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File metadata and controls

729 lines (549 loc) · 42.1 KB


Crustacean logo

The point is that lobsters are basically giant sea-insects. Like most arthropods, they date from the Jurassic period, biologically so much older than mammalia that they might as well be from another planet. And they are—particularly in their natural brown-green state, brandishing their claws like weapons and with thick antennae awhip—not nice to look at. And it’s true that they are garbagemen of the sea, eaters of dead stuff, although they’ll also eat some live shellfish, certain kinds of injured fish, and sometimes each other.

Crustacean provides a simplified syntax for defining models in Datomic, allows you to generate migrations, and handles Create, Read, and Upsert operations on these models.

Table of contents

The idea

While Datomic doesn't have a concept of "tables" (any entity can have any attribute), we naturally find ourselves grouping attributes together via namespaces. For example, :user/name and :user/email are attributes that belong to "user" entities, and :product/skuand :product/price are attributes that belong to product entities. Nothing is stopping you from having an entity with both :user/name, and :product/sku attributes, but you probably don't want to do that.

Crustacean expands the idea of namespaces as groupings of keys for a model into Clojure namespaces. You create a new Clojure namespace for each model, define its attributes and behavior with defmodel, and Crustacean will generate functions to manipulate that model inside that namespace.

You get the following:

  1. A simplified syntax for defining Datomic models.
  2. Both transactor function and Clojure functions to create and upsert entities of each model.
  3. Arbitrary data validations and default values for any attribute.
  4. An ActiveRecord-inspired query DSL to cover the most common kinds of queries without having to use the Datomic query API.
  5. Entities in your application code represented as lazy maps, complete with arbitraty computed fields. It's like the Datomic Entity API on steroids
  6. Migrations


Add [appcanary/crustacean "0.1.10-SNAPSHOT"] snapshot to your project.clj.

Crustacean depends on datomic-free. If you are using datomic-pro, first exclude datomic free, like so: [appcanary/crustacean "0.1.10-SNAPSHOT" :exclusions [com.datomic/datomic-free]]

Install Datomic as usual. Crustacean uses Prismatic's Schema to handle data validations. The transactor needs to have access to the library, so you have to put the jar in the Transactor's lib directory.

You can find the correct schema jar here:

Defining a model

You define a model with defmodel. A basic example:

(ns models.user
  (:require [crustacean.core :refer [defmodel]]))
(defmodel user
  (:migration-dir "migrations/user/")
  (:fields   [name       :string :indexed :assignment-permitted]
             [email      :string :unique-value :indexed :assignment-required]
             [articles   :ref    :many :indexed :component])
  (:validators [email #"@"]))

The above will define the following datomic attributes:

  • :user/name - a string that may or may not be supplied
  • :user/email - a string that must be present and unique
  • :user/articles - a "has many" relationship to entites that point back to this entity

and it will add a "computed field", which are explained in more detail below:

  • :created-at - a timestamp from when the model was created.

After running the migrations, it will create the following transactor functions:

  • :user/create - create a new user
  • :user/upsert - update or create a new user
  • :user/malformed? - check if an input to :user/create or :user/upsert is malformed.
  • :user/exists? - check if an input to :user/create or :user/upsert specifies a user that already exists.

The create and upsert functions will create and transact transanctions as needed. For convenience, those transactions it have the following attributes auto-inserted:

  • :user/txCreated - a marker for transactions to point to the created user
  • :user/txUpdated - a marker for transactions to point to the updated user

Within the models.user namespace, it will create the following Clojure vars:

  • user - a map representing the model
  • create - create a new user
  • upsert - update or create a new user
  • malformed? - check if input to create or upsert is malformed
  • exists? - check if input to create or upsert specifies a user that already exists
  • pull - return a user based on the id
  • pull-many - return a collection of users from a vector of ids
  • find-by - find a single user using a Crustacean query
  • all-with - find a collection of users using a Crustacean query
  • DBInputSchema
  • APIInputSchema
  • OutputSchema

The above functions and attributes will be discussed in detail below, but first, here are all of the possible inputs to defmodel:


(defmodel user
  ;; ...
  (:migration-dir "migrations/user"))

A string specifiying the directory to store migrations in. It has to be a subdirectory of PROJECTROOT/resources, and will be created if it doesn't exist when you generate your first migration.


(defmodel user
  ;; ...
  (:fields [name       :string :indexed :assignment-permitted]
           [email      :string :unique-value :indexed :assignment-required]
           [articles   :ref    :many :indexed :component]))

A sequence of vectors for each field that the model has. The first value in each vector is a symbol representing the name. The second is a keyword representing the type (or a pair of :ref and model being referenced). The rest are keywords rep representing options.

