FormEditor::FormEditor(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## FormEditor::FormEditor(System::String, System::String) constructor -Creates [FormEditor](../) which will save result into HttpResponse object. +Constructor for [FormEditor](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::FormEditor(System::String inputFile, System::SharedPtr response) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::FormEditor(System::String srcFileName, System::String destFileName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Source file name. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse objects where result be saved. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - inputFile - - - Source file name. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse objects where result be saved. - - - +| srcFileName | System::String | Name of source file. | +| destFileName | System::String | Name of destination file. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_attachmentname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_attachmentname/ index 877fccf1d1..726332ab8f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_attachmentname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_attachmentname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AttachmentName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_AttachmentName method. Gets name of attachment when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse objects as attachment in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3000 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_attachmentname/ --- ## FormEditor::get_AttachmentName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_attachmentname/ Gets name of attachment when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse objects as attachment. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_AttachmentName() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_AttachmentName() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_contentdisposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_contentdisposition/ index 2da7f48c7b..b6b3d02e16 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_contentdisposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_contentdisposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ContentDisposition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_ContentDisposition method. Gets how content will be stored when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse object. Possible value: inline / attachment. Default: inline in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_contentdisposition/ --- ## FormEditor::get_ContentDisposition method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_contentdisposition/ Gets how content will be stored when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse object. Possible value: inline / attachment. Default: inline. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::ContentDisposition Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_ContentDisposition() const +Aspose::Pdf::ContentDisposition Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_ContentDisposition() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_destfilename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_destfilename/ index 500f897f25..00caac5b3c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_destfilename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_destfilename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DestFileName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_DestFileName method. Gets destination file name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_destfilename/ --- ## FormEditor::get_DestFileName method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_destfilename/ Gets destination file name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_DestFileName() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_DestFileName() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_deststream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_deststream/ index ca08155a8f..0e87398591 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_deststream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_deststream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DestStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_DestStream method. Gets destination stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_deststream/ --- ## FormEditor::get_DestStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_deststream/ Gets destination stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_DestStream() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_DestStream() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_exportitems/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_exportitems/ index 501dd78c03..005f00e8ed 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_exportitems/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_exportitems/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ExportItems second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_ExportItems method. Sets options for combo box with export values in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_exportitems/ --- ## FormEditor::get_ExportItems method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_exportitems/ Sets options for combo box with export values. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_ExportItems() const +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_ExportItems() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_facade/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_facade/ index ad7aeab7c9..88573b1431 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_facade/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_facade/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Facade second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_Facade method. Sets visual attributes of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_facade/ --- ## FormEditor::get_Facade method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_facade/ Sets visual attributes of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_Facade() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_Facade() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_items/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_items/ index c2cab633e4..94d91460a7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_items/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_items/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Items second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_Items method. Sets items which will be added t onewly created list box or combo box in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_items/ --- ## FormEditor::get_Items method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_items/ Sets items which will be added t onewly created list box or combo box. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_Items() const +System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_Items() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiobuttonitemsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiobuttonitemsize/ index d5870b8fad..9498e7c392 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiobuttonitemsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiobuttonitemsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_RadioButtonItemSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_RadioButtonItemSize method. Gets size of radio button item size (when new radio button field is added). formEditor = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_AddField_RadioButton.pdf"); formEditor.RadioGap = 4; formEditor.RadioHoriz = false; formEditor.RadioButtonItemSize = 20; formEditor.Items = new string[] { "First", "Second", "Third" }; formEditor.AddField(FieldType.Radio, "AddedRadioButtonField", "Second", 1, 10, 30, 110, 130); formEditor.Save(); in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiobuttonitemsize/ --- ## FormEditor::get_RadioButtonItemSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiobuttonitemsize/ Gets size of radio button item size (when new radio button field is added). ** formEditor = new [Aspose.Pdf.Facades.FormEditor](../)("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_AddField_RadioButton.pdf"); formEditor.RadioGap = 4; formEditor.RadioHoriz = false; formEditor.RadioButtonItemSize = 20; formEditor.Items = new string[] { "First", "Second", "Third" }; formEditor.AddField([FieldType.Radio](../../fieldtype/), "AddedRadioButtonField", "Second", 1, 10, 30, 110, 130); formEditor.Save(); ** ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_RadioButtonItemSize() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_RadioButtonItemSize() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiogap/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiogap/ index 31024ad2b7..a90ac223ba 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiogap/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiogap/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_RadioGap second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_RadioGap method. The member to record the gap between two neighboring radio buttons in pixels,default is 50 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiogap/ --- ## FormEditor::get_RadioGap method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiogap/ The member to record the gap between two neighboring radio buttons in pixels,default is 50. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_RadioGap() +float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_RadioGap() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiohoriz/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiohoriz/ index 419e08d26e..8f0800f871 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiohoriz/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiohoriz/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_RadioHoriz second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_RadioHoriz method. The flag to indicate whether the radios are arranged horizontally or vertically, default value is true in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiohoriz/ --- ## FormEditor::get_RadioHoriz method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_radiohoriz/ The flag to indicate whether the radios are arranged horizontally or vertically, default value is true. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_RadioHoriz() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_RadioHoriz() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_response/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_response/ index 27018053c5..fd2c5646c7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_response/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_response/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Response second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_Response method. Gets Response object where result of operation will be stored in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2600 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_response/ --- ## FormEditor::get_Response method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_response/ Gets Response object where result of operation will be stored. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_Response() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_Response() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_saveoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_saveoptions/ index ad110b1483..c54578953b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_saveoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_saveoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SaveOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_SaveOptions method. Gets save options when result is stored as HttpResponse. Default value: PdfSaveOptions in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_saveoptions/ --- ## FormEditor::get_SaveOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_saveoptions/ Gets save options when result is stored as HttpResponse. Default value: [PdfSaveOptions](../../../aspose.pdf/pdfsaveoptions/). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_SaveOptions() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_SaveOptions() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_srcfilename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_srcfilename/ index e7fe4a41e1..3a751d356d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_srcfilename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_srcfilename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SrcFileName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_SrcFileName method. Gets name of source file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_srcfilename/ --- ## FormEditor::get_SrcFileName method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_srcfilename/ Gets name of source file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_SrcFileName() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_SrcFileName() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_srcstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_srcstream/ index 2e36946194..931effc642 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_srcstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_srcstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SrcStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_SrcStream method. Gets source stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_srcstream/ --- ## FormEditor::get_SrcStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_srcstream/ Gets source stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_SrcStream() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_SrcStream() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_submitflag/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_submitflag/ index 4b4da45edb..c1b8017f99 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_submitflag/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_submitflag/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SubmitFlag second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_SubmitFlag method. Set the submit button''s submission flags in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_submitflag/ --- ## FormEditor::get_SubmitFlag method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/get_submitflag/ Set the submit button's submission flags. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API SubmitFormFlag Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_SubmitFlag() const +SubmitFormFlag Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::get_SubmitFlag() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/getfieldappearance/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/getfieldappearance/ index cad43a5718..5f5b8c0cb5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/getfieldappearance/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/getfieldappearance/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetFieldAppearance second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::GetFieldAppearance method. Get field flags in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3600 +weight: 2600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/getfieldappearance/ --- ## FormEditor::GetFieldAppearance method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/getfieldappearance/ Get field flags. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationFlags Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::GetFieldAppearance(System::String fieldName) +Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationFlags Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::GetFieldAppearance(System::String fieldName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationFlags Aspose::Pdf::Fac ### ReturnValue Set of field flags -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - Name of the field. - - - + ## See Also * Enum [AnnotationFlags](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationflags/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/movefield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/movefield/ index ca6dd1d6d0..9ad07def07 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/movefield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/movefield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: MoveField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::MoveField method. Set new position of field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4100 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/movefield/ --- ## FormEditor::MoveField method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/movefield/ Set new position of field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::MoveField(System::String fieldName, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::MoveField(System::String fieldName, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury) ``` @@ -28,51 +28,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::MoveField(System::S ### ReturnValue true if field position was changed successfully. -## Remarks - - - - - fieldName - - - Name of field which must be moved. - - - - - llx - - - Abscissa of the lower-left corner of the field. - - - - - lly - - - Ordinate of the lower-left coerner of the field. - - - - - urx - - - Abscissa of the upper-right corner of the field. - - - - - ury - - - Ordinate of the upper-right corner of the field. - - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/removefield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/removefield/ index 2b5eacad45..7a0a2d66c9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/removefield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/removefield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RemoveField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::RemoveField method. Remove field from the form in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4300 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/removefield/ --- ## FormEditor::RemoveField method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/removefield/ Remove field from the form. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::RemoveField(System::String fieldName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::RemoveField(System::String fieldName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | fieldName | System::String | Name of the field which must be removed. | -## Remarks - - - - - fieldName - - - Name of the field which must be removed. - - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/removefieldaction/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/removefieldaction/ index ab6f9a01ee..96a3b32062 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/removefieldaction/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/removefieldaction/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RemoveFieldAction second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::RemoveFieldAction method. Remove submit action of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5000 +weight: 2900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/removefieldaction/ --- ## FormEditor::RemoveFieldAction method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/removefieldaction/ Remove submit action of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::RemoveFieldAction(System::String fieldName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::RemoveFieldAction(System::String fieldName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | fieldName | System::String | Name of the field. | -## Remarks - - - - - fieldName - - - Name of the field. - - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/renamefield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/renamefield/ index aa3d065736..58971b5f67 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/renamefield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/renamefield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RenameField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::RenameField method. Change name of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4900 +weight: 3000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/renamefield/ --- ## FormEditor::RenameField method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/renamefield/ Change name of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::RenameField(System::String fieldName, System::String newFieldName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::RenameField(System::String fieldName, System::String newFieldName) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::RenameField(System: | --- | --- | --- | | fieldName | System::String | Old name of the field. | | newFieldName | System::String | New name of the field. | -## Remarks - - - - - fieldName - - - Old name of the field. - - - - - newFieldName - - - New name of the field. - - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/resetfacade/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/resetfacade/ index 27086b54b6..0ba56b9df7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/resetfacade/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/resetfacade/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ResetFacade second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::ResetFacade method. Reset all visual attribtues to empty value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4400 +weight: 3100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/resetfacade/ --- ## FormEditor::ResetFacade method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/resetfacade/ Reset all visual attribtues to empty value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::ResetFacade() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::ResetFacade() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/resetinnerfacade/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/resetinnerfacade/ index 1ddce9d2a1..31e74cf52e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/resetinnerfacade/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/resetinnerfacade/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ResetInnerFacade second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::ResetInnerFacade method. Reset all visual attribtues of inner facade to empty value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4500 +weight: 3200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/resetinnerfacade/ --- ## FormEditor::ResetInnerFacade method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/resetinnerfacade/ Reset all visual attribtues of inner facade to empty value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::ResetInnerFacade() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::ResetInnerFacade() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/save/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/save/ index ab56e10a9b..6958f0739e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/save/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/save/ @@ -13,18 +13,15 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/save/ Saves changes into destination file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::Save() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::Save() ``` ## Remarks - - Deprecated - - Use Save(destination) method for saving facade results. - -[FormEditor](../) formEditor = new [FormEditor](../)("InFile.pdf", "OutFile.pdf"); //make some changes... formEditor.Save(); +## Deprecated +Use Save(destination) method for saving facade results. +[FormEditor](../) formEditor = new [FormEditor](../)("InFile.pdf", "OutFile.pdf"); //make some changes... formEditor.Save(); ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_attachmentname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_attachmentname/ index a6c1fbd821..374810a92b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_attachmentname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_attachmentname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AttachmentName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_AttachmentName method. Sets name of attachment when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse objects as attachment in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3100 +weight: 3400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_attachmentname/ --- ## FormEditor::set_AttachmentName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_attachmentname/ Sets name of attachment when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse objects as attachment. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_AttachmentName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_AttachmentName(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_contentdisposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_contentdisposition/ index 40da02bb61..05299dfd64 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_contentdisposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_contentdisposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ContentDisposition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_ContentDisposition method. Sets how content will be stored when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse object. Possible value: inline / attachment. Default: inline in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 3500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_contentdisposition/ --- ## FormEditor::set_ContentDisposition method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_contentdisposition/ Sets how content will be stored when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse object. Possible value: inline / attachment. Default: inline. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_ContentDisposition(Aspose::Pdf::ContentDisposition value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_ContentDisposition(Aspose::Pdf::ContentDisposition value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_convertto/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_convertto/ index 7c4e94b7a0..49c6b4d833 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_convertto/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_convertto/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ConvertTo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_ConvertTo method. Sets PDF file format. Result file will be saved in specified file format. If this property is not specified then file will be save in default PDF format without conversion in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 3600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_convertto/ --- ## FormEditor::set_ConvertTo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_convertto/ Sets PDF file format. Result file will be saved in specified file format. If this property is not specified then file will be save in default PDF format without conversion. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_ConvertTo(PdfFormat value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_ConvertTo(PdfFormat value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_destfilename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_destfilename/ index f03c45c511..a10d82504c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_destfilename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_destfilename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_DestFileName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_DestFileName method. Sets destination file name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 3700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_destfilename/ --- ## FormEditor::set_DestFileName method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_destfilename/ Sets destination file name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_DestFileName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_DestFileName(System::String value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_deststream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_deststream/ index 9e87f0a245..e03b0c6c7e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_deststream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_deststream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_DestStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_DestStream method. Sets destination stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 3800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_deststream/ --- ## FormEditor::set_DestStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_deststream/ Sets destination stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_DestStream(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_DestStream(System::SharedPtr value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_exportitems/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_exportitems/ index 204e4a34d1..142670f5d1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_exportitems/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_exportitems/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ExportItems second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_ExportItems method. Sets options for combo box with export values in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 3900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_exportitems/ --- ## FormEditor::set_ExportItems method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_exportitems/ Sets options for combo box with export values. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_ExportItems(System::ArrayPtr> value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_ExportItems(System::ArrayPtr> value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_facade/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_facade/ index 4742458cde..a1c668989a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_facade/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_facade/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Facade second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_Facade method. Sets visual attributes of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 4000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_facade/ --- ## FormEditor::set_Facade method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_facade/ Sets visual attributes of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_Facade(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_Facade(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_items/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_items/ index 03d0ef0636..a03e1cc837 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_items/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_items/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Items second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_Items method. Sets items which will be added t onewly created list box or combo box in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 4100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_items/ --- ## FormEditor::set_Items method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_items/ Sets items which will be added t onewly created list box or combo box. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_Items(System::ArrayPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_Items(System::ArrayPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiobuttonitemsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiobuttonitemsize/ index e975d918bf..7d36fc6914 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiobuttonitemsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiobuttonitemsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_RadioButtonItemSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_RadioButtonItemSize method. Sets size of radio button item size (when new radio button field is added). formEditor = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.FormEditor("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_AddField_RadioButton.pdf"); formEditor.RadioGap = 4; formEditor.RadioHoriz = false; formEditor.RadioButtonItemSize = 20; formEditor.Items = new string[] { "First", "Second", "Third" }; formEditor.AddField(FieldType.Radio, "AddedRadioButtonField", "Second", 1, 10, 30, 110, 130); formEditor.Save(); in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 4200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiobuttonitemsize/ --- ## FormEditor::set_RadioButtonItemSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiobuttonitemsize/ Sets size of radio button item size (when new radio button field is added). ** formEditor = new [Aspose.Pdf.Facades.FormEditor](../)("PdfForm.pdf", "FormEditor_AddField_RadioButton.pdf"); formEditor.RadioGap = 4; formEditor.RadioHoriz = false; formEditor.RadioButtonItemSize = 20; formEditor.Items = new string[] { "First", "Second", "Third" }; formEditor.AddField([FieldType.Radio](../../fieldtype/), "AddedRadioButtonField", "Second", 1, 10, 30, 110, 130); formEditor.Save(); ** ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_RadioButtonItemSize(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_RadioButtonItemSize(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiogap/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiogap/ index 4565a8c7a8..926379354d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiogap/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiogap/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_RadioGap second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_RadioGap method. The member to record the gap between two neighboring radio buttons in pixels,default is 50 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 4300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiogap/ --- ## FormEditor::set_RadioGap method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiogap/ The member to record the gap between two neighboring radio buttons in pixels,default is 50. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_RadioGap(float value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_RadioGap(float value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiohoriz/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiohoriz/ index 0c0fe24393..1b812e0be9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiohoriz/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiohoriz/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_RadioHoriz second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_RadioHoriz method. The flag to indicate whether the radios are arranged horizontally or vertically, default value is true in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 4400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiohoriz/ --- ## FormEditor::set_RadioHoriz method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_radiohoriz/ The flag to indicate whether the radios are arranged horizontally or vertically, default value is true. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_RadioHoriz(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_RadioHoriz(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_response/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_response/ index 24c4a406da..fcdbca47c1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_response/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_response/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Response second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_Response method. Sets Response object where result of operation will be stored in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 4500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_response/ --- ## FormEditor::set_Response method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_response/ Sets Response object where result of operation will be stored. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_Response(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_Response(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_saveoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_saveoptions/ index 7b506c2ebc..8659a6f965 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_saveoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_saveoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SaveOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_SaveOptions method. Sets save options when result is stored as HttpResponse. Default value: PdfSaveOptions in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2900 +weight: 4600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_saveoptions/ --- ## FormEditor::set_SaveOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_saveoptions/ Sets save options when result is stored as HttpResponse. Default value: [PdfSaveOptions](../../../aspose.pdf/pdfsaveoptions/). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_SaveOptions(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_SaveOptions(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_srcfilename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_srcfilename/ index 8204ee3100..a1edfa1c63 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_srcfilename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_srcfilename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SrcFileName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_SrcFileName method. Sets name of source file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 4700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_srcfilename/ --- ## FormEditor::set_SrcFileName method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_srcfilename/ Sets name of source file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_SrcFileName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_SrcFileName(System::String value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_srcstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_srcstream/ index 6520130c8c..ef947d0792 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_srcstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_srcstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SrcStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_SrcStream method. Sets source stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 4800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_srcstream/ --- ## FormEditor::set_SrcStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_srcstream/ Sets source stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_SrcStream(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_SrcStream(System::SharedPtr value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_submitflag/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_submitflag/ index 232e270f83..710ce915d0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_submitflag/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_submitflag/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SubmitFlag second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_SubmitFlag method. Set the submit button''s submission flags in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 4900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_submitflag/ --- ## FormEditor::set_SubmitFlag method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/set_submitflag/ Set the submit button's submission flags. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_SubmitFlag(SubmitFormFlag value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::set_SubmitFlag(SubmitFormFlag value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldalignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldalignment/ index c98c7be733..6a0d4f04c9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldalignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldalignment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetFieldAlignment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldAlignment method. Set the alignment style of a text field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5700 +weight: 5000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldalignment/ --- ## FormEditor::SetFieldAlignment method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldalignment/ Set the alignment style of a text field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldAlignment(System::String fieldName, int32_t alignment) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldAlignment(System::String fieldName, int32_t alignment) ``` @@ -25,27 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldAlignment(S ### ReturnValue true if true if field was found and alignment was set. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - The qualified field name. - - - - - alignment - - - The alignment style definition, including FormFieldFacade.AlignLeft, FormFieldFacade.AlignCenter and FormFieldFacade.AlignRight. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldalignmentv/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldalignmentv/ index c11966333b..5011d41b02 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldalignmentv/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldalignmentv/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetFieldAlignmentV second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldAlignmentV method. Set the vertical alignment style of a text field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5800 +weight: 5100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldalignmentv/ --- ## FormEditor::SetFieldAlignmentV method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldalignmentv/ Set the vertical alignment style of a text field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldAlignmentV(System::String fieldName, int32_t alignment) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldAlignmentV(System::String fieldName, int32_t alignment) ``` @@ -25,27 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldAlignmentV( ### ReturnValue true if field was found and alignment was successfully filled. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - The qualified field name. - - - - - alignment - - - The alignment style definition, including FormFieldFacade.AlignTop, FormFieldFacade.AlignMiddle and FormFieldFacade.AlignRight. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldappearance/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldappearance/ index f16753fe10..956cba23e4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldappearance/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldappearance/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetFieldAppearance second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldAppearance method. Set field flags in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3500 +weight: 5200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldappearance/ --- ## FormEditor::SetFieldAppearance method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldappearance/ Set field flags. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldAppearance(System::String fieldName, Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationFlags flags) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldAppearance(System::String fieldName, Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationFlags flags) ``` @@ -25,27 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldAppearance( ### ReturnValue true if flags were updated successfully. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - Name of field whose flags should be updated. - - - - - flags - - - Flag of the field. - - - + ## See Also * Enum [AnnotationFlags](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationflags/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldattribute/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldattribute/ index 66a13563cd..ea30fd87c0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldattribute/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldattribute/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetFieldAttribute second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldAttribute method. Set attributes of field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3400 +weight: 5300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldattribute/ --- ## FormEditor::SetFieldAttribute method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldattribute/ Set attributes of field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldAttribute(System::String fieldName, PropertyFlag flag) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldAttribute(System::String fieldName, PropertyFlag flag) ``` @@ -25,27 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldAttribute(S ### ReturnValue true if attribute was set successfully. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - Name of field which attributes should be set. - - - - - flag - - - Flag (NoExport/ReadOnly/Required) - - - + ## See Also * Enum [PropertyFlag](../../propertyflag/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldcombnumber/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldcombnumber/ index f5edc0aea6..be89cc3469 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldcombnumber/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldcombnumber/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetFieldCombNumber second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldCombNumber method. Sets number of combs for a regular single-line text field (the field is automatically divided into as many equally spaced positions, or combs, as the value of combNumber parameter) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4000 +weight: 5400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldcombnumber/ --- ## FormEditor::SetFieldCombNumber method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldcombnumber/ Sets number of combs for a regular single-line text field (the field is automatically divided into as many equally spaced positions, or combs, as the value of combNumber parameter). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldCombNumber(System::String fieldName, int32_t combNumber) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldCombNumber(System::String fieldName, int32_t combNumber) ``` @@ -25,27 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldCombNumber( ### ReturnValue If success, return true;else false. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - The qualified field name. - - - - - combNumber - - - The number of combs to divide the field into. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldlimit/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldlimit/ index 861530cdc9..a0abe4803d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldlimit/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldlimit/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetFieldLimit second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldLimit method. Sets maximum character count of the text field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3900 +weight: 5500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldlimit/ --- ## FormEditor::SetFieldLimit method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldlimit/ Sets maximum character count of the text field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldLimit(System::String fieldName, int32_t fieldLimit) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldLimit(System::String fieldName, int32_t fieldLimit) ``` @@ -25,27 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldLimit(Syste ### ReturnValue true if field limit was successfully set. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - Name of the text field. - - - - - fieldLimit - - - New value of limit for the field. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldscript/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldscript/ index b2c31cad24..1fb65d444e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldscript/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldscript/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetFieldScript second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldScript method. Set JavaScript for a PushButton field. If old JavaScript existed, it will be replaced by the new one in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5400 +weight: 5600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldscript/ --- ## FormEditor::SetFieldScript method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setfieldscript/ Set JavaScript for a PushButton field. If old JavaScript existed, it will be replaced by the new one. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldScript(System::String fieldName, System::String script) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldScript(System::String fieldName, System::String script) ``` @@ -25,27 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetFieldScript(Syst ### ReturnValue true if field scrip was successfully set. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - The fully qualified field name. - - - - - script - - - The Java script to be added/placed into a push button field. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setsubmitflag/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setsubmitflag/ index 398b1204ef..ade73866ab 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setsubmitflag/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setsubmitflag/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetSubmitFlag second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetSubmitFlag method. Set submit flag of submit button in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3700 +weight: 5700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setsubmitflag/ --- ## FormEditor::SetSubmitFlag method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setsubmitflag/ Set submit flag of submit button. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetSubmitFlag(System::String fieldName, SubmitFormFlag submitFormFlag) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetSubmitFlag(System::String fieldName, SubmitFormFlag submitFormFlag) ``` @@ -25,27 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetSubmitFlag(Syste ### ReturnValue true if field was found and submit flag was successfully set. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - Name of submit button. - - - - - submitFormFlag - - - Submit flag. - - - + ## See Also * Enum [SubmitFormFlag](../../submitformflag/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setsubmiturl/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setsubmiturl/ index 684a90b0c3..ed1a7e29e4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setsubmiturl/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setsubmiturl/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetSubmitUrl second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetSubmitUrl method. Sets URL of the button in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3800 +weight: 5800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setsubmiturl/ --- ## FormEditor::SetSubmitUrl method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/setsubmiturl/ Sets URL of the button. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetSubmitUrl(System::String fieldName, System::String url) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetSubmitUrl(System::String fieldName, System::String url) ``` @@ -25,27 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::SetSubmitUrl(System ### ReturnValue true if URL for button was successfully set. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - Submit button name. - - - - - url - - - Fully qualified URL. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/single2multiple/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/single2multiple/ index da24906652..1161ada3dd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/single2multiple/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/single2multiple/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Single2Multiple second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::Single2Multiple method. Change a single-lined text field to a multiple-lined one in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5600 +weight: 5900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/single2multiple/ --- ## FormEditor::Single2Multiple method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formeditor/single2multiple/ Change a single-lined text field to a multiple-lined one. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::Single2Multiple(System::String fieldName) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::Single2Multiple(System::String fieldName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormEditor::Single2Multiple(Sys ### ReturnValue If success, return true;else false. -## Remarks - - - - - - fieldName - - - The qualified field name. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignbottom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignbottom/ index 0b2fd3fc88..8d161c137a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignbottom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignbottom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AlignBottom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignBottom field. Defines vertical aglignment as bottom style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5600 +weight: 3900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignbottom/ --- ## AlignBottom field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignbottom/ Defines vertical aglignment as bottom style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignBottom +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignBottom ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/aligncenter/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/aligncenter/ index b50d1d33fb..2111b71965 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/aligncenter/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/aligncenter/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AlignCenter second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignCenter field. Defines aglignment to center style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5000 +weight: 4000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/aligncenter/ --- ## AlignCenter field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/aligncenter/ Defines aglignment to center style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignCenter +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignCenter ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignjustified/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignjustified/ index b8a4504667..a157b01488 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignjustified/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignjustified/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AlignJustified second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignJustified field. Defines text justification alignment style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5300 +weight: 4100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignjustified/ --- ## AlignJustified field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignjustified/ Defines text justification alignment style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignJustified +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignJustified ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignleft/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignleft/ index 55c5f666bb..4b0f616ca1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignleft/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignleft/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AlignLeft second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignLeft field. Defines aglignment to left style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4900 +weight: 4200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignleft/ --- ## AlignLeft field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignleft/ Defines aglignment to left style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignLeft +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignLeft ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignmiddle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignmiddle/ index ef221cfc9c..83390c47c4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignmiddle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignmiddle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AlignMiddle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignMiddle field. Defines vertical aglignment as middle style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5500 +weight: 4300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignmiddle/ --- ## AlignMiddle field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignmiddle/ Defines vertical aglignment as middle style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignMiddle +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignMiddle ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignright/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignright/ index e86b3929b4..90e66e8296 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignright/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignright/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AlignRight second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignRight field. Defines aglignment to right style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5100 +weight: 4400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignright/ --- ## AlignRight field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignright/ Defines aglignment to right style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignRight +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignRight ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/aligntop/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/aligntop/ index fedb7a6876..2201403a06 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/aligntop/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/aligntop/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AlignTop second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignTop field. Defines vertical aglignment as top style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5400 +weight: 4500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/aligntop/ --- ## AlignTop field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/aligntop/ Defines vertical aglignment as top style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignTop +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignTop ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignundefined/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignundefined/ index 92379a3946..e4aed25148 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignundefined/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignundefined/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AlignUndefined second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignUndefined field. Undefined aglignment style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5200 +weight: 4600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignundefined/ --- ## AlignUndefined field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/alignundefined/ Undefined aglignment style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignUndefined +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::AlignUndefined ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstylebeveled/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstylebeveled/ index 28dc299c95..8608d425d4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstylebeveled/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstylebeveled/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BorderStyleBeveled second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleBeveled field. Defines a beveled border style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4500 +weight: 4700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstylebeveled/ --- ## BorderStyleBeveled field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstylebeveled/ Defines a beveled border style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleBeveled +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleBeveled ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyledashed/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyledashed/ index 7566956fb8..7effa2b46b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyledashed/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyledashed/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BorderStyleDashed second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleDashed field. Defines a dashed border style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4400 +weight: 4800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyledashed/ --- ## BorderStyleDashed field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyledashed/ Defines a dashed border style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleDashed +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleDashed ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleinset/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleinset/ index 343d10258f..eb2331b7f0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleinset/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleinset/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BorderStyleInset second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleInset field. Defines an inseted border style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4600 +weight: 4900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleinset/ --- ## BorderStyleInset field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleinset/ Defines an inseted border style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleInset +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleInset ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstylesolid/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstylesolid/ index 58a8867121..3f1a2b3c59 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstylesolid/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstylesolid/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BorderStyleSolid second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleSolid field. Defines a solid border style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4300 +weight: 5000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstylesolid/ --- ## BorderStyleSolid field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstylesolid/ Defines a solid border style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleSolid +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleSolid ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleundefined/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleundefined/ index 037fa71f12..66153984c7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleundefined/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleundefined/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BorderStyleUndefined second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleUndefined field. Undefined border style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4800 +weight: 5100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleundefined/ --- ## BorderStyleUndefined field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleundefined/ Undefined border style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleUndefined +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleUndefined ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleunderline/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleunderline/ index 7b020dabc6..9ca1b319f4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleunderline/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleunderline/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BorderStyleUnderline second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleUnderline field. Defines an underlined border style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4700 +weight: 5200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleunderline/ --- ## BorderStyleUnderline field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderstyleunderline/ Defines an underlined border style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleUnderline +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderStyleUnderline ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidthmedium/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidthmedium/ index 1a82e933f7..2dea18a2c1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidthmedium/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidthmedium/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BorderWidthMedium second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderWidthMedium field. Defines a medium border width in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4100 +weight: 5300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidthmedium/ --- ## BorderWidthMedium field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidthmedium/ Defines a medium border width. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderWidthMedium +static float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderWidthMedium ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidththick/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidththick/ index 3d50ed17a3..a7ca773b56 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidththick/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidththick/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BorderWidthThick second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderWidthThick field. Defines a thick border width in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4200 +weight: 5400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidththick/ --- ## BorderWidthThick field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidththick/ Defines a thick border width. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderWidthThick +static float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderWidthThick ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidththin/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidththin/ index 2fba0147a2..48a7ef522e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidththin/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidththin/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BorderWidthThin second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderWidthThin field. Defines a thin border width in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4000 +weight: 5500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidththin/ --- ## BorderWidthThin field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidththin/ Defines a thin border width. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderWidthThin +static float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderWidthThin ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidthundefined/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidthundefined/ index 6a446cf77d..62273d0e2f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidthundefined/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidthundefined/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BorderWidthUndefined second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderWidthUndefined field. Undefined border width in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3900 +weight: 5600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidthundefined/ --- ## BorderWidthUndefined field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/borderwidthundefined/ Undefined border width. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderWidthUndefined +static float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::BorderWidthUndefined ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylecheck/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylecheck/ index d5cf8921a6..a7a24396fc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylecheck/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylecheck/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CheckBoxStyleCheck second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleCheck field. Defines the shape of a check box field when it checked in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5800 +weight: 5700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylecheck/ --- ## CheckBoxStyleCheck field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylecheck/ Defines the shape of a check box field when it checked. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleCheck +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleCheck ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylecircle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylecircle/ index 9cb0fc61d7..e9bc289d78 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylecircle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylecircle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CheckBoxStyleCircle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleCircle field. Defines a circle check box style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5700 +weight: 5800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylecircle/ --- ## CheckBoxStyleCircle field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylecircle/ Defines a circle check box style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleCircle +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleCircle ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylecross/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylecross/ index ef21700f2f..d21ad10ddb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylecross/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylecross/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylecross/ Defines a cross check box style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleCross +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleCross ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylediamond/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylediamond/ index 9ec5133791..330bde7f50 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylediamond/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylediamond/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylediamond/ Defines a diamond check box style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleDiamond +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleDiamond ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylesquare/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylesquare/ index 716f3d3486..00915e63a8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylesquare/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylesquare/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CheckBoxStyleSquare second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleSquare field. Defines a square check box style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 6200 +weight: 6100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylesquare/ --- ## CheckBoxStyleSquare field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylesquare/ Defines a square check box style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleSquare +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleSquare ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylestar/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylestar/ index 1f09e7bd91..ff6d2f208f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylestar/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylestar/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CheckBoxStyleStar second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleStar field. Defines a star check box style in C++.' type: docs -weight: 6100 +weight: 6200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylestar/ --- ## CheckBoxStyleStar field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstylestar/ Defines a star check box style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleStar +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleStar ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstyleundefined/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstyleundefined/ index 54afa915f2..3b330dfd68 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstyleundefined/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstyleundefined/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/checkboxstyleundefined/ Defines an undefined check box style. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleUndefined +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::CheckBoxStyleUndefined ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/formfieldfacade/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/formfieldfacade/ index b5c0abd16e..84ce010088 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/formfieldfacade/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/formfieldfacade/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: FormFieldFacade second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use FormFieldFacade constructor of Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3800 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/formfieldfacade/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::FormFieldFacade constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/formfieldfacade/ ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::FormFieldFacade() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::FormFieldFacade() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_alignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_alignment/ index 23dd689980..1af52ae024 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_alignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_alignment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Alignment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Alignment method. The alignment of a field text, default is left alignment in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_alignment/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_Alignment method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_alignment/ The alignment of a field text, default is left alignment. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Alignment() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Alignment() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_backgroundcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_backgroundcolor/ index aefaad25d3..2729fbdb41 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_backgroundcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_backgroundcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_BackgroundColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_BackgroundColor method. The color of a field background, default is white in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_backgroundcolor/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_BackgroundColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_backgroundcolor/ The color of a field background, default is white. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_BackgroundColor() const +System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_BackgroundColor() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_bordercolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_bordercolor/ index fb50cceacf..9ea6c301f3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_bordercolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_bordercolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_BorderColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_BorderColor method. The color of a field border in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_bordercolor/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_BorderColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_bordercolor/ The color of a field border. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_BorderColor() const +System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_BorderColor() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_borderstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_borderstyle/ index 2042d81bb0..448ccd1409 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_borderstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_borderstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_BorderStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_BorderStyle method. The style of a field border in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_borderstyle/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_BorderStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_borderstyle/ The style of a field border. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_BorderStyle() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_BorderStyle() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_borderwidth/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_borderwidth/ index 6abab436ad..782a8ef9a7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_borderwidth/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_borderwidth/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_BorderWidth second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_BorderWidth method. The width of a field border in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_borderwidth/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_BorderWidth method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_borderwidth/ The width of a field border. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_BorderWidth() const +float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_BorderWidth() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_box/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_box/ index 267f6bb64a..ba1d18b104 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_box/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_box/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Box second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Box method. A rectangle object holding field''s location in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_box/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_Box method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_box/ A rectangle object holding field's location. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Drawing::Rectangle Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Box() const +System::Drawing::Rectangle Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Box() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_buttonstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_buttonstyle/ index ec075b3603..dd2d164722 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_buttonstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_buttonstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ButtonStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_ButtonStyle method. The style of check box or radio box field, defined by FormFieldFacade.CheckBoxStyle* in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_buttonstyle/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_ButtonStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_buttonstyle/ The style of check box or radio box field, defined by FormFieldFacade.CheckBoxStyle*. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_ButtonStyle() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_ButtonStyle() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_caption/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_caption/ index ae67a1c59b..24a40aaf59 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_caption/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_caption/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Caption second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Caption method. The normal caption of form field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_caption/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_Caption method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_caption/ The normal caption of form field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Caption() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Caption() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_customfont/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_customfont/ index e54ced0418..90f47110e6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_customfont/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_customfont/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CustomFont second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_CustomFont method. Gets name of the font when this is non-standart (other then 14 standard fonts) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_customfont/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_CustomFont method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_customfont/ Gets name of the font when this is non-standart (other then 14 standard fonts). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_CustomFont() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_CustomFont() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_exportitems/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_exportitems/ index 720707d57a..f2cd7f36f0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_exportitems/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_exportitems/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ExportItems second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_ExportItems method. The options for adding a list/combo/radio box in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3300 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_exportitems/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_ExportItems method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_exportitems/ The options for adding a list/combo/radio box. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_ExportItems() const +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_ExportItems() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_font/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_font/ index e186f082fa..179a3b0ee9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_font/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_font/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Font second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Font method. The font type of a field text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_font/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_Font method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_font/ The font type of a field text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API FontStyle Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Font() const +FontStyle Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Font() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_fontsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_fontsize/ index 847ba8f4df..9e6fb9252c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_fontsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_fontsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_FontSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_FontSize method. The size of a field text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_fontsize/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_FontSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_fontsize/ The size of a field text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_FontSize() const +float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_FontSize() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_items/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_items/ index 97bd2b4c91..dd03b5fb97 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_items/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_items/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Items second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Items method. An array of string, each representing an option of a combo box/list/radio box field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3100 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_items/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_Items method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_items/ An array of string, each representing an option of a combo box/list/radio box field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Items() const +System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Items() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_pagenumber/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_pagenumber/ index 1df46fa2e7..3e257114ba 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_pagenumber/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_pagenumber/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PageNumber second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_PageNumber method. An integer value holding the number of page on which field locates in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2900 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_pagenumber/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_PageNumber method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_pagenumber/ An integer value holding the number of page on which field locates. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_PageNumber() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_PageNumber() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_position/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_position/ index c5195c284d..269c836363 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_position/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_position/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Position second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Position method. A rectangle object holding field''s location in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_position/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_Position method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_position/ A rectangle object holding field's location. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Position() const +System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Position() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_rotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_rotation/ index 4fb9b7cc0a..c4f642edc3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_rotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_rotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Rotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Rotation method. The rotation of a field text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_rotation/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_Rotation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_rotation/ The rotation of a field text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Rotation() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_Rotation() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_textcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_textcolor/ index a5350c5cb6..3f722cc35c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_textcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_textcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TextColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_TextColor method. The color of the field text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_textcolor/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_TextColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_textcolor/ The color of the field text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_TextColor() const +System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_TextColor() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_textencoding/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_textencoding/ index a1f6d8e609..95bb9cc028 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_textencoding/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_textencoding/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TextEncoding second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_TextEncoding method. The text encoding type of the field text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_textencoding/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::get_TextEncoding method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/get_textencoding/ The text encoding type of the field text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API EncodingType Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_TextEncoding() const +EncodingType Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::get_TextEncoding() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/reset/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/reset/ index 517f57bf88..841750782a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/reset/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/reset/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Reset second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::Reset method. Reset all visual attribtues to empty value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3700 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/reset/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::Reset method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/reset/ Reset all visual attribtues to empty value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::Reset() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::Reset() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_alignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_alignment/ index b37170d8dc..05c128d43f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_alignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_alignment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Alignment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Alignment method. The alignment of a field text, default is left alignment in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_alignment/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::set_Alignment method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_alignment/ The alignment of a field text, default is left alignment. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Alignment(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Alignment(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_backgroundcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_backgroundcolor/ index a621af7305..47330a4beb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_backgroundcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_backgroundcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_BackgroundColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_BackgroundColor method. The color of a field background, default is white in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3600 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_backgroundcolor/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::set_BackgroundColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_backgroundcolor/ The color of a field background, default is white. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_BackgroundColor(System::Drawing::Color value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_BackgroundColor(System::Drawing::Color value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_bordercolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_bordercolor/ index 0533841dfa..81cfd83519 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_bordercolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_bordercolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_BorderColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_BorderColor method. The color of a field border in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_bordercolor/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::set_BorderColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_bordercolor/ The color of a field border. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_BorderColor(System::Drawing::Color value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_BorderColor(System::Drawing::Color value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_borderstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_borderstyle/ index 2ee6498a2e..59d643152b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_borderstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_borderstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_BorderStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_BorderStyle method. The style of a field border in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_borderstyle/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::set_BorderStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_borderstyle/ The style of a field border. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_BorderStyle(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_BorderStyle(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_borderwidth/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_borderwidth/ index 9e3ff71bbe..c8cdd9cf4b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_borderwidth/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_borderwidth/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_BorderWidth second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_BorderWidth method. The width of a field border in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_borderwidth/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::set_BorderWidth method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_borderwidth/ The width of a field border. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_BorderWidth(float value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_BorderWidth(float value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_box/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_box/ index e36896cd9b..ed7b62c7d4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_box/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_box/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_box/ A rectangle object holding field's location. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Box(System::Drawing::Rectangle value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Box(System::Drawing::Rectangle value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_buttonstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_buttonstyle/ index 7beae6d3d2..6a604ff4fc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_buttonstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_buttonstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ButtonStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_ButtonStyle method. The style of check box or radio box field, defined by FormFieldFacade.CheckBoxStyle* in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_buttonstyle/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::set_ButtonStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_buttonstyle/ The style of check box or radio box field, defined by FormFieldFacade.CheckBoxStyle*. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_ButtonStyle(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_ButtonStyle(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_caption/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_caption/ index 38a8ae4750..8830617014 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_caption/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_caption/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Caption second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Caption method. The normal caption of form field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_caption/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::set_Caption method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_caption/ The normal caption of form field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Caption(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Caption(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_customfont/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_customfont/ index 77bae6d2bc..7f64be1b8c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_customfont/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_customfont/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CustomFont second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_CustomFont method. Sets name of the font when this is non-standart (other then 14 standard fonts) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 2900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_customfont/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::set_CustomFont method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_customfont/ Sets name of the font when this is non-standart (other then 14 standard fonts). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_CustomFont(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_CustomFont(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_exportitems/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_exportitems/ index 845ea94a8b..6c2fea87e8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_exportitems/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_exportitems/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ExportItems second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_ExportItems method. The options for adding a list/combo/radio box in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3400 +weight: 3000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_exportitems/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::set_ExportItems method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_exportitems/ The options for adding a list/combo/radio box. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_ExportItems(System::ArrayPtr> value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_ExportItems(System::ArrayPtr> value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_font/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_font/ index cab3036ca2..a86d6929f1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_font/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_font/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Font second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Font method. The font type of a field text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 3100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_font/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::set_Font method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_font/ The font type of a field text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Font(FontStyle value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Font(FontStyle value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_fontsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_fontsize/ index c1dbf4e9aa..38f5ccb33c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_fontsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_fontsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_FontSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_FontSize method. The size of a field text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 3200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_fontsize/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::set_FontSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_fontsize/ The size of a field text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_FontSize(float value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_FontSize(float value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_items/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_items/ index e1ad453bbc..0b711dca11 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_items/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_items/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Items second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Items method. An array of string, each representing an option of a combo box/list/radio box field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3200 +weight: 3300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_items/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::set_Items method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_items/ An array of string, each representing an option of a combo box/list/radio box field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Items(System::ArrayPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Items(System::ArrayPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_pagenumber/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_pagenumber/ index 36c8b69bda..862365a47e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_pagenumber/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_pagenumber/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PageNumber second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_PageNumber method. An integer value holding the number of page on which field locates in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3000 +weight: 3400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_pagenumber/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::set_PageNumber method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_pagenumber/ An integer value holding the number of page on which field locates. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_PageNumber(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_PageNumber(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_position/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_position/ index d3f44e4540..d9d9a3a15e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_position/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_position/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Position second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Position method. A rectangle object holding field''s location in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 3500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_position/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::set_Position method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_position/ A rectangle object holding field's location. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Position(System::ArrayPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Position(System::ArrayPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_rotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_rotation/ index 938538af94..4f2b3d433a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_rotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_rotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Rotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Rotation method. The rotation of a field text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 3600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_rotation/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::set_Rotation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_rotation/ The rotation of a field text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Rotation(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_Rotation(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_textcolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_textcolor/ index 20468811ab..a05e7c7cc9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_textcolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_textcolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TextColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_TextColor method. The color of the field text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 3700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_textcolor/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::set_TextColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_textcolor/ The color of the field text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_TextColor(System::Drawing::Color value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_TextColor(System::Drawing::Color value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_textencoding/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_textencoding/ index 41f018027c..8da5adf2c8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_textencoding/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_textencoding/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TextEncoding second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_TextEncoding method. The text encoding type of the field text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 3800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_textencoding/ --- ## FormFieldFacade::set_TextEncoding method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/formfieldfacade/set_textencoding/ The text encoding type of the field text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_TextEncoding(EncodingType value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::FormFieldFacade::set_TextEncoding(EncodingType value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/ifacade/bindpdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/ifacade/bindpdf/ index 8f0a97efad..2313e02074 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/ifacade/bindpdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/ifacade/bindpdf/ @@ -7,34 +7,23 @@ type: docs weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/ifacade/bindpdf/ --- -## IFacade::BindPdf(System::String) method +## IFacade::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method Binds PDF document for editing. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::IFacade::BindPdf(System::String srcFile)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::IFacade::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr srcDoc)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcFile | System::String | The path of input PDF document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - srcFile - - - The path of input PDF document. - - - +| srcDoc | System::SharedPtr\ | Input PDF document. | + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [IFacade](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -51,53 +40,28 @@ virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::IFacade::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr | The stream of input PDF document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - srcStream - - - The stream of input PDF document. - - - + ## See Also * Class [IFacade](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## IFacade::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method +## IFacade::BindPdf(System::String) method Binds PDF document for editing. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::IFacade::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr srcDoc)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::IFacade::BindPdf(System::String srcFile)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcDoc | System::SharedPtr\ | Input PDF document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - srcDoc - - - Input PDF document. - - - +| srcFile | System::String | The path of input PDF document. | + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [IFacade](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/isaveablefacade/save/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/isaveablefacade/save/ index 4a444a1a1f..f66fd69040 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/isaveablefacade/save/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/isaveablefacade/save/ @@ -2,68 +2,44 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ISaveableFacade::Save method linktitle: Save second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ISaveableFacade::Save method. Saves the result PDF document to file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ISaveableFacade::Save method. Saves the result PDF document to stream in C++.' type: docs weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/isaveablefacade/save/ --- -## ISaveableFacade::Save(System::String) method +## ISaveableFacade::Save(System::SharedPtr\) method -Saves the result PDF document to file. +Saves the result PDF document to stream. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ISaveableFacade::Save(System::String destFile)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ISaveableFacade::Save(System::SharedPtr destStream)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| destFile | System::String | The path of output PDF document. | -## Remarks - +| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream of output PDF document. | - - - - destFile - - - The path of output PDF document. - - - ## See Also * Class [ISaveableFacade](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## ISaveableFacade::Save(System::SharedPtr\) method +## ISaveableFacade::Save(System::String) method -Saves the result PDF document to stream. +Saves the result PDF document to file. ```cpp -virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ISaveableFacade::Save(System::SharedPtr destStream)=0 +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ISaveableFacade::Save(System::String destFile)=0 ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream of output PDF document. | -## Remarks - +| destFile | System::String | The path of output PDF document. | - - - - destStream - - - The stream of output PDF document. - - - ## See Also * Class [ISaveableFacade](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_borderstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_borderstyle/ index 129176da84..5ce82eb57d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_borderstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_borderstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_BorderStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::get_BorderStyle method. Gets the border style of a line, 0 represents solid, 1 represents dashed, 2 represents beleved, 3 represents insert, 4 represents underline in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_borderstyle/ --- ## LineInfo::get_BorderStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_borderstyle/ Gets the border style of a line, 0 represents solid, 1 represents dashed, 2 represents beleved, 3 represents insert, 4 represents underline. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::get_BorderStyle() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::get_BorderStyle() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_linecolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_linecolor/ index 1833c8d5b8..c4e02bc812 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_linecolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_linecolor/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_linecolor/ Gets the color of a line. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::get_LineColor() const +System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::get_LineColor() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_linedashpattern/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_linedashpattern/ index dc488b62f8..22b7584f66 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_linedashpattern/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_linedashpattern/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_LineDashPattern second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::get_LineDashPattern method. Gets the dash pattern of a line in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_linedashpattern/ --- ## LineInfo::get_LineDashPattern method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_linedashpattern/ Gets the dash pattern of a line. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::get_LineDashPattern() const +System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::get_LineDashPattern() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_linewidth/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_linewidth/ index 2ada2eebcd..bc10a85c7d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_linewidth/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_linewidth/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_linewidth/ Gets the width of a line. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::get_LineWidth() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::get_LineWidth() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_verticecoordinate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_verticecoordinate/ index 3774ae9455..d848c9c628 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_verticecoordinate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_verticecoordinate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_VerticeCoordinate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::get_VerticeCoordinate method. Gets an array of numbers representing the alternating horizontal and vertical,coordinates, respectively, of each vertex in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_verticecoordinate/ --- ## LineInfo::get_VerticeCoordinate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_verticecoordinate/ Gets an array of numbers representing the alternating horizontal and vertical,coordinates, respectively, of each vertex. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::get_VerticeCoordinate() const +System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::get_VerticeCoordinate() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_visibility/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_visibility/ index ba6fcddda6..a1ad05381c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_visibility/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_visibility/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/get_visibility/ Gets the visibility of a line. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::get_Visibility() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::get_Visibility() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/lineinfo/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/lineinfo/ index ccbc3e2870..1225bc5f3e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/lineinfo/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/lineinfo/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: LineInfo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use LineInfo constructor of Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/lineinfo/ --- ## LineInfo::LineInfo constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/lineinfo/ ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::LineInfo() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::LineInfo() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_borderstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_borderstyle/ index b4ad37f837..9c4221420a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_borderstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_borderstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_BorderStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::set_BorderStyle method. Sets the border style of a line, 0 represents solid, 1 represents dashed, 2 represents beleved, 3 represents insert, 4 represents underline in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_borderstyle/ --- ## LineInfo::set_BorderStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_borderstyle/ Sets the border style of a line, 0 represents solid, 1 represents dashed, 2 represents beleved, 3 represents insert, 4 represents underline. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::set_BorderStyle(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::set_BorderStyle(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_linecolor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_linecolor/ index 9ea9cbd9aa..f95a48c74c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_linecolor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_linecolor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_LineColor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::set_LineColor method. Sets the color of a line in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_linecolor/ --- ## LineInfo::set_LineColor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_linecolor/ Sets the color of a line. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::set_LineColor(System::Drawing::Color value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::set_LineColor(System::Drawing::Color value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_linedashpattern/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_linedashpattern/ index b11456fafb..3c62123680 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_linedashpattern/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_linedashpattern/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_linedashpattern/ Sets the dash pattern of a line. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::set_LineDashPattern(System::ArrayPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::set_LineDashPattern(System::ArrayPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_linewidth/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_linewidth/ index c044f5679a..330057ddd2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_linewidth/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_linewidth/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_LineWidth second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::set_LineWidth method. Sets the width of a line in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_linewidth/ --- ## LineInfo::set_LineWidth method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_linewidth/ Sets the width of a line. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::set_LineWidth(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::set_LineWidth(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_verticecoordinate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_verticecoordinate/ index 812fca2757..c0b6ecf7e5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_verticecoordinate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_verticecoordinate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_VerticeCoordinate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::set_VerticeCoordinate method. Sets an array of numbers representing the alternating horizontal and vertical,coordinates, respectively, of each vertex in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_verticecoordinate/ --- ## LineInfo::set_VerticeCoordinate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_verticecoordinate/ Sets an array of numbers representing the alternating horizontal and vertical,coordinates, respectively, of each vertex. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::set_VerticeCoordinate(System::ArrayPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::set_VerticeCoordinate(System::ArrayPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_visibility/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_visibility/ index 8860c0e727..f2d6454026 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_visibility/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_visibility/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Visibility second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::set_Visibility method. Sets the visibility of a line in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_visibility/ --- ## LineInfo::set_Visibility method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/lineinfo/set_visibility/ Sets the visibility of a line. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::set_Visibility(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::LineInfo::set_Visibility(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/deleteannotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/deleteannotation/ index ac0315655b..80759ebe9d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/deleteannotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/deleteannotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DeleteAnnotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::DeleteAnnotation method. Deletes the annotation with specified annotation name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/deleteannotation/ --- ## PdfAnnotationEditor::DeleteAnnotation method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/deleteannotation/ Deletes the annotation with specified annotation name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::DeleteAnnotation(System::String annotName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::DeleteAnnotation(System::String annotName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | annotName | System::String | The annotation name | -## Remarks - - - - - - annotName - - - The annotation name - - - + diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/deleteannotations/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/deleteannotations/ index 76ee5d5d62..95db3672be 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/deleteannotations/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/deleteannotations/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DeleteAnnotations second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::DeleteAnnotations method. Deletes all annotations in the document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/deleteannotations/ --- ## PdfAnnotationEditor::DeleteAnnotations() method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/deleteannotations/ Deletes all annotations in the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::DeleteAnnotations() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::DeleteAnnotations() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,26 +27,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::DeleteAnno Deletes all annotations of the specified type in the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::DeleteAnnotations(System::String annotType) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::DeleteAnnotations(System::String annotType) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | annotType | System::String | The type of annotation will be deleted. | -## Remarks - - - - - - annotType - - - The type of annotation will be deleted. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/exportannotationstoxfdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/exportannotationstoxfdf/ index b6e3d91ff1..ca54044bc2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/exportannotationstoxfdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/exportannotationstoxfdf/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExportAnnotationsToXfdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ExportAnnotationsToXfdf method. Exports annotations to stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/exportannotationstoxfdf/ --- ## PdfAnnotationEditor::ExportAnnotationsToXfdf method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/exportannotationstoxfdf/ Exports annotations to stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ExportAnnotationsToXfdf(System::SharedPtr xmlOutputStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ExportAnnotationsToXfdf(System::SharedPtr xmlOutputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | xmlOutputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - xmlOutputStream - - - Output stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/exportannotationsxfdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/exportannotationsxfdf/ index 693bf981d6..ebdc359464 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/exportannotationsxfdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/exportannotationsxfdf/ @@ -2,18 +2,18 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ExportAnnotationsXfdf method linktitle: ExportAnnotationsXfdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ExportAnnotationsXfdf method. Exports the content of the specified annotation types into XFDF in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ExportAnnotationsXfdf method. Exports the content of the specified annotations types into XFDF in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/exportannotationsxfdf/ --- -## PdfAnnotationEditor::ExportAnnotationsXfdf(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfAnnotationEditor::ExportAnnotationsXfdf(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Exports the content of the specified annotation types into XFDF. +Exports the content of the specified annotations types into XFDF. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ExportAnnotationsXfdf(System::SharedPtr xmlOutputStream, int32_t start, int32_t end, System::ArrayPtr annotTypes) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ExportAnnotationsXfdf(System::SharedPtr xmlOutputStream, int32_t start, int32_t end, System::ArrayPtr annotTypes) ``` @@ -22,56 +22,21 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ExportAnno | xmlOutputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The output XFDF stream. | | start | int32_t | Start page from which the annotations of the document will be exported. | | end | int32_t | End page to which the annotations of the document will be exported. | -| annotTypes | System::ArrayPtr\ | The array of annotation types need be exported. | -## Remarks - +| annotTypes | System::ArrayPtr\ | The array of annotation types need be exported. | - - - - xmlOutputStream - - - The output XFDF stream. - - - - - start - - - Start page from which the annotations of the document will be exported. - - - - - end - - - End page to which the annotations of the document will be exported. - - - - - annotTypes - - - The array of annotation types need be exported. - - - ## See Also +* Enum [AnnotationType](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationtype/) * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfAnnotationEditor::ExportAnnotationsXfdf(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfAnnotationEditor::ExportAnnotationsXfdf(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Exports the content of the specified annotations types into XFDF. +Exports the content of the specified annotation types into XFDF. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ExportAnnotationsXfdf(System::SharedPtr xmlOutputStream, int32_t start, int32_t end, System::ArrayPtr annotTypes) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ExportAnnotationsXfdf(System::SharedPtr xmlOutputStream, int32_t start, int32_t end, System::ArrayPtr annotTypes) ``` @@ -80,47 +45,10 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ExportAnno | xmlOutputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The output XFDF stream. | | start | int32_t | Start page from which the annotations of the document will be exported. | | end | int32_t | End page to which the annotations of the document will be exported. | -| annotTypes | System::ArrayPtr\ | The array of annotation types need be exported. | -## Remarks - +| annotTypes | System::ArrayPtr\ | The array of annotation types need be exported. | - - - - xmlOutputStream - - - The output XFDF stream. - - - - - start - - - Start page from which the annotations of the document will be exported. - - - - - end - - - End page to which the annotations of the document will be exported. - - - - - annotTypes - - - The array of annotation types need be exported. - - - ## See Also -* Enum [AnnotationType](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationtype/) * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/extractannotations/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/extractannotations/ index 37f9e5a152..aca4a056ab 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/extractannotations/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/extractannotations/ @@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ linktitle: ExtractAnnotations second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ExtractAnnotations method. Gets the list of annotations of the specified types in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/extractannotations/ --- -## PdfAnnotationEditor::ExtractAnnotations(int32_t, int32_t, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfAnnotationEditor::ExtractAnnotations(int32_t, int32_t, System::ArrayPtr\) method Gets the list of annotations of the specified types. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ExtractAnnotations(int32_t start, int32_t end, System::ArrayPtr annotTypes) +System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ExtractAnnotations(int32_t start, int32_t end, System::ArrayPtr annotTypes) ``` @@ -21,53 +21,26 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr | The array of needed annotation types. | +| annotTypes | System::ArrayPtr\ | The array of needed annotation types. | ### ReturnValue [Annotations](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/) list. -## Remarks - - - - - - start - - - Start page from which the annotations will be selected. - - - - - end - - - End page to which the annotations will be selected. - - - - - annotTypes - - - The array of needed annotation types. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/) +* Enum [AnnotationType](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationtype/) * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfAnnotationEditor::ExtractAnnotations(int32_t, int32_t, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfAnnotationEditor::ExtractAnnotations(int32_t, int32_t, System::ArrayPtr\) method Gets the list of annotations of the specified types. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ExtractAnnotations(int32_t start, int32_t end, System::ArrayPtr annotTypes) +System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ExtractAnnotations(int32_t start, int32_t end, System::ArrayPtr annotTypes) ``` @@ -75,44 +48,15 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr | The array of needed annotation types. | +| annotTypes | System::ArrayPtr\ | The array of needed annotation types. | ### ReturnValue [Annotations](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/) list. -## Remarks - - - - - - start - - - Start page from which the annotations will be selected. - - - - - end - - - End page to which the annotations will be selected. - - - - - annotTypes - - - The array of needed annotation types. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/) -* Enum [AnnotationType](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationtype/) * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/flatteningannotations/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/flatteningannotations/ index aa74c6ab2c..2dfdf422bc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/flatteningannotations/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/flatteningannotations/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: FlatteningAnnotations second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::FlatteningAnnotations method. Flattens all annotations in the document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/flatteningannotations/ --- ## PdfAnnotationEditor::FlatteningAnnotations() method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/flatteningannotations/ Flattens all annotations in the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::FlatteningAnnotations() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::FlatteningAnnotations() ``` ## See Also @@ -21,84 +21,44 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::Flattening * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfAnnotationEditor::FlatteningAnnotations(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfAnnotationEditor::FlatteningAnnotations(int32_t, int32_t, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Flattens all annotations in the document. +Flattens the annotations of the specified types. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::FlatteningAnnotations(System::SharedPtr flattenSettings) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::FlatteningAnnotations(int32_t start, int32_t end, System::ArrayPtr annotType) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| flattenSettings | System::SharedPtr\ | Specifies modes of flattening. | -## Remarks - - - - - - flattenSettings - - - Specifies modes of flattening. - - - +| start | int32_t | The start page. | +| end | int32_t | Then end page. | +| annotType | System::ArrayPtr\ | The annotation types should be flattened. | + ## See Also +* Enum [AnnotationType](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationtype/) * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfAnnotationEditor::FlatteningAnnotations(int32_t, int32_t, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfAnnotationEditor::FlatteningAnnotations(System::SharedPtr\) method -Flattens the annotations of the specified types. +Flattens all annotations in the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::FlatteningAnnotations(int32_t start, int32_t end, System::ArrayPtr annotType) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::FlatteningAnnotations(System::SharedPtr flattenSettings) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| start | int32_t | The start page. | -| end | int32_t | Then end page. | -| annotType | System::ArrayPtr\ | The annotation types should be flattened. | -## Remarks - - - - - - start - - - The start page. - - - - - end - - - Then end page. - - - - - annotType - - - The annotation types should be flattened. - - - +| flattenSettings | System::SharedPtr\ | Specifies modes of flattening. | + ## See Also -* Enum [AnnotationType](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationtype/) * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotationfromxfdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotationfromxfdf/ index 5c626e7641..dc20260aca 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotationfromxfdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotationfromxfdf/ @@ -2,162 +2,94 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf method linktitle: ImportAnnotationFromXfdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf method. Imports all annotations from XFDF file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf method. Imports all annotations from XFDF data stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotationfromxfdf/ --- -## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(System::String) method +## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(System::SharedPtr\) method -Imports all annotations from XFDF file. +Imports all annotations from XFDF data stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(System::String xfdfFile) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(System::SharedPtr xfdfStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| xfdfFile | System::String | The input XFDF file. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Method is obsolete, please use ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf instead - - - - - xfdfFile - - - The input XFDF file. - - - +| xfdfStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The input XFDF data stream. | + +## Deprecated +Method is obsolete, please use ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf instead + ## See Also * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Imports the specified annotations from XFDF file. +Imports the specified annotations from XFDF data stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(System::String xfdfFile, System::ArrayPtr annotType) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(System::SharedPtr xfdfStream, System::ArrayPtr annotType) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| xfdfFile | System::String | The input XFDF file. | -| annotType | System::ArrayPtr\ | The annotations array to be imported. | -## Remarks - - - - - - xfdfFile - - - The input XFDF file. - - - - - annotType - - - The annotations array to be imported. - - - +| xfdfStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The input XFDF data stream. | +| annotType | System::ArrayPtr\ | The array of annotation types to be imported. | + ## See Also * Enum [AnnotationType](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationtype/) * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(System::String) method -Imports the specified annotations from XFDF data stream. +Imports all annotations from XFDF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(System::SharedPtr xfdfStream, System::ArrayPtr annotType) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(System::String xfdfFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| xfdfStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The input XFDF data stream. | -| annotType | System::ArrayPtr\ | The array of annotation types to be imported. | -## Remarks - - - - - - xfdfStream - - - The input XFDF data stream. - - - - - annotType - - - The array of annotation types to be imported. - - - +| xfdfFile | System::String | The input XFDF file. | + +## Deprecated +Method is obsolete, please use ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf instead + ## See Also -* Enum [AnnotationType](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationtype/) * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Imports all annotations from XFDF data stream. +Imports the specified annotations from XFDF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(System::SharedPtr xfdfStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationFromXfdf(System::String xfdfFile, System::ArrayPtr annotType) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| xfdfStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The input XFDF data stream. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Method is obsolete, please use ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf instead - - - - - xfdfStream - - - The input XFDF data stream. - - - +| xfdfFile | System::String | The input XFDF file. | +| annotType | System::ArrayPtr\ | The annotations array to be imported. | + ## See Also +* Enum [AnnotationType](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationtype/) * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotations/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotations/ index 7a9750d515..faae5cd68b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotations/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotations/ @@ -2,152 +2,88 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations method linktitle: ImportAnnotations second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations method. Imports the specified annotations into document from array of another PDF documents in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations method. Imports annotations into document from array of another PDF document streams in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotations/ --- -## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations(System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations(System::ArrayPtr\\>) method -Imports the specified annotations into document from array of another PDF documents. +Imports annotations into document from array of another PDF document streams. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations(System::ArrayPtr annotFile, System::ArrayPtr annotType) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations(System::ArrayPtr> annotFileStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| annotFile | System::ArrayPtr\ | The array of paths of PDF documents that contain source annotations. | -| annotType | System::ArrayPtr\ | The array of annotation types to be imported. | -## Remarks - - - - - - annotFile - - - The array of paths of PDF documents that contain source annotations. - - - - - annotType - - - The array of annotation types to be imported. - - - +| annotFileStream | System::ArrayPtr\\> | The array of streams of PDF documents that contain source annotations. | + ## See Also -* Enum [AnnotationType](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationtype/) * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations(System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Imports annotations into document from array of another PDF documents. +Imports the specified annotations into document from array of another PDF document streams. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations(System::ArrayPtr annotFile) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations(System::ArrayPtr> annotFileStream, System::ArrayPtr annotType) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| annotFile | System::ArrayPtr\ | The array of paths of PDF documents that contain source annotations. | -## Remarks - - - - - - annotFile - - - The array of paths of PDF documents that contain source annotations. - - - +| annotFileStream | System::ArrayPtr\\> | The array of streams of PDF documents that contain source annotations. | +| annotType | System::ArrayPtr\ | The annotation types to be imported. | + ## See Also +* Enum [AnnotationType](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationtype/) * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations(System::ArrayPtr\) method -Imports the specified annotations into document from array of another PDF document streams. +Imports annotations into document from array of another PDF documents. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations(System::ArrayPtr> annotFileStream, System::ArrayPtr annotType) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations(System::ArrayPtr annotFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| annotFileStream | System::ArrayPtr\\> | The array of streams of PDF documents that contain source annotations. | -| annotType | System::ArrayPtr\ | The annotation types to be imported. | -## Remarks - - - - - - annotFileStream - - - The array of streams of PDF documents that contain source annotations. - - - - - annotType - - - The annotation types to be imported. - - - +| annotFile | System::ArrayPtr\ | The array of paths of PDF documents that contain source annotations. | + ## See Also -* Enum [AnnotationType](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationtype/) * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations(System::ArrayPtr\\>) method +## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations(System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Imports annotations into document from array of another PDF document streams. +Imports the specified annotations into document from array of another PDF documents. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations(System::ArrayPtr> annotFileStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotations(System::ArrayPtr annotFile, System::ArrayPtr annotType) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| annotFileStream | System::ArrayPtr\\> | The array of streams of PDF documents that contain source annotations. | -## Remarks - - - - - - annotFileStream - - - The array of streams of PDF documents that contain source annotations. - - - +| annotFile | System::ArrayPtr\ | The array of paths of PDF documents that contain source annotations. | +| annotType | System::ArrayPtr\ | The array of annotation types to be imported. | + ## See Also +* Enum [AnnotationType](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotationtype/) * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotationsfromfdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotationsfromfdf/ index 4628fee767..5ad1b98b9d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotationsfromfdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotationsfromfdf/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ImportAnnotationsFromFdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationsFromFdf method. Imports all annotations from FDF file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotationsfromfdf/ --- ## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationsFromFdf method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotationsfromfdf/ Imports all annotations from FDF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationsFromFdf(System::String fdfFile) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationsFromFdf(System::String fdfFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | fdfFile | System::String | The input FDF file. | -## Remarks - - - - - fdfFile - - - The input FDF file. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotationsfromxfdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotationsfromxfdf/ index fa3e570644..f1e805ce63 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotationsfromxfdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotationsfromxfdf/ @@ -2,68 +2,44 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf method linktitle: ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf method. Imports all annotations from XFDF file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf method. Imports all annotations from XFDF data stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/importannotationsfromxfdf/ --- -## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf(System::String) method +## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf(System::SharedPtr\) method -Imports all annotations from XFDF file. +Imports all annotations from XFDF data stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf(System::String xfdfFile) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf(System::SharedPtr xfdfStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| xfdfFile | System::String | The input XFDF file. | -## Remarks - +| xfdfStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The input XFDF data stream. | - - - - xfdfFile - - - The input XFDF file. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf(System::String) method -Imports all annotations from XFDF data stream. +Imports all annotations from XFDF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf(System::SharedPtr xfdfStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ImportAnnotationsFromXfdf(System::String xfdfFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| xfdfStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The input XFDF data stream. | -## Remarks - +| xfdfFile | System::String | The input XFDF file. | - - - - xfdfStream - - - The input XFDF data stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/modifyannotations/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/modifyannotations/ index 7e280dff91..b00b3f684e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/modifyannotations/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/modifyannotations/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ModifyAnnotations second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ModifyAnnotations method. Modifies the annotations of the specifed type on the specified page range. It supports to modify next annotation properties: Modified, Title, Contents, Color, Subject and Open in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/modifyannotations/ --- ## PdfAnnotationEditor::ModifyAnnotations method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/modifyannotations/ Modifies the annotations of the specifed type on the specified page range. It supports to modify next annotation properties: Modified, Title, Contents, [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/), Subject and Open. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ModifyAnnotations(int32_t start, int32_t end, System::SharedPtr annotation) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ModifyAnnotations(int32_t start, int32_t end, System::SharedPtr annotation) ``` @@ -22,35 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ModifyAnno | start | int32_t | The start page number. | | end | int32_t | The end page number. | | annotation | System::SharedPtr\ | The annotation object contains new properties. | -## Remarks - - - - - start - - - The start page number. - - - - - end - - - The end page number. - - - - - annotation - - - The annotation object contains new properties. - - - ## See Also * Class [Annotation](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/annotation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/modifyannotationsauthor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/modifyannotationsauthor/ index dc7b61600a..946c2d7f04 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/modifyannotationsauthor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/modifyannotationsauthor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ModifyAnnotationsAuthor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ModifyAnnotationsAuthor method. Modifies the author of annotations on the specified page range in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/modifyannotationsauthor/ --- ## PdfAnnotationEditor::ModifyAnnotationsAuthor method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/modifyannotationsauthor/ Modifies the author of annotations on the specified page range. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ModifyAnnotationsAuthor(int32_t start, int32_t end, System::String srcAuthor, System::String desAuthor) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ModifyAnnotationsAuthor(int32_t start, int32_t end, System::String srcAuthor, System::String desAuthor) ``` @@ -23,43 +23,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::ModifyAnno | end | int32_t | The end page number. | | srcAuthor | System::String | The author that must be modified. | | desAuthor | System::String | The new author. | -## Remarks - - - - - start - - - The start page number. - - - - - end - - - The end page number. - - - - - srcAuthor - - - The author that must be modified. - - - - - desAuthor - - - The new author. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/pdfannotationeditor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/pdfannotationeditor/ index a3e002542f..2dfd177f3e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/pdfannotationeditor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/pdfannotationeditor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PdfAnnotationEditor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::PdfAnnotationEditor constructor. Initializes new PdfAnnotationEditor object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/pdfannotationeditor/ --- ## PdfAnnotationEditor::PdfAnnotationEditor() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/pdfannotationeditor/ Initializes new [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::PdfAnnotationEditor() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::PdfAnnotationEditor() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,27 +27,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::PdfAnnotationEd Initializes new [PdfAnnotationEditor](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::PdfAnnotationEditor(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::PdfAnnotationEditor(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/redactarea/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/redactarea/ index 2d53e8f181..b2a4c9fd31 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/redactarea/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/redactarea/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfannotationeditor/redactarea/ Redacts area on the specified page. All contents is removed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::RedactArea(int32_t pageIndex, System::SharedPtr rect, System::Drawing::Color color) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::RedactArea(int32_t pageIndex, System::SharedPtr rect, System::Drawing::Color color) ``` @@ -22,35 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfAnnotationEditor::RedactArea | pageIndex | int32_t | Index of the page. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | Area rectangle. | | color | System::Drawing::Color | Filling color. | -## Remarks - - - - - pageIndex - - - Index of the page. - - - - - rect - - - Area rectangle. - - - - - color - - - Filling color. - - - ## See Also * Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/createbookmarkofpage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/createbookmarkofpage/ index c9e3e49be6..6068fa31aa 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/createbookmarkofpage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/createbookmarkofpage/ @@ -2,88 +2,46 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarkOfPage method linktitle: CreateBookmarkOfPage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarkOfPage method. Creates bookmark for the specified page in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarkOfPage method. Creates bookmarks for the specified pages in C++.' type: docs weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/createbookmarkofpage/ --- -## PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarkOfPage(System::String, int32_t) method +## PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarkOfPage(System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Creates bookmark for the specified page. +Creates bookmarks for the specified pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarkOfPage(System::String bookmarkName, int32_t pageNumber) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarkOfPage(System::ArrayPtr bookmarkName, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| bookmarkName | System::String | The specified bookmark name. | -| pageNumber | int32_t | The specified desination page. | -## Remarks - +| bookmarkName | System::ArrayPtr\ | [Bookmarks](../../bookmarks/) title array. | +| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | [Bookmarks](../../bookmarks/) desination page array. | - - - - bookmarkName - - - The specified bookmark name. - - - - - pageNumber - - - The specified desination page. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarkOfPage(System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarkOfPage(System::String, int32_t) method -Creates bookmarks for the specified pages. +Creates bookmark for the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarkOfPage(System::ArrayPtr bookmarkName, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarkOfPage(System::String bookmarkName, int32_t pageNumber) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| bookmarkName | System::ArrayPtr\ | [Bookmarks](../../bookmarks/) title array. | -| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | [Bookmarks](../../bookmarks/) desination page array. | -## Remarks - +| bookmarkName | System::String | The specified bookmark name. | +| pageNumber | int32_t | The specified desination page. | - - - - bookmarkName - - - - Bookmarks title array. - - - - - pageNumber - - - - Bookmarks desination page array. