This example demonstrates the patterns used in real-world GraphQL applications and how to implement them using Apollo Link and MobX.
- In any realistic application, you will encounter one-to-many and many-to-many relationships between domain entities. In this example, we use the bookstore domain to illustrate how to implement these relationships.
- In many applications, there is a need to show real-time updates on the client. We demonstrate how to do this using GraphQL subscriptions.
First, a quick description of the bookstore domain:
- A bookstore sells books.
- A book can have one or more authors.
- A book has a single publisher.
- An author can write several books.
- A publisher can publish several books.
More formally, book-to-author is a many-to-many relationship, whereas book-to-publisher is a many-to-one relationship. This is depicted in the domain model below.
First build and run the GraphQL Bookstore Server.
Then execute the following commands to run the application in development mode:
$ npm install
$ npm start
Now point your browser to http://localhost:3000/. You should see the following UI:
When you want to deploy the application into production, run the following command:
$ npm run build
The deployable application will be built in the build