We use datomic-schema on the backend, and the syntax is similar.

;; Types
:keyword :string :boolean :long :bigint :float :double :bigdec :ref [:ref some.model.namespace] :instant
:uuid :uri :bytes :enum

;; Options (Datomic)
:unique-value :unique-identity :indexed :many :fulltext :component
:nohistory "Some doc string" [:arbitrary "Enum" :values]

;; Options (Crustacean)
:assignment-permitted :assignment-required

The Datomic options directly correlate to schema options in Datomic. Note that we default to :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one if :many isn't specified. We also resort to the following Datomic defaults:

:db/index <false>
:db/fulltext <false>
:db/noHistory <false>
:db/component <false>
:db/doc <"">

Crustacean allows you to optionally set one of :assignment-required or :assignment-permitted. During create or upsert's, you may only specify attributes that are either :assignment-required or :assignment-permitted, and you must specify all :assignment-required attributes during create.

Attributes with neither of these field should be set with regular Datomic transactions.

:ref fields

:ref fields have a special property in that they can be specified with the model referenced.

If there is an article model defined, in models.article/article, we can specify it as the reference for the articles field like so:

(defmodel user
  ;; ...
  (:fields [name       :string :indexed :assignment-permitted]
           [email      :string :unique-value :indexed :assignment-required]
           [articles   [:ref models.article/article]  :many :indexed :component]))

Afterwards, when we query the user model, we will be get artifact results containing all the artifact fields. Otherwise we would just get a list of artifact ids.


(defmodel user
  ;; ...
  (:backrefs [:company/_users :assignment-required]

A sequence of vectors, each containing a namespaced keyword (with the name starting with an underscore), and optionally :assignment-required or :assignment-permitted

Backrefs allow you to build Crustacean queries that search via entities that reference a given entity, similar to Datomics backreference transaction syntax.

For instance (user/all-with db :name "bob" :company/_users some-company-id) will find all the users named bob, where some-company-id has that user as a value for the :company/users attribute.

Backrefs can be included in create or upsert calls if the :assignment-permitted or :assignment-required option is specified.


(defmodel user
  ;; ...
  (:defaults [name "bob"]
             [email (fn [db user]
                      (str (:name user) ""))]))

A sequence of vectors consisting of a symbol corresponding to a field name and either a bare value or a function.

Defaults will be set when creating an entity if no value for the field is specified.

If the default is a function, it should take the db and a map representing the entity (this is the input to create).

It may be useful to define a field without :assignment-permitted or :assignment-required, but with a default, if you want it to be automatically set to a value, for instance for a UUID that's automatically generated.

Note also, that, if you're generating a UUID, you want to wrap it in a function:

;; This is NOT what you you want. (d/squuid) will be called once and all entities will share a UUID.
(:defaults [uuid (d/squuid)])

;; You want this
(:defaults [uuid (fn [_ _] (d/squuid))])


(defmodel user
  ;; ...
  (:validators [email #"@"]
             [name (fn [name] (> (count name) 2))]))

A sequence of vectors consisting of a symbol corresponding to a field name and either a regex pattern or a function.

Validators are called on every create and upsert to validate the contents of a field. If the validator is a regex pattern, it must match. If it's a function, it takes the potential field value and if it returns nil or false, the value is invalid.


Computed fields are attributes that are derived from other attributes and not persisted directly to Datomic. A computed field will be returned with the entity map as a result of queries. For example,

(ns models.user
  (require [plumbing.core :refer [fnk]]))

(defmodel user
  ;; ...
  (:computed-fields [name-length (fnk [e]
                                 (count (:user/name e)))]))

A sequence of vectors consisting of a computed field name and a fnk defining it.

Note that like all keys in the entity map, they will be lazily evaluated when using fnk from Prismatic's Plumbing.

Depending on the argument's that fnk expects, you will get different values for the entity:

  • e will be the Datomic entity api object for the entity
  • db is the db
  • id is the entity id
  • arbitrary fields (computed or not) can be referenced by their names.

The following are thus also valid ways of writing the name-length function above:

(:computed-fields [name-length (fnk [e]
                                 (count (:user/name e)))])
(:computed-fields [name-length (fnk [name]
                                 (count name))])
(:computed-fields [name-length (fnk [db id]
                                  (count (:user/name (d/pull db [:user/name] id))))])


A convenient way for hoisting functions into the transactor.

(def update-email-fn
  (d/function {:lang :clojure
               :params ''[db id new-email]
               :code '[:db/add id :user/email new-email]}))

(defmodel user
  ;; ...
  (:db-functions [update-email update-email-fn]))

A sequence of vectors, the first element being the function name and the second a var containing the database function.

When the user model above is migrated, :user/update-email will be a transactor function as defined.