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/createbookmarks/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/createbookmarks/ index 6e70c17bd4..19f5285378 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/createbookmarks/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/createbookmarks/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CreateBookmarks second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarks method. Creates bookmarks for all pages in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/createbookmarks/ --- ## PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarks() method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/createbookmarks/ Creates bookmarks for all pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarks() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarks() ``` ## See Also @@ -21,84 +21,44 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookma * Class [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarks(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarks(System::Drawing::Color, bool, bool) method -Creates the specified bookmark in the document. The method can be used for forming nested bookmarks hierarchy. +Create bookmarks for all pages with specified color and style (bold, italic). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarks(System::SharedPtr bookmark) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarks(System::Drawing::Color color, bool boldFlag, bool italicFlag) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| bookmark | System::SharedPtr\ | The bookmark will be added to the document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - bookmark - - - The bookmark will be added to the document. - - - +| color | System::Drawing::Color | The color of title. | +| boldFlag | bool | The flag of bold attribution. | +| italicFlag | bool | The flag of italic attribution. | + ## See Also -* Class [Bookmark](../../bookmark/) * Class [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarks(System::Drawing::Color, bool, bool) method +## PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarks(System::SharedPtr\) method -Create bookmarks for all pages with specified color and style (bold, italic). +Creates the specified bookmark in the document. The method can be used for forming nested bookmarks hierarchy. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarks(System::Drawing::Color color, bool boldFlag, bool italicFlag) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::CreateBookmarks(System::SharedPtr bookmark) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| color | System::Drawing::Color | The color of title. | -| boldFlag | bool | The flag of bold attribution. | -| italicFlag | bool | The flag of italic attribution. | -## Remarks - - - - - - color - - - The color of title. - - - - - boldFlag - - - The flag of bold attribution. - - - - - italicFlag - - - The flag of italic attribution. - - - +| bookmark | System::SharedPtr\ | The bookmark will be added to the document. | + ## See Also +* Class [Bookmark](../../bookmark/) * Class [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/deletebookmarks/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/deletebookmarks/ index db56700168..757c34d958 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/deletebookmarks/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/deletebookmarks/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DeleteBookmarks second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::DeleteBookmarks method. Deletes all bookmarks of the PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/deletebookmarks/ --- ## PdfBookmarkEditor::DeleteBookmarks() method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/deletebookmarks/ Deletes all bookmarks of the PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::DeleteBookmarks() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::DeleteBookmarks() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,26 +27,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::DeleteBookma Deletes the bookmark of the PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::DeleteBookmarks(System::String title) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::DeleteBookmarks(System::String title) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | title | System::String | The title of bookmark deleted. | -## Remarks - - - - - - title - - - The title of bookmark deleted. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/exportbookmarkstohtml/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/exportbookmarkstohtml/ index 78512a86d2..316dcd6724 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/exportbookmarkstohtml/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/exportbookmarkstohtml/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/exportbookmarkstohtml/ Exports bookmarks to HTML file. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExportBookmarksToHtml(System::String inPdfFile, System::String outHtmlFile) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExportBookmarksToHtml(System::String inPdfFile, System::String outHtmlFile) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::Expor | --- | --- | --- | | inPdfFile | System::String | Input PDF file which bookmarks will be exported. | | outHtmlFile | System::String | Output HTML file | -## Remarks - - - - - inPdfFile - - - Input PDF file which bookmarks will be exported. - - - - - outHtmlFile - - - Output HTML file - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/exportbookmarkstoxml/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/exportbookmarkstoxml/ index f660824047..42f04d7176 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/exportbookmarkstoxml/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/exportbookmarkstoxml/ @@ -2,68 +2,44 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExportBookmarksToXML method linktitle: ExportBookmarksToXML second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExportBookmarksToXML method. Exports bookmarks to XML file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExportBookmarksToXML method. Exports bookmarks to XML stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/exportbookmarkstoxml/ --- -## PdfBookmarkEditor::ExportBookmarksToXML(System::String) method +## PdfBookmarkEditor::ExportBookmarksToXML(System::SharedPtr\) method -Exports bookmarks to XML file. +Exports bookmarks to XML stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExportBookmarksToXML(System::String xmlFile) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExportBookmarksToXML(System::SharedPtr stream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| xmlFile | System::String | The output XML file. | -## Remarks - +| stream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream where data will be stored. | - - - - xmlFile - - - The output XML file. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfBookmarkEditor::ExportBookmarksToXML(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfBookmarkEditor::ExportBookmarksToXML(System::String) method -Exports bookmarks to XML stream. +Exports bookmarks to XML file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExportBookmarksToXML(System::SharedPtr stream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExportBookmarksToXML(System::String xmlFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| stream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream where data will be stored. | -## Remarks - +| xmlFile | System::String | The output XML file. | - - - - stream - - - Output stream where data will be stored. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/extractbookmarks/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/extractbookmarks/ index 560c34f9f7..74e443c817 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/extractbookmarks/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/extractbookmarks/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExtractBookmarks second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarks method. Extracts bookmarks of all levels from the document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/extractbookmarks/ --- ## PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarks() method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/extractbookmarks/ Extracts bookmarks of all levels from the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarks() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarks() ``` @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ The bookmarks collection of all bookmarks that exist in the document. Extracts bookmarks of all levels from the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarks(bool upperLevel) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarks(bool upperLevel) ``` @@ -44,95 +44,59 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBook ### ReturnValue List of extracted bookmarks. -## Remarks - - - - - - upperLevel - - - If true, extracts only upper level bookmarks. Else, extracts all bookmarks recursively. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Bookmarks](../../bookmarks/) * Class [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarks(System::String) method +## PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarks(System::SharedPtr\) method -Extracts the bookmarks with the specified title. +Extracts the children of a bookmark with a title like in specified bookamrk. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarks(System::String title) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarks(System::SharedPtr bookmark) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| title | System::String | Extracted item title. | +| bookmark | System::SharedPtr\ | The specified bookamrk. | ### ReturnValue -[Bookmark](../../bookmark/) collection has items with the same title. -## Remarks - - - - - - title - - - Extracted item title. - - - +[Bookmark](../../bookmark/) collection with child bookmarks. + ## See Also * Class [Bookmarks](../../bookmarks/) +* Class [Bookmark](../../bookmark/) * Class [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarks(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarks(System::String) method -Extracts the children of a bookmark with a title like in specified bookamrk. +Extracts the bookmarks with the specified title. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarks(System::SharedPtr bookmark) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarks(System::String title) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| bookmark | System::SharedPtr\ | The specified bookamrk. | +| title | System::String | Extracted item title. | ### ReturnValue -[Bookmark](../../bookmark/) collection with child bookmarks. -## Remarks - - - - - - bookmark - - - The specified bookamrk. - - - +[Bookmark](../../bookmark/) collection has items with the same title. + ## See Also * Class [Bookmarks](../../bookmarks/) -* Class [Bookmark](../../bookmark/) * Class [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/extractbookmarkstohtml/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/extractbookmarkstohtml/ index 5257659d86..a85123cac6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/extractbookmarkstohtml/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/extractbookmarkstohtml/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExtractBookmarksToHTML second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarksToHTML method. Exports bookmarks to HTML file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/extractbookmarkstohtml/ --- ## PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarksToHTML method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/extractbookmarkstohtml/ Exports bookmarks to HTML file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarksToHTML(System::String pdfFile, System::String cssFile) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookmarksToHTML(System::String pdfFile, System::String cssFile) ``` @@ -21,32 +21,10 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ExtractBookm | --- | --- | --- | | pdfFile | System::String | The PDF file which bookmarks will be exported. | | cssFile | System::String | The CSS file to display HTML file, can be null. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use PdfBookmarkEditor.ExportBookmarksToHtml instead. - - - - - pdfFile - - - The PDF file which bookmarks will be exported. - - - - - cssFile - - - The CSS file to display HTML file, can be null. - - - + +## Deprecated +Use PdfBookmarkEditor.ExportBookmarksToHtml instead. + ## See Also * Class [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/importbookmarkswithxml/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/importbookmarkswithxml/ index e7999a1505..2790ecd764 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/importbookmarkswithxml/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/importbookmarkswithxml/ @@ -7,63 +7,39 @@ type: docs weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/importbookmarkswithxml/ --- -## PdfBookmarkEditor::ImportBookmarksWithXML(System::String) method +## PdfBookmarkEditor::ImportBookmarksWithXML(System::SharedPtr\) method Imports bookmarks to the document from XML file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ImportBookmarksWithXML(System::String xmlFile) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ImportBookmarksWithXML(System::SharedPtr stream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| xmlFile | System::String | The XML file containing bookmarks list. | -## Remarks - +| stream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream with bookmarks data. | - - - - xmlFile - - - The XML file containing bookmarks list. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfBookmarkEditor::ImportBookmarksWithXML(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfBookmarkEditor::ImportBookmarksWithXML(System::String) method Imports bookmarks to the document from XML file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ImportBookmarksWithXML(System::SharedPtr stream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ImportBookmarksWithXML(System::String xmlFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| stream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream with bookmarks data. | -## Remarks - +| xmlFile | System::String | The XML file containing bookmarks list. | - - - - stream - - - Stream with bookmarks data. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/modifybookmarks/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/modifybookmarks/ index 711211b861..f6cc89aae1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/modifybookmarks/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/modifybookmarks/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ModifyBookmarks second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ModifyBookmarks method. Modifys bookmark title according to the specified bookmark title in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/modifybookmarks/ --- ## PdfBookmarkEditor::ModifyBookmarks method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/modifybookmarks/ Modifys bookmark title according to the specified bookmark title. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ModifyBookmarks(System::String sTitle, System::String dTitle) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ModifyBookmarks(System::String sTitle, System::String dTitle) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::ModifyBookma | --- | --- | --- | | sTitle | System::String | Source bookmark title. | | dTitle | System::String | Modified bookmark title. | -## Remarks - - - - - sTitle - - - Source bookmark title. - - - - - dTitle - - - Modified bookmark title. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/pdfbookmarkeditor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/pdfbookmarkeditor/ index f842d52c75..dd0b91fa34 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/pdfbookmarkeditor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/pdfbookmarkeditor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PdfBookmarkEditor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::PdfBookmarkEditor constructor. Initializes new PdfBookmarkEditor object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/pdfbookmarkeditor/ --- ## PdfBookmarkEditor::PdfBookmarkEditor() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfbookmarkeditor/pdfbookmarkeditor/ Initializes new [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::PdfBookmarkEditor() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::PdfBookmarkEditor() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,27 +27,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::PdfBookmarkEditor Initializes new [PdfBookmarkEditor](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::PdfBookmarkEditor(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfBookmarkEditor::PdfBookmarkEditor(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/adddocumentadditionalaction/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/adddocumentadditionalaction/ index 42c4d36060..8cd110b443 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/adddocumentadditionalaction/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/adddocumentadditionalaction/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddDocumentAdditionalAction second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::AddDocumentAdditionalAction method. Adds additional action for document event in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3200 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/adddocumentadditionalaction/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::AddDocumentAdditionalAction method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/adddocumentadditionalaction/ Adds additional action for document event. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::AddDocumentAdditionalAction(System::String eventType, System::String code) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::AddDocumentAdditionalAction(System::String eventType, System::String code) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::AddDocumentAd | --- | --- | --- | | eventType | System::String | The document event types. | | code | System::String | The code of JavaScript. | -## Remarks - - - - - eventType - - - The document event types. - - - - - code - - - The code of JavaScript. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/adddocumentattachment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/adddocumentattachment/ index ef600a539f..1baf275c4d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/adddocumentattachment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/adddocumentattachment/ @@ -4,95 +4,47 @@ linktitle: AddDocumentAttachment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::AddDocumentAttachment method. Adds document attachment with no annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/adddocumentattachment/ --- -## PdfContentEditor::AddDocumentAttachment(System::String, System::String) method +## PdfContentEditor::AddDocumentAttachment(System::SharedPtr\, System::String, System::String) method Adds document attachment with no annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::AddDocumentAttachment(System::String fileAttachmentPath, System::String description) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::AddDocumentAttachment(System::SharedPtr fileAttachmentStream, System::String fileAttachmentName, System::String description) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| fileAttachmentPath | System::String | The path of the file will be attached. | +| fileAttachmentStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream of the file will be attached. | +| fileAttachmentName | System::String | The attachment name. | | description | System::String | The description information. | -## Remarks - - - - - - fileAttachmentPath - - - The path of the file will be attached. - - - - - description - - - The description information. - - - + + + ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfContentEditor::AddDocumentAttachment(System::SharedPtr\, System::String, System::String) method +## PdfContentEditor::AddDocumentAttachment(System::String, System::String) method Adds document attachment with no annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::AddDocumentAttachment(System::SharedPtr fileAttachmentStream, System::String fileAttachmentName, System::String description) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::AddDocumentAttachment(System::String fileAttachmentPath, System::String description) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| fileAttachmentStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream of the file will be attached. | -| fileAttachmentName | System::String | The attachment name. | +| fileAttachmentPath | System::String | The path of the file will be attached. | | description | System::String | The description information. | -## Remarks - - - - - - fileAttachmentStream - - - The stream of the file will be attached. - - - - - fileAttachmentName - - - The attachment name. - - - - - - - description - - - The description information. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/bindpdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/bindpdf/ index ba01de8476..28ab40c2d3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/bindpdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/bindpdf/ @@ -2,68 +2,44 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::BindPdf method linktitle: BindPdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::BindPdf method. Binds a PDF file for editing in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::BindPdf method. Binds a PDF stream for editing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/bindpdf/ --- -## PdfContentEditor::BindPdf(System::String) method +## PdfContentEditor::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method -Binds a PDF file for editing. +Binds a PDF stream for editing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::BindPdf(System::String inputFile) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr inputStream) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | A PDF file to be edited. | -## Remarks - +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | A PDF stream to be edited. | - - - - inputFile - - - A PDF file to be edited. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfContentEditor::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfContentEditor::BindPdf(System::String) method -Binds a PDF stream for editing. +Binds a PDF file for editing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr inputStream) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::BindPdf(System::String inputFile) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | A PDF stream to be edited. | -## Remarks - +| inputFile | System::String | A PDF file to be edited. | - - - - inputStream - - - A PDF stream to be edited. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/changeviewerpreference/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/changeviewerpreference/ index 816d011c55..131ba7d1e3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/changeviewerpreference/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/changeviewerpreference/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ChangeViewerPreference second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ChangeViewerPreference method. Changes the view preference in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3400 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/changeviewerpreference/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::ChangeViewerPreference method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/changeviewerpreference/ Changes the view preference. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ChangeViewerPreference(int32_t viewerAttribution) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ChangeViewerPreference(int32_t viewerAttribution) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | viewerAttribution | int32_t | The view attribution defined in the [ViewerPreference](../../viewerpreference/) class. | -## Remarks - - - - - viewerAttribution - - - The view attribution defined in the ViewerPreference class. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/close/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/close/ index 4394b8ecff..9a39678527 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/close/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/close/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Close second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::Close method. Closes opened document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5000 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/close/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::Close method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/close/ Closes opened document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::Close() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::Close() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createapplicationlink/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createapplicationlink/ index f6649def0b..5c95452a18 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createapplicationlink/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createapplicationlink/ @@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ linktitle: CreateApplicationLink second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateApplicationLink method. Creates a link to launch an application in PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createapplicationlink/ --- -## PdfContentEditor::CreateApplicationLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, int32_t, System::Drawing::Color, System::ArrayPtr\\>) method +## PdfContentEditor::CreateApplicationLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, int32_t) method Creates a link to launch an application in PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateApplicationLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String application, int32_t page, System::Drawing::Color clr, System::ArrayPtr> actionName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateApplicationLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String application, int32_t page) ``` @@ -22,54 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateApplica | rect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The rectangle for active click. | | application | System::String | The path of application to be launched. | | page | int32_t | The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. | -| clr | System::Drawing::Color | The colour of rectangle for active click. | -| actionName | System::ArrayPtr\\> | The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer. | -## Remarks - - - - - rect - - - The rectangle for active click. - - - - - application - - - The path of application to be launched. - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. - - - - - clr - - - The colour of rectangle for active click. - - - - - actionName - - - The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer. - - - -/// ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) @@ -81,7 +34,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateApplica Creates a link to launch an application in PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateApplicationLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String application, int32_t page, System::Drawing::Color clr) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateApplicationLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String application, int32_t page, System::Drawing::Color clr) ``` @@ -91,55 +44,19 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateApplica | application | System::String | The path of application to be launched. | | page | int32_t | The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. | | clr | System::Drawing::Color | The colour of rectangle for active click. | -## Remarks - - - - - rect - - - The rectangle for active click. - - - - - application - - - The path of application to be launched. - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. - - - - - clr - - - The colour of rectangle for active click. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfContentEditor::CreateApplicationLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, int32_t) method +## PdfContentEditor::CreateApplicationLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, int32_t, System::Drawing::Color, System::ArrayPtr\\>) method Creates a link to launch an application in PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateApplicationLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String application, int32_t page) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateApplicationLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String application, int32_t page, System::Drawing::Color clr, System::ArrayPtr> actionName) ``` @@ -148,35 +65,13 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateApplica | rect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The rectangle for active click. | | application | System::String | The path of application to be launched. | | page | int32_t | The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. | +| clr | System::Drawing::Color | The colour of rectangle for active click. | +| actionName | System::ArrayPtr\\> | The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer. | ## Remarks - - - - rect - - - The rectangle for active click. - - - - - application - - - The path of application to be launched. - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. - - - + +/// ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createbookmarksaction/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createbookmarksaction/ index 90c95238cc..33ab763c78 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createbookmarksaction/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createbookmarksaction/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CreateBookmarksAction second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateBookmarksAction method. Creates a bookmark with the specified action in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3100 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createbookmarksaction/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::CreateBookmarksAction method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createbookmarksaction/ Creates a bookmark with the specified action. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateBookmarksAction(System::String title, System::Drawing::Color color, bool boldFlag, bool italicFlag, System::String file, System::String actionType, System::String destination) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateBookmarksAction(System::String title, System::Drawing::Color color, bool boldFlag, bool italicFlag, System::String file, System::String actionType, System::String destination) ``` @@ -26,67 +26,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateBookmar | file | System::String | Another file or application required when the action type is "GoToR" or "Launch". | | actionType | System::String | The action type. The value can be: "GoToR", "Launch", "GoTo", "URI". | | destination | System::String | The local destination or remote destination or URL. | -## Remarks - - - - - title - - - The title of the bookmark. - - - - - color - - - The colour of the bookmark's title. - - - - - boldFlag - - - The flag of bold attribution. - - - - - italicFlag - - - The flag of italic attribution. - - - - - file - - - Another file or application required when the action type is "GoToR" or "Launch". - - - - - actionType - - - The action type. The value can be: "GoToR", "Launch", "GoTo", "URI". - - - - - destination - - - The local destination or remote destination or URL. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createcaret/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createcaret/ index 99eb33ae1a..faa046dc0c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createcaret/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createcaret/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CreateCaret second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateCaret method. Creates caret annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2900 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createcaret/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::CreateCaret method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createcaret/ Creates caret annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateCaret(int32_t page, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::Drawing::Rectangle caretRect, System::String symbol, System::String annotContents, System::Drawing::Color color) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateCaret(int32_t page, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::Drawing::Rectangle caretRect, System::String symbol, System::String annotContents, System::Drawing::Color color) ``` @@ -25,60 +25,8 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateCaret(i | symbol | System::String | A symbol will be associated with the caret. Value can be: "P" (Paragraph), "None". | | annotContents | System::String | The contents of the annotation. | | color | System::Drawing::Color | The color of the annotation. | -## Remarks - - - - page - - - The number of original page where the annotation will be created. - - - - - annotRect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - caretRect - - - The actual boundaries of the underlying caret. - - - - - symbol - - - A symbol will be associated with the caret. Value can be: "P" (Paragraph), "None". - - - - - annotContents - - - The contents of the annotation. - - - - - color - - - The color of the annotation. - - - - ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createcustomactionlink/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createcustomactionlink/ index e1b837b4a8..63dcb95f63 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createcustomactionlink/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createcustomactionlink/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CreateCustomActionLink second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateCustomActionLink method. Creates a link to custom actions in PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createcustomactionlink/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::CreateCustomActionLink method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createcustomactionlink/ Creates a link to custom actions in PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateCustomActionLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, int32_t originalPage, System::Drawing::Color color, System::ArrayPtr> actionName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateCustomActionLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, int32_t originalPage, System::Drawing::Color color, System::ArrayPtr> actionName) ``` @@ -26,40 +26,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateCustomA ## Remarks - - - - rect - - - The rectangle for active click. - - - - - originalPage - - - The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. - - - - - color - - - The colour of rectangle for active click. - - - - - actionName - - - The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer. - - - + /// ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createfileattachment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createfileattachment/ index ba249fd322..01a82e71f0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createfileattachment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createfileattachment/ @@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ linktitle: CreateFileAttachment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAttachment method. Creates file attachment annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createfileattachment/ --- -## PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAttachment(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, System::String, int32_t, System::String) method +## PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAttachment(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::String, int32_t, System::String) method Creates file attachment annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAttachment(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, System::String filePath, int32_t page, System::String name) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAttachment(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, System::SharedPtr attachmentStream, System::String attachmentName, int32_t page, System::String name) ``` @@ -21,66 +21,23 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAtt | --- | --- | --- | | rect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. | | contents | System::String | The contents of the annotation. | -| filePath | System::String | The path of the file will be attached. | +| attachmentStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The attachment file stream. | +| attachmentName | System::String | The attachment name. | | page | int32_t | The number of original page where the annotation will be created. | | name | System::String | The name of an icon will be used in displaying the annotation. This value can be: "Graph", "PushPin", "Paperclip", "Tag". | -## Remarks - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - contents - - - The contents of the annotation. - - - - - filePath - - - The path of the file will be attached. - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where the annotation will be created. - - - - - name - - - The name of an icon will be used in displaying the annotation. This value can be: "Graph", "PushPin", "Paperclip", "Tag". - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAttachment(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, System::String, int32_t, System::String, double) method +## PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAttachment(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::String, int32_t, System::String, double) method Creates file attachment annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAttachment(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, System::String filePath, int32_t page, System::String name, double opacity) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAttachment(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, System::SharedPtr attachmentStream, System::String attachmentName, int32_t page, System::String name, double opacity) ``` @@ -88,75 +45,24 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAtt | --- | --- | --- | | rect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. | | contents | System::String | The contents of the annotation. | -| filePath | System::String | The path of the file will be attached. | +| attachmentStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The attachment file stream. | +| attachmentName | System::String | The attachment name. | | page | int32_t | The number of original page where the annotation will be created. | | name | System::String | The name of an icon will be used in displaying the annotation. This value can be: "Graph", "PushPin", "Paperclip", "Tag". | | opacity | double | Icon's opacity from 0 to 1: 0 - completely transparant, 1 - completely opaque. | -## Remarks - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - contents - - - The contents of the annotation. - - - - - filePath - - - The path of the file will be attached. - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where the annotation will be created. - - - - - name - - - The name of an icon will be used in displaying the annotation. This value can be: "Graph", "PushPin", "Paperclip", "Tag". - - - - - opacity - - - Icon's opacity from 0 to 1: 0 - completely transparant, 1 - completely opaque. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAttachment(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::String, int32_t, System::String) method +## PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAttachment(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, System::String, int32_t, System::String) method Creates file attachment annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAttachment(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, System::SharedPtr attachmentStream, System::String attachmentName, int32_t page, System::String name) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAttachment(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, System::String filePath, int32_t page, System::String name) ``` @@ -164,75 +70,22 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAtt | --- | --- | --- | | rect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. | | contents | System::String | The contents of the annotation. | -| attachmentStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The attachment file stream. | -| attachmentName | System::String | The attachment name. | +| filePath | System::String | The path of the file will be attached. | | page | int32_t | The number of original page where the annotation will be created. | | name | System::String | The name of an icon will be used in displaying the annotation. This value can be: "Graph", "PushPin", "Paperclip", "Tag". | -## Remarks - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - contents - - - The contents of the annotation. - - - - - attachmentStream - - - The attachment file stream. - - - - - attachmentName - - - The attachment name. - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where the annotation will be created. - - - - - name - - - The name of an icon will be used in displaying the annotation. This value can be: "Graph", "PushPin", "Paperclip", "Tag". - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAttachment(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::String, int32_t, System::String, double) method +## PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAttachment(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, System::String, int32_t, System::String, double) method Creates file attachment annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAttachment(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, System::SharedPtr attachmentStream, System::String attachmentName, int32_t page, System::String name, double opacity) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAttachment(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, System::String filePath, int32_t page, System::String name, double opacity) ``` @@ -240,72 +93,11 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateFileAtt | --- | --- | --- | | rect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. | | contents | System::String | The contents of the annotation. | -| attachmentStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The attachment file stream. | -| attachmentName | System::String | The attachment name. | +| filePath | System::String | The path of the file will be attached. | | page | int32_t | The number of original page where the annotation will be created. | | name | System::String | The name of an icon will be used in displaying the annotation. This value can be: "Graph", "PushPin", "Paperclip", "Tag". | | opacity | double | Icon's opacity from 0 to 1: 0 - completely transparant, 1 - completely opaque. | -## Remarks - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - contents - - - The contents of the annotation. - - - - - attachmentStream - - - The attachment file stream. - - - - - attachmentName - - - The attachment name. - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where the annotation will be created. - - - - - name - - - The name of an icon will be used in displaying the annotation. This value can be: "Graph", "PushPin", "Paperclip", "Tag". - - - - - opacity - - - Icon's opacity from 0 to 1: 0 - completely transparant, 1 - completely opaque. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createfreetext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createfreetext/ index 8dccf94d15..e46168d25f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createfreetext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createfreetext/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CreateFreeText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateFreeText method. Creates free text annotation in PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createfreetext/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::CreateFreeText method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createfreetext/ Creates free text annotation in PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateFreeText(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, int32_t page) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateFreeText(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, int32_t page) ``` @@ -22,35 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateFreeTex | rect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. | | contents | System::String | The contents of the annotation. | | page | int32_t | The number of original page where the text annotation will be created. | -## Remarks - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - contents - - - The contents of the annotation. - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where the text annotation will be created. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createjavascriptlink/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createjavascriptlink/ index 5130b4ef19..0c5f7ae458 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createjavascriptlink/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createjavascriptlink/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CreateJavaScriptLink second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateJavaScriptLink method. Creates a link to JavaScript in PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createjavascriptlink/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::CreateJavaScriptLink method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createjavascriptlink/ Creates a link to JavaScript in PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateJavaScriptLink(System::String code, System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, int32_t originalPage, System::Drawing::Color color) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateJavaScriptLink(System::String code, System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, int32_t originalPage, System::Drawing::Color color) ``` @@ -23,43 +23,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateJavaScr | rect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The rectangle for active click. | | originalPage | int32_t | The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. | | color | System::Drawing::Color | The colour of rectangle for active click. | -## Remarks - - - - - code - - - The JavaScript code. - - - - - rect - - - The rectangle for active click. - - - - - originalPage - - - The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. - - - - - color - - - The colour of rectangle for active click. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createline/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createline/ index 5d3dc95c38..1fa01352ae 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createline/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createline/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CreateLine second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateLine method. Creates line annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createline/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::CreateLine method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createline/ Creates line annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateLine(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int32_t page, int32_t border, System::Drawing::Color clr, System::String borderStyle, System::ArrayPtr dashArray, System::ArrayPtr LEArray) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateLine(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int32_t page, int32_t border, System::Drawing::Color clr, System::String borderStyle, System::ArrayPtr dashArray, System::ArrayPtr LEArray) ``` @@ -31,107 +31,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateLine(Sy | borderStyle | System::String | The border style specifying the width and dash pattern to be used in drawing the line. This value can be: "S" (Solid), "D" (Dashed), "B" (Beveled), "I" (Inset), "U" (Underline). | | dashArray | System::ArrayPtr\ | A dash array defining a pattern of dashes and gaps to be used in drawing a dashed border. If it is used, borderSyle must be accordingly set to "D". | | LEArray | System::ArrayPtr\ | An array of two values respectively specifying the beginning and ending style of the drawing line. The values can be: "Square", "Circle", "Diamond", "OpenArrow", "ClosedArrow", "None", "Butt", "ROpenArrow", "RClosedArrow", "Slash". | -## Remarks - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - contents - - - The contents of the annotation. - - - - - x1 - - - The starting horizontal coordinate of the line. - - - - - y1 - - - The starting vertical coordinate of the line. - - - - - x2 - - - The ending horizontal coordinate of the line. - - - - - y2 - - - The ending vertical coordinate of the line. - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where the annotation will be created. - - - - - border - - - The border width in points. If this value is 0 no border is drawn. Default value is 1. - - - - - clr - - - The color of line. - - - - - borderStyle - - - The border style specifying the width and dash pattern to be used in drawing the line. This value can be: "S" (Solid), "D" (Dashed), "B" (Beveled), "I" (Inset), "U" (Underline). - - - - - dashArray - - - A dash array defining a pattern of dashes and gaps to be used in drawing a dashed border. If it is used, borderSyle must be accordingly set to "D". - - - - - LEArray - - - An array of two values respectively specifying the beginning and ending style of the drawing line. The values can be: "Square", "Circle", "Diamond", "OpenArrow", "ClosedArrow", "None", "Butt", "ROpenArrow", "RClosedArrow", "Slash". - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createlocallink/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createlocallink/ index 5b60c13401..6b6efcde4f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createlocallink/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createlocallink/ @@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ linktitle: CreateLocalLink second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateLocalLink method. Creates a local link in PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createlocallink/ --- -## PdfContentEditor::CreateLocalLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle, int32_t, int32_t, System::Drawing::Color, System::ArrayPtr\\>) method +## PdfContentEditor::CreateLocalLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle, int32_t, int32_t) method Creates a local link in PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateLocalLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, int32_t desPage, int32_t originalPage, System::Drawing::Color clr, System::ArrayPtr> actionName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateLocalLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, int32_t desPage, int32_t originalPage) ``` @@ -22,53 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateLocalLi | rect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The rectangle for active click. | | desPage | int32_t | The destination page. | | originalPage | int32_t | The number of original page where rectangle bound with local link will be created. | -| clr | System::Drawing::Color | The colour of rectangle for active click. | -| actionName | System::ArrayPtr\\> | The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer. | -## Remarks - - - - - - rect - - - The rectangle for active click. - - - - - desPage - - - The destination page. - - - - - originalPage - - - The number of original page where rectangle bound with local link will be created. - - - - - clr - - - The colour of rectangle for active click. - - - - - actionName - - - The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) @@ -80,7 +34,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateLocalLi Creates a local link in PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateLocalLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, int32_t desPage, int32_t originalPage, System::Drawing::Color clr) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateLocalLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, int32_t desPage, int32_t originalPage, System::Drawing::Color clr) ``` @@ -90,55 +44,19 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateLocalLi | desPage | int32_t | The destination page. | | originalPage | int32_t | The number of original page where rectangle bound with local link will be created. | | clr | System::Drawing::Color | The colour of rectangle for active click. | -## Remarks - - - - - - rect - - - The rectangle for active click. - - - - - desPage - - - The destination page. - - - - - originalPage - - - The number of original page where rectangle bound with local link will be created. - - - - - clr - - - The colour of rectangle for active click. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfContentEditor::CreateLocalLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle, int32_t, int32_t) method +## PdfContentEditor::CreateLocalLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle, int32_t, int32_t, System::Drawing::Color, System::ArrayPtr\\>) method Creates a local link in PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateLocalLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, int32_t desPage, int32_t originalPage) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateLocalLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, int32_t desPage, int32_t originalPage, System::Drawing::Color clr, System::ArrayPtr> actionName) ``` @@ -147,35 +65,9 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateLocalLi | rect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The rectangle for active click. | | desPage | int32_t | The destination page. | | originalPage | int32_t | The number of original page where rectangle bound with local link will be created. | -## Remarks - - - - - - rect - - - The rectangle for active click. - - - - - desPage - - - The destination page. - - - - - originalPage - - - The number of original page where rectangle bound with local link will be created. - - - +| clr | System::Drawing::Color | The colour of rectangle for active click. | +| actionName | System::ArrayPtr\\> | The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer. | + ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createmarkup/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createmarkup/ index 34b3f45753..0843f98fc3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createmarkup/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createmarkup/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CreateMarkup second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateMarkup method. Creates markup annotation it PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createmarkup/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::CreateMarkup method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createmarkup/ Creates markup annotation it PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateMarkup(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, int32_t type, int32_t page, System::Drawing::Color clr) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateMarkup(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, int32_t type, int32_t page, System::Drawing::Color clr) ``` @@ -24,51 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateMarkup( | type | int32_t | The type of markup annotation. Can be 0 (Highlight), 1 (Underline), 2 (StrikeOut), 3 (Squiggly). | | page | int32_t | The number of original page where the annotation will be created. | | clr | System::Drawing::Color | The color of markup. | -## Remarks - - - - - rect - - - The rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - contents - - - The contents of the annotation. - - - - - type - - - The type of markup annotation. Can be 0 (Highlight), 1 (Underline), 2 (StrikeOut), 3 (Squiggly). - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where the annotation will be created. - - - - - clr - - - The color of markup. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createmovie/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createmovie/ index df4c78355d..9bcb1bc8e2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createmovie/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createmovie/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CreateMovie second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateMovie method. Creates Movie Annotations in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3900 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createmovie/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::CreateMovie method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createmovie/ Creates Movie [Annotations](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateMovie(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String filePath, int32_t page) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateMovie(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String filePath, int32_t page) ``` @@ -22,35 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateMovie(S | rect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. | | filePath | System::String | The path of movie file to be played. | | page | int32_t | The page in which the Line annotation is created. | -## Remarks - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - filePath - - - The path of movie file to be played. - - - - - page - - - The page in which the Line annotation is created. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpdfdocumentlink/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpdfdocumentlink/ index 670a9471cb..8e9c8442e8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpdfdocumentlink/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpdfdocumentlink/ @@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ linktitle: CreatePdfDocumentLink second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePdfDocumentLink method. Creates a link to another PDF document page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpdfdocumentlink/ --- -## PdfContentEditor::CreatePdfDocumentLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::Drawing::Color, System::ArrayPtr\\>) method +## PdfContentEditor::CreatePdfDocumentLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, int32_t, int32_t) method Creates a link to another PDF document page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePdfDocumentLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String remotePdf, int32_t originalPage, int32_t destinationPage, System::Drawing::Color clr, System::ArrayPtr> actionName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePdfDocumentLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String remotePdf, int32_t originalPage, int32_t destinationPage) ``` @@ -23,61 +23,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePdfDocu | remotePdf | System::String | The PDF document which page will be opened. | | originalPage | int32_t | The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. | | destinationPage | int32_t | The destination page. | -| clr | System::Drawing::Color | The colour of rectangle for active click. | -| actionName | System::ArrayPtr\\> | The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer. | -## Remarks - - - - - - rect - - - The rectangle for active click. - - - - - remotePdf - - - The PDF document which page will be opened. - - - - - originalPage - - - The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. - - - - - destinationPage - - - The destination page. - - - - - clr - - - The colour of rectangle for active click. - - - - - actionName - - - The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) @@ -89,7 +35,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePdfDocu Creates a link to another PDF document page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePdfDocumentLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String remotePdf, int32_t originalPage, int32_t destinationPage, System::Drawing::Color clr) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePdfDocumentLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String remotePdf, int32_t originalPage, int32_t destinationPage, System::Drawing::Color clr) ``` @@ -100,63 +46,19 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePdfDocu | originalPage | int32_t | The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. | | destinationPage | int32_t | The destination page. | | clr | System::Drawing::Color | The colour of rectangle for active click. | -## Remarks - - - - - - rect - - - The rectangle for active click. - - - - - remotePdf - - - The PDF document which page will be opened. - - - - - originalPage - - - The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. - - - - - destinationPage - - - The destination page. - - - - - clr - - - The colour of rectangle for active click. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfContentEditor::CreatePdfDocumentLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, int32_t, int32_t) method +## PdfContentEditor::CreatePdfDocumentLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::Drawing::Color, System::ArrayPtr\\>) method Creates a link to another PDF document page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePdfDocumentLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String remotePdf, int32_t originalPage, int32_t destinationPage) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePdfDocumentLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String remotePdf, int32_t originalPage, int32_t destinationPage, System::Drawing::Color clr, System::ArrayPtr> actionName) ``` @@ -166,43 +68,9 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePdfDocu | remotePdf | System::String | The PDF document which page will be opened. | | originalPage | int32_t | The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. | | destinationPage | int32_t | The destination page. | -## Remarks - - - - - - rect - - - The rectangle for active click. - - - - - remotePdf - - - The PDF document which page will be opened. - - - - - originalPage - - - The number of original page where rectangle bound with link will be created. - - - - - destinationPage - - - The destination page. - - - +| clr | System::Drawing::Color | The colour of rectangle for active click. | +| actionName | System::ArrayPtr\\> | The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer. | + ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpolygon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpolygon/ index b0644c1b8a..1467459bc3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpolygon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpolygon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CreatePolygon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePolygon method. Creates polygon annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpolygon/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::CreatePolygon method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpolygon/ Creates polygon annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePolygon(System::SharedPtr lineInfo, int32_t page, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::String annotContents) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePolygon(System::SharedPtr lineInfo, int32_t page, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::String annotContents) ``` @@ -23,43 +23,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePolygon | page | int32_t | The number of original page where the annotation will be created. | | annotRect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. | | annotContents | System::String | The contents of the annotation. | -## Remarks - - - - - lineInfo - - - The instance of LineInfo class. - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where the annotation will be created. - - - - - annotRect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - annotContents - - - The contents of the annotation. - - - ## See Also * Class [LineInfo](../../lineinfo/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpolyline/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpolyline/ index 0836618bdd..777bb90094 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpolyline/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpolyline/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CreatePolyLine second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePolyLine method. Creates polyline annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpolyline/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::CreatePolyLine method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpolyline/ Creates polyline annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePolyLine(System::SharedPtr lineInfo, int32_t page, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::String annotContents) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePolyLine(System::SharedPtr lineInfo, int32_t page, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::String annotContents) ``` @@ -23,43 +23,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePolyLin | page | int32_t | The number of original page where the annotation will be created. | | annotRect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. | | annotContents | System::String | The contents of the annotation. | -## Remarks - - - - - lineInfo - - - The instance of LineInfo class. - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where the annotation will be created. - - - - - annotRect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - annotContents - - - The contents of the annotation. - - - ## See Also * Class [LineInfo](../../lineinfo/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpopup/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpopup/ index 6db5fbfab6..85487c7ba5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpopup/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpopup/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CreatePopup second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePopup method. Creates popup annotation in PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpopup/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::CreatePopup method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createpopup/ Creates popup annotation in PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePopup(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, bool open, int32_t page) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePopup(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, bool open, int32_t page) ``` @@ -23,43 +23,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreatePopup(S | contents | System::String | The contents of the annotation. | | open | bool | A flag specifying whether the pop-up annotation should initially be displayed open. | | page | int32_t | The number of original page where the annotation will be created. | -## Remarks - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - contents - - - The contents of the annotation. - - - - - open - - - A flag specifying whether the pop-up annotation should initially be displayed open. - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where the annotation will be created. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createrubberstamp/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createrubberstamp/ index 1e1e5d4e3d..46ce02af65 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createrubberstamp/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createrubberstamp/ @@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ linktitle: CreateRubberStamp second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateRubberStamp method. Creates a rubber stamp annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3000 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createrubberstamp/ --- -## PdfContentEditor::CreateRubberStamp(int32_t, System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, System::String, System::Drawing::Color) method +## PdfContentEditor::CreateRubberStamp(int32_t, System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, System::Drawing::Color, System::SharedPtr\) method Creates a rubber stamp annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateRubberStamp(int32_t page, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::String icon, System::String annotContents, System::Drawing::Color color) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateRubberStamp(int32_t page, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::String annotContents, System::Drawing::Color color, System::SharedPtr appearanceStream) ``` @@ -21,54 +21,10 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateRubberS | --- | --- | --- | | page | int32_t | The number of original page where the annotation will be created. | | annotRect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. | -| icon | System::String | An icon is to be used in displaying the annotation. Default value: 'Draft'. | | annotContents | System::String | The contents of the annotation. | -| color | System::Drawing::Color | The color of the annotation. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where the annotation will be created. - - - - - annotRect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - icon - - - An icon is to be used in displaying the annotation. Default value: 'Draft'. - - - - - annotContents - - - The contents of the annotation. - - - - - color - - - The color of the annotation. - - - +| color | System::Drawing::Color | The colour of the annotation. | +| appearanceStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream of appearance file. | + ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) @@ -80,7 +36,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateRubberS Creates a rubber stamp annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateRubberStamp(int32_t page, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::String annotContents, System::Drawing::Color color, System::String appearanceFile) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateRubberStamp(int32_t page, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::String annotContents, System::Drawing::Color color, System::String appearanceFile) ``` @@ -91,63 +47,19 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateRubberS | annotContents | System::String | The contents of the annotation. | | color | System::Drawing::Color | The colour of the annotation. | | appearanceFile | System::String | The path of appearance file. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where the annotation will be created. - - - - - annotRect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - annotContents - - - The contents of the annotation. - - - - - color - - - The colour of the annotation. - - - - - appearanceFile - - - The path of appearance file. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfContentEditor::CreateRubberStamp(int32_t, System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, System::Drawing::Color, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfContentEditor::CreateRubberStamp(int32_t, System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, System::String, System::Drawing::Color) method Creates a rubber stamp annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateRubberStamp(int32_t page, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::String annotContents, System::Drawing::Color color, System::SharedPtr appearanceStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateRubberStamp(int32_t page, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::String icon, System::String annotContents, System::Drawing::Color color) ``` @@ -155,54 +67,10 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateRubberS | --- | --- | --- | | page | int32_t | The number of original page where the annotation will be created. | | annotRect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. | +| icon | System::String | An icon is to be used in displaying the annotation. Default value: 'Draft'. | | annotContents | System::String | The contents of the annotation. | -| color | System::Drawing::Color | The colour of the annotation. | -| appearanceStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream of appearance file. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where the annotation will be created. - - - - - annotRect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - annotContents - - - The contents of the annotation. - - - - - color - - - The colour of the annotation. - - - - - appearanceStream - - - The stream of appearance file. - - - +| color | System::Drawing::Color | The color of the annotation. | + ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createsound/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createsound/ index 0b201a40ba..aa3bc91939 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createsound/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createsound/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CreateSound second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateSound method. Creates Sound Annotations in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4000 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createsound/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::CreateSound method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createsound/ Creates Sound [Annotations](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateSound(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String filePath, System::String name, int32_t page, System::String rate) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateSound(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String filePath, System::String name, int32_t page, System::String rate) ``` @@ -24,51 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateSound(S | name | System::String | The name of an icon to be used in displaying the annotation,include:Speaker and Mic. | | page | int32_t | The page in which the Sound annotation is created. | | rate | System::String | The sampling rate, in samples per second. | -## Remarks - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - filePath - - - The file path of sound file. - - - - - name - - - The name of an icon to be used in displaying the annotation,include:Speaker and Mic. - - - - - page - - - The page in which the Sound annotation is created. - - - - - rate - - - The sampling rate, in samples per second. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createsquarecircle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createsquarecircle/ index aadffa7dfd..edaab3124f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createsquarecircle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createsquarecircle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CreateSquareCircle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateSquareCircle method. Creates square-circle annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createsquarecircle/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::CreateSquareCircle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createsquarecircle/ Creates square-circle annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateSquareCircle(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, System::Drawing::Color clr, bool square, int32_t page, int32_t borderWidth) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateSquareCircle(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String contents, System::Drawing::Color clr, bool square, int32_t page, int32_t borderWidth) ``` @@ -25,59 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateSquareC | square | bool | True (square), false (sircle). | | page | int32_t | The number of original page where the annotation will be created. | | borderWidth | int32_t | The border width of square or circle. | -## Remarks - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - contents - - - The contents of the annotation. - - - - - clr - - - The colour of square or circle. - - - - - square - - - True (square), false (sircle). - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where the annotation will be created. - - - - - borderWidth - - - The border width of square or circle. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createtext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createtext/ index 45cc1ea9f3..6478be4a04 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createtext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createtext/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CreateText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateText method. Creates text annotation in PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createtext/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::CreateText method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createtext/ Creates text annotation in PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateText(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String title, System::String contents, bool open, System::String icon, int32_t page) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateText(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String title, System::String contents, bool open, System::String icon, int32_t page) ``` @@ -25,59 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateText(Sy | open | bool | A flag specifying whether the annotation should initially be displayed open. | | icon | System::String | The name of an icon will be used in displaying the annotation. This value can be: "Comment", "Key", "Note", "Help", "NewParagraph", "Paragraph", "Insert" | | page | int32_t | The number of original page where the text annotation will be created. | -## Remarks - - - - - rect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - title - - - The title of the annotation. - - - - - contents - - - The contents of the annotation. - - - - - open - - - A flag specifying whether the annotation should initially be displayed open. - - - - - icon - - - The name of an icon will be used in displaying the annotation. This value can be: "Comment", "Key", "Note", "Help", "NewParagraph", "Paragraph", "Insert" - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where the text annotation will be created. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createweblink/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createweblink/ index 718221def9..8013b11bab 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createweblink/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createweblink/ @@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ linktitle: CreateWebLink second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateWebLink method. Creates a web link in PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 2600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/createweblink/ --- -## PdfContentEditor::CreateWebLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, int32_t, System::Drawing::Color, System::ArrayPtr\\>) method +## PdfContentEditor::CreateWebLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, int32_t) method Creates a web link in PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateWebLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String url, int32_t originalPage, System::Drawing::Color clr, System::ArrayPtr> actionName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateWebLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String url, int32_t originalPage) ``` @@ -21,54 +21,8 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateWebLink | --- | --- | --- | | rect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The rectangle for active click. | | url | System::String | The web link destination. | -| originalPage | int32_t | The number of original page on which rectangle bound with web link will be created. | -| clr | System::Drawing::Color | The colour of rectangle for active click. | -| actionName | System::ArrayPtr\\> | The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer. | -## Remarks - - - - - - rect - - - The rectangle for active click. - - - - - url - - - The web link destination. - - - - - originalPage - - - The number of original page on which rectangle bound with web link will be created. - - - - - clr - - - The colour of rectangle for active click. - - - - - actionName - - - The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer. - - - +| originalPage | int32_t | The number of original page where rectangle bound with web link will be created. | + ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) @@ -80,7 +34,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateWebLink Creates a web link in PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateWebLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String url, int32_t originalPage, System::Drawing::Color clr) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateWebLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String url, int32_t originalPage, System::Drawing::Color clr) ``` @@ -90,55 +44,19 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateWebLink | url | System::String | The web link destination. | | originalPage | int32_t | The number of original page where rectangle bound with web link will be created. | | clr | System::Drawing::Color | The colour of rectangle for active click. | -## Remarks - - - - - - rect - - - The rectangle for active click. - - - - - url - - - The web link destination. - - - - - originalPage - - - The number of original page where rectangle bound with web link will be created. - - - - - clr - - - The colour of rectangle for active click. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfContentEditor::CreateWebLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, int32_t) method +## PdfContentEditor::CreateWebLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::String, int32_t, System::Drawing::Color, System::ArrayPtr\\>) method Creates a web link in PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateWebLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String url, int32_t originalPage) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateWebLink(System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, System::String url, int32_t originalPage, System::Drawing::Color clr, System::ArrayPtr> actionName) ``` @@ -146,36 +64,10 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::CreateWebLink | --- | --- | --- | | rect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The rectangle for active click. | | url | System::String | The web link destination. | -| originalPage | int32_t | The number of original page where rectangle bound with web link will be created. | -## Remarks - - - - - - rect - - - The rectangle for active click. - - - - - url - - - The web link destination. - - - - - originalPage - - - The number of original page where rectangle bound with web link will be created. - - - +| originalPage | int32_t | The number of original page on which rectangle bound with web link will be created. | +| clr | System::Drawing::Color | The colour of rectangle for active click. | +| actionName | System::ArrayPtr\\> | The array of actions (members of PredefinedAction enum) corresponding to executing menu items in Acrobat viewer. | + ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deleteattachments/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deleteattachments/ index 4c106efd6b..d11a3df771 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deleteattachments/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deleteattachments/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DeleteAttachments second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteAttachments method. Deletes all attachments in PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deleteattachments/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::DeleteAttachments method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deleteattachments/ Deletes all attachments in PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteAttachments() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteAttachments() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deleteimage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deleteimage/ index f7482ce7d7..fddec4cbdf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deleteimage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deleteimage/ @@ -2,60 +2,40 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteImage method linktitle: DeleteImage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteImage method. Deletes the specified images on the specified page in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteImage method. Deletes all images from PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3700 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deleteimage/ --- -## PdfContentEditor::DeleteImage(int32_t, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfContentEditor::DeleteImage() method -Deletes the specified images on the specified page. +Deletes all images from PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteImage(int32_t pageNumber, System::ArrayPtr index) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteImage() ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| pageNumber | int32_t | The number of page on which images must be deleted. | -| index | System::ArrayPtr\ | An array repsents images' indexes. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageNumber - - - The number of page on which images must be deleted. - - - - - index - - - An array repsents images' indexes. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfContentEditor::DeleteImage() method +## PdfContentEditor::DeleteImage(int32_t, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Deletes all images from PDF document. +Deletes the specified images on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteImage() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteImage(int32_t pageNumber, System::ArrayPtr index) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| pageNumber | int32_t | The number of page on which images must be deleted. | +| index | System::ArrayPtr\ | An array repsents images' indexes. | + ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deletestamp/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deletestamp/ index 0c6207d69e..9c1c673434 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deletestamp/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deletestamp/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DeleteStamp second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStamp method. Deletes multiple stamps on the specified page by stamp indexes in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4100 +weight: 2900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deletestamp/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::DeleteStamp method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deletestamp/ Deletes multiple stamps on the specified page by stamp indexes. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStamp(int32_t pageNumber, System::ArrayPtr index) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStamp(int32_t pageNumber, System::ArrayPtr index) ``` @@ -21,29 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStamp(i | --- | --- | --- | | pageNumber | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) number where stamp will be deleted. | | index | System::ArrayPtr\ | [Stamp](../../stamp/) indexes. | -## Remarks - - - - - pageNumber - - - - Page number where stamp will be deleted. - - - - - index - - - - Stamp indexes. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deletestampbyid/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deletestampbyid/ index 1cfe482661..370e97612f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deletestampbyid/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deletestampbyid/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DeleteStampById second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampById method. Deletes stamp on the specified page by stamp ID in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4300 +weight: 3000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deletestampbyid/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampById(int32_t, int32_t) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deletestampbyid/ Deletes stamp on the specified page by stamp ID. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampById(int32_t pageNumber, int32_t stampId) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampById(int32_t pageNumber, int32_t stampId) ``` @@ -21,28 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampBy | --- | --- | --- | | pageNumber | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) number where stamp will be deleted. | | stampId | int32_t | Identifier of stanp which should be deleted. | -## Remarks - - - - - - pageNumber - - - - Page number where stamp will be deleted. - - - - - stampId - - - Identifier of stanp which should be deleted. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) @@ -54,26 +33,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampBy Delete stamp by ID from all pages of the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampById(int32_t stampId) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampById(int32_t stampId) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | stampId | int32_t | Identifier of stamp which should be deleted. | -## Remarks - - - - - - stampId - - - Identifier of stamp which should be deleted. - - - + diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deletestampbyids/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deletestampbyids/ index 2d369f316c..af67b15231 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deletestampbyids/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deletestampbyids/ @@ -2,78 +2,45 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampByIds method linktitle: DeleteStampByIds second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampByIds method. Deletes stamps with specified IDs from all pages of the document in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampByIds method. Deletes stamps on the specified page by multiple stamp IDs in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4200 +weight: 3100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/deletestampbyids/ --- -## PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampByIds(System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampByIds(int32_t, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Deletes stamps with specified IDs from all pages of the document. +Deletes stamps on the specified page by multiple stamp IDs. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampByIds(System::ArrayPtr stampIds) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampByIds(int32_t pageNumber, System::ArrayPtr stampIds) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | +| pageNumber | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) number where stamps will be deleted. | | stampIds | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of stamp IDs. | -## Remarks - - - - - stampIds - - - Array of stamp IDs. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampByIds(int32_t, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampByIds(System::ArrayPtr\) method -Deletes stamps on the specified page by multiple stamp IDs. +Deletes stamps with specified IDs from all pages of the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampByIds(int32_t pageNumber, System::ArrayPtr stampIds) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DeleteStampByIds(System::ArrayPtr stampIds) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| pageNumber | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) number where stamps will be deleted. | | stampIds | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of stamp IDs. | -## Remarks - - - - - pageNumber - - - - Page number where stamps will be deleted. - - - - - stampIds - - - Array of stamp IDs. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentclose/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentclose/ index d305013045..0f84615c19 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentclose/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentclose/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DocumentClose second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DocumentClose field. A document event type. Closes a document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5200 +weight: 5100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentclose/ --- ## DocumentClose field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentclose/ A document event type. Closes a document. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DocumentClose +static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DocumentClose ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentopen/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentopen/ index b52723a94c..57e109ff9b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentopen/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentopen/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DocumentOpen second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DocumentOpen field. A document event type. Opens a document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5100 +weight: 5200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentopen/ --- ## DocumentOpen field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentopen/ A document event type. Opens a document. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DocumentOpen +static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DocumentOpen ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentprinted/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentprinted/ index 84c2b4fcce..1190c41eb5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentprinted/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentprinted/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DocumentPrinted second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DocumentPrinted field. A document event type. Excute a action after printing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5600 +weight: 5300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentprinted/ --- ## DocumentPrinted field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentprinted/ A document event type. Excute a action after printing. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DocumentPrinted +static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DocumentPrinted ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentsaved/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentsaved/ index 3f42c08269..915e267968 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentsaved/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentsaved/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentsaved/ A document event type. Excute a action after saving. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DocumentSaved +static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DocumentSaved ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentwillprint/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentwillprint/ index c58539dda9..c98b13ef30 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentwillprint/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentwillprint/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentwillprint/ A document event type. Excute a action before printing. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DocumentWillPrint +static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DocumentWillPrint ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentwillsave/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentwillsave/ index c21ad763b1..3c3d553122 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentwillsave/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentwillsave/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DocumentWillSave second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DocumentWillSave field. A document event type. Excute a action before saving in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5300 +weight: 5600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentwillsave/ --- ## DocumentWillSave field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/documentwillsave/ A document event type. Excute a action before saving. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DocumentWillSave +static const System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DocumentWillSave ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/drawcurve/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/drawcurve/ index ae036ab62a..c5806db0fd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/drawcurve/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/drawcurve/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DrawCurve second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DrawCurve method. Creates curve annotation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2600 +weight: 3200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/drawcurve/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::DrawCurve method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/drawcurve/ Creates curve annotation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DrawCurve(System::SharedPtr lineInfo, int32_t page, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::String annotContents) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DrawCurve(System::SharedPtr lineInfo, int32_t page, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::String annotContents) ``` @@ -23,43 +23,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::DrawCurve(Sys | page | int32_t | The number of original page where the annotation will be created. | | annotRect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. | | annotContents | System::String | The contents of the annotation. | -## Remarks - - - - - lineInfo - - - The instance of LineInfo class. - - - - - page - - - The number of original page where the annotation will be created. - - - - - annotRect - - - The annotation rectangle defining the location of the annotation on the page. - - - - - annotContents - - - The contents of the annotation. - - - ## See Also * Class [LineInfo](../../lineinfo/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/extractlink/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/extractlink/ index b755f26c06..f6ac23f6d0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/extractlink/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/extractlink/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExtractLink second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ExtractLink method. Extracts the collection of Link instances contained in PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 3300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/extractlink/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::ExtractLink method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/extractlink/ Extracts the collection of Link instances contained in PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ExtractLink() +System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ExtractLink() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_replacetextstrategy/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_replacetextstrategy/ index 18c2c26c7f..7c920438e8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_replacetextstrategy/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_replacetextstrategy/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ReplaceTextStrategy second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::get_ReplaceTextStrategy method. A set of parameters for replace text operation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 3400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_replacetextstrategy/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::get_ReplaceTextStrategy method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_replacetextstrategy/ A set of parameters for replace text operation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::get_ReplaceTextStrategy() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::get_ReplaceTextStrategy() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_texteditoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_texteditoptions/ index c258297408..38dd233e08 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_texteditoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_texteditoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TextEditOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::get_TextEditOptions method. Gets text edit options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 3500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_texteditoptions/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::get_TextEditOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_texteditoptions/ Gets text edit options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::get_TextEditOptions() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::get_TextEditOptions() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_textreplaceoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_textreplaceoptions/ index a55429def2..7911754935 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_textreplaceoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_textreplaceoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TextReplaceOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::get_TextReplaceOptions method. Gets text replace options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 3600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_textreplaceoptions/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::get_TextReplaceOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_textreplaceoptions/ Gets text replace options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::get_TextReplaceOptions() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::get_TextReplaceOptions() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_textsearchoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_textsearchoptions/ index 8d0bb20fef..e9d1106bd2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_textsearchoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_textsearchoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TextSearchOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::get_TextSearchOptions method. Gets text search options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 3700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_textsearchoptions/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::get_TextSearchOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/get_textsearchoptions/ Gets text search options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::get_TextSearchOptions() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::get_TextSearchOptions() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/getstamps/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/getstamps/ index 10c999864a..ab47734b23 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/getstamps/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/getstamps/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetStamps second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::GetStamps method. Returns array of stamps on the page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4900 +weight: 3800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/getstamps/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::GetStamps method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/getstamps/ Returns array of stamps on the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::GetStamps(int32_t pageNumber) +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::GetStamps(int32_t pageNumber) ``` @@ -24,20 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf ### ReturnValue Array of stamps. -## Remarks - - - - - - pageNumber - - - - Page number where stamps will be searched. - - - + ## See Also * Class [StampInfo](../../stampinfo/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/getviewerpreference/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/getviewerpreference/ index 2ff01398c0..f6e74f0a2b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/getviewerpreference/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/getviewerpreference/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetViewerPreference second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::GetViewerPreference method. Returns the view preference in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3500 +weight: 3900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/getviewerpreference/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::GetViewerPreference method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/getviewerpreference/ Returns the view preference. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::GetViewerPreference() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::GetViewerPreference() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/hidestampbyid/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/hidestampbyid/ index 0a6199d873..52f42b8452 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/hidestampbyid/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/hidestampbyid/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: HideStampById second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::HideStampById method. Hides the stamp. After hiding, stamp visibility may be restored with ShowStampById method in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4400 +weight: 4000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/hidestampbyid/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::HideStampById method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/hidestampbyid/ Hides the stamp. After hiding, stamp visibility may be restored with ShowStampById method. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::HideStampById(int32_t pageNumber, int32_t stampId) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::HideStampById(int32_t pageNumber, int32_t stampId) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::HideStampById | --- | --- | --- | | pageNumber | int32_t | Number of the page. | | stampId | int32_t | Identifier of stamp which should be hidden. | -## Remarks - - - - - pageNumber - - - Number of the page. - - - - - stampId - - - Identifier of stamp which should be hidden. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/movestamp/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/movestamp/ index 20ea121a12..0957e2c3b9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/movestamp/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/movestamp/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: MoveStamp second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::MoveStamp method. Changes position of the stamp on page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4700 +weight: 4100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/movestamp/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::MoveStamp method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/movestamp/ Changes position of the stamp on page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::MoveStamp(int32_t pageNumber, int32_t stampIndex, double x, double y) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::MoveStamp(int32_t pageNumber, int32_t stampIndex, double x, double y) ``` @@ -23,43 +23,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::MoveStamp(int | stampIndex | int32_t | Index of stamp on the page. | | x | double | New stamp horizontal position. | | y | double | New stamp vertical position. | -## Remarks - - - - - pageNumber - - - Number of page. - - - - - stampIndex - - - Index of stamp on the page. - - - - - x - - - New stamp horizontal position. - - - - - y - - - New stamp vertical position. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/movestampbyid/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/movestampbyid/ index 003ef90b80..a96219e541 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/movestampbyid/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/movestampbyid/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: MoveStampById second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::MoveStampById method. Changes position of the stamp on page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4600 +weight: 4200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/movestampbyid/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::MoveStampById method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/movestampbyid/ Changes position of the stamp on page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::MoveStampById(int32_t pageNumber, int32_t stampId, double x, double y) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::MoveStampById(int32_t pageNumber, int32_t stampId, double x, double y) ``` @@ -23,43 +23,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::MoveStampById | stampId | int32_t | Identifier of stamp which should be moved. | | x | double | New stamp horizontal pozition on the page. | | y | double | New stamp vertical position on the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - pageNumber - - - Numer of page. - - - - - stampId - - - Identifier of stamp which should be moved. - - - - - x - - - New stamp horizontal pozition on the page. - - - - - y - - - New stamp vertical position on the page. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/pdfcontenteditor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/pdfcontenteditor/ index 804739e842..1bae1da57a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/pdfcontenteditor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/pdfcontenteditor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PdfContentEditor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::PdfContentEditor constructor. The constructor of the PdfContentEditor object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4800 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/pdfcontenteditor/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::PdfContentEditor() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/pdfcontenteditor/ The constructor of the [PdfContentEditor](../) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::PdfContentEditor() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::PdfContentEditor() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,27 +27,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::PdfContentEditor() Initializes new [PdfContentEditor](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::PdfContentEditor(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::PdfContentEditor(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/removedocumentopenaction/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/removedocumentopenaction/ index e9fded4290..f6e36965fe 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/removedocumentopenaction/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/removedocumentopenaction/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RemoveDocumentOpenAction second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::RemoveDocumentOpenAction method. Removes open action from the document. This operation is useful when concatenating multiple documents that use explicit ''GoTo'' action on startup in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3300 +weight: 4300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/removedocumentopenaction/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::RemoveDocumentOpenAction method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/removedocumentopenaction/ Removes open action from the document. This operation is useful when concatenating multiple documents that use explicit 'GoTo' action on startup. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::RemoveDocumentOpenAction() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::RemoveDocumentOpenAction() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/replaceimage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/replaceimage/ index 219780b050..66b2a09cd7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/replaceimage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/replaceimage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ReplaceImage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ReplaceImage method. Replaces the specified image on the specified page of PDF document with another image in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3600 +weight: 4400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/replaceimage/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::ReplaceImage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/replaceimage/ Replaces the specified image on the specified page of PDF document with another image. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ReplaceImage(int32_t pageNumber, int32_t index, System::String imageFile) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ReplaceImage(int32_t pageNumber, int32_t index, System::String imageFile) ``` @@ -22,35 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ReplaceImage( | pageNumber | int32_t | The number of page on which the image is replaced. | | index | int32_t | The index of the image object must be replaced. | | imageFile | System::String | The image file will be used for replacing. | -## Remarks - - - - - pageNumber - - - The number of page on which the image is replaced. - - - - - index - - - The index of the image object must be replaced. - - - - - imageFile - - - The image file will be used for replacing. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/replacetext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/replacetext/ index 5b69760468..04c3812f9b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/replacetext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/replacetext/ @@ -2,279 +2,135 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText method linktitle: ReplaceText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText method. Replaces text in the PDF file on the specified page. TextState object (font family, color) can be specified to replaced text in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText method. Replaces text in the PDF file on the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3800 +weight: 4500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/replacetext/ --- -## PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String, int32_t, System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String, int32_t, System::String) method -Replaces text in the PDF file on the specified page. [TextState](../) object (font family, color) can be specified to replaced text. +Replaces text in the PDF file on the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String srcString, int32_t thePage, System::String destString, System::SharedPtr textState) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String srcString, int32_t thePage, System::String destString) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcString | System::String | The string to be replaced. | -| thePage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) number (0 means "all pages"). | -| destString | System::String | The replaced string. | -| textState | System::SharedPtr\ | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) state ([Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/)[Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/), Font etc). | +| srcString | System::String | The sting to be replaced. | +| thePage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) number (0 for all pages) | +| destString | System::String | Replacing string. | ### ReturnValue Returns true if replacement was made. -## Remarks - - - - - - srcString - - - The string to be replaced. - - - - - thePage - - - - Page number (0 means "all pages"). - - - - - destString - - - The replaced string. - - - - - textState - - - - Text state (TextColor, Font etc). - - - + ## See Also -* Class [TextState](../../../aspose.pdf.text/textstate/) * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String, System::String) method +## PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String, int32_t, System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method -Replaces text in the PDF file. +Replaces text in the PDF file on the specified page. [TextState](../) object (font family, color) can be specified to replaced text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String srcString, System::String destString) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String srcString, int32_t thePage, System::String destString, System::SharedPtr textState) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | srcString | System::String | The string to be replaced. | -| destString | System::String | Replacing string. | +| thePage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) number (0 means "all pages"). | +| destString | System::String | The replaced string. | +| textState | System::SharedPtr\ | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) state ([Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/)[Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/), Font etc). | ### ReturnValue Returns true if replacement was made. -## Remarks - - - - - - srcString - - - The string to be replaced. - - - - - destString - - - Replacing string. - - - + ## See Also +* Class [TextState](../../../aspose.pdf.text/textstate/) * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String, int32_t, System::String) method +## PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String, System::String) method -Replaces text in the PDF file on the specified page. +Replaces text in the PDF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String srcString, int32_t thePage, System::String destString) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String srcString, System::String destString) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcString | System::String | The sting to be replaced. | -| thePage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) number (0 for all pages) | +| srcString | System::String | The string to be replaced. | | destString | System::String | Replacing string. | ### ReturnValue Returns true if replacement was made. -## Remarks - - - - - - srcString - - - The sting to be replaced. - - - - - thePage - - - - Page number (0 for all pages) - - - - - destString - - - Replacing string. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String, System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String, System::String, int32_t) method -Replaces text in the PDF file using specified [TextState](../) object. +Replaces text in the PDF file and sets font size. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String srcString, System::String destString, System::SharedPtr textState) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String srcString, System::String destString, int32_t fontSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcString | System::String | String to be replaced | -| destString | System::String | Replacing string | -| textState | System::SharedPtr\ | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) state ([Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/)[Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/), Font etc) | +| srcString | System::String | String to be replaced. | +| destString | System::String | Replacing string. | +| fontSize | int32_t | Font size. | ### ReturnValue Returns true if replacement was made. -## Remarks - - - - - - srcString - - - String to be replaced - - - - - destString - - - Replacing string - - - - - textState - - - - Text state (TextColor, Font etc) - - - + ## See Also -* Class [TextState](../../../aspose.pdf.text/textstate/) * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String, System::String, int32_t) method +## PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String, System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method -Replaces text in the PDF file and sets font size. +Replaces text in the PDF file using specified [TextState](../) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String srcString, System::String destString, int32_t fontSize) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ReplaceText(System::String srcString, System::String destString, System::SharedPtr textState) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcString | System::String | String to be replaced. | -| destString | System::String | Replacing string. | -| fontSize | int32_t | Font size. | +| srcString | System::String | String to be replaced | +| destString | System::String | Replacing string | +| textState | System::SharedPtr\ | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) state ([Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/)[Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/), Font etc) | ### ReturnValue Returns true if replacement was made. -## Remarks - - - - - - srcString - - - String to be replaced. - - - - - destString - - - Replacing string. - - - - - fontSize - - - Font size. - - - + ## See Also +* Class [TextState](../../../aspose.pdf.text/textstate/) * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_replacetextstrategy/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_replacetextstrategy/ index b0dde9e7f0..5c41a54340 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_replacetextstrategy/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_replacetextstrategy/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ReplaceTextStrategy second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::set_ReplaceTextStrategy method. A set of parameters for replace text operation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 4600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_replacetextstrategy/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::set_ReplaceTextStrategy method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_replacetextstrategy/ A set of parameters for replace text operation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::set_ReplaceTextStrategy(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::set_ReplaceTextStrategy(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_texteditoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_texteditoptions/ index 317efc282f..5c074d4ca1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_texteditoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_texteditoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TextEditOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::set_TextEditOptions method. Sets text edit options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 4700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_texteditoptions/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::set_TextEditOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_texteditoptions/ Sets text edit options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::set_TextEditOptions(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::set_TextEditOptions(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_textreplaceoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_textreplaceoptions/ index 3de4f3fc09..14cc1eea5b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_textreplaceoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_textreplaceoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TextReplaceOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::set_TextReplaceOptions method. Sets text replace options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 4800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_textreplaceoptions/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::set_TextReplaceOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_textreplaceoptions/ Sets text replace options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::set_TextReplaceOptions(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::set_TextReplaceOptions(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_textsearchoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_textsearchoptions/ index d7272947a4..4f652fd32f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_textsearchoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_textsearchoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TextSearchOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::set_TextSearchOptions method. Sets text search options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 4900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_textsearchoptions/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::set_TextSearchOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/set_textsearchoptions/ Sets text search options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::set_TextSearchOptions(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::set_TextSearchOptions(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/showstampbyid/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/showstampbyid/ index bf6047aca5..3f31718b4e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/showstampbyid/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/showstampbyid/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ShowStampById second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ShowStampById method. Shows stamp which was hidden by HiddenStampById in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4500 +weight: 5000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/showstampbyid/ --- ## PdfContentEditor::ShowStampById method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfcontenteditor/showstampbyid/ Shows stamp which was hidden by HiddenStampById. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ShowStampById(int32_t pageNumber, int32_t stampId) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ShowStampById(int32_t pageNumber, int32_t stampId) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfContentEditor::ShowStampById | --- | --- | --- | | pageNumber | int32_t | Number of the page. | | stampId | int32_t | Identifier of stamp which should be shown. | -## Remarks - - - - - pageNumber - - - Number of the page. - - - - - stampId - - - Identifier of stamp which should be shown. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfContentEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/bindpdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/bindpdf/ index 31bae459f5..535b287aff 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/bindpdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/bindpdf/ @@ -2,69 +2,46 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::BindPdf method linktitle: BindPdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::BindPdf method. Binds a Pdf file for converting in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::BindPdf method. Binds a Pdf Stream for convert in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/bindpdf/ --- -## PdfConverter::BindPdf(System::String) method +## PdfConverter::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method -Binds a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file for converting. +Binds a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) Stream for convert. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::BindPdf(System::String inputFile) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr inputStream) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | The pdf file. | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - The pdf file. - - - +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The pdf Stream. | ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::BindPdf(System::String) method -Binds a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) Stream for convert. +Binds a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file for converting. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr inputStream) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::BindPdf(System::String inputFile) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The pdf Stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - The pdf Stream. - - - +| inputFile | System::String | The pdf file. | + + + ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/close/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/close/ index 02eb2f45d6..8e31668e37 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/close/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/close/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Close second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::Close method. Close the instance of PdfConverter and release the resources in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/close/ --- ## PdfConverter::Close method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/close/ Close the instance of [PdfConverter](../) and release the resources. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::Close() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::Close() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/doconvert/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/doconvert/ index 794d3137d6..b1e94403d9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/doconvert/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/doconvert/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DoConvert second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::DoConvert method. Do some initial works for converting a pdf document to images in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/doconvert/ --- ## PdfConverter::DoConvert method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/doconvert/ Do some initial works for converting a pdf document to images. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::DoConvert() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::DoConvert() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_coordinatetype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_coordinatetype/ index 8ba67626b6..d0d80fa906 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_coordinatetype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_coordinatetype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CoordinateType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_CoordinateType method. Gets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_coordinatetype/ --- ## PdfConverter::get_CoordinateType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_coordinatetype/ Gets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API PageCoordinateType Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_CoordinateType() const +PageCoordinateType Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_CoordinateType() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_endpage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_endpage/ index c53fff7513..d3ff60bb2e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_endpage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_endpage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_EndPage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_EndPage method. Gets end position which you want to convert in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_endpage/ --- ## PdfConverter::get_EndPage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_endpage/ Gets end position which you want to convert. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_EndPage() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_EndPage() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_formpresentationmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_formpresentationmode/ index bbfb153aa7..dd9e136c44 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_formpresentationmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_formpresentationmode/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_formpresentationmode/ Gets form presentation mode. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Devices::FormPresentationMode Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_FormPresentationMode() const +Aspose::Pdf::Devices::FormPresentationMode Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_FormPresentationMode() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_pagecount/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_pagecount/ index 3e37d90913..7a9e71cd07 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_pagecount/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_pagecount/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PageCount second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_PageCount method. Gets the page count in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_pagecount/ --- ## PdfConverter::get_PageCount method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_pagecount/ Gets the page count. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_PageCount() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_PageCount() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_password/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_password/ index 81e404c10f..57d3bc787f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_password/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_password/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Password second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_Password method. Gets document OwnerPassword in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_password/ --- ## PdfConverter::get_Password method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_password/ Gets document OwnerPassword. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_Password() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_Password() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_renderingoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_renderingoptions/ index 579b9028a5..f71464cd78 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_renderingoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_renderingoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_RenderingOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_RenderingOptions method. Gets rendering options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_renderingoptions/ --- ## PdfConverter::get_RenderingOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_renderingoptions/ Gets rendering options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_RenderingOptions() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_RenderingOptions() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_resolution/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_resolution/ index 8433cabc29..a89afccf57 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_resolution/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_resolution/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Resolution second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_Resolution method. Gets resolution during convertting. The higher resolution, the slower convertting speed. The default value is 150 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_resolution/ --- ## PdfConverter::get_Resolution method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_resolution/ Gets resolution during convertting. The higher resolution, the slower convertting speed. The default value is 150. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_Resolution() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_Resolution() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_showhiddenareas/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_showhiddenareas/ index 98ccf8c57a..f54283f85c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_showhiddenareas/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_showhiddenareas/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ShowHiddenAreas second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_ShowHiddenAreas method. Gets flag that controls visibility of hidden areas on the page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_showhiddenareas/ --- ## PdfConverter::get_ShowHiddenAreas method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_showhiddenareas/ Gets flag that controls visibility of hidden areas on the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_ShowHiddenAreas() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_ShowHiddenAreas() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +CoordinateType property should be used instead of ShowHiddenAreas. - - Deprecated - - CoordinateType property should be used instead of ShowHiddenAreas. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_startpage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_startpage/ index d3aeaabde4..999755cac8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_startpage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_startpage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_StartPage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_StartPage method. Gets start position which you want to convert. The minimal value is 1 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_startpage/ --- ## PdfConverter::get_StartPage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_startpage/ Gets start position which you want to convert. The minimal value is 1. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_StartPage() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_StartPage() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_userpassword/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_userpassword/ index 0a5654a3e3..ca7ef97f01 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_userpassword/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_userpassword/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_UserPassword second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_UserPassword method. Gets document UserPassword in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_userpassword/ --- ## PdfConverter::get_UserPassword method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/get_userpassword/ Gets document UserPassword. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_UserPassword() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::get_UserPassword() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/getnextimage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/getnextimage/ index 925b106463..412ee7bb17 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/getnextimage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/getnextimage/ @@ -2,252 +2,146 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage method linktitle: GetNextImage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage method. Saves image to file with default image format - jpeg in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage method. Saves image to stream with default image format - jpeg in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/getnextimage/ --- -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\) method -Saves image to file with default image format - jpeg. +Saves image to stream with default image format - jpeg. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file path and name to save the image. - - - +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the image. | + ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Saves image to file with ith given page size and default image format - jpeg. +Saves image to stream with given page size. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the image. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the image. | | pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file path and name to save the image. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the image. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Saves image to file with the givin image format. +Saves image to stream with given page size. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr format) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr format) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the image. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the image. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | | format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file path and name to save the image. - - - - - format - - - The format of the image. - - - + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) method -Saves image to file with given page size and image format. +Saves image to stream with given page size, image format and quality. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr format) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr format, int32_t quality) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the image. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the image. | | pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | | format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file path and name to save the image. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the image. - - - - - format - - - The format of the image. - - - +| quality | int32_t | The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest | + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Saves image to stream with default image format - jpeg. +Saves image to stream with given image format. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr format) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the image. - - - +| format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | + ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, double, double, int32_t) method -Saves image to stream with given page size. +Saves image to stream with the givin image format, size and quality. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr format, double imageWidth, double imageHeight, int32_t quality) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the image. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the image. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the image. - - - +| format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | +| imageWidth | double | The image width, the unit is pixel. | +| imageHeight | double | The image height, the unit is pixel. | +| quality | int32_t | The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest | + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t) method -Saves image to stream with given image format. +Saves image to stream with the givin image format, size and quality. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr format) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr format, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight) ``` @@ -255,581 +149,215 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(Syst | --- | --- | --- | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the image. | | format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the image. - - - - - format - - - The format of the image. - - - +| imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | +| imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | + ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) method -Saves image to stream with given page size. +Saves image to stream with the givin image format, dimensions and quality. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr format) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr format, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight, int32_t quality) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the image. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | | format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the image. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the image. - - - - - format - - - The format of the image. - - - +| imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | +| imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | +| quality | int32_t | The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest | + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) method -Saves image to file with the given image format, dimensions and quality. +Saves image to stream with given image format and quality. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr format, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight, int32_t quality) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr format, int32_t quality) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the image. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the image. | | format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | -| imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | -| imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | | quality | int32_t | The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file path and name to save the image. - - - - - format - - - The format of the image. - - - - - imageWidth - - - The image width, the unit is pixel. - - - - - imageHeight - - - The image height, the unit is pixel. - - - - - quality - - - The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String) method -Saves image to stream with the givin image format, dimensions and quality. +Saves image to file with default image format - jpeg. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr format, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight, int32_t quality) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the image. | -| format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | -| imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | -| imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | -| quality | int32_t | The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the image. - - - - - format - - - The format of the image. - - - - - imageWidth - - - The image width, the unit is pixel. - - - - - imageHeight - - - The image height, the unit is pixel. - - - - - quality - - - The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest - - - +| outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the image. | + ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, double, double, int32_t) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method -Saves image to file with the givin image format, image size, and quality. +Saves image to file with ith given page size and default image format - jpeg. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr format, double imageWidth, double imageHeight, int32_t quality) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the image. | -| format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | -| imageWidth | double | The image width, the unit is pixels. | -| imageHeight | double | The image height, the unit is pixels.. | -| quality | int32_t | The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file path and name to save the image. - - - - - format - - - The format of the image. - - - - - imageWidth - - - The image width, the unit is pixels. - - - - - imageHeight - - - The image height, the unit is pixels.. - - - - - quality - - - The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest - - - +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, double, double, int32_t) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Saves image to stream with the givin image format, size and quality. +Saves image to file with given page size and image format. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr format, double imageWidth, double imageHeight, int32_t quality) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr format) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the image. | +| outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the image. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | | format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | -| imageWidth | double | The image width, the unit is pixel. | -| imageHeight | double | The image height, the unit is pixel. | -| quality | int32_t | The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the image. - - - - - format - - - The format of the image. - - - - - imageWidth - - - The image width, the unit is pixel. - - - - - imageHeight - - - The image height, the unit is pixel. - - - - - quality - - - The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest - - - + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) method -Saves image to file with the given image format and dimensions. +Saves image to file with given page size, image format and quality. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr format, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr format, int32_t quality) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the image. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | | format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | -| imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | -| imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file path and name to save the image. - - - - - format - - - The format of the image. - - - - - imageWidth - - - The image width, the unit is pixel. - - - - - imageHeight - - - The image height, the unit is pixel. - - - +| quality | int32_t | The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest | + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method -Saves image to stream with the givin image format, size and quality. +Saves image to file with the givin image format. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr format, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr format) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the image. | +| outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the image. | | format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | -| imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | -| imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the image. - - - - - format - - - The format of the image. - - - - - imageWidth - - - The image width, the unit is pixel. - - - - - imageHeight - - - The image height, the unit is pixel. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, double, double, int32_t) method -Saves image to stream with given image format and quality. +Saves image to file with the givin image format, image size, and quality. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr format, int32_t quality) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr format, double imageWidth, double imageHeight, int32_t quality) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the image. | +| outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the image. | | format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | +| imageWidth | double | The image width, the unit is pixels. | +| imageHeight | double | The image height, the unit is pixels.. | | quality | int32_t | The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the image. - - - - - format - - - The format of the image. - - - - - quality - - - The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t) method -Saves image to stream with given page size, image format and quality. +Saves image to file with the given image format and dimensions. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr format, int32_t quality) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr format, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the image. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | +| outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the image. | | format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | -| quality | int32_t | The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the image. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the image. - - - - - format - - - The format of the image. - - - - - quality - - - The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest - - - +| imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | +| imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) method -Saves image to file with given image format and quality. +Saves image to file with the given image format, dimensions and quality. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr format, int32_t quality) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr format, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight, int32_t quality) ``` @@ -837,97 +365,33 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(Syst | --- | --- | --- | | outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the image. | | format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | +| imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | +| imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | | quality | int32_t | The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file path and name to save the image. - - - - - format - - - The format of the image. - - - - - quality - - - The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) method +## PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) method -Saves image to file with given page size, image format and quality. +Saves image to file with given image format and quality. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr format, int32_t quality) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr format, int32_t quality) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the image. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | | format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | | quality | int32_t | The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file path and name to save the image. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the image. - - - - - format - - - The format of the image. - - - - - quality - - - The Jpeg file's quality (0~100), 0 is lowest and 100 is highest - - - + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/hasnextimage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/hasnextimage/ index 4869accdcf..aa3729789d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/hasnextimage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/hasnextimage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: HasNextImage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::HasNextImage method. Indicates whether the pdf file has more images or not in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/hasnextimage/ --- ## PdfConverter::HasNextImage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/hasnextimage/ Indicates whether the pdf file has more images or not. