diff --git a/include/AdePT/kernels/electrons.cuh b/include/AdePT/kernels/electrons.cuh
index c3ef4dd1..65762869 100644
--- a/include/AdePT/kernels/electrons.cuh
+++ b/include/AdePT/kernels/electrons.cuh
@@ -283,46 +283,6 @@ static __device__ __forceinline__ void TransportElectrons(adept::TrackManager
const double theGammaCut = g4HepEmData.fTheMatCutData->fMatCutData[auxData.fMCIndex].fSecGamProdCutE;
- if (stopped) {
- if (!IsElectron) {
- // Annihilate the stopped positron into two gammas heading to opposite
- // directions (isotropic).
- // Apply cuts
- if (ApplyCuts && (copcore::units::kElectronMassC2 < theGammaCut)) {
- // Deposit the energy here and don't initialize any secondaries
- energyDeposit += 2 * copcore::units::kElectronMassC2;
- } else {
- Track &gamma1 = secondaries.gammas->NextTrack();
- Track &gamma2 = secondaries.gammas->NextTrack();
- adept_scoring::AccountProduced(userScoring, /*numElectrons*/ 0, /*numPositrons*/ 0, /*numGammas*/ 2);
- const double cost = 2 * currentTrack.Uniform() - 1;
- const double sint = sqrt(1 - cost * cost);
- const double phi = k2Pi * currentTrack.Uniform();
- double sinPhi, cosPhi;
- sincos(phi, &sinPhi, &cosPhi);
- gamma1.InitAsSecondary(pos, navState, globalTime);
- newRNG.Advance();
- gamma1.parentID = currentTrack.parentID;
- gamma1.rngState = newRNG;
- gamma1.eKin = copcore::units::kElectronMassC2;
- gamma1.dir.Set(sint * cosPhi, sint * sinPhi, cost);
- gamma2.InitAsSecondary(pos, navState, globalTime);
- // Reuse the RNG state of the dying track.
- gamma2.parentID = currentTrack.parentID;
- gamma2.rngState = currentTrack.rngState;
- gamma2.eKin = copcore::units::kElectronMassC2;
- gamma2.dir = -gamma1.dir;
- }
- }
- // Particles are killed by not enqueuing them into the new activeQueue.
- // continue;
- }
if (!stopped) {
if (nextState.IsOnBoundary()) {
// For now, just count that we hit something.
@@ -334,18 +294,15 @@ static __device__ __forceinline__ void TransportElectrons(adept::TrackManager
+ Track &gamma2 = secondaries.gammas->NextTrack();
+ adept_scoring::AccountProduced(userScoring, /*numElectrons*/ 0, /*numPositrons*/ 0, /*numGammas*/ 2);
+ const double cost = 2 * currentTrack.Uniform() - 1;
+ const double sint = sqrt(1 - cost * cost);
+ const double phi = k2Pi * currentTrack.Uniform();
+ double sinPhi, cosPhi;
+ sincos(phi, &sinPhi, &cosPhi);
+ gamma1.InitAsSecondary(pos, navState, globalTime);
+ newRNG.Advance();
+ gamma1.parentID = currentTrack.parentID;
+ gamma1.rngState = newRNG;
+ gamma1.eKin = copcore::units::kElectronMassC2;
+ gamma1.dir.Set(sint * cosPhi, sint * sinPhi, cost);
+ gamma2.InitAsSecondary(pos, navState, globalTime);
+ // Reuse the RNG state of the dying track.
+ gamma2.parentID = currentTrack.parentID;
+ gamma2.rngState = currentTrack.rngState;
+ gamma2.eKin = copcore::units::kElectronMassC2;
+ gamma2.dir = -gamma1.dir;
+ }
+ }
+ // Particles are killed by not enqueuing them into the new activeQueue.
+ }
+ // Record the step. Edep includes the continuous energy loss and edep from secondaries which were cut
if (energyDeposit > 0 && auxData.fSensIndex >= 0)
adept_scoring::RecordHit(userScoring, currentTrack.parentID,
IsElectron ? 0 : 1, // Particle type