Crustacean provides a macro, crustacean.utils/defn-db to make defining database functions a little easier:

(ns models.user
  (:require '[crustacean.utils :refer [defn-db]]))
(defn-db update-email-fn 
  [db id new-email] 
  [:db/add id :user/email new-email])
(defmodel user
  ;; ...
  (:db-functions [update-email update-email-fn]))

Migrating a model

Crustacean allows us to generate and apply migrations for models it defines.

Generating migrations

Suppose the following user model:

(ns models.user
  (:require [crustacean.core :refer [defmodel]]))
(defmodel user
  (:migration-dir "migrations/user/")
  (:fields   [name       :string :indexed :assignment-permitted]
             [email      :string :unique-value :indexed :assignment-required]
             [articles   :ref    :many :indexed :component])
  (:validators [email #"@"]))

We have the var models.user/user which is a map representing the user model.

You can generate a migrations for the model via:

(crustacean.migrations/new-migration user)

This will create a migration file at PROJECTROOT/migrations/user/DATE.edn

You can also add a name to a migration:

(crustacean.migrations/new-migration user "create-user-model")

This will create a migration file at PROJECTROOT/migrations/user/DATE-create-user-model.edn

The migration created looks like this:

{:model {:name "user",
         :fields {"name" [:string #{:assignment-permitted :indexed}],
                  "email" [:string #{:indexed :assignment-required :unique-value}],
                  "articles" [:ref #{:indexed :component :many}]},
         :defaults nil,
         :validators {"email" #"@"}},
 :txes [({:db/id #db/id[:db.part/db -1000000],
          :db/ident :user/txCreated,
          :db/valueType :db.type/ref,
          :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many,
          :db/index true,
          :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
         {:db/id #db/id[:db.part/db -1000001],
          :db/ident :user/txUpdated,
          :db/valueType :db.type/ref,
          :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many,
          :db/index true,
          :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
         {:db/id #db/id[:db.part/db -1000002],
          :db/ident :user/txDeleted,
          :db/valueType :db.type/ref,
          :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many,
          :db/index true,
          :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
         {:db/index true,
          :db/valueType :db.type/string,
          :db/noHistory false,
          :db/isComponent false,
          :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db,
          :db/fulltext false,
          :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one,
          :db/doc "",
          :db/id #db/id[:db.part/db -1000003],
          :db/ident :user/name}
         {:db/index true,
          :db/unique :db.unique/value,
          :db/valueType :db.type/string,
          :db/noHistory false,
          :db/isComponent false,
          :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db,
          :db/fulltext false,
          :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one,
          :db/doc "",
          :db/id #db/id[:db.part/db -1000004],
          :db/ident :user/email}
         {:db/index true,
          :db/valueType :db.type/ref,
          :db/noHistory false,
          :db/isComponent true,
          :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db,
          :db/fulltext false,
          :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many,
          :db/doc "",
          :db/id #db/id[:db.part/db -1000005],
          :db/ident :user/articles}
         {:db/id #db/id[:db.part/user -1000006],
          :db/ident :user/exists?,
          :db/fn #db/fn{:lang :clojure, :imports [], :requires [], :params [db__30416__auto__ input__30417__auto__], :code "(clojure.core/let [unique-key-pairs__30418__auto__ (clojure.core/->> [\"email\"] (clojure.core/filter (fn* [p1__30413__30419__auto__] (clojure.core/contains? input__30417__auto__ (clojure.core/keyword p1__30413__30419__auto__)))) (clojure.core/map (clojure.core/juxt (fn* [p1__30414__30420__auto__] (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" p1__30414__30420__auto__)) (fn* [p1__30415__30421__auto__] (clojure.core/get input__30417__auto__ (clojure.core/keyword p1__30415__30421__auto__)))))) composite-key-pairs__30422__auto__ (clojure.core/->> nil (clojure.core/filter (clojure.core/fn [[a__30423__auto__ b__30424__auto__]] (clojure.core/and (clojure.core/contains? input__30417__auto__ a__30423__auto__) (clojure.core/contains? input__30417__auto__ b__30424__auto__)))) (clojure.core/map (clojure.core/fn [[a__30423__auto__ b__30424__auto__]] [(clojure.core/keyword \"user\" (clojure.core/name a__30423__auto__)) (clojure.core/get input__30417__auto__ a__30423__auto__) (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" (clojure.core/name b__30424__auto__)) (clojure.core/get input__30417__auto__ b__30424__auto__)])))] (clojure.core/seq (clojure.core/concat (datomic.api/q {:find (quote [[?e ...]]), :where (quote [[?e ?attr ?value]]), :in (quote [$ [[?attr ?value]]])} db__30416__auto__ unique-key-pairs__30418__auto__) (clojure.core/mapcat (clojure.core/fn [[attr1__30425__auto__ value1__30426__auto__ attr2__30427__auto__ value2__30428__auto__]] (datomic.api/q {:find (quote [[?e ...]]), :where (clojure.core/apply clojure.core/vector (clojure.core/seq (clojure.core/concat (clojure.core/list (clojure.core/apply clojure.core/vector (clojure.core/seq (clojure.core/concat (clojure.core/list (quote ?e)) (clojure.core/list attr1__30425__auto__) (clojure.core/list (quote ?value1)))))) (clojure.core/list (clojure.core/apply clojure.core/vector (clojure.core/seq (clojure.core/concat (clojure.core/list (quote ?e)) (clojure.core/list attr2__30427__auto__) (clojure.core/list (quote ?value2))))))))), :in (quote [$ ?value1 ?value2])} db__30416__auto__ value1__30426__auto__ value2__30428__auto__)) composite-key-pairs__30422__auto__))))"}}
         {:db/id #db/id[:db.part/user -1000007],
          :db/ident :user/malformed?,