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::HasNextImage() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::HasNextImage() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/mergeimages/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/mergeimages/ index 7329dc06c2..50e36fe68f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/mergeimages/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/mergeimages/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/mergeimages/ Merges list of image streams as one image stream. Png/jpg/tiff outputs formats are supported, in case of using non supported format output stream encoded as Jpeg by default. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::MergeImages(System::SharedPtr>> inputImagesStreams, Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::ImageFormat outputImageFormat, ImageMergeMode mergeMode, System::Nullable horizontal, System::Nullable vertical) +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::MergeImages(System::SharedPtr>> inputImagesStreams, Aspose::Pdf::Drawing::ImageFormat outputImageFormat, ImageMergeMode mergeMode, System::Nullable horizontal, System::Nullable vertical) ``` @@ -28,52 +28,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf:: ### ReturnValue [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) stream encoded as output image format. -## Remarks - - - - - inputImagesStreams - - - The list of image streams to merge. - - - - - outputImageFormat - - - - Image output format for merged stream. - - - - - mergeMode - - - Merge mode. Used for Png/Jpg formats. - - - - - horizontal - - - Horizontal ratio to set canvas width for output image stream. Used for Png/Jpg formats with ImageMergeMode.Center only. - - - - - vertical - - - Vertical ratio to set canvas height for output image stream. Used for Png/Jpg formats with ImageMergeMode.Center only. - - - ## See Also * Enum [ImageFormat](../../../aspose.pdf.drawing/imageformat/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/mergeimagesastiff/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/mergeimagesastiff/ index 88f607adf1..c38febb0c7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/mergeimagesastiff/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/mergeimagesastiff/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/mergeimagesastiff/ Merges list of tiff streams as one multiple frames tiff stream. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::MergeImagesAsTiff(System::SharedPtr>> inputImagesStreams) +static System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::MergeImagesAsTiff(System::SharedPtr>> inputImagesStreams) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf:: ### ReturnValue Multiple frames tiff stream. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputImagesStreams - - - The list of tiff streams. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/pdfconverter/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/pdfconverter/ index 5eb7bc933b..1ec1c41e04 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/pdfconverter/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/pdfconverter/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PdfConverter second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::PdfConverter constructor. Initializes new PdfConverter object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2600 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/pdfconverter/ --- ## PdfConverter::PdfConverter() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/pdfconverter/ Initializes new [PdfConverter](../) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::PdfConverter() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::PdfConverter() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,27 +27,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::PdfConverter() Initializes new [PdfConverter](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::PdfConverter(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::PdfConverter(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/saveastiff/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/saveastiff/ index 3bddfabc9e..c19c5b9a1e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/saveastiff/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/saveastiff/ @@ -2,404 +2,180 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF method linktitle: SaveAsTIFF second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF method. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF method. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/saveastiff/ --- -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF file. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | The file to save the TIFF image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file to save the TIFF image. - - - +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | + ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String, Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType) method Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType compressionType) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType compressionType) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | The output file. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The output stream. | | compressionType | Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType | Type of the compression. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The output file. - - - - - compressionType - - - Type of the compression. - - - + ## See Also * Enum [CompressionType](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/compressiontype/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String, int32_t, int32_t) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF file. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | The file name to save the TIFF image | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | | imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | | imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file name to save the TIFF image - - - - - imageWidth - - - The image width, the unit is pixel. - - - - - imageHeight - - - The image height, the unit is pixel. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with page size and saves images to a single TIFF file. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight, Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType compressionType) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | The file name to save the TIFF image | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file name to save the TIFF image - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the image. - - - +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | +| imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | +| imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | +| compressionType | Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType | Type of the compression. | + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) +* Enum [CompressionType](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/compressiontype/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with page size and saves images to a single TIFF file. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr settings) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight, System::SharedPtr settings) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | The file name to save the TIFF image | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | +| imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | +| imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | | settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file name to save the TIFF image - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the image. - - - - - settings - - - Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [TiffSettings](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String, int32_t, int32_t, Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF file. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight, Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType compressionType) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | The file name to save the TIFF image | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | | imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | | imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | -| compressionType | Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType | Type of the compression. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file name to save the TIFF image - - - - - imageWidth - - - The image width, the unit is pixel. - - - - - imageHeight - - - The image height, the unit is pixel. - - - - - compressionType - - - Type of the compression. - - - +| settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. | +| converter | System::SharedPtr\ | External converter | + ## See Also -* Enum [CompressionType](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/compressiontype/) +* Class [TiffSettings](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/) +* Class [IIndexBitmapConverter](../../../aspose.pdf/iindexbitmapconverter/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF file. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight, System::SharedPtr settings) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr settings) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | The file name to save the TIFF image | -| imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | -| imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | | settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file name to save the TIFF image - - - - - imageWidth - - - The image width, the unit is pixel. - - - - - imageHeight - - - The image height, the unit is pixel. - - - - - settings - - - Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. - - - + ## See Also * Class [TiffSettings](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF file. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | The file name to save the TIFF image | -| imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | -| imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | | settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. | | converter | System::SharedPtr\ | External converter | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file name to save the TIFF image - - - - - imageWidth - - - The image width, the unit is pixel. - - - - - imageHeight - - - The image height, the unit is pixel. - - - - - settings - - - Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. - - - - - converter - - - External converter - - - + ## See Also * Class [TiffSettings](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/) @@ -407,399 +183,175 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF stream. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with page size and saves images to a single TIFF stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the TIFF image. - - - +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF file. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with page size and saves images to a single TIFF stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType compressionType) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr settings) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The output stream. | -| compressionType | Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType | Type of the compression. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The output stream. - - - - - compressionType - - - Type of the compression. - - - +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | +| settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. | + ## See Also -* Enum [CompressionType](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/compressiontype/) +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) +* Class [TiffSettings](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with page size and saves images to a single TIFF stream. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the TIFF image. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the image. - - - +| outputFile | System::String | The file to save the TIFF image. | + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String, Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with page size and saves images to a single TIFF stream. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr settings) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType compressionType) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | -| settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the TIFF image. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the image. - - - - - settings - - - Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. - - - +| outputFile | System::String | The output file. | +| compressionType | Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType | Type of the compression. | + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) -* Class [TiffSettings](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/) +* Enum [CompressionType](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/compressiontype/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String, int32_t, int32_t) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF stream. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | +| outputFile | System::String | The file name to save the TIFF image | | imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | | imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the TIFF image. - - - - - imageWidth - - - The image width, the unit is pixel. - - - - - imageHeight - - - The image height, the unit is pixel. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String, int32_t, int32_t, Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF stream. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight, Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType compressionType) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight, Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType compressionType) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | +| outputFile | System::String | The file name to save the TIFF image | | imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | | imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | | compressionType | Aspose::Pdf::Devices::CompressionType | Type of the compression. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the TIFF image. - - - - - imageWidth - - - The image width, the unit is pixel. - - - - - imageHeight - - - The image height, the unit is pixel. - - - - - compressionType - - - Type of the compression. - - - + ## See Also * Enum [CompressionType](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/compressiontype/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF stream. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight, System::SharedPtr settings) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight, System::SharedPtr settings) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | +| outputFile | System::String | The file name to save the TIFF image | | imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | | imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | | settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the TIFF image. - - - - - imageWidth - - - The image width, the unit is pixel. - - - - - imageHeight - - - The image height, the unit is pixel. - - - - - settings - - - Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. - - - + ## See Also * Class [TiffSettings](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF stream. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with dimensions, and saves images to a single TIFF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | +| outputFile | System::String | The file name to save the TIFF image | | imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | | imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | | settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. | | converter | System::SharedPtr\ | External converter | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the TIFF image. - - - - - imageWidth - - - The image width, the unit is pixel. - - - - - imageHeight - - - The image height, the unit is pixel. - - - - - settings - - - Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. - - - - - converter - - - External converter - - - + ## See Also * Class [TiffSettings](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/) @@ -813,7 +365,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with and saves images to a single TIFF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr settings) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr settings) ``` @@ -821,27 +373,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System | --- | --- | --- | | outputFile | System::String | The file name to save the TIFF image | | settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file name to save the TIFF image - - - - - settings - - - Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. - - - + ## See Also * Class [TiffSettings](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/) @@ -854,7 +386,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with and saves images to a single TIFF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) ``` @@ -863,35 +395,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System | outputFile | System::String | The file name to save the TIFF image | | settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. | | converter | System::SharedPtr\ | External converter | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file name to save the TIFF image - - - - - settings - - - Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. - - - - - converter - - - External converter - - - + ## See Also * Class [TiffSettings](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/) @@ -899,95 +403,47 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF stream. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with page size and saves images to a single TIFF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr settings) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | -| settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the TIFF image. - - - - - settings - - - Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. - - - +| outputFile | System::String | The file name to save the TIFF image | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | + ## See Also -* Class [TiffSettings](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/) +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and saves images to a single TIFF stream. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images with page size and saves images to a single TIFF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr settings, System::SharedPtr converter) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFF(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr settings) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | +| outputFile | System::String | The file name to save the TIFF image | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | | settings | System::SharedPtr\ | Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. | -| converter | System::SharedPtr\ | External converter | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the TIFF image. - - - - - settings - - - Settings object that defines TIFF parameters. - - - - - converter - - - External converter - - - + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [TiffSettings](../../../aspose.pdf.devices/tiffsettings/) -* Class [IIndexBitmapConverter](../../../aspose.pdf/iindexbitmapconverter/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/saveastiffclassf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/saveastiffclassf/ index 2c6b9d9040..e3b043b7af 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/saveastiffclassf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/saveastiffclassf/ @@ -2,250 +2,130 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF method linktitle: SaveAsTIFFClassF second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF method. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF method. Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/saveastiffclassf/ --- -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::String, int32_t, int32_t) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::SharedPtr\) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF file. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::String outputFile, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | The stream to save the TIFF image. | -| imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | -| imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The stream to save the TIFF image. - - - - - imageWidth - - - The image width, the unit is pixel. - - - - - imageHeight - - - The image height, the unit is pixel. - - - +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | + ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF file. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | The stream to save the TIFF image. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The stream to save the TIFF image. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the image. - - - +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | +| imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | +| imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | -| imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | -| imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the TIFF image. - - - - - imageWidth - - - The image width, the unit is pixel. - - - - - imageHeight - - - The image height, the unit is pixel. - - - +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::String) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF stream. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the TIFF image. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the image. - - - +| outputFile | System::String | The stream to save the TIFF image. | + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::String) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::String, int32_t, int32_t) method Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::String outputFile) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::String outputFile, int32_t imageWidth, int32_t imageHeight) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | outputFile | System::String | The stream to save the TIFF image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The stream to save the TIFF image. - - - +| imageWidth | int32_t | The image width, the unit is pixel. | +| imageHeight | int32_t | The image height, the unit is pixel. | + ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method -Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF stream. +Converts each pages of a pdf document to images and save images to a single TIFF ClassF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::SharedPtr outputStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::SaveAsTIFFClassF(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the TIFF image. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the TIFF image. - - - +| outputFile | System::String | The stream to save the TIFF image. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the image. | + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfConverter](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_coordinatetype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_coordinatetype/ index ecf8b8f3fe..5342cd2486 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_coordinatetype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_coordinatetype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CoordinateType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_CoordinateType method. Sets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_coordinatetype/ --- ## PdfConverter::set_CoordinateType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_coordinatetype/ Sets the page coordinate type (Media/Crop boxes). CropBox value is used by default. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_CoordinateType(PageCoordinateType value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_CoordinateType(PageCoordinateType value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_endpage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_endpage/ index 996e4a65fb..68efe2fdfc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_endpage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_endpage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_EndPage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_EndPage method. Sets end position which you want to convert in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_endpage/ --- ## PdfConverter::set_EndPage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_endpage/ Sets end position which you want to convert. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_EndPage(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_EndPage(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_formpresentationmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_formpresentationmode/ index bf8abe67a5..3f65d32b65 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_formpresentationmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_formpresentationmode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_FormPresentationMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_FormPresentationMode method. Sets form presentation mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_formpresentationmode/ --- ## PdfConverter::set_FormPresentationMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_formpresentationmode/ Sets form presentation mode. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_FormPresentationMode(Aspose::Pdf::Devices::FormPresentationMode value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_FormPresentationMode(Aspose::Pdf::Devices::FormPresentationMode value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_password/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_password/ index 5440292618..1bd0ac1b3e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_password/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_password/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Password second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_Password method. Sets document OwnerPassword in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_password/ --- ## PdfConverter::set_Password method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_password/ Sets document OwnerPassword. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_Password(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_Password(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_renderingoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_renderingoptions/ index 3d5757b6e5..ef8275e2d1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_renderingoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_renderingoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_RenderingOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_RenderingOptions method. Sets rendering options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_renderingoptions/ --- ## PdfConverter::set_RenderingOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_renderingoptions/ Sets rendering options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_RenderingOptions(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_RenderingOptions(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_resolution/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_resolution/ index 22359f7b19..3c1dfcff9f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_resolution/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_resolution/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Resolution second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_Resolution method. Sets resolution during convertting. The higher resolution, the slower convertting speed. The default value is 150 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_resolution/ --- ## PdfConverter::set_Resolution method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_resolution/ Sets resolution during convertting. The higher resolution, the slower convertting speed. The default value is 150. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_Resolution(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_Resolution(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_showhiddenareas/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_showhiddenareas/ index 1a5fff1639..8bd5d27bd6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_showhiddenareas/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_showhiddenareas/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ShowHiddenAreas second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_ShowHiddenAreas method. Sets flag that controls visibility of hidden areas on the page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_showhiddenareas/ --- ## PdfConverter::set_ShowHiddenAreas method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_showhiddenareas/ Sets flag that controls visibility of hidden areas on the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_ShowHiddenAreas(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_ShowHiddenAreas(bool value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +CoordinateType property should be used instead of ShowHiddenAreas. - - Deprecated - - CoordinateType property should be used instead of ShowHiddenAreas. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfConverter](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_startpage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_startpage/ index f430005c15..d2093d2dc1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_startpage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_startpage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_StartPage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_StartPage method. Sets start position which you want to convert. The minimal value is 1 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 2600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_startpage/ --- ## PdfConverter::set_StartPage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_startpage/ Sets start position which you want to convert. The minimal value is 1. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_StartPage(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_StartPage(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_userpassword/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_userpassword/ index a86dfa4ee2..844b02726f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_userpassword/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_userpassword/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_UserPassword second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_UserPassword method. Sets document UserPassword in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_userpassword/ --- ## PdfConverter::set_UserPassword method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfconverter/set_userpassword/ Sets document UserPassword. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_UserPassword(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfConverter::set_UserPassword(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/bindpdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/bindpdf/ index d27047bf0d..a58763a47a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/bindpdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/bindpdf/ @@ -2,68 +2,44 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::BindPdf method linktitle: BindPdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::BindPdf method. Bind input PDF file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::BindPdf method. Binds PDF document from stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/bindpdf/ --- -## PdfExtractor::BindPdf(System::String) method +## PdfExtractor::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method -Bind input PDF file. +Binds PDF document from stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::BindPdf(System::String inputFile) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr inputStream) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | PDF file to bind | -## Remarks - +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream containing PDF document data | - - - - inputFile - - - PDF file to bind - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfExtractor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfExtractor::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfExtractor::BindPdf(System::String) method -Binds PDF document from stream. +Bind input PDF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr inputStream) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::BindPdf(System::String inputFile) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream containing PDF document data | -## Remarks - +| inputFile | System::String | PDF file to bind | - - - - inputStream - - - Stream containing PDF document data - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfExtractor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extractattachment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extractattachment/ index 41fd81145e..4ed43699f0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extractattachment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extractattachment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExtractAttachment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::ExtractAttachment method. Extracts attachments from a Pdf document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extractattachment/ --- ## PdfExtractor::ExtractAttachment() method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extractattachment/ Extracts attachments from a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::ExtractAttachment() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::ExtractAttachment() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,26 +27,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::ExtractAttachment Extracts attachment to PDF file by attachment name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::ExtractAttachment(System::String attachmentFileName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::ExtractAttachment(System::String attachmentFileName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | attachmentFileName | System::String | Name of attachment to extract | -## Remarks - - - - - - attachmentFileName - - - Name of attachment to extract - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfExtractor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extractimage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extractimage/ index 30941028d0..8dd141aa07 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extractimage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extractimage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExtractImage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::ExtractImage method. Extract images from PDF file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extractimage/ --- ## PdfExtractor::ExtractImage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extractimage/ Extract images from PDF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::ExtractImage() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::ExtractImage() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extracttext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extracttext/ index 399630a396..7581965e75 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extracttext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extracttext/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExtractText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::ExtractText method. Extracts text from a Pdf document using Unicode encoding in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extracttext/ --- ## PdfExtractor::ExtractText() method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/extracttext/ Extracts text from a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document using Unicode encoding. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::ExtractText() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::ExtractText() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,26 +27,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::ExtractText() Extracts text from a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document using specified encoding. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::ExtractText(System::SharedPtr encoding) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::ExtractText(System::SharedPtr encoding) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | encoding | System::SharedPtr\ | The encoding of the extracted text. | -## Remarks - - - - - - encoding - - - The encoding of the extracted text. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfExtractor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_endpage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_endpage/ index 477f37f2d7..96a4c3902e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_endpage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_endpage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_EndPage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_EndPage method. Gets end page in the page range where extracting operation will be performed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_endpage/ --- ## PdfExtractor::get_EndPage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_endpage/ Gets end page in the page range where extracting operation will be performed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_EndPage() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_EndPage() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_extractimagemode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_extractimagemode/ index 37216124e1..fbc13a1bf0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_extractimagemode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_extractimagemode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ExtractImageMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_ExtractImageMode method. Sets the mode for extract images process in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_extractimagemode/ --- ## PdfExtractor::get_ExtractImageMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_extractimagemode/ Sets the mode for extract images process. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::ExtractImageMode Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_ExtractImageMode() const +Aspose::Pdf::ExtractImageMode Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_ExtractImageMode() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_extracttextmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_extracttextmode/ index f090021c8a..850d4aabef 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_extracttextmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_extracttextmode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ExtractTextMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_ExtractTextMode method. Sets the mode for extract text''s result in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_extracttextmode/ --- ## PdfExtractor::get_ExtractTextMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_extracttextmode/ Sets the mode for extract text's result. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_ExtractTextMode() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_ExtractTextMode() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_isbidi/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_isbidi/ index 2ebe77048f..c93a802d33 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_isbidi/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_isbidi/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsBidi second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_IsBidi method. Is true when text has hebriew or arabic symbols. This case must be specially considered because string functions change their behaviour and start process text from right to left (except numbers and other non text chars) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_isbidi/ --- ## PdfExtractor::get_IsBidi method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_isbidi/ Is true when text has hebriew or arabic symbols. This case must be specially considered because string functions change their behaviour and start process text from right to left (except numbers and other non text chars). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_IsBidi() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_IsBidi() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_password/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_password/ index 95ed5b9826..0709e3677b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_password/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_password/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Password second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_Password method. Gets input file''s password in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_password/ --- ## PdfExtractor::get_Password method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_password/ Gets input file's password. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_Password() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_Password() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_resolution/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_resolution/ index ee96f2858a..cde4bcb4c8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_resolution/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_resolution/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Resolution second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_Resolution method. Set or gets resolution for extracted images. Default value is 150. Images which have greater resolution value are more clear. However increasing resolution value results in increasing time and memory needed to extract images. Usually to get clear image it''s enough to set resolution to 150 or 300 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_resolution/ --- ## PdfExtractor::get_Resolution method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_resolution/ Set or gets resolution for extracted images. Default value is 150. Images which have greater resolution value are more clear. However increasing resolution value results in increasing time and memory needed to extract images. Usually to get clear image it's enough to set resolution to 150 or 300. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_Resolution() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_Resolution() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_startpage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_startpage/ index 03e3c0518d..91c1e5ff30 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_startpage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_startpage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_StartPage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_StartPage method. Gets start page in the page range where extracting operation will be performed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_startpage/ --- ## PdfExtractor::get_StartPage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_startpage/ Gets start page in the page range where extracting operation will be performed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_StartPage() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_StartPage() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_textsearchoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_textsearchoptions/ index 3acc666c80..30368fc188 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_textsearchoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_textsearchoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TextSearchOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_TextSearchOptions method. Gets text search options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_textsearchoptions/ --- ## PdfExtractor::get_TextSearchOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/get_textsearchoptions/ Gets text search options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_TextSearchOptions() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::get_TextSearchOptions() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getattachment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getattachment/ index ff8f3fa171..b9cdd6092a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getattachment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getattachment/ @@ -2,55 +2,43 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetAttachment method linktitle: GetAttachment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetAttachment method. Stores attachment into file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetAttachment method. Saves all the attachment file to streams in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getattachment/ --- -## PdfExtractor::GetAttachment(System::String) method +## PdfExtractor::GetAttachment() method -Stores attachment into file. +Saves all the attachment file to streams. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetAttachment(System::String outputPath) +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetAttachment() ``` -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| outputPath | System::String | Directory path where attachment(s) will be stored. Null or empty string means attachment(s) will be placed in the application directory. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputPath - - - Directory path where attachment(s) will be stored. Null or empty string means attachment(s) will be placed in the application directory. - - - +### ReturnValue + +The stream array of the attachment file in the pdf document. + ## See Also * Class [PdfExtractor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfExtractor::GetAttachment() method +## PdfExtractor::GetAttachment(System::String) method -Saves all the attachment file to streams. +Stores attachment into file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetAttachment() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetAttachment(System::String outputPath) ``` -### ReturnValue - -The stream array of the attachment file in the pdf document. +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| outputPath | System::String | Directory path where attachment(s) will be stored. Null or empty string means attachment(s) will be placed in the application directory. | ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getattachmentinfo/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getattachmentinfo/ index 09725d2f44..089020de42 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getattachmentinfo/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getattachmentinfo/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetAttachmentInfo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetAttachmentInfo method. Gets the list of attachments in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getattachmentinfo/ --- ## PdfExtractor::GetAttachmentInfo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getattachmentinfo/ Gets the list of attachments. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetAttachmentInfo() +System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetAttachmentInfo() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getattachnames/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getattachnames/ index 3a23736cb1..2b6f5c5e9f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getattachnames/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getattachnames/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetAttachNames second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetAttachNames method. Returns list of attachments in PDF file. Note: ExtractAttachments must be called before using this method in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getattachnames/ --- ## PdfExtractor::GetAttachNames method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getattachnames/ Returns list of attachments in PDF file. [Note](../../../aspose.pdf/note/): ExtractAttachments must be called before using this method. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetAttachNames() +System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetAttachNames() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getnextimage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getnextimage/ index 42a967bf7e..39e0f94410 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getnextimage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getnextimage/ @@ -2,164 +2,100 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextImage method linktitle: GetNextImage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextImage method. Retrieves next image from PDF document. Note: ExtractImage must be called before using of this method in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextImage method. Retrieve next image from PDF file and stores it into stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getnextimage/ --- -## PdfExtractor::GetNextImage(System::String) method +## PdfExtractor::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\) method -Retrieves next image from PDF document. [Note](../../../aspose.pdf/note/): ExtractImage must be called before using of this method. +Retrieve next image from PDF file and stores it into stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | File where image will be stored | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where image data will be saved | ### ReturnValue -True is image is successfully extracted -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - File where image will be stored - - - +True in case the image is successfully extracted. + ## See Also * Class [PdfExtractor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfExtractor::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfExtractor::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Retrieves next image from PDF document with given image format. [Note](../../../aspose.pdf/note/): ExtractImage must be called before using of this method. +Retrieve next image from PDF file and stores it into stream with given image format. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr format) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr format) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | File where image will be stored | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where image data will be saved | | format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | ### ReturnValue -True is image is successfully extracted -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - File where image will be stored - - - - - format - - - The format of the image. - - - +True in case the image is successfully extracted. + ## See Also * Class [PdfExtractor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfExtractor::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfExtractor::GetNextImage(System::String) method -Retrieve next image from PDF file and stores it into stream with given image format. +Retrieves next image from PDF document. [Note](../../../aspose.pdf/note/): ExtractImage must be called before using of this method. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr format) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where image data will be saved | -| format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | +| outputFile | System::String | File where image will be stored | ### ReturnValue -True in case the image is successfully extracted. -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - Stream where image data will be saved - - - - - format - - - The format of the image. - - - +True is image is successfully extracted + ## See Also * Class [PdfExtractor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfExtractor::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfExtractor::GetNextImage(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method -Retrieve next image from PDF file and stores it into stream. +Retrieves next image from PDF document with given image format. [Note](../../../aspose.pdf/note/): ExtractImage must be called before using of this method. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextImage(System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextImage(System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr format) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where image data will be saved | +| outputFile | System::String | File where image will be stored | +| format | System::SharedPtr\ | The format of the image. | ### ReturnValue -True in case the image is successfully extracted. -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - Stream where image data will be saved - - - +True is image is successfully extracted + ## See Also * Class [PdfExtractor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getnextpagetext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getnextpagetext/ index b1717653c9..4f6679498b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getnextpagetext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getnextpagetext/ @@ -2,68 +2,44 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextPageText method linktitle: GetNextPageText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextPageText method. Saves one page''s text to file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextPageText method. Saves one page''s text to stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2600 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/getnextpagetext/ --- -## PdfExtractor::GetNextPageText(System::String) method +## PdfExtractor::GetNextPageText(System::SharedPtr\) method -Saves one page's text to file. +Saves one page's text to stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextPageText(System::String outputFile) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextPageText(System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the text. | -## Remarks - +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the text. | - - - - outputFile - - - The file path and name to save the text. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfExtractor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfExtractor::GetNextPageText(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfExtractor::GetNextPageText(System::String) method -Saves one page's text to stream. +Saves one page's text to file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextPageText(System::SharedPtr outputStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetNextPageText(System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the text. | -## Remarks - +| outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the text. | - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the text. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfExtractor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/gettext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/gettext/ index 5c73357a81..d39ab574fc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/gettext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/gettext/ @@ -2,108 +2,64 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetText method linktitle: GetText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetText method. Saves text to file. see also:ExtractText in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetText method. Saves text to stream. see also:ExtractText in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/gettext/ --- -## PdfExtractor::GetText(System::String) method +## PdfExtractor::GetText(System::SharedPtr\) method -Saves text to file. see also:[ExtractText](../extracttext/) +Saves text to stream. see also:[ExtractText](../extracttext/) ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetText(System::String outputFile) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetText(System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the text. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - The file path and name to save the text. - - - +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the text. | + ## See Also * Class [PdfExtractor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfExtractor::GetText(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfExtractor::GetText(System::SharedPtr\, bool) method Saves text to stream. see also:[ExtractText](../extracttext/) ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetText(System::SharedPtr outputStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetText(System::SharedPtr outputStream, bool filterNotAscii) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the text. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the text. - - - +| filterNotAscii | bool | If this parameter is true all Not ASCII symbols will be removed | + ## See Also * Class [PdfExtractor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfExtractor::GetText(System::SharedPtr\, bool) method +## PdfExtractor::GetText(System::String) method -Saves text to stream. see also:[ExtractText](../extracttext/) +Saves text to file. see also:[ExtractText](../extracttext/) ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetText(System::SharedPtr outputStream, bool filterNotAscii) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::GetText(System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream to save the text. | -| filterNotAscii | bool | If this parameter is true all Not ASCII symbols will be removed | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - The stream to save the text. - - - - - filterNotAscii - - - If this parameter is true all Not ASCII symbols will be removed - - - +| outputFile | System::String | The file path and name to save the text. | + ## See Also * Class [PdfExtractor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/hasnextimage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/hasnextimage/ index f7d59b351d..77497826df 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/hasnextimage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/hasnextimage/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/hasnextimage/ Checks if more images are accessible in PDF document. [Note](../../../aspose.pdf/note/): ExtractImage must be called before using of this method. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::HasNextImage() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::HasNextImage() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/hasnextpagetext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/hasnextpagetext/ index f2d64e8624..62a32e09f9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/hasnextpagetext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/hasnextpagetext/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: HasNextPageText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::HasNextPageText method. Indicates that whether can get more texts or not in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/hasnextpagetext/ --- ## PdfExtractor::HasNextPageText method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/hasnextpagetext/ Indicates that whether can get more texts or not. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::HasNextPageText() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::HasNextPageText() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/pdfextractor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/pdfextractor/ index c743cff584..7dd1d0698f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/pdfextractor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/pdfextractor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PdfExtractor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::PdfExtractor constructor. Initializes new PdfExtractor object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/pdfextractor/ --- ## PdfExtractor::PdfExtractor() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/pdfextractor/ Initializes new [PdfExtractor](../) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::PdfExtractor() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::PdfExtractor() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,27 +27,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::PdfExtractor() Initializes new [PdfExtractor](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::PdfExtractor(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::PdfExtractor(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_endpage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_endpage/ index 368ea03aec..a92dab72c5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_endpage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_endpage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_EndPage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_EndPage method. Sets end page in the page range where extracting operation will be performed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_endpage/ --- ## PdfExtractor::set_EndPage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_endpage/ Sets end page in the page range where extracting operation will be performed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_EndPage(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_EndPage(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_extractimagemode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_extractimagemode/ index ab748fcb11..e19f71c5f5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_extractimagemode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_extractimagemode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ExtractImageMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_ExtractImageMode method. Sets the mode for extract images process in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_extractimagemode/ --- ## PdfExtractor::set_ExtractImageMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_extractimagemode/ Sets the mode for extract images process. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_ExtractImageMode(Aspose::Pdf::ExtractImageMode value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_ExtractImageMode(Aspose::Pdf::ExtractImageMode value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_extracttextmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_extracttextmode/ index f231e66248..3d72f72845 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_extracttextmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_extracttextmode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ExtractTextMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_ExtractTextMode method. Sets the mode for extract text''s result in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_extracttextmode/ --- ## PdfExtractor::set_ExtractTextMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_extracttextmode/ Sets the mode for extract text's result. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_ExtractTextMode(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_ExtractTextMode(int32_t value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_password/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_password/ index 681914646f..676f315c40 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_password/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_password/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Password second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_Password method. Sets input file''s password in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_password/ --- ## PdfExtractor::set_Password method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_password/ Sets input file's password. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_Password(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_Password(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_resolution/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_resolution/ index 164e6171dc..d0f6e3a2f5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_resolution/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_resolution/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Resolution second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_Resolution method. Set or gets resolution for extracted images. Default value is 150. Images which have greater resolution value are more clear. However increasing resolution value results in increasing time and memory needed to extract images. Usually to get clear image it''s enough to set resolution to 150 or 300 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 2600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_resolution/ --- ## PdfExtractor::set_Resolution method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_resolution/ Set or gets resolution for extracted images. Default value is 150. Images which have greater resolution value are more clear. However increasing resolution value results in increasing time and memory needed to extract images. Usually to get clear image it's enough to set resolution to 150 or 300. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_Resolution(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_Resolution(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_startpage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_startpage/ index b43c40ebdb..9acbe90923 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_startpage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_startpage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_StartPage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_StartPage method. Sets start page in the page range where extracting operation will be performed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_startpage/ --- ## PdfExtractor::set_StartPage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_startpage/ Sets start page in the page range where extracting operation will be performed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_StartPage(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_StartPage(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_textsearchoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_textsearchoptions/ index 3877bff684..5b0cbfef43 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_textsearchoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_textsearchoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TextSearchOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_TextSearchOptions method. Sets text search options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_textsearchoptions/ --- ## PdfExtractor::set_TextSearchOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfextractor/set_textsearchoptions/ Sets text search options. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_TextSearchOptions(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfExtractor::set_TextSearchOptions(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addmargins/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addmargins/ index 0717a174ee..e0804ec317 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addmargins/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addmargins/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddMargins second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddMargins method. Resizes page contents and add specifed margins. Margins are specified in default space units in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5900 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addmargins/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::AddMargins(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, double, double, double, double) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addmargins/ Resizes page contents and add specifed margins. Margins are specified in default space units. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddMargins(System::SharedPtr source, System::SharedPtr destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double leftMargin, double rightMargin, double topMargin, double bottomMargin) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddMargins(System::SharedPtr source, System::SharedPtr destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double leftMargin, double rightMargin, double topMargin, double bottomMargin) ``` @@ -30,67 +30,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddMargins(Syste ### ReturnValue true if operation was successful. -## Remarks - - - - - - source - - - Stream which contains source document. - - - - - destination - - - Stream where resultant document will be saved. - - - - - pages - - - Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. - - - - - leftMargin - - - Left margin. - - - - - rightMargin - - - Right margin. - - - - - topMargin - - - Top margin. - - - - - bottomMargin - - - Bottom margin. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) @@ -102,7 +42,7 @@ true if operation was successful. Resizes page contents and add specifed margins. Margins are specified in default space units. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddMargins(System::String source, System::String destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double leftMargin, double rightMargin, double topMargin, double bottomMargin) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddMargins(System::String source, System::String destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double leftMargin, double rightMargin, double topMargin, double bottomMargin) ``` @@ -119,67 +59,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddMargins(Syste ### ReturnValue true if resize was successful. -## Remarks - - - - - - source - - - Path to source document. - - - - - destination - - - Path where resultant document will be saved. - - - - - pages - - - Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. - - - - - leftMargin - - - Left margin. - - - - - rightMargin - - - Right margin. - - - - - topMargin - - - Top margin. - - - - - bottomMargin - - - Bottom margin. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addmarginspct/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addmarginspct/ index 8c4c70b1ba..34e1e9a58c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addmarginspct/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addmarginspct/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddMarginsPct second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddMarginsPct method. Resizes page contents and add specified margins. Margins are specified in percents of intitial page size in C++.' type: docs -weight: 6000 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addmarginspct/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::AddMarginsPct(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, double, double, double, double) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addmarginspct/ Resizes page contents and add specified margins. Margins are specified in percents of intitial page size. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddMarginsPct(System::SharedPtr source, System::SharedPtr destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double leftMargin, double rightMargin, double topMargin, double bottomMargin) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddMarginsPct(System::SharedPtr source, System::SharedPtr destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double leftMargin, double rightMargin, double topMargin, double bottomMargin) ``` @@ -30,67 +30,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddMarginsPct(Sy ### ReturnValue true if action was performed successfully. -## Remarks - - - - - - source - - - Stream which contains source document. - - - - - destination - - - Stream where resultant document will be saved. - - - - - pages - - - Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. - - - - - leftMargin - - - Left margin in percents of initial page size. - - - - - rightMargin - - - Right margin in percents of initial page size. - - - - - topMargin - - - Top margin in percents of initial page size. - - - - - bottomMargin - - - Bottom margin in percents of initial page size. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) @@ -102,7 +42,7 @@ true if action was performed successfully. Resizes page contents and add specified margins. Margins are specified in percents of intitial page size. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddMarginsPct(System::String source, System::String destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double leftMargin, double rightMargin, double topMargin, double bottomMargin) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddMarginsPct(System::String source, System::String destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double leftMargin, double rightMargin, double topMargin, double bottomMargin) ``` @@ -119,67 +59,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddMarginsPct(Sy ### ReturnValue true if resize was successful -## Remarks - - - - - - source - - - Path to source document. - - - - - destination - - - Path where resultant document will be saved. - - - - - pages - - - Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. - - - - - leftMargin - - - Left margin in percents of initial page size. - - - - - rightMargin - - - Right margin in percents of initial page size. - - - - - topMargin - - - Top margin in percents of initial page size. - - - - - bottomMargin - - - Bottom margin in percents of initial page size. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addpagebreak/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addpagebreak/ index 01b29be668..af9664feee 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addpagebreak/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addpagebreak/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddPageBreak second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddPageBreak method. Adds page breaks into document pages in C++.' type: docs -weight: 6100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addpagebreak/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::AddPageBreak(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\\>) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/addpagebreak/ Adds page breaks into document pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddPageBreak(System::SharedPtr src, System::SharedPtr dest, System::ArrayPtr> pageBreaks) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddPageBreak(System::SharedPtr src, System::SharedPtr dest, System::ArrayPtr> pageBreaks) ``` @@ -22,134 +22,50 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddPageBreak(Sys | src | System::SharedPtr\ | Source document. | | dest | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination document. | | pageBreaks | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of **PageBreak** objects which describe places of page breaks. | -## Remarks - - - - - - src - - - Source document. - - - - - dest - - - Destination document. - - - - - pageBreaks - - - Array of PageBreak objects which describe places of page breaks. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::AddPageBreak(System::String, System::String, System::ArrayPtr\\>) method +## PdfFileEditor::AddPageBreak(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\\>) method Adds page breaks into document pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddPageBreak(System::String src, System::String dest, System::ArrayPtr> pageBreaks) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddPageBreak(System::SharedPtr src, System::SharedPtr dest, System::ArrayPtr> pageBreaks) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| src | System::String | Path to source document. | -| dest | System::String | Path to destination document. | +| src | System::SharedPtr\ | Source which contains source document. | +| dest | System::SharedPtr\ | Source where destination document will be saved. | | pageBreaks | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of **PageBreak** object describing pages and places where page break will be added. | -## Remarks - - - - - - src - - - Path to source document. - - - - - dest - - - Path to destination document. - - - - - pageBreaks - - - Array of PageBreak object describing pages and places where page break will be added. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::AddPageBreak(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\\>) method +## PdfFileEditor::AddPageBreak(System::String, System::String, System::ArrayPtr\\>) method Adds page breaks into document pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddPageBreak(System::SharedPtr src, System::SharedPtr dest, System::ArrayPtr> pageBreaks) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::AddPageBreak(System::String src, System::String dest, System::ArrayPtr> pageBreaks) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| src | System::SharedPtr\ | Source which contains source document. | -| dest | System::SharedPtr\ | Source where destination document will be saved. | +| src | System::String | Path to source document. | +| dest | System::String | Path to destination document. | | pageBreaks | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of **PageBreak** object describing pages and places where page break will be added. | -## Remarks - - - - - - src - - - Source which contains source document. - - - - - dest - - - Source where destination document will be saved. - - - - - pageBreaks - - - Array of PageBreak object describing pages and places where page break will be added. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/append/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/append/ index a7325f8ea7..168de73c9c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/append/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/append/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Append second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Append method. Appends pages, which are chosen from array of documents in portStreams. The result document includes firstInputFile and all portStreams documents pages in the range startPage to endPage in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4700 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/append/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::Append(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\\>, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/append/ Appends pages, which are chosen from array of documents in portStreams. The result document includes firstInputFile and all portStreams documents pages in the range startPage to endPage. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Append(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr> portStreams, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Append(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr> portStreams, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` @@ -28,414 +28,142 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Append(System::S ### ReturnValue True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input Pdf stream. - - - - - portStreams - - - Documents to copy pages from. - - - - - startPage - - - - Page starts in portStreams documents. - - - - - endPage - - - - Page ends in portStreams documents . - - - - - outputStream - - - Output Pdf stream. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Append(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::Append(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\\>, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Appends pages, which are chosen from portFiles documents. The result document includes firstInputFile and all portFiles documents pages in the range startPage to endPage. +Appends documents to source document and saves result into response object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Append(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr portFiles, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Append(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr> portStreams, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | -| portFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Documents to copy pages from. | -| startPage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) starts in portFiles documents. | -| endPage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) ends in portFiles documents . | -| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream which contains source document. | +| portStreams | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of streams with documents to be appended. | +| startPage | int32_t | Start page of appended page. | +| endPage | int32_t | End page of appended pages. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object where document will be saved. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Input Pdf file. - - - - - portFiles - - - Documents to copy pages from. - - - - - startPage - - - - Page starts in portFiles documents. - - - - - endPage - - - - Page ends in portFiles documents . - - - - - outputFile - - - Output Pdf document. - - - +true if operation was successful. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Append(System::String, System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::Append(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Appends pages, which are chosen from portFile within the range from startPage to endPage, in portFile at the end of firstInputFile. +Appends pages,which are chosen from portStream within the range from startPage to endPage, in portStream at the end of firstInputStream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Append(System::String inputFile, System::String portFile, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Append(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr portStream, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | -| portFile | System::String | Pages from [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | -| startPage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) starts in portFile. | -| endPage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) ends in portFile. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input file Stream. | +| portStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Pages from [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | +| startPage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) starts in portFile Stream. | +| endPage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) ends in portFile Stream. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Input Pdf file. - - - - - portFile - - - Pages from Pdf file. - - - - - startPage - - - - Page starts in portFile. - - - - - endPage - - - - Page ends in portFile. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output Pdf document. - - - +True for success, or false. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Append(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Append(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Appends pages,which are chosen from portStream within the range from startPage to endPage, in portStream at the end of firstInputStream. +Appends documents to source document and saves result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Append(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr portStream, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Append(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr portFiles, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input file Stream. | -| portStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Pages from [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | -| startPage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) starts in portFile Stream. | -| endPage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) ends in portFile Stream. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | +| inputFile | System::String | Name of file containing source document. | +| portFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of file names containing appended documents. | +| startPage | int32_t | Start page of appended pages. | +| endPage | int32_t | End page of appended pages. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object where document will be saved. | ### ReturnValue -True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input file Stream. - - - - - portStream - - - Pages from Pdf file Stream. - - - - - startPage - - - - Page starts in portFile Stream. - - - - - endPage - - - - Page ends in portFile Stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output Pdf file Stream. - - - +true if operation was succeeded. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Append(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\\>, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Append(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::String) method -Appends documents to source document and saves result into response object. +Appends pages, which are chosen from portFiles documents. The result document includes firstInputFile and all portFiles documents pages in the range startPage to endPage. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Append(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr> portStreams, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Append(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr portFiles, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream which contains source document. | -| portStreams | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of streams with documents to be appended. | -| startPage | int32_t | Start page of appended page. | -| endPage | int32_t | End page of appended pages. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object where document will be saved. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| portFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Documents to copy pages from. | +| startPage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) starts in portFiles documents. | +| endPage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) ends in portFiles documents . | +| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | ### ReturnValue -true if operation was successful. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Stream which contains source document. - - - - - portStreams - - - Array of streams with documents to be appended. - - - - - startPage - - - Start page of appended page. - - - - - endPage - - - End page of appended pages. - - - - - response - - - Response object where document will be saved. - - - +True if operation was succeeded. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Append(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Append(System::String, System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::String) method -Appends documents to source document and saves result into HttpResponse object. +Appends pages, which are chosen from portFile within the range from startPage to endPage, in portFile at the end of firstInputFile. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Append(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr portFiles, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Append(System::String inputFile, System::String portFile, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Name of file containing source document. | -| portFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of file names containing appended documents. | -| startPage | int32_t | Start page of appended pages. | -| endPage | int32_t | End page of appended pages. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object where document will be saved. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| portFile | System::String | Pages from [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| startPage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) starts in portFile. | +| endPage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) ends in portFile. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | ### ReturnValue -true if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Name of file containing source document. - - - - - portFiles - - - Array of file names containing appended documents. - - - - - startPage - - - Start page of appended pages. - - - - - endPage - - - End page of appended pages. - - - - - response - - - Response object where document will be saved. - - - +True if operation was succeeded. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/concatenate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/concatenate/ index 441f209a0c..0aeee1298e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/concatenate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/concatenate/ @@ -2,459 +2,231 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate method linktitle: Concatenate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate method. Concatenates two files in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate method. Concatenates documents in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4600 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/concatenate/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::String, System::String, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::SharedPtr\) method -Concatenates two files. +Concatenates documents. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::String firstInputFile, System::String secInputFile, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr> src, System::SharedPtr dest) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| firstInputFile | System::String | First file to concatenate. | -| secInputFile | System::String | Second file to concatenate. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output file. | +| src | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of source documents. | +| dest | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination document. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - firstInputFile - - - First file to concatenate. - - - - - secInputFile - - - Second file to concatenate. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output file. - - - +True if concatenation is successful. ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::SharedPtr\) method -Concatenates two files. +Concatenates files. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::SharedPtr firstInputStream, System::SharedPtr secInputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr> inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| firstInputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of first file. | -| secInputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of second file. | +| inputStream | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of streams to be concatenated. | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where result file will be stored. | ### ReturnValue True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - firstInputStream - - - Stream of first file. - - - - - secInputStream - - - Stream of second file. - - - - - outputStream - - - Stream where result file will be stored. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::SharedPtr\) method -Concatenates documents. +Concatenates files and stores result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr> src, System::SharedPtr dest) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr> inputStream, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| src | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of source documents. | -| dest | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination document. | +| inputStream | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Streams array which contain files to concatenate. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object/ | ### ReturnValue -True if concatenation is successful. -## Remarks - - - - - - src - - - Array of source documents. - - - - - dest - - - Destination document. - - - +true if operation was succeeded. + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr\, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Concatenates files into one file. +Concatenates files and saves reslt into HttpResposnse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr inputFiles, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr inputFiles, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | inputFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of files to concatenate. | -| outputFile | System::String | Name of output file. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFiles - - - Array of files to concatenate. - - - - - outputFile - - - Name of output file. - - - +true if concatenation was successful. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr\, System::String) method -Concatenates files. +Concatenates files into one file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr> inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr inputFiles, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of streams to be concatenated. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where result file will be stored. | +| inputFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of files to concatenate. | +| outputFile | System::String | Name of output file. | ### ReturnValue True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Array of streams to be concatenated. - - - - - outputStream - - - Stream where result file will be stored. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::String, System::String, System::String, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method Merges two [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) documents into a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document with pages in alternate ways and fill the blank places with blank pages. e.g.: document1 has 5 pages: p1, p2, p3, p4, p5. document2 has 3 pages: p1', p2', p3'. Merging the two [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document will produce the result document with pages:p1, p1', p2, p2', p3, p3', p4, blankpage, p5, blankpage. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::String firstInputFile, System::String secInputFile, System::String blankPageFile, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::SharedPtr firstInputStream, System::SharedPtr secInputStream, System::SharedPtr blankPageStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| firstInputFile | System::String | First file. | -| secInputFile | System::String | Second file. | -| blankPageFile | System::String | PDF file with blank page. | -| outputFile | System::String | Result file. | +| firstInputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The first [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) Stream. | +| secInputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The second [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) Stream. | +| blankPageStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) Stream with blank page. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) Stream. | ### ReturnValue True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - firstInputFile - - - First file. - - - - - secInputFile - - - Second file. - - - - - blankPageFile - - - PDF file with blank page. - - - - - outputFile - - - Result file. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Merges two [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) documents into a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document with pages in alternate ways and fill the blank places with blank pages. e.g.: document1 has 5 pages: p1, p2, p3, p4, p5. document2 has 3 pages: p1', p2', p3'. Merging the two [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document will produce the result document with pages:p1, p1', p2, p2', p3, p3', p4, blankpage, p5, blankpage. +Concatenates two files. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::SharedPtr firstInputStream, System::SharedPtr secInputStream, System::SharedPtr blankPageStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::SharedPtr firstInputStream, System::SharedPtr secInputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| firstInputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The first [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) Stream. | -| secInputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The second [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) Stream. | -| blankPageStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) Stream with blank page. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) Stream. | +| firstInputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of first file. | +| secInputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of second file. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where result file will be stored. | ### ReturnValue True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - firstInputStream - - - The first Pdf Stream. - - - - - secInputStream - - - The second Pdf Stream. - - - - - blankPageStream - - - The Pdf Stream with blank page. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output Pdf Stream. - - - + + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::String, System::String, System::String, System::String) method -Concatenates files and saves reslt into HttpResposnse object. +Merges two [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) documents into a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document with pages in alternate ways and fill the blank places with blank pages. e.g.: document1 has 5 pages: p1, p2, p3, p4, p5. document2 has 3 pages: p1', p2', p3'. Merging the two [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document will produce the result document with pages:p1, p1', p2, p2', p3, p3', p4, blankpage, p5, blankpage. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr inputFiles, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::String firstInputFile, System::String secInputFile, System::String blankPageFile, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of files to concatenate. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object. | +| firstInputFile | System::String | First file. | +| secInputFile | System::String | Second file. | +| blankPageFile | System::String | PDF file with blank page. | +| outputFile | System::String | Result file. | ### ReturnValue -true if concatenation was successful. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFiles - - - Array of files to concatenate. - - - - - response - - - Response object. - - - +True if operation was succeeded. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::String, System::String, System::String) method -Concatenates files and stores result into HttpResponse object. +Concatenates two files. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::ArrayPtr> inputStream, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Concatenate(System::String firstInputFile, System::String secInputFile, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Streams array which contain files to concatenate. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object/ | +| firstInputFile | System::String | First file to concatenate. | +| secInputFile | System::String | Second file to concatenate. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output file. | ### ReturnValue -true if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Streams array which contain files to concatenate. - - - - - response - - - Response object/ - - - +True if operation was succeeded. + + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/delete/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/delete/ index ccfe5da50c..55e85bc426 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/delete/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/delete/ @@ -4,110 +4,54 @@ linktitle: Delete second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Delete method. Deletes pages specified by number array from input file, saves as a new Pdf file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4900 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/delete/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::Delete(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::Delete(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method Deletes pages specified by number array from input file, saves as a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Delete(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Delete(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input file path. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input file Stream. | | pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Index of page out of the input file. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output file path. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output file stream. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Input file path. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Index of page out of the input file. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output file path. - - - +True for success, or false. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Delete(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Delete(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Deletes pages specified by number array from input file, saves as a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. +Deletes specified pages from document and saves result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Delete(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Delete(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input file Stream. | -| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Index of page out of the input file. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output file stream. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source document stream. | +| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will be deleted. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object | ### ReturnValue -True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input file Stream. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Index of page out of the input file. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output file stream. - - - +True if operation succeded. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) @@ -119,7 +63,7 @@ True for success, or false. Deletes specified pages from document and stores result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Delete(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Delete(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) ``` @@ -132,88 +76,32 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Delete(System::S ### ReturnValue True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Path of source file. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Array of page numbers which must be deleted. - - - - - response - - - Response object where result document will be stored. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Delete(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Delete(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::String) method -Deletes specified pages from document and saves result into HttpResponse object. +Deletes pages specified by number array from input file, saves as a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Delete(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Delete(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source document stream. | -| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will be deleted. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object | +| inputFile | System::String | Input file path. | +| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Index of page out of the input file. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output file path. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation succeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Source document stream. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Array of page numbers which will be deleted. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object - - - +True if operation was succeeded. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/extract/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/extract/ index 0727b3f9f4..8be3f82489 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/extract/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/extract/ @@ -4,340 +4,156 @@ linktitle: Extract second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Extract method. Extracts pages from input file,saves as a new Pdf file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5000 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/extract/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method Extracts pages from input file,saves as a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::String inputFile, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file path. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input file Stream. | | startPage | int32_t | Start page number. | | endPage | int32_t | End page number. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file path. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | ### ReturnValue True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Input Pdf file path. - - - - - startPage - - - Start page number. - - - - - endPage - - - End page number. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output Pdf file path. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Extracts pages specified by number array, saves as a new PDF file. +Extracts pages specified by number array, saves as a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input file path. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input file Stream. | | pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Index of page out of the input file. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output file path. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output file stream. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Input file path. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Index of page out of the input file. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output file path. - - - +True for success, or false. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Extracts pages from input file,saves as a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. +Extracts specified pages form source file and stores result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input file Stream. | -| startPage | int32_t | Start page number. | -| endPage | int32_t | End page number. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of source document. | +| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will be extracted. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue -True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input file Stream. - - - - - startPage - - - Start page number. - - - - - endPage - - - End page number. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output Pdf file Stream. - - - +True if operation was succeeded. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::String) method -Extracts pages specified by number array, saves as a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. +Extracts pages from input file,saves as a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::String inputFile, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input file Stream. | -| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Index of page out of the input file. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output file stream. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file path. | +| startPage | int32_t | Start page number. | +| endPage | int32_t | End page number. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file path. | ### ReturnValue True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input file Stream. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Index of page out of the input file. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output file stream. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Extracts specified pages form source file and stores result into HttpResponse object. +Extracts specified pages from source file and stores result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of source document. | +| inputFile | System::String | Source file path. | | pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will be extracted. | | response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Stream of source document. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Array of page numbers which will be extracted. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be stored. - - - +true if pages were extracted successfully. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::String) method -Extracts specified pages from source file and stores result into HttpResponse object. +Extracts pages specified by number array, saves as a new PDF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Extract(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Source file path. | -| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will be extracted. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input file path. | +| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Index of page out of the input file. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output file path. | ### ReturnValue -true if pages were extracted successfully. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Source file path. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Array of page numbers which will be extracted. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be stored. - - - +True if operation was succeeded. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_allowconcatenateexceptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_allowconcatenateexceptions/ index a95bd7fd8d..9f04dedcf5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_allowconcatenateexceptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_allowconcatenateexceptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AllowConcatenateExceptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_AllowConcatenateExceptions method. If set to true, exceptions are thrown if error occured. Else excetion are not thrown and methods return false if failed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_allowconcatenateexceptions/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_AllowConcatenateExceptions method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_allowconcatenateexceptions/ If set to true, exceptions are thrown if error occured. Else excetion are not thrown and methods return false if failed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_AllowConcatenateExceptions() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_AllowConcatenateExceptions() ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +This property is deprecated and can not be used to allow throwing exceptions. - - Deprecated - - This property is deprecated and can not be used to allow throwing exceptions. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_attachmentname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_attachmentname/ index 43f7987535..ce7391f3eb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_attachmentname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_attachmentname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AttachmentName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_AttachmentName method. Gets name of attachment when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse objects as attachment in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4300 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_attachmentname/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_AttachmentName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_attachmentname/ Gets name of attachment when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse objects as attachment. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_AttachmentName() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_AttachmentName() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_closeconcatenatedstreams/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_closeconcatenatedstreams/ index 26774cecc6..528401703c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_closeconcatenatedstreams/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_closeconcatenatedstreams/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CloseConcatenatedStreams second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_CloseConcatenatedStreams method. If set to true, streams are closed after operation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_closeconcatenatedstreams/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_CloseConcatenatedStreams method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_closeconcatenatedstreams/ If set to true, streams are closed after operation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_CloseConcatenatedStreams() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_CloseConcatenatedStreams() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_concatenationpacketsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_concatenationpacketsize/ index 4eb9c7bc9e..9c1bb94b47 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_concatenationpacketsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_concatenationpacketsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ConcatenationPacketSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_ConcatenationPacketSize method. Number of documents concatenated before new incremental update was made during concatenation when UseDiskBuffer is set to true in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3700 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_concatenationpacketsize/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_ConcatenationPacketSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_concatenationpacketsize/ Number of documents concatenated before new incremental update was made during concatenation when UseDiskBuffer is set to true. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_ConcatenationPacketSize() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_ConcatenationPacketSize() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_contentdisposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_contentdisposition/ index eeafd6cef8..25448f669d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_contentdisposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_contentdisposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ContentDisposition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_ContentDisposition method. Gets how content will be stored when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse object. Possible value: inline / attachment. Default: inline in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3900 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_contentdisposition/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_ContentDisposition method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_contentdisposition/ Gets how content will be stored when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse object. Possible value: inline / attachment. Default: inline. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::ContentDisposition Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_ContentDisposition() const +Aspose::Pdf::ContentDisposition Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_ContentDisposition() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_conversionlog/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_conversionlog/ index 0183067ae9..a5d0458d64 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_conversionlog/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_conversionlog/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ConversionLog second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_ConversionLog method. Gets log of conversion process in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_conversionlog/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_ConversionLog method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_conversionlog/ Gets log of conversion process. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_ConversionLog() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_ConversionLog() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_copylogicalstructure/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_copylogicalstructure/ index e2ace60c07..a7c4cf4d74 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_copylogicalstructure/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_copylogicalstructure/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CopyLogicalStructure second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_CopyLogicalStructure method. If true then logical structure of the file is copied when concatenation is performed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_copylogicalstructure/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_CopyLogicalStructure method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_copylogicalstructure/ If true then logical structure of the file is copied when concatenation is performed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_CopyLogicalStructure() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_CopyLogicalStructure() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_copyoutlines/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_copyoutlines/ index 211ae3bd13..3b11c04707 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_copyoutlines/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_copyoutlines/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CopyOutlines second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_CopyOutlines method. If true then outlines will be copied in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_copyoutlines/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_CopyOutlines method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_copyoutlines/ If true then outlines will be copied. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_CopyOutlines() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_CopyOutlines() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_corruptedfileaction/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_corruptedfileaction/ index f2315676d2..a765dc3cef 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_corruptedfileaction/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_corruptedfileaction/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_corruptedfileaction/ This property defines behavior when concatenating process met corrupted file. Possible values are: StopWithError and ConcatenateIgnoringCorrupted. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API PdfFileEditor::ConcatenateCorruptedFileAction Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_CorruptedFileAction() const +PdfFileEditor::ConcatenateCorruptedFileAction Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_CorruptedFileAction() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_corrupteditems/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_corrupteditems/ index ad47ee1724..f9aa738160 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_corrupteditems/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_corrupteditems/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CorruptedItems second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_CorruptedItems method. Array of encountered problems when concatenation was performed. For every corrupted document from passed to Concatenate() function new CorruptedItem entry is created. This property may be used only when CorruptedFileAction is ConcatenateIgnoringCorrupted in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_corrupteditems/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_CorruptedItems method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_corrupteditems/ Array of encountered problems when concatenation was performed. For every corrupted document from passed to [Concatenate()](../concatenate/) function new **CorruptedItem** entry is created. This property may be used only when CorruptedFileAction is ConcatenateIgnoringCorrupted. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_CorruptedItems() +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_CorruptedItems() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_incrementalupdates/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_incrementalupdates/ index 65475ba5d1..5c27955626 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_incrementalupdates/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_incrementalupdates/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IncrementalUpdates second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_IncrementalUpdates method. If true, incremental updates are made during concatenation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_incrementalupdates/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_IncrementalUpdates method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_incrementalupdates/ If true, incremental updates are made during concatenation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_IncrementalUpdates() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_IncrementalUpdates() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_keepactions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_keepactions/ index ab6bf8b3b4..81d4eb17e9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_keepactions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_keepactions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_KeepActions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_KeepActions method. If true actions will be copied from source documents. Defaulkt value : true in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_keepactions/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_KeepActions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_keepactions/ If true actions will be copied from source documents. Defaulkt value : true. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_KeepActions() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_KeepActions() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_keepfieldsunique/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_keepfieldsunique/ index 6915abf96d..7c496227ca 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_keepfieldsunique/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_keepfieldsunique/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_KeepFieldsUnique second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_KeepFieldsUnique method. If true then field names will be made unique when forms are concatenated. Suffixes will be added to field names, suffix template may be specified in UniqueSuffix property in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3000 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_keepfieldsunique/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_KeepFieldsUnique method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_keepfieldsunique/ If true then field names will be made unique when forms are concatenated. Suffixes will be added to field names, suffix template may be specified in UniqueSuffix property. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_KeepFieldsUnique() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_KeepFieldsUnique() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_lastexception/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_lastexception/ index d3b9d10286..0d4fabc6e8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_lastexception/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_lastexception/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_LastException second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_LastException method. Gets last occured exception. May be used to check the reason of failure in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3400 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_lastexception/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_LastException method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_lastexception/ Gets last occured exception. May be used to check the reason of failure. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Exception Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_LastException() const +System::Exception Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_LastException() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_mergeduplicatelayers/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_mergeduplicatelayers/ index 842f0f0eb0..9cb1124d1f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_mergeduplicatelayers/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_mergeduplicatelayers/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_MergeDuplicateLayers second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_MergeDuplicateLayers method. Optional contents of concatentated documents with equal names will be merged into one layer in resulstant document if this property is true. Else, layers with equal names will be save as different layers in resultant document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_mergeduplicatelayers/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_MergeDuplicateLayers method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_mergeduplicatelayers/ Optional contents of concatentated documents with equal names will be merged into one layer in resulstant document if this property is true. Else, layers with equal names will be save as different layers in resultant document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_MergeDuplicateLayers() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_MergeDuplicateLayers() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_mergeduplicateoutlines/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_mergeduplicateoutlines/ index a164994851..a7294ddb82 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_mergeduplicateoutlines/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_mergeduplicateoutlines/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_MergeDuplicateOutlines second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_MergeDuplicateOutlines method. If true, duplicate outlines are merged in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_mergeduplicateoutlines/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_MergeDuplicateOutlines method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_mergeduplicateoutlines/ If true, duplicate outlines are merged. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_MergeDuplicateOutlines() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_MergeDuplicateOutlines() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_optimizesize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_optimizesize/ index 54fe246a89..89ac4860b5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_optimizesize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_optimizesize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OptimizeSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_OptimizeSize method. Gets optimization flag. Equal resource streams in resultant file are merged into one PDF object if this flag set. This allows to decrease resultant file size but may cause slower execution and larger memory requirements. Default value: false in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_optimizesize/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_OptimizeSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_optimizesize/ Gets optimization flag. Equal resource streams in resultant file are merged into one PDF object if this flag set. This allows to decrease resultant file size but may cause slower execution and larger memory requirements. Default value: false. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_OptimizeSize() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_OptimizeSize() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_ownerpassword/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_ownerpassword/ index 585a632300..545d20d873 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_ownerpassword/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_ownerpassword/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OwnerPassword second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_OwnerPassword method. Sets owner''s password if the source input Pdf file is encrypted. This property is not implemented yet in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 2600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_ownerpassword/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_OwnerPassword method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_ownerpassword/ Sets owner's password if the source input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file is encrypted. This property is not implemented yet. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_OwnerPassword() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_OwnerPassword() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_preserveuserrights/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_preserveuserrights/ index 09c72a49d4..d7cca484fc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_preserveuserrights/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_preserveuserrights/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PreserveUserRights second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_PreserveUserRights method. If true, user rights of first document are applied to concatenated document. User rights of all other documents are ignored in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_preserveuserrights/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_PreserveUserRights method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_preserveuserrights/ If true, user rights of first document are applied to concatenated document. User rights of all other documents are ignored. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_PreserveUserRights() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_PreserveUserRights() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_removesignatures/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_removesignatures/ index f106e9f99a..eb6a4f2fba 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_removesignatures/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_removesignatures/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_RemoveSignatures second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_RemoveSignatures method. If true, all signatures will be removed from fields (fields will remain); otherwise, you can get invalid signatures in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3200 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_removesignatures/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_RemoveSignatures method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_removesignatures/ If true, all signatures will be removed from fields (fields will remain); otherwise, you can get invalid signatures. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_RemoveSignatures() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_RemoveSignatures() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_saveoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_saveoptions/ index e434b11a7e..36c254753d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_saveoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_saveoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SaveOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_SaveOptions method. Gets save options when result is stored as HttpResponse. Default value: PdfSaveOptions in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4100 +weight: 2900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_saveoptions/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_SaveOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_saveoptions/ Gets save options when result is stored as HttpResponse. Default value: [PdfSaveOptions](../../../aspose.pdf/pdfsaveoptions/). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_SaveOptions() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_SaveOptions() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_uniquesuffix/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_uniquesuffix/ index bf5fad9cd6..755c37bd8d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_uniquesuffix/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_uniquesuffix/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_UniqueSuffix second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_UniqueSuffix method. Format of the suffix which is added to field name to make it unique when forms are concatenated. This string must contain NUM% substring which will be replaced with numbers. For example if UniqueSuffix = "ABC%NUM%" then for field "fieldName" names will be: fieldNameABC1, fieldNameABC2, fieldNameABC3 etc in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2600 +weight: 3000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_uniquesuffix/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_UniqueSuffix method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_uniquesuffix/ Format of the suffix which is added to field name to make it unique when forms are concatenated. This string must contain NUM% substring which will be replaced with numbers. For example if UniqueSuffix = "ABC%NUM%" then for field "fieldName" names will be: fieldNameABC1, fieldNameABC2, fieldNameABC3 etc. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_UniqueSuffix() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_UniqueSuffix() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_usediskbuffer/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_usediskbuffer/ index e736a8d79a..fab40a6ec6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_usediskbuffer/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_usediskbuffer/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_UseDiskBuffer second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_UseDiskBuffer method. If this option used then destination document will be saved on disk periodically and further concatenation will appllied to it as incremental updates in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3500 +weight: 3100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_usediskbuffer/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::get_UseDiskBuffer method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/get_usediskbuffer/ If this option used then destination document will be saved on disk periodically and further concatenation will appllied to it as incremental updates. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_UseDiskBuffer() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::get_UseDiskBuffer() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/insert/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/insert/ index e85dc4d448..45d32b2fe7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/insert/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/insert/ @@ -2,98 +2,46 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Insert method linktitle: Insert second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Insert method. Inserts pages from an other file into the Pdf file at a position in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Insert method. Inserts pages from an other file into the input Pdf file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4800 +weight: 3200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/insert/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::String, int32_t, System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Inserts pages from an other file into the [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file at a position. +Inserts pages from an other file into the input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::String inputFile, int32_t insertLocation, System::String portFile, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t insertLocation, System::SharedPtr portStream, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | -| insertLocation | int32_t | Position in input file. | -| portFile | System::String | The porting [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | -| startPage | int32_t | Start position in portFile. | -| endPage | int32_t | End position in portFile. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input Stream of [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| insertLocation | int32_t | Insert position in input file. | +| portStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file for pages. | +| startPage | int32_t | From which page to start. | +| endPage | int32_t | To which page to end. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output Stream. | ### ReturnValue True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Input Pdf file. - - - - - insertLocation - - - Position in input file. - - - - - portFile - - - The porting Pdf file. - - - - - startPage - - - Start position in portFile. - - - - - endPage - - - End position in portFile. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output Pdf file. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method Inserts pages from an other file into the input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t insertLocation, System::SharedPtr portStream, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t insertLocation, System::SharedPtr portStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` @@ -102,208 +50,68 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::S | inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input Stream of [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | | insertLocation | int32_t | Insert position in input file. | | portStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file for pages. | -| startPage | int32_t | From which page to start. | -| endPage | int32_t | To which page to end. | +| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | The page number of the ported in portFile. | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output Stream. | ### ReturnValue -True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input Stream of Pdf file. - - - - - insertLocation - - - Insert position in input file. - - - - - portStream - - - Stream of Pdf file for pages. - - - - - startPage - - - From which page to start. - - - - - endPage - - - To which page to end. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output Stream. - - - +True if operation was succeeded. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::String, int32_t, System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Inserts pages from an other file into the input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. +Inserts document into other document and stores result into response object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::String inputFile, int32_t insertLocation, System::String portFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t insertLocation, System::SharedPtr portStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | -| insertLocation | int32_t | Insert position in input file. | -| portFile | System::String | Pages from the [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | -| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | The page number of the ported in portFile. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream with source document | +| insertLocation | int32_t | Location where other document will be inserted. | +| portStream | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) to be inserted. | +| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers in second document which will be inserted. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue -True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Input Pdf file. - - - - - insertLocation - - - Insert position in input file. - - - - - portFile - - - Pages from the Pdf file. - - - - - pageNumber - - - The page number of the ported in portFile. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output Pdf file. - - - +True if operation was succeeded. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::String, int32_t, System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::String) method -Inserts pages from an other file into the input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. +Inserts pages from an other file into the [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file at a position. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t insertLocation, System::SharedPtr portStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::String inputFile, int32_t insertLocation, System::String portFile, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input Stream of [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | -| insertLocation | int32_t | Insert position in input file. | -| portStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file for pages. | -| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | The page number of the ported in portFile. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output Stream. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| insertLocation | int32_t | Position in input file. | +| portFile | System::String | The porting [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| startPage | int32_t | Start position in portFile. | +| endPage | int32_t | End position in portFile. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input Stream of Pdf file. - - - - - insertLocation - - - Insert position in input file. - - - - - portStream - - - Stream of Pdf file for pages. - - - - - pageNumber - - - The page number of the ported in portFile. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output Stream. - - - +True for success, or false. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) @@ -315,7 +123,7 @@ True if operation was succeeded. Inserts contents of file into source file and stores result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::String inputFile, int32_t insertLocation, System::String portFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::String inputFile, int32_t insertLocation, System::String portFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) ``` @@ -330,124 +138,34 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::S ### ReturnValue true of inserting was successful. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Source file name. - - - - - insertLocation - - - - Page number where second file will be inserted. - - - - - portFile - - - Path to file which will be inserted. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Array of page numbers in source file wihich will be inserted. - - - - - response - - - Response object where result will be stored. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::String, int32_t, System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::String) method -Inserts document into other document and stores result into response object. +Inserts pages from an other file into the input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t insertLocation, System::SharedPtr portStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::Insert(System::String inputFile, int32_t insertLocation, System::String portFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream with source document | -| insertLocation | int32_t | Location where other document will be inserted. | -| portStream | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) to be inserted. | -| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers in second document which will be inserted. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object where result will be stored. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| insertLocation | int32_t | Insert position in input file. | +| portFile | System::String | Pages from the [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | The page number of the ported in portFile. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Stream with source document - - - - - insertLocation - - - Location where other document will be inserted. - - - - - portStream - - - - Document to be inserted. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Array of page numbers in second document which will be inserted. - - - - - response - - - Response object where result will be stored. - - - +True for success, or false. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/makebooklet/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/makebooklet/ index b8e373c462..f7d6607f77 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/makebooklet/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/makebooklet/ @@ -2,277 +2,149 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet method linktitle: MakeBooklet second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet method. Makes booklet from the input file to output file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet method. Make booklet from PDF file and stores it into HttpResponse in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5300 +weight: 3300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/makebooklet/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes booklet from the input file to output file. +Make booklet from PDF file and stores it into HttpResponse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input pdf file path and name. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input document stream. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | Desired page size. | +| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will be placed in left. | +| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will b eplaced in right. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object. | ### ReturnValue -boolean - True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Input pdf file path and name. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output pdf file path and name. - - - +True if operation was succeeded. + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes booklet from the InputStream to outputStream. +Makes booklet from source file and stores result into HttpResponse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input pdf stream. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | output pdf stream. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input document stream. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | Desired page size in output file. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Respose object where resut will be saved. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input pdf stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - output pdf stream. - - - +true if booklet was built successfully. + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String, System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes booklet from the inputFile to outputFile. +Makes booklet from the InputStream to outputStream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input pdf file path and name. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input pdf stream. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | output pdf stream. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation is succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Input pdf file path and name. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output pdf file path and name. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the output pdf file. - - - +True if operation was succeeded. + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Makes booklet from the input stream and save result into output stream. +Makes customized booklet from the firstInputStream to outputStream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input PDF stream. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The input stream. | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | output pdf stream. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | +| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The left pages. | +| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The right pages. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input PDF stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - output pdf stream. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the output pdf file. - - - +boolean - True for success, or false. ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String, System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes customized booklet from the firstInputFile to outputFile. +Makes booklet from the input stream and save result into output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | The input file. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | -| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The left pages of the booklet. | -| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The right pages of the booklet. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input PDF stream. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | output pdf stream. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | ### ReturnValue -boolean - True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - The input file. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output pdf file path and name. - - - - - leftPages - - - The left pages of the booklet. - - - - - rightPages - - - The right pages of the booklet. - - - +True if operation was succeeded. + + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Makes customized booklet from the firstInputStream to outputStream. +Makes booklet from the firstInputStream to outputStream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages) ``` @@ -280,444 +152,172 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(Syst | --- | --- | --- | | inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The input stream. | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | output pdf stream. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | | leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The left pages. | | rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The right pages. | ### ReturnValue boolean - True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - The input stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - output pdf stream. - - - - - leftPages - - - The left pages. - - - - - rightPages - - - The right pages. - - - + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String, System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes customized booklet from the firstInputFile to outputFile. +Makes booklet from source file and stores result into HttpResponse objects. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | The input file. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | -| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The left pages. | -| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The right pages. | +| inputFile | System::String | Source file path. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | Desired page size. | +| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Aray of page numbers to be placed in left. | +| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers to be placed in right. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue -boolean - True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - The input file. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output pdf file path and name. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the output pdf file. - - - - - leftPages - - - The left pages. - - - - - rightPages - - - The right pages. - - - +True if operation was succeeded. + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes booklet from the firstInputStream to outputStream. +Makes booklet from source file and stores result into HttpResponse objects. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The input stream. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | output pdf stream. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | -| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The left pages. | -| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The right pages. | +| inputFile | System::String | Source file path. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | Desired page size in output file. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue -boolean - True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - The input stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - output pdf stream. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the output pdf file. - - - - - leftPages - - - The left pages. - - - - - rightPages - - - The right pages. - - - +True if operation is succeeded. + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String, System::String) method -Makes booklet from source file and stores result into HttpResponse objects. +Makes booklet from the input file to output file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Source file path. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | Desired page size. | -| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Aray of page numbers to be placed in left. | -| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers to be placed in right. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input pdf file path and name. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Source file path. - - - - - pageSize - - - Desired page size. - - - - - leftPages - - - Aray of page numbers to be placed in left. - - - - - rightPages - - - Array of page numbers to be placed in right. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be stored. - - - +boolean - True for success, or false. + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String, System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Make booklet from PDF file and stores it into HttpResponse. +Makes customized booklet from the firstInputFile to outputFile. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input document stream. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | Desired page size. | -| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will be placed in left. | -| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will b eplaced in right. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object. | +| inputFile | System::String | The input file. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | +| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The left pages of the booklet. | +| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The right pages of the booklet. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input document stream. - - - - - pageSize - - - Desired page size. - - - - - leftPages - - - Array of page numbers which will be placed in left. - - - - - rightPages - - - Array of page numbers which will b eplaced in right. