This script is used to gather data for
Prerequisites: account in Google Compute Engine and gcloud configured required.
./run-test <git repo url> <branch or commit hash> \
<contract to execute> <num of deployments> \
<num of iterations> <shut down instance after test finished (true/false)> \
<num of CPUs in instance(2,4,8,16,32)>
./run-test "" release-rnode-v0.9.17 \
"" 1 \
20 false 16
This script starts Google Compute Engine instance, installs all prerequisites, builds particular version of rnode specified by commit and runs <num of iterations>
tests, calculating play an replay execution time. Parameters of instance created are defined in
Single test is:
- clean RNode working folder
- start node
- deploy contract
- propose block #1
- measure times of play and replay
Local Jaeger instance is collecting tracing spans and available via http. Please look into script output. Flamegraphs are WIP.
Play and replay execution times are measured via reading log messages.
Play = between Making a transition to Running
and Attempting to add Block
Replay = between Attempting to add Block
and Sent hash
(Sent Block
in older releases).