          :db/fn #db/fn{:lang :clojure, :imports [], :requires [[schema.core]], :params [input__30430__auto__], :code "(clojure.core/let [checker__30431__auto__ (schema.core/checker (clojure.core/eval {(schema.core/optional-key :name) schema.core/Str, :email (schema.core/both schema.core/Str #\"@\")}))] (checker__30431__auto__ input__30430__auto__))"}}
         {:db/id #db/id[:db.part/user -1000008],
          :db/ident :user/create,
          :db/fn #db/fn{:lang :clojure, :imports [], :requires [], :params [db id input], :code "(clojure.core/if-let [malformed__30409__auto__ (datomic.api/invoke db (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" \"malformed?\") input)] (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. (clojure.core/str malformed__30409__auto__))) (if (datomic.api/invoke db (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" \"exists?\") db input) (throw (java.lang.IllegalStateException. \"entity already exists\")) (clojure.core/vector (clojure.core/into {:db/id id} (clojure.core/concat (clojure.core/for [[field__30401__auto__ [type__30402__auto__ opts__30403__auto__]] {\"name\" [:string #{:assignment-permitted :indexed}], \"email\" [:string #{:indexed :assignment-required :unique-value}], \"articles\" [:ref #{:indexed :component :many}]}] (clojure.core/let [namespaced-field__30404__auto__ (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" field__30401__auto__) defaults__30405__auto__ nil val__30406__auto__ (clojure.core/cond (opts__30403__auto__ :assignment-required) (clojure.core/get input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/and (opts__30403__auto__ :assignment-permitted) (clojure.core/contains? input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__))) (clojure.core/get input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/and true (clojure.core/contains? defaults__30405__auto__ field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/let [default__30407__auto__ (clojure.core/get defaults__30405__auto__ field__30401__auto__)] (if (clojure.core/fn? default__30407__auto__) (default__30407__auto__ db input) default__30407__auto__)))] (clojure.core/when (clojure.core/not (clojure.core/nil? val__30406__auto__)) [namespaced-field__30404__auto__ val__30406__auto__]))) (clojure.core/for [field__30401__auto__ (clojure.core/keys nil)] (clojure.core/when-let [val__30406__auto__ (clojure.core/get input field__30401__auto__)] [field__30401__auto__ val__30406__auto__])))) [:db/add (datomic.api/tempid :db.part/tx) :user/txCreated id])))"}}
         {:db/id #db/id[:db.part/user -1000009],
          :db/ident :user/upsert,
          :db/fn #db/fn{:lang :clojure, :imports [], :requires [], :params [db id input], :code "(clojure.core/if-let [malformed__30411__auto__ (datomic.api/invoke db (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" \"malformed?\") input)] (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. (clojure.core/str malformed__30411__auto__))) (if (datomic.api/invoke db (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" \"exists?\") db input) (clojure.core/vector (clojure.core/into {:db/id id} (clojure.core/concat (clojure.core/for [[field__30401__auto__ [type__30402__auto__ opts__30403__auto__]] {\"name\" [:string #{:assignment-permitted :indexed}], \"email\" [:string #{:indexed :assignment-required :unique-value}], \"articles\" [:ref #{:indexed :component :many}]}] (clojure.core/let [namespaced-field__30404__auto__ (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" field__30401__auto__) defaults__30405__auto__ nil val__30406__auto__ (clojure.core/cond (opts__30403__auto__ :assignment-required) (clojure.core/get input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/and (opts__30403__auto__ :assignment-permitted) (clojure.core/contains? input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__))) (clojure.core/get input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/and false (clojure.core/contains? defaults__30405__auto__ field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/let [default__30407__auto__ (clojure.core/get defaults__30405__auto__ field__30401__auto__)] (if (clojure.core/fn? default__30407__auto__) (default__30407__auto__ db input) default__30407__auto__)))] (clojure.core/when (clojure.core/not (clojure.core/nil? val__30406__auto__)) [namespaced-field__30404__auto__ val__30406__auto__]))) (clojure.core/for [field__30401__auto__ (clojure.core/keys nil)] (clojure.core/when-let [val__30406__auto__ (clojure.core/get input field__30401__auto__)] [field__30401__auto__ val__30406__auto__])))) [:db/add (datomic.api/tempid :db.part/tx) :user/txUpdated id]) (clojure.core/vector (clojure.core/into {:db/id id} (clojure.core/concat (clojure.core/for [[field__30401__auto__ [type__30402__auto__ opts__30403__auto__]] {\"name\" [:string #{:assignment-permitted :indexed}], \"email\" [:string #{:indexed :assignment-required :unique-value}], \"articles\" [:ref #{:indexed :component :many}]}] (clojure.core/let [namespaced-field__30404__auto__ (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" field__30401__auto__) defaults__30405__auto__ nil val__30406__auto__ (clojure.core/cond (opts__30403__auto__ :assignment-required) (clojure.core/get input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/and (opts__30403__auto__ :assignment-permitted) (clojure.core/contains? input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__))) (clojure.core/get input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/and true (clojure.core/contains? defaults__30405__auto__ field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/let [default__30407__auto__ (clojure.core/get defaults__30405__auto__ field__30401__auto__)] (if (clojure.core/fn? default__30407__auto__) (default__30407__auto__ db input) default__30407__auto__)))] (clojure.core/when (clojure.core/not (clojure.core/nil? val__30406__auto__)) [namespaced-field__30404__auto__ val__30406__auto__]))) (clojure.core/for [field__30401__auto__ (clojure.core/keys nil)] (clojure.core/when-let [val__30406__auto__ (clojure.core/get input field__30401__auto__)] [field__30401__auto__ val__30406__auto__])))) [:db/add (datomic.api/tempid :db.part/tx) :user/txCreated id])))"}})]}