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object. - - - +boolean - True for success, or false. + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String, System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes booklet from source file and stores result into HttpResponse objects. +Makes booklet from the inputFile to outputFile. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Source file path. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | Desired page size in output file. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input pdf file path and name. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | ### ReturnValue True if operation is succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Source file path. - - - - - pageSize - - - Desired page size in output file. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be stored. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String, System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Makes booklet from source file and stores result into HttpResponse. +Makes customized booklet from the firstInputFile to outputFile. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input document stream. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | Desired page size in output file. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Respose object where resut will be saved. | +| inputFile | System::String | The input file. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | +| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The left pages. | +| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The right pages. | ### ReturnValue -true if booklet was built successfully. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input document stream. - - - - - pageSize - - - Desired page size in output file. - - - - - response - - - Respose object where resut will be saved. - - - +boolean - True for success, or false. + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/makenup/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/makenup/ index b650e0b8be..52edd5c156 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/makenup/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/makenup/ @@ -2,504 +2,232 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp method linktitle: MakeNUp second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp method. Makes N-Up document from the firstInputFile to outputFile in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp method. Makes N-Up document from the multi input PDF streams to outputStream. Each page of outputStream will contain multi pages, which are combination with pages in the input streams of the same page number. The multi-pages piled up horizontally if isSidewise is true and piled up vertically if isSidewise is false in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5400 +weight: 3400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/makenup/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String, System::String, int32_t, int32_t) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::SharedPtr\, bool) method -Makes N-Up document from the firstInputFile to outputFile. +Makes N-Up document from the multi input PDF streams to outputStream. Each page of outputStream will contain multi pages, which are combination with pages in the input streams of the same page number. The multi-pages piled up horizontally if isSidewise is true and piled up vertically if isSidewise is false. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, int32_t x, int32_t y) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::ArrayPtr> inputStreams, System::SharedPtr outputStream, bool isSidewise) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input pdf file path and name. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | -| x | int32_t | Number of columns. | -| y | int32_t | Number of rows. | +| inputStreams | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) streams. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output pdf stream. | +| isSidewise | bool | Piled up way, true for horizontally and false for vertically. | ### ReturnValue boolean - True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Input pdf file path and name. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output pdf file path and name. - - - - - x - - - Number of columns. - - - - - y - - - Number of rows. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::ArrayPtr\, System::String, bool) method -Makes N-Up document from the input stream and saves result into output stream. +Makes N-Up document from the multi input PDF files to outputFile. Each page of outputFile will contain multi pages, which are combination with pages in the input files of the same page number. The multi pages piled up horizontally if isSidewise is true and piled up vertically if isSidewise is false. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t x, int32_t y) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::ArrayPtr inputFiles, System::String outputFile, bool isSidewise) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input pdf stream. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output pdf stream. | -| x | int32_t | Number of columns. | -| y | int32_t | Number of rows. | +| inputFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) files. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | +| isSidewise | bool | Piled up way, true for horizontally and false for vertically. | ### ReturnValue boolean - True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input pdf stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output pdf stream. - - - - - x - - - Number of columns. - - - - - y - - - Number of rows. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes N-Up document from the first input stream to output stream. +Makes N-Up document from the two input PDF streams to outputStream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr pageSize) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr firstInputStream, System::SharedPtr secondInputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input pdf stream. | +| firstInputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | first input stream. | +| secondInputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | second input stream. | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output pdf stream. | -| x | int32_t | Number of columns. | -| y | int32_t | Number of rows. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input pdf stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output pdf stream. - - - - - x - - - Number of columns. - - - - - y - - - Number of rows. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the output pdf file. - - - +boolean - True for success, or false. + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String, System::String, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes N-Up document from the two input PDF files to outputFile. Each page of outputFile will contain two pages, one page is from the first input file and another is from the second input file. The two pages are piled up horizontally. +Makes N-up document and stores result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String firstInputFile, System::String secondInputFile, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| firstInputFile | System::String | first input file. | -| secondInputFile | System::String | second input file. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of source document. | +| x | int32_t | Number of columns. | +| y | int32_t | Number of rows. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size in result file. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue -boolean - True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - firstInputFile - - - first input file. - - - - - secondInputFile - - - second input file. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output pdf file path and name. - - - +True if operation was succeeded. + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes N-Up document from the two input PDF streams to outputStream. +Makes N-up document and stores result into HttpResponse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr firstInputStream, System::SharedPtr secondInputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| firstInputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | first input stream. | -| secondInputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | second input stream. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output pdf stream. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of input document. | +| x | int32_t | Number of columns. | +| y | int32_t | Number of rows. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue -boolean - True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - firstInputStream - - - first input stream. - - - - - secondInputStream - - - second input stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output pdf stream. - - - +True if operation was succeeded. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::ArrayPtr\, System::String, bool) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t) method -Makes N-Up document from the multi input PDF files to outputFile. Each page of outputFile will contain multi pages, which are combination with pages in the input files of the same page number. The multi pages piled up horizontally if isSidewise is true and piled up vertically if isSidewise is false. +Makes N-Up document from the input stream and saves result into output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::ArrayPtr inputFiles, System::String outputFile, bool isSidewise) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t x, int32_t y) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) files. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | -| isSidewise | bool | Piled up way, true for horizontally and false for vertically. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input pdf stream. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output pdf stream. | +| x | int32_t | Number of columns. | +| y | int32_t | Number of rows. | ### ReturnValue boolean - True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFiles - - - Input Pdf files. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output pdf file path and name. - - - - - isSidewise - - - Piled up way, true for horizontally and false for vertically. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::SharedPtr\, bool) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes N-Up document from the multi input PDF streams to outputStream. Each page of outputStream will contain multi pages, which are combination with pages in the input streams of the same page number. The multi-pages piled up horizontally if isSidewise is true and piled up vertically if isSidewise is false. +Makes N-Up document from the first input stream to output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::ArrayPtr> inputStreams, System::SharedPtr outputStream, bool isSidewise) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStreams | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) streams. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input pdf stream. | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output pdf stream. | -| isSidewise | bool | Piled up way, true for horizontally and false for vertically. | +| x | int32_t | Number of columns. | +| y | int32_t | Number of rows. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | ### ReturnValue -boolean - True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStreams - - - Input Pdf streams. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output pdf stream. - - - - - isSidewise - - - Piled up way, true for horizontally and false for vertically. - - - +True if operation was succeeded. + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String, System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String, System::String, System::String) method -Makes N-Up document from the input file to outputFile. +Makes N-Up document from the two input PDF files to outputFile. Each page of outputFile will contain two pages, one page is from the first input file and another is from the second input file. The two pages are piled up horizontally. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr pageSize) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String firstInputFile, System::String secondInputFile, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input pdf file path and name. | +| firstInputFile | System::String | first input file. | +| secondInputFile | System::String | second input file. | | outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | -| x | int32_t | Number of columns. | -| y | int32_t | Number of rows. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | ### ReturnValue boolean - True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Input pdf file path and name. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output pdf file path and name. - - - - - x - - - Number of columns. - - - - - y - - - Number of rows. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the output pdf file. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method Makes N-up document and stores result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String inputFile, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of source document. | +| inputFile | System::String | Path to source file. | | x | int32_t | Number of columns. | | y | int32_t | Number of rows. | | pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size in result file. | @@ -508,252 +236,90 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System:: ### ReturnValue True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Stream of source document. - - - - - x - - - Number of columns. - - - - - y - - - Number of rows. - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size in result file. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be stored. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes N-up document and stores result into HttpResponse object. +Makes N-up document and stores result into HttpResponse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String inputFile, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String inputFile, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Path to source file. | +| inputFile | System::String | Source file name. | | x | int32_t | Number of columns. | | y | int32_t | Number of rows. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size in result file. | | response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Path to source file. - - - - - x - - - Number of columns. - - - - - y - - - Number of rows. - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size in result file. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be stored. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String, System::String, int32_t, int32_t) method -Makes N-up document and stores result into HttpResponse. +Makes N-Up document from the firstInputFile to outputFile. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String inputFile, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, int32_t x, int32_t y) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Source file name. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input pdf file path and name. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | | x | int32_t | Number of columns. | | y | int32_t | Number of rows. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Source file name. - - - - - x - - - Number of columns. - - - - - y - - - Number of rows. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be stored. - - - +boolean - True for success, or false. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String, System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes N-up document and stores result into HttpResponse. +Makes N-Up document from the input file to outputFile. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::MakeNUp(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of input document. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input pdf file path and name. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | | x | int32_t | Number of columns. | | y | int32_t | Number of rows. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse where result will be stored. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Stream of input document. - - - - - x - - - Number of columns. - - - - - y - - - Number of rows. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse where result will be stored. - - - +boolean - True for success, or false. + ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/pdffileeditor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/pdffileeditor/ index 04315670a2..4d82db6ae2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/pdffileeditor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/pdffileeditor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PdfFileEditor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::PdfFileEditor constructor. PdfFileEditor constructor in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4500 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/pdffileeditor/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::PdfFileEditor constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/pdffileeditor/ [PdfFileEditor](../) constructor. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::PdfFileEditor() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::PdfFileEditor() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/resizecontents/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/resizecontents/ index ba4153c3b4..8c84600624 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/resizecontents/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/resizecontents/ @@ -2,493 +2,213 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents method linktitle: ResizeContents second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents method. Resizes contents of pages of the document in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents method. Resizes pages of document. Blank margins are added around of shrinked page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5700 +weight: 3500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/resizecontents/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Resizes contents of pages of the document. +Resizes pages of document. Blank margins are added around of shrinked page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr source, System::SharedPtr destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr source, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| source | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream with source document. | -| destination | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream with the destination document. | -| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page indexes. | +| source | System::SharedPtr\ | Source document. | +| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | List of page indexes. | | parameters | System::SharedPtr\ | Resize parameters. | -### ReturnValue -Returns true if success. -## Remarks - - - - - - source - - - Stream with source document. - - - - - destination - - - Stream with the destination document. - - - - - pages - - - Array of page indexes. - - - - - parameters - - - Resize parameters. - - - + + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, double, double) method +## PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Resizes contents of document pages. Shrinks contents of page and adds margins. New size of contents is specified in default space units. +Resizes pages of document. Blank margins are added around of shrinked page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr source, System::SharedPtr destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double newWidth, double newHeight) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr source, System::SharedPtr parameters) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| source | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream which contains source document. | -| destination | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where resultant document will be saved. | -| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. | -| newWidth | double | New width of page contents in default space units. | -| newHeight | double | New height of page contents in default space units. | +| source | System::SharedPtr\ | Source document. | +| parameters | System::SharedPtr\ | Resize parameters. | + + -### ReturnValue -True if resize was successful. -## Remarks - - - - - - source - - - Stream which contains source document. - - - - - destination - - - Stream where resultant document will be saved. - - - - - pages - - - Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. - - - - - newWidth - - - New width of page contents in default space units. - - - - - newHeight - - - New height of page contents in default space units. - - - ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::String, System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, double, double) method +## PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Resizes contents of document pages. Shrinks contents of page and adds margins. New size of contents is specified in default space units. +Resizes contents of pages in document. If page is shrinked blank margins are added around the page. Result is stored into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::String source, System::String destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double newWidth, double newHeight) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr source, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| source | System::String | Path to source document. | -| destination | System::String | Path where resultant document will be saved. | -| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. | -| newWidth | double | New width of page contents in default space units. | -| newHeight | double | New height of page contents in default space units. | +| source | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of source file. | +| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of pages to be resized. | +| parameters | System::SharedPtr\ | Resize parameters. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result is saved. | ### ReturnValue -true if resize was successful. -## Remarks - - - - - - source - - - Path to source document. - - - - - destination - - - Path where resultant document will be saved. - - - - - pages - - - Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. - - - - - newWidth - - - New width of page contents in default space units. - - - - - newHeight - - - New height of page contents in default space units. - - - +True if operation was succeeded. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::String, System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, double, double) method -Resizes contents of pages in document. If page is shrinked blank margins are added around the page. +Resizes contents of document pages. Shrinks contents of page and adds margins. New size of contents is specified in default space units. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::String source, System::String destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr source, System::SharedPtr destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double newWidth, double newHeight) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| source | System::String | Source document path. | -| destination | System::String | Destination document path. | -| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page indexes (page index starts from 1). | -| parameters | System::SharedPtr\ | Parameters of page resize. | +| source | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream which contains source document. | +| destination | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where resultant document will be saved. | +| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. | +| newWidth | double | New width of page contents in default space units. | +| newHeight | double | New height of page contents in default space units. | ### ReturnValue -true if resize was successful. -## Remarks - - - - - - source - - - Source document path. - - - - - destination - - - Destination document path. - - - - - pages - - - Array of page indexes (page index starts from 1). - - - - - parameters - - - Parameters of page resize. - - - +True if resize was successful. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Resizes pages of document. Blank margins are added around of shrinked page. +Resizes contents of pages of the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr source, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr source, System::SharedPtr destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| source | System::SharedPtr\ | Source document. | -| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | List of page indexes. | +| source | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream with source document. | +| destination | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream with the destination document. | +| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page indexes. | | parameters | System::SharedPtr\ | Resize parameters. | -## Remarks - - - - - - source - - - Source document. - - - - - pages - - - List of page indexes. - - - - - parameters - - - Resize parameters. - - - +### ReturnValue +Returns true if success. ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Resizes pages of document. Blank margins are added around of shrinked page. +Resizes contents of pages in document. If page is shrinked blank margins are added around the page. Result is stored into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr source, System::SharedPtr parameters) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::String source, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| source | System::SharedPtr\ | Source document. | +| source | System::String | Path to source file. | +| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of pages to be resized. | | parameters | System::SharedPtr\ | Resize parameters. | -## Remarks - - - - - - source - - - Source document. - - - - - parameters - - - Resize parameters. - - - +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result is saved. | +### ReturnValue +True if operation was succeeded. ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::String, System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, double, double) method -Resizes contents of pages in document. If page is shrinked blank margins are added around the page. Result is stored into HttpResponse object. +Resizes contents of document pages. Shrinks contents of page and adds margins. New size of contents is specified in default space units. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::String source, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::String source, System::String destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double newWidth, double newHeight) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| source | System::String | Path to source file. | -| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of pages to be resized. | -| parameters | System::SharedPtr\ | Resize parameters. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result is saved. | +| source | System::String | Path to source document. | +| destination | System::String | Path where resultant document will be saved. | +| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. | +| newWidth | double | New width of page contents in default space units. | +| newHeight | double | New height of page contents in default space units. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - source - - - Path to source file. - - - - - pages - - - Array of pages to be resized. - - - - - parameters - - - Resize parameters. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result is saved. - - - +true if resize was successful. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::String, System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Resizes contents of pages in document. If page is shrinked blank margins are added around the page. Result is stored into HttpResponse object. +Resizes contents of pages in document. If page is shrinked blank margins are added around the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::SharedPtr source, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContents(System::String source, System::String destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| source | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of source file. | -| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of pages to be resized. | -| parameters | System::SharedPtr\ | Resize parameters. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result is saved. | +| source | System::String | Source document path. | +| destination | System::String | Destination document path. | +| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page indexes (page index starts from 1). | +| parameters | System::SharedPtr\ | Parameters of page resize. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - - source - - - Stream of source file. - - - - - pages - - - Array of pages to be resized. - - - - - parameters - - - Resize parameters. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result is saved. - - - +true if resize was successful. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/resizecontentspct/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/resizecontentspct/ index cdb30ff3af..0c6c8ebbc2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/resizecontentspct/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/resizecontentspct/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ResizeContentsPct second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContentsPct method. Resizes contents of document pages. Shrinks contents of page and adds margins. New contents size is specified in percents in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5800 +weight: 3600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/resizecontentspct/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::ResizeContentsPct(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, double, double) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/resizecontentspct/ Resizes contents of document pages. Shrinks contents of page and adds margins. New contents size is specified in percents. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContentsPct(System::SharedPtr source, System::SharedPtr destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double newWidth, double newHeight) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContentsPct(System::SharedPtr source, System::SharedPtr destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double newWidth, double newHeight) ``` @@ -28,51 +28,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContentsPc ### ReturnValue true if resized sucessfully. -## Remarks - - - - - - source - - - Stream which contains source document. - - - - - destination - - - Stream where resultant document will be saved. - - - - - pages - - - Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. - - - - - newWidth - - - New width of page contents in percents. - - - - - newHeight - - - New height of page contents in percetns. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) @@ -84,7 +40,7 @@ true if resized sucessfully. Resizes contents of document pages. Shrinks contents of page and adds margins. New contents size is specified in percents. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContentsPct(System::String source, System::String destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double newWidth, double newHeight) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContentsPct(System::String source, System::String destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double newWidth, double newHeight) ``` @@ -99,51 +55,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::ResizeContentsPc ### ReturnValue true if resize was successful. -## Remarks - - - - - - source - - - Path to source document. - - - - - destination - - - Path where resultant document will be saved. - - - - - pages - - - Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. - - - - - newWidth - - - New width of page contents in percents. - - - - - newHeight - - - New height of page contents in percetns. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_allowconcatenateexceptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_allowconcatenateexceptions/ index f87f499371..a595b37b11 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_allowconcatenateexceptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_allowconcatenateexceptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AllowConcatenateExceptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_AllowConcatenateExceptions method. If set to true, exceptions are thrown if error occured. Else excetion are not thrown and methods return false if failed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 3700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_allowconcatenateexceptions/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_AllowConcatenateExceptions method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_allowconcatenateexceptions/ If set to true, exceptions are thrown if error occured. Else excetion are not thrown and methods return false if failed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_AllowConcatenateExceptions(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_AllowConcatenateExceptions(bool value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +This property is deprecated and can not be used to allow throwing exceptions. - - Deprecated - - This property is deprecated and can not be used to allow throwing exceptions. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_attachmentname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_attachmentname/ index 58c8f94514..a5cc4ecabf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_attachmentname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_attachmentname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AttachmentName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_AttachmentName method. Sets name of attachment when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse objects as attachment in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4400 +weight: 3800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_attachmentname/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_AttachmentName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_attachmentname/ Sets name of attachment when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse objects as attachment. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_AttachmentName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_AttachmentName(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_closeconcatenatedstreams/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_closeconcatenatedstreams/ index 87b1a71645..eba1555d13 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_closeconcatenatedstreams/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_closeconcatenatedstreams/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CloseConcatenatedStreams second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_CloseConcatenatedStreams method. If set to true, streams are closed after operation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 3900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_closeconcatenatedstreams/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_CloseConcatenatedStreams method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_closeconcatenatedstreams/ If set to true, streams are closed after operation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_CloseConcatenatedStreams(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_CloseConcatenatedStreams(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_concatenationpacketsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_concatenationpacketsize/ index cf53a5844a..ac9aaa763c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_concatenationpacketsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_concatenationpacketsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ConcatenationPacketSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_ConcatenationPacketSize method. Number of documents concatenated before new incremental update was made during concatenation when UseDiskBuffer is set to true in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3800 +weight: 4000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_concatenationpacketsize/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_ConcatenationPacketSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_concatenationpacketsize/ Number of documents concatenated before new incremental update was made during concatenation when UseDiskBuffer is set to true. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_ConcatenationPacketSize(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_ConcatenationPacketSize(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_contentdisposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_contentdisposition/ index 64bb3e1da4..4ab24c0ad9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_contentdisposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_contentdisposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ContentDisposition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_ContentDisposition method. Sets how content will be stored when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse object. Possible value: inline / attachment. Default: inline in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4000 +weight: 4100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_contentdisposition/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_ContentDisposition method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_contentdisposition/ Sets how content will be stored when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse object. Possible value: inline / attachment. Default: inline. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_ContentDisposition(Aspose::Pdf::ContentDisposition value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_ContentDisposition(Aspose::Pdf::ContentDisposition value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_convertto/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_convertto/ index 0d9b08375f..ce18c09978 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_convertto/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_convertto/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ConvertTo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_ConvertTo method. Sets PDF file format. Result file will be saved in specified file format. If this property is not specified then file will be save in default PDF format without conversion in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 4200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_convertto/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_ConvertTo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_convertto/ Sets PDF file format. Result file will be saved in specified file format. If this property is not specified then file will be save in default PDF format without conversion. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_ConvertTo(PdfFormat value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_ConvertTo(PdfFormat value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_copylogicalstructure/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_copylogicalstructure/ index a70cda0017..84f2c6524b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_copylogicalstructure/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_copylogicalstructure/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CopyLogicalStructure second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_CopyLogicalStructure method. If true then logical structure of the file is copied when concatenation is performed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 4300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_copylogicalstructure/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_CopyLogicalStructure method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_copylogicalstructure/ If true then logical structure of the file is copied when concatenation is performed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_CopyLogicalStructure(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_CopyLogicalStructure(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_copyoutlines/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_copyoutlines/ index 965602538a..42e9c48146 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_copyoutlines/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_copyoutlines/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CopyOutlines second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_CopyOutlines method. If true then outlines will be copied in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 4400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_copyoutlines/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_CopyOutlines method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_copyoutlines/ If true then outlines will be copied. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_CopyOutlines(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_CopyOutlines(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_corruptedfileaction/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_corruptedfileaction/ index b21fbe0fd5..e0ebe143a1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_corruptedfileaction/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_corruptedfileaction/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CorruptedFileAction second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_CorruptedFileAction method. This property defines behavior when concatenating process met corrupted file. Possible values are: StopWithError and ConcatenateIgnoringCorrupted in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 4500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_corruptedfileaction/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_CorruptedFileAction method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_corruptedfileaction/ This property defines behavior when concatenating process met corrupted file. Possible values are: StopWithError and ConcatenateIgnoringCorrupted. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_CorruptedFileAction(PdfFileEditor::ConcatenateCorruptedFileAction value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_CorruptedFileAction(PdfFileEditor::ConcatenateCorruptedFileAction value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_incrementalupdates/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_incrementalupdates/ index 5917b6d18b..f0f669bca5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_incrementalupdates/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_incrementalupdates/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_IncrementalUpdates second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_IncrementalUpdates method. If true, incremental updates are made during concatenation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 4600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_incrementalupdates/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_IncrementalUpdates method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_incrementalupdates/ If true, incremental updates are made during concatenation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_IncrementalUpdates(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_IncrementalUpdates(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_keepactions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_keepactions/ index c57a8cdb19..e9568f6288 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_keepactions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_keepactions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_KeepActions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_KeepActions method. If true actions will be copied from source documents. Defaulkt value : true in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2900 +weight: 4700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_keepactions/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_KeepActions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_keepactions/ If true actions will be copied from source documents. Defaulkt value : true. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_KeepActions(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_KeepActions(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_keepfieldsunique/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_keepfieldsunique/ index f9ab8853dd..af55d9ba5a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_keepfieldsunique/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_keepfieldsunique/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_KeepFieldsUnique second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_KeepFieldsUnique method. If true then field names will be made unique when forms are concatenated. Suffixes will be added to field names, suffix template may be specified in UniqueSuffix property in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3100 +weight: 4800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_keepfieldsunique/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_KeepFieldsUnique method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_keepfieldsunique/ If true then field names will be made unique when forms are concatenated. Suffixes will be added to field names, suffix template may be specified in UniqueSuffix property. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_KeepFieldsUnique(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_KeepFieldsUnique(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_mergeduplicatelayers/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_mergeduplicatelayers/ index 63de1dfa0f..489120ef75 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_mergeduplicatelayers/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_mergeduplicatelayers/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_MergeDuplicateLayers second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_MergeDuplicateLayers method. Optional contents of concatentated documents with equal names will be merged into one layer in resulstant document if this property is true. Else, layers with equal names will be save as different layers in resultant document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 4900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_mergeduplicatelayers/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_MergeDuplicateLayers method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_mergeduplicatelayers/ Optional contents of concatentated documents with equal names will be merged into one layer in resulstant document if this property is true. Else, layers with equal names will be save as different layers in resultant document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_MergeDuplicateLayers(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_MergeDuplicateLayers(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_mergeduplicateoutlines/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_mergeduplicateoutlines/ index d5353fe5ba..e25984c12e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_mergeduplicateoutlines/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_mergeduplicateoutlines/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_MergeDuplicateOutlines second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_MergeDuplicateOutlines method. If true, duplicate outlines are merged in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 5000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_mergeduplicateoutlines/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_MergeDuplicateOutlines method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_mergeduplicateoutlines/ If true, duplicate outlines are merged. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_MergeDuplicateOutlines(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_MergeDuplicateOutlines(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_optimizesize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_optimizesize/ index 344c71cf01..9c47551920 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_optimizesize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_optimizesize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OptimizeSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_OptimizeSize method. Sets optimization flag. Equal resource streams in resultant file are merged into one PDF object if this flag set. This allows to decrease resultant file size but may cause slower execution and larger memory requirements. Default value: false in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 5100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_optimizesize/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_OptimizeSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_optimizesize/ Sets optimization flag. Equal resource streams in resultant file are merged into one PDF object if this flag set. This allows to decrease resultant file size but may cause slower execution and larger memory requirements. Default value: false. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_OptimizeSize(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_OptimizeSize(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_ownerpassword/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_ownerpassword/ index f5bbdd6db7..de5c90159c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_ownerpassword/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_ownerpassword/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OwnerPassword second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_OwnerPassword method. Sets owner''s password if the source input Pdf file is encrypted. This property is not implemented yet in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 5200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_ownerpassword/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_OwnerPassword method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_ownerpassword/ Sets owner's password if the source input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file is encrypted. This property is not implemented yet. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_OwnerPassword(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_OwnerPassword(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_preserveuserrights/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_preserveuserrights/ index 10e68336d1..87141da427 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_preserveuserrights/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_preserveuserrights/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PreserveUserRights second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_PreserveUserRights method. If true, user rights of first document are applied to concatenated document. User rights of all other documents are ignored in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 5300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_preserveuserrights/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_PreserveUserRights method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_preserveuserrights/ If true, user rights of first document are applied to concatenated document. User rights of all other documents are ignored. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_PreserveUserRights(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_PreserveUserRights(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_removesignatures/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_removesignatures/ index 52a93ee9b0..c361fdccdf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_removesignatures/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_removesignatures/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_RemoveSignatures second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_RemoveSignatures method. If true, all signatures will be removed from fields (fields will remain); otherwise, you can get invalid signatures in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3300 +weight: 5400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_removesignatures/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_RemoveSignatures method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_removesignatures/ If true, all signatures will be removed from fields (fields will remain); otherwise, you can get invalid signatures. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_RemoveSignatures(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_RemoveSignatures(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_saveoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_saveoptions/ index 6462115963..e1fd4807fe 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_saveoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_saveoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SaveOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_SaveOptions method. Sets save options when result is stored as HttpResponse. Default value: PdfSaveOptions in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4200 +weight: 5500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_saveoptions/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_SaveOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_saveoptions/ Sets save options when result is stored as HttpResponse. Default value: [PdfSaveOptions](../../../aspose.pdf/pdfsaveoptions/). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_SaveOptions(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_SaveOptions(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_uniquesuffix/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_uniquesuffix/ index 4e237e015d..0a799e61a2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_uniquesuffix/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_uniquesuffix/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_UniqueSuffix second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_UniqueSuffix method. Format of the suffix which is added to field name to make it unique when forms are concatenated. This string must contain NUM% substring which will be replaced with numbers. For example if UniqueSuffix = "ABC%NUM%" then for field "fieldName" names will be: fieldNameABC1, fieldNameABC2, fieldNameABC3 etc in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 5600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_uniquesuffix/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_UniqueSuffix method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_uniquesuffix/ Format of the suffix which is added to field name to make it unique when forms are concatenated. This string must contain NUM% substring which will be replaced with numbers. For example if UniqueSuffix = "ABC%NUM%" then for field "fieldName" names will be: fieldNameABC1, fieldNameABC2, fieldNameABC3 etc. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_UniqueSuffix(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_UniqueSuffix(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_usediskbuffer/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_usediskbuffer/ index 10ee7d5655..767d1de43b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_usediskbuffer/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_usediskbuffer/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_UseDiskBuffer second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_UseDiskBuffer method. If this option used then destination document will be saved on disk periodically and further concatenation will appllied to it as incremental updates in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3600 +weight: 5700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_usediskbuffer/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::set_UseDiskBuffer method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/set_usediskbuffer/ If this option used then destination document will be saved on disk periodically and further concatenation will appllied to it as incremental updates. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_UseDiskBuffer(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::set_UseDiskBuffer(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splitfromfirst/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splitfromfirst/ index bd848d8072..e62322bb99 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splitfromfirst/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splitfromfirst/ @@ -2,26 +2,26 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst method linktitle: SplitFromFirst second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst method. Splits Pdf file from first page to specified location,and saves the front part as a new file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst method. Splits from start to specified location,and saves the front part in output Stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5100 +weight: 5800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splitfromfirst/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst(System::String, int32_t, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Splits [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file from first page to specified location,and saves the front part as a new file. +Splits from start to specified location,and saves the front part in output Stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst(System::String inputFile, int32_t location, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Source [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | | location | int32_t | The splitting point. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output file Stream. | ### ReturnValue @@ -29,87 +29,33 @@ True for success, or false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Source Pdf file. - - - - - location - - - The splitting point. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output Pdf file. - - - + +The streams are NOT closed after this operation. ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Splits from start to specified location,and saves the front part in output Stream. +Splits document from start to specified location and stores result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of source document. | | location | int32_t | The splitting point. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output file Stream. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue -True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Source Pdf file Stream. - - - - - location - - - The splitting point. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output file Stream. - - - +True if operation was succeeded. -The streams are NOT closed after this operation. ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) @@ -121,7 +67,7 @@ The streams are NOT closed after this operation. Splits document from first page to location and saves result into HttpResponse objects. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst(System::String inputFile, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst(System::String inputFile, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr response) ``` @@ -134,88 +80,32 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst(S ### ReturnValue True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - - - - - inputFile - - - Source file name. - - - - - location - - - Split point. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse objects. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst(System::String, int32_t, System::String) method -Splits document from start to specified location and stores result into HttpResponse object. +Splits [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file from first page to specified location,and saves the front part as a new file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitFromFirst(System::String inputFile, int32_t location, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of source document. | +| inputFile | System::String | Source [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | | location | int32_t | The splitting point. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - +True for success, or false. - - - - inputStream - - - Stream of source document. - - - - - location - - - The splitting point. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be stored. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splittobulks/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splittobulks/ index e3251792b5..fb866667fe 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splittobulks/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splittobulks/ @@ -4,92 +4,52 @@ linktitle: SplitToBulks second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToBulks method. Splits the Pdf file into several documents.The documents can be single-page or multi-pages in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5600 +weight: 5900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splittobulks/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::SplitToBulks(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\\>) method +## PdfFileEditor::SplitToBulks(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\\>) method Splits the [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file into several documents.The documents can be single-page or multi-pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToBulks(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr> numberOfPage) +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToBulks(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr> numberOfPage) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input PDF file. | -| numberOfPage | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array which contains array of double elements, which is start and end pages of document. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input PDF stream. | +| numberOfPage | System::ArrayPtr\\> | The start page and the end page of each document. | ### ReturnValue Output PDF streams, each stream buffers a PDF document. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Input PDF file. - - - - - numberOfPage - - - Array which contains array of double elements, which is start and end pages of document. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::SplitToBulks(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\\>) method +## PdfFileEditor::SplitToBulks(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\\>) method Splits the [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file into several documents.The documents can be single-page or multi-pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToBulks(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr> numberOfPage) +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToBulks(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr> numberOfPage) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input PDF stream. | -| numberOfPage | System::ArrayPtr\\> | The start page and the end page of each document. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input PDF file. | +| numberOfPage | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array which contains array of double elements, which is start and end pages of document. | ### ReturnValue Output PDF streams, each stream buffers a PDF document. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input PDF stream. - - - - - numberOfPage - - - The start page and the end page of each document. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splittoend/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splittoend/ index f8c7f4b77c..340eae3a10 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splittoend/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splittoend/ @@ -2,26 +2,26 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd method linktitle: SplitToEnd second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd method. Splits from location, and saves the rear part as a new file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd method. Splits from specified location, and saves the rear part as a new file Stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5200 +weight: 6000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splittoend/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd(System::String, int32_t, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Splits from location, and saves the rear part as a new file. +Splits from specified location, and saves the rear part as a new file Stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd(System::String inputFile, int32_t location, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Source [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | | location | int32_t | The splitting position. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file path. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | ### ReturnValue @@ -29,193 +29,83 @@ True for success, or false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Source Pdf file. - - - - - location - - - The splitting position. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output Pdf file path. - - - + +The streams are NOT closed after this operation unless CloseConcatedStreams is specified. ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Splits from specified location, and saves the rear part as a new file Stream. +Splits from specified location, and saves the rear part into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | -| location | int32_t | The splitting position. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source document stream. | +| location | int32_t | Split point. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object. | ### ReturnValue -True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Source Pdf file Stream. - - - - - location - - - The splitting position. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output Pdf file Stream. - - - +true if splitting was successful. -The streams are NOT closed after this operation unless CloseConcatedStreams is specified. ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd(System::String, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method Splits from specified location, and saves the rear part into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd(System::String inputFile, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source document stream. | +| inputFile | System::String | source file name. | | location | int32_t | Split point. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse objects. | ### ReturnValue -true if splitting was successful. -## Remarks - +True if operation was succeeded. - - - - inputStream - - - Source document stream. - - - - - location - - - Split point. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd(System::String, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd(System::String, int32_t, System::String) method -Splits from specified location, and saves the rear part into HttpResponse object. +Splits from location, and saves the rear part as a new file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd(System::String inputFile, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToEnd(System::String inputFile, int32_t location, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | source file name. | -| location | int32_t | Split point. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse objects. | +| inputFile | System::String | Source [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| location | int32_t | The splitting position. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file path. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation was succeeded. -## Remarks - +True for success, or false. - - - - inputFile - - - source file name. - - - - - location - - - Split point. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse objects. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splittopages/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splittopages/ index 393f3268d1..1ead7a1775 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splittopages/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splittopages/ @@ -2,156 +2,92 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages method linktitle: SplitToPages second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages method. Splits the PDF file into single-page documents in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages method. Splits the Pdf file into single-page documents in C++.' type: docs -weight: 5500 +weight: 6100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/splittopages/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages(System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages(System::SharedPtr\) method -Splits the PDF file into single-page documents. +Splits the [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file into single-page documents. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages(System::String inputFile) +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages(System::SharedPtr inputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input PDF file name. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) stream. | ### ReturnValue -Output PDF streams, each stream buffers a single-page PDF document. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Input PDF file name. - - - +Array of memory streams which contain pages of the document. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) method -Splits the [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file into single-page documents. +Split the [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file into single-page documents and saves it into specified path. Path is specifield by field name temaplate. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages(System::SharedPtr inputStream) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::String fileNameTemplate) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) stream. | - -### ReturnValue +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of the soruce document. | +| fileNameTemplate | System::String | Template of resultant file name. Must contain NUM% which is replaced with page number. For example, if c:/dir/pageNUM%.pdf is specified, resultant files will have the following names: c:/dir/page1.pdf, c:/dir/page2.pdf etc. | -Array of memory streams which contain pages of the document. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input Pdf stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages(System::String, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages(System::String) method -Split the [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file into single-page documents and saves it into specified path. Path is specifield by field name temaplate. +Splits the PDF file into single-page documents. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages(System::String inputFile, System::String fileNameTemplate) +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages(System::String inputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input file name. | -| fileNameTemplate | System::String | Template of resultant file name. Must contain NUM% which is replaced with page number. For example, if c:/dir/pageNUM%.pdf is specified, resultant files will have the following names: c:/dir/page1.pdf, c:/dir/page2.pdf etc. | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Input file name. - - - - - fileNameTemplate - - - Template of resultant file name. Must contain NUM% which is replaced with page number. For example, if c:/dir/pageNUM%.pdf is specified, resultant files will have the following names: c:/dir/page1.pdf, c:/dir/page2.pdf etc. - - - +| inputFile | System::String | Input PDF file name. | + +### ReturnValue + +Output PDF streams, each stream buffers a single-page PDF document. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages(System::String, System::String) method Split the [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file into single-page documents and saves it into specified path. Path is specifield by field name temaplate. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::String fileNameTemplate) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::SplitToPages(System::String inputFile, System::String fileNameTemplate) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of the soruce document. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input file name. | | fileNameTemplate | System::String | Template of resultant file name. Must contain NUM% which is replaced with page number. For example, if c:/dir/pageNUM%.pdf is specified, resultant files will have the following names: c:/dir/page1.pdf, c:/dir/page2.pdf etc. | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Stream of the soruce document. - - - - - fileNameTemplate - - - Template of resultant file name. Must contain NUM% which is replaced with page number. For example, if c:/dir/pageNUM%.pdf is specified, resultant files will have the following names: c:/dir/page1.pdf, c:/dir/page2.pdf etc. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryappend/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryappend/ index 474c5e76e4..b050808b54 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryappend/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryappend/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TryAppend second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryAppend method. Appends pages, which are chosen from array of documents in portStreams. The result document includes firstInputFile and all portStreams documents pages in the range startPage to endPage in C++.' type: docs -weight: 6300 +weight: 6200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryappend/ --- ## PdfFileEditor::TryAppend(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\\>, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryappend/ Appends pages, which are chosen from array of documents in portStreams. The result document includes firstInputFile and all portStreams documents pages in the range startPage to endPage. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryAppend(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr> portStreams, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryAppend(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr> portStreams, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` @@ -31,50 +31,6 @@ True for success, or false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Input Pdf stream. - - - - - portStreams - - - Documents to copy pages from. - - - - - startPage - - - - Page starts in portStreams documents. - - - - - endPage - - - - Page ends in portStreams documents . - - - - - outputStream - - - Output Pdf stream. - - - The TryAppend method is like the Append method, except the TryAppend method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -82,23 +38,23 @@ The TryAppend method is like the Append method, except the TryAppend method does * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryAppend(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryAppend(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\\>, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Appends pages, which are chosen from portFiles documents. The result document includes firstInputFile and all portFiles documents pages in the range startPage to endPage. +Appends documents to source document and saves result into response object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryAppend(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr portFiles, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryAppend(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr> portStreams, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | -| portFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Documents to copy pages from. | -| startPage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) starts in portFiles documents. | -| endPage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) ends in portFiles documents . | -| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream which contains source document. | +| portStreams | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of streams with documents to be appended. | +| startPage | int32_t | Start page of appended page. | +| endPage | int32_t | End page of appended pages. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object where document will be saved. | ### ReturnValue @@ -106,50 +62,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Input Pdf file. - - - - - portFiles - - - Documents to copy pages from. - - - - - startPage - - - - Page starts in portFiles documents. - - - - - endPage - - - - Page ends in portFiles documents . - - - - - outputFile - - - Output Pdf document. - - - The TryAppend method is like the Append method, except the TryAppend method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -157,21 +69,21 @@ The TryAppend method is like the Append method, except the TryAppend method does * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryAppend(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\\>, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryAppend(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Appends documents to source document and saves result into response object. +Appends documents to source document and saves result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryAppend(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr> portStreams, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryAppend(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr portFiles, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream which contains source document. | -| portStreams | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of streams with documents to be appended. | -| startPage | int32_t | Start page of appended page. | +| inputFile | System::String | Name of file containing source document. | +| portFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of file names containing appended documents. | +| startPage | int32_t | Start page of appended pages. | | endPage | int32_t | End page of appended pages. | | response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object where document will be saved. | @@ -181,48 +93,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Stream which contains source document. - - - - - portStreams - - - Array of streams with documents to be appended. - - - - - startPage - - - Start page of appended page. - - - - - endPage - - - End page of appended pages. - - - - - response - - - Response object where document will be saved. - - - The TryAppend method is like the Append method, except the TryAppend method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -230,23 +100,23 @@ The TryAppend method is like the Append method, except the TryAppend method does * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryAppend(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryAppend(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::String) method -Appends documents to source document and saves result into HttpResponse object. +Appends pages, which are chosen from portFiles documents. The result document includes firstInputFile and all portFiles documents pages in the range startPage to endPage. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryAppend(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr portFiles, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryAppend(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr portFiles, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Name of file containing source document. | -| portFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of file names containing appended documents. | -| startPage | int32_t | Start page of appended pages. | -| endPage | int32_t | End page of appended pages. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object where document will be saved. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| portFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Documents to copy pages from. | +| startPage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) starts in portFiles documents. | +| endPage | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) ends in portFiles documents . | +| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | ### ReturnValue @@ -254,48 +124,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Name of file containing source document. - - - - - portFiles - - - Array of file names containing appended documents. - - - - - startPage - - - Start page of appended pages. - - - - - endPage - - - End page of appended pages. - - - - - response - - - Response object where document will be saved. - - - The TryAppend method is like the Append method, except the TryAppend method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryconcatenate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryconcatenate/ index 99e8937e28..5109bdd503 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryconcatenate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryconcatenate/ @@ -2,26 +2,25 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate method linktitle: TryConcatenate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate method. Concatenates two files in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate method. Concatenates documents in C++.' type: docs -weight: 6200 +weight: 6300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryconcatenate/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::String, System::String, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::SharedPtr\) method -Concatenates two files. +Concatenates documents. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::String firstInputFile, System::String secInputFile, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr> src, System::SharedPtr dest) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| firstInputFile | System::String | First file to concatenate. | -| secInputFile | System::String | Second file to concatenate. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output file. | +| src | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of source documents. | +| dest | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination document. | ### ReturnValue @@ -29,53 +28,28 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - firstInputFile - - - First file to concatenate. - - - - - secInputFile - - - Second file to concatenate. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output file. - - - The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcatenate method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::SharedPtr\) method -Concatenates documents. +Concatenates files. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr> src, System::SharedPtr dest) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr> inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| src | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of source documents. | -| dest | System::SharedPtr\ | Destination document. | +| inputStream | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of streams to be concatenated. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where result file will be stored. | ### ReturnValue @@ -83,46 +57,27 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - src - - - Array of source documents. - - - - - dest - - - Destination document. - - - The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcatenate method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr\, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::SharedPtr\) method -Concatenates files into one file. +Concatenates files and stores result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr inputFiles, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr> inputStream, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of files to concatenate. | -| outputFile | System::String | Name of output file. | +| inputStream | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Streams array which contain files to concatenate. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object/ | ### ReturnValue @@ -130,24 +85,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFiles - - - Array of files to concatenate. - - - - - outputFile - - - Name of output file. - - - The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcatenate method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -155,20 +92,20 @@ The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcaten * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Concatenates files. +Concatenates files and saves reslt into HttpResposnse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr> inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr inputFiles, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array of streams to be concatenated. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where result file will be stored. | +| inputFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of files to concatenate. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object. | ### ReturnValue @@ -176,24 +113,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Array of streams to be concatenated. - - - - - outputStream - - - Stream where result file will be stored. - - - The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcatenate method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -201,22 +120,20 @@ The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcaten * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::String, System::String, System::String, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr\, System::String) method -Merges two [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) documents into a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document with pages in alternate ways and fill the blank places with blank pages. e.g.: document1 has 5 pages: p1, p2, p3, p4, p5. document2 has 3 pages: p1', p2', p3'. Merging the two [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document will produce the result document with pages:p1, p1', p2, p2', p3, p3', p4, blankpage, p5, blankpage. +Concatenates files into one file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::String firstInputFile, System::String secInputFile, System::String blankPageFile, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr inputFiles, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| firstInputFile | System::String | First file. | -| secInputFile | System::String | Second file. | -| blankPageFile | System::String | PDF file with blank page. | -| outputFile | System::String | Result file. | +| inputFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of files to concatenate. | +| outputFile | System::String | Name of output file. | ### ReturnValue @@ -224,40 +141,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - firstInputFile - - - First file. - - - - - secInputFile - - - Second file. - - - - - blankPageFile - - - PDF file with blank page. - - - - - outputFile - - - Result file. - - - The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcatenate method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -271,7 +154,7 @@ The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcaten Merges two [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) documents into a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document with pages in alternate ways and fill the blank places with blank pages. e.g.: document1 has 5 pages: p1, p2, p3, p4, p5. document2 has 3 pages: p1', p2', p3'. Merging the two [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document will produce the result document with pages:p1, p1', p2, p2', p3, p3', p4, blankpage, p5, blankpage. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::SharedPtr firstInputStream, System::SharedPtr secInputStream, System::SharedPtr blankPageStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::SharedPtr firstInputStream, System::SharedPtr secInputStream, System::SharedPtr blankPageStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` @@ -288,40 +171,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - firstInputStream - - - The first Pdf Stream. - - - - - secInputStream - - - The second Pdf Stream. - - - - - blankPageStream - - - The Pdf Stream with blank page. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output Pdf Stream. - - - The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcatenate method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -329,20 +178,22 @@ The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcaten * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::String, System::String, System::String, System::String) method -Concatenates files and saves reslt into HttpResposnse object. +Merges two [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) documents into a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document with pages in alternate ways and fill the blank places with blank pages. e.g.: document1 has 5 pages: p1, p2, p3, p4, p5. document2 has 3 pages: p1', p2', p3'. Merging the two [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document will produce the result document with pages:p1, p1', p2, p2', p3, p3', p4, blankpage, p5, blankpage. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr inputFiles, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::String firstInputFile, System::String secInputFile, System::String blankPageFile, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of files to concatenate. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object. | +| firstInputFile | System::String | First file. | +| secInputFile | System::String | Second file. | +| blankPageFile | System::String | PDF file with blank page. | +| outputFile | System::String | Result file. | ### ReturnValue @@ -350,24 +201,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFiles - - - Array of files to concatenate. - - - - - response - - - Response object. - - - The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcatenate method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -375,20 +208,21 @@ The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcaten * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::String, System::String, System::String) method -Concatenates files and stores result into HttpResponse object. +Concatenates two files. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::ArrayPtr> inputStream, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryConcatenate(System::String firstInputFile, System::String secInputFile, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Streams array which contain files to concatenate. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object/ | +| firstInputFile | System::String | First file to concatenate. | +| secInputFile | System::String | Second file to concatenate. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output file. | ### ReturnValue @@ -396,24 +230,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Streams array which contain files to concatenate. - - - - - response - - - Response object/ - - - The TryConcatenate method is like the Concatenate method, except the TryConcatenate method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trydelete/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trydelete/ index dc44d7a799..a46e3132e0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trydelete/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trydelete/ @@ -4,57 +4,31 @@ linktitle: TryDelete second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryDelete method. Deletes pages specified by number array from input file, saves as a new Pdf file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 6500 +weight: 6400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trydelete/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::TryDelete(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryDelete(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method Deletes pages specified by number array from input file, saves as a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryDelete(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryDelete(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input file path. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input file Stream. | | pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Index of page out of the input file. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output file path. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output file stream. | ### ReturnValue -true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. +True for success, or false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Input file path. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Index of page out of the input file. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output file path. - - - The TryDelete method is like the Delete method, except the TryDelete method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -62,54 +36,28 @@ The TryDelete method is like the Delete method, except the TryDelete method does * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryDelete(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryDelete(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Deletes pages specified by number array from input file, saves as a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. +Deletes specified pages from document and saves result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryDelete(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryDelete(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input file Stream. | -| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Index of page out of the input file. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output file stream. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source document stream. | +| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will be deleted. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object | ### ReturnValue -True for success, or false. +true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Input file Stream. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Index of page out of the input file. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output file stream. - - - The TryDelete method is like the Delete method, except the TryDelete method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -123,7 +71,7 @@ The TryDelete method is like the Delete method, except the TryDelete method does Deletes specified pages from document and stores result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryDelete(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryDelete(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) ``` @@ -139,32 +87,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Path of source file. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Array of page numbers which must be deleted. - - - - - response - - - Response object where result document will be stored. - - - The TryDelete method is like the Delete method, except the TryDelete method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -172,21 +94,21 @@ The TryDelete method is like the Delete method, except the TryDelete method does * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryDelete(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryDelete(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::String) method -Deletes specified pages from document and saves result into HttpResponse object. +Deletes pages specified by number array from input file, saves as a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryDelete(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryDelete(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source document stream. | -| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will be deleted. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object | +| inputFile | System::String | Input file path. | +| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Index of page out of the input file. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output file path. | ### ReturnValue @@ -194,32 +116,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Source document stream. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Array of page numbers which will be deleted. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object - - - The TryDelete method is like the Delete method, except the TryDelete method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryextract/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryextract/ index 7eb8e14937..0647cd78e3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryextract/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryextract/ @@ -2,27 +2,26 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryExtract method linktitle: TryExtract second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryExtract method. Extracts pages from input file,saves as a new Pdf file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryExtract method. Extracts pages specified by number array, saves as a new Pdf file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 6600 +weight: 6500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryextract/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Extracts pages from input file,saves as a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. +Extracts pages specified by number array, saves as a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::String inputFile, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file path. | -| startPage | int32_t | Start page number. | -| endPage | int32_t | End page number. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file path. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input file Stream. | +| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Index of page out of the input file. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output file stream. | ### ReturnValue @@ -30,40 +29,6 @@ True for success, or false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Input Pdf file path. - - - - - startPage - - - Start page number. - - - - - endPage - - - End page number. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output Pdf file path. - - - The TryExtract method is like the Extract method, except the TryExtract method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -71,21 +36,21 @@ The TryExtract method is like the Extract method, except the TryExtract method d * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Extracts pages specified by number array, saves as a new PDF file. +Extracts specified pages form source file and stores result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input file path. | -| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Index of page out of the input file. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output file path. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of source document. | +| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will be extracted. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue @@ -93,55 +58,29 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Input file path. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Index of page out of the input file. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output file path. - - - The TryExtract method is like the Extract method, except the TryExtract method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::String) method -Extracts pages specified by number array, saves as a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. +Extracts pages from input file,saves as a new [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::String inputFile, int32_t startPage, int32_t endPage, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input file Stream. | -| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Index of page out of the input file. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output file stream. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file path. | +| startPage | int32_t | Start page number. | +| endPage | int32_t | End page number. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file path. | ### ReturnValue @@ -149,32 +88,6 @@ True for success, or false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Input file Stream. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Index of page out of the input file. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output file stream. - - - The TryExtract method is like the Extract method, except the TryExtract method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -182,19 +95,19 @@ The TryExtract method is like the Extract method, except the TryExtract method d * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Extracts specified pages form source file and stores result into HttpResponse object. +Extracts specified pages from source file and stores result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of source document. | +| inputFile | System::String | Source file path. | | pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will be extracted. | | response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | @@ -204,32 +117,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Stream of source document. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Array of page numbers which will be extracted. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be stored. - - - The TryExtract method is like the Extract method, except the TryExtract method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -237,21 +124,21 @@ The TryExtract method is like the Extract method, except the TryExtract method d * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::String) method -Extracts specified pages from source file and stores result into HttpResponse object. +Extracts pages specified by number array, saves as a new PDF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryExtract(System::String inputFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Source file path. | -| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will be extracted. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input file path. | +| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Index of page out of the input file. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output file path. | ### ReturnValue @@ -259,34 +146,9 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Source file path. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Array of page numbers which will be extracted. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be stored. - - - The TryExtract method is like the Extract method, except the TryExtract method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryinsert/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryinsert/ index be818e8cf6..0d0770ac02 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryinsert/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryinsert/ @@ -4,75 +4,33 @@ linktitle: TryInsert second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryInsert method. Inserts pages from an other file into the input Pdf file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 6400 +weight: 6600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryinsert/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::TryInsert(System::String, int32_t, System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryInsert(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method Inserts pages from an other file into the input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryInsert(System::String inputFile, int32_t insertLocation, System::String portFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryInsert(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t insertLocation, System::SharedPtr portStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input Stream of [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | | insertLocation | int32_t | Insert position in input file. | -| portFile | System::String | Pages from the [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| portStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file for pages. | | pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | The page number of the ported in portFile. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output Stream. | ### ReturnValue -True for success, or false. +true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Input Pdf file. - - - - - insertLocation - - - Insert position in input file. - - - - - portFile - - - Pages from the Pdf file. - - - - - pageNumber - - - The page number of the ported in portFile. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output Pdf file. - - - The TryInsert method is like the Insert method, except the TryInsert method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -80,23 +38,23 @@ The TryInsert method is like the Insert method, except the TryInsert method does * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryInsert(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryInsert(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Inserts pages from an other file into the input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. +Inserts document into other document and stores result into response object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryInsert(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t insertLocation, System::SharedPtr portStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryInsert(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t insertLocation, System::SharedPtr portStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input Stream of [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | -| insertLocation | int32_t | Insert position in input file. | -| portStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file for pages. | -| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | The page number of the ported in portFile. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output Stream. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream with source document | +| insertLocation | int32_t | Location where other document will be inserted. | +| portStream | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) to be inserted. | +| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers in second document which will be inserted. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue @@ -104,48 +62,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Input Stream of Pdf file. - - - - - insertLocation - - - Insert position in input file. - - - - - portStream - - - Stream of Pdf file for pages. - - - - - pageNumber - - - The page number of the ported in portFile. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output Stream. - - - The TryInsert method is like the Insert method, except the TryInsert method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -159,7 +75,7 @@ The TryInsert method is like the Insert method, except the TryInsert method does Inserts contents of file into source file and stores result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryInsert(System::String inputFile, int32_t insertLocation, System::String portFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryInsert(System::String inputFile, int32_t insertLocation, System::String portFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) ``` @@ -177,49 +93,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Source file name. - - - - - insertLocation - - - - Page number where second file will be inserted. - - - - - portFile - - - Path to file which will be inserted. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Array of page numbers in source file wihich will be inserted. - - - - - response - - - Response object where result will be stored. - - - The TryInsert method is like the Insert method, except the TryInsert method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -227,73 +100,30 @@ The TryInsert method is like the Insert method, except the TryInsert method does * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryInsert(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryInsert(System::String, int32_t, System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::String) method -Inserts document into other document and stores result into response object. +Inserts pages from an other file into the input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryInsert(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t insertLocation, System::SharedPtr portStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryInsert(System::String inputFile, int32_t insertLocation, System::String portFile, System::ArrayPtr pageNumber, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream with source document | -| insertLocation | int32_t | Location where other document will be inserted. | -| portStream | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) to be inserted. | -| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers in second document which will be inserted. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Response object where result will be stored. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| insertLocation | int32_t | Insert position in input file. | +| portFile | System::String | Pages from the [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| pageNumber | System::ArrayPtr\ | The page number of the ported in portFile. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | ### ReturnValue -true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. +True for success, or false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Stream with source document - - - - - insertLocation - - - Location where other document will be inserted. - - - - - portStream - - - - Document to be inserted. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Array of page numbers in second document which will be inserted. - - - - - response - - - Response object where result will be stored. - - - The TryInsert method is like the Insert method, except the TryInsert method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trymakebooklet/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trymakebooklet/ index 58fd0922b5..62ce3b576e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trymakebooklet/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trymakebooklet/ @@ -2,25 +2,28 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet method linktitle: TryMakeBooklet second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet method. Makes booklet from the input file to output file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet method. Make booklet from PDF file and stores it into HttpResponse in C++.' type: docs -weight: 6900 +weight: 6700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trymakebooklet/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes booklet from the input file to output file. +Make booklet from PDF file and stores it into HttpResponse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input pdf file path and name. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input document stream. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | Desired page size. | +| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will be placed in left. | +| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will b eplaced in right. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object. | ### ReturnValue @@ -28,148 +31,88 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Input pdf file path and name. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output pdf file path and name. - - - The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes booklet from the InputStream to outputStream. +Makes booklet from source file and stores result into HttpResponse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input pdf stream. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | output pdf stream. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input document stream. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | Desired page size in output file. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Respose object where resut will be saved. | ### ReturnValue -true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. +true if booklet was built successfully. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Input pdf stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - output pdf stream. - - - The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String, System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes booklet from the inputFile to outputFile. +Makes booklet from the InputStream to outputStream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input pdf file path and name. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input pdf stream. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | output pdf stream. | ### ReturnValue -True if operation is succeeded. +true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Input pdf file path and name. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output pdf file path and name. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the output pdf file. - - - The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Makes booklet from the input stream and save result into output stream. +Makes customized booklet from the firstInputStream to outputStream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input PDF stream. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The input stream. | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | output pdf stream. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | +| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The left pages. | +| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The right pages. | ### ReturnValue @@ -177,56 +120,28 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Input PDF stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - output pdf stream. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the output pdf file. - - - The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String, System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes customized booklet from the firstInputFile to outputFile. +Makes booklet from the input stream and save result into output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | The input file. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | -| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The left pages of the booklet. | -| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The right pages of the booklet. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input PDF stream. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | output pdf stream. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | ### ReturnValue @@ -234,54 +149,21 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - The input file. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output pdf file path and name. - - - - - leftPages - - - The left pages of the booklet. - - - - - rightPages - - - The right pages of the booklet. - - - The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Makes customized booklet from the firstInputStream to outputStream. +Makes booklet from the firstInputStream to outputStream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages) ``` @@ -289,6 +171,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(S | --- | --- | --- | | inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The input stream. | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | output pdf stream. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | | leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The left pages. | | rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The right pages. | @@ -298,64 +181,31 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - The input stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - output pdf stream. - - - - - leftPages - - - The left pages. - - - - - rightPages - - - The right pages. - - - The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String, System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes customized booklet from the firstInputFile to outputFile. +Makes booklet from source file and stores result into HttpResponse objects. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | The input file. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | -| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The left pages. | -| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The right pages. | +| inputFile | System::String | Source file path. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | Desired page size. | +| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Aray of page numbers to be placed in left. | +| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers to be placed in right. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue @@ -363,48 +213,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - The input file. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output pdf file path and name. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the output pdf file. - - - - - leftPages - - - The left pages. - - - - - rightPages - - - The right pages. - - - The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -413,72 +221,28 @@ The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBook * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes booklet from the firstInputStream to outputStream. +Makes booklet from source file and stores result into HttpResponse objects. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The input stream. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | output pdf stream. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | -| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The left pages. | -| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The right pages. | +| inputFile | System::String | Source file path. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | Desired page size in output file. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue -true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. +True if operation is succeeded. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - The input stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - output pdf stream. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the output pdf file. - - - - - leftPages - - - The left pages. - - - - - rightPages - - - The right pages. - - - The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -487,23 +251,20 @@ The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBook * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String, System::String) method -Makes booklet from source file and stores result into HttpResponse objects. +Makes booklet from the input file to output file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Source file path. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | Desired page size. | -| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Aray of page numbers to be placed in left. | -| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers to be placed in right. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input pdf file path and name. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | ### ReturnValue @@ -511,73 +272,29 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Source file path. - - - - - pageSize - - - Desired page size. - - - - - leftPages - - - Aray of page numbers to be placed in left. - - - - - rightPages - - - Array of page numbers to be placed in right. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be stored. - - - The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String, System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Make booklet from PDF file and stores it into HttpResponse. +Makes customized booklet from the firstInputFile to outputFile. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input document stream. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | Desired page size. | -| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will be placed in left. | -| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page numbers which will b eplaced in right. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object. | +| inputFile | System::String | The input file. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | +| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The left pages of the booklet. | +| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The right pages of the booklet. | ### ReturnValue @@ -585,71 +302,28 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Input document stream. - - - - - pageSize - - - Desired page size. - - - - - leftPages - - - Array of page numbers which will be placed in left. - - - - - rightPages - - - Array of page numbers which will b eplaced in right. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object. - - - The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String, System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes booklet from source file and stores result into HttpResponse objects. +Makes booklet from the inputFile to outputFile. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Source file path. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | Desired page size in output file. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input pdf file path and name. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | ### ReturnValue @@ -657,32 +331,6 @@ True if operation is succeeded. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Source file path. - - - - - pageSize - - - Desired page size in output file. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be stored. - - - The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -691,54 +339,30 @@ The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBook * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String, System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\) method -Makes booklet from source file and stores result into HttpResponse. +Makes customized booklet from the firstInputFile to outputFile. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeBooklet(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::ArrayPtr leftPages, System::ArrayPtr rightPages) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input document stream. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | Desired page size in output file. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | Respose object where resut will be saved. | +| inputFile | System::String | The input file. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | +| leftPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The left pages. | +| rightPages | System::ArrayPtr\ | The right pages. | ### ReturnValue -true if booklet was built successfully. +true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Input document stream. - - - - - pageSize - - - Desired page size in output file. - - - - - response - - - Respose object where resut will be saved. - - - The TryMakeBooklet method is like the MakeBooklet method, except the TryMakeBooklet method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trymakenup/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trymakenup/ index f56e1d63d0..47ebc13eda 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trymakenup/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trymakenup/ @@ -2,68 +2,33 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp method linktitle: TryMakeNUp second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp method. Makes N-Up document from the firstInputFile to outputFile in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp method. Makes N-Up document from the multi input PDF streams to outputStream. Each page of outputStream will contain multi pages, which are combination with pages in the input streams of the same page number. The multi-pages piled up horizontally if isSidewise is true and piled up vertically if isSidewise is false in C++.' type: docs -weight: 7000 +weight: 6800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trymakenup/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String, System::String, int32_t, int32_t) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::SharedPtr\, bool) method -Makes N-Up document from the firstInputFile to outputFile. +Makes N-Up document from the multi input PDF streams to outputStream. Each page of outputStream will contain multi pages, which are combination with pages in the input streams of the same page number. The multi-pages piled up horizontally if isSidewise is true and piled up vertically if isSidewise is false. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, int32_t x, int32_t y) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::ArrayPtr> inputStreams, System::SharedPtr outputStream, bool isSidewise) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input pdf file path and name. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | -| x | int32_t | Number of columns. | -| y | int32_t | Number of rows. | +| inputStreams | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) streams. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output pdf stream. | +| isSidewise | bool | Piled up way, true for horizontally and false for vertically. | ### ReturnValue -true if operation was completed successfully; otherwise, false. +true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Input pdf file path and name. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output pdf file path and name. - - - - - x - - - Number of columns. - - - - - y - - - Number of rows. - - - The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -71,22 +36,21 @@ The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method d * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::ArrayPtr\, System::String, bool) method -Makes N-Up document from the input stream and saves result into output stream. +Makes N-Up document from the multi input PDF files to outputFile. Each page of outputFile will contain multi pages, which are combination with pages in the input files of the same page number. The multi pages piled up horizontally if isSidewise is true and piled up vertically if isSidewise is false. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t x, int32_t y) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::ArrayPtr inputFiles, System::String outputFile, bool isSidewise) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input pdf stream. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output pdf stream. | -| x | int32_t | Number of columns. | -| y | int32_t | Number of rows. | +| inputFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) files. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | +| isSidewise | bool | Piled up way, true for horizontally and false for vertically. | ### ReturnValue @@ -94,40 +58,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Input pdf stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output pdf stream. - - - - - x - - - Number of columns. - - - - - y - - - Number of rows. - - - The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -135,183 +65,90 @@ The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method d * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes N-Up document from the first input stream to output stream. +Makes N-Up document from the two input PDF streams to outputStream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr pageSize) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr firstInputStream, System::SharedPtr secondInputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input pdf stream. | +| firstInputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | first input stream. | +| secondInputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | second input stream. | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output pdf stream. | -| x | int32_t | Number of columns. | -| y | int32_t | Number of rows. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | ### ReturnValue -true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. +true if operation was completed successfully; otherwise, false ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Input pdf stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output pdf stream. - - - - - x - - - Number of columns. - - - - - y - - - Number of rows. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the output pdf file. - - - The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String, System::String, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes N-Up document from the two input PDF files to outputFile. Each page of outputFile will contain two pages, one page is from the first input file and another is from the second input file. The two pages are piled up horizontally. +Makes N-up document and stores result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String firstInputFile, System::String secondInputFile, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| firstInputFile | System::String | first input file. | -| secondInputFile | System::String | second input file. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of source document. | +| x | int32_t | Number of columns. | +| y | int32_t | Number of rows. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size in result file. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue -true if operation was completed successfully; otherwise, false +true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - firstInputFile - - - first input file. - - - - - secondInputFile - - - second input file. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output pdf file path and name. - - - The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes N-Up document from the two input PDF streams to outputStream. +Makes N-up document and stores result into HttpResponse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr firstInputStream, System::SharedPtr secondInputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| firstInputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | first input stream. | -| secondInputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | second input stream. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output pdf stream. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of input document. | +| x | int32_t | Number of columns. | +| y | int32_t | Number of rows. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue -true if operation was completed successfully; otherwise, false +true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - firstInputStream - - - first input stream. - - - - - secondInputStream - - - second input stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output pdf stream. - - - The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -319,21 +156,22 @@ The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method d * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::ArrayPtr\, System::String, bool) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t) method -Makes N-Up document from the multi input PDF files to outputFile. Each page of outputFile will contain multi pages, which are combination with pages in the input files of the same page number. The multi pages piled up horizontally if isSidewise is true and piled up vertically if isSidewise is false. +Makes N-Up document from the input stream and saves result into output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::ArrayPtr inputFiles, System::String outputFile, bool isSidewise) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t x, int32_t y) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFiles | System::ArrayPtr\ | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) files. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | -| isSidewise | bool | Piled up way, true for horizontally and false for vertically. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input pdf stream. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output pdf stream. | +| x | int32_t | Number of columns. | +| y | int32_t | Number of rows. | ### ReturnValue @@ -341,32 +179,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFiles - - - Input Pdf files. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output pdf file path and name. - - - - - isSidewise - - - Piled up way, true for horizontally and false for vertically. - - - The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -374,21 +186,23 @@ The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method d * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::ArrayPtr\\>, System::SharedPtr\, bool) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes N-Up document from the multi input PDF streams to outputStream. Each page of outputStream will contain multi pages, which are combination with pages in the input streams of the same page number. The multi-pages piled up horizontally if isSidewise is true and piled up vertically if isSidewise is false. +Makes N-Up document from the first input stream to output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::ArrayPtr> inputStreams, System::SharedPtr outputStream, bool isSidewise) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStreams | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) streams. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input pdf stream. | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output pdf stream. | -| isSidewise | bool | Piled up way, true for horizontally and false for vertically. | +| x | int32_t | Number of columns. | +| y | int32_t | Number of rows. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | ### ReturnValue @@ -396,110 +210,40 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStreams - - - Input Pdf streams. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output pdf stream. - - - - - isSidewise - - - Piled up way, true for horizontally and false for vertically. - - - The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String, System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String, System::String, System::String) method -Makes N-Up document from the input file to outputFile. +Makes N-Up document from the two input PDF files to outputFile. Each page of outputFile will contain two pages, one page is from the first input file and another is from the second input file. The two pages are piled up horizontally. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr pageSize) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String firstInputFile, System::String secondInputFile, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input pdf file path and name. | +| firstInputFile | System::String | first input file. | +| secondInputFile | System::String | second input file. | | outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | -| x | int32_t | Number of columns. | -| y | int32_t | Number of rows. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | ### ReturnValue -true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. +true if operation was completed successfully; otherwise, false ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Input pdf file path and name. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output pdf file path and name. - - - - - x - - - Number of columns. - - - - - y - - - Number of rows. - - - - - pageSize - - - The page size of the output pdf file. - - - The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -509,7 +253,7 @@ The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method d Makes N-up document and stores result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String inputFile, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String inputFile, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr response) ``` @@ -527,49 +271,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Path to source file. - - - - - x - - - Number of columns. - - - - - y - - - Number of rows. - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size in result file. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be stored. - - - The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -578,22 +279,21 @@ The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method d * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes N-up document and stores result into HttpResponse object. +Makes N-up document and stores result into HttpResponse. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr pageSize, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String inputFile, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of source document. | +| inputFile | System::String | Source file name. | | x | int32_t | Number of columns. | | y | int32_t | Number of rows. | -| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) size in result file. | | response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue @@ -602,114 +302,36 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Stream of source document. - - - - - x - - - Number of columns. - - - - - y - - - Number of rows. - - - - - pageSize - - - - Page size in result file. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be stored. - - - The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also -* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String, System::String, int32_t, int32_t) method -Makes N-up document and stores result into HttpResponse. +Makes N-Up document from the firstInputFile to outputFile. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String inputFile, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, int32_t x, int32_t y) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Source file name. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input pdf file path and name. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | | x | int32_t | Number of columns. | | y | int32_t | Number of rows. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue -true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. +true if operation was completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Source file name. - - - - - x - - - Number of columns. - - - - - y - - - Number of rows. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be stored. - - - The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -717,22 +339,23 @@ The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method d * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String, System::String, int32_t, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Makes N-up document and stores result into HttpResponse. +Makes N-Up document from the input file to outputFile. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryMakeNUp(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, int32_t x, int32_t y, System::SharedPtr pageSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of input document. | +| inputFile | System::String | Input pdf file path and name. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file path and name. | | x | int32_t | Number of columns. | | y | int32_t | Number of rows. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse where result will be stored. | +| pageSize | System::SharedPtr\ | The page size of the output pdf file. | ### ReturnValue @@ -740,44 +363,11 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Stream of input document. - - - - - x - - - Number of columns. - - - - - y - - - Number of rows. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse where result will be stored. - - - The TryMakeNUp method is like the MakeNUp method, except the TryMakeNUp method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also +* Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryresizecontents/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryresizecontents/ index 94c497b780..fd950efd26 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryresizecontents/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryresizecontents/ @@ -2,68 +2,34 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents method linktitle: TryResizeContents second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents method. Resizes contents of pages of the document in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents method. Resizes contents of pages in document. If page is shrinked blank margins are added around the page. Result is stored into HttpResponse object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 7100 +weight: 6900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/tryresizecontents/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Resizes contents of pages of the document. +Resizes contents of pages in document. If page is shrinked blank margins are added around the page. Result is stored into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents(System::SharedPtr source, System::SharedPtr destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents(System::SharedPtr source, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| source | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream with source document. | -| destination | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream with the destination document. | -| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page indexes. | +| source | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of source file. | +| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of pages to be resized. | | parameters | System::SharedPtr\ | Resize parameters. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result is saved. | ### ReturnValue -Returns true if success. +true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - source - - - Stream with source document. - - - - - destination - - - Stream with the destination document. - - - - - pages - - - Array of page indexes. - - - - - parameters - - - Resize parameters. - - - The TryResizeContents method is like the ResizeContents method, except the TryResizeContents method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -77,7 +43,7 @@ The TryResizeContents method is like the ResizeContents method, except the TryRe Resizes contents of document pages. Shrinks contents of page and adds margins. New size of contents is specified in default space units. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents(System::SharedPtr source, System::SharedPtr destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double newWidth, double newHeight) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents(System::SharedPtr source, System::SharedPtr destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, double newWidth, double newHeight) ``` @@ -95,48 +61,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - source - - - Stream which contains source document. - - - - - destination - - - Stream where resultant document will be saved. - - - - - pages - - - Array of page indexes. If null then all document pages will be processed. - - - - - newWidth - - - New width of page contents in default space units. - - - - - newHeight - - - New height of page contents in default space units. - - - The TryResizeContents method is like the ResizeContents method, except the TryResizeContents method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -144,63 +68,29 @@ The TryResizeContents method is like the ResizeContents method, except the TryRe * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents(System::String, System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Resizes contents of pages in document. If page is shrinked blank margins are added around the page. +Resizes contents of pages of the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents(System::String source, System::String destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents(System::SharedPtr source, System::SharedPtr destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| source | System::String | Source document path. | -| destination | System::String | Destination document path. | -| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page indexes (page index starts from 1). | -| parameters | System::SharedPtr\ | Parameters of page resize. | +| source | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream with source document. | +| destination | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream with the destination document. | +| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page indexes. | +| parameters | System::SharedPtr\ | Resize parameters. | ### ReturnValue -true if resize was successful. +Returns true if success. ## Remarks - - - - source - - - Source document path. - - - - - destination - - - Destination document path. - - - - - pages - - - Array of page indexes (page index starts from 1). - - - - - parameters - - - Parameters of page resize. - - - The TryResizeContents method is like the ResizeContents method, except the TryResizeContents method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -214,7 +104,7 @@ The TryResizeContents method is like the ResizeContents method, except the TryRe Resizes contents of pages in document. If page is shrinked blank margins are added around the page. Result is stored into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents(System::String source, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents(System::String source, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters, System::SharedPtr response) ``` @@ -231,40 +121,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - source - - - Path to source file. - - - - - pages - - - Array of pages to be resized. - - - - - parameters - - - Resize parameters. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result is saved. - - - The TryResizeContents method is like the ResizeContents method, except the TryResizeContents method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -272,63 +128,29 @@ The TryResizeContents method is like the ResizeContents method, except the TryRe * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents(System::SharedPtr\, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents(System::String, System::String, System::ArrayPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Resizes contents of pages in document. If page is shrinked blank margins are added around the page. Result is stored into HttpResponse object. +Resizes contents of pages in document. If page is shrinked blank margins are added around the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents(System::SharedPtr source, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TryResizeContents(System::String source, System::String destination, System::ArrayPtr pages, System::SharedPtr parameters) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| source | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of source file. | -| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of pages to be resized. | -| parameters | System::SharedPtr\ | Resize parameters. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result is saved. | +| source | System::String | Source document path. | +| destination | System::String | Destination document path. | +| pages | System::ArrayPtr\ | Array of page indexes (page index starts from 1). | +| parameters | System::SharedPtr\ | Parameters of page resize. | ### ReturnValue -true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. +true if resize was successful. ## Remarks - - - - source - - - Stream of source file. - - - - - pages - - - Array of pages to be resized. - - - - - parameters - - - Resize parameters. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result is saved. - - - The TryResizeContents method is like the ResizeContents method, except the TryResizeContents method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trysplitfromfirst/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trysplitfromfirst/ index 28d097d7aa..65b65d9024 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trysplitfromfirst/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trysplitfromfirst/ @@ -2,26 +2,26 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitFromFirst method linktitle: TrySplitFromFirst second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitFromFirst method. Splits Pdf file from first page to specified location,and saves the front part as a new file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitFromFirst method. Splits from start to specified location,and saves the front part in output Stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 6700 +weight: 7000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trysplitfromfirst/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::TrySplitFromFirst(System::String, int32_t, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::TrySplitFromFirst(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Splits [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file from first page to specified location,and saves the front part as a new file. +Splits from start to specified location,and saves the front part in output Stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitFromFirst(System::String inputFile, int32_t location, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitFromFirst(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Source [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | | location | int32_t | The splitting point. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output file Stream. | ### ReturnValue @@ -29,89 +29,37 @@ True for success, or false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Source Pdf file. - - - - - location - - - The splitting point. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output Pdf file. - - - -The TrySplitFromFirst method is like the SplitFromFirst method, except the TrySplitFromFirst method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. +The streams are NOT closed after this operation. The TrySplitFromFirst method is like the SplitFromFirst method, except the TrySplitFromFirst method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TrySplitFromFirst(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TrySplitFromFirst(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Splits from start to specified location,and saves the front part in output Stream. +Splits document from start to specified location and stores result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitFromFirst(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitFromFirst(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of source document. | | location | int32_t | The splitting point. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output file Stream. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | ### ReturnValue -True for success, or false. +true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Source Pdf file Stream. - - - - - location - - - The splitting point. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output file Stream. - - - -The streams are NOT closed after this operation. The TrySplitFromFirst method is like the SplitFromFirst method, except the TrySplitFromFirst method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. +The TrySplitFromFirst method is like the SplitFromFirst method, except the TrySplitFromFirst method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) @@ -123,7 +71,7 @@ The streams are NOT closed after this operation. The TrySplitFromFirst method is Splits document from first page to location and saves result into HttpResponse objects. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitFromFirst(System::String inputFile, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitFromFirst(System::String inputFile, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr response) ``` @@ -139,32 +87,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Source file name. - - - - - location - - - Split point. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse objects. - - - The TrySplitFromFirst method is like the SplitFromFirst method, except the TrySplitFromFirst method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -172,54 +94,28 @@ The TrySplitFromFirst method is like the SplitFromFirst method, except the TrySp * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TrySplitFromFirst(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TrySplitFromFirst(System::String, int32_t, System::String) method -Splits document from start to specified location and stores result into HttpResponse object. +Splits [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file from first page to specified location,and saves the front part as a new file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitFromFirst(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitFromFirst(System::String inputFile, int32_t location, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of source document. | +| inputFile | System::String | Source [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | | location | int32_t | The splitting point. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be stored. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | ### ReturnValue -true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. +True for success, or false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Stream of source document. - - - - - location - - - The splitting point. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be stored. - - - The TrySplitFromFirst method is like the SplitFromFirst method, except the TrySplitFromFirst method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trysplittoend/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trysplittoend/ index 4e5b647b47..05e78d64de 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trysplittoend/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trysplittoend/ @@ -2,26 +2,26 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd method linktitle: TrySplitToEnd second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd method. Splits from location, and saves the rear part as a new file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd method. Splits from specified location, and saves the rear part as a new file Stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 6800 +weight: 7100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileeditor/trysplittoend/ --- -## PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd(System::String, int32_t, System::String) method +## PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Splits from location, and saves the rear part as a new file. +Splits from specified location, and saves the rear part as a new file Stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd(System::String inputFile, int32_t location, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Source [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | | location | int32_t | The splitting position. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file path. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | ### ReturnValue @@ -29,109 +29,57 @@ True for success, or false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - Source Pdf file. - - - - - location - - - The splitting position. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output Pdf file path. - - - -The TrySplitToEnd method is like the SplitToEnd method, except the TrySplitToEnd method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. +The streams are NOT closed after this operation unless CloseConcatedStreams is specified. The TrySplitToEnd method is like the SplitToEnd method, except the TrySplitToEnd method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method -Splits from specified location, and saves the rear part as a new file Stream. +Splits from specified location, and saves the rear part into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | -| location | int32_t | The splitting position. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file Stream. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source document stream. | +| location | int32_t | Split point. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object. | ### ReturnValue -True for success, or false. +true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Source Pdf file Stream. - - - - - location - - - The splitting position. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output Pdf file Stream. - - - -The streams are NOT closed after this operation unless CloseConcatedStreams is specified. The TrySplitToEnd method is like the SplitToEnd method, except the TrySplitToEnd method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. +The TrySplitToEnd method is like the SplitToEnd method, except the TrySplitToEnd method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd(System::String, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method Splits from specified location, and saves the rear part into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd(System::SharedPtr inputStream, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd(System::String inputFile, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Source document stream. | +| inputFile | System::String | source file name. | | location | int32_t | Split point. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse objects. | ### ReturnValue @@ -139,32 +87,6 @@ true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. ## Remarks - - - - inputStream - - - Source document stream. - - - - - location - - - Split point. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object. - - - The TrySplitToEnd method is like the SplitToEnd method, except the TrySplitToEnd method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also @@ -172,54 +94,28 @@ The TrySplitToEnd method is like the SplitToEnd method, except the TrySplitToEnd * Class [PdfFileEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd(System::String, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd(System::String, int32_t, System::String) method -Splits from specified location, and saves the rear part into HttpResponse object. +Splits from location, and saves the rear part as a new file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd(System::String inputFile, int32_t location, System::SharedPtr response) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileEditor::TrySplitToEnd(System::String inputFile, int32_t location, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | source file name. | -| location | int32_t | Split point. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse objects. | +| inputFile | System::String | Source [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| location | int32_t | The splitting position. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file path. | ### ReturnValue -true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false. +True for success, or false. ## Remarks - - - - inputFile - - - source file name. - - - - - location - - - Split point. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse objects. - - - The TrySplitToEnd method is like the SplitToEnd method, except the TrySplitToEnd method does not throw an exception if the operation fails. ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/bindpdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/bindpdf/ index ad3d602a32..e7cd1a8129 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/bindpdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/bindpdf/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BindPdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::BindPdf method. Initializes the facade in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/bindpdf/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::BindPdf method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/bindpdf/ Initializes the facade. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr srcDoc) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr srcDoc) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | srcDoc | System::SharedPtr\ | The [Aspose.Pdf.Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) object. | -## Remarks - - - - - srcDoc - - - The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/clearinfo/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/clearinfo/ index e06301fe9d..f4db9951a7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/clearinfo/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/clearinfo/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ClearInfo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::ClearInfo method. Clears all meta information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3300 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/clearinfo/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::ClearInfo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/clearinfo/ Clears all meta information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::ClearInfo() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::ClearInfo() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/close/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/close/ index 5886166973..84898932f6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/close/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/close/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Close second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::Close method. Deinitializes the instance in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4600 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/close/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::Close method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/close/ Deinitializes the instance. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::Close() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::Close() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_author/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_author/ index 98d73fd3a1..15a6736c52 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_author/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_author/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Author second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Author method. Gets the Author information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_author/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_Author method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_author/ Gets the Author information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Author() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Author() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_creationdate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_creationdate/ index 1f04bdb84e..0c64dd53d1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_creationdate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_creationdate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CreationDate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_CreationDate method. Gets the CreationDate information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_creationdate/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_CreationDate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_creationdate/ Gets the CreationDate information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_CreationDate() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_CreationDate() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_creator/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_creator/ index c4d6498f58..b233883425 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_creator/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_creator/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Creator second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Creator method. Gets the Creator information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_creator/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_Creator method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_creator/ Gets the Creator information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Creator() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Creator() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_hascollection/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_hascollection/ index 4f05ac9788..142f7c412b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_hascollection/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_hascollection/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_HasCollection second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_HasCollection method. Returns true if the current input file is a ''Portfolio'' file containing collection of PDF files in it in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_hascollection/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_HasCollection method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_hascollection/ Returns true if the current input file is a 'Portfolio' file containing collection of PDF files in it. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_HasCollection() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_HasCollection() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_haseditpassword/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_haseditpassword/ index d83aac865e..ed080e5616 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_haseditpassword/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_haseditpassword/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_HasEditPassword second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_HasEditPassword method. Returns true if password is needed to modify permissions or document security property. Pay attention that this property can be read only if valid password was provided in PdfFileInfo constructor. In case PasswordType is Inaccessible (means that invalid password was provided) reading this property will fail with InvalidPasswordException in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3000 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_haseditpassword/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_HasEditPassword method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_haseditpassword/ Returns true if password is needed to modify permissions or document security property. Pay attention that this property can be read only if valid password was provided in [PdfFileInfo](../) constructor. In case PasswordType is Inaccessible (means that invalid password was provided) reading this property will fail with [InvalidPasswordException](../../../aspose.pdf/invalidpasswordexception/). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_HasEditPassword() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_HasEditPassword() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_hasopenpassword/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_hasopenpassword/ index 667b4d9b23..0ccb992c13 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_hasopenpassword/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_hasopenpassword/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_HasOpenPassword second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_HasOpenPassword method. Returns true if password is needed to open password protected pdf document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2900 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_hasopenpassword/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_HasOpenPassword method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_hasopenpassword/ Returns true if password is needed to open password protected pdf document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_HasOpenPassword() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_HasOpenPassword() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_header/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_header/ index 5d7a799c16..3d704cd3ad 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_header/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_header/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Header second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Header method. Gets the customized information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_header/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_Header method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_header/ Gets the customized information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Header() const +System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Header() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_inputfile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_inputfile/ index 26cc7208a9..efe7507583 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_inputfile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_inputfile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_InputFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_InputFile method. Gets the input file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_inputfile/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_InputFile method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_inputfile/ Gets the input file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_InputFile() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_InputFile() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_inputstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_inputstream/ index 8cff82c1a7..b96c97473a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_inputstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_inputstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_InputStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_InputStream method. Gets the input stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_inputstream/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_InputStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_inputstream/ Gets the input stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_InputStream() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_InputStream() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_isencrypted/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_isencrypted/ index bc1f7faf69..257f586de2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_isencrypted/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_isencrypted/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsEncrypted second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_IsEncrypted method. Checkes whether the PDF document is encrypted in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_isencrypted/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_IsEncrypted method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_isencrypted/ Checkes whether the PDF document is encrypted. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_IsEncrypted() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_IsEncrypted() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_ispdffile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_ispdffile/ index bb81ca590f..679a9befc1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_ispdffile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_ispdffile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsPdfFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_IsPdfFile method. Checkes whether the source input is a valid PDF file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_ispdffile/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_IsPdfFile method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_ispdffile/ Checkes whether the source input is a valid PDF file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_IsPdfFile() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_IsPdfFile() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_keywords/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_keywords/ index 37fdd4acdf..27616edbd6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_keywords/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_keywords/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Keywords second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Keywords method. Gets the Keywords information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_keywords/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_Keywords method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_keywords/ Gets the Keywords information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Keywords() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Keywords() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_moddate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_moddate/ index b96d0b9bbe..38c27e93d1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_moddate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_moddate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ModDate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_ModDate method. Gets the ModDate date information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_moddate/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_ModDate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_moddate/ Gets the ModDate date information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_ModDate() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_ModDate() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_numberofpages/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_numberofpages/ index eecd9698ba..c886f4ca0d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_numberofpages/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_numberofpages/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_NumberOfPages second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_NumberOfPages method. Gets the number of document pages in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_numberofpages/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_NumberOfPages method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_numberofpages/ Gets the number of document pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_NumberOfPages() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_NumberOfPages() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_passwordtype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_passwordtype/ index 19fd7b590b..a1dba5c6c7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_passwordtype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_passwordtype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PasswordType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_PasswordType method. Returns the type of password which was passed for creating PdfFileInfo instance. See possible values in PasswordType. Pay attention that pdf document can be opened using both user (or open) password and owner (or permissions, edit) password in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_passwordtype/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_PasswordType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_passwordtype/ Returns the type of password which was passed for creating [PdfFileInfo](../) instance. See possible values in [PasswordType](../../../aspose.pdf/passwordtype/). Pay attention that pdf document can be opened using both user (or open) password and owner (or permissions, edit) password. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::PasswordType Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_PasswordType() +Aspose::Pdf::PasswordType Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_PasswordType() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_producer/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_producer/ index ac60e6e845..aa7ade4520 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_producer/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_producer/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Producer second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Producer method. Gets the Producer information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_producer/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_Producer method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_producer/ Gets the Producer information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Producer() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Producer() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_subject/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_subject/ index b02e03d080..b1118ede9d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_subject/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_subject/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Subject second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Subject method. Gets the Subject information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_subject/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_Subject method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_subject/ Gets the Subject information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Subject() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Subject() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_title/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_title/ index 8745890436..58850ee139 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_title/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_title/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Title second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Title method. Gets the Title information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2600 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_title/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_Title method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_title/ Gets the Title information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Title() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_Title() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_usestrictvalidation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_usestrictvalidation/ index 35da0ab099..f306d2257c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_usestrictvalidation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_usestrictvalidation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_UseStrictValidation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_UseStrictValidation method. Uses strict validation rules via using IsPdfFile property in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_usestrictvalidation/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::get_UseStrictValidation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/get_usestrictvalidation/ Uses strict validation rules via using [IsPdfFile](../) property. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_UseStrictValidation() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::get_UseStrictValidation() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getdocumentprivilege/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getdocumentprivilege/ index db7e9e031a..a3e6323cb4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getdocumentprivilege/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getdocumentprivilege/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetDocumentPrivilege second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetDocumentPrivilege method. Gets the PDF document privilege settings in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3400 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getdocumentprivilege/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::GetDocumentPrivilege method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getdocumentprivilege/ Gets the PDF document privilege settings. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetDocumentPrivilege() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetDocumentPrivilege() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getmetainfo/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getmetainfo/ index 10547f5d6c..17611818b2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getmetainfo/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getmetainfo/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetMetaInfo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetMetaInfo method. Gets customized information of PDF document with property name. If there is no property match the name it will return a blank string in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3500 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getmetainfo/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::GetMetaInfo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getmetainfo/ Gets customized information of PDF document with property name. If there is no property match the name it will return a blank string. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetMetaInfo(System::String name) +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetMetaInfo(System::String name) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetMetaI ### ReturnValue Custom meta property value. -## Remarks - - - - - - name - - - Custom meta property key. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpageheight/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpageheight/ index 4ffab3ada4..c532114c54 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpageheight/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpageheight/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetPageHeight second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageHeight method. Gets the height of the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3600 +weight: 2600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpageheight/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::GetPageHeight method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpageheight/ Gets the height of the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageHeight(int32_t pageNum) +float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageHeight(int32_t pageNum) ``` @@ -24,20 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageHeight(int ### ReturnValue The height of the page. -## Remarks - - - - - - pageNum - - - - Page number. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagerotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagerotation/ index 423a9ce4dc..b6487f6687 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagerotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagerotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetPageRotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageRotation method. Gets the rotation of the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3700 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagerotation/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::GetPageRotation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagerotation/ Gets the rotation of the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageRotation(int32_t pageNum) +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageRotation(int32_t pageNum) ``` @@ -24,20 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageRotation ### ReturnValue The rotation of the page. The value may be 0,90,180,270. -## Remarks - - - - - - pageNum - - - - Page number. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagewidth/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagewidth/ index 040faf9dea..e13ac99b33 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagewidth/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagewidth/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetPageWidth second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageWidth method. Gets the width of the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3800 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagewidth/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::GetPageWidth method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagewidth/ Gets the width of the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageWidth(int32_t pageNum) +float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageWidth(int32_t pageNum) ``` @@ -24,20 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageWidth(int3 ### ReturnValue The width of the page. -## Remarks - - - - - - pageNum - - - - Page number. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagexoffset/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagexoffset/ index d8cac338ab..9bccf82e3b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagexoffset/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagexoffset/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetPageXOffset second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageXOffset method. Gets the horizontal offset of the specified page display area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3900 +weight: 2900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagexoffset/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::GetPageXOffset method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpagexoffset/ Gets the horizontal offset of the specified page display area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageXOffset(int32_t pageNum) +float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageXOffset(int32_t pageNum) ``` @@ -24,20 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageXOffset(in ### ReturnValue The horizontal offset from the left side of the page. -## Remarks - - - - - - pageNum - - - - Page number. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpageyoffset/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpageyoffset/ index 8414671fe0..0f7d9968d1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpageyoffset/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpageyoffset/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetPageYOffset second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageYOffset method. Gets the vertical offset of the specified page display area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4000 +weight: 3000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpageyoffset/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::GetPageYOffset method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpageyoffset/ Gets the vertical offset of the specified page display area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageYOffset(int32_t pageNum) +float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageYOffset(int32_t pageNum) ``` @@ -24,20 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPageYOffset(in ### ReturnValue The vertical offset of the page display area. -## Remarks - - - - - - pageNum - - - - Page number. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpdfversion/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpdfversion/ index d43c406d8e..b51e9b378e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpdfversion/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpdfversion/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetPdfVersion second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPdfVersion method. Gets the version info of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4100 +weight: 3100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpdfversion/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::GetPdfVersion method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/getpdfversion/ Gets the version info of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPdfVersion() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::GetPdfVersion() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/pdffileinfo/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/pdffileinfo/ index 7b6f8a1937..b285b245f7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/pdffileinfo/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/pdffileinfo/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PdfFileInfo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo constructor. Initializes a new instance of the Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfFileInfo class with default values in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/pdffileinfo/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/pdffileinfo/ Initializes a new instance of the [Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfFileInfo](../) class with default values. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo() ``` ## See Also @@ -21,178 +21,101 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo() * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfFileInfo](../) class. +Initializes new [PdfFileInfo](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::SharedPtr inputStream) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where input file is placed. | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Stream where input file is placed. - - - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor +## PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::SharedPtr\) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfFileInfo](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::String password) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::SharedPtr inputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where input file is placed. | -| password | System::String | Password for access to file. | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Stream where input file is placed. - - - - - password - - - Password for access to file. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::String) constructor +## PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfFileInfo](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::String inputFile) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::String password) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Name of file containing input file. | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Name of file containing input file. - - - +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where input file is placed. | +| password | System::String | Password for access to file. | + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::String, System::String) constructor +## PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::String) constructor Initializes a new instance of the [Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfFileInfo](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::String inputFile, System::String password) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::String inputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | inputFile | System::String | Name of file containing input file. | -| password | System::String | Password for access to file. | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - Name of file containing input file. - - - - - password - - - Password for access to file. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::String, System::String) constructor -Initializes new [PdfFileInfo](../) object on base of the *document* . +Initializes a new instance of the [Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfFileInfo](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::PdfFileInfo(System::String inputFile, System::String password) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - +| inputFile | System::String | Name of file containing input file. | +| password | System::String | Password for access to file. | + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/save/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/save/ index 819afc4a13..d19116c86a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/save/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/save/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Save second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::Save method. Saves the PDF document to the specified file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4300 +weight: 3200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/save/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::Save(System::SharedPtr\) method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/save/ Saves the PDF document to the specified file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::Save(System::SharedPtr destStream) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::Save(System::SharedPtr destStream) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - destStream - - - The destination stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) @@ -44,26 +32,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::Save(System::Share Saves the PDF document to the specified file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::Save(System::String destFile) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::Save(System::String destFile) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | destFile | System::String | The destination file. | -## Remarks - - - - - destFile - - - The destination file. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/savenewinfo/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/savenewinfo/ index 83bd5d68e4..290324c005 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/savenewinfo/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/savenewinfo/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SaveNewInfo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::SaveNewInfo method. Save updated PDF document into specified stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4200 +weight: 3300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/savenewinfo/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::SaveNewInfo(System::SharedPtr\) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/savenewinfo/ Save updated PDF document into specified stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::SaveNewInfo(System::SharedPtr outputStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::SaveNewInfo(System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` @@ -24,25 +24,11 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::SaveNewInfo(System ### ReturnValue True if success otherwise is false. -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use Save(destination) method for saving facade results. - - - - - - outputStream - - - Output stream. - - - + +## Deprecated +Use Save(destination) method for saving facade results. + + ## See Also @@ -55,7 +41,7 @@ True if success otherwise is false. Save updated PDF document into specified file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::SaveNewInfo(System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::SaveNewInfo(System::String outputFile) ``` @@ -66,20 +52,9 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::SaveNewInfo(System ### ReturnValue True if success otherwise is false. -## Remarks - - - - outputFile - - - Output file. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/savenewinfowithxmp/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/savenewinfowithxmp/ index 82519a25cf..90ec725932 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/savenewinfowithxmp/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/savenewinfowithxmp/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SaveNewInfoWithXmp second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::SaveNewInfoWithXmp method. Changes the properties specified explicitly by setting file information, other properties remain in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4500 +weight: 3400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/savenewinfowithxmp/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::SaveNewInfoWithXmp method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/savenewinfowithxmp/ Changes the properties specified explicitly by setting file information, other properties remain. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::SaveNewInfoWithXmp(System::String outputFileName) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::SaveNewInfoWithXmp(System::String outputFileName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::SaveNewInfoWithXmp ### ReturnValue True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFileName - - - Output file. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_author/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_author/ index aabbc2937f..d7085cef6c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_author/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_author/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Author second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Author method. Sets the Author information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 3500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_author/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::set_Author method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_author/ Sets the Author information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Author(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Author(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_creationdate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_creationdate/ index f7196a7bf0..3a01359427 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_creationdate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_creationdate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CreationDate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_CreationDate method. Sets the CreationDate information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 3600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_creationdate/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::set_CreationDate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_creationdate/ Sets the CreationDate information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_CreationDate(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_CreationDate(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_creator/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_creator/ index 0835174235..1db3ae340a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_creator/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_creator/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Creator second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Creator method. Sets the Creator information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 3700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_creator/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::set_Creator method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_creator/ Sets the Creator information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Creator(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Creator(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_header/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_header/ index 3bdb482d3d..6711ba0bfb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_header/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_header/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Header second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Header method. Sets the customized information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 3800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_header/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::set_Header method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_header/ Sets the customized information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Header(System::SharedPtr> value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Header(System::SharedPtr> value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_inputfile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_inputfile/ index 28e0a6911e..35727dd974 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_inputfile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_inputfile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_InputFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_InputFile method. Sets the input file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 3900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_inputfile/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::set_InputFile method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_inputfile/ Sets the input file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_InputFile(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_InputFile(System::String value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_inputstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_inputstream/ index 10387bfd55..50ce54aaa5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_inputstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_inputstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_InputStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_InputStream method. Sets the input stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 4000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_inputstream/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::set_InputStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_inputstream/ Sets the input stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_InputStream(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_InputStream(System::SharedPtr value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_keywords/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_keywords/ index 532bbc9e1a..0feb470383 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_keywords/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_keywords/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Keywords second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Keywords method. Sets the Keywords information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 4100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_keywords/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::set_Keywords method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_keywords/ Sets the Keywords information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Keywords(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Keywords(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_moddate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_moddate/ index 8f1cf5cae1..ef225a5360 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_moddate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_moddate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ModDate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_ModDate method. Sets the ModDate date information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 4200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_moddate/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::set_ModDate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_moddate/ Sets the ModDate date information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_ModDate(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_ModDate(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_subject/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_subject/ index 140e502f20..85f6b3d1e5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_subject/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_subject/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Subject second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Subject method. Sets the Subject information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 4300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_subject/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::set_Subject method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_subject/ Sets the Subject information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Subject(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Subject(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_title/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_title/ index 78a2595e45..5984e1b8e6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_title/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_title/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Title second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Title method. Sets the Title information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 4400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_title/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::set_Title method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_title/ Sets the Title information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Title(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_Title(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_usestrictvalidation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_usestrictvalidation/ index c3e97d6b02..209ac2f9a9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_usestrictvalidation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_usestrictvalidation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_UseStrictValidation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_UseStrictValidation method. Uses strict validation rules via using IsPdfFile property in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 4500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_usestrictvalidation/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::set_UseStrictValidation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/set_usestrictvalidation/ Uses strict validation rules via using [IsPdfFile](../) property. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_UseStrictValidation(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::set_UseStrictValidation(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/setmetainfo/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/setmetainfo/ index b2cf37dced..68966c6125 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/setmetainfo/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/setmetainfo/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetMetaInfo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::SetMetaInfo method. Sets customized information of PDF document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4400 +weight: 4600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/setmetainfo/ --- ## PdfFileInfo::SetMetaInfo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffileinfo/setmetainfo/ Sets customized information of PDF document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::SetMetaInfo(System::String name, System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::SetMetaInfo(System::String name, System::String value) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileInfo::SetMetaInfo(System | --- | --- | --- | | name | System::String | Custom meta property key. | | value | System::String | Custom meta property value. | -## Remarks - - - - - name - - - Custom meta property key. - - - - - value - - - Custom meta property value. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileInfo](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/addimage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/addimage/ index 3da666d5f7..9e475f6390 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/addimage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/addimage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddImage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage method. Adds image to the specified page of PDF document at specified coordinates in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/addimage/ --- ## PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, float, float, float, float) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/addimage/ Adds image to the specified page of PDF document at specified coordinates. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::SharedPtr imageStream, int32_t pageNum, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::SharedPtr imageStream, int32_t pageNum, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY) ``` @@ -29,59 +29,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::S ### ReturnValue True if success false otherwise. -## Remarks - - - - - - imageStream - - - Input image stream. - - - - - pageNum - - - The number of page that will receive the image. - - - - - lowerLeftX - - - The lower left x of image rectangle. - - - - - lowerLeftY - - - The lower left y of image rectangle. - - - - - upperRightX - - - The upper right x of image rectangle. - - - - - upperRightY - - - The upper right y of image rectangle. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileMend](../) @@ -93,7 +41,7 @@ True if success false otherwise. Adds image to the specified page of PDF document at specified coordinates. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::SharedPtr imageStream, int32_t pageNum, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY, System::SharedPtr compositingParameters) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::SharedPtr imageStream, int32_t pageNum, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY, System::SharedPtr compositingParameters) ``` @@ -110,67 +58,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::S ### ReturnValue True if success false otherwise. -## Remarks - - - - - - imageStream - - - Input image stream. - - - - - pageNum - - - The number of page that will receive the image. - - - - - lowerLeftX - - - The lower left x of image rectangle. - - - - - lowerLeftY - - - The lower left y of image rectangle. - - - - - upperRightX - - - The upper right x of image rectangle. - - - - - upperRightY - - - The upper right y of image rectangle. - - - - - compositingParameters - - - The graphics compositing parameters for the image. - - - + ## See Also * Class [CompositingParameters](../../../aspose.pdf/compositingparameters/) @@ -183,7 +71,7 @@ True if success false otherwise. Adds image to the specified pages of PDF document at specified coordinates. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::SharedPtr imageStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNums, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::SharedPtr imageStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNums, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY) ``` @@ -199,59 +87,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::S ### ReturnValue True if success false otherwise. -## Remarks - - - - - - imageStream - - - Input image stream. - - - - - pageNums - - - The numbers of pages that will receive the image. - - - - - lowerLeftX - - - The lower left x of image rectangle. - - - - - lowerLeftY - - - The lower left y of image rectangle. - - - - - upperRightX - - - The upper right x of image rectangle. - - - - - upperRightY - - - The upper right y of image rectangle. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileMend](../) @@ -263,7 +99,7 @@ True if success false otherwise. Adds image to the specified pages of PDF document at specified coordinates. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::SharedPtr imageStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNums, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY, System::SharedPtr compositingParameters) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::SharedPtr imageStream, System::ArrayPtr pageNums, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY, System::SharedPtr compositingParameters) ``` @@ -280,67 +116,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::S ### ReturnValue True if success false otherwise. -## Remarks - - - - - - imageStream - - - Input image stream. - - - - - pageNums - - - The numbers of pages that will receive the image. - - - - - lowerLeftX - - - The lower left x of image rectangle. - - - - - lowerLeftY - - - The lower left y of image rectangle. - - - - - upperRightX - - - The upper right x of image rectangle. - - - - - upperRightY - - - The upper right y of image rectangle. - - - - - compositingParameters - - - The graphics compositing parameters for the images. - - - + ## See Also * Class [CompositingParameters](../../../aspose.pdf/compositingparameters/) @@ -353,7 +129,7 @@ True if success false otherwise. Adds image to the specified page of PDF document at specified coordinates. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::String imageName, int32_t pageNum, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::String imageName, int32_t pageNum, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY) ``` @@ -369,59 +145,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::S ### ReturnValue True if success false otherwise. -## Remarks - - - - - - imageName - - - The path of input image file. - - - - - pageNum - - - The number of page that will receive the image. - - - - - lowerLeftX - - - The lower left x of image rectangle. - - - - - lowerLeftY - - - The lower left y of image rectangle. - - - - - upperRightX - - - The upper right x of image rectangle. - - - - - upperRightY - - - The upper right y of image rectangle. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileMend](../) @@ -433,7 +157,7 @@ True if success false otherwise. Adds image to the specified page of PDF document at specified coordinates. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::String imageName, int32_t pageNum, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY, System::SharedPtr compositingParameters) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::String imageName, int32_t pageNum, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY, System::SharedPtr compositingParameters) ``` @@ -450,67 +174,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::S ### ReturnValue True if success false otherwise. -## Remarks - - - - - - imageName - - - The path of input image file. - - - - - pageNum - - - The number of page that will receive the image. - - - - - lowerLeftX - - - The lower left x of image rectangle. - - - - - lowerLeftY - - - The lower left y of image rectangle. - - - - - upperRightX - - - The upper right x of image rectangle. - - - - - upperRightY - - - The upper right y of image rectangle. - - - - - compositingParameters - - - The graphics compositing parameters for the images. - - - + ## See Also * Class [CompositingParameters](../../../aspose.pdf/compositingparameters/) @@ -523,7 +187,7 @@ True if success false otherwise. Adds image to the specified pages of PDF document at specified coordinates. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::String imageName, System::ArrayPtr pageNums, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::String imageName, System::ArrayPtr pageNums, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY) ``` @@ -539,59 +203,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::S ### ReturnValue True if success false otherwise. -## Remarks - - - - - - imageName - - - The path of input image file. - - - - - pageNums - - - The numbers of pages that will receive the image. - - - - - lowerLeftX - - - The lower left x of image rectangle. - - - - - lowerLeftY - - - The lower left y of image rectangle. - - - - - upperRightX - - - The upper right x of image rectangle. - - - - - upperRightY - - - The upper right y of image rectangle. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileMend](../) @@ -603,7 +215,7 @@ True if success false otherwise. Adds image to the specified pages of PDF document at specified coordinates. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::String imageName, System::ArrayPtr pageNums, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY, System::SharedPtr compositingParameters) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::String imageName, System::ArrayPtr pageNums, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY, System::SharedPtr compositingParameters) ``` @@ -620,67 +232,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddImage(System::S ### ReturnValue True if success false otherwise. -## Remarks - - - - - - imageName - - - The path of input image file. - - - - - pageNums - - - The numbers of pages that will receive the image. - - - - - lowerLeftX - - - The lower left x of image rectangle. - - - - - lowerLeftY - - - The lower left y of image rectangle. - - - - - upperRightX - - - The upper right x of image rectangle. - - - - - upperRightY - - - The upper right y of image rectangle. - - - - - compositingParameters - - - The graphics compositing parameters for the images. - - - + ## See Also * Class [CompositingParameters](../../../aspose.pdf/compositingparameters/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/addtext/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/addtext/ index e3f7eb7e24..c1115bacf2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/addtext/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/addtext/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddText second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddText method. Not implemented in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/addtext/ --- ## PdfFileMend::AddText(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, float, float) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/addtext/ Not implemented. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddText(System::SharedPtr text, int32_t pageNum, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddText(System::SharedPtr text, int32_t pageNum, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY) ``` @@ -27,45 +27,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddText(System::Sh ### ReturnValue True in case text was successfully added. -## Remarks - - - - - - text - - - - FormattedText object. - - - - - pageNum - - - - Page number. - - - - - lowerLeftX - - - Lower left X coordinate. - - - - - lowerLeftY - - - Lower left Y coordinate. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) @@ -78,7 +40,7 @@ True in case text was successfully added. Not implemented. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddText(System::SharedPtr text, int32_t pageNum, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddText(System::SharedPtr text, int32_t pageNum, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY) ``` @@ -94,61 +56,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddText(System::Sh ### ReturnValue True in case text was successfully added. -## Remarks - - - - - - text - - - - FormattedText object. - - - - - pageNum - - - - Page number. - - - - - lowerLeftX - - - Lower left X coordinate. - - - - - lowerLeftY - - - Lower left Y coordinate. - - - - - upperRightX - - - Upper right X coordinate. - - - - - upperRightY - - - Upper right Y coordinate. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) @@ -161,7 +69,7 @@ True in case text was successfully added. Not implemented. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddText(System::SharedPtr text, System::ArrayPtr pageNums, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddText(System::SharedPtr text, System::ArrayPtr pageNums, float lowerLeftX, float lowerLeftY, float upperRightX, float upperRightY) ``` @@ -177,61 +85,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::AddText(System::Sh ### ReturnValue True in case text was successfully added. -## Remarks - - - - - - text - - - - FormattedText object. - - - - - pageNums - - - - Page numbers array. - - - - - lowerLeftX - - - Lower left X coordinate. - - - - - lowerLeftY - - - Lower left Y coordinate. - - - - - upperRightX - - - Upper right X coordinate. - - - - - upperRightY - - - Upper right Y coordinate. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/close/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/close/ index 3b2d2f47c9..487228cb32 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/close/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/close/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Close second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::Close method. Closes PdfFileMend object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/close/ --- ## PdfFileMend::Close method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/close/ Closes [PdfFileMend](../) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::Close() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::Close() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_inputfile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_inputfile/ index cae8b1a257..719665b16a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_inputfile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_inputfile/ @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_inputfile/ Sets the input file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::get_InputFile() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::get_InputFile() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileMend](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_inputstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_inputstream/ index f423907bfb..8f59f91680 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_inputstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_inputstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_InputStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::get_InputStream method. Sets the input stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_inputstream/ --- ## PdfFileMend::get_InputStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_inputstream/ Sets the input stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::get_InputStream() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::get_InputStream() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileMend](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_outputfile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_outputfile/ index 20e7952d4a..94005f0e1e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_outputfile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_outputfile/ @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_outputfile/ Sets the output file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::get_OutputFile() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::get_OutputFile() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileMend](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_outputstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_outputstream/ index f97b6a7971..6e6f53d99c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_outputstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_outputstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OutputStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::get_OutputStream method. Sets the output stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_outputstream/ --- ## PdfFileMend::get_OutputStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_outputstream/ Sets the output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::get_OutputStream() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::get_OutputStream() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileMend](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_textpositioningmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_textpositioningmode/ index 8ec37db3c5..01c82c9b48 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_textpositioningmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_textpositioningmode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TextPositioningMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::get_TextPositioningMode method. Sets or gets text positioning strategy. PositioningMode Default mode is Legacy in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_textpositioningmode/ --- ## PdfFileMend::get_TextPositioningMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_textpositioningmode/ Sets or gets text positioning strategy. [PositioningMode](../../positioningmode/) Default mode is Legacy. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API PositioningMode Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::get_TextPositioningMode() const +PositioningMode Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::get_TextPositioningMode() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_wrapmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_wrapmode/ index 27df2cf677..77a24d3162 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_wrapmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_wrapmode/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/get_wrapmode/ Sets or gets word wrapping algorithm. See WordWrapMode and IsWordWrap. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API WordWrapMode Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::get_WrapMode() const +WordWrapMode Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::get_WrapMode() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/pdffilemend/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/pdffilemend/ index 126295989d..98b72f6334 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/pdffilemend/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/pdffilemend/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PdfFileMend second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend constructor. Constructor in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/pdffilemend/ --- ## PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/pdffilemend/ Constructor. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend() ``` ## See Also @@ -21,220 +21,117 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend() * Class [PdfFileMend](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::String, System::String) constructor +## PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor. +Initializes new [PdfFileMend](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::String inputFileName, System::String outputFileName) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFileName | System::String | Input PDF file name. | -| outputFileName | System::String | Output PDF file name. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - inputFileName - - - Input PDF file name. - - - - - outputFileName - - - Output PDF file name. - - - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileMend](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor. +Initializes new [PdfFileMend](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr destStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input PDF stream. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output PDF stream. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - inputStream - - - Input PDF stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output PDF stream. - - - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | +| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output PDF stream. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileMend](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor Initializes new [PdfFileMend](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::SharedPtr document, System::String outputFileName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - +| outputFileName | System::String | Output PDF file name. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileMend](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor +## PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes new [PdfFileMend](../) object on base of the *document* . +Constructor. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::SharedPtr document, System::String outputFileName) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -| outputFileName | System::String | Output PDF file name. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - - - outputFileName - - - Output PDF file name. - - - +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input PDF stream. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output PDF stream. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileMend](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::String, System::String) constructor -Initializes new [PdfFileMend](../) object on base of the *document* . +Constructor. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr destStream) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::PdfFileMend(System::String inputFileName, System::String outputFileName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output PDF stream. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - - - destStream - - - Output PDF stream. - - - +| inputFileName | System::String | Input PDF file name. | +| outputFileName | System::String | Output PDF file name. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileMend](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/save/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/save/ index 88dd7febae..f98e0a4655 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/save/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/save/ @@ -2,68 +2,44 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::Save method linktitle: Save second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::Save method. Saves the PDF document to the specified file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::Save method. Saves the PDF document to the specified stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/save/ --- -## PdfFileMend::Save(System::String) method +## PdfFileMend::Save(System::SharedPtr\) method -Saves the PDF document to the specified file. +Saves the PDF document to the specified stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::Save(System::String destFile) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::Save(System::SharedPtr destStream) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| destFile | System::String | The destination file. | -## Remarks - +| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination stream. | - - - - destFile - - - The destination file. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileMend](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileMend::Save(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileMend::Save(System::String) method -Saves the PDF document to the specified stream. +Saves the PDF document to the specified file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::Save(System::SharedPtr destStream) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::Save(System::String destFile) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination stream. | -## Remarks - +| destFile | System::String | The destination file. | - - - - destStream - - - The destination stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileMend](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_inputfile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_inputfile/ index 1dc2e334dc..9ce4bcaecb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_inputfile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_inputfile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_InputFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_InputFile method. Sets the input file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_inputfile/ --- ## PdfFileMend::set_InputFile method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_inputfile/ Sets the input file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_InputFile(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_InputFile(System::String value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileMend](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_inputstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_inputstream/ index 4c274aedab..9851b483a5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_inputstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_inputstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_InputStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_InputStream method. Sets the input stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_inputstream/ --- ## PdfFileMend::set_InputStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_inputstream/ Sets the input stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_InputStream(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_InputStream(System::SharedPtr value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileMend](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_iswordwrap/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_iswordwrap/ index 352633324f..c43cbfb62f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_iswordwrap/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_iswordwrap/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_IsWordWrap second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_IsWordWrap method. Sets a bool value that indicates word wrap in AddText methods. If the value is true, the text in FormattedText will word wrap. By defalt, the value is false in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_iswordwrap/ --- ## PdfFileMend::set_IsWordWrap method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_iswordwrap/ Sets a bool value that indicates word wrap in AddText methods. If the value is true, the text in [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) will word wrap. By defalt, the value is false. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_IsWordWrap(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_IsWordWrap(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_outputfile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_outputfile/ index 6a7ad34fad..e9900d6a43 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_outputfile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_outputfile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OutputFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_OutputFile method. Sets the output file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_outputfile/ --- ## PdfFileMend::set_OutputFile method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_outputfile/ Sets the output file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_OutputFile(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_OutputFile(System::String value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileMend](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_outputstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_outputstream/ index 756c353555..e8d0f3effa 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_outputstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_outputstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OutputStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_OutputStream method. Sets the output stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_outputstream/ --- ## PdfFileMend::set_OutputStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_outputstream/ Sets the output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_OutputStream(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_OutputStream(System::SharedPtr value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileMend](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_textpositioningmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_textpositioningmode/ index 99e5ed8e1b..1b457d970f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_textpositioningmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_textpositioningmode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TextPositioningMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_TextPositioningMode method. Sets or gets text positioning strategy. PositioningMode Default mode is Legacy in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_textpositioningmode/ --- ## PdfFileMend::set_TextPositioningMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_textpositioningmode/ Sets or gets text positioning strategy. [PositioningMode](../../positioningmode/) Default mode is Legacy. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_TextPositioningMode(PositioningMode value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_TextPositioningMode(PositioningMode value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_wrapmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_wrapmode/ index 43652818ea..edd721231a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_wrapmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_wrapmode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_WrapMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_WrapMode method. Sets or gets word wrapping algorithm. See WordWrapMode and IsWordWrap in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_wrapmode/ --- ## PdfFileMend::set_WrapMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilemend/set_wrapmode/ Sets or gets word wrapping algorithm. See WordWrapMode and IsWordWrap. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_WrapMode(WordWrapMode value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileMend::set_WrapMode(WordWrapMode value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/bindpdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/bindpdf/ index bd7424faf5..d6c920d80c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/bindpdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/bindpdf/ @@ -2,39 +2,28 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::BindPdf method linktitle: BindPdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::BindPdf method. Binds a Pdf file for Sanitize in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::BindPdf method. Initializes the facade in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/bindpdf/ --- -## PdfFileSanitization::BindPdf(System::String) method +## PdfFileSanitization::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method -Binds a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file for Sanitize. +Initializes the facade. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::BindPdf(System::String inputFile) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr srcDoc) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | The pdf file to be edited. | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - The pdf file to be edited. - - - +| srcDoc | System::SharedPtr\ | The [Aspose.Pdf.Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) object. | + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileSanitization](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -44,60 +33,35 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::BindPdf(Sy Binds a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) stream for Sanitize. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr inputStream) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr inputStream) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The pdf stream to be edited. | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - The pdf stream to be edited. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSanitization](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSanitization::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileSanitization::BindPdf(System::String) method -Initializes the facade. +Binds a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file for Sanitize. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr srcDoc) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::BindPdf(System::String inputFile) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcDoc | System::SharedPtr\ | The [Aspose.Pdf.Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) object. | -## Remarks - - - - - - srcDoc - - - The Aspose.Pdf.Document object. - - - +| inputFile | System::String | The pdf file to be edited. | + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileSanitization](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/close/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/close/ index 530bef6908..93e9e6760f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/close/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/close/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Close second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::Close method. Closes the facade in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/close/ --- ## PdfFileSanitization::Close method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/close/ Closes the facade. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::Close() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::Close() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_log/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_log/ index fe8ecefb52..21065521f3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_log/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_log/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Log second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::get_Log method. After file has Saved you can check what was done with file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_log/ --- ## PdfFileSanitization::get_Log method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_log/ After file has Saved you can check what was done with file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::get_Log() override +System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::get_Log() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_userebuildxrefandtrailer/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_userebuildxrefandtrailer/ index 900dceadc8..adb593746b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_userebuildxrefandtrailer/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_userebuildxrefandtrailer/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_UseRebuildXrefAndTrailer second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::get_UseRebuildXrefAndTrailer method. Allows to generate new xref and trailer for document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_userebuildxrefandtrailer/ --- ## PdfFileSanitization::get_UseRebuildXrefAndTrailer method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_userebuildxrefandtrailer/ Allows to generate new xref and trailer for document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::get_UseRebuildXrefAndTrailer() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::get_UseRebuildXrefAndTrailer() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_usetrimbottom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_usetrimbottom/ index 236392a6ad..ae44086fa7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_usetrimbottom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_usetrimbottom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_UseTrimBottom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::get_UseTrimBottom method. Allows to remove data after pdf data in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_usetrimbottom/ --- ## PdfFileSanitization::get_UseTrimBottom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_usetrimbottom/ Allows to remove data after pdf data. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::get_UseTrimBottom() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::get_UseTrimBottom() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_usetrimtop/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_usetrimtop/ index 14b4314c71..7a7ffe8787 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_usetrimtop/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_usetrimtop/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_UseTrimTop second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::get_UseTrimTop method. Allows to remove data before pdf data in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_usetrimtop/ --- ## PdfFileSanitization::get_UseTrimTop method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/get_usetrimtop/ Allows to remove data before pdf data. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::get_UseTrimTop() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::get_UseTrimTop() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/pdffilesanitization/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/pdffilesanitization/ index 322ac6aece..c6b5a0063f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/pdffilesanitization/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/pdffilesanitization/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PdfFileSanitization second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::PdfFileSanitization constructor. Initializes a new instance in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/pdffilesanitization/ --- ## PdfFileSanitization::PdfFileSanitization constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/pdffilesanitization/ Initializes a new instance. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::PdfFileSanitization() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::PdfFileSanitization() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/rebuildxrefandtrailer/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/rebuildxrefandtrailer/ index 3a90dd57a7..9995d9bb7f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/rebuildxrefandtrailer/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/rebuildxrefandtrailer/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RebuildXrefAndTrailer second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::RebuildXrefAndTrailer method. Removes old xref with trailer and creates a new xref with trailer in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/rebuildxrefandtrailer/ --- ## PdfFileSanitization::RebuildXrefAndTrailer method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/rebuildxrefandtrailer/ Removes old xref with trailer and creates a new xref with trailer. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::RebuildXrefAndTrailer() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::RebuildXrefAndTrailer() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/recover/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/recover/ index 480e9e9e6e..eba5504f66 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/recover/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/recover/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Recover second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::Recover method. Recovers document. Use properties to customize in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/recover/ --- ## PdfFileSanitization::Recover method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/recover/ Recovers document. Use properties to customize. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::Recover() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::Recover() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/save/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/save/ index 8436f7fd04..dc370142b7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/save/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/save/ @@ -2,68 +2,44 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::Save method linktitle: Save second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::Save method. Saves the result PDF to file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::Save method. Saves the result PDF to stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/save/ --- -## PdfFileSanitization::Save(System::String) method +## PdfFileSanitization::Save(System::SharedPtr\) method -Saves the result PDF to file. +Saves the result PDF to stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::Save(System::String outputFile) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::Save(System::SharedPtr outputStream) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | output pdf file | -## Remarks - +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | output pdf stream | - - - - outputFile - - - output pdf file - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSanitization](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSanitization::Save(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileSanitization::Save(System::String) method -Saves the result PDF to stream. +Saves the result PDF to file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::Save(System::SharedPtr outputStream) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::Save(System::String outputFile) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | output pdf stream | -## Remarks - +| outputFile | System::String | output pdf file | - - - - outputStream - - - output pdf stream - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSanitization](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_userebuildxrefandtrailer/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_userebuildxrefandtrailer/ index d41618deaa..ce7c65d34f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_userebuildxrefandtrailer/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_userebuildxrefandtrailer/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_UseRebuildXrefAndTrailer second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::set_UseRebuildXrefAndTrailer method. Allows to generate new xref and trailer for document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_userebuildxrefandtrailer/ --- ## PdfFileSanitization::set_UseRebuildXrefAndTrailer method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_userebuildxrefandtrailer/ Allows to generate new xref and trailer for document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::set_UseRebuildXrefAndTrailer(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::set_UseRebuildXrefAndTrailer(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_usetrimbottom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_usetrimbottom/ index 03ef6153d8..f25573fac5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_usetrimbottom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_usetrimbottom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_UseTrimBottom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::set_UseTrimBottom method. Allows to remove data after pdf data in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_usetrimbottom/ --- ## PdfFileSanitization::set_UseTrimBottom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_usetrimbottom/ Allows to remove data after pdf data. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::set_UseTrimBottom(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::set_UseTrimBottom(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_usetrimtop/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_usetrimtop/ index d16c4eea95..1f638007e4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_usetrimtop/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_usetrimtop/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_UseTrimTop second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::set_UseTrimTop method. Allows to remove data before pdf data in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_usetrimtop/ --- ## PdfFileSanitization::set_UseTrimTop method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/set_usetrimtop/ Allows to remove data before pdf data. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::set_UseTrimTop(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::set_UseTrimTop(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/trimbottom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/trimbottom/ index 5c3d79ecaa..f5b8ece7b3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/trimbottom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/trimbottom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TrimBottom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::TrimBottom method. Removes data after last %EOF in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/trimbottom/ --- ## PdfFileSanitization::TrimBottom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/trimbottom/ Removes data after last %EOF. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::TrimBottom() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::TrimBottom() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/trimtop/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/trimtop/ index 4794ef7a44..82d537ea12 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/trimtop/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/trimtop/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TrimTop second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::TrimTop method. Removes data before PDF in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/trimtop/ --- ## PdfFileSanitization::TrimTop method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesanitization/trimtop/ Removes data before PDF. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::TrimTop() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSanitization::TrimTop() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/bindpdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/bindpdf/ index 295ee2e5bc..1a6d56fda8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/bindpdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/bindpdf/ @@ -4,66 +4,42 @@ linktitle: BindPdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::BindPdf method. Initializes the facade in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/bindpdf/ --- -## PdfFileSecurity::BindPdf(System::String) method +## PdfFileSecurity::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method Initializes the facade. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::BindPdf(System::String srcFile) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr srcStream) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcFile | System::String | The PDF file. | -## Remarks - +| srcStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream of PDF file. | - - - - srcFile - - - The PDF file. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSecurity::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileSecurity::BindPdf(System::String) method Initializes the facade. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr srcStream) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::BindPdf(System::String srcFile) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| srcStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The stream of PDF file. | -## Remarks - +| srcFile | System::String | The PDF file. | - - - - srcStream - - - The stream of PDF file. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/changepassword/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/changepassword/ index fbec13bc1a..7916fd3df4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/changepassword/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/changepassword/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ChangePassword second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::ChangePassword method. Changes the user password and owner password by owner password, keeps the original security settings. The new user password and the new owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the new owner password is null or empty. Throws an exception if process failed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/changepassword/ --- ## PdfFileSecurity::ChangePassword(System::String, System::String, System::String) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/changepassword/ Changes the user password and owner password by owner password, keeps the original security settings. The new user password and the new owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the new owner password is null or empty. Throws an exception if process failed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::ChangePassword(System::String ownerPassword, System::String newUserPassword, System::String newOwnerPassword) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::ChangePassword(System::String ownerPassword, System::String newUserPassword, System::String newOwnerPassword) ``` @@ -26,35 +26,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::ChangePassword ### ReturnValue True for success. -## Remarks - - - - - - ownerPassword - - - Original Owner password. - - - - - newUserPassword - - - New User password. - - - - - newOwnerPassword - - - New Owner password. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) @@ -66,7 +38,7 @@ True for success. Changes the user password and password by owner password, allows to reset [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) documnent security. The new user password and the new owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the new owner password is null or empty. Throws an exception if process failed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::ChangePassword(System::String ownerPassword, System::String newUserPassword, System::String newOwnerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege, KeySize keySize) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::ChangePassword(System::String ownerPassword, System::String newUserPassword, System::String newOwnerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege, KeySize keySize) ``` @@ -81,52 +53,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::ChangePassword ### ReturnValue True for success. -## Remarks - - - - - - ownerPassword - - - Original owner password. - - - - - newUserPassword - - - New User password. - - - - - newOwnerPassword - - - New Owner password. - - - - - privilege - - - Reset security. - - - - - keySize - - - - KeySize.x40 for 40 bits encryption, KeySize.x128 for 128 bits encryption and KeySize.x256 for 256 bits encryption. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DocumentPrivilege](../../documentprivilege/) @@ -140,7 +67,7 @@ True for success. Changes the user password and password by owner password, allows to reset [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) documnent security. The new user password and the new owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the new owner password is null or empty. There are 6 possible combinations of KeySize and Algorithm values. However ([KeySize.x40](../../keysize/), [Algorithm.AES](../../algorithm/)) and ([KeySize.x256](../../keysize/), [Algorithm.RC4](../../algorithm/)) are invalid and corresponding exception will be raised if kit encounters this combination. Throws an exception if process failed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::ChangePassword(System::String ownerPassword, System::String newUserPassword, System::String newOwnerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege, KeySize keySize, Algorithm cipher) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::ChangePassword(System::String ownerPassword, System::String newUserPassword, System::String newOwnerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege, KeySize keySize, Algorithm cipher) ``` @@ -156,61 +83,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::ChangePassword ### ReturnValue True for success. -## Remarks - - - - - - ownerPassword - - - Original owner password. - - - - - newUserPassword - - - New User password. - - - - - newOwnerPassword - - - New Owner password. - - - - - privilege - - - Reset security. - - - - - keySize - - - - KeySize.x40 for 40 bits encryption, KeySize.x128 for 128 bits encryption and KeySize.x256 for 256 bits encryption. - - - - - cipher - - - - Algorithm.AES to encrypt using AES algorithm or Algorithm.RC4 for RC4 encryption. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DocumentPrivilege](../../documentprivilege/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/close/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/close/ index dcd1ec4e08..d1db6cba4b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/close/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/close/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Close second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::Close method. Closes the facade in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/close/ --- ## PdfFileSecurity::Close method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/close/ Closes the facade. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::Close() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::Close() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/get_allowexceptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/get_allowexceptions/ index 647aab4d52..b3b2cf4552 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/get_allowexceptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/get_allowexceptions/ @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/get_allowexceptions/ If this value set to true, exception will be thrown on opearation failure. Else, method returns false on failure and last exception can be checked with LastException property. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::get_AllowExceptions() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::get_AllowExceptions() ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +This property is deprecated and can not be used to allow throwing exceptions. - - Deprecated - - This property is deprecated and can not be used to allow throwing exceptions. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/get_lastexception/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/get_lastexception/ index 580ce2762d..6f55d10248 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/get_lastexception/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/get_lastexception/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_LastException second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::get_LastException method. Returns exception which was thrown by last operation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/get_lastexception/ --- ## PdfFileSecurity::get_LastException method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/get_lastexception/ Returns exception which was thrown by last operation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Exception Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::get_LastException() const +System::Exception Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::get_LastException() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/mfdecryptfile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/mfdecryptfile/ index e43767afa5..cc688a0d94 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/mfdecryptfile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/mfdecryptfile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: MfDecryptFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::MfDecryptFile method. Decrypts an encrypted Pdf document by owner password. If the document hasn''t owner password, it is allow to use user password. Throws an exception if process failed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/mfdecryptfile/ --- ## PdfFileSecurity::MfDecryptFile method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/mfdecryptfile/ Decrypts an encrypted [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document by owner password. If the document hasn't owner password, it is allow to use user password. Throws an exception if process failed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::MfDecryptFile(System::String ownerPassword) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::MfDecryptFile(System::String ownerPassword) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::MfDecryptFile( ### ReturnValue True for success. -## Remarks - - - - - - ownerPassword - - - Owner password. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/mfencryptfile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/mfencryptfile/ index 3679cda02f..145ef61311 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/mfencryptfile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/mfencryptfile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: MfEncryptFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::MfEncryptFile method. Encrypts Pdf file with userpassword and ownerpassword and sets the document''s privileges to access. The user password and the owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the input owner password is null or empty. Throws exception if process failed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/mfencryptfile/ --- ## PdfFileSecurity::MfEncryptFile(System::String, System::String, System::SharedPtr\, KeySize) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/mfencryptfile/ Encrypts [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file with userpassword and ownerpassword and sets the document's privileges to access. The user password and the owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the input owner password is null or empty. Throws exception if process failed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::MfEncryptFile(System::String userPassword, System::String ownerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege, KeySize keySize) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::MfEncryptFile(System::String userPassword, System::String ownerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege, KeySize keySize) ``` @@ -27,44 +27,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::MfEncryptFile( ### ReturnValue True for success. -## Remarks - - - - - - userPassword - - - User password. - - - - - ownerPassword - - - Owner password. - - - - - privilege - - - Set privilege. - - - - - keySize - - - - KeySize.x40 for 40 bits encryption, KeySize.x128 for 128 bits encryption and KeySize.x256 for 256 bits encryption. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DocumentPrivilege](../../documentprivilege/) @@ -78,7 +41,7 @@ True for success. Encrypts [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file with userpassword and ownerpassword and sets the document's privileges to access. The user password and the owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the input owner password is null or empty. There are 6 possible combinations of KeySize and Algorithm values. However ([KeySize.x40](../../keysize/), [Algorithm.AES](../../algorithm/)) and ([KeySize.x256](../../keysize/), [Algorithm.RC4](../../algorithm/)) are invalid and corresponding exception will be raised if kit encounters this combination. Throws an exception if process failed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::MfEncryptFile(System::String userPassword, System::String ownerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege, KeySize keySize, Algorithm cipher) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::MfEncryptFile(System::String userPassword, System::String ownerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege, KeySize keySize, Algorithm cipher) ``` @@ -93,53 +56,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::MfEncryptFile( ### ReturnValue True for success. -## Remarks - - - - - - userPassword - - - User password. - - - - - ownerPassword - - - Owner password. - - - - - privilege - - - Set privilege. - - - - - keySize - - - - KeySize.x40 for 40 bits encryption, KeySize.x128 for 128 bits encryption and KeySize.x256 for 256 bits encryption. - - - - - cipher - - - - Algorithm.AES to encrypt using AES algorithm or Algorithm.RC4 for RC4 encryption. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DocumentPrivilege](../../documentprivilege/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/pdffilesecurity/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/pdffilesecurity/ index ced77453ef..d863f91a97 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/pdffilesecurity/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/pdffilesecurity/ @@ -2,239 +2,136 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity constructor linktitle: PdfFileSecurity second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity constructor. Initialize the object of PdfFileSecurity with input and output stream in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity constructor. Initialize the object of PdfFileSecurity in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/pdffilesecurity/ --- -## PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity() constructor -Initialize the object of [PdfFileSecurity](../) with input and output stream. +Initialize the object of [PdfFileSecurity](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity() ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) Stream. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) Stream. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - inputStream - - - Input Pdf Stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output Pdf Stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::String, System::String) constructor +## PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes the object of [PdfFileSecurity](../) with input and output file. +Initializes new [PdfFileSecurity](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Source input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - inputFile - - - Source input Pdf file. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output Pdf file. - - - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity() constructor +## PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initialize the object of [PdfFileSecurity](../). +Initializes new [PdfFileSecurity](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) Stream. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor Initializes new [PdfFileSecurity](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::SharedPtr document, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - +| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor +## PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes new [PdfFileSecurity](../) object on base of the *document* . +Initialize the object of [PdfFileSecurity](../) with input and output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::SharedPtr document, System::String outputFile) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output Pdf file. - - - +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) Stream. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) Stream. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::String, System::String) constructor -Initializes new [PdfFileSecurity](../) object on base of the *document* . +Initializes the object of [PdfFileSecurity](../) with input and output file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::PdfFileSecurity(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) Stream. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output Pdf Stream. - - - +| inputFile | System::String | Source input [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_allowexceptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_allowexceptions/ index 77846edadd..3dd4de97cf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_allowexceptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_allowexceptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AllowExceptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::set_AllowExceptions method. If this value set to true, exception will be thrown on opearation failure. Else, method returns false on failure and last exception can be checked with LastException property in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_allowexceptions/ --- ## PdfFileSecurity::set_AllowExceptions method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_allowexceptions/ If this value set to true, exception will be thrown on opearation failure. Else, method returns false on failure and last exception can be checked with LastException property. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::set_AllowExceptions(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::set_AllowExceptions(bool value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +This property is deprecated and can not be used to allow throwing exceptions. - - Deprecated - - This property is deprecated and can not be used to allow throwing exceptions. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_inputfile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_inputfile/ index d28d5569bf..0ed38fb3a6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_inputfile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_inputfile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_InputFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::set_InputFile method. Sets the input file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_inputfile/ --- ## PdfFileSecurity::set_InputFile method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_inputfile/ Sets the input file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::set_InputFile(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::set_InputFile(System::String value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_inputstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_inputstream/ index e61bf88799..6a9f43eccf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_inputstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_inputstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_InputStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::set_InputStream method. Sets the input stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_inputstream/ --- ## PdfFileSecurity::set_InputStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_inputstream/ Sets the input stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::set_InputStream(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::set_InputStream(System::SharedPtr value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_outputfile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_outputfile/ index cf9fbde1cd..102556d27e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_outputfile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_outputfile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OutputFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::set_OutputFile method. Sets the output file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_outputfile/ --- ## PdfFileSecurity::set_OutputFile method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_outputfile/ Sets the output file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::set_OutputFile(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::set_OutputFile(System::String value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_outputstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_outputstream/ index 7fed12c073..23d8a92de5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_outputstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_outputstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OutputStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::set_OutputStream method. Sets the output stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_outputstream/ --- ## PdfFileSecurity::set_OutputStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/set_outputstream/ Sets the output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::set_OutputStream(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::set_OutputStream(System::SharedPtr value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/setprivilege/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/setprivilege/ index 61ec47a2da..1e2de40148 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/setprivilege/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/setprivilege/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetPrivilege second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::SetPrivilege method. Sets Pdf file security with empty user/owner passwords. The owner password will be added by a random string. Throws an exception if process failed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/setprivilege/ --- ## PdfFileSecurity::SetPrivilege(System::SharedPtr\) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/setprivilege/ Sets [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file security with empty user/owner passwords. The owner password will be added by a random string. Throws an exception if process failed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::SetPrivilege(System::SharedPtr privilege) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::SetPrivilege(System::SharedPtr privilege) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::SetPrivilege(S ### ReturnValue True for success. -## Remarks - - - - - - privilege - - - Set privilege. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DocumentPrivilege](../../documentprivilege/) @@ -49,7 +37,7 @@ True for success. Sets [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file security with original password. Throws an exception if process failed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::SetPrivilege(System::String userPassword, System::String ownerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::SetPrivilege(System::String userPassword, System::String ownerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege) ``` @@ -62,35 +50,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::SetPrivilege(S ### ReturnValue True for success. -## Remarks - - - - - - userPassword - - - Original user password. - - - - - ownerPassword - - - Original owner password. - - - - - privilege - - - Set privilege. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DocumentPrivilege](../../documentprivilege/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trychangepassword/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trychangepassword/ index 7933beb169..22b57dd5c0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trychangepassword/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trychangepassword/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TryChangePassword second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryChangePassword method. Changes the user password and owner password by owner password, keeps the original security settings. The new user password and the new owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced Does not throw an exception if process failed. with a random string if the new owner password is null or empty in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trychangepassword/ --- ## PdfFileSecurity::TryChangePassword(System::String, System::String, System::String) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trychangepassword/ Changes the user password and owner password by owner password, keeps the original security settings. The new user password and the new owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced Does not throw an exception if process failed. with a random string if the new owner password is null or empty. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryChangePassword(System::String ownerPassword, System::String newUserPassword, System::String newOwnerPassword) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryChangePassword(System::String ownerPassword, System::String newUserPassword, System::String newOwnerPassword) ``` @@ -26,35 +26,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryChangePassw ### ReturnValue True for success,or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - ownerPassword - - - Original Owner password. - - - - - newUserPassword - - - New User password. - - - - - newOwnerPassword - - - New Owner password. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) @@ -66,7 +38,7 @@ True for success,or false. Changes the user password and password by owner password, allows to reset [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) documnent security. The new user password and the new owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the new owner password is null or empty. Does not throw an exception if process failed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryChangePassword(System::String ownerPassword, System::String newUserPassword, System::String newOwnerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege, KeySize keySize) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryChangePassword(System::String ownerPassword, System::String newUserPassword, System::String newOwnerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege, KeySize keySize) ``` @@ -81,52 +53,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryChangePassw ### ReturnValue True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - ownerPassword - - - Original owner password. - - - - - newUserPassword - - - New User password. - - - - - newOwnerPassword - - - New Owner password. - - - - - privilege - - - Reset security. - - - - - keySize - - - - KeySize.x40 for 40 bits encryption, KeySize.x128 for 128 bits encryption and KeySize.x256 for 256 bits encryption. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DocumentPrivilege](../../documentprivilege/) @@ -140,7 +67,7 @@ True for success, or false. Changes the user password and password by owner password, allows to reset [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) documnent security. The new user password and the new owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the new owner password is null or empty. There are 6 possible combinations of KeySize and Algorithm values. However ([KeySize.x40](../../keysize/), [Algorithm.AES](../../algorithm/)) and ([KeySize.x256](../../keysize/), [Algorithm.RC4](../../algorithm/)) are invalid and corresponding exception will be raised if kit encounters this combination. Does not throw an exception if process failed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryChangePassword(System::String ownerPassword, System::String newUserPassword, System::String newOwnerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege, KeySize keySize, Algorithm cipher) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryChangePassword(System::String ownerPassword, System::String newUserPassword, System::String newOwnerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege, KeySize keySize, Algorithm cipher) ``` @@ -156,61 +83,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryChangePassw ### ReturnValue True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - ownerPassword - - - Original owner password. - - - - - newUserPassword - - - New User password. - - - - - newOwnerPassword - - - New Owner password. - - - - - privilege - - - Reset security. - - - - - keySize - - - - KeySize.x40 for 40 bits encryption, KeySize.x128 for 128 bits encryption and KeySize.x256 for 256 bits encryption. - - - - - cipher - - - - Algorithm.AES to encrypt using AES algorithm or Algorithm.RC4 for RC4 encryption. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DocumentPrivilege](../../documentprivilege/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trydecryptfile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trydecryptfile/ index 6b71ad81ad..f4ce6a7a59 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trydecryptfile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trydecryptfile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TryDecryptFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryDecryptFile method. Decrypts an encrypted Pdf document by owner password. If the document hasn''t owner password, it is allow to use user password. Does not throw an exception if process failed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trydecryptfile/ --- ## PdfFileSecurity::TryDecryptFile method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trydecryptfile/ Decrypts an encrypted [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document by owner password. If the document hasn't owner password, it is allow to use user password. Does not throw an exception if process failed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryDecryptFile(System::String ownerPassword) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryDecryptFile(System::String ownerPassword) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryDecryptFile ### ReturnValue True for success,or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - ownerPassword - - - Owner password. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSecurity](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/tryencryptfile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/tryencryptfile/ index e572dfe306..97e903c8ae 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/tryencryptfile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/tryencryptfile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TryEncryptFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryEncryptFile method. Encrypts Pdf file with userpassword and ownerpassword and sets the document''s privileges to access. The user password and the owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the input owner password is null or empty. Does not throw an exception if process failed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/tryencryptfile/ --- ## PdfFileSecurity::TryEncryptFile method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/tryencryptfile/ Encrypts [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file with userpassword and ownerpassword and sets the document's privileges to access. The user password and the owner password can be null or empty. The owner password will be replaced with a random string if the input owner password is null or empty. Does not throw an exception if process failed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryEncryptFile(System::String userPassword, System::String ownerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege, KeySize keySize) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryEncryptFile(System::String userPassword, System::String ownerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege, KeySize keySize) ``` @@ -27,44 +27,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TryEncryptFile ### ReturnValue True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - userPassword - - - User password. - - - - - ownerPassword - - - Owner password. - - - - - privilege - - - Set privilege. - - - - - keySize - - - - KeySize.x40 for 40 bits encryption, KeySize.x128 for 128 bits encryption and KeySize.x256 for 256 bits encryption. - - - ## See Also * Class [DocumentPrivilege](../../documentprivilege/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trysetprivilege/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trysetprivilege/ index 321af129ac..72d08d5ed9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trysetprivilege/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trysetprivilege/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TrySetPrivilege second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TrySetPrivilege method. Sets Pdf file security with original password. Does not throw an exception if process failed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trysetprivilege/ --- ## PdfFileSecurity::TrySetPrivilege method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesecurity/trysetprivilege/ Sets [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file security with original password. Does not throw an exception if process failed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TrySetPrivilege(System::String userPassword, System::String ownerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TrySetPrivilege(System::String userPassword, System::String ownerPassword, System::SharedPtr privilege) ``` @@ -26,35 +26,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSecurity::TrySetPrivileg ### ReturnValue True for success, or false. -## Remarks - - - - - - userPassword - - - Original user password. - - - - - ownerPassword - - - Original owner password. - - - - - privilege - - - Set privilege. - - - + ## See Also * Class [DocumentPrivilege](../../documentprivilege/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/bindpdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/bindpdf/ index bd2f36588b..452b9107ec 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/bindpdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/bindpdf/ @@ -2,68 +2,44 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::BindPdf method linktitle: BindPdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::BindPdf method. Binds a Pdf file for editing in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::BindPdf method. Binds a Pdf stream for editing in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/bindpdf/ --- -## PdfFileSignature::BindPdf(System::String) method +## PdfFileSignature::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method -Binds a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file for editing. +Binds a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) stream for editing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::BindPdf(System::String inputFile) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr inputStream) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | The pdf file to be edited. | -## Remarks - +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The pdf stream to be edited. | - - - - inputFile - - - The pdf file to be edited. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSignature::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileSignature::BindPdf(System::String) method -Binds a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) stream for editing. +Binds a [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) file for editing. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr inputStream) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::BindPdf(System::String inputFile) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The pdf stream to be edited. | -## Remarks - +| inputFile | System::String | The pdf file to be edited. | - - - - inputStream - - - The pdf stream to be edited. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/certify/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/certify/ index dfc834a4bd..ab7e3ca22d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/certify/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/certify/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Certify second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Certify method. Certify the document with the MDP signature. Such data as signature reason, contact and location must be provided by corresponding properties of the Signature object sig in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/certify/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::Certify(int32_t, System::String, System::String, System::String, bool, System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::SharedPtr\) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/certify/ Certify the document with the MDP signature. Such data as signature reason, contact and location must be provided by corresponding properties of the Signature object sig. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Certify(int32_t page, System::String SigReason, System::String SigContact, System::String SigLocation, bool visible, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::SharedPtr docMdpSignature) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Certify(int32_t page, System::String SigReason, System::String SigContact, System::String SigLocation, bool visible, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::SharedPtr docMdpSignature) ``` @@ -26,67 +26,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Certify(int32 | visible | bool | The visiblity of signature. | | annotRect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The rect of signature. | | docMdpSignature | System::SharedPtr\ | The document MDP type of the signature. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page on which signature is made. - - - - - SigReason - - - The reason of signature. - - - - - SigContact - - - The contact of signature. - - - - - SigLocation - - - The location of signature. - - - - - visible - - - The visiblity of signature. - - - - - annotRect - - - The rect of signature. - - - - - docMdpSignature - - - The document MDP type of the signature. - - - ## See Also * Class [DocMDPSignature](../../../aspose.pdf.forms/docmdpsignature/) @@ -99,7 +39,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Certify(int32 Certify the document with the MDP signature which is placed in already presented signature field. Before signing signature field must be empty, i.e. field must not contain signature dictionary. Thus pdf document already has signature field, you should not supply the place to stamp the signature, corresponding page and rectangle are taken from signature field which is found by signature name (see sigName parameter). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Certify(System::String sigName, System::SharedPtr docMdpSignature) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Certify(System::String sigName, System::SharedPtr docMdpSignature) ``` @@ -107,27 +47,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Certify(Syste | --- | --- | --- | | sigName | System::String | The name of the signature field. | | docMdpSignature | System::SharedPtr\ | The type of the signature, could be [Aspose::Pdf::Forms::PKCS1](../../../aspose.pdf.forms/pkcs1/), [Aspose::Pdf::Forms::PKCS7](../../../aspose.pdf.forms/pkcs7/) and [Aspose::Pdf::Forms::PKCS7Detached](../../../aspose.pdf.forms/pkcs7detached/) | -## Remarks - - - - - sigName - - - The name of the signature field. - - - - - docMdpSignature - - - The type of the signature, could be Aspose::Pdf::Forms::PKCS1, Aspose::Pdf::Forms::PKCS7 and Aspose::Pdf::Forms::PKCS7Detached - - - ## See Also * Class [DocMDPSignature](../../../aspose.pdf.forms/docmdpsignature/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/close/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/close/ index 4870807116..479ba5eabc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/close/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/close/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Close second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Close method. Closes the facade in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3500 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/close/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::Close method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/close/ Closes the facade. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Close() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Close() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/containssignature/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/containssignature/ index 69559107bc..9a2cf270e8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/containssignature/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/containssignature/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ContainsSignature second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::ContainsSignature method. Checks if the pdf has a digital signature or not in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/containssignature/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::ContainsSignature method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/containssignature/ Checks if the pdf has a digital signature or not. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::ContainsSignature() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::ContainsSignature() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/containsusagerights/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/containsusagerights/ index 639ecacb2e..d80d449c85 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/containsusagerights/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/containsusagerights/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ContainsUsageRights second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::ContainsUsageRights method. Checks if the pdf has a usage rights or not in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/containsusagerights/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::ContainsUsageRights method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/containsusagerights/ Checks if the pdf has a usage rights or not. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::ContainsUsageRights() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::ContainsUsageRights() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/coverswholedocument/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/coverswholedocument/ index e7a17e9bef..eb9c86bd3d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/coverswholedocument/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/coverswholedocument/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CoversWholeDocument second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::CoversWholeDocument method. Checks if the signature covers the whole document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/coverswholedocument/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::CoversWholeDocument method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/coverswholedocument/ Checks if the signature covers the whole document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::CoversWholeDocument(System::String signName) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::CoversWholeDocument(System::String signName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::CoversWholeDo ### ReturnValue Return a result of bool type. -## Remarks - - - - - - signName - - - The name of signature. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/extractcertificate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/extractcertificate/ index 5bf1f44fe3..c1462d6a35 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/extractcertificate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/extractcertificate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExtractCertificate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::ExtractCertificate method. Extracts signature''s single X.509 certificate as a stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3300 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/extractcertificate/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::ExtractCertificate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/extractcertificate/ Extracts signature's single X.509 certificate as a stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::ExtractCertificate(System::String signName) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::ExtractCertificate(System::String signName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades ### ReturnValue If certificate was found returns X.509 single certificate; otherwise, null. -## Remarks - - - - - - signName - - - The name of signature. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/extractimage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/extractimage/ index c50bf93943..5db1c46ad9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/extractimage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/extractimage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExtractImage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::ExtractImage method. Extracts signature''s image in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3200 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/extractimage/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::ExtractImage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/extractimage/ Extracts signature's image. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::ExtractImage(System::String signName) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::ExtractImage(System::String signName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades ### ReturnValue If image was successfully found than returns stream object; otherwise, null. -## Remarks - - - - - - signName - - - The name of signature. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_iscertified/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_iscertified/ index 1b0ed86c13..b51c255143 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_iscertified/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_iscertified/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsCertified second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::get_IsCertified method. Gets the flag determining whether a document is certified or not in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_iscertified/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::get_IsCertified method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_iscertified/ Gets the flag determining whether a document is certified or not. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::get_IsCertified() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::get_IsCertified() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_isltvenabled/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_isltvenabled/ index 5114c4b7b4..54da55fa8b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_isltvenabled/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_isltvenabled/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsLtvEnabled second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::get_IsLtvEnabled method. Gets the LTV enabled flag in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_isltvenabled/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::get_IsLtvEnabled method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_isltvenabled/ Gets the LTV enabled flag. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::get_IsLtvEnabled() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::get_IsLtvEnabled() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_signatureappearance/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_signatureappearance/ index 6c4516119c..22d15acae5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_signatureappearance/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_signatureappearance/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SignatureAppearance second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::get_SignatureAppearance method. Sets or gets a graphic appearance for the signature. Property value represents image file name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_signatureappearance/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::get_SignatureAppearance method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_signatureappearance/ Sets or gets a graphic appearance for the signature. Property value represents image file name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::get_SignatureAppearance() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::get_SignatureAppearance() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_signatureappearancestream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_signatureappearancestream/ index 887a1ed14a..b9fcbffa24 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_signatureappearancestream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_signatureappearancestream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SignatureAppearanceStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::get_SignatureAppearanceStream method. Sets or gets a graphic appearance for the signature. Property value represents image stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_signatureappearancestream/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::get_SignatureAppearanceStream method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/get_signatureappearancestream/ Sets or gets a graphic appearance for the signature. Property value represents image stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::get_SignatureAppearanceStream() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::get_SignatureAppearanceStream() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getaccesspermissions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getaccesspermissions/ index 17f20abfd8..6ce04032a2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getaccesspermissions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getaccesspermissions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetAccessPermissions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetAccessPermissions method. Returns the access permissions value of certified document by the MDP signature type in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getaccesspermissions/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::GetAccessPermissions method @@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getaccesspermissions/ Returns the access permissions value of certified document by the MDP signature type. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DocMDPAccessPermissions Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetAccessPermissions() +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DocMDPAccessPermissions Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetAccessPermissions() ``` ### ReturnValue -If the document is being certified, than returns access permissions value; otherwise, +If the document is being certified, than returns access permissions value; otherwise, System::PdfException is thrown. ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getblanksignnames/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getblanksignnames/ index 7abb52783b..66e767aa82 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getblanksignnames/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getblanksignnames/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetBlankSignNames second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetBlankSignNames method. Gets the names of all empty signature fields in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getblanksignnames/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::GetBlankSignNames method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getblanksignnames/ Gets the names of all empty signature fields. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetBlankSignNames() +System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetBlankSignNames() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getcontactinfo/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getcontactinfo/ index 0e7fc80753..502578ddcd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getcontactinfo/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getcontactinfo/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetContactInfo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetContactInfo method. Gets the contact information of a signature in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3000 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getcontactinfo/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::GetContactInfo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getcontactinfo/ Gets the contact information of a signature. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetContactInfo(System::String signName) +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetContactInfo(System::String signName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Get ### ReturnValue Returns a result of string type. -## Remarks - - - - - - signName - - - The name of signature. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getdatetime/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getdatetime/ index d0aab5b131..fab1add480 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getdatetime/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getdatetime/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetDateTime second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetDateTime method. Gets the signature''s datetime in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getdatetime/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::GetDateTime method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getdatetime/ Gets the signature's datetime. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::DateTime Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetDateTime(System::String signName) +System::DateTime Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetDateTime(System::String signName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::DateTime Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::G ### ReturnValue Return the result of DateTime type. -## Remarks - - - - - - signName - - - The name of signature. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getlocation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getlocation/ index ce543c5b4c..d82c076c9d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getlocation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getlocation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetLocation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetLocation method. Gets the location of a signature in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2900 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getlocation/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::GetLocation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getlocation/ Gets the location of a signature. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetLocation(System::String signName) +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetLocation(System::String signName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Get ### ReturnValue Returns a result of string type. -## Remarks - - - - - - signName - - - The name of signature. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getreason/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getreason/ index 4877e31672..83fd91f195 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getreason/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getreason/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetReason second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetReason method. Gets the reason of a signature in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getreason/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::GetReason method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getreason/ Gets the reason of a signature. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetReason(System::String signName) +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetReason(System::String signName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Get ### ReturnValue Returns a result of string type. -## Remarks - - - - - - signName - - - The name of signature. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getrevision/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getrevision/ index 38b967cb5c..7f3281c2ad 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getrevision/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getrevision/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getrevision/ Gets the revision of a signature. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetRevision(System::String signName) +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetRevision(System::String signName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetRevisio ### ReturnValue Return the number of signature revision. -## Remarks - - - - - - signName - - - The name of signature. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getsignername/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getsignername/ index 4ffa559d85..db8f008dd0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getsignername/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getsignername/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetSignerName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetSignerName method. Gets the name of person or organization who signing the pdf document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2600 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getsignername/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::GetSignerName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getsignername/ Gets the name of person or organization who signing the pdf document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetSignerName(System::String signName) +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetSignerName(System::String signName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Get ### ReturnValue Returns the result of the signer's name. -## Remarks - - - - - - signName - - - The name of signature. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getsignnames/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getsignnames/ index a50d9d79fe..564d9979f4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getsignnames/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getsignnames/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetSignNames second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetSignNames method. Gets the names of all not empty signatures in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getsignnames/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::GetSignNames method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/getsignnames/ Gets the names of all not empty signatures. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetSignNames(bool onlyActive=true) +System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetSignNames(bool onlyActive=true) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr. -## Remarks - - - - - - onlyActive - - - if true, return only active signatures; otherwise, return all signatures. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/gettotalrevision/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/gettotalrevision/ index f867f231ca..f22efb3e19 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/gettotalrevision/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/gettotalrevision/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetTotalRevision second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetTotalRevision method. Gets the toltal revision in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/gettotalrevision/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::GetTotalRevision method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/gettotalrevision/ Gets the toltal revision. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetTotalRevision() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::GetTotalRevision() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/iscontainsignature/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/iscontainsignature/ index 418496fad8..bb2c8edb99 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/iscontainsignature/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/iscontainsignature/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: IsContainSignature second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::IsContainSignature method. Checks if the pdf has a digital signature or not in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/iscontainsignature/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::IsContainSignature method @@ -13,22 +13,17 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/iscontainsignature/ Checks if the pdf has a digital signature or not. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::IsContainSignature() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::IsContainSignature() ``` ### ReturnValue Return a result of bool type. -## Remarks +## Deprecated +ContainsSignature should be used instead of IsContainSignature. - - Deprecated - - ContainsSignature should be used instead of IsContainSignature. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/iscoverswholedocument/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/iscoverswholedocument/ index 34495b434e..c929c63fa9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/iscoverswholedocument/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/iscoverswholedocument/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: IsCoversWholeDocument second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::IsCoversWholeDocument method. Checks if the signature covers the whole document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/iscoverswholedocument/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::IsCoversWholeDocument method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/iscoverswholedocument/ Checks if the signature covers the whole document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::IsCoversWholeDocument(System::String signName) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::IsCoversWholeDocument(System::String signName) ``` @@ -24,24 +24,10 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::IsCoversWhole ### ReturnValue Return a result of bool type. -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - CoversWholeDocument should be used instead of IsCoversWholeDocument. - - - - - signName - - - The name of signature. - - - + +## Deprecated +CoversWholeDocument should be used instead of IsCoversWholeDocument. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/pdffilesignature/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/pdffilesignature/ index 7ad90c2310..7aa1ee6a3b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/pdffilesignature/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/pdffilesignature/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PdfFileSignature second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature constructor. The constructor of PdfFileSignature class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/pdffilesignature/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/pdffilesignature/ The constructor of [PdfFileSignature](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature() ``` ## See Also @@ -21,164 +21,92 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature() * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature(System::String) constructor +## PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -The constructor of [PdfFileSignature](../) class. +Initializes new [PdfFileSignature](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature(System::String inputFile) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | The input file for signature. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use another constructor for instance initialization. - - - - - inputFile - - - The input file for signature. - - - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature(System::String, System::String) constructor +## PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor -The constructor of [PdfFileSignature](../) class. +Initializes new [PdfFileSignature](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature(System::SharedPtr document, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | The input file for signature. | +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | | outputFile | System::String | The output file. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use another constructor for instance initialization. - - - - - inputFile - - - The input file for signature. - - - - - outputFile - - - The output file. - - - + +## Deprecated +Use another constructor for instance initialization. + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature(System::String) constructor -Initializes new [PdfFileSignature](../) object on base of the *document* . +The constructor of [PdfFileSignature](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature(System::String inputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - +| inputFile | System::String | The input file for signature. | + +## Deprecated +Use another constructor for instance initialization. + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor +## PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature(System::String, System::String) constructor -Initializes new [PdfFileSignature](../) object on base of the *document* . +The constructor of [PdfFileSignature](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature(System::SharedPtr document, System::String outputFile) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::PdfFileSignature(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | +| inputFile | System::String | The input file for signature. | | outputFile | System::String | The output file. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use another constructor for instance initialization. - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - - - outputFile - - - The output file. - - - + +## Deprecated +Use another constructor for instance initialization. + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removesignature/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removesignature/ index ce14289194..0e395bfe5e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removesignature/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removesignature/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RemoveSignature second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::RemoveSignature method. Remove the signature according to the name of the signature in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 2600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removesignature/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::RemoveSignature(System::String) method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removesignature/ Remove the signature according to the name of the signature. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::RemoveSignature(System::String signName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::RemoveSignature(System::String signName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | signName | System::String | The name of signature. | -## Remarks - - - - - signName - - - The name of signature. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) @@ -44,7 +32,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::RemoveSignatu Removes the signature according to the name of the signature. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::RemoveSignature(System::String signName, bool removeField) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::RemoveSignature(System::String signName, bool removeField) ``` @@ -52,27 +40,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::RemoveSignatu | --- | --- | --- | | signName | System::String | The name of signature. | | removeField | bool | If set to true, than removes both of signature and field from document; otherwise, signature only. | -## Remarks - - - - - signName - - - The name of signature. - - - - - removeField - - - If set to true, than removes both of signature and field from document; otherwise, signature only. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removesignatures/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removesignatures/ index 55e4b59ea9..c655a78f33 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removesignatures/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removesignatures/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RemoveSignatures second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::RemoveSignatures method. Removes all signatures in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removesignatures/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::RemoveSignatures method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removesignatures/ Removes all signatures. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::RemoveSignatures() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::RemoveSignatures() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removeusagerights/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removeusagerights/ index be96662a59..223e660b1f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removeusagerights/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removeusagerights/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RemoveUsageRights second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::RemoveUsageRights method. Removes the usage rights entry in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removeusagerights/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::RemoveUsageRights method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/removeusagerights/ Removes the usage rights entry. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::RemoveUsageRights() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::RemoveUsageRights() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/save/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/save/ index c1e31e48c0..2a0f614fc1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/save/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/save/ @@ -2,37 +2,24 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Save method linktitle: Save second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Save method. Saves the result PDF to file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Save method. Save signed pdf file. Output filename must be provided before with the help of coresponding PdfFileSignature constructor in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 2900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/save/ --- -## PdfFileSignature::Save(System::String) method +## PdfFileSignature::Save() method -Saves the result PDF to file. +Save signed pdf file. Output filename must be provided before with the help of coresponding [PdfFileSignature](../) constructor. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Save(System::String outputFile) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Save() ``` -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputFile - - - Output pdf file. - - - +## Deprecated +Please, use Save method with parameter. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) @@ -44,49 +31,33 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Save(System:: Saves the result PDF to stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Save(System::SharedPtr outputStream) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Save(System::SharedPtr outputStream) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output pdf stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - - outputStream - - - Output pdf stream. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSignature::Save() method +## PdfFileSignature::Save(System::String) method -Save signed pdf file. Output filename must be provided before with the help of coresponding [PdfFileSignature](../) constructor. +Saves the result PDF to file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Save() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Save(System::String outputFile) override ``` -## Remarks +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| outputFile | System::String | Output pdf file. | - - Deprecated - - Please, use Save method with parameter. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/set_signatureappearance/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/set_signatureappearance/ index e6c3f2adb1..28c2644b53 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/set_signatureappearance/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/set_signatureappearance/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SignatureAppearance second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::set_SignatureAppearance method. Sets or gets a graphic appearance for the signature. Property value represents image file name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 3000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/set_signatureappearance/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::set_SignatureAppearance method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/set_signatureappearance/ Sets or gets a graphic appearance for the signature. Property value represents image file name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::set_SignatureAppearance(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::set_SignatureAppearance(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/set_signatureappearancestream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/set_signatureappearancestream/ index 74cde221c8..1c2b4421f4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/set_signatureappearancestream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/set_signatureappearancestream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SignatureAppearanceStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::set_SignatureAppearanceStream method. Sets or gets a graphic appearance for the signature. Property value represents image stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 3100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/set_signatureappearancestream/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::set_SignatureAppearanceStream method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/set_signatureappearancestream/ Sets or gets a graphic appearance for the signature. Property value represents image stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::set_SignatureAppearanceStream(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::set_SignatureAppearanceStream(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/setcertificate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/setcertificate/ index 991cab54d7..32d98003a4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/setcertificate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/setcertificate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetCertificate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::SetCertificate method. Set certificate file and password for signing routine in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3400 +weight: 3200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/setcertificate/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::SetCertificate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/setcertificate/ Set certificate file and password for signing routine. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::SetCertificate(System::String pfx, System::String pass) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::SetCertificate(System::String pfx, System::String pass) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::SetCertificat | --- | --- | --- | | pfx | System::String | PKCS #12 certificate file. | | pass | System::String | Password to get access for the certificate private key. | -## Remarks - - - - - pfx - - - PKCS #12 certificate file. - - - - - pass - - - Password to get access for the certificate private key. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/sign/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/sign/ index 1b179522bd..25d45f897c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/sign/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/sign/ @@ -2,434 +2,153 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Sign method linktitle: Sign second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Sign method. Make a signature on the pdf document in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Sign method. Sign the document with the given type signature in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 3300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/sign/ --- -## PdfFileSignature::Sign(int32_t, System::String, System::String, System::String, bool, System::Drawing::Rectangle) method +## PdfFileSignature::Sign(int32_t, bool, System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::SharedPtr\) method -Make a signature on the pdf document. +Sign the document with the given type signature. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Sign(int32_t page, System::String SigReason, System::String SigContact, System::String SigLocation, bool visible, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Sign(int32_t page, bool visible, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::SharedPtr sig) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | page | int32_t | The page number on which signature is made. | -| SigReason | System::String | The reason of signature. | -| SigContact | System::String | The contact of signature. | -| SigLocation | System::String | The location of signature. | | visible | bool | The visiblity of signature. | | annotRect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The rect of signature. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - The page number on which signature is made. - - - - - SigReason - - - The reason of signature. - - - - - SigContact - - - The contact of signature. - - - - - SigLocation - - - The location of signature. - - - - - visible - - - The visiblity of signature. - - - - - annotRect - - - The rect of signature. - - - +| sig | System::SharedPtr\ | The type of the signature, could be PKCS1, PKCS7 and PKCS7Detached. Such data as signature reason, contact and location must be already present in this object (see corresponding properties). | + ## See Also +* Class [Signature](../../../aspose.pdf.forms/signature/) * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSignature::Sign(int32_t, System::String, System::String, System::String, bool, System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileSignature::Sign(int32_t, System::String, System::String, System::String, System::String, bool, System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::SharedPtr\) method -Sign the document with the given type signature. +Sign the document with the given type signature which is placed in already presented signature field. Before signing pdf document should already has signature field, corresponding page and rectangle are taken from signature field which is found by signature name (see SigName parameter). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Sign(int32_t page, System::String SigReason, System::String SigContact, System::String SigLocation, bool visible, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::SharedPtr sig) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Sign(int32_t page, System::String SigName, System::String SigReason, System::String SigContact, System::String SigLocation, bool visible, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::SharedPtr sig) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | page | int32_t | The page number on which signature is made. | +| SigName | System::String | The name of the signature field. | | SigReason | System::String | The reason of signature. | | SigContact | System::String | The contact of signature. | | SigLocation | System::String | The location of signature. | | visible | bool | The visiblity of signature. | | annotRect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The rect of signature. | | sig | System::SharedPtr\ | The type of the signature, could be PKCS1, PKCS7 and PKCS7Detached. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - The page number on which signature is made. - - - - - SigReason - - - The reason of signature. - - - - - SigContact - - - The contact of signature. - - - - - SigLocation - - - The location of signature. - - - - - visible - - - The visiblity of signature. - - - - - annotRect - - - The rect of signature. - - - - - sig - - - The type of the signature, could be PKCS1, PKCS7 and PKCS7Detached. - - - + + + + ## See Also * Class [Signature](../../../aspose.pdf.forms/signature/) * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSignature::Sign(int32_t, bool, System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileSignature::Sign(int32_t, System::String, System::String, System::String, bool, System::Drawing::Rectangle) method -Sign the document with the given type signature. +Make a signature on the pdf document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Sign(int32_t page, bool visible, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::SharedPtr sig) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Sign(int32_t page, System::String SigReason, System::String SigContact, System::String SigLocation, bool visible, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | page | int32_t | The page number on which signature is made. | +| SigReason | System::String | The reason of signature. | +| SigContact | System::String | The contact of signature. | +| SigLocation | System::String | The location of signature. | | visible | bool | The visiblity of signature. | | annotRect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The rect of signature. | -| sig | System::SharedPtr\ | The type of the signature, could be PKCS1, PKCS7 and PKCS7Detached. Such data as signature reason, contact and location must be already present in this object (see corresponding properties). | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - The page number on which signature is made. - - - - - visible - - - The visiblity of signature. - - - - - annotRect - - - The rect of signature. - - - - - sig - - - The type of the signature, could be PKCS1, PKCS7 and PKCS7Detached. Such data as signature reason, contact and location must be already present in this object (see corresponding properties). - - - + ## See Also -* Class [Signature](../../../aspose.pdf.forms/signature/) * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSignature::Sign(System::String, System::String, System::String, System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileSignature::Sign(int32_t, System::String, System::String, System::String, bool, System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::SharedPtr\) method -Sign the document with the given type signature which is placed in already presented signature field. Before signing signature field must be empty, i.e. field must not contain signature dictionary. Thus pdf document already has signature field, you should not supply the place to stamp the signature, corresponding page and rectangle are taken from signature field which is found by signature name (see SigName parameter). +Sign the document with the given type signature. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Sign(System::String SigName, System::String SigReason, System::String SigContact, System::String SigLocation, System::SharedPtr sig) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Sign(int32_t page, System::String SigReason, System::String SigContact, System::String SigLocation, bool visible, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::SharedPtr sig) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| SigName | System::String | The name of the signature field. | +| page | int32_t | The page number on which signature is made. | | SigReason | System::String | The reason of signature. | | SigContact | System::String | The contact of signature. | | SigLocation | System::String | The location of signature. | +| visible | bool | The visiblity of signature. | +| annotRect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The rect of signature. | | sig | System::SharedPtr\ | The type of the signature, could be PKCS1, PKCS7 and PKCS7Detached. | -## Remarks - - - - - - SigName - - - The name of the signature field. - - - - - SigReason - - - The reason of signature. - - - - - SigContact - - - The contact of signature. - - - - - SigLocation - - - The location of signature. - - - - - sig - - - The type of the signature, could be PKCS1, PKCS7 and PKCS7Detached. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Signature](../../../aspose.pdf.forms/signature/) * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSignature::Sign(int32_t, System::String, System::String, System::String, System::String, bool, System::Drawing::Rectangle, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileSignature::Sign(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method -Sign the document with the given type signature which is placed in already presented signature field. Before signing pdf document should already has signature field, corresponding page and rectangle are taken from signature field which is found by signature name (see SigName parameter). +Sign the document with the given type signature which is placed in already presented signature field. Before signing signature field must be empty, i.e. field must not contain signature dictionary. Thus pdf document already has signature field, you should not supply the place to stamp the signature, corresponding page and rectangle are taken from signature field which is found by signature name (see SigName parameter). Such data as signature reason, contact and location must be provided by corresponding properties of the Signature object sig. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Sign(int32_t page, System::String SigName, System::String SigReason, System::String SigContact, System::String SigLocation, bool visible, System::Drawing::Rectangle annotRect, System::SharedPtr sig) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Sign(System::String SigName, System::SharedPtr sig) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | int32_t | The page number on which signature is made. | | SigName | System::String | The name of the signature field. | -| SigReason | System::String | The reason of signature. | -| SigContact | System::String | The contact of signature. | -| SigLocation | System::String | The location of signature. | -| visible | bool | The visiblity of signature. | -| annotRect | System::Drawing::Rectangle | The rect of signature. | -| sig | System::SharedPtr\ | The type of the signature, could be PKCS1, PKCS7 and PKCS7Detached. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - The page number on which signature is made. - - - - - - - SigName - - - The name of the signature field. - - - - - SigReason - - - The reason of signature. - - - - - SigContact - - - The contact of signature. - - - - - SigLocation - - - The location of signature. - - - - - - - visible - - - The visiblity of signature. - - - - - annotRect - - - The rect of signature. - - - - - sig - - - The type of the signature, could be PKCS1, PKCS7 and PKCS7Detached. - - - +| sig | System::SharedPtr\ | The type of the signature, could be PKCS1 (Pkcs1Signature object), PKCS7 and PKCS7 detached (Pkcs7Signature object) | + ## See Also * Class [Signature](../../../aspose.pdf.forms/signature/) * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileSignature::Sign(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileSignature::Sign(System::String, System::String, System::String, System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method -Sign the document with the given type signature which is placed in already presented signature field. Before signing signature field must be empty, i.e. field must not contain signature dictionary. Thus pdf document already has signature field, you should not supply the place to stamp the signature, corresponding page and rectangle are taken from signature field which is found by signature name (see SigName parameter). Such data as signature reason, contact and location must be provided by corresponding properties of the Signature object sig. +Sign the document with the given type signature which is placed in already presented signature field. Before signing signature field must be empty, i.e. field must not contain signature dictionary. Thus pdf document already has signature field, you should not supply the place to stamp the signature, corresponding page and rectangle are taken from signature field which is found by signature name (see SigName parameter). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Sign(System::String SigName, System::SharedPtr sig) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::Sign(System::String SigName, System::String SigReason, System::String SigContact, System::String SigLocation, System::SharedPtr sig) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | SigName | System::String | The name of the signature field. | -| sig | System::SharedPtr\ | The type of the signature, could be PKCS1 (Pkcs1Signature object), PKCS7 and PKCS7 detached (Pkcs7Signature object) | -## Remarks - - - - - - SigName - - - The name of the signature field. - - - - - sig - - - The type of the signature, could be PKCS1 (Pkcs1Signature object), PKCS7 and PKCS7 detached (Pkcs7Signature object) - - - +| SigReason | System::String | The reason of signature. | +| SigContact | System::String | The contact of signature. | +| SigLocation | System::String | The location of signature. | +| sig | System::SharedPtr\ | The type of the signature, could be PKCS1, PKCS7 and PKCS7Detached. | + ## See Also * Class [Signature](../../../aspose.pdf.forms/signature/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/verifysignature/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/verifysignature/ index 0994558fbe..6d894af06b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/verifysignature/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/verifysignature/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: VerifySignature second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::VerifySignature method. Checks the validity of a signature in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3100 +weight: 3400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/verifysignature/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::VerifySignature method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/verifysignature/ Checks the validity of a signature. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::VerifySignature(System::String signName) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::VerifySignature(System::String signName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::VerifySignatu ### ReturnValue Return a result of bool type. -## Remarks - - - - - - signName - - - The name of signature. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/verifysigned/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/verifysigned/ index b30ee0c5a2..c1c9a7f641 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/verifysigned/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/verifysigned/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: VerifySigned second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::VerifySigned method. Checks the validity of a signature in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 3500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/verifysigned/ --- ## PdfFileSignature::VerifySigned method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilesignature/verifysigned/ Checks the validity of a signature. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::VerifySigned(System::String signName) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::VerifySigned(System::String signName) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileSignature::VerifySigned( ### ReturnValue Return a result of bool type. -## Remarks - - - - - - signName - - - The name of signature. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addfooter/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addfooter/ index 306ccb77cb..804765b3b6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addfooter/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addfooter/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddFooter second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddFooter method. Adds footer to the pages of the document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3800 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addfooter/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::SharedPtr\, float) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addfooter/ Adds footer to the pages of the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::SharedPtr formattedText, float bottomMargin) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::SharedPtr formattedText, float bottomMargin) ``` @@ -21,28 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System: | --- | --- | --- | | formattedText | System::SharedPtr\ | [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) object which contains text of the footer and text properties. | | bottomMargin | float | Margin at the top of page. | -## Remarks - - - - - formattedText - - - - FormattedText object which contains text of the footer and text properties. - - - - - bottomMargin - - - Margin at the top of page. - - - ## See Also * Class [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) @@ -55,7 +34,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System: Adds footer to the pages of the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::SharedPtr formattedText, float bottomMargin, float leftMargin, float rightMargin) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::SharedPtr formattedText, float bottomMargin, float leftMargin, float rightMargin) ``` @@ -65,243 +44,96 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System: | bottomMargin | float | Margin at the bottom of the page. | | leftMargin | float | Margin at the left side of the page. | | rightMargin | float | Margin at the right side of the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - formattedText - - - - FormattedText object which contains footer text and text properties. - - - - - bottomMargin - - - Margin at the bottom of the page. - - - - - leftMargin - - - Margin at the left side of the page. - - - - - rightMargin - - - Margin at the right side of the page. - - - ## See Also * Class [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::String, float) method +## PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::SharedPtr\, float) method -Adds image as footer to the pages of the document. +Adds image as footer of the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::String imageFile, float bottomMargin) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::SharedPtr imageStream, float bottomMargin) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| imageFile | System::String | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) file name and path. | +| imageStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream contains image data. | | bottomMargin | float | Margin at the bottom of the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - imageFile - - - - Image file name and path. - - - - - bottomMargin - - - Margin at the bottom of the page. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::String, float, float, float) method +## PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::SharedPtr\, float, float, float) method -Adds image as footer of the pages. +Adds image as footer of the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::String imageFile, float bottomMargin, float leftMargin, float rightMargin) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::SharedPtr imageStream, float bottomMargin, float leftMargin, float rightMargin) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| imageFile | System::String | Iamge file name and path. | +| imageStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream contains image data. | | bottomMargin | float | Margin at the bottom of the page. | | leftMargin | float | Margin at the left side of the page. | | rightMargin | float | Margin at the right side of the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - imageFile - - - Iamge file name and path. - - - - - bottomMargin - - - Margin at the bottom of the page. - - - - - leftMargin - - - Margin at the left side of the page. - - - - - rightMargin - - - Margin at the right side of the page. - - - -/// ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::SharedPtr\, float) method +## PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::String, float) method -Adds image as footer of the page. +Adds image as footer to the pages of the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::SharedPtr imageStream, float bottomMargin) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::String imageFile, float bottomMargin) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| imageStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream contains image data. | +| imageFile | System::String | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) file name and path. | | bottomMargin | float | Margin at the bottom of the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - imageStream - - - Stream contains image data. - - - - - bottomMargin - - - Margin at the bottom of the page. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::SharedPtr\, float, float, float) method +## PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::String, float, float, float) method -Adds image as footer of the page. +Adds image as footer of the pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::SharedPtr imageStream, float bottomMargin, float leftMargin, float rightMargin) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddFooter(System::String imageFile, float bottomMargin, float leftMargin, float rightMargin) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| imageStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream contains image data. | +| imageFile | System::String | Iamge file name and path. | | bottomMargin | float | Margin at the bottom of the page. | | leftMargin | float | Margin at the left side of the page. | | rightMargin | float | Margin at the right side of the page. | ## Remarks - - - - imageStream - - - Stream contains image data. - - - - - bottomMargin - - - Margin at the bottom of the page. - - - - - leftMargin - - - Margin at the left side of the page. - - - - - rightMargin - - - Margin at the right side of the page. - - - + +/// ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addheader/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addheader/ index d7a5bc60d4..644e939695 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addheader/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addheader/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddHeader second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddHeader method. Adds header to the page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3700 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addheader/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::SharedPtr\, float) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addheader/ Adds header to the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::SharedPtr formattedText, float topMargin) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::SharedPtr formattedText, float topMargin) ``` @@ -21,28 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System: | --- | --- | --- | | formattedText | System::SharedPtr\ | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) for header and properties of the text. | | topMargin | float | Margin on the top of page. | -## Remarks - - - - - - formattedText - - - - Text for header and properties of the text. - - - - - topMargin - - - Margin on the top of page. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) @@ -55,7 +34,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System: Adds header to the pages of file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::SharedPtr formattedText, float topMargin, float leftMargin, float rightMargin) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::SharedPtr formattedText, float topMargin, float leftMargin, float rightMargin) ``` @@ -65,240 +44,92 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System: | topMargin | float | Margin on the top of the page. | | leftMargin | float | Margin on the left of the page. | | rightMargin | float | Margin on the right of the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - - formattedText - - - Formatted text object which contains page text and its properties. - - - - - topMargin - - - Margin on the top of the page. - - - - - leftMargin - - - Margin on the left of the page. - - - - - rightMargin - - - Margin on the right of the page. - - - + ## See Also * Class [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::String, float) method +## PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::SharedPtr\, float) method -Adds image as header to the pages of the file. +Adds image as header on the pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::String imageFile, float topMargin) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::SharedPtr imageStream, float topMargin) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| imageFile | System::String | Path to the image file. | +| imageStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of the image. | | topMargin | float | Margin at top of the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - - imageFile - - - Path to the image file. - - - - - topMargin - - - Margin at top of the page. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::String, float, float, float) method +## PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::SharedPtr\, float, float, float) method -Adds image as header on the pages. +Adds image at the top of the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::String imageFile, float topMargin, float leftMargin, float rightMargin) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::SharedPtr inputStream, float topMargin, float leftMargin, float rightMargin) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| imageFile | System::String | Path to the image file. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream which contains image data. | | topMargin | float | Margin at top of the page. | | leftMargin | float | Margin at left side of the page. | | rightMargin | float | Margin at right side of the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - - imageFile - - - Path to the image file. - - - - - topMargin - - - Margin at top of the page. - - - - - leftMargin - - - Margin at left side of the page. - - - - - rightMargin - - - Margin at right side of the page. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::SharedPtr\, float) method +## PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::String, float) method -Adds image as header on the pages. +Adds image as header to the pages of the file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::SharedPtr imageStream, float topMargin) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::String imageFile, float topMargin) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| imageStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream of the image. | +| imageFile | System::String | Path to the image file. | | topMargin | float | Margin at top of the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - - imageStream - - - Stream of the image. - - - - - topMargin - - - Margin at top of the page. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::SharedPtr\, float, float, float) method +## PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::String, float, float, float) method -Adds image at the top of the page. +Adds image as header on the pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::SharedPtr inputStream, float topMargin, float leftMargin, float rightMargin) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddHeader(System::String imageFile, float topMargin, float leftMargin, float rightMargin) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream which contains image data. | +| imageFile | System::String | Path to the image file. | | topMargin | float | Margin at top of the page. | | leftMargin | float | Margin at left side of the page. | | rightMargin | float | Margin at right side of the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Stream which contains image data. - - - - - topMargin - - - Margin at top of the page. - - - - - leftMargin - - - Margin at left side of the page. - - - - - rightMargin - - - Margin at right side of the page. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addpagenumber/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addpagenumber/ index fad12b45d6..0e558d9e5d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addpagenumber/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addpagenumber/ @@ -2,325 +2,136 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber method linktitle: AddPageNumber second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber method. Add page number to file. Page number text may contain # sign which will be replaced with number of the page. Page number is placed in the bottom of the page centered horizontally in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber method. Adds page number to the page. Page number may contain # sign which will be replaced with page number. Page number is placed in the bottom of the page centered horizontally in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3600 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addpagenumber/ --- -## PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::String) method +## PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::SharedPtr\) method -Add page number to file. [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) number text may contain # sign which will be replaced with number of the page. [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) number is placed in the bottom of the page centered horizontally. +Adds page number to the page. [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) number may contain # sign which will be replaced with page number. [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) number is placed in the bottom of the page centered horizontally. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::String formatString) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::SharedPtr formattedText) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| formatString | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) of page number | -## Remarks - - - - - - formatString - - - - Text of page number - - - +| formattedText | System::SharedPtr\ | Format string for page number representes as [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/). | + ## See Also +* Class [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::SharedPtr\, float, float) method -Adds page number to the page. [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) number may contain # sign which will be replaced with page number. [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) number is placed in the bottom of the page centered horizontally. +Adds page number at the specified position on the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::SharedPtr formattedText) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::SharedPtr formattedText, float x, float y) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| formattedText | System::SharedPtr\ | Format string for page number representes as [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/). | -## Remarks - - - - - - formattedText - - - Format string for page number representes as FormattedText. - - - +| formattedText | System::SharedPtr\ | Formatted text which represents page number format and properties of the text. Format string can contain # sign which will be replaced with page number. | +| x | float | X coordinate of page number. | +| y | float | Y coordinate of page number. | + ## See Also * Class [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::String, int32_t, float, float, float, float) method +## PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) method -Adds page number to the pages of document. +Adds page number to the pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::String formatString, int32_t position, float leftMargin, float rightMargin, float topMargin, float bottomMargin) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::SharedPtr formattedText, int32_t position) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| formatString | System::String | Format string for page number. | +| formattedText | System::SharedPtr\ | [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) object which contains format of the page number and text properties. This text may contain # which will be replaced with page number. | | position | int32_t | Position where page number will be placed on the page. 0-bottom middle, 1-bottom right, 2-upper right, 3 - sides right, 4 - upper middle,5 - bottom left,6 - sides left,7 - upper left. You can use the following constants: PosBottomMiddle = 0, PosBottomRight = 1, PosUpperRight = 2, PosSidesRight = 3, PosUpperMiddle, PosBottomLeft = 5, PosSidesLeft, PosUpperLeft | -| leftMargin | float | Margin on the left edge of the page. | -| rightMargin | float | Margin on the right edge of the page. | -| topMargin | float | Margin on the top edge of the page. | -| bottomMargin | float | Margin on the bottom edge of the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - - formatString - - - Format string for page number. - - - - - position - - - Position where page number will be placed on the page. 0-bottom middle, 1-bottom right, 2-upper right, 3 - sides right, 4 - upper middle,5 - bottom left,6 - sides left,7 - upper left. You can use the following constants: PosBottomMiddle = 0, PosBottomRight = 1, PosUpperRight = 2, PosSidesRight = 3, PosUpperMiddle, PosBottomLeft = 5, PosSidesLeft, PosUpperLeft - - - - - leftMargin - - - Margin on the left edge of the page. - - - - - rightMargin - - - Margin on the right edge of the page. - - - - - topMargin - - - Margin on the top edge of the page. - - - - - bottomMargin - - - Margin on the bottom edge of the page. - - - + ## See Also +* Class [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::String, float, float) method +## PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, float, float, float, float) method -Adds page number at the specified position on the page. +Adds page number to the pages of document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::String formatString, float x, float y) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::SharedPtr formattedText, int32_t position, float leftMargin, float rightMargin, float topMargin, float bottomMargin) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| formatString | System::String | Format string. Format string can contain # sign which will be replaced with page number. | -| x | float | X coordinate of page number. | -| y | float | Y coordinate of page number. | -## Remarks - - - - - - formatString - - - Format string. Format string can contain # sign which will be replaced with page number. - - - - - x - - - X coordinate of page number. - - - - - y - - - Y coordinate of page number. - - - +| formattedText | System::SharedPtr\ | [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) object which represents page number format and properties iof the text. | +| position | int32_t | Position where page number will be placed on the page. 0-bottom middle, 1-bottom right, 2-upper right, 3 - sides right, 4 - upper middle,5 - bottom left,6 - sides left,7 - upper left. You can use the following constants: PosBottomMiddle = 0, PosBottomRight = 1, PosUpperRight = 2, PosSidesRight = 3, PosUpperMiddle, PosBottomLeft = 5, PosSidesLeft, PosUpperLeft | +| leftMargin | float | Margin on the left edge of the page. | +| rightMargin | float | Margin on the right edge of the page. | +| topMargin | float | Margin on the top edge of the page. | +| bottomMargin | float | Margin on the bottom edge of the page. | + ## See Also +* Class [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t, float, float, float, float) method +## PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::String) method -Adds page number to the pages of document. +Add page number to file. [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) number text may contain # sign which will be replaced with number of the page. [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) number is placed in the bottom of the page centered horizontally. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::SharedPtr formattedText, int32_t position, float leftMargin, float rightMargin, float topMargin, float bottomMargin) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::String formatString) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| formattedText | System::SharedPtr\ | [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) object which represents page number format and properties iof the text. | -| position | int32_t | Position where page number will be placed on the page. 0-bottom middle, 1-bottom right, 2-upper right, 3 - sides right, 4 - upper middle,5 - bottom left,6 - sides left,7 - upper left. You can use the following constants: PosBottomMiddle = 0, PosBottomRight = 1, PosUpperRight = 2, PosSidesRight = 3, PosUpperMiddle, PosBottomLeft = 5, PosSidesLeft, PosUpperLeft | -| leftMargin | float | Margin on the left edge of the page. | -| rightMargin | float | Margin on the right edge of the page. | -| topMargin | float | Margin on the top edge of the page. | -| bottomMargin | float | Margin on the bottom edge of the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - - formattedText - - - - FormattedText object which represents page number format and properties iof the text. - - - - - position - - - Position where page number will be placed on the page. 0-bottom middle, 1-bottom right, 2-upper right, 3 - sides right, 4 - upper middle,5 - bottom left,6 - sides left,7 - upper left. You can use the following constants: PosBottomMiddle = 0, PosBottomRight = 1, PosUpperRight = 2, PosSidesRight = 3, PosUpperMiddle, PosBottomLeft = 5, PosSidesLeft, PosUpperLeft - - - - - leftMargin - - - Margin on the left edge of the page. - - - - - rightMargin - - - Margin on the right edge of the page. - - - - - topMargin - - - Margin on the top edge of the page. - - - - - bottomMargin - - - Margin on the bottom edge of the page. - - - +| formatString | System::String | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) of page number | + ## See Also -* Class [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::SharedPtr\, float, float) method +## PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::String, float, float) method Adds page number at the specified position on the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::SharedPtr formattedText, float x, float y) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::String formatString, float x, float y) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| formattedText | System::SharedPtr\ | Formatted text which represents page number format and properties of the text. Format string can contain # sign which will be replaced with page number. | +| formatString | System::String | Format string. Format string can contain # sign which will be replaced with page number. | | x | float | X coordinate of page number. | | y | float | Y coordinate of page number. | -## Remarks - - - - - - formattedText - - - Formatted text which represents page number format and properties of the text. Format string can contain # sign which will be replaced with page number. - - - - - x - - - X coordinate of page number. - - - - - y - - - Y coordinate of page number. - - - + ## See Also -* Class [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -330,7 +141,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(Sys Adds page number to the pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::String formatString, int32_t position) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::String formatString, int32_t position) ``` @@ -338,71 +149,33 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(Sys | --- | --- | --- | | formatString | System::String | Format of the page number. This text may contain # which will be replaced with page number. | | position | int32_t | Position where page number will be placed on the page. 0-bottom middle, 1-bottom right, 2-upper right, 3 - sides right, 4 - upper middle,5 - bottom left,6 - sides left,7 - upper left. You can use the following constants: PosBottomMiddle = 0, PosBottomRight = 1, PosUpperRight = 2, PosSidesRight = 3, PosUpperMiddle, PosBottomLeft = 5, PosSidesLeft, PosUpperLeft | -## Remarks - - - - - - formatString - - - Format of the page number. This text may contain # which will be replaced with page number. - - - - - position - - - Position where page number will be placed on the page. 0-bottom middle, 1-bottom right, 2-upper right, 3 - sides right, 4 - upper middle,5 - bottom left,6 - sides left,7 - upper left. You can use the following constants: PosBottomMiddle = 0, PosBottomRight = 1, PosUpperRight = 2, PosSidesRight = 3, PosUpperMiddle, PosBottomLeft = 5, PosSidesLeft, PosUpperLeft - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) method +## PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::String, int32_t, float, float, float, float) method -Adds page number to the pages. +Adds page number to the pages of document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::SharedPtr formattedText, int32_t position) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddPageNumber(System::String formatString, int32_t position, float leftMargin, float rightMargin, float topMargin, float bottomMargin) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| formattedText | System::SharedPtr\ | [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) object which contains format of the page number and text properties. This text may contain # which will be replaced with page number. | +| formatString | System::String | Format string for page number. | | position | int32_t | Position where page number will be placed on the page. 0-bottom middle, 1-bottom right, 2-upper right, 3 - sides right, 4 - upper middle,5 - bottom left,6 - sides left,7 - upper left. You can use the following constants: PosBottomMiddle = 0, PosBottomRight = 1, PosUpperRight = 2, PosSidesRight = 3, PosUpperMiddle, PosBottomLeft = 5, PosSidesLeft, PosUpperLeft | -## Remarks - - - - - - formattedText - - - - FormattedText object which contains format of the page number and text properties. This text may contain # which will be replaced with page number. - - - - - position - - - Position where page number will be placed on the page. 0-bottom middle, 1-bottom right, 2-upper right, 3 - sides right, 4 - upper middle,5 - bottom left,6 - sides left,7 - upper left. You can use the following constants: PosBottomMiddle = 0, PosBottomRight = 1, PosUpperRight = 2, PosSidesRight = 3, PosUpperMiddle, PosBottomLeft = 5, PosSidesLeft, PosUpperLeft - - - +| leftMargin | float | Margin on the left edge of the page. | +| rightMargin | float | Margin on the right edge of the page. | +| topMargin | float | Margin on the top edge of the page. | +| bottomMargin | float | Margin on the bottom edge of the page. | + ## See Also -* Class [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addstamp/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addstamp/ index 7bf3e1d273..d646baa7cc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addstamp/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addstamp/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddStamp second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddStamp method. Adds stamp to the file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3500 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addstamp/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::AddStamp method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/addstamp/ Adds stamp to the file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddStamp(System::SharedPtr stamp) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::AddStamp(System::SharedPtr stamp) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | stamp | System::SharedPtr\ | [Stamp](../../stamp/) object which. | -## Remarks - - - - - stamp - - - - Stamp object which. - - - ## See Also * Class [Stamp](../../stamp/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/close/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/close/ index 631cd2e320..e34129d50d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/close/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/close/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Close second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::Close method. Closes opened files and saves changes. Warning. If input or output streams are specified they are not closed by Close() method in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3300 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/close/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::Close method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/close/ Closes opened files and saves changes. Warning. If input or output streams are specified they are not closed by [Close()](./) method. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::Close() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::Close() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_attachmentname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_attachmentname/ index 9221a92187..9576175953 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_attachmentname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_attachmentname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AttachmentName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_AttachmentName method. Gets name of attachment when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse objects as attachment in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3000 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_attachmentname/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::get_AttachmentName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_attachmentname/ Gets name of attachment when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse objects as attachment. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_AttachmentName() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_AttachmentName() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_contentdisposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_contentdisposition/ index e25b18b6f9..052556547b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_contentdisposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_contentdisposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ContentDisposition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_ContentDisposition method. Gets how content will be stored when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse object. Possible value: inline / attachment. Default: inline in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_contentdisposition/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::get_ContentDisposition method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_contentdisposition/ Gets how content will be stored when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse object. Possible value: inline / attachment. Default: inline. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::ContentDisposition Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_ContentDisposition() const +Aspose::Pdf::ContentDisposition Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_ContentDisposition() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_inputfile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_inputfile/ index b4d9a4f079..1de7baf4f5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_inputfile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_inputfile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_InputFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_InputFile method. Gets name and path of input file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_inputfile/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::get_InputFile method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_inputfile/ Gets name and path of input file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_InputFile() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_InputFile() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_inputstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_inputstream/ index 1e75a692dd..1a574c77fb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_inputstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_inputstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_InputStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_InputStream method. Gets input stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_inputstream/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::get_InputStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_inputstream/ Gets input stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_InputStream() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_InputStream() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_keepsecurity/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_keepsecurity/ index a92e08c15d..93d0ecfeab 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_keepsecurity/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_keepsecurity/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_KeepSecurity second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_KeepSecurity method. Keeps security if true. (This feature will be implemented in next versions) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_keepsecurity/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::get_KeepSecurity method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_keepsecurity/ Keeps security if true. (This feature will be implemented in next versions). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_KeepSecurity() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_KeepSecurity() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_numberingstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_numberingstyle/ index 5c94adb11f..d4331992ba 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_numberingstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_numberingstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_NumberingStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_NumberingStyle method. Gets pabge numbering style. Possible values: NumeralsArabic, NumeralsRomanUppercase, NumeralsRomanLowercase, LettersAppercase, LettersLowercase in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_numberingstyle/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::get_NumberingStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_numberingstyle/ Gets pabge numbering style. Possible values: NumeralsArabic, NumeralsRomanUppercase, NumeralsRomanLowercase, LettersAppercase, LettersLowercase. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::NumberingStyle Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_NumberingStyle() const +Aspose::Pdf::NumberingStyle Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_NumberingStyle() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_optimizesize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_optimizesize/ index c3268b26fe..70df2b847b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_optimizesize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_optimizesize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OptimizeSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_OptimizeSize method. Gets optimization flag. Equal resource streams in resultant file are merged into one PDF object if this flag set. This allows to decrease resultant file size but may cause slower execution and larger memory requirements. Default value: false in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_optimizesize/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::get_OptimizeSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_optimizesize/ Gets optimization flag. Equal resource streams in resultant file are merged into one PDF object if this flag set. This allows to decrease resultant file size but may cause slower execution and larger memory requirements. Default value: false. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_OptimizeSize() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_OptimizeSize() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_outputfile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_outputfile/ index 58711d8480..2a0848313c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_outputfile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_outputfile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OutputFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_OutputFile method. Gets name and path of output file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_outputfile/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::get_OutputFile method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_outputfile/ Gets name and path of output file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_OutputFile() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_OutputFile() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_outputstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_outputstream/ index 216113ceaf..012242af87 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_outputstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_outputstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_OutputStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_OutputStream method. Gets output stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_outputstream/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::get_OutputStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_outputstream/ Gets output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_OutputStream() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_OutputStream() const ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_pageheight/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_pageheight/ index 84ef55ec26..aaf0288051 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_pageheight/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_pageheight/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_pageheight/ Gets height of first page in souorce file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_PageHeight() +float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_PageHeight() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_pagenumberrotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_pagenumberrotation/ index e7cb8ea743..6f0b0c3a02 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_pagenumberrotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_pagenumberrotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PageNumberRotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_PageNumberRotation method. Gets rotation of page number. Rotation is in degrees. Default is 0 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_pagenumberrotation/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::get_PageNumberRotation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_pagenumberrotation/ Gets rotation of page number. Rotation is in degrees. Default is 0. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_PageNumberRotation() +float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_PageNumberRotation() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_pagewidth/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_pagewidth/ index c0c3ac3830..8fb4882cfc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_pagewidth/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_pagewidth/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PageWidth second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_PageWidth method. Gets width of first page in input file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_pagewidth/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::get_PageWidth method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_pagewidth/ Gets width of first page in input file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_PageWidth() +float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_PageWidth() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_response/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_response/ index c1cca733fb..6c8027dcf0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_response/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_response/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Response second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_Response method. Gets Response object where result of operation will be stored in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2600 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_response/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::get_Response method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_response/ Gets Response object where result of operation will be stored. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_Response() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_Response() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_saveoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_saveoptions/ index 5bf3ecf7c1..79a9b3032f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_saveoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_saveoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SaveOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_SaveOptions method. Gets save options when result is stored as HttpResponse. Default value: PdfSaveOptions in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_saveoptions/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::get_SaveOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_saveoptions/ Gets save options when result is stored as HttpResponse. Default value: [PdfSaveOptions](../../../aspose.pdf/pdfsaveoptions/). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_SaveOptions() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_SaveOptions() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_stampid/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_stampid/ index 40858c14cf..cfffaad6cb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_stampid/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_stampid/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_StampId second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_StampId method. Stamp ID of next added stamp (incluiding page headers/hooters/page numbers) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_stampid/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::get_StampId method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_stampid/ [Stamp](../../stamp/) ID of next added stamp (incluiding page headers/hooters/page numbers). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_StampId() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_StampId() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_startingnumber/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_startingnumber/ index 31c9c4a6d6..60b39a27ab 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_startingnumber/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_startingnumber/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_StartingNumber second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_StartingNumber method. Gets starting number for first page in input file. Next pages will be numbered starting from this value. For example if StartingNumber is set to 100, document pages will have numbers 100, 101, 102 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_startingnumber/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::get_StartingNumber method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/get_startingnumber/ Gets starting number for first page in input file. Next pages will be numbered starting from this value. For example if StartingNumber is set to 100, document pages will have numbers 100, 101, 102... ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_StartingNumber() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::get_StartingNumber() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/pdffilestamp/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/pdffilestamp/ index 45ed9746c5..e9b1f04dc0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/pdffilestamp/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/pdffilestamp/ @@ -2,435 +2,228 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp constructor linktitle: PdfFileStamp second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp constructor. Constructor for PdfFileStamp in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp constructor. Constructor of the PdfFileStamp. Input file and output file may be specified via corresponding properties in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/pdffilestamp/ --- -## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::String, System::String) constructor +## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp() constructor -Constructor for [PdfFileStamp](../). +Constructor of the [PdfFileStamp](../). Input file and output file may be specified via corresponding properties. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp() ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input file name and path. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output file name and path. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - inputFile - - - Input file name and path. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output file name and path. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor for [PdfFileStamp](../). +Initializes new [PdfFileStamp](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input stream. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - inputStream - - - Input stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output stream. - - - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::String, System::String, bool) constructor +## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor for [PdfFileStamp](../). +Initializes new [PdfFileStamp](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, bool keepSecurity) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Input file name and path. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output file name and path. | -| keepSecurity | bool | Keep security if true. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - inputFile - - - Input file name and path. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output file name and path. - - - - - keepSecurity - - - Keep security if true. - - - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, bool) constructor +## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor -Constructor of [PdfFileStamp](../). +Initializes new [PdfFileStamp](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, bool keepSecurity) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr document, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input stream. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream. | -| keepSecurity | bool | Keep security if true. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - inputStream - - - Input stream. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output stream. - - - - - keepSecurity - - - Keep security if true. - - - +| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output file name and path. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp() constructor +## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor of the [PdfFileStamp](../). Input file and output file may be specified via corresponding properties. +Constructor for [PdfFileStamp](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input stream. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, bool) constructor -Initializes new [PdfFileStamp](../) object on base of the *document* . +Constructor of [PdfFileStamp](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr outputStream, bool keepSecurity) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input stream. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream. | +| keepSecurity | bool | Keep security if true. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr\, System::String) constructor +## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes new [PdfFileStamp](../) object on base of the *document* . +Creates [PdfFileStamp](../) which will save result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr document, System::String outputFile) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -| outputFile | System::String | Output file name and path. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - - - outputFile - - - Output file name and path. - - - +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream with input document. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be saved. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes new [PdfFileStamp](../) object on base of the *document* . +Creates [PdfFileStamp](../) which will save result into HttpResponse object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr document, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::String inputFile, System::SharedPtr response) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output stream. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output stream. - - - +| inputFile | System::String | Source file name. | +| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be saved. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::String, System::String) constructor -Creates [PdfFileStamp](../) which will save result into HttpResponse object. +Constructor for [PdfFileStamp](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr response) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream with input document. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be saved. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - inputStream - - - Stream with input document. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be saved. - - - +| inputFile | System::String | Input file name and path. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output file name and path. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::String, System::String, bool) constructor -Creates [PdfFileStamp](../) which will save result into HttpResponse object. +Constructor for [PdfFileStamp](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::String inputFile, System::SharedPtr response) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PdfFileStamp(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile, bool keepSecurity) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | Source file name. | -| response | System::SharedPtr\ | HttpResponse object where result will be saved. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use constructor without destination. - - - - - inputFile - - - Source file name. - - - - - response - - - HttpResponse object where result will be saved. - - - +| inputFile | System::String | Input file name and path. | +| outputFile | System::String | Output file name and path. | +| keepSecurity | bool | Keep security if true. | + +## Deprecated +Use constructor without destination. + ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottomleft/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottomleft/ index 1448cef95a..e19c58d6bd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottomleft/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottomleft/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PosBottomLeft second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosBottomLeft field. Bottom left position in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4400 +weight: 3900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottomleft/ --- ## PosBottomLeft field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottomleft/ Bottom left position. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosBottomLeft +static const int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosBottomLeft ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottommiddle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottommiddle/ index 94fb20eeb5..58e53a3023 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottommiddle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottommiddle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PosBottomMiddle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosBottomMiddle field. Bottom middle position in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3900 +weight: 4000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottommiddle/ --- ## PosBottomMiddle field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottommiddle/ Bottom middle position. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosBottomMiddle +static const int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosBottomMiddle ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottomright/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottomright/ index 5dde1602d9..a429535e1f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottomright/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottomright/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PosBottomRight second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosBottomRight field. Bottom right position in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4000 +weight: 4100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottomright/ --- ## PosBottomRight field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posbottomright/ Bottom right position. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosBottomRight +static const int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosBottomRight ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/possidesleft/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/possidesleft/ index 72cc012a5f..86ebbc252a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/possidesleft/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/possidesleft/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PosSidesLeft second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosSidesLeft field. Left position in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4500 +weight: 4200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/possidesleft/ --- ## PosSidesLeft field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/possidesleft/ Left position. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosSidesLeft +static const int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosSidesLeft ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/possidesright/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/possidesright/ index 2ab36fb4d3..b1d532438b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/possidesright/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/possidesright/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PosSidesRight second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosSidesRight field. Right position in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4200 +weight: 4300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/possidesright/ --- ## PosSidesRight field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/possidesright/ Right position. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosSidesRight +static const int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosSidesRight ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posupperleft/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posupperleft/ index dda8c99476..7581c3cef0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posupperleft/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posupperleft/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PosUpperLeft second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosUpperLeft field. Upper let position in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4600 +weight: 4400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posupperleft/ --- ## PosUpperLeft field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posupperleft/ Upper let position. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosUpperLeft +static const int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosUpperLeft ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posuppermiddle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posuppermiddle/ index 1ad33f5eb9..7b0ee8ca16 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posuppermiddle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posuppermiddle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PosUpperMiddle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosUpperMiddle field. Upper middle position in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4300 +weight: 4500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posuppermiddle/ --- ## PosUpperMiddle field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posuppermiddle/ Upper middle position. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosUpperMiddle +static const int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosUpperMiddle ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posupperright/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posupperright/ index a3082c4a68..39d193a21a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posupperright/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posupperright/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PosUpperRight second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosUpperRight field. Right upper position in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4100 +weight: 4600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posupperright/ --- ## PosUpperRight field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/posupperright/ Right upper position. ```cpp -static const ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosUpperRight +static const int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::PosUpperRight ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/save/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/save/ index 47a6062e26..25aa341002 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/save/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/save/ @@ -2,68 +2,44 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::Save method linktitle: Save second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::Save method. Saves result into specified file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::Save method. Saves document into specified stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3400 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/save/ --- -## PdfFileStamp::Save(System::String) method +## PdfFileStamp::Save(System::SharedPtr\) method -Saves result into specified file. +Saves document into specified stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::Save(System::String destFile) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::Save(System::SharedPtr destStream) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| destFile | System::String | Path to file where document will be saved. | -## Remarks - +| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where document will be saved. | - - - - destFile - - - Path to file where document will be saved. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfFileStamp::Save(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfFileStamp::Save(System::String) method -Saves document into specified stream. +Saves result into specified file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::Save(System::SharedPtr destStream) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::Save(System::String destFile) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where document will be saved. | -## Remarks - +| destFile | System::String | Path to file where document will be saved. | - - - - destStream - - - Stream where document will be saved. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_attachmentname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_attachmentname/ index 4f17c56261..e9b96acbb6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_attachmentname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_attachmentname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AttachmentName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_AttachmentName method. Sets name of attachment when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse objects as attachment in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3100 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_attachmentname/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::set_AttachmentName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_attachmentname/ Sets name of attachment when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse objects as attachment. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_AttachmentName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_AttachmentName(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_contentdisposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_contentdisposition/ index 2620156d6e..fd6e002ecb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_contentdisposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_contentdisposition/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_contentdisposition/ Sets how content will be stored when result of operation is stored into HttpResponse object. Possible value: inline / attachment. Default: inline. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_ContentDisposition(Aspose::Pdf::ContentDisposition value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_ContentDisposition(Aspose::Pdf::ContentDisposition value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_convertto/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_convertto/ index 36a0346e30..6a44977dec 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_convertto/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_convertto/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ConvertTo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_ConvertTo method. Sets PDF file format. Result file will be saved in specified file format. If this property is not specified then file will be save in default PDF format without conversion in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 2600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_convertto/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::set_ConvertTo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_convertto/ Sets PDF file format. Result file will be saved in specified file format. If this property is not specified then file will be save in default PDF format without conversion. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_ConvertTo(PdfFormat value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_ConvertTo(PdfFormat value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_inputfile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_inputfile/ index 5c87fb7723..db63e0c3d2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_inputfile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_inputfile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_InputFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_InputFile method. Sets name and path of input file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_inputfile/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::set_InputFile method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_inputfile/ Sets name and path of input file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_InputFile(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_InputFile(System::String value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputFile) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_inputstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_inputstream/ index 3e632275b0..f16a6fa6e4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_inputstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_inputstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_InputStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_InputStream method. Sets input stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_inputstream/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::set_InputStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_inputstream/ Sets input stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_InputStream(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_InputStream(System::SharedPtr value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - Deprecated - - Use BindPdf(inputStream) method for facade initialization. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_keepsecurity/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_keepsecurity/ index 73f66f3768..8c5ae162e1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_keepsecurity/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_keepsecurity/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_KeepSecurity second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_KeepSecurity method. Keeps security if true. (This feature will be implemented in next versions) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 2900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_keepsecurity/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::set_KeepSecurity method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_keepsecurity/ Keeps security if true. (This feature will be implemented in next versions). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_KeepSecurity(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_KeepSecurity(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_numberingstyle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_numberingstyle/ index 528836d822..7d4cfb5443 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_numberingstyle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_numberingstyle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_NumberingStyle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_NumberingStyle method. Sets pabge numbering style. Possible values: NumeralsArabic, NumeralsRomanUppercase, NumeralsRomanLowercase, LettersAppercase, LettersLowercase in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 3000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_numberingstyle/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::set_NumberingStyle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_numberingstyle/ Sets pabge numbering style. Possible values: NumeralsArabic, NumeralsRomanUppercase, NumeralsRomanLowercase, LettersAppercase, LettersLowercase. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_NumberingStyle(Aspose::Pdf::NumberingStyle value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_NumberingStyle(Aspose::Pdf::NumberingStyle value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_optimizesize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_optimizesize/ index e64aaefabc..0abebed940 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_optimizesize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_optimizesize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OptimizeSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_OptimizeSize method. Sets optimization flag. Equal resource streams in resultant file are merged into one PDF object if this flag set. This allows to decrease resultant file size but may cause slower execution and larger memory requirements. Default value: false in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 3100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_optimizesize/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::set_OptimizeSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_optimizesize/ Sets optimization flag. Equal resource streams in resultant file are merged into one PDF object if this flag set. This allows to decrease resultant file size but may cause slower execution and larger memory requirements. Default value: false. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_OptimizeSize(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_OptimizeSize(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_outputfile/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_outputfile/ index 2cb288e32e..275748cf84 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_outputfile/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_outputfile/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OutputFile second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_OutputFile method. Sets name and path of output file in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 3200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_outputfile/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::set_OutputFile method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_outputfile/ Sets name and path of output file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_OutputFile(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_OutputFile(System::String value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputFile) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_outputstream/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_outputstream/ index 7fee2168e1..ef19c8ae90 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_outputstream/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_outputstream/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_OutputStream second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_OutputStream method. Sets output stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 3300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_outputstream/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::set_OutputStream method @@ -13,18 +13,13 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_outputstream/ Sets output stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_OutputStream(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_OutputStream(System::SharedPtr value) ``` -## Remarks +## Deprecated +Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - Deprecated - - Use Save(outputStream) method for getting facade results. - - ## See Also * Class [PdfFileStamp](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_pagenumberrotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_pagenumberrotation/ index c16c049789..cfbea9404b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_pagenumberrotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_pagenumberrotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PageNumberRotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_PageNumberRotation method. Sets rotation of page number. Rotation is in degrees. Default is 0 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 3400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_pagenumberrotation/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::set_PageNumberRotation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_pagenumberrotation/ Sets rotation of page number. Rotation is in degrees. Default is 0. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_PageNumberRotation(float value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_PageNumberRotation(float value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_response/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_response/ index de3676df00..66e2160692 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_response/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_response/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Response second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_Response method. Sets Response object where result of operation will be stored in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 3500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_response/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::set_Response method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_response/ Sets Response object where result of operation will be stored. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_Response(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_Response(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_saveoptions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_saveoptions/ index 2d48974e47..a0ecd3bd89 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_saveoptions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_saveoptions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SaveOptions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_SaveOptions method. Sets save options when result is stored as HttpResponse. Default value: PdfSaveOptions in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2900 +weight: 3600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_saveoptions/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::set_SaveOptions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_saveoptions/ Sets save options when result is stored as HttpResponse. Default value: [PdfSaveOptions](../../../aspose.pdf/pdfsaveoptions/). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_SaveOptions(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_SaveOptions(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_stampid/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_stampid/ index ec1aa732f1..8b7e5e6aa2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_stampid/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_stampid/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_StampId second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_StampId method. Stamp ID of next added stamp (incluiding page headers/hooters/page numbers) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 3700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_stampid/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::set_StampId method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_stampid/ [Stamp](../../stamp/) ID of next added stamp (incluiding page headers/hooters/page numbers). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_StampId(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_StampId(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_startingnumber/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_startingnumber/ index 0548b049bb..61825048ba 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_startingnumber/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_startingnumber/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_StartingNumber second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_StartingNumber method. Sets starting number for first page in input file. Next pages will be numbered starting from this value. For example if StartingNumber is set to 100, document pages will have numbers 100, 101, 102 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 3800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_startingnumber/ --- ## PdfFileStamp::set_StartingNumber method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdffilestamp/set_startingnumber/ Sets starting number for first page in input file. Next pages will be numbered starting from this value. For example if StartingNumber is set to 100, document pages will have numbers 100, 101, 102... ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_StartingNumber(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfFileStamp::set_StartingNumber(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfjavascriptstripper/strip/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfjavascriptstripper/strip/ index 084c1e45c6..399dd2570d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfjavascriptstripper/strip/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfjavascriptstripper/strip/ @@ -2,94 +2,54 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfJavaScriptStripper::Strip method linktitle: Strip second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfJavaScriptStripper::Strip method. Remove Java Script from document in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfJavaScriptStripper::Strip method. Remove Java Script from the document in C++.' type: docs weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfjavascriptstripper/strip/ --- -## PdfJavaScriptStripper::Strip(System::String, System::String) method +## PdfJavaScriptStripper::Strip(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Remove Java Script from document. +Remove Java Script from the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfJavaScriptStripper::Strip(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfJavaScriptStripper::Strip(System::SharedPtr inStream, System::SharedPtr outStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFile | System::String | File containig the document. | -| outputFile | System::String | File where document will be stored. | +| inStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream containing document. | +| outStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where the document will be stored. | ### ReturnValue true if JavaScript was stripped successfully. -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFile - - - File containig the document. - - - - - outputFile - - - File where document will be stored. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfJavaScriptStripper](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfJavaScriptStripper::Strip(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfJavaScriptStripper::Strip(System::String, System::String) method -Remove Java Script from the document. +Remove Java Script from document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfJavaScriptStripper::Strip(System::SharedPtr inStream, System::SharedPtr outStream) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfJavaScriptStripper::Strip(System::String inputFile, System::String outputFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream containing document. | -| outStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where the document will be stored. | +| inputFile | System::String | File containig the document. | +| outputFile | System::String | File where document will be stored. | ### ReturnValue true if JavaScript was stripped successfully. -## Remarks - - - - - - inStream - - - Stream containing document. - - - - - outStream - - - Stream where the document will be stored. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfJavaScriptStripper](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/applychanges/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/applychanges/ index 54db5f903e..3093827a77 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/applychanges/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/applychanges/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ApplyChanges second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::ApplyChanges method. Apply changes made to the document pages in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/applychanges/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::ApplyChanges method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/applychanges/ Apply changes made to the document pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::ApplyChanges() +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::ApplyChanges() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/blindh/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/blindh/ index 4c231f6358..2aa62525a5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/blindh/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/blindh/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BLINDH second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::BLINDH field. Vertical Blinds in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3400 +weight: 2900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/blindh/ --- ## BLINDH field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/blindh/ Vertical Blinds. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::BLINDH +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::BLINDH ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/blindv/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/blindv/ index 272c224b3a..3f86a8705f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/blindv/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/blindv/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BLINDV second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::BLINDV field. Vertical Blinds in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3300 +weight: 3000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/blindv/ --- ## BLINDV field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/blindv/ Vertical Blinds. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::BLINDV +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::BLINDV ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/btwipe/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/btwipe/ index 66dc657232..e7d3fdaf83 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/btwipe/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/btwipe/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BTWIPE second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::BTWIPE field. Bottom-Top Wipe in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3900 +weight: 3100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/btwipe/ --- ## BTWIPE field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/btwipe/ Bottom-Top Wipe. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::BTWIPE +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::BTWIPE ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/dglitter/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/dglitter/ index 7955a7c9c7..5ca358e5f8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/dglitter/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/dglitter/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DGLITTER second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::DGLITTER field. Diagonal Glitter in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4400 +weight: 3200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/dglitter/ --- ## DGLITTER field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/dglitter/ Diagonal Glitter. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::DGLITTER +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::DGLITTER ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/dissolve/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/dissolve/ index a0ad41bc26..0b5ff72c06 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/dissolve/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/dissolve/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DISSOLVE second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::DISSOLVE field. The old page dissolves in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4100 +weight: 3300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/dissolve/ --- ## DISSOLVE field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/dissolve/ The old page dissolves. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::DISSOLVE +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::DISSOLVE ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_displayduration/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_displayduration/ index 96bf50c991..63b4d22372 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_displayduration/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_displayduration/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DisplayDuration second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_DisplayDuration method. Gets display duration for pages in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_displayduration/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::get_DisplayDuration method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_displayduration/ Gets display duration for pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_DisplayDuration() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_DisplayDuration() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_horizontalalignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_horizontalalignment/ index a1142d1cd6..b455cd4cac 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_horizontalalignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_horizontalalignment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_HorizontalAlignment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_HorizontalAlignment method. Gets the horizontal alignment of the original PDF content on the result page, default is AlignmentType.Left in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_horizontalalignment/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::get_HorizontalAlignment method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_horizontalalignment/ Gets the horizontal alignment of the original PDF content on the result page, default is AlignmentType.Left. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_HorizontalAlignment() +Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_HorizontalAlignment() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_pagerotations/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_pagerotations/ index b5a09d323b..ab669dcf98 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_pagerotations/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_pagerotations/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PageRotations second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_PageRotations method. A hashtable contains the page number and rotation degree, the key represents the page number, the value of key represents the rotation in degrees in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_pagerotations/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::get_PageRotations method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_pagerotations/ A hashtable contains the page number and rotation degree, the key represents the page number, the value of key represents the rotation in degrees. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_PageRotations() +System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_PageRotations() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_pagesize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_pagesize/ index d827c5096b..7b46635e79 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_pagesize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_pagesize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PageSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_PageSize method. Gets the output file''s page size in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_pagesize/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::get_PageSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_pagesize/ Gets the output file's page size. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_PageSize() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_PageSize() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_processpages/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_processpages/ index 3af17220ff..0e0a9bf3fa 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_processpages/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_processpages/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_processpages/ Gets the page numbers to be edited. By default, each page would be edited. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_ProcessPages() +System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_ProcessPages() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_rotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_rotation/ index 2829533152..158a73006b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_rotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_rotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Rotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_Rotation method. Gets the rotation of the pages, the rotation must be 0, 90, 180 or 270. Default value is 0 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_rotation/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::get_Rotation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_rotation/ Gets the rotation of the pages, the rotation must be 0, 90, 180 or 270. Default value is 0. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_Rotation() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_Rotation() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_transitionduration/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_transitionduration/ index 0170c7cd85..30f56a5b41 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_transitionduration/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_transitionduration/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TransitionDuration second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_TransitionDuration method. Gets duration of the transition effect in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_transitionduration/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::get_TransitionDuration method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_transitionduration/ Gets duration of the transition effect. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_TransitionDuration() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_TransitionDuration() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_transitiontype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_transitiontype/ index e38fb8e31a..c4b7a40a21 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_transitiontype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_transitiontype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TransitionType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_TransitionType method. Gets transition style to use when moving to this page from another during a presentation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_transitiontype/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::get_TransitionType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_transitiontype/ Gets transition style to use when moving to this page from another during a presentation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_TransitionType() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_TransitionType() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_verticalalignmenttype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_verticalalignmenttype/ index 6f6c669105..85e4f43982 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_verticalalignmenttype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_verticalalignmenttype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_VerticalAlignmentType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_VerticalAlignmentType method. Gets or Sets the vertical alignment of the original PDF content on the result page, default is VerticalAlignmentType.Bottom in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_verticalalignmenttype/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::get_VerticalAlignmentType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_verticalalignmenttype/ Gets or Sets the vertical alignment of the original PDF content on the result page, default is VerticalAlignmentType.Bottom. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::VerticalAlignment Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_VerticalAlignmentType() +Aspose::Pdf::VerticalAlignment Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_VerticalAlignmentType() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_zoom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_zoom/ index ecef6fb86d..f41a335315 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_zoom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_zoom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Zoom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_Zoom method. Get or sets zoom coefficient. Value 1.0 corresponds to 100%. Default value is 1.0 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_zoom/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::get_Zoom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/get_zoom/ Get or sets zoom coefficient. Value 1.0 corresponds to 100%. Default value is 1.0. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_Zoom() +float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::get_Zoom() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpageboxsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpageboxsize/ index 3ee9bd2817..d9f6901504 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpageboxsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpageboxsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetPageBoxSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::GetPageBoxSize method. Returns size of specified box in document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2600 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpageboxsize/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::GetPageBoxSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpageboxsize/ Returns size of specified box in document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Drawing::Rectangle Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::GetPageBoxSize(int32_t page, System::String pageBoxName) +System::Drawing::Rectangle Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::GetPageBoxSize(int32_t page, System::String pageBoxName) ``` @@ -25,28 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Drawing::Rectangle Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEd ### ReturnValue [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) which contains requested box. -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - - Page index. Document pages are numbered from 1. - - - - - pageBoxName - - - Box type name. Valid values are: "art", "bleed", "crop", "media", "trim". - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfPageEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpagerotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpagerotation/ index e9ffd7ac18..861eb1a5b3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpagerotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpagerotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetPageRotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::GetPageRotation method. Returns the rotation of specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpagerotation/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::GetPageRotation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpagerotation/ Returns the rotation of specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::GetPageRotation(int32_t page) +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::GetPageRotation(int32_t page) ``` @@ -24,20 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::GetPageRotati ### ReturnValue [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) rotation in degrees. -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - - Page index. Document pages are numbered from 1. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfPageEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpages/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpages/ index 3a02205e28..3c39421a13 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpages/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpages/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetPages second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::GetPages method. Returns total number of pages in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpages/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::GetPages method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpages/ Returns total number of pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::GetPages() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::GetPages() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpagesize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpagesize/ index 673a7a04db..a9dc304999 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpagesize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpagesize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetPageSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::GetPageSize method. Returns the page size of the specified page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpagesize/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::GetPageSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/getpagesize/ Returns the page size of the specified page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::GetPageSize(int32_t page) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::GetPageSize(int32_t page) ``` @@ -24,20 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Faca ### ReturnValue Result is instance of [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/). Use Width and Height properties of the returned object to get page width and height. -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - - Page index. Document pages are numbered from 1. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PageSize](../../../aspose.pdf/pagesize/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/inbox/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/inbox/ index 4c0a00754e..b625521164 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/inbox/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/inbox/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: INBOX second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::INBOX field. Inward Box in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3500 +weight: 3400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/inbox/ --- ## INBOX field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/inbox/ Inward Box. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::INBOX +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::INBOX ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/lrglitter/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/lrglitter/ index e4cd5d9ab9..2900b1b9a9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/lrglitter/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/lrglitter/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: LRGLITTER second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::LRGLITTER field. Left-Right Glitter in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4200 +weight: 3500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/lrglitter/ --- ## LRGLITTER field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/lrglitter/ Left-Right Glitter. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::LRGLITTER +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::LRGLITTER ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/lrwipe/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/lrwipe/ index 6eef1730fd..aedddb6860 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/lrwipe/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/lrwipe/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: LRWIPE second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::LRWIPE field. Left-Right Wipe in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3700 +weight: 3600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/lrwipe/ --- ## LRWIPE field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/lrwipe/ Left-Right Wipe. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::LRWIPE +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::LRWIPE ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/moveposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/moveposition/ index 2c7d848d67..7ac06331dc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/moveposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/moveposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: MovePosition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::MovePosition method. Moves the origin from (0, 0) to the point that appointted. The origin is left-bottom and the unit is point(1 inch = 72 points) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/moveposition/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::MovePosition method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/moveposition/ Moves the origin from (0, 0) to the point that appointted. The origin is left-bottom and the unit is point(1 inch = 72 points). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::MovePosition(float moveX, float moveY) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::MovePosition(float moveX, float moveY) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::MovePosition(flo | --- | --- | --- | | moveX | float | X-coordinate. | | moveY | float | Y-coordinate. | -## Remarks - - - - - moveX - - - X-coordinate. - - - - - moveY - - - Y-coordinate. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfPageEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/outbox/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/outbox/ index aca1d74c4c..041d545dbb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/outbox/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/outbox/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: OUTBOX second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::OUTBOX field. Outward Box in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3600 +weight: 3700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/outbox/ --- ## OUTBOX field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/outbox/ Outward Box. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::OUTBOX +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::OUTBOX ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/pdfpageeditor/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/pdfpageeditor/ index 666d7fbe82..5e04b2da0d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/pdfpageeditor/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/pdfpageeditor/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PdfPageEditor second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::PdfPageEditor constructor. Constructor for PdfPageEditor class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/pdfpageeditor/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::PdfPageEditor() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/pdfpageeditor/ Constructor for [PdfPageEditor](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::PdfPageEditor() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::PdfPageEditor() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,27 +27,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::PdfPageEditor() Constructor for [PdfPageEditor](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::PdfPageEditor(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::PdfPageEditor(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) object which should be processed. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - - Document object which should be processed. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/rlwipe/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/rlwipe/ index 784443d00f..50d7c43bfe 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/rlwipe/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/rlwipe/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/rlwipe/ Right-Left Wipe. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::RLWIPE +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::RLWIPE ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/save/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/save/ index 1f46f623c1..da786f2fad 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/save/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/save/ @@ -2,68 +2,44 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::Save method linktitle: Save second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::Save method. Saves changed document into file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::Save method. Saves changed document into stream in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/save/ --- -## PdfPageEditor::Save(System::String) method +## PdfPageEditor::Save(System::SharedPtr\) method -Saves changed document into file. +Saves changed document into stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::Save(System::String outputFile) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::Save(System::SharedPtr outputStream) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputFile | System::String | Path to file where document will be saved. | -## Remarks - +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where changed PDF document will be saved. | - - - - outputFile - - - Path to file where document will be saved. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfPageEditor](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfPageEditor::Save(System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfPageEditor::Save(System::String) method -Saves changed document into stream. +Saves changed document into file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::Save(System::SharedPtr outputStream) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::Save(System::String outputFile) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream where changed PDF document will be saved. | -## Remarks - +| outputFile | System::String | Path to file where document will be saved. | - - - - outputStream - - - Stream where changed PDF document will be saved. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfPageEditor](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_displayduration/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_displayduration/ index 08ca8eb50f..47dd4abf66 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_displayduration/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_displayduration/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_DisplayDuration second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_DisplayDuration method. Sets display duration for pages in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_displayduration/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::set_DisplayDuration method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_displayduration/ Sets display duration for pages. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_DisplayDuration(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_DisplayDuration(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_horizontalalignment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_horizontalalignment/ index 7d433abd22..0fe9552d32 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_horizontalalignment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_horizontalalignment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_HorizontalAlignment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_HorizontalAlignment method. Sets the horizontal alignment of the original PDF content on the result page, default is AlignmentType.Left in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_horizontalalignment/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::set_HorizontalAlignment method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_horizontalalignment/ Sets the horizontal alignment of the original PDF content on the result page, default is AlignmentType.Left. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_HorizontalAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_HorizontalAlignment(Aspose::Pdf::HorizontalAlignment value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_pagerotations/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_pagerotations/ index 873aec2409..f2055bd3bf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_pagerotations/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_pagerotations/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PageRotations second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_PageRotations method. A hashtable contains the page number and rotation degree, the key represents the page number, the value of key represents the rotation in degrees in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_pagerotations/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::set_PageRotations method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_pagerotations/ A hashtable contains the page number and rotation degree, the key represents the page number, the value of key represents the rotation in degrees. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_PageRotations(System::SharedPtr> value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_PageRotations(System::SharedPtr> value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_pagesize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_pagesize/ index 922e3d18cf..683125687a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_pagesize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_pagesize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PageSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_PageSize method. Sets the output file''s page size in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_pagesize/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::set_PageSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_pagesize/ Sets the output file's page size. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_PageSize(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_PageSize(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_processpages/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_processpages/ index 5a8460e6fd..9804cd6073 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_processpages/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_processpages/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ProcessPages second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_ProcessPages method. Sets the page numbers to be edited. By default, each page would be edited in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_processpages/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::set_ProcessPages method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_processpages/ Sets the page numbers to be edited. By default, each page would be edited. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_ProcessPages(System::ArrayPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_ProcessPages(System::ArrayPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_rotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_rotation/ index 4ef4483541..0099a0f464 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_rotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_rotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Rotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_Rotation method. Sets the rotation of the pages, the rotation must be 0, 90, 180 or 270. Default value is 0 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_rotation/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::set_Rotation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_rotation/ Sets the rotation of the pages, the rotation must be 0, 90, 180 or 270. Default value is 0. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_Rotation(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_Rotation(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_transitionduration/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_transitionduration/ index c3e2666d6a..f6e7a4dd33 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_transitionduration/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_transitionduration/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TransitionDuration second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_TransitionDuration method. Sets duration of the transition effect in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_transitionduration/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::set_TransitionDuration method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_transitionduration/ Sets duration of the transition effect. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_TransitionDuration(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_TransitionDuration(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_transitiontype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_transitiontype/ index de268f381d..0ae1e28feb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_transitiontype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_transitiontype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TransitionType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_TransitionType method. Sets transition style to use when moving to this page from another during a presentation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 2600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_transitiontype/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::set_TransitionType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_transitiontype/ Sets transition style to use when moving to this page from another during a presentation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_TransitionType(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_TransitionType(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_verticalalignmenttype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_verticalalignmenttype/ index 2149912ffc..6b5f3cfd7d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_verticalalignmenttype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_verticalalignmenttype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_VerticalAlignmentType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_VerticalAlignmentType method. Gets or Sets the vertical alignment of the original PDF content on the result page, default is VerticalAlignmentType.Bottom in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_verticalalignmenttype/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::set_VerticalAlignmentType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_verticalalignmenttype/ Gets or Sets the vertical alignment of the original PDF content on the result page, default is VerticalAlignmentType.Bottom. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_VerticalAlignmentType(Aspose::Pdf::VerticalAlignment value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_VerticalAlignmentType(Aspose::Pdf::VerticalAlignment value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_zoom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_zoom/ index a9eedd9449..6a939adf21 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_zoom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_zoom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Zoom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_Zoom method. Get or sets zoom coefficient. Value 1.0 corresponds to 100%. Default value is 1.0 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_zoom/ --- ## PdfPageEditor::set_Zoom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/set_zoom/ Get or sets zoom coefficient. Value 1.0 corresponds to 100%. Default value is 1.0. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_Zoom(float value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::set_Zoom(float value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splithin/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splithin/ index 1e32237514..f28cfd2374 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splithin/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splithin/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SPLITHIN second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::SPLITHIN field. IN Horizontal Split in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3200 +weight: 3900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splithin/ --- ## SPLITHIN field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splithin/ IN Horizontal Split. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::SPLITHIN +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::SPLITHIN ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splithout/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splithout/ index 93e975af84..981caccedc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splithout/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splithout/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SPLITHOUT second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::SPLITHOUT field. Out Horizontal Split in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3000 +weight: 4000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splithout/ --- ## SPLITHOUT field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splithout/ Out Horizontal Split. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::SPLITHOUT +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::SPLITHOUT ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splitvin/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splitvin/ index cd004945ad..f4be974dcf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splitvin/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splitvin/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SPLITVIN second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::SPLITVIN field. In Vertical Split in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3100 +weight: 4100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splitvin/ --- ## SPLITVIN field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splitvin/ In Vertical Split. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::SPLITVIN +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::SPLITVIN ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splitvout/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splitvout/ index b1cea6c8c9..663aaaa1a4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splitvout/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splitvout/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SPLITVOUT second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::SPLITVOUT field. Out Vertical Split in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2900 +weight: 4200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splitvout/ --- ## SPLITVOUT field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/splitvout/ Out Vertical Split. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::SPLITVOUT +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::SPLITVOUT ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/tbglitter/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/tbglitter/ index e5c66424eb..3991c347cf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/tbglitter/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/tbglitter/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/tbglitter/ Top-Bottom Glitter. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::TBGLITTER +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::TBGLITTER ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/tbwipe/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/tbwipe/ index 534b1de994..9fd0ff9c37 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/tbwipe/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/tbwipe/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TBWIPE second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::TBWIPE field. Top-Bottom Wipe in C++.' type: docs -weight: 4000 +weight: 4400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/tbwipe/ --- ## TBWIPE field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfpageeditor/tbwipe/ Top-Bottom Wipe. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::TBWIPE +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPageEditor::TBWIPE ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfprintpageinfo/get_pagenumber/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfprintpageinfo/get_pagenumber/ index 747ded1556..9d310a015f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfprintpageinfo/get_pagenumber/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfprintpageinfo/get_pagenumber/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfprintpageinfo/get_pagenumber/ Gets currently printed page number;. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPrintPageInfo::get_PageNumber() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfPrintPageInfo::get_PageNumber() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfproducer/produce/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfproducer/produce/ index 8f9d504a54..e90330de65 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfproducer/produce/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfproducer/produce/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfproducer/produce/ Produce the PDF stream using specified import format. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(System::SharedPtr inputStream, ImportFormat format, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(System::SharedPtr inputStream, ImportFormat format, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` @@ -22,432 +22,130 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(Sys | inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input stream. | | format | ImportFormat | Import format. | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output PDF stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input stream. - - - - - format - - - Import format. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output PDF stream. - - - - - - InvalidFileFormatException - - - The exception is thrown when a file is invalid. - - - - - ArgumentNullException - - - Input or output stream is null - - - + ## See Also * Enum [ImportFormat](../../../aspose.pdf/importformat/) * Class [PdfProducer](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfProducer::Produce(System::String, ImportFormat, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfProducer::Produce(System::SharedPtr\, ImportFormat, System::String) method -Produce the PDF stream using specified import format. +Produce the PDF file using specified import format. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(System::String inputFileName, ImportFormat format, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(System::SharedPtr inputStream, ImportFormat format, System::String outputFileName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFileName | System::String | Input file name. | +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input stream. | | format | ImportFormat | Import format. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output PDF stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFileName - - - Input file name. - - - - - format - - - Import format. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output PDF stream. - - - - - - InvalidFileFormatException - - - The exception is thrown when a file is invalid. - - - - - ArgumentNullException - - - Output stream is null - - - - - ArgumentException - - - Input file name is an empty string - - - +| outputFileName | System::String | Output PDF file | + ## See Also * Enum [ImportFormat](../../../aspose.pdf/importformat/) * Class [PdfProducer](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfProducer::Produce(System::SharedPtr\, ImportFormat, System::String) method +## PdfProducer::Produce(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Produce the PDF file using specified import format. +Produce the PDF file using specified import option. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(System::SharedPtr inputStream, ImportFormat format, System::String outputFileName) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr options, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input stream. | -| format | ImportFormat | Import format. | -| outputFileName | System::String | Output PDF file | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input stream. - - - - - format - - - Import format. - - - - - outputFileName - - - Output PDF file - - - - - - InvalidFileFormatException - - - The exception is thrown when a file is invalid. - - - - - ArgumentNullException - - - Input stream is null - - - - - ArgumentException - - - Output file name is an empty string - - - +| options | System::SharedPtr\ | Import option. | +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output PDF stream. | + ## See Also -* Enum [ImportFormat](../../../aspose.pdf/importformat/) +* Class [ImportOptions](../../../aspose.pdf/importoptions/) * Class [PdfProducer](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfProducer::Produce(System::String, ImportFormat, System::String) method +## PdfProducer::Produce(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::String) method -Produce the PDF file using specified import format. +Produce the PDF file using specified import option. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(System::String inputFileName, ImportFormat format, System::String outputFileName) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr options, System::String outputFileName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputFileName | System::String | Input file name. | -| format | ImportFormat | Import format. | -| outputFileName | System::String | Output PDF file | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFileName - - - Input file name. - - - - - format - - - Import format. - - - - - outputFileName - - - Output PDF file - - - - - - InvalidFileFormatException - - - The exception is thrown when a file is invalid. - - - - - ArgumentException - - - Input or output file name is an empty string - - - +| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input stream. | +| options | System::SharedPtr\ | Import option. | +| outputFileName | System::String | Output PDF file. | + ## See Also -* Enum [ImportFormat](../../../aspose.pdf/importformat/) +* Class [ImportOptions](../../../aspose.pdf/importoptions/) * Class [PdfProducer](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfProducer::Produce(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfProducer::Produce(System::String, ImportFormat, System::SharedPtr\) method -Produce the PDF stream using specified import option. +Produce the PDF stream using specified import format. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(System::String inputFileName, System::SharedPtr options, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(System::String inputFileName, ImportFormat format, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | inputFileName | System::String | Input file name. | -| options | System::SharedPtr\ | Import option. | +| format | ImportFormat | Import format. | | outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output PDF stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFileName - - - Input file name. - - - - - options - - - Import option. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output PDF stream. - - - - - - InvalidFileFormatException - - - The exception is thrown when a file is invalid. - - - - - ArgumentNullException - - - Output stream is null - - - - - ArgumentException - - - Input file name is an empty string - - - + ## See Also -* Class [ImportOptions](../../../aspose.pdf/importoptions/) +* Enum [ImportFormat](../../../aspose.pdf/importformat/) * Class [PdfProducer](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfProducer::Produce(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::String) method +## PdfProducer::Produce(System::String, ImportFormat, System::String) method -Produce the PDF file using specified import option. +Produce the PDF file using specified import format. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr options, System::String outputFileName) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(System::String inputFileName, ImportFormat format, System::String outputFileName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input stream. | -| options | System::SharedPtr\ | Import option. | -| outputFileName | System::String | Output PDF file. | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input stream. - - - - - options - - - Import option. - - - - - outputFileName - - - Output PDF file. - - - - - - InvalidFileFormatException - - - The exception is thrown when a file is invalid. - - - - - ArgumentNullException - - - Input stream is null - - - - - ArgumentException - - - Output file name is an empty string - - - +| inputFileName | System::String | Input file name. | +| format | ImportFormat | Import format. | +| outputFileName | System::String | Output PDF file | + ## See Also -* Class [ImportOptions](../../../aspose.pdf/importoptions/) +* Enum [ImportFormat](../../../aspose.pdf/importformat/) * Class [PdfProducer](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfProducer::Produce(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::String) method +## PdfProducer::Produce(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method -Produce the PDF file using specified import option. +Produce the PDF stream using specified import option. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(System::String inputFileName, System::SharedPtr options, System::String outputFileName) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(System::String inputFileName, System::SharedPtr options, System::SharedPtr outputStream) ``` @@ -455,120 +153,30 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(Sys | --- | --- | --- | | inputFileName | System::String | Input file name. | | options | System::SharedPtr\ | Import option. | -| outputFileName | System::String | Output PDF stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputFileName - - - Input file name. - - - - - options - - - Import option. - - - - - outputFileName - - - Output PDF stream. - - - - - - InvalidFileFormatException - - - The exception is thrown when a file is invalid. - - - - - ArgumentException - - - Input or output file name is an empty string - - - +| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output PDF stream. | + ## See Also * Class [ImportOptions](../../../aspose.pdf/importoptions/) * Class [PdfProducer](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfProducer::Produce(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfProducer::Produce(System::String, System::SharedPtr\, System::String) method Produce the PDF file using specified import option. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(System::SharedPtr inputStream, System::SharedPtr options, System::SharedPtr outputStream) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfProducer::Produce(System::String inputFileName, System::SharedPtr options, System::String outputFileName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| inputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Input stream. | +| inputFileName | System::String | Input file name. | | options | System::SharedPtr\ | Import option. | -| outputStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Output PDF stream. | -## Remarks - - - - - - inputStream - - - Input stream. - - - - - options - - - Import option. - - - - - outputStream - - - Output PDF stream. - - - - - - InvalidFileFormatException - - - The exception is thrown when a file is invalid. - - - - - ArgumentNullException - - - Input or output stream is null. - - - +| outputFileName | System::String | Output PDF stream. | + ## See Also * Class [ImportOptions](../../../aspose.pdf/importoptions/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/add/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/add/ index 9a5998c9ed..eb36deb656 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/add/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/add/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Add second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Add method. Adds value to XMP metadata in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/add/ --- ## PdfXmpMetadata::Add(const DefaultMetadataProperties\&, const System::SharedPtr\\&) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/add/ Adds value to XMP metadata. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Add(const DefaultMetadataProperties &key, const System::SharedPtr &value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Add(const DefaultMetadataProperties &key, const System::SharedPtr &value) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Add(const Defau | --- | --- | --- | | key | const DefaultMetadataProperties\& | The key name. | | value | const System::SharedPtr\\& | Value which will be added. | -## Remarks - - - - - - key - - - The key name. - - - - - value - - - Value which will be added. - - - + ## See Also * Enum [DefaultMetadataProperties](../../defaultmetadataproperties/) @@ -49,175 +29,87 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Add(const Defau * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfXmpMetadata::Add(System::SharedPtr\, System::String, System::String, System::String) method +## PdfXmpMetadata::Add(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\&) method -Adds extension field into metadata. +Adds pair with key and value into the dictionary. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Add(System::SharedPtr xmpPdfAExtensionObject, System::String namespacePrefix, System::String namespaceUri, System::String schemaDescription) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Add(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair> &item) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| xmpPdfAExtensionObject | System::SharedPtr\ | The pdf extension object to add. | -| namespacePrefix | System::String | The prefix of schema. | -| namespaceUri | System::String | The namespace uri of schema. | -| schemaDescription | System::String | The optional description of schema. | -## Remarks - - - - - - xmpPdfAExtensionObject - - - The pdf extension object to add. - - - - - namespacePrefix - - - The prefix of schema. - - - - - namespaceUri - - - The namespace uri of schema. - - - - - schemaDescription - - - The optional description of schema. - - - +| item | const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\& | Item to be added. | + ## See Also -* Class [XmpPdfAExtensionObject](../../../aspose.pdf/xmppdfaextensionobject/) +* Class [XmpValue](../../../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/) * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfXmpMetadata::Add(const System::String\&, const System::SharedPtr\\&) method +## PdfXmpMetadata::Add(const System::String\&, const System::SharedPtr\\&) method Adds new element to the dictionary object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Add(const System::String &key, const System::SharedPtr &value) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Add(const System::String &key, const System::SharedPtr &value) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | key | const System::String\& | Key of new element. | -| value | const System::SharedPtr\\& | Value of the element. | -## Remarks - - - - - - key - - - Key of new element. - - - - - value - - - Value of the element. - - - +| value | const System::SharedPtr\\& | Value of the element. | + ## See Also -* Class [XmpValue](../../../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/) * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfXmpMetadata::Add(const System::String\&, const System::SharedPtr\\&) method +## PdfXmpMetadata::Add(const System::String\&, const System::SharedPtr\\&) method Adds new element to the dictionary object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Add(const System::String &key, const System::SharedPtr &value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Add(const System::String &key, const System::SharedPtr &value) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | key | const System::String\& | Key of new element. | -| value | const System::SharedPtr\\& | Value of the element. | -## Remarks - - - - - - key - - - Key of new element. - - - - - value - - - Value of the element. - - - +| value | const System::SharedPtr\\& | Value of the element. | + ## See Also +* Class [XmpValue](../../../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/) * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfXmpMetadata::Add(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\&) method +## PdfXmpMetadata::Add(System::SharedPtr\, System::String, System::String, System::String) method -Adds pair with key and value into the dictionary. +Adds extension field into metadata. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Add(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair> &item) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Add(System::SharedPtr xmpPdfAExtensionObject, System::String namespacePrefix, System::String namespaceUri, System::String schemaDescription) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| item | const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\& | Item to be added. | -## Remarks - - - - - - item - - - Item to be added. - - - +| xmpPdfAExtensionObject | System::SharedPtr\ | The pdf extension object to add. | +| namespacePrefix | System::String | The prefix of schema. | +| namespaceUri | System::String | The namespace uri of schema. | +| schemaDescription | System::String | The optional description of schema. | + ## See Also -* Class [XmpValue](../../../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/) +* Class [XmpPdfAExtensionObject](../../../aspose.pdf/xmppdfaextensionobject/) * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/clear/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/clear/ index c1e7045fd9..4e0f6d9df1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/clear/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/clear/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Clear second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Clear method. Removes all elements from the object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/clear/ --- ## PdfXmpMetadata::Clear method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/clear/ Removes all elements from the object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Clear() override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Clear() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/contains/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/contains/ index 0490543297..00507d21dc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/contains/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/contains/ @@ -2,115 +2,79 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Contains method linktitle: Contains second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Contains method. Checks if dictionary contains the specified key in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Contains method. Checks if dictionary contains the specified property in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/contains/ --- -## PdfXmpMetadata::Contains(const System::String\&) const method +## PdfXmpMetadata::Contains(const DefaultMetadataProperties\&) const method -Checks if dictionary contains the specified key. +Checks if dictionary contains the specified property. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Contains(const System::String &key) const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Contains(const DefaultMetadataProperties &property) const ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| key | const System::String\& | Key which will be checked. | +| property | const DefaultMetadataProperties\& | Property which will be checked. | ### ReturnValue -True - if the dictionary contains the specified key; otherwise, false. -## Remarks - - - - - - key - - - Key which will be checked. - - - +True - if the dictionary contains the specified property; otherwise, false. + ## See Also +* Enum [DefaultMetadataProperties](../../defaultmetadataproperties/) * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfXmpMetadata::Contains(const DefaultMetadataProperties\&) const method +## PdfXmpMetadata::Contains(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\&) const method -Checks if dictionary contains the specified property. +Checks does specified key-value pair is contained in the dictionary. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Contains(const DefaultMetadataProperties &property) const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Contains(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair> &item) const override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| property | const DefaultMetadataProperties\& | Property which will be checked. | +| item | const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\& | Key-value pair. | ### ReturnValue -True - if the dictionary contains the specified property; otherwise, false. -## Remarks - - - - - - property - - - Property which will be checked. - - - +true if this pauir was found. + ## See Also -* Enum [DefaultMetadataProperties](../../defaultmetadataproperties/) +* Class [XmpValue](../../../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/) * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfXmpMetadata::Contains(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\&) const method +## PdfXmpMetadata::Contains(const System::String\&) const method -Checks does specified key-value pair is contained in the dictionary. +Checks if dictionary contains the specified key. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Contains(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair> &item) const override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Contains(const System::String &key) const ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| item | const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\& | Key-value pair. | +| key | const System::String\& | Key which will be checked. | ### ReturnValue -true if this pauir was found. -## Remarks - - - - - - item - - - Key-value pair. - - - +True - if the dictionary contains the specified key; otherwise, false. + ## See Also -* Class [XmpValue](../../../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/) * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/containskey/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/containskey/ index 1b951eed5b..3ed3f6e8e2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/containskey/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/containskey/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ContainsKey second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::ContainsKey method. Determines does this dictionary contasins specified key in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/containskey/ --- ## PdfXmpMetadata::ContainsKey method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/containskey/ Determines does this dictionary contasins specified key. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::ContainsKey(const System::String &key) const override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::ContainsKey(const System::String &key) const override ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::ContainsKey(con ### ReturnValue true if key is found. -## Remarks - - - - - - key - - - Key to search in the dictionary. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/copyto/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/copyto/ index 39e56c02e7..7d28dfab6b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/copyto/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/copyto/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CopyTo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::CopyTo method. Copy metadata into array in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/copyto/ --- ## PdfXmpMetadata::CopyTo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/copyto/ Copy metadata into array. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr>> array, int32_t index) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr>> array, int32_t index) override ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::CopyTo(System:: | --- | --- | --- | | array | System::ArrayPtr\\>\> | The destination array. | | index | int32_t | The starting index. | -## Remarks - - - - - array - - - The destination array. - - - - - index - - - The starting index. - - - ## See Also * Class [XmpValue](../../../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_count/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_count/ index a0651ca22b..13b0e982ff 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_count/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_count/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Count second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::get_Count method. Gets count if items in the collection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_count/ --- ## PdfXmpMetadata::get_Count method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_count/ Gets count if items in the collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::get_Count() const override +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::get_Count() const override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_extensionfields/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_extensionfields/ index 8c96544eb3..5458943567 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_extensionfields/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_extensionfields/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ExtensionFields second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::get_ExtensionFields method. Gets the dictionary of extension fields in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_extensionfields/ --- ## PdfXmpMetadata::get_ExtensionFields method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_extensionfields/ Gets the dictionary of extension fields. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::get_ExtensionFields() +System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::get_ExtensionFields() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_isfixedsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_isfixedsize/ index 640fd10793..648d5f4d63 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_isfixedsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_isfixedsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsFixedSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::get_IsFixedSize method. Returns true is collection has fixed size in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_isfixedsize/ --- ## PdfXmpMetadata::get_IsFixedSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_isfixedsize/ Returns true is collection has fixed size. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::get_IsFixedSize() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::get_IsFixedSize() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_isreadonly/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_isreadonly/ index 6e23da5b56..7caad95cfa 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_isreadonly/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_isreadonly/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsReadOnly second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::get_IsReadOnly method. Returns true if collection is read-only in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_isreadonly/ --- ## PdfXmpMetadata::get_IsReadOnly method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_isreadonly/ Returns true if collection is read-only. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::get_IsReadOnly() const override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::get_IsReadOnly() const override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_issynchronized/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_issynchronized/ index e4b52234f2..5c1d2ff08b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_issynchronized/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_issynchronized/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsSynchronized second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::get_IsSynchronized method. Returns true if collection is synchronized in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_issynchronized/ --- ## PdfXmpMetadata::get_IsSynchronized method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/get_issynchronized/ Returns true if collection is synchronized. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::get_IsSynchronized() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::get_IsSynchronized() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getenumerator/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getenumerator/ index b7a042bd65..b5c62b1320 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getenumerator/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getenumerator/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetEnumerator second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::GetEnumerator method. Gets enumerator object of the dictionary in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getenumerator/ --- ## PdfXmpMetadata::GetEnumerator method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getenumerator/ Gets enumerator object of the dictionary. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>>> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::GetEnumerator() override +System::SharedPtr>>> Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::GetEnumerator() override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getnamespaceuribyprefix/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getnamespaceuribyprefix/ index 2f37856d5b..bfff2df701 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getnamespaceuribyprefix/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getnamespaceuribyprefix/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetNamespaceURIByPrefix second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::GetNamespaceURIByPrefix method. Gets namespace URI by prefix in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getnamespaceuribyprefix/ --- ## PdfXmpMetadata::GetNamespaceURIByPrefix method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getnamespaceuribyprefix/ Gets namespace URI by prefix. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::GetNamespaceURIByPrefix(System::String prefix) +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::GetNamespaceURIByPrefix(System::String prefix) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::GetNa ### ReturnValue Namespace URI. -## Remarks - - - - - - prefix - - - The prefix. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getprefixbynamespaceuri/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getprefixbynamespaceuri/ index 85433149e2..1fd8b3ec44 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getprefixbynamespaceuri/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getprefixbynamespaceuri/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetPrefixByNamespaceURI second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::GetPrefixByNamespaceURI method. Gets the prefix by namespace URI in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getprefixbynamespaceuri/ --- ## PdfXmpMetadata::GetPrefixByNamespaceURI method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getprefixbynamespaceuri/ Gets the prefix by namespace URI. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::GetPrefixByNamespaceURI(System::String namespaceURI) +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::GetPrefixByNamespaceURI(System::String namespaceURI) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::GetPr ### ReturnValue The prefix value. -## Remarks - - - - - - namespaceURI - - - Namespace URI. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getxmpmetadata/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getxmpmetadata/ index bc905e24a6..a05244ea25 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getxmpmetadata/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getxmpmetadata/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetXmpMetadata second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::GetXmpMetadata method. Get the XmpMetadata of the input pdf in a xml format in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getxmpmetadata/ --- ## PdfXmpMetadata::GetXmpMetadata() method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/getxmpmetadata/ Get the XmpMetadata of the input pdf in a xml format. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::GetXmpMetadata() +System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::GetXmpMetadata() ``` @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The bytes of the XmpMetadata. Get a part of the XmpMetadata of the input pdf according to a meta name. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::GetXmpMetadata(System::String name) +System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::GetXmpMetadata(System::String name) ``` @@ -43,20 +43,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMeta ### ReturnValue Bytes of metadata. -## Remarks - - - - - - name - - - - Metadata name. - - - + ## See Also * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/idx_get/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/idx_get/ index fdb41e9cb5..35a4e2daa4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/idx_get/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/idx_get/ @@ -2,81 +2,57 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::idx_get method linktitle: idx_get second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::idx_get method. Gets value by key in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::idx_get method. Gets value of XMP metadata by key in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/idx_get/ --- -## PdfXmpMetadata::idx_get(const System::String\&) const method +## PdfXmpMetadata::idx_get(const DefaultMetadataProperties\&) const method -Gets value by key. +Gets value of XMP metadata by key. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::idx_get(const System::String &key) const override +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::idx_get(const DefaultMetadataProperties &key) const ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| key | const System::String\& | The key name to get/set. | +| key | const DefaultMetadataProperties\& | Key of the value. | ### ReturnValue -Object by key -## Remarks - - - - - - key - - - The key name to get/set. - - - +Value from XMP metadata. + ## See Also * Class [XmpValue](../../../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/) +* Enum [DefaultMetadataProperties](../../defaultmetadataproperties/) * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfXmpMetadata::idx_get(const DefaultMetadataProperties\&) const method +## PdfXmpMetadata::idx_get(const System::String\&) const method -Gets value of XMP metadata by key. +Gets value by key. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::idx_get(const DefaultMetadataProperties &key) const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::idx_get(const System::String &key) const override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| key | const DefaultMetadataProperties\& | Key of the value. | +| key | const System::String\& | The key name to get/set. | ### ReturnValue -Value from XMP metadata. -## Remarks - - - - - - key - - - Key of the value. - - - +Object by key + ## See Also * Class [XmpValue](../../../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/) -* Enum [DefaultMetadataProperties](../../defaultmetadataproperties/) * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/idx_set/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/idx_set/ index 53f0e5341c..1027ef3ae0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/idx_set/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/idx_set/ @@ -2,90 +2,50 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::idx_set method linktitle: idx_set second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::idx_set method. Sets value by key in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::idx_set method. Gets value of XMP metadata by key in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/idx_set/ --- -## PdfXmpMetadata::idx_set(const System::String\&, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfXmpMetadata::idx_set(const DefaultMetadataProperties\&, System::SharedPtr\) method -Sets value by key. +Gets value of XMP metadata by key. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::idx_set(const System::String &key, System::SharedPtr value) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::idx_set(const DefaultMetadataProperties &key, System::SharedPtr value) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| key | const System::String\& | The key name to get/set. | -| value | System::SharedPtr\ | Object by key | -## Remarks - +| key | const DefaultMetadataProperties\& | Key of the value. | +| value | System::SharedPtr\ | Value from XMP metadata. | - - - - key - - - The key name to get/set. - - - - - value - - - Object by key - - - ## See Also +* Enum [DefaultMetadataProperties](../../defaultmetadataproperties/) * Class [XmpValue](../../../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/) * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfXmpMetadata::idx_set(const DefaultMetadataProperties\&, System::SharedPtr\) method +## PdfXmpMetadata::idx_set(const System::String\&, System::SharedPtr\) method -Gets value of XMP metadata by key. +Sets value by key. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::idx_set(const DefaultMetadataProperties &key, System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::idx_set(const System::String &key, System::SharedPtr value) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| key | const DefaultMetadataProperties\& | Key of the value. | -| value | System::SharedPtr\ | Value from XMP metadata. | -## Remarks - +| key | const System::String\& | The key name to get/set. | +| value | System::SharedPtr\ | Object by key | - - - - key - - - Key of the value. - - - - - value - - - Value from XMP metadata. - - - ## See Also -* Enum [DefaultMetadataProperties](../../defaultmetadataproperties/) * Class [XmpValue](../../../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/) * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/pdfxmpmetadata/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/pdfxmpmetadata/ index a0c597dd96..44b2999d0c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/pdfxmpmetadata/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/pdfxmpmetadata/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PdfXmpMetadata second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::PdfXmpMetadata constructor. Constructor for PdfXmpMetadata in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/pdfxmpmetadata/ --- ## PdfXmpMetadata::PdfXmpMetadata() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/pdfxmpmetadata/ Constructor for [PdfXmpMetadata](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::PdfXmpMetadata() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::PdfXmpMetadata() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,27 +27,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::PdfXmpMetadata() Initializes new [PdfXmpMetadata](../) object on base of the *document* . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::PdfXmpMetadata(System::SharedPtr document) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::PdfXmpMetadata(System::SharedPtr document) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | document | System::SharedPtr\ | [Pdf](../../../aspose.pdf/) document. | -## Remarks - - - - - - document - - - - Pdf document. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/registernamespaceuri/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/registernamespaceuri/ index d246ac625b..bc98945ad9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/registernamespaceuri/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/registernamespaceuri/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RegisterNamespaceURI second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::RegisterNamespaceURI method. Registers the namespace URI in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/registernamespaceuri/ --- ## PdfXmpMetadata::RegisterNamespaceURI method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/registernamespaceuri/ Registers the namespace URI. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::RegisterNamespaceURI(System::String prefix, System::String namespaceURI) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::RegisterNamespaceURI(System::String prefix, System::String namespaceURI) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::RegisterNamespa | --- | --- | --- | | prefix | System::String | The prefix. | | namespaceURI | System::String | The namespace URI. | -## Remarks - - - - - prefix - - - The prefix. - - - - - namespaceURI - - - The namespace URI. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/remove/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/remove/ index 077ab21e8d..bcff9e7d10 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/remove/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/remove/ @@ -2,40 +2,32 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Remove method linktitle: Remove second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Remove method. Removes element with specified key in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Remove method. Removes key/value pair from the collection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/remove/ --- -## PdfXmpMetadata::Remove(DefaultMetadataProperties) method +## PdfXmpMetadata::Remove(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\&) method -Removes element with specified key. +Removes key/value pair from the collection. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Remove(DefaultMetadataProperties key) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Remove(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair> &item) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| key | DefaultMetadataProperties | Key of the element which will be deleted. | -## Remarks - - - - - - key - - - Key of the element which will be deleted. - - - +| item | const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\& | Key/value pair to be removed. | + +### ReturnValue + +true if pair was found and removed. + ## See Also -* Enum [DefaultMetadataProperties](../../defaultmetadataproperties/) +* Class [XmpValue](../../../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/) * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -45,7 +37,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Remove(DefaultM Removes key from the dictionary. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Remove(const System::String &key) override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Remove(const System::String &key) override ``` @@ -56,58 +48,30 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Remove(const Sy ### ReturnValue True - if key removed; otherwise, false. -## Remarks - - - - key - - - Key which will be removed. - - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## PdfXmpMetadata::Remove(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\&) method +## PdfXmpMetadata::Remove(DefaultMetadataProperties) method -Removes key/value pair from the collection. +Removes element with specified key. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Remove(const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair> &item) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::Remove(DefaultMetadataProperties key) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| item | const System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair\\>\& | Key/value pair to be removed. | - -### ReturnValue +| key | DefaultMetadataProperties | Key of the element which will be deleted. | -true if pair was found and removed. -## Remarks - - - - - - item - - - Key/value pair to be removed. - - - ## See Also -* Class [XmpValue](../../../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/) +* Enum [DefaultMetadataProperties](../../defaultmetadataproperties/) * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/settemplateweakptr/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/settemplateweakptr/ index 824de14949..b162c8e428 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/settemplateweakptr/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/settemplateweakptr/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetTemplateWeakPtr second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::SetTemplateWeakPtr method. Set n''th template argument a weak pointer (rather than shared). Allows switching pointers in containers to weak mode in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/settemplateweakptr/ --- ## PdfXmpMetadata::SetTemplateWeakPtr method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/settemplateweakptr/ Set n'th template argument a weak pointer (rather than shared). Allows switching pointers in containers to weak mode. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::SetTemplateWeakPtr(uint32_t argument) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::SetTemplateWeakPtr(uint32_t argument) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | argument | uint32_t | Index of template argument to treat as weak poiner. | -## Remarks - - - - - argument - - - Index of template argument to treat as weak poiner. - - - ## See Also * Class [PdfXmpMetadata](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/trygetvalue/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/trygetvalue/ index eeabc7871c..4a3bf42a6a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/trygetvalue/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/trygetvalue/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TryGetValue second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::TryGetValue method. Tries to find key in the dictionary and retreives value if found in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/trygetvalue/ --- ## PdfXmpMetadata::TryGetValue method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/pdfxmpmetadata/trygetvalue/ Tries to find key in the dictionary and retreives value if found. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::TryGetValue(const System::String &key, System::SharedPtr &value) const override +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::TryGetValue(const System::String &key, System::SharedPtr &value) const override ``` @@ -25,27 +25,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::PdfXmpMetadata::TryGetValue(con ### ReturnValue true if key was found. -## Remarks - - - - - - key - - - Key to search in the dictionary. - - - - - value - - - Retreived value. - - - + ## See Also * Class [XmpValue](../../../aspose.pdf/xmpvalue/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/get_isregularexpressionused/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/get_isregularexpressionused/ index ebb86b41b3..36620cd3bc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/get_isregularexpressionused/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/get_isregularexpressionused/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsRegularExpressionUsed second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::get_IsRegularExpressionUsed method. If false, string to find is a simple text. If true, string to find is regular expression in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/get_isregularexpressionused/ --- ## ReplaceTextStrategy::get_IsRegularExpressionUsed method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/get_isregularexpressionused/ If false, string to find is a simple text. If true, string to find is regular expression. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::get_IsRegularExpressionUsed() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::get_IsRegularExpressionUsed() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/get_nocharacterbehavior/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/get_nocharacterbehavior/ index 11d92ed003..e29b0168b7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/get_nocharacterbehavior/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/get_nocharacterbehavior/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/get_nocharacterbehavior/ Action which is performed when no approppriate font found for changed text (Throw exception / Substitute other font / Replace anyway). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API ReplaceTextStrategy::NoCharacterAction Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::get_NoCharacterBehavior() const +ReplaceTextStrategy::NoCharacterAction Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::get_NoCharacterBehavior() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/get_replacescope/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/get_replacescope/ index fa74c79828..b0c5c5a54d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/get_replacescope/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/get_replacescope/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ReplaceScope second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::get_ReplaceScope method. Scope of the replacement operation (replace first occurence or replace all occurences) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/get_replacescope/ --- ## ReplaceTextStrategy::get_ReplaceScope method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/get_replacescope/ Scope of the replacement operation (replace first occurence or replace all occurences). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API ReplaceTextStrategy::Scope Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::get_ReplaceScope() const +ReplaceTextStrategy::Scope Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::get_ReplaceScope() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/replacetextstrategy/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/replacetextstrategy/ index e824c5b8a3..8fb8a4883f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/replacetextstrategy/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/replacetextstrategy/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ReplaceTextStrategy second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use ReplaceTextStrategy constructor of Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/replacetextstrategy/ --- ## ReplaceTextStrategy::ReplaceTextStrategy constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/replacetextstrategy/ ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::ReplaceTextStrategy() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::ReplaceTextStrategy() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_isregularexpressionused/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_isregularexpressionused/ index 447db9f4a1..d05b25633b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_isregularexpressionused/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_isregularexpressionused/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_IsRegularExpressionUsed second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::set_IsRegularExpressionUsed method. If false, string to find is a simple text. If true, string to find is regular expression in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_isregularexpressionused/ --- ## ReplaceTextStrategy::set_IsRegularExpressionUsed method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_isregularexpressionused/ If false, string to find is a simple text. If true, string to find is regular expression. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::set_IsRegularExpressionUsed(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::set_IsRegularExpressionUsed(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_nocharacterbehavior/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_nocharacterbehavior/ index 44cdab6c18..00e7cda53d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_nocharacterbehavior/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_nocharacterbehavior/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_NoCharacterBehavior second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::set_NoCharacterBehavior method. Action which is performed when no approppriate font found for changed text (Throw exception / Substitute other font / Replace anyway) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_nocharacterbehavior/ --- ## ReplaceTextStrategy::set_NoCharacterBehavior method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_nocharacterbehavior/ Action which is performed when no approppriate font found for changed text (Throw exception / Substitute other font / Replace anyway). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::set_NoCharacterBehavior(ReplaceTextStrategy::NoCharacterAction value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::set_NoCharacterBehavior(ReplaceTextStrategy::NoCharacterAction value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_replacescope/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_replacescope/ index 3a5fd4caaf..1c9dd7a46c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_replacescope/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_replacescope/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ReplaceScope second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::set_ReplaceScope method. Scope of the replacement operation (replace first occurence or replace all occurences) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_replacescope/ --- ## ReplaceTextStrategy::set_ReplaceScope method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/replacetextstrategy/set_replacescope/ Scope of the replacement operation (replace first occurence or replace all occurences). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::set_ReplaceScope(ReplaceTextStrategy::Scope value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ReplaceTextStrategy::set_ReplaceScope(ReplaceTextStrategy::Scope value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/saveablefacade/save/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/saveablefacade/save/ index 6dbad71e97..40a1461bef 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/saveablefacade/save/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/saveablefacade/save/ @@ -2,68 +2,44 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::SaveableFacade::Save method linktitle: Save second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::SaveableFacade::Save method. Saves the PDF document to the specified file in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::SaveableFacade::Save method. Saves the PDF document to the specified stream in C++.' type: docs weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/saveablefacade/save/ --- -## SaveableFacade::Save(System::String) method +## SaveableFacade::Save(System::SharedPtr\) method -Saves the PDF document to the specified file. +Saves the PDF document to the specified stream. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::SaveableFacade::Save(System::String destFile) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::SaveableFacade::Save(System::SharedPtr destStream) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| destFile | System::String | The destination file. | -## Remarks - +| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination stream. | - - - - destFile - - - The destination file. - - - ## See Also * Class [SaveableFacade](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## SaveableFacade::Save(System::SharedPtr\) method +## SaveableFacade::Save(System::String) method -Saves the PDF document to the specified stream. +Saves the PDF document to the specified file. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::SaveableFacade::Save(System::SharedPtr destStream) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::SaveableFacade::Save(System::String destFile) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| destStream | System::SharedPtr\ | The destination stream. | -## Remarks - +| destFile | System::String | The destination file. | - - - - destStream - - - The destination stream. - - - ## See Also * Class [SaveableFacade](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindimage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindimage/ index 629a72ca4f..6f15703b9f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindimage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindimage/ @@ -2,69 +2,44 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindImage method linktitle: BindImage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindImage method. Sets image as a stamp in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindImage method. Sets image which will be used as stamp in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindimage/ --- -## Stamp::BindImage(System::String) method +## Stamp::BindImage(System::SharedPtr\) method -Sets image as a stamp. +Sets image which will be used as stamp. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindImage(System::String imageFile) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindImage(System::SharedPtr image) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| imageFile | System::String | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) file name and path. | -## Remarks - +| image | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream which contains image data. | - - - - imageFile - - - - Image file name and path. - - - ## See Also * Class [Stamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Stamp::BindImage(System::SharedPtr\) method +## Stamp::BindImage(System::String) method -Sets image which will be used as stamp. +Sets image as a stamp. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindImage(System::SharedPtr image) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindImage(System::String imageFile) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| image | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream which contains image data. | -## Remarks - +| imageFile | System::String | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) file name and path. | - - - - image - - - Stream which contains image data. - - - ## See Also * Class [Stamp](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindlogo/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindlogo/ index 6a2efe5af0..21f50b4c15 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindlogo/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindlogo/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BindLogo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindLogo method. Sets text as stamp in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindlogo/ --- ## Stamp::BindLogo method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindlogo/ Sets text as stamp. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindLogo(System::SharedPtr formattedText) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindLogo(System::SharedPtr formattedText) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | formattedText | System::SharedPtr\ | [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) object which specifies text and text properties. | -## Remarks - - - - - formattedText - - - - FormattedText object which specifies text and text properties. - - - ## See Also * Class [FormattedText](../../formattedtext/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindpdf/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindpdf/ index c3e4a428b6..760dac0d23 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindpdf/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindpdf/ @@ -4,85 +4,44 @@ linktitle: BindPdf second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindPdf method. Sets PDF file and number of page which will be used as stamp in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindpdf/ --- -## Stamp::BindPdf(System::String, int32_t) method +## Stamp::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) method Sets PDF file and number of page which will be used as stamp. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindPdf(System::String pdfFile, int32_t pageNumber) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr pdfStream, int32_t pageNumber) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| pdfFile | System::String | Path to PDF file. | -| pageNumber | int32_t | Number of page in PDF file | -## Remarks - +| pdfStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream which contains PDF document. | +| pageNumber | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) index of the document whihc will be used as stamp. | - - - - pdfFile - - - Path to PDF file. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Number of page in PDF file - - - ## See Also * Class [Stamp](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Facades](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Stamp::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) method +## Stamp::BindPdf(System::String, int32_t) method Sets PDF file and number of page which will be used as stamp. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindPdf(System::SharedPtr pdfStream, int32_t pageNumber) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindPdf(System::String pdfFile, int32_t pageNumber) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| pdfStream | System::SharedPtr\ | Stream which contains PDF document. | -| pageNumber | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) index of the document whihc will be used as stamp. | -## Remarks - +| pdfFile | System::String | Path to PDF file. | +| pageNumber | int32_t | Number of page in PDF file | - - - - pdfStream - - - Stream which contains PDF document. - - - - - pageNumber - - - - Page index of the document whihc will be used as stamp. - - - ## See Also * Class [Stamp](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindtextstate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindtextstate/ index 93af72bab9..84a78821cf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindtextstate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindtextstate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BindTextState second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindTextState method. Sets text state of stamp text in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindtextstate/ --- ## Stamp::BindTextState method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/bindtextstate/ Sets text state of stamp text. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindTextState(System::SharedPtr textState) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::BindTextState(System::SharedPtr textState) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | textState | System::SharedPtr\ | TextState object which specifies text properties. | -## Remarks - - - - - textState - - - TextState object which specifies text properties. - - - ## See Also * Class [TextState](../../../aspose.pdf.text/textstate/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_blendingspace/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_blendingspace/ index 48d8d46764..30bc6a8bca 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_blendingspace/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_blendingspace/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_BlendingSpace second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_BlendingSpace method. Gets a BlendingColorSpace value that defines a color space that is used to perform transparency and blending operations on the page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_blendingspace/ --- ## Stamp::get_BlendingSpace method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_blendingspace/ Gets a BlendingColorSpace value that defines a color space that is used to perform transparency and blending operations on the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API BlendingColorSpace Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_BlendingSpace() const +BlendingColorSpace Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_BlendingSpace() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_isbackground/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_isbackground/ index f8e4904091..2e60c373bd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_isbackground/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_isbackground/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsBackground second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_IsBackground method. Gets background status. If true stamp will be placed as background of the spamped page. By default is set to false in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_isbackground/ --- ## Stamp::get_IsBackground method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_isbackground/ Gets background status. If true stamp will be placed as background of the spamped page. By default is set to false. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_IsBackground() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_IsBackground() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_opacity/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_opacity/ index 158981b06d..83c555266f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_opacity/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_opacity/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Opacity second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_Opacity method. Gets opacity of the stamp in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_opacity/ --- ## Stamp::get_Opacity method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_opacity/ Gets opacity of the stamp. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_Opacity() +float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_Opacity() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_pagenumber/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_pagenumber/ index 0f8799d373..5317b68765 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_pagenumber/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_pagenumber/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PageNumber second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_PageNumber method. Gets page number in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_pagenumber/ --- ## Stamp::get_PageNumber method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_pagenumber/ Gets page number. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_PageNumber() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_PageNumber() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_pages/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_pages/ index 78ca1ba77c..bf11c33eac 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_pages/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_pages/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Pages second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_Pages method. Gets array with numbers of pages which will be affected by stamp. If Pages = null all pages of the document are affected in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_pages/ --- ## Stamp::get_Pages method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_pages/ Gets array with numbers of pages which will be affected by stamp. If Pages = null all pages of the document are affected. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_Pages() const +System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_Pages() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_quality/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_quality/ index 617c93d43b..ae6a9f0577 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_quality/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_quality/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Quality second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_Quality method. Gets quality of image stamp in percent. Valiued values 0..100% in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_quality/ --- ## Stamp::get_Quality method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_quality/ Gets quality of image stamp in percent. Valiued values 0..100%. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_Quality() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_Quality() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_rotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_rotation/ index 533a0275c6..0a082f7b4c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_rotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_rotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Rotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_Rotation method. Gets rotation of the stamp in degrees in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_rotation/ --- ## Stamp::get_Rotation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_rotation/ Gets rotation of the stamp in degrees. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_Rotation() const +float Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_Rotation() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_stampid/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_stampid/ index fbb2f50c27..2f2a8adba5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_stampid/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_stampid/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_StampId second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_StampId method. Gets identifier of stamp in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_stampid/ --- ## Stamp::get_StampId method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/get_stampid/ Gets identifier of stamp. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_StampId() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::get_StampId() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_blendingspace/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_blendingspace/ index d7d3925621..c0c43884e8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_blendingspace/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_blendingspace/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_BlendingSpace second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_BlendingSpace method. Sets a BlendingColorSpace value that defines a color space that is used to perform transparency and blending operations on the page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_blendingspace/ --- ## Stamp::set_BlendingSpace method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_blendingspace/ Sets a BlendingColorSpace value that defines a color space that is used to perform transparency and blending operations on the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_BlendingSpace(BlendingColorSpace value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_BlendingSpace(BlendingColorSpace value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_isbackground/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_isbackground/ index 3cb344b507..8232bb1792 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_isbackground/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_isbackground/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_IsBackground second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_IsBackground method. Sets background status. If true stamp will be placed as background of the spamped page. By default is set to false in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_isbackground/ --- ## Stamp::set_IsBackground method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_isbackground/ Sets background status. If true stamp will be placed as background of the spamped page. By default is set to false. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_IsBackground(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_IsBackground(bool value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_opacity/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_opacity/ index 240959c742..99417a7240 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_opacity/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_opacity/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Opacity second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_Opacity method. Sets opacity of the stamp in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_opacity/ --- ## Stamp::set_Opacity method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_opacity/ Sets opacity of the stamp. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_Opacity(float value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_Opacity(float value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_pagenumber/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_pagenumber/ index 84e72b4614..80f53d428e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_pagenumber/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_pagenumber/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PageNumber second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_PageNumber method. Sets page number in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_pagenumber/ --- ## Stamp::set_PageNumber method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_pagenumber/ Sets page number. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_PageNumber(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_PageNumber(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_pages/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_pages/ index 8bae4a8114..c1a931d9ce 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_pages/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_pages/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Pages second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_Pages method. Sets array with numbers of pages which will be affected by stamp. If Pages = null all pages of the document are affected in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_pages/ --- ## Stamp::set_Pages method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_pages/ Sets array with numbers of pages which will be affected by stamp. If Pages = null all pages of the document are affected. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_Pages(System::ArrayPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_Pages(System::ArrayPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_quality/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_quality/ index 0a0dee36e8..33e999e5ac 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_quality/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_quality/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Quality second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_Quality method. Sets quality of image stamp in percent. Valiued values 0..100% in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_quality/ --- ## Stamp::set_Quality method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_quality/ Sets quality of image stamp in percent. Valiued values 0..100%. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_Quality(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_Quality(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_rotation/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_rotation/ index 3e587f7084..e3fe5e672e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_rotation/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_rotation/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Rotation second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_Rotation method. Sets rotation of the stamp in degrees in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_rotation/ --- ## Stamp::set_Rotation method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_rotation/ Sets rotation of the stamp in degrees. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_Rotation(float value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_Rotation(float value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_stampid/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_stampid/ index 730c2e2423..aaaf03a323 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_stampid/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_stampid/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_StampId second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_StampId method. Sets identifier of stamp in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_stampid/ --- ## Stamp::set_StampId method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/set_stampid/ Sets identifier of stamp. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_StampId(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::set_StampId(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/setimagesize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/setimagesize/ index fe34adcde9..5dfe6c5790 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/setimagesize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/setimagesize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetImageSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::SetImageSize method. Sets size of image stamp. Image will be scaled according to the specified values in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/setimagesize/ --- ## Stamp::SetImageSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/setimagesize/ Sets size of image stamp. [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) will be scaled according to the specified values. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::SetImageSize(float width, float height) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::SetImageSize(float width, float height) ``` @@ -21,29 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::SetImageSize(float width | --- | --- | --- | | width | float | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) width. | | height | float | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) height. | -## Remarks - - - - - width - - - - Image width. - - - - - height - - - - Image height. - - - ## See Also * Class [Stamp](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/setorigin/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/setorigin/ index a699d5b0a0..6f97db7c17 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/setorigin/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/setorigin/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetOrigin second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::SetOrigin method. Sets position on page where stamp will be placed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/setorigin/ --- ## Stamp::SetOrigin method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/setorigin/ Sets position on page where stamp will be placed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::SetOrigin(float originX, float originY) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::SetOrigin(float originX, float originY) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::SetOrigin(float originX, | --- | --- | --- | | originX | float | X coordinate of the stamp. | | originY | float | Y coordinate of the stamp. | -## Remarks - - - - - originX - - - X coordinate of the stamp. - - - - - originY - - - Y coordinate of the stamp. - - - ## See Also * Class [Stamp](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/stamp/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/stamp/ index 70fad99f5c..a2357590e5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/stamp/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/stamp/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Stamp second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::Stamp constructor. Constructor for Stamp object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/stamp/ --- ## Stamp::Stamp constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stamp/stamp/ Constructor for [Stamp](../) object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::Stamp() +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::Stamp::Stamp() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_form/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_form/ index 39cb0053cb..833ba835c5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_form/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_form/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Form second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_Form method. Gets XForm of the stamp in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_form/ --- ## StampInfo::get_Form method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_form/ Gets [XForm](../../../aspose.pdf/xform/) of the stamp. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_Form() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_Form() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_image/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_image/ index f7a0dc0ce3..a04e2bbaec 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_image/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_image/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Image second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_Image method. Gets image of stamp. May be null if stamp does not contain images (for example for text stamp) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_image/ --- ## StampInfo::get_Image method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_image/ Gets image of stamp. May be null if stamp does not contain images (for example for text stamp). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_Image() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_Image() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_indexonpage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_indexonpage/ index cfd1bd1f51..81564f7450 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_indexonpage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_indexonpage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IndexOnPage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_IndexOnPage method. Gets stamp index on the page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_indexonpage/ --- ## StampInfo::get_IndexOnPage method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_indexonpage/ Gets stamp index on the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_IndexOnPage() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_IndexOnPage() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_rectangle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_rectangle/ index adca73369c..208dfbc577 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_rectangle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_rectangle/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_rectangle/ Gets rectangle where stamp is placed. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_Rectangle() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_Rectangle() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_stampid/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_stampid/ index a6f487ec8a..9558017769 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_stampid/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_stampid/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_StampId second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_StampId method. Gets identifier of the stamp in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_stampid/ --- ## StampInfo::get_StampId method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_stampid/ Gets identifier of the stamp. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_StampId() const +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_StampId() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_stamptype/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_stamptype/ index 5c1ba286f1..c6b4fd5d81 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_stamptype/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_stamptype/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_StampType second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_StampType method. Gets stamp type (image / form) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_stamptype/ --- ## StampInfo::get_StampType method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_stamptype/ Gets stamp type (image / form). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampType Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_StampType() const +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampType Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_StampType() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_text/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_text/ index 63ece25234..0c029bc72d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_text/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_text/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_text/ Gets text in the stamp. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_Text() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_Text() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_visible/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_visible/ index 1548582761..a33f97990f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_visible/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_visible/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/stampinfo/get_visible/ Gets visibility of stamp. If false then stamp is hidden (with HideStampById). Hidden stamp may be restored by ShowStampById. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_Visible() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::StampInfo::get_Visible() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_color/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_color/ index 60c30aa5b3..1b8c3fc5b3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_color/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_color/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Color second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::get_Color method. Gets text color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_color/ --- ## TextProperties::get_Color method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_color/ Gets text color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::get_Color() const +System::Drawing::Color Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::get_Color() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_iscolorspecified/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_iscolorspecified/ index b96a38a9a3..23616eed2f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_iscolorspecified/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_iscolorspecified/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_iscolorspecified/ Gets a value that indicates whether the [Color](../../../aspose.pdf/color/) property is specified. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::get_IsColorSpecified() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::get_IsColorSpecified() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_istextsizespecified/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_istextsizespecified/ index 8c2c7ffa83..deb51942b0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_istextsizespecified/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_istextsizespecified/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsTextSizeSpecified second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::get_IsTextSizeSpecified method. Gets a value that indicates whether the TextSize property is specified in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_istextsizespecified/ --- ## TextProperties::get_IsTextSizeSpecified method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_istextsizespecified/ Gets a value that indicates whether the [TextSize](../) property is specified. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::get_IsTextSizeSpecified() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::get_IsTextSizeSpecified() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_textsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_textsize/ index b1c13a204e..3c93d65be8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_textsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_textsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TextSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::get_TextSize method. Gets text size in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_textsize/ --- ## TextProperties::get_TextSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/get_textsize/ Gets text size. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::get_TextSize() const +double Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::get_TextSize() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/set_color/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/set_color/ index db40d34de5..cb4c1ec26d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/set_color/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/set_color/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Color second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::set_Color method. Sets text color in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/set_color/ --- ## TextProperties::set_Color method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/set_color/ Sets text color. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::set_Color(System::Drawing::Color value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::set_Color(System::Drawing::Color value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/set_textsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/set_textsize/ index cdfa9a6db7..52f26abc77 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/set_textsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/set_textsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TextSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::set_TextSize method. Sets text size in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/set_textsize/ --- ## TextProperties::set_TextSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/set_textsize/ Sets text size. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::set_TextSize(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::set_TextSize(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/textproperties/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/textproperties/ index ae2c9d5b3b..4617a5b473 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/textproperties/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/textproperties/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: TextProperties second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::TextProperties constructor. Creates TextProperties object for the specified text size in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/textproperties/ --- ## TextProperties::TextProperties constructor @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/textproperties/textproperties/ Creates [TextProperties](../) object for the specified text size. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::TextProperties(double textSize) +Aspose::Pdf::Facades::TextProperties::TextProperties(double textSize) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | textSize | double | [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) size value. | -## Remarks - - - - - textSize - - - - Text size value. - - - ## See Also * Class [TextProperties](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/centerwindow/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/centerwindow/ index 2dd27467f9..f251eb5319 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/centerwindow/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/centerwindow/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CenterWindow second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::CenterWindow field. A flag specifying whether to position the document''s window in the center of the screen in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/centerwindow/ --- ## CenterWindow field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/centerwindow/ A flag specifying whether to position the document's window in the center of the screen. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::CenterWindow +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::CenterWindow ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/directionl2r/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/directionl2r/ index 6154b21ca3..b630cf030a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/directionl2r/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/directionl2r/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DirectionL2R second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::DirectionL2R field. Text reading order left to right in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/directionl2r/ --- ## DirectionL2R field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/directionl2r/ [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) reading order left to right. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::DirectionL2R +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::DirectionL2R ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/directionr2l/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/directionr2l/ index e1c09b3493..ede55ebf5a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/directionr2l/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/directionr2l/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DirectionR2L second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::DirectionR2L field. Text reading order right to left in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/directionr2l/ --- ## DirectionR2L field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/directionr2l/ [Text](../../../aspose.pdf.text/) reading order right to left. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::DirectionR2L +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::DirectionR2L ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/displaydoctitle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/displaydoctitle/ index addd8f328c..86246b97dd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/displaydoctitle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/displaydoctitle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DisplayDocTitle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::DisplayDocTitle field. A flag specifying whether the window''s title bar should display the document title in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/displaydoctitle/ --- ## DisplayDocTitle field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/displaydoctitle/ A flag specifying whether the window's title bar should display the document title. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::DisplayDocTitle +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::DisplayDocTitle ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/duplexfliplongedge/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/duplexfliplongedge/ index adc4c91500..6f5c7177c6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/duplexfliplongedge/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/duplexfliplongedge/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DuplexFlipLongEdge second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::DuplexFlipLongEdge field. Duplex and flip on the short edge of the sheet in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/duplexfliplongedge/ --- ## DuplexFlipLongEdge field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/duplexfliplongedge/ Duplex and flip on the short edge of the sheet. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::DuplexFlipLongEdge +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::DuplexFlipLongEdge ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/duplexflipshortedge/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/duplexflipshortedge/ index 06c72c6b19..609dd1acbf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/duplexflipshortedge/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/duplexflipshortedge/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DuplexFlipShortEdge second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::DuplexFlipShortEdge field. Duplex and flip on the short edge of the sheet in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/duplexflipshortedge/ --- ## DuplexFlipShortEdge field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/duplexflipshortedge/ Duplex and flip on the short edge of the sheet. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::DuplexFlipShortEdge +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::DuplexFlipShortEdge ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/fitwindow/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/fitwindow/ index 0080fc8aeb..dd1d2f27f6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/fitwindow/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/fitwindow/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: FitWindow second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::FitWindow field. A flag specifying whether to resize the document''s window to fit the size of the first displayed page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/fitwindow/ --- ## FitWindow field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/fitwindow/ A flag specifying whether to resize the document's window to fit the size of the first displayed page. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::FitWindow +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::FitWindow ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidemenubar/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidemenubar/ index 015d259bf3..7f41a34e7a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidemenubar/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidemenubar/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: HideMenubar second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::HideMenubar field. A flag specifying whether to hide the conforming reader''s menu bar when the document is active in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidemenubar/ --- ## HideMenubar field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidemenubar/ A flag specifying whether to hide the conforming reader's menu bar when the document is active. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::HideMenubar +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::HideMenubar ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidetoolbar/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidetoolbar/ index 4dbfba8a8e..42677db1da 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidetoolbar/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidetoolbar/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: HideToolbar second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::HideToolbar field. A flag specifying whether to hide the conforming reader''s tool bars when the document is active in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidetoolbar/ --- ## HideToolbar field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidetoolbar/ A flag specifying whether to hide the conforming reader's tool bars when the document is active. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::HideToolbar +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::HideToolbar ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidewindowui/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidewindowui/ index 3b385161bd..3c7354552a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidewindowui/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidewindowui/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: HideWindowUI second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::HideWindowUI field. A flag specifying whether to hide user interface elements in the document''s window (such as scroll bars and navigation controls), leaving only the document''s contents displayed in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidewindowui/ --- ## HideWindowUI field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/hidewindowui/ A flag specifying whether to hide user interface elements in the document's window (such as scroll bars and navigation controls), leaving only the document's contents displayed. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::HideWindowUI +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::HideWindowUI ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeusenone/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeusenone/ index 80c2b9ee65..4516b66ba9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeusenone/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeusenone/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: NonFullScreenPageModeUseNone second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::NonFullScreenPageModeUseNone field. Neither document outline nor thumbnail images visible in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeusenone/ --- ## NonFullScreenPageModeUseNone field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeusenone/ Neither document outline nor thumbnail images visible. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::NonFullScreenPageModeUseNone +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::NonFullScreenPageModeUseNone ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeuseoc/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeuseoc/ index e57ed9be53..b4318ae9bd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeuseoc/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeuseoc/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: NonFullScreenPageModeUseOC second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::NonFullScreenPageModeUseOC field. Optional content group panel visible in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeuseoc/ --- ## NonFullScreenPageModeUseOC field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeuseoc/ Optional content group panel visible. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::NonFullScreenPageModeUseOC +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::NonFullScreenPageModeUseOC ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeuseoutlines/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeuseoutlines/ index 1af985e8ba..0ea2fc8cf6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeuseoutlines/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeuseoutlines/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: NonFullScreenPageModeUseOutlines second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::NonFullScreenPageModeUseOutlines field. Document outline visible in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeuseoutlines/ --- ## NonFullScreenPageModeUseOutlines field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeuseoutlines/ [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) outline visible. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::NonFullScreenPageModeUseOutlines +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::NonFullScreenPageModeUseOutlines ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeusethumbs/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeusethumbs/ index a65c69e582..0cb0e0578a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeusethumbs/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeusethumbs/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: NonFullScreenPageModeUseThumbs second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::NonFullScreenPageModeUseThumbs field. Thumbnail images visible in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeusethumbs/ --- ## NonFullScreenPageModeUseThumbs field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/nonfullscreenpagemodeusethumbs/ Thumbnail images visible. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::NonFullScreenPageModeUseThumbs +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::NonFullScreenPageModeUseThumbs ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayoutonecolumn/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayoutonecolumn/ index d3a4a715c0..fc7c3d5566 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayoutonecolumn/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayoutonecolumn/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PageLayoutOneColumn second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageLayoutOneColumn field. Display the pages in one column in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayoutonecolumn/ --- ## PageLayoutOneColumn field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayoutonecolumn/ Display the pages in one column. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageLayoutOneColumn +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageLayoutOneColumn ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayoutsinglepage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayoutsinglepage/ index 570681c73f..289e361fd4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayoutsinglepage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayoutsinglepage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PageLayoutSinglePage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageLayoutSinglePage field. Display one page at a time in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayoutsinglepage/ --- ## PageLayoutSinglePage field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayoutsinglepage/ Display one page at a time. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageLayoutSinglePage +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageLayoutSinglePage ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayouttwocolumnleft/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayouttwocolumnleft/ index c281ee9f25..6fe89f1552 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayouttwocolumnleft/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayouttwocolumnleft/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PageLayoutTwoColumnLeft second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageLayoutTwoColumnLeft field. Display the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the right in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayouttwocolumnleft/ --- ## PageLayoutTwoColumnLeft field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayouttwocolumnleft/ Display the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the right. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageLayoutTwoColumnLeft +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageLayoutTwoColumnLeft ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayouttwocolumnright/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayouttwocolumnright/ index 1d95a7a355..079aaedaad 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayouttwocolumnright/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayouttwocolumnright/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PageLayoutTwoColumnRight second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageLayoutTwoColumnRight field. Display the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the right in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayouttwocolumnright/ --- ## PageLayoutTwoColumnRight field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagelayouttwocolumnright/ Display the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the right. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageLayoutTwoColumnRight +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageLayoutTwoColumnRight ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodefullscreen/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodefullscreen/ index f548df9c37..de8d87b7e1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodefullscreen/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodefullscreen/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PageModeFullScreen second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeFullScreen field. Full-screen mode, with no menu bar, window controls, or any other window visible in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodefullscreen/ --- ## PageModeFullScreen field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodefullscreen/ Full-screen mode, with no menu bar, window controls, or any other window visible. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeFullScreen +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeFullScreen ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseattachment/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseattachment/ index bec11adb49..447e80585b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseattachment/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseattachment/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PageModeUseAttachment second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeUseAttachment field. Page mode with attacments in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseattachment/ --- ## PageModeUseAttachment field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseattachment/ [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) mode with attacments. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeUseAttachment +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeUseAttachment ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeusenone/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeusenone/ index c3af172fa4..8f038deef7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeusenone/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeusenone/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PageModeUseNone second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeUseNone field. Neither document outline nor thumbnail images visible in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeusenone/ --- ## PageModeUseNone field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeusenone/ Neither document outline nor thumbnail images visible. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeUseNone +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeUseNone ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseoc/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseoc/ index 174dd13c4a..8054da7cbb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseoc/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseoc/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PageModeUseOC second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeUseOC field. Optional content group panel visible in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseoc/ --- ## PageModeUseOC field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseoc/ Optional content group panel visible. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeUseOC +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeUseOC ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseoutlines/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseoutlines/ index ddbdc4e03d..146c0d772a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseoutlines/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseoutlines/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PageModeUseOutlines second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeUseOutlines field. Document outline visible in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseoutlines/ --- ## PageModeUseOutlines field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeuseoutlines/ [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) outline visible. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeUseOutlines +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeUseOutlines ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeusethumbs/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeusethumbs/ index 0a3e179000..9890680ba3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeusethumbs/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeusethumbs/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PageModeUseThumbs second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeUseThumbs field. Thumbnail images visible in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeusethumbs/ --- ## PageModeUseThumbs field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/pagemodeusethumbs/ Thumbnail images visible. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeUseThumbs +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PageModeUseThumbs ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/picktraybypdfsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/picktraybypdfsize/ index 43f80b6a28..9a6fd35de6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/picktraybypdfsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/picktraybypdfsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: PickTrayByPDFSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PickTrayByPDFSize field. Use the PDF page size to select the input paper tray in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/picktraybypdfsize/ --- ## PickTrayByPDFSize field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/picktraybypdfsize/ Use the PDF page size to select the input paper tray. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PickTrayByPDFSize +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PickTrayByPDFSize ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/printscalingappdefault/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/printscalingappdefault/ index b549eed425..a2b5ac30e8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/printscalingappdefault/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/printscalingappdefault/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/printscalingappdefault/ The conforming reader's default print scaling. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PrintScalingAppDefault +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PrintScalingAppDefault ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/printscalingnone/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/printscalingnone/ index 5d4be291e3..32022dc2ad 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/printscalingnone/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/printscalingnone/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/printscalingnone/ No page scaling. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PrintScalingNone +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::PrintScalingNone ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/simplex/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/simplex/ index 0ec020ff2e..a374ee6c87 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/simplex/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/simplex/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Simplex second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::Simplex field. Print single-sided in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/simplex/ --- ## Simplex field @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.facades/viewerpreference/simplex/ Print single-sided. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::Simplex +static int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Facades::ViewerPreference::Simplex ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/ index c5f86dc34b..d71c3a1c08 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Aspose::Pdf::Forms second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'How to use Aspose::Pdf::Forms namespace in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/ --- diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/barcodefield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/barcodefield/ index 82c042c6f3..9fbc9137c9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/barcodefield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/barcodefield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: BarcodeField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::BarcodeField constructor. Initializes new instance of the BarcodeField class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/barcodefield/ --- ## BarcodeField::BarcodeField(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/barcodefield/ Initializes new instance of the [BarcodeField](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::BarcodeField(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::BarcodeField(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::BarcodeField(System::Sha | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page where to place new barcode. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | Barcode sizes given in rectangle. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page where to place new barcode. - - - - - rect - - - Barcode sizes given in rectangle. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) @@ -55,7 +35,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::BarcodeField(System::Sha Initializes new instance of the [BarcodeField](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::BarcodeField(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::BarcodeField(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -63,29 +43,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::BarcodeField(System::Sha | --- | --- | --- | | doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where field will be created. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) where field will be placed on the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - doc - - - - Document where field will be created. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle where field will be placed on the page. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_caption/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_caption/ index f00ec44add..e9eeb411d4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_caption/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_caption/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_caption/ Gets the caption of the barcode object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::get_Caption() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::get_Caption() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_ecc/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_ecc/ index b3a22f5dd1..b07e0b1247 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_ecc/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_ecc/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ECC second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::get_ECC method. Gets an integer value representing the error correction coefficient. For PDF417, shall be from 0 to 8. For QRCode, shall be from 0 to 3 (0 for ''L'', 1 for ''M'', 2 for ''Q'', and 3 for ''H'') in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_ecc/ --- ## BarcodeField::get_ECC method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_ecc/ Gets an integer value representing the error correction coefficient. For PDF417, shall be from 0 to 8. For QRCode, shall be from 0 to 3 (0 for 'L', 1 for 'M', 2 for 'Q', and 3 for 'H'). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::get_ECC() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::get_ECC() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_resolution/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_resolution/ index 17270bb3a9..33b6ddc8be 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_resolution/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_resolution/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Resolution second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::get_Resolution method. Gets the resolution, in dots-per-inch (dpi), at which the barcode object is rendered in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_resolution/ --- ## BarcodeField::get_Resolution method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_resolution/ Gets the resolution, in dots-per-inch (dpi), at which the barcode object is rendered. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::get_Resolution() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::get_Resolution() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_symbology/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_symbology/ index 84d4990521..802d9a92ad 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_symbology/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_symbology/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Symbology second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::get_Symbology method. Specifies which barcode or glyph technology is to be used on this annotation, see Symbology for details in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_symbology/ --- ## BarcodeField::get_Symbology method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_symbology/ Specifies which barcode or glyph technology is to be used on this annotation, see [Symbology](../../symbology/) for details. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Symbology Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::get_Symbology() +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Symbology Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::get_Symbology() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_xsymheight/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_xsymheight/ index 9e5891c94c..ad7cff40c4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_xsymheight/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_xsymheight/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_XSymHeight second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::get_XSymHeight method. Gets the the vertical distance between two barcode modules, measured in pixels. The ratio XSymHeight/XSymWidth shall be an integer value. For PDF417, the acceptable ratio range is from 1 to 4. For QRCode and DataMatrix, this ratio shall always be 1 in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_xsymheight/ --- ## BarcodeField::get_XSymHeight method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_xsymheight/ Gets the the vertical distance between two barcode modules, measured in pixels. The ratio XSymHeight/XSymWidth shall be an integer value. For PDF417, the acceptable ratio range is from 1 to 4. For QRCode and DataMatrix, this ratio shall always be 1. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::get_XSymHeight() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::get_XSymHeight() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_xsymwidth/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_xsymwidth/ index a6c4180820..b66868d293 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_xsymwidth/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_xsymwidth/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_XSymWidth second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::get_XSymWidth method. Gets The horizontal distance, in pixels, between two barcode modules in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_xsymwidth/ --- ## BarcodeField::get_XSymWidth method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/barcodefield/get_xsymwidth/ Gets The horizontal distance, in pixels, between two barcode modules. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::get_XSymWidth() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::BarcodeField::get_XSymWidth() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/addimage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/addimage/ index acce14700d..750e199206 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/addimage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/addimage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddImage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::AddImage method. Adds image into the field resources and draws it in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/addimage/ --- ## ButtonField::AddImage method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/addimage/ Adds image into the field resources and draws it. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::AddImage(System::SharedPtr image) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::AddImage(System::SharedPtr image) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | image | System::SharedPtr\ | [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) ot add into text field. | -## Remarks - - - - - image - - - - Image ot add into text field. - - - ## See Also * Class [ButtonField](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/buttonfield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/buttonfield/ index b35f4fb486..3cae1c68cb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/buttonfield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/buttonfield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ButtonField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::ButtonField constructor. Button field constructor for Generator in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/buttonfield/ --- ## ButtonField::ButtonField() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/buttonfield/ Button field constructor for Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::ButtonField() +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::ButtonField() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::ButtonField() [ButtonField](../) constructor. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::ButtonField(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::ButtonField(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -35,29 +35,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::ButtonField(System::Share | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) where button will be placed. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) where button is placed on the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - - Page where button will be placed. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle where button is placed on the page. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) @@ -71,7 +49,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::ButtonField(System::Share [ButtonField](../) constructore. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::ButtonField(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::ButtonField(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -79,28 +57,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::ButtonField(System::Share | --- | --- | --- | | doc | System::SharedPtr\ | Docuemtn where new field will be created. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) hwere button is placed on the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - - doc - - - Docuemtn where new field will be created. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle hwere button is placed on the page. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_alternatecaption/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_alternatecaption/ index 6d1434bf2a..6fc4992a77 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_alternatecaption/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_alternatecaption/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AlternateCaption second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_AlternateCaption method. Gets alternate caption of the button which shall be displayed when the mouse button is pressed within its active area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_alternatecaption/ --- ## ButtonField::get_AlternateCaption method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_alternatecaption/ Gets alternate caption of the button which shall be displayed when the mouse button is pressed within its active area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_AlternateCaption() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_AlternateCaption() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_alternateicon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_alternateicon/ index 506a9f3621..f3850d3666 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_alternateicon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_alternateicon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AlternateIcon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_AlternateIcon method. Gets alternate icon which shall be displayed when the mouse button is pressed within its active area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_alternateicon/ --- ## ButtonField::get_AlternateIcon method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_alternateicon/ Gets alternate icon which shall be displayed when the mouse button is pressed within its active area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_AlternateIcon() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_AlternateIcon() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_iconfit/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_iconfit/ index efb3a2951a..f05200a955 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_iconfit/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_iconfit/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IconFit second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_IconFit method. Gets icon fit object specifying how the widget annotation''s icon shall be displayed within its annotation rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_iconfit/ --- ## ButtonField::get_IconFit method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_iconfit/ Gets icon fit object specifying how the widget annotation's icon shall be displayed within its annotation rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_IconFit() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_IconFit() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_icposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_icposition/ index 777636c208..78ec91d3fc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_icposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_icposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ICPosition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_ICPosition method. Gets icon caption position in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_icposition/ --- ## ButtonField::get_ICPosition method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_icposition/ Gets icon caption position. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API IconCaptionPosition Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_ICPosition() +IconCaptionPosition Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_ICPosition() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_normalcaption/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_normalcaption/ index 9793694280..cb3ff26fee 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_normalcaption/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_normalcaption/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_NormalCaption second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_NormalCaption method. Gets normal caption in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_normalcaption/ --- ## ButtonField::get_NormalCaption method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_normalcaption/ Gets normal caption. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_NormalCaption() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_NormalCaption() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_normalicon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_normalicon/ index 284cf86d0f..2d4c41d05b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_normalicon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_normalicon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_NormalIcon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_NormalIcon method. Gets normal icon of the button which shall be displayed when it is not interacting with the user in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_normalicon/ --- ## ButtonField::get_NormalIcon method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_normalicon/ Gets normal icon of the button which shall be displayed when it is not interacting with the user. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_NormalIcon() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_NormalIcon() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_rollovercaption/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_rollovercaption/ index 2a4dcb169f..400d971c08 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_rollovercaption/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_rollovercaption/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_RolloverCaption second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_RolloverCaption method. Gets rollover caption of button which shall be displayed when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the mouse button in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_rollovercaption/ --- ## ButtonField::get_RolloverCaption method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_rollovercaption/ Gets rollover caption of button which shall be displayed when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the mouse button. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_RolloverCaption() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_RolloverCaption() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_rollovericon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_rollovericon/ index f894c66afd..aebe4497bc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_rollovericon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_rollovericon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_RolloverIcon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_RolloverIcon method. Gets rollover icon of the button which shall be displayed when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the mouse button in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_rollovericon/ --- ## ButtonField::get_RolloverIcon method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/get_rollovericon/ Gets rollover icon of the button which shall be displayed when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the mouse button. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_RolloverIcon() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::get_RolloverIcon() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_alternatecaption/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_alternatecaption/ index c385ef03c5..49d6c9eec4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_alternatecaption/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_alternatecaption/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AlternateCaption second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_AlternateCaption method. Sets alternate caption of the button which shall be displayed when the mouse button is pressed within its active area in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_alternatecaption/ --- ## ButtonField::set_AlternateCaption method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_alternatecaption/ Sets alternate caption of the button which shall be displayed when the mouse button is pressed within its active area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_AlternateCaption(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_AlternateCaption(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_alternateicon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_alternateicon/ index b703ded117..5aa629d534 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_alternateicon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_alternateicon/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_alternateicon/ Sets alternate icon which shall be displayed when the mouse button is pressed within its active area. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_AlternateIcon(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_AlternateIcon(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_icposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_icposition/ index 498c1f75de..ca7d4f49bf 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_icposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_icposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ICPosition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_ICPosition method. Sets icon caption position in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_icposition/ --- ## ButtonField::set_ICPosition method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_icposition/ Sets icon caption position. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_ICPosition(IconCaptionPosition value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_ICPosition(IconCaptionPosition value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_normalcaption/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_normalcaption/ index 74c46c3b06..d3ebf59947 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_normalcaption/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_normalcaption/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_NormalCaption second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_NormalCaption method. Sets normal caption in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_normalcaption/ --- ## ButtonField::set_NormalCaption method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_normalcaption/ Sets normal caption. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_NormalCaption(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_NormalCaption(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_normalicon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_normalicon/ index c0346e9ff0..ecedb13704 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_normalicon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_normalicon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_NormalIcon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_NormalIcon method. Sets normal icon of the button which shall be displayed when it is not interacting with the user in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_normalicon/ --- ## ButtonField::set_NormalIcon method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_normalicon/ Sets normal icon of the button which shall be displayed when it is not interacting with the user. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_NormalIcon(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_NormalIcon(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_rollovercaption/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_rollovercaption/ index acb350b059..a4bcdbfcc1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_rollovercaption/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_rollovercaption/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_RolloverCaption second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_RolloverCaption method. Sets rollover caption of button which shall be displayed when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the mouse button in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_rollovercaption/ --- ## ButtonField::set_RolloverCaption method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_rollovercaption/ Sets rollover caption of button which shall be displayed when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the mouse button. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_RolloverCaption(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_RolloverCaption(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_rollovericon/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_rollovericon/ index 1dcb091f9a..d72202baec 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_rollovericon/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_rollovericon/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_RolloverIcon second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_RolloverIcon method. Sets rollover icon of the button which shall be displayed when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the mouse button in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_rollovericon/ --- ## ButtonField::set_RolloverIcon method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/buttonfield/set_rollovericon/ Sets rollover icon of the button which shall be displayed when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the mouse button. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_RolloverIcon(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ButtonField::set_RolloverIcon(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/addoption/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/addoption/ index ebf4cd46a7..aeb4db61b9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/addoption/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/addoption/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddOption second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::AddOption method. Adds new checkbox into a checkbox group, in which at most one of the checkboxes may be checked at any time. The new checkbox is added to the bottom of the group in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/addoption/ --- ## CheckboxField::AddOption(System::String) method @@ -13,118 +13,56 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/addoption/ Adds new checkbox into a checkbox group, in which at most one of the checkboxes may be checked at any time. The new checkbox is added to the bottom of the group. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::AddOption(System::String optionName) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::AddOption(System::String optionName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | optionName | System::String | Value of the option represented by added checkbox. | -## Remarks - - - - - - optionName - - - Value of the option represented by added checkbox. - - - + ## See Also * Class [CheckboxField](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Forms](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## CheckboxField::AddOption(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method +## CheckboxField::AddOption(System::String, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method Adds new checkbox into a checkbox group, in which at most one of the checkboxes may be checked at any time. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::AddOption(System::String optionName, System::SharedPtr rect) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::AddOption(System::String optionName, int32_t page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | optionName | System::String | Value of the option represented by added checkbox. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) of the added checkbox. | -## Remarks - - - - - - optionName - - - Value of the option represented by added checkbox. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle of the added checkbox. - - - +| page | int32_t | Number of the page where the added checkbox should be placed. | +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) of the added checkbox on the page. | + ## See Also * Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [CheckboxField](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Forms](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## CheckboxField::AddOption(System::String, int32_t, System::SharedPtr\) method +## CheckboxField::AddOption(System::String, System::SharedPtr\) method Adds new checkbox into a checkbox group, in which at most one of the checkboxes may be checked at any time. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::AddOption(System::String optionName, int32_t page, System::SharedPtr rect) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::AddOption(System::String optionName, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | optionName | System::String | Value of the option represented by added checkbox. | -| page | int32_t | Number of the page where the added checkbox should be placed. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) of the added checkbox on the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - - optionName - - - Value of the option represented by added checkbox. - - - - - page - - - Number of the page where the added checkbox should be placed. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle of the added checkbox on the page. - - - +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) of the added checkbox. | + ## See Also * Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/checkboxfield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/checkboxfield/ index 4ac90cd920..10ccfcb150 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/checkboxfield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/checkboxfield/ @@ -2,142 +2,86 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::CheckboxField constructor linktitle: CheckboxField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::CheckboxField constructor. Constructor for CheckboxField class in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::CheckboxField constructor. Create instance of CheckboxField in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/checkboxfield/ --- -## CheckboxField::CheckboxField(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## CheckboxField::CheckboxField() constructor -Constructor for [CheckboxField](../) class. +Create instance of [CheckboxField](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::CheckboxField(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::CheckboxField() ``` - -| Parameter | Type | Description | -| --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) where check box will be placed. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | Position and size of the check box. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - - Page where check box will be placed. - - - - - rect - - - Position and size of the check box. - - - ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) -* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [CheckboxField](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Forms](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## CheckboxField::CheckboxField(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## CheckboxField::CheckboxField(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor Constructor for [CheckboxField](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::CheckboxField(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::CheckboxField(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where will be new field created. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) where new field will be created. | -## Remarks - - - - - - doc - - - - Document where will be new field created. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle where new field will be created. - - - +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) where check box will be placed. | +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | Position and size of the check box. | + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) * Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [CheckboxField](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Forms](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## CheckboxField::CheckboxField() constructor +## CheckboxField::CheckboxField(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Create instance of [CheckboxField](../). +Constructor to use with Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::CheckboxField() +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::CheckboxField(System::SharedPtr doc) ``` + +| Parameter | Type | Description | +| --- | --- | --- | +| doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where field will be created. | + ## See Also +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [CheckboxField](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Forms](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## CheckboxField::CheckboxField(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## CheckboxField::CheckboxField(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor to use with Generator. +Constructor for [CheckboxField](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::CheckboxField(System::SharedPtr doc) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::CheckboxField(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where field will be created. | -## Remarks - - - - - - doc - - - - Document where field will be created. - - - +| doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where will be new field created. | +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) where new field will be created. | + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [CheckboxField](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Forms](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/clone/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/clone/ index 573c8846cf..0c42d92322 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/clone/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/clone/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Clone second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::Clone method. Clone the checkbox in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/clone/ --- ## CheckboxField::Clone method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/clone/ Clone the checkbox. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::Clone() override +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::Clone() override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_activestate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_activestate/ index 9f0ae7dad9..865cc070ce 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_activestate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_activestate/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_activestate/ Gets current annotation appearance state. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::get_ActiveState() override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::get_ActiveState() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_allowedstates/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_allowedstates/ index 28bbe35f74..eb07df9d35 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_allowedstates/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_allowedstates/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AllowedStates second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::get_AllowedStates method. Returns list of allowed states in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_allowedstates/ --- ## CheckboxField::get_AllowedStates method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_allowedstates/ Returns list of allowed states. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::get_AllowedStates() +System::SharedPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::get_AllowedStates() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_checked/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_checked/ index 60fa6dc1d2..96e4204a70 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_checked/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_checked/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_checked/ Gets state of check box. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::get_Checked() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::get_Checked() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_exportvalue/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_exportvalue/ index 46fc04c017..4e816d2c72 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_exportvalue/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_exportvalue/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ExportValue second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::get_ExportValue method. Gets export value of CheckBox field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_exportvalue/ --- ## CheckboxField::get_ExportValue method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_exportvalue/ Gets export value of CheckBox field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::get_ExportValue() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::get_ExportValue() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_style/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_style/ index 4cdd62df09..ed405ceccd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_style/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_style/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Style second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::get_Style method. Gets style of check box in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_style/ --- ## CheckboxField::get_Style method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_style/ Gets style of check box. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API BoxStyle Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::get_Style() +BoxStyle Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::get_Style() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_value/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_value/ index c7255040f9..a9c9352d34 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_value/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_value/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Value second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::get_Value method. Gets value of check box field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_value/ --- ## CheckboxField::get_Value method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/get_value/ Gets value of check box field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::get_Value() override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::get_Value() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_activestate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_activestate/ index ed820ac590..24dbf0194e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_activestate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_activestate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ActiveState second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::set_ActiveState method. Sets current annotation appearance state in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_activestate/ --- ## CheckboxField::set_ActiveState method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_activestate/ Sets current annotation appearance state. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::set_ActiveState(System::String value) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::set_ActiveState(System::String value) override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_checked/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_checked/ index 4b3a0ca420..05a7291336 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_checked/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_checked/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Checked second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::set_Checked method. Sets state of check box in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_checked/ --- ## CheckboxField::set_Checked method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_checked/ Sets state of check box. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::set_Checked(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::set_Checked(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_exportvalue/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_exportvalue/ index 1002f4ac6a..2c3cefe680 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_exportvalue/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_exportvalue/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ExportValue second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::set_ExportValue method. Sets export value of CheckBox field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_exportvalue/ --- ## CheckboxField::set_ExportValue method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_exportvalue/ Sets export value of CheckBox field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::set_ExportValue(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::set_ExportValue(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_style/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_style/ index 4f002b0c28..d0b8dd82c5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_style/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_style/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Style second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::set_Style method. Sets style of check box in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_style/ --- ## CheckboxField::set_Style method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_style/ Sets style of check box. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::set_Style(BoxStyle value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::set_Style(BoxStyle value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_value/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_value/ index 4f1a262f9b..d41423ea1f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_value/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_value/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Value second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::set_Value method. Sets value of check box field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_value/ --- ## CheckboxField::set_Value method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/checkboxfield/set_value/ Sets value of check box field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::set_Value(System::String value) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::CheckboxField::set_Value(System::String value) override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/addoption/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/addoption/ index 7a25baed92..ebceba1f2d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/addoption/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/addoption/ @@ -2,77 +2,45 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::AddOption method linktitle: AddOption second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::AddOption method. Adds new option with specified name in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::AddOption method. Adds new option with specified export value and name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/addoption/ --- -## ChoiceField::AddOption(System::String) method +## ChoiceField::AddOption(System::String, System::String) method -Adds new option with specified name. +Adds new option with specified export value and name. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::AddOption(System::String optionName) +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::AddOption(System::String export_, System::String name) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| optionName | System::String | Name of the new option. | -## Remarks - +| export | System::String | Export value. | +| name | System::String | Name of the new option. | - - - - optionName - - - Name of the new option. - - - ## See Also * Class [ChoiceField](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Forms](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## ChoiceField::AddOption(System::String, System::String) method +## ChoiceField::AddOption(System::String) method -Adds new option with specified export value and name. +Adds new option with specified name. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::AddOption(System::String export_, System::String name) +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::AddOption(System::String optionName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| export | System::String | Export value. | -| name | System::String | Name of the new option. | -## Remarks - +| optionName | System::String | Name of the new option. | - - - - export - - - Export value. - - - - - name - - - Name of the new option. - - - ## See Also * Class [ChoiceField](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/choicefield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/choicefield/ index b24ca06a12..e562198342 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/choicefield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/choicefield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ChoiceField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::ChoiceField constructor. Constructor for ChoiceField in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/choicefield/ --- ## ChoiceField::ChoiceField(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/choicefield/ Constructor for [ChoiceField](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::ChoiceField(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::ChoiceField(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -21,29 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::ChoiceField(System::Share | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) where field is situated. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) of the field. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - - Page where field is situated. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle of the field. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) @@ -57,27 +35,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::ChoiceField(System::Share Creates choice field (for Generator) ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::ChoiceField(System::SharedPtr doc) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::ChoiceField(System::SharedPtr doc) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where choice field will be created. | -## Remarks - - - - - - doc - - - - Document where choice field will be created. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) @@ -90,7 +55,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::ChoiceField(System::Share Constructor for [ChoiceField](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::ChoiceField(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::ChoiceField(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -98,29 +63,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::ChoiceField(System::Share | --- | --- | --- | | doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where field will be created. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) of the field. | -## Remarks - - - - - - doc - - - - Document where field will be created. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle of the field. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/deleteoption/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/deleteoption/ index e0589185c0..c21a188d98 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/deleteoption/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/deleteoption/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DeleteOption second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::DeleteOption method. Deletes option by its name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/deleteoption/ --- ## ChoiceField::DeleteOption method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/deleteoption/ Deletes option by its name. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::DeleteOption(System::String optionName) +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::DeleteOption(System::String optionName) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | optionName | System::String | Name of the option which must be deleted. | -## Remarks - - - - - optionName - - - Name of the option which must be deleted. - - - ## See Also * Class [ChoiceField](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_commitimmediately/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_commitimmediately/ index f3ea56b062..20e750c676 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_commitimmediately/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_commitimmediately/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_CommitImmediately second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_CommitImmediately method. Gets commit on selection change flag in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_commitimmediately/ --- ## ChoiceField::get_CommitImmediately method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_commitimmediately/ Gets commit on selection change flag. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_CommitImmediately() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_CommitImmediately() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_multiselect/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_multiselect/ index 610470ee04..6290b587f5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_multiselect/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_multiselect/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_MultiSelect second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_MultiSelect method. Gets multiselection flag in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_multiselect/ --- ## ChoiceField::get_MultiSelect method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_multiselect/ Gets multiselection flag. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_MultiSelect() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_MultiSelect() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_options/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_options/ index 3267eee429..fc5f525073 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_options/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_options/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Options second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_Options method. Gets collection of choice options in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_options/ --- ## ChoiceField::get_Options method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_options/ Gets collection of choice options. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_Options() +virtual System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_Options() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_selected/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_selected/ index 7f6249d6d4..3f730a591b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_selected/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_selected/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Selected second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_Selected method. Gets index of selected option. This property allows to change selection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_selected/ --- ## ChoiceField::get_Selected method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_selected/ Gets index of selected option. This property allows to change selection. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_Selected() +virtual int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_Selected() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_selecteditems/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_selecteditems/ index 305f9d4c90..41a43c8f06 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_selecteditems/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_selecteditems/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SelectedItems second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_SelectedItems method. Gets array of selected items. For multiselect list array contains more then one item. For single selection list it contains single item in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_selecteditems/ --- ## ChoiceField::get_SelectedItems method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_selecteditems/ Gets array of selected items. For multiselect list array contains more then one item. For single selection list it contains single item. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_SelectedItems() +virtual System::ArrayPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_SelectedItems() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_value/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_value/ index f5cf3e5795..73ed400e52 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_value/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_value/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Value second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_Value method. Gets value of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_value/ --- ## ChoiceField::get_Value method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/get_value/ Gets value of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_Value() override +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::get_Value() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_commitimmediately/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_commitimmediately/ index b4f42fe6f4..eb5d6c8094 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_commitimmediately/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_commitimmediately/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CommitImmediately second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::set_CommitImmediately method. Sets commit on selection change flag in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_commitimmediately/ --- ## ChoiceField::set_CommitImmediately method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_commitimmediately/ Sets commit on selection change flag. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::set_CommitImmediately(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::set_CommitImmediately(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_multiselect/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_multiselect/ index 2cf335d1eb..7f49a1709f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_multiselect/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_multiselect/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_MultiSelect second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::set_MultiSelect method. Sets multiselection flag in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_multiselect/ --- ## ChoiceField::set_MultiSelect method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_multiselect/ Sets multiselection flag. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::set_MultiSelect(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::set_MultiSelect(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_selected/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_selected/ index fb5f665e16..4e304a1e48 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_selected/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_selected/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Selected second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::set_Selected method. Sets index of selected option. This property allows to change selection in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_selected/ --- ## ChoiceField::set_Selected method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_selected/ Sets index of selected option. This property allows to change selection. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::set_Selected(int32_t value) +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::set_Selected(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_selecteditems/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_selecteditems/ index d15c359c11..1c3356b1ae 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_selecteditems/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_selecteditems/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SelectedItems second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::set_SelectedItems method. Sets array of selected items. For multiselect list array contains more then one item. For single selection list it contains single item in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_selecteditems/ --- ## ChoiceField::set_SelectedItems method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_selecteditems/ Sets array of selected items. For multiselect list array contains more then one item. For single selection list it contains single item. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::set_SelectedItems(System::ArrayPtr value) +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::set_SelectedItems(System::ArrayPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_value/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_value/ index f61f899392..ad9321e88e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_value/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_value/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Value second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::set_Value method. Sets value of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_value/ --- ## ChoiceField::set_Value method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/choicefield/set_value/ Sets value of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::set_Value(System::String value) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ChoiceField::set_Value(System::String value) override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/comboboxfield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/comboboxfield/ index 62f01ad818..5558d646e1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/comboboxfield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/comboboxfield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ComboBoxField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::ComboBoxField constructor. Constructor for ComboBoxField to be used in Generator in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/comboboxfield/ --- ## ComboBoxField::ComboBoxField() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/comboboxfield/ Constructor for [ComboBoxField](../) to be used in Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::ComboBoxField() +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::ComboBoxField() ``` ## See Also @@ -21,80 +21,45 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::ComboBoxField() * Class [ComboBoxField](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Forms](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## ComboBoxField::ComboBoxField(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## ComboBoxField::ComboBoxField(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Creates CombBox field to work with Generator. +Constructor for Combobox [Field](../../field/). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::ComboBoxField(System::SharedPtr doc) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::ComboBoxField(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where field will be created. | -## Remarks - - - - - - doc - - - - Document where field will be created. - - - +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) where field will be placed. | +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) which defines size and position of the field on the page. | + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [ComboBoxField](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Forms](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## ComboBoxField::ComboBoxField(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## ComboBoxField::ComboBoxField(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor for Combobox [Field](../../field/). +Creates CombBox field to work with Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::ComboBoxField(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::ComboBoxField(System::SharedPtr doc) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) where field will be placed. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) which defines size and position of the field on the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - - Page where field will be placed. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle which defines size and position of the field on the page. - - - +| doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where field will be created. | + ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) -* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [ComboBoxField](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Forms](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -104,7 +69,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::ComboBoxField(System::S Constructor for Combobox field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::ComboBoxField(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::ComboBoxField(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -112,29 +77,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::ComboBoxField(System::S | --- | --- | --- | | doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where field should be created. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) which defines size and position of the field. | -## Remarks - - - - - - doc - - - - Document where field should be created. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle which defines size and position of the field. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/get_editable/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/get_editable/ index 033e8311f9..a5d6bc9d12 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/get_editable/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/get_editable/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Editable second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::get_Editable method. Gets editable status of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/get_editable/ --- ## ComboBoxField::get_Editable method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/get_editable/ Gets editable status of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::get_Editable() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::get_Editable() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/get_spellcheck/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/get_spellcheck/ index 0eb3b87e66..74fcc8de6e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/get_spellcheck/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/get_spellcheck/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/get_spellcheck/ Gets spellchaeck activiity status. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::get_SpellCheck() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::get_SpellCheck() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/set_editable/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/set_editable/ index db617dca37..bfd0818068 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/set_editable/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/set_editable/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Editable second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::set_Editable method. Sets editable status of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/set_editable/ --- ## ComboBoxField::set_Editable method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/set_editable/ Sets editable status of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::set_Editable(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::set_Editable(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/set_spellcheck/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/set_spellcheck/ index aa6ab09ca7..50fe8a466c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/set_spellcheck/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/set_spellcheck/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SpellCheck second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::set_SpellCheck method. Sets spellchaeck activiity status in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/set_spellcheck/ --- ## ComboBoxField::set_SpellCheck method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/comboboxfield/set_spellcheck/ Sets spellchaeck activiity status. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::set_SpellCheck(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ComboBoxField::set_SpellCheck(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/addimage/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/addimage/ index ae2d1ba441..11f327691f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/addimage/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/addimage/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddImage second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::AddImage method. Image adding denied for this field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/addimage/ --- ## DateField::AddImage method @@ -13,33 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/addimage/ [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) adding denied for this field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::AddImage(System::SharedPtr image) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::AddImage(System::SharedPtr image) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | image | System::SharedPtr\ | The image. | -## Remarks - - - - - image - - - The image. - - - - - - System::InvalidOperationException - - - - ## See Also * Class [Image](../../../aspose.pdf/image/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/datefield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/datefield/ index 8975ed7462..ca278014d4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/datefield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/datefield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DateField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::DateField constructor. Initializes a new instance of the DateField in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/datefield/ --- ## DateField::DateField() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/datefield/ Initializes a new instance of the [DateField](../) ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::DateField() +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::DateField() ``` ## See Also @@ -21,80 +21,45 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::DateField() * Class [DateField](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Forms](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## DateField::DateField(System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## DateField::DateField(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Constructor which should be used with Generator. +Initializes a new instance of the [DateField](../) ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::DateField(System::SharedPtr doc) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::DateField(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where field will be created. | -## Remarks - - - - - - doc - - - - Document where field will be created. - - - +| page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) needed for create. | +| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) where the text field will be placed on the page. | + ## See Also -* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) +* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) +* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) * Class [DateField](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Forms](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## DateField::DateField(System::SharedPtr\, System::SharedPtr\) constructor +## DateField::DateField(System::SharedPtr\) constructor -Initializes a new instance of the [DateField](../) +Constructor which should be used with Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::DateField(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::DateField(System::SharedPtr doc) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) needed for create. | -| rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) where the text field will be placed on the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - - Page needed for create. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle where the text field will be placed on the page. - - - +| doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where field will be created. | + ## See Also -* Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) -* Class [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) +* Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) * Class [DateField](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Forms](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) @@ -104,7 +69,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::DateField(System::SharedPtr Initializes a new instance of the [DateField](../) ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::DateField(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::DateField(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -112,29 +77,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::DateField(System::SharedPtr | --- | --- | --- | | doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where field will be created. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) of the field. | -## Remarks - - - - - - doc - - - - Document where field will be created. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle of the field. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/get_dateformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/get_dateformat/ index bbc0ec79ea..6cd16c4f24 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/get_dateformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/get_dateformat/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/get_dateformat/ Gets the date format. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::get_DateFormat() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::get_DateFormat() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/get_datetimevalue/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/get_datetimevalue/ index 8e61affdc4..34eaa76fdc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/get_datetimevalue/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/get_datetimevalue/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DateTimeValue second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::get_DateTimeValue method. Gets Date in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/get_datetimevalue/ --- ## DateField::get_DateTimeValue method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/get_datetimevalue/ Gets Date. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::DateTime Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::get_DateTimeValue() +System::DateTime Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::get_DateTimeValue() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/init/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/init/ index 042da91862..98d54917d8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/init/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/init/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Init second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::Init method. Initializes the JS Action in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/init/ --- ## DateField::Init method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/init/ Initializes the JS Action. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::Init(System::SharedPtr page) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::Init(System::SharedPtr page) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The page. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The page. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/set_dateformat/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/set_dateformat/ index ae40b2ebcb..5e82fe4bda 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/set_dateformat/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/set_dateformat/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_DateFormat second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::set_DateFormat method. Sets the date format in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/set_dateformat/ --- ## DateField::set_DateFormat method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/set_dateformat/ Sets the date format. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::set_DateFormat(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::set_DateFormat(System::String value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/set_datetimevalue/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/set_datetimevalue/ index aa4980bd27..8d9eb48317 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/set_datetimevalue/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/set_datetimevalue/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_DateTimeValue second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::set_DateTimeValue method. Sets Date in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/set_datetimevalue/ --- ## DateField::set_DateTimeValue method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/datefield/set_datetimevalue/ Sets Date. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::set_DateTimeValue(System::DateTime value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DateField::set_DateTimeValue(System::DateTime value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/docmdpsignature/docmdpsignature/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/docmdpsignature/docmdpsignature/ index ac2f5ca2e9..353cfadb70 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/docmdpsignature/docmdpsignature/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/docmdpsignature/docmdpsignature/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: DocMDPSignature second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DocMDPSignature::DocMDPSignature constructor. Initializes a new instance of the DocMDPSignature class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/docmdpsignature/docmdpsignature/ --- ## DocMDPSignature::DocMDPSignature constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/docmdpsignature/docmdpsignature/ Initializes a new instance of the [DocMDPSignature](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DocMDPSignature::DocMDPSignature(System::SharedPtr signature, DocMDPAccessPermissions accessPermissions) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DocMDPSignature::DocMDPSignature(System::SharedPtr signature, DocMDPAccessPermissions accessPermissions) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DocMDPSignature::DocMDPSignature(Syste | --- | --- | --- | | signature | System::SharedPtr\ | The signature object that used during signing. | | accessPermissions | DocMDPAccessPermissions | The access permissions granted for this document. | -## Remarks - - - - - signature - - - The signature object that used during signing. - - - - - accessPermissions - - - The access permissions granted for this document. - - - ## See Also * Class [Signature](../../signature/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/docmdpsignature/get_accesspermissions/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/docmdpsignature/get_accesspermissions/ index 9480d8ed22..53a793bcdd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/docmdpsignature/get_accesspermissions/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/docmdpsignature/get_accesspermissions/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AccessPermissions second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DocMDPSignature::get_AccessPermissions method. Returns the access permissions granted for this document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/docmdpsignature/get_accesspermissions/ --- ## DocMDPSignature::get_AccessPermissions method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/docmdpsignature/get_accesspermissions/ Returns the access permissions granted for this document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API DocMDPAccessPermissions Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DocMDPSignature::get_AccessPermissions() const +DocMDPAccessPermissions Aspose::Pdf::Forms::DocMDPSignature::get_AccessPermissions() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/externalsignature/externalsignature/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/externalsignature/externalsignature/ index a4582764f5..bc38fc08bd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/externalsignature/externalsignature/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/externalsignature/externalsignature/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExternalSignature second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ExternalSignature::ExternalSignature constructor. Creates a detached PKCS#7Detached signature using a X509Certificate2. It supports usb smartcards, tokens without exportable private keys in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/externalsignature/externalsignature/ --- ## ExternalSignature::ExternalSignature(System::SharedPtr\) constructor @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/externalsignature/externalsignature/ Creates a detached PKCS#7Detached signature using a X509Certificate2. It supports usb smartcards, tokens without exportable private keys. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ExternalSignature::ExternalSignature(System::SharedPtr certificate) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ExternalSignature::ExternalSignature(System::SharedPtr certificate) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | certificate | System::SharedPtr\ | The certificate with the private key. | -## Remarks - - - - - - certificate - - - The certificate with the private key. - - - + ## See Also * Class [ExternalSignature](../) @@ -44,7 +32,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ExternalSignature::ExternalSignature(S Creates a detached PKCS#7Detached signature using a X509Certificate2. It supports usb smartcards, tokens without exportable private keys. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ExternalSignature::ExternalSignature(System::SharedPtr certificate, bool detached) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ExternalSignature::ExternalSignature(System::SharedPtr certificate, bool detached) ``` @@ -52,27 +40,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ExternalSignature::ExternalSignature(S | --- | --- | --- | | certificate | System::SharedPtr\ | The certificate with the private key. | | detached | bool | True if the signature should be detached, otherwise false. | -## Remarks - - - - - - certificate - - - The certificate with the private key. - - - - - detached - - - True if the signature should be detached, otherwise false. - - - + ## See Also * Class [ExternalSignature](../) @@ -84,7 +52,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ExternalSignature::ExternalSignature(S Creates a PKCS#7 (detached) signature using a X509Certificate2 as base64 string. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ExternalSignature::ExternalSignature(System::String base64, bool detached) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ExternalSignature::ExternalSignature(System::String base64, bool detached) ``` @@ -92,27 +60,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ExternalSignature::ExternalSignature(S | --- | --- | --- | | base64 | System::String | X509Certificate2 as base64 string. | | detached | bool | True if the signature should be detached, otherwise false. | -## Remarks - - - - - - base64 - - - X509Certificate2 as base64 string. - - - - - detached - - - True if the signature should be detached, otherwise false. - - - + ## See Also * Class [ExternalSignature](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/externalsignature/get_certificate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/externalsignature/get_certificate/ index bb98afbc9d..8fdf6f83ea 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/externalsignature/get_certificate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/externalsignature/get_certificate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Certificate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ExternalSignature::get_Certificate method. The certificate with the private key in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/externalsignature/get_certificate/ --- ## ExternalSignature::get_Certificate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/externalsignature/get_certificate/ The certificate with the private key. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ExternalSignature::get_Certificate() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ExternalSignature::get_Certificate() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/copyto/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/copyto/ index 528dd0dbb4..8419521f10 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/copyto/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/copyto/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CopyTo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::CopyTo method. Copies subfields of this field into array starting from specified index in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/copyto/ --- ## Field::CopyTo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/copyto/ Copies subfields of this field into array starting from specified index. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr> array, int32_t index) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr> array, int32_t index) ``` @@ -21,32 +21,10 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr\> | Array where field must be copied. | | index | int32_t | Starting index where fields will be copied. | -## Remarks - - - - Deprecated - - Use CopyTo(WidgetAnnotation[], index) instead. - - - - - array - - - Array where field must be copied. - - - - - index - - - Starting index where fields will be copied. - - - + +## Deprecated +Use CopyTo(WidgetAnnotation[], index) instead. + ## See Also * Class [Field](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/copytowidgetarray/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/copytowidgetarray/ index cf547bb282..17c90b05b6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/copytowidgetarray/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/copytowidgetarray/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CopyToWidgetArray second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::CopyToWidgetArray method. Copies subfields of this field into array starting from specified index in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/copytowidgetarray/ --- ## Field::CopyToWidgetArray method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/copytowidgetarray/ Copies subfields of this field into array starting from specified index. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::CopyToWidgetArray(System::ArrayPtr> array, int32_t index) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::CopyToWidgetArray(System::ArrayPtr> array, int32_t index) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::CopyToWidgetArray(System:: | --- | --- | --- | | array | System::ArrayPtr\\> | Array where field must be copied. | | index | int32_t | Starting index where fields will be copied. | -## Remarks - - - - - array - - - Array where field must be copied. - - - - - index - - - Starting index where fields will be copied. - - - ## See Also * Class [WidgetAnnotation](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/executefieldjavascript/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/executefieldjavascript/ index 2e6bada7b7..7640128f19 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/executefieldjavascript/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/executefieldjavascript/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ExecuteFieldJavaScript second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::ExecuteFieldJavaScript method. Executes a specified JavaScript action for the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2900 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/executefieldjavascript/ --- ## Field::ExecuteFieldJavaScript method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/executefieldjavascript/ Executes a specified JavaScript action for the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::ExecuteFieldJavaScript(System::SharedPtr javaScriptAction) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::ExecuteFieldJavaScript(System::SharedPtr javaScriptAction) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | javaScriptAction | System::SharedPtr\ | The JavaScript action to execute. | -## Remarks - - - - - javaScriptAction - - - The JavaScript action to execute. - - - ## See Also * Class [JavascriptAction](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/javascriptaction/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/field/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/field/ index 9625c3896d..9d28ca4fa5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/field/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/field/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Field second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::Field constructor. Creates field for use in Generator in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2600 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/field/ --- ## Field::Field constructor @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/field/ Creates field for use in Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::Field(System::SharedPtr doc) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::Field(System::SharedPtr doc) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where field will be created. | -## Remarks - - - - - doc - - - - Document where field will be created. - - - ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_alternatename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_alternatename/ index 5e58b53b7f..d550561d77 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_alternatename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_alternatename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AlternateName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_AlternateName method. Gets alternate name of the field (An alternate field name that shall be used in place of the actual field name wherever the field shall be identified in the user interface). Alternate name is used as field tooltip in Adobe Acrobat in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_alternatename/ --- ## Field::get_AlternateName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_alternatename/ Gets alternate name of the field (An alternate field name that shall be used in place of the actual field name wherever the field shall be identified in the user interface). Alternate name is used as field tooltip in Adobe Acrobat. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_AlternateName() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_AlternateName() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_annotationindex/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_annotationindex/ index 41f393ec36..0dd17f1c7f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_annotationindex/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_annotationindex/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AnnotationIndex second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_AnnotationIndex method. Gets index of this anotation on the page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_annotationindex/ --- ## Field::get_AnnotationIndex method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_annotationindex/ Gets index of this anotation on the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_AnnotationIndex() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_AnnotationIndex() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_count/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_count/ index 0683f65604..bd883f5ec8 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_count/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_count/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Count second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_Count method. Gets number of subfields in this field. (For example number of items in radio button field) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_count/ --- ## Field::get_Count method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_count/ Gets number of subfields in this field. (For example number of items in radio button field). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_Count() const override +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_Count() const override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_fitintorectangle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_fitintorectangle/ index 5bc890e5d9..c7878869fd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_fitintorectangle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_fitintorectangle/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_fitintorectangle/ If true then font size will reduced to fit text to specified rectangle. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_FitIntoRectangle() +static bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_FitIntoRectangle() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_isgroup/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_isgroup/ index 73933ba45b..4bc81eb5cd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_isgroup/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_isgroup/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsGroup second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_IsGroup method. Gets boolean value which indicates is this field non-terminal field i.e. group of fields in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_isgroup/ --- ## Field::get_IsGroup method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_isgroup/ Gets boolean value which indicates is this field non-terminal field i.e. group of fields. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_IsGroup() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_IsGroup() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_issharedfield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_issharedfield/ index ba7ca9c74f..bcd73cbf06 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_issharedfield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_issharedfield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsSharedField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_IsSharedField method. Property for Generator support. Used when field is added to header or footer. If true, this field will created once and it''s appearance will be visible on all pages of the document. If false, separated field will be created for every document page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_issharedfield/ --- ## Field::get_IsSharedField method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_issharedfield/ Property for Generator support. Used when field is added to header or footer. If true, this field will created once and it's appearance will be visible on all pages of the document. If false, separated field will be created for every document page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_IsSharedField() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_IsSharedField() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_issynchronized/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_issynchronized/ index 3fd0f06056..762259fc4a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_issynchronized/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_issynchronized/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsSynchronized second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_IsSynchronized method. Returns true if dictionary is synchronized in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_issynchronized/ --- ## Field::get_IsSynchronized method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_issynchronized/ Returns true if dictionary is synchronized. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_IsSynchronized() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_IsSynchronized() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_mappingname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_mappingname/ index 313785ed1d..10fd083433 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_mappingname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_mappingname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_MappingName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_MappingName method. Gets mapping name of the field that shall be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_mappingname/ --- ## Field::get_MappingName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_mappingname/ Gets mapping name of the field that shall be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_MappingName() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_MappingName() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_maxfontsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_maxfontsize/ index 3e1a7d5323..3902bf8c45 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_maxfontsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_maxfontsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_MaxFontSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_MaxFontSize method. Maximail font size which can be used for field contents. -1 to don''t check size in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3300 +weight: 3200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_maxfontsize/ --- ## Field::get_MaxFontSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_maxfontsize/ Maximail font size which can be used for field contents. -1 to don't check size. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_MaxFontSize() +static double Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_MaxFontSize() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_minfontsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_minfontsize/ index e888c07217..d541a0f733 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_minfontsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_minfontsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_MinFontSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_MinFontSize method. Minimal font size which can be used for field contents. -1 to don''t check size in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3500 +weight: 3300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_minfontsize/ --- ## Field::get_MinFontSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_minfontsize/ Minimal font size which can be used for field contents. -1 to don't check size. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_MinFontSize() +static double Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_MinFontSize() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_pageindex/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_pageindex/ index 1389d1b3a4..2ae2316c22 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_pageindex/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_pageindex/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PageIndex second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_PageIndex method. Gets index of page which contains this field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_pageindex/ --- ## Field::get_PageIndex method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_pageindex/ Gets index of page which contains this field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_PageIndex() override +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_PageIndex() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_partialname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_partialname/ index 11fad8d289..228715cd7c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_partialname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_partialname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_PartialName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_PartialName method. Gets partial name of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_partialname/ --- ## Field::get_PartialName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_partialname/ Gets partial name of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_PartialName() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_PartialName() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_rect/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_rect/ index 5e3b5ac132..cd13a1b13c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_rect/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_rect/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Rect second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_Rect method. Gets the field rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_rect/ --- ## Field::get_Rect method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_rect/ Gets the field rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_Rect() override +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_Rect() override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_syncroot/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_syncroot/ index 6d7dae460f..32ae4fff51 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_syncroot/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_syncroot/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SyncRoot second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_SyncRoot method. Synchronization object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_syncroot/ --- ## Field::get_SyncRoot method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_syncroot/ Synchronization object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_SyncRoot() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_SyncRoot() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_taborder/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_taborder/ index b91b105e36..3635867fc5 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_taborder/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_taborder/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TabOrder second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_TabOrder method. Gets tab order of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_taborder/ --- ## Field::get_TabOrder method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_taborder/ Gets tab order of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_TabOrder() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_TabOrder() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_value/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_value/ index 9956348275..53eda9dfee 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_value/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_value/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Value second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_Value method. Gets value of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_value/ --- ## Field::get_Value method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/get_value/ Gets value of the field. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_Value() +virtual System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::get_Value() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/getenumerator/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/getenumerator/ index f3192dc940..f719c752ef 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/getenumerator/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/getenumerator/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetEnumerator second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::GetEnumerator method. Returns enumerator of contained fields in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/getenumerator/ --- ## Field::GetEnumerator method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/getenumerator/ Returns enumerator of contained fields. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::GetEnumerator() override +System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::GetEnumerator() override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/idx_get/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/idx_get/ index 9dda05e130..30fcb534f1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/idx_get/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/idx_get/ @@ -2,77 +2,53 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::idx_get method linktitle: idx_get second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::idx_get method. Gets subfield contained in this field by name of the subfield in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::idx_get method. Gets subfield contained in this field by index in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/idx_get/ --- -## Field::idx_get(System::String) method +## Field::idx_get(int32_t) method -Gets subfield contained in this field by name of the subfield. +Gets subfield contained in this field by index. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::idx_get(System::String name) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::idx_get(int32_t index) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| name | System::String | Contained subfield name. | +| index | int32_t | Index of the reuqested subfield. | ### ReturnValue [Field](../) instance. -## Remarks - - - - - - name - - - Contained subfield name. - - - + ## See Also * Class [WidgetAnnotation](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/) * Class [Field](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Forms](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Field::idx_get(int32_t) method +## Field::idx_get(System::String) method -Gets subfield contained in this field by index. +Gets subfield contained in this field by name of the subfield. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::idx_get(int32_t index) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::idx_get(System::String name) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| index | int32_t | Index of the reuqested subfield. | +| name | System::String | Contained subfield name. | ### ReturnValue [Field](../) instance. -## Remarks - - - - - - index - - - Index of the reuqested subfield. - - - + ## See Also * Class [WidgetAnnotation](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/recalculate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/recalculate/ index 0e6e70baff..1754ba0774 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/recalculate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/recalculate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Recalculate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::Recalculate method. Recaculates all calculated fields on the form in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/recalculate/ --- ## Field::Recalculate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/recalculate/ Recaculates all calculated fields on the form. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::Recalculate() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::Recalculate() ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_alternatename/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_alternatename/ index a1359c8f7d..65ee9daa82 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_alternatename/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_alternatename/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AlternateName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_AlternateName method. Sets alternate name of the field (An alternate field name that shall be used in place of the actual field name wherever the field shall be identified in the user interface). Alternate name is used as field tooltip in Adobe Acrobat in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_alternatename/ --- ## Field::set_AlternateName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_alternatename/ Sets alternate name of the field (An alternate field name that shall be used in place of the actual field name wherever the field shall be identified in the user interface). Alternate name is used as field tooltip in Adobe Acrobat. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_AlternateName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_AlternateName(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_annotationindex/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_annotationindex/ index 5ef7fdc3c0..ff1dc18ca6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_annotationindex/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_annotationindex/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AnnotationIndex second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_AnnotationIndex method. Sets index of this anotation on the page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_annotationindex/ --- ## Field::set_AnnotationIndex method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_annotationindex/ Sets index of this anotation on the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_AnnotationIndex(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_AnnotationIndex(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_fitintorectangle/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_fitintorectangle/ index 269a482528..e6ce3b05fc 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_fitintorectangle/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_fitintorectangle/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_FitIntoRectangle second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_FitIntoRectangle method. If true then font size will reduced to fit text to specified rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3200 +weight: 3400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_fitintorectangle/ --- ## Field::set_FitIntoRectangle method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_fitintorectangle/ If true then font size will reduced to fit text to specified rectangle. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_FitIntoRectangle(bool value) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_FitIntoRectangle(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_issharedfield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_issharedfield/ index ab5bc24202..fde72ee441 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_issharedfield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_issharedfield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_IsSharedField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_IsSharedField method. Property for Generator support. Used when field is added to header or footer. If true, this field will created once and it''s appearance will be visible on all pages of the document. If false, separated field will be created for every document page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_issharedfield/ --- ## Field::set_IsSharedField method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_issharedfield/ Property for Generator support. Used when field is added to header or footer. If true, this field will created once and it's appearance will be visible on all pages of the document. If false, separated field will be created for every document page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_IsSharedField(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_IsSharedField(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_mappingname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_mappingname/ index fc9287026f..d4afeccdcb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_mappingname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_mappingname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_MappingName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_MappingName method. Sets mapping name of the field that shall be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_mappingname/ --- ## Field::set_MappingName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_mappingname/ Sets mapping name of the field that shall be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_MappingName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_MappingName(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_maxfontsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_maxfontsize/ index e40881a797..e0792b919c 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_maxfontsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_maxfontsize/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_MaxFontSize second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_MaxFontSize method. Maximail font size which can be used for field contents. -1 to don''t check size in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3400 +weight: 3500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_maxfontsize/ --- ## Field::set_MaxFontSize method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_maxfontsize/ Maximail font size which can be used for field contents. -1 to don't check size. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_MaxFontSize(double value) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_MaxFontSize(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_minfontsize/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_minfontsize/ index 2a1e642d42..8fe8844082 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_minfontsize/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_minfontsize/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_minfontsize/ Minimal font size which can be used for field contents. -1 to don't check size. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_MinFontSize(double value) +static void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_MinFontSize(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_partialname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_partialname/ index f145eb833b..965063afef 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_partialname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_partialname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_PartialName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_PartialName method. Sets partial name of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_partialname/ --- ## Field::set_PartialName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_partialname/ Sets partial name of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_PartialName(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_PartialName(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_rect/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_rect/ index d1de32c7a8..dcbea2d649 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_rect/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_rect/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Rect second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_Rect method. Sets the field rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 2600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_rect/ --- ## Field::set_Rect method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_rect/ Sets the field rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_Rect(System::SharedPtr value) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_Rect(System::SharedPtr value) override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_taborder/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_taborder/ index 16dad8ed8a..a81ad627e2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_taborder/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_taborder/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TabOrder second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_TabOrder method. Sets tab order of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_taborder/ --- ## Field::set_TabOrder method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_taborder/ Sets tab order of the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_TabOrder(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_TabOrder(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_value/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_value/ index 37bdd7a07c..0dc9a014b7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_value/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_value/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Value second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_Value method. Sets value of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_value/ --- ## Field::set_Value method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/set_value/ Sets value of the field. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_Value(System::String value) +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::set_Value(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/setposition/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/setposition/ index 5c05149ae4..8529f05b53 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/setposition/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/setposition/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: SetPosition second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::SetPosition method. Set position of the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 2900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/setposition/ --- ## Field::SetPosition method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/setposition/ Set position of the field. ```cpp -virtual ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::SetPosition(System::SharedPtr point) +virtual void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::SetPosition(System::SharedPtr point) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | point | System::SharedPtr\ | [Point](../../../aspose.pdf/point/) where field should be positioned. | -## Remarks - - - - - point - - - - Point where field should be positioned. - - - ## See Also * Class [Point](../../../aspose.pdf/point/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/settemplateweakptr/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/settemplateweakptr/ index af4bcc71be..1c991d39e2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/settemplateweakptr/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/settemplateweakptr/ @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/field/settemplateweakptr/ Set n'th template argument a weak pointer (rather than shared). Allows switching pointers in containers to weak mode. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::SetTemplateWeakPtr(uint32_t argument) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Field::SetTemplateWeakPtr(uint32_t argument) override ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | argument | uint32_t | Index of template argument to treat as weak poiner. | -## Remarks - - - - - argument - - - Index of template argument to treat as weak poiner. - - - ## See Also * Class [Field](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/add/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/add/ index 722292a4a0..53e1fea79b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/add/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/add/ @@ -4,79 +4,44 @@ linktitle: Add second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Add method. Adds field on the form in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3000 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/add/ --- -## Form::Add(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) method +## Form::Add(const System::SharedPtr\\&) method Adds field on the form. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Add(System::SharedPtr field, int32_t pageNumber) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Add(const System::SharedPtr &field) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| field | System::SharedPtr\ | [Field](../../field/) which must be added. | -| pageNumber | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) index where added field will be placed. | -## Remarks - - - - - - field - - - - Field which must be added. - - - - - pageNumber - - - - Page index where added field will be placed. - - - +| field | const System::SharedPtr\\& | [Field](../../field/) which must be added. | + ## See Also * Class [Field](../../field/) * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Forms](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::Add(const System::SharedPtr\\&) method +## Form::Add(System::SharedPtr\, int32_t) method Adds field on the form. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Add(const System::SharedPtr &field) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Add(System::SharedPtr field, int32_t pageNumber) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| field | const System::SharedPtr\\& | [Field](../../field/) which must be added. | -## Remarks - - - - - - field - - - - Field which must be added. - - - +| field | System::SharedPtr\ | [Field](../../field/) which must be added. | +| pageNumber | int32_t | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) index where added field will be placed. | + ## See Also * Class [Field](../../field/) @@ -89,7 +54,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Add(const System::SharedPtr Adds new field to the form; If this field is already placed on other or this form, the copy of field is created. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Add(System::SharedPtr field, System::String partialName, int32_t pageNumber) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Add(System::SharedPtr field, System::String partialName, int32_t pageNumber) ``` @@ -102,37 +67,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Add(Sys ### ReturnValue Added field returned. If copy of the field was created it will be returned. -## Remarks - - - - - - field - - - - Field name. - - - - - partialName - - - Name of field on the form. - - - - - pageNumber - - - - Page number where field will be added. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Field](../../field/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/addfieldappearance/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/addfieldappearance/ index 06906bd7c1..4522d8cbf7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/addfieldappearance/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/addfieldappearance/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AddFieldAppearance second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::AddFieldAppearance method. Adds additional appearance of the field to specified page of the document in the specified location in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/addfieldappearance/ --- ## Form::AddFieldAppearance method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/addfieldappearance/ Adds additional appearance of the field to specified page of the document in the specified location. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::AddFieldAppearance(System::SharedPtr field, int32_t pageNumber, System::SharedPtr rect) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::AddFieldAppearance(System::SharedPtr field, int32_t pageNumber, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -22,37 +22,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::AddFieldAppearance(System:: | field | System::SharedPtr\ | [Field](../../field/) which appearance should be added on form. | | pageNumber | int32_t | Number of the page where field must be placed. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) where field will be placed. | -## Remarks - - - - - field - - - - Field which appearance should be added on form. - - - - - pageNumber - - - Number of the page where field must be placed. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle where field will be placed. - - - ## See Also * Class [Field](../../field/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/assignxfa/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/assignxfa/ index 05b69aad55..778f8bd912 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/assignxfa/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/assignxfa/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: AssignXfa second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::AssignXfa method. Sets XFA of the form to specified value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3300 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/assignxfa/ --- ## Form::AssignXfa method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/assignxfa/ Sets [XFA](../../xfa/) of the form to specified value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::AssignXfa(System::SharedPtr xml) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::AssignXfa(System::SharedPtr xml) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | xml | System::SharedPtr\ | Xml document which concains new [XFA](../../xfa/) data. | -## Remarks - - - - - xml - - - Xml document which concains new XFA data. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/copyto/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/copyto/ index 6ed4b2b812..4e6ed90f74 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/copyto/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/copyto/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: CopyTo second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::CopyTo method. Copies fields placed on the form into array in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2500 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/copyto/ --- ## Form::CopyTo method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/copyto/ Copies fields placed on the form into array. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr> array, int32_t index) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr> array, int32_t index) ``` @@ -21,27 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::CopyTo(System::ArrayPtr\> | Array where fields must be placed. | | index | int32_t | Starting index. | -## Remarks - - - - - array - - - Array where fields must be placed. - - - - - index - - - Starting index. - - - ## See Also * Class [Field](../../field/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/delete/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/delete/ index eeeae55780..c3f335aff6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/delete/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/delete/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Delete second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Delete method. Delete field from the form in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2700 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/delete/ --- ## Form::Delete(System::SharedPtr\) method @@ -13,27 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/delete/ Delete field from the form. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Delete(System::SharedPtr field) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Delete(System::SharedPtr field) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | field | System::SharedPtr\ | [Field](../../field/) which must be deleted. | -## Remarks - - - - - field - - - - Field which must be deleted. - - - ## See Also * Class [Field](../../field/) @@ -46,26 +33,14 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Delete(System::SharedPtr - - - fieldName - - - Name of the filed which must be deleted. - - - ## See Also * Class [Form](../) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/flatten/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/flatten/ index e22c33e17c..049b363353 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/flatten/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/flatten/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: Flatten second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Flatten method. Removes all form fields and place their values directly on the page in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2800 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/flatten/ --- ## Form::Flatten method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/flatten/ Removes all form fields and place their values directly on the page. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Flatten() +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::Flatten() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_autorecalculate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_autorecalculate/ index c4ab778e68..44ee37a564 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_autorecalculate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_autorecalculate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AutoRecalculate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_AutoRecalculate method. If set, all form fields will be recalculated when any field is changed. Default value is true. Set to false in order to increase performance when filling form with large amount of calculated fields in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_autorecalculate/ --- ## Form::get_AutoRecalculate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_autorecalculate/ If set, all form fields will be recalculated when any field is changed. Default value is true. Set to false in order to increase performance when filling form with large amount of calculated fields. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_AutoRecalculate() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_AutoRecalculate() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_autorestoreform/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_autorestoreform/ index c17263a7fa..0684f5ba8b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_autorestoreform/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_autorestoreform/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AutoRestoreForm second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_AutoRestoreForm method. If set, absent form fields will be automatically created if they present in annotations in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_autorestoreform/ --- ## Form::get_AutoRestoreForm method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_autorestoreform/ If set, absent form fields will be automatically created if they present in annotations. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_AutoRestoreForm() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_AutoRestoreForm() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_count/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_count/ index 62f5b54300..626590349f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_count/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_count/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Count second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_Count method. Gets number of the fields on this form in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3700 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_count/ --- ## Form::get_Count method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_count/ Gets number of the fields on this form. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_Count() const override +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_Count() const override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_defaultappearance/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_defaultappearance/ index a38914af21..69152dbdd0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_defaultappearance/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_defaultappearance/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DefaultAppearance second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_DefaultAppearance method. Gets default appearance of the form (object which describes default font, text size and color for fields on the form) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 1000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_defaultappearance/ --- ## Form::get_DefaultAppearance method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_defaultappearance/ Gets default appearance of the form (object which describes default font, text size and color for fields on the form). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_DefaultAppearance() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_DefaultAppearance() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_defaultresources/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_defaultresources/ index af9217f228..26b7072dd4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_defaultresources/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_defaultresources/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_DefaultResources second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_DefaultResources method. Gets default resources placed on this form in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_defaultresources/ --- ## Form::get_DefaultResources method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_defaultresources/ Gets default resources placed on this form. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_DefaultResources() +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_DefaultResources() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_emulaterequierdgroups/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_emulaterequierdgroups/ index d46b9090d5..b6cd1a95db 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_emulaterequierdgroups/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_emulaterequierdgroups/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_EmulateRequierdGroups second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_EmulateRequierdGroups method. If this property is true then additional red boundary rectangles will be drawn for required Xfa exclGroup elements containers This property was introduced because absences of analogues for the exclGroup during conversion Xfa representation of forms to standard. It is false by default in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1500 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_emulaterequierdgroups/ --- ## Form::get_EmulateRequierdGroups method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_emulaterequierdgroups/ If this property is true then additional red boundary rectangles will be drawn for required Xfa exclGroup elements containers This property was introduced because absences of analogues for the exclGroup during conversion Xfa representation of forms to standard. It is false by default. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_EmulateRequierdGroups() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_EmulateRequierdGroups() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_fields/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_fields/ index 3af29e689c..fd0df929b2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_fields/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_fields/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Fields second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_Fields method. Gets list of all fields in lowest level of hierarhical form in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1900 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_fields/ --- ## Form::get_Fields method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_fields/ Gets list of all fields in lowest level of hierarhical form. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_Fields() +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_Fields() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_ignoreneedsrendering/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_ignoreneedsrendering/ index 9070f02741..5c119d3ae2 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_ignoreneedsrendering/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_ignoreneedsrendering/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IgnoreNeedsRendering second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_IgnoreNeedsRendering method. If this property is true the value of NeedsRendering key will be ignored during conversion XFA form to Standard form. It is false by default in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_ignoreneedsrendering/ --- ## Form::get_IgnoreNeedsRendering method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_ignoreneedsrendering/ If this property is true the value of NeedsRendering key will be ignored during conversion [XFA](../../xfa/) form to Standard form. It is false by default. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_IgnoreNeedsRendering() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_IgnoreNeedsRendering() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_issynchronized/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_issynchronized/ index f6794ea410..570a5cec00 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_issynchronized/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_issynchronized/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_IsSynchronized second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_IsSynchronized method. Returns true if object is thread-safe in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 1500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_issynchronized/ --- ## Form::get_IsSynchronized method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_issynchronized/ Returns true if object is thread-safe. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_IsSynchronized() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_IsSynchronized() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_removepermission/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_removepermission/ index 6754b138c7..f9e9a75bed 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_removepermission/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_removepermission/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_RemovePermission second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_RemovePermission method. If this property is true the "Perms" dictionary will be removed from the pdf document after conversion dynamic documents to standard. The "Perms" dictionary can contain a rules that disturb displaying selection of mandatory fields in Adobe Acrobat reader. It is false by default in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_removepermission/ --- ## Form::get_RemovePermission method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_removepermission/ If this property is true the "Perms" dictionary will be removed from the pdf document after conversion dynamic documents to standard. The "Perms" dictionary can contain a rules that disturb displaying selection of mandatory fields in Adobe Acrobat reader. It is false by default. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_RemovePermission() const +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_RemovePermission() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_signaturesappendonly/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_signaturesappendonly/ index b4ec0a1421..b3424ce64f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_signaturesappendonly/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_signaturesappendonly/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SignaturesAppendOnly second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_SignaturesAppendOnly method. If set, the document contains signatures that may be invalidated if the file is saved (written) in a way that alters its previous contents, as opposed to an incremental update in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2300 +weight: 1700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_signaturesappendonly/ --- ## Form::get_SignaturesAppendOnly method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_signaturesappendonly/ If set, the document contains signatures that may be invalidated if the file is saved (written) in a way that alters its previous contents, as opposed to an incremental update. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_SignaturesAppendOnly() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_SignaturesAppendOnly() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_signaturesexist/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_signaturesexist/ index 3346dfccb1..ed99a6427b 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_signaturesexist/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_signaturesexist/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SignaturesExist second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_SignaturesExist method. If set, the document contains at least one signature field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2100 +weight: 1800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_signaturesexist/ --- ## Form::get_SignaturesExist method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_signaturesexist/ If set, the document contains at least one signature field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_SignaturesExist() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_SignaturesExist() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_syncroot/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_syncroot/ index 1bf385ad89..4ac9b900b9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_syncroot/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_syncroot/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SyncRoot second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_SyncRoot method. Returns synchronization object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 1900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_syncroot/ --- ## Form::get_SyncRoot method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_syncroot/ Returns synchronization object. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_SyncRoot() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_SyncRoot() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_type/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_type/ index 713bbee84d..f12b60e89a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_type/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_type/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Type second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_Type method. Gets type of the form. Possible values are: Standard, Static, Dynamic in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1700 +weight: 2000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_type/ --- ## Form::get_Type method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_type/ Gets type of the form. Possible values are: Standard, Static, Dynamic. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API FormType Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_Type() +FormType Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_Type() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_xfa/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_xfa/ index a771a5a1b4..2d608cbb86 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_xfa/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_xfa/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_XFA second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_XFA method. Gets XFA data of the form (if presents) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1000 +weight: 2100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_xfa/ --- ## Form::get_XFA method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/get_xfa/ Gets [XFA](../../xfa/) data of the form (if presents). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_XFA() const +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::get_XFA() const ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/getenumerator/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/getenumerator/ index c1faa915c2..59613761f9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/getenumerator/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/getenumerator/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetEnumerator second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::GetEnumerator method. Gets enumeration of form fields in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2600 +weight: 2200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/getenumerator/ --- ## Form::GetEnumerator method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/getenumerator/ Gets enumeration of form fields. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::GetEnumerator() override +System::SharedPtr>> Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::GetEnumerator() override ``` diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/getfieldsinrect/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/getfieldsinrect/ index ed828f7fca..cf6f780df3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/getfieldsinrect/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/getfieldsinrect/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: GetFieldsInRect second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::GetFieldsInRect method. Returns fields inside of specified rectangle in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3500 +weight: 2300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/getfieldsinrect/ --- ## Form::GetFieldsInRect method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/getfieldsinrect/ Returns fields inside of specified rectangle. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::GetFieldsInRect(System::SharedPtr rect) +System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::GetFieldsInRect(System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -24,20 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr> Aspose::Pdf::Fo ### ReturnValue Array with found fields. -## Remarks - - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle where fields should be found. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Field](../../field/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/hasfield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/hasfield/ index 827759167f..488e704fdd 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/hasfield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/hasfield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: HasField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::HasField method. Check if the form already has specified field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3400 +weight: 2400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/hasfield/ --- ## Form::HasField(System::SharedPtr\) method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/hasfield/ Check if the form already has specified field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::HasField(System::SharedPtr field) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::HasField(System::SharedPtr field) ``` @@ -24,20 +24,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::HasField(System::SharedPtr< ### ReturnValue **true** if the specified field name added to [Form](../); otherwise, **false**. -## Remarks - - - - - field - - - - Field to check. - - - ## See Also * Class [Field](../../field/) @@ -50,7 +37,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::HasField(System::SharedPtr< Determines if the field with specified name already added to the [Form](../). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::HasField(System::String fieldName) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::HasField(System::String fieldName) ``` @@ -64,17 +51,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::HasField(System::String fie ## Remarks - - - - fieldName - - - - Field::PartialName or Annotation::FullName of the field. - - - + if the specified field name added to [Form](../); otherwise, **false** . @@ -89,7 +66,7 @@ if the specified field name added to [Form](../); otherwise, **false** Determines if the field with specified name already added to the [Form](../), with ability to look into children hierarchy of fields. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::HasField(System::String fieldName, bool searchChildren) +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::HasField(System::String fieldName, bool searchChildren) ``` @@ -106,26 +83,7 @@ the whole hierarchy of form fields would be searched for the requested *fieldNam ## Remarks - - - - fieldName - - - - Field::PartialName or Annotation::FullName of the field. - - - - - searchChildren - - - When set to true - the whole hierarchy of form fields would be searched for the requested fieldName (note that in this case the Annotation::FullName of the required field should be passed as fieldName ). - - - + if the specified field name added to [Form](../); otherwise, **false** . diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/idx_get/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/idx_get/ index a6ab40ca59..46e1c627cb 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/idx_get/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/idx_get/ @@ -2,77 +2,53 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::idx_get method linktitle: idx_get second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::idx_get method. Gets field of the form by field name. Throws excpetion if the field was not found in C++.' +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::idx_get method. Gets field of the form by field index in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2900 +weight: 2500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/idx_get/ --- -## Form::idx_get(System::String) method +## Form::idx_get(int32_t) method -Gets field of the form by field name. Throws excpetion if the field was not found. +Gets field of the form by field index. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::idx_get(System::String name) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::idx_get(int32_t index) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| name | System::String | Name of the field. | +| index | int32_t | Index of the field. | ### ReturnValue Retreived field. -## Remarks - - - - - - name - - - Name of the field. - - - + ## See Also * Class [WidgetAnnotation](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/) * Class [Form](../) * Namespace [Aspose::Pdf::Forms](../../) * Library [Aspose.PDF for C++](../../../) -## Form::idx_get(int32_t) method +## Form::idx_get(System::String) method -Gets field of the form by field index. +Gets field of the form by field name. Throws excpetion if the field was not found. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::idx_get(int32_t index) +System::SharedPtr Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::idx_get(System::String name) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | -| index | int32_t | Index of the field. | +| name | System::String | Name of the field. | ### ReturnValue Retreived field. -## Remarks - - - - - - index - - - Index of the field. - - - + ## See Also * Class [WidgetAnnotation](../../../aspose.pdf.annotations/widgetannotation/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/makeformannotationsindependent/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/makeformannotationsindependent/ index 820ab7f023..69756b7437 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/makeformannotationsindependent/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/makeformannotationsindependent/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: MakeFormAnnotationsIndependent second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::MakeFormAnnotationsIndependent method. Makes form fields annotations independent in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3600 +weight: 2600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/makeformannotationsindependent/ --- ## Form::MakeFormAnnotationsIndependent method @@ -13,26 +13,14 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/makeformannotationsindependent/ Makes form fields annotations independent. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::MakeFormAnnotationsIndependent(System::SharedPtr page) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::MakeFormAnnotationsIndependent(System::SharedPtr page) ``` | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | The target page. | -## Remarks - - - - - page - - - The target page. - - - ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/removefieldappearance/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/removefieldappearance/ index b7bb85058a..a1f3756484 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/removefieldappearance/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/removefieldappearance/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: RemoveFieldAppearance second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::RemoveFieldAppearance method. Removes appearance of the field at specified index. If only one child appearance left, method embeds it into the field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 3200 +weight: 2700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/removefieldappearance/ --- ## Form::RemoveFieldAppearance method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/removefieldappearance/ Removes appearance of the field at specified index. If only one child appearance left, method embeds it into the field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::RemoveFieldAppearance(System::SharedPtr field, int32_t appearanceIndex) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::RemoveFieldAppearance(System::SharedPtr field, int32_t appearanceIndex) ``` @@ -21,28 +21,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::RemoveFieldAppearance(Syste | --- | --- | --- | | field | System::SharedPtr\ | [Field](../../field/) with appearances. | | appearanceIndex | int32_t | Appearances index. | -## Remarks - - - - - field - - - - Field with appearances. - - - - - appearanceIndex - - - Appearances index. - - - ## See Also * Class [Field](../../field/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_autorecalculate/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_autorecalculate/ index 77fb84bfcc..34a0ac6738 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_autorecalculate/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_autorecalculate/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AutoRecalculate second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_AutoRecalculate method. If set, all form fields will be recalculated when any field is changed. Default value is true. Set to false in order to increase performance when filling form with large amount of calculated fields in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 2800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_autorecalculate/ --- ## Form::set_AutoRecalculate method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_autorecalculate/ If set, all form fields will be recalculated when any field is changed. Default value is true. Set to false in order to increase performance when filling form with large amount of calculated fields. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_AutoRecalculate(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_AutoRecalculate(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_autorestoreform/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_autorestoreform/ index e8d8ac41c5..d5646e6072 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_autorestoreform/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_autorestoreform/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AutoRestoreForm second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_AutoRestoreForm method. If set, absent form fields will be automatically created if they present in annotations in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 2900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_autorestoreform/ --- ## Form::set_AutoRestoreForm method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_autorestoreform/ If set, absent form fields will be automatically created if they present in annotations. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_AutoRestoreForm(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_AutoRestoreForm(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_calculatedfields/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_calculatedfields/ index 714d893865..b5f8e6dea0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_calculatedfields/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_calculatedfields/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_CalculatedFields second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_CalculatedFields method. Allows to set order of field calculation in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2000 +weight: 3000 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_calculatedfields/ --- ## Form::set_CalculatedFields method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_calculatedfields/ Allows to set order of field calculation. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_CalculatedFields(System::SharedPtr>> value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_CalculatedFields(System::SharedPtr>> value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_defaultappearance/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_defaultappearance/ index ccb403765d..c80e7ddd35 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_defaultappearance/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_defaultappearance/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_DefaultAppearance second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_DefaultAppearance method. Sets default appearance of the form (object which describes default font, text size and color for fields on the form) in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 3100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_defaultappearance/ --- ## Form::set_DefaultAppearance method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_defaultappearance/ Sets default appearance of the form (object which describes default font, text size and color for fields on the form). ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_DefaultAppearance(System::SharedPtr value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_DefaultAppearance(System::SharedPtr value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_emulaterequierdgroups/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_emulaterequierdgroups/ index 4b9a31d3a3..47b30f5f36 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_emulaterequierdgroups/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_emulaterequierdgroups/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_EmulateRequierdGroups second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_EmulateRequierdGroups method. If this property is true then additional red boundary rectangles will be drawn for required Xfa exclGroup elements containers This property was introduced because absences of analogues for the exclGroup during conversion Xfa representation of forms to standard. It is false by default in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1600 +weight: 3200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_emulaterequierdgroups/ --- ## Form::set_EmulateRequierdGroups method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_emulaterequierdgroups/ If this property is true then additional red boundary rectangles will be drawn for required Xfa exclGroup elements containers This property was introduced because absences of analogues for the exclGroup during conversion Xfa representation of forms to standard. It is false by default. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_EmulateRequierdGroups(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_EmulateRequierdGroups(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_ignoreneedsrendering/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_ignoreneedsrendering/ index 6d44a8fc28..0cf4608078 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_ignoreneedsrendering/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_ignoreneedsrendering/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_IgnoreNeedsRendering second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_IgnoreNeedsRendering method. If this property is true the value of NeedsRendering key will be ignored during conversion XFA form to Standard form. It is false by default in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 3300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_ignoreneedsrendering/ --- ## Form::set_IgnoreNeedsRendering method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_ignoreneedsrendering/ If this property is true the value of NeedsRendering key will be ignored during conversion [XFA](../../xfa/) form to Standard form. It is false by default. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_IgnoreNeedsRendering(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_IgnoreNeedsRendering(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_removepermission/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_removepermission/ index 40ebc1af86..6d0b6dcc58 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_removepermission/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_removepermission/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_RemovePermission second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_RemovePermission method. If this property is true the "Perms" dictionary will be removed from the pdf document after conversion dynamic documents to standard. The "Perms" dictionary can contain a rules that disturb displaying selection of mandatory fields in Adobe Acrobat reader. It is false by default in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 3400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_removepermission/ --- ## Form::set_RemovePermission method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_removepermission/ If this property is true the "Perms" dictionary will be removed from the pdf document after conversion dynamic documents to standard. The "Perms" dictionary can contain a rules that disturb displaying selection of mandatory fields in Adobe Acrobat reader. It is false by default. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_RemovePermission(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_RemovePermission(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_signaturesappendonly/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_signaturesappendonly/ index 90f69e1c26..31341501d7 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_signaturesappendonly/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_signaturesappendonly/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SignaturesAppendOnly second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_SignaturesAppendOnly method. If set, the document contains signatures that may be invalidated if the file is saved (written) in a way that alters its previous contents, as opposed to an incremental update in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2400 +weight: 3500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_signaturesappendonly/ --- ## Form::set_SignaturesAppendOnly method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_signaturesappendonly/ If set, the document contains signatures that may be invalidated if the file is saved (written) in a way that alters its previous contents, as opposed to an incremental update. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_SignaturesAppendOnly(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_SignaturesAppendOnly(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_signaturesexist/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_signaturesexist/ index 1d5d911cd4..f8f643f531 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_signaturesexist/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_signaturesexist/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_SignaturesExist second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_SignaturesExist method. If set, the document contains at least one signature field in C++.' type: docs -weight: 2200 +weight: 3600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_signaturesexist/ --- ## Form::set_SignaturesExist method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_signaturesexist/ If set, the document contains at least one signature field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_SignaturesExist(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_SignaturesExist(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_type/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_type/ index e56f0e500d..fa64e0b3ff 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_type/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_type/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Type second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_Type method. Gets type of the form. Possible values are: Standard, Static, Dynamic in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1800 +weight: 3700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_type/ --- ## Form::set_Type method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/form/set_type/ Gets type of the form. Possible values are: Standard, Static, Dynamic. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_Type(FormType value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Form::set_Type(FormType value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_leftoverbottom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_leftoverbottom/ index a6b4d09fd3..c2b218cf26 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_leftoverbottom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_leftoverbottom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_LeftoverBottom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::get_LeftoverBottom method. Gets space to allocate at the bottom of the icon in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_leftoverbottom/ --- ## IconFit::get_LeftoverBottom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_leftoverbottom/ Gets space to allocate at the bottom of the icon. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::get_LeftoverBottom() +double Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::get_LeftoverBottom() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_leftoverleft/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_leftoverleft/ index 1a9ab6a66b..4d80805aac 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_leftoverleft/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_leftoverleft/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_LeftoverLeft second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::get_LeftoverLeft method. Gets space to allocate at the left of the icon in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_leftoverleft/ --- ## IconFit::get_LeftoverLeft method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_leftoverleft/ Gets space to allocate at the left of the icon. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API double Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::get_LeftoverLeft() +double Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::get_LeftoverLeft() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_scalingmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_scalingmode/ index 536f4b4bcd..3e0cc333c1 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_scalingmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_scalingmode/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_scalingmode/ The type of scaling that shall be used. ///. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingMode Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::get_ScalingMode() +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingMode Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::get_ScalingMode() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_scalingreason/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_scalingreason/ index ebb955a582..ac1919d0fa 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_scalingreason/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_scalingreason/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_ScalingReason second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::get_ScalingReason method. Gets scaling reason in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_scalingreason/ --- ## IconFit::get_ScalingReason method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_scalingreason/ Gets scaling reason. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingReason Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::get_ScalingReason() +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingReason Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::get_ScalingReason() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_spreadonborder/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_spreadonborder/ index c94e1677b4..5e27b63f05 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_spreadonborder/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_spreadonborder/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_SpreadOnBorder second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::get_SpreadOnBorder method. If true, indicates that the button appearance shall be scaled to fit fully within the bounds of the annotation without taking into consideration the line width of the border in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_spreadonborder/ --- ## IconFit::get_SpreadOnBorder method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/get_spreadonborder/ If true, indicates that the button appearance shall be scaled to fit fully within the bounds of the annotation without taking into consideration the line width of the border. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::get_SpreadOnBorder() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::get_SpreadOnBorder() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/nametoscalingmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/nametoscalingmode/ index 6862355ede..c7ec965d18 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/nametoscalingmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/nametoscalingmode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: NameToScalingMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::NameToScalingMode method. Converts scaling mode name into ScalingMode object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1300 +weight: 1100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/nametoscalingmode/ --- ## IconFit::NameToScalingMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/nametoscalingmode/ Converts scaling mode name into ScalingMode object. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingMode Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::NameToScalingMode(System::String mode) +static Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingMode Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::NameToScalingMode(System::String mode) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingMode Aspose::Pdf::Forms: ### ReturnValue Scaling mode object. -## Remarks - - - - - - mode - - - Scaling mode name. - - - + ## See Also * Enum [ScalingMode](../../scalingmode/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/nametoscalingreason/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/nametoscalingreason/ index aaace88122..75bf76913d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/nametoscalingreason/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/nametoscalingreason/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: NameToScalingReason second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::NameToScalingReason method. Converts name of scaling reason into ScalingReason object in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1100 +weight: 1200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/nametoscalingreason/ --- ## IconFit::NameToScalingReason method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/nametoscalingreason/ Converts name of scaling reason into ScalingReason object. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingReason Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::NameToScalingReason(System::String reason) +static Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingReason Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::NameToScalingReason(System::String reason) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingReason Aspose::Pdf::Form ### ReturnValue Scaling reason object. -## Remarks - - - - - - reason - - - Name of scaling reason. - - - + ## See Also * Enum [ScalingReason](../../scalingreason/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/scalingmodetoname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/scalingmodetoname/ index b5c240169a..eb468d1858 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/scalingmodetoname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/scalingmodetoname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ScalingModeToName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::ScalingModeToName method. Converts scaling mode object into name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1400 +weight: 1300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/scalingmodetoname/ --- ## IconFit::ScalingModeToName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/scalingmodetoname/ Converts scaling mode object into name. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::ScalingModeToName(Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingMode mode) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::ScalingModeToName(Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingMode mode) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::Scaling ### ReturnValue Scaling mode name. -## Remarks - - - - - - mode - - - Scaling mode object. - - - + ## See Also * Enum [ScalingMode](../../scalingmode/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/scalingreasontoname/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/scalingreasontoname/ index 5aaee58dd4..12622f00c9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/scalingreasontoname/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/scalingreasontoname/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ScalingReasonToName second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::ScalingReasonToName method. Converts scaling reason obejct to name in C++.' type: docs -weight: 1200 +weight: 1400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/scalingreasontoname/ --- ## IconFit::ScalingReasonToName method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/scalingreasontoname/ Converts scaling reason obejct to name. ```cpp -static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::ScalingReasonToName(Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingReason reason) +static System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::ScalingReasonToName(Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingReason reason) ``` @@ -24,19 +24,7 @@ static ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::Scaling ### ReturnValue Name of scaling reasong. -## Remarks - - - - - - reason - - - Scaling reason object to be converted. - - - + ## See Also * Enum [ScalingReason](../../scalingreason/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_leftoverbottom/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_leftoverbottom/ index 764a73e849..445eca804e 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_leftoverbottom/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_leftoverbottom/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_LeftoverBottom second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::set_LeftoverBottom method. Sets space to allocate at the bottom of the icon in C++.' type: docs -weight: 800 +weight: 600 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_leftoverbottom/ --- ## IconFit::set_LeftoverBottom method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_leftoverbottom/ Sets space to allocate at the bottom of the icon. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::set_LeftoverBottom(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::set_LeftoverBottom(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_leftoverleft/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_leftoverleft/ index 4a6b2b98e7..46ef6fa9b9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_leftoverleft/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_leftoverleft/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_LeftoverLeft second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::set_LeftoverLeft method. Sets space to allocate at the left of the icon in C++.' type: docs -weight: 600 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_leftoverleft/ --- ## IconFit::set_LeftoverLeft method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_leftoverleft/ Sets space to allocate at the left of the icon. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::set_LeftoverLeft(double value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::set_LeftoverLeft(double value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_scalingmode/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_scalingmode/ index b0cdbc3785..dd60016c4d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_scalingmode/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_scalingmode/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ScalingMode second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::set_ScalingMode method. The type of scaling that shall be used. /// in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 800 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_scalingmode/ --- ## IconFit::set_ScalingMode method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_scalingmode/ The type of scaling that shall be used. ///. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::set_ScalingMode(Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingMode value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::set_ScalingMode(Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingMode value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_scalingreason/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_scalingreason/ index ebff958233..896ebacd62 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_scalingreason/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_scalingreason/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_ScalingReason second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::set_ScalingReason method. Sets scaling reason in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 900 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_scalingreason/ --- ## IconFit::set_ScalingReason method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_scalingreason/ Sets scaling reason. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::set_ScalingReason(Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingReason value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::set_ScalingReason(Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ScalingReason value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_spreadonborder/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_spreadonborder/ index c350a8e347..bf894baa87 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_spreadonborder/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_spreadonborder/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/iconfit/set_spreadonborder/ If true, indicates that the button appearance shall be scaled to fit fully within the bounds of the annotation without taking into consideration the line width of the border. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::set_SpreadOnBorder(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::IconFit::set_SpreadOnBorder(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/get_topindex/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/get_topindex/ index c9cff9b6d0..44ecfa31ba 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/get_topindex/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/get_topindex/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_TopIndex second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::get_TopIndex method. Gets index of the top visible element of the list in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/get_topindex/ --- ## ListBoxField::get_TopIndex method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/get_topindex/ Gets index of the top visible element of the list. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::get_TopIndex() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::get_TopIndex() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/listboxfield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/listboxfield/ index 3319cf30c2..be59455d58 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/listboxfield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/listboxfield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: ListBoxField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::ListBoxField constructor. Constructor for ListBoxField to be used in Generator in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/listboxfield/ --- ## ListBoxField::ListBoxField() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/listboxfield/ Constructor for [ListBoxField](../) to be used in Generator. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::ListBoxField() +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::ListBoxField() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::ListBoxField() Creates new ListBox field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::ListBoxField(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::ListBoxField(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -35,29 +35,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::ListBoxField(System::Sha | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) where list box will be placed. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) where list box will be placed on the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - - Page where list box will be placed. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle where list box will be placed on the page. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) @@ -71,7 +49,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::ListBoxField(System::Sha Constructor for ListBox field. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::ListBoxField(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::ListBoxField(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -79,29 +57,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::ListBoxField(System::Sha | --- | --- | --- | | doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) to which this field will belong. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) where list box will be placed. | -## Remarks - - - - - - doc - - - - Document to which this field will belong. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle where list box will be placed. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/set_selected/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/set_selected/ index a0e8b08a16..bcafc9ccc0 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/set_selected/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/set_selected/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/set_selected/ Sets index of the selected item. Items are numbered from 1. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::set_Selected(int32_t value) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::set_Selected(int32_t value) override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/set_selecteditems/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/set_selecteditems/ index 207e0aa009..22abe35696 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/set_selecteditems/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/set_selecteditems/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/set_selecteditems/ Sets array of the selected items in the multiselect list. For single-select list returns array with single item. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::set_SelectedItems(System::ArrayPtr value) override +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::set_SelectedItems(System::ArrayPtr value) override ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/set_topindex/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/set_topindex/ index 04ea2e4441..342b48a962 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/set_topindex/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/set_topindex/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_TopIndex second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::set_TopIndex method. Sets index of the top visible element of the list in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/set_topindex/ --- ## ListBoxField::set_TopIndex method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/listboxfield/set_topindex/ Sets index of the top visible element of the list. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::set_TopIndex(int32_t value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ListBoxField::set_TopIndex(int32_t value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/get_allowedchars/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/get_allowedchars/ index 2dde6d7a61..1961a2c70f 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/get_allowedchars/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/get_allowedchars/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_AllowedChars second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::NumberField::get_AllowedChars method. Gets the allowed chars in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/get_allowedchars/ --- ## NumberField::get_AllowedChars method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/get_allowedchars/ Gets the allowed chars. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::NumberField::get_AllowedChars() const +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::NumberField::get_AllowedChars() const ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/numberfield/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/numberfield/ index 6521b977a3..2547d0d646 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/numberfield/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/numberfield/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: NumberField second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::NumberField::NumberField constructor. Initializes a new instance of the NumberField class in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/numberfield/ --- ## NumberField::NumberField() constructor @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/numberfield/ Initializes a new instance of the [NumberField](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::NumberField::NumberField() +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::NumberField::NumberField() ``` ## See Also @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::NumberField::NumberField() Initializes a new instance of the [NumberField](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::NumberField::NumberField(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::NumberField::NumberField(System::SharedPtr page, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -35,29 +35,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::NumberField::NumberField(System::Share | --- | --- | --- | | page | System::SharedPtr\ | [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) where text field is placed. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) where the field will be placed on the page. | -## Remarks - - - - - - page - - - - Page where text field is placed. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle where the field will be placed on the page. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Page](../../../aspose.pdf/page/) @@ -71,7 +49,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::NumberField::NumberField(System::Share Initializes a new instance of the [NumberField](../) class. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::NumberField::NumberField(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr rect) +Aspose::Pdf::Forms::NumberField::NumberField(System::SharedPtr doc, System::SharedPtr rect) ``` @@ -79,29 +57,7 @@ ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API Aspose::Pdf::Forms::NumberField::NumberField(System::Share | --- | --- | --- | | doc | System::SharedPtr\ | [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) where field will be created. | | rect | System::SharedPtr\ | [Rectangle](../../../aspose.pdf/rectangle/) of the field. | -## Remarks - - - - - - doc - - - - Document where field will be created. - - - - - rect - - - - Rectangle of the field. - - - + ## See Also * Class [Document](../../../aspose.pdf/document/) diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/set_allowedchars/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/set_allowedchars/ index ad8ce8abc3..cd9749267d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/set_allowedchars/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/set_allowedchars/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_AllowedChars second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::NumberField::set_AllowedChars method. Sets the allowed chars in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/set_allowedchars/ --- ## NumberField::set_AllowedChars method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/numberfield/set_allowedchars/ Sets the allowed chars. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::NumberField::set_AllowedChars(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::NumberField::set_AllowedChars(System::String value) ``` ## Remarks diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_index/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_index/ index abdb6e7c0e..11b82672b4 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_index/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_index/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Index second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::get_Index method. Gets index of the option in C++.' type: docs -weight: 700 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_index/ --- ## Option::get_Index method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_index/ Gets index of the option. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::get_Index() +int32_t Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::get_Index() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_name/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_name/ index c713f6e00f..bc0c05d090 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_name/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_name/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Name second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::get_Name method. Gets name of option in C++.' type: docs -weight: 300 +weight: 200 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_name/ --- ## Option::get_Name method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_name/ Gets name of option. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::get_Name() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::get_Name() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_selected/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_selected/ index dbe32bee02..13fb32b80d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_selected/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_selected/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Selected second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::get_Selected method. Gets selected status of option. Returns true if option is selected in C++.' type: docs -weight: 500 +weight: 300 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_selected/ --- ## Option::get_Selected method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_selected/ Gets selected status of option. Returns true if option is selected. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::get_Selected() +bool Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::get_Selected() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_value/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_value/ index fba27310bf..bf6212ad1a 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_value/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_value/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: get_Value second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::get_Value method. Gets option export value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 100 +weight: 400 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_value/ --- ## Option::get_Value method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/get_value/ Gets option export value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::get_Value() +System::String Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::get_Value() ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/set_name/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/set_name/ index 3d59f5c8e2..9989a64bb6 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/set_name/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/set_name/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Name second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::set_Name method. Sets name of option in C++.' type: docs -weight: 400 +weight: 500 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/set_name/ --- ## Option::set_Name method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/set_name/ Sets name of option. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::set_Name(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::set_Name(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/set_selected/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/set_selected/ index e5aac84743..3049367aa3 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/set_selected/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/set_selected/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/set_selected/ Sets selected status of option. Returns true if option is selected. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::set_Selected(bool value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::set_Selected(bool value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/set_value/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/set_value/ index 4124e0aca2..9dcafb380d 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/set_value/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/set_value/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linktitle: set_Value second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::set_Value method. Sets option export value in C++.' type: docs -weight: 200 +weight: 700 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/set_value/ --- ## Option::set_Value method @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/option/set_value/ Sets option export value. ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::set_Value(System::String value) +void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Option::set_Value(System::String value) ``` ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/optioncollection/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/optioncollection/ index a40a09f1da..74732a3193 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/optioncollection/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/optioncollection/ @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ class OptionCollection : public System::Collections::Generic::ICollection\&) override | Adds item in collection, throws +| [Add](./add/)(const System::SharedPtr\\&) override | Adds item in collection, throws NotImplementedException . | | [Clear](./clear/)() override | Removes all items from collection. | -| [Contains](./contains/)(const System::SharedPtr\\&) const override | Checks if item exists in collection, throws +| [Contains](./contains/)(const System::SharedPtr\\&) const override | Checks if item exists in collection, throws NotImplementedException . | | [CopyTo](./copyto/)(System::ArrayPtr\\>, int32_t) override | Copies options into array. | | [get](./get/)(int32_t) | Gets option by index. | @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class OptionCollection : public System::Collections::Generic::ICollection\&) override | Removes item from collection, throws +| [Remove](./remove/)(const System::SharedPtr\\&) override | Removes item from collection, throws NotImplementedException . | ## See Also diff --git a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/optioncollection/add/ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/optioncollection/add/ index 9f017fea47..e15a7de9b9 100644 --- a/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/optioncollection/add/ +++ b/english/cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/optioncollection/add/ @@ -2,40 +2,27 @@ title: Aspose::Pdf::Forms::OptionCollection::Add method linktitle: Add second_title: Aspose.PDF for C++ API Reference -description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::OptionCollection::Add method. Adds item in collection, throws +description: 'Aspose::Pdf::Forms::OptionCollection::Add method. Adds item in collection, throws NotImplementedException in C++.' type: docs -weight: 900 +weight: 100 url: /cpp/aspose.pdf.forms/optioncollection/add/ --- ## OptionCollection::Add method -Adds item in collection, throws +Adds item in collection, throws NotImplementedException . ```cpp -ASPOSE_PDF_SHARED_API void Aspose::Pdf::Forms::OptionCollection::Add(const System::SharedPtr