Migrations are edn files that are maps with two keys, :model and :txes.

:model is a map containing a representation of the model. It's used to figure out if the latest migration we have is consistent with the arguments sent to defmodel in the code.

:txes is a list of transactions to be transacted by that migration. If you want to transact some arbitrary transaction items, you can just add it to the list.

Crustacean makes sure that migrations are only transacted once (we use conformity on the backend to do this.)

We try to be smart about what we auto-generate in transactions. For instance, if you modify user to look like this:

(defmodel user
  (:migration-dir "migrations/user/")
  (:fields   [name       :string :indexed :assignment-permitted]
             [last-name       :string :indexed :assignment-permitted]
             [email      :string :unique-value :indexed :assignment-required]
             [articles   :ref    :many :indexed :component])
  (:validators [email #"@"]))

and run new-migration again, you'll get the following migration

{:model {:name "user",
         :fields {"name" [:string #{:assignment-permitted :indexed}],
                  "last-name" [:string #{:assignment-permitted :indexed}],
                  "email" [:string #{:indexed :assignment-required :unique-value}],
                  "articles" [:ref #{:indexed :component :many}]},
         :defaults nil,
         :validators {"email" #"@"}},
 :txes [({:db/index true,
          :db/valueType :db.type/string,
          :db/noHistory false,
          :db/isComponent false,
          :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db,
          :db/fulltext false,
          :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one,
          :db/doc "",
          :db/id #db/id[:db.part/db -1000010],
          :db/ident :user/last-name}
         {:db/id #db/id[:db.part/user -1000011],
          :db/ident :user/exists?,
          :db/fn #db/fn{:lang :clojure, :imports [], :requires [], :params [db__30416__auto__ input__30417__auto__], :code "(clojure.core/let [unique-key-pairs__30418__auto__ (clojure.core/->> [\"email\"] (clojure.core/filter (fn* [p1__30413__30419__auto__] (clojure.core/contains? input__30417__auto__ (clojure.core/keyword p1__30413__30419__auto__)))) (clojure.core/map (clojure.core/juxt (fn* [p1__30414__30420__auto__] (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" p1__30414__30420__auto__)) (fn* [p1__30415__30421__auto__] (clojure.core/get input__30417__auto__ (clojure.core/keyword p1__30415__30421__auto__)))))) composite-key-pairs__30422__auto__ (clojure.core/->> nil (clojure.core/filter (clojure.core/fn [[a__30423__auto__ b__30424__auto__]] (clojure.core/and (clojure.core/contains? input__30417__auto__ a__30423__auto__) (clojure.core/contains? input__30417__auto__ b__30424__auto__)))) (clojure.core/map (clojure.core/fn [[a__30423__auto__ b__30424__auto__]] [(clojure.core/keyword \"user\" (clojure.core/name a__30423__auto__)) (clojure.core/get input__30417__auto__ a__30423__auto__) (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" (clojure.core/name b__30424__auto__)) (clojure.core/get input__30417__auto__ b__30424__auto__)])))] (clojure.core/seq (clojure.core/concat (datomic.api/q {:find (quote [[?e ...]]), :where (quote [[?e ?attr ?value]]), :in (quote [$ [[?attr ?value]]])} db__30416__auto__ unique-key-pairs__30418__auto__) (clojure.core/mapcat (clojure.core/fn [[attr1__30425__auto__ value1__30426__auto__ attr2__30427__auto__ value2__30428__auto__]] (datomic.api/q {:find (quote [[?e ...]]), :where (clojure.core/apply clojure.core/vector (clojure.core/seq (clojure.core/concat (clojure.core/list (clojure.core/apply clojure.core/vector (clojure.core/seq (clojure.core/concat (clojure.core/list (quote ?e)) (clojure.core/list attr1__30425__auto__) (clojure.core/list (quote ?value1)))))) (clojure.core/list (clojure.core/apply clojure.core/vector (clojure.core/seq (clojure.core/concat (clojure.core/list (quote ?e)) (clojure.core/list attr2__30427__auto__) (clojure.core/list (quote ?value2))))))))), :in (quote [$ ?value1 ?value2])} db__30416__auto__ value1__30426__auto__ value2__30428__auto__)) composite-key-pairs__30422__auto__))))"}}
         {:db/id #db/id[:db.part/user -1000012],
          :db/ident :user/malformed?,
          :db/fn #db/fn{:lang :clojure, :imports [], :requires [[schema.core]], :params [input__30430__auto__], :code "(clojure.core/let [checker__30431__auto__ (schema.core/checker (clojure.core/eval {(schema.core/optional-key :name) schema.core/Str, (schema.core/optional-key :last-name) schema.core/Str, :email (schema.core/both schema.core/Str #\"@\")}))] (checker__30431__auto__ input__30430__auto__))"}}
         {:db/id #db/id[:db.part/user -1000013],
          :db/ident :user/create,
          :db/fn #db/fn{:lang :clojure, :imports [], :requires [], :params [db id input], :code "(clojure.core/if-let [malformed__30409__auto__ (datomic.api/invoke db (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" \"malformed?\") input)] (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. (clojure.core/str malformed__30409__auto__))) (if (datomic.api/invoke db (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" \"exists?\") db input) (throw (java.lang.IllegalStateException. \"entity already exists\")) (clojure.core/vector (clojure.core/into {:db/id id} (clojure.core/concat (clojure.core/for [[field__30401__auto__ [type__30402__auto__ opts__30403__auto__]] {\"name\" [:string #{:assignment-permitted :indexed}], \"last-name\" [:string #{:assignment-permitted :indexed}], \"email\" [:string #{:indexed :assignment-required :unique-value}], \"articles\" [:ref #{:indexed :component :many}]}] (clojure.core/let [namespaced-field__30404__auto__ (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" field__30401__auto__) defaults__30405__auto__ nil val__30406__auto__ (clojure.core/cond (opts__30403__auto__ :assignment-required) (clojure.core/get input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/and (opts__30403__auto__ :assignment-permitted) (clojure.core/contains? input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__))) (clojure.core/get input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/and true (clojure.core/contains? defaults__30405__auto__ field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/let [default__30407__auto__ (clojure.core/get defaults__30405__auto__ field__30401__auto__)] (if (clojure.core/fn? default__30407__auto__) (default__30407__auto__ db input) default__30407__auto__)))] (clojure.core/when (clojure.core/not (clojure.core/nil? val__30406__auto__)) [namespaced-field__30404__auto__ val__30406__auto__]))) (clojure.core/for [field__30401__auto__ (clojure.core/keys nil)] (clojure.core/when-let [val__30406__auto__ (clojure.core/get input field__30401__auto__)] [field__30401__auto__ val__30406__auto__])))) [:db/add (datomic.api/tempid :db.part/tx) :user/txCreated id])))"}}
         {:db/id #db/id[:db.part/user -1000014],
          :db/ident :user/upsert,
          :db/fn #db/fn{:lang :clojure, :imports [], :requires [], :params [db id input], :code "(clojure.core/if-let [malformed__30411__auto__ (datomic.api/invoke db (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" \"malformed?\") input)] (throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. (clojure.core/str malformed__30411__auto__))) (if (datomic.api/invoke db (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" \"exists?\") db input) (clojure.core/vector (clojure.core/into {:db/id id} (clojure.core/concat (clojure.core/for [[field__30401__auto__ [type__30402__auto__ opts__30403__auto__]] {\"name\" [:string #{:assignment-permitted :indexed}], \"last-name\" [:string #{:assignment-permitted :indexed}], \"email\" [:string #{:indexed :assignment-required :unique-value}], \"articles\" [:ref #{:indexed :component :many}]}] (clojure.core/let [namespaced-field__30404__auto__ (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" field__30401__auto__) defaults__30405__auto__ nil val__30406__auto__ (clojure.core/cond (opts__30403__auto__ :assignment-required) (clojure.core/get input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/and (opts__30403__auto__ :assignment-permitted) (clojure.core/contains? input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__))) (clojure.core/get input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/and false (clojure.core/contains? defaults__30405__auto__ field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/let [default__30407__auto__ (clojure.core/get defaults__30405__auto__ field__30401__auto__)] (if (clojure.core/fn? default__30407__auto__) (default__30407__auto__ db input) default__30407__auto__)))] (clojure.core/when (clojure.core/not (clojure.core/nil? val__30406__auto__)) [namespaced-field__30404__auto__ val__30406__auto__]))) (clojure.core/for [field__30401__auto__ (clojure.core/keys nil)] (clojure.core/when-let [val__30406__auto__ (clojure.core/get input field__30401__auto__)] [field__30401__auto__ val__30406__auto__])))) [:db/add (datomic.api/tempid :db.part/tx) :user/txUpdated id]) (clojure.core/vector (clojure.core/into {:db/id id} (clojure.core/concat (clojure.core/for [[field__30401__auto__ [type__30402__auto__ opts__30403__auto__]] {\"name\" [:string #{:assignment-permitted :indexed}], \"last-name\" [:string #{:assignment-permitted :indexed}], \"email\" [:string #{:indexed :assignment-required :unique-value}], \"articles\" [:ref #{:indexed :component :many}]}] (clojure.core/let [namespaced-field__30404__auto__ (clojure.core/keyword \"user\" field__30401__auto__) defaults__30405__auto__ nil val__30406__auto__ (clojure.core/cond (opts__30403__auto__ :assignment-required) (clojure.core/get input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/and (opts__30403__auto__ :assignment-permitted) (clojure.core/contains? input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__))) (clojure.core/get input (clojure.core/keyword field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/and true (clojure.core/contains? defaults__30405__auto__ field__30401__auto__)) (clojure.core/let [default__30407__auto__ (clojure.core/get defaults__30405__auto__ field__30401__auto__)] (if (clojure.core/fn? default__30407__auto__) (default__30407__auto__ db input) default__30407__auto__)))] (clojure.core/when (clojure.core/not (clojure.core/nil? val__30406__auto__)) [namespaced-field__30404__auto__ val__30406__auto__]))) (clojure.core/for [field__30401__auto__ (clojure.core/keys nil)] (clojure.core/when-let [val__30406__auto__ (clojure.core/get input field__30401__auto__)] [field__30401__auto__ val__30406__auto__])))) [:db/add (datomic.api/tempid :db.part/tx) :user/txCreated id])))"}})]}

We only generated a schema element for the new field, and modified the database functions accordingly.

We can automatically handle the following schema alterations:

  • Creating new fields
  • Deleting fields (they are renamed to :unused/old-field/name, as you can't retract an attribute.)
  • Renaming a field (if you run a migration with a single field name changed)

We don't handle:

  • Altering schema attributes
  • Adding values to an enum field

The above transactions need to be added to the :txes list of a migration by hand.

There is also a special case of new-migration, for when you want to regenerate the database functions of a model, even if it hasn't been changed. You can call it as (new-migration entity "some-migration-name" true) to do so. This is useful if some crustacean behavior has been updated, and you need to update your models accordingly.

If you ever want to have a migration file that is not applied, you can add :skip-migration true to the map.

Applying migrations

Migrations for a model can be applied by calling (crustacean.migrations/sync-model conn model).

Crustacean will keep a log of every model defined with defmodel, and you can sync all models by running (crustacean.migrations/sync-all-models conn)

Creating an entity

After we define a model, as above

(ns models.user
  (:require [crustacean.core :refer [defmodel]]))
(defmodel user
  (:migration-dir "migrations/user/")
  (:fields   [name       :string :indexed :assignment-permitted]
             [email      :string :unique-value :indexed :assignment-required]
             [articles   :ref    :many :indexed :component])
  (:validators [email #"@"])))

we can create user entities.

The models.user namespace contains the create function.

(models.user/create conn {:name "Sally"
                          :email "[email protected]"})

This will create a user entity, and return a representation of it.

We can also create an entity by calling the :user/create database function:

(d/transact conn [:user/create (d/tempid :db.part/user) {:name "Sally"
                                                         :email "[email protected]"}])

Note that we expect a tempid as the argument. This is useful when you want to string together a series of create calls in one transaction that depend on eachother.

Updating an entity

We can use datomic's upsert behavior to update an entity by calling upsert:

(models.user/upsert conn {:name "Sally's new name"
                          :email "[email protected]"})

As with create, we can call the :user/upsert database function directly:

(d/transact conn [:user/upsert (d/tempid :db.part/user) {:name "Sally's new name"
                                                         :email "[email protected]"}])

Querying data

Crustacean generates three functions for querying data in each namespace defmodel is called in:

  • pull
  • all-with
  • find-by


pull is used to return a single entity from the db given it's id

(user/pull db 17592186045425)
;; => {:created-at #inst "2016-03-28T01:58:42.766-00:00", :name "Sally", :articles [], :email "[email protected]", :id 17592186045425)


find-by returns a single entity based on a query, consisting of a list of :fields and values:

(user/find-by db :name "Sally")
;; => {:created-at #inst "2016-03-28T01:58:42.766-00:00", :name "Sally", :articles [], :email "[email protected]", :id 17592186045425}


all-with returns a lazy-seq of entities based on a query, consisting of a list of :fields and values

(user/all-with db :name "Sally")
;; =>
({:created-at #inst "2016-03-28T01:58:42.766-00:00",
  :name "Sally",
  :articles [17592186045435],
  :email "[email protected]",
  :id 17592186045425}
 {:created-at #inst "2016-03-28T02:13:33.689-00:00",
  :name "Sally",
  :articles [],
  :email "[email protected]",
  :id 17592186045437})
(user/all-with (d/db conn) :name "Sally" :email "[email protected]")
;; =>
({:created-at #inst "2016-03-28T01:58:42.766-00:00",
  :name "Sally",
  :articles [17592186045435],
  :email "[email protected]",
  :id 17592186045425})

You can also use all-with with only an attribute name to get all of the entities that have that attribute, regardless of value. This is useful for finding all of the entities that define a given model, just by using an attribute that they all have.

(user/all-with (d/db conn) :email)
;; =>
({:created-at #inst "2016-03-28T01:58:42.766-00:00",
  :name "Sally",
  :articles [17592186045435],
  :email "[email protected]",
  :id 17592186045425}
 {:created-at #inst "2016-03-28T02:13:33.689-00:00",
  :name "Sally",
  :articles [],
  :email "[email protected]",
  :id 17592186045437})

The entity representation

When ever we create, update, or query an entity, Crustacean returns the entity represented as a map.

For instance when creating a user as defined above, we get the following back:

{:created-at #inst "2016-03-28T01:58:42.766-00:00",
 :name "Sally",
 :articles [],
 :email "[email protected]",
 :id 17592186045425}

The map contains all of the fields of the entity, along with two special fields, :id and :created-at

If the model contains :computed-fields those are returned here as well.


References are returned as either ids or as maps, depending on whether the field type is defined as :ref or [:ref some.model/name]

For instance, if we have a second model, article,

(ns models.article
  (:require [crustacean.core :refer [defmodel]]))
(defmodel article
  (:migration-dir "migrations/article/")
  (:fields   [title       :string :indexed :assignment-required])
  (:backrefs [:user/_articles :assignment-required]))

we can create articles, specifying the user they belong to now:

;; assuming Sally is id 17592186045425
(create conn {:user/_articles 17592186045425 :title "My Article"})

(user/pull db 17592186045425)
;; =>
{:created-at #inst "2016-03-28T01:58:42.766-00:00",
 :name "Sally",
 :articles [17592186045435],
 :email "[email protected]",
 :id 17592186045425}

Suppose if user is instead defined as

(defmodel user
  (:migration-dir "migrations/user/")
  (:fields   [name       :string :indexed :assignment-permitted]
             [email      :string :unique-value :indexed :assignment-required]
             [articles   [:ref models.article/article] :many :indexed :component])
  (:validators [email #"@"]))

We can now see a representation of the article when we query the user:

(user/pull db 17592186045425)
;; =>
{:created-at #inst "2016-03-28T01:58:42.766-00:00",
 :name "Sally",
 [{:created-at #inst "2016-03-28T02:07:33.864-00:00",
   :title "My Article",
   :id 17592186045435}],
 :email "[email protected]",
 :id 17592186045425}


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Distributed under the Apache License version